Remember that whole Yemen thing? You know, that little genocide that Saudi Arabia has been perpetrating out in the Arabian peninsula? If you’re like most people in the Western world, the answer is probably “no.” After all, you’ve got racist pancake syrup characters and other pressing political matters to attend to.
But it turns out that there are prosecutors out there who do remember the Yemen thing. These prosecutors are armed with a raft of documents showing that US lawmakers ignored their own government’s legal warnings about arming the Saudis during their siege of Yemen. And, if the latest reports are anything to go by, a number of congress critters are lawyering up in the fear that they may soon face war crimes charges for their role in the affair.
No idea what this whole Yemen thing is about? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Join James for this week’s important edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber where he gets you up to speed on the genocide taking place in the Gulf and what it may mean for the US government officials who supported it.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 30 (September 20, 2020)
by James Corbett Remember that whole Yemen thing? You know, that little genocide that Saudi Arabia has been perpetrating out in the Arabian peninsula? If you’re like most people in the Western world, the answer is probably “no.” After all, you’ve got racist pancake syrup characters and other pressing political matters to attend to. But it turns out that there are prosecutors out there who do remember the Yemen thing. These prosecutors are armed with a raft of documents showing that US lawmakers ignored their own government’s legal warnings about arming the Saudis during their siege of Yemen. And, if the latest reports are anything to go by, a number of congress critters are lawyering up in the fear that they may soon face war crimes charges for their role in the affair. Now, perhaps you have absolutely no idea what has been taking place in Yemen over the last several years. If you’re a newbie to the alternative media who’s just waking up to the world of conspiracy realism as a result of this COVID scamdemic, you can surely be forgiven for not knowing the first thing about Yemen or the bloodbath that’s happening there. After all, you’re certainly not going to get up to speed on the situation from the one or two 30-second “news blast” updates that the MSM news have run on the issue over the last half-decade. But if you’re a die-hard Corbett Reporteer, you have no such excuse. You see, I wrote a summary and review of the conflict in Yemen and how the entire Saudi-led, US-supported genocide there developed back in 2015. If you want all of the details, please go read it. In summary, back during the phony baloney “Arab Spring,” the US government actively supported a color revolution-style change in political leadership in Yemen. Obama even held up the Yemen regime change operation as a model for how Syria’s President Assad should be ousted. But Obama and his gaggle of neolib R2P love bombers got more than they bargained for when the installation of the US-approved puppet (Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi) was rejected by a significant portion of the country and Yemen devolved into an intense civil war. Enter Clown Prince Mohammed, ruler-in-waiting of Saudi Arabia, who—in addition to proving he’s a Big Bad Military Leader—wanted to punish Yemen’s rebel groups for rejecting the globalist puppet Hadi and rebuffing the Saudi-led Gulf Cooperation Council’s ultimatums and expansionism. What has followed has been a nightmare of nearly unimaginable proportions, including the largest cholera outbreak in human history, the mass starvation of millions of Yemeni children, and the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians in a years-long series of Saudi air strikes. The slaughter has been identified as an ongoing genocide, and many war crimes charges have been leveled at Saudi Arabia for committing these crimes and at the US and UK governments for knowingly supporting them. The latest report, entitled “Situation of human rights in Yemen, including violations and abuses since September 2014,” comes from the Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts on Yemen, a body authorized by the UN Human Rights Council to identify “all alleged violations and abuses of international human rights law and all alleged violations of international humanitarian law committed by all parties to the [Yemen] conflict since September 2014.” After a lengthy examination of the conflict and of the possible war crimes arising from it—including the arbitrary murder of civilians, the indiscriminate use of air strikes, attacks on hospitals, the deployment of landmines, arbitrary detentions, torture, and a range of other atrocities—the panel does not mince words in its key conclusions. To wit:
But it is a passage buried in the section on the “Military, political and humanitarian context” that is most worrying to the Western lawmakers who signed off on the arms transfers that have helped fuel the Saudis’ reign of terror in Yemen:
Don’t let the mealy-mouthed diplomaspeak fool you: This passage raises serious questions about the legal liability of all of those countries that aided and abetted these war crimes by supplying and arming the Saudis in full knowledge that those arms were being used to target civilians. Lest there be any doubt about the group’s stance on the matter, they released a statement in conjunction with the report, in which they said, “Yemen has been ravaged in ways that should shock the conscience of humanity.” And they urged the Human Rights Council and Security Council to refer the matter to the International Criminal Court for a formal criminal probe and potential prosecution. This is keeping American congress critters up at night, because there is ample evidence that the US government actively and knowingly skirted their own laws and their own legal advisors’ opinions in order to arm the Saudis. After ignoring internal reports detailing the civilian casualties in the conflict and legal opinions spelling out the US role in aiding and abetting war crimes, Trump infamously invoked a national emergency in order to flout the Arms Export Control Act of 1976, which would have prevented the US from arming the Saudis. When the State Department Inspector General’s office began looking into the move, Trump fired the inspector general. Even so, the OIG still issued a (watered-down) report that noted that, while the invocation of the national emergency did follow the letter of the law, “the Department did not fully assess risks and implement mitigation measures to reduce civilian casualties and legal concerns associated with the transfer of PGMs (precision-guided munitions) included in the May 2019 emergency certification.” Needless to say, this is not good news for those US officials hoping to claim ignorance that all those war toys they were selling the Saudis were being used for actual, you know, war (who’d’a thunk?). Perhaps this is why, as Colin Kalmbacher of the Law & Crime blog notes:
Still, anyway you slice it, this is a potential legal nightmare for all those personnel who signed off on the arms transfers. . . . or it would be, if we lived in a just universe. Unfortunately we still live in Pax Americana, where it is highly unlikely that these crimes will ever be investigated, let alone brought to court. This should not be surprising to those old-hand Corbett Reporteers who know that the International Criminal Court is a kangaroo court that has only ever been used to prosecute Africans (with one notable exception). And, heck, if push ever did come to shove, Uncle Sam could just threaten any prosecutor who brings charges against American officials or any judge who would hear such a trial. Sound outlandish? Of course it is! And that’s exactly what happened when the ICC mooted the idea of investigating American war crimes in Afghanistan. Yes, this is the context that the MSM is withholding from its readers in a ploy to convince them that there is some sort of international body that could actually bring the world’s unquestioned unitary superpower to justice. Regardless of what one thinks of the concept of international law, we can at least be certain of this: there is no such body. I make the bold prediction that these charges will never even be investigated, let alone brought before a court of law. . . . And yet, it is possible that this prediction is incorrect. As readers may have noticed, we are reaching an inflection point in world history where it is increasingly likely that the age of Pax Americana is coming to an end and the next international order (the New World Order, if you will) is taking shape. One of the hallmarks of the arrival of that New World Order will be the occurrence of events that were long thought impossible. Like the prosecution of Americans for international war crimes. In the meantime, however, as always, rather than holding our breath and waiting for a court of law to rule on an obvious truth—namely, that war crimes are taking place in Yemen and that the US, UK, Canada and France are aiding and abetting those crimes—we should instead be focusing our attention on trying (and winning) the case in the other incredibly important court: the court of public opinion. Unless and until the peoples of these countries make this into a pressing political issue, what hope is there of ever achieving justice for these crimes? But then, that would involve indicting the criminals on both sides of the phony Coke/Pepsi political aisle. And there are pancake syrup characters and other important political matters to attend to . . . |
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“Come, Armageddon, come.” – Stephen Patrick Morrissey. Has anyone else just had it? I am near giving up hope.
Don’t give up hope. We only lose if we give up. Remember how the VC and NVA defeated the US Empire in Vietnam. Remember how my generation stopped that stupid war and our draft resistors even got pardoned by Jimmy Carter.
Eventually the younger kids are going to wake up. Debt, College loans, no jobs, no homes, no families… after awhile the video games and drugs just aren’t enough. And the kids will get angry.
Don’t give up.
“…Don’t give up hope. We only lose if we give up. Remember how the VC and NVA defeated the US Empire in Vietnam…”
The US could have won that war had that been the aim… the true aim was to burn money, make defense contractors richer and aid in the destabilization of American culture so that the oligarch’s foundations could destroy the social fabric and allow easy rule over a divided demoralized people.
Its like the war in 1984…. the aim was not to win but to shape society.
Well then, if you are right, we won. The defense contractors were out of money when the Vietnam war ended for over a decade. It wasn’t until 1990 when GHW Bush invaded Kuwait that the Pentagon made a comeback. So we can win, at least for a generation or so.
If you are with Jesus Christ, you can always have hope.
Yes, we are in the End Times, and it looks very, very bleak for humanity. But in the end, Justice will be restored.
We should “occupy until [He] comes.” – Luke 19:13
Stand fast for Christ and the Truth, even if you feel alone. But you are never alone, in Spirit.
With despair comes the descent into supernaturalism.
We are in this epoch of history due to human choices.
And if we are to get out, it will be by human choices as well.
“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’.”
The corrupt heart of man has caused all of the suffering of the ages. Yet you believe the corrupt heart of man will bring forth goodness and a bright new world.
The prophecies of Revelation are true…they’re our reality.
“The prophecies of Revelation are true”
if any prophesy is “true” (and we’re on the edge of our seats about how you’re gonna back up your “revelations” claim), then it has failed.
The point of telling the future in advance is to make room for the yet to be imagined. Therefore, When a prophesy fails to manifest, then it has done its job.
“man has caused all of the suffering of the ages.”
Man caused it all, really?
firstly, anyone who says they’ve got the last word on the cause of suffering is highly suspect.
& then,
maybe its root is human desire (so says buddha’s noble truths)?
maybe its just a bad cosmic ray our solar system is transiting at 1/2 a million mph?
maybe its a lock or filter engineered by the beings farming the 3d humans (as do we farm and subjugate other animals which includes untold suffering)?
are we bearing the need to carry negative emotions in order to feed parasitic forces, suffero the latin: to carry)?
Maybe its the vibratory tension required to deliver a psyche beyond mortality? or the wobble of the spinning juga that will balance just as soon as we reach the other side of the equinox procession?
Maybe its bad habits (chosen karma), or baddies muckin’ around with goodies?, or bad luck (entanglement with other’s karma),
or simply not enough chi?
(funny how simple answers are often the “truest”)
Causes of suffering are likely not absolute. and chocking it all up to metaphysics is a cop out. so there.
How are the dominators suffering? Are they in such a drunken stupor from the inane position of causing millions to do their individual bidding’s, that they have become agents of sufferance, that feel no empathy while brutally leading millions to suffer.
we so dont know. but its fun, or can at least lend hope to the day by day for at least the chance to have the ability to not be interested but care a whole lot..
The Greeks say that our own natures lead to our destinies and demises.
I’m talking about our individual destinies and demises. But of course individuals make up families and societies and before you know it armies are clashing and flags are flying and gods are being worshipped and those religious/military….oh,I’ve lost my train of thought….
My theory: Flawed demi gods came to earth. Gave us beer and just enough civilization to build pyramids, etc.. and then they left or died or lost interest in their little experiment.
There is beauty in the human soul. But the beast is in there, too.
Caring is what matters. You are right there. Keep the faith.
Isolation and despair paint the loss of hope. My suggestion to you is to work with other people to promote the change you feel is necessary.
Stay skeptical and cynical, but pessimism is a health trap.
Many people now, especially the young who have not had many opportunities for working for social change WITH other people find them selves glued to the death machine of the computer.
This is what the rulers want.
Your only hope is struggle with others for the building of a new society
“ This is keeping American congress critters up at night because there is ample evidence that the US government actively and knowingly skirted their own laws and their own legal advisors’ opinions in order to arm the Saudis.”
James had me going for a minute but then he wrote this;
“ . . or it would be, if we lived in a just universe. Unfortunately we still live in Pax Americana, where it is highly unlikely that these crimes will ever be investigated let alone brought to court.”
Reassuring me that James is still grounded in reality.
This has been angering me for so many years now that my theft dollars are aiding in killing innocent people and these criminal governments are knowingly doing it. So disgusting and I feel so helpless. Mr. Corbett I’ll be copy and pasting this into my social media page. Lately I’ve been a bit more vocal and probably losing friends but the time to sit idly by is over.
The US, for one, is the greatest imperialist in the world, starting with the Monroe Doctrine and up to and including and past, 1896.
All empires end. This one is no different and one of the causes will be military overreach.
The fight against imperialism, capitalism and racism and sexism still have a long way to go,
“…The fight against imperialism, capitalism and racism and sexism still have a long way to go…”
Especially since the oligarchs are the main driving force in the fight against those things…. being their own opposition is how they win.
Here, we agree
I always enjoy Corbett’s style of writing. It is easy to follow and the subtle wit flows throughout.
This is an important line, because it has been so observably true these past 6 months…
“One of the hallmarks of the arrival of that New World Order will be the occurrence of events that were long thought impossible.”
Mr. Corbett,
A couple temporary typos.
“Occurence” and “were long though”
And thank you again for being a real human, and making occasional mistakes.
I think thought is good.
Thanks for pointing that out, HRS. Typos corrected.
Since I became “woke” to US foreign policy back in the 1980’s, I became aware that regardless of which team, red or blue, was in power, the policies inflicted upon the world never changed.
“Confessions of an Economic Hitman” by Perkins is a good start in understanding the US footprint on the lesser nations.
Yes, and Perkins has done an new Youtube.
What Perkins found is that capitalism needs imperialism and people like him to bully and overthrow nations.
He repented. He was CIA but cannot say it.
Not the US footprint…. the bankers footprint.
The majority of people in the US rightly dont give a fig what happens anywhere else in the world and while they are happy to benefit from the good things Empire gave them were mostly ambivalent or hostile to messing with other nations.The majority of British people also enjoyed the crumbs the Empire dropped on them, but few had any real desire to go mess with the “Hindoo and fuzzie wuzzies”.
In a few years the bankers will be using some other nation, maybe China , as their host
I have been warning my Member of Parliament for a number of years in a series of letters (one of which included graphic photos of civilian deaths just to drive the point home) that he is complicit in the commission of war crimes by supporting sales to Saudi Arabia. Now the UK Government is ignoring its own High Court Judgment banning such sales on the basis that the Government has failed to properly assess how the weapons are being used and is in contravention of EU Law.
“Canada, France, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America,…”
I am always struck by the fact that Iran always appears to be on our side while we are ostensibly “battling” them. Sabre rattling, but nothing more. It’s a tool they use. Like Trump hating the clintons (all video evidence to be ignored) while ensuring no consequences or ultimate actions.
We overthrew Iran and set up our own proxy and wonder when people thought Iran got their own country back.
Interesting omission from the list of allies is Israel, but remember that when you hear about the hatred. We are made to believe Iran too powerful to attack, but we treat China and Russia as existential threats (while creating deadly pathogens with them in Wuhan.)
Relationships are evolving, but this story will be silenced not least of all because it defines the continuity of democrat to republican to democrat to republican… Shared corporate interests.
So we have reality tv elections, even pandemics.
OCTOBER 1, 2011 | PART OF WASHINGTON JOURNAL Open Phones(video available C-span video Library)
Telephone lines were open for comments on the killing of American-born and al-Qaeda preacher Anwar Al-Awlaki by a U.S. drone strike in Yemen. Had my say 18 min in.. Remember this is when Mitt took the 17 of the 24 Ron Paul delegates from the Massachusetts Republican primary in court… All we wanted was for him to speak… A MONTH BEFORE 2012 SELECTION.. The Library of Alexandria is on Fire.. going to do some data mining.. History miss spelling of high story because you have to be stoned out of your mind to believe anything from these war-profiteer thieves.. So glad Pedro cleared it up with Fort hood and underwear bombers.. going to data dig up show after shoe bomber 22 December 2001.. FUNNY THE OCTOBER 2001 ENRON NOT MUCH COVERAGE… Remember the story Nixon and petro dollar never never FDR or Churchill on Anglo Iran, SWIFT. It’s the Zionist and one of the 17 burning bush religions..
Why do we have this preconceived idea that justice can only be decided by a pedophile Freemason wearing a wig?
Surely when its clear that they are guilty, justice could be delivered using an open source system. People contribute to a fund, the money goes to the first assassin that can carry out the sentence and the highest bidder gets a silver platter with the head of the criminal delivered to them.
How does it become clear someone is ‘guilty’?
For example in cases like Cheney and Bush where regardless of their involvement in the lead up to 9/11, demonstrated their continued contempt of the public (which they were being paid to protect) by blocking investigation of 9/11 after the event.
Agreed, the question is HOW? And the answer is a Court of law of some sort. Without a body to pass verdicts no one is held acountable.
and with the rule of law out the window, we see nothing but grifters and thieves.
Was anyone charged, who was involved in the mass murder, inside job, false flag, of 9/11? Anyone at all? Ignoring the sheep herders abducted from Afghanistan.
Was anyone charged for any of the big scams? Watergate I suppose.
As long as the economy and the means of production is in the hands of the elite, there will never be justice.
Trump, like all of them, is a malignant disease that must be removed or the body will die from cancer.
I detect a bit of ethnic positioning in your use of Anglophone etc.
Protecting European heritage and calls for saving the European culture fit neatly within the Trump fascist/ racist trope.
And yes, we want the World Court to hold liable those who commit war crimes.
As for saving the ‘Christian West’ from the barbarians at the gate: you can forget it. The game is over, it is now the descent thatis dangerous
In this one thing I believe that I understand how James Corbett would feel. Who cares?
I know how callous and naive that sounds to anyone who believes that it is reasonable to come to terms with the cancer that is killing them and is happy to negotiate for a respite from the suffering.
I don’t think that it really makes much of a difference in the long run whether pepsi or coke wins. Except for the unfortunate collateral damage people that accompany just about every single decision that a coercive government makes.
James said something recently in a video along the lines of not really being able to state what victory would be. For me the extent that I am willing to “work within the system” for real change that I would call a victory would be when the governments of the world, from small to large were forced into publicly pledging their strict vow to adherence to the non aggression principle. And by forced I mean forced by civil disobedience, by being starved. I have a feeling that James might agree with some of that.
Apathy is a symptom of a world in crisis. In the US it is the symptom of a culture that dummies down.
Working within the system means that one believes the system can change this way for the better.
I do not. I believe that the system is rotten to the core and must be replaced.
The problem is history; it just take so, so much time
You choose Trump because you are lied to. Trump is a global money launderer and organized crime figure that has laundered so much drug money, so much russian mob money it is incredible.
He is a thief, plain and simple and if he is able to douse you with fakery and have you belive it then we can only think of Voltaire:
“People who have the power sto make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit atrocities.”
The selecton is not about two individuals: it is about ethnoc-fascism versus noe liberalism and look the terms up.
There are no good choices, but Trump?
Go to other media, especially the media that does not agree with you, reason from their assumptions to their conclusions and ask yourself: What do I believe in light of what others believe and how do I know I am right and they are wrong?”
If you cannot justify a vote for either do not vote.
” The consequences of personal sins accumulate and eventually lead to inevitably to war, according to St. Augustine. As antiquated as that terminology may seem to many, it is difficult to dismiss the idea outright.”
It is veritably facile to dismiss this outright. There is simply no evidence for the thought. Augustine was trying to rectify faith with reason and failed.
America is all about individualism and individual choices, of which both are soggy terms and ideas if not grounded within history.
Religion is the last thing we need. Human reasoning is what either will get us up on our feet as humans, or its mal-use will destroy us
You are wrong-
There never has and never will be a society that has no religion. The removal of religion leaves an empty space in the human heart that will be filled by something less satisfying , usually something like the state.
I am wrong for you. For me and so many others, we feel the relief when the heavy burden of supernaturalism is taken off of our shoulders.
We want to see the world as it is, not as it is ordained to be.
And as you say, “there will be no society without religion”, then you will accept that all religions are acceptable.
Thus, I can believe in the cookie monster or as the people in parts of Africa believe in the Fang.
Religion is the source of most wars and most excuses for hierarchy and power.
Leo Strauss knew this as do the rulers, who are atheists, and thus they want the masses to think pie in the sky when they die.
And if this is true then there can be no truth found within super-naturalism for which flavor do we believe in?
It is us who must change the world, not a leader, Lord, politician or the state.
Give up your sovereignty, you mental acumen, and you have nothing to fight for.
No knowledge comes from faith. The source of all knowledge is human reason and we have a far way to go to accomplish this task.
“..I am wrong for you. For me and so many others, we feel the relief when the heavy burden of supernaturalism is taken off of our shoulders…”
It is true that some INDIVIDUALS do fine without religion, however no SOCIETY has ever or will ever do without it.
If you know of a society in the past that succeeded in being areligious you may correct me.
Even the disgusting Richard Dawkins has allowed for the fact that religious feeling likely has some evolutionary reason for existence… the existence of God being beside the point I am making that society can and will not function without it even if a minority of people can
“Even the disgusting Richard Dawkins has allowed for the fact that religious feeling likely has some evolutionary reason for existence”
He is only disgusting for he does not agree with you.
Yes, religion is or must bepart of an evolutionary cycle.
Time to evolve out of it.
What is needed is critical thinking. And this comes from reasoning.
As to societies that have not functioned due to no religion: you live in a world today that is more religious than ever and you know what: it doesn’t function.
Religion is the biggest conspiracy theory of all.
No one can end religion. It must be an evolutionary by-product.
There is not one society that has operated WITH it.
If not, religion will continue to destroy the world,leaving the reasoning mind for the gallows.
We are entering a new digital dark ages where religion probably will become even more dominant as feudalism becomes our economic system.
And with claims to over 5,000 religions and Gods in the world, just who or which God should we believe in?
This is a rhetorical question for faith and reason are like vinegar and oil.
You do not list any society that has succeeded without a religious bond….
God’s reality or not is not something worth debating at this time, but the social impact of religious changes are an easily seen historical phenomena
As for Dawkins being disgusting… well, anyone who thinks cannibalism is just a silly taboo is gross and disgusting- or do you think its just another superstition to overcome?
“…Trump is doing some very important things that are foundational for the cause of recovering White-European civilization from its captured status. …”
Unlikely to happen thru the work of a man who supports policy that hurts the USA’s national interests in favor of Israeli ones.
He is the best of a bad lot but thats not saying much
But we must rebuild out Western, Christian, European political infrastructure and
Sorry. Most of the world does not believe in your Western-Christian, European structures and ideas.
You write as if you are part of some identity politics such as Evropa.
Identity Evropa is at the forefront of the racist “alt-right’s” effort to recruit white, college-aged men and transform them into the fashionable new face of white nationalism.
Rather than denigrating people of color, the organization focuses on raising white racial consciousness, building community based on shared racial identity and intellectualizing white supremacist ideology.
It is always the same. When one cannot reason they run to the apron strings of authoritarianism.
Defamation is:the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel.
So no slander or liable here.
Your problem is that you do not like ideas that do not agree with yours.
Get used to it. Learn to reason
Mature men? Geez his post deserves better than this
Yes,it would be to those who look to justify their own self justifying belief system and believe in ‘strong men’.
Fallacies emerge. They call you names, make fun of you, red herring you, change the subject, straw man you and do anything to avoid the arduous chore of reasoning.
Faith and reason not only have nothing in common, they are mutually exclusive.
Reason requires evidence, the ability to reason within various points of view, an ability to see points of view of others, the ability to question (something faith hates).
What the world needs is good critical thinking and reasoning, something James seeks to provide even if his viewers seek to undermine the venture with fallacies.
Although I admire the intellectual acuity of a Heather MacDonald, Michelle Malkin or–for saucy humor and analysis–Ann Coulter, generally speaking women are not the best givers of political advice.
First off they are not intellectuals. They are fascists, white supremacists and racists.
But that should not deter you as your opinion of women is about that of Peter Thiel from Palentier.
The amount of fascism and segregationism,misogeny and racism in these posts should tell you something, James.
The hoi poloi love hierarchy,discrimination and racism and sexism
I agree with you that it’s up to us to be the change we want to be in society. After all, society won’t change itself, it starts with the people.
You are right. The revolution begins at home, in the mind
To be honest, I haven’t heard enough reported on Yemen anywhere. Not much even in the alternative media. I know Scott Horton covers it, but still he only has a couple sources in the country and they speak broken english and are hard to understand. I have also not seen much of the destruction going on. I think that would be key to waking people up to this. Show the carnage, show the starving children, show the dead bodies, bombed buildings, etc. More reporters need to get into that country, although it is highly dangerous.
Excellent point scpat!
You don’t see Yemen and their dead bodies of children in any of the major western media.
If Corbett had not brought me up to date, I would had been in the dark.
I don’t think people in the west care sufficiently about “those” people in the middle east for that to matter. People are so accepting of excuses that one really doesn’t have to try too hard to cover up atrocities.
A very good article by James Corbett. I agree with his conclusion. No one is going to trial for war crimes in Yemen. We do need to win in the court of public opinion, but most people have no idea where Yemen is located or care.
18 min in John from Providence…. Hope Ron Paul is alright.. The cross drilling in Kuwait and working on Vax 3000 chips put in guns to mow down troupes heading back to Baghdad.. Why do I have nightmares and fly boys don’t
Ron we Love you.. People forget this droning was done in Yemen..
Friday September 25th
Zero Hedge
Ron Paul – Stroke? and then Tweet from him that he is doing fine
(video and Tweet in article)
CDC Comes Clean: New Fatality Rate Is A Shocker!
The old man is still riding hard.