How to Win the War on Cash

by | Dec 13, 2021 | Newsletter | 37 comments

What was the last thing you bought? A stick of gum at the convenience store? A meal out at your favourite steakhouse? A new vacuum cleaner from the department store? A new car?

And how did you pay for that purchase? If you’re like the majority of people, chances are you paid for it with a card or some form of electronic payment. Consumer card transactions surpassed cash payments for the first time in 2016 and—now that Apple Pay, Venmo and other forms of electronic payment are being used in more and more places—cashless transactions are only becoming more and more common.

It’s not hard to understand why. Cards and e-payments are convenient, easy to use, relatively quick, and—according to a concerted propaganda campaign that’s been underway for years now—a lot cleaner than that filthy, grubby, virus-laden cash.

If cash seems outdated and unnecessary to you, then you’re in luck! The governments in country after country around the world agree with you. In fact, they’re gradually removing cash from circulation and even outlawing certain types of cash transactions.

Learn all about the authoritarians’ push to eliminate cash and what you can do about it in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber, where James explores the unlikely connections between seemingly far-flung parts of the globalist agenda. Also, look inside for the special Christmas discount code that allows you to receive 50% off Corbett Report DVDs at the new New World Next Week shop.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 34 (December 12, 2021)

by James Corbett
December 11, 2021

As mentioned in this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch, I contributed an article to Ernest Hancock’s Freedom’s Phoenix newspaper. Here it is. It’s intended to serve as an easy on-ramp to the counter-economy for a general audience (including normies). If you find this article useful, please share it with others!

What was the last thing you bought? A stick of gum at the convenience store? A meal out at your favourite steakhouse? A new vacuum cleaner from the department store? A new car?

And how did you pay for that purchase? If you’re like the majority of people, chances are you paid for it with a card or some form of electronic payment. Consumer card transactions surpassed cash payments for the first time in 2016 and—now that Apple Pay, Venmo and other forms of electronic payment are being used in more and more places—cashless transactions are only becoming more and more common.

It’s not hard to understand why. Cards and e-payments are convenient, easy to use, relatively quick, and—according to a concerted propaganda campaign that’s been underway for years now—a lot cleaner than that filthy, grubby, virus-laden cash.

If cash seems outdated and unnecessary to you, then you’re in luck! The governments in country after country around the world agree with you. In fact, they’re gradually removing cash from circulation and even outlawing certain types of cash transactions.

In 2016, Indian authorities demonetized all the 500 and 1,000 rupee notes in the country in an effort to get citizens to hand over their “black money,” the term for undeclared cash that the Indian version of Uncle Sam (Uncle Samiti?) can’t get his tax-seeking mitts on. The move was a smashing success for the likes of Bill Gates, who aims to promote electronic payments in the “world’s most cash-strapped nation.” After the demonetization, mobile payment firms took off as Indians plugged into the conventional banking system.

In 2019, the Australian government proposed a Currency Bill that would have banned cash transactions of over $10,000 and imposed a two-year jail sentence on anyone daring to engage in such a transaction. This crackdown, like India’s, was proposed in the name of nabbing tax evaders. It was only dropped after widespread public backlash . . . though at the time Aussies were warned: “Don’t be surprised if it’s revived.”

The European Union has been looking to clamp down on cash for years, with prominent EU politicians arguing for the end of the 500 euro banknote since at least 2016. They got their wish in 2019, when production of new 500 notes ended. But that’s not enough for the EUreaucrats who are now seeking to criminalize all cash transactions over 5000 euros throughout the union.

Even the good ol’ US of A (land of the free and home of the brave) has gotten in on the act. Did you know that back in 2011 Louisiana banned the use of cash in the sale of second-hand goods? The broken children’s toy and the old 8-track cassette you picked up at the garage sale for a couple of quarters last weekend? That was a criminal transaction under House Bill 195! Thankfully, though, the bill was amended in 2012 to stipulate that the law now applies only to second-hand copper. Despite that minor victory in one state, the war on cash is just getting started in earnest throughout America.

It isn’t by accident that anti-cash laws are sweeping the world of late. There is a concerted, coordinated effort underway to eliminate cash payments all around the globe. But why? Yes, tax authorities don’t like cash because they leave the possibility for under-the-table transactions, but that isn’t the whole story.

We get more insight into this trend from the International Monetary Fund, which in 2019 revealed another reason for the push to end cash. In its blog post “Cashing In: How to Make Negative Interest Rates Work,” the IMF’s explained that central bankers’ usual recipe for stimulating the economy during a downturn is to cut interest rates. But interest rates all around the world have already dropped to zero. Conventional wisdom holds that interest rates can’t be cut below zero. Such a negative interest rate, as it’s called, would be like your bank charging you for having money in your account. If it ever came to that, you’d just take your cash out of the bank and stuff those bills under the mattress, right?

As the IMF points out, however, people couldn’t hoard cash if there’s no cash to hoard:

In a cashless world, there would be no lower bound on interest rates. A central bank could reduce the policy rate from, say, 2 percent to minus 4 percent to counter a severe recession. The interest rate cut would transmit to bank deposits, loans, and bonds. Without cash, depositors would have to pay the negative interest rate to keep their money with the bank, making consumption and investment more attractive. This would jolt lending, boost demand, and stimulate the economy.

So now we start to see what the cashless agenda is really about. Its purpose is to give the central banks (and various other would-be “authorities”) more control over the economy. And, if the central bankers get their way, they will soon have even more influence—namely, the power to determine what, where and how we can buy and sell anything at all.

At this very moment, central bank after central bank around the globe is engaged in studies (or even trial runs) of “central bank digital currencies,” or CBDCs. This new form of “money” will be issued not by the private banks (as the digital money in your bank account is, under the current system), but by the central banks themselves. And, as Agustin Carstens—the executive director of the shadowy Bank for International Settlements—recently admitted, CBDCs will give central bankers unprecedented insight into and control over every single transaction in the economy:

We don’t know who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a 1,000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.

This is the new world that is coming into view. A world where every transaction is monitored, catalogued and databased in real time. If that prospect doesn’t send shivers down your spine, it should. For such a world brings with it the potential for banks to track, monitor, and control our every financial move. If you have a hard time conceiving what life would look like in this scenario, here’s a handy video that the ACLU created way back in 2006 so we could glimpse the Big Brother implications of a cashless society:

By this point, we can see how such a vast surveillance system threatens our freedom to make our own financial decisions. But the problem seems overwhelming. How can the average person fight back in the war on cash? After all, when was the last time you sat down at an IMF roundtable or deliberated with the central bankers at a BIS meeting?

The good news is that we don’t need some elaborate plan or high-level access to thwart this cashless agenda. The tool we need to preserve our economic independence is already in our wallets: it’s cash. This isn’t difficult to understand. If the bankers don’t want us using cash, then cash is our weapon against their agenda of control.

The desire to push back is the impetus behind Cash Friday, a new campaign that is being spearheaded by Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari Investment Advisory Services. Use cash whenever you can, but make a special point of doing only cash transactions on Fridays. By simply committing to using cash every Friday, you not only find out what products and services in your area can be paid for in cash, but you also support and foster a local economy based on preserving cash transactions.

The same pushback motive is the impetus for Black Market Fridays, a campaign spearheaded by Ernest Hancock of Again, the idea is simple: each Friday, commit to making purchases from freedom-oriented businesses in the genuinely free market. Barter, trade, use cryptocurrency, use cash, anything that keeps your transaction between you and the person you’re transacting with. Why does Uncle Sam need to know about that 8-track cassette at the garage sale, anyway?

These ideas are remarkably simple. Admittedly, they won’t change the world overnight. Still, they’re a start. If we don’t build out the economic infrastructure for an underground cash economy now, we might not have the luxury of doing so later. And, in the long run, a world where we can buy a stick of gum without the threat of Big Brother snooping on (or preventing) our purchase is a better world for everyone.

Happy shopping!

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  1. Well, I do use cash for nearly all of my transactions because I don’t want to be tracked. Just this past August I went on a 6500 mile trip and spent about $1700 in cash. Even so, using cash is not good enough. The world Bankers create unlimited amounts of digital Federal Reserve Notes that are essentially equal to their paper “cash”.
    My preferred money would be Silver Coins. Any United States Treasury Silver Coin minted 1964 or earlier is 90% Silver and $1.40 in these coins is equal to a Troy Oz of Silver (with the exception of Silver Dollars). Silver Dollars weigh 6.9% more than what a Dollar’s worth of Quarters and Dimes would add up to because of some crafty shit that happened just after the Civil War when British Bankers managed to demonetize Silver. They had the Gold and by demonetizing Silver in the United States they created a bigger recession than The Great Recession. I’ve got a book on it.

    Everybody’s heard of “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens (It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,…), well “A Tale of Two Nations”, by W.H. Harvey is even better. It was published in 1894 by Coin Publishing Company out of Chicago and it explains how British Bankers manipulated American Politics to demonetize Silver 25 years prior to it being published. I find it interesting that “A Tale of Two Cities” was written about 25 years after the French Revolution. Both books have a way of making you feel like you were there at the time of these historical times in humanity.
    I think you need to read the book in order to get a feel for how important Silver was to the working man and what a catastrophic blow it was when it got demonetized. Indeed, it was so bad that they had to re-monetize it, but when they did, they short changed the fractional Coins (Quarters and Dimes). The lesson from the book would be that the evil world Bankers have been trying to enslave man since before there was a Union of States, and they do it by controlling what is used as money.
    Anyway, I see Silver being used as money being the way out of this mess.

    • The trouble with silver, or any of the precious metals, is that real-world, in-your-hand silver is pegged to the FAKE silver “market price” that is heavily manipulated by our “friends” within the Wall Street Casino.

      Those who hold silver in hand, especially dealers, are very much aware of this, which is why the premiums above spot price are so ungodly high. However, good luck ever getting the real-world value for tangible silver. And most people are so ignorant in modern America that they don’t understand the difference between a beautiful 90% piece versus the almost-worthless nickel-copper concoctions from more recent years. Try to convince them a 1963 quarter is worth more to them than 25 cents, and they’ll get angry. IIRC, it was Mark Dice who videoed trying to sell a gold coin for the much-lower-than-actual value face value, and people were like, “nah, you’re trying to rip me off.”

      I expect the Wall Street Casino and collaborators around the world will crash both gold and silver “market prices” when the late-stage economic aspects of The Great Reset are implemented. The lie will continue to be accepted, even when COMEX can’t (won’t) deliver actual metal when an investor demands they honor the erroneously-believed terms of their paper/electronic contracts (“legal tender” will be substituted per the fine print).

      I’m not suggesting those with available “Federal” Reserve Notes (or equivalent government funny-money in your area) shouldn’t buy precious metals, but one must be fully-cognizant of the limitations.

        • Relating to the Mark Dice “Youtube” video;
          I would have to say that he is clearly a guy with an agenda to turn you against your fellow man (make you think everybody is stupid). If he were to have walked up to me, being followed by his cameraman, I would have assumed that he was a scammer and done my best to get away from him.
          The fist question I would be asking myself is why is this guy lying to me about needing cash for his coin, then why doesn’t he cash it in at the Coin Dealer himself? Is the Coin fake? Did he steal it? Is he going to sucker me into some other scam? Do I want to spend my time trying to find out what his agenda is?
          I don’t doubt that most people have little idea of the value of Gold and Silver as money, but that can change overnight as paper becomes useless. There are many examples of paper money losing it’s value throughout history and Coin money coming back into use.
          The fact that there is a widening gap in the Spot Price (paper price) of Gold and Silver and the Physical(hold in your hand) price is an indication that people are beginning to realize that paper money is being scammed. Paper Gold is reported to be over sold by 100 fold, and Silver paper by 250 fold.
          Digital currency, (which is over 90% of Federal Reserve Notes) can disappear from your Bank Account without notice. At least worthless paper could be burned (as they did in Germany after the 1923 crash). It would appear that we are looking at something similar happening in the United States exactly 100 years later, and since this is the “World Reserve Currency”, this crash will be felt around the world.
          If I were among the money Oligarchs, I would be looking for new ways to control the masses before things get out of hand. (think “French Revolution”).
          I would say that Silver is a screaming deal right now, but you want hold in your hand Silver, not paper that 250 other people lay claim to.

          • TruthSeeker says:

            “I would have to say that he is clearly a guy with an agenda to turn you against your fellow man (make you think everybody is stupid).”

            Oh, man, come on, that’s hilarious!

            125 years of recent history has demonstrated that “my fellow man” IS, far more often than not, abjectly stupid. USS Maine, the “Federal” Reserve Act, the Lusitania, the “unprovoked” “surprise” attack on Pearl Harbor, soap, lampshades, and wooden door “gas chambers,” USS Pueblo, the “lone gunman” of JFK’s final day, the Gulf of Tonkin, “baby incubators” in Kuwait, 9/11, “quantities of uranium from Africa…”

            This modern world is built upon bold, endless lies, and the majority have swallowed each & every one of them.

            And, if that evidence is not sufficient, Pfizer and the best “health authorities” money can buy have conclusively demonstrated the utter stupidity of most humans, at least in “the West,” in the preceding 12 months.

            Jewish nationalists have been right: we Goyim are merely cattle, for the greater part. Human in form, but seemingly incapable of thinking independently apart from “trusted authorities” telling us what “reality” is, on paper, on TV, and now, online.

            As for how people reacted to Dice’s scenario, I imagine myself in the situation. I’m an extreme cynic, but nonetheless I’d have called his bluff, or, made off with a huge profit. Few scammers will try to con someone on overt camera, so I would have accepted his suggested to go into Encinitas Coin and told him upon their concurrence the coin was genuine, I’d gladly give him $50 (or whatever lower amount he might have offered me). Considering I’m one of the small minority of Americans who has actually held a one Troy ounce gold coin in my hand, I really wouldn’t have needed the coin shop to certify it for me – I won’t be fooled by painted/plated tungsten.

            I don’t hate “my fellow man,” but I fully recognize his serious and often fatal shortcomings. In fact, I’m here because I still believe in “being my brother’s keeper,” that is, working on behalf of their best interests even when they call me a “kook” or “conspiracy theorist.”

            I’ll leave everyone with these two insights from men more brilliant than I:

            “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”*

            ― Voltaire

            “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”

            H. L. Mencken

            * and Voltaire has been demonstrated correct – COVID-19(84) is based on obscene absurdities, and the atrocities are currently underway, from injecting little kids with the death juices to many cheering for concentration camps for “the unvaxxed.”

            • African uranium? I missed that psyop, what was that about?

              • I watched the following movie for free on YouTube not long ago.
                It was released in 2010 and starred Naomi Watts and Sean Penn.

                At the end of the film, the real life characters portrayed in the film moved to Sante Fe, New Mexico. (James Evan Pilato lives there.)

                Fair Game (2010) Official Trailer
                (uploaded 2010)

                A suspense-filled glimpse into the dark corridors of political power, FAIR GAME is a riveting action-thriller based on the autobiography of real-life undercover CIA operative VALERIE PLAME (Naomi Watts), whose career was destroyed and marriage strained to its limits when her covert identity was exposed by a politically motivated press leak.

                As a covert officer in the CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Division, Valerie leads an investigation into the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Valerie’s husband, diplomat JOE WILSON (Sean Penn), is drawn into the investigation to substantiate an alleged sale of enriched uranium from Niger. But when the administration ignores his findings and uses the issue to support the call to war, Joe writes a New York Times editorial outlining his conclusions and ignites a firestorm of controversy.

  2. Today I was at Healdsburg Liquor buying my beer. The Mexican at the counter in front of me had used a $100 bill to pay for his four pack of tall boy Modena beers. The Indian (from India) who owns the store spent 5 minutes finding the cash in his wallet to make change.
    I always pay with a credit card at the liquor store, but I tip people with cash.
    If you are going to use cash only, remember to bring small bills.

    • Healdsburg, CA? If so, hiya neighbor! I’m one county up.

      • Hi neighbor. I have a good friend who lives in Ukiah. Healdsburg has sold its soul to the tourist dollar. Very sad. The drive from Hburg to Mendocino on the coast on the narrow highway 128 is one of the prettiest on earth. So much diversity.
        In Ireland I also used small denominations in the small towns of County Cork. The businesses do not have a lot of cash on hand.

        • Yes, Highway 128 is an awesome drive. I used to take it over to the coast for business routinely.

          I remember Healdsburg in the 1990s, but the money-chasing rot was underway then. Nowhere near as bad, of course.

  3. “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

    Revelation 13:17

    Early on into COVID-19(84), many stores that remained open asked people to pay with cards both due to potential virus transmission, but also due to an alleged “national coin shortage.”

    That apparent, synthetic “coin shortage” persists today. The local Walmart has a sign up asking for card usage over cash due to that supposed “coin shortage.” The local Chipotle had a similar sign up, asking for cards or exact change cash. It has now morphed into a new one: “Cards Only.” Both cite(d) the supposed “coin shortage.”

    Control of your money will be TOTAL control of you. The banksters have even concocted “restricted money,” such as government benefits, that will allow purchases of pre-approved items, within a specific time window. Don’t use it in time? Too bad, so sad, no more “money.”

    Yes, use cash whenever possible. Patronize businesses that still love cash (many Asian restaurants in my area, for example). Practice barter when you can.

    • I’ve quit accepting coins as change at least a year ago. I tell the shopkeeper to keep the worthless bits of pop metal. They smile and say, “Thanks.”

      • The effort at organizing/managing loose change is not worth the payout for most now. Still good for kids, but even then, you can barely buy anything for a $1.00. Even at “dollar” stores which are now $1.25 stores.

    • I always carry change (Nickle plated copper, or Copper plated Zinc) in my pocket so that I can come up with the exact amount. I am more than happen to provide them with change.
      It should be interesting to note that even the token Coins should be worth more than the Digital Money, or Paper Money, should people come to see the Bankers World Wide Money Scam for what it is. Thus, anyone attempting to expose this Monetary scam is a Treat to National Security (World Bankers Rein over the masses) and must be dealt with accordingly.
      It all boils down to an honest means of exchange. (You trade your skill for something you need). Gold and Silver, or even Paper that was honestly backed by, and easily converted into, Gold or Silver was honest money until the World Banksters found a way to “F” it up. By killing JFK and creating a Monetary Coup in 1963, the Banksters and their collaborators, were able to replace honest Silver Coins with Nickle plated tokens. It was only a matter of time (August 15th, 1971) that Federal Reserve Notes (which replaced the United States Dollar as Legal tender) would be totally disconnected from real money. From that time forward the Banksters at the Federal Reserve did not even have to pretend that Gold or Silver existed to back what they created as money. From that time the Baskster create money at will and without limits to control the masses

      • Definitely, base metal rounds (“coins”) are worth much more than electronic digits.

        People can easily look at inflation charts over the last century, and see the key points that led to ever-decreasing “value” of their “money.” How many do? Few of us.

  4. Spotted this today which seems to track your whereabouts using your card transactions. They say it’s ‘opt in’, if you believe them, and for how long?

    “This month, Adatree has launched an innovative new service called COVID Hotspot Alert to help keep Australians safe during the pandemic and give them greater peace of mind by leveraging a user’s card purchase data.

    COVID Hotspot Alert works by matching customer spend data and COVID exposure site data to notify users who have transacted at a venue of concern. It sends registered users who made a card purchase at a hotspot venue or suburb a text message alerting them of their exposure within minutes of the Government announcing it. It acts like your personal contact tracer. “

  5. Perhaps it would be fair to mention Canada’s globalist Prime Minister cancelling the $1000 dollar bill in the middle of this “covid pandemic” while all the mainstream media was engaging in was the covid terror campaign.

    Not only did the PM cancel the $1000 bill, he in fact made it law to now cancel any denomination of currency, whenever any PM sees fit to do so. No doubt the $100 bill will be next, because hey, “only criminals use $100 bills”

    Of course Canada has already created its central bank digital currency, it is just waiting for the globalist cabal to give the signal to bring it into existence.

    One of the main reasons for “sovereign countries” bringing in CBDC’s is politicians absolute failure at managing debt. Politicians and their globalist masters think their astonishing incompetence will be negated if they can digitally steal more money from hard working people like us.

  6. Somewhat related to Corbett’s article: “How to Win the War on Cash”

    Dec 13th / 14th –
    Australian man claiming to be Japanese Bitcoin inventor wins $27 billion court case
    [Videos and Graphic in article.]

    [Excerpts won’t relay the concepts in the article. You will have to look-see. Plus, I’m lazy today.]

  7. make your own cash….
    get some old sterling scrap, melt and poor into water take those little pellets and flatten, weigh the pellet with those small scales, imprint the grams weight with cheap tools and spend; people will catch on .

    Simple testing solution can be purchased or self prepared to ensure silver content with little effort
    watch YT “sreetip” and you get the idea
    at the moment 1 gr silver costs around $ 1 +-

  8. Just heard that in my home country Armenia, the government implemented a new regulation, which states that businesses should do all their transactions cashless as of the first of January. This is a country where probably 80% of the population doesn’t even have a bank account or doesn’t use it. This information is spreading just before the end of the year. I guess the government was promised some kind of aid or funding if they take this step.

    Also someone mentioned that it’s still legal to use cash, but here in the Netherlands cash payments above 3000euros will become illegal soon. It is not certain when this law will be implemented, but it’s just a matter of time.

    • Interesting. Edo, Thanks for the brief.

  9. Preob
    A huge chunk of 3rd world people have phones now….I expect a charity drive to put smart phones in poor peoples hand because it’s the easiest way to track and control them

  10. Mf Alpen-yodelers are totally nuts, they would like to fine/imprison un-jabbed people.


    I’m proposing a new law that would target people who don’t have at least two children and tax them badly.
    Namely, with their unscrupulous behavior they are contributing to degradation of tax base, consequently putting in jeopardy material base of our societies. New law would be applicable to all persons above 21 years, in case of university students 24. Gays and lesbians will not be exception. Only people with scientifically proven infertility could apply for exception, applications will be scrutinized by tax authorities. In case of self-injuries subjects are facing 15 years jail.

    • Mistake, delete last two sentences above.

      Adoption is possible solution for anyone.

  11. I’ve recently taken the war with cash a different direction. I have been trying to come up with a low tech way to get a message in people’s hands. Social media is a waste, and will always be on their control. I came up with this … using an image readily available at Amazon’s website of a fake $100 bill, I reproduced it approx. real size several times on one side of 8.5 X 11 paper, on the flip side I wrote “YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED / IT NEVER WAS ABOUT YOUR HEALTH / IT WAS ALWAYS ABOUT / GETTING YOU TO AGREE / TO A SYSTEM OF CONTROL”. I cut these out and folded them up with the Franklin face out. Have them in my pocket and drop and place them in stores, sidewalks, etc.

    the Amazon link

    • Cool, clever marketing in the InfoWar!

      • Thanks HRS! Everybody can do something similar. Pretty easy and effective. Color copy is ideal, but black and white should work fine. Put whatever message you want on the flip side. Basically, if it looks like a folded up bill almost everybody is going to pick it up. Might toss it away, but then somebody else may be fooled too. BTW most libraries I think are offering free printing these days. Just sayin’

  12. this year i posted on the neighbor app Nextdoor about having landscaping skills and looking for work. i included my number in the post.

    a neighbor reached out and i began to work for her for cash and did so for months.

    she works for a construction company and i have been able to transfer to that job now that winter is here. i unfortunately think i have to do my own taxes for the construction job and i REALLY do not want to partake in that WHAtSOEVER.

    if anyone has any suggestions on the best ways to slide under the radar or any sort of advice i would very much appreciate it

    • Nick,
      If you are in the states, here are just a few ideas…

      For the job, from your employer on your W-2 form write “Exempt”. Don’t put a number of dependents. Just EXEMPT. Sometimes HR will give ya a little grief, but explain that you will not owe any income taxes for the year, because of your financial situation and “loss deductions” for when you file. HR cannot ask what your losses were.
      [I’ve had losses carry over for many years.]
      This is legal and above board.
      I’ve done it many times.
      If you have already filled the W-2 out with a number, ask for a redo.

      The minimum income amount depends on your filing status and age. In 2021, for example, the minimum for single filing status if under age 65 is $12,550. If your income is below that threshold, you generally do not need to file a federal tax return.
      Married filing jointly: $25,100 if both spouses under age 65.

      If on your job, they show that you made more than $12,550 your tax rate will be very, very low (12%) until you hit $40,525 when it becomes 22% for single filers. (Sometimes it tiers up on a gradient.) If you make over $12,550 for a calendar year, then you may want to file. Your employer sends all records to the guberment. The guberment will know that you did not file.
      That said, there are many illegal aliens who do not file a return in order to retrieve their refund, but they do not write “exempt” on their W-2. They just don’t want to call attention to a fake SS#.

      Your employer will take out Social Security and Medicare taxes which is unavoidable. Social Security has a track record of all your past years of income. When you get to my age, they send you the printout.

      Hope this helps.
      I have had lots of experience…being audited, serving on a Federal Grand Jury tax case(s) as Deputy Foreman and more.

      All this said, a recent news article said something about Biden hiring more auditors for that agency.
      I wouldn’t worry about it if you don’t have a paper or digital trail.

    • If you are good at what you do, are honest and hardworking. And most importantly respect the people that you work for and with. Then you just have to have the fortitude to stick to your principles of not being willing to be a slave and you will never have a shortage of people who are willing to pay for your time. You can’t be a regular “employee”. You need to work for someone who either shares your views or is desperate for help or else you need to work for yourself.
      The right road is not usually the easiest one. But I believe, and am proof that God, the universe, choose a title, will provide if you are faithful to what you know is right.

      If you want to scam the system then you simply have to tell your employer that you are going to file a 1099. And then never do.

      (But you probably aught to listen to Home Remedy. Not me.)

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