Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?

by | Jan 23, 2023 | Newsletter | 35 comments

Last week we looked at the ways that an engineered food crisis (or the perception of a crisis) is being used as an excuse to reengineer our food supply.

From cricket powder dumplings and bug burgers to GMOs and glyphosate to bioreactors and designer microbes to nutrigenomics and 3D printed material, the future of “food” is shaping up to be radically different from anything you’ve eaten before.

But in order to truly do something to derail the runaway train that is the Great Food Reset, we must first understand it. And in order to understand it, we have to know something about the people behind this agenda.

This week, we must answer the question: Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 13 issue 03 (January 22, 2023)

by James Corbett
January 22, 2023

The Rockefeller Foundation

The Rockefeller family and their namesake foundation are in many ways the progenitors and the architects of the Great Food Reset. In fact, the very term “agribusiness” emerged from the Harvard Business School out of research conducted by Wassily Leontief under a Rockefeller Foundation grant.

From the beginning of the so-called “Green Revolution” to the so-called “Gene Revolution,” the Rockefellers have been there, helping to move things along with their “philanthropic” donations.

They created the Mexican Agricultural Program, which was criticized from its very inception for trying to standardize and commercialize traditional Mexican farming practices in order to benefit of the Rockefellers and their corporate cronies.

They created the International Basic Economy Corporation in Brazil to industrialize that nation’s agricultural sector, with the explicit aim of hooking its farmers on expensive machinery and Rockefeller petroleum products and finding a sustainable business model in the process.

It was John D. Rockefeller III who, when sitting on the Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation, convinced his fellow oiligarchs to join the “Green Revolution” by founding the Intensive Agriculture District Programme in India, which exacerbated the disparity between rich feudal landowners and poor farming peasants.

And then of course there’s the Rockefeller’s work in Africa, which today takes the form of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. AGRA’s stated goal is to “elevate the single African voice” on the world stage. It all sounds nice and fuzzy until you learn that 200 organizations have come together to denounce the alliance and its activities. They claim that the group has not only “unequivocally failed in its mission” but has actually “harmed broader efforts to support African farmers.”

As you might imagine, the Rockefellers’ influence over the global agricultural sector is not simply a thing of the past. Their family’s foundation continues to wield an inordinate amount of power over what ends up on your dinner plate and how it gets there.

One ominous case in point: the foundation’s July 2020 report—released mere months into the scamdemic—”predicting” that the generated health crisis would lead to a very real food crisis and that America would face “a hunger and nutrition crisis unlike any this country has seen in generations.”

And their proposed solution to this crisis? Subsidies for small farmers? Development of community gardens? A new food sovereignty campaign encouraging people to get their hands dirty and start growing more food themselves?

Of course not. On the contrary, the Rockefeller Foundation wants a further centralization of control over the food supply, including “a new, integrated nutrition security system.” Yes, you read that right, folks: feeding the hungry is now a “nutrition security” problem that can only be solved by massive federal intervention in the food sector.

Oh, and the title of this report? “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System.”

So, no, the Rockefeller Foundation is not done meddling with the food supply. In fact, they’re just getting started.

Bill Gates

Given Bill Gates, Sr.’s 2009 admission that he had looked to the Rockefeller Foundation as an example to follow when helping his son set up the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation—noting not just the Rockefellers’ influence in the field of global health but also specifically citing their work in agriculture and farming—it’s no surprise Bill Gates, Jr. is now so heavily invested in the Great Food Reset.

Of course, he is literally invested in the food reset through his financing of the fake meat industry. Gates was, infamously, an important early backer of “Impossible Burger” and its lab-grown synthetic biology food substitute. He also provided capital to Impossible rival Beyond Meat . . . until Beyond’s stock began to crumble. Miraculously, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust was able to divest itself of its Beyond Meat stock right before the shares tanked in 2019. (The Gateses must be super-shrewd investors!)

But it gets worse. As PleaseStopTheRide.com has pointed out, Gates is also investing millions into “hacking your microbiome” to reengineer humans’ gut bacteria. You see, as it turns out, researchers are discovering that the microbiome—the mixture of bacteria, fungi and viruses that develop in the gut—can have serious effects on children’s physical and mental development, especially in the first year of life. And what does Gates do when he sees an important process that can help him to gain even further control over the human population. Hack it, naturally! But it’s for your own good, of course.

Also, as many people know by now, Bill Gates became the biggest owner of US farmland in 2021. Gee, I wonder why someone who’s so obsessed with completely reengineering the food supply and making us dependent on the lab-grown synthetic food substitutes he funds would be buying up farmland? A real head-scratcher, that one.

Speaking of head-scratchers, just why is Bill so passionate about pushing fake meat on the public, anyway? Why, to appease the weather gods, of course!

Speaking of fake meat . . .

World Economic Forum

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll have heard of the “eat ze bugs” agenda by now. You know, the now-ubiquitous propaganda campaign to stop eating meat and start eating insects in the name of—what else?—”saving the planet”?

But if by chance you were living under that rock, you wouldn’t know why it’s called the eat “ze” bugs agenda. Conspiracy realists, however, will be able to clue you in: it’s in (dis)honour of everyone’s favourite Bond villain reject, Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

Yes, the WEF is behind many different aspects of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the eat ze bugs agenda is no exception. Never forget, it was Schwab who popularized the “Great Reset” rebranding of the very old “New World Order” idea. And Schwab’s desire to get humans off of traditional sources of protein and nutrients is very much a part of that Great Reset plan.

A quick search of the word “insects” on the WEF website reveals that it has been regularly promoting such hard-hitting journalistic pieces as:

5 reasons why eating insects could reduce climate change

Why we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems

Insects could soon be appearing on restaurant menus in Europe


Good grub: why we might be eating insects soon

The fat cats are now unwinding after their hard week at Davos. You can bet they’re not snacking down on cricket croquette or mealmoth flambé . . . though they may expect you to.

But the Davos despots had better watch their backs! It turns out they have competition.

The EAT Forum (Davos for Food)

The EAT Forum is an organization cofounded by the Wellcome Trust (yes, that Wellcome Trust). It emerged from the Stockholm Food Forum, a by-invitation-only conference on the business, science and politics of food production that is sometimes billed as the “Davos for Food.”

Never heard of EAT? Its “About” page reads like the usual corporate whitewash: “EAT is a non-profit dedicated to transforming our global food system through sound science, impatient disruption and novel partnerships.”

But if the very idea of a “Davos for Food” puts you off your lunch and if EAT founder and executive chairman Gunhild Stordalen gives you some strong Lieutenant Ilia vibes, then you might want to take a look at Dr. Joseph Mercola’s assessment of the group in his article on the global technocrat cabal:

The EAT Forum’s largest initiative is called FReSH, which aims to transform the food system as a whole. Project partners in this venture include Bayer, Cargill, Syngenta, Unilever and Google. EAT also collaborates with nearly 40 city governments in Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, South America and Australia, and helps the Gates-funded United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) create updated dietary guidelines.

Given a pedigree like that, you’d expect that EAT Forum’s advisory board to be stacked with globalists, insiders and career supergophers for the world’s elite . . . and you’d be right!

Unsurprisingly, among its many initiatives is “Shifting Urban Diets,” a plan to “demonstrate how scientific targets for food systems can be operationalized in the city context” by adopting the Lancet’sPlanetary Health Diet,” a WEF-promoted response to climate change hysteria that says you should eat more vegetables to stop hurricanes . . . or something like that.

Yes, the EAT Forum may not have crossed your radar yet, but if its track record, ambition to become the “Davos for food” and connections to seemingly every globalist insider and crony corporation in the industrial food system indicate anything, we’ll be hearing a lot more about this group in the near future.


Remember last week, when I discussed Henry Kissinger’s 1974 plan to start using foreign aid as a weapon to encourage developing countries to start sterilizing their population? Well, then, it won’t shock you to learn that another organization with its hands in the Great Food Reset pie is USAID. (Yes, that USAID.)

The Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD) is, according to USAID’s website, “a seven-member, presidentially appointed advisory board to USAID established in 1975 under Title XII of the Foreign Assistance Act, as amended, to ensure that USAID brings the assets of U.S. universities to bear on development challenges in agriculture and food security and supports their representation in USAID programming.”

Last year, BIFAD, in conjunction with “Feed the Future” (the U.S. government’s global hunger and food security initiative), released a working paper titled “Systemic Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.” The paper argues that:

. . . a perfect storm of circumstances in which supply chain issues, regional agricultural and nutrition challenges, the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and regional conflict have combined to form a looming food security crisis.

After shoehorning in some climate change hysteria for good measure, they call for—you guessed it—a complete transformation of the food supply and global agriculture!

Specifically, BIFAD’s “Systemic Change” subcommittee has been tasked with providing “evidence-based recommendations to accelerate inclusive systems change to achieve transformative climate change adaptation and mitigation outcomes in agriculture, nutrition, and food systems.” The subcommittee’s proposals for achieving this ambitious goal include:

  • linking “carbon markets” to “regenerative agriculture” (i.e., the financialization of nature that is all the rage in globalist circles these days);
  • using ESG scores as a way to pressure companies into acquiescing to the vague, nebulous and ever-shifting demands of the Food Reset mafia;
  • and, of course, “the promotion of insects as sustainable sources of proteins.”

The whole document is couched in the bland bureaucratic doublespeak of “equity,” “inclusion” and “sustainability.” Of course, it avoids delving too deeply into the specifics of this fundamental transformation of the food system that BIFAD is ostensibly investigating. But, if you know how to read between the lines, it isn’t hard to understand what the report is really saying. USAID’s “leverage” over developing countries—specifically referenced no less than 125 times—gives an insight into the Kissingerian food-as-a-weapon mentality that is the very basis of USAID and its mission. The entire enterprise reeks of a neocolonial landgrab masquerading as “philanthropy”—the kind of territorial taking that people in Africa and elsewhere have been warning about for decades.

What Can We Do?

This list of Great Food Reset culprits is of course incomplete. I haven’t even mentioned the participants in the “Food Chain Reaction Game” or the “nitrogen reduction” schemes being pushed by national governments around the world or the Global Crop Diversity Trust and its ominous Svalbard seed vault or any of a million other relevant players and factors in this grand transformation.

But from this (admittedly incomplete) exploration we can derive a general understanding of the types of players that are behind this push to “transform the global food supply” and can accurately describe their methods and motivation. This is enough for us to start formulating our own plans for counteracting this agenda.

And that is the topic for next week. . . .

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India to let banks use biometrics to confirm transactions

Is Artificial Intelligence Woke, Racist, or in between?

90% of online content could be ‘generated by AI by 2025,’ “expert” says

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Twilight of the Aesir

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I Want To Stop CBDC’s — What Can I Do?

Karl Hess: Toward Liberty

Just For Fun

PNAC Presents: Watching the End of History

EYES WIDE SHUT (1999), or, Episode One: Life Goes On…Until It Doesn’t!

Your good friends at PNAC Productions are happy to present: “Watching The End of History: Cinema from 1991 – 2016”. Over the last few months, it has become abundently clear how difficult it can be to reliably produce quality weekly episodes; so the 2023 compromise will be something slightly more laid back compared to the main show as we intersperce regular movie episodes from the American Century.


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  1. This is helpful intel James, thanks for all your research.

    I would like to point out another one of the central culprits in pushing forward “the great food reset”. The culprit I speak of is you and me! (you, as in, whoever is reading this now).

    While we (as relatively well informed conscientious objectors to global technocratic tyranny) may not eat ze bugs, the lab grown fake meat or the bioreactor goo, I am 99% sure that we all are guilty of buying food projects that contain either GMO ingredients (corn or soy derivatives) and/or were produced by corporations that have direct ties to the oligarchic interests exposed in the excellent article above. I am no exception, I bought a bag of chips the other day without reading the package, turns out it was made with gene spliced corn. That purchase provided direct funding to perpetuating the ‘great’ food reset juggernaut (through the subsidiary corporations that feed up into the billionaire’s pockets behind this global take over of food and attempt to “steal the real and sell you back the fake”).

    If I make excuses for ‘just one bag of chips’, then I start making excuses for three other things, next thing you know a solid chunk of the money I am making is flowing right into the pockets of the people at Blackrock, The Vanguard Group, Wellcome Trust, Gates (and other delusional, megalomaniacal and psychopathic scum bags).

    I know this is not news to many of you, but I just felt compelled to underline our own potential role in building out this global food control grid. I do so in the hopes that our solutions can reflect not only effective methods to expose, avoid and sabotage the overtly disgusting/Orwellian aspects of this food take over, but also so that we can decisively take steps to withdraw our support from the subsidiary corporations and systems that feed into the hyper-centralized corporate juggernaut pushing this ‘great’ food reset forward.

    Lets expose the parasites while also ensuring their tentacles are not drawing strength from our lives as well.

    Here is to sabotaging the corporate take over of our food systems and creating viable alternatives that not only serve to dissolve their plans for using food as a weapon, but also serve to increase the quality of our lives and our health during the best of times.

    • No one should feel demoralised just because one is not fighting and soft-sabotaging the Great Reset, in a complete way. No one can do it 100%. If anyone sets the standards too high and realise that given our present reality is almost an impossible goal, then frustration will arise. James, has mentioned this a couple of times at least.

      So please folks, remember that maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude is the very first step towards resistance. This is the ground basis we need to be solid in the long run.

      Hasta la vista!

      • @Facundo Merciadri

        Thanks for the comment and for the positive message to remain optimistic while striving to ‘fight’ and “soft-sabotage” the Great Reset.

        I should have been more clear in my comment above in emphasizing that each small step we take to starve the parasites, refusing to support their corporations and directing our energy locally and in connection with the Earth is something worth celebrating and feeling good about. I have stated as much in many other comments, but I can understand why you might get the impression that I am some kind of hardcore ‘rebel voluntarist purist’ from just reading what I put above. On the contrary, I am in agreement that we all have to start somewhere and each little bit counts, the important thing is that we do start (and keep working towards that goal of one day comprehensively severing our dependence on their centralized systems).

        While I whole heartedly agree that we should not nor beat ourselves up because we are not severing our ties to all centralized systems in an expedited and comprehensive fashion (in the way that brave people such as Derrick Broze and his partner are doing with their Conscious Agora Ecovillage https://fundrazr.com/consciousagora?ref=ab_1IGtcncikws1IGtcncikws ) I do feel it is also important that we do not allow ourselves to use the fact that we have a long way to go as an excuse to not start at all.

        In the past James has explored concepts such as “Learned Helplessness” and offered some important insight into how we have been programmed to fall into the disempowering (and fallacious) worldview that ‘nothing I do will really matter in the bigger scheme of things cuz I am just one person’. That is nothing more than a psyop and/or a lie we tell ourselves out of laziness and apathy (wearing the veil of a ‘poor me’ attitude). Thus, while I agree we should not beat ourselves up because we are not taking action to starve the corporate parasites at the level of someone like Derrick Broze, I also feel we should not fall into the degenerative (and irresponsible) trap of giving ourselves excuses to stagnate where we are at (because as you say, we all have room for improvement).

        Thanks again for the comment and for striving to do your own part to starve the corporate parasites and build out parallel systems to replace their centralized ones.

    • Nicely said.

      “steal the real and sell you back the fake”

      Well, this seems the general order of the day in the elite-criminal-circles in respect to almost any aspects of real life.

      Zuckerberg’s META will only be the momentary culmination of this strategy.

      • @EngineeredPhilosopher


        I think it was James Even Pilato (of Media Monarchy) who coined the aphorism “???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ????“. So I give him my compliments as well for his making an astute observation and putting into such an apt and concise adage.

        I agree it is a prevalent Modus Operandi among the oligarchs.

        I wonder if in the near future they will apply that same strategy to actual human beings/personalities (using a combination of A.I. platforms like VALL-E and GPT3.5/GPT4 with deep fake tech for doing it in the digital realm) ?

  2. Reading this newsletter this morning got me to wondering if, or how many of the people, (globalists?), that are taking it upon themselves to transform the world politically and the agricultural systems that feed the masses of people have personal religious beliefs in a power higher than humanity itself.

    Many people would describe my faith in a triune God as belief in the supernatural. Yet in my life I choose the most natural foods that I can. Growing what I can myself. Utilizing natural processes that can be observed in nature such as composting, animal husbandry and such.
    I rely on my own natural bodily systems and natural remedies to protect me from disease. And I trust in a “Supernatural” Creator who I believe strongly has a plan for my life and for the His entire creation.

    The folks who are leading this march into a future of lab created and insect derived nutrition. from all appearances, seem to be driven purely by what they call “science”.
    As well as their followers who so readily submit themselves to be injected with substances that they don’t understand based entirely on what they are told. Or willingly consume products that just a couple of generations ago wouldn’t even be considered food.

    I guess my point is that I think that their science, and the abandonment of the teachings of God is what really constitutes a belief in the supernatural. Or maybe unnatural is a better word.

    Perhaps the dearth of the true Supernatural in the global misleaders is the real problem.

    • @Steve

      I would also be curious to see a sort of tally of the stated religious beliefs of those at the top of the plutocracy (though it would be worth keeping in mind that some of their publicly stated beliefs are likely nothing more than subterfuge). I would be willing to bet my bottom kale seed that the majority are atheists.

      You raise a very good point. I feel there is a lot of validity to the supposition/hypothesis that the degenerative, greed driven and often malicious calculated behaviors of oligarchs (and the legions of goons and unquestioning followers that obey their edicts) are at their root, in large part due, to their lack of “beliefs in a power higher than humanity itself” (as in, the Creator of all things, that has gone my many names in many different cultures).

      I believe that the dominant modern materialistic, deterministic and fallacious paradigm of thought which teaches that we are molecular machines (that through biochemical electromagnetic functions produce consciousness and self-awareness) created by nothing more than a rare cosmic accident, is one of the main sources for the toxic behavior on Earth.

      The only caveat I would like to add to that is that while I do strongly feel that an acknowledgement of the existence of, belief in and seeking to nurture a direct personal relationship with the Creator of all things (in whatever form that may take) is perhaps one of the most important things any human being can choose to do, there is an inherent danger in conflating the choice for an individual to embark on that path to know the divine inwardly, and the choice to look to religious institutions or other human beings that are telling people what the will of the divine Creator is. The difference between an individual looking inward to know God and one looking to other humans or institutions to be told what the will of God is significant.

      Those that accept the word of other humans as dogma leave themselves wide open to predatory and/or deluded individuals that will attempt to blur the lines between religion, science and statism.

      Case and point :

      “NY Governor Hochul: God Wants You To Get Vaccinated” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8TDi3v6uS8

      Thus, I respect everyone must choose their own path in this life (and I do not claim to walk ‘the only true path’) but I am not a proponent of dogmatic religious belief systems. I am a proponent of cultivating spiritual awareness through humility, courage and looking inward. I feel that as long as people inaccurately view their consciousness as nothing more than a phenomenon produced by their biology, they will live in fear of the perceived finality of death (a misunderstood process). This fear of death leads them to be motivated by selfish ego-based desires, including seeking out and focusing their entire lives on many unhealthy distractions (aka “sins”) such as material wealth, thievery, deceit and seeking to gather ‘power’ to control others.

      • I think it obvious that most, sombunall (thanks Robert Anton Wilson), do believe in some sort of mix of that which is the only real because tangible thing (for them):

        Money, Power, Fame, Sex, Violence, Entertainment & all the Technology/Progress in these areas.

        Some of those a bit more evolved will also value their own in-group over their ego to some degree. Higher evolved beings are a rare find in elite network circles (well, the mob).

        Booktip of the day: “Prometheus Rising” (RAW)
        This IS the book (in PDF), so go download and read, this is an order 😉

        • @EngineeredPhilosopher

          Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

          I would be grateful if you could provide a comprehensive definition of what you see as a “Higher evolved being”.

    • @mkey

      Agreed. Thanks for providing some context for delineation/differentiation between the two.

      I shall strive to use those two words more decisively and intentionally.

      Watching now. Thanks for sharing.

    • @mkey

      The video is filled with excellent material. I found the fact that he highlighted how modern “scientific” dogma tells a story on an inanimate universe filled with mechanistic deterministic ‘organic robots’ to be an extremely important point.

      It illustrates the truth in part of what I think Steve was saying above and definitely speaks to the same thing I was talking about with the most widespread detrimental myth in modern western civilization.

      The myth I am referring to, being the one taught in “schools” which tells people that we are molecular machines (that through biochemical electromagnetic functions produce consciousness and self-awareness, which ceases to exist after our bodies stop functioning) and that we (humans) were created by nothing more than a combination of rare cosmic accidents and some biochemical-molecular flukes in a pool of goo.

      Thanks again for sharing the video.

    • mkey
      That was fascinating, thank you for sharing. Life affirming indeed. I’ll be looking into Sheldrake’s works.

      • @Torus

        You may also want to check out the work of Rupert Sheldrake’s son (Merlin).

        He is a mycologist (specializing in underground fungal networks such as mycorrhizal fungi) that has some very compelling (permaculture design enriching) insights to share in his book called Entangled Life. https://www.merlinsheldrake.com/entangled-life

        His other son Cosmo is multi-instrumentalist musician and composer. I remember listening to a cool song he made a few years ago (I think it was called “The Cuckoo Song”) where he went into a forest, recorded all kinds of bird song, then looped them to make a beat and made that into a song (to raise awareness about an endangered species of bird in his local area).

  3. I loved this quote from one of the linked articles, criticizing the program in Rwanda; it is “replacing hunger with malnutrition”. We should make this the Bill and Melinda Gates motto.

    • Bill Gates’ motto:
      “Replacing Hunger with Malnutrition”

  4. James sure does have a way with words, huh?

    “Subsidies for small farmers? Development of community gardens? A new food sovereignty campaign encouraging people to get their hands dirty and start growing more food themselves?
    Of course not. On the contrary, the Rockefeller Foundation wants a further centralization of control over the food supply, including ‘a new, integrated nutrition security system.’”

    Notice the use of the word it “nutrition” security?! In place if “food” security? The “transformation of the food system” will result in people eating lab grown, chemically formulated, synthetic nutrients that are rationed out based in our biometric profile. There will be no “food” in the sense humans have understood it for millennia, if these planners get their way. I feel gross even thinking about it. Banning domestic livestock, pets and backyard gardens is coming soon I think. The homesteading trend that has been growing significantly is about to be attacked via warnings of “zoonotic disease”. The right to grow food must be innate, right? But these goons don’t care about human rights, they care about control. They’re egotistical maniacs!

  5. This leveraging of power, collaboration of attack, and centralizing of control, are exactly the same tactics used in other sectors. For example in the financial system, and Breton Woods 2.0 and the creation of CBDCs. In October of last year the Atlantic Council published a document “ Modernizing the Bretton Woods Institutions for the twenty-first century” where they propose to reorganize and define the roles of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group, and World Trade Organization. (There is an informative diagram is shown on page 9 of the pdf showing the new power structure.



    “These institutions must work with regional and other United Nations (UN) specialized bodies. They should coordinate with bilateral aid agencies, sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, and private philanthropic organizations. The IMF, WTO, and WBG need to leverage their power and resources to draw in private capital at much higher levels.”

    Yeah, “Leverage power and draw in private capital”. So in other words, use force and threats to extort as much money as possible, got it.

    The same leveraging of power and collaborating on control mechanisms is happing the health sector as well, the WHO and their affiliated organizations CEPI, GAVI etc. It’s a pattern or framework.

  6. Indeed it is. Thanks for being the first (!) to notice and point that out. The link should be working now.

    • @jhos

      It seems like some of the language used on their website shows that either some people in their organization are ignorant/brainwashed about the ‘climate change/global warming’ scam, they are aware that it’s BS but are using it for PR or they have been infiltrated by COINTELPRO type operatives. That being said, I still think there is a lot of truth, important info worth learning from and solutions worth putting into action which are shared on the Navdanya website (as long as one keeps in mind that the ‘climate change’ narrative that is sometimes brought up in their material is bogus).

      I like their “Seed Satyagraha” initiative (https://www.navdanya.org/living-seed/seed-satyagraha ) and their “Global Movement for Seed Freedom” as they focus on a decentralized solutions based approach that can bring resilience to each of our individual communities.

      They describe these movements as being “..network(s) of individuals and organizations committed to align our thoughts and actions with the laws of Gaia, Pachamama, Vasundhara, Mother Earth… We protect the biodiversity of the planet by defending of the freedom of the seed to evolve in integrity, self-organisation, and diversity. We are seed savers and seed defenders, farmers and gardeners, practitioners of regenerative agriculture..

      ..Our right to save and exchange our open pollinated, non GMO, non patented seed is non alienable. We will resist every law and technology that attempts to undermine our freedoms, and the freedom of the seed, which is intimately linked to the freedom of Mother Earth. Across Diverse Ecosystems and cultures we are united in defending Seed freedom/Seed sovereignty as the foundation of Food Freedom/Food Sovereignty, based on ecological production and fair and just distribution, beginning with protecting and promoting local food systems.”

      I do my best to serve as a living embodiment of seed satyagrahi in my community, gathering ancient heirlooms that offer drought tolerance, cold tolerance, disease resistance, potent nutrition, medicinal benefits, unique flavors and ancient cultural stories, growing them, and sharing them with others far and wide to preserve the living heritage of our ancient ancestors.

      I find it very rewarding, not just living with the knowing I am boycotting the corporate oligarchs, but also that I am tending the same living crops that our ancient ancestors spent many generations tending to make them what they are today. It offers a sort of living bridge to connect with and give thanks to those that came before us in a tangible way by honoring (and protecting) the heirloom varieties they worked to co-create with nature.

      Thanks for sharing the link.

        • Thank you, Gavinm, for the beautiful scroll. I will print it and hand it out. I stumbled on Vandana’s work in the late 90″s via YES Magazine. I love her.

          • @s511

            You are most welcome 🙂 Thank you for the inspiration to print out some hard copies. I think I shall do the same.

            Good luck tryna “shadow ban”, “downlist” and “fact check” a piece of paper we are handing out to people and pinning up on public bulletin boards oligarchs! 😉

          • @s511

            I stumbled across an interesting article in Yes magazine and thought of your comment.

            The article is called “Hearing the Language of Trees” and focuses on a species of pine that grows where we live in Ontario.


            “White pine is revered across Indigenous cultures as a symbol of wisdom, longevity, and of peace. They are thanked for their material gifts of medicine, materials, fuel, and food and for their spiritual gifts. Pines are understood as among our oldest teachers; in fact, they are of an ancient lineage in the tree world and have seen much change across the earth. The pine, like all trees, is spoken of in my Anishinaabe language, not as an object, an “it” but as a “who,” a person of some standing, whose name is Zhingwak. Charismatic white pines are honored as elders. They are the esteemed companions of the visionary eagle who uses their emergent canopy as nest and watchtower. Zhingwak plays many roles in the canon of Native stories, as a protector of human people and the embodiment of highest virtues. Known as the Tree of Peace, white pine is the iconic symbol of the Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy, who taught the people peace through unity, by its five soft needles, bound together as one.

            Traditional cultures who sit beneath the white pines recognize that human people are only one manifestation of intelligence in the living world. Other beings, from Otters to Ash trees, are understood as persons, possessed of their own gifts, responsibilities, and intentions. This is not some kind of mistaken anthropomorphism. Trees are not misconstrued as leaf-wearing humans but respected as unique, sovereign beings equal to or exceeding the power of humans. John Mohawk wrote that according to his culture, “an individual is not smart but merely lucky to be part of a system that has intelligence. Be humble about this. The real intelligence isn’t the property of an individual; the real intelligence is the property of the universe itself.

            What if you were a great teacher, a holder of knowledge and vessel of stories, but had no audible voice with which to speak? What if your listeners presumed you to be mute, save for the passive whispering of your needles? How would you bring your truth into the world? Wouldn’t you dance your story in branch and root? Wouldn’t you write it in the eloquence of cellulose? In the lasting archive of wood? Plants tell their stories not by what they say but by what they do. They tell their story in their bodies, in an alphabet once as familiar as the song of every bird, which we have also forgotten.

            If you know how to see, their storytelling goes deeper than the curve of a windward branch. Everything that affects the pine is expressed in its body. The tree is an integrator of all its experience and that of the surrounding community.”

  7. My experience is that these people, just because they own stuff, a lot, and partake in ‘elite networks’, suffer from a considerable delusion of grandeur.

    Only 300 years ago, such people were safely put into a mad house to protect society. Nowadays, they rule the world.

  8. Jan 27 – by Irina Slav Substack
    From novelty teapots to novel foods

    …in the European Union, authorities just approved the fourth insect species that will be added to foods across the bloc. They’re calling it a novel food. It means food that was not commonly consumed in the EU prior to 1997….

    FAQ from European Commission
    Approval of fourth insect as a Novel Food

  9. Great work.
    My question is how do we resist the blackpill hopelessness?

    • “My question is how do we resist the blackpill hopelessness?”

      Only one true way to do that.

      Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead….1 Peter 1:3

      “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” … John 16:33

      • I am sorry. I cannot relate. I have abandoned religion long ago.

        • Good decision. There is no hope in religion. Only in the Savior.

    • @enso

      I think that a handful of heirloom seeds and some tlc is a great place to start regardless of one’s spiritual beliefs (or lack thereof).

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