This week James tackles a question from Corbett Report member HomeRemedySupply who asks about the declining population in Japan. What does a shrinking population look like, and how does it impact the economy and the culture? Find out more in this week’s edition of Questions For Corbett.
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HomeRemedySupply’s question
Over 13% of the homes in Japan are abandoned
China’s Doom: Birthrate Lowest Since Founded In 1949
Episode 339 – Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan
This Is What A Demographic Crunch Looks Like
Millions of Japanese homes are abandoned, and owners are giving them away for free
Questions for Corbett
Mr. Corbett,
I truly enjoyed you “9-11 trillions, Follow the Money” video. It caused me to think about both the fluoride issue as well as the “spraying” (geoengineering) issue.
So far, I haven’t read anything about specifically ‘who’ benefits from the financial side of both of those very widespread activities.
Clearly, none of us subjected to it benefit, so who does?
In the case of the spraying, who is supplying the funds to carry it out, and who is reaping the profits from doing so?
Perhaps something has already been created in the alt media. If so, I would be grateful to be directed to it.
Thank you for all you do, with precision and integrity.
If I may HopefulOne, the flouride issue has been discussed thoroughly in the ‘alt’ community and I will summarize as such: It’s purpose is to ‘dumb you down’ and make you more docile. This serves to benefit one the same way a conman benefits when someone is easily duped.
The ‘spraying’ topic, or stratospheric injection, or chemtrails, if you please, is still a fringe subject. There are a couple Corbett Reports about the subject. Honestly, I need to watch them again myself.
There are plenty of common sense observations one can make to see that something is up. Like why do some planes produce long streams of vapor/dust while others don’t. What is the commonality of all these smoggy planes? Boeing screwing up again? Why does this smoggy vapor-dust spread out and form with the other trails to form an overcast haze?
Some, who still have their memory, can simply remember when there were only contrails from wing tips that soon disappeared from the sky. Now, you have these long streams that stay and spread out. They still call these contrails.
I remember when the Olympics was in China and the US news was broadcasting a story on how the Chinese government was seeding clouds to prevent a storm from raining out the events. This ‘cloud seeding’ idea has been around since the 50’s, maybe before. Some, nowadays, don’t believe anything like spraying is happening at all.
In my opinion, the purpose is to test the technology and to blame any outcome on climate change to further this agenda to commoditize every resource while also creating an entirely new trading market they can rig.
Also, stratospheric injection, links with other fringe topic, HAARP.
This is the one I’ve seen,
Search ‘chemtrails’ in the search bar, more content is there.
This might address your question more specifically, I’m listening now.
James Corbett has a “SEARCH BAR” at the top of the page which I find invaluable.
However, I often can find Corbett Report content just by doing a web search with DuckDuckGo. Type “Corbett Report” plus your keywords.
I once ran some tests on chemtrail residue in near east Texas (circa 2007-2008). A previous Corbett Report guest, Peter Kirby, wrote an article about the ‘private’ airport which harbors chemtrail planes less than 30 miles from where I ran the tests.
In fact, one of my Toxicology Instructors worked at the installation, and I had always suspected that airfield of hosting the spraying planes.
If you follow the links in this link, you will see a variety of anecdotes and some videos.
In my comment just below the above linked comment, there is some interesting info about ALUMINUM
HopefulOne, You will see a lot of info about Fluoride from Corbett when you do a search.
This Wednesday, Feb 12th 2020, Activists in Dallas will again be at City Hall speaking about fluoride.
At our Dallas For Safer Water website, are a wide variety of Corbett Report videos about fluoride.
One of my favorites is James discussing fluoride in Japan.
Scroll down the website’s Home Page and you will see it.
Thanks Stephen11 and HRS.
I have read about how the chemtrails work, and why the geoengineering started, but not ‘who’ at this point in time is perpetuating the process, selling the the material used (and presumably profiting from it), and also ‘who’ is getting the $ for carrying out the operation.
Watching the 2012 CR radio #232 suggested by Stephen11, about geoengineering for financial gain, I realized that there is an additional area for CR questioning: ‘who’ is currently benefiting from the disasters caused by recent geoengineering efforts?
Much in the same way, I have seen a lot about fluoride being “industrial waste”, but (and perhaps I’ve missed it), nothing about exactly ‘who’ is profiting from the sale of such material to the various public water entities who dutifully place it in our water.
I hope this more clearly describes what I was hoping to see and learn when “following the money” for these two issues.
The breadth and depth of the resources of Mr. Corbett and his community are incredible. Great group of folks.
Thank you Mr. Corbett for answering my question and giving us your personal observations.
I really appreciate the personal anecdotes, not only from you but also from other Corbett Report members.
While a news article can paint a picture, personal anecdotes tend to add color and depth.
I guess that Japan had a sales tax hike to 10% in the latter part of 2019. It seems that consumer spending (in the non-black market) is down.
Like you mentioned, these changing demographics across the globe are certainly going to have an effect on many aspects, especially economies.
Fewer consumers, less spending.
I have to laugh… The banks are printing ever rising amounts of currency, but with a declining population, the number of debtors is falling.
I’m late to the comment boards.
At the new year, my routines/schedule have changed and life has gotten busier. But I manage to grab content on my phone when I can.
Thanks again for what you do.
I love reading your posts and anecdotes.
The normal airport flight patterns in my area have pretty much stayed the same, but the chemtrail flight patterns are unpredictable.
One of the links via my link above is for “real time radar”.
It is interesting to watch and then go outside to see the planes.
It is somewhat of an odd paradox. Lack of labor for childcare services.
“We need more kids so we can have childcare services for future generations.”
n4x5 says:
” I’ll be interested to hear more from James on this in the future.”
Me too.
MANNERS (or respect)
My impression, although I have never been there, is that the Japanese culture tends to have a strong emphasis on manners or giving respect to others.
Something that has been grinding my teeth over the past few years is the deterioration of good manners or empathy/respect for others in the United States.
People, even professionals, are not behaving like they did 20 or 30 years ago, much less 50 years ago.
Some of the behavior is gross. And many times it can come from upper middle class “privileged” professionals.
At times, I am aghast and furious.
Sometimes, I will scold adults like a curmudgeon school teacher, for simple kindergarten things like rudely cutting line.
One brief example: Doing a favor for the landlord who is selling his property, last Sunday there were scheduled 5 realtors with clients to see my rental place at different times throughout the stretch of the day. 3 of the 5 cancelled less than 20 minutes prior (or even after) their appointment time. This cost me money, because I took off work.
Geez! What a deliberately cruel thing to do.
But, I guess in the end, the victim is lucky to have parted ways. Who wants to be around that type of behavior/mindset?!
I noticed a lot of Filipino caregiver women in San Diego.
They did a good job with my stroke victim / Alzheimer’s Mother who would have been 90 yesterday, but finally got to leave the body last summer.
Good point.
“All right, there’s our target.
Yes, that’s a rabbet hole.
What? Of course we’re going in!
What are you, chicken?
Ready, Jump!”
When I see or hear someone reference the Georgia Guidestones even I will roll my eyes, knowing what’s coming. But Ted Turners conspiracy triggering globalist manifesto is worth considering. The enigmatic line about keeping the global population st 500 million seems like a horrifically small number considering our what, 8 + billion population currently. You only have to look at what other “luminaries” have said or wished for to see that this isn’t beyond the realm of possibility to their twisted ideology. So while we will see articles about a low population “crisis”, I think things are moving towards that small population number, just like they planned. Well, perhaps not as quickly, but as the saying goes “Slowly slowly catchee monkey”.
Ah! Another great expression to add to my arsenal of potential insults.
Yes this would certainly be a good question for Corbett. I think I may predict how James would respond though. He would say that the use of government force has created all this mess in the first place. From the wars in the middle East creating a wave of refugees to governments in the west complicit in actively bringing in these migrants and also making it illegal to local citizens to oppose such a transformation with boycotts (which would be deemed discriminatory). The problem is that it’s happening and if we want to reverse the problem, would state force in the form of right wing governments be necessary?
Alex. Yes but only if you are riding a Pasofino. Thats another good thought. Who is doing the steering there. I saw a Real News story about São Paulo the other day. You also mentioned it being 540 sq.miles or something . How do things get done? Like a gig , how do you navigate the forest of buildings. I much prefer the tree forest but having seen the Real News drone shots that city is massive. People here have no clue. The scale, the scale of everything.
How can you miss 3 million people?
Alex thats the one. The labyrinths of the motorcycle guy is a ground view compared to the housing report with the drones and wide angle views. Its amazing to see that some things work better inspite of central governments intrusive overbearing presence. Then as things get slightly better, and more uppity the NeoFascist types are sent in to tamp that down though ownership right and restoring privilege and installing feudalism.
Im in a 300,000 population of majority white ,richer entitled old oil and new data and property speculation financial neo- fascists. We are still battling a race riot that burned the colour out 100years ago. Your perspective has been enlighting to say the least. Pulling at the threads to unravel the imbalance is what I got from the Sao Paulo housing report.
We got our vacant government buildings that are useless space. The latest , today looks at renovating a derelict building downtown into a Veterans Hospital. We will spend $40 million to give the strong arm racketeers enforcers a hospital cause they busted a nut stealing the resources of some foreign country. While segregating dying people to a homeless shelter. Out of balance and getting worse. Perceptions are generally not what they seem and a little tug on a loose thread may bring it back from the supposed brink of… Im a thead puller I guess. Im curious to pull back the curtain or throw back the blanket to see what’s being hidden. Its a curse.
Hi James,
How many U.S. intelligence agencies do you know of and how likely do you think it is that the CIA has become a sacrificial anode for the lesser-known agencies, allowing them to operate uninhibited?