As a well-known adage holds: “To the victor go the spoils.” But it might well add: “Meanwhile, the losers go to the gallows.”
This is the logic of victor’s justice. It is the logic of the Treaty of Versailles, which demanded unpayable reparations from the vanquished German nation. It is the logic of the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal, where perpetrators of war crimes pronounced judgment on the war crimes of the defeated. It is the logic of Abu Ghraib, where the US military tortured and killed its enemy captives.
Throughout human history, victorious nations have gone too far in exacting revenge from their defeated foes. The entire notion of “international law”—from the Geneva Conventions to the International Law Commission to the International Criminal Court—has been sold to the public as a check against this unfortunate tendency to impose victor’s justice on the fallen. But just as history is written by the winners, so, too, is justice decided by the victors, and the International Criminal Court is the prime example of that.
Think of international war crimes in the recent era and what comes to mind? America’s wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan based on premeditated lies about weapons of mass destruction and 9/11? The indefinite detention of captives at Camp X-ray, Guantanamo, or other military prisons? Israel’s use of white phosphorous in its 2009 massacre of civilians in Gaza? Saudi Arabia’s campaign of genocide in Yemen (made possible by Uncle Sam’s unwavering support)?
Well, let’s compare that list of violations of international law to the list of “situations” that the International Criminal Court has investigated since its formation in 2003. Notice anything?
Victors’ justice never went away, it just moved to the Hague. Discover the dark truth about the ICC and find out why one of its senior judges just quit in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 9 issue 08 (February 23, 2019)
by James Corbett As a well-known adage holds: “To the victor go the spoils.” But it might well add: “Meanwhile, the losers go to the gallows.” This is the logic of victor’s justice. It is the logic of the Treaty of Versailles, which demanded unpayable reparations from the vanquished German nation. It is the logic of the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal, where perpetrators of war crimes pronounced judgment on the war crimes of the defeated. It is the logic of Abu Ghraib, where the US military tortured and killed its enemy captives. Throughout human history, victorious nations have gone too far in exacting revenge from their defeated foes. The entire notion of “international law”—from the Geneva Conventions to the International Law Commission to the International Criminal Court—has been sold to the public as a check against this unfortunate tendency to impose victor’s justice on the fallen. But just as history is written by the winners, so, too, is justice decided by the victors, and the International Criminal Court is the prime example of that. Think of international war crimes in the recent era and what comes to mind? America’s wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan based on premeditated lies about weapons of mass destruction and 9/11? The indefinite detention of captives at Camp X-ray, Guantanamo, or other military prisons that resulted from those illegal wars? Israel’s use of white phosphorous in its 2009 massacre of civilians in Gaza? Saudi Arabia’s campaign of genocide in Yemen (made possible by Uncle Sam’s unwavering support)? Well, let’s compare that list of violations of international law to the list of “situations” that the International Criminal Court has investigated since its formation in 2003. Notice anything? Like how not a single one of the glaring war crimes we just noted are anywhere on the list? Or how every single one of those investigations (save one) targeted an African conflict? No justice for Afghanistan. No justice for Iraq. No justice for Palestine. No justice for Yemen. No justice for any victims of any Western-allied aggression. Make no mistake: These “omissions” are not by accident but by design. The most recent demonstration of this fact—as if another demonstration beyond the ones I just cited were needed—came late last month when senior ICC judge Christoph Flügge resigned in disgust over American meddling with the court’s activities. Actually, “meddling” is the way many of the headline writers chose to frame America’s interference with the ICC, but that word doesn’t quite do justice to the situation, if you’ll pardon the pun. Let’s put it as plainly as possible: Judge Flügge resigned because the US had directly threatened ICC judges and prosecutors for even looking into the possibility that Americans had violated international law in Afghanistan. I know, I know: You need a minute to recover from this shock. The story starts in 2017, when the ICC’s chief prosecutor conducted a preliminary investigation into US war crimes in Afghanistan, finding “a reasonable basis to believe that war crimes and crimes against humanity” were committed in the country by US military personnel. Logically, the prosecutor followed up by announcing that she would formally request an investigation by the ICC into the charges. Apparently, this particular prosecutor hadn’t received the memo that the ICC is only to be used to prosecute African despots in kangaroo courts and that Americans are off limits. To make sure that everyone did have the memo, Trump’s new national security adviser, John Bolton, hand delivered it during his very first speech last fall. “The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” he warned, adding that the Trump administration “will fight back” against the ICC. And then, just in case the message wasn’t quite clear enough, he added:
Capisce? Well, Christoph Flügge, for one, got the message. And, having been effectively told that the ICC is a farce and will never be allowed to prosecute the US or any other elephant in the room, he resigned. The episode demonstrates precisely how the International Criminal Court operates—or, more precisely, how it is allowed to operate by its real rulers. For, you see, the ICC was set up by the Western powers and their allies to put a fig leaf of legitimacy on the concept of victors’ justice. Commenting on Bolton’s remarks in his exit interview with the German weekly Die Zeit, Judge Flügge fumed:
Well, Christoph Flügge might never have heard such a threat before, but Christopher Black certainly has. He’s an international criminal lawyer (and previous Corbett Report interviewee) who successfully defended former Rwandan Gendarmerie General Augustin Ndindiliyimana at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The story of Black’s legal journey at the international court is incredible and highlights exactly the types of “shocking” interference that so upset Flügge. Commenting on Judge Flügge’s resignation, Black noted that the intimidation tactics of Bolton are by no means a new phenomenon.
While this may not be news to people who have already seen my reporting on international law in general and my reporting on the International Criminal Court in particular, at least it is “news.” You know, that socially-constructed concept that is weaponized by the likes of Newsweek and The Guardian and is deployed against the public in the ongoing information war. But, as you might expect, these kinds of cases are only mentioned in the establishment lapdog media because they can be used to further bolster the legitimacy of the ICC. The sleight-of-hand is readily apparent in mainstream coverage of the court, where the ICC’s short-comings are used as an excuse to further erode national sovereignty. The problem, you see, isn’t the centralized trough of power that is there precisely to be abused by the ruling powers; it’s that the centralized trough of power isn’t centralized enough. Of course, Corbett Reporteers know that if the US and Israel and other international pariah states were to become state parties to the ICC, they would, at best, allow a show trial of some low-ranking American or Israeli servicemen to demonstrate that the court is “fair and impartial.” And then the neocons and their neoliberal friends would resume menacing the world while their ICC lapdog went back to prosecuting Africans. Victor’s justice never went away. It just moved to The Hague and set up court. Literally. |
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[supsystic-price-table id=59]
Re: 12 year old reporter
Cop- “You can lie to your parents, you can lie to your priest, but you can’t lie to police officers.”
So what’s the takeaway? You’re a diety? Keep in mind that your ‘power’ is arbitrary, loaned to you by the state, and can be revoked at any time, especially if you become an embarrassment- like when a 12 year old knows the law better than you.
I especially liked how the department handled it.
“The matter has been carefully reviewed and we have taken action we believe to be appropriate for the situation”
“We do not publicly disclose personnel actions including discipline and will have no further comment on this matter.”
They sure make us all proud. Just a few hours ago a very apt award ceremony video was released.
The 2019 Golden Doughnut Awards
Good article, James. Keep it up.
There are many climate alarmists like these:
Climate Emergency with Darh Jamail (a journalist not a scientist)
The glaciers in Alaska alone are losing an estimated 75 billion tons of ice every year. The oceans, which absorb over 90 percent of the excess heat trapped by greenhouses gases in the atmosphere, are warming and acidifying, melting the polar ice caps and resulting in rising sea levels and oxygen-starved ocean dead zones. We await a 50-gigaton burp, or “pulse,” of methane from thawing Arctic permafrost beneath the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, which will release about 2/3 of the total carbon dioxide pumped into the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial era. Some 150 to 200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal are going extinct every 24 hours, 1000 times the “natural” or “background” rate. This pace of extinction is greater than anything the world has experienced since the disappearance of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Chris Hedges speaks to journalist and author Dahr Jamail about his new book The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption and the climate emergency.
They seem to have good points, but they mix a lot of stuff together to make it appear alarming.
Glaciers in Alaska may be melting, but in the south they are growing. According to the very accurate measurements by envisat the oceans are not rising.
Acidifying of the ocean seems related to acid rain (sulfur from coal, and phosphorus and HNO2/HNO3 from agriculture).
The problems with species are not climate related, but related to many other factors. That is because species adapt well to climate, but not so good to poisons and deforestation.
The disappearance of the permafrost will also create an environment where plants and forests can grow. This could not be a problem at all.
Still some questions
I still have some points of which I am not so certain.
So I not fully debunk all the points that are listed.
And maybe some here can answer them?
How much methane is in the “pulse” in the permafrost compared to that of volcanic outbursts?
What is the state of ice and glaciers in different areas on earth exactly?
Could a lack of ice be caused by a lack of snow in that area?
Could a lack of rain and snow be caused by low temperatures?
Corbett’s Victor’s Justice was an interesting read for me.
I loved that one word quote. Corbett timed it right.
U.S. = mafia
I spat a little.
“Let’s settle down and kick my feet up after a long day at work”, I said. “I think I’ll just read this short little article on the ICC”, I said. “This Corbett article will be a good way to unwind”, I said.
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. What I got instead are nine new browser tabs opened to the right of this one that weren’t there when I started reading. So much for unwinding.
James has been on a torrid pace this week–scrubbing authoritarian indoctrination from the minds of his readers left, right and center. I, for one, am grateful.
Why, thank you, MBP 🙂
I’m overwhelmed by the warm reception!
Your clever prose is very much welcomed, indeed–as are the valuable insights contained therein.
I must admit that I have not seen the movie “Pi”, but I intend to remedy this forthwith.
What was in the burned “humanitarian aid” trucks?
(Not food nor medicine)
And the CIA burned it themselves it appears.
I strongly recommend everyone revisit your report on International Law (Episode 261).
Dr Daniele Ganser does some brilliant work on illegal wars. He takes a situation and just switches the paritipants, clearly demonstrating the faulty arguments.
I also recommend looking into the Malmedy Massacre and trail:
While Nuremberg lives on, Malmedy has faded into oblivion.
andrew.s, that Malmedy Massacre story is tragic, and the background music makes it even more haunting. I wish the video hadn’t ended abruptly before it reached a conclusion.
The press succumbed yet again to orders from above to churn out propaganda without checking the facts. Why oh why do we EVER believe the MSM?! 🙁
Quote of a quote you quoted, mbp: “. . . A new book titled Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival, by Dr. Peter Carter and Dr. Elizabeth Woodworth, with a forward by the leading climate scientist Professor James Hansen . . . .”
That would be the very same Elizabeth Woodworth who co-founded the 9/11 Consensus Panel with David Ray Griffin and who recently co-wrote with him 9/11 Unmasked: (I don’t know why there’s no “9” before the “11” in the URL).
When he was not writing one of his dozen or more 9/11 Truth books, the prodigious Griffin was penning his own “Unprecedented” book about climate change, which was published in 2015:
He followed up that book a year later with a second “Unprecedented” book, this one co-authored with Woodworth:
I wish I could figure out why researchers who see through deception in one worldwide criminal conspiracy do not recognize the deception in a related conspiracy planned and carried out by the same global players.