The Year Ahead – Part 2: Biosecurity

by | Jan 18, 2021 | Newsletter | 49 comments

I don’t need to tell you that we are living through world-historical times right now. The frequency of world-changing events is accelerating even as the impact of these events on our day-to-day lives is increasing.

As Lenin rightly observed: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” Perhaps there are years in which centuries happen.

With that in mind, I am taking my annual look at the year ahead and splitting it into three parts.

Last week, I looked at the tectonic shifts that are taking place in the global monetary space and considered what these changes portend for the future of the world economy.

This week, I will examine the ongoing (generated) COVID crisis and what we can expect as the Era of Biosecurity continues to unfold.

Finally, next week I will turn my attention to world geopolitics, analyzing the types of conflicts that we can expect to see over the course of this year and explaining how these conflicts will set the stage for even more dramatic events over the course of the decade.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 02 (January 17, 2021)

by James Corbett
January 16, 2021

I don’t need to tell you that we are living through world-historical times right now. The frequency of world-changing events is accelerating even as the impact of these events on our day-to-day lives is increasing.

As Lenin rightly observed: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” Perhaps there are years in which centuries happen.

With that in mind, I am taking my annual look at the year ahead and splitting it into three parts.

Last week, I looked at the tectonic shifts that are taking place in the global monetary space and considered what these changes portend for the future of the world economy.

This week, I will examine the ongoing (generated) COVID crisis and what we can expect as the Era of Biosecurity continues to unfold.

Finally, next week I will turn my attention to world geopolitics, analyzing the types of conflicts that we can expect to see over the course of this year and explaining how these conflicts will set the stage for even more dramatic events over the course of the decade.

When Will the Scamdemic End?

There are five main schools of thought about when the scamdemic will end.

The first school holds that the scamdemic will end on January 20th, because that’s when Biden gets installed as the next puppet in the White House (unless Q and the good deep state launch their military coup before then!). But only Americans believe that the events of the past year were all about the American (s)election sideshow circus.

The second school of thought says the scamdemic hype will be gradually ramped down as the vaccines are rolled out. As viewers of the most recent New World Next Week will know, there is now a mechanism in place for the scamdemic scammers to do just this: the PCR tests. You see, the WHO has just “discovered” that RT-PCR tests with a high cycle threshold may be giving false positives, so we are likely to see new guidance for 2021 telling labs around the world to lower the cycle threshold in their PCR tests. And just like that (poof!) the casedemic will disappear. Of course, they’ll want to time this just right so that the number of cases begins to fall as the COVID vaccinations begin in earnest, thus making it appear that the vaccines saved the day.

The third group believes that the scamdemic will end in June. Why June? Because that’s when AstraZeneca says so! The deals that the various Big Pharma drug pushers have made with governments around the world are by and large secret, of course, because that’s how the fascist corporate global kakistocracy rolls. But, according to at least one such agreement that has been “seen” (but not shared) by the good ol’ Financial Times, the document actually declares that the scamdemic will end on July 1, 2021 unless “AstraZeneca acting in good faith considers that the SARS-COV-2 pandemic is not over.” Read the report for the details, but in a nutshell AstraZeneca has agreed not to profit from their COVID vaccine until the pandemic is over, so they’ve had it written into their contracts that they get to declare the scamdemic over by July.

The fourth faction opines that the scamdemic will never end. According to this line of thinking, governments and their string-pullers will never relinquish powers once they’ve taken them. Proponents of this idea merely have to point to the War of Terror, which, as we all know, was never meant to end and is still ongoing (even if it has been put on the backburner while the scammers ramp up the biosecurity panic). In this view, we will be living with a never-ending emergency caused by an unceasing parade of “new coronavirus strains” and novel viruses that require the indefinite lockdown of humanity. After all, they’ve been telling us since the beginning that this is the “new normal,” haven’t they? Did you think they were joking?

So what’s the fifth answer? The scamdemic is over when we say it’s over. When we stop complying. When we disobey orders. When we stop watching from the sidelines while people get manhandled by the police for daring to play pond hockey. When we stop looking at the horrific videos of people getting raided for having too many people in their home and muttering our concern before turning back to our regularly scheduled programming. When we say “no more!” and mean it.

I know the fifth to be true, but if that rising up doesn’t happen then I think we get number four by default. Which school of thought do you belong to?

The Needle and the Damage Done

Even in the most optimistic scenario (namely, the one in which people actually stop complying with the lockdowns and the WHO/Gavi/Gates/WEF scammers are forced to tuck in their tails and end the COVID scare early), the real damage has already been done. The precedents have been set. Even if the powers that shouldn’t be don’t go ahead with the bioterror false flag that they’ve long warned us about, we can still expect to see regular recurrences of the COVID scare for the rest of our lives. Why? Because it worked for (at least) a year and it set the precedent for all sorts of interventions that would have been literally unthinkable just 12 months ago.

Don’t take my word for it. Take scamdemic liar Neil Ferguson’s word for it. As you’ll know by now (if only from the 4th Annual Fake News Awards), Ferguson is the disgraced Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) member and “mastermind” behind the “mistaken” Imperial College model that the US and UK (and other) governments used as part of their justification for the initial “two weeks to flatten the curve” lockdowns.

Ferguson—who, despite what the lying government and fake news media tell you is still advising the UK government on the scamdemic—just gave a stunning interview to The Times admitting that SAGE was watching the Chinese government’s barbaric lockdown of Wuhan with great interest. “They claimed to have flattened the curve,” he told the paper. “I was sceptical at first. I thought it was a massive cover-up by the Chinese. But as the data accrued it became clear it was an effective policy.”

After deciding that welding people inside their own homes, implementing biometric security screening and using flying drones to harass people out walking on the street really is a great way to “flatten the curve,” Ferguson admits that SAGE then turned its attention to the question of whether such policies would fly in the “free and democratic” Western world:

It’s a communist one party state, we said. We couldn’t get away with it in Europe, we thought. And then Italy did it. And we realised we could.

You couldn’t ask for it any more bluntly than that, could you? Ferguson and his cronies have no moral qualms about implementing the draconian lockdown of millions (and ultimately billions) around the globe. No pang of conscience about consigning untold millions to grinding poverty, throwing families into food insecurity or depriving them of their economic livelihood or their reasons for living. The only question they had when weighing the lockdown question was whether they could get away with such bold moves. And they did.

So here we are.

What we are witnessing right now is not a temporary power grab but the birth of an era. This is not about COVID. It never was. It’s about rolling out the infrastructure for biometric tracking and tracing of every movement of every individual. It’s about creating a narrative to justify locking people away indefinitely with the convenient excuse that they are an “asymptomatic carrier.” It’s about the digitalization of the economy and the end of interactions and transactions outside of the purview of Big Brother’s watchful gaze. And, ultimately, it is about the end of humanity.

Yes, the single most important precedent being set right now is the erosion of bodily autonomy. If things proceed as planned this year and the experimental COVID vaccines are forced upon vast swathes of the human population—either through outright compulsion or by making participation in meaningful public life contingent on proof of vaccination—then Ferguson and his likeminded central planning fellow travelers will see that there really is no limit to what the public will accept. And with that, they will be able to begin the reengineering of humanity in earnest.

You see, this isn’t just about the experimental gene therapy that Moderna and Pfizer and their cronies are pushing on the public in the guise of mRNA “vaccines.” After all, as the scientific head of President Trump’s military-run Warp Speed project to inject every American has openly admitted, “Vaccine isn’t the objective; the objective is vaccination.” And why is that? Because they want to break down the public’s resistance to having experimental technologies injected into them at the government’s say-so, that’s why.

No, this isn’t about one particular mRNA vaccine. It’s about the self-assembling protein nanoparticle vaccines and the edible GMO tomato vaccines and the remote-control implantable drug delivery devices and other novel injections that will be coming down the pike soon. It’s about the military-funded implantable biosensors that “could be the future of pandemic detention” and the injectable nanobots that will be monitoring us on the inside and injecting drugs into our system directly. It’s about (as Corbett Report member studiotwoseven has been pointing out in recent investigations) the pursuit of mind control through optogenetics and all the other future technologies that will be used to alter our bodies, our minds and even our DNA itself.

Yes, we have well and truly entered the Era of Biosecurity and the technologies of that age are just being unveiled to the public now. But these technologies will not all be foisted on the public at once. In fact, some of these invasive devices will not see the light of day for years to come. The first step was to set the precedent with the rollout of the COVID “vaccines.” The next step will be to use these vaccines as the excuse to bring about the biometric surveillance state. And that step certainly will happen this year if the scammers get their way.

The Vaccine Passports Will Be Rolled Out This Year

Barring some minor miracle (where’s Q when you need him?), the so-called “immunity passports” are one of these pieces of the biosecurity grid infrastructure that we know will be rolling out this year.

If you haven’t heard (oh, sweet innocent child!), immunity passports are certifications that will be used to identify those who have received the vaccine. Their first use will be in the most literal sense: as passports to enable travelers to cross into other countries. But once the public is acclimated to the idea that their immunity passport is required for international travel, it will not be long before these passes are rolled out for everyday life. Soon, you may be required to show proof of vaccination to enter public buildings, access public events, or even enter certain stores or businesses.

Of course, this was the stuff of tinfoil hat nuttery when conspiracy theorists like myself first started talking about this development in the early stages of the scamdemic, but it has since become mundane reality, touted in slick ads by the private companies that are working on the development of these COVID passes and by the national governments that are hoping to force them on their populations (oops! looks like the government of Ireland got scared of all the negative comments about their proposal and decided to take the video down!).

This passport will be digital, of course, to allow for people to carry it around on their slave devices and fondleslabs. So who is developing these passports? Why a consortium of Big Tech companies, medical-industrial complex cronies, and billionaire foundations, naturally! Specifically, the “Vaccination Credential Initiative” is working on rolling out an international standard for these digital vaccination certificates. This coalition includes Microsoft (of course), the Rockefeller Foundation (of course), MITRE (yes, that MITRE) and Oracle (yes, that Oracle). Go read the mealy-mouthed blather they’ve spewed at the public via their latest press release:

“The goal of the Vaccination Credential Initiative is to empower individuals with digital access to their vaccination records so they can use tools like CommonPass to safely return to travel, work, school, and life, while protecting their data privacy,” said Paul Meyer, CEO of The Commons Project Foundation. “Open standards and interoperability are at the heart of VCI’s efforts and we look forward to supporting the World Health Organization and other global stakeholders in implementing and scaling open global standards for health data interoperability.”

Translation: Buckle up, tax cattle. You’re about to get branded by your globalist owners.

Now on the note of the People’s Reset (which, you might recall, is my aspiration for 2021), there are people working on the answer to this problem. One such group is Freedom Airway, who are creating travel options for health freedom advocates, promising to help preserve travel options that don’t require travelers to submit to vaccination, face masks, quarantines or other aspects of the “new normal.”

I will have more to say about Freedom Airway shortly, but they certainly do have their work cut out for them. Sadly, COVID vaccine passports are being floated not only in the Five Eyes states or even just among the NATO allies. Rather, this insane idea really is being forwarded all around the globe right now. Yes, this is another nail in the coffin of those who believe the BRICS are our saviours from the New World Order: all of the BRICS misleaders are going along with the vaccine charade.

Take Putin, for example, who not only touts the benefits of Russia’s COVID vaccine, but is now pushing for an immunity passport rollout.

As ZeroHedge notes:

If push comes to shove and this concept of travel papers based on vaccination (immunization passports) comes to pass then it is very likely that non-Western versions will “not count” at border crossings. Although with enough time and money one can probably get any type of vaccine anywhere, for the overwhelming majority this could create a new invisible Iron Curtain – the Western Vaccines on one side with the Russian one (with other possible outlier versions) on the other.

A new invisible Iron Curtain? Based on competing vaccinations? What does this mean? War?

Yes, dear reader, that’s exactly what it means. But, as I shall explain next week, this is war unlike anything you’ve seen before . . .

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

55 Americans Have Died Following COVID Vaccination
America’s Biggest Owner Of Farmland Is Now Bill Gates
Debt: The First 5,000 Years by David Graeber

Recommended Listening

IPFS “1 Billion Views!” With James Corbett

Recommended Viewing

America’s Top Owner of Farmland: Bill Gates
The Angry Albertan on the 10 Stages of Genocide
How to Organize the Freedom Cells in Your Local Area
Where Do YOU Draw The Line In The Sand??!
Paul Schreyer: pandemic simulations – preparing for a new era?

Just For Fun

Glass Onion: On John Lennon podcast


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  1. U.K. News – January 17, 2021

    120,000 Care Home Staff Refuse JAB / Hugo Talks
    ( 8 minutes)

    He goes through several recent articles about the jab issue.

    • phreedomphile says:
      Do you also get the feeling we’re being collectively lured to intense debate about herd immunity, new vaccines, masks, etc. while powerful undercurrents of radical transformation go largely unnoticed?

      I think that you hit on something.

      Here is one rapidly advancing transformation without “broad public discourse / debate”.

      Notice the timestamp of the following Corbett Report episode which I listened to today.
      Corbett • 12/09/2019
      Interview 1500 – Marc Morano Debunks a Decade of Climategate Lies

      This is a giant pillar in “The Great Reset” and allocations of massive capital. Yet, there is almost no debate about climate change in the mainstream. Rather, Wall Street is on fire with (ESG) Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance talk. Incredible sums are headed into this area.

    • thousands refusing a jab, what a wonderful news.

      I’m kind of puzzled why Hugo didn’t calculate USR for a jab,
      Undeniable Survival Rate and it’s 99,931%.

      Your chance to survive the bug, according to CDC, is 99,98% if you are between 20-49 years old and 99,5% for ages 50-69.

      I know, it’s a bit apples and oranges, still there is some meaning in these numbers, unless you are brain-dead or dark-side believer.

  2. I think, at the very least, we learn how to get our hands on some “real” passports and pass them around. Could be a profitable market and a good test for decentralized solutions.

  3. The graph shows Mexico as having ordered the Russian vaccine which is indeed what we were initially told here around November. But that seems to have fallen by the wayside (with no coverage given as to why) and people are now eagerly anticipating the Astro-Zeneca rollout.
    Which leads me to believe, along with the halting and fake investigating of vax delivery, that something else is going on. I’d love to believe they’ve hit a glitch and realize this tyranny isn’t going to work but I can’t believe it, based on the eager sheep and white feather delivery bots everywhere in my town.

    Another hard to reconcile snippet is that the WHO now admits the PCR delivers false positives – in the week when first Kanada, then the USSA, now the UNUnited Kingdom initiate demands for test proof on entry.
    When countries don’t even recognize foreign doctor credentials – hard to see they’ll accept vax certs. Is this all an excuse to lock down borders and keep us locked in place while they rollout smart everything?

    I thought JC might go deeper than repeat stuff we’ve been hearing for weeks and a lot is a repeat of what Whitney Webb posted a few days ago.

    • James:
      You see, the WHO has just “discovered” that RT-PCR tests with a high cycle threshold may be giving false positives, so we are likely to see new guidance for 2021
      Another hard to reconcile snippet is that the WHO now admits the PCR delivers false positives – in the week when first Kanada, then the USSA, now the UNUnited Kingdom initiate demands for test proof on entry.

      I think it’s important to get the timing of these things straight.

      The WHO made their PCR ‘admission’ about false positives on Dec 14, 2020 (more than a month ago).
      Kanada started their requirement for PCR tests to enter the country on Jan 7, 2021.

      As ZeroHedge notes:

      If push comes to shove and this concept of travel papers based on vaccination (immunization passports) comes to pass then it is very likely that non-Western versions will “not count” at border crossings. Although with enough time and money one can probably get any type of vaccine anywhere, for the overwhelming majority this could create a new invisible Iron Curtain – the Western Vaccines on one side with the Russian one (with other possible outlier versions) on the other.
      A new invisible Iron Curtain? Based on competing vaccinations? What does this mean? War?

      I made a post more than a month ago about possible future scenarios concerning vaccine passports.
      We know there are at least seven CV vaccines available now. There will likely be more in the coming months.

      Each country will have their favorite ‘flavor’ of vaccine and promote it.

      It’s very possible that Country A will require all visitors to have taken CV-A to enter their country and
      Country B will require all visitors to have taken CV-A or B to enter their country, and
      Country C will require all visitors to have taken CV-A or C enter their country, and
      Country D will require all visitors to have taken CV-B, C or D to enter their country, and
      Country E will require all visitors to have taken CV-C or E to enter their country, etc. etc.

      Fun times ahead for sure!

      As James lamented in a recent video, my international traveling days will likely be over for the rest of my life as well. I just don’t see TPTB relinquishing their bio-security paradigm once it’s been implemented.
      Just as the false flag 9/11-based TSA scanners/’security checks’, molestations, etc. will likely never be rescinded, we can expect the same to hold true with the plandemic-inspired bio-security measures.

  4. That was a beautiful violin/piano duet!
    9/21/2007 – Episode 017 – The Myth of Overpopulation

    Philada says:
    “Any thoughts or advice?”
    You are probably the best person who knows how to handle such situations.

    It can be tough in close relationships. Often a spouse can be one’s biggest critic.

    That said, each individual has the right to make their own opinions/perspectives based on the information which they have.
    No individual has the right to force a “belief” upon another, even when done in veiled, covert ways such as intimidation or strained ridicule.

    A brother of mine has a good line about spousal relationships at different times…
    “You can’t fight City Hall.”

    I wish you the best on your navigations.

    • Good post.
      I guess another title for the article could be…
      Media and Politicians who were lying all along, now admit it, but know that you are too stupid to see it

    • Oh Wow!
      Yu da man! Thanks mkey!

    • Thank you!!! Now I know about Shazam AI as well. Thank you x 2.

  5. BUMP
    “The Hamburg Syndrome from 1979
    This is exactly what is happening now and what IS COMING SOON.

    A great post from the channel MORGAINE. This was obviously an attempt to tell us what was going to happen and what it would be like. The setting is Germany (I kid you not) and is a perfect example of what we have going on right now. It is under 10 mins. long. You will be shocked at the parallels. I am sure people watched this in 1979 and said “no way” or “fiction” or I cannot believe people would be like that. Well guess what…it’s here. Its now.

    • @HomeRemedySupply: The mentality in that video is SO scary, especially the concepts (I”m paraphrasing here), “we don’t need to know what’s going on in order to come up with an action in response to it” and “you can’t prove you’re healthy so you’ll have to take this vaccine”. Then, it becomes sinister when filtered through today’s lens. And add in “feelings & passions have killed more people than the plague”.

  6. You could tie him to a chair and play the 72 hour Corbett Report Marathon special to him.

    May as well give him a reason to be angry with you.

  7. I think that being against the lockdowns and other tyrannical acts by the government is a requirement for me in a partner. My husband didn’t use to like Corbett’s analysis, didn’t really believe that things were this bad, but when the lockdown started changed his mind.

    Maybe you can have an honest discussion about how he feels about fascism. Are people who go along with this the same as the Germans who went along with the Nazis? If it is the same, isn’t this immoral, and is that an attractive quality in a partner?

    • zyxzevn,
      Thanks for this!
      (The video quality is nice.)

      Dr. Simone Gold – The truth about the CV19 vaccine – 56:09
      America’s Frontline Doctors – www

  8. Hospitals Offering Financial Incentives to Staff Refusing the Experimental COVID Vaccines to Get More Vaccinated

    And this Pennsylvania nursing home is offering a straight-up bribe of $750 for its employees to get the vaccine – paid for with federal CARES Act money.

    Must be going on everywhere – why would a nursing home in PA and a hospital in TX be the only places?

  9. …WTF?????


  10. Fitting paragraph heading, The Needle and the Damage Done. Neil Young is one of my favorite musicians. In one live version of that song, prior to singing it, he says, “a lot of great artists get affected by that (heroin addiction). A lot of great art goes down the drain.” Corbett writing about the erosion of bodily autonomy (via drugs/biotechnology) and ultimately the destruction of our humanness is a great parallel to what drug addiction, and especially heroin addiction will do to somebody. They lose their humanness and eventually whither away.

  11. It’s important to recognize that the mainstream narrative he clings to is a terrible tragic situation in one way but the alternative more truthful Viewpoint found under the hood as Corbett does with expert skill diligence integrity and humor is a far darker reality. A bunch of Rogue hijackers who were able to kill many thousands on 9/11 is a way more comforting narrative then your own government Elite Insiders orchestrating and intentionally killing their own citizmore.

    The truth is harder to handle than the lie.
    Waking up takes a long time as layer after layer keeps being peeled back to reveal even more we don’t know.

    Perhaps start with some of the horrible publically admitted lies that have shaped our world, Gulf of Tonkin. Tuskegee experiment etc.

  12. The ‘Corbeteers’ Freedom Cell group is exploding! I hadn’t logged in to the FC site for about a week and just checked back in today and there are now several hundred members. This is awesome to see.

  13. Ego rejection is something thateveryone who does can remember fondly. Also, a very large, weighty load off of one’s back.

    • @preo and @mkey, very true.

      I used to be much more high-strung, but once you get rid of your ego, or at least the part that’s visible to you, then the world is much simpler, and much more enjoyable / fun.

      And I always get a kick out of this line from one yogi to another, “My ego is smaller than your ego.”

  14. You should probably throw in a random accusation of them being racist, sexist, homophobic and/or xenophobic. Just cover them in a blanket of bullshit. Also referring to sources that don’t exist while implaying things represented therein are common knowledge and they should google it.

    • Thanks mkey. I’m gonna practice that.
      Maybe I can get a job as a mainstream reporter, or better yet…
      …I could become a career politician and make the big bucks while making up arbitrary silly rules for others…then laughing as they comply…What fun!
      I’ll use Matt Hancock as my mentor in politics.

      • Only morality, common sense and integrity stand in your way now.

    • Love it! Treat the masker as the one with the problem for being such a hater! 🙂

  15. The last paragraph of the Recommended Reading “America’s Biggest Owner Of Farmland Is Now Bill Gates”, sent shivers down my spine.

    “While Gates may be the country’s biggest farmland owner, he by no means is the largest individual landowner. In its list of 100 top American landowners, The Land Report gives the top spot to Liberty Media Chair John Malone, who owns 2.2 million acres of ranches and forests. CNN founder Ted Turner ranked number three with 2 million acres of ranch land across eight states. Even Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is investing in land on a large scale, landing the 25th spot with his ownership of 420,000 acres, mainly in west Texas.”

    Ted Turner talks about reducing the human population to 2 billion.

    And Mr. CIA contractor Jeff Bezos steadily grabbing up land.

    This is not good.

  16. So true.

    And when half her face is dragging along the ground from Bill’s Palsy or if she is twitching uncontrollably from the vax, send her a “I told you so card” for me will you?

  17. Mr. Corbett,
    – Wrong ARTICLE LINK embedded –

    On the sentence:
    — After all, as the scientific head of President Trump’s military-run Warp Speed project to inject every American has openly admitted, “Vaccine isn’t the objective; the objective is vaccination.” —

    You accidently had the “paste” function freeze to the wrong link.

    I caught it the other day, but the light optics to my brain cells didn’t click on until now. 😉

    • Thanks for catching that, HRS. The link has been corrected.

  18. Good job. Now what is left is to prove a connection between any of those deaths with whatever is this thing that is refered to as “covid”.

    But good job, for sure. My failed state does not even try to publish current data, and what is published is less than detailed.

  19. @Philada, I have seen my partner begin to realise there is more to the world than what the man on the telly says. What seems to work best in our relationship is for me to share one undisputed fact and leave it there. She can then mull that over in terms of the bigger picture and it starts to allow light into other areas. A recent example is sharing with her that in the UK Gov’s own published document regarding the Pfizer ‘vaccine’ it states that “it is unknown if the treatment has any effect on fertility”. This is a simple fact from the mouth of the horse. Of course, that info is not shared on MSM but as a parent of a daughter, it’s something that makes you stop and begin to question especially when (in this case) you judge those unknown and potentially permanent risks against a 99.9% survival rate of the apparent threat. Thereafter once you realise you are not being given the full picture you become more open to questioning other areas of the situation.

    Open the door a chink and you are halfway there.

    So I would suggest small seeds of fact and leave them to germinate. Be open to then discuss in a calm and factual manner. Even I know I can get distracted by headlines and so it is crucial to have someone you trust to question things and deconstruct info together to stay on the true path. It took me years to start allowing in reality that went against my programming (eg I just accepted climate change and vaccines as absolute truth based on what was being put in front of me). So as much as I want to now scream from the steeples that there is another valid side to these things I have to acknowledge cognitive dissonance is one of the strongest obstacles to truth.

    Good luck and remember:
    Truth does not fear investigation.
    My love for the truth outweighs my fear of offending you.

  20. Me, I am a retired banker in The Netherlands and a freshman politician. Feel a bit ashamed. I have been enjoying CR for years, on and off, not following it closely all the time but nevertheless. And never thought of becoming a member. Never donated either. Just did not bother.
    OK, changed that yesterday. The Covid nonsense did it to me. Amazing how accurate and to the point the many scary analyses and predictions of James Corbett have been over the years.
    Glad to be here amongst like-minded people.

    • rafld,
      Glad you are here.
      Can I get a loan?
      The Wellington Wimpy type of loan from the Popeye series.

      Just joking…Look forward to more comments from you.
      By the way, there are other folks here from The Netherlands.

  21. Just joined and happy to be here.
    I really cant figure out what these lunitics hope to gain dont they have everything they desire at their fingertips? I cant figure it out.
    Its like everyone is under a spell from the BS19 . I heard someone actully whine ,after 11 month of this.. “i just want this to be over already” holy crap! Really! I thought… gee if i only had an ax i could be her hero.. anyway thankyou James for all the work you do. Ive followed you for years now and have received a great deal of knowledge for doing so….Covid is the lie they hide behind.

  22. Hi Philada

    I have always had some interest in these things on a low level but have been one of the sleepy heads that has properly woken up during this to my eternal shame. I hadn’t heard of James and the Gates Docs sealed the deal for me.

    Whilst initially I was silent on the matter, I am challenging colleagues and friends now as when they know you are a sane, educated and level headed human being who is questioning these things – I do think it makes them stop – if only for a nanosecond and think “Well actually they may have a point” – that is good enough for me.

    It is hard in a relationship anyway – but I would ask how much that relationship is really worth if your partner feels that way. Many people I speak to are in such deep denial – I too would watch a video years ago and go back to sleep again. If it really comes to a head ask him why he is angry? You may be surprised by the answer. I think many people do not want to see what is in front of them.

    We are being confronted with reality and they will have to face this sooner or later. You won’t be able to shake him in any way – but if he sees you continue to argue points – he may come round. I asked my partner to watch the Gates Doc last May. He had no idea – as here in the UK – Gates doesn’t get as much airtime on MSM as in the States- and that was enough for him to them see everything else – because the cognitive dissonance is real. I’m sick of people saying “I don’t understand why INSERT GOV HERE is doing this!” PLease.

    Just know you aren’t alone. I feel this is the best place to be – where people think rigorously about issues and evidence is cited. That is also safer when referencing things to ppl.

    Best of luck.

  23. The year is 2031 and the ‘War on Bio-terrorism’ has been in full swing now for a decade.

    Coughing or sneezing in public is forbidden.
    Anyone who violates this dictate has their social credit account debited for the penalty that has been assigned locally.

    Everything is automated and requires no outside intervention for enforcement.

    Internal body sensors pick up the cough/sneeze, your geo-location, proximity to others, and calculate the penalty. A report is generated and you are notified about the penalty within seconds of your violation.

    Appeals are not possible.

  24. Five Stars *****

    ‘The New Normal’ Documentary by
    (53:12 minutes)

    Covers “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, “The Great Reset”, Technocracy and so much more.

    Links to the filmmakers’ website and also for download of the video provided in the show notes of the Bitchute link.

  25. What are “the Five Eyes states”? And is there anywhere that I can go to read more on whatever this is?

  26. Damn!
    Even the ladies were cussing at the guy like sailors.

  27. It is difficult not to feel hatred for these people. Crazies or just completely insane and devolved?

  28. Yes, I agree with you, it is already war and the answer is 4 or 5, it all depends on the people. This goes very deep, one of the end goals could be never-ending slavery through health issues. For that, they need to destroy the immune system with vaccines. By booster shots they re-program the DNS while making everyone a vaccine dependent. In order to make it self-sustainable they will need the “virus” to be present constantly, which is actually manufactured by the body of the vaccinated from the “command” smuggled in by the mRNA vaccines. Not the vaccine is the problem, the problem actually is the intention behind it.

    So, the vaccines are the virus and they have no intention whatsoever to end the plandemic. If you follow the money, those who profit from it are basically the core of the problem, who are basically the club members of the central bank cartel. The whole petro-dollar system is collapsing onto their head, and as their plan in the meantime got revealed, they have no other option than to rush their agenda on full force.

    So, it will be 4 unless people put an end to the very core of the problem.

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