It’s invisible but deadly. It infects the air we breathe. We are all part of the problem.
SARS-COV-2? Oh, please. That’s so 2020. I’m talking about the next invisible bogeyman, the one that will see the transformations started by the scamdemic through to their [completely il]logical conclusion: the complete control of the movements, interactions and economic activity of every individual on the planet.
Yes, in case you missed the memo, the steps are already being taken to sweep the fear porn excesses of the scamdemic era under the rug, with the mockingbird MSM dinosaurs dutifully reporting that “Covid Counting Enters New Era” and that many states are “scaling back” their daily COVID-19 updates.
Of course this is not the end of the biosecurity paradigm. The “new scariants” of the invisible bogeyman will be popping up to terrify the populace as needed for the foreseeable future and, as Mr. Scamdemic himself, Bill Gates, announced before he was so unceremoniously thrown under the bus by his globalist pals, Pandemic II is just around the corner. No, the biosecurity paradigm will be with us for a good while yet, I’m afraid.
But having said that, there is another hobgoblin that will soon eclipse the deadly COVID monster in the imagination of the populace. One that’s been around for decades, waiting for its chance to terrify the public into a Great Reset as we plunge into the New World Order. And that monster is . . .
What? You think I’m going to reveal the answer above the fold? Of course not! You’ll have to subscribe for that! MWAAHAAHAA. Or, you know, you can read the entire editorial completely 100% for free at the link below. Either way. But seriously, if you’d like to support this website and access this edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber directly, please consider becoming a member of the site. I put a lot of work into this website and could really use your support.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 17 (July 11, 2021)
by James Corbett It’s invisible but deadly. It infects the air we breathe. We are all part of the problem. SARS-COV-2? Oh, please. That’s so 2020. I’m talking about the next invisible bogeyman, the one that will see the transformations started by the scamdemic through to their [completely il]logical conclusion: the complete control of the movements, interactions and economic activity of every individual on the planet. Yes, in case you missed the memo, the steps are already being taken to sweep the fear porn excesses of the scamdemic era under the rug, with the mockingbird MSM dinosaurs dutifully reporting that “Covid Counting Enters New Era” and that many states are “scaling back” their daily COVID-19 updates. Of course this is not the end of the biosecurity paradigm. The “new scariants” of the invisible bogeyman will be around for a while yet and, as Mr. Scamdemic himself, Bill Gates, announced before he was so unceremoniously thrown under the bus by his globalist pals, Pandemic II is just around the corner. No, the biosecurity paradigm will be with us for a good while yet, I’m afraid. But having said that, there is another hobgoblin that will soon eclipse the deadly COVID monster in the imagination of the populace. One that’s been around for decades, waiting for its chance to terrify the public into a Great Reset as we plunge into the New World Order. And that monster is . . . . . . carbon dioxide. BOO! Are you scared yet? Yes, the good old anthropogenic climate change fairy tale is set to make a comeback with a vengeance in the 2020s. As I warned last September, The Pandemic is a Test Run for the systems of control that will scare the public into complying with all sorts of draconian limitations on their activities in the name of saving the earth from climate change. The connection was made explicit in one influential article from last year: “Avoiding A Climate Lockdown” by Mariana Mazzucato. In the article, Mazzucato argues that the pandemic was actually a consequence of “environmental degradation”—presumably because the bat soup theory of SARS-COV-2’s origins was still fashionable at the time—and that the same types of controls that were instituted to deal with the one invisible nemesis will be good for dealing with the other. Specifically:
If only those were the ravings of some deluded Greta wannabe in an obscure environmental publication. Unfortunately, these ravings were published by Project Syndicate, which just happens to be funded by (prepare yourself) George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Google News Initiative, among others. If further proof were needed that those who have already demonstrated their ability to help bring the entire global economy to a standstill at the drop of a hat are planning on flexing this muscle to keep us safe from carbon dioxide in the near future, we could note:
and seemingly thousands of similar calls from all the usual gaggle of globalists and their dutiful dupes at think tanks and research institutions and their paid-off presstitutes in the dinosaur media. So far, the fear porn campaign seems to be having its intended effect. A recent survey suggests that “for the first time European citizens consider climate change as the single most serious problem facing the world – despite the Covid-19 pandemic.” Now, like all polls, this one should be trusted precisely as far as you can throw it, but the fact that this is what the good folks in EUreaucracy want you to believe that everyone believes is telling in and of itself. This is clearly part of the agenda to transition us smoothly from the COVID scare story to the climate scare story. As usual, though, perhaps the clearest way to gain a handle on where this round of climate scaremongering is heading is to follow the money. And make no mistake, there is no shortage of money to be followed in this story. When you hear “New Green Deal” you should be thinking “green” as in greenbacks. Old hands at The Corbett Report will already know:
and myriad other aspects of the 100 trillion dollar carbon swindle that is taking place in plain sight right now. But the climate lockdowns are where this has all been trending, and the fundamental alterations to the economy itself are going to be based on the climate change scare story. Now, let’s add to that story some of the latest financial moves along this path to total technocratic control over the earth, its people and its resources. These moves may have fallen off your radar, as they have largely taken place under cover of the scamdemic. First, there is the growing pressure that is being placed on financial regulators around the world to “address climate as a systemic risk.” These calls have already resulted in:
But don’t let the “we’re looking into it”-type pronouncements lull you into a false sense of security. These are not vague threats to take some unspecified action at some far-off time. The attempt to bring the global economy under the control of the climate banking mafia is already well underway. How so? Well, here’s Mark Carney in his own words describing how net-zero climate solutions are “the greatest commercial opportunity of our time”:
But how will they be punished? Why, by being shut off from their access to private finance, of course! (And if “private” finance firms won’t play along with the globalists’ game, they’ll be shut off, too!)
It’s the offer you can’t refuse straight from the don of the globalist banking/climate mafia. Who could say no? Oh, and here’s the best part. In order to enforce this new global climate fascism, small companies are now going to be saddled with an entirely new, unbelievably burdensome reporting regime that will require them to confess not only their own climate sins, but those of their suppliers and contractors and even the end users of their products:
Once again, these are not idle threats. These things are already happening. I’m not even looking for this story in particular but there has been a steady drumbeat of stories here in Japan showing exactly how this type of pressure is already being applied to attempt to make businesses comply with the diktats of the global climate mafia. Observe these headlines from just the past few weeks: Japanese insurers struggle to pinpoint climate change cost estimates MUFJ board beats back climate resolution as activists falter in Japan BOJ to launch new scheme for fighting climate change I have little doubt that if you look for such stories in your own place of residence you will find them spilling forth from your newsfeeds as well. But perhaps the biggest cookie crumb along this trail is “Net zero: a fiduciary approach” from our good friends at BlackRock. You know, BlackRock? The world’s largest asset manager with $9 trillion under its control? The “private” company that the Fed turned to to run its scamdemic bond buying spree (and which it subsequently used to bail out its own corporate ETFs)? The same investment firm that is buying up houses in the US at a blistering pace (because you don’t need to own a house anymore, silly!). Yes, that BlackRock. Well, it turns out they’re fully on board with the climate change agenda. (Surprise, surprise!) Yes, its new report informs us “that climate transition creates a historic investment opportunity.” Like Carney’s reflections cited above, the BlackRock report also stresses the importance of “measurement and transparency” to reach the goal of a net zero carbon economy. It promotes a “temperature alignment” metric for the company’s carbon disclosures that would measure “the global temperature change consistent with a portfolio’s holdings.” The standard, BlackRock admits, is being developed in conjunction with the shadowy Financial Stability Board‘s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, which, oh, by the way, is a thing. Hmmm . . . lemme think here. A scheme in which every bit of energy that goes into the production of an item is accounted for and registered in real time, and in which these energy expenditures become the basis for the economic system? Where have I heard that before? Ohhhhh, that’s right, that’s the literal definition of technocracy from the Technocratic Study Course, which posits that a technocratic system of distribution requires that the continental technocratic government of the future:
and that it:
Yes, the technocrats have always wanted complete and total insight into—and oversight of—all human activity. And why do they want this insight and oversight? For control, of course. They aren’t even shy about this fact. The Technocratic Study Course outright tells us in its section on “The Human Animal” that:
before concluding that:
None of this will be surprising to those who have at all studied the Problem-Reaction-Solution formula by which would-be social engineers use false flags and other manipulations to shock the public into change along pre-determined paths. Heck, it should even be familiar to those normies who still trust Naomi “Conspiracy Smoothie” Klein to tell them the hard truths about The Shock Doctrine. But here is where we start to see what this agenda is about. In case you somehow stumbled onto this editorial from the normiesphere, I’ll lay it out for you. This is not about “saving the planet”—and it never was. The people who are constructing this total climate lockdown nightmare future society are laughing at you from their carbon tax-exempted private jets. They are out to control you. To decide where and when you can leave your house and what transportation you can use when you do so. What you can buy and what you can’t buy. How you spend your time, where you live and who you can breed with (when you are allowed to breed). And the best way they can do this is by creating imaginary manbearpigs with which they can scare the public into submission. Are you getting the picture yet? The biosecurity paradigm is still here, but it’s just a taste of the control grid that is about to be implemented. COVID? Hospital occupancy rates? Masks? Ivermectin? Pfff. That’s so 2020. The oligarchy has moved on. Are you prepared for what’s coming next? |
Recommended Listening and Viewing
Recommended ReadingCoors Creating First Ad That Runs In Your Dreams Wikipedia Is More One-Sided Than Ever G20 moves forward on global minimum tax + context Recommended ListeningAI and the War on Agriculture with Christian Westbrook Recommended Viewing“Stain of the Century?” An Investigation of Uyghur Genocide Allegations 2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece | Perspectives On The Pandemic XVII: Mark Crispin Miller The Covid Vaccine Is For Everyone Just For Fun |
“Hospital occupancy rates? Masks? Ivermectin? Pfff. That’s so 2020. The oligarchy has moved on.”
actually, they haven’t “moved” anywhere. Here in Oz they are tripling down, all the aggressive public control measures are suddenly back and more. They seem to love doing it, the abuse is disgusting and brutal assault on humanity. Does humanity exist? Its getting harder to find these days: State borders closed, areas are locked down with movement for food only, all other areas are mandatory masks. The sandwich shop was fined $5000 because a cook out back didnt have his mask pulled down,, it turns out he was breathing. shame on him. Our state (NSW) is threatening state-wide quarantining..
In other news as with here, there is a huge push on for more inoculations. thats why the ,,everything
From zero hedge today:
I dont get why some smart lawyer wouldn’t jump on the fact that they are belligerently in violation of the Nuremberg code, the Hippocratic oath, the constitution and the natural law of bodily sovereignty..their contradictions are endless (for me but not thee), yet the pointing, that you do well, doesn’t seem to be enough. That noone does jump at that (still waiting for Reinner Fullmich to accomplish something,), must mean that the justice system is well and truly fracked; This is old news, but the scale of fracking today is next level.
You’re a lawyer right? Would you work pro bono (or sliding scale) to take on one of these potential cases? I would want to sue if my employer tried to mandate this poison. It’s better to try and fail than do nothing at all.
“ You’re a lawyer right?”
That helps me understand things. Thank you.
Hiring a member of the BAR to pretend to Represent you against a Private System which he/she has pledged his/her career to is doomed to fail. Any BAR member deliberating violating “The Pledge” will lose his License to Practice Law. The BAR is a secret society hidden in plane site.
What we need are real people stepping up to the plate as Common Law Jurors and as registered Complainants against real people that are responsible for real crimes. Corporations are legal fictions which only have rights in a fictional world. They are dead (like corpses)
The evil doers at the top need to be personally Indited and prosecuted by Common Law Courts, (the BAR controlled courts are for corpses, fictional entities, Your name in all Caps if you choose to answer to it.)
Let’s bring these evil bastards into the real world where they can no longer hide from their crimes against humanity, eh!
vadoum, Thank you for sharing the zero hedge article.
The whole door-to-door vaccination campaign is pretty creepy. Though was glad to hear that the US government will not be mandating vaccines but instead are hoping that the private sector will. (Which of course is happening at universities and other institutions). But luckily not every business will do this.
I noted that Jenn Psaki said the federal government does NOT have a database of those who have or have not been vaccinated, nor do they intend to, which was a relief to hear.
Also, it is ridiculous, yet not surprising, that Fauci says un-vaxxed adults are doing this for political reasons rather than health/safety issues. The guilt-laden propaganda soup is getting thick. A CNN reporter even called the vaccine hesitant “cowards”. Ugh.
I am proud to be one of those 75 million US adults that have not and will not get the jab!
Thanks for fleshing that out.
So you mean to say that there is no ethical higher ground argument or lingo that would take the club masquerading as “justice system” to the cleaners? Your descriptions sound about right, but I imagine that the siths must face a niggling fact of having to bow down to logic & reason that would trump any vague veil of latin legalese ffs, especially when there are other judges watching.
I get that some think language was created so that people could lie. But long before language comes the truth of a childs innocence.
The simplest questions can derail all of the rona pretense.
Aikido ineterferometry
THE BOMBSHELL! Dont let this simmer.
Dr David Martin | Dr Reiner Fuellmich July 9, 2021
Corona patents.
Thanks for posting I just watch it and posted it. Very interesting and it gives me hope that the truth will finally come out.
Thanks for posting. This article saved me from having to watch it again in order to take notes.
If true, and I still have to check it out, this is proof of a criminal conspiracy to manufacture a scamdemic just to sell vaccines that aren’t vaccines to prevent a virus that doesn’t exist. Talk about rabbit holes.
Fact Checker I know you must be a very busy man,
but perhaps you could find some time to fact check
this video?
Yes our good friend Dr. David Martin stars in this one again.
But instead of side-stepping the plandemic (as he did in the previous video we were discussing) he takes dead aim at it in this one.
If what he outlines is true, then it blows the entire plandemic
right out of the water and totally obliterates it.
Highly recommended to all Corbetteers!
“Then the rest is just incoherent, phony-baloney techno-babble, with a legal-clerical bent to make it extra boring and elusive. Patents for this and that genetic sequence. What’s his point? “Novel” coronavirus has bits and pieces that aren’t “novel”? Okay, that’s because “novel” viruses are supposed to have “mutated” from an older one. I’m not getting a point.
This guy is a disinfo agent par excellance.”
Wow is that the best you can do?
You did such an excellent job ‘fact-checking’ Dr. Martin’s ex’s depression.
He talks for more than an hour in the video and gives extreme details
that the gene sequence for the alleged “novel” coronavirus was not discovered after Covid-19 was in all the news headlines.
He provides proof that the sequence was CREATED and PATENTED,
many YEARS ago by Big Pharma.
It’s all there. All the language we are familiar with now (Spike protein, SARS, coronavirus) all the gory details.
Surely if you found time to fact-check his ex’s depression, you could fact-check what he said in this video?
Me thinks that perhaps your job here is to spread disinfo?
Please prove me wrong and fact-check this video.
so perhaps the nuts and bolts will be exposing the suppositions that have constructed the mythology of virology (I’m sure there are many). I suppose in this case its related to “germ theory”. Give me myths about boats and I could shred assumptions, but as for the fairytales of biology (and theyve been laid on thick), I’m told by other bio-chemists that theyre there, but its out of my experience.
“So, I would not dismiss this argument as “bullshit” unless you have read each patent application quoted and had the combined evidence technically verified in detail. The “novel” question, is a red flag, not a red herring.”
That would require some serious fact-checking, which ironically doesn’t appear to be Fact Checker’s strong suit.
As Dr. Martin says at 1:33:50…
“And that’s the reason why I find the fact-checking around the patent situation to be most disappointing.
Because the reason why fact-checkers (among their general lazy attributes) the reason why fact-checkers are not actually checking facts when it comes to the patent matters, is because the actual sequences are not represented in a digital form that makes it easy to do this comparison.”
““Please. Relate his bona fides in layman’s terms.”
“M.Cam tracks the effects of intangible assets in terms of innovation on equity markets using modeled algorithms.”
100% fail.”
I just had to take you off my ignore list because that made me laugh out loud.
I am about as layman as they come and after reading that job description a number of times. I got nothing. Zero. Reminds me of a comedy routine I saw once making fun of “business speak”.
Not sure how his business model has much to do with the points he is trying to make though.
He is either accurate or not. Correct in his conclusions or not.
I only watched the video once in spite of seeing it just about everywhere lately, and I was well into my customary evening attitude adjustment ritual so please forgive my vague memory.
What I foggily remember is that a whole bunch of folks were playing around with the same damn bugs for years that they are now attempting to use as a justification to attempt the final takeover of the world. And he was using dates. Numbers. Are his numbers accurate or is he lying?
So scientists apparently have been screwing with these corona virus bugs and getting patents on their modifications. In order to assure that they will be able to gain monetarily from any future use of any particular strain or whatever.
Not too much of a reach in my opinion.
That is if there are any bugs at all of course.
Some people think that its the poisons in our environment and our bodies and who knows, maybe even our minds that cause what people call viral infections. I don’t know.
I do seem to remember that Martin made a pretty good case that this entire thing was planned and orchestrated. A case backed up by Event 201, and simply the fact that the government has a history of doing things like this.
The fact that the government is in bed with the pharmaceutical industry can’t be denied. Hell , they probably fund black-ops with the money.
So bottom line is that it seems like you’re focusing on the messenger more than the message.
But what do I know?
Anyway, you made me laugh and I hate knowing that people who don’t know me have such extreme distain for me as you seem to feel. (I’m really a pretty nice guy)
So I thought I would offer a olive branch of sorts and reply to your post.
If ridicule is the only way that you can respond. Please simply ignore my reply and I will get the message loud and clear. But I will feel better about myself knowing that I attempted at least to make peace with someone who is presumably on my side in this upcoming/ongoing epic battle between good and evil.
“ How did I make you laugh”
“layman’s terms.”
“M.Cam tracks the effects of intangible assets in terms of innovation on equity markets using modeled algorithms.”
“100% fail.“
Fact Checker,
Please allow me to copy and paste parts of two of your posts on this particular thread:
“All the patents are bullshit.
There is no virus.
It’s a pseudo-scientific honeypot, and a waste of time.
What these “virologists” do is no different than what theologians do, splitting invisible hairs about the “unity of the trinity” and so forth, when all the fundamental premises are imaginary and based entirely on faith. The whole model is fallacious.”
And, from another of your posts here:
“What made Sars-Cov-2 different is that it had real world results in widespread infection and very severe symptoms.”
Are you expressing two diametrically opposing views?
You go from “There is no virus” to “What made Sars-Cov-2 different is that…”, etc., etc.
How do you reconcile these completely opposite and opposing remarks?
Personally, I’m nonplussed by the former remarks. And agree wholeheartedly on the latter.
What’s that F. Scott Fitzgerald quote about first-rate intelligence?
You would seem to fit the bill, or else perhaps, just perhaps, Fawtly is on to sumfin.
Please explain the dichotomy.
Fact Checker….
My apologies! It wasn’t you who said…
“What made Sars-Cov-2 different is that it had real world results in widespread infection and very severe symptoms.”
I was quoting flammable, ha ha, not you.
And there lies the dichotomy!
But, Fact Checker. But. But. But!
Your position calling bullshit on gene sequencing patents and their related non-existent viruses, so-called, completely bewilders me.
You mean those circular little fuzzy things with fuzzy little spiky things sticking out of those fuzzy balls purportedly seen by way of electron microscope are being misrepresented by microbiologists?
They is all bullshittin’ us?
Come now, Fact Checker. I know it can be numbingly mindless standing on the checkout line at the supermarket, especially when you’re behind someone – most times some older lady – who painstakingly searches her purse in hopes of pulling out just the right amount of change, two fingers cinching one coin at a time…; however, the tabloids you thumb through in the meanwhile to make the time go faster, you need not take seriously. 🙂
The way I look at it, your comment was basically pretty matter-of-fact.
I do believe, or rather, I feel there’s no reason not to believe, that perhaps not one, but a host of novel corona viruses started circulating around the globe probably as far back as September of 2019. It’s becoming more and more obvious with reports such as Martin has provided, regarding patents, that at least on paper, a slew of variations of the spike had been formulated, not necessarily physically in a lab, but perhaps as Martin suggests, computer modeled. It’s logical that a lab would first start with a model before embarking on gene editing. Of course, then there’s the clinical animal testing to study the effect of whatever variation they’ve come up with, e.g., looking at gain-of-function, morbidity, etc.
It would seem from Fauci’s comments back at the start of the Trump administration , he, Fauci, was completely certain a rollout would commence pretty much precisely when it did. He basically said then, in 2017, speaking in terms of pandemics, that facing the Trump administration in a couple of years would be a “surprise outbreak”.
It’s no surprise when it’s stated with certainty in advance.
What I am surprised about is that youtube hasn’t deleted this – Fauci’s telltale, all too prescient, comment.
These days, that’s precisely what I attempt to achieve every time I do indulge – brain fog.
It’s my way of a shortcut to avoid any sort of time spent with intense reflection/meditation.
It’s woozy zazen.
It works! Don’t let any zen master tell you otherwise!
It’s just that when the party’s over, it can suck.
Okay, just kidding.
There has to be some semblance of reasonable thought. A little cognition, some degree of logic.
I do not buy into the Jon Rappoports of the world. No sir. That matrix shit, no virus, blah, blah, blah.
It’s unadulterated bullshit. It’s not that I think he’s intel. Even intel wouldn’t be able to handle that level of Rappoport’s fantasia. And it is in fantasia that the man thrives…for all of his adult life and earlier.
The same goes for Icke. Though, I believe he’s more sane and calculating than poor Jon.
Can a person trust a guy who comes out on television to say with a straight face that he’s the second coming of Christ? I mean, that alone should be enough to inform the average individual to take everything and anything the man says with a huge chunk of salt.
But, that’s just the point. In the here and now, people tolerate hearing any crap imaginable.
That’s probably part and parcel of the Plan. Get everybody believing all kinds of nonsense. You know what I mean?
I don’t know, flammable, let’s everybody try to keep their heads on straight, and maybe we’ll get through all this.
PS: Johnny Walker and Becks…. more lethal than Covid!!! 🙂
There is also a long SUB-THREAD discussion at the following link regarding
Dr David Martin | Dr Reiner Fuellmich July 9, 2021
The SUB-THREAD starts at the post of Corbett Member colosseum, but this link goes far, far below to the post of CR Member Pearl who gives us a
Summary of interview with Dr. David Martin – point-by-point.
So the Coors dream ads evoked in the recommended reading section of this page conjure up the vision of Jesse Schell’s mother dancing with a giant Pepsi can in the most disturbing dream sequence ever…
my, how time flies when you’re having fun…
been speaking about incentives with students in light of the ice cream and hamburgers and sweepstakes being used to entice children and perrenial children to take the vaccine and so I’ve been revisiting the Canadian Carrot Rewards video again recently as Black Mirror’s Nosedive episode becomes an increasingly invasive reality…
However, my favorite episode of that multi-season series has always been – SPOILER ALERT!! – Men Against Fire which unfortunately also seems to be hovering menacingly over the horizon as the divide widens between the vaxxed and unvaxxed, the “normies” and the “conspiracy theorists”…
the words of the military psychologist, Arquette ring in my ears: “do you have any idea the amount of shit that’s in their DNA?” as he attempts to justify the mass murder of all men, women and children deemed to be “roaches”. The soldiers charged with eradicating “the roaches” have brain implants that unknowingly make them see these people as horrifyingly pale, vampiric, needle-toothed screeching monsters. The same implant offers the soldiers pleasant illusions, erotic dreams and perfect homelives with beautiful partners; the carrot in carrot and stick. Stripe’s implant doesn’t fully function; he suddenly sees he’s killing ordinary human beings and consequently rebels, but once tortured with the same implant and threatened with living hell he is presumably forced to shut up and continue murdering…
The depressing thing here is that… A sophisticated brain implant isn’t even needed to alter people’s perceptions of their friends and neighbors, suddenly transforming them into dangerously contagious entities jeapordizing the social fabric who need to be dealt with. The ongoing onslaught of MSM implants are administered remotely, require no cumbersome surgery and are formidably effective.
James, the third item under “Recommended Reading” needs fixing.
Thanks for pointing that out, pearl. The link has been corrected.
We can’t just sit back, relax and watch how this scamshow unfolds and wait for somebody else to save the day! That won’t happen. The secret club of elites openly admitted what they want and they will do it with carrots or sticks. Nobody will come to the rescue, governments are almost all bought off, the police won’t help either, they will just follow orders from the bought off officials, and probably you can’t trust your neighbor either, he might have been just secretly bout off as well.
If we want change, we must take action and do our part actively! Anything we do every day must have the “Greater Reset” agenda incorporated in it. If you are doing your work, you can do it in the flavor of the “greater reset”, if you are doing your hobby, that must bear the message of your greater picture as well. All the like-minded must come together and push your alternative agenda forward. Lean from the advocators of the great reset, use and improve their techniques.
Nothing will happen without action.
“ Nothing will happen without action.”
You’re absolutely right. Though there are those who believe that any action, no matter what form it might take is completely futile. They have lost any reason, if they ever had one, to believe that mankind has any chance of a hopeful future. Only a dystopian future of suffering, enslavement and torture. They know this as Fact.
They will advise optimistic young couples to sterilize themselves. To avoid at all costs bringing a new life into the world.
Because according to their crystal ball, or whatever they use to predict the future the poor child is predestined to be literally raped and then die a miserable death in bondage.
They are miraculously capable of determining the quality of life of yet to be conceived humans and categorically declare those potential lives to be not worth living.
As to why these people feel the slightest motivation to arise in the morning and carry on their lives instead of running out and buying a tank of compressed nitrogen or helium and simply taking the easy way out of an existence that they must surely find miserable and terrifying is truly a mystery.
But I agree Joseph. If there is to be a future worth living, it will take action. That action is likely going to be different for each individual and may seem to others to be trivial. But positive action, even if it is simply encouraging someone looking for hope is important action.
So beware of those who are not willing to take action but are always eager to discourage, disparage and destroy the hope that impels those who are willing to fight.
You will find those toxic individuals in places that you would never expect them.
Magic of good
where are you?
The magic of evil
is everywhere
it seems
It is hard work to
spell a thing
that grows
We The People, (or at least some segment thereof), must do as 13 former British Colonies did back in 1776, and Declare our Independence from the Empire of Empires. Back in 1776, 13 British Colonies Declared themselves to be Free and Independent States with the rightful power to govern themself. If any one of these Colonies, or even a few had made such a claim, they would have been crashed by the British army. It was only by uniting as a Union of 13 Free and Independent States that they were able to break free from the clutches of the British Empire, and even then, they needed some help from France.
We should be trying to resurrect what was good about the Union of States created by it’s Constitution. It should serve as an example for limited government (which is no longer the case).
“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”
― Daniel Webster
Thanks Truthseeker. That is a nice historical reference. And I like the Daniel Webster quote.
These days I see a lot of bitter weeds being sown, on all sides.
Mr. Corbett’s Solutions series have shown the possibility of a different approach. Thanks James for the good magic.
Its hard to resist the impulse to want to DO Something. The response to brutality of just sitting and taking it is to give the dominator means; and where-as spiritual teachings (Upanishads in this case) claim high ground (perhaps in some cosmic karmic court) for “silence in the face of question” or Biblically denying brutality by “turning the other cheek”, I reckon to do nothing is just a symptom of being captured already.
My way these days , which is small but steady, and I hope growing exponentially, is to grow the grape vine. No central position form can overtake the current pyramid power structure, so I look for other geometry that may depose the half-octahedron menace (a baseless, gravity bound model).
I talk with complete strangers. Much practice has yielded various logic, or factual threads and default responses (I try to include humor) so as to keep an open ground of receptivity. a big help is to teach by getting the listener to ask the question.
Today’s results are encouraging: Ive yet to meet a mask wearer (in this recent local round of control enforcement) who wasn’t in disagreement with the gesture. Their reasons were about keeping oneself and others healthy, especially psychologically, yet still wore muzzles as hornet repellent (protection from the authoritarian scourge). So my raves have been fortifying their quivers.
of course the great hope is that they will then spread the word. they will, Ive even had my own phrasing get looped back at me.
I’ll work as many topics as the person’s got stamina for. I suppose we’ve all been in that position, especially over the past year: trying to share info that instantly chucks a squall of cognitive dissonance; yet I find that many people, after a year of no sense, are primed to say “enough”; so the grass is getting greener and the meadow wider here as the misleaders triple down with their misguided lawlessness.
person to person contacts/connections are the seed for the regen required.
I like your way. We need more examples of how to go beyond the problem. How to live better than what is given to us.
“I hope that there is a repetition of CO2 but I cannot shake the feeling that in order to achieve their 2030 goals, armageddons will increase exponentially.
More man-made natural disasters are in order and that is where we are headed.”
You could be onto something here for sure.
Check out this video delving into the mysterious heat wave and fires recently in Lytton B.C.
Damn! What a “lay-it-out” read! …the July 2021 article by James Corbett The Scamdemic Was So Last Year . . . Here’s What’s Coming Next
Corbett writes:
“…I’ll lay it out for you.
This is not about “saving the planet”—and it never was.
The people who are constructing this total climate lockdown nightmare future society are laughing at you from their carbon tax-exempted private jets.
They are out to control you.
To decide where and when you can leave your house and what transportation you can use when you do so. What you can buy and what you can’t buy.
How you spend your time, where you live and who you can breed with (when you are allowed to breed).
And the best way they can do this is by creating imaginary manbearpigs with which they can scare the public into submission….”
That line is funny. 🙂
I am sorry if my sentence was misinterpreted! No, I do not mean to inherit such an economic system. What I do mean is to learn the methods (not the actual systems or ideologies) and use them but with a different agenda. For example: how to do successful propaganda. A well-organized network of players with discipline and clear, well-defined goals. If you want to counterbalance something powerful, you have to employ something that is at least that powerful as well. Just be careful during the process not to become the very substance you are fighting against.
Though, as you have pointed out, the very core of the problem is the infinite printing machine for the members of the club. If you can solve what can serve as money that can function independently from the current system and is not vulnerable to the well knows exploits with enough incentive for switching people onto that, I think you have already won.
Lao Tzu (~5th century BC), the founder of Chinese Taoism and the author of the book Tao Te Ching, wrote,
Those who try to seize power and remake society will fail.
Society is a divine thing that cannot be remade.
One who attempts to remake it will only deface it.
Those who grasp for power will lose it.
People differ—some lead, others follow;
some are passionate, others are reserved;
some are strong, others weak;
some succeed, others fail.
The wise respect the roles of all,
and seek moderation in all things.
I watched this video called “the dimming” who talks about geo-engineering and so on. They explain how they can manipulate the weather. Of course they can create these heat dome that we are going through right now in the Pacific Northwest. I live in south BC and we did see planes with chemtrail a few days before the heat wage started. The Rcmp said that 29 fires in the Okanagan Valley were arson in 2018. This was all blamed on Global warming of course. They caught a guy in Kelowna that started a small fire behind a house and the neighbors were able to catch him and extinguish the fire. They let the guy go on a Promise to appear…So the news are again mouthing their pieces about the fires being a results of global warming and the heat wave as well….We broke an 80 years record last week…. so it means that it was just about as hot 80 years ago… The dimming:
The Rcmp :
So today, in the Revolutionary land of liberté egalité fraternité:
DIRECT. Covid-19 vaccine: 1.3 million appointments made since Macron’s announcements
“22h43. Health pass: some political figures denounce an “apartheid”. “Official installation of apartheid with the extension of the #Health Pass like in no other country in the world,” reacts Florian Philippot, president of the Patriots, on Twitter. In reaction to this announcement, the politician, known as a figure of the anti-mask, anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine movement, calls for a boycott of establishments subject to this obligation. Green MEP Michèle Rivasi also denounced the arrival of an “apartheid in the country of human rights”…
…21h25. “From September 15, if you are a healthcare worker and you are not vaccinated, you will no longer be able to work and you will no longer be paid,” said Olivier Véran on LCI, after the announcement by President Emmanuel Macron of an obligation to vaccinate this category of population, with sanctions at stake.
…22h17 Mandatory vaccination of shopping center employees? The obligation will be specified in the days to come, according to Gabriel Attal, who affirms all the same that, “if you work in a place that requires a health pass for customers, you must have a health pass yourself”. In other words: employees of shopping malls, but also of leisure places requiring a health pass, will have to be regularly tested negative to Covid-19, or present a proof of vaccination.
“It’s a health dictatorship, it’s nonsense to tell us whether we should be vaccinated or not. Our grandparents would never have accepted that!” rages a thirty-year-old, not immunized and firmly opposed to the extension of the health pass in all public places that Emmanuel Macron has just announced. “See ya ’round, you anarchists,” laughs a customer as he leaves the bar…
… In front of a burger, a little further down the street, at the café La Piscine, Noé, a 22-year-old restaurant owner in Paris (XVIIIth), still feels the blow. Opposite him, Florent, his friend, not vaccinated either, raises his voice: “It’s underhanded and dishonest on the part of the government, a roundabout way of forcing people”, he says. Will he be forced to do it? “Never! I’ll stand my ground,” Florent proudly announces. Noé will give in. “If I want to continue to live and work, I’ll have to.
Trudeau ignores reporter’s question on the burning and vandalizing of over 20 churches in 3 weeks
Here’s some more sickness in that other place where they talk French.
Monday July 12, 2021 – Zero Hedge and WaPo/NYT
FDA To Add Warning Over Rare Neurological Side Effects Linked To J&J Jabs
WaPo via Reuters –
The NYT and WaPo reported on Monday that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has been found to be associated with even more rare side effects that could be potentially harmful to a small number of patients who accept the vaccine.
According to the reports, the FDA has determined that the vaccine can lead to an increased risk of a rare neurological condition known as Guillain-Barré syndrome, anther setback for a one-shot ‘miracle’ jab that has been sidelined in the US.
Although chances of developing the disease are extremely small, the link between the jab and the symptoms has been well-established.
Patients who receive the J&J jab are 3-5x more likely to exhibit the rare syndrome.
Federal officials have identified roughly 100 suspected cases of Guillain-Barré disease among recipients of the J&J shot through a federal monitoring system that records complaints about potential vaccine-linked side effects reported by the public.
Just like it did after it was made aware of the heart inflammation caused in rare instances by the Pfizer and Moderna jabs, the FDA has concluded that the benefits of the vaccine in preventing severe disease or death from the coronavirus still very much outweigh rare risks and side effects.
But the agency plans to include a warning in fact sheets about the jab distributed to providers and patients…
…Nearly one-third of American adults remain unvaccinated. In an attempt to try and convince them to accept the jabs, the Biden Administration has shifted its strategy to focus on enlisting “community workers” to go door to door to try and convince Americans to try and accept the vaccine, instead of relying on mass vaccination centers….
If these figures are true, I find it quite disgusting that only less than one third of US “adults” said no (for whichever reason) to getting “vaccinated”. Even in this little garbage neck of the woods all across the board failed once nation state we haven’t hit 50% yet. At least according to the same liar bean counters, people whom I would not trust to take my trash out to the dumpster.
From a race of rats to a race of cowards in less than 18 months, very much sickening and reprehensible. The entire race has degraded on a molecular level at an eye watering rate. And now, some humor in the theater of the absurd.
The script has been released for door-to-door knockers…
Considering everything, this is quite comical.
“ReallyGraceful” ! Cool to see her again.
Thanks mkey for that 8 1/2 minute video.
I’ve done a lot of door-to-door soliciting over the decades.
Now-a-days, most cities require a fee-based “solicitor’s permit” with a background check via the police department. Sometimes it takes about 3 days or more before the background check is complete.
This permit is required even for placing flyers on door-knobs.
If a “FEMA vaccine knocker” comes to the door, a person can call the police and ask if the police have run a background check on the person to make sure they aren’t a thief or pervert.
With the very high summer heat, I’m sure vaccine-knockers are thrilled at their new job description.
I even thought of applying to do that “vaccine knocker” job. Then knock on doors warning people not to take the vaccine, giving them flyers of referenced sources to check out.
But naw.
If someone was really interested in finding out the facts, they could have.
Like you pointed out: Americans got no guts. As a whole, they are spineless when it comes to bucking the system, and they easily wilt to cultural peer-pressure.
My category in the U.S.: “Over the age of 65” – 85.7% have received at least one shot.
(according to “Business Insider”)
I think here, for over 65 year olds, the number is 60%. Not that tese people are very courageous mind you, laziness is the main driving factor.
“If a “FEMA vaccine knocker” comes to the door, a person can call the police and ask if the police have run a background check on the person to make sure they aren’t a thief or pervert.”
I think I will most likely treat them like I do the Jehovah’s Witnesses when they come a knocking. I take the opportunity to talk to them about God and the Bible. I have never had a bad experience with them and usually they will even, if not concede some of my points, at least they will consider them.
I don’t know of any reason not to try to do a little educating with the Vax Knockers too. I doubt very many of them are very informed about the product they are tasked with promoting.
It would be great, albeit unlikely to actually get through to one of them.
You might plant a few seeds that will sprout in time. Ask them about long term safety data and also how many “vaccines “ the government wants people to take. Ask them if they are willing to take a jab every 6 months and no longer term safety data is available and why that makes sense. Ask them how many people they know who have actually died from Covid. You could also ask if they looked at the VARES database for post Covid shot reactions. It’s pretty scary actually.
These are the questions I will ask if they knock on my door.
VAERS COVID Vaccine Data
438,440 Reports through July 7, 2021
9,048 DEATHS
Circa July 8, 2021
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots
Thanks for the links and ideas. Lemme at em!
This is very valuable info presented in the most straightforward manner possible;
Thanks HRS.
Great question suggestions cu.h.j!
Jesus said: the truth will set you free.
The fine print read: but you have to want it.
I was often pleasantly surprised by how nice and receptive many of the young JWers were. I once gifted a Strong’s Concordance to one fellow after a great conversation. He seemed genuinely grateful.
Priority for James should be Blackrock – they own (almost) the entire world:
Who owns Big Pharma + Big Media? You’ll never guess
BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world, combined own The New York Times and other legacy media, along with Big Pharma.
Mon Jun 21, 2021Story at-a-glance:
* Big Pharma and mainstream media are largely owned by two asset management firms: BlackRock and Vanguard.
* Drug companies are driving COVID-19 responses — all of which, so far, have endangered rather than optimized public health — and mainstream media have been willing accomplices in spreading their propaganda, a false official narrative that leads the public astray and fosters fear based on lies.
* Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape.
* BlackRock and Vanguard form a secret monopoly that own just about everything else you can think of too. In all, they have ownership in 1,600 American firms, which in 2015 had combined revenues of $9.1 trillion. When you add in the third-largest global owner, State Street, their combined ownership encompasses nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms.
* Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock. Vanguard itself, on the other hand, has a unique structure that makes its ownership more difficult to discern, but many of the oldest, richest families in the world can be linked to Vanguard funds.”
– ‘Who owns Big Pharma + Big Media? You’ll never guess‘ af Doctor Mercola
Most insane paramount video in years about Blackrock: Monopoly – Follow The Money
Good post and very appropriate.
In case Corbett Members have not read James’ newsletter article above, the article mentions Blackrock no less than 5 times.
Thanks for sharing. Helpful for explaining the systems of control behind this pandemic.
Years ago on these comment boards, I expressed concern about the following article’s Electric Vehicle aspect. It seems common sense like “The Law of 7 Eleven ”.
Activist Post by B.N. Frank – July 11, 2021
Electric Vehicle Lawsuit: Prolonged Driving While Sitting on Giant Battery Caused Electromagnetic Radiation Injury
(LINKS & VIDEOS in article)
If injuries from Electromagnetic Radiation exposure weren’t being taken seriously, American embassy workers injured by microwave energy would be S.O.L. (see 1, 2, 3).
In regard to Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Hybrid models, experts have raised concerns about excessive radiation emissions from them as well ( see 1, 2, 3, 4). Recently, a lawsuit was filed by an EV owner who claims to have been injured from driving his.
From Environmental Health Trust:
“$10 Million Nissan LEAF Electromagnetic Radiation Injury Lawsuit Filed in Georgia
Owner says Nissan should pay $1 billion for EMF radiation sickness.”
Environmental Health Trust has compiled research on how to decrease electromagnetic radiation exposure- download it here.
Sign up for EHT’s newsletter here.
Lawsuit information from
July 11, 2021 — A Nissan LEAF electromagnetic radiation lawsuit has been filed by a Georgia man who sued the automaker “for permanently damaging his health and for destroying his family and career, not to exceed $10 million.”
The 2015 Nissan LEAF customer who filed the lawsuit alleges the car caused him serious health problems from prolonged driving while sitting on a giant battery that allegedly emits large amounts of low-frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation.
The plaintiff claims the LEAF radiation is “way above” safe levels of 2 mG (milligauss) or less.
According to the radiation lawsuit, the 2015 Nissan LEAF EMF measurements are as follows:…
…“Towards the end of January 2017, the plaintiff had a difficult time to distinguish what was real and what was not, and as a result was terminated from his job. On January 25th, the Plaintiff was hospitalized with inability to hear and speak. Going forward, the Plaintiff kept suffering physical and mental symptoms and his marriage fell apart as his wife filed for divorce on April 15th, 2017.”….
English language article about Jupiter’s July 12th proclamations:
French President Macron Imposes COVID Passes & Vaccine Mandates For Health Workers
JUL 12, 2021WORLD
“…Discussing the Delta variant of COVID-19, which is less deadly than the original virus, Macron warned, “The country is facing a strong resumption of the epidemic touching all our territory… If we don’t act now, case numbers and hospital numbers will rise.”
The president explained that health workers who don’t get the vaccine by the deadline will be subject to fines or sanctions.
Speaking with the world-famous Eiffel Tower behind him, Macron admitted he will “probably have to think about the mandatory vaccination of all French citizens at some point.”
Less than a year ago, the French leader promised the vaccination would not be mandated, writing on Twitter, “I have said it, I will say it again: The vaccine will not be compulsory.”…
Your decidedly impressive descriptive talents aside the following is what really struck me:
The slow starvation of the statistically insignificant remnant of refuseniks will not be reflected in “the news.”
It’s amazing to me how so many people in my entourage believe that if it’s not in the mainstream news, it’s not happening. There’s no impulse to check anything. And when (under the pretext of practicing numbers) I used the Statista website to show the deaths per million in places like Vietnam or India (nevermind China) people flat out refused to believe the stats were reliable. When I tried to correlate vaccinated countries with unvaccinated countries which demonstrated a pretty stark and unsettling pattern, they basically all suggested that the statistics submitted by countries other than Western European and North American ones can’t be trusted. There seems to be no way to chisel away even slightly at their iron faith in their government that they are paradoxically constantly criticizing. But never questioning or doubting… anyhow, I’m rambling and I really do need to go take a swim… It’s been a very distressing day in French history …maybe a campari sunrise on the horizon…
ps: I have no doubt climate change fairy tales will soon be back and scarier than ever, as Mr Corbett suggests… baseless terror tactics are so very effective, be pity to let them go to waste…
More interesting reactions to last night’s totalitarian technocratic display:
In addition, Emanuel Macron said he wanted to target the unvaccinated who must demonstrate collective citizenship. “Everywhere, we will have the same approach to recognize good citizenship and to put the restrictions on the unvaccinated rather than on all” he justified himself.
“A compulsory vaccination which does not say its name”
Among the Republicans, the extension of the health pass that makes people cringe “A sanitary pass to go to a shopping center, that is to say a sanitary pass to eat ?? Do we realize what this means in terms of civil liberties? But in which society Mr. Macron does he rock France?* ” asks Gilles Platret, one of the vice-presidents of the Republicans, on Twitter.
Julien Aubert, LR deputy, denounces a “brutal and unsuitable measure”, “… Come back to instituting a compulsory vaccination which does not say its name”…
Eric Coquerel deputy LFI added “By making the vaccine compulsory for caregivers and then the country in the form of progressive generalization of the health pass, Emmanuel Macron is designing a society of generalized control and discrimination”.
These announcements are seen as liberticidal measures by the opposition parties. François Ruffin deputy LFI recalls: “Happy days, he promised, last year. Tonight, it’s health pass and compulsory vaccination.” “Six months ago, the president made a commitment: no compulsory vaccine. And today, no bistro, no restaurant, no cinema, no supermarket, [if] no health pass. The symbol of a government powerless to convince, and to whom only the force of coercion remains. “
*a bad translation that should be something more like “But what kind of a society is Macron forcing France into?”
for info, I forgot to put the quotation marks around the entire content of the article which includes everything except the very first and last sentences of the comment above.
“…to recognize good citizenship and to put the restrictions on the unvaccinated…”
sounds sickenly similar to the sinister sino social credit system slogan to assess and score citizens’ “sincerity” and “trustworthiness”.
One note for everyone, I’ve been talking to several people who are one the verge of bending the knee for the “compulsory shot” due to the incessant propaganda. Depending on your area, there may be several solutions available, all a lot better than taking the mark of the beast.
1) starving in the street
2) bribing some asshat (or calling in a favor, I’d kind of rather bribe the bastard) to squeeze one with your name on it into the trash bin and to input your name in the database. The problem with this is that this will surely become a regular event, probably twice a year, but those of us living in the corruption capitals of the world surely have this option relatively easily accessible.
3) find alternative, non incorporated sources for as many of your necessities as possible. Pay as little tax as possible. Thrive in adversity. Fight tooth and nail for every inch.
There is no database yet for individual employers to access yet as far as I know. What people need to do is say no. There are many employers who are desperate to keep staff, like mine. Remember you are talking to another person when you tell them you don’t want the injection. It might not be an issue again depending on their need to keep you.
Ask them if they know what long term safety studies show. And when they look confused, say that you are concerned about that because you care for a large family and your health is essential to their existence.
People forget that they are dealing with other humans and unless they are psychopaths, will feel empathy toward you if you communicate your views so they can understand.
Most people who have empathy don’t want to hurt other people and think they are doing what is right. You must show them that you are doing what is right.
This sounds interesting for US peeps and internet savvy types
Frontline Investigates the Federal Reserve: Is It a Captured Regulator that’s Wrecking the U.S. Economy with Asset Bubbles?
Ukdavec, Thanks for sharing.
James, maybe worth a Propaganda Watch?!?
Link the full PBS frontline film July 13, 2021
The last few minutes give a nice wrap up starting about 47:50
If taken at face value, this seems to be an effort to make Americans aware of how The Fed helps Wall Street financiers enormously, while doing very little for those of us on “Main Street”. I find it all well and good that there is a rally cry to “End the Fed” once again. With implications to ‘call your representatives’ who will fight against this corruption and inequity. Because apparently constituents aren’t complaining about quantatative easing, the growing wealth gap or asset prices beginning to bubble. Call your congess-people to tell the Fed to Stop the Inflation!
Finally, (or once again) it’s “down with the banksters!!”
However, as a skeptic, I sense this is a propaganda piece, cleverly veiled, to incite The People to demand financial reform, which will lead to financial collapse, and a “massive economic dislocation”… The solution, (we know is on the agenda) a new monetary system of FedCoin and UBI tokens. They’re laying the groundwork for the argument.
Oh, and how convenient that Biden’s advanced child tax credit starts tomorrow? A nice little ‘buffer’ already in place for when asset values come crashing down. Maybe sooner than later?
How about to buy some silver coins ?
We are not an army any place, we are scattered around the world.
We need to try to hurt them, at the “money” paradigm.
Why not start to grow some potatos in a plastic bucket. Not to survive, but just to get the practical handeling of planting something. An other thing is to get rid of loans -that actually is the power of blackrock, and the state / banks. Who is going to be afraid of CO2, when the money system has gone down ? And, who is going to admister anything, if we dont resist taking the jab. If this is going really bad, the greatest problem, wil be, how to survive on your own / or in your local community.
I think mad max, is going to hit us soon. And the law, is not going to be as we are used to it. The only actevism, I can think of now, is to be prepared, for what is coming. Seeds comes to mind, some electrical tools, that can be powered by solar cells, or alternative to it. There are a lot of prepper list’s around, so you can take a look at them, for what you think is important. To start a one man war, is stupid. Take a look at this :
I actually read Naomi’s article. The same “anti-“corporate propaganda mixed with “nothing to see here” vibes as always, that is exactly what feeds the beast. I am yet to read anything anyhow relevant coming from her, not that I am expecting it, though. Do her readers not find it strange hat these mega-corps have many goals in common with her, and more or less subscribe to the same “liberal” wordview?
Sacramento, the capital city of California, is piloting a “Slow and Active Streets” program that will close miles of streets to vehicle traffic and will only allow walking and bicycling…to fight climate change of course…and to get you used to not driving in the future.
City opens first ‘Slow and Active Streets’ area in Midtown, Newton Booth neighborhoods – Sacramento City Express
City Public Works on Friday, Feb. 12 [2021], installed the first of several “Slow and Active Streets.” This work is part of an effort to close up to six miles of Sacramento roads to through traffic and make them available for walking, bicycling and other forms of non-static activity.
The effort comes in response to the need for more outdoor recreation opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic and to help Sacramento lower greenhouse gas emissions.
“Establishing a Slow and Active Streets program was one of the recommendations of our Climate Commission, and it’s great to see neighborhoods work together to develop a plan that will work best for them,” said Mayor Darrell Steinberg. “Limiting through traffic creates safer spaces for residents to stroll, exercise and play while helping us meet our aggressive goals for getting to carbon neutrality in the City of Sacramento.”
City staff are working with other neighborhood associations throughout Sacramento to identify more streets to include in the “Slow and Active Streets” program.
Similar projects have taken place in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland and Berkeley as a way to help people get outdoors and exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Slow and Active Streets project was approved by City Council in December 2020 during a discussion on the City’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, a document that outlines ways Sacramento can reduce its effects on climate change.
Not everyone has embraced Sacramento’s “Safe and Active Streets” program – capradio – July 13, 2021
Like many cities around the world, Sacramento used the pandemic as an opportunity to rethink how its streets are utilized. In addition to outdoor dining taking over roads and sidewalks, the city launched a “Safe and Active Streets” pilot program.
Transportation Planning Manager Jennifer Donlon Wyant admits not everyone has embraced the program.
“I hope that we planted a seed for folks to think about their neighborhoods, think about how they want to move around, particularly in this time of climate change,” she said. “We all can[‘t] continue to drive all the time.
Does farting constitute a non-static activity? I mean, it does provide a small propelling force, boosting one forward, briefly.
Thanks for the ‘recommended viewing’
The COVID Vaccine Is For Everyone
Perfectly on point!! The narrator was fantastic!!
I thoroughly enjoyed that!
Central to the cabal science dystopia is a very simple solution to help educate society to the fraud of fake science. The problem is that the general public are so dumbed down they don’t understand simple real science facts.
There is a scientific fact which is known by probably less than 5% of the population and it is something we should learn when we are in primary school.
What is happening regarding climate effects and change is determined more by our planet, the poles and the core than by our atmosphere.
The fact is “the Sun doesn’t solely heat the Earth directly through the suns rays”. This sounds crazy but to think that the sun does directly heat our planet solely is totally crazy. Yes obviously the sun’s rays heat the planet but the majority of the heat for Earth comes from inside the planet.
If the sun’s rays directly heated the planet then Earth would be inhabitable because the majority of Earth would freeze over every night and we couldn’t grow crops to sustain life on the surface of the planet. Inside our planet the inner core is reported to be about 6000 degrees and because Saturn is a larger planet the core is reportedly 12000 degrees.
So is not only planet Earth but it also applies to every planet or dwarf planet in our solar system or in the whole universe. This also applies to Ceres and when you get your head around this fact then you will realise that the amount of planets that can sustain lifeforms is mind-boggling.
For any people out there who may be fans of the “Electric Universe” (fact and not theory) then they should be all over this.
Planet Earth is heated by Birkeland currents which was discovered by Norwegian explorer Christian Birkeland back in 1908. Since then it has been fairly well hidden and overlooked by education systems and “science says” as James puts it. These Birkeland currents are visible by the northern and southern lights and these currents connect the whole galaxy and all the planets through this Electric Universe.
Birkeland currents work because we have a Sun inside the planet. This inner sun is heated by those currents and that inner sun not only keeps our planet warm but also allows life forms to exist inside not only our planet but every planet in the universe.
The biggest lie ever told is that ‘all life forms evolved from a single cell organism”. The Earth and the whole universe was a carefully engineered environment where nothing is accidental or magically created.
Birkeland deserves more credibility than Einstein, Galileo or any stooge that the Jesuits can throw up. I would love to see James do a show on this and maybe interview someone from the Thunderbolt Project. This is powerful information that needs to be known.
Yes obviously the sun’s rays heat the planet but the majority of the heat for Earth comes from inside the planet.
Freezing over night? What about freezing over winter?
How does the inside of the planet know that it’s winter so that it can turn off/down the heat and therefore not interfere?
Why does winter align with the relative position to the Sun?
The inner sun would probably be nearer the equator.
If there wasn’t Birkeland currents the ground would be freezing even between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn at night. Remember absolute zero is minus 272 degrees Celsius. When the sun disappeared then it would cool down fairly quickly.
The Sun is at an average distance of about 93,000,000 miles (150 million kilometres) away from Earth.
I have spent a lot of time in Asia and the temperature drops minimally at night compared to outside the Tropic lines. In Asia the high humidity makes the ground atmosphere hotter because the heat doesn’t dissipate as quickly.
The Birkeland currents maybe affected when the Sun is more directly focused on parts of the Earth but I can’t confirm that.
I read a report from some Italian scientists who did a study and they found approximately 60 – 70% of heat comes from inside the planet. I wish I had saved that report and I can’t find it now.
If scientists tried to study this now they would lose any financial support that once had. All science is basically controlled now.
The temperature inside Earth basically hasn’t changed probably in millions or billions of years. Jesuit science talks of the Big Bang Theory but this is just garbage. They say that Earth was molten rock previously and it is just an excuse why Earth’s core is so hot. Generally these statements come from Jesuit priests.
Birkeland currents and their effects can be seen in Japan with Mt Fuji. This is why mountains have snow caps but there isn’t snow generally at ground level.
I have driven over hills on the south island on New Zealand and the ground is frozen ice. After you come down the hill there is no ice.
How cold is it up there?
The higher you get, the colder it gets, up until 40,000 feet. If the temperature at ground level was 20C, at 40,000 feet it would be -57C. At 35,000 feet the air temperature is about -54C.
Does that sound like the majority of the heat is coming from the Sun?
The below text I copied from a website and it lacks credibility and I don’t buy the nuclear decay rhetoric that some websites throw up.
“After 4.5 billion years, the inside of the Earth is still very hot (in the core, approximately 3,800°C – 6,000°C)”
Interesting that the nearer the sun the colder you get !!
“For any people out there who may be fans of the “Electric Universe” (fact and not theory) then they should be all over this.”
I was almost giddy when somebody over on bitchute started mirroring the Suspicious 0bservers morning space news from gootube.
I really miss the Thunderbolt Project videos too.
It is a little frustrating to listen to the conversations about climate change and warming by all the self proclaimed experts who have never even heard of Birkeland or Thornhill and the electric universe theory.
Kind of reminds me of Idiocracy the movie. If you start with an incorrect premise, like crops grow when you water them with sports drinks, you are likely going to get poor results.
Likewise, if you try to understand terrestrial climate without taking space weather into account you are also going to arrive at a mistaken conclusion.
The Sun is waking up. Check out the massive CME from a couple days ago and another yesterday. Both fortunately off the back side. Had they occurred on the earth facing side. Everyone would be talking about it. But maybe not on electrical devices.
1:18 minute mark – (25 seconds)
“We’ve been hearing on the news that it was the hottest June ever, but a proper comparison of the last 30 years suggests what Dr. Spencer suggested: i.e. we were a fraction of a degree below the 30 year marks…if you invesitgate yourself, you will see how they turned blue areas red or whited them out.”
I’m pretty upset with scientists right now because of the scamdemic crap, but let’s not throw out the thousand-year science baby with the COVID bathwater. There is some use for Youtube after all.
What causes the change in seasons?
Why does it get colder as you go higher?
What happens to the sun’s energy when it gets to earth? How does the sun’s energy heat the earth?
Why is it hot underground?
I love science (says the old science teacher) and that is why it is so painful to me to watch the whole beautiful process destroyed by corporate dictators and their propagandists. I will have to look into Birkeland currents. If the data supports the theory, it’s probably right–until new data comes along to prove it’s wrong. That’s science for you.
Torus, I agree!
Here is the transcript and references – The COVID Vaccine Is For Everyone
Here’s what’s coming next!:
The next generation of bio sensors! Low cost and printable!
First glucose and as they themselves suggest in the short video, all the rest will follow!
July 14, 2021 – RT
Article and 28 minute video interview of Oliver Stone who is at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival.
Not a lone wolf killing:
New documentary on JFK assassination reveals ‘organized black op,’ director Oliver Stone tells RT
On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to legendary film director Oliver Stone about his new film ‘JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass’.
He discusses JFK’s often overlooked campaigns for peace with the Soviet Union and Cuba prior to his assassination, as well as work furthering civil rights, the details exposing an alleged cover-up of the assassination of JFK, including rapid policy changes from the successor LBJ administration, and alleged CIA involvement in the assassination, why larger powers wanted John F. Kennedy dead, JFK’s preparations to shatter the CIA and his belief that the war in Vietnam was a mistake, how the events leading up to the assassination of JFK were meticulously planned and the CIA’s involvement on the day, Lee Harvey-Oswald’s supervision by the CIA, and much more!
This morning I awoke with a compuslive desire for a “Rocky Mountain Spring Water” ice cold Coors Beer for breakfast. MMmmm good!…a beer breakfast. (See Corbett’s “Recommended Reading”). I need a couple bottles for this article…
Zero Hedge and authored by Jonathan Turley – Friday July 16th
White House Admits To Flagging Posts To Be Censored By Facebook
(Short Twitter Video clips in article tell the story)
…and now word that the Biden Administration has routinely been flagging material to be censored by Facebook.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted that the Biden administration is working with Facebook to flag “problematic” posts that “spread disinformation” on COVID-19.
She explained that the Administration has created “aggressive” policing systems to spot “misinformation” to be “flagged” for the social media companies.
Jen Psaki:
“It should not come as any surprise we are in regular touch with social media platforms…and we want to know that the social media platforms are taking steps to address this.”
“Our biggest concern here — is the number of people dying around the country because they are getting misinformation that is leading them to not take a vaccine.”
The concern is obvious that this allows for a direct role of the government in a massive censorship program run by private companies. There have been repeated examples of the censoring of stories that were embarrassing or problematic for the Biden Administration. ….
NOTE: The videos tell the story. The last video mashup is worth a view, just to see how snakes slither.
July 12, 2021 – New York Times
‘You Just Feel Like Nothing’:
California to Pay Sterilization Victims
(5 minute read)
Leonard Bisel was 15 when the state of California decided that he should not have children, threatening to lock him up and force him to do hard labor if he did not submit to sterilization.
In the middle of his operation, recalled Bisel, now 88, he woke up. “It was really painful,” he said, “and the doctor told me to shut up.”
Under the influence of a movement known as eugenics, whose supporters believed that those with physical disabilities, psychiatric disorders and other conditions were “genetically defective,” more than 60,000 people across the United States were forcibly sterilized by state-run programs throughout the 20th century.
They included more than 20,000 people over seven decades in California, under a eugenics law enacted in 1909. Almost all of the state’s procedures were performed through institutions, like the one where Bisel lived, and none were legally required to have the patient’s consent. Some of those sterilized were as young as 11.
Even after California repealed its eugenics law in 1979, it continued to sterilize women in prison, sometimes without ensuring that their consent was lawfully obtained…
…California is prepared to spend $7.5 million to find and pay an estimated 600 surviving victims of coerced sterilization, both under the eugenics law and in prison, an estimated $25,000 each.
The move follows similar efforts in Virginia and North Carolina to compensate victims of the eugenics movement…
…Thirty-two states had some sort of federally funded program that forcibly sterilized immigrants, people of color, those with disabilities and others labeled “undesirable,” under the guise of public health…
…Records show that Bisel’s mother was also sterilized at the same institution…
… Black women like Elaine Riddick, now 67. She was 13 when she was raped, she said, and at 14, as she gave birth to her son, the state sterilized her without her knowledge. In the paperwork, she was called “feeble minded.”
She did not find out until she was older, married and trying to get pregnant….
Saturday July 17, 2021 – Zero Hedge
“This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit”:
mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries
(See TWITTER IMAGES in article)
Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer in the field of mRNA vaccines, shared a viral Twitter thread on Friday which lays out a disturbing trend; the most-vaccinated countries in the world are experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, while the least-vaccinated countries are not.
“This is worrying me quite a bit,” tweeted Malone, embedding the lengthy thread authored by Twitter user @holmenkollin (Corona Realism) via the ‘thread reader’ app.
Something really odd is going on:
In Europe we are seeing surges at many places where most of the population has already been vaccinated.
At the same time, the 15 least vaccinated countries don‘t seem to face any problem.
At some point, denying this problem will get painful.
Also take a look at what went on in the 15 most vaccinated countries worldwide
(SPOILER: doesn‘t look to good)
I did not include tiny Gibraltar, which claims to have double-jabbed all (!) of its citizens.
So why do cases suddenly rise through the roof? (yes it‘s residents, not tourists)
Cyprus: majority of people vaccinated.
Highest case count in the world.
Malta: highest vaccination rate in the western world.
Also currently one of the steepest inclines in cases you may ever have seen.
What‘s special about small kingdom of Bhutan is that they jabbed 64% of their population within one week, starting 27/3.
Just a few days after the start of the rollout, cases went up.
Emirates: highest vaccination rate in the whole world.
They just experienced their second highest peak since pandemic began…
…But the vaccine also makes people less transmissible?“
That’s what some studies claimed, yes.
But at what point in time did they measure this effect?
The jabs initially trigger your immune system.
But what if the effect fades and you walk around bar any mucosal protection?
The Covid vaccine injury numbers keep growing at a fast clip.
July 16, 2021 – The Defender
Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC, as FDA Adds New Warning to J&J Vaccine
VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.
…Of the 10,991 deaths reported as of July 9, 22% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 24 hours and 37% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.
This week’s data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:
~~ 14,003 total adverse events, including 866 rated as serious and 14 reported deaths. Two of the nine deaths were suicides.
~~ The most recent reported death includes a 13-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1431289) with a previous history of COVID who suffered cardiac arrest and died 17 days after vaccination with Pfizer.
Other reports include two 13-year-old boys (VAERS I.D. 1406840 and 1429457) who died two days after receiving a Pfizer vaccine, three 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1187918, 1382906 and 1242573), three 16-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1420630, 1225942 and 1386841) and three 17-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1199455, 1388042 and 1420762).
~~ 2,040 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds with 99% of cases. attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 1.1% to Moderna and 0.2% (or four cases) to J&J.
~~ 377 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation) with 373 attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
~~ 65 reports of blood clotting disorders, with 64 attributed to Pfizer and 1 attributed to Moderna….
On July 7th in the EU…
17,503 DEAD,
1.7 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots
Here is an interesting report suggesting a massive cyberattack might come soon which might cause limitations in internet access:
Can you imagine a possible scenario, when the internet as it is known today will be just turned off to prevent the spread of a dangerous computer virus? A draconian measure, just like the border closedowns…
Not only can I imagine it. I expect it. Whether its a cyber attack or a coronal mass ejection. I expect someone or something to cause significant changes to our way of life. The civilizations that men build are pretty fragile in the face of time and nature.
In this 3.5 minute video Ben Davidson of Suspicious 0bservers fame discusses the awakening sun and the ramifications of a Carrington Event repeat on todays world in light of the two CME’s of the last couple of days.
I saw this today…
Psiphon Inc.
An award-winning circumvention tool for desktop & mobile devices that provides people with uncensored access to the Internet.
Psiphon quote concerning the Cuban protests:
Update: Yesterday 1.389 Million daily unique users accessed the open web from Cuba through the Psiphon Network. Internet is ON; circumvention tools ARE working. This figure continues to increase, with today reaching 1.238 Million as of 12:00 EST (16:00 UTC)
I’m curious when EU will come out with a survey showing that public opinion see sins of climate-insanity-sceptics as comparable to pedophiles.
‘Fit for 55’, the new moronism from mf bastards in Brussels.
Never mind EU was on verge of blackout several times during this winter.
Never mind that experts warned green transition is impossible. Of course, authorities are aware of this for years and smart power meters have been installed to “intelligently” regulate the power grid at demand side. If you will be to poor to afford Premium-power-package you will be optimized according to the needs of power grid.
Austria is already preparing for blackout on institutional level. Some politician there should be hanged from the first tree(eco-hanging) for this heresy……or rewarded for scaring the populace even more….or, hell no, are they good guys……I don’t know
This morning I saw a gazillion different spin-offs of a Sciences & Avenir article (that apparently came from a BioScience article).
All variations on how the Earth’s vital signs are weakening, or “running out” (didn’t know vital signs could run out?)
All because of climate change, of course, due to “overexploitation” of the Earth’s resources.
“…The “vital signs” of the planet are weakening under the blows of the global economy, leading scientists warned on Wednesday, worrying about a possible upcoming particular climate “breaking point”.
Researchers, who are part of a group of more than 14,000 scientists advocating for a global climate emergency, believe governments have systematically failed to address the causes of climate change: “Earth overexploitation.”…
“The authors believe that there is indeed “growing evidence that we are approaching, if we have not already passed” some key points that could pull the climate system toward dramatic and irreversible change….
The authors call for rapid radical action in several areas: removing fossil fuels, reducing pollution, restoring ecosystems, deciding on a plant-based diet, moving away from the current growth model, and stabilizing the world’s population…”
and so it goes.
I got shivers as I read Project Syndicate
WBCSD already wasn’t great but PS is possibly THE outlet for propaganda within the first outer ring, more influential than Foreign Affairs