via TNT Radio: James joins Hrvoje Moric on his TNT radio show to discuss forum spies, the digital gulag, the latest steps toward WWIII and what we can be doing to prepare for the days ahead. (NOTE: Conversation recorded October 18, 2023 Japan time)
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A Gentleman’s Guide to Trolls, Bots, Sealions, Forum Spies and Other Pests – #SolutionsWatch
Episode 452 – The Great Travel Reset
AWS and Indian government unveil plan for digital health IDs
Kenya’s digital ID boosted by Gates Foundation but govt struggles to convince citizens
Mastercard achieves success in CBDC wrapping trial, boosting blockchain interoperability
Iran Warns Of ‘Pre-emptive Action’ Against Israel
US Deploys Second Aircraft Carrier Strike Group to Support Israel
Good talk.
Not so sure about “build an alternative community before the digital gulag descends on us” advice.
Ideally yes, but practically – it ain’t going to happen – at least in my sleepy little Welsh former coal mining village.
By and large people are complacent as long as they can continue to enjoy their creature comforts and relative freedoms.
For my part I have been actively reviving a 3 acre mini farm up in the hills since 2019. Problem is, I’m pretty much on my own because, with the odd exception, no one is willing to undertake the 5 minute walk uphill to get there and start digging and planting, etc..
Of course that could all change very fast if the technocrats overplay their hand in imposing a digital prison.
So my supposition is that alternative self-organising communities may arise astonishingly quickly if the “new normal” becomes overbearing. But not before.
I agree with your good points. But I am more optimistic, not about the current behavior of people, but the options for resistance.
For most under 50 their “beliefs” have been formed from the entertainment industry. Leftist dialog becomes life “truths” to create “sameness” of thoughts, expectations and behavior.
So it is about conditioning, behavior modification for the good IMO.
In South Carolina, USA, we must have a lot of relatives of your neighbors. Deer in the headlights is the look we see around here.
People have a very short memory.
As I see it, the most effective way to show people the Authoritarian nightmare that is coming, is to keep playing videos of the Authoritarian pretend Representatives that Ordered Lock downs and Freezes on Banking for anyone who is not in support of the dystopian nightmare. It should be noted that none of these Treasonous Bastards, that have stabbed the People they were sworn to Protect the Rights of, are still in positions of power. Governments are clearly being used against the People, and it ain’t over. Perhaps you should open every Show with one of the most outrageous authoritarian Orders, so that people do not forget what we have just been through.
The evil bastards showed their cards during the Covid Scam, so we have the proof we need. Do not let them cause people to forget.
They are killing us off. Sudden Death Syndrome has a cause.
James speaks of Alternative Communities as being a possible answer, yet I have seen where Empires have a way of crushing people who simply what to live in peace.
History has many examples of peaceful peoples being invaded by an expanding Empire.
I believe that the American Revolution provides much knowledge on how to build a system where the Rights of the People could be protected, and it worked, for a while.
It worked only as long as it had Honest Money and Representatives that would not be bought by world Oligarchs.
What made America Great was the 1792 Coinage Act that took a Spanish Coin (the most accepted in the western world) weighted 1000 of them and then divided by 1000 to get 325.25 Grains of Silver to Define the United States Dollar. That was Honest Money, and it took the Oligarchs a long time to kill it. But, now that they have, they can created unlimited amounts of Money and control anyone that uses it to live.
I live rurally, have had a year round garden for 35 years, own my own home, have a well, etc.
Those who promote escaping to the simple life should read the Agenda 21 (first benchmark 2030) list of necessary changes, and talk to those who are already being affected by the implementation of them. We are at the early stages of along list of restrictions. Most countries have signed onto this worldwide UN agreement.
The question was asked, how will you clear out the rural areas?
The answer: No we won’t go door to door with guns, we will make it too expensive to continuing living there.
So banning woodstoves, propane and chainsaws, putting water meters on our private wells, changing the rights we had to water rights on our property, (for example see B.C.’s Water Sustainability Act, now resulting in armed agents having full access to farmers land, etc), The “Wildlands Project”, or in BC “The Caribou Recovery Project”, pay per Km travel, etc.
Few believe it is happening, go to meetings, question Reflexive Law – where communities are flooded with grants and subsidies with conditions attached, or research and report on it.
Yet, those trying to sound the alarm hear statements, from researchers, alt media, etc, how they will flee to the “simple life”.
COP 15 signed in Montreal committed to saving 30% of the rural area by 2030, then increase from there.
“The new target under the draft agreement is the much-talked about 30 by 30 goal: preserving 30 per cent of land, freshwater and oceans by 2030.”
It would be one thing if this was truly about care for the planet, this is about control. The land will be accessible by the elites only. Like how an”endangered” species was found in areas where elites wanted big US ranches and the farmers had to sell large tracts at pennies on the dollar.
Didn’t hear about it?
Technocracy plans to inventory, tag, trace and control every item on planet earth.
Stasi 2.0. Look what they did with pen and paper only.
Running away would be a temporary solution at best.
I have enough cognitive dissonance in my life.
Glad to discover a Mexican podder. This beleaguered nation gets completely ignored while AMLO tries to manage the hegemon next door. Just to say, can’t understand why Reiner F. bothered renewing a passport, he must have known they’d nab him. He could have stayed here on an expired doc, like a lot of exiles.
I used to own a grocery store, so having extra food on hand comes natural. But when things started going sideways in 2019, I took it to the next level. We purchased a home during the scamdemic (I believe they simply hyped the yearly flu, end of story). I made sure that home had two fridges, and ample storage for food supplies and water. Build on top of that land which I could quickly turn into food producing.
At first family and friends that visited us made fun, which I informed them, this preparedness is in direct correlation to the risk we face (AND we do the EXACT opposite of what the media/Washington DC makes fun of or belittles, “preppers” indeed, reminds me of the derogatory term, “health-nut” for those who care about their health) Today, those family members and friends are not laughing anymore, now they ask what I planted in my yard and what should they have in supplies.
I have always said, the only difference between a conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact, is time, time for the truth about a theory to be revealed and turn it into a fact. Talking to you Christians, time to wake up.
I too had been accused of being a “Prepper Nut” as I have had an Aquaponics system running in my Garage for about three years. I also have a functioning well and Municipal Water (which I filter for Fluoride) as well as 275 Gallons of silver treated water on hand. I Have been stock piling Canned food (the sardines have “best before” dates going into 2027. I have both a Gas and Diesel Generators with over 100 gallons of Diesel fuel (it stores better than Gas) on hand.
But, for some reason I am not being called a “Prepper Nut” anymore.
As far as “Time” turning Conspiracy Theory into Fact, I have to say that there are a dozen or more bogus Theories for every one that actually pans out. As a former High School Science Teacher I look at each “Conspiracy Theory” like I would a Scientific Postulate, given that the Theory has some evidence to back it up. Then, I do more investigation on my own, mostly trying to factually disprove the Theory, while eliminating sources (like the CIA) which are likely bias.
From what I can recall, my first deep dive into the so called “Conspiracy Theories” was those questioning the official story on the JFK Assassination. By the time I was in my teens I was aware that many credible people had come forward with information debunking the official story, yet they had been silenced. Thus, it was the extent of the Cover-up that should have exposed that a Coup took place on November 22, 1963 and the world would never be the same.
Yep, I have come across a lot of “Conspiracy Theories” since then, and even formulated a number of my own (you have to start somewhere), and not all of them pan out.
I do however only share those that I see will.
Aside from all the many (too many) obvious devices of war – robots and their robotic ‘best friend’ flame-thrower dogs, switches that can remotely turn off your car engines, tire deflators, noxious gasses, of course DEW – up their sleeves and at their disposal, two other disconcerting, inhumane cruelties that concern me are 1) blinding strobes, and 2) ear-piercing alarm systems. Two years ago while visiting my daughter and her husband in Austin TX, the management at their condo building did a test run on their latest and greatest emergency ‘fire’ alarms. Indeed, they had forewarned tenants of their intent and the week before stated in a mass email that the test would be performed at some time in the a.m. and would last for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. They did not, however, give any indication or warning as to the potential for harm – harm, that is, of a nonstop, ear-piercing and deafening, unworldly sound, coupled with nonstop blinding strobe lights. Long story short: Monday morning at around 9:0’clock, my daughter and I fell victim to, what I can only refer to as, the attack. I have never in my life witnessed such a horrifically incapacitating /debilitating sound – ever. I happened to be in the process of swallowing a handful of vitamins, where, needless to say, they were instantly spit back out. Upon ‘escaping’, while believing the event would only last a few more minutes (it went on for an hour-and-a-half and could be heard from three blocks away), we were mortified to see tenants’ terrified pets crying at the windows while trying to get out. Several tenants, one with a cat clinging from his shoulders around his neck, we spoke to said that they saw their panicked pets from their webcams on their phones and hurried home. The man with the cat shared that as soon as he unlocked his door the cat sprang to where it sat and in the process peed all over his pants. With that, I really want to suggest that people /preppers include good ear and eye protection, as I have absolutely little to no doubt that these lunatics will use these sorts of tactics whenever, in their psychopathic minds, they see fit to do so.
Oh ya, that was just another “Test” to see how they can control the human flock just in case the masses decide to revolt against the Master Manipulators.
Indeed, Ear Protection is a must.
With the Advancements (I hesitate to call them that) in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, the Oligarchs, who have never worked an honest job in their life, have little use for free thinking people who will not except their self appointed superiority. Thus, they are working on ways to Cull the herd (mass genocide).
Also worth Noting here is that I heard on the local Radio in Howell Michigan that the School was sponsoring a Contest for Students to come up with Ideas for “De-Population”.
Talk about polluting the minds of children, eh!
Creating little future killer weffers in the great state of Michigan, are they?
I guess I can’t say that this surprises me.
Must be on the right track, uncle Klaus is getting desperate. The WEF released this last week on how to force us landless peasants back to the ‘trusted’ sources of ‘news’.
“1. Reducing exposure to harmful content online, in particular, mis/disinformation
Collective action is needed to advance safety online, tackling the abuse of user-generated comments, identifying malicious actors spreading disinformation, demonetizing fake news, and disincentivizing the creation of echo chambers for extremist perspectives.
2. Building awareness about trustworthiness of news media
3. Enhancing media information literacy to empower individuals to distinguish mis-disinformation
Enhancing literacy encompasses multiple areas of intervention and requires overcoming significant challenges. “Unfortunately, education is ultimately meaningless if high-quality information is not widely broadcast on a rich diversity of TV, radio, and digital channels. That is why media literacy must be combined with efforts to support quality, accurate information, so healthy information environments can prosper.”
4. Mitigating the risks and leveraging opportunities emerging from generative-AI
The exponential developments of generative AI technologies can potentially transform the media landscape. It is estimated that 90% of the content online will be synthetic by 2026
5. Reinforcing trustworthiness through transparency and accountability
6. Increasing interest and engagement in news media
Increasing accessibility to and affordability of quality content is of key importance to keep people interested in news media.
Anyway, I’m sure y’all get the idea.
It is interesting that those who are willfully Ignorant can read or listen to Klaus and come away thinking that all he says is totally needed.
The “Art” (it is clearly not a Science) of Propaganda, Lies, and Deception has been perfected to the point where those engaged in it will say that the Truth doesn’t matter for it is all about what they can get people to believe.
If the Plandemic should teach us anything, it is that not seeking the Truth can cause otherwise good people to do bad things to others and doing such things could cost them their soul.
Jesus Christ was to have said as he was dying on the Cross, “Forgive them for they know not what they do”. I think that we have a lot of people that know not what they do when they chose to be Willfully Ignorant.
As they used to say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.
Great talk.
I whole-heartily agree we need to exit & build, but when it comes to building, I think it’s imperative the people build **in accordance to Natural Law & the Natural Order** because those things stand the test of time.
I’m afraid there are many within the “exit & build” community who are trying to build an alternate system **with the same fundamental flaws** as the current System.
And while these counter-economies & counter-cultures may stand for a little while (although I seriously doubt many of them will be strong enough to stand at all if the expectation is for large quantities of people to participate in them), they will ultimately fall for the same reasons the current System is coming down.
We can blame all the problems for our failing system on the “Powers-that-Shouldn’t-Be”, but in my view one of the main reasons why things are failing is because the System itself operates in opposition to the Creator’s Will (which I understand to be truth & life) & His Ways (which I understand to be the true Justice System: Natural Law & Order with its Natural Consequences).
And a part of that Natural Order is the wildcard: Humanity.
If we can create the world(s) we want for ourselves **in alignment with Natural Law & the Natural Order, we, in aggregate, are more likely to succeed over the long haul.
I agree with James, people need to be building their communities now.
We need to focus on being where we believe we can survive given a societal breakdown, and then *living there (locally!)* because we are all vulnerable when it comes to transportation.
As much as some may think it not possible, especially here in the US, we very well may be restricted in the future from traveling outside our neighborhoods (and there will likely be restrictions on what gets transported to where we are), so wisdom dictates we need to know how to live right where we are.
(I say, support your local off-grid (& off-grid-to-be) homesteader if you are not already one yourself. 😉 )
People don’t. We moved off-grid to homestead in 2000 because we could see what was coming. A couple years ago, I put out an offer to a local group that formed specifically to protest covid restrictions. They were all about prepping and gardening, etc.
I put out a notice/invitation to come help establish some new gardens at our homestead – a learning experience – and the benefit would be they could harvest from whichever gardens they helped with for that season. How many showed up? Zero. (A friend I have known for almost 15 years, not connected with the group, was the only one that came.)
How many people want to buy organic homestead eggs? No one around here. A longtime friend who lives an hour away comes once in a while and takes a lot of eggs at once. I am not even trying to sell eggs any more. I’m reducing my flock to just enough for me and my cat, with maybe a few extras.
I find that people want other people to “buy local” (their stuff), but they don’t want to buy other people’s local stuff.
I go out of my way to buy local bread at the small wood-fired local bakery, but they don’t buy stuff from me. I buy local raw organic milk straight from the bulk tank (and hay from the same farm for my cows and sheep), but he isn’t interested in what I make and sell. (I did work for him some this spring, for about half my usual rate.)
It’s a grand idea to establish local communities. In my experience, it doesn’t happen. We have been here almost 25 years and have tried quite a few things to earn money from our homestead. So far it hasn’t worked.
I’ll soon be having 5 organic, 100% grass-fed lambs butchered. Do you think I can find a market for the meat? My cousin and a friend would like a little (not much), and a man who worked on my chimney this summer said he would take payment in lamb. That is going to leave me with a lot of meat, and I still have most of the 6 sheep I had butchered last year.
Communities are a great idea. Forgive me if I’m a bit cynical about it actually working.
Matches my experience.
Good at taking handouts here in socialist BC, not keen on physical labour, working outside, or doing what it takes to “live simply.”
Happy to show up when the communal dinner is ready and leaving before clean up time.
Had a company, building beautiful homes from recycled, curved, repurposed materials. How many asked to be taught by us? Nada.
Winter gardening lessons? No interest in learning about the 75 veggies that grow here in the winter.
The elites lived off economic warfare on poorer countries.
We received the crumbs of the resulting imported slave labour built items. People are always too comfortable in the heart of Empire. Except my East European friends. I can talk with them about what they see repeating.
Seems typing it is equivalent to doing it.
Let’s see how that works out.
I want to learn winter gardening. 🙂 Too bad you’re clear across the country (and across a thick and heavily-guarded line). 🙁
We have tried to do “work trades” with people. We find that hardly anyone knows how to work as hard as we do and we nearly always feel we got the short end of the stick. Yes… physical/manual labor is not most people’s thing. My son doesn’t want me to do work trades any more. He says I’m better off doing my own work or just paying someone to do jobs I can’t do myself.
Far too many people don’t know how to really work, yet they will go waste effort on jogging or “working out” at the gym. Don’t get me started.
I had to fill out a form the other day. They wanted to know if I exercise. I didn’t check a yes or no box. I wrote in, “I work.” When I think of all the wasted effort that accomplishes absolutely nothing worthwhile, it disgusts me. When I think of how much could get done around here if people would come haul brush out of my woods instead of putting miles on machines at the gym, I can hardly bear it.
Recently I read a letter to the editor. The writer was enthusiastic about labor-saving devices and how much easier life is now. I thought – yes, and because people are so inactive, they have to invent machines that they can exercise on so now, instead of doing physical labor and accomplishing something with their effort, they sit for “work,” and then “work out” to get the physical activity they could have had naturally.
Now look…. I said don’t get me going, and you did…. 😉
Your work ethic is consistent, and that got you started.
I stopped work trades as well.
Don’t get me started.
One only had to water my garden while I was away. They left the gate open and the deer got in. Devastating.
They left borrowed tools in the rain.
There are good people, be selective, people talk well, but their actions show their consciousness.
Ropes, pulleys, leverage, and fulcrums can be a better help.
Many think we have our country’s lifestyles due to a Darwinian superior advantage. Soon that will be put to the test.
I hear you. We have an off-grid-to-be homestead and have been trying to build a community around us, and it’s been incredibly challenging.
The problem, I think, is that nobody *needs* us (yet!). Right now, everyone can get what they need, by way of what they want, from here, there & everywhere, so what do they need *us* for? (However, when the dollar, power/communication grid and/or mode of transportation fails them, we’ll likely be the most popular kids on the block.)
I believe people need to figure out they have to **stop going here, there & everywhere** for their **most basic needs** and focus their attention, time & energy in meeting those needs at home & in their own backyards, literally. (Everyone needs to be a homesteader of some kind!) (And, we all have to literally work for our food.)
I wonder if producers stopped “exporting” their food/feed produce beyond their own neighborhoods and only provided for their own household, making any excess they might have only available to those living closest to them, would that help remedy the situation? (They can produce & export other goods to trade with the outside world, just reserve the most essential goods, such as food and fuel, for themselves & their most local neighbors.)
I just watched the documentary linked below “All Wars are Bankers Wars”, and thought that it did a very good job of getting to the root of the existing means of enslavement. It is only about 45 min.
Although I think the existing Banker’s mechanism of control is coming to an end, I do believe that they have alternative plans.
After milking all they could from the masses around the world, the Federal Reserve has come to a point where they can no longer control inflation with higher interest rates. Even thought it should have been apparent to most that the United States Government Debt could never be repaid, now that it may not even be able to pay the Interest on that Debt (do to Interest Hikes), things are getting close to the end.
The Privately owned Federal Reserve Bank has been able to deceive the masses into thinking it was part of the Government which gave them the cover they needed to steal from the people. I do believe that cover is being broken by Documentaries like the one linked above, and they know it. Thus, I think these private Bankers are working to liquidate The United States Government as a means of collecting on it’s loans and use it’s resources as a means of creating a new Private Banker Controlled World Government, or perhaps they already have.
The IRS is also a Private Corporation hired to collect Revenue for the Corporate Government.
You Quoted: “Jesus Christ was to have said as he was dying on the Cross, “Forgive them for they know not what they do”.
This is one of the most mis-understood verses in Scripture. Christ was speaking of the two thieves who were hanging beside Him, and deffinately not those who were murdering Him.
Scripture proves that those murdering Him knew exactly what they were doing.
Also if you are leading a horse to water you might consider giving it some salt first.
“You Quoted: “Jesus Christ was to have said as he was dying on the Cross, “Forgive them for they know not what they do”.
This is one of the most mis-understood verses in Scripture. Christ was speaking of the two thieves who were hanging beside Him, and deffinately not those who were murdering Him.“
Joebear, For your interpretation to be correct you would have to believe that the savior redeems the unbelieving and unrepentant.
That is certainly not what is taught in scripture.
“And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.
40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.
42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.”
While it is absolutely true that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world, no one can be saved who doesn’t believe.
Context is everything. The context of Luke 23 clearly indicates that only one of the malefactors believed in the Christ. And that Jesus was indeed praying for the people who were murdering Him.
Those people had no idea that they were fulfilling prophecy and completing God’s plan to redeem the world.
The Romans and Jews who conspired to murder the savior of the world were forgiven for that act but only the ones who believed in Jesus Christ obtained eternal life.
There is only one thing anyone can or must do to be saved. That is to Believe.
“…The Romans and Jews who conspired to murder the savior of the world …”
The ROMANS did not ‘conspire’ or have any great interest in killing Jesus…they were forced into action because of the threats of the jews. Pilate did not wish to crucify Jesus, but allowed himself to be pushed into it by the jews.
It was the Jewish leaders who were intent on having Yeshua killed. The Jewish “common people” flocked to Yeshua for about three years and were distraught over what happened.
If you knew your scriptures you would know that Rome “washed their hands of the whole matter and told the jews;”See yee to it.”
St. Paul sure wasn’t talking about Romans in Thess. when he said who killed Jesus and their own prophets, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men.
I know that you will not agree because your mind is already made up by what you want to believe in spite of God’s Word. You cannot show a single scripture where Rome had any part in the killing of the Lord. When Pilate washed his hands of the whole matter, he officially took Rome completely out of it.
Duck and Joebear, Yes, I am aware that Pilate declared, “I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.“
And then he proceeded to crucify Christ.
You don’t have to call that conspiring, but its pretty silly to deny complicity.
The point of my post was not to debate Rome’s part in the crucification. Which is not debatable. Merely to point out that when Jesus prayed “forgive them, for they know not what they do”, He wasn’t referring to the two malefactors. One of whom He had already forgiven. He was referring to the people carrying out the crucification.
That is if you care about context.
How could living your life in these dark times weaken the PTSB?
Dr. Ana Mihalcea talks with Jason Dean. They add to understanding about what James and Hrvoje’s last comments of their interview entails.
It’s not one thing, it’s all things. Small discoveries by curious minds add up. I find it appealing to those who have a belief in a Soul.
You Quoted: “Jesus Christ was to have said as he was dying on the Cross, “Forgive them for they know not what they do”.
This is one of the most mis-understood versed in Scripture. Christ was speaking of the two thieves who were hanging beside Him, and deffinately not those who were murdering Him.
Also if you are leading a horse to water you might consider giving it some salt first.
“Small discoveries by curious minds add up. I find it appealing to those who have a belief in a Soul.”
You sure said a mouthful there.
A few months ago Alex Jones ominously warns of impending covid restrictions about to be instituted in the travel industry.
What happens? Not much. Just a steady incremental increase of rules and changes. A creeping infection of control that few really notice and fewer still resist.
But everyone gets to ridicule the truthers.
Alex Jonesed again.
For years the alternative economists have been warning of the imminent collapse of the dollar, the supply chain is going to fail and there will be mass shortages. People will suffer.
What happens? No major problems in anyplace that people care about. No sudden mass starvation. The can kicked further down the road.
Damn dollar doomers!
The internet doctors have been telling everyone that something is wrong with the vaccines. People are being turned into walking magnets. There are nanobots self-assembling into WiFi transmitters flowing through the clot infected blood streams of the majority of civilization.
Morticians posting videos and telling horror stories of how the stuff that was clogging the veins of their “patients” prevented them from performing their gruesome tasks.
What happens. Again, no gigantic catastrophe that would be capable of breaking through the corporate media, official story, social media induced apathy that most people in the world are hypnotized by.
But there are a lot more skeptical people who are running out of patience waiting for the hammer to fall. The ones that keep wondering, “when is it going to happen?” When is martial law going to be imposed”? “When will I see the blue-helmets marching through my town”? “When is WWIII finally going to get underway”? When will I have to dig up the guns, dig out the gold and dig into those beans and rice that I stored four years ago”?
I wonder if they will ever figure out that as they’ve been distracted by all the predicted major disasters that were on the doorstep. Everything that were told to fear has been coming in slowly, quietly and steadily through the backdoor almost unnoticed. And it has grown into something that they are trained and conditioned to be helpless against.
And then of course there are those who see the game for what it is and are discerning consumers of dystopian disaster porn. We carefully weigh all the information we absorb and are balanced in our views and certainly never fall into the divide and conquer trap. And most of us spend a whole lot of time informing ourselves so we can wage the righteous battle for freedom.
I sometimes wonder why though.
Are we expecting to learn of just the right nefarious government scheme or evil plot, centuries in the making that when we share it with our normie friends they will immediately turn into truth warriors?
Are we expecting the rising lump of noxious totalitarian dough to finally get big enough for our normie family to start taking our warnings seriously?
After all? Didn’t they all come to you and tell you how you were right about the scamdemic and 911.
No? Mine either.
How much luck do you have getting people to watch a Corbett report documentary?
I hear the cliche about “ Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men” and I think it was true in the past. But I’m not sure its true anymore.
The game has changed. The Information Age, the internet, the ubiquitous digital blob has changed how the game is played by the ones who are designing our future.
I have to wonder if there is any hope of winning this war for the soul of humanity when our major tool is the very instrument of our destruction.
I’m starting to wonder if our only truly effective weapon is our absolute refusal to play the game by their rules. Or to play at all.
Refuse to carry fondle-slabs! Stop using our computers and iPads! Destroy all the WiFi antennas! Take sledgehammers to all the television sets! Go back to carrier pigeons and smoke signals!
Or maybe just landlines and letter writing.
Yeah right. You would have to pry the mobile phones out of most people’s cold dead fingers.
Is our best hope a solar mass ejection that destroys the grid? A polar reversal that causes devastation and sets the clock back to preindustrial days.
Its starting to look that way to me.
Because honestly, what are the chances that people will wake up to the horrible reality that they are marching proudly to their own doom? Holding the enemy’s gun to their own head and posting selfie’s about how tough life is?
God only knows.
So you’ve been met with rejection when you talk to normies about what’s going on and they don’t listen. So have I and it’s extremely frustrating. But, I’ve also had success in meeting people who know what’s going on by talking to people.
I think there are more people who know something is wrong than meets the eye. People are good at pretending and sticking their head in the sand. This is because many think they can’t do anything and I’ll post back to the image from JC’s post years ago of the big elephant tied to a small chain:
Sometimes it’s better to show people a better way rather than tell people, lecturing them on what they should care about (not that is what you are doing/just a statement). Establishing rapport is also important and asking people what they think to start a conversation.
People do put up walls and I think much of the time a blunt conversation will be met with failure. Also, people often won’t say “you were right” but I think spreading the word does help. This is why they want to limit free speech, because it does help and is a threat to their power.
Telling people “you should” will often automatically be met with resistance. Asking someone “what do you think” and listening to them and actually trying to hear and then sharing is more effective.
It could be starting a community garden or something like that, being social with neighbors, offering an alternative to the loneliness of the phone and social media.
When I really think about it, I hope there is no massive pole shift or natural disaster that forces people to wake up. It might have the opposite effect or may harm the good people who put effort into helping others. There is nothing worse than seeing suffering and loss. I have only had glimpses by working in health care and that is not something I want to experience on a large scale.
Being right and having someone say “you were right” does feel good for a moment but if that’s all that comes from it is not very fulfilling. It’s a small ego boost that fades quickly. My aunt once told me “the struggle is the goal” and though I think this depends on the struggle, I understand the point.
Also “if you don’t succeed try try again” as the saying goes. And people can learn from mistakes, trial and error and efforts more effective next time, etc.
I also think small steps are good, but most importantly leading by example. Demonstrating how, rather than telling people how perhaps is better.
“…I have to wonder if there is any hope of winning this war for the soul of humanity when our major tool is the very instrument of our destruction…”
Nope, most of them are lost.
Did you not read your Bible? The bit about the wide easy path to destruction?
Most people choose PLEASURE over virtue, thats why the TV and Fondle Slab rule them. Best to just take care of the actual humans who can hope to get thru whats comming.
Good for you Steve Smith. You went a long way around the barn but ended up where you began. The last line is debatable and may short change those having a white hot religious experience. Man is knowledgeable but flawed. You can be absolutely right with that last idiom depending on what you mean. I call that Bacon English. Knowing all is the Only part, the only part we men can’t do very well.. Unless you think we created God after he created us. But as most know the story, one man demonstrated it was possible. Like the dancing guy,a great example. Can we do it knowing those who succeed are always crucified? I’m with Dr. Ana Mihalcea and see the changes coming as opportunity to do great good. Truly make the world we Invision and walk away from this present great evil.
My dear friend and mentor told me ” the laziest person in the world will dig a hole to China after a couple a missed meal cramps.”
The sheeple will turn back into humans when reality sets in.
Smith hits some pretty good points when it comes to trying to inform others. I’ve all but quit trying because if one is the least bit aware, they can tell a brick wall the minute they see it.
There is so much confusion about what is Truth and what is not.
I know one thing. God is not confused and is not the author of confusion. He also knows how to convey His information to those He wants to have it and keep it hidden from those whom He doesn’t want to have it. If there is a secret to the whole thing it is that God gives His Spirit to whom He will. It’s strictly His decision who gets it and who does not. It is a gift. It is not bought with money and it can be had only one way. By God’s grace (gift).
He told His people: “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.”
He also said that if one loses his life for MY sake, he will find it. What He was talking about was one willingly giving up the worldly life of “physical things” in the quest for “things spiritual.” A “Spiritual Life that’s unending.”
Before He formed anyone in the belly, He knew them. That’s what He told Jeremiah. God is not mocked. He will do His will as He sees fit and there is no-one who can do anything about that. It might appear that Abraham was able to change God’s mind about Sodom, but what He was doing was testing Abraham’s faith and showing him His power. Lot was a righteous man that God had chosen and saved him because of it.
I’m beginning to ramble here but when I run into someone who seems to “know” something, I tend to try and connect with them because there are so very few out there who seem to “know” anything important. I realize and respect how much James Corbett knows about a lot of things, but unless he’s done it in past articles, he never seems to hit on exactly what the “end game” is.
That “game” is the war between Good and Evil and when it comes to reality, there is no other “game” because no-one gets out of this world alive. The “game” started in The Garden of Eden and will end when this physical world is burned up.
Right now it seems like Satan is in control and he is sure doing a lot from behind the scenes where almost no-one “sees”. Like the Harlot says in Isaiah, “None seeth me.” But a few do.
I’ve thought about a “Question for Corbett” but am reluctant to ask it because I have a feeling he would not want to address it on his site.
Sorry for this ramble but it’s hard to resist.
“Right now it seems like Satan is in control and he is sure doing a lot from behind the scenes where almost no-one “sees”.
Joebear, you might be interested in Michael Heiser’s teaching on this issue. Often referred to as the Deuteronomy 32 worldview.
In short.
“this passage, (Deuteronomy 32), informs us that when God divided the nations at Babel, he also disinherited them and turned them over to the Sons of God. Apparently, these Divine Council members were supposed to benignly steward the nations while God created a new nation for himself–Israel. But some, possibly all, of these lesser elohim grew jealous and rebelled, threw their lot in with the original rebel, the Serpent, aka Satan, and convinced the humans entrusted to their care to worship them instead of God. Psalm 82 further tells us how they abused their delegated authority, and how they have been judged by God and sentenced to die like men.”
Psalm 82 describes God’s judgement upon the gods, (Elohim) who rebelled and failed in their charge of stewarding the nations and leading the people back to the Most High.
(A Psalm of Asaph.) God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.
2 How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.
3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
4 Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.
5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.
6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.
8 Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.
I’m more interested in God’s teaching within the Holy Scriptures. He promised that His words would not pass until all His will was finished. That tells me that His word is still here and is available to those who have the eyes and ears to see and hear it. Those eyes “see” the Spiritual meaning of God’s word and those ears “hear” the spiritual meaning of those words. I don’t know how God is able to do that, because all eyes and ears can see and hear the same things. But understanding those things is something else. I don’t need to know How He does it.
St. Paul explains it simply. The Natural man and the Spiritual man.
Virtually everything one needs for understanding is found in God’s Word.
The key to this is finding God’s Word. And the first thing required in finding the Truth and the Wisdom of God’s Word is finding the Fear of God.
This is a subject that takes some time to explain but God’s Word does that and His Spirit will guide one through if that one has that Spirit.
“Virtually everything one needs for understanding is found in God’s Word.
The key to this is finding God’s Word. And the first thing required in finding the Truth and the Wisdom of God’s Word is finding the Fear of God.”
Indeed. However, a doctorate in ancient Semitic language and Old Testament studies can reasonably facilitate one’s personal attempts at exegesis.
That is perhaps why there are various gifts of the Spirit such as teachers and preachers who are there to help the layman in their quest for biblical wisdom.
There is no shame in being teachable. But there may be in the pride that leads to thinking that one doesn’t need to learn from others.
The “lesser elohim” always WERE on the other side. God doesn’t have or need sub-deities. Being all-knowing, all-powerful, and aware of everything that is happening in this universe He created, He is well able to do His “job” of being God all by Himself.
Any other “gods” are false gods, idols, and/or demons. Humans make gods out of all kinds of things, but nothing other than the God who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them will ever truly be God.
“The “lesser elohim” always WERE on the other side.”
That will no doubt come as a shocker to Michael and Gabriel I would imagine.
Psalm 82 makes things pretty clear.
If you mean the Michael and Gabriel I’m familiar with, they are messengers. The Hebrew word is (transliterated) mal-ak, meaning (from Strong’s concordance) “to despatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically of God, i.e. an angel [a word transliterated from the Greek] (also a prophet, priest, or teacher): – ambassador, angel, king, messenger. [4497 in Strong’s if you want to look it up]
I have never heard Michael or Gabriel called “lesser elohim” or “little gods.” They were messengers sent by God to do certain things. Do you have some other texts? Psalm 82 doesn’t say anything about Michael or Gabriel.
Elohim (430 in Strong’s) has various meanings. It can mean the Supreme Creator God, gods (i. e. false gods or idols), magistrates, God’s messengers, or judges.
Psalm 82 seems to clearly mean to me something quite different from what it clearly means to you.
Typo: malak is 4397 in Strong’s, not 4497
“nothing other than the God who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them will ever truly be God.”
That goes without saying. There is only one Most High God. There is only one Creator.
You’re right, God certainly doesn’t need other created beings with Him in the unseen realm or here on earth.but the Bible explicitly teaches us that they exist and that they serve Him. And they sometimes rebel.
For that matter, God doesn’t “need” humans either. But I’m pretty sure that we exist too. And He seems to have uses for some of us as well.
You would probably find Joshua 22:22 an interesting study.
And then 1 Kings 22:20-23 is also worth considering.
The Scriptures clearly teach that spirit beings exist. Servants/messengers of God. Yes, some rebelled and are now usually called demons. Those that didn’t rebel are generally called angels. That word carries misleading connotations. Most angel pictures and knick-knacks are dainty little females, while the Bible only tells us of masculine messengers, so I generally avoid the term “angel.” Nonetheless, I didn’t say spirit beings don’t exist – just that they are not little gods. They are servants or messengers of God (or demons that chose to follow Lucifer when he rebelled).
I’m familiar with Joshua 22:22. That section is talking about the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, who received their inheritance on the east side of the Jordan. They had to convince the other tribes that the altar they had built was not in rebellion, but as a symbol, a proof, a “witness” that they were still part of Israel, despite being separated by the Jordan River.
I Kings 22:20-23 says nothing about little gods or “lesser elohim” either. It is talking about spirit beings – obviously evil ones (demons) in this case. Or was there something else you were pointing out that I missed?
“I Kings 22:20-23 says nothing about little gods or “lesser elohim” either. It is talking about spirit beings – obviously evil ones (demons) in this case. Or was there something else you were pointing out that I missed?”
1 Kings
19And he said, Hear thou therefore the word of the LORD: I saw the LORD sitting on his throne, and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left.
Are you suggesting that “all the host of heaven” are demons?
The this passage is describing a meeting of the Devine Council.
“Elohim (430 in Strong’s) has various meanings. It can mean the Supreme Creator God, gods (i. e. false gods or idols), magistrates, God’s messengers, or judges.”
Exactly. It can also refer to dead humans. It is simply a term for inhabitants of the unseen realm.
“ If you mean the Michael and Gabriel I’m familiar with, they are messengers. The Hebrew word is (transliterated) mal-ak, meaning (from Strong’s concordance) “to despatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically of God, i.e. an angel [a word transliterated from the Greek] (also a prophet, priest, or teacher): – ambassador, angel, king, messenger. [4497 in Strong’s if you want to look it up]
I have never heard Michael or Gabriel called “lesser elohim” or “little gods.” ”
Look for what the word translated “angels” is in Psalm 8:5 is.
“For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.”
Its elohim.
Okay… we’re down to the wire (where there is no reply option)…. 🙂
I Kings 22. You specified verses 20-23. I didn’t look at 19. And no, I am not suggesting what you said.
The “divine counsel” is a made-up thing. Yes, the messengers (angels) and demons go before God and petition Him or are summoned to do things. God doesn’t need a council or any advice. He is high above all His created beings, spirit, human, animal, plant, astronomical, and all others. He is separate, distinct. Yes, He interacts with those He created, but they/we are nowhere near on the same level.
Elohim is not limited to the unseen realm. It can mean magistrates or judges. As far as it being used for humans who have left this life … I have never heard that suggested by anyone before. I am not convinced that is a valid option.
Psalm 8:5 The “him” refers to man and or the son of man from immediately before verse 5. So, that makes sense. God made humans a little lower than the heavenly messengers (angels). Does that have some hidden meaning?
“I Kings 22. You specified verses 20-23. I didn’t look at 19. And no, I am not suggesting what you said.”
Context is everything.
“The “divine counsel” is a made-up thing.”
No, it is plainly evident in many places in the Bible. It simply a concept that conflicts with certain traditions of religious teaching.
“Yes, the messengers (angels) and demons go before God and petition Him or are summoned to do things. God doesn’t need a council or any advice. He is high above all His created beings, spirit, human, animal, plant, astronomical, and all others. He is separate, distinct. Yes, He interacts with those He created, but they/we are nowhere near on the same level.”
And that IS the Divine Council. You can call it whatever you like but I like to use the concise definition “Divine Council”.
And again I reiterate that yes, “ There is only one Most High God. There is only one Creator.”. That goes without saying.
Jehovah is an elohim. But no other elohim is Jehovah.
“Psalm 8:5 The “him” refers to man and or the son of man from immediately before verse 5. So, that makes sense. God made humans a little lower than the heavenly messengers (angels). Does that have some hidden meaning?”
Again, the word Angels is elohim.
You wrote “I have never heard Michael or Gabriel called “lesser elohim””. I showed you one of the instances where the Bible does use the word elohim to refer to angels.
“Jehovah is an elohim. But no other elohim is Jehovah.”
The Hebrew ending “im” is a masculine plural. God can not be referred to as “an elohim.” He is called Elohim, but not “an elohim.” He is not one of many gods. He is God.
There is no letter “J” or “J” sound in Hebrew so the transliteration “Jehovah” is not accurate. The letter is actually a yod – a “y” sound.
The word “angels” is not elohim; it is malak. The word elohim seems to refer to the heavenly spirit beings in Psalm 82, but that is unusual, and I don’t believe it is something to base an entire belief-system on.
“ The word “angels” is not elohim; it is malak.”
Its elohim in Psalm 8:5 (and many others places)
Check your Strongs
And sorry for the “an”. But the point remains.
“The Hebrew ending “im” is a masculine plural. God can not be referred to as “an elohim.” He is called Elohim, but not “an elohim.” He is not one of many gods. He is God.”
Since you understand the grammar stuff, (it goes right over my head), you would probably get a lot out of this half hour video.
Great comment, thank you for sharing. I agree with the sentiment of how belief in failure is a self fulfilling prophecy. I think that’s what you mean.
Prepping and thinking bout better systems of trade makes much more sense than thinking about ways – above all political ways – how to stop a thunderstorm.