Kumbaya and pass the bubbly! World peace has been achieved!
What, haven’t you heard? The UN Security Council just passed a resolution that calls for a global ceasefire as a type of “humanitarian pause” while the world deals with the coronavirus pandemic that (we are told) is wreaking such havoc on the human population.
Or, as the UN puts it:
The Security Council on Wednesday echoed the Secretary-General’s call for a worldwide ceasefire, to combat the coronavirus pandemic that has already claimed more than half a million lives. The UN chief welcomed the long-awaited move, calling for countries to “redouble their efforts for peace.”
This tells us three things:
1) Our noble leaders love us and care for us and want to protect us during this time of crisis.
2) The pandemic must be real and it must be supremely grave, because why else would the Security Council be acting like this?
3) We can expect the next 90 days to be a heaven on earth where the nations of the world lay down their arms and live in peace and harmony.
Well, not exactly. You see, the resolution asks member nations to cease all of their military operations except “military operations against Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh), Al-Qaida and Al-Nusra Front, and all other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with Al-Qaida or ISIL, and other Council-designated terrorist groups.” But other than that wee little asterisk, that’s it. War is done-zo! . . . For three months, anyway.
So, wait, why did the Saudis just launch a fresh military campaign against the Yemenis? Didn’t they get the memo? What on earth is going on here?
Learn more about the UN Security Council’s bold resolution and what it really means in this week’s important edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Also, stick around for a Subscriber Exclusive video featuring an Xer vs. Millennial grudge match!
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 22 (July 04, 2020)
Xer vs. Millennial Grudge Match! – Subscriber Exclusive #097 |
by James Corbett Kumbaya and pass the bubbly! World peace has been achieved! What, haven’t you heard? The UN Security Council just passed a resolution that calls for a global ceasefire as a type of “humanitarian pause” while the world deals with the coronavirus pandemic that (we are told) is wreaking such havoc on the human population. Or, as the UN puts it:
This tells us three things: 1) Our noble leaders love us and care for us and want to protect us during this time of crisis. 2) The pandemic must be real and it must be supremely grave, because why else would the Security Council be acting like this? 3) We can expect the next 90 days to be a heaven on earth where the nations of the world lay down their arms and live in peace and harmony. Right? Well, not exactly. You see, the resolution asks member nations to cease all of their military operations except “military operations against Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh), Al-Qaida and Al-Nusra Front, and all other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with Al-Qaida or ISIL, and other Council-designated terrorist groups.” But other than that wee little asterisk, that’s it. War is done-zo! . . . For three months, anyway. So, wait, why did the Saudis just launch a fresh military campaign against the Yemenis? Didn’t they get the memo? What on earth is going on here? Let’s start by examining the idea of a global 90-day ceasefire (except if you’re fighting the really bad guys). Is this supposed to signal to the rest of the world that bombing and violence and bloodshed is OK as long as it doesn’t distract people from panicking about the Official Bogeyman du Jour (i.e., coronavirus)? If, 90 days from now, the coronavirus is no longer being promoted as an existential threat to humanity, then will war and wholesale slaughter become “humanitarian” again? Of course such a pronouncement doesn’t bear the slightest scrutiny. Sure, it’s a nice sentiment that everyone can get behind (“Yes, we should stop war for an arbitrarily defined period of time!”) but that’s precisely the point: It’s a PR move that is designed to swirl the Security Council and “humanitarian pause” and “world peace” around in our head so that we all end up with warm, fuzzy feelings about the UN and come to believe that there is some sort of global governmental body that can stop war at the snap of its fingers. (Did I mention the Saudis just carried out an airstrike against a Yemeni village?) As usual, there is a modicum of truth to the sentiment; without our misleaders constantly conspiring to whip up public anger against perceived enemies and purchasing billions of dollars of military equipment, it’s highly doubtful that there would be very much large-scale international warfare at all. Do you really think the average Saudi would be motivated, all on their own, to help fund and equip an Air Force and then volunteer to jump in a fighter jet and conduct bombing raids on Yemeni villages, slaughtering men, women and children they’ve never met and who never caused them offense? Without a government (or, in this case, a spoiled crown prince) deciding that it is in “the Kingdom’s” interests to carry out such strikes (and then spending ungodly amounts of that self-same Kingdom’s money to make it happen), would such warfare be taking place at all? So, yes, if the global elitists truly wanted to bring about world peace, it wouldn’t just be possible, it would be fairly straightforward. They would just have to dismantle the war machine they created, renounce the war-making powers they bestowed on themselves, and get behind the movement to criminalize war. But of course that’s not what they’re doing. Instead we’re treated to a mere Security Council publicity stunt, passing a resolution calling for “humanitarian pauses” in our regularly scheduled warfare . . . that will naturally resume in 90—or fewer—days. One presumes this cessation of hostilities also applies to any Palestinians thinking about defending their homeland from impending Israeli annexation. No, this latest resolution means nothing of importance for those seeking actual world peace. What it does do is confirm yet again that—exactly as I have had cause to point out time and again since this coronavirus crisis started—the REAL threat to world peace is the war that these same misleaders are waging against their own populations. The signs of this warfare are everywhere apparent. It can be seen in the European Commission’s “roadmap” for implementing a common vaccination card / passport for all EU citizens by 2022. It can be seen in the UN’s own “Verified” initiative, which threatens to “counter the spread of COVID-19 misinformation by sharing fact-based advice with their communities.” (And I think we all know what that means.) It can be seen in the deliberate targeting of the elderly in care homes to artificially inflate the death rates during this crisis. It can be seen in the mandatory vaccinations, lockdowns, closures, and all of the other laws, rules and regulations that are seeking to restrict the basic rights and freedoms in this dawning Age of Biosecurity. In each and every case, these actions—actions that are being taken by governments of the world against their own people, mind you—are themselves threats to peace and stability (not to mention the economic livelihood) of the majority of humanity. Far from delivering world peace, these misleaders are themselves waging war on the very people they claim to be benevolently ruling over. Yet the UN Security Council is not interested in ending (or even “humanitarian pausing”) these threats to humanity. Thus, the very idea that the clowns and puppets at the Security Council can deliver world peace (or a “humanitarian pause” in armed conflict) via a simple resolution (with a 90-day expiry date) is absurd on its face; thinking that they actually desire world peace is even more absurd. No, the world misleaders are not interested in actual world peace. They do not want the peace that comes when humanity is free from the clutches of the governments that seek to track, trace, control and sanction every movement of their citizens.<emThat is the vision of world peace that is never presented in these cheap publicity stunts at the UN. Now let’s all set the clock before this “world ceasefire” is broken . . . oh, wait. Too late. |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Recommended ReadingOn Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare Recommended ListeningEpisode 439: The Dubious Origins Of The ‘Lockdown Strategy’ w/ Jeffrey Tucker Recommended ViewingAutonomous Zones from Seattle CHAZ to Syria Just For Fun |
Get your world peace t-shirts here! :- votejainism.com
Designed them myself (:
The highwire did a good show the past week. There are a few excerpts from the whole show, this being one and a good one to see. Ziegler had some connection issue so some of what he had to say was unintelligible, but all in all a good show.
This one was quite juicy as well, but youtube scrubbed it. Maybe someone can find a reupload somewhere.
I have made a reupload on bitchute.
It is a good thing that you did.
YouTube Deleted the Video
“This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.”
Part of YouTube Guidelines include that they want to murder people, cause turmoil, grief, conflict, despair and a global populace of ditzy airheads.
Del Bigtree has been really great at passionately “calling bullshit” to all the bullshit that is going on.
I think it resonates.
Fantastic. I watched John Ziegler’s awesome confrontation, but I came upon it as an embedded link in a separate article which a CR subscriber posted last week on a different thread. I read it, but kicking myself for not saving it. By chance, can anybody point me to it? Unfortunately, I don’t know the name of the author but his webpage features a very large, black masked icon substituting a “zero” in his phrase Mask 2.0. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
YES! How on earth did you find it? Lockdown Lunacy 2.0…I wasn’t even close! And waking up this morning, I remembered that it was a hand masking the face.
Thank you so much, Debra! This article is a keeper!!
The Corbett Report Subscriber article of 7/5/2020 “UN Declares World Peace!”
and its…
SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE VIDEO – Featuring The Old Man and Talking Head
Oh gosh! This 20 minute recollection of times in decades past was so refreshing!
Not only did it flush out memories of past eras, but painted the canvas to what ‘normal’ can be.
Anyway, I just loved the conversation.
The evolution of electronic communication devices (phones and music and games) is interesting.
I understand the “Old Man” bit. Like Broc, I sometimes think of Corbett as “The Old Man”. Perhaps it is a hybrid colloquialism/idiom/endearing term.
In the 5th grade, during the steamy hot, east Texas summer with no A/C while lying on the cool floorboards of the house, I was reading the children’s book “The Marvelous Inventions of Alvin Fernald”. Young Alvin and his buddy would often call each other “old man”.
Hearing Broc and Corbett’s conversation, I find myself dated.
Give me Raquel Welch, Sophia Loren, or Jane Fonda following her X-rated (must be over 18 to see) movie “Barbarella”.
Potentially BIG, BIG NEWS regarding the Covid case counts in the U.S. (and death counts)
(My thanks to Houston, Texas Corbett Report Member CQ.)
I am just beginning to scratch the surface…
Recent national news cycles have reported the alarming increase of Covid cases in Texas.
Just north of Dallas County, lies the very affluent Collin County.
On May 24th, Collin County Judge Chris Hill made this public statement:
According to guidance provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Texas will soon begin implementing a new definition for COVID-19 cases that has the potential to significantly and artificially increase case totals.
Prior to this new guidance, Collin County and Texas have been reporting “confirmed” cases based upon laboratory PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests which detect SARS-CoV-2 RNA in a clinical specimen.
According to DSHS, Texas will now begin reporting “probable” cases in addition to “confirmed” cases. To qualify as a “probable” COVID-19 case, a person must meet…
…The problem with this new “probable” definition strategy is in the details…
…There are four possible options for a person to meet this requirement.
But #3 is the critical one…
…• Travel to or residence in an area with sustained, ongoing community transmission of COVID-19…
…Because we now have sustained, ongoing community transmission of COVID-19 in Collin County, every resident of the county meets this criteria….
(The Judge goes on with other information and the insanity of it all.)
This July 3rd video (34 minutes) gives us details of the NEW DEFINITIONS concerning Covid cases (and deaths).
You will see an excerpt video (10 minute mark) from the May 18, 2020 Collin County Commissioners Court with Judge Hill and also a County Health Services staff member. They go over the new definitions.
Solid Proof: COVID-19 Cases Extremely Inflated | Jason Mangum & Mark Anderson | World Impact News
(34 minutes)
On July 5th, 2017, James Corbett goes over the wrestling and Trump.
( a minute or more or less)
Here is the original source May 18, 2020 Collin County Commissioners Court Video.
(2 hours)
Thanks Camille.
I read over Rappoport’s piece and the referenced Atlantic article which also references other newspapers.
This article has to do with the actual tests.
The “Tests” themselves are not really at issue on these new definitions, although I’m sure that the game is rigged in that arena.
A new accounting mechanism has been introduced which essentially can make almost anyone a Covid case. Thus if one goes in to get a test, not only are they automatically counted “probable”, but many other folks are counted “probable” as well.
According to the new definitions and criteria via the Commissioners Court, a person can be considered a probable Covid case just because they had a cough, or was connected to someone who had a cough. It becomes that silly.
The bottom line…the more folks who go to get tested, the more exponentially the case number count because all their associates are also counted.
In a way, it does not matter what the results of the “swab test” say.
It’s a long discussion there at the Collin County Commissioners Court.
Actually, I am pretty impressed with County Judge Chris Hill.
The video is May 18th. He sees the writing on the wall.
Suddenly, in late June, the Texas Covid cases soared to the sky and the news cycle bit in hard.
There are all kinds of things at play…
Texas sometime around May adopts the CDC guidelines which originally came from the “Council of State & Territorial Epidemiologists” on April 4th. (36 minute mark)
Texas prepares to roll out this new definition.
Texas hires private contractors for “Contact Tracing”.
These private contractors will be responsible for all the data collection.
At the 51 minute mark, (remember…this is May) Judge Chris Hill explains that their own County data collection at some point in the future will not jive with the State’s.
It will be taken over by the private contractors.
At that point, Collin County will no longer keep tabs of cases.
Thus, the figures given to the public will be grossly out of context.
(Recall: Any “probable” Covid case will be counted as a Covid case.)
Anyway, the Judge foresees the coming vast distortion.
He saw the writing on the wall.
He even said that he doesn’t know “when” it will happen, but it will occur once the State of Texas implements the private contractors and everything is set in place.
One lady Commissioner posits that the State is pushing for future Federal funding.
CDC Surveillance Case Definition – WEBPAGE
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
2020 Interim Case Definition, Approved April 5, 2020
In my above comment, you see where I note the 36 minute mark and the April 4th date (which should be April 5th).
This seems to be the exact surveillance definitions which Texas adopted in May.
Once the State of Texas had “their ducks in a row”, the new definitions took effect.
Thus, the rules for counting Covid cases suddenly changed.
EXAMPLE of defining a Covid case NEW RULES:
~~~If a person has At least one of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing
~~~having Traveled to or residence in an area with sustained, ongoing community transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
CSTE (Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists) realizes that field investigations will involve evaluations of persons with no symptoms and these individuals will need to be counted as cases.
(I will repeat that asinine statement from the CDC website)
CSTE (Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists) realizes that field investigations will involve evaluations of persons with no symptoms and these individuals will need to be counted as cases.
Inflated Covid case numbers
…regarding the original source May 18, 2020 Collin County Commissioners Court Video.
(see above comment for active link)
~~www collincountytx.new.swagit.com/videos/62477
This VIDEO starts the Covid discussion at 15:25 and ends at 60:00.
There are many profound statements along the way, including the last couple minutes.
Here is the pdf
GRAPHIC EXPLANATION which illustrates inflated Covid Cases as a result of new definitions.
At the 14:40 mark of the following video, Architect Ron Avery shows us a close up and easy to decipher dialogue box graphic which aids in understanding the new Covid case definitions and criteria.
Link to VIDEO via Corbett Report Member “CQ”.
At 52:30 of the video, Ron Avery shows us the new definition for a Covid Death.
State of Texas pdf
Version 2.0 – Released 6/25/2020 Page 1 of 4 COVID-19 Testing: PCR, Antigen, and Antibody Tests Explained
CORRECTION on above active link which bears the title below…
Texas Dept of Health and Human Services – pdf
DSHS Surveillance Case Definitions for 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)- Revised: May 11, 2020
This link for
Version 2.0 – Released 6/25/2020 Page 1 of 4 COVID-19 Testing: PCR, Antigen, and Antibody Tests Explained
Dated May 26th (a few days following Judge Chris Hill open “Facebook type” post – see top)
WFAA Channel 8 ABC (also tied to “The Dallas Morning News”)
Researcher shares how to understand probable coronavirus cases
(one minute video embedded)
(One can tell that his “Expert” doesn’t care about the ramifications, possible contractor fraud, and potential future inflated numbers not expressed by the media.)
Collin County Judge Chris Hill has said he’s upset Texas will now track probable cases.
Texas’s Department of State Health Services has added so much information to its COVID-19 website it now has two separate dashboards to include it all along with a handful of Excel spreadsheets as well.
Diana Cervantes is an epidemiologist at UNT Health Science Center where she teaches on how people react during pandemics.
“I love to see how people perceive information,” she said.
She says there’s a point with each virus where people can get exhausted trying to understand the numbers and risks, and that’s about where we’re at now.
“That is something that happens in every single outbreak,” she said.
In a Facebook post this week, Collin County Judge Chris Hill says he’s upset over another new statistic: probable cases.
He also announced the state would take over the reporting and contact tracing for the virus before saying Tuesday that the county would continue to do the work — at least, until a special Friday meeting.
Cervantes says using probable cases is standard practice. One example of a probable case: A woman tests positive, but her husband, who doesn’t want to be tested, also has symptoms.
“That is common for many diseases,” she said. “We couldn’t do it earlier. We were at the point of trying to understand more about this disease.”
Hill’s post said the state’s definition makes it seem like there will be a lot of false positives if someone in the county simply had a headache and shortness of breath.
Cervantes says that’s not the case, and there are investigations into each case. On top of that, there is a line in definition about there not being any alternative diagnosis.
“It helps you better understand the disease,” she said. “You can cast a broader net.”…
…Hill said in another post Tuesday he spoke to state leaders today and feels more at ease now.
State officials with DSHS said they’re not sure when or how they’ll share the probable cases…
…Cervantes has worked for both local and state health departments in the past.
“There is pressure during these times to add more and more data based on what politicians want to see,” she said….
Currently, for “Collin County Update Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)” (and many, many other places) the COVID tracking is by ArcGIS via esri.
Forrester names Esri a leader in location intelligence.
Pioneering ArcGIS, powerful mapping and analytics software.
Featured article
Smart Maps Guide COVID-19 Investigations and Actions, and Monitor Effectiveness
by Este Geraghty, MD, MS, MPH, GISP and Ryan Lanclos
Location intelligence provides a valuable lens for COVID-19 response—exploring the dynamic connections between people, their health and well-being, and changing physical and social environments.
Key Takeaways
Investigators use GIS to determine who an infected person has come in contact with.
Epidemiologists monitor the spread of the virus through space and time to implement control, preventive, and surveillance measures.
Policy makers use GIS to evaluate available facilities and increase healthcare capacity.
Published June 29, 2020
Here is a 17 minute video about this “probable case” definition at the A J video website.
(Erin Anderson writes a very thorough article complete with graphics.)
By Erin Anderson
Published May 26 & 27, 2020
Could Artificially Spike Collin County Cases
County officials warn local COVID-19 case and death numbers may show a misleading increase just as Texas is reopening for business.
…Prior to the new case-definition guidelines, Collin County and Texas have been reporting “confirmed” cases based on laboratory PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests which detect SARS-CoV-2 RNA in a clinical specimen.
Under the state’s expanded criteria, it is possible to meet the definition of a probable COVID-19 case without exhibiting any symptoms at all.
“It is remarkable how low the standard is now,” Hill said at last week’s commissioners court meeting during a briefing on the changes:
“I fear this is coming at a time when we’re just now starting to reopen. If the numbers jump in a false way, it’s going to start to be very concerning to our citizens that we’re actually going backwards.”
“I am not happy with the state-mandated changes,” Commissioner Darrell Hale said following the meeting. “As a county, we have been good about reporting cases and information. And now, midstream, the reporting methodology is changing. This change will make quality decisions harder.”
On Sunday, Hill said there are significant reasons to be concerned with the new reporting criteria.
The increase in false positives will result in more residents quarantined for insignificant reasons and will raise public distrust of the state’s reporting. It will also stress health department resources, as contact tracing of more “probable” cases will lead to inflated lists of people being monitored.
“None of these help us stop the spread of COVID-19, nor do they strike a prudent balance between public health priorities and individual concerns,” he said. “This is not the way to keep our communities healthy.”
Hill said the state is also changing how virus-related deaths are reported:
“Currently, a death in our community is reported as COVID-19 related only if a laboratory test had been completed and confirmed.
Under the new DSHS guidance, any individual whose death certificate lists COVID-19 as a cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death (even when no confirmatory laboratory testing was performed) will be included in the COVID-19 death totals.”
“This is alarming and comes at a time when we are starting to reopen,” Collin County resident Deidra Dennis told Texas Scorecard.
“It will drive up the probable case numbers and deaths, thus [indicating] we should shut down again. The state, instead of counties, will take charge and do the full virus statistical reporting and contact tracing. I don’t see removing local county control as a good idea.”
Local activist Mike Openshaw, who has a background in medical microbiology/virology and data analysis, has been following the coronavirus numbers closely since the beginning of the outbreak and is also alarmed by the reporting changes.
“Suddenly adding these numbers to the number of confirmed cases will cause the numbers to skyrocket,” Openshaw posted on Facebook.
“From an epidemiological standpoint, it will make it impossible to determine if we are gaining or losing ground. From a political and policy viewpoint … this will ‘poison the policy well’ with false numbers.”
Openshaw said DSHS should report the numbers, but separately.
“Changing how and what numbers are reported and merging them together—just as we are reopening the economy—is both false and a blatant attempt to skew policy by unelected bureaucrats.”….
The other day, I sent this story about Collin County Commissioners and County Judge Chis Hill – New Covid Definitions to The Ron Paul Institute.
(I also sent the story to Jefferery Jaxon of “The Highwire with Del Bigtree”.)
Ron Paul wrote about it.
His article was also featured on Zero Hedge.
July 6, 2020 – Monday
Ron Paul:
“Is The Texas COVID “Spike” Fake News?”
~~www ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2020/july/06/is-the-texas-covid-spike-fake-news/
On July 2nd, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order mandating the wearing of face masks across the state, whether indoors or outdoors, when six feet cannot be maintained between people. In the governor’s decree, he cited a rise in Covid cases, a rise in test positivity, and a rise in hospitalizations as justification to force people to cover their faces in public.
The move is not only a violation of the civil liberties of all Texans.
Abbott may have based his executive order on inaccurate information about a “rise” in Covid cases due to the Texas State Department of Health Services changing the definition of what constitutes a “Covid case.”
Thanks goes to Collin County Judge Chris Hill for blowing the whistle on what appears to be a move in mid-May to redefine what was a “Covid” case to open the door to a massive increase – all to match the mainstream media line that a “second wave” was on the way.
In a Commissioners Court hearing for Collin County on May 18th, it was revealed that while previously the determination of a Covid “case” was a confirmed test result, the definition was suddenly changed to count “probable” cases as “cases.” At the same time, the threshold for determining “probable” was lowered to a ridiculous level.
As Judge Hill said at that May 18th meeting, “If you have a subjective fever and you have a headache and you live in Collin County, you now meet the qualifications to be a probable COVID patient. It is remarkable how low the standard is now.”
Even worse, once a “probable” case was determined based on possibly unrelated subjective criteria, up to 15 people in possible contact with that “probable” case were also listed as “probable cases.” And “probable cases” were considered cases.
Repeat that farce across Texas and is it any wonder there was a “spike” in “cases”?
Also, Governor Abbott’s claim that hospitals were being over-run by Covid patients was refuted by the Houston hospital directors themselves, who said they were nowhere near actual capacity and in fact were about the same level as they were last year.
The basis for Abbott’s unconstitutional “executive order” has been shown to be false. Will he admit his mistake?
It is encouraging to see so many local and county officials across Texas announcing they will refuse to enforce Governor Abbott’s unconstitutional face mask order. Thankfully the spirit of freedom and love of liberty is still alive in Texas.
The “second wave” is driven by propaganda. Across the country, Covid testing increased from about 150,000 to more than 700,000 per day. You can’t drive through Houston without seeing a flurry of signs advertising “Free Covid test! Results in 15 minutes!” Last week Reuters reported that tests shipped around the country by the federal government were contaminated.
Deaths from coronavirus – even the deaths “with” coronavirus rather than deaths “from” coronavirus – are down more than 90 percent since the peak in April. The decline in deaths continues. That means we are closer to the “herd immunity” that will finally kill this virus. Yet Governor Abbott and others across the country see this as a reason to lock the country back down.
Here is the pdf
GRAPHIC EXPLANATION which illustrates inflated Covid Cases as a result of new definitions.
May 18, 2020 Collin County Commissioners Court Video.
This VIDEO starts the Covid discussion at 15:25 and ends at 60:00.
…and remember…
The CDC webpage says this…
CSTE (Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists) realizes that field investigations will involve evaluations of persons with no symptoms and these individuals will need to be counted as cases.
…from “CDC Surveillance Case Definition” – WEBPAGE
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
2020 Interim Case Definition, Approved April 5, 2020
4 minute YouTube Video of May 18, 2020 Collin County Commissioners Court
New Case definition Summarization
Uploaded July 4th
Same YouTube Channel (“Local Newsz”)
Is this the reason for the Covid-19 Spike in Texas?
(40 minutes)
On May 18, 2020, there was a regular Colling County Commissioners meeting in McKinney, Texas.
One of the Agenda Items was an update about the New Texas Department of Health and Human Services directive for Covid-19 Case Definitions. In the example used in this video, we will see, how 1 confirmed case can now inflate to 17 cases in this new directive.
So is this the reason why Case count in Texas is spiking?
VIDEO from Ron Paul Liberty Report
Published Tuesday July 7th
Weekly Update — Is the Texas Covid ‘Spike’ Fake News?
(4 minutes – Essentially, in this video, Ron repeats his article above.)
VIDEO from Ron Paul Liberty Report
Published Tuesday July 7th
Ron Paul quotes:
“Don’t give up liberty for safety and security.”
“Nature is going to be better than any vaccine you get.”
Covid Lockdowns Killing 29 Times More People Than Covid?
(recent study suggests)
(28 minutes)
Statistics on Death Count per 100,000 people
New York – 166
New Jersey – 171
Texas – 9
At the 11:15 mark, Ron Paul again talks about the 1976 Swine Flu. In Texas, two representatives who were Doctors voted against any flu vaccine money.
14 minute mark – Under Dr. Fauci’s watch in 2005, Chloroquine study showed to be effective against SARS.
19:41 mark – New England Journal of Medicine suggests “Employment Suspension” for Covid vaccine non-compliance. (dated June 26, 2020)
Masks were discussed briefly during the last few minutes.
Friday July 10th, 2020,
Derrick Broze of “The Conscious Resistance”
explains the May 18th Collin County meeting that discusses the upcoming preparations of New Covid Case & Death Definitions in Texas which would suddenly inflate and spike statistics when implemented statewide.
22 minute video
Is the Spike In Texas Cases Fake News? #COVID
WFAA Channel 8 ABC Dallas Ft Worth
August 21, 2020 – Friday
Collin County judges says there are major discrepancies between county and state COVID-19 numbers
The state shows 4,636 active cases in Collin County.
The staff in the county believe it’s closer to 980 cases, which is more than four times less.
COLLIN COUNTY, Texas — Collin County Judge Chris Hill says he and his staff have suspected for “a while” that the number of COVID-19 cases reported by the state may be inaccurate.
The state and Collin County are showing different numbers for active cases of COVID-19. Judge Hill noted the discrepancy in a social media post on Thursday afternoon.
“We believe the significant number of cases currently listed as active are recovered now,” Hill said.
The state’s dashboard which is put together by the Department of State Health Services shows 4,636 active cases in Collin County. The staff in Collin County believe it’s closer to 980 cases, which is more than four times less.
“The state team has acknowledged that the they do believe it is grossly overstated and they are going to put resources to the task of getting those cases resolved,” said Hill.
What is causing the possible discrepancy and how far wide are unclear. WFAA did reach out to DSHS after-hours and have not heard back.
The judge says he wants accuracy in the numbers but says the focus should be on personal responsibility about a virus with community spread.
“It’s no longer useful for us to stand up these dashboards every day to look at how many cases we have,” he said.
There are currently no orders in Collin County related to COVID-19. A decision, the judge says, he weighs every day with economic, liberty and health concerns.
The judge says there have been conversations with other counties.
by Laura Dyrda
Texas county adds ‘no confidence’ disclaimer to COVID-19 dashboard
The COVID-19 dashboard for Collin County, Texas, now comes with a disclaimer noting that county officials believe the data is inaccurate.
The disclaimer reads:
“Warning: Collin County is providing COVID-19 numbers and data as a convenience to our residents.
However, because we have been made aware of inaccuracies in the Department of State Health Services’ reporting, we must advise residents that Collin County has no confidence in the data currently being provided to us.”
Over the past week, the county has reported sharp spikes and declines in the number of COVID-19 cases as a backlog of test results were added to the official counts. During a meeting on Aug. 17, the county administrators were skeptical of the numbers and passed a unanimous resolution to add the disclaimer to the dashboard, according to the Dallas Morning News.
The commissioners also considered removing the online dashboard but decided against it to avoid confusion among county residents.
In a Facebook post, County Judge Chris Hill wrote: “The Commissioners Court is 100% certain that the COVID-19 data being reported for Collin County is inaccurate.”
Derrick Broze of “The Conscious Resistance”
August 22, 2020 – Saturday
Derrick Broze says:
“A month ago people were concerned after the Collin County Commissioners Court in Texas released a presentation stating that the numbers of deaths might be greatly exaggerated.
Now, look at the disclaimer they have added: “no confidence in the data”.
September 1st, 2020 – Tuesday
Derrick Broze – The Conscious Resistance
Covid Case Counts and Testing
Houston’s Mayor and Health Department Admit Problems with COVID19 Case Numbers (Aug 31st)
(10 minute video)
On Aug 31st, Derrick Broze attended a press conference to ask Houston Mayor Turner and Houston Health Authority Dr. Persse about the fact that the Collin County Commissioners Court in Texas stated they have “no confidence in the data” coming from the state.
The Collin County Commissioners Court statements came after a presentation back in May where they warned there would be an increase in the amount of “probable” cases due to new rules from the Texas Department of State Health Services which comes from the CDC.
Derrick also asked Dr. Persse about concerns that the PCR test is not accurate and could also produce false positives. The answers were very interesting.
An aside, the video intro is coming along really nicely. Shorter, sharper, better.
Dr. Persse provided some good information for normies out there. I’ll just throw in that when you duplicate something 10 times, you have multiplied it nearly 1000 times (exactly 1024). So, 20 duplications work out to a million, 30 duplications go to up to a thousand million, 40 duplications more than a million of million multiplications.
So, someone somewhere is saying any numbers between a thousand million and a million of millions are for all intents and purposes the same. How does that work out?
After hearing James mention Giorgio Agamben’s essay, Biosecurity and Politics several times, I decided to read it very thoroughly. I then began researching more of his work. On March 20, 2020, Agamben wrote a piece called Contagion. I will quote a paragraph:
“Mutatis mutandis, the recent provisions (taken by the Italian government with decrees that we would like to hope –although this is nothing but an illusion – will not confirmed by parliament, and turned into laws) actually transform every individual into a potential infector, exactly as the laws on terrorism considered, de facto and de jure, every citizen to be a potential terrorist. The analogy is indeed so clear that the potential infector who does not comply with the prescriptions will be punished with prison. The figure of the healthy or unwitting carrier — who infects a multiplicity of individuals, unable to defend themselves from him, as one would defend oneself from the infector — is presented as being extremely sinister.”
Or perhaps they are rationalising some of their less important wars to make resources available for their new and upcoming war on people’s veins?
“I, Ennio Morricone, am dead.”
I take my hat off.
Ennio Morricone was 91 years old when he died on July 6th.
LYRICS – “The Story Of A Soldier” by Ennio Morricone
(The Good, The Bad And The Ugly)
“The Story Of A Soldier” with the Tuco torture scene in the movie
Ennio Morricone, beloved composer, penned his own obituary
~~www faroutmagazine.co.uk/ennio-morricone-writes-his-own-obituary/
“I, Ennio Morricone, have died.
I’m announcing my death to all my friends that have always been close to me and to those who I haven’t seen for a while. I salute them with great affection. Impossible to name all of them.
“I do want to dedicate a special mention though, to Peppuccio and Roberta, brotherly friends, extremely present in these last days of our life.
“There is only one reason that pushes me to send my farewell to all of you in this way, and for which I’ve decided to have a private funeral: I do not want to disturb.
“I say goodbye with great affection to Ines, Laura, Sara, Enzo and Norbert, thanking them for having shared with my family and me a big part of my life.
“I want to remember with love, my sisters Adriana, Maria and Franca and their loved ones and let them know how much I’ve loved them.
“An intense, full and profound goodbye goes to my children Marco Alessandra, Andrea and Giovanni, my daughter in law Monica, my grandchildren Francesca, Valentina, Francesco and Luca.
“I hope they will understand how much I’ve loved them.
“Last, but not least, Maria to whom I renew the extraordinary love that has kept us together and that I really regret leaving.
“I send my most painful farewell to her.”
(He married his wife, Maria, in 1956.)
Morricone composed hundreds of film scores and classical works.
Ennio once stated that one of his best scores was for Sergio Leone’s 1984 movie “Once Upon A Time in America”
“Once Upon A Time In America” [Soundtrack]
Automatic memory jog – when they cry “peace and safety” then sudden destruction comes upon them like labor pains upon a woman with child.
I think we are in the labor pains – and reality is – they only get worse
My first reaction to the United Nation’s so-called Security Council’s statement: As I recall from the 2014 Israeli mass-murder of Palestinians, a “ceasefire” is simply an opportunity to replenish depleted munitions stockpiles and upgrade weapons systems for further testing/demonstration by the violent aggressors to promote increased sales of weapons of WAR.
Am I accurate in recalling a similar “ceasefire” in Syria when the U.S. illegal invasion/bombing forces RAN OUT of bombs after dropping 26,000 BOMBS that year?
Hey James,
Being a Beatles fan, I watched the “Just For Fun” video you did with Vin Cognito on “Michelle.” Great stuff. At around 10:13, a board describing various F chords was displayed containing two errors/typos. The F7 chord is F A C Eb (not Bb), and the F7#9 chord is F A C Eb (not Bb) Ab. (And to be extremely nerdy, the Ab should be G# since the ninth above F is G — hence #9.) Those minor observations aside, it was a thoroughly engaging discussion and I enjoyed it immensely. Thanks!
Very observant of you.
I really like the James and Vinnie Beatle Breakdowns. But I cannot follow the conversation and try to learn to play a song too. So I never would have noticed that.
Vin and I are within a couple months of being the same age and he has been a great inspiration for me since discovering him through James. I wish that he would join Bitchute so that I could watch his videos again. I always feel like picking up my guitar after listening to Vin play.
James, please drop a bug in his ear if you get the chance. I have suggested it and that was one of the few times that he didn’t reply to me.
Sorry, I don’t know. I have never messed with it, and thus I don’t get notices about replies.
I bet another Corbett Report Member will help ya out.
Uploaded VIDEO June 24, 2020
From Texas Right to Know
Texas Medical Board Clarifies Access to Ozone therapy for Treatment of COVID
(6 minutes)
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Sheila Hemphill, CEO of Texas Right To Know submitted a request to the Texas Medical Board (TMB) to amend the “Violation Guidelines” for physicians. Board rule 190.8 (1) (A) which reads “failure to treat a patient according to the generally accepted standard of care” is a violation. Hemphill’s request was to amend the rule by adding, “without patient informed consent.”
At the June 12, 2020 TMB on-line meeting, TMB General Counsel, Scott Freshour, gave extensive explanation regarding rule amendment request, he stated,
“We did look very, very extensively at this, because it is an unproven therapy. I did paraphrase a little bit – Mrs. Hemphill just referenced item #37 from the World Medical Association Helsinki Ethical Responsibilities, talking about this otherwise unproven or unique therapy, which to us as board staff in reading that clearly, put it in under our CAM [Complementary and Alternative Medicine] rule – under the CAM rule as long as the physician documents that he or she has tried other conventional methods, if any exist, they can certainly move on to an alternative therapy and that is exactly where we felt this ozone therapy was and that rule 200 created the ability for physicians to use that as long as they documented it. So that is why we felt that the generally accepted standard of care rule that exists under board rule 190.8 did not need to be amended to say “without informed patient consent,” because the focus of Mrs. Hemphill’s request was on what was otherwise a CAM therapy… it is unnecessary and the rule as written now under 190.8 does not prohibit the use of ozone as long as they comply with board rule 200.”
Texas Right to Know – WEBSITE
Huge Catalogue of Alternative Therapies – COVID
SUB-THREAD leading to other SUB-THREADS
Senator and Doctor Scott Jensen of Minnesota being targeted and attacked
Be sure to see Jensen’s VIDEO at the bottom of this article by Vic Bishop at “Waking Times”.
(If you search “Senator and Doctor Scott Jensen”, you will see hit pieces.)
A highly respected doctor and current Minnesota State Senator has been speaking out about his concern over the validity of Covid death certificates, and as a result, is now being investigated by the Board of Medical Practice in Minnesota…
(details of Jensen’s actions)
…Across the world, censorship of information is taking a quantum leap forward, and we are fast approaching a reality where corporations and governments have the ability to instantly silence anyone who speaks up against the mainstream narrative and paradigm….
On April 11, 2020, Corbett Report Member RaoulDuke brought Senator Scott Jensen to our attention.
In the Waking Times article above, Jensen’s video mentions his interview with Red River Valley News of Fargo, ND Chris Berg .
Here is a 6 minute VIDEO Chris Berg & Dr. Jensen interview, along with RaoulDuke’s links.
Great link (with its Corbett modifier).
You need to post more often.
I love that quote:
“The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” (Albert Camus, 1947)
Tuesday – July 7, 2020
Senator Doug Jones (D-Ala.) hosted his weekly Facebook Live press conference to share updates about the COVID-19 crisis in Alabama and other news of the day.
Senator Jones was joined by special guest Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
Senator Doug Jones and Dr Fauci – VIDEO –
(32 minutes)
Evil Weasel Dr. Anthony S. Fauci 6:40 QUOTE:
“…when you look at what we can do that we know works:
It’s the use of masks and physical distance and avoiding crowds,
and I think to the extent in which this would be acceptable in the community,
I am strongly in favor of mandating things.”
“I don’t like to be, you know, authoritarian from the federal government, but at the local level if governors and others essentially mandate the use of masks when you have an outbreak….”
MASKS – Masks are unnecessary and problematic!
W.H.O. – Dr. Anthony S. Fauci – U.S. Surgeon General
(3 minutes)
Local Newsz YouTube Channel
www LocalNewsz.com
(Houston, TX)
(Northern Ireland)
(South Africa)
ABC GMA Face Masks information
(5 minutes)
Man, I feel ya. Your health situation…
What a quandary! A state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.
You sure have a lot of spice for a size 3 petite.
Keep us informed.
I watched those vaccine videos which you had linked above.
Excellent videos.
I am astounded by Del Bigtree’s communication skills. The guy can rattle it off so smoothly but with impacting force…and his tactic there in Connecticut was “The Art of War” style.
The Complex Web of Data Privacy and Its Influence on AI Ethics, Competition & Tech Evolution
deep dive report
cool convo! suddenly the light bulb went on… James old man neil young, & Broc talking head david byrne
David Byrne plays Neil Young Rockin’ in the Free World
im still searching for neil young doing a cover of burning down the house
Iran Crisis Guide: Shadow War
China/Iran Mega Deal
Something to keep a very close eye upon
July 5, 2020
Global Research
authored by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
“Scientific Corona Lies” and Big Pharma Corruption.
Hydroxychloroquine versus Gilead’s Remdesivir
This is a top grade read!
Chossudovsky tells an easy to grasp, riveting story full of real life plot twists which put most movie script writers to shame.
Here is one spoiler…
“Studies on Gilead Science’s Remdesivir and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) Were Conducted Simultaneously by Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH).”
(The Lancet study was intended to squash HCQ.)
Another spoiler…
Gilead and Donald Rumsfeld and…
Concluding sentence in the article:
“So many coincidences adds up to coincidences?
Really ?”
on the digital affront… ‘Pause’ #Takecareb4youfuckup
UN Secretary-General calls on digital users to “Pause, take care before you share”
30 June 2020, New York — The United Nations today launched a new initiative to foster behaviour change and counter the growing threat of misinformation online. The campaign, called Pause, asks digital users to take the time to think about what they share before posting it online.“Misinformation is spreading faster than the virus itself, and is seriously disrupting public health efforts by dangerously distorting sound scientific guidance. It is designed to exploit our emotions and biases at a time of heightened fear,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres. “But there are ways users can learn to recognize bad information and slow the spread. We are aiming to have the phrase, ‘Pause, take care before you share,’ become a new public norm.”
A range of media companies around the world, including Al Jazeera, Deutsche Welle, Euronews, France Médias Monde, MultiChoice Africa and StarTimes, are distributing Pause content on TV channels, online and via SMS. Major social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Google (YouTube) and TikTok, have also committed to promoting Pause, while indicating a willingness to scale up their ongoing efforts to suppress the circulation of misinformation.
Major social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Google (YouTube) and TikTok, have also committed to promoting Pause, while indicating a willingness to scale up their ongoing efforts to suppress the circulation of misinformation.
“It is encouraging to see steps already taken by social media platforms, such as swiftly removing misinformation surrounding COVID-19, flagging harmful content, questioning sharing intentions and also promoting sound health advice, including from the World Health Organization (WHO),” said Melissa Fleming, UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications. “Just as social distancing slows the spread of the virus,behaviour changes around sharing will go a long way to slow the spread of misinformation. But it can only be meaningfully halted if there is no place for misinformation on social media platforms.”
Pause draws on research from psychologists, neuroscientists and behavioural scientists whose studies indicate that pausing to reflect before sharing can significantly help reduce the spread of unverified and misleading information. The campaign will challenge people to break the habit of sharing shocking or emotive content impulsively and without questioning its accuracy.
The campaign, launched on World Social Media Day (30 June), is part of a larger UN initiative called Verified aimed at increasing the volume and reach of trusted, engaging and accurate information, including with the help of more than 10,000 information volunteers who have already signed on to the effort.
bears can do an incredible amount of damage
yeah, eviscerate ’em… thinking i wanna demolish the buildings, best way to do it would be with a directed beam, or laser from space. so lets see whats out there, what can i find online:
Pentagon Wants to Test A Space-Based Weapon in 2023
March 14, 2019
Defense officials want to test a neutral particle-beam in orbit in fiscal 2023 as part of a ramped-up effort to explore various types of space-based weaponry. They’ve asked for $304 million in the 2020 budget to develop such beams, more powerful lasers, and other new tech for next-generation missile defense. Such weapons are needed, they say, to counter new missiles from China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. But just figuring out what might work is a difficult technical challenge.
So the Pentagon is undertaking two studies. The first is a $15 million exploration of whether satellites outfitted with lasers might be able to disable enemy missiles coming off the launch pad. Defense officials have said previously that these lasers would need to be in the megawatt class. They expect to finish the study within six months.
They’re also pouring money into a study of space-based neutral particle beams, a different form of directed energy that disrupts missiles with streams of subatomic particles traveling close to light speed — as opposed to lasers, whose photons travel at light speed.
On Wednesday, officials speaking to reporters at the Pentagon voiced guarded confidence that they would result in something that would in fact be deployable.
It’s not the first time that the Department has looked at such weapons. In 1989, the U.S. launched a neutral particle beam into space, as part of an experiment called BEAR, for Beam Accelerator Aboard a Rocket.
thanks Jed ?
so i still wanna destroy TPTsB buildings, incl homes/mansions/underground bunkers etc, as a way to try & make their lives a living hell… i say let ’em suffer & i dont wanna be a mass murderer, many innocents could die, so will send warning alert b4 each building gets taken down. everyone has masks, thus protected from breathing all the poisonous toxins… just to be on the safe side will purify the air, & ground, & water.
I think it’s email only. And you get the option to subscribe to the thread when you post the first comment on an article. So to subscribe, you need to post a comment. Later you can edit the subscriptions here
This is all quite basic functionality.