You Won’t Believe What They’re Planning To Do With “Vaccines”

by | Nov 16, 2020 | Newsletter | 151 comments

Rejoice! The vaccine is nearly ready!

In case you didn’t see the big news this week, Pfizer has announced that the preliminary results from the “Phase 3, late-stage study” of their COVID-19 vaccine show that it is “more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection in the first interim efficacy analysis.”

Yay! As Dissembler-in-Chief Trump notes, this is a BIG WIN that was only made possible thanks to his COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP in helping to WARP SPEED the wonderful vaccines directly into everyone’s veins (with the help of the US military, of course):

Oh yes, Mr. President, sir! SUCH GREAT NEWS!

. . . Except for just a couple of teensy-weensy little problems. Like the fact that this announcement is just that: an announcement. There is no data to scrutinize here, nothing presented for public review (let alone peer review). This is a press release—literal corporate PR and nothing more.

And the fact that, as even their own “trust us, it works” statement goes on to note (buried 310 words into this lesson in propaganda), “As the study continues, the final vaccine efficacy percentage may vary.” In other words: “We’re irresponsibly releasing preliminary results that don’t tell us anything because they make our future product look good and will generate a lot of excited media headlines in the mainstream corporate media that we fund with our advertising dollars.”

And there’s the fact that, right after the announcement (and subsequent media extravaganza), Pfizer’s CEO and executive vice president both sold millions of dollars worth of stock in the company. Nothing suspicious at all here, you crazy conspiracy theorists!

And then there’s the fact that the coronavirus vaccine trials themselves are a documented sham. As I discussed with James Evan Pilato on New World Next Week recently, the vaccine candidates are not even being measured on the basis of whether or not they can prevent infection, but whether they can reduce symptoms such as coughs and headaches in patients who have already tested positive. As even contributor Walter Hasseltine notes: “These trials seem designed to prove their vaccines work, even if the measured effects are minimal.”

But disregarding all of that, there’s one other major issue that has been glossed over in all the breathless coverage of this new miracle cure that is about to deliver us from the COVID plague: This “vaccine” is not a vaccine in the traditional sense. It is an experimental injectable technology that has never been used before in humans.

Learn more about Pfizer’s experimental vaccine in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 36 (November 16, 2020)

by James Corbett
November 16, 2020

Rejoice! The vaccine is nearly ready!

In case you didn’t see the big news this week, Pfizer has announced that the preliminary results from the “Phase 3, late-stage study” of their COVID-19 vaccine show that it is “more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection in the first interim efficacy analysis.”

Yay! As Dissembler-in-Chief Trump notes, this is a BIG WIN that was only made possible thanks to his COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP in helping to WARP SPEED the wonderful vaccines directly into everyone’s veins (with the help of the US military, of course):

Oh yes, Mr. President, sir! SUCH GREAT NEWS!

. . . Except for just a couple of teensy-weensy little problems. Like the fact that this announcement is just that: an announcement. There is no data to scrutinize here, nothing presented for public review (let alone peer review). This is a press release—literal corporate PR and nothing more.

And the fact that, as even their own “trust us, it works” statement goes on to note (buried 310 words into this lesson in propaganda), “As the study continues, the final vaccine efficacy percentage may vary.” In other words: “We’re irresponsibly releasing preliminary results that don’t tell us anything because they make our future product look good and will generate a lot of excited media headlines in the mainstream corporate media that we fund with our advertising dollars.”

And there’s the fact that, right after the announcement (and subsequent media extravaganza), Pfizer’s CEO and executive vice president both sold millions of dollars worth of stock in the company. Nothing suspicious at all here, you crazy conspiracy theorists!

And then there’s the fact that the coronavirus vaccine trials themselves are a documented sham. As I discussed with James Evan Pilato on New World Next Week recently, the vaccine candidates are not even being measured on the basis of whether or not they can prevent infection, but whether they can reduce symptoms such as coughs and headaches in patients who have already tested positive. As even contributor Walter Hasseltine notes: “These trials seem designed to prove their vaccines work, even if the measured effects are minimal.”

But disregarding all of that, there’s one other major issue that has been glossed over in all the breathless coverage of this new miracle cure that is about to deliver us from the COVID plague: This “vaccine” is not a vaccine in the traditional sense. It is an experimental injectable technology that has never been used before in humans.

You see, the Pfizer/BioNTech “vaccine”—dubbed “BNT162b2″—is an mRNA vaccine.

Alright, let’s start at the ground floor: What is an mRNA vaccine?

Excellent question! Here’s how The New York Times describes this little miracle of modern science:

“Pfizer’s vaccine consists of genetic material called mRNA encased in tiny particles that shuttle it into our cells. From there, it stimulates the immune system to make antibodies that protect against the virus.”

If, after reading that, you’re left wondering exactly what any of that means, why it’s important, or how it’s different from an ordinary vaccine, don’t worry; you didn’t miss anything. They just didn’t tell you.

To understand what’s really happening here, it’s important to understand that the terms “inoculation,” “immunization,” “vaccination” and “mRNA vaccination” tend to be used interchangeably by laymen, but they are in fact distinct concepts.

Historically speaking, the word “inoculation” is used to describe the process of deliberately infecting someone with smallpox virus in order to achieve immunity from that disease. The practice originated in China several centuries ago, where dried-out scabs of lightly infected smallpox sufferers were powdered and then blown up the nostrils of healthy people. The procedure infected the patient with a (hopefully mild) strain of smallpox, thus conferring immunity on them. This practice was brought over to Europe via Turkey and was eventually adopted around the world.

“Vaccination” was originally used to refer to a slightly different process. It was developed in the late 18th century by Edward Jenner, who discovered that those who had been exposed to cowpox—a less-virulent relative of smallpox—were themselves immune from smallpox. He “vaccinated” a boy with a cowpox vesicle from a milkmaid and then inoculated him with smallpox two months later. The boy did not develop smallpox, and the procedure was hailed as a breakthrough of medical science. The term “vaccination,” derived from the Latin word for cow, eventually came to refer to the general process of introducing immunogens or attenuated infectious agents into the body in order to stimulate the immune system to fight infections.

“Immunization,” meanwhile, refers to any process by which the immune system is stimulated in order to achieve immunity to an infectious disease. Of course, this is generally done today by vaccination, but the concept of “immunization” refers to the broader idea of inducing an immune response in order to acquire immunity to a given pathogen.

So now we arrive at mRNA vaccines. In contrast to vaccination, which involves introducing an immunogen into the body, mRNA vaccines seek to introduce messenger RNA into the body in order to “trick” that body’s cells into producing immunogens, which then stimulate an immune response. In order to understand any of this, you need to know about chromosomes, DNA strands, genes, RNA polymerase, ribosomes, amino acid and protein production.

Luckily, this is the 21st century and there is no shortage of handy-dandy visual guides to the whole process on the controlled information platforms and mainstream government science sites. Long story short: ribosomes synthesize proteins in your cells by “reading” free-floating messenger RNA. So where does this mRNA come from? In nature, this mRNA is created inside your cells’ nucleus, using your genes as a blueprint. In essence, your mRNA is reflective of who you are as a genetically unique individual.

All of this led scientists to a “What could possibly go wrong” idea: if we artificially insert mRNA into a cell, we can get that cell to produce a specific protein! Thus, if we want to train your body to fight the dreaded SARS-CoV-2, we insert the mRNA, which will cause your own cells to start producing the infamous “spike” protein that makes this “killer” virus so unbelievably “deadly.” Your immune system will then learn to recognize and defend against these proteins so that when you’re exposed to flying bat AIDS your body will be able to fight it off and you won’t develop COVID-19.

Or, that’s the narrative, anyway. Regardless of how much of that story you believe, the underlying mechanism is there: Pfizer and its Big Pharma brethren are going to start sticking mRNA into you in the hope of tricking your own cells into producing proteins that are foreign to your system.

Hmmm. What could possibly go wrong?

But wait! Things get even creepier!

You may have heard good old Bill Gates himself in his many interviews on the subject of experimental vaccines referring not only to RNA vaccines, but DNA vaccines.

DNA vaccines, as the name might suggest, involves injecting not mRNA but DNA into the body.  Once the DNA is taken up, the cells’ natural metabolic processes begin synthesizing proteins based on the genetic code contained in the DNA.

Even mainstream science admits that there are potentially catastrophic risks to this process, however.

First, the DNA has to make it all the way into the nucleus, so DNA vaccines require more invasive means of delivery, such as jet injection (which may cause “[s]ignificant shearing of DNA after high-pressure expulsion”) and liposome-mediated delivery, which may be toxic or itself cause disease.

Second, Wikipedia lists one of the potential adverse effects of DNA vaccines as “inducing antibody production against DNA,” which from my (admittedly layman’s) perspective sound rather severe.

And last but not least, even the Gates-championed, Gavi-supported Moderna admits in its own materials that “DNA vaccines have a risk of permanently changing a person’s DNA.”

Yes, these DNA and RNA vaccines are the incredible new technologies being touted by esteemed microbiologists like Bill Gates as the way to “warp speed” these “vaccines” directly into our arms in a matter of mere months.

But make no mistake: these are not your grandma’s vaccines (let alone your great-great-great-grandma’s inoculations).

And guess what? This is only the beginning. As radical as these “vaccine” technologies are, they represent only the thin edge of the wedge of what will soon be injected into our bodies in the name of saving us from the next killer (or utterly banal) virus that is unleashed from the government’s laboratories.

So, what else do they have in store for the future of what we commonly (but erroneously) refer to as “vaccines?” Good question. I have a lot more to say about that in a report that will be appearing in the near future. For now, perhaps these research articles will give you a sense of where this is all going.

Microneedle coronavirus vaccine triggers immune response in mice

Viral assembly of oriented quantum dot nanowires

Engineering tailored nanoparticles with microbes: quo vadis?

Ordering of Quantum Dots Using Genetically Engineered Viruses

With a ‘hello,’ Microsoft and UW demonstrate first fully automated DNA data storage

Intrigued? Stay tuned.

Recommended Reading and Viewing

Recommended Reading

PM hails ‘herculean effort’ of life science companies to defeat coronavirus
What $1.7 Trillion Can Buy You (according to climate scientists)
Fauci’s Checkered Past, Moderna’s Warp Speed Vaccine

Recommended Listening

11-13-20 — Headline News – Charles Goyette (MP3s Loaded)

Recommended Viewing

The Biggest Security Threat is Your Mouth: Speech AI
Lawrence Lessig on i9/11 and iPatriot Act
TIMCAST IRL – Alex Jones and Michael Malice

Just For Fun (?)

How Akira Kurosawa Used Movement to Tell His Stories: A Video Essay


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    • The SV40 aka monkey virus is still in vaccinations to this day.

      • Yikes…just listening to that doc again and forgot that Koprowski got his start testing experimental vaccines on retards. I guess It should not surprise me since most of the medical researchers think their Dr Mengele or something

        • My biggest concern is what I’ve been exposed to in vaccinations. I fell for the ‘test balloon’ swine flu propaganda in 2009 and took that one willingly. Never again!!!

  1. I was already wary of this rushed vaccine, but this really brings home how dangerous it can be. Thanks so much for this article and for filling in the details they don’t want to talk about.

  2. They want to create biological dependency so humans need an “update “ to live. It’s complete slavery that they want. It’s sickening.

    • That’s interesting, I never had chickenpox as a kid and then got a vaccine as an adult for nursing school. I had 2 doses and this vaccine never gave me antibodies so it was a total failure. I’m glad it didn’t do any damage, my immune system is actually very good. Who knows about the aluminum though, maybe I will get dementia from it in the future.

      I didn’t know that vaccines could be harmful until I got some weird side effects from the flu shot and researched this more. Many Americans don’t know about vaccine court and are never given a vaccine information sheet or give informed consent because they just don’t know and are uninformed. Many physicians are uninformed too.

      This new “vaccine” I believe is much more dangerous. I’m really shocked this could make it through the FDA given that it’s experimental. Until this Covid panic happened, I never thought that so many physicians could just go along with this. I do think a lot of people will refuse the mRNA “vaccine” though. I also think the harm will become apparent for the people who get it.

    • Actually, it’s more than 1 URL that will trigger the queue.

  3. ‘What Really Makes You Ill’ by Dawn Lester and David Parker is a highly recommended read. Modern medicine is built on a foundation of sand.

  4. Why overly complicate the issue? Why would they need a lab made “virus”?

  5. I don’t recall James saying that Alex Jones was controlled opposition, outside of “If the cap fits, wear it”?

  6. Great article James!!!

    This is exactly what the 911 ritual was about – symbolic of the masonic arch which depicts the luciferic plan to invade and remake Creation and invading the body of man towards complete control is the pinnacle of that program, the destruction of the twin towers where symbolic of the destruction of the pillars that hold up the temple of man which is the true temple of God. The mind being the battle field where the war is fought for your soul.

    Do not take the vaccine – the mask is the beginning training for the mark of the beast and the vaccine is just one step along the way.

    Brimstone and FIRE for all of the wicked who are behind all of this – may the hand of the Almighty Creator STRIKE you down for the trespasses you have caused and the trespass you endevour to take.

    Great new song from I Wayne – So Call Friends – On point!

    • Masks are useful when you need people to feel anonymous while carrying out the theft of elections (though the computer did more than the dumped votes,I think) and also, what a great thing to have already for a civil war?!


  7. Great Article James. T.Y. for explaining the difference between “inoculation,” “immunization,” “vaccination” and “mRNA vaccination”. I do believe that people like you and sites like yours are akin to the Avatar ‘Tree of Souls’, most needed at this difficult time.

  8. [SNIP – Please do not post links without titles and/or explanations why people should be clicking on them. -JC]

  9. Thanks for sharing. Creepy. It’s interesting to speculate on how 5G might play into all of this mandness.

  10. The “mRNA” vaccine is a piece of genetic code that functions as mRNA and tells the ribosomes to make the spike protein. Then our bodies will make antibodies to it. There are other ingredients in the “vaccine” as well that would be interesting to know exactly what they are. I read something about nanoparticles, but don’t have an actual ingredients list.

    In summary, the vaccine is an injectible lab-generated strip of mRNA that directs our body to make the antigen (the material the body reacts to), and after that our bodies make the antibodies.

    It’s a new mechanism of action for a vaccine. Normally a vaccine is an injectible lab-generated antigen, but this one is mRNA and our body makes then antigen. There are also other ingredients that I’m very curious about.

    I think this is an experiment on a global scale to see what happens and what they can get away with. I think the next step would be the DNA vaccines. They want to control our genetic code. It’s the fulfillment of the eugenics they all believe in.

    • Here’s that pdf paper of the Italian investigation which lists the specific vaccines they tested, their manufacturers and the nanoparticle substances they found:

      New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination

      “Vaccines are being under investigation for the possible side effects they can cause. In order to supply new information, an electron-microscopy investigation method was applied to the study of vaccines, aimed at verifying the presence of solid contaminants by means of an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an X-ray microprobe. The results of this new investigation show the presence of micro- and nanosized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared among the components and whose unduly presence is, for the time being, inexplicable. A considerable part of those particulate contaminants have already been verified in other matrices and reported in literature as non biodegradable and non biocompatible. The evidence collected is suggestive of some hypotheses correlated to diseases that are mentioned and briefly discussed.”

      • Thanks for the info. It’s very informative. I appreciate it.

      • Stephen King should write a screenplay based on this research. Talk about a thriller.

  11. I think Dr. Fauci mentioned how vaccines can make people more susceptible to other viruses. I think there was a link between Covid and the flu shot. This was covered in another question for Corbett podcast.

  12. This happened to my colleague. She was put on a ventilator unnecessarily and suffered a hypoxic brain injury and will probably never work as a nurse again.

  13. James Corbett’s November 16th, 2020 article:
    You Won’t Believe What They’re Planning To Do With “Vaccines”
    The Future of Vaccines

    For me personally, this is just what the Doctor ordered.
    Corbett’s article gives an easy to digest rendition and overview about vaccines and the m-RNA, while also giving the reader resources for further understanding.
    This is a nice gradient approach which starts with the fundamentals.
    And fundamentals are extremely important.
    I am still going through the information and links, along with following my own interests into the mechanisms involved.
    I got a lot of homework to do.
    One thing for sure… This m-RNA topic will be around from now on.

  14. Interesting story about selling one’s blood following having had Covid.

  15. Yes, these DNA and RNA vaccines are the incredible new technologies being touted by esteemed microbiologists like Bill Gates as the way to “warp speed” these “vaccines” directly into our arms in a matter of mere months.

    But make no mistake: these are not your grandma’s vaccines (let alone your great-great-great-grandma’s inoculations).

    I would add to that last paragraph: “And make no mistake, Gates is not a microbiologist, he excels only at corporate espionage so we think he’s the world’s greatest software developer. How did we make the leap to believe he is a microbiologist?

  16. Much enjoy your articles. Regarding AIDS and the current covid thing, I was in a position to truly watch the beginning and arc of the aids crisis in my smallish town, I was a popular bartender at the biggest most popular gay bar at its time.. People were dying of something and given the people I knew, it could not be “drugs and lifestyle” for the majority of them. I literally lost all of my friends, people I hoped to get to know for a lifetime, within about a 6 year span. One person was a tennis coach who was a hemophiliac. There was SOME kind of pathogen. Interestingly, I was friends with someone who lived in a house, they called it a house of unwed mothers, in Durham, NC owned by a Bruce Chase, or could have been Bruce Payne, it’s been a lot of years and I knew both, one a Duke History teacher, the other the owner of the home and a medical doctor. I get their surnames confused.
    The medical professional Bruce held a home meeting that was urgent, so I got to attend and he told us about the gay “cancer” as it was being called, just hearing whispers of it, and he told us then, “It will take years before you hear this, so I’m telling you now, it is spread through unprotected anal intercourse.”
    Indeed, many of the friends who did become “positive” and died said they had contracted it by these means.
    I DO now believe the major incidence of the AIDs scam was due to the effects of the medication, but like with Covid (Fauci and the US were putting funding into Wuham for SOMETHING) I think HIV has a “real” component (after all, there was congressional testimony in the 70s that within 10 years we will have a pathogen for which there will be no known cure) but that it was augmented by drugs, numbers. I think AIDS was a test ground for all kinds of immunological tricks that have followed.
    Do you feel this is 100pct made up or only 90pct with some real effect mixed in?

  17. The annual flu season was just that, something that happened and you hope you don’t get it. Then there were vaccines to stop this, and it seems that the increase of vaccines has been leading the increase in concerns of actual deadly viruses.
    About 6 years ago, I moved from Long Beach CA to Encino CA (I do not recommend such a move, Encino is trash) and there was a Walgreens in the shopping center a block from the worst apartment I ever lived.

    I was struck quite powerfully by a huge sign outside the walgreens in Early June in Encino offering whooping Cough vaccines. I was not aware it was a problem. They had that sign up for a few months at least, then replaced by flu vaccines I think in fall or late summer. It was about a year later when I heard reports (nationally) of whooping cough being a problem in our area.

    I was swamped with working at the time, so I never could verify, but this seemed to me to confirm what I always thought: Vaccines are there to keep the vaccinators in business, to ensure things continue.

    I also was lucky to know a man named Jim Crow (for real!) and you will have read about him. From time to time US or People magazine or the like would print stories about his miraculous cures for truly horrible diseases that affected no more than about 2000 people worldwide, but truly horrible diseases. One night after he purchased a home in a different town, I was invited with the friend who had introduced us, to go to his new home for dinner. I was young and not paying particular attention, except that aids had made me more aware. He said he was taking the retirement offer, think it was because of all the buyouts, but he also implied “we could have a cure for the cold tomorrow” but it was not a cost-effective outcome for a company that gets its money from MANAGING disease, rather than curing it.

    • Jim Crow
      Interesting anecdote WAYNED.

  18. The link with global warming is absolutely right. One other conclusion that must be considered:
    This is 100pct about control, nothing about a virus, really.
    This is about profits.

    They want to control us to maintain their wealth, but on multiple levels. One, they want to control us and keep us sick so there are not so many of us. What better place to stage a mass murder and “culling” than in a hospital being supervised by medical professionals who have no responsibility for legitimate “errors”. The legitimizing comes after the fact, to protect the perps.

    They want to control us and give SOME of us more money so they stop stamping out the required consumer for their BS. They think, I believe, that it’s easier to achieve with fewer people, particularly when the few remaining are convinced that they are only safe when submitting to medical professionals.

    I have been abused by medical professionals. I carry two continuous conditions, one CAUSED by a surgeon, the other has been viewed by 3 doctors, none of whom did more than guess at the cause, and after 6 years, I still have the problem and feel it is beginning to morph into something worse, but who do I call?

    This may be an unpopular thing to say, but all of my doctors were Jewish. I am not. Do they see me as human? They caused me harm with no compunction. And after the surgery, the surgeon told me I was not properly prepared for the surgery and I would have “terrible” issues which now appear to be true. Many years later. I had this overwhelming sense upon waking and hearing this that it was a continuation of a conversation where he asked me what I thought of Israel, to which I recall saying specifically “It’s a pariah.” how, if I was under, would I even be able to think anything? Back surgery, I was out and then I was here, nothing in between. Same with eye surgery.

    The one that has left me with a cancer inducing condition, I had a real sense we had spoken about Israel.

    Now this 80 year old iranian jew is dead. I hope it was painful and slow and that his soul burns in hell. Sometimes, the conventional views have their uses. it keeps me sane to think he may be suffering in death.

    You must treat medical doctors like the person next door and do not grant them authority and trust, be skeptical, ask questions, demand answers. I wish I had.

    One last thing. I had to get a tetanus shot in my late-20s. I recall the nurse taking the exposed needle and vaccine out of the office and return with it. I wanted to demand she throw it out and give me one that did not leave the office, but did not protest.

    for 48 hours I writhed in pain, aches, muscled spasms, terrible terrible pain not unlike a black widow bite I had endured. I always knew it came from that vaccine, but wonder why the nurse left the room with the vaccine and needle exposed.

    • Maybe the Jewish doctors you had viewed you differently. There is no way to know for a fact. Does this mean all Jews view non-jews as not human? I don’t think so because it’s impossible to generalize. My mother is a jew and she is one of the kindest people in the world.

      She was not raised as a practicing Jew and we never practiced Judaism or identity politics in my household, so not all “jews” are the same.

      I think that some jews might identify as superior, but this isn’t unique to them since other identity groups view themselves similarly, as “other”. I think identity politics are divisive and I think many people hold this opinion, some of them are jews.

      I would object to being put into a category by anyone and treated differently or targeted for violence. I think doing that to anyone is wrong.

      I’m sorry you’ve had a lot of health issues from your surgeries. I think some physicians think they are superior, but this has more to do with their training than their identity. Just my opinion.

      Maybe you can look at reviews for a new doctor who might be able to help you. Maybe you can do some research online and ask people who have had similar issues. It sounds like you had a bad reaction to the tetanus vaccine which is more common than people know. I would probably avoid more of these if it were myself.

  19. Monday Nov 16th – “The World Cheered!”…again

    Note how Moderna and Pfizer time their Press Release for an early Monday market day. Moderna stock was up over 10% after the opening bell.
    No one is really talking about how the economy and unemployment are in shredded ruins, or that Fauci and Gates say that the vaccines alone will not be the solution in total…that masks, social distancing and other measures will be needed.

    Yahoo Finance
    Dow soars to a record high after Moderna releases upbeat vaccine efficacy data

    The Dow soared to a record high Monday after Moderna (MRNA) became the latest major drug-maker to announce upbeat data for its COVID-19 vaccine candidate, building on hopes that an effective inoculation will soon be available.

    The Dow rose more than 450 points, or 1.5%, topping its previous record intraday high of 29,933.83 from Nov. 9. The S&P 500 also increased, while the Nasdaq hugged the flat line. Shares of airlines, cruise lines, hotels, and restaurant companies surged anew as the latest vaccine data suggested consumers might return more enthusiastically to these businesses. Moderna’s stock jumped more than 9% to a record high shortly after market open.

    Moderna said Monday that preliminary data from its late-stage clinical trial showed its vaccine candidate was 94.5% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants. That followed Pfizer’s (PFE) announcement last week that its own vaccine candidate, which uses similar new messenger RNA technology, had an efficacy rate of more than 90%, or well above what many public health officials had been expecting.

    Traders looked beyond the increasingly dire coronavirus situation in the U.S., as hopes that a vaccine would be approved and distributed in the near-term helped to assuage some fears. The S&P 500 jumped to an all-time closing high on Friday as each of the three major indices posted weekly gains. Stocks and sectors that were hardest-hit by the pandemic made up some ground after lagging for the year-to-date, while tech stocks underperformed. Shares of Zoom Video Communications (ZM), Slack (WORK) and Netflix (NFLX) were each pressured.

    (…EXCERPT continued…)

    • (…EXCERPT continuing…)

      “As we hear more positive news on the COVID-19 vaccine, the overblown work-from-home trade is beginning to unwind because some of those stocks had baked in no vaccine at all,” David Trainer, CEO of investment research firm New Constructs, said in an email Monday morning. “The rotation into value stocks that started last week will continue.”

      But with a vaccine still unlikely to be available en masse for months, the pandemic remains a present threat.

      The U.S. topped the grim milestone of 11 million coronavirus cases as of Sunday as deaths approached 250,000, according to data from Johns Hopkins. An average of nearly 150,000 new infections have been reported per day in the U.S. over the past week, for a sharp increase after first crossing the 100,000 mark for the first time during the pandemic earlier this month.

      In recent days, more cities and states have added curfews and tightened their restrictions on daily activities as case counts soar. New Jersey’s new daily COVID-19 cases hit a record high on Saturday, and Illinois and Ohio both saw record numbers of new cases on Friday. Chicago posted a stay-at-home advisory late last week, and New York state had a new 10 p.m. curfew on bars, restaurants and gyms go into effect Friday. Oregon ordered a two-week “freeze” on non-essential business activity and large social gatherings, with Gov. Kate Brown warning of fines or arrests for violations.

      “The story of the next few weeks will be a gradual and uneven—but unambiguous—tightening of anti-COVID restrictions across the country,” Ian Shepherdson, chief economist for Pantheon Macroeconomics, said in a note Sunday. “The rapid rate of growth of cases and infections threatens to overwhelm the hospital system by the end of the year, at which point current trends suggest that perhaps 250K people will be hospitalized with Covid, with about 60K in ICUs.”

      “Politicians, therefore, will have no choice but to respond to the unfolding nightmare in hospitals,” he added. “They will restrict activity in the leisure and hospitality sector— perhaps closing bars and restaurants completely in the hardest-hit cities—and by limiting indoor gatherings, in homes and elsewhere. These measures work, but they exact a real cost on the economy.”….

      (Specific market news updates on the feed)

      • EXCERPT
        …In a statement Monday, Moderna announced that its clinical trial data showed its vaccine candidate was 94.5% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants.

        Moderna’s trial, conducted alongside the National Institute of Allergy and infectious Diseases, had enrolled more than 30,000 participants in the U.S. The preliminary data included an analysis of 95 participants who had developed confirmed cases of COVID-19. Moderna said it intends to submit for an emergency use authorization with the Food and Drug Administration “in the coming weeks and anticipates having the EUA informed by the final safety and efficacy data (with a median duration of at least 2 months).”

        By the end of the year, Moderna expects to have about 20 million doses of its vaccine, called mRNA -1273, ready to ship in the U.S. It also remains on track to produce between 500 million and 1 billion doses in 2021. Last week, Pfizer said it expected to produce 50 million doses of its own vaccine in 2020 and up to 1.3 billion doses in 2021….

        Moderna’s PRESS RELEASE – 6:56 AM
        Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Meets its Primary Efficacy Endpoint in the First Interim Analysis of the Phase 3 COVE Study

    • There are at least two earlier references to it. I have crippled the links as to avoid the queue.



      You are very much welcome regarding the lbry repost, I have grown a tendency for posting mirrors due to a) memoryholing of important material and b) lack of knowledge regarding proper video compression from the majority of uploaders, hindering the proliferation of seminal content.

  20. Monday Nov 16th, 2020
    Zero Hedge talking about the Survey of “Harmony Healthcare IT”

    Only 46% Of Americans Would Receive COVID Vaccine As Soon As It Is Available
    (Charts in article and SOURCE LINK)


    …Harmony Healthcare IT recently surveyed 2,000 Americans from across the country to try and gauge what percentage of Americans would be willing to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.

    Here’s what they found:

    ~~ Only 46% of Americans say they would receive a COVID-19 vaccination as soon as it was made available.

    ~~ 40% said they would get the vaccine, but prefer to see how effective and safe it is before receiving it. 14% said they would not get the vaccine under any circumstances.

    ~~ Top reasons against getting vaccinated: 1. Side effects (67%); 2. Safety and effectiveness (38%); 3. I won’t need a vaccination (21%); 4. Don’t believe in vaccinations (9%); 5. Cost concerns (8%).

    ~~ 55% of Americans believe the government should require everyone to get vaccinated although 70% would not receive a vaccine if it isn’t approved by the FDA first.

    ~~ 53% believe they will be able to be vaccinated within a year.

    ~~ Once vaccinated, a quarter of respondents feel that it will still take between 1-to-2 years before a return to normalcy while 24% believe it will happen sooner (6 months to a year)….

  21. so now we know, that like bacteria’s, there exists good and bad people, good and bad choices, resonance and dissonance.

    Do you mean being human doesn’t have to be complicated? phew, sometimes these reports can be a briar of possibility, but mostly, after reading, I seem to have found a life boat of sorts.

    Life was a globe girdling adventure, a roller-coaster of success and failure, but much more joy than pain, and then came the past 19 years: humanity getting schooled by itself on the meaning of lying.

    along with the exposure of bad people/insidious slime whose design was to eat everything, I also was massively lied to. I’m a slow learner, but decade by decade I begin to be more honest about the need to transmute dissonance, or at least less and less of a rule bender (the rules of natural law).

    thanks for the post & links

  22. Didn’t watch that one, looks like a shocker. Pa must have been proud.

  23. This is very interesting. So many people live lies so deeply I don’t think there is any chance they would give up on defending them and will probably take them to their graves.

  24. That’s a trick question, you can not reach wider audiences. They are too busy burring their heads in the sand, leaving their collective posteriors exposed.


    The Highwire with Del Bigtree
    (Nov 16th upload – 4 Minute Bitchute Video)

    The UK is preparing for a mass Covid vaccination campaign, anticipating the injection of millions of citizens with the experimental vaccine. As the date approaches to launch this unprecedented measure, the UK’s top health body, the MHRA, makes a shocking, urgent request which begs the question: ‘Is the Covid Vaccine safe?

    IMAGE – “Description of the procurement”
    IMAGE – “Explanation”

    #MHRA #AI #AdverseReactions #ADR #Vaccines #TED #Covid19 #AstraZeneca

  26. Here’s a brilliant display of intellect from Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. that makes common sense a hero again. This is how we end state closures, lock downs and masking while restoring faith in good health practices including good food, vitamins and exercise.

  27. 😉

    “Trust the plan.”

  28. More negative consequences of lockdowns. The Seen & the Unseen.

    ‘It’s literally at record levels’: Prosecutors up and down California say they’ve seen a rise in domestic violence amidst the pandemic – The Mercury News – November 18, 2020

    State and federal prosecutors across California are trying to raise awareness about a disturbing trend that has held across the state since the start of the pandemic: domestic violence appears to be going up, as avenues for victims to report it are closing.

    The Alameda County Family Justice Center typically serves around 15,000 people per year. In March 2020, as shutdown orders were issued across the Bay Area, they saw a drastic drop in walk-ins, according to Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley.

    “We had only about 50 people contact the justice center. As a result, we called the victims,” O’Malley said. “We had over 140 women who identified themselves as needing to get out of the home because they were sheltered in place with their abusers.”

    She later added, “Since that time, the number of people coming to the family justice center now … is over 400. We know reaching out to the community and telling people help is available made a difference to them.”

    Schubert says her office has seen a 39 percent increase in police bringing domestic violence cases to county prosecutors for filing since the pandemic hit. In Ventura County, the increase has been drastic, Ventura District Attorney Gregory Totten said.

    “We’ve also seen a 90 percent increase in child abuse and child sex crimes referrals to us,” Totten said, adding that the number of domestic violence seeking shelter has increased by 120 percent. “It’s literally at record levels since COVID-19 occurred.”

    • Important post.

    • At the hospital I work in I have seen an increase in fentanyl ODs attempted suicides and cases of mental health issues and anxiety. This is making people miserable.

    • Abnormal Behavior and Volatile Emotions resulting from wearing MASKS all day

      I am of the opinion that many folks who are always wearing a mask may find their behavior and emotional state being affected.

      I remember seeing a short mention of “behavior” on an OSHA mask document months ago.
      More importantly than some authority statement, it is something that I have observed on occasions.
      However, it is difficult to “measure” or compare, especially with folks who I don’t know well.

      A few things which I have noticed occasionally in my interactions with some (not all) folks who are always wearing a mask…
      ~~ A panic or frantic look in their eyes. Sometimes it manifests along with a wild, erratic fast moving action. Or sometimes a frantic verbal tirade.
      ~~ Agitation or irritation. Or more easily prone to being irritated.
      ~~ Bloodshot eyes.
      ~~ A wooden, almost robotic, resigned stoic attitude of “continuing one’s job duties”.
      ~~ I have observed eyes that seemed close to grief, eyes full of resentment or loathing, and eyes dulled by the apathy within.

      Some of these observations include “what I sense” – not visually see with my eyes. So, there is that juju, nebulous side to this opinion of mine which may not hold water.

      One thing that I do know…when a person is close to drowning or suffocating, a franticness occurs.
      Back when I was young and a Life Guard, I saved two different people from drowning. The look in their eyes kind of matches the look I sometimes see of those wearing masks.
      Just by holding one’s breath until the very last “I can’t stand it,” a person can feel those sensations.

      • I think people wear it to obey. On a certain level, they know what is going on. People are not “dropping like flies” around them. Have you also noticed that flu isn’t being discussed? We aren’t even testing for it anymore where I work like it’s vanished or something.

        It’s also gross to wear a mask all the time. They must get dirty from all the bacteria from our mouths.

      • I do believe cognitive dissonance is getting too much for many to bare with anymore. They probably don’t even understand the source of the discomfort and may misattribute it to the “covid situation”. Or to that damn passer by who isn’t wearing his mask.

        • That article is laden with emotional appeals to the brim. With almost every sentence uttered some truth and real perspective is left unspoken.

          Infection rates in the state are among the highest in the country.

          As health care professionals grapple with soaring numbers of COVID-19 cases across the country

          Cases of what exactly? How many of the infected are ill?

          It’s not going anywhere quickly, so we need to get back to the basics: social distancing, washing your hands, wearing a mask.

          Reads like a medical advice. What gives the good doctor the authority to enforce his opinion upon another?

          At work, they’re seeing community members and colleagues get sick with COVID-19. They’re seeing people die.

          Deaths caused by what exactly? How many more deaths comparing to the same period one, two, three, four, five years back?

          They’re pushing out new numbers and information as soon as they get them.

          Repeat, repeat, repeat. People are bound to start believing it sooner rather than later.

          If I can do CPR on a person that’s dying because of #COVID19 while I wear a mask, you can probably wear a mask while you walk around the store.

          Who’s giving CPR to those who are dying of preventable disease? Huh, Agnes? I bet those wretched souls would take it even from evil antimaskers.

          Health care workers in other parts of the country are taking a similar tack.

          Which other parts, exactly? How widespread all of this actually is? What’s with those reports of empty hospitals all geared up but with nobody to cure?

          n South Dakota, which recently led the nation for most deaths and new cases per capita, emergency room nurse Jodi Doering went viral

          I’ll pardon the pun. What’s the deal with South Dakota governor?

          We call on Nebraskans to rise up once again to do everything we can for our state’s health and safety

          That’s what it’s all about, protect the state.

        • Don’t forget about all the iatrogenic death. How often are those noted on the death certificate as the leading cause?

        • Saw Dr Kaufman’s review on this also. He does excellent work helping us understand these papers and teaches us what to look for.

  29. ManBearPig,
    Thanks for this. I really appreciate it.
    You helped me sort out some muddy water. You brought up some very relevant stable datums.

  30. It is immoral not to inject a mixture of chemicals (such as formaldehyde), heavy metals (such as mercury), animal DNA, aborted fetal tissue and cell fragments into an unsuspecting subject, including newborns, children, elderly, chronically ill and the infirm.

    I’m not a vindictive man, at least not as much as I used to be in my unbegun years, but if by some crazy chance they pick me to sit in a jury that will deliberate on culpability of these monsters I’ll make sure to bring my own rope. Lots and lots of rope.

  31. So many possible ways for previously unknown agents to slip through any assumed elimination methodology.

    This was never an issue because they never planned to deal with it. In the world of make believe where up is down and black is white these people can act whatever they like. The bigger the lie, harder the people will fall for it.

  32. Taken in context of my prior comment, PCR verifies whatever you want it to verify!

    This has also been stated by Kary Mullis a number of times. He was speaking about AIDS at the time, but it’s the same malarkey all over again.

    • The fraud is encoded in the very meaning of the word “pandemic”.

      Its declaration means cessation of the rule of law (to the extent it protects “rights”, otherwise it is running rampant) internationally, triggering a descent into dictatorship in many independent legal jurisdictions at once.

      I could be persuaded that this may be necessary in special circumstances, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

      If it is not clear under which conditions a pandemic is declared (a metric, an exact definition should be obvious and readilly available) then how will anyone what conditions need to be met for it to cease to exist?

      The pandemic, such as has been delcared, is a fraud that seeks the cover of darkness to operate. The good will happen in broad daylight while evil can come to pass only under the shroud of darkness, insecurity, obfuscation and that what is left unsaid.

  33. hey there
    I know that Trudeau gave close to 850M to GAVI/Gates this summer, but I can’t find any articles that convey that transaction….
    Does anyone have some links about that so I can wave the evidences at my fellow Canadians’s faces?

  34. Thanks for this, I will check it out. I like to learn more about exosomes.

    The thing is that as fascinating as this all is, I know that I have “caught viruses”. I had a virus cultured even and it responds to acyclovir when I need it for outbreaks of HSV-1 (cold sore virus). I have also “caught” colds and “stomach bugs” from people with identical symptoms.

    Can anyone explain why this happens if viruses don’t really exist? Has anyone explained the mechanism of disease development if viruses don’t exist?

    I am a germ theory believer but am willing to see other perspectives. I actually think both terrain and germ theory together explain why people get sick.

    • Great discussion going on here about viruses vs. exosomes.

      I have a science/biology/genetics background and so I can easily understand the technical jargon that’s been introduced so far.

      For the time being I am sitting on the fence in the viruses vs. exosomes debate.

      However I will quickly and happily join the exosome team if anyone here can explain one simple phenomenon in a logical way.

      Clusters. In this case, cases of Covid-19 clusters.

      The terrain theory could certainly cover illnesses experienced by people around the world who are being exposed to the same/similar toxins from the environment (especially 5G etc. if it is alive and well in their area).

      But there is a BIG problem for me with clusters.

      Lets take a group of 50 people or so gathered in a confined area.
      Why would 5, 10, 15 of these people who were in closest contact with each other come down with ‘Covid-19’ symptoms (or virus ‘x’)?

      No one has been able to answer this question yet satisfactorily, even Dr. Kaufman.

      • Symptoms? You mean dry cough and slightly increased body temperature? Not to forget that the vast majority of those “afflicted” are not ill to any extent of the word.

        • Yes those are the (cough) symptoms I’m referring to in this case. 🙂
          However benign they are, what terrain theory could be so selective as to affect only a few people who were in close proximity to each other.

          Once again, if the explanation was logical, I’d jump on board with the team.

          No one has proposed one that I’m aware of and I’m hoping someone here will be able to do so.

          • I have to say, looking for this answer from your part is akin to the type of discussion an aspiring anarchist may run into when talking to a statist who practically demands answers to any given societal questions related to organizational matters they deem the anarchist is unable to provide a (in their opinion) good enough replacement system, producing it from the sleeve.

            There is such a process as discovery that needs to be undertaken to reach understanding.

            I’m not concerned by benignity of symptoms, but their specificity. Dry cough is an extremely non specific symptom of: dry air in the room, cold air in the area during a walk/jog, a cigarette too many, too much mucus coming down from sinuses and who knows what else.

            Similar can be said about increased body temperature. How much increase related to one’s typical body temperature? Which are of the body? What’s the difference between one’s standard body temperature for the given body area, given time of day, given activity and surrounding and the “standard expected” body temperature?

            Who says several people in any given setting are getting non specific symptoms from the same cause? What about general health that won’t be generally on the same level between different individuals? What about susceptibility?

            What’s the evidence that “covid-19” is related to dry cough and increased body temperature? Because tests say so? There are extremely illogical assumptions being made. Why do we take for granted things that have never been proven, especially after their foundations collapse?

            Fox example, sometimes I’ll feel as “getting down with something” following a scratching sensation in my chest only to later realize the feeling was coming from esophagus due to an acid reflux. So nothing going down, just things moving back up.

            You may believe what you wish, but from my point of view one of the most obdurate canards is thinking that one symptom can be engendered by only one disease. And that must be whatever is currently being pushed in the media leading to salacious logic that misattributes like there is no tomorrow.

            • Thanks for your detailed response mkey!

              We are on the same team, make no mistake about it.
              But we can still engage in thoughtful conversation/debate
              at the same time.

              I disagree with your opening statement (something I have heard before).
              I am not demanding anything. I am simply stating that I, personally, would not
              be able to become a ‘terrain theory convert’ until a logical ‘cluster theory’ explanation has been given that satisfies me.

              I certainly agree that the general ‘Covid-19 symptoms’ are often meaningless, as they apply to any number of other illnesses.

              Who says several people in any given setting are getting non specific symptoms from the same cause? What about general health that won’t be generally on the same level between different individuals? What about susceptibility?

              Well that’s exactly the confounding part.

              How likely would it be that several people in close proximity to each other would get the same ‘symptoms’ of an illness from different causes?

              And how likely would it be that several people in close proximity to each other would get the same ‘symptoms’ of an illness, even when the general health of these people were on different levels?

              And how likely would it be that several people in close proximity to each other would get the same ‘symptoms’ of an illness, even when the susceptibility of these people were on different levels?

              What’s the evidence that “covid-19” is related to dry cough and increased body temperature? Because tests say so? There are extremely illogical assumptions being made. Why do we take for granted things that have never been proven, especially after their foundations collapse?

              A person presents themselves to a medical clinic exhibiting the above symptoms.
              They could be suffering from a cold, flu, ‘Covid-19’ or any other myriad number of illnesses.
              Some clinics don’t even test, but label the illness as Covid-19.
              Those that do test, often have their PCR machines jacked up to 35-40 cycles, so ‘false positives’ are often diagnosed.
              In other words, there is no definitive evidence, just ‘going through the motions’ evidence.

              You may believe what you wish, but from my point of view one of the most obdurate canards is thinking that one symptom can be engendered by only one disease. And that must be whatever is currently being pushed in the media leading to salacious logic that misattributes like there is no tomorrow.

              As I mentioned just above, it is well-established that dry cough, fever, etc. is associated with many different illnesses.

              But my point is that when you have a small cluster of individuals all coming down with the same symptoms, at the same time, though it is possible that each one could be exhibiting their symptoms as a result of a different cause, the odds are not likely for this result.

            • First I would request that you scale back a notch on the ‘tone’ meter please. 🙂

              “anonymint says:
              11/25/2020 at 5:01 am

              @FawltyTowers you presume that the hoax PCR test establishes SARS-CoV-2 present in the illness cluster as an infectious agent.

              Yet that presumption depends on linkages which have not been provably established as I have explained in my numerous comments on this page.

              Do I need to repeat myself?”

              I have made NO presumptions.
              I did not refer to any PCR tests to validate illnesses.

              I will try to be as excruciatingly clear as possible now.

              If someone can give me a logical explanation as to why clusters occur for illnesses (such as we see with Covid now) I will jump over to the ‘exosome’ team with open arms.

              A room full of 50 or so people.
              Five or six who were in gathered together in one section of the room come down with ‘CV symptoms’ shortly after assembling together.

              A perfectly logical explanation for this would be?

          • Will you post that song to the Truth music podcast page or shall I?

          • May I assume that your post above was addressed at me?

            “Why do suspect SARS-CoV-2 to be the cause of disease given I posited that mycoplasma is much more capable of surviving in the environment to infect hosts?”

            As I told mkey, we are on the same team!
            Get it?

            I am as skeptical of CV as you are!
            But that doesn’t mean I will jump blindly and with open arms to the ‘exosome’ terrain theory without logical explanations to certain phenomena.

            I don’t think anyone should.

  35. COVID 19 is a fraud but I believe THEY have set us up for a large number of casualties from all types of viruses and disease by poisoning our food and water supply.

    Consider that our iodine consumption has been reduced over the last few decades by removing it from bread, at the same time adding bromide, a known carcinogen, AND halogen that blocks iodine from the thyroid, AND at the same time as they add the halogen fluoride to the water supply!

    This is no accident! Iodine can kill bacteria and fungus, both of which can be causes of pneumonia. The homeopath Prof. T. F. Allen claimed that a treatment of iodine in pneumonia sufferers “would arrest the process of hepatization (the consolidation of tissue in the lungs) within twenty-four hours”.

    We must stop trusting our overlords and take care of our own health before it is too late!

    • It’s important to look at the ingredients list for any pre-packaged food bought. Also, a reverse osmosis filter for water is essential. I have had one for several years now and it was a very good investment.

    • Kate,
      Thanks for highlighting Iodine. That pneumonia link is a great fundamental.

      I well remember back in the 1960’s washing dishes in the restaurant kitchens, and using an iodine rinse. It was standard practice in those days. So simple.

      • I use iodine to sterilize the tools, containers, and bottles to make wine. Iodine disinfects on contact. What’s more it does good and no harm, unlike antibiotics.

        If you search for iodine on archive dot org, there are many papers about the importance of iodine to health,treating disease, even cancer, and using it to disinfect drinking water and in swimming pools. Dr. Brownstein’s book Iodine Why You Need It is available for free in pdf, and the book The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow.

        As you stated “So simple” 🙂

    • I agree with you 100% that viruses are not the cause of any disease. THEY have confused the situation so thoroughly that we can’t even find the correct word for things anymore.

      When COVID started, Dr. Purlmutter had an interview with a gentleman who confirmed it had animal DNA, which told me if someone has it, it was injected into them because animal diseases don’t infect humans.

      If you search for iodine on archive dot org, many interesting articles come up, some of them back to the 1800’s revealing when they discovered its existence and importance to the development and health of all living organisms. Then they removed it from the food supply and added iodine blockers, and we didn’t know what hit us.

      The first thing we must do for our health is ensure we are getting enough iodine. Dr. Brownstein’s book is on there also, Iodine Why You Need It. I’ve been taking 50 mg (yes mg’s not mcg’s)for almost a year now and I feel great. I even put some into my dogs drinking water, and one is 16 1/2 years old and doing fine.

    • Fermentation is a critical part of food preparation. Microorganisms eliminate toxins and add healthy bacteria critical to our health.

      Take bread for example. THEY shortened fermentation time when THEY developed yeast which did the job in a few hours. I think this was in the 70’s. But the bugs in wild yeast eliminate bad stuff in the wheat, like gluten (reduced substantially), and toxins. Look at the article Sourdough Lactic Acid Bacteria Antifungal and Mycotoxin-Controlling.

      What’s more, when we eat bread that hasn’t been properly fermented, it spikes our blood sugar more than a Mars bar. Consider that diabetes has grown to epidemic proportions. Sourdough bread stabilized blood sugar for 24 hours. Also, sugar feeds cancer which has also become epidemic.

      Our microbiome protects us from illness and disease!

      • I’m wondering how much longer will it take for me to get off of my ass and start baking my bread.

        The most sizable issue being that I’ll have a hard time finding non-industrial flower. The upside being monsatan poison is not very much used in my failed state. Bit then again, there’s a lot of imported wheat, so who knows.

        • Use what ever flour is available. I started using regular white flour, and I have some in storage that I’m using up rather than throw it out. The cost of the organic is quite a bit more too.

        • Cost of organic does not worry me, but the source. People like to stick various labels on their products, with all the fake regulation going on that’s usually very easy.

          Without knowing the producer you really don’t have anything to hold on to.

        • Sourdough is growing in popularity. If there any bakeries close to you, they may make sourdough bread. If there are people around you who make their own bread, they may be able to help you. If anyone has a sourdough starter they can share it would easier than making your own.

    • There is some debate about whether we need milk in our diet or not. Maybe it’s another case of switchero where they changed something healthy into a poison, so we need to try and reverse the change.

      Consider what I said about fermentation of wheat. I believe we need wheat in our diet but it must be fermented. 25 years ago I suffered from ulcerative colitis. Doing my own dietary experimentation (in-spite of my doctor telling me diet doesn’t affect our health), I realized I couldn’t eat regular bread, or anything with wheat or suger, but I could eat sourdough bread. What’s more, eating sourdough bread made me feel better. Probably because it is a prebiotic which feeds the microbiome.

      I make sourdough bread with organic, unbleached, non-fortified wheat. The flour we buy in the store is loaded with glyphosates (because they dump it on wheat at harvest time to dry it, to make it easier to harvest),and fortified with stuff like folic acid (which some believe blocks folate).

      I also make kefir from organic milk. Like the sourdough bugs, the kefir bugs remove the toxins, and they add good bugs that enhance our microbiome. Some believe that kefir protects against cancer. I should get a goat and start with a healthier milk.

      • Years ago when I first had ulcerative colitis, oats was one of the few foods I could tolerate. I went on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and was making a big pot of homemade yogurt to which I could only add honey (allowed on the diet). I was using ground almonds (almond flour) to make a pizza crust.

        Today, my diet is really simple, an apple, kefir with berries and ground flax, a little bit of bacon with 2 egg and fermented veggies, then either sourdough bread with ghee,honey, and nut butter or asparagus with wild Alaskan salmon, finishing off with a glass of wine.

        NAFLD is apparently epidemic. I wonder if I have some issues because I have the abdominal fat which is one of the symptoms.

        I have added more healthy fats, omega 3 instead of 6 (from vegetable oils), since that causes NAFLD. Many alternative doctors recommend avoiding all vegetable oils.

        I did a spreadsheet to look at the vitamins and minerals I was getting in my diet and without eggs I wasn’t getting enough choline which is necessary for a healthy liver, without the sourdough bread I wasn’t getting enough folate. It’s really difficult to get enough zinc from the diet alone so supplementation is probably a good idea.

        Some foods are engineered to be addictive, like wheat. When people remove it from their diet they have withdrawal symptoms. Corn is similar. My husband is addicted to potato chips.

        Wheat is very acid forming. I wonder about corn? Fermentation lowers PH which is probably why sourdough is healthy. An alkaline diet may be good for our microbiome. Healthy salt, pink Himalayan or Real Salt for example, added to water is alkalizing. That was another bad change to the food supply, they stripped all the minerals from salt leaving just sodium chloride. So much to consider 🙂

    • Maybe we need to consider the broader use of the term ‘virus’ because we might be more aligned in our opinions than we think.

      – A virus is an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, that is able to multiply only within the cells of a living host.

      – Prions are infectious proteins that can mimic viral and bacterial pathogens.

      – Bacteriophages are viruses that infect and replicate only in bacterial cells.

      In Dr. Purlmutters interview with Dr. George Tetz’s, whose research focuses on the study of bacteriophages: viruses that infect bacteria. Tetz studies how bacteriophages can contribute to microbiome dysbiosis in a range of human chronic inflammatory conditions. He also examines how bacteriophages can act as novel mammalian pathogens by interacting directly with human cells and the host immune response. His recent findings show an early role for bacteriophage activity in conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Type 1 Diabetes, and “leaky-gut” syndrome.

      In this excerpt from the book Phages: Their Role in Bacterial Pathogenesis and Biotechnology, Chapter 11 Mycoplasma Phages:

      “The class Mollicutes consists of several genera of wall-less bacteria, including Mycoplasma, Spiroplasma, and Acholeplasma. Mycoplasmas are ubiquitous microbes that cause disease in a wide variety of animals.”

      “Pathogenic species of mycoplasmas generally produce diseases of the respiratory and genital tracts and joints. These diseases are largely immunological. A strong host immune response is required to prevent dissemination and systemic disease, but the resulting inflammation is responsible for the development of lesions at the site of infection.”

      Many, if not all, chronic disease result in inflammation, as is Covid-19!

      • A virus is an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, that is able to multiply only within the cells of a living host.

        This is something that has never been observed in reality. The best they could ever produce was force some poisoned cells to excrete something in vitro.

        It is not up to anyone to prove a negative as that is impossible. What instead needs to happen is we need to demand evidence for any claims that are being made. More extraordinary the claim, more extraordinary the evidence needs to be.

  36. Lets at least come to terms regarding the origin.

    That even according to the offcial theory, virus is not alive but a lump of lifeless protein.

    In our current predicament, and in an artist rendition, a spiked lump of protein. Lifeless lumps that latch on onto cell barriers, penetrate the cell, infect the cell and repurpose the cell into a virus producing factory.

    All of this functionality encoded in a lifeless lump of proetin. I may have a tendancy to oversimplify, but this theory is a mixture of fabulous storytelling, superfluous complexity and bad science.

  37. Let the games begin!

    Two sets of games.

    1. The electronic/digital passport game has already begun!
    It will develop in stages, to be sure, but we are off to the slippery slope races already. 🙁


    Requirements for entering Canada by air

    “As of November 21, 2020, if you’re flying to Canada as your final destination, you MUST use ArriveCAN to submit your:

    – travel and contact information
    – quarantine plan (unless exempted under conditions set out in the mandatory isolation order)
    – COVID-19 symptom self-assessments

    You must use ArriveCAN before you board your flight to Canada. ”

    Dominican Republic:
    “Welcome to the Electronic Ticket portal for entering and leaving the Dominican Republic


    It is a digital form required by multiple institutions for entering or leaving the national territory.

    It is MANDATORY for each passenger to truthfully complete the information on the electronic Ticket for the General Immigration Office, the General Customs Office and the Ministry of Public Health, according to dominican laws 285-04, 115-17, 72-02 and 226-06. ”

    2. The vaccine game

    There are now more than 100 companies worldwide working on a Covid-19 vaccine.

    People might have naively thought that when Mr. Gates said all 7 billion people will be vaccinated for Covid, he was talking about one vaccine.

    There will be dozens of Covid-19 vaccines coming in all sorts of different flavors.

    Now here’s the thing.

    Countries A, B and C will each have their own vaccine and digital vaccine certificates.
    Country A gives permission for citizens from Country B to enter their country using Country B’s vaccine, but decides not to let citizens from Country C into their country because they don’t like Country C’s vaccine.

    And the same will occur with Countries D, E and F. etc., etc.

    So what will the game be?
    Black/grey markets for fake digital vaccine certificates.
    It will be a total circus very soon.

    * I already got the inside scoop about Russian tourists getting fake negative Covid test papers to bring with them on vacation.

  38. Dissemination & “Viruses don’t exist”

    Today I will be passing out 1,000 flyers about 9/11 Truth. They will say:
    “WAKE UP! The airplanes on 9/11/01 were holograms! The World Trade Center Towers were brought down by space beams. Because the earth is flat, NASA won’t tell the truth.”
    Morgan Reynolds sent me the word copy.
    I will be making lots of hazy videos with auto-voice in order to spread my message.

    😉 ha!… Of course I am not going to do that. I’d slap anyone who did.

    I want to highlight a point which ManBearPig made:
    “The problem is that the vast majority of the public…are completely unaware of how all that science functions so not only will a campaign to enforce the respect of Koch’s postulates not make any impact on the opinion of the ignorant concerning SARS, we are, on the contrary, very susceptible to easy slogans.

    …easy slogans such as “Viruses are a Hoax and don’t exist!”.

    MY concern is that by making such declarations…conspiracy theorists will be annihilating their credibility on more easily demonstrable negations of the validity of this plandemic….

    She goes on. The comment and following discussion is worth a looksee.

    This here comment of mine is NOT about the Koch’s postulates nor Exosomes nor the existence of viruses. I don’t want to get into a back-n-forth on that issue.
    I am all for others wanting to civilly discuss it. That is great.

    This comment is about protecting the credibility of conspiracy realists in the eyes of the public.
    Dissemination of a hard-to-grasp, unusual concept to the general public is not going to benefit anyone except for “The Powers That Should Not Be”.

    Also, I want to make a precautionary statement, a lesson learned from the 9/11 Truth Movement.
    During the movement, some topics & issues became so heated that it fractured the movement into many un-unified parts. The Pentagon issue is a prime example.

    What got lost was a primary purpose of the 9/11 Truth Movement:
    “To inform the broad public that there was a 9/11 Cover-up.”

    Instead, “Truthers” spent countless hours and tremendous amounts of energy debating contentions about aspects of 9/11. The movement splintered.
    Dissemination and the InfoWar faded away.

    Veterans of the 9/11 Activist Movement know what I am talking about.

    We should learn from our past failings.
    With this current window of opportunity, I hope we don’t muff it.

    • One has to choose at which level to get involved in and what will they support with their weight. Stating that viruses do not exist is not the same as bringing their functionality in question. While movements can get fractured, and they usually do and for good reason, there’s a lot that can be said about striking the tree of evil at its roots.

      In context of 9/11 you could have a million people debating on the modality of how the buddings were brought down. Or in the case of JFK the number of assassins could be discussed. Or in the case of covid “real” CFR or R0 could be discussed. All of these subjects are divisive and are employed to obfuscate the truth and derail the discussion.

      I would say it is better to have one guy striking at the roots and hundred people watching instead of wailing at the branches.

      • I’ll disagree with that.

        If I would point to a player and said he’s playing offense, would it be correct for someone to claim the player does not exist because he’s not playing offense but defense?

      • If we say viruses don’t exist, we need to explain why people are getting sick and some dying.

        Using an example like the Spanish Flu, we can prove it wasn’t a virus because the #’s decreased when sanitary conditions (drinking water)were improved, before the vaccine.

        HIV was in the blood supply.

        Cancer SV40 aka ‘monkey virus’ was in the polio vaccinations, but there is evidence it continued to be in vaccines. On ouralexander dot org, parents of Alexander, prove (although the courts disagree) their son contracted SV40 through his vaccinations and died of cancer at 2 1/2 years old. This explains why cancer has reached epidemic proportions, and why children and pets get cancer.

        In the case of COVID, Dr Purlmutter interviewed Dr. George Tetz on Apr 5, 2020, and he stated that there were animal prions in covid-19 which supports it is man-made. Since transfer from animal to human doesn’t occur naturally, exposure must come though injection, or maybe in those with leaky gut, exposure could come through food.

        • How do we know what’s inside the virus that causes the covid disease (that’s the name of the disease, remeber?) if said virus has never been isolated? And we know for a fact that that virus has never been isolated.

          When I say “isolated” I mean what any sane indivudal would understand as isolation, not what some of these lunatics claim it to be.

          • Go to Purlmutter’s interview of Dr. Tetz. He identified that there are 2 prions associated with coronavirus, which bind to RNA. Read the comments too because they are shocked. This information isn’t in other ‘news’ about coronavirus. It is being covered up!

            • Tetz said “Within the viral proteins, there are a number of proteins that have prion like domains”, so he was talking about both virus and prion working together. He indicated this wasn’t the case with other Corona-viruses. That is the NEW aspect of Covid-19. I’m not sure if the “other proteins and DNA” Fourtillon was referring to are prions.

              The term prions is important because they are infectious proteins that can mimic viral and bacterial pathogens, reproduce by recruiting the normal cellular isoform of the prion protein and stimulating its conversion into the disease-causing isoform.

              The first identified prion infectious disease was CJD which was caused by an abnormal infectious protein in the brain called a prion. The source is alleged to be from eating beef infected with mad cow disease, but who knows. The article Prion Disease on NIAID specifies transmission is from human to human through blood.

              In the article Prions as Bioweapons, James Giordano says the threats are synthetic proteins, aerosolized transmissibility, gain of function, gene editing, cross-species transmissibility, and interactions with other pathogens. Covid-19 is an example of viruses interacting with prions as Dr. Tetz was talking about, likely modified in a lab to cross species, possibly with gain of function.

              Setting aside all the propaganda, the faulty testing and attribution of many deaths to Covid-19 when the victims have co-morbidities, it doesn’t seem to have aerosolized transmission. Many doctors, including those I trust, are confirming the existence of Covid-19. THEY will never say, but I believe transmission is still only through direct contact with the prion/virus through injection or tainted blood. That is why I’m concerned about the vaccine because it will have prions in it to fight the prions in Covid-19.

            • People forget that they are not what they do. Our “job” is a role we are playing, just an experience in this life of ours.

            • The LSD laced wheat is comparable to wheat modified to increase gluten proteins, which combined with the change to shorter fermentation times, cause leaky gut which may be the cause of autoimmune disease (including bowel diseases like crohns, ulcerative colitis, etc.) and diabetes (now epidemic), and brain disorders like alzheimer’s (epidemic), dementia (early-onset dementia results in symptoms as early as the 20’s), bi-polar, depression (epidemic among all ages), and it may feed cancer (sugar feeds cancer and eating unfermented bread spikes blood sugar more than eating a Mars bar).

              It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find the truth today. If you search for ‘wheat leaky gut’ some sites pop up that confirm it exists and is caused by wheat, but the first site that pops up has an article “Debunking the Myth of ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’”. This is due to the changes Google has made to their search engine, which makes it increasingly difficult to research health issues. Alternative doctors, like Mercola, used to show up in search results but now google has flagged them as misinformation, and we can only access their information directly from their sites.

              But even among alternative doctors, the wheat problem is difficult to understand. A few years ago, Dr. Mercola had an article where he talked about adding sourdough bread to his diet, and his followers were outraged, some even threatening to unsubscribe to his site. Dr. William Davis (the Wheat Belly) believes we can’t and shouldn’t consume wheat at all.

              Some say that humans haven’t been eating wheat for long, which I think is ridiculous since it’s mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, and the diet of ancient Egypt revolved around several staple crops including einkorn and emmer wheat.

              Consider the claim that soils are depleted and thus not providing us with the vitamins and minerals we need. I wonder if it isn’t eating unfermented wheat which has phytic acid, an ‘anti-nutrient’ that stops the body from absorbing nutrients is the true culprit!

        • You are absolutely correct. I’m an accountant by trade and only know what they tell me about these hidden enemies.

          People were very sick before Covid-19 from the Western diet. Cancer, Diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disease are all epidemic.

          The only reason I’m trying to understand Covid-19 is so I don’t make the same mistake I made in 2009 and take their vaccine.


        • HIV was in the blood because Hemophiliacs contracted it.

        • The Terrence Higgins Trust states “Haemophilia is a genetic condition which impairs the blood clotting process in the body. In the 1970s and 1980s in the UK many people with haemophilia were infected with HIV through blood transfusions.” They quote the Haemophilia Society “In the 1970s and 1980s around 5,000 people with haemophilia and other bleeding disorders were multiply-infected with HIV, hepatitis B and C and a range of other blood-borne viruses. Over 2,400 people have since died and of the 1,200 people infected with HIV less than 250 are still alive.”

          In the article Hemophila: An Amazing 35-Year Journey from the Depths of HIV to the Threshold of Cure, author Gilbert White “AIDS was first described in December 1981 in a paper by Gottlieb and colleagues in the New England Journal of Medicine (2). The first description of AIDS in hemophilia appeared about six months later in the Center for Disease Control’s Medical and Morbidity Weekly Report (3). The CDC report provided strong evidence that AIDS was spread by blood. Altogether, almost 5000 hemophiliacs were to become infected with HIV before concentrates were rendered safe, and more than 4000 of the estimated 10,000 hemophiliacs in the US would eventually die of AIDS (Fig. 1).”

          Yet you say it isn’t proven?

          • Jonathan Jerry debunks Dr. Kaufman’s theory, and reveals how dangerous they are in the article Psychiatrist Who Calmly Denies Reality

            Dr. Kaufman is a psychiatrist turned Naturopath who claims appendicitis is simply constipation, and viruses don’t exist, they are really just exosomes. He is in league with Kelly Brogan (the wife of GreenMedInfo’s Sayer Ji), who is also a psychiatrist that denies the existence of viruses.

            The tactic Kaufman uses to propagate his faulty logic is like building a bridge by laying down a number of planks using valid science, then finishing with planks which are not, that only an expert would notice.

            What he says about exosomes is mostly true, our body is made up of cells which exosomes bud from. Exosomes carry genetic material and act as transporters inside our body, and look like viruses. Sometimes a virus will infect a cell and an exosome containing the virus’ genetic material will bud off and infect another cell, like a virus would. Then Dr. Kaufman “takes a leap and claims the virus does not exist. It’s all exosomes.”, and in doing so denies the existence of “the viruses behind the common cold, polio, HIV-AIDS, viral hepatitis, chickenpox, COVID-19, and measles”.

            Jerry explains that microbiologist Robert Koch realized his postulate made during the Victorian era (just before we even really knew what DNA and viruses were) that to prove a microbe caused disease, you need to isolate it from living things with the disease and not find it in living things without the disease, and if you took it from a living thing that had it and gave it to a living thing that did not, it should produce disease and you should be able to then isolate this microbe within it, was not fulfilled every time, for example, with typhoid fever and cholera where people had the infectious agent but not the disease.

            I’m dumbfounded you are using his faulty logic to spread this dangerous fallacy around. In my opinion, you are either counter agent spreading misinformation, or you aren’t as smart as you claim.

          • Kate, the information from this link


            contains a lot of adhominem attacks on this person. Have you found any scientific articles that use evidence to prove Germ theory with Covid?

            I’ll look around too. I think it would be great to have someone debate Kaufman that doesn’t insult him but addresses his exosome hypothesis with evidence.

            Though I agree that Germs play a part in disease, viruses, bacteria, and prions, I also didn’t like how the article you posted conflates his “anti-mask” position and calls him a denier. That is not a good way to debate.

            I guess I’m an “anti masker” too outside of a medical setting and if I’m not sick in a public space and coughing.

            I think a much better approach to this whole thing would have been to shelter the elderly and infirm and allow herd immunity to build. This would be voluntary and people who didn’t want to stay home and shelter didn’t have to, but it could have been suggested.

            Anyway, I’ll look around for some articles, and if I find them re-post.

          • I’ll provide some context to claims made by Jerry regarding the Lanka trial. To call his article a “debunk” is both insidious and ignorant. Jerry is a bald faced liar who could only gain traction among those who don’t follow through with sources of presented information.



            Knowing that the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), contrary to its legal duty, had not published a single paper on the alleged existence of the measles virus, I offered a €100,000 prize for a scientific paper from the RKI containing the scientific evidence for the existence of the measles virus. A young doctor from Saarland presented me with six papers but none from the RKI; the papers were: the one from Enders published the 1st of June 1954 and five others, based exclusively on Enders’ original paper, one of them being the most comprehensive review of other papers on the measles virus. In this “review” we can find a description of the laborious consensus building process which lasted for decades and included dilemmas such as which parts of the dead tissue are to be ascribed to the measles virus model and also how the measles virus model had to be constantly modified.

            I replied to the young doctor (who urgently recommended me to waive the (indeed) costly “legal dispute” and to immediately pay him the prize money) that in none of the six publications was there any identifiable viral structure, but rather easily recognisable typical cellular particles and structures. Thereupon he filed a suit with the Ravensburg Local Court, this however, without submitting the six publications to the court. The Ravensburg Court decided against me, even though the six publications never appeared in the legal files. Apart from that, the verdict of the Ravenburg Local Court occurred under more than unusual circumstances.

            The plaintiff admitted to the judge during the appeal at the Stuttgart Higher Court that he himself had never read the six publications. So he was planning to shut me down and thus silence the central refutation of the vaccination through the “tedious legal battle”. He may have been a victim of the false belief in viruses himself, because he probably trusted his colleagues, which is normal, but who themselves had no idea about the erroneous development in medicine since 1858 and did not do any historical research with respect to their false beliefs, this becoming simultaneously culprits and perpetrators and victims of their fatal belief in the germ theories and their trust in vaccinations.

          • Excerpt continued:

            It is plausible that the plaintiff did not read the six publications he presented to me, but not to the court. At least it is clear that he didn’t look for them himself, because they are the only publications in the entire field of about 30,000 technical articles about “measles” in which a reference to the accepted existence of the measles virus is made. However, all the tons of other papers, which nobody can ever finish reading, assume “a priori” the existence of the measles virus and always refer to citations of citations, which are finally and exclusively based on the alleged “evidence” supplied by Enders on the 1st of June 1954.

            The Ravensburg Local Court decided in 2014 to accept the lawsuit of Dr Bardens and concluded that the prize money was to be paid out even without any publication from the RKI. Apart from that, the Ravensburg Local Court decided that it wouldn’t be necessary for the scientific evidence for the existence of the measles virus to be published in one single paper, but rather that the overall 3,366 papers (the sum of all the papers cited in the six submitted publications) from 1954 to 2007 was to be accepted as proof.

            The legally appointed expert Professor Podbielski from Rostock argued accordingly (or the local court adjusted its opening decision to the expert opinion): “I have to expressly clarify that one cannot provide evidence in the classical sense in biology as one can in mathematics or physics. In biology one can only gather clues, which at some point in time in their entirety attain probative value.“

            Based on this extremely unscientific claim arising from Podbielski’s lack of arguments and his bias due to the discrepancies between reality and the beliefs he had grown so fond of, something happened which behavioural scientists call “displacement”. Podbielski invented a desperate excuse, namely that biology and the medicine based thereon as well as vaccinations are per se unscientific and without evidence, without proof: In his opinion, only a collection of clues could “some day” and “somehow” (practically) attain probative value. A more explicit admission of the existent unscientific nature of current biology and medicine has never been expressed with such clarity.

            What is most important at present is to make legal use of all this evidence for the unscientific nature of the infection theory and the vaccination policies, which are already impacting our constitutional rights. We need to make the mandatory measles vaccination, voted upon and implemented in Germany as of 1 March 2020, simply disappear.

          • The thing I like about Richard Katz’s analysis is the way he methodically goes through one point at a time, not assuming everything Cowan says it either true or untrue, not falling into the faulty logic of binary thinking.

            There’s probably no person alive who I agree with on all things. It’s just the reality of life.

            I agree with both Katz and Jonathon Jerry that Cowan has not fully considered Robert Koch’s work, and applies his postulates as if he never went on to discover they weren’t accurate. I believe Katz is correct that Cowan makes it appear that Steiner is the source of his opinion that viruses are exosomes, when he has oversimplified Steiner’s opinion on infectious disease. I consider this to be misleading, and it lowers my opinion of Cowan as a result.

            I agree with Jonathon Jerry that Kaufman builds a bridge based on facts and then throws down some planks that are his own assumptions, and we are supposed to take it all as fact. Katz proves that Kaufman misquotes James Hildreth to make it appear he believes viruses are exosomes when he doesn’t. This lowers my opinion of Kaufman as a result.

            I haven’t looked at the $100 k bet, or Jerry’s opinion on what happened, but it is an interesting case and I may just do so if I have time.

            I disagree with Katz about the value of testing, masks and the lockdown. I don’t believe COVID is airborne, so I don’t think masks stop the spread. I agree with you “Why limit the spread of a mostly innocuous, asymptomatic disease?”
            SARS-CoV-2 has prions, evidence it is of animal origin which normally doesn’t infect humans. I think it was in the flu vaccine which many received previous to the ‘outbreak’. This will never be proven because they never question a person’s vaccine history when they take ill. I believe they make a point of keeping shoddy records on vaccines to prevent their damaging effects from being exposed.

            I think you are using faulty logic in believing those who accept the existence of germs, accept the ‘Great Reset’. I believe in the existence of germs but I think COVID should have been handled like we do the flu virus, the vulnerable are protected and the rest of society continues business as normal. It is this over reaction, the opposite of what it should be, that is the problem, and I’m more concerned about the effects on the food supply and the economy than virus.

            Can you provide a quote to support your comment “yet he [Katz] basically propounds what I’d been arguing which is it’s not because COVID19 may not be a virus that viruses don’t exist, are not infectious and/or cannot be pathogenic”. Maybe it’s the double negative that has me confused, but I don’t see him saying that.

            I can’t understand how seemingly intelligent people just accept 100% of what Kaufman and Cowan say as a fact, especially when there is evidence that proves they are mistaken on some critical points.

            [SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]

          • Kate:

            “I believe they make a point of keeping shoddy records on vaccines to prevent their damaging effects from being exposed.”

            How could they keep shoddy records on vaccines going forward if they are to implement their immunity passport agenda?

          • Fawlty Tower, Once they have injected us with THEIR retro-virus they will be keeping track. Isn’t it supposed to have a tracking device in it? But before this it’s all smoke and mirrors, we don’t know what were infected with, when, or how. It’s a turkey shoot and we are the turkeys!

          • anonymint, please don’t patronize me!

          • Flammable, I thought it strange that some of the cells they used to test for ACE2 receptors for SARS-CoV-2 are from people with cancer. Take cell A549 for example, it is an adenocarcinomic human epithelial cells from cancerous lung tissue of a 58 year old Caucasian male. On a site selling the A549 cell for study purposes, it states “cells may also contain inclusion bodies although they are not known to carry any human pathogen”. I’m not sure how studying damaged cells can help us the viruses’ behaviour in healthy cells.

    • I think we need to study 3/11 the Fukushima disaster with the same rigour as 9/11. On Bitchute, Level 9 News provides evidence that the earthquake was not natural, and building #4 was blown up.

      In Feb 2010 a news report stated that Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran, and shortly after an Israeli company, Magma BSP, was given responsibility for security at the Daiichi nuclear plant. They left the plant one week before the disaster.

      There’s also the Stuznet worm created by US and Israel, designed to cause components of the system to stop functioning and not be detected. There’s a documentary Zero Day that provides some interesting information about this weapon.

      There has been ongoing radiation exposure for Japan, and the world with the contaminated water going into the ocean.

  39. Thanks for the information

  40. Related to Corbett’s article You Won’t Believe What They’re Planning To Do With “Vaccines”

    Article published November 19, 2020
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr:
    COVID19 vaccine should be avoided at all cost

    (Note: The Wikipedia link at the article is long and interesting.)

    I would like to draw your attention urgently to important issues related to the next Covid-19 vaccination. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called last generation mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which represents the genetic manipulation, something that was already forbidden and until then considered criminal.

    This intervention can be compared to genetically manipulated food, which is also highly controversial. Even if the media and politicians currently trivialize the problem and even stupidly call for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, and also in terms of genetic damage that, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be irreversible and irreparable.

    Dear patients, after an unprecedented mRNA vaccine, you will no longer be able to treat the vaccine symptoms in a complementary way. They will have to live with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured simply by removing toxins from the human body, just as a person with a genetic defect like Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic cardiac arrest, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc.), because the genetic defect is forever!

    This means clearly: if a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because the damage caused by the vaccination will be genetically irreversible. In my opinion, these new vaccines represent a crime against humanity that has never been committed in such a big way in history. As Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an experienced doctor, said: In fact, this “promising vaccine” for the vast majority of people should be FORBIDDEN, because it is genetic manipulation! ”

    The vaccine, developed and endorsed by Anthony Fauci and funded by Bill Gates, uses experimental mRNA technology. Three of the 15 human guinea pigs (20%) experienced a “serious adverse event”.

    Note: messenger RNA or mRNA is the ribonucleic acid that transfers the genetic code of the DNA of the cell nucleus to a ribosome in the cytoplasm, that is, the one that determines the order in which the amino acids of a protein bind and act as a mold or pattern for the synthesis of that protein.

    • (Below the article is this…)

      Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. ( )


      Yes, like many other viruses.

      Yes, if you use the proper medicines and do not leave your health in the hands of corrupt and mercantile health systems.

      Yes and many, some are acting discreetly giving appropriate treatments, others have been bolder and there are many videos in the networks talking about these treatments, and many have been threatened, disqualified or silenced.

      Yes, and there is a world union calling for more doctors and scientists called Doctors and Scientists for Truth, to expose the falsity of the treatment they have given to the bug issue.

      5. IS IT A PANDEMIC?
      No. The WHO changed the term that referred to the pandemic, before the bug was launched in order to end the pandemic.

      Yes, like all flu.

      No. If you have symptoms, just take the appropriate medicine from the first day (strengthen the immune system, take anti-inflammatory and anti-influenza) and cure yourself at home.

      Yes, being as clean as you should be, and maintaining a high immune system. And you also have: Ozone Therapy, Chlorine Dioxide with the preventive protocol.

      No. In the USA it was discovered that any data, would be in fact 10% of that number, because the causes of deaths were other diseases, and the tests are not reliable, they give false positives.

      The human being has many microorganisms and viruses in the body and this does not mean that you are a sick or infected person, or that you have the virus, however, the viruses that are supposedly “so aggressive” present some symptoms in the patients because the body releases alarms from an intruder (fever, headache, vomiting, etc.) and according to Koch’s theory the answer is NO.

      Yes, in a laboratory.

      To be the excuse to restrict freedoms, to change the current economic system to a more oppressive / enslaving, scary, blind flock obedience.


      • 15. WILL WE GET OUT OF THIS?
        Yes. And all those who contributed to the deaths and the plan will fall, and they will pay for what they did.

        16. MUST I BE AFRAID?
        No. Fear diminishes your immune system and makes you mentally controllable.

        Yes. The owners of the media are accomplices. This is called mind control.

        18. WHAT SHOULD I DO?
        You protect yourself, and if you get sick you already know how to heal yourself at home, or with your trusted doctor who will not commit to the abandonment protocol.

        No. If you get healthy, vaccines bring chemicals, heavy metals and a series of “bugs” that will only affect your health more in the medium and long term, both physically and mentally. It’s your body, and it’s your right to decide about it, and about your physical and mental health. Would you trust a vaccine after a virus has been created to exterminate humanity?

        20. IS THIS A WAR?
        Yes.! And we will be victorious! We need to stay together and wake other people up, giving a lot of information.

        “Forced to wear a mask, but not to shut up.”

        About the author: Robert F Kennedy Jr is the son of the former U.S. Attorney General under his brother President John F. Kennedy. In his work as a vaccine injury lawyer Robert Jr. has produced the suppressed vaccine documentary, ‘VAXXED’ and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).

        HomeRemedySupply…My Note:

        Something about this publication piece smells. It doesn’t quite jive with how RFK, Jr. normally presents things.
        Some aspects seem amiss.
        For example:
        Notice the last statement which says that RFK, Jr. produced VAXXED.
        I do not think that he was a producer for the first VAXXED film.
        However, RFK, Jr. may have played a role with VAXXED 2, which was ramrodded by Polly Tommey. Polly Tommey and RFK, Jr. often do video interviews together.

      • No kidding ManBearPig.
        I am very uncomfortable with Kennedy’s push on the carbon dioxide Climate Change front. ha!…CO2 is not a toxic pollutant.

        There are other indicators which I sometimes see that raise my eyebrows.
        Example: Here is a recent article which talks about pay. It hints at UBI, Universal Basic Income.
        Report Details How Taxpayers Subsidize Cruel Low Wages Paid by Corporate Giants

          • Yea, I should have noted that.

            To his credit, Robert F Kennedy, Jr. recently launched The Defender, where that Jon Queally article on wages is posted, and there is a comment section which gives people an opportunity to express their views.

            QUOTING from “About Defender”
            The Defender is a unique platform for frank, civil, nonpartisan discussions of evidence-based science and medicine.
            The site hosts a space where writers of every viewpoint may safely air contrary science-based views.
            It will include a robust comment and discussion section, which will be closely monitored to maintain an atmosphere of polite, gracious, genial, and high-minded conversation devoid of vitriol and partisanship.

      • anonymint says:
        It seems @HomeRemedySupply is determined to push narratives which undermine the facts, apparently because he says he does not want to form judgements about facts.

        You got it completely wrong on your evaluation of me and my intent.
        I am not pushing a narrative.

        Notice that I reprinted this entire article’s content so that others could better grasp what was there, not because “it confirms a belief system of mine”.

        Also, you need to see my final note at the tail of the publication.

        Check your evaluations of others and what they think at the door.

        • Ezekiel 31 describes conditions in Eden which have continued on to this very day.

          Organized religion has mislead us into believing we are made in God’s image, but we are made from the dust of the ground. They have made us believe our hope is in this world, but Yahshua said his kingdom was not of this world. There are many, many other lies they have propagated.

          This is a testing ground to separate the wheat from the chaff. We must be a branch on Yahshua’s vine to inherit eternal life in the New Jerusalem, by loving Yahweh and our neighbour. Love does no harm. The good news is anyone that harms their neighbour will be destroyed in Yahweh’s fire on judgment day.

          • I respectfully disagree with this. I believe we must focus on the here and now. Our earthly lives are important and we can’t be passive.

      • It is not contagious. Dr. Purlmutter interview Dr. George Tetz who stated the ‘virus’ has prions which means it is of animal origin. ‘Viruses’ don’t cross species so it must have been injected in vaccines, or tainted blood.

        The only ‘proper medicines’ are natural things that boost our immune system without toxic effects, like iodine.

        Dr Purlmutter interviewed Dr. Jeffrey Bland about Immune System Rejuvenation, and after decades of study he has proven that fasting is the best way to boost our immune system.

        We must stop turning to the Allopathic medical system for anything other than emergency care because they are killing us.

      • I think it is critical to put no faith in the medical system. All who have faith in the medical system will die.

        I haven’t had contact with doctors for decades and I’m healthier as a result. If I get cancer it will be from the vaccinations I’ve received. I won’t get covid-19 because I haven’t received vaccinations since I fell for the Swine Flu ‘trial balloon’ in 2009.

        My goal with my family is to get them to stop trusting doctors in the medical system.

    • I have seen this article carried on 21st century wire. What struck me was this:

      This means clearly: if a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because the damage caused by the vaccination will be genetically irreversible.

      RFK is a lawyer and I don’t think he’s suffering from split personality issues where one of the fragmented selves work as a therapist.

      • Excellent EXAMPLE which raises further questions about the nature of this article.

  41. I gave up travel years ago because I realized how dangerous it was.

  42. Last winter, my sister-in-law came to visit and her son came down with a bad gastro-intestinal illness. Previous to this, they had been visited by a relative with the same illness. Explain what happened if viruses do not exist.

  43. You’re opinion that SARS-Cov-2 doesn’t exist, supported by Cowan’s finding that what they say is the virus is ‘cobbled sequences’ is contradicted by Dr. George Tetz who sees a virus with “prion like proteins in two of its structures”, “within the surface of each spike is a prion like domain, localized with the receptor binding domain of its spike.” Tetz doesn’t seem to be “awed by the whole concept of genetic sequencing”, nor conning us with “stage magic”, but Cowan’s theory doesn’t make sense on many fronts, and is impeding our fight against bioweapons.

    Specifically, Cowan’s statement that “A549 cells [human cells] were incompatible with SARS Cov-2 infection”, and “solutions containing SARS-CoV-2 – even in high amounts – were NOT, I repeat NOT, infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested”, thus “they proved . . . that this ‘new coronavirus’ is not infectious to human beings.” In contrast, Tetz “analyzed the receptor of the human cells ACE2 for the virus and within alpha 1 helix we found prion like domains, and found amino acids with prion like domains within the viral spike interact with the amino acids within prion like domains on our cells.” So who is correct?

    In the paper ACE2 Receptor Expression and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom Coronavirus Infection Depend on Differentiation of Human Airway Epithelia, it says “Interestingly, ACE2 expression positively correlated with the differentiation state of epithelia. Undifferentiated cells expressing little ACE2 were poorly infected with SARS-CoV, while well-differentiated cells expressing more ACE2 were readily infected. Expression of ACE2 in poorly differentiated epithelia facilitated SARS spike (S) protein-pseudotyped virus entry.”

    In the paper Exogenous ACE2 Expression Allows Refractory Cell Lines to Support Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replication, it says “CaCo-2 was the only human cell type of 13 tested that supported efficient SARS-CoV replication. Expression of the SARS-CoV receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), resulted in SARS-CoV replication in all refractory cell lines examined. Titers achieved were variable and dependent upon the method of ACE2 expression.” It goes on to say “Expression of ACE2 from at least one of the two plasmid vectors resulted in SARS-CoV replication in Hec1B, MRC-5, and 17Cl 1 cells, but not A549, 293T, or AK-D cells.” Which proves Dr. Cowans conclusion that SARS-CoV-2 is not infective to humans is incorrect.

    • Thomas Cowan refers to cell A549 that does not have ACE2 receptors for SARS-CoV-2 and does not replicate the virus as evidence that it is not infective to humans. In the article Jon Rappoport: The COVID Virus Invented Out of Sheer Nonsense, Cowan also refers to “human liver cells (HUH 7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T). In addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells [monkey cells]”. In the paper SARS – Associated Coronavirus Replication in Cell Lines, human cell A549 is confirmed to not support replication, but human HEK-293 and Huh-7, and monkey Vero E6 do. This proves that Cowan based his conclusion on false information.

    • In the article Is It Fair to Say that COVID-19 is not infectious? Richard Katz provides evidence that Cowan is spreading untruth by inaccurate and misleading citations of Steiner, he is not convinced by his claim that COVID-19 is not infectious, identifies that although Cowan claims to be applying Koch Postulates, he ignores Koch’s discovery of infected people who were asymptomatic (similar to Kaufman).

      Katz could not find evidence to support Cowan’s claim that viruses are the same thing as exosomes.

      Katz considers Cowan’s hypothesis that viruses are internally generated ‘messengers’ interesting, but it doesn’t prove the disease is not infectious, and believes that Cowan is making a logical fallacy by stating that no bacteria or viruses are pathogenic because modern research has discovered that some are not.

      Katz states “it is an unjustified leap of logic to draw the conclusion that because some viruses and some exosomes have similar shapes and have similar characteristics, that therefore all viruses are the same thing as exosomes. From that conclusion Kaufman and Cowan argue that all viruses are only internally generated and are thus incapable of transmitting disease, and so there is no human-to-human transmission of COVID-19.”

      Katz provides evidence that Kaufman’s quote of James Hildreth ““the virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word” is inaccurate. To clear up the confusion, Mr. Hildreth stated “I have never said that SARS CoV2 [the virus associated with COVID-19] is an exosome. I have been saying for years that HIV-1 is an exosome but the biogenesis of these two viruses are very different. The exosome hypothesis cannot be applied to all viruses – clearly most viruses are not. And frankly, we are still learning about the SARS CoV2 virus’ biology including its assembly and budding mechanisms.”

      Katz believes Cowan raises some valid concerns about EMF and the structure of water, issues of privacy, freedom of medical choice, and how crises are used to advance the agenda of the elite, but not that COVID is not infectious.

      • It’s a long article with plenty of allegations that are passionately criticized by some Steiner/Anthroposophy supporters.

        Daniel Hindes calls the author, Peter Staudenmaier, a Christian fundamentalist, and says that Steiner was denounced by Hitler as an agent of Jewish conspiracy, but today is denounced by some as an anti-semite.

        There is evidence that Steiner was a Mason, and Freemasonry has much in common with Jewish beliefs, so the latter is more than likely true. Steiner led a lodge called Mystica Aeterna within the Masonic Order of Memphis and Mizraim from 1906 to 1914. In the article The Masonic Adventure of Rudolf Steiner on Gangleri dot nl, the author concludes that Steiner’s involvement was “because he wanted his esoteric group to connect to an esoteric current, but as soon as he did, went his own way.”

        In the comments, someone provides a picture of Steiner at the first international convention of Le Droit Humain, an international order of Freemasonry. They date the picture 1921, but Le Droit Humain was established Jan 14, 1882, Steiner looks young in the picture, he was 21 at that time. Steiner was involved in Freemasonry, which is tied to theosophy and the occult, from early adulthood.

        Given that Freemasonry is connected to Judaism, it is unlikely that Steiner was an anti-semite!

        A big issue seems to be Waldorf Education which is criticized by PLANs Inc (People for Legal and Non-sectarian Schools)who Peter Staudenmaier is tied to .

  44. Do you have any sources that deal with more esoteric theories regarding the nature of oil? The chance of it being a “fossil fuel” is somewhere in ball park of the probability of having a plane flown by a hillbilly, way above its top theoretical cruising speed at optimal altitude, ten thousand feet below that altitude, hit a building and penetrate it while at it.

  45. This would make a lot of sense since a lot of smaller particles have a lot more surface area to which the organism will react with the additional bonus of a smaller diameter vessel being able to move around and through various obstacles in the tissue.

  46. Tuesday November 24th, 2020 – updated 29th
    Older people, Black and Latinx Americans say they would be hesitant about getting a coronavirus vaccine
    Many Americans say they’re hesitant to get a vaccine, even if one was approved by the Food and Drug Administration

    Progress is being made on a coronavirus vaccine — already two candidates have reported Phase 3 clinical trials that indicate an efficacy rate that is higher than 90%. But the effectiveness of these vaccines also depends on people’s willingness to get vaccinated if one becomes readily available to the general public.

    As it stands, many Americans say they are hesitant to get vaccinated, especially those who are over 50 years old and/or from Black and Latinx communities.

    Some 46% of Americans ages 50 to 80 would rather wait for others to get vaccinated first before doing it themselves, according to survey findings published Tuesday in the University of Michigan’s National Poll on Healthy Aging. Among people in that age group, 14% of the more than 1,500 Americans surveyed said they don’t want to get a COVID-19 vaccine at all.

    That’s worrisome to health experts because older Americans are considered at a higher risk of contracting and developing serious cases of coronavirus.

    “Effective vaccines will be crucial to getting this pandemic under control and preventing serious illness and death from COVID-19, especially among people over 50 and those with underlying health issues,” said Dr. Preeti Malani, the poll’s director and a specialist in geriatrics and infectious diseases at Michigan Medicine.

    “Our findings point to a strong need to communicate effectively and transparently about how well the vaccines work, the safeguards built in to protect the safety of recipients, and the public health importance of widespread vaccination starting with priority groups.”

    Frontline public health care workers are expected to receive priority access to a COVID-19 vaccine if one becomes available.

    “As the public sees health care workers taking vaccinations and being the first ones to do it, as we see the effectiveness, and we see the clinical results, that will then build confidence depending on what the evidence is, and what we’re seeing about the initial safety from the initial groups,” Dr. Atul Gawande, a member of President-elect Joe Biden’s coronavirus task force, told MarketWatch in a Nov 9. interview.


    • (…continued…)

      The Trump administration has said a vaccine will be free of charge, but for many Americans, hesitation to receive vaccination boils down to out-of-pocket costs. A third of respondents in a Sept. Axios/Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll said they wouldn’t be willing to pay any amount of money for a vaccine.

      In addition to concerns over cost, efforts to distribute a vaccine could be stymied by many Americans’ distrust of the medical establishment.

      Black Americans still bear the psychological scars of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study that began in the 1930s and lasted through the 1970s. Researchers on that study withheld treatment from uneducated Black men who had syphilis, and never told them they had the disease. Distrust of health care workers and clinical trials among Black Americans prevails to the present day.

      Some 14% of Black Americans trust that a coronavirus vaccine will be safe, according to a survey findings published Monday by COVID Collaborative, a nonprofit coalition of health experts. That’s compared to 34% of Latinx Americans who trust that it would be safe. (The survey did not include white Americans.)

      The survey was conducted from Sept. 1 through Sept. 15, before Moderna MRNA, +16.34%, AstraZeneca AZN, +0.01% and Pfizer PFE, +1.91% /BioNTech BNTX, +4.79% Phase 3 trial data were publicly released.

      “The negative correlation between Black identity and vaccine intention suggests that education efforts should work to acknowledge the harm that historical vaccination efforts have caused (notably, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study),” the authors of the study wrote.

      The resistance to vaccination in Latinx communities is “markedly lower” when compared to Black communities because “levels of trust in institutions and institutional messengers is markedly higher — suggesting that more traditional public health efforts may gain more traction in Latinx communities,” the authors concluded.

      Among white U.S. adults, 61% indicated that they would be willing to get a coronavirus vaccine at no cost if it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration, according to a Gallup survey of nearly 3,000 U.S. adults conducted in October. That’s compared to 48% of non-white Americans who said they would be willing to get vaccinated under the same conditions.

  47. I detest that type of “alternative news”! – HRS

    In Texas, we call that Trailer Trash News.
    Not that living in trailers or being poor is a bad thing…I’ve lived in mobile homes and I am poor.

    Trailer Trash – Definition
    Derogatory description for person who seems well-suited to residential life in a mobile home park and is distinguished by poor hygiene, foul language, slovenly or slutty clothing, and general ignorance, with a tattered sofa on the front lawn & piles of empty beer cans by its sides, along with broken down cars & old tires littered around the landscape. Recreations include drinking malt liquor in lawn chairs under tattered R.V. awning and teenage pregnancy. – See Joe Bob Briggs of the mid to late 1980’s for more information.

    This type of “Alternative Media” pollutes the entire space. It is extremely harmful. I hate seeing this crap.

    Here is more about the lady who died…

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