OK, I get it. You’re sick of hearing about it.
“There must be something else happening in the world,” I hear you saying.
Well, you’re in luck! I did some digging and it turns out there are other things happening in the world, after all! Things that have nothing to do with viruses or masks or vaccines or contact tracers. (Or at least as little to do with those things as possible, given the circumstances.)
Here are a few of them . . .
Want some non-COVID news for a change? Read this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber for some distinctly non-medical news from around the world. Also, stay tuned for James’ recommended reading, viewing and listening.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 17 (May 30, 2020)
by James Corbett OK, I get it. You’re sick of hearing about it. “There must be something else happening in the world,” I hear you saying. Well, you’re in luck! I did some digging and it turns out there are other things happening in the world, after all! Things that have nothing to do with viruses or masks or vaccines or contact tracers. (Or, at least, as little to do with those things as possible, given the circumstances.) Here are a few of them: 1) China and India are at it again Back in September of 2017 I wrote about the soaring military tensions between China and India over a seemingly insignificant mountain pass in Doklam, a disputed area near the China/Bhutan/India border that is claimed by both China and Bhutan. For those who might not remember, that standoff began when Chinese troops began constructing a road in the region without Bhutan’s approval, escalated when Indian troops arrived to stop the construction, and ended when Beijing and New Delhi agreed to mutually withdraw from the region. It was a sudden end to a dangerous impasse between two nuclear-armed regional rivals, and, as many warned at the time, this was unlikely to be the last such border dispute between China and India. Fast forward three years, and we’re now looking at what is already being touted as the biggest face-off between the two countries since that Doklam dispute. This time, the conflict is taking place over the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the imaginary line through the volatile Kashmir region separating Indian-controlled territory from Chinese-controlled territory. The LAC has been a source of contention between India and China for years, not because the region is home to any large deposit of resource or mineral wealth, but because of its geostrategic value. Once prized for its importance in trans-Himalayan trading routes, it now stands as a strategic wedge of Indian territory between the Chinese border on the east and the Pakistani border on the west. But the fragile status quo in the territory has been disturbed by India’s recent efforts to ramp up infrastructure development. This development includes a 1,400-foot-long bridge over a treacherous section of the Shyok River, an engineering achievement involving micropiles to fortify the bridge’s foundations, which was accomplished in a mere 14 months . . . with a little help from 1,800 Indian troops. The greater connectivity provided by the bridge and other newly-constructed border roads, combined with upgrades to a local air strip that allows the Indian Air Force to land C-130J military transport aircraft in the area, means India now has a credible ability to deploy and supply a sustained military presence in the region. This, understandably, worries China. The current spat kicked off earlier this month when China accused India of crossing into its territory, blocking its patrols and “attempting to unilaterally change the status” of the Line of Actual Control. India, meanwhile, insists that it did not do anything unilaterally and that the current dispute is the result of “actions by both armies on the ground.” Details of these alleged “actions” are scant but revolve around incidents on May 5th and May 9th in separate areas of the region that involved “aggressive behavior by both sides” and resulted in “injuries to 76 Indian soldiers.” The Indian media is, perhaps unsurprisingly, playing up the Chinese threat to Indian security, noting that Chinese troops have now crossed into Indian territory, erected encampments, and brought in construction equipment “for construction of bunkers.” Indian commentators are decrying this clear violation of Indian sovereignty, warning that the Modi government “cannot afford to yield ground” in the area. The Chinese media, for its part, has fired back with . . . silence? That’s right, after an initial comment from the ChiCom mouthpiece Global Times protesting “India’s recent, illegal construction of defense facilities across the border into Chinese territory in the Galwan Valley region,” there has been nothing at all in the Chinese media about the situation. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released only two statements on the dispute, and those statements were only issued in response to Indian press inquiries. Lest there be any doubt where Beijing stands on the matter, though, the Global Times did just run a report about the maiden flight of “China’s first plateau-focused unmanned helicopter,” which, unnamed analysts say, “could help safeguard China’s southwestern borders with India.” One hopes that this standoff, like the Doklam disturbance before it, is resolved peacefully, but this current round of tension isn’t just hot air or diplomatic blather. The LAC came about as a result of the ceasefire from the 1962 Sino-Indian War, so it is not unreasonable to be concerned that a dispute over that line could devolve back into warfare. Don’t worry, though: Trump has magnanimously offered to mediate the quarrel between Beijing and New Delhi, because there’s no doubt that the US would be a completely neutral party in these negotiations. I’m sure both sides will welcome the offer with open arms. . . . . . . Just kidding! 2) Afghanistan is still a mess Before the dawn of the coronavirus insanity, you might recall I was covering some interesting stories out of Afghanistan. One of them was the utterly atrocious propaganda whitewash report from the Washington Post known as The Afghan Papers, and the other was the startling news that, after the longest military engagement in the history of the United States, the Afghanistan war may actually be over. As James Evan Pilato and I documented in New World Next Week at the time, celebration over the announcement was a bit premature. You see, what was actually being announced was that the US had signed the ridiculously titled “Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America” without the permission, knowledge or consent of the Afghanistan government itself. The ink wasn’t even dry on the agreement when Afghan President Ashraf Ghani started publicly denouncing the deal, rejecting its obligations on Kabul to release Taliban prisoners and arguing that the US had no authority to make such a promise. In fact, the story has become even more ridiculous since the world began shifting its attention away from silly little diversionary matters like international geopolitics to focus on coronavirus. First, data was released showing that US airstrikes on Afghanistan reached their highest level since 2009 this past February, despite the then-ongoing peace negotiations with the Taliban. Then, reports of “hundreds of troops” rotating out of the country in the first phase of the US drawdown—expected to take the total of US troops in Afghanistan from 13,000 down to a “mere” 8,600—were tempered by reports that the US had immediately broken its ceasefire with the Taliban, bombing targets in response to ongoing fighting between the Taliban and Afghan troops. The story hit peak absurdity, though, when Afghanistan held a presidential election in early March . . . and both candidates won. Or at least both claimed victory. In fact, the political rivals—Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah—were both sworn in as president in ceremonies that took place right next to each other. The issue of who is “actually” the president of Afghanistan wasn’t decided until two weeks ago, when Ghani and Abdullah signed a power-sharing agreement that leaves Ghani as president and Abdullah as head of the National Reconciliation High Council, which will conduct peace talks with the Taliban. At the moment, things are starting to look “optimistic” for Afghanistan (whatever that means after two decades of invasion, occupation and civil war). The US is on track to meet its targets of having 8,600 troops left in the country by July and of abandoning five of its bases there by 2021. More importantly, perhaps, the Afghanistan government has released the first batch of Taliban prisoners in a deal that will see 100 combatants freed every day that a ceasefire between the groups holds. I’m not holding my breath for Uncle Sam to loosen his grip on his resource-rich, opium-supplying Afghanistan any time soon, but perhaps as his empire’s attention turns away from old War on Terror priorities, the Afghans themselves can work on the long, slow process of rebuilding their country. 3) The State Department bungles (yet another) Venezuela coup attempt You know you’re living in strange times when an American mercenary squad’s attempt at an armed invasion of Venezuela by speedboat barely makes a blip on the news radar. Welcome to 2020. Oh, didn’t you hear? Yes, after threatening a “maximum pressure March” designed to “smash” the Venezuelan government—including implementing a naval blockade and launching a Monroe Doctrine 2.0—and after imposing sweeping new sanctions on the country and after accusing Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro of drug trafficking, Uncle Sam finally pulled the trigger and decided to launch an invasion of the South American nation. Spoiler: It didn’t go well. As our good friends at The Wall Street Journal explain: “Luke Alexander Denman, an American, was hired to lead a ragtag group of insurgents to seize the Caracas airport, overthrow President Nicolás Maduro and fly him to the U.S.” But things did not quite go according to plan.
Our good friends at the Financial Times are even more candid:
Yes, this crack squad of mercenaries, led by an ex-Green Beret and traveling to Venezuela from Columbia by speedboat, were immediately subdued, captured, and paraded in front of Venezuelan state TV cameras to confess their guilt. They had been hired, explained Denman, by Jordan Goudreau, the owner of Silvercorp USA, a Melbourne, Fla.-based private contractor. Denman was apparently expecting a payday of between $50,000 and $100,000 if he was successful in overthrowing the government of Venezuela (no word whether there was a $10,000 bonus if they overthrew Guyana while they were at it). In the video, played twice at President Maduro’s press conference after the foiled plot, Denman brandishes a contract which, he says, is signed by Goudreau and by Juan Guaidó, who you might remember as the guy the US declared to be the rightful president of Venezuela last year. Bay of Pigs 2.0? More like Bay of Piglets. So, for those keeping track at home, that’s two unsuccessful attempts by Uncle Sam to stage a coup in Venezuela in two years. And at least three in the last two decades. Don’t worry, though. The US is still hard at work trying to install some kind of puppet regime in Caracas. Washington’s latest attempt to unseat Maduro involved threatening to use military force to stop some Iranian tankers carrying gas to sanction-hit Venezuela. But, like every other US operation against Venezuela for the past two decades, that, too, failed. The tankers arrived safely on Saturday. I guess they just don’t make regime-change operations like they used to. Where’s Kissinger when you need him? |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Recommended ReadingThe 2006 Origins of the Lockdown Idea (h/t Octium) Recommended ListeningRRNews 206: No handshakes, slave! Recommended ViewingJames Corbett | How Big Oil & Big Government Collude in Corruption Just For Fun |
[supsystic-price-table id=59]
The more things change……..
the more they change.
Look at Steve Bannon of the alt-right, who is orchestrating Trump’s policy with China.
He also is a big player in Hindutva fascism and the rise of Modi. Think Cambridge Analytica.
There is a breech within the ruling elite:
Some are globalists like Soros, Gates, Rockefeller etc.
Some are ethnic fascists like the US, Brazil, Hungary (which will soon look to take Macedonia and Croatia), Phillipines, Italy, Britain etc.
None of the infighting among the ruling class bodes well for average people, workers, the aged, disabled, non-working, etc.
Both ruling sides wish to stop the slow bleeding of global capitalism but it is too late.
The US Empire is on the ropes and China is doing no better.
War is what the elites want.
The failed VZ Bay of Pigs finds the ‘freedom fighters’ (Reagan’s term for the Contras) on the defense. Guaido, the whore that he is, failed again.
Good overview weilunion.
‘…None of the infighting among the ruling class bodes well for average people, workers, the aged, disabled, non-working, etc…’
I’d disagree- if regular people are too weak, or too unwilling, to hold back the agenda of the elites the best (maybe only) hope to stopping them is the disunity and infighting of major power bloc’s
When they are pulling together it is hard – or impossible- to stop their combined powers
Basically, and you can correct me if I am wrong, you are stating that divide and conquer of the elites is necessary for if they were a combined force, and the people weak, the force would be too great.
Ethno-fascists will never align with global fascists, as they are constructed today. Don’t think we have to worry about Michael J. Lind aligning with say, Soros or Gates on anything.
What is important is to see how the 1980’s and the rise of Reagan gave power to the paleo-conservative right. They had been dormant for years,working with post-WWII fascists, both inAmerica and outside of it. Their vision is very different from the global multinational capitalists.
Here is an example:
William Lind, a well-known figure on the Christian Right will speak for the first time at the club on “The Right and Foreign Policy.” Lind, a contributor to right-wing magazine American Conservative, addressed a 2002 Holocaust denial conference, organized by Willis Carto, one of the most active and influential white nationalists of the past century. Though Lind admitted during his 2002 speech that he did not deny that the Holocaust happened, he did talk about a small group of people he claimed have poisoned American culture.
“These guys,” he explained, “were all Jewish.”
The audience included internationally known Holocaust deniers and a former SS officer. A strange choice, perhaps, for this gathering, given that Gottfried and Weissberg are Jewish (https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2016/11/04/white-nationalists-gather-baltimore-ninth-annual-hl-mencken-club-conference).
Lind and his cohorts, Carto being one pro-fascist who worked with Francis Parker Yockey after WWII, and was the last to visit him in a SF jail before Yockey took cyanide and suicided, have been part of Bundt America for a long time.
Lind has advocated for police to have rocket-propelled grenades as standard issue and for a return to death by hanging as a common sentence for crime in “urban areas.”[20][21]
Lind is a key proponent of the cultural Marxism conspiracy theory and asserts that Marxists control much of modern popular media and that political correctness can be directly attributed to Karl Marx.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_S._Lind)
The prominence of the nationalist right came with the Council on National Policy that ushered in the nemesis of the CFR.
No, the globalists and the medieval fascists are both our enemies and to allow them to continue will be our farrows. They have nothing in common with either us or each other.
“What Global MultiNational Capitalists? I don’t know of any. Fascists=Corporatists yes. (Mussolini, supposedly the one who coined the term Fascism, later stated Corporatism more accurately described it). Capitalists No.”
You do not know of any transnational or multinational corporations? Try all of big Pharma, the banks, big oil, Apple, Big Tech to name a few. Multi-corporations are the result of the historical evolution of capitalism. See any moms and pops making it? See them competing with transnational corporations.
Yes, corporate fascism is fascism. What people fail to see is that capitalism has evolved from the small shop keeper to the behemoth multi-national corporations. Capitalism is a system embedded within history that evolves. Capitalism is not feudalism, it is not slavery it is wage labor and big capital now.
“The Marxists in the schools and the media are the propagandists promoting the confusion and misconnection of the corrupt multi-national corporations as “capitalist”. They are not. MultiNational Corps don’t believe in competition, they work with or through government corruption and/or each other to eliminate their competition.”
What Marxists? Name some don’t hurdle the words around trying to catch all. The media is not Marxist, it is capitalist, represents the views of the corporate capitalists and trades and sells on Wall St. No, the media never talks about capitalism– don’t know where you got this. The system is never referred to by name. But that is what it is, you live in a capitalist system where profit is put before people and maximizing profit is the raison d’etre of the system. The confusion seems to be yours.
Of course no capitalist in their right mind wants competition. They want monopoly and it has taken four hundred years to get to this point. Concentration of capital is what capitalism is all about. No capitalist wants to share the market with any other in their business.
Government is for and by the corporations. This is called neoliberalism and involves socializing all corporate costs while privatizitizing the gain. A dream for all capitalists.
“For instance do the oil majors compete? Not so much. They often divide up areas or take shares in a project. The latter affords them less per project risk while multiplying lobbying and other “activities” for any necessary approvals.”
You made my point. They are transnational multinational corporations and of course they do not want competition and of course they want a government that indemnifies them and allows them to steal.
“Actual Capitalism works best WITHOUT government at all. Capitalism would happen naturally. Collectivism(Socialism, Progressivism, Marxism, Communism, Fascism, etc.) the people have to be fooled into it or it forced upon them.”
There is no such thing as actual capitalism. Never existed. You use words without definition, I guess believing everyone has the same definition but we don’t. The economic system since the late 1500’s in Western societies has been and is capitalist. Oh, sure,people call it crony capitalism, corporate capitalism etc. but it is capitalism and it is historical and has its own logic – the maximization of profits through wage theft or rents.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
@ weilunion
“See any moms and pops making it? See them competing with transnational corporations.“
Aren’t these two entirely separate questions?
And can’t the first be interpreted subjectively?
I mean what is making it exactly?
I would definitely call my “business” a small time operation. Maybe even lower on the economic scale than what you are imagining. Truthfully, this plandemic has hardly made a difference in our customer flow.
Yet we have stayed at it since 1996 and it has supported a couple of families, helped pay off houses, produced apprentices.
We have never been able to guarantee ourselves a paycheck every single week but we don’t live check to check.
I definitely get your point but I wanted to take the opportunity to suggest that perhaps our definitions of what “success” is could in part be a result of propaganda.
Perhaps a large part of how to escape the tyranny of the globalist authoritarians is by redefining what is “necessary”. To embrace a simpler existence while still maintaining a healthy appreciation for freedom, liberty and remain welcoming to free market, transparent and even technological solutions to humanities problems.
‘…Reagan gave power to the paleo-conservative right..’
In name only… AFAIK his was the watch when they started hollowing out the Social security trust fund… Charlotte Iserbyt (author “deliberate dumbing down of America”) flat out called him a ‘socialist’ in a podcasts I heard her on… socialism is controlled by the elite (as with ‘wall street and the russian revolution’) and when it comes out that they are hand in hand it becomes open Fascism.
‘…..“These guys,” he explained, “were all Jewish.”…”
Like the Neo-cons? pretty much all kids of Trotskyite jewish dad’s- The link is not a surprise if you consider that Wall Street funded the Bolshevik revolution . Dr Spence of university Idaho has done work on that too
Long podcast (getting hard to find these days on the search.)
‘…Lind is a key proponent of the cultural Marxism conspiracy theory…..’
Its not a conspiracy theory, its just mainly talked about in really boring books no one can be bothered to read.
‘….asserts that Marxists control much of modern popular media..’
There is the appreance of that, but they are not really marxists, the left bias is just the flag the elites are flying right now just like Regan a flew conservative one. They may change back but the real policy wont change
‘.. political correctness can be directly attributed to Karl Marx…’ Thats a new one for me. I heard it was from the 20’s bolsheviks but really have no idea.
‘…. They have nothing in common with either us or each other….’
Wall Street and the bolshevik revolution
If the elites have a common interest they WILL do business with each other. They have more in common with each other then with us.
Henry Ford hated commies… yet his tractors were licensed for manufacture in Russia. US tec’s were the ones who rebuilt Russian factories after the revolution (Russia was actiully getting pretty high tec pre ww1 but was knocked back by the chaos)
The Koch bro’s father got his (alleged) dislike for bolshevism while working in Russia to help western capitalists loot Russian natural resources (Oil in that case i THINK). The Soviets and the Nazi’s did a ton of mutual aid even while they both planned to invade and destroy each other.
Perhaps it won’t be Plandemic V2.0 after all?
Perhaps it will be Riotdemic V2.0, followed by Plandemic V3.0 maybe?
It wouldn’t surprise me if they go for a progression change to distract people who are waking up to Gatesism!
Maybe, but they are surely not on to what is the National Council of Planning, the paleo-conservative Christian fascists that is the host for the who’s who of the elites.
They form the American Institute.
John Brisson investigates the elusive Council for National Policy on Youtube.
“In this video, I read newspaper articles on the CNP from 1987-1989. I discuss the CNP’s influence on the Iran Contra affair, the war on drugs, “Christianity,” and the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations.”
Be alert, check it out
9/11 truth. Great strides by Alaska/University of Anchorage. A REAL challenge and definitive. The kind of information that must be kept out of the public’s mind. A virus seemed to be the best thing to supplant the thoughts of 9/11 justice. It certainly appears to have worked, no one talks about it anymore and it’s not even on the radar of things that are happening. https://www.ae911truth.org/wtc7
WAYNED, your mention of 9/11 and the unheralded UAF study put out by AE911T reminds me of an email I sent to a friend an hour or so ago. Responding to James’ question, “Where’s Kissinger when you need him?” I wrote: “Maybe [he’s] working for NIST to counter the Hulsey Report, like he agreed to head the 9/11 Commission — ’til the Jersey Girls got to him — back in the day.” 🙂
I’m glad I opened and read the on-its-face lighthearted article on the MSNBC reporter; its second half is devoted to an explanation of (and a chart showing) the vast number of CFR members who are connected to all the major media companies.
Yeah 9/11 is quickly becoming the poor man’s Covid-19.
But t-shirts are in the making as we speak:
Covid-19/11 Inside Jobs!
Ya gotta appreciate the wry wit in this 5/30/2020 article by James Corbett “What in the World is Going On?”..
Here are a few of the punches…
…because there’s no doubt that the US would be a completely neutral party in these negotiations. I’m sure both sides will welcome the offer with open arms. . . .
. . . Just kidding!
…Denman was apparently expecting a payday of between $50,000 and $100,000 if he was successful in overthrowing the government of Venezuela (no word if there was a $10,000 bonus if they overthrew Guyana while they were at it)….
…I guess they just don’t make regime change operations like they used to.
Where’s Kissinger when you need him?
and more. Some of the links embedded are well worth exploring. Corbett’s Twitter link (at “Spoiler”) has some interesting posts. Among them, are several videos which document cops posing as protestors during this George Floyd fury.
If some Corbett Report Members are not familiar with the George Floyd scenario, there are a number of updates (with VIDEOS) at this website:
More regarding the George Floyd scenario
On Saturday May 30th, it seems all around the country protests were happening. Even as I type near 10pm Central time, some stations are having live coverage. (Dallas, DC, National News reporting around the country).
San Antonio, TX earlier today (4 minutes)
Tanya Kerssen Twitter – Minneapolis, MN
George Floyd – Cops shoot at people on their porch – Minnesota
National guard and MPD sweeping our residential street. Shooting paint canisters at us on our own front porch. Yelling “light em up”
(short video)
May 31st
via Activist Post / FreeThoughtProject
““Light ’em Up!” Military and Police Open Fire on Innocent People in Their Own Home”
www activistpost.com/2020/05/light-em-up-military-and-police-open-fire-on-innocent-people-in-their-own-home.html
In 2013, Tanya Kerssen authored
“Grabbing Power: The New Struggles for Land, Food and Democracy in Northern Honduras”
She has researched and written about food related issues and family farms.
This is a prime example of what a police state looks like in the later stages. The number of commenters who find this behavior acceptable is very telling.
May 31, 2020
The Mind Unleashed via Activist Post
George Floyd –
Neighbors From All Walks of Life Hit Minneapolis Streets to Help Clean Up After Days of Unrest
A more sane response from authorities…
May 31, 2020
“Truth Theory” via Activist Post
George Floyd –
Hopes Rise As Officers In Some Cities Join Protests Against Police Brutality
From the Wall Street Journal article James cited:
American Says Failed Venezuelan Invasion Was to Arrest Maduro
Ephraim Mattos, a former Navy SEAL who runs a nonprofit and provided medical training to a group of Venezuelans involved in the operation, said Mr. Denman appears to signal duress in the video by looking off camera while talking about U.S. government involvement.
“He looks off screen real quick,” Mr. Mattos said. “That’s him clearly signaling that he’s lying. It’s something that Special Forces guys are trained to do.”
Something they’re trained to do….hahah…right….
I’ve noticed a severe drop in quality of our troops. For example, I remember reading an article on how the military was upset at the M16 because it mostly wounded, rather than kill. Done by design as wounding causes other soldiers to carry the wounded as well as overwhelming medical support. No desire to flatten the curve there! I’ve watched Seals demonstrate the most asinine room clearing techniques that makes me wonder how they survive it. I’ve also noted the vets as well. Generally unthinking, just like the rest of the sheeple. I know most here think the military has always been a bunch of non-thinking psychopaths, just enjoying the orders they follow, but you couldn’t be more wrong. Though that may apply to a few of whom I’ve met. But today’s level of ignorance just shows how far the state has fallen. We were never Spartans, though we had elements that were. But today? No comparison. From what I’ve seen it’s a bunch of pillheads and inbreds. Which is fine by me as we will be facing them soon. What do you think the Floyd riots were about anyway? Troops in every city. Just as they predicted a few years ago. They are as wonderfully incompetent an enemy as one could hope to face. Even an old man like me could sow enough chaos in their ranks that they’d wind up shooting each other. Not that I want to. Had quite enough of it. But because we are a world of cowards, I will have to charge through the gates of hell once again. Thanks.
What branch of the military were you in and for how long?
2 branches. First in the Navy. Yeoman (sort of secretary for officers. Hated it and the ocean. Ocean being a bit short on trees). Second in the army. Paratrooper. Which means I walk odd now, due to it being so hard on the body. Ten years total. We were actually often commanded by SF officers. They weren’t incompetent like this jerk. Was supposed to go SF (was asked by several SF to do so), but got out. Still tried to recruit me for various merc jobs for a couple years until one of my old sergeant majors showed up at college. Twice. First time I said I had another class across campus (true), but on the second they got the idea I wanted nothing to do with the army anymore. Also true. 30 years ago, but I’m still in shape. Still know their tactics. And am a ghost in the woods. I should be, since I live in them. I could still destroy the average unit, but I prefer peace. I’ve laid those ghosts to rest a long time ago and would like them to stay there. That line is a deeper line; but they ain’t crossing it.
The Navy…well, Jim Bob that explains why yur @%!&! English is so full of !@%&!? #$!%^? !@!!!
Paratrooper, construction, and various better not mentioned occupations, were similar in that regard. What can I say? I like my language to be as spicy as real Thai food! Now THAT’SA spicy!
‘…I’ve noticed a severe drop in quality of our troops….’
The drop is in people in general.
Less fit, less active, less focused and ‘functionally’ (as in their ability to process and think regardless of IQ) dumber then even just 10 or 20 years ago.
The TV/internet/Social media everywhere is NOT a good thing for people
Bay of Pigs 2.0? More like Bay of Piglets.
Thanks James, for lightening the mood with some reality that the perception managers at Central Media Operations havent thoroughly scripted! –
Yesterday I saw a clip of protestesters toiling with the “SS” in front of the White House the caption stated. I thought times have changed when the Empire SS officers are dressed in golf shirts, popping their collars. I then thought maybe Hillary was staging a de facto coup like Guido and had declared herself president in abstentia. All of this is not too far fetched in the comicon clown era. Also in a more depressing note, some people around me still don’t believe in engineered financial crisis’ and purging competition for the corporate titans in this corporatocracy, and that just plain baffles me. They have been armed with a recent NY Times articles and have found the “Origin of Conspiracy Theories” to combat logic. Aparenty “all these right wing comspiracies have one origin” say’s Neo and it’s “from the early 90’s” and “it’s fascinating”. Yeah, well I can barely argue with that brand of logic, as no matter how detailed or how well sourced the facts don’t matter when a person is rationalizing their submission for apparent survival. After starting the conversation on the offensive he shifted to this all in the span of 4 minutes, (He)”doesn’t want to hear this, he just want’s to pay daycare & the tax man”.
Moderna executives have cashed out $89M in shares this year, as stock price has soared on vaccine hopes
STAT – May 27, 2020
The top five executives at the biotech company Moderna have sold more than $89 million of stock so far this year — initiating nearly three times as many stock transactions than in all of 2019 — as the company’s share price has soared on hopes for its Covid-19 vaccine.
The trades, which led to about $80 million in profits, were prescheduled through a legal program that allows company insiders to buy and sell shares at a later date.
But the volume and timing might prove alarming to Moderna’s shareholders, especially in light of the company’s May decision to raise more than $1 billion in a stock offering. If Moderna’s early-stage vaccine can one day prevent coronavirus infection and the company’s best days lay ahead, why are insiders selling?
Tal Zaks, Moderna’s chief medical officer, began the year with nearly 100,000 shares of the company. In late February, days before Moderna announced that its coronavirus vaccine was ready for human testing, he began dumping 10,000 shares a week. Over the next 11 weeks, as the pandemic pushed Moderna’s share price from $18 to $50, Zaks liquidated his entire position, making $3.4 million in the process. Once he ran out of stock, he began exercising options priced at $12.21 per share. Over the next two weeks, he sold more than 250,000 more Moderna shares at an average price of $67. Zaks profited more than $18 million from his 2020 trades. He currently holds zero shares of Moderna stock.
What a racket!
Especially when you Dr. Fauci swinging the bat.
We can only hope, Jed. In my neck of the woods we have this saying, I wish you long life and chronic disease. It’s reserved only for the very worst.
George Floyd & the police: what you aren’t being told
Cui Bono? Who Benefits?
A deeper look into the matter of George Floyd death. Turns out the deceased and the knee booted thug were ex colleagues in an private security firm.
She runs a good channel. Proud to send her a dollar a month as well. Her Gates series was a nice compliment to James’ series.
The Death of George Floyd Is….
Derrick Broze chimes in on the matter. There’s some gangsta astroturfing going on here.
The more relevant bit starts at 6 minutes in.
Wow. Thanks for sharing her work. I subscribed.
It’s her freedom that makes her so sexy to me. While I heard Floyd was actually a porn star (straight) and the cop that killed him was one also (gay), I haven’t found any evidence of it. The only Big Floyd I found was someone else. Also heard they knew each other, but I have no clue. To me, what’s important (beyond the murder itself. If true, depending on what you believe) are the state’s actions. Agent provocateurs, bricks handy, etc. Also, Trump’s offer to send the military. Imagine where that would lead. This whole operation is moving exponentially faster than the state’s usual war buildup. Of course, they’ve built their whole operation on a foundation in quicksand. The covid dictatorship sure does spread fast!
This type of event plays into government’s hand in all sorts of ways. It divides people, makes them even more scared and isolated, many will cry out for even more control and “security” to be payed for with a pound of flesh.
Yep. Glad you commented as I had been looking for this comment to correct myself on it. Turns out the video I saw was Floyd. Not that him being a porn star discredits him. Am not dedicated enough to search gay porn. I don’t even like straight porn! Sex done for camera angles = bad sex. Bad sex also because it’s not me. Or in some cases, that would be better. Just not good for aesthetic reasons. But yes, the state is certainly not helping to defuse the situation. Brian, at high impact flix, has been covering the wanton abuse by the state as the peaceful protesters get wantonly abused by the state. Said protesters protesting the previous wanton abuse by the state. Got it? No such abuse of violent protests that I’ve seen. Floyd may have been fake (since Pelosi said we couldn’t deny it) or a personally motivated murder, but the state is using it as a pretext to putting regular forces on patrol in American cities. Not that they would ever do that. Just because they’ve had all those drills like Jade Helm. And yet, the masses won’t see.
Incorrect link, IMHO, for Is Jerome Powell the Real Keyser Soze?
Should be
Thanks for the tip, Ukdavec. The link has been corrected.
Just watched it. Excellent! However, I might add that I noticed an additional imaginary person who also had a real world effect. It also reflects the monetary system as well. Verbal himself. The same for the FED. Which is really the (at least some) the commercial banks.
What about the 15 minute press conference yesterday in which Trump seriously dissed the Chinese? We know that Trump is not a pillar of diplomacy, but this name-calling seemed to indicate that he is trying to provoke a fight, or justify what is coming next. Considering that the Chinese are the US’ biggest creditor, I’m guessing that the Chinese are worried about whether they can take possession of the collateral on their debt, likely the National Forests, should the US become insolvent.
Thanks for the tip, Andre. The link has been corrected.
Thanks UKdavec and Andre!
I always like going to James Corbett’s
Recommended ‘Reading’, ‘Listening’, ‘Viewing’ and ‘Just For Fun’ Subscriber Section at the bottom of his articles.
I noticed that in the ‘Just for Fun’ section, Corbett has JP Sears – AwakenwithJP – What It’s Like to Believe Everything the Media Tells You.
That’s a classic for this era.
Some of his videos might be a bit flat, but others have me rolling on the floor.
I loved JP Sears “Calgary” video. Corbett has mentioned Tim Hortons before also when talking with Broc in a Subscriber Exclusive Video.
JP Sears is an ‘EXPERT’ in many subjects.
Well before it hit America…
On February 6th, 2020 – AwakenwithJP discusses the CORONAVIRUS
(6 minutes)
I love the complete dumbass look he has. Genius!
Some aspects of the riots.
Press for truth
Pink man and man with Umbrella doing scenes together
but work together behind the scenes
After the “minority group” had their rage and their new TV, and burned their
popular shops, most of the rioters are clearly antifa.
Again they are using the good old
fascist tactics of violence and psychotic political standpoints.
Also burned some churches, because somehow they hate Christians.
But the most important question..
Why are the rioters not social distancing?
These People are certainly relieved to break out of the lock-downs.
And why is the media not reporting that?
Oh wait. they forgot to report this..
CDC Admits COVID-19 Antibody tests are wrong half the time&
virus isn’t that deadly
It is especially not deadly when you use HCQ, but the media
did not tell that either.
It is almost as if we are seeing war propaganda.
CNN draws largest crowd in years
As usual, zyxzevn, you provide us with a nice list of links (with descriptions). Thanks!
I thought of you today when I read this article about Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc. In fact, you may have already posted it, but I missed it.
May 26, 2020
via Zero Hedge feed
“The Conservative Woman Blog”
authored by Joseph Berry
Malaria drug and zinc, the missing link
(Video in article also, along with referenced links)
Conflicting reports and political axe-grinding have thickened the fog of war on this, but we know a number of things… (What follows is numbered list with examples and sources cited)
…A number of doctors say zinc is essential…
…This frontline experience was backed up by a study by the New York University Grossman School of Medicine published this month. It found that those receiving the triple-drug combination (HCQ, with azithromycin and, crucially, zinc) ‘were 44 per cent less likely to die, compared with the double-drug combination (i.e. without zinc)’.
As the study notes:‘This study provides the first in vivo evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine may play a role in therapeutic management for Covid-19.’
The above makes the question of why zinc was not used in the Lancet study more baffling. And why don’t the media note that the combination of zinc and HCQ is crucial?….
(My Note: HCQ seems to act as an ionophore for zinc. Quercitin has also been shown in a study to act as a zinc ionophore. There are likely other natural substances which do, just not yet studied.)
~~www corbettreport.com/this-is-the-global-reset-prepare-accordingly/#comment-77243
Great gd.b! Glad you are here. I look forward to reading many more comments from you on these threads as the weeks go by.
That is my impression also gd.b.
If any bug can no longer replicate, then further health damage is curtailed. After all, once the virus invades a cell, that cell becomes toast and the body will dispose of it. Evidently, zinc within the cell prevents the virus from replicating.
Some natural substances, such as Quercetin found in apples and onions, have been shown to be very effective ionophores for zinc.
In fact, Quercetin was found to be of benefit against the Ebola virus.
Quercetin can be found at any health food store. It has many health benefits. Typically, most people take it with Bromelain (an enzyme found in pineapple) which helps with body absorption.
Lots of great information is on this COVID HEALTH THREAD.
(above and below and at links)
Shortness of breath
A successful remedy for someone who has not yet gone to the hospital, is to use a nebulizer with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. Dr. Mercola and other Doctors discuss this.
Dr. Brownstein, who has since been censored by the government, had a series of videos with COVID patients who thought that they were going to die. They had a hard time breathing. The nebulizer was a real winner for them.
Suddenly, the virus is away from the news.
Shocking.. Soros Funded Antifa +
“Friends of Democracy” riot playbook revealed
Obviously, Soros and his banking donors are funding
the collapse of western civilization.
But the documents shown might be planted or limited hangout.
About the “joke”:
The major difference is that we discuss the science
and the real world problems.
Something that the left mainstream media has stopped doing.
Antifa switching plates out on a car.
These look like CIA/Mossad tactics and budget.
A Mercedes is very expensive, and while this is an old model, it is more a business class car.
The woman very calm, while performing an illegal act, which means that she has been trained professionally for this job.
Someone with a Facebook page should screen capture her face and post pics to their facebook and see if she gets tagged as a link…thats how facebook’s pic thing works isnt it?
Never had one so not sure how it works
Glad you are here Robert. We all are.
Look forward to more comments from you.
What part of the world are you at?
Coronavirus contact tracing apps are coming to your phone. Here’s how they work.
Washington Compost – May 30, 2020
In this video, one thing I noticed is that they are trying to frame contact tracing as a normal thing. At one point they say: in non-pandemic times (referring to pre-COVID) there are X many contact tracers, but in pandemic times there need to be X many more contact tracers. They are trying to act like the term and practice of “contact tracing” is some normal part of health care that’s always been around. When was the first use of this term? COVID is the first I’ve heard of it.
Also, great change might not be what you want. Especially since the great change is coming about because everyone has embraced the covid dictatorship so wholeheartedly. While words are great, if the people are too cowardly to back them up, then freedom will no longer be a word.
Just so you know… something which might help in the future…
You can reply to your original post when you split it up. This keeps your thoughts more contiguous.
I use a Word document to check my word count.
I’m fine. It is hard to set me off.
In fact, many times Members poke fun with others in a playful manner, not malicious.
I am just glad you are here.
“…amassed brain power as those who post here.”
I know what you mean. There are some sharp cookies on these boards. It can be intimidating at times. I have to go look up words and all kind so stuff with some of these comments.
Sometimes, I feel dumb. Really dumb. Just the other day, I had to get on the internet and research and even watch a video to find out what a “Karen” was.
If you ever have a question, don’t hesitate to ask me personally.
No question is too dumb if ya don’t know the answer.
I may not know either.
I’m your friend.
Ya can call me HRS, Tejano, Diarrhea Mouth, Hey, Old Fart, anything you like.
Frustrated People – COVID era
FRUSTRATED – Definition (one of several)
“feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.”
I have mentioned this topic before, but want to revisit it, especially in light of the recent George Floyd riots.
We all know that when people get frustrated, their behavior goes wacky.
Anyone who has been married knows that when one spouse becomes frustrated about any situation, the other spouse will likely see some fall out. The resulting fireworks doesn’t necessarily follow a logical course. All it takes is a spark.
Sometimes any incident or any imagined perception, can justify non-normal behavior in a person who is frustrated.
Here is what I am driving at… the future.
I think that the future will see a lot of very frustrated people.
Just wait until the government checks stop coming and people wake up to the fact that all these small businesses were destroyed.
Some folks want to enforce authoritarian mandates on others, while others oppose the tyranny. Both ends of the stick will suffer frustration.
And there are other bad omens. Hell, it’s an election year.
This is an exact recipe for “frustrated people”.
Frustrated people potentially behave differently.
We are likely to see some very, very wild things occur as the game plays out.
HomeRemedy, I definitely agree. Remember, the Rockefeller foundation already planned this according to their “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” document from 2010.
Lock Step:
“A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback”
Reading through the lock step scenario narratives is disturbing to say the least. And the saddest part about it, is that it explains exactly where we are now and will be in the future.
* I tried to link the PDF, but I don’t think I am able to in the comments section.
‘…I have mentioned this topic before, but want to revisit it, especially in light of the recent George Floyd riots….’
These ‘riots’ are as Grassroots as the bolshevik revolution… and funded by the same kind of bankers who shipped money and people into russia. The frustration is no where near as great as the violence level- which is an excellent way to distract people and make those who are justly frustrated become either tied to racial politics or to get them to beg for MORE martial law to protect them from da scary looters
G Edward Griffin was talking about this shtich back when you tube videos came in cans via the mail man… he described the racial tactics that would be used
More Deadly Than War – A Lecture by G. Edward Griffin
great article just to nitpick it reminded me walking the streets there somebody was wearing a t shirt that read:
It’s Colombia
Not Columbia
‘… Recall that a 97lb. waif clad only in a sheet once defeated the most powerful empire on earth, simply by standing with the people of India in saying, NO!…’
Because the Empire cared about morals- the macguffins of the people with weapons were in his hands. Had he tried that with Romans they would have tossed him into the lions.
‘..During Gandhi’s era the British military yet retained a fairly high moral compass and would not engage in mass slaughter of innocents…’
The people with guns had no issue doing that, but their masters were forced to punish them- likely not thru moral principle but because (like it says in “The Prince”) they needed to LOOK good, honest and virtuous to their own voters and their own people at home.
You need to worry when the people who tell the people with guns what to do no longer need you as a source of their own power and wealth.
Matthew Herper
Tue, 26 May 2020
He experienced a severe reaction to Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine candidate. He’s still a believer
(the article contains many more details than the “excerpts”)
…He had arm pain the next day, “like being punched in the arm,” he said, and for a day he had trouble lifting his arm at the shoulder. But within days he was back to normal.
Haydon said he was slightly nervous before the second dose. He knew that second doses were given to increase the immune system’s response, and wondered if he might have more side effects. His arm became sore much more quickly this time. He got home from the clinic at about noon. At around 10 p.m., he started to get chills. He’s normally too hot at night, but he bundled up in sweats. His fingertips felt cold. He fell asleep, but woke up a few hours later with a raging fever.
At 1:30 a.m., his temperature was 103.2 degrees. At 3:45, it was 103 degrees. He was nauseous, and his muscles hurt…
…The doctors met him in what looked like space suits. Even though he’d had a vaccine, he was also a potential Covid patient. They took him into an exam room, took a lot of blood, and gave him a nasal swab. He asked them to avoid his left arm, where he’d gotten the vaccine, but they ended up taking blood from both of his arms. His fever had already fallen to 99.8 degrees. They gave him Tylenol. The physician taking care of him offered to try to get him admitted to a neighboring hospital, but he decided to head home.
He and his girlfriend arrived home at 7 a.m., and he slept until noon. His temperature was 101.5. He got up to go to the bathroom, and became so nauseous he threw up. On his way back from the bathroom, he fainted. His girlfriend caught him and kept his head from hitting the floor…
…Haydon said the experience left him as sick as he’d ever felt. But standard flu-like symptoms that resolve within a day are not necessarily considered a reason not to use a vaccine that prevents a more serious illness.
Given the stakes of a Covid-19 vaccine, the side effects described in the Moderna release would likely be seen as acceptable even if they turned out to be seen in future studies. The severe effects were only seen at high doses that are not being taken forward. The other vaccine for which early data are available caused fever in almost half of recipients….
“Given the stakes of a Covid-19 vaccine, the side effects described in the Moderna release would likely be seen as acceptable even if they turned out to be seen in future studies. The severe effects were only seen at high doses that are not being taken forward…”
This is beyond comical. Yes, let’s all deliberately poison our bodies and compromise our immune systems. Vaccines have both short term and long term effects. No thanks. I’ll stick to a healthy diet, exercise / outdoor activity. And if at some point in my life, I become sick, then so be it. Such is life.
This one keeps coming to mind, lately.
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
William Pitt the Younger
Protestors for Hire is something I have seen since 2016.
Mainly used as fake supporters of Hillary and as
violent actors in Trump rallies.
Check the Veritas videos for that.
Other sources talk about actors that are used to dramatize events.
Or according to some source even to stage an event.
These drama-actors do exist and have full secrecy agreements.
This means that they will be arrested if they tell anything.
Now they have upped a level by starting big
riots in the cities.
It is funny that Google and Facebook can tell us exactly who
is where at what time. Cars can also be traced, due to their
internal telephone system.
But because they are all part of the game, they probably will
not share information about these criminals.
I think James should interview Jeffrey Tucker on his article that is in the recommended reading. I would enjoy that.
Some scary mind control going on in Vancouver by the looks of it…
Dan Dicks Surrounded And ATTACKED By ANTIFA At BLM Vancouver Live!
Thanks Octium.
The mindset of these folks is like the panicked global warming crowd that has a perception of a nebulous ‘life or death’ threat which does not exist in reality.
I don’t see any mind control going on here. No minds to control.
Oh! That last sentence! Oh! What a punch!
Seriously, that was quite an incredible display of insanity. Maybe these people are all on Soros payroll, that would make the whole ordeal a bit more bearable since I’d sooner come to terms with people doing things for money than acting like this out of conviction.
The glazed look in the peoples eyes is what concerned me the most. Something I noticed before reading the video comments and saw that other people had noticed that as well. Would have though that people doing things because they were on a payroll would be a bit more conscious of what they were doing.
Hey guys,
First comment here.
Where in the world there are countries that is less NWO, less 5G madness, less all the insanity that is going on in 2020. But with legal privately owned firearms.
Thanks, links are welcomed.
Nowhere to run unless you want to go all ‘Agafia’ / Unaboomer and take to the wilds. Worked for the Tarahumara for a few hundred years but then civilization caught up with them.
Cool doc on her life, sorry about the YT link
“Good news for people who love bad news”. (The fourth album from Modest Mouse.) Thanks James keep it coming….
Worthwhile video on technocracy and the current events mixed with a discussion about what ideological subversion means and what it looks like.
ideological subversion (active measures)
Interview with former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov (1984)
The following are extracts from:
Expanding upon and laying out the Soviet theory of ideological subversion of the United States posited by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov.
“There are no grassroots revolutions, period. Any revolution is the byproduct of a highly organized group of conscientious and professional organizers” – Y.B
Ideological subversion means always a distractive aggressive activity aimed to destroy the country, nation, or geographic area of your enemy”
The four stages of ideological subversion of a people are as follows:
1. Demoralization – A process of 15-20 years, this is the time it takes to educate one generation in a new ideology, to lay the groundwork for the infiltration of institutions shaping public opinion.
2. Destabilization – Destabilize the relations and institutions of your enemy Sleepers from stage 1 are now entering leadership positions and becoming politically active.
3. Crisis – Due to confusion and the inability to cohere around a common narrative, legitimate bodies of power can no longer function.
Subversives instead focus on installing artificial bodies of non-elected committees as self appointed arbiters of public opinion. Bureaucratize all decision-making
4. Normalization – The revolution is over. Newly self-appointed rulers discard useful idiots and stabilize the country by force to exploit the victory.
Demoralization, is a systematic uprooting. In this stage it is essential to foment skepticism, criticism, and ultimately disdain for the values and institutions undergirding the target population. One is laying the groundwork for a new generation that is ideologically compromised. Through institutions of education, culture, and media you subvert the dominant paradigm by a constant picking apart, a deconstruction, of the foundations of the society. This is the time where your target is trained to criticize and question those parts of their society that constitute any notion of identity. Religion, sex, gender, art, race, philosophy, politics, all these aspects of the target society are challenged or outright subverted. All things are questioned, not for the purpose of reform, but to sew the seeds of doubt in the minds of your enemy.
Destabilization occurs once properly reeducated persons, particularly social and cultural elites, come into positions of prominence and power. Here, all of the agitation and distraction from stage 1 manifests inside the organs of public opinion. Gradually, and then suddenly, making sense of things, telling right from wrong, knowing truth from falsehood, friend from foe, good from evil, patriot from traitor becomes so muddled and confused so as to send the social climate into a state mimicking schizophrenia.
“The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all, but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such time that the perception of reality of your enemy is screwed up to such extent that he does not perceive you as an enemy”
Crisis comes next. Having sewn mass confusion and dysfunction into governing bodies and institutions of social influence, desperation sets in.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
To cope with emergent chaos and complexity of a rapidly deteriorating social fabric, institutional subversives advocate for increasing bureaucratization and formalization of the nascent insurgent ideology. The ground has been prepared for deference of decision-making to unelected officials, technocrats, and functionaries, who are, at this stage, well-versed in the new paradigm.
Each of the four stages of ideological subversion can be countered. You, heretical as you are, should be informed of the risks attendant to this kind of action – the consequences of a failed revolution are deadly. It is only fair that in giving this information, potential foils to your endeavors, whatever they may be, are identified. However, what is unique about the Soviet method is that it can be done out in the open. In fact, it was designed specifically to exploit the asymmetries of an open society. Crucially, there must be a regime tolerant of dissent and open to self-criticism for these methods to take root. Demoralization can be countered by restricting the import of ideological propaganda. Destabilization can be countered by curbing the rights of political agitators. The crisis can be ameliorated by a strong reactionary response and cracking down on subversive organizations. Normalization is the most difficult to reverse. Once normalization is in place, only explicit military intervention will suffice to reinstate the old order. Without a strong, organized response to ideological subversion, it will proliferate.
Lock Step: How the Rockefeller Foundation wants to implement its autocratic pandemic scenario
Is the US (following EU) beeing pushed into a Technocracy?
Also pretty Interesting, what the Wolrd Economic Forum has already in Place as “Covid Action Platform”:
FLUORIDE – Fluoride Action Network
June 8th Monday – The long awaited trial begins
Excellent fact based breakdown of some of the Covid19 memes
LOCKDOWN LUNACY: the thinking person’s guide
This is a “keeper”
Thanks UKDavec!
This is excellent.
Even if one just skims through and reads the numbered FACTS it becomes enlightening.
This linked headline had me chuckle, because it is so true.
Sweden’s COVID Response Isn’t Unorthodox.
The Rest of the World’s Is
More on the lab origin of Covid-19
Also on:
Peak Prosperity
At 21:30
The Case is building that Covid-19 had a lab origin
Around 11:40 it goes into the fraud study that is published
in the Lancet, and claimed that HCQ was damaging.
Similar article here:
So the smoking gun is that the virus could not have been
formed in nature, just as WTC buildings can not reach free-fall
by fire alone.
The virus has different components from different viruses, without
any other mutations. And has an insert that dramatically increases the
infection speed.
Something assisted in the mutations of the virus, which is
common practice in gain-of-function research in the lab.
The science against HCQ is clear fraud.
In the Lancet the numbers are clearly made up.
In other studies they compare apples with bananas.
It makes doctors aware how corrupt the industry and
the peer-review-science really is.
The motive is clear: HCQ creates no profits, because the patents
are done. A new medicine or vaccine would create immense profits
of around a trillion dollars.
No scientist can fight against so much money.
And many scientists are socially so stupid to think
that people that have power in commissions are not corrupt.
The latter is a real problem, they sometimes defend corruption
and power manipulation, because they don’t understand sociopaths.
So I buy concert tickets from Ticketmaster and get emails when events are announced – been quiet recently.
So just checked my mail and got details this ‘event’
” Global Goal: Unite For Our Future
Global Citizen announces the launch of their newest campaign to ensure COVID-19 treatment for everyone, everywhere — Global Goal: Unite For Our Future. This campaign aims to mitigate the pandemic’s impact on those living in poverty, and support long-term strengthening of fragile health systems. ”
“We Have 30 Days to Change the World” – the parallels with Greta are very clear.
Huge shock that one of the partners is GATES !
Second wave due to protests narrative:
Concerns arise over protesters and exposure to the coronavirus
CNBC Television – June 2, 2020
Experts Warn Protests Could Accelerate Second Wave Of Coronavirus | NBC Nightly News – June 2, 2020
“Now experts urging demonstrators to use signs and noise makers rather than chant, to prevent the spread of droplets.”
You’ve got to be kidding me. Now children, listen to us—the wise media—we will tell you how to protest properly and how to live your lives properly. These people think they are just so wise and are obligated to tell people how to live their lives. Repulsive.
Putting on my conspiratorial hat:
Is it possible that the murder of George Floyd was staged (or real and done intentionally) in order to fuel massive protests that would have to be cracked down on with massive police force and curfews, and that will be used as the excuse for more COVID-19 lockdowns from the second wave? I have no evidence that it was staged and don’t presume it was, but it sure seems like the excuse for more lockdowns handed to the government on a silver platter. Very convenient.
One for the Canadians or those interested in geopolitics and history.
Today’s Multi Polar Alliance and the Missed Chance of 1867
“another chapter of this forgotten history: The creation of modern Canada in as a confederation designed explicitly to prevent the inevitable construction of a Russian-American rail connection through the Bering Strait in the wake of the Civil War.”
May 28, 2020
Elgin is not far from Austin, TX
Elgin, Texas bar owner bans customers from wearing masks inside
ELGIN, Texas (KXAN) — No entrance with a mask.
A local tavern in Elgin has banned its customers from coming in covered up.
The statement posted outside the tavern reads, “Due to our concern for our citizens, if they feel the need to wear a mask, then they should probably stay home until it’s safe.”
“I think that’s a risk. I think that’s foolish,” said Elgin local, Ross Owens. “They’re taking chances they don’t need to take, especially if they’re in public service.”
According to a 2018 census, the City of Elgin has a little over 10,000 residents. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the city has reported that 52 of those residents have tested positive for COVID-19.
On Elgin’s Main Street is where we find a popular tavern banning masks.
“It is more of a push back — the snitches, and the contact tracers out there,” said Kevin Smith, Co-Owner of the Liberty Tree Tavern. “This is still a rural county.”
Kevin Smith says he’s still following social distancing guidelines as set in place by the Center for Disease Control…
…Along Main Street you’ll find other businesses requiring masks, while others are asking you wear them at your own discretion.
“I don’t know anyone personally, and I know a lot of people, that’s gotten the virus or has died,” said Sherrill Schier, owner of ETX Travel in Elgin.
Sherrill Schier is not a mask wearer, but does have them on-hand for her customers.
“People are just comfortable. We are a small town, we don’t have a lot of crowds. We are okay,” said Schier.
Any bars that reopen are supposed to keep in-person service at 25% occupancy, but there are no outdoor occupancy limits at any bars that do have a patio area.
Pepe Escobar as insightful as ever
“Troops from the 82nd Airborne Division, the 10th Mountain Division and the 1st Infantry Division – who lost wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and, yes, Somalia – have been deployed to Andrews Airbase near Washington. ..
Well, after they got their butts kicked in Afghanistan and Iraq, and indirectly in Syria, full spectrum dominance must dominate somewhere. So why not back home? ”
“A new “game changing” app released worldwide today aims to detect whether someone has Covid-19 before they develop symptoms.”
NZ ‘libertarian’ pushes Covid19 tracking app
Pre-crime replaced with pre-disease
Very good.
It brought this to mind
” But how could Orwell the great enemy of tyranny, lies and torture so identify with and understand so well the torturer? It was because he himself had been one.”
UPDATE – June 16, 2020
Chinese Forces Kill 3 Indian Troops During First Deadly Border Clash In Nearly 50 Years
Following days of escalating tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbors, Indian Army officials confirmed that three troops – an officer and two soldiers, to be more precise – had been gunned down by Chinese forces during a “violent faceoff” in Galwan Valley in the Ladakh region, which rests along the country’s border with China on Monday night.
A statement from the Indian Army says both sides were meeting to diffuse tensions building up on the border in the last several weeks. Other reports indicate the soldiers weren’t shot but had been killed during a rock-throwing melee reminiscent of another border incident back in May, where both sides reported injuries.
“The loss of lives on the Indian side includes an officer and two soldiers,” the statement said. “Senior military officials of the two sides are currently meeting at the venue to defuse the situation.”