You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try!

by | Mar 29, 2021 | Newsletter | 70 comments

by James Corbett
March 27, 2021

Imagine you find a prisoner in an unlocked jail cell. Confused, you ask him why he’s sitting there when the door to his cell isn’t even locked.

“Oh, it’s unlocked? I didn’t check.”

You assure him it’s unlocked and ask again why he doesn’t leave.

“Why bother? They’ll probably catch me before I get out.”

You look around in confusion. You explain to him that this isn’t even a real jail. That he’s simply been told to wear an orange jumpsuit and stay in an unlocked room, but he doesn’t have to comply. All he has to do is leave.

“Even if I get away, they’ll find me and bring me back here. Might as well just stay put.”

Do you think this story is ridiculous? Of course it is. But the situation it describes is all too true. In fact, researchers have known for half a century the mechanism by which people can be made to effectively lock themselves up inside their own mental prison . . . and it didn’t take long for the intelligence agencies to put that research to use.

Today, let’s explore the startling true story of how and why you have been conditioned into a (false) sense of helplessness, and—more important by far—what you can do to break that conditioning.

Do you find yourself utterly demoralized by the world of COVID-1984? Do you feel that you have no control over your life? Do you feel like you’re a prisoner in a jail cell? . . . Have you ever tried checking to see if the door was unlocked? Don’t miss this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber where James explores the history of learned helplessness and what we can do to break out of the mental traps that have been set for us.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 09 (March 28, 2021)

by James Corbett
March 27, 2021

Imagine you find a prisoner in an unlocked jail cell. Confused, you ask him why he’s sitting there when the door to his cell isn’t even locked.

“Oh, it’s unlocked? I didn’t check.”

You assure him it’s unlocked and ask again why he doesn’t leave.

“Why bother? They’ll probably catch me before I get out.”

You look around in confusion. You explain to him that this isn’t even a real jail. That he’s simply been told to wear an orange jumpsuit and stay in an unlocked room, but he doesn’t have to comply. All he has to do is leave.

“Even if I get away, they’ll find me and bring me back here. Might as well just stay put.”

Do you think this story is ridiculous? Of course it is. But the situation it describes is all too true. In fact, researchers have known for half a century the mechanism by which people can be made to effectively lock themselves up inside their own mental prison . . . and it didn’t take long for the intelligence agencies to put that research to use.

Today, let’s explore the startling true story of how and why you have been conditioned into a (false) sense of helplessness, and—more important by far—what you can do to break that conditioning.


If the story of the prisoner who won’t escape his unlocked jail cell sounds outlandish, consider the story of The Elephant and the Rope. Short story even shorter:

In India, elephant handlers often train baby elephants to be submissive by chaining them to a post. They’ll fight with all their will to break free. Day in and day out they’ll try, but eventually they just give up. When the baby elephants become adults they no longer need chains to be tied in place; just a thin rope will do.

Now, if that sounds like a cruel thing to do to an elephant, you’re right. But it’s also effective. Massive, powerful adult elephants can be kept in place with a flimsy rope simply because they have been conditioned since birth to believe that they can’t break free of their tether.

But like many things that are obvious to those who work with the natural world, this insight had to be “rediscovered” in the lab by some graduate students in psychology. In this case, Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, conducted a series of experiments in the late 1960s that essentially replicated this elephant-and-the-rope phenomenon.

Entitled “Learned Helplessness,” his 1972 paper outlining this research showed how Seligman and his team had subjected two sets of dogs to painful electric shocks.

The first group of dogs were placed in a “shuttle box” where they could escape the electric shocks by jumping over a small barrier. These dogs soon learned that crossing the barrier protected them from the shocks and (as you would expect) crossed the barrier more and more quickly each time the experiment was performed until they were able to escape the shocks altogether.

The second group of dogs were placed in what Seligman described as a “Pavlovian hammock” from which they could not escape the shocks however much they struggled. This set of dogs reacted completely differently from the control group. Fully two-thirds of the hammock group did not even try to escape the shocks when polaced in the shuttle box and thus never discovered that they could avoid the shocks altogether by crossing the barrier. They simply lay down and whined until the shocks ceased.

The lesson of this experiment is seemingly straightforward: “By our hypothesis, the dog does not try to escape because he expects that no instrumental response will produce shock termination.” In other words, if you want to induce complete helplessness in dogs, condition them to believe that nothing they do will make any difference.

But, as I noted in my video on Mouse Utopia and the Blackest Pill, animal experiments are never really about animals. They’re about humans. In this case, too, the point was not to learn how to induce helplessness in dogs, but to learn how that state of helplessness (aka depression) is induced in humans.

So how long do you think it took for the CIA to start weaponizing Seligman’s research for use against its enemies? If your answer was “three decades,” then you win a prize!

Yes, by the time the war (of) terror came along, the Criminals In Action were using Seligman’s experiments as a how-to guide in their illegal torture program.


An old folk tale holds that you can conjure the apparition of Mary Bloodsworth (aka “Bloody Mary”) by chanting her name in front of a mirror in a candlelit room. But if you want to summon a real demon, it’s much more straightforward than that. All you have to do is document a psychological phenomenon that can be weaponized against the population and before you know it you’ll have the CIA at your doorstep, notepad in hand. Just ask Martin Seligman.

Having long since shifted his focus from torturing animals in the name of understanding human depression, by 2001 Seligman had pioneered a new branch of cognitive psychology called “positive psychology,” with which he sought to help people overcome their learned helplessness (more on which later). As part of that work, Seligman delivered a lecture at the San Diego Naval Base in May 2002 on how his research could help American personnel to—in his own words—”resist torture and evade successful interrogation by their captors.”

Among the hundred or so people in attendance at that lecture was one particularly enthused fan of Selgiman’s work: Dr. Jim Mitchell, a military retiree and psychologist who had contracted to provide training services to the CIA. Although Seligman had no idea of it at the time, Mitchell was—as we now know—one of the key architects of the CIA’s illegal torture program.

Naturally, Mitchell’s interest in Seligman’s talk was not in how it could be applied to help American personnel overcome learned helplessness and resist torture but rather how it could be used to induce learned helplessness in a CIA target and enhance torture. As The New York Times described in a report on the subject in 2009:

Dr. Mitchell, colleagues said, believed that producing learned helplessness in a Qaeda interrogation subject might ensure that he would comply with his captor’s demands. Many experienced interrogators disagreed, asserting that a prisoner so demoralized would say whatever he thought the interrogator expected.

Unsurprisingly, Mitchell got his way and, equally unsurprisingly, those submitted to these techniques began to say whatever their interrogators expected, exactly as predicted. Mitchell and his colleague, Dr. Bruce Jessen, helped direct the 2002 “interrogation” of Abu Zubaydah—who was waterboarded 83 times in a single month—and the supposed 9/11 “mastermind,” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who “confessed” to the 9/11 plot after being waterboarded 183 times and sleep deprived for over six days. Mitchell himself even personally threatened to cut the throat of KSM’s son during one interrogation.

These techniques were so effective that, not only did they produce the testimony that formed the backbone of the 9/11 Commission Report (and thus, to this day form the backbone of the official 9/11 story), they also caused KSM to confess to targeting a bank that wasn’t even founded until after his arrest! Talk about results!

In a sick way, the CIA’s experiments in inducing learned helplessness proved that Seligman had discovered valid insights into a real psychological phenomenon. It certainly is possible to create the conditions to break someone’s will and cause them to confess to whatever their torturers want. But this is emphatically not the point of the learned helplessness research and it is important to note that Seligman, for his part, was never aware that his research was being used by the CIA until after the Senate’s report on the torture program was released to the public and that he completely denounced the perversion of his research when it was exposed.


From some lab experiments in the 1960s to an illegal CIA torture program four decades later, the story of the research into learned helplessness is incredible enough. But (thankfully for us) the story doesn’t end there.

In one version of Seligman’s experiment, one group of dogs were given levers to push that could stop the shocks from happening while another group were given levers to push that did nothing at all. Unsurprisingly, when the levers were taken away, the dogs whose levers had worked in the first round of the experiment attempted to escape the shocks and eventually discovered that they could jump over the barrier to be free of them; the dogs whose levers had not worked almost uniformly curled up and accepted the shocks without even attempting to escape.

The would-be social engineers know this already. This is precisely why we are asked to fixate on the never-ending (s)election sideshow circus. As I have pointed out time and time again, not only is the entire concept of “electing” “representatives” to impose their will on the entire population of an arbitrary geographical location fundamentally immoral, it is also a sure way to induce learned helplessness in the population.

As you know by now, the 2D political chess game that is used to distract the public does absolutely nothing to change the real political agenda that is set by the 3D chess masters. And just as children eventually discover that their toy driving wheel doesn’t actually control the car, so, too, do even the most devoted statists eventually realize that their ballot in the voting box every four years does nothing to prevent the globalist agenda from playing out like an unstoppable nightmare.

This realization is demoralizing. That is the entire point. The message of the political system we have grown up with our whole lives is: “Throw the bums out every four years if you like. It doesn’t matter! It changes nothing! You have no effect on the system.”

Unfortunately, all too often the victims of this conditioning merely internalize this message and stop there. These are the people who spend their time in online fora and comment sections preaching that nothing will ever change and shooting down every idea or alternative that is ever proposed. Although critical examination of ideas is always important, the victims of learned helplessness fail to realize that they have been locked inside a mental prison by their erstwhile masters so effectively that they themselves have become guards in that prison, trying to stop their fellow “inmates” from escaping.

But what if we were to examine the results of this experiment from the other side? What if, instead of using this research to better control others, we were to apply these findings to what they can tell us about how to empower the public and dispel the learned helplessness that keeps them from looking for real solutions?

This is the question that Seligman turned to after the publication of his experimental findings. You see, he was not experimenting on dogs because he was a sadist. Nor was he simply interested in studying learned helplessness per se, either in dogs or humans.

After documenting the phenomenon, his focus quickly shifted to what could be done with this knowledge to benefit humanity. As Maria Konnikova documents in her 2015 New Yorker article on the research:

But Seligman didn’t stop his research there. He had told his supervisor that he didn’t believe in causing suffering unless it had some inherent value that would lead to bettering lives, both canine and human. So he and Maier [his colleague in the original experiments] set out to figure out a way to reverse the effect of learned helplessness in the dogs. What they found was that one simple tweak could stop the passivity from developing. When the researchers first put all the dogs in the shuttle box, where the shock was controllable by a jump, and, only then, into the inescapable harness, the effect of the harness was broken: now, even though the dogs were being bombarded by shocks, they didn’t give up. They kept trying to control the situation, pressing the panels despite the lack of feedback. And when they were again put into the box, they didn’t cower. Instead, they immediately reclaimed their ability to avoid shocks.

One key insight that can be garnered from this research is that, just as people can be conditioned into a state of helplessness by being subjected to uncontrollable shocks, they can be “innoculated” (to use a phrase) against that feeling of helplessness by first being exposed to a situation where they do have control.

This is part of the core ethos of my #SolutionsWatch series. There are, certainly, those things that are completely beyond our control. And, because they are, there is absolutely no point in focusing on them. Our priority has to be those things that are within our control. Where and how we live; what we spend our time, money and energy doing; who we spend our time with; how we provide the necessities for our family; the type of community that we live in: all of these are, to some extent, things that we can have a direct influence on, and by exerting that influence (however slight), we train ourselves to understand that our situation is not hopeless.

The field of positive psychology is well worth exploring. In doing so, we can gain important insights into our own cognitive processes and become more conscious of the explanatory styles that we use to make sense of the world. And in doing so, we can also gain more control over those processes and un-learn a lifetime of learned helplessness that has caused many to abandon all hope.

At the very least, it can help us to realize that the door to our mental jail cell is unlocked. All we have to do is walk out the door.

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

New York launches ‘vaccine passports’
AirCrete – Everything you Need to Know
Report Claiming Uyghur Genocide Brought to You by Neocons

Recommended Listening

James Corbett on Truth Defender Podcast

Recommended Viewing

Maskless Group causes EPIC Chaos at Grocery Store
You need to see this…Society is changing
Coercive Control – War Lies in America

Just For Fun

10 Cool Optical Illusions and How Each of Them Work


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    • One doesn’t have to look far for examples of the tangible effect this is having on relationships. My father has been very receptive to what I have been telling him from the research I have done. He even attended a couple of lockdown protest in London with me. Then my brother got ill (pre 2020 it would have been diagnosed as flu), and tested positive for C19. My dad lost his nerve and popped straight out for the “vaccine”. Just in case. Didn’t even tell me. Now I don’t bother talking to most about all this. Its a personal battle of will. You have to believe in something greater than yourself to be on this side of the field.
      Unfortunately being this side requires one to have conviction in oneself and your beliefs. This is a dwindling skill that has been conditioned out of many. I’m as guilty as the next man. I’ve listened to James, et al for years. It has had to take this Great-Reset-Plandemic-New-World-Order-Covid-Hoax-Eugenic-Mind-Control-Psy-Op to shake me awake properly, and realise that which James has been shouting about into the treacle of indifference for the past 15 years, is theory no more. It is now tangible and it affects me and everyone else directly.
      We all could have done more. If only we weren’t distracted by whatever novelty it was that grasped our interest instead. Who could blame us? In the richness and diversity of this beautiful world it is so easy to get distracted.
      The corrupt stability of the old world has gone forever. We choose what comes next.

      • So very well put my friend. I was in London last summer too. Be buoyed by the fact that although many don’t wish to draw attention to themselves by saying it – they do know. The human spirit is a precious thing. It’s not over yet.

    • A waste of time and energy, better lead by example. But the problem is people dont want to put work on them or their health. They want the magic bullet, the jab, it is only one solution and one way of thinking.
      This last year has been exhausting, I am a nurse and the level of stupidity and misinformation I have to face every day has no limits! And even between my collègues. It s been a very difficult year

  1. Planet Lockdown

    People with extensive experience in the field explaining the problems.

    Dr Wolfgang Wodarg – Part 1.
    He explains how the WHO is fully controlled by commercial groups
    (like: Vaccine manufacturers and Bill Gates)
    There were even warnings about it.
    That is why they do everything wrong, so the companies can get more profits.

    They are now also redefining the disease and related terms (herd-immunity),
    changing the reality with words. Total Fake science.

    – Part 2.

    Dr. Knut Wittkowski
    Based on his extensive knowledge of epidemics he explains how most measures are opposite of what should be done

  2. Thank you for this newsletter. It was very inspiring and I think important because so much of what prevents us from opposing this agenda is learned helplessness and people just give up. It makes it easy for them. If we just ignore the noise of the propaganda and start growing food and trading with each other both locally and abroad we can cultivate a community that people will want to be a part of. The slavery system can become undesirable and we can lead by example of how to live like free humans.

  3. The Rob Braxman talk is so on track- except for the part where he said he internet was meant to make us smarter/more democratic… I’m more and more convinced that it was conceived (before computers existed….) for what its turning into now.
    The psychology was interesting- but that science was (like the internet) created as a technology of control and its has always attracted sickos and creeps.
    Both are a kind of magic,
    This guy is kinda weird…but I used to think that about Richard Grove not so long ago…min 44-53 kinda struck me

  4. On ya James,
    well posted.

    As a designer/builder, 40yrs into the game, I can wholeheartedly endorse the “aircrete” reference you gave. I’ve not been to that mob’s workshops, but have been around it: its a good thing, especially for low cost, of materials and labor, and ease of handling (light weight).

    Aircrete is a game changer in the building world. Its not new; and but the DIY recepie may take a bit of fine tuning to get the mix just right. I highly recommend making “test pours” before jumping in. much innovation can come by way of choice of molds.

    The simplest, most area for the dollar, shape ive looked at so far is the hexagon. walls and roof from 2 simple molds, spline parts together, doors and windows and wires all molded in.

    I’m currently working on a proposal for a “low income” housing effort in our town: using aircrete and having the occupants get involved with the design/build process.. think big leggos — snap together dwellings, honey comb hive mind (the immaculate packing of a hexagon & synergistic group effort when needed), easily deconstructed/removable structures, custodianship with sovereignty based on the responsibility of local land regeneration rather than ownership with a mortgage and property tax, think land repairing, peer review is the suggested public safety net for any ne’r do wells,,,,

    Im pretty sure, that like the dogs who were given a choice, having 1/2 the equation of existence sorted, which is SHELTER + SOVEREIGNTY without any onus of payments nor land lord scrutiny, will bring a sense of meaning, opening up hearts & creating space in the available day by day for the imaginations of many many to even begin to see further than the cave wall.

    • Do you have any videos or articles about this you can share? Interested

      • work in progress, no media available at the moment, sorry. Jame’s post above is a great intro to the material.But the hive/village plan is for the Byron shire council in eastern aus. I even have to be low radar around them because of the heavy developer gangsters that are lurking f’ing pajama sharks.

        I’ll post a link on the comment thread here when its ready.

  5. We are not dogs though. Most people still have rights even to bear arms and organize and voice opposition. We have human minds far more capable than a dog brain. Thus humanity has a duty to fight back. The people who sit around and do very little will end up being disposed of easily and mercilessly. The people who go down with a fight even if they lose will be better off. It is more “human “ to try rather than just give up and cower. We are not sitting in a detention center but rather are still relatively free to act. Better now than later.

    • If they had the ability to just turn off the internet now, they would. If they had the upper hand they would have played it. The fact that they use psychological manipulation shows that they are not all powerful, especially not here in the US.

      And though some gun owners leave their guns on the shelf, others certainly practice with them and have the will to use them when that time comes. “Our masters” know that and they know some of them will perish when that time comes. Death is still the “great equalizer” and they are mortal just like all of us.

      • cu.h.j
        ‘..If they had the ability to just turn off the internet now, they would…”
        No, I dont believe they would. Without the internet they could not have gotten this far deconstructing society…now millions of folks are stuck at the end of a thin pipe bringing goods and services..a pipe THEY control and monitor

        The ‘Dumbest Generation” makes a pretty good point when it shows that for most people the internet makes them stupider and more ignorant by providing an endless source of diversion and amusement.

      • Let them bring it on! I’m ready. But know that I won’t go quietly and peacefully. My family and I are ready and waiting.

  6. Hello all,

    I like the core thesis that James makes and supports in this article. However, I caution other readers to critically consider the representation of Dr. Seligman, based on James’ characterization. In the article, James refers to Seligman’s research as part of his broader effort to learn about “what could be done with this knowledge” about learned helplessness (which I would argue is extremely and blatantly one of the most unethical types of research programs in animal experimentation), noting that “[Seligman] was not experimenting on dogs because he was a sadist. Nor was he simply interested in studying learned helplessness, either in dogs or humans.” Although I don’t think it is necessarily useful to psychoanalyze the motives of researchers, I think the ethics of the research program speak for themselves: the research was designed (literally, in name), to teach “helplesness” (via suffering) in a cruel manner, regardless of the ends that Seligman (or anyone else) may claim to seek with that knowledge.

    I was reminded of a recent interview which, I believe (if memory serves) was:

    In which James, in my opinion, rightfully notes that for decades, people have been effectively conditioned to accept consequentialism (or some flavor of utilitarianism) as a guiding ethical framework, rather than thinking in terms of principles. Although it is certainly not useful to ignore the findings of learned helplessness research on the grounds that it was conducted in an unethical manner, I simply would caution other readers to avoid the conclusion that such research is appropriate because it bears some sort of practical fruit in our modern context. I don’t know if Seligman was a sadist or not (but would dispute James’ claim that he was certainly not), but regardless, I think we should be cautious in celebrating such research, even tacitly, just because it yields useful insights.

    Overall I enjoyed the piece, and agree with the conclusions, I just felt it would be of interest for other readers to consider some of the ethical issues involved in the framing of the article!


    • “[Seligman] was not experimenting on dogs because he was a sadist.

      I dumped psychology as a course when I found out how many weirdos it attracted…maybe thats why it attracted me 😉
      After reading ‘Degenerate Moderns’ by EM Jones with his mini bio of Freud the and his work on some of the other freaks who expanded the feild it made more sense to me why the science drew such people in.

    • I think it’s important to consider ethics in all interactions. I think animal experimentation that involves torture is wrong and this type of work sick. I don’t understand how anyone could torture a dog and be okay with that.

      • Indeed, often when these studies get pointed to I have the same thoughts. My partners mum was telling me about this time she had to walk a cow with a broken leg over three fields, the cow walked with her calmly and spent the night in the shed. The next morning when the slaughter man came, the cow smelt the death and knew what was in store. When my partner went to get the animal, he saw that the cow had one thing and one thing only in its mind. Kill or be killed. The cow made a dart for my partner and luckily he cleared the shut gate like a hurdle. The cow burst through the gate and ran up the road, falling into a ditch. The slaughter man in his vehicle now was moving towards the cow but ended up shooting himself in the hand with his humane gun.

        • These are small farmers who genuinely care for their animals but even so there is still an element of cruelty. I just don’t understand how people can keep animals suffering for weeks and months for studies that could well be figured out through other means.

  7. “…Do not bring more doomed children into this nightmare….”

    When you accept the thinking of your enemy and accept that your line should be extinct you have already lost… you may as well take the shot, you are already dead…. after all “..Does that fate really sound any better than resignation?..”

    Swimming in a sea where even most of the alternate voices sing the songs of death its hard for us fishies to notice how wet we have become.
    This world is not a prison or a simulation, that is a Gnostic lie that the freaks in charge want us to believe

  8. Thank you James, most inspiring.

  9. Great article James. You’re absolutely right that we have to believe there’s a “way out”, and stop discouraging others from also finding solutions. 🙂

  10. Realising you are not helpless is taking the white pill.
    When searching for the truth we sometimes miss the truth.
    I’m going to fact check Ian Brown here, I want to address his tweet where he said, ‘there are three things you can’t hide, the sun, the moon and the truth’.
    It is true in a sense but this quote came from the Buddha, this is not the same truth say of the ‘truth’ movement, where we are looking to prove facts about world affairs.
    It’s more the truth that everything is unsatisfactory, impermanent and not self.
    Even if this new world order wasn’t happening and we lived in the best conditions imaginable not many people will feel satisfied.
    We are dealing with some really awful stuff right now but our focus is our choice.
    Have lots of kids, laugh, care for your helpful friends like they are faberge eggs and under no circumstances let yourself be a test subject for the ignorant.

    • One love: compassionate truth is our best bottom line but naming it can be a slippery game. and then there’s the truth about lies, they aint the truth, even though some jokers truly love to lie, but that aint love. I have to tell the truth, everything Im saying here is a lie,, like donald loves to say “its true”.

      I consider that circular logic, but an example of how the truth about the truth is perhaps not languagable or orbitable; which is not to say its not worth having a go, sonnet your head off if someone wants to hear it, but dont get too attached to the outcome or you may have to repeat the whole excersize. again and again while waiting for godot.

  11. Well written, James. Nice work. This is a very important message that we should remind ourselves of often.

  12. 3/27/2021 You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try!

    Damn! James can tell a story!
    What a great read!

    This was a great wrap:
    “…This is part of the core ethos of my #SolutionsWatch series.
    There are, certainly, those things that are completely beyond our control. But, because they are beyond control, there is absolutely no point in focusing on them.

    Our priority has to be those things that are within our control.
    Where and how we live; what we spend our time, money and energy doing; who we spend our time with; how we provide the necessities for our family; the type of community that we live in: all of these things are, to some extent, things that we can have a direct influence on, and by exerting that influence (however slight), we train ourselves that our situation is not hopeless….

    • That was just great. Kind of wish they burned that shit store down, but you just know people would have found ways to make something like that detract from the message of love.

  13. Wow, Fact Checker, interesting stuff. I disagree with everything you’ve said. So let’s start from the top. And just to be clear, I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to the readers, that is digging them out from their graves, all of whom you’ve just buried along with any of their children.

    ‘They kept trying to control the situation’ – only someone ‘preaching nothing will ever change’ could seriously make the argument that ‘resignation’ is better than trying to take control over their situation. The situation we are implying here is of course our lives. Control over our lives. We are not dogs in a box. You pull on a lever and no responsee, pull another. Push a button, spin a dial, build a control panel, break the wall down, call a friend, make new friends, on and on whatever the heck you can think of. Mercy has nothing to do with it. You do not have a master. You are not a slave. Never accept that.

    ‘remain intact humans until the moment of death. That’s as good as it gets.’ That’s about as sad as it gets. As low as it gets. As far from the truth as it gets to say that ‘that’s as good as it gets’. That’s literally about as bad as it gets. Pure surrender, wholly resignated. Zero effort or will to live. Folks, how do you want to live your life? Do you want control over you life or not? Then do something productive about it. Find the proverbial levers the are connected to real things. Plant the real seeds that actually sprout. Connect to real people that really want to live. Build real levers that connect to real things. Some are in easier positions than others to build real levers, whatever your position, do something to take more and more control over your life.

    There is no such thing as ‘the only solutions’. Make your own solutions. Copy others, change them, build new ones. The number of solutions are as vast as your will to live armed with your will to create something. There are no limits here folks. And the more minds working in these means, the better, so make those beautiful babies abundantly and fill them with love.

    • That’s a very creepy statement. I have a hard time believing you really view the world like a prison (unless a person is actually in prison or in China) and that the parasite class are “masters”. Some of what you write seems to me in my interpretation that you have internalized a sense of being unworthy of basic humanity and equality. You are worthy like any human being.

      Do you work for them? I don’t mean to insult you, but I wonder sometimes because what you write is so pessimistic.

      But I do understand the perspective that you write from because I have felt that way in the past in deep depression. But I was able to see things from a more balanced perspective once I started doing things to improve my situation.

      What the parasite class is doing is pure evil and needs to be stopped and people of conscience have a duty to oppose it and use all of our brain power and creativity and natural rights to do this. I hope that you will join the fight to stop it.

  14. The dog can play dead and take the experimenter by surprise and kill them when they come to empty the cage.

    But if the dog is a pacifist, the dog and it’s puppies have no future, they will always be slaves.

    • It is very important one is not mistaken for a pacifist. Calm like a bomb is the ticket.

    • Octium says:
      The dog can play dead and take the experimenter by surprise and kill them when they come to empty the cage.

      My kind of dog, not some pussy disguised as a dog.

      • Dont underestimate cats…. I had one that murdered the neighbors dog by chasing it into the path of a car.
        She was the smartest, sneakiest cat I ever knew of and she hated dogs with an amazing malevolence.
        She also used to try to kill my small dog by biting its neck when it was a puppy but ONLY if she thought no one was watching. Poor thing has PTSD now and runs when it meets a cat.

        • What a mean cat! I have a cat that likes to scare my dog by jumping out from behind the curtains unexpectedly and my dog is afraid of him. But they still play with each other sometimes but he is the boss of the house. Birds can be pretty sneaky and malevolent too. There are some scub jays who try to trick my cats into jumping off the balcony after them. Luckily my cats are pretty smart as far as cats go.

    • Octium says:
      “The dog can play dead and take the experimenter by surprise and kill them when they come to empty the cage.”

      COOL HAND LUKE film 1967
      Bully Convict says about a card game,
      “The man beat you with nothing. Just like today when he kept coming back at me with nothing.”
      (referring to a fight these two had and Luke got the snot knocked out of him, but…in the end… he won. And here, Luke just won a poker game in a bluff.)

      Luke says, “Yeah. Sometimes ‘nothing’ can be a real cool hand.”
      (36 minute mark)

      • HomeRemedySupply, I’m watching ‘Cool Hand Luke’ for the first time right now. Thanks for the recommendation. Just watching the scene where the chain gang works double pace and grabs back 2 hours of freedom from ‘the man’.

      • “Calling it your job don’t make it right boss” – classic line from COOL HAND LUKE

        • COOL HAND LUKE – A Film for Our 2020 Era

          I hear ya! CLASSIC line!

          The film holds a huge quantity of correlations to this era from a Voluntaryist perspective.
          It covers so many aspects, from spine to empathy to “surviving” to tactics to community to sociopaths to humor. The script writers did a good job.

          – Car Wash Lucille – Joy Harmon – “Aunt Joy’s Cakes” in Burbank, CA
          Tidbit –
          The movie people wanted her to smoke marijuana before the car wash scene. She didn’t want to and called her Dad to discuss the dilemma. Anyways, she said “No” thinking that she had lost the part, but the studio apologized and asked her to please do the part.
          Her passion was baking.

          • COOL HAND LUKE

            HomeRemedySupply. Just got to the credits and the catharsis didn’t arrive. The system couldn’t wipe the smile from Luke’s face but what was his prize in the end… Perhaps God gave him a chance to make an early departure. Perhaps he actually did get free in the end.

  15. Meanwhile the good old IEEE (the world wide organization of engineers) dreams of “Can AI Stop People from Believing Fake News? /

  16. Thank you James.
    All is not lost.
    If only 1% of us are ready to do what’s necessary….
    70 million people can make a difference…
    When we stop feeding the beast our energy…. wasting our energy…
    If we stop worrying about waking people up… and wake up ourselves…
    into ACTION….
    Then we can be a true example of the human experience….
    We are doing this
    Love you all

    • I think so too. I think people should spend more time outside connecting with others. Also we can attend city council meetings and voice resistance. We can start a garden and grow food or help someone in need.

      Humans are social creatures and this whole scam is an assault on our basic humanity. I think people need to stop complying and set an example.

      • Yes I am working on a garden of sorts. Bought over 40 acres in the middle of know where and with all my savings and other investments will be okay even if I quit my job tomorrow. My job has been highly paid and with extra hours over the years have been fortunate to be able to save and invest. I was also lucky to inherit some valuable assets. You mentioned you were in the legal field so I presume you also make good money and you seem highly intelligent so I wager you would be able to invest in some profitable ideas. You’ll figure a way to avoid starvation and non compliance. It would probably be good to get out of California which is what I am doing in the very near future.

        • Thank you for your replies
          Yes, as regular followers of James will probably know, there is no one direction.
          Getting really stuck in a state of desperation and depression does nothing to liberate, be it your thoughts or your physical.
          Depending on which studies you’re referring to there are anywhere up to 20% of us who will not go along with ‘the program’.
          Only 1% would mean 70million, going up to 1.4bn. Staying on the cautious figure of 70million, that means there are many of us, enough to find some people that you can connect with and ‘be the change you want to see’.
          in a freedom cell kind of group you can easily achieve some things. learn a traditional skill moving forward, or if you have an applicable skill that can help a decentralized society then find ways to connect with people who are in need of those skills.
          research aquaponics and permaculture. with very little weekly time investments you can grow a whole lot of food when you know what you’re doing. agriculture is not the the only (and the most time consuming, destructive and least nutrition producing way of growing food). I know of people who grow so much food in their back garden, they have to give food away, with as little as 4 hours of ‘work’ per week.
          My message is simply this, believe in your power and you will be astonished by how much you can achieve.
          Good luck!

      • GOOD POST!
        Thanks preo.

  17. Via Broc’s TWITTER…

    Broc West interviewed by Corbett Report Member Nicholas Peter Urgero
    (41 minutes)
    Warming interview with Broc. Ya gotta love that Aussie’s perspective and humor…find out how vaccines and broken glass compare with anatomy.

    I recognized NicholasPeter when during the interview he mentioned working at “NOW” brand vitamins & supplements. Back last May 2020 on the comment boards, Nicholas talked about it.

    During the Broc West interview, a #SOLUTIONSWATCH aspect came up when Nicholas brought up his previous interview with Documentary Filmmaker Jeff Witzeman regarding Sprouts Farmers Market & MASKS.
    On the Nicholas BITCHUTE Channel above, you will see that interview. It is well worth knowing about.
    Jeff Witzeman walks a person through his approach with accompanying documents. It seems very effective.

    Here is Jeff Witzeman at Sprouts Farmers Market with a California Los Angeles County sheriff deputy
    (11 minutes) (ha!…”Legal Tender” is what the Federal Reserve Note states.)
    From the Sprouts video…
    “No Medically Authorized Device can be mandated.”
    “Under the (ADA) Americans with Disabilities Act, I do not have to wear a mask.”
    “Because it is a place of public accommodation” a business has to abide by the Federal Codes, and the “private property” argument fails, that is “they do not have the right to discriminate”.

    Global WEBSITE
    Health Freedom for Humanity
    The right to health freedom is under attack.
    We educate and empower humanity to defend it.
    Health Freedom for Humanity unites people from all walks of life under one common purpose: the reclamation and defense of health freedom.

    We believe that making one’s own health decisions, without coercion or force, is an inalienable right and increasingly under threat.

    We welcome you to stand with us to protect and advance this right against all past, current, and future infringements, via education, personal empowerment, community support, and unity in action.
    We are Health Freedom for Humanity. Join us.

    • Wow… You are amazing.. The fact you took this much time to write out such a detailed comment is mind blowing. I am utterly shocked and so appreciative. Words cannot describe how I am feeling. I did not even remember that comment I wrote last year. You are incredible ??

  18. This actually sounds plausible that the intelligence behind this nightmare is alien because it defies logic. Perhaps these “elites” have a pact with the aliens who will give them immortality or provide the ability to go to the other planets.

    • ‘.. plausible that the intelligence behind this nightmare is alien…”

      Satan will no doubt be happy to wear a pair of antenna and pretend…

  19. Thanks so much for introducing me to Rob Braxman through your Recommended Viewing above: “You need to see this… ‘Society is changing’.”

    • He’s been very informative for me as well. Glad I found him.

  20. This will make your skin crawl…

    ZERO HEDGE | Epoch Times | Wednesday, Mar 31, 2021 – 02:45 PM
    Reaction To COVID-19 Vaccine Caused Man’s Skin To Peel Off: Doctors
    (You will want to see the PHOTOS…Show your friends who want the vaccine.)

    A reaction to Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine caused a severe rash that eventually led to a man’s skin peeling off, doctors and the man said.

    “It all just happened so fast. My skin peeled off. It’s still coming off on my hands now,” Richard Terrell, 74, of Virginia, told WRIC…

    …The issues began appearing four days after the injection. Discomfort turned into an itchy rash that began to swell.

    Graphic photographs show how Terrell’s legs and feet turned bright red as swelling intensified.

    “It was stinging, burning, and itching,” Terrell said.
    “Whenever I bent my arms or legs, like the inside of my knee, it was very painful where the skin was swollen and was rubbing against itself.”

    …As of March 30, 96 million Americans have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose. According to the passive reporting Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1,005 reports of skin issues following vaccination have been lodged in the United States. In total, there are 160,137 reports of adverse effects following vaccination….

    • On a positive note for the Agorist Anarchist…

      ZERO HEDGE – Wednesday, Mar 31, 2021 – 11:20 PM
      Negative COVID Tests For Sale Are Flooding The Dark Web

      … it should come as no surprise that dark web searches for Covid test results are skyrocketing.

      In fact, Uswitch recently analyzed Google searches and found that the number of people who were searching for “buy covid test results” in January 2021 had doubled since August 2020.

      Other media outlets are also starting to pick up on the trend. “At the moment we are scanning more than 200 million dark web pages per week. We do see an increase in Covid-19 vaccine proof or Covid-19 test result but also there were some tests results on offer in certain marketplaces,” a cybersecurity expert in New Zealand told NZHerald this week.

      “Fake vaccination certificates are also being sold, as well as fake negative tests, aimed at those traveling abroad,” HealthCareITNews reported on Monday.

      Additionally, Google searches for “dark web covid” peaked on May 17, 2020, Uswitch says, “shortly after it was reported that more than 600 Covid-19 related medical products, supplies and fake vaccines had been found for sale on the dark web.”

      Uswitch found that people in the U.S. are the most curious about the dark web, and that most access it using the Tor browser: [GRAPHICS]

      The flooding of the dark web with fake test results, of course, highlights one of the largest fallacies of the idea of vaccine passports or needing to prove vaccinations: ensuring the integrity of tests and test results. It could also indicate the large number of people who aren’t interested in getting the vaccine, but obviously are interested in getting back to reality.

      • The vaccine cards being issued in the states aren’t hard to duplicate however by “cheating “ this affirms the legitimacy of these do. I am hoping people tell the government where they can stick those papers. These passports will be easier to force on people who depend on state welfare since beggars can’t be choosers or in countries with a disarmed populace. I’m hoping the US citizens grow a spine soon. I’m certainly not getting a “vaccine “ . It’s bad enough we are exploited by taxation and fake elections and other psychological warfare/fear porn MSM propaganda.

  21. Thank you James for your invaluable work. Wanted to point out to another social experiment that was carried out in the late sixties by Gordon R. Stephenson (Stephenson, G. R. (1967), Cultural Acquisition of a Specific Learned Response Among Rhesus Monkeys. Or more known as the 5 monkeys experiment.

    It is very likely that this experiment is being used in peer pressure to curtail people’s free thought and independence.

  22. Important NEWS…

    Via Broc West’s Twitter
    YouTube competitor LBRY.COM is censorship-resistant.
    Now the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) has sued LBRY because it runs on a bitcoin-like token.
    The government calls it an “unregistered security.”

    Help LBRY save crypto

    The SEC is advancing an aggressive and disastrous new standard that would make almost all blockchain tokens securities.

    Classifying all actively-developed blockchain tokens as securities will be a bureaucratic nightmare for United States residents and businesses operating in the US.

    Under this new standard, almost any token is a security, including the previously safe Ethereum. The nature of technology is that it is never “finished”.

    This change will make it much harder for startups to form new blockchain companies, cause massive job loss, and stunt the development of a critical new technology. All the while, big tech and Wall St. prosper!

    • What, regulation hurting the little guy while giant companies that can afford massive law firms go unmolested? I couldn’t see this coming, not even from afar. I guess we’ll all be ilegilized soon enough. Time to curl up on the floor and die.

  23. A fantastic post James!

    I especially love the positive focus that it brings. I do find in the “conspiracy space” a lot of hopeless negativity and an inordinate focus on things that are beyond our control without a focus on practical solution finding.

    I praise and encourage your #SolutionsWatch series, and I hope that enables our creative thinking to start brainstorming solutions over factors that we can control.

    By “attending to our own garden” or “focusing on our droves” we can shift toward a more positive bent and start a revolution of the Mind.

  24. “But what if we were to examine the results of this experiment from the other side? What if, instead of using this research to better control others, we were to apply these findings to what they can tell us about how to empower the public and dispel the learned helplessness that keeps them from looking for real solutions?”

    Well now that the court system is completely corrupted and refused to investigate or punish the mass voter fraud that occurred in the last election, what can we do? Fighting the system using the tools provided by the system won’t work.

    September 2011 the Occupy Wall Street movement engaged in peaceful protest on Wall Street, and nothing happened. The rich Wall Street executives drank wine on thier balconies and laughed at the filthy peasants below.

    January 2021 a crowd of conservative protestors gained entry to the Capitol Building and entered the same chamber as our lawmakers, and engaged in peaceful demonstrations against the fraudulent election. Our lawmakers condemned them as terrorists and criminals, and arrested many of them with trumped-up charges (excuse the pun).

    Where does that leave us?

    I would suggest that peaceful protest is part of the learned helplessness. I expect the 2022 mid-terms will also be fraudulent because the DNC has learned they can win through mass acts of voter fraud and the Judicial branch will sit on its hands and watch. Will we sit on our hands and watch?

    • “…September 2011 the Occupy Wall Street movement engaged in peaceful protest on Wall Street, and nothing happened….
      2021 a crowd of conservative protestors gained entry to the Capitol Building and entered the same chamber as our lawmakers,….”

      BOTH fake.
      Occupy was linked to the Lucis (‘lucifer printing’) Trust who help the UN run the World Council of Churches… they were set up to fail while making the maximum noise.

      The protesters at the Capitol were LET IN by cops who opened the doors and stood back to invite and only succeeded in giving cover to lawmakers in dropping their questioning of the election without too much pushback from voters.

      “..I would suggest that peaceful protest is part of the learned helplessness. ..”
      Yes, I expect you are right since when its set up from the outset to fail and I expect that the Feds will be egging some idiots into NON peaceful protest soon so THAT can also fail.

      To be honest its so far gone that total system failure is probably inevitable.

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