I don’t need to tell you that we are living through world-historical times right now. The frequency of world-changing events is accelerating even as the impact of these events on our day-to-day lives is increasing.
As Lenin rightly observed: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” Perhaps there are years in which centuries happen.
With that in mind, I am taking my annual look at the year ahead and splitting it into three parts.
The first week I looked at the tectonic shifts that are taking place in the global monetary space and considered what these changes portend for the future of the world economy.
Last week I examined the ongoing (generated) COVID crisis and what we can expect as the Era of Biosecurity continues to unfold.
This week I will turn my attention to world geopolitics, analyzing the types of conflicts that we can expect to see over the course of this year and explaining how these conflicts will set the stage for even more dramatic events over the course of the decade.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 03 (January 31, 2021)
Beatles Battle! – Subscriber Exclusive #100 |
![]() by James Corbett I don’t need to tell you that we are living through world-historical times right now. The frequency of world-changing events is accelerating even as the impact of these events on our day-to-day lives is increasing. As Lenin rightly observed: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” Perhaps there are years in which centuries happen. With that in mind, I am taking my annual look at the year ahead and splitting it into three parts. The first week I looked at the tectonic shifts that are taking place in the global monetary space and considered what these changes portend for the future of the world economy. Last week I examined the ongoing (generated) COVID crisis and what we can expect as the Era of Biosecurity continues to unfold. This week I will turn my attention to world geopolitics, analyzing the types of conflicts that we can expect to see over the course of this year and explaining how these conflicts will set the stage for even more dramatic events over the course of the decade. The Fall of the American EmpireI know you’ve heard it before, but that’s because it is relevant, it is happening, and it is momentous. The American Empire is falling. If you want to know what it looks like when an empire falls, don’t fret; we have a pretty handy template for that. So if you’re getting that fin de siècle feeling from all of this, rest assured that you’re not alone. The feeling is everywhere and it’s reflected in the “end of the world as we know it” stories that cross the newswires on a daily basis now:
The world economy is teetering on the edge of oblivion, and it threatens to bring the entire dollar-centric monetary order down with it. In fact, those who would dismiss such observations by pointing out the myriad ways that the US Empire is at its zenith are actually helping to make the case for this being the beginning of the Great Unraveling of Pax (i.e., Bellum) Americana. Yes, the dollar is still king, the American government can still happily issue bonds that other governments and institutional investors are happy to purchase, America’s capital markets continue to be the place where hundreds of billions of dollars of (notional) wealth are sloshed around every year, and American-dominated institutions like the IMF and the World Bank continue to hold sway over the financial architecture of the planet. But as I demonstrated in the first edition of this series (and as I explored in my recent discussion with Catherine Austin Fitts), that era is coming to an end. What exactly will replace the current monetary paradigm is still open for discussion, but, as readers of my work will not need to be told, if the globalists get their way the next system will not be dominated by a sovereign American currency run by and for the people. And yes, the American Empire has been the undisputed global military superpower for decades now. But the very fact that the US now has troops deployed in 177 countries around the world speaks less to its unquestionable might and more to the incredible expenditures of money, resources and manpower that are needed to keep the system of American hegemony functioning. The massive overextension that the US military has engaged in—from the wars of terror in Afghanistan and Iraq to the “kinetic military action” in Libya and the failed overthrow of Syria to the secret war for Africa and the Asia-Pacific pivot—has broken the spell that the myth of America! The Great and Powerful has cast on the public imagination since the end of World War II. Toto has pulled back the curtain and the man behind the curtain has been exposed for all to see. America no longer rules the world. But if nature abhors a vacuum, geopolitics abhors it even more. So who will rush in to take the seat at the head of the table that the US is leaving vacant? Well, if you’re a Democrat, you think it’s those evil Russkies. If you’re a Republican, you think it’s those evil ChiComs. But if you’re a conspiracy realist, you know that absolutely all of the above (and many more) are working to create a truly global system of control. The PlayersWe all know that the Democrats have spent the last four years promoting Russia as the greatest threat to free humanity. Yes, Russia. A country with a smaller GDP than Canada and a military expenditure 1/30th of the US that threatens global stability by interfering in Omidyar and Soros’ colour revolution in Ukraine and by starting wars with Georgia—or maybe the war was actually started by Georgia. Whatever. Boo! The Russian Bear is after you and is going to steal your (s)elections with hundreds of dollars’ worth of Facebook Jesus memes! …Not scared yet? Well, don’t worry, the Republicans are now carefully building their own version of Russiagate: Chinagate! Yes, now it’s the evil ChiComs who are lurking behind every bush, ready to pounce on unsuspecting politicians and steer the great and virtuous US of A into their commie trap! Get ready for the exact mirror image of the Russiagate fiasco to play out now, with intense focus on Xi Jinping and the CCP’s moves, actions and ties in the right-leaning media in the coming years. And you know what? They’re right! All of them. Russia is not a shining beacon of freedom and prosperity. President for Life Putin is an old KGB thug and New World Order advocate who rose to power on the back of false flags staged by his FSB pals, is besties with the worst globalists in the world and seeks to limit freedom of speech in Russia and generally control his citizenry. Nor is China a valiant crusader for peace and prosperity on the world stage. President for Life Xi heads a Chinese technocratic dictatorship that controls its citizenry with the latest whizzbang surveillance technology tied into cashless payment systems and social credit scores. As such, he serves as a hero to the politicians who are trying to normalize lockdowns, reeducation camps, social credit scores and other aspects of technocratic tyranny in the West. Choosing between a world led by Russia and China or one led by the US and its allies is like choosing whether to eat excrement pudding or a feces sandwich. In other words, it’s no choice at all. As I have pointed out many times before (but apparently not nearly enough), the players at the global geopolitical table all have the same vision for the future: a world where a handful of oligarchs use a technocratic managerial class to rule over their compliant populations. No better demonstration of this simple reality could be provided than the madness that has unfolded across the globe over the past year. Lockdowns of entire cities, regions and—with the latest crackdown on international travel—even countries. Brutal crackdowns on protest and blanket censorship of dissent. Politicians arbitrarily deciding which businesses can operate and which ones must shut their doors. The foisting of untested medical technologies on the public and the complete erasure of any pretense that you can control what happens to your own body. This is the world that the technocrats and eugenicists have always wanted to bring about. And now that Pandora’s Box has been opened and the biosecurity paradigm has been unleashed, we see that all of these governments are, at base, exactly the same. China, Russia, the US, the UK, Australia, Germany, South Korea, the Netherlands, Iran and nearly every other country you can think of has adopted the WHO’s casedemic guidelines, embraced the lockdowns and surveillance of their population, brutally put down all dissent and scrambled to secure enough doses of the COVID “vaccines” to inject each and every one of their tax cattle. There are so few examples of governments that have not leapt on the opportunity to introduce some form of medical martial law and jump on the vaccine bandwagon that you could count them with one hand. And, sadly, even those countries like Japan that have not engaged in the lockdown insanity are vying to outdo the rest of the world with their Orwellian vaccine compliance and registry schemes. The world of COVID-1984 is what the future looks like to these technocrats, regardless of whether it’s Uncle Sam in the driver’s seat or Uncle Xi or any of the other misleaders. Having said that, there is a war going on right now. At one level, it is a contest between the various players in this geopolitical game to secure themselves a better seat at the table of global power in the coming biosecurity age. But, as I have pointed out before, at a deeper level, it is a war on you. It is a war on me. It is a war on all of us. The difficulty for most of us is in understanding this war and the forms that it takes. It does not correspond in any way to what most of the public imagines warfare to be. There are no soldiers lining up on battlefields to shoot at each other. This is warfare of a fundamentally different kind. The WarThe War on You that constitutes the real Third World War takes many forms. Understanding these forms is essential to understanding the real nature of the threat facing free humanity. Biosecurity WarfareThe battle lines between the (faux) contestants in the emerging biosecurity battlespace are already being drawn. The first indication of what this war will look like emerged, predictably enough, in the battle to field the first vaccine. As I detailed last week, this battle is leading the world to the brink of the drawing of a New Iron Curtain. This Iron Curtain, however, does not divide NATO-dominated Western Europe from Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe. Instead, it threatens to take the form of what the Great Reset-ers at the World Economic Forum have referred to as “gated globalization,” a system wherein countries form trading and travel blocs based on ideological affinity. This could mean, for example, that the BRICS countries might mandate the Russian COVID injection for international travelers and refuse to accept travelers who have had the Pfizer/Moderna/AstraZeneca injections. The NATO countries, conversely, may mandate the opposite, effectively barring travel between the two blocs. One could imagine similar measures to restrict trade and commerce between nations on the other side of the New Iron Curtain, effectively forming a new geopolitical order based on two (or more?) competing power blocs. Meanwhile, residents on either side of that curtain could expect largely the same thing. A “new normal” where all “non-essential” travel is tracked and regulated, vaccinations and experimental medical procedures are mandated, and all dissent is branded as a risk to public health and brutally suppressed. This is not to say that biological hazards do not pose a real threat that can be exploited by the technocrats. In addition to the 5G, GMOs, endocrine disruptors and various other pollutants and toxins that are being pumped into our environment on a daily basis, there is always the threat of false flag bioterror—pathogens released from the government’s own military laboratories for the purposes of keeping their public afraid and compliant. This threat could very well be used as a way of keeping the momentum of the “Great Reset” going, even as more begin to question the scamdemic narrative. Cyber WarfareIn case you missed it, our new self-appointed overlord Klaus Schwab has already declared that the next big threat is likely to be a “cyber pandemic.” Make what you will of that interesting concatenation of concepts, but it doesn’t appear to be too difficult to read between the lines here. The next major false flag event could be the long-planned cyber false flag. In short, a major, disruptive “i9/11” type event could be used as the excuse to pass the cyber equivalent of the Patriot Act, which would drastically change the way we access and use the internet. Although my regular readers will be sick of hearing about it, I feel compelled to remind everyone once again that this is no mere theoretical threat. At a tech conference in 2008, Creative Commons founder Lawrence Lessig informed the audience that there was indeed an “iPatriot Act” waiting in the wings, ready to be unleashed on the internet in the event of a major cyberterror event. The specific provisions of that act are unknown to all but those who wrote it, but one hardly has to go out on a limb to guess that they involve severe restrictions on internet access and the erosion of any pretense of online anonymity. When and if the “cyber pandemic” is unleashed, it will undoubtedly be blamed on the “enemies” in the New Cold War and used as an excuse for escalation of real-world hostilities. This is the beauty of virtual false flags; the only physical evidence of what happened that will ever exist will reside in the servers of those who were attacked, and those servers will never be yielded up for outside inspection. It is the perfect excuse to say “The Russkies did it!” or “The ChiComs did it!” or “Those dastardly North Korean hackers did it!” and to push that narrative on a credulous public through the usual mouthpieces and repeaters in the dinosaur media. As always, any such cyber disruption—however fake and staged that disruption might end up being—will have very real consequences in the real world. It is not hard to imagine that—in the wake of a concerted cyberwar—the long-planned “driver’s license for the internet” will be implemented and sites like this one will have their domains seized. (Did I mention my website server address is and my IPFS backup is here?) It is increasingly likely that the various firewalls that are going up to create country-specific, carefully gatekept “splinternets” will dominate in the future. As always, there will be technical workarounds for those who bother to learn them, but the online pirates of the future will be few and far between as the masses are herded into more and more carefully controlled lanes of the once-ballyhooed “information superhighway.” Space WarfareOuter space presents yet another venue for geopolitical conflict to emerge, and it is likely to take a more prominent role in the coming years. As Bloomberg Businessweek observes: “President Biden will have to choose whether to confront China on its space initiatives or find ways to ease tensions and even increase collaboration.” Hmmm. I wonder which he’ll choose. Real stumper there. Remember when the US began injecting billions of dollars into a “space war center” to “gird for a space war” with Russia and China? And remember when NATO declared that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s “operational domain” now includes outer space? And remember when Russia warned that US weaponization of space would lead to a space war ? And remember when Trump confirmed that fear by creating the Space Force? Yes, in case you haven’t figured it out yet, space is becoming the next battlespace in the (phoney and rigged) battle between the “great” powers. Which of course means that it’s the next convenient excuse for the military-industrial contractors to continue their never-ending multi-trillion-dollar boondoggle of the planet. Just last year, NASA tried to cement its space takeover into international law with the Artemis Accords, an attempt to allow countries and companies to establish exclusive zones on the moon. The extraterrestrial land grab was called out for what it is by the ChiComs through their Global Times mouthpiece: “The US is developing a new space version of an ‘Enclosure Movement,’ in pursuit of colonization and claiming sovereignty over the moon.” And now, with China having successfully landed on the dark side of the moon, set their own plans for manned missions to the moon and mars, and started construction on a space station that is slated to be completed next year, the ChiComs and the Americans will be able to engage in the exact same game as the Soviets and the Americans did 60 years ago. That game, in case you missed it, is to sink massive amounts of money into the crony-connected aerospace industry contractors even as each country advances its ICBM weaponry and other military gadgets in the name of the “peaceful exploration of space.” All the while this exercise in fleecing the public will be cheered on by flag-waving patriots who believe it’s really a contest between two opposing ideologies. Meanwhile, those who would be best situated to understand and call out this massive charade are being psyoped into believing that the earth is flat and that space doesn’t exist. Chalk up another victory for the information warriors who are playing the online conspiracy reality community like a lute. Information WarfareThe most important aspect of this New Cold War / WWIII / war on humanity is the infowar. This should be readily apparent to readers of these pages, but the past year provided ample evidence (if any were needed) that control over the public narrative is tantamount to control over the direction of humanity. If you can convince enough of the population that there is a new Black Death going around and that you have to lock them in their own homes, shoot them up with experimental gene therapy technologies, and track and trace their every movement for the rest of the lives “for their own good” then there is almost nothing you can’t accomplish. The worst part is that you think you’ve already seen the worst of online censorship, what with the purging of the American president from Twitter and the shutdown of Parler, and other social media theatrics. But you haven’t seen anything yet. In the latest sign of what is to come, everyone’s favourite comic book supervillain, Bill Gates, has emerged from his crime lair to issue a new pronouncement that he is shocked (shocked, I tell you!) to discover that he’s the subject of “really kind of evil” conspiracy theories that dare to point out that he has profited from the pandemic and that even accuse him of being behind the scamdemic. I mean, of course he demonstrably has profited from the pandemic, has steered every aspect of the global public health response to it and was a co-sponsor of the Event 201 that was simulating just such a global pandemic at the very moment we are asked to believe it was breaking out, but come on! Didn’t you hear? He called that “conspiracy theory,” so it’s automatically wrong! But you may have missed the most chilling part of his latest media blitz: “We’re going to have to get educated about this over the next year and understand, how does it change people’s behavior.” There it is in his own words. A promise to “get educated” about these theories, how they spread and how they change people’s behaviour over the course of this year. And what will Bill and his co-conspirators do with this information once they “get educated” about it? Well, he has suggested that “working with the social media companies” may be necessary, and I think we all know what that means. We are heading into a new digital dark age. They have not rolled out the “domestic terror” propaganda and created such hype around online extremism and the dangers of COVID conspiracies for nothing. By the end of this year, the world wide web may look like a very different place. And remember: this is a literal (not figurative) information war, employing real military cyberwarriors whose mission is to shape public perceptions and control the online conversation in the ways they are directed. And if you are reading these words, then you are the target of these cyber soldiers. Our RoleYes, we have entered into a new phase of global geopolitics. This phase will be dominated by “gated globalization” and the solidification of competing power blocs. The narrative of the “New Cold War” is only going to be picking up steam from here. But that narrative is largely designed to hide the fact that the war is already engaged, and that you are the designated enemy combatants that the globalist technocrats are setting their sights on. As you may have noted, all of these new forms of warfare that we have just explored as potential avenues for the New Cold War share some key characteristics:
Yes, we are the ultimate targets of this aggression. We are the real enemies to the technocrats waging this New Cold War. The geopolitical theatrics are largely for show and meant to keep the populace in line by actively rooting for further restrictions on their basic freedoms in the name of winning the “war” against the “enemy.” This war is not starting now. It will not be completed this year. It has been developing for years if not decades now, and will take years to play out. But this year very well could be a pivotal one. It is absolutely imperative that we do not lose sight of who the real enemy is in all of this. It’s not the average Chinese citizen living under the yoke of the Chinese government or the average Russian living under the yoke of the Kremlin or the average American living under the yoke of Washington or any other average person. The real enemies of “we the people” are the technocrats themselves who are steering their respective countries into the same ditch. They will not rest until all of their citizenry are tagged, tracked, vaccinated, compliant cattle living on the new global plantation. Our job is to maintain our humanity. To withdraw every ounce of support that we can from this system and to demonstrate—not through our words but through our actions—that another way of life is possible. It’s time to recognize the geopolitical shadows on the cave wall for what they are and start enacting new modes of living for all to see—next door neighbours and people halfway around the planet alike. 2021 is the year for turning off the propaganda, tuning out the would-be dictators and playing a different game entirely. Who’s with me? |
Recommended Listening and Viewing
Recommended ReadingUsing GameStop To Occupy Wall Street Recommended ListeningErnie Hancock debates a statist about the way forward Recommended ViewingThe New Normal // Documentary Just For Funfrom a Corbett Report listener: IrResponsible by Sarah L I’ve been told I’m part of the problem, because I don’t get out and vote, I’ve been told I’m irresponsible because I’d rather just say no. I say no to the blue, I say no to the red and yes, no thank you- to the gre I think there’s something else instead, Something beyond democracy I just perceive that 51 percent can rule 49, There’s no way a gang mentality is not what will become enshrined And I don’t understand how voting harder will bring about a change Because I’ve seen the colours swapping yet the issues- stay the sam Furthermore, it’s evident that majorities can be swayed, With entertaining banter and clever PR campaigns. I never signed a social contract. I wasn’t asked to participate. I inherited this system in which I’m governed by the state- An organisation with a violent grip on their monopoly Of one size fits all education and dogmatic ideology. I wonder what things would be like, if inclusion were voluntary? Strangely, this option is not offered by the residing powers that be. If you ask me, the problem lies, With all the party picking With the saviours, and the slogans, and the obsession with box –tic Because when you tick a box then it becomes your outer limit. You make your little mark inside and trap your ideas in it. But think outside that box and your life’s back in your control Rendering irrelevant how the next elections poles So I’m tuning my attention to that peaceful revolution. The change that comes from deep inside- the DIY solution. I believe that if we realise that actually we are free To decide how we live and how we want the world to be We could put our heads together and we could create something better We’re told ‘A Great Reset’ is needed… well And if we look to Epicurious and his ancient Greek philosophy Of self-analysis, fostering friendships and striving for self sufficiency Then within our grasp we’d have happiness’ key At least that’s my opinion, you’re welcome to disagree You see, unlike our current rulers, I value individuality I believe that different perspectives create beautiful harmonies And I’ve concludes, persons governed, in their actions embody The living definition of irresponsibility I can’t fathom that with a ruler I’ll achieve true liberty So I vote myself as my leader, I’ve been told that’s anarchy |
On the eve of February 1st, 2021 The Year Ahead – Part 3: Geopolitics was one hell of a read!
Like in Japan where they got your number or with the eventual rollout of a “Drivers License for the Internet”, neither pudding nor sandwich make me look forward to the next meal.
I’m with James.
I ain’t gonna eat this crap.
James Corbett says:
The War on You that constitutes the real Third World War takes many forms.
Understanding these forms is essential to understanding the real nature of the threat facing free humanity…
…Yes, we have entered into a new phase of global geopolitics…
…The narrative of the “New Cold War” is only going to be picking up steam from here. But that narrative is largely designed to hide the fact that the war is already engaged, and that you are the designated enemy combatants that the globalist technocrats are setting their sights on…
…It is absolutely imperative that we do not lose sight of who the real enemy is in all of this is.
It’s not the average Chinese citizen living under the yoke of the Chinese government, or the average Russian living under the yoke of the Kremlin, or the average American living under the yoke of Washington or any other average person.
The real enemies are the technocrats themselves who are steering their respective countries into the same ditch….
These are important words, especially Corbett’s point about the “New Cold War” narrative.
I know what to expect on these comment boards…
Pray to God that I may be gentle.
We will have some enthusiastic newcomers to the Corbett Report who are sold on the “New Cold War” narrative.
We saw it with the “Flat Earth” narrative, but see…these folks did not know about
“The Law of 7 Eleven”
“…The real enemies are the technocrats themselves who are steering their respective countries into the same ditch….”
The Technocrats are just middle management for the ‘Magic’People who can buy anything in the world with the Magic Money they create out of literally nothing…(its no wonder they are so obsessed with magic numbers and junk like that) …
but even THEY are just stooges for the real mastermind, Satan.
Yes, that’s the globalist’s plan, but the people are striking back. This weekend in Vienna there are protests against lockdowns. Even in my sleepy little conservative town the people are disobeying the State. Macron has decided against angering the people with another lockdown. There’s a sizable vaccine hesitancy that will break their plan of a universal vaccination. I think the Klaus Schwab’s in their ivory towers will feel the people’s roar of freedom.
‘orf with their ‘eads!
“And if you are reading these words, then you are the target of these cyber soldiers.” jc
that reads two ways:
In one way, it says,, because you doubt the integrity of the misleaders, you are here reading this unveiling of the nefarious actions they’ve made; we are detectives exposing the evil players, and so become one of their obvious targets. That sounds logical, though it requires inference and supposition.
It can also mean,
jc’s position/site is a cognitive oasis for those that prefer this explanation, but “these words” may be what is actually being fired at you, “the target”.
a subconscious Freudian slip? an admission of being a cog in some social engineering maneuver? A collecting/group forming of like minds for later harvest? surely this site is being aloud to continue for reasons other than “free speech”?
Maybe a social engineering intheknowster could sort me out on this?
Interesting point. I would hope that they would start using their energy for something that is actually good for humanity rather than negative and destructive. After all, having a healthy gene pool is good for them too. Many of these players also have families and I would assume they care about their descendants and would want a normal existence for them.
What if the children of these “elites” want to just live a normal life and do normal things, like have a job and work and have regular friends and go to the movies and concerts and travel. The idea of controlling everything and hurting people and causing suffering is pathological. I would presume that not all of these people who have the power to direct misery at people would want to do it and would rather use their influence to do good.
For people with regular consciences, it feels better to do good and feel pride in doing good rather than cause suffering.
I assume that JC is also trying to educate them that there is no need in trying to take everything for themselves, that there is an “expanding pie” and that leaving people alone may be in their own best interest and be more rewarding for them. Being able to share is a good thing.
“For people with regular consciences, it feels better to do good and feel pride in doing good rather than cause suffering.”
True, but,
what conscience is regular? perhaps “regular” is that piece of the machine that had a long successful life? I digress, all mechanistic metaphors flop when generalizing about humanity. Our best physics still pales next to body/mind cutting edge complexity/sophistication within the apparent environment, yet we still are vulnerably-empowered to crash & burn, or soar with vivid lucidity, or sit idling with a dull buzz on.. I suppose thats a choice, or represents ones navigational skill, often learned or impaired through hard knocks.
But I’ve lost the original thread: If there is a nazi style criminalizing of anyone who doubts “the state” (manipulative narrative), and therefore we on this thread are lowest of social credit scum, the very dumpster juice. Then perhaps trumpeting the terrible truth of the nefarium is not the most clever way to remain meek and standby to inherit the planet?
I guess the high ground is in line with what auntie Catherine said “death may not be the worst option”. so, yes I’m ok with canarying away,lets figure this f’ing thing out already.
Are we prewired to care and share? I think so. I’ve, live and direct, watched kids go from brilliant innocence to dullard nihilistic narcissism, like flowers that are given artificial light and a weird steroid cocktail rather than sunshine and spring water. (between the lines: dissonant parents + excessive screen time + bully/dull buzz culture),, the good news is that we can reconstitute sensitivity through resonant acts.
from the refuge of old Tibetan teachings: (adapted not quoted)
Model for “the 5 archetypal energies”, each has positive & negative aspects.
The antidote to negative acts is their positive counter part,
when I ignore the cure is to look to the horizon
when I anger the remedy is “diamond like clarity” (comes with compassion
when Im greedy its time to start giving generously
when I’m vain, its a push to serve someone/thing else
(the first 4 summarize in the 5th)
when I’m jealous, better take a chance on love
“…jc’s position/site is a cognitive oasis for those that prefer this explanaton, but “these words” may be what is actually being fired at you, “the target”…..”
It would be amazing if the people engineering society DID NOT have an AI or two wargaming how to guide Mr Corbett into thinking, and then saying, things that benefit the rulers.
These days I’m starting to wonder at how Podcasts I listen to tend to come up on topics I’ve been thinking about already….either I am just soooo tuned into whats happening OR (more likely) the information environment is being shaped to lead us all down paths paths pre-determined.
However, picking anything that makes you LESS dependent on the system is ALWAYS going to be a winning strategy…and spending more time reading and doing stuff offline is probably wise too….and its important to DENY Technocrats as much personal information as to what your reading and listening to and thinking about and doing. That means less open use of the web
I’m trying to treat the internet more like I used to… a place to go get stuff from rather then a place to hang out on. Gates Jobs and the Facebook staff all keep their children OFF the net most of the time.
my oldest friend grew up with the first apple (1976?), then the apple plus, then mac’s, always the latest etc, he ended up working as a cgi producer (using the likes of Silicone Graphics etc). When I chuck him the best examples of how the geopolitical narrative is a con, likely to enslave, and damn dangerous. He answers exactly what you did: our interaction with the web is tracked/mapped and tailored to suit,, and but lighten up and dont get too sucked in,,, but to suit what?
perhaps the essence is pure attention regardless of the content (which seems to keep coming, and rarely resolves. sure there’s buyers of products, and buyers of politics, and buyers of hope porn, and I suppose here Im buying a speculative thread that may be sincere investigative journalism as much as it can be a way to own my time? I’m an independent designer/builder (odd job workshop) and my jobs are suffering for the fact that answering all the concerns often takes more than half of every day, Im so hooked on the cliff hanger nature of a societal cull, that I give in, make that “dive in” in hopes that fore warned is fore armed.. Perhaps we’re just birthing or nursing an infant AI, or worse.
I’m with you on veering back towards choosing the actual over the virtual, though I will still try to stay informed, its a miraculous tool, if we can only remember that its working for us rather than us for it,,
Really enjoyed reading IrResponsible by Sarah L. That was a badass poem and really thoughtfully touched on the problems and the solutions.
Thankyou scpat! I really appreciate your appreciation. Ive written many poems since the scamdemic broke so if you’d like to read more let me know and I’ll gladly send them your way.
Great piece James! This one is a keeper.
It covers so many bases.
Spot on with the Russia and China government summary.
I’ve visited both countries several times and can attest to their
iron grip on their citizens.
BTW I was in Wuhan more than a decade before it became ‘infamous’. 😉
In case anyone doesn’t know Wuhan means five lakes, which the city is built around.
The ‘problem’ as I see it (until someone can explain this to me)
is that if a One World government ever comes into being
MIC’s will become redundant.
MIC’s of course would not go down without a fight 🙂
Only police/militia would be required to quell local unrest.
But country vs. country wars would by become a thing of the past.
Definitely got to avoid those endocrine disrupting chemicals. It’s literally insanity they in everything
Yep, it’s time for a New Game. The Jew Banker’s Fiat Debt Money has run it’s coarse, and they are looking for new ways to control others. Of coarse, all of their plans are for even greater Top-down Centralized Authoritarian control of the unchosen ones.
That said, “The New Game” should be a Bottom-up Decentralized Localized Money System where we people don’t accept Fiat Money anymore.
I think a good way to make these Governments that exist for the Preservation of the themselves, as well as the Money Kings, obsolete, is to deny them Consent by not using their Fake Money.
I like the idea of Food as Money. Everyone needs Food and it goes bad, so it needs to be traded while it is still good. In a sense it has “Negative Interest” associated with it.
The Worgl Story (https://bristolpound.org/the-miracle-of-worgl/) showed how a Mayor of a City saved his City from a Great Recession by Leveraging the Cities Schillings (real money in those days) to Back Script at a Negative Interest Rate. Today I would think the same could be done in most Cities with a modest amount of Silver serving as the Backing for Local Script.
This should be even more Commonsensical in the States seeing as the U.S. Constitution claims that only Gold and Silver can be used as Money, and Federal Reserve Notes are not even linked to either commodity metal.
I think that honest Silver backed local Money, would quickly replace the corrupt Centralized Fiat Money (which is backed by Force and coercion), If were adopted in many places at once.
Once it is established that “We,the people” will not work for Fiat Money, and our local Taxes are not paid in it, and we refuse to pay State or Federal Governments in it, then they are done for.
We are many, they are few. All they have is control over stupid people who will do as they want for fake Money, and these stupid people can be educated, eh!
The thing is that people have been lazy…. Doing things when they are Easy makes for a quiet life and no one thinks anything happened, to paraphrase a wise man.
Now people have been trained to be immoral, weak and selfish its no longer EASY to fix. A couple of generations of fatherless households have created men so feminized that they need to listen to Jorden Peterson in order to hear the BASIC things about manhood that they should have from their dad and girls are currently suffering a hysterical outbreak of F-T-M Transgenderism (‘Irreversible Damage’ is the easy read book on that, though “The Transgender industrial Complex’ by Scott Howard is way more detailed on the huge amount of money funding the “Cloud-Roots” revolution)
There is no way that the majority of feminized men or broken women are going to be able to do anything. You cant educate such people who dont care to learn….we are approaching a genetic bottleneck.
Returning to the first point… had the western world NOT let a tiny bunch of Jewish men in Hollywood (See “an Empire Of Their Own”) define its culture and later porn-ify its boys then the Bankers would have been limited to steeling the value of money rather then the things they actually have done.
I think even their own grandfathers would have been horrified and ashamed.
Re The Year Ahead – Part 1: Currency
Plaza Accord II: Currency a catalyst for US-China deal? – Asia Times
“We conclude that on all three of these issues – yuan appreciation, import tariffs and technology export controls – Joe Biden and Xi Jinping have overlapping if not identical interests.”
So if they do munt the internets can we still get around via the dark web/whonix/tor etc? I mean will they just lock up the popular sites (banking, shopping, alt news sites etc) until we hand over our biometrics?
You may be able to IF YOU CAN GET ACCESS to the internet… your ISP will be onboard with the Drivers Licence thing
I guess you could hack your neighbours router with kali linux but I’m pretty sure thats some kind of federal crime, Null Byte probably has a video on it.
You could try something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taAD2z8spP0
instead but the real question is WHO your planning to talk to on the dark web? If you dont know them in real life I’d be pretty careful
Zero Covid Island Enigmas:
Addressing the New Zealand Question! – Ivor Cummins
I hadnt come across this til this morning. Anyone with further fact-check references please share them. In the short clip Dr Rashid Buttar shows evidence that the PCR test may actually be the vaccine. in short the “test” process may implant nano fibers,,
this would fall under the cyber war/info war/bio security war categories
the implications are enormous. So big that I’m hoping this light weight look through a magnifying glass may be a clue that its more fear mongering than real?
“High-octane” musing: what hooked my interest, is that it may give some basis as to why people can be so diametrically apposed over the inane? could this simply be a designed mood enhancement, triggered for those who’ve been implanted,, oh uh I mean tested,,, oh uh I mean genomically ampli-modified,,, driven by a cerebral nano-tech invasion empowered and directed via microwave,,,?
I don’t have sources but I doubt it. I work in a hospital and conduct Covid tests and have actually had to have a test for a medical procedure. The swabs are pretty standard that we have used in the past for flu testing. In fact we can also test for flu and rsv with the same swab. I have no proof but my inclination is to doubt it. Why spend money and time on a “vaccine “.
thanks cuhj
at least you’re optimistic.
when you “conduct covid tests”, do you have access to what the cycle thresholds employed are? do those administering the test prescribe to palpetaucci’s “CT over 34 is non-repeatable” (yields useless info; most anyone can be shown to be positive, because most carry trace amounts of thousands of versions of viral matter, which is junk DNA)
I find people who say the nano thread video is fake news. No one I’ve found has more than an opinion, but the topic of clandestinely implanting us is too hot to drop the speculation until I find better evidence.
“Why spend money and time on a “vaccine “.”
as far as I can see, “spending money is never much of an issue for those who are willful enough to dominate while exploiting, and pushing for ever greater scales of it” Ive met a few of these jokers, its just how they function (not to mention what they may do in the shadows),,
if an implant is the biggest enslavement tool ever, why not have as many delivery vehicles as possible, who cares what cost: the narrative has to be bought by enough people,,, imagine if they could implant a nano vehicle that was remotely activatable to release whatever toxin that had a delayed but deadly effect.. sounds like b grade si-fi, but having listened to nano tech engineers, it sounds do-able? righto every body line-up for an ijectable kill switch
If you have a lab I can send a swab to for analysis I will take some and send them for analysis. Nanoparticles can be detected.
fair enough,
but I aint got no stinkin’ lab. nor microscopy. But you work in that world; I’d a thought even just seeding the following question should at least flush out some of the vermin on the spot:
so whats about the PCR / CT question?
Now that the WHO is back stepping on this issue (ooops), arent all the doctors and lab bosses who absolutely knew better liable for malpractice?
Here’s a American Bar association page listing (some?) of the suits currently pending around the issue of “the rona”.
I didnt see mention of the one thats been the most visable?: Reiner Fuellmich vs german and US govts,,, Is he hope porn (might not even know it yet)?
Here’s an interview with Reiner (54 mins) on the “valutainment” site. A well grounded thread of how a lawyer would look at the situation:
This was posted in mid Nov 2020
Anyone who has more current please share.
here’s Reiner Fuellmich’s site:
some is translate into German but some not The section on corona is only in German.
At the bottom of this page is the money/description of current rona litigation.
The way all bases seem to keep being covered by the dominators, I’ve a hard time completely accepting that this guy will walk through the scams veil like a hot knife through butter. there’s always the chance that he’s designed to fail,, he seems too sincere to know that up front, but when one owns court after court,,, If you can lie in plain site, and get away with it, then anything is possible.
Here’s an example of anythings possible, or how small parts can add up to lotsa:
Here’s an upsetting event & heart breaking example from Vancouver WA Jan 29-31:
“They are situations where accusations made without evidence can serve as the basis for increased aggression”
“Daughter entered the hospital 1x on Thursday and 2x on Friday WITH A MASK and was told on Friday, with her mask on, that she could not see her mom, whom she is the full time caregiver for. Why didn’t Clark County Sheriff verify that before putting out a false testimony?
This was NOT an ANTI MASK PROTEST! The daughter was told the night before, her mom would NOT be covid tested, and that she could come be with her the next day as long as it was the same visitor each day. The supporters did NOT show up heavily armed. Prior to the police coming, there was not ONE gun present. The supporters did NOT come with gas masks.
Children were present because this didnt start as a protest, it started as friends coming to help a friend get to her mom. Clark County Sheriff’s dept and Legacy Salmon Creek need to retract their statements and stop defaming the character of the group and the victims (Victims were the daughter and mother who were essentially in a hostage situation with the hospital). We the people have NO representation!”
Emotional video of eyewitness: https://youtu.be/fEUOzEAu2yk
“According to a statement issued by the Sheriff’s Office late Saturday afternoon, a caller to 911 requested a deputy at Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center at around 4:50 p.m. Friday January 30. The caller reported that her mother, who had been admitted the previous day for medical reasons, was being held against her will. The caller claimed Medical Power of Attorney but was being prevented from being allowed in to see her mother.”
Caring Moms are labeled radical “Domestic Terrorists” by grossly fabricated lies via law enforcement and media
What a sad story surrounding something which should had been very simple.
Reason & common sense doesn’t matter to the mental insanity of this era.
As a follow up, the hospital “EVENT” I shared above has also caused an entire communication texting system to go down used by the supporters of the daughter/mother community to reach out for help quickly. The texting system magically is broken.
Do you have a source link which describes this?
Remember the California & recent European Blackouts?
January 31st – OILPRICE.COM – By Irina Slav (who is a professional writer)
Europe’s Unforeseen Renewables Problem
Earlier this month, something happened in Europe. It didn’t get as much media attention as the EU’s massive funding plans for its energy transition, but it was arguably as important, if not more. A fault occurred at a substation in Croatia and caused an overload in parts of the grid, which spread beyond the country’s borders. This created a domino effect that caused a blackout and prompted electricity supply reductions as far as France and Italy. The problem was dealt with, but it’s only a matter of time before more problems like this occur—the reason: the rise of renewables in the energy mix.
Bloomberg reported on the incident citing several sources from Europe’s utility sector. While no one would directly blame the blackout and the increased risk of more blackouts on renewables, it is evident that Europe’s change in the energy mix is raising this risk.
The problem has to do with grid frequency. Normally, it is 50 hertz, Bloomberg’s Jesper Starn, Brian Parkin, and Irina Vilcu explain. If the frequency deviates from this level, connected equipment gets damaged, and power outages follow…
… But the problem is not being publicized enough to spur those in charge of decision-making into action…
…Yet solar and wind have been touted as a silver bullet solution to the emissions problem the planet is having, and they are not a silver bullet. There is no silver bullet solution. The sooner decision-makers realize this, the sooner they can start working on ways to reconcile renewables with grid reliability. Otherwise, we might see an unwelcome repeat of what many Soviet bloc countries experienced in the 1980s—timed blackouts lasting months and even years….
is this evidence of artificial stupidity interference? my topics above have been incriminating, more than usual, and suddenly, only on this site, the mouse begins to not work,, intermittently, all screen functions stop for a time, then partially start? I can work the browser bar to switch to another site, and but then when I switch back here it crashes again,, I’ve repeated this 3 times,, ok here goes a 4th,,, yup scroll function good on gmail, no good on corbett,, though I can keep this whinge going,, oh dear, maybe time to give it a rest.
n’importe quois
I’m with you, James. You really outdid yourself with this article. Thank you.
February 6th – OILPRICE.COM by Alex Kimani
China Has Just Launched The World’s Largest Carbon Market
…Last year, the president reiterated his environmentally friendly stance after he announced that the country had set a firm goal to become carbon neutral by 2060.
And now China has just launched a nationwide carbon trading marketplace in what could become one of its most significant steps taken to lower GHG emissions and achieve its climate goals.
China, which accounts for 28% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, has become the world’s first major economy to launch a national carbon emissions trading market.
China’s carbon market
Many countries across Europe, as well as some parts of the U.S., have implemented carbon markets that force companies to offset their carbon emissions by investing in green projects that neutralize their emissions.
For now, China’s emissions trading system will cover its extensive power industry, including ~2,000 power generation facilities, which represent about 30% of the nation’s total emissions. However, over time, the platform will expand to encompass heavy industries like oil, gas, steel, aluminum, cement, and chemicals.
Though undoubtedly ambitious, questions are already being asked about China’s new carbon marketplace….
I want to BUMP an article which the EDITOR of OILPRICE.COM wrote about 4 days ago.
For mainstream, it exposes much of the manipulation and corruption with Wall Street and trading.
“Naked Short Selling:
The Truth Is Much Worse Than You Have Been Told”
“Meanwhile, those who would be best situated to understand and call out this massive charade are being psyoped into believing that the earth is flat and that space doesn’t exist. Chalk up another victory for the information warriors who are playing the online conspiracy reality community like a lute.”
Sorry James ! I have fallen for this psyop !
For me this psyop is more real, than the theory, that we have gone to mars, and that Musk has sent a tesla car there.
So if you have any evidense that the earth is like a ball, i would realy appreciate, if you could give me these evidenses.
If you take this challange, please, dont fall into the standard evidenses, like a photo from nasa, the earth photo.
Also take a look at this :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdQHKf48Mfw :
” A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Moon ”
From : https://www.youtube.com/user/BartSibrel1/videos
But here you, james are falling into a strawman argument, that ” we know better, so it must be a psyop” move along nothing to see here.
A warning! If you dig into the flat earth psyop! You soon, will have real doubt in the ball theory. I am 54 years old, and thought this was a joke, most of my life, until i started to debunk the flat earth theory – i ended up to swollow my pride. But maybe the psyop is so good, that it is ment to take the piss out of some of us, maybe it is ment to waste a lot of time, on something unimportant. Well, i am a good target for this psyop. So if i am wrong, I hope somebodey, can convince me, that this is just a joke, and that i was right for the most of my life.
It is interesting to see “Flat Earth” reappear in the comments on this Thread. There have been previous discussions about this topic.
“The Law of 7 Eleven” and a Flat Earth
Hi HomeRemedy!
Did you read this article ?
If you did, you will see that I quoted “” from James here !
It did not ” reappear ” as a comment.
It was a reaction to what James wrote as an statement here !
James did not, strengthen his statement in any way here, he just told us, that this is a psyop, and no more argument about that. Things are what they are, does not matter if you belive it or not. The truth is written in stone, so to say.
Oh! so sorry Roy! I completely misunderstood what you were saying in the comment. Sorry about that.
My head is fuzzy from eating pizza the other night.
Yes, I absolutely read the article and my comment appears first at the top of this Thread. I picked up on Corbett’s mention of “Flat Earth” in the article, and mentioned it sideways in my comment at the top.
I suspect our new government heads from the new republic are lining up as we speak.
Former central wanker Mario Draghi asked to form a coalition government in Italy. Boris about to make way for his replacement in the UK. Anyone else been replaced in the last few months for a questionable replacement?
And isn’t old Angela M on her way out this year too. Now I wonder if she’ll be replaced by a former central banker too.
Yeah it’s to illegitimise anything the fringe say or question -they can point to us and say “flat earthers.”
Don’t forget those trillions of dollars that were given to NASA but suddenly disappeared…
Or was it the Pentagon? I just got that video in my Goo-Tube feed…. So, I will watch it with a slight chill running down my back because… well, ‘they’ knew I was talking about that topic here. Yikes.
I’m with you!
2021 is the year when the curtain is torn down and the real nature of the hiding faces is revealed!