Have you ever wondered how big the black budget really is? Or how to win the clash of civilizations? Or whether James prefers Hillary or Donald? Then this is the podcast for you! Join James for another edition of Questions For Corbett as he fields a range of questions covering everything from soil erosion to Brexit and everything in between.
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Comments and questions from QFC#030
Kudzu: A Lesson in Big Government Failure
Snowden reveals US intelligence’s black budget: $52.6 billion on secret programs
Eyeopener: CIA Front Companies + Hyperlinked transcript
Eyeopener: Meet In-Q-Tel + Hyperlinked transcript
Clash of Civilizations | Samuel Huntington | 1993
Corbett Report Radio 264 – Who Are the Muslim Brotherhood?
Episode 258 – Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri
Episode 308 – 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
Pentagon Prepares a Futures Market on Terror Attacks
Robert Baer knows the guy who “cashed out” on 9/10
The Revolution Will Not Be YouTubed
Probing the SITE Intelligence Group
James Corbett Explains What Everybody’s Missing About Brexit
Episode 264 – The Government Illusion
Why Hillary Clinton Must Not Become President
Why Jeb Bush Must Not Become President
Look at how much our government is spending every day and yet we cannot take care of the homeless or our veterans.
I am not arguing your point, there is that chasm. But at the same time I am a formally homeless US army veteran. The VA medical center in Portland, OR gave me excellent care. Truly, I felt cared about and safe there and they let become more independent at my own pace. Yes, the upper management is a mess, no doubt. But in the various clinics, one on one counseling and peer support gave me my life back. One thing about the VA is you have to advocate for yourself. I also feel if a veteran is really ready to get help it’s there. It took a couple of times for me to be ready but then I was. I’ve been solid now for going on six years.
I believe the cartoon documentary James is referring to that examines money and banking is “Money as Debt” produced by Canadian Paul Grignon. While it gives an overview of banking and money and the history of its development it encompasses a lot of ground, often covering a particular concept in a single sentence that flashes by. For the beginner this documentary is as good a place to start as any but it will require several viewings to come to a full understanding of the information given. So Sonja “Money as Debt” is just as good as any but please understand you will not attain a full understanding of this topic in one easy go. It will require some effort on your part if you wish to become at least somewhat conversant on this vital issue. “Control money and you control the world”…H. Kissinger.
This was a very interesting edition of ‘Questions’ and I will be making a lot of use of the show notes.Thanks so much for your efforts as they are greatly appreciated by who knows how many besides myself.
Thanks for the note, bladtheimpailer, but just to be clear, “Money as Debt” is NOT the cartoon I was referring to. I actually think M.A.D. part 1 would make an interesting documentary for a beginner to this subject, although part 2 and part 3 become exponentially more complicated. Part 3 is in fact one of the best documentaries out there on monetary reform, but is difficult for many to comprehend.
“…This was a very interesting edition of ‘Questions’ and I will be making a lot of use of the show notes.Thanks so much for your efforts as they are greatly appreciated by who knows how many besides myself.” –bladtheimpailer
I agree!
To answer Sonja’s question, I agree with James Corbett and bladtheimpailer: I think ‘Money As Debt’ (M.A.D.) part 1 is a good place to start as a beginner:
Six years ago when I was a beginner on the subject, ‘Money as Debt’ was the first or one of the first video’s I saw that clearly explained to me (a portion of) what was going on. Directly after I watched it, I recommended it to some friends and loved ones. The friends and loved ones who did indeed watch it, were grateful for the recommendation. Although I must say in some cases it took some time and gentle persuastion before they actually came round to view it (because who on earth wants to watch a cartoon documentary about money in their free time?). In any case, I’ve been frantically learning ever since. So needless to say your journey doesn’t stop there, but of course you know that already since you’re a Corbett Report member.
I would like to add
It’s very helpful for translating economic jargon.
Hi James.
I totally understand the stance on Voluntaryism that you follow. In the UK though,we do happen to have a very principled leader of the opposition (Jeremy Corbyn) who is attracting a lot of support from grass roots. He is standing on a consistently anti-war platform along with a return to the traditional Socialist roots of the Labour party. I understand that the establishment are doing their best to make sure that he doesn’t get into power, and if he does, I’m pretty sure that they would do their best to make sure that he doesn’t succeed. In the case of a potential Prime Minister like this would you advocate voting for them? Or do you think that we are being led up a blind alley? Certainly in the case of Obama, I spent many an hour arguing with a close friend that he was exactly what the US needed, and was proven to be way off the mark. I’m sorry if you have already commented on Corbyn, but I think he is a bit of an anomaly in the political system. Any thoughts on the man? I’d love to hear your opinion of him.
You are pretty much correct James, there is no such thing as on-line anonymity, especially from government. All servers log activity and ip addresses. But there are things that help protect you from big government, bad guys, and malware.
1) Stop using M$Windows. Apple is better, safer, but not by much.
Linux or Unix variants are much more secure and far less targeted.
For beginners I usually recommend Linux Mint with Mate GUI.
It installs the complete operating system and most of the programs any user would want (email client, web browser, office suite, pdf reader, etc) in less than an hour and the interface is very reminiscent of the XP interface that most are familiar with. If you have a windows program you can’t live without you can dual boot into windows or create a Windows Virtual Machine with Virtualbox. Additional open source software is available free in the Software Manager.
I have installed linux Mint on several computers for older folks in their 60s and 70s. I’m over 60 myself. None had a problem adapting. They found it much easier than Windows 8 or 10. Puppy Linux is another alternative that can be run off a CD or Flash drive on any computer you have access to and leave no history on the computer.
As for Mobil Devices – phones tablets etc – you are screwed. Both Apple and Android are proprietary Operating Systems with backdoors and spyware built in. Android is Googles linux variant and is not safe from Google thus the NSA. There are linux alternatives to Android for Arm processors on tablets, but I don’t know how that would affect a smart phone. I wont use a smart phone.
2) Web Browsers: Never use Internet Explorer. Google Chrome has google spyware built in. Even the open source version Chromium has been compromised and and activates your webcam and microphone.
I usually recommend Firefox or Midori. Always use https. There are several Firefox plugins (Smart HTTPS or HTTPS Everywhere) that will automatically use https. Privacy Badger and Ghostery will stop a lot of tracking and spy ware. Better Privacy will delete the Flash “super cookies”. Set up your cookie policy to delete third party cookies when you close the browser. Or always run in private mode and keep no browser history or cookies.
3) VPN: If you use a notebook or mobile device on public WiFi a VPN is essential. I recommend the OpenVPN protocol as the most secure (even from the NSA if properly configured). I don’t use a subscription VPN service. I have set up my own home router/firewall/VPN server using Pfsense (pfsense.org) and OpenVPN. Here is a short comparison of the most popular VPN protocols https://www.ivpn.net/pptp-vs-l2tp-vs-openvpn
4) Encryption: Always! PGP for email. HTTPS for web connections. When you install linux Mint it asks if you want to encrypt the whole hard drive or your Home directory (do one or the other – not both) Heavily encrypt your VPN. Here are some good links on VPN encryption:
There are also private and encrypted open source alternatives to Skype (owned by Microsoft now) and popular chat programs. But thats another discussion for another day.
Good list. May I add Protonmail.com as an email source? It’s located in Switzerland and enctypts all emails with a user key that (they claim) they do not keep a copy of.
Also, I suggest anyone interested in this subject take a look at https://www.privacytools.io/ for a good list of safer programs.
If you do decide to pay for a VPN service, this site has an extensive comparison: https://thatoneprivacysite.net
paul4, Thanks so much for all the info you’ve put here. I’m not a techie but I am a lot more informed by your post.
One thing you mentioned is HTTPS, Privacy Badge, Ghostery and so forth. These are things I’ve never known about and are at least something I can do. I’m migrating to the Firefox browser and app from a mix of Safari, Chrome (yes, Chrome) and iOS and will go from there. But from your post I figure using the Firefox app on my phone/tablet is a non-issue.
Again, thanks for all the info. And to Sam and What_A_State for the VPN and privacy tools links.
But after considering all this, at the end of the day I guess the most important thing I can do is just refuse to live in fear.
I mentioned this here before, the most radical thing I want right now is to have a garden that produces sustenance and have some chickens. And then some eggs. It’s difficult because I live in a urban area, I’m working towards solutions.
AMEN! “the most important thing I can do is just refuse to live in fear”
Not living in fear is the absolute defeat of the powers that should not be.
In the cyberworld of secure computer communications you can inconvenience the state institutions with strong encryption. They want to spy on 7 billion people, but in reality there is too much data for them to sift through to begin with. Encryption and security just wastes their time and frustrates them, but does not in itself defeat them.
Protecting yourself from the non-state criminals with these techniques is the greatest boon. It is probably the greatest direct benefit for most folks.
But not buying the lie of the fear mongers – finding security, satisfaction and fulfillment in your crops and your chickens, your family, friends and community, does defeat the liars.
There is an important distinction here that you need to make. Keeping a fire extinguisher at home doesn’t mean you are ‘living in fear’ of fire, only that you realistically confront the risks that the world presents.
The Deep State would have you think that the world is full of risks that you, as an individual, can’t protect yourself against and so must beg them for protection. Accepting that paradigm is ‘living in fear’. You are right to avoid it.
But taking action to keep yourself free, such as owning a firearm, growing your own food, and keeping out of government data bases are practical and essential actions that you must take if you don’t want to become a new-age serf.
Yes right, paul4 and Sam. The two of your responses together I take as suggestions of balance. And that is why I love the community here, I’m learning the ways I can live my life as free as possible in a balanced way. Agorism, once it’s laid it as it is here a lot of it is revealed to be common sense.
Question For Corbett –
In your opinion, why do you think that 15 of the 19 hijackers who were “chosen”, were chosen to be Saudis and not other nationalities?
Actually, the infamous Prince Bandar raises this point.
“…Otherwise, is it accidental that they will choose 15 misguided young people to be out of 19 when they had a pool of so many people from so many different countries? So it was intentional, in my judgment, to do it that way to hurt our relationship….”
(Links at http://911blogger.com/news/2016-06-24/brexit-britain-bae-saudi-arabia-28-pages-and-military-industrial-complex )
In response to Sonja’s question about sources to better understand the U.S. Federal Reserve and central banking in general I have written some papers on central banking including the Fed and posted them online at http://webpost.atwebpages.com/cb/. I tried to make these papers readable for anyone with an interest in this topic and included graphs to illustrate how central banking works or really how the fractional reserve monetary system used by central banks around the world doesn’t work in the way most people think. I would suggest looking at the graphs in the papers to get an overview and then if still interested reading the papers to get the financial theory behind them. For me it was literally a light bulb moment when these things started to make sense and these papers poured out of me but until I had that light bulb moment I spent the first fifty-four years of my life in the dark like almost everyone else. It came as a shock to me to figure out that banks primary business is wealth transfer not credit intermediation as I had thought. I have an MBA in finance and thought I knew how the monetary system worked and I was shocked when I figured out that was not how it actually works.
As far as online videos go you might want to consider watching episode 4 of the Hidden Secrets of Money hosted by Mike Maloney titled “The Biggest Scam In The History of Mankind – Who Owns The Federal Reserve” posted on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFDe5kUUyT0&index=4&list=PLE88E9ICdipidHkTehs1VbFzgwrq1jkUJ which is specifically about the U.S. Fed.
When you start digging into this topic it really is incredible.
turley2u, Thanks for the links…
James, thanks for mentioning the trend towards “decontextualization” of rhetoric. It’s something I’ve also noticed in online discussion: any point I bring up, or even just a question, will elicit set-in-stone assumptions about my beliefs, motivations, and tribal identity. Once that impression has been created, no matter how inadvertently, it’s hard to undo.
On the other hand, walking on eggshells and constantly making every qualification imaginable before uttering a word, does not appeal to me. But it is something to be aware of and make sure we don’t fall into this trap ourselves.
Not familuar with eetimes, but Creature From Jekyll Island is excellent. However, it is also rather heavy (both physically and intellectually). If you are looking for an introduction to the subject that is easier to start with, I recommend
https://www.amazon.com/Thieves-Emporium-Max-Hernandez-ebook/dp/B00CWWWRK0 where it is rated 4.6 on almost 100 reviews.
It has the virtue of delivering the economics lesson via a fast-paced fictional narrative, thus making it fun to read.
When it comes to money…just keep it simple.
There’s basically two types of banking institutions
1- personal banking for individuals and
2- central banks for nations
Central banks for nations I think is what is puzzling most people, because this is being manipulated to created wars and consolidate power, whereas personal banking deals with mortgage rates and savings interest rates, pretty basic stuff.
Therefore, I believe if we use the history of the US of A as an example, we can figure this out pretty easily.
Now we all heard of the Revolutionary war of 1776, followed by the war of 1812 and how Andrew Jackson killed the 2nd bank of the US, the country’s national bank, which some say probably led to the American civil war of 1863 some 40 years later.
Back then, gold and silver were used as currency, whereas today we use paper money.
The benefits of gold and silver backed currency is that there is virtually no inflation, whereas today for example, a house that cost $25 000 during the 1970’s is now selling for approx $250 000.
So how did this happen? How did we go from gold and silver, to paper, to out of control inflation?
Quick answer? Incremental steps and wars.
So, like I was saying earlier, people used gold and silver coins as currency for the longest time, then came the American civil war, followed by the creation of the Federal Reserve bank in 1913. (insert: The creature from Jekyll Island here).
Then comes WW1, followed by the great depression.
Just as Hitler is being sworn in, in 1933 Germany, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is busy confiscating Gold from the American public, known as Executive Order 6102. The introduction of paper money to the American people.
Then comes WW2, and Bretton Woods. If any of you aren’t familiar with Bretton Woods, please Google it.
Basically, near the end of WW2, the victors, US, Russia, UK and France decide to make the US dollar the sole international currency. Now keep in mind, internationally, the US dollar was backed by gold, but not for Americans (remember Executive Order 6102).
In other words, nations that hold US dollars can still convert them into gold, the US citizens however cannot. Pretty sneaky hey!?
Now comes the real slight of hand trick. Some 30 years after Bretton Woods, Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon decides to swindle every nation on earth that is holding large amounts of US dollars by decoupling the dollar from gold, effectively killing Bretton Woods. Imaging holding billions of worthless US paper money unable to convert it into gold, well that’s what Nixon did.
This effectively made the US dollar a paper fiat currency, that is until the Saudi’s decided to create an Oil embargo (Google OPEC). Of course the US had no choice but to make Saudi a partner. Making the US dollar a petrol dollar….
Followed by the C.I.A creation of AlQeada led by Osama (a Saudi), the war in Afghanistan, the fall of the Soviet Union, the first Gulf war in 1991, followed by Sept 11th and the 19 “Saudi hijackers” hijackers and today the so called ISIS terrorists.
And that, in a nut shell, is money in a nut shell.
Gold is just another commodity. What it is that makes gold valuable as money is the same as what makes a paper dollar valuable. A gold standard currency can be just as easily devalued as a paper currency. The secret to having a sound money supply is in the issuing whatever is used as money in the correct quantity as the primary axiom. Other issues on who owns the right to create money and in whose interests are very important to the public but secondary to the issuance in the correct quantity for the economy involved.
Do I own some precious metal? Yes, but purely as speculation that the world may reset to a gold standard revaluing gold in terms of fiat that may bring me a profit or at minimum protect my investment as a kind of inssurance policy.
I pretty much agree with most of what you said, precious metals do hold intrinsic value, however I would argue that there simply isn’t enough gold/silver in the world today with our current global population for it to be used as currency. It just wouldn’t be practicable, plus people would hoard it and stifle the economy.
Therefore paper and digital money are probably the best forms of currency we could use today, however there needs to be safeguards.
Central Banks need to apply Glass-Steagall Act World Wide, renegotiate a new Bretton Woods agreement where nations share a basket of currencies instead of the US owning the sole World reserve currency.
Also the world needs to decide if it will keep a floating system of currencies or if it should be backed by…
-gold? (Bretton Woods)
-Oil? (Nixon Shock) or something else
-Human resources?(ie education)
That’s my 2 cents (pun intended)
And you REALLY need to read James Rickards The New Case For Gold.
You REALLY need to read Thieves Emporium. See my post above.
–Money —
What if…?
What if anyone was free to create currency?
What if anyone was free to create their own script of exchange, to create a symbol used in trade and exchanges of value?
(ha!!! What would the taxman do? Agghh! What would the manipulators do? …I guess they would have to outlaw independent script.)
And you also need to read Thieves Emporium. It discusses just those issues. In a nutshell, the answer begins with picking a usable definition for money. The book starts from the premise that ‘Anything we buy stuff with is money’ and goes from there to draw some very disturbing conclusions about our present monetary system and what is happening to it.
A question or two for you James. First I admit that I am a newbie to this line of thought of volunteerism so bear with me if my question seems silly to you. In such a society of free association what is to prevent monopoly from forming, especially over existential life support systems like water, obviously a localized commodity or one that could be kept localized by a monopoly, with possible price gouging as the result? How would the environment be protected from say over logging or logging in environmentally sensitive areas that could damage the overall life support system of an area? How would a consortium of individuals, say extracting iron ore, be stopped from externalizing the cost of pollution their operation causes as their price for a ton of iron would be cheaper than a competitor who is mind full, like old Fezziwig and the two new entrepreneurs Marley and Scrooge? Would law in all its majesty of logic still have a place in a free society?
QFC So glad you asked that as I do have been wondering the same. My attempt at an answer is that consumers of say water would have a choice to stick with the private monopoly supplier or seek an altrnative.
This would offer at least one more alternative than what is possible now with the sole supplier being the government.
Not ideal, but a step in the right direction
Just don’t eat the stuff near the road or where the government has sprayed herbicide on it.
“Kudzu can be eaten many ways. The young leaves can be consumed as a green, or juiced. They can be dried and made into a tea. Shoots can be eaten like asparagus. The blossom can be used to make pickles or a jelly — a taste between apple and peach — and the root is full of edible starch. Older leaves can be fried like potato chips, or used to wrap food for storage or cooking. With kudzu you can make a salad, stew the roots, batter-fry the flowers or pickled them or make a make syrup. Raw roots can be cooked in a fire, roots stripped of their outer bark can be roasted in an oven like any root vegetable; or grated and ground into a flour to make a thickener, a cream or tofu. Kudzu is used to make soaps, lotions, rope, twine, baskets, wall paper, paper, fuel and compost. It can also be baled like hay with most grazing animals liking it, especially goats. Only the seeds are not edible. And while the root starch is edible, it takes hours of pounding to get the starch out, as my friend Doug Elliott wrote in his book, Roots. “
I have a question on Brexit and the Union Jack. I happen to be in backwater Vancouver Island last weekend in Nanaimo and came across the Vancouver Island Symphony performing in a concert at the part series when the symphony was playing “god save the queen” with school kids dancing around carrying the union jack. Here’s link — you can see the “concert by the sea” promo at the bottom of the page. http://www.vancouverislandsymphony.com/
After the song ended the conductor addressed the audience reading from a sheet of paper and said (this is a paraphrase) “This may be the last year we will be waiving the union jack because with Brexit, if Scotland and Ireland decide to stay in the EU, we won’t be able to fly the union jack anymore.”
James (or anyone else)can you think of any reason why the English flag would have to change just because England leaves the EU, but Scotland or Ireland did not?
I also thought this strongly suggests how much they fear Brexit if they are giving the conductor of a backwater symphony anti-brexit propaganda to read in Nanaimo, BC. but that may be reading too much into it.
Hi James,
I was listening to your podcast on “Boycott Buycott”, about open-source software. It made me want to ask you though. One thing I feel would be really important or helpful for “getting off the grid” would be generating our own source of electricity. Do you ever plan to address this idea or have you already done so?
Thanks so much for the link to “97%”.
It puts the housing bubble, student loan bubble, and Goldman Sachs in a new perspective.
Your post did not go to waste. I copied the whole shebang onto a document, and your Video recommendation of “97% Owned” is logged/embedded at our Texas Group’s Meetup website.
You are right, “97% Owned” brings the money revelation to a new level.
“The Case Against The Fed” by Murray Rothbard.
“The Mystery of Banking” by Murray Rothbard.
Money usually starts off like any other commodity that some (not all) people in the community value for its own sake. A set of commodities emerges to relieve the double coincidence of wants problem in a barter scenario. It is when people store it in a central warehouse (a bank) for safe keeping when the fraudsters (banker or warlord) start to take advantage. People start trading paper claim tickets instead of the commodity because a piece of paper is light and compact, thus making it more convenient to exchange. Bankers start printing fake claim tickets out of thin air and lend it out with interest. That is when it turns into debt.
A peer to peer barter network of millions of people can probably reduce to a certain extent the double coincidence of wants problem, a site similar to Open Bazaar.
Hi James and all fellow subscribers,
I am trying to download/back up all the videos. I am confused about the different formats.
Sometimes I find them as a youtube video like here…
…these I cannot download.
Other times I’ll find them in a different kind of video format like here…
…these I can download.
And yet other times I seem to come across both kinds but in separate posts.
Anyone know how to filter to always find the latter format?
whoops, second link as example of different video format should be this one…
1. go to this website: http://www.clipconverter.cc/
2. insert youtube url
3. Download video
Thanks for the question, totemynote. If you are looking for videos, please click the “video” tab on the title bar (right under the banner at the top of every page). That’s where the downloadable mp4 versions of all the videos are. Here’s the direct link:
Hope this helps.
Got it, James. Somehow when I was downloading from last to first video page I kept bouncing out of the video only category filter.
And BuddaForce,now that is a cool link. I never would of thought there was a way to download YT and Vimeo videos.
I just wanted to say thank you for this excellent list ShaQ.
I’ve seen most, but there were a couple of new diamonds on there that were very informative.
I was watching the World According to Seymour Hersh and his explanation about the killing of Osama Bin Laden.
Do we give much credence to his version that we did actually kill OBL when Obama & Co say we did but that they really screwed up how they delivered the story? That he was basically our prisoner in Abottabad and they decided one day to take him out?
I am continuing to look into it but would appreciate other people’s views on this.
“…Do we give much credence to his version that we did actually kill OBL when Obama & Co say we did…”
I’m not positive I understand your question in the right context but for myself, no credence at all is given to it. This is mentioned in one of Jame’s “Laughing at Tyrants” episodes.
There is so many things surrounding the OBL meme that don’t add up.
I could post links from even mainstream media about what happened to some members of Seal Team 6 after the OBL supposed killing that by itself reinforce a belief that it was untrue.
And James, the Seal Team 6 story might be worth a episode by itself. There is much to this that the majority of people are unaware of.
I may come back to this post later with some links about it specifically if that is okay. I’m still unsure about the comment etiquette here.
What are we to make of the recent article US-NATO-Turkey Invasion of Northern Syria: CIA “Failed” Turkey Coup Lays Groundwork for Broader Middle East War? By Michel Chossudovsky in light of the recent interview #1202 between James, Sibel and Spiro?
Two questions:
First, how does it benefit the powers of the chessboard to create situations that result in mass migrations of persons from their home country into Europe, the US, and other countries? What am I missing in order to understand how that benefits those in power?
Secondly, the recent 20/20 episode about Kayla Mueller is openly critical of the government’s handling of her situation. What is to be gained by whom by having that special air on prime time?
Thank you.
have you ever covered the AMERITHRAX investigation?
-Peace, Love & Anarchy
Oh, well I guess I should have queried first and found this…
…okay. But what about the whistleblower…
…Richard Lambert?
-Peace, Love & Anarchy