Just when you thought the coronascam couldn’t get any stupider, along comes a new curveball.
Take that, conspiracy theorists! Now Trump has the ‘rona! So when your 74-year-old, obese, out-of-shape God Emperor dies of the COVID, even you crazy anti-maskers will swallow the COVID fear porn and submit to the Great Reset, right?
(The true believers aren’t worried, though. Apparently when you spell “well” with a capital I, it means you’re using 18-dimensional Candyland to actually win the presidential (s)election from your hospital bed . . . or something.)
But while the world was distracted by the latest round of “who’s got the cooties,” they might have missed this headline:
COVID-19 Fatality Rate “Worst Miscalculation” in Human History – PhD Student in Epidemiology
You could be forgiven for having missed this little doozy when it dropped five weeks ago, but let’s take a moment to examine it, shall we? . . .
Want to know more about the worst “miscalculation” in human history and why it isn’t really a miscalculation at all? Then you won’t want to miss this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Corbett Report members can access the full editorial (as well as a subscriber-only video where James shares some burnt data from The Corbett Report archives) by logging in to the site.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 32 (October 04, 2020)
Speaking of Burnt Data… – Subscriber Exclusive #099 “Big Brother” by Stevie Wonder “Right Now” by Van Halen “What Would You Do” by Paris |
by James Corbett Just when you thought the coronascam couldn’t get any stupider, along comes a new curveball. Take that, conspiracy theorists! Now Trump has the ‘rona! So when your 74-year-old, obese, out-of-shape God Emperor dies of the COVID, even you crazy anti-maskers will swallow the COVID fear porn and submit to the Great Reset, right? (The true believers aren’t worried, though. Apparently when you spell “well” with a capital I, it means you’re using 18-dimensional Candyland to actually win the presidential (s)election from your hospital bed . . . or something.) But while the world was distracted by the latest round of “who’s got the cooties,” they might have missed this headline: COVID-19 Fatality Rate “Worst Miscalculation” in Human History – PhD Student in Epidemiology You could be forgiven for having missed this little doozy when it dropped five weeks ago, but let’s take a moment to examine it, shall we? The story focuses on Ronald B. Brown of the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo, who published a paper in Cambridge Press’ Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness journal this past August arguing that Anthony Fauci’s testimony to Congress on March 11 of this year was not just misleading, but downright disastrous. Long story short: Brown contends that Fauci’s testimony confused case fatality rate and infection fatality rate, leading to the “miscalculation” that the novel coronavirus was ten times deadlier than the average flu. Brown reached out to a number of media outlets about this, seemingly the biggest story of the year, but he only received one response. That response came from John C.A. Manley, an independent Canadian journalist fighting the mainstream COVID narrative at MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca. As Brown told Manley about his paper: “The manuscript cites the smoking-gun, documented evidence showing that the public’s overreaction to the coronavirus pandemic was based on the worst miscalculation in the history of humanity, in my opinion. My manuscript underwent an intensive peer-review process.” Tellingly, Brown adds: “You [Manley] are the first media guy who has responded to my invitation.” Some might protest that Brown is an outlier. A crank. A fringe wingnut who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But anyone who levels such an accusation is just being willfully ignorant. Brown’s assessment lines up with literally thousands of doctors, epidemiologists and microbiologists who have been screaming from the rafters that this entire lockdown fiasco is an anti-scientific disgrace that is itself leading to untold death and destruction, both direct (those dying of untreated non-COVID related medical conditions) and indirect (those losing their livelihoods due to the lockdowns). These dissenting doctors include:
I could go on, but you get the point. Brown is not alone in his critique of the “miscalculation” behind the panic and the lockdowns. Now, there are two types of people in this world: People who hear that this entire year of coronavirus craziness and lockdown lunacy has been the result of the “worst miscalculation in human history” and get apoplectic with rage, and people who hear the same thing, shrug their shoulders, and go back to their socially distanced day. Scratch that. Actually, there are three types of people. The third are the ones who mentally replace the word “miscalculation” with “deliberate lie.” Because, as those third types know, this is not a “miscalculation.” The gaggle of “health experts” and epidemiologists who have seemingly dictated public policy since this scamdemic began did not (whoopsie!) make a little boo-boo when running the (erroneous) coronavirus statistics through their (flawed) computer models. No. They deliberately lied in order to whip the public into hysteria over an imaginary bogeyman. It doesn’t matter what Nobel prize winners or (formerly) acclaimed epidemiologists or scientific researchers come out and warn about the meaningless tests and the overblown models and the deadliness of the lockdowns themselves. It doesn’t matter whether the politicians who are pimping this medical martial law takeover acknowledge that it’s all political theatre when they think the cameras aren’t rolling or practice “lockdowns for thee, not for me” and “hairstylists for me, not for thee.” It doesn’t matter because this isn’t about truth. This isn’t a “miscalculation.” The proponents of the coronascam are not well-meaning billionaire philanthropists just doing their level best to save the world. This is an agenda. The switch has been flipped and all the preparations for this type of hysteria that have been laid out in the past decade (swine flu, Ebola, zika) are being put into practice. The Great Reset is not the result of a “miscalculation.” It is the most calculated event in human history. And don’t let the lying media tell you otherwise. |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Recommended ReadingCan’t Hide the Deflation When Deflation is the Plan Recommended ListeningRecommended ViewingTony Heller Banned By YouTube Just For Fun“MAMACHARI” by KODOMOSAN Bicycles, lightsabers and sumo wrestling collide in KODOMOSAN’s latest epic music video! Video editing assistance: Broc West Find out more about KODOMOSAN at our website: |
Oh Wow!
James Corbett says:
“This month in the subscriber-exclusive video, James reflects on an old video(s) that was long ago deleted by GooTube.”
These videos were so cool to watch!
I well remember the era.
Thanks James!
I am only able to get the third one to play for some reason.
Thanks. Sometimes I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or just have old equipment.
I believe that the first two are .mpg files. Windows Media Player will open them.
The last one, the Paris video is .mov and it just opened for me.
Caveat…I am NOT tech savvy.
This is a free converter. It is fast. I have repeatedly used it before on different types of files, but you have only one or two daily freebies.
I believe that I even used this back around 2008 when I was making YouTube videos for our North Texans for 9/11 Truth group and other YouTube channels.
All of these files should open in any even remotely modern player. I see that on my end Firefox doesn’t load them in the inbuilt players, but offers to download the files.
I have gotten so used to using my iPad for everything that I didn’t think to try a computer. Duh. I will try to play them tomorrow at work.
The final paragraph of James Corbett’s 10/4/2020 article “The Worst “Miscalculation” in Human History?” really sums it up…
The Great Reset is not the result of a “miscalculation.”
It is the most calculated event in human history.
And don’t let the lying media tell you otherwise.
These paragraphs from Corbett’s cited article “COVID-19 Fatality Rate “Worst Miscalculation” in Human History – PhD Student in Epidemiology” question what’s in the cards…
…Why is there so much information being shared that completely contradicts the narrative of our federal health regulatory agencies and organizations like the WHO? Is there a battle for our perception happening right now? Is our consciousness being manipulated? Why is there so much conflicting information if everything is crystal clear? Why are alternative treatments that have shown tremendous amounts of success being completely ignored and ridiculed? What’s going on here, and how much power do governments have when they are able to silence the voice of so many people? Should we not be examining information openly, transparently, and together?
Is the new coronavirus, like 9/11, a catalyst for a shift in human consciousness. Are people ‘waking up’ as a result of what has, is and will transpire?
I believe people are “waking up”, people who would have never “gone down the rabbit hole.” It’s been a catalyst for many people, including my significant other who is a pretty “regular” type of thinker. I tried to share JC’s work a few years ago when I first started listening to his podcasts, late 2016-2017 but he couldn’t handle it. It was too much and at that time seemed like something that didn’t really touch my life in a tangible way until the Covid scam happened.
My husband has a science background and when the news of a state of emergency was first announced despite the fact that there were no bodies dropping in the streets nor any “surge” happening at the hospital
I work at, started questioning the narrative. He found Dr. Wodarg’s website and showed it to me and then we started watching JC’s work together. We also started watching John Titus’s videos together as well. My husband took some bigger professional risks than I have taken by sharing material that contradicts the fake science on his LinkedIn page.
I think the shift in consciousness for many everyday types of people means that we don’t know yet what will transpire. We know what “they” want to manifest, but we now have a better chance of stopping it.
If Covid was what we thought India and South Africa would look like the black death had gone thru them… I was scared at the start
ah, ah, aren’t you one of the ones who was denigrating me for calling the whole thing a hoax, because you work in a hospital and people are really sick, blah, blah, blah??? Or was that another cuhj?
I think the virus is real. I believe in viruses that’s true. I also have had 3 colleagues get sick this year, 2 of them very ill. But I never denigrated anyone here. The reaction is a hoax in my opinion. I’ve seen people end up on ventilators from influenza b and there was never any shut down for that.
Find me my posts where I denigrated you and re post it if that’s true.
I showed up for a few minutes of fauci19, and got 15-20 minutes of music videos. The bike drummer is my favorite part of this entire webpage.
Saturday October 10, 2020 – Huge Berlin Demonstration
Following his release from jail in London, Dr. Heiko Schöning announced:
”…And I’m happy that this date now, with this demonstration in Trafalgar Square, now at the end of September, established something like the doctors of truth of Great Britain. So thank you very much for all your support. So we will go on, and we need to stand together.
And at the 29th of August, we had a great rally, a great demonstration in Berlin. More than one million people attended. And this was a great demonstration, a great festival for peace.
So I would like to invite you on the 10th of October, 2020, save the date: 10/10/2020, we will be millions in Berlin to demonstrate for peace, for justice, that these unlawful things won’t go on….
SOURCE via – ~~www globalresearch.ca/new-wave-covid-fascism-invading-europe/5725057
Dr. Heiko Schöning was recently interviewed by Del Bigtree and talks about the upcoming October 10th BERLIN event.
Fed Up Texans Plan Protest Against ‘King Abbott’
The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 10, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the governor’s mansion.
…Sponsored by “The Still-Somewhat Free Citizens of Texas,” the protest seeks out business owners, bar owners, salon owners, parents, and Texans at large who are frustrated with the shutdown orders and mandates that have originated from Abbott’s office since March….
October 3rd, 2020
Jonathan Turley via Zero Hedge
Michigan Supreme Court Strikes Down Gov. Whitmer’s State of Emergency Order
In a recent column in the New York Times, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer criticized President Donald Trump for not issuing a national order making the wearing of masks mandatory – a pledge made by Vice President Joe Biden raising serious constitutional questions. Now, Whitmer is having her broad interpretation of state executive authority checked by the Michigan Supreme Court, which found that she violated the Constitution with her extension of the state of emergency.
The Supreme Court found that Whitmer lacked authority under two laws — the Emergency Management Act from 1976 and the Emergency Powers of the Governor Act from 1945. Notably, before the court’s opinion, advocacy groups submitted more than 539,000 signatures in a bid to repeal the 1945 law.
Yet the Michigan Supreme Court has now ruled that neither law gave Whitmer the authority to continue the state of emergency or issuing unilateral orders past April 30th. Justice Stephen J. Markman authored the majority opinion and wrote:
“We conclude that the Governor lacked the authority to declare a ‘state of emergency’ or a ‘state of disaster’ under the EMA after April 30, 2020, on the basis of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, we conclude that the EPGA is in violation of the Constitution of our state because it purports to delegate to the executive branch the legislative powers of state government– including its plenary police powers– and to allow the exercise of such powers indefinitely.
As a consequence, the EPGA cannot continue to provide a basis for the Governor to exercise emergency powers.” …
… This case came before the Court after a federal district court certified questions of state law to be addressed on the constitutionality of Whitmer’s actions….
Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan are key players with ”Stand Up Michigan”, a grassroots organic movement of ‘We The People of Michigan’.
‘We The People of Michigan’…
These are the folks who got things rolling towards the Michigan Supreme Court.
I encourage folks to hear what they had to say when these women spoke at a rally in Austin, Texas on October 3rd.
Jackie Schlegel of Texans for Vaccine Choice speaks at the October 3rd Austin rally
CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES (CPS) & forced vaccines without consent
During Jackie’s speech, she discusses CPS in Texas. Often, CPS is called to take children away from their parents or guardians on a temporary basis. There has been a strong push by hidden forces to make a law which gives CPS the authority to immediately vaccinate any child in their care.
I’ve witnessed this well financed covert campaign which will demonize any elected state representative who opposes the forced vaccination of children in the care of CPS. I was amazed at the string of NGO’s which were originally labeled as “Texan”, but could be tracked to a variety of “non-profits” ending in New York City.
~~www corbettreport.com/the-pandemic-is-a-test-run-propagandawatch/#comment-93957
Texans for Vaccine Choice (TFVC) – WEBSITE
We promote the preservation of personal liberties and informed consent by opposing measures to limit vaccine choice rights or discriminate against those who exercise such rights…
Our Focus
is on advocacy and education, which takes the form of fighting against patient discrimination and holding public and private entities accountable for accurately representing vaccine laws and exemption rights.
Volunteers needed at Texans for Vaccine Choice (TFVC)
During this Pandemic era, “Texans for Vaccine Choice” has been overwhelmed with people seeking help.
In fact, they will have to move into a more conducive office space.
“North Texans for Truth” will participate in the Sunday October 11th (1pm – 4:30pm) “set up new office space” in Arlington, TX for TFVC.
Anyone anywhere can join.
“North Texans for 911 Truth”
The group has piles of “Plandemic” DVDs and flyers available for anyone who wants to disseminate them.
Are they poor or in some other way vulnerable?
They usually only try to steal children from people without the resources to react in court
A bit off topic, but can anyone direct me to the meme that was part of a recent Corbett video that said something like:
“And now for the news of the day…the carefully selected stories that we will use to control how you think.”
I thought that was funny and cut straight to the point of the MSM. I want to save that one to use later but can’t find it anywhere online.
Thank you. You are awesome.
Here’s a link to a more permanent source.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
St. Paul at Ephesians 6:12
Of course, the “modern man” doesn’t accept “superstition” like the Devil and so on. Meanwhile, the Devil laughs with glee as he conducts his campaign of mass destruction against the world.
We ARE in a literal war of good against evil, and evil is winning.
They WILL be put on trial, they WILL be convicted, and they WILL be sentenced to the Lake of Fire.
We are in a war of good and evil, and evil is winning. The Book of Revelation is our reality.
The Covid-19 measures are a Crime Against Humanity.
The criminal investigation is being prepared.
Original video:
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich an international lawyer with something important to say about the Covid-19 crisis.
The “epidemic” is caused by the PCR tests instead of a real spread of the disease.
The disease itself is not that dangerous as portrayed in the media.
The people that staged this crisis need to be held responsible for “Crimes against Humanity”.
Many criminals are named, and much of the evidence for this crime is listed.
This is a solution that we can all support.
In different countries the possibilities are different.
And if you are/know a lawyer, you can support the case.
Hello ,
just to inform about the fight that is going on in France. We are in terrible situation here . The mask is mandatory everywhere( except in our homes , for the moment), our parlaiment just voted prolongation of the state of “sanitary” emergency until 1 of april 2021 . Only 17 deputies voted against!!! One curageus deputy had a courage to denounce the hoax of covidiots (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hpk6PFtU2Tc&t=5s).
I work in psychiatric hospital , our young patients (we work with youth from 12 to 21 y old) are forced to wear masks , clean their hands with hydroalcoholic thing whole day, stay 2 m one from another, but we can eat all together without masks(for the moment). Our job is to be there for them , to educate and heal , talk with them but now our bosses force us to be sanitary cops and do the filthy job of sourveillance and indoctrination. You can’t imagine what a horrible results has this madness on psychotic kids , paranoia , severe distress , scarification , attmpted suicide…
I refuse to be a part of this “new normal” but the pression is intense , bizzarely not from the bosses but from my colegues …
It will be just horrible xhen the flu and cold season will arrive , like every year kids will be sick with normal seasonal deseases , what kind of mistreatement they will live than i dont know …
I feel so alone in this madness , nobody says anything people close their eys on crime collectevly …
Thank you James and community for a great work
and sorry for my tarzan english
That is a very tough scene.
bezuhov76, thanks for giving us the brief.
Tarzan English works for me. 😉
Send them all home.
Explain that the Psychiatry can not keep patients with these conditions.
And put the politicians in psychiatry instead.
It’s sufficient to have one courageous “deputy” and Martine Wonner is very corageous indeed. Do you happen to know of a properly translated version of her speech?
If anyone can contribute to improve this translation, that would be great
I could try …
Thank you for your kind words.
‘rona scumbags are successful.
I got information: what is the no.1 topic helpers to people in Croatia are concerned/scared about?
They are afraid they will be the one who will bring ‘rona to their collective.
Mf, they succeeded. Grandma Killer Syndrome.
Trump is already compliant to the agenda….the OTHER bunch of crooks who want his job may kill him when he gets back to the white house though… I’d think its easier for them to control the situation there rather then in a hospital.
If Money grew on Trees made me think of “The REALLY giving Tree”
I think this video is important. Not sure how much longer it’ll stay up on GooTube.
German lawyer and Doctor Reiner Fuellmich on the results of the German Corona Investigative Committee.
Some very strange goings on is afoot. The two main medicines, one still in testing phase and the other a financial windfall for Fauci, given together, is very strange indeed.
Woops, just realised MaryD beat me to it with the Fuellmich piece! My bad!
Bitcoin and Gold/Silver – Decentralized Anonymity?
E.B Tucker of Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd (MTA) brings up a point about precious metals and anonymity.
“Expect a $2,500 Gold Price as Early as Christmas Says E.B. Tucker”
(One minute)
Disclosure: I own some stock in MTA. Just so folks know…with the higher metal prices and the low oil prices, the profitability for mining companies has increased substantially.
This little lie and Fauci’s New England Journal of Medicine article were the first reasons I judged this to be an op.
via Derrick Broze Twitter
An Orthodox Jewish community(s) in Brooklyn burned face masks in a bonfire to protest Gov. Cuomo imposing a local coronavirus lockdown on them
~~ Members of an Orthodox Jewish community in New York City’s Borough Park neighborhood started a bonfire in the street Tuesday night to protest a new lockdown.
~~ Borough Park is among nine NYC neighborhoods that have been ordered into lockdown to address localized spikes in coronavirus cases. The lockdown goes into effect Friday.
~~ All nine of the neighborhoods are home to Orthodox Jewish populations, and the lockdowns come during the celebration of the Sukkot holiday.
~~ Parents, staffers, and children at a Catholic school in Marine Park, Brooklyn, also protested having to close during the lockdown.
…The lockdown, imposed by Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, will include closing schools and nonessential businesses, banning mass gatherings, and restricting houses of worship to no more than ten people…
…Protesters also chased away two sheriff’s deputies who responded to the scene, according to NBC New York…
…“It’s called civil disobedience, we can fight back,” community activist Heshy Tischler said as he tore up his face mask….
I was searching for a number of tests statistics per country and found interesting one:
The interesting thing is that it shows in clear numbers that 99.3% of so called ‘cases’ develop just mild sympthoms. For me of course there is no surprise since they are screening through healthy people performing dozens of millions tests per day, but you do not often see focus on such information in MSM. And this source otherwise doesnt look like being a source of alternative information.
But how do they talk about ‘deadly’ virus, while only 0.7% of population develop significant reaction to this infection?
Isnt it obvious that it is something wrong with that particular group and their pre-existing conditions?