James takes some time out of packing for his summer vacation to answer your queries in this month’s edition of Questions For Corbett. This month he tackles: the CIA and the Iranian nuclear program; the problems of the debt-money paradigm; globalism as an ideology; the predictive programming problem, and much more.
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‘Operation Merlin’: Another self-serving CIA project
Nuclear Secrets: How America Helped Pakistan Get the Bomb
Foreign holders of US treasury securities
Comcast-Time Warner Deal Tops A Year Of Corporate Mergers
Announced Mergers & Acquisitions in North America 1985-2015
Bank Of England’s Haldane: “We’ve Intentionally Blown The Biggest Bond Bubble In History”
James, I implore you to watch the documentary series “the pyramid code”. This series isn’t outside the scope of the Corbett Report. In fact, it’s well within the central theme of your pod cast.
It’s a fascinating documentary!! If you have the time one day, I highly suggest it. It’s given me great pause for thought! I’m currently doing more research on the topic now, and am reading the book titled “civilization X”. (this isn’t about aliens building the pyramids)
Anyways, enjoy the vacation James!
If we can trade with anyone anywhere in the world, how do we avoid productivity issues? Let’s take a domain that has very high strategic implications and tremendous productivity variations: growing food. Some parts of the globe have high agricultural productivity, some has tough weather conditions, thus if I live in a tough weather place, people thousands of miles away will always be able to supply cheaper and better food than my neighbor. Which makes me dependent of people thousands of miles from me for my essential need of feeding my family, this is a very big strategical problem of independence. This has been addressed with borders and taxes in the past, how do we do in a globalized P2P economy (not theoretically, practically, e.g. not overlooking the basic instinct of human beings to buy as cheap as possible, and not everyone will/can grow their own food especially in tough weather and urban areas)?
I tag this as #QFC 🙂
Given the fact that we know it’s just a matter of time before some sort of massive internet false flag operation takes place, do you feel that there’s a discussion that can take place beforehand which could potentially lead to outlining some strategies for counteracting the subsequent propaganda and “solutions”, such as what you’ve referred to as the “iPatriot Act”, which we know are on layaway? Although we won’t know the specifics in advance, it seems that time is of the essence in the aftermath of these sorts of false flag events and perhaps brainstorming and discussing strategies ahead of time might allow us to respond more quickly. Additionally, on this front, looking back at 9/11, do you think that a more coherent and articulate response on the part of the truth movement might have prevented the extent that 9/11 was such a successful operation? Also on this front, looking more recently for example at the Boston Marathon bombing?
I believe that it is through metaphor that films can prevent predictive programming. It is believed by some, especially in the NLP world, that the conscious brain is the filter for the belief system that is unique to every human. A person will see what he believes to be true based on passed and lived interpreted experiences. Metaphors are stories which are open to interpretation and so it will have a different meaning for each individual, this will generally bypass the ‘conscious filter’ and speak directly to the unconscious/ belief system E.G.:
The Chicken and The Eagle:
The chicken farmer who was a very keen rock climber. One day, climbing a particularly challengingrock face, he came upon a large ledge. On the ledge was a large nest and in the nest, were three large eggs. Eagle eggs.
He knew it was distinctly unecological, and undoubtedly illegal but temptation got the better of him and he discreetly put one of the eagle eggs in his rucksack, checking to make sure the mother eagle wasn’t around. The he continued his climb, drove back to his ranch and put the eagle egg in the hen house.
That night the mother hen sat on the huge eggs, the proudest chicken you ever saw and the cock seemed pretty pleased with himself too.
In the fullness of time the egg hatched and the baby eagling emerged. it looked around and saw the mother hen “Mama” it squawked.
And so it was that the eagle grew up with its brother and sister chicks. It learned to do all the things that chickens do: clucking and cackling, scratching in the dirt for grits and worms, flapping its wings furiously, and flying a few feet into the air before crashing to earth in a pile of dust and feathers. Believing above all things that it was totally and absolutely a chicken.
One day late in its life, the eagle-who-thought-he-was-a-chicken happened to look up into the sky. High overhead, soaring majestically on the thermal currents, flying effortlessly with scarcely a beat of its golden wings, was an eagle.
“What is that?” said the old eagle in awe to his farmyard neighbour. “it’s Magnificent!, so much power and grace, poetry in motion.
“That is an eagle”, said the chicken. “That is the king of all the birds. It’s a bird of the air, but we are only chickens, we are birds of the earth”.
And so it was that the eagle lived and died a chicken, because that’s all it thought it was.
(Primary Source: Fr. Anthony de Mello, quoted in Awareness, Fount)
Make of that what you will!!!
I saw “The Act Of Killing” and thought it was a really powerful film. In some ways, it’s by the director’s enabling the men involved in the original atrocities participate in what they see as an admirable, even heroic, recreation of what they did that, in the end of the film the main gangster figure (I forget his name), somehow comes to a profound realization of what terror means for the victim, where he actually becomes physically ill.
With respect to your question about how to avoid becoming predictive programming, one of the things that I think can go a long way in a film is figuring out the balance between resolving a film as an artistic statement and leaving something somewhat unresolved, unsatisfying, or ambiguous. I recently watched a film which I really enjoyed, “Ex Machina”, which I felt captured this element (among others). The film, in part, is dealing with the ethics of artificial intelligence and the inherent risk the creation of strong AI could pose to the survival of humans as a species.
While the trailer I saw puts an emphasis on the latter scenario, the writer/director, Alex Garland, was clear in a couple interviews I read/listened to, that his view of strong artificial intelligence doesn’t necessarily lean in the direction that this technology poses an inherent risk and that it could just as easily play a positive cooperative role in a relationship with humans (at least theoretically). The film ends in a way which is unsettling and part of this, in my opinion, is because we don’t really walk away with a satisfying answer for the underlying questions about ethics and risks explored. By not explicitly providing us with an answer to these questions the film provides us with an opportunity to have a discussion about them within a context with a socially viable entry point.
Even if my own view of strong AI more closely reflects the Skynet scenario in the Terminator movies, a film like Ex Machina leaves enough room to have a discussion with a more open ended area for interpretation. I’m not suggesting the Terminator is a comparable creative or intellectual statement (particularly not the latter 😉 ), however I think it does a reasonable job illustrating my point.
Much of what I think we face in discussing some of the topics James explores here has to do with the fact that a fair amount of this information remains inaccessible to the general public. Just like comedy though, other art forms open up a space to present ideas that people would otherwise reflexively reject. I guess I would say that presenting a socially relevant question within an effective artistic statement without answering the question yourself would be my suggestion for you as some food for thought.
Thanks for answering my question James. As an aside, I’ve just written a short blog post on why the euphemism that is the expression ‘conspiracy theorist’ could and should in many cases be rebranded ‘conspiracy factualist’ (relying heavily on facts) or conspiracy realist (with a political and historical insight into the way power works). The link is here: http://commemoratum.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/conspiracy-realists-politics.html
Hope you have a lovely time in Canada!
All best
‘Conspiracy Factualist’ … love it. Nice one bubromer =]
In your excellent video on Chomsky, Academic Gatekeeper, you mentioned the real political moves Kennedy undertook that ultimately saw him assassinated, such as wanting to withdraw from Vietnam etc.
However you omitted what to me might be the key move that got him killed which is his attempt (I”m not sure how based in fact this is) to unmake the power of the FED and its monopoly over money printed at interest.
Mark Passio from whatonearthishappening.com mentions this (he claims Kennedy sought to print interest free money and the FED dutifully had him killed) but also French thinker Alain Soral (who also happens to have contributed a piece to Dr Kevin Barrett’s Book We Are Not Charlie Hebdo – Free Thinkers Speak Out Against The French 9/11).
Alain Soral in his book ‘Comprendre l’empire’ (Understanding The Empire) writes the following paragraph (I translate):
[After going into the fact Kennedy was a Catholic and unlike other presidents was not bankster appointed as he was rich enough not to owe them his election, Soral writes the following)
“Thus, in June 1963, Kennedy signs Executive Order 11110, a presidential decree which, designed to get rid of the FED, imposes a new system aligning the dollar to silver metal. Immediately are put in circulation for more than 4 billion dollars worth, bills of 2 and 5 dollars and, for the same amount, bills of 10 and 20 dollars. The 22nd of November of the same year, Kennedy is assassinated, the decree EO 11110 is at once cancelled by his successor and bills of 2 and 5 dollars are removed from circulation.”
Are you aware of this history about the JFK case? I’m just curious as you omitted to mention it in your comments over Chomsky’s scepticism as to the JFK conspiracy and it seemed to me like a glaring omission on your part in an otherwise excellent video showing up Chomsky for the half-baked thinker that he really is.
Yes, James Corbett is aware of this, and no it is not an omission on his part.
I heard James Corbett addressing the JFK case in a fairly recent podcast:
At timeframe 7:25 he addresses the issue. He explains in detail why this case is a myth. He even gives a link to the site of G Edward Griffin who debunks the JFK Executive Order 11110 story:
Thanks that was very helpful.
Sorry being greedy with my questions but have you ever covered or are aware of the suppressed history concerning the origins of AIDS? This site and others http://www.nairaland.com/1158458/origin-aids-operation-mk-naomi goes into the over-hundred-year-old history of the development of a virus designed to cull Black people and that suspicions that AIDS was born in a laboratory and forcefully transferred to monkeys and then black people are founded.
Given the satanic eugenicist agenda of dark occultists this should not be surprising to you or any of your followers.The CIA project was called MK-NAOMI, MK being the initials of the surnames of two of the brains behind the project and NAOMI literally standing for Negroes Are Only Momentary Individuals. Seems to me that the insight that ‘it’s always worse than you imagine’ is again all too horribly confirmed yet again.
Best wishes
I’m only watching this QFC today (7/12/2015) but literally just yesterday I randomly was looking at the David Rockefeller Guccifer pics and strangely it also stood out to me what was being consumed. In addition to drinking regular beers (I saw Corona and Rolling Rock – if I’m allowed to name these products), I also saw Beefeater gin. That kind of shocked me because if the richest guy on the planet isn’t drinking the fanciest of everything then who is? (Probably middle class people who believe that fancy products are what the “elite” consume).
Other things I noticed from those pics:
-This is speculation on my part but I gather that DR likes to be the leader. There’s one pic where he’s leading the entire group of people across a bridge. He’s in front of the pack walking with his cane while about 15 other people are behind him. In another pic, 2 guys are playing instruments for DR (and I would assume DR’s wife).
-There is alcohol in almost all these pics.
-In one pic DR is sitting in a wheelchair wearing a tuxedo. There’s a pretty brunette lady sitting to his left wearing red. It definitely has a “devil” type feel to the pic.
Question For Corbett:
In the latest New World Next Week you two James’ led with a story about Israeli involvement in the JP Morgan hack, and later on you had a story talking about the hardships in Greece, I have a question that ties the two together. In 1947 there was a vote in the UN, the “United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine” – (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine#Final_vote) – it is very interesting, indeed, to look at those countries that voted against. Mostly it is a laundry list of troubled places in our current world: Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen,Egypt, Cuba and…Greece. I seem to recall that a particular finacial institution had a leading role in the downfall of Greece … Goldman Sachs. Mere coincidence? Perhaps. Your thoughts, James?