Too Little, Too Late? India Stands Up to the CDC

by | Jun 6, 2020 | Newsletter | 70 comments

Flying completely under the radar of the various crises that have come to define 2020, an interesting story is playing out in India. This story shines a light on the increasingly globalized nature of medical research and on the dark practice of using poor people in third-world nations as guinea pigs in that research.

In early May, the US Centers for Disease Creation and Propaganda (CDC) announced a $3.6 million grant to “further strengthen and support the Indian government’s efforts to increase laboratory capacity for SARS-COV-2 testing.” But just days later, it was reported that the grant may be delayed because the CDC was placed on a “watch list” by the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs last December.

Wait, what? The Indian government placed the CDC on a “watch list” last year? Why?

So why is India watch-listing the CDC? And does this mean that the practice of using developing countries as laboratories for medical research is finally coming to an end? Get the details in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 18 (June 06, 2020)

by James Corbett
June 6, 2020

Flying completely under the radar of the various crises that have come to define 2020, an interesting story is playing out in India. This story shines a light on the increasingly globalized nature of medical research and on the dark practice of using poor people in third-world nations as guinea pigs in that research.

In early May, the US Centers for Disease Creation and Propaganda (CDC) announced a $3.6 million grant to “further strengthen and support the Indian government’s efforts to increase laboratory capacity for SARS-COV-2 testing.” But just days later, it was reported that the grant may be delayed because the CDC was placed on a “watch list” by the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs last December.

Wait, what? The Indian government placed the CDC on a “watch list” last year? Why?

Well, according to The Hindustan Times, the Indian government specifically asked the CDC to “stop funding research in India without government approval” after they discovered that the US health agency had helped an under-qualified Indian research facility to study a potential bioweapon. The facility in question—the Manipal Centre for Virus Research—was researching the Nipah virus, a so-called “Risk Group 4” (RG4) pathogen that is “likely to cause serious or lethal human disease for which preventive or therapeutic interventions are not usually available.”

Given their extremely dangerous nature, RG4 pathogens can only be handled in special “biological safety level 4” (BSL4) laboratories. BSL4 labs are completely sealed off from the outside, with dedicated supply and exhaust air systems and rigorous procedures for decontaminating all personnel and materials leaving the building. As a result, BSL4 laboratories are very rare, with only a handful of facilities in the world able to meet the stringent security protocols. Like the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

. . . Oh, wait.

Well, anyway, the key point is that the Manipal Centre for Virus Research (MCVR) is a BSL2 facility, not a BSL4 laboratory, and thus was not cleared to be working with Nipah virus at all. So how did the researchers at the MCVR get their hands on the viral samples? And how did they get the funding for their research?

The illegal research was uncovered after the coronavirus panic prompted the Indian government to order a review of biological weapons-grade pathogens in the country. The review discovered that the CDC was funding a training program at the MCVR to detect and diagnose Nipah virus and that the US agency was secretly funding the program in violation of India’s Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 2010. The bold, illegal scheme was laid out in an internal government report titled “Unapproved, US-funded Indian Laboratory stored samples of Nipah Virus—a bioterrorism agent.”

The Hindustan Times report includes a startling accusation from one unnamed Indian government official:

“Our apprehension is that the lab was being used to map the Nipah virus, which can be used to develop a vaccine, the intellectual property right of which will not be with India. Importantly, understanding how the human body reacted to the virus will also produce a more virulent form of virus for biological warfare.”

That’s right, folks. For some reason, the US CDC was secretly funding research on a highly dangerous weapons-grade biological pathogen at an under-qualified research facility in India.

Even more incredibly, this isn’t the first time that the CDC has been accused of nefarious biowarfare activity in the country. In 1994, an outbreak of bubonic and pneumonic plague hit south-central and western India, causing 693 cases of the disease and 56 deaths. The loss of life may have been relatively small, but the panic surrounding the event was unprecedented. Some 300,000 people fled the plague-stricken city of Surat in two days, the largest post-independence migration of Indians in history, and the Indian economy suffered a $600 million hit.

Upon further inspection, however, questions began to emerge about whether the outbreak had really been the plague at all. Writing about the questions surrounding the recent coronavirus panic, a journalist in the Indian publication THE WEEK wrote:

“During the 1994 plague outbreak in Surat and Beed, it was found that the germs had an extra protein ring which could only have been inserted artificially. Indian scientists had raised concerns about a US biowar experiment having gone awry. THE WEEK had carried reports giving details of germ war research being carried on in labs under the Centre [sic] for Disease Control in Atlanta and about a newly developed germ detector being tested. The US embassy had denied the allegations.”

Yes, perhaps the only surprising thing about this latest Nipah virus scandal is that the Indian government had the gumption to call the CDC out on their illegal activity and even to delay cashing a big juicy bribe check from the agency just to smooth things over.

You see, ever since it was effectively conquered by the British East India Company in the 18th century, India has been used as a giant open-air laboratory for the would-be social engineers of the ruling oligarchy.

The Company began its conquests in the mid-18th century and gradually expanded military, political and economic control over India. At the height of the East India Company’s power, the nation of India had effectively become the plaything of a private corporation. As historian William Dalrymple writes:

“We still talk about the British conquering India, but that phrase disguises a more sinister reality. It was not the British government that seized India at the end of the 18th century, but a dangerously unregulated private company headquartered in one small office, five windows wide, in London, and managed in India by an unstable sociopath—[Robert] Clive.”

Fast-forward a century or two and India is still the plaything of multinational corporations. The much-touted “Green Revolution” of the 1950s and 1960s, for example—a set of technology transfer initiatives designed to “modernize” agricultural practices in developing countries by selling them American-made machinery running on petrochemicals—not only exacerbated the problems faced by landless peasants in India, but actually slowed the growth of agricultural production in the country. The seed cartels and agricultural giants like Monsanto that colonized the country in the wake of this “Green Revolution” have left their own scar on India in the form of an epidemic of suicides committed by farmers saddled with unpayable debts.

In the current era, however, the privatization of India is done not by the corporations directly, but under the guise of “philanthropy” by nongovernmental organizations and private foundations.

Viewers of Who Is Bill Gates? will already know some of the lowlights of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s involvement in India. From the national vaccination schedule to the national biometric identification scheme (Aadhaar) to the country’s headlong rush towards a mobile digital payment system, there is no aspect of the modern Indian state that does not bear the fingerprints of Gates or one of his minions. In fact, such was the concern over the way that the Gates Foundation was influencing India’s vaccination strategy on behalf of Gates’ Big Pharma buddies that the Indian government was forced to cut all financial ties between the Foundation and the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation—the primary body advising New Delhi on all vaccination-related matters.

But, contrary to the headlines that have been generated in the alt media that the Gates Foundation has been “kicked out” of the country, the relationship between the Indian government and Gates is as close as ever. In fact, so close is the relationship that the Gates Foundation actually maintains an “India Office,” which “operates as a branch office with permission of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) under Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) and is appropriately registered under Indian law.”

The reasons that India continues to be a rich target for the likes of the Gates Foundation are that it provides an easily accessible testing ground for medical research and its large population provides ready markets for Big Pharma vaccines and other products. As Samiran Nundy, editor emeritus of the National Medical Journal of India, observed regarding a scandal surrounding an HPV vaccine study in the country that committed “gross violations” of consent, “This is an obvious case where Indians were being used as guinea pigs.”

The Indian people, and poor people across Asia and Africa, have been used as human guinea pigs by medical researchers, social engineers and agents of empire for centuries. It should come as no surprise that the US CDC has been caught with their hand in the India cookie jar, funding secret bioweapon development research in the country without the government’s knowledge or consent. The only question now is whether the Indian government is willing to cash their $3.6 million “coronavirus research” bribe and look the other way or stick to their guns and kick the CDC out of the country for good.

Recommended Reading and Viewing

Recommended Reading

The Bank of Canada: In Crisis and Beyond
Police Use Contact Tracing And Big Tech To Identify Protesters
Bill Gates Web of Dark Money and Influence Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Recommended Listening

4. Vin Armani on Matriarchy, Memes, and the Devouring Mother by The Filter

Recommended Viewing

Contact Tracing Scarier than you Imagined
“The Monopoly on Violence” Documentary

Just For Fun(?)

Antiwar literary and philosophical selections

[supsystic-price-table id=59]

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  1. 6/6/2020 James Corbett’s article Too Little, Too Late? India Stands Up to the CDC.

    I am always amazed by what Corbett brings to the table.
    This article is top grade journalism.
    You don’t see this kind of stuff in the New York Times nor Bloomberg News.

    I had no clue as to what was happening in India until Corbett wrote about it here.
    It makes me proud to be a Corbett Report Member.

    • Mike,
      I thought it was an excellent post.
      I so much love your graceful honesty and independent thinking.

      I read this comment after responding to yours below.

  2. Let’s hope India stands strong and corruption doesn’t win.

    When will the US population stand up to the CDC and put it on notice for the corruption, diseases and deaths it has been involved in? I mean: when will the US population finally get it and then stand up to the CDC?

    • This smacks of MK ULTRA use on the poor in third world nations. But it is also a way, as the article notes, to make sure patents and products derived from the undisclosed bio use and research are copyrighted by those carrying out the illegal testing and use.

      As to the E. India Trading Company, yes they founded Yale University with the stolen loot from their conquests.

      “In a May 18, 2010 article by the Editors of Rupee News (from India), the editors claim that Elihu Yale stole money from the East India Trading Company to fund Yale University, which of course is named after the old pirate.”

      Yale University: Funded by stolen loot from the East India Trading Company

  3. While there are some muddy aspects about Gandhi, Corbett has mentioned him several times.

    Corbett’s November 2009 Episode 107 – Lessons in Resistance: Non-compliance
    From Thoreau to Gandhi, King to Watada, a powerful tool in the struggle for freedom has been demonstrated again and again throughout history: non-violent, non-compliance.
    The New World Order wants you to riot, but the freedom fighters of today are practicing insubordination.
    Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we celebrate the resistance and disobey our orders.

    He links to this YouTube Video
    Gandhi’s non-violence speech
    (5 minutes)

    • I tried pacifism once. But redneck bullies love it when you don’t hit back. I learned to be a real bastard in a fight instead. There is this idea that the state wants us to think. They want us to protest. They want us to riot. They can manipulate that to their advantage easily. But they are terrified of a gun behind every bush. Got my bush picked out.

      On another note; am in town to pick up supplies. Walked into the hated Wally World today. Freaking mask people still dominate. However, I noticed many aisles understocked. Even a large section just empty space. Floor space is money and empty floor space is money lost. Wally World has more connections and sources than your average chain, so if they can’t keep their stores stocked, then Houston has a problem. Did meet a woman there that figured covid is a scam. We had a nice loud conversation on it. But I can’t wait to get back to the river. Going rafting to really learn the river.

      • That’s interesting about the lack of stock on the shelves.
        You are right about the value of square footage of floor space in retail.
        By the end of April, my Kroger store completely reset the entire store and put in new fixtures which now ‘cover’ or ‘enclose’ the cooling areas of cheese or lunch meats or beer.

        Those loud public conversations are great!
        I know it stimulates curiosity in the quiet by-standers.

        Have fun doing a Huck Finn.

        • Yep, and you know how loud a redneck conversation can get! Some hackles were raised, but I love raising sheeple hackles. That wool looks so cute when it’s mad!

          Am looking forward to the rafting. Will stop at every spot possible to check for animal sign and plants and caches. Will be taking extensive notes.

          Saw a beautiful doe this morning hiking out. She even stopped to give me a once over. Bluegill are guarding their eggs as well.

          • I find it somewhat fishy that there still is a shortage of paper products and sanitation supplies as I notice in local stores around here. I don’t believe it is anything but manipulation to keep people fearful.

            • We did shut down production around the world a few months ago. And won’t be seeing that level of production again in our lifetimes.

      • I didn’t even check for TP. Though I suppose the idiots are still hoarding it. I just steal 1 roll from the roach motel I stay in while in town. But tried to find those 7 pk lighters. No go.

      • Just checked. About half stocked as well. I hate going in there, but they cut a deal with the city to not allow any competition. Ain’t the state great?

    • To hell with food and toilet paper…let’s talk necessities…
      I did not know this…

      via ZERO HEDGE
      The Future of Freedom Foundation
      May 28, 2020
      Free the Liquor Stores!
      The Fine Wine & Good Spirits liquor stores are slowly beginning to reopen in Pennsylvania after they were all closed on March 17 in response to the spread of the coronavirus…

      …When the Fine Wine & Good Spirits liquor stores closed, why couldn’t residents of Pennsylvania just go to another liquor store in Pennsylvania instead of having to drive to another state? Because the Fine Wine & Good Spirits liquor stores are the only liquor stores in Pennsylvania. They are government liquor stores. No private liquor stores are allowed to exist.

      Pennsylvania is one of seventeen “alcoholic beverage control” states where the state government controls the wholesaling, and often the retailing, of distilled spirits, and in some cases, beer and wine. The other states are: Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming. There are also jurisdictions in Alaska, Maryland, Minnesota, and South Dakota that control the sale of alcoholic beverages…

      …In 1933…some states, such as Pennsylvania, instead of allowing liquor freedom, chose to institute liquor socialism and monopolize the retail sale of hard liquor…

      …next to the seal of the state of Pennsylvania, it says, “Keystone State. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom.”….

  4. “ government resists the temptation”
    Not seeing that happening.
    My money is on them cashing the check.

  5. I would like to add that Gandhi was successful in a certain sense, that he forced the british to withdraw overt control, but then they supplanting it with covert control. That is why Gandhi had to be killed, they knew he would have called them out on it. Same thing with King in America, King had to be killed because he would have seen that deception and that damage that the welfare state and affirmative action would cause to African people in America.

    This is the same thing that they did in Zimbabwe and put the puppet mugabe in power.

    • Fantastic insight my brother!

      Thank you for taking the time to post this!

      What you have illustrated in your post is what every American needs to hear and understand, particularly now; shame is they think the wise are foolish and the fool is wise.

      I was going to post this on the latest episode but since I am here…

      This image has come to me while sitting here depressed and pissed off about all of this going on, realizing in full that america is and has always been a farce. I was hoping that with the knowledge of what we here know about this agenda that the people would wake up to it and turn the table on them, maybe so… yet further down the road after many more people have died and the situation is much more drastically worse; and in that realizing the likely possibility of my own death in the coming days – I wouldn’t have it any other way because I am not going to bow to them in any way, shape, or form. So be it…

      What we are seeing right now is symbolically reflective of 9/11/2001.
      The twin towers are representative of the two pillars of the temple of man… the destruction of and the remaking of the body of man.

      The first strike was “covid-19” op.
      The second strike is this social unrest – protest-riots-militarized po-lice

      Soon to follow will be the controlled demolition of the nation
      most likely the assassination of trump and then war with china
      and their allies – or war with a “peace” keeping mission of the un between the people; I am not sure how they are going to mop up the us but it is coming – war on american soil is coming… “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

      • Thanks for taking the time to reply.

        The roots of the problems here are ignorance and people being divided in their varied ignorances.

        Ultimately government is part of the problem and as it now stands there is no solution to be found in it without an awakened populace willing to get involved and we don’t have that.

        Like I said, America has always been a farce. How do you found a free country on the theft of one peoples land and the slavery of another and if you need more examples just read “A People’s History of the United States” by Howard Zinn
        You can also read Manly Palmer Hall’s “The Secret Destiny of America.” But to understand that book correctly you must have some knowledge about freemasonary and who francis bacon really was.

        With what I have seen taking place this year so far and what is happening in particularly with America right now with these protesters, riots and police. This is all being stage managed from all sides and the mind bombed protesters are simply the cover for all of this to take place.

        The people have no idea what they are living through and taking part in – ultimately their own destruction at the hands of social alchemists.

        I have done my homework and I can see what they are doing here.
        Even if Americans were to wake up and take the country back from the new world order cabal completely and thoroughly the hidden hand still has the UN army and the Chinese army to use as tools against the US.

        A divided house can not stand. This is happening exactly as albert pike depicted in his letter to mazzini about the creation of 3 world wars.

        There is to much to piece together here in this comment section let alone in a weeks time or longer.

        They have something planned which will be the next stage for June 21 – July 5 – this guy here has got it pegged:

        America is finished, fragmented and has become for the most part a nation of superficial fools. That is why… “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

        It is a ship without a compass or rudder…

        • First off Wylie1, you don’t know me. You don’t know about the shit I have been through at the direct hands of these conspirators and I am not going to get into here with you, because you most likely won’t believe it.

          I have come out something that would leave most people wrecked for life, so don’t tell me shit about being a “do nothing.”

          If your fucking plan to take the government back is so viable than go do it, as far as I am concerned you are wasting your time because you don’t know your enemy well enough. So go ahead a see if you can win at the rigged chess game of government if you like.

          Nine years ago, I moved out the Philadelphia suburbs and found a property in the Appalachian mountains were the majority of the people still have their morals intact and live by the old principles for the most part. I have spent those last 9 years building a homestead and tried to build a bee business until those fucking chemtrials killed almost all of my bees. I spent days building bee equipment from scrap construction wood that I had to re-saw, not an easy task when using a table saw and sawzall. I built a predator proof chicken yard and installed a wood cookstove all by myself except for those who helped me carry the 400 pound base into the kitchen.

          I also have about quarter of an acre of gardening space and that doesn’t even cover it all…

          Knowing about agenda 21 and their plan to move us out of here because we all live near a UN national forest blue zone, the time is coming where war is going to be inevitable.

          My only “hope” was that the people would wake up in time before this end game kicked in, I am coming to terms that it isn’t going to happen and so shit is going to get worse – because what they have planned is going to leave so many wrecked at the end of this that they ain’t gonna know fucking up from down.

          We as a people are woefully unprepared for what is coming and as for the “truth community” we are unorganized and have no strategy formulated to work from.

          We have all kinds of information and logistics but no real plan formulated from what we know in how to navigate what is unfolding. Hence a call to action to expose bill gates amist the beginnings of color revolution in america and other places around the world, a strategic blunder that could send awakened people into harms way.


        • (continuing on…)

          SO no I am not sitting in a “puddle of doom” – I am taking and honest look at the reality of our surrounds.

          So you turn around here and attack me? For what? Honestly expressing myself? For stating what I see coming?
          Then you tell me not to bother to reply – that right there says alot about you.

          I have been “fighting” these motherfuckers since I was 19 years old and I am going fight them till the day I die or their global enterprise comes to an end.

          I am fucking pissed and mournful that the day is coming soon that I am going to have to kill mind bombed assholes because people in their ignorance let it come to this. You want to attack me for that – you ain’t any help with that attitude, your a damn fucking hindrance.

          If you don’t want to reply – then don’t reply. I am not telling you what the do – I am not going to play at being anybodies master and I ain’t gonna be anyone’s slave; just a little fucking co-operation and understanding would be appreciated!

  6. This may have already been mentioned by someone…

    Gavi – Last Thursday, June 4th, 2020 – The Global Vaccine Summit, hosted by the UK

    Boris Johnson: “Together we rise to fulfil the greatest shared endeavour of our lifetime – the triumph of humanity over disease, now and for the generations that follow.”

    EXCERPT regarding India
    …~~ A historic commitment from vaccine manufacturers MSD, GSK, Innovax, Serum Institute of India (SII) and Walvax to increase the supply of HPV vaccine, which protects against cervical cancer, to lower-income countries. Thanks to this commitment Gavi estimates that up to 84 million girls in the poorest countries could receive HPV vaccines in the next five-year period, averting 1.4 million future cervical cancer deaths.
    ~~An announcement this week that the Serum Institute of India (SII) has become the third supplier of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) under the pneumococcal Advance Market Commitment (AMC), and the first developing country vaccine manufacturer to access the global PCV market. The Indian manufacturer will provide 10 million doses each year to Gavi countries at only US$ 2.00 a dose, less than 1.5% of the public price in high-income countries….

    • They are still at it with this HPV vaccine. According to WHO, “Most HPV infections clear up on their own and most pre-cancerous lesions resolve spontaneously”.

      And yet, they still push to have so many children to be vaccinated before their teen years. I just saw a commercial pushing this propaganda. Nothing about these vaccines are very safe. They fast tracked that Gardasil vaccine for approval from the FDA, knowing that it had adverse side effects and gave them to thousands of children. In 2008, Judicial Watch put out a report entitled “Examining the FDA’s HPV Vaccine Records” The report states that there had been over 8,000 cases of adverse health effects and at least 18 deaths within 2 years.

      And oh of course this: “Gardasil is not 100% effective against all HPVs. It is designed to protect against only four strains of HPV, even though there are over thirty strains including at least fifteen that can cause cancer.”

      • Hi Debra. Yes, I believe there is truth to what you say. A lot of those vaccines administered to third world countries caused many women to become sterilized.

        The below was reported in 2012:

        “VAERS data show that Gardasil has been associated with 24,184 adverse effects and 111 deaths since its debut in June of 2006, including seizures, anaphylaxis, paralysis, transverse myelitis, LouGehrig’s disease (ALS), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM),opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (uncontrollable movement of the eyes back andforth and jerking movements of the extremities), brachial neuritis, loss ofvision, postural tachycardia syndrome, facial palsy, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, chronic fatigue syndrome, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short term memory loss, miscarriage, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune disorders, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, abnormal Pap smears and even cervical cancer”

        If someone was aware of this info, who in their right mind would even risk this to treat something that usually goes away on it’s own? But, of course the CDC will continue to spew that the “HPV vaccine is very safe and effective.”

        • That is encouraging. Baby steps, Debra. For those who are skeptical but DO have an open mind, much patience is needed.

    • Home Remedy Supplies, I watched the most of the Gavi summit. Seeing all those countries pledge millions in cash and a offer a five year commitment to their vaccine campaign, made me see what we are up against. Noted that they disabled the comments, perhaps the general populace don’t agree.

      I see a massive push for HPV vax in the land of the Ire, the gov’s probably bought a heap of them and must find somewhere to shoot there injections, even if you don’t have a cervix like many of the young men the push it on.

      I used to get dozens and dozens of letters from Cervical Check, who would take smears and outsource the testing to a company in the US, but since the scandal they have stopped.

      Why was everyone so bothered with my cervix all of a sudden one may ask? I’d never given it much thought tbh

      • Wow! Lizzie, The world has gone nuts.
        The next thing I’ll see is a notice in the mail which says:
        “Dear Sir, We need to check your cervix.”
        I’ll join Jim Bob (“IshotSanta”) on the river if I ever see that.

        • On the raft? Oh you should.
          We have a boar that takes his daily stroll down the river, he keeps himself to himself mind you. Mmmm…. idea he might take one of my #stop bill gates flyers this Saturday

  7. Reporter reporting . what a concept!

  8. There was a golden current of Theosophical influence that continually sustained the spiritual arc of Gandhi’s life. That fertile current entered his life in November of 1889 at the age of twenty in London and continued as a vibrant, tempering influence until the very day of his assassination in 1948. The seminal “Theosophical moment” that occurred in London was when Gandhi met two Theosophists who introduced him to the Bhagavad Gita and, most significantly, took him to a meeting of the Blavatsky Lodge. There he met H.P. Blavatsky and Annie Besant.

    Now it may strike one as odd to assert Theosophy has a connection with civil rights, but in fact, the Theosophical Society had an important role in setting civil rights in motion in India, and the American civil rights movement through the person of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
    The Strange Theosophical Connection to the U.S. Civil Rights Movement

    • Theosophy is a gnostic Luciferian religious movement- its still pretty powerful if you recon the Lucis (originally lucifer) Trust which steers the UN world council of churches and was apparently involved in the Occupy moments foundation, and the loosly affiliated “new Age” movement

      Some members were involved in many early left wing movements such as womens suffrage and labor rights as well as,later, the counter culture of the 60’s.
      The whole ‘new age movement’ is and has always been aimed at upsetting the current order and (like soviet expansionists) is happy to use whatever groups/grievances it can to do so.

      I believe that while it has as an ultimate goal of removing the christian veneer n culture and replacing it with a new religion it is often used as a tool by the intelligence services and super rich in the same way they use NGO’s now.

      This is a decent interview but Constance Cumby gave some good speeches still up on Youtube. logos media is not a favorite of mine but his mind mapping software plan is wicked cool

      • the adage, meet the new boss same as the old boss, applicable to new age. and its like a marketing tactic “new & improved” or rebranded, the new age is ancient luciferian occult system ~ at its core, the powers behind, that shouldnt be… elite criminals shaping culture, social engineering, global governance thru various branches- agencies.
        new age…new world order…new age…new world order…new age…new world order

        as to lucis/lucifer trust, i will add The Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations as well as THE LUCIS TRUST & THE UN ‘MEDITATION ROOM’ good description & background on the meditation room, its also one of the places where i was ritually abused ~ raped on the altar.

        hadnt known about the name change to logos media, i remember gnostic media, wasnt one of my favorites either but yes the ‘brain database’ is totally rad, big network…

  9. I’m gonna refrain from making comments about this story, because I have a sense of humor and it might go too far.
    None of my usual “EXCERPTS” will be posted, because the world has gone insane. These are the authoritarians who want to control our lives.

    June 7, 2020 – Sunday
    Zero Hedge
    Couples “Should Wear Masks During Sex” In COVID World, ‘Experts’ Advise

  10. Has anyone thought about ideas for Expose Bill Gates Day this Saturday 13th?
    I already have band practice for one, so maybe I’ll try a protest for one

  11. Bumper Stickers – image links

    Who elected Bill Gates?

    COVID Pinocchio

    We must achieve Nerd Immunity or get a vaccine

    Flu D’Etat

    COVID-19-84 2+2=5

    Beware the Cashless Society

    End Coronaphobia? Absurdutely!

    ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
    Today Corbett Report Member Joe.s told me that Corbett Report Member Hanky put these images together. Hanky has long been a strong activist, professional artist, musician, and more.
    In fact many members in our “North Texans for Truth” Group (aka “North Texans for 9/11 Truth”) have a broad field of skills, knowledge and talents, along with their activism.

    Anyone, anywhere can join.
    “North Texans for Truth”

    • Ammunition…

      Joe let me know that he has 150 DVDs Corbett Report (all 4 parts) series Meet Bill Gates baking in the oven.

      Hanks has already written a bunch of songs and is working on a variety of projects.

      If you haven’t already, I strong suggest that folks look at the Home page of “The World Economic Forum” and plans for THE GLOBAL RESET.
      George Floyd is now all over the homepage.

      Remember, they helped to bring us EVENT 201 in October.
      You can see the video links at the bottom of
      the Thread at

    • I understand.
      I am not fond of However, we have been with Meetup since way back circa 2007.
      I have written and exposed some of Meetup’s weird stuff, and eventually Corporate Meetup in New York started censoring me and altering my options.
      I am currently censored by them and can not even email the group members via the platform. The Corporate guys just snidely laugh when I contacted them and tell me that there is nothing they could do…that their filters automatically have me “labeled” from here on out.
      ( I once ran the group and paid the dues. Even at that time, Meetup would occasionally censor my group emails as Organizer.)

      ha!…Cool line…
      I was a temporary txn many moons ago. Days to acquire the accent, years to dispose of it ?

    • Update from “North Texans for Truth” group via email…

      #ExposeBillGates Day Of Action Saturday June 13
      Our group has Corbett’s “Bill Gates” DVDs and Gates Bumper Stickers
      to give away.
      Watch for updates.
      Join us this Thursday at Barbec’s Restaurant.

      email link to
      The Last American Vagabond video
      Join The #ExposeBillGates Day Of Action – The Time To Stand Against This Technocratic Tyranny Is Now
      (9 minutes)

  12. One of those BSL4 Labs is being constructed in Manhattan, KS as we speak. The focus is on zoonotic diseases. It will be fully functional in 2022. Kansas is the heart of cattle country. It will be a interesting time for those like myself about to ride the next decade living near these places

    • Manhattan, Kansas
      That’s “out of the way” farm and cattle country.

      I guess they want a less densely populated area in case a genetically altered pathogen escapes.
      The military could certainly turn up the heat and fry the community if things got bad.

  13. Social Media Citations ?
    …Milwaukee CBS 58 provided at least one example of this, after protester Demetrius Griffin received a rather odd citation in the mail last week.

    Griffin said he was shocked when he opened up his mailbox and found a $691 citation from the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) detailing how he violated curfew. He spent the last five days marching and attending demonstrations and posted a series of images and videos on social media about what was happening on the ground, some of the postings suggested he violated Milwaukee’s 9 pm curfew….

    (CBS 58 gives more information (VIDEO). There are some odd things about the citation itself. But it does raise the “Big Brother is Watching” question.)

    taken from Zero Hedge
    Note To Rioting Americans: Posting On Social Media After Curfew Is An Insta-Crime

    • Whoa! It looks like aggressive seeing off of the “conspiracy theorist” to me. Using the race card can see any “wrongdoer” off in a hurry. What a sham/scam, do these sheeples know what they are doing? Not interested in personal freedoms, yet when it comes to one guy (gee them aggressive US cops have been doing their thing for ages every damn day as far as I can see?!), they all be altruistic as…the big wigs want them to be…controlled so well by the controllers, are they so very blind? What a nightmare….I get the feeling this will be filtering to a city near all of us soon. Damn, maybe I should live free by the river…if only…

  14. June 8th – Monday James Corbett 2 minute video

    James Corbett says:
    Thank you to all those helping to spread the word about the Who Is Bill Gates? documentary. Whether it be making flyers, mirroring the video, providing subtitles or just spreading the word, all such help is appreciated. Leave any good ideas/examples in the comments section and let’s encourage others to lend a hand.

    Ask Not What The Corbett Report Can Do For You…

  15. QUOTE
    “It’s great that Vegas is open again, but who needs it when you have the stock market instead,” said Peter Boockvar….

    Finance, Stocks and the Lunacy Virus
    For those who don’t know, all kinds of weird stuff has been going on in the Finance Realm.
    The stock market has been rising and at comparatively very high levels, while the real economy is in shambles.

    Bloomberg via Yahoo
    June 9, 2020
    Hundreds of Thousands of Tiny Buyers Swarm to Insolvency Stocks

    (Bloomberg) — Just in the last week, 96,000 people on the Robinhood investing app opened a position in Hertz Global Holdings Inc. The number of users holding Whiting Petroleum Corp. grew roughly 10,000 in the last 24 hours.

    Two things the companies have in common: They’ve filed for bankruptcy protection. And each saw their shares double to start the week.

    It’s the same thing for Chesapeake Energy, as it prepares a potential filing. In the past, the court process usually wiped out equity shareholders. In this day and age, as small day traders salivate at any opportunity to get rich quick, a filing has apparently become a buy signal for many of them. There’s evidence retail investor actions have become a decisive driver of price.

    “Retail has a lot to do with it and I don’t think you’ve seen institutional investors buying those kinds of stocks,” said Christopher Grisanti, chief equity strategist at MAI Capital Management. “It’s too much risk. I would call it catching a falling knife.”

    The 2020 stock market has been full of peculiarities that nobody saw coming. The fastest drop for the S&P 500 into a bear market, followed by the fastest 50-day rebound in nine decades. Mom and pop scrambling to the right side of the recovery trade, while the advice of Wall Street legends falls flat. A health-care crisis forcing one of the deepest recessions, and in the midst of it, equities emerging unscathed.

    In a market as bizarre as this, it seems only fitting that the next step would be a growing affinity for companies that can’t pay their debts.

    According to website Robintrack, which uses Robinhood’s data to show trends in positioning but isn’t affiliated with it, individual investors on the app have been flocking to bankruptcy-protected companies in droves. (The site says it downloads popularity data each hour for every stock directly from Robinhood via a public application programming interface, or API. A Robinhood spokesperson declined to comment for this story.)…

  16. #FluorideTrial
    Fluoride Trial – Twitter News Feed – Derrick Broze Reporting

    Prior to the COVID era, Derrick Broze was planning to physically attend and report on the trial in the San Francisco area.
    This is a Landmark Trial. If the citizens win in this trial it will set a precedent, and will certainly scare the bejeezus out of the toxic corporations and government agencies.

    The trial started Monday June 8th and should go for two weeks.
    I believe no court occurs on Thursday.

    • Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance – VIDEO
      #FluorideTrial Day 2 Recap, Day 3 Begins

      There are some VERY interesting courtroom drama interactions which occurred. Derrick explains things very well.

        • (Typo above – Wednesday was June 10th Day 3 of Trial)

          From “LAW360” – June 10, 2020 – Wednesday
          EPA Scientist Testifies Animal Studies Point To Fluoride Risks

          Groups seeking to ban drinking-water fluoridation across America called a series of witnesses at a bench trial Wednesday to testify to its damaging effects, including a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency scientist who said that animal studies support the conclusion that fluoride has a damaging effect on infant brain development.

          Dr. Kris Thayer, director of the EPA’s Chemical and Pollutant Assessment Division, testified by video Wednesday that while there are limitations to the data collected in studies of the impact of fluoride exposure on animals, the animal studies support the conclusion that fluoride causes neurotoxic effects in humans.

          Counsel for the EPA noted that they challenged the plaintiffs’ subpoena of Thayer, but lost that challenge.

          Thayer, who previously worked at the National Toxicology Program, said the human brain is more vulnerable to toxic agents at infancy than adulthood because infants don’t have fully developed blood-brain barriers…

          (Many tidbits about the trial)

          Food & Water Watch and the other plaintiffs are represented by Michael P. Connett of Waters Kraus & Paul LLP….

          • Waters Kraus & Paul LLP and Dallas
            and the nationwide Class Action Lawsuit against Vaccine Makers.

            You can see the VIDEO NEWS REPORT from 2001 which actually condemned vaccine makers. (8 minutes)
            Andy Waters, founder of “Waters Kraus & Paul” led the fight against the vaccine industry.

            The same Dallas News Channel now will never run a story which paints vaccines as harmful. When VAXXED the movie was in town, they muffled the discussion.

            • Waters Kraus & Paul LLP – Bloomberg Law – June 5, 2020
              EPA’s Chemical Regulation Authority at Stake With Fluoride Case

              (NOTE: This is the firm’s WEBSITE)

              A legal battle over fluoride in drinking water could forge a new path for advocacy groups to challenge the EPA’s conclusions about a range of chemicals’ health risks, attorneys say.

              Health advocacy groups, including Food and Water Watch Inc., the Fluoride Action Network, and Moms Against Fluoridation, argue fluoride is a neurotoxin. They unsuccessfully petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency in 2016 to stop the decadeslong practice of adding it to drinking water.

              The groups and EPA will virtually present their arguments in the resulting trial starting Monday in federal district court in San Francisco.

              First to Trial

              Some cases have used the same provision of TSCA to challenge the agency’s chemical risk assessments, but none have risen to a federal trial proceeding, said Michael Connett, a Waters Kraus & Paul attorney representing the plaintiffs.

              “What we have learned in this case is that this is a very powerful provision of law,” Connett said.

              Since the complaint isn’t being brought under the Administrative Procedure Act, as many challenges to agency decisions are, the court is unlikely to defer to the EPA’s authority, he said.

              (more at Bloomberg Law)

      • Day 4 – Friday June 12th
        Derrick Broze writes about Week 1 of the Trial

        When you follow the Tweets from Derrick Broze about the trial, you learn of the EPA’s hired “goon squad scientists”. Attorney Michael Connett tears them a new one.

        Dr. Kathleen Thiessen, a long time activist and fluoride scientist was called to testify. The EPA attorneys tried all kinds of dirty legal tricks to discredit her and to have her testimony thrown out.

        • Dr. Paul Connett, an Environmental Scientist, is well versed on Risk Assessments.

          He presents perspectives about Dr. Kathleen Thiessen‘s testimony.
          Essentially, Thiessen’s testimony destroys the EPA’s façade of protecting health.

          Thiessen concluding…
          Based on the available scientific evidence that now exists on the hazards, exposures, and risks of fluoride ingestion, the widespread addition of fluoridation chemicals to drinking water and processed foods in the United States presents an unreasonable risk to human health.

      • From “Inside the EPA”, a subscription service newsletter on June 12, 2020…
        EPA Attacks Fluoride Plaintiffs’ Witness After Daubert Motion Fails

        …During June 10 testimony, plaintiffs presented five witnesses who they called to help bolster their arguments that fluoride poses neurological risks. They included Thiessen, president and senior scientist of the Oak Ridge Center for Risk Analysis, who argued for the validity of a series of animal studies on fluoride neurotoxicity, and their intraspecies applicability to humans.

        But when the Justice Department (DOJ), representing EPA, began its cross-examination of Thiessen June 12, attorney Simi Bhat renewed the defense’s previously unsuccessful Daubert motion, a measure that can be used to exclude testimony if a witness does not possess the requisite level of expertise or used questionable methods to obtain data, to preclude Thiessen’s evidence.

        Bhat charged her with failing to conduct her risk evaluation on water fluoridation according to the requirements of TSCA section 6(b), as well as for failing to consider the anti-cavity benefits of fluoride.

        But the plaintiffs’ attorney, Michael Connett, pushed back.

        (…continuing below…)

        • (…continued…)

          “The threshold for admissibility for an expert opinion does not pivot on whether the expert has followed a particular rule under the regulations. There’s nothing that counsel has said that speaks to the reliability or lack thereof of Dr. Thiessen’s testimony in this case.”

          “What about the failure to consider the health benefits?” Chen asked.

          “It’s just incorrect,” Connett claimed. “Dr. Thiessen discussed at length in two reports the lack of benefit from swallowing fluoride, so I don’t know how counsel could even say that to this court.”

          Chen denied the Daubert motion, leaving defense to cross-examine Thiessen.

          Bhat then sought to pick apart Thiessen’s methodology in constructing her analysis of animal studies that showed a neurotoxic effect from fluoride, questioning the presence of studies that had not blinded experimenters and her decision not to define quality criteria when she searched a biomedical database for relevant literature on fluoridation…

    • I really enjoy the animation and passion which Paul Connett brings to the issue!
      The emotional attribute actually highlights how dynamically important this Trial Event is.

      Fluoride Trial
      June 14th – First week wrap-up with Dr. Paul Connett

      Spiro Skouras Interviews Dr. Paul Connett in
      Media Blackout: The Federal Court Case To End Water Fluoridation!
      (37 minutes)

  17. June 11th, 2020 – Thursday

    9/11 Truth News
    “Short Version of New Documentary SEVEN Begins Airing Today on PBS “

    PBS affiliates across the country today will begin airing a five-minute version of the new documentary SEVEN directed by Loose Change creator Dylan Avery about the explosive findings of the recently completed University of Alaska Fairbanks study on the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7.

    The short film, titled Spotlight On: SEVEN, will run for a minimum of three months on up to 200 local PBS stations, reaching at least three million viewers.
    (VIDEO – 2 minutes)

    For those wanting to watch the short film on television, “Spotlight On” programs do not air at scheduled times because they run as needed in between longer shows. To have a good chance of catching it, you’ll need to be tuned in to PBS often. But rest assured that Spotlight On: SEVEN will be seen by at least three million people, most of whom will never have heard of or seen the collapse of Building 7.

    We at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth are grateful to the hundreds of supporters who donated so that SEVEN could air on PBS.

    The impending release of SEVEN on PBS has been attracting media coverage all week, including this report on nationally broadcast Fox News Radio: (Brief video & script)

    …The feature-length version of SEVEN is being targeted for release in September to coincide with this year’s 9/11 anniversary.

  18. (A host of Corbett Report Members have shown different video sourced links of this video. I want to again mention it here.)

    ***** 5 Star Interview
    “Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine”

    (70 minute video)

    John Kirby does the interview with the nurse, Erin Marie Olszewski.
    “Journeyman Pictures” is the YouTube Channel, which has a playlist of all the “Perspectives on the Pandemic” Episodes.
    Many viewers will recognize other videos on that playlist.
    “The PRESS and the PUBLIC PROJECT” is the Production WEBSITE.

    It should be noted that the Nurse is very aware that alternative medical approaches are available. She mentions the Hydroxychloroquine/Zinc and Vitamin C IV, but likely is aware of other therapies and also likely is aware of vaccine safety & freedom issues.

    June 11th article with VIDEO

    …Erin Marie Olszewski is a Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings. Two hospitals. One private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in New York…

    … She has been where there have been the most deaths attributed to Covid-19 and where there have been the least…

    …Her story perfectly aligns with that of other doctors and nurses who have come forward or posted to social media, and confirms some of the worst aspects of the research OffGuardian (and other alt-media outlets) have been doing…

    …The Interviewer: John Kirby is the director of FOUR DIED TRYING, a feature documentary and series on the major assassinations of the 1960s and their calamitous impact on the country. To join the struggle for justice for Dr. King, Malcolm X, and John and Robert Kennedy….

    • Interesting article and relevant to Corbett’s newsletter.
      Thanks Edo. Say, Welcome to the comment section. I look forward to more posts from you.

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