The Revolt of the Pawns

by | Jul 23, 2023 | Newsletter | 55 comments

In early 1980, as the diplomatic fallout from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan began to play itself out on the grand chessboard, then-US President Jimmy Carter sent his National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, to Pakistan to rally the mujahideen fighters waging jihad against the Russian invaders.

In the footage of that incident, Brzezinski can be seen helicoptering to a spot in the Khyber Pass on the Afghanistan border to address the Islamic fighters taking up arms against the Soviets. Assuring the assembled “freedom fighters” that their struggle will succeed, he raises a finger in the air in the direction of Afghanistan, proclaiming: “That land over there is yours. You’ll go back to it one day because your fight will prevail. And you’ll have your homes and your mosques back again because your cause is right and God is on your side.”

This was, as we now know, pure manipulative hogwash. Uncle Sam couldn’t have cared less about the fate of these fighters. The US government didn’t believe in their God and it didn’t care if they had their homes and their mosques back again. In fact, as Brzezinski himself has since admitted, the Soviet invasion had, in a sense, been a Western operation, the successful culmination of a covert US plan to lure the USSR into Afghanistan and slowly bleed the Red Army in a years-long proxy war.

In the infamous 1998 interview where Brzezinski confirmed this hidden truth, he was asked whether he regretted his role in fostering the rise of the Taliban and Al CIAda.

Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter, essentially: “We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war.” Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war that was unsustainable for the regime, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.

These are not the words of a pious believer in the righteous struggle of Islamic freedom fighters. They are not even the words of an earnest Cold Warrior, blindly supporting anyone who could strike at his Soviet enemy. They are the words of the man who literally wrote the book on The Grand Chessboard—the words of a self-proclaimed geopolitical grandmaster who cooly calculates several moves ahead as he manipulates his pawns on the grand chessboard as part of a grand strategy to checkmate his opponent.

Last week I revealed how the would-be rulers of the world see the grand struggle for geopolitical dominance as a type of chess game and how people around the globe (including the mujahideen in Afghanistan) are treated as mere pawns in that game, to be used, abused and sacrificed in pursuit of the grandmasters’ aims.

This week I will examine the growing political awareness of the pawns in the grand chess game and show what it looks like when they strike back against their masters.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 13 issue 21 (July 23, 2023)

by James Corbett
July 23, 2023

Global Political Awakening

In December of 2008, The International Herald Tribune published an op-ed on an important new sociopolitical phenomenon: “The Global Political Awakening.”

For the first time in history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive. Global activism is generating a surge in the quest for cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world scarred by memories of colonial or imperial domination.

Now, if this were an op-ed by your average, run-of-the-mill political commentator, the prospect of a “global political awakening” would no doubt be celebrated as a hopeful development. Said commentator would then deftly transition into a pitch for how such an awakening could afford an exciting opportunity for the West to help human rights activists in Countries X, Y and/or Z overthrow their oppressive governments . . . with Countries X, Y and Z being prime targets on the US State Department’s regime change wishlist, naturally.

But this op-ed was not penned by your average political hack. No, it was authored by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the same arch-globalist insider (and arch-conspiracy theorist) who helped fund the mujahideen in the 1980s. For this grand chessboard grandmaster, the global political awakening is no cause for celebration. Rather, as he explained in a subsequent interview on the subject, it poses a threat to America’s global dominance and a challenge to all the kings on the global chessboard.

On the subjective level, this global political awakening is creating massive intolerance, impatience with inequality, with differentials in standards of living. It’s creating jealousies, resentments, more rapid immigration [. . .] Connected with that is a craving for respect for differentiated cultures and for individual dignity. Much of humanity feels that respect is lacking from the well-to-do.

Now, here’s the surprising thing: he’s not wrong. There is a global political awakening taking place. Fueled by the online revolution, impatience with inequalities and differentials in standards of living is rising. And, if the last several years of political history has taught us anything, it is that much of humanity is feeling a lack of respect from the well-to-do. This feeling has manifested in a worldwide populist movement that threatens to derail the globalist New World Order agenda, a point conceded by elitist institutions like the Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum, which have openly fretted about this rising populist movement in recent years.

In fact, Brzezinski’s “global political awakening” is not only as accurate a description of the global geopolitical situation today as it was when he first made it a decade and a half ago, it is—if anything—even truer today than it was in the bygone era of Hope and Change Obama.

Naturally, this awakening is informed by different issues in different countries and takes different forms in different corners of the globe, but there’s no doubt that the global political awakening is accelerating and people are reaching a breaking point.

Just take a look at France. The country has been on fire (literally) for months now as nationwide protests against proposed changes to the country’s pension system have spilled over into fiery protests against police violence that even targeted government officials.

Or take Israel, where Prime Minister Netanyahu is under the greatest pressure of his political career for trying to shove through a deeply unpopular judicial reform that would weaken the power of the country’s Supreme Court. Protesters have been in the streets, blocking roads and setting fires in opposition to Netanyahu’s efforts and, in the latest development, over a thousand reservists in the Israeli Air Force are threatening to stop serving if the reform goes ahead.

Or witness the turmoil in Africa, where weeks of antigovernment rallies in Kenya have culminated in deadly riots that show no signs of abating and where a crackdown on political opposition in Senegal has sparked similarly violent protests.

Then there’s the wave of farmer protests that, as I documented in a series of articles last summer, have swept around the world as the globalist net zero agenda starts to clamp down on the act of farming. The demonstrations have brought unrest and disruption not only to Sri Lanka—where protesters stormed the prime minister’s office and literally chased the president out of the country—but also to usually quiet countries like the Netherlands and Ireland.

Heck, you know there’s a global political awakening underway when Canada, of all places, becomes the site of a dramatic freedom convoy and an equally dramatic declaration of emergency powers by Trudeau’s increasingly embattled government.

Yes, Brzezinski was quite right when he pointed out that a global political awakening was underway. The real question, of course, is what such an awakening means for our future.

It is easy to see how the prospect of an increasingly politically engaged public (let alone an increasingly agitated one) is detrimental to the aims of geopolitical strategists like Brzezinski. After all, to the Brzezinskis of the world, the people are just pawns to be used, manipulated and, ultimately, sacrificed in service of a greater geopolitical agenda. (Or, in Kissinger’s infamous formulation, military men are “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy.)

When the pawns begin to fight back, however, the chess game comes to a screeching halt. How can the self-declared grandmasters go about conquering squares on the chessboard, after all, when their own pieces are fighting against them?

One can just picture the war hawks observing this mass awakening and fretting over their carefully crafted grand chessboard strategems. “Why won’t these pawns simply shut up and do what they’re told?! It would make everything so much easier!”

Unfortunately for us, Brzezinski and his ilk not only saw the development of this global political awakening, they also envisioned a way to contain it.

And, even more unfortunately for us, the elitists’ plan for putting a lid on this populist awakening does not end well for us “pawns.”


If the sight of these protest movements sweeping the globe seems familiar to you, that’s because it is.

As you’ll recall, I wrote an article in November 2019 about the political turmoil then engulfing nations around the world, from Bolivia to Chile to France to Hong Kong to Iraq. “Your Guide to a World on Fire” documented how the global political awakening seemed to be coming to a head and mused on whether the fiery uprisings signaled that “the Old World Order of neoliberal globalism under Pax Americana is finally coming apart at the seams.”

Of course, as we now know, that optimism was premature. The globalists always have tricks up their sleeve to fend off their demise. In this case, they chose to pull the scamdemic card and we all saw the immediate result: the fiery protests of 2019 came to a grinding halt at the beginning of 2020, when social distancing and locking ourselves in our own home were suddenly instituted as the prime civic virtues.

That the grandmasters of the global chessboard would unleash one of the largest psyops ever perpetrated on humanity for the purpose of containing the global political awakening should not be surprising. Actually, it should be comforting. It shows us that they’re still attempting to control the masses.

When and if that strategy begins to fail, however, there is a much darker option at their disposal.

You see, Brzezinski’s op-ed about the global political awakening was not written for the global press. It was a summary of a speech that he delivered at Chatham House. For those not in the know, Chatham House is the headquarters of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations’ sister organization in London.

The speech from which Brzezinski’s global awakening observation derives—titled “Major Foreign Policy Challenges for The New US Presidency” and delivered on November 17, 2008—was, like most of the RIIA’s proceedings, not intended for the general public. However, a recording of the speech was later leaked online. What it reveals about the globalists’ thinking on the matter of a people’s uprising is downright bone-chilling.

The lecture began innocuously enough, with Brzezinski mouthing the usual, trite foreign policy clichés about how American leadership “has been essential to global stability and to global development” and warning that Obama’s incoming administration faces challenges from a number of global crises. So far, so boring.

But then he transitions into the main theme of his talk: the global political awakening and what is to be done about it.

While the lethality of their power is greater than ever, their [the major powers’] capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at an historical low. I once put it rather pungently (and I was flattered that the British foreign secretary repeated this) as follows: namely, in earlier times it was easier to control a million people—literally, it was easier to control a million people than, physically, to kill a million people. Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. [Emphasis added]

And then, just in case his audience missed it, he reiterated the point: “It is easier to kill than to control.”

This blood-curdling pronouncement is delivered, as with most of Brzezinski’s pronouncements, in a detached way, as if he were reporting on the weather in New Delhi or the results of last night’s baseball game. And why should he become emotional when discussing the possibility of a global leadership losing its control of the people and deciding to unleash megadeath on the population? After all, he’s simply pointing out a self-evident truth about the way power operates in our society and the lengths to which the psychopaths leading the kakistocracy must be willing to go in order to maintain their power.

As the global political awakening starts to take shape and the masses can no longer be placated with QAnonsense or kept in their homes by scamdemic psyops, then the rulers of the grand chessboard always have the final option: mass murder. Whether that mass murder takes the form of a WWIII or the release of an actual bioweapon or some other method entirely is of little consequence. What matters is that if and when there is a true threat to the rule of the powers-that-shouldn’t-be, they will take Brzezinski’s dictum to heart.

Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.

Ending the Game

It is easy to see why geopolitical strategists find the grand chessboard analogy so appealing. It accurately embodies their vision of the globe as a space to be dominated by one team or another and it provides them with useful strategems for achieving their geopolitical goals. They can employ gambits, sacrifice pawns, formulate plans that involve anticipating their opponents’ next moves, etc.

Perhaps most important of all, the chessboard metaphor flatters these narcissists’ intellect. Only these gifted grandmasters understand this intricate game of geopolitics in all its multivariate complexity, after all, and only they are capable of crafting strategies for winning that game.

But in examining the war hawks’ moves on the global chessboard, we run the risk of forgetting that this is only a metaphor. People are not pawns. This is not a game. We are talking about real people living real lives, not plastic pieces on a chessboard.

In fact, when we adopt the chess analogy, we are unwittingly playing into the globalists’ hands. If the globe really is a grand chessboard and we really are engaged in a struggle for dominance over it, then we’re compelled to adopt that mindset ourselves and come up with a strategy for winning the game.

“If only us pawns could form our own team! Then we could take over the chessboard, sacrifice the kings and queens and subject the rooks and the bishops and the knights to our will! Then we could run the global chessboard the way we want!”

But to begin thinking in those terms is to fall into a trap. We find ourselves playing the geopolitical game on the grandmasters’ own terms. Whether we adopt the “vote harder” strategy of the statists or the violent revolution strategy of the rioters or we start volunteering to become pawns for the “other” team—as those who promote the false BRICS-as-saviours narrative would have us do—we lose.

The political game is rigged. It is a contest for power where it is not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes. Even more to the point, it is a distracting puppet theater, a shadow play on the cave wall that is put in front of us to divert our attention from the ways that power really operates in society.

The violent revolution strategy is similarly doomed to fail. Brzezinski merely stated what many authoritarians already realize: it is easier to kill than to control. It follows that these autocrats will not hesitate to unleash the apocalypse if they ever feel genuinely threatened by a mass uprising. Given that the very forces we oppose are the ones sitting on the nuclear stockpiles and the bioweapons labs and the increasingly automated armed forces, and given that they have spent decades building up the machinery of technological tyranny under the “homeland security” paradigm in case of just such an uprising, is there any doubt who would win such a contest?

And the idea of “switching sides” and joining the “other” team on the grand chessboard? Even if the BRICS team were fundamentally different from the NATO team (it isn’t), we’d still be no more than pawns on the board.

No, none of these strategies suffice. The only winning move in this game is the least popular one of all: to reject the game entirely.

The planet is not a chessboard. It does not consist of squares to be divvied up and occupied by competing teams. It is not populated by chess pieces to be manipulated by this or that player in service of some grand geopolitical agenda.

It is a world filled with people who can choose at any time to start interacting with each other directly, free of controlling middlemen, to transact in a currency of their own choice, for goods and services of their own making, without the need for any globalist power structure.

Life is not a win/lose struggle for domination of a fixed chessboard. Life is a win/win quest for cooperation on an ever-expanding pie.

Society does not require a top-down order imposed by an authoritarian elitist class who, by virtue of some magical political ritual, is able to impose its will on others without their consent. Rather, a thriving society requires the spontaneous order that develops when everyone is free to form voluntary relations based on mutual consent.

We are not pawns on a chessboard to be used in a struggle for political dominance, and we do not need to win any grand chess game in order to take control of our lives. We are human beings finding ways to live with other human beings on a fertile, living planet. It is not until we completely reject the mindset of the Brzezinskis and the Kissingers and the other self-styled grandmasters of the so-called grand chessboard that we can truly begin to take our power back.

We do not need to take over the chessboard. Instead, we need to withdraw our participation from this “game” entirely. The would-be grandmasters can’t play their game if we won’t be their pawns.

The grand game of global geopolitical chess, it turns out, is a funny game. The only winning move is not to play.

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

12 Gandhi Quotes on Non-Violence, Force, and the State

Is the Gold Standard Coming Back? Doug Casey on the BRICS Gold-Backed Currency

Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes

Recommended Listening

MI6 chief Richard Moore on Ukraine and the future of intelligence gathering (+ Article)

Recommended Viewing

Retired Officer Exposes How Environmental Policies Hurt The Environment

Iurie Roşca: There’s No Multipolarity, Only One Global Center of Real Power

The Truth About Oppenheimer / Part One

Just For Fun



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  1. It is easier to kill than to control.

    I was unaware of this quote. It’s charming.

    • Yeah James WWIII sounds about right…”Hey China, Russia, we’ll kill your population if you kill ours”…everyone visiting this sight is no doubt on a list…to be processed in camps… great for us! …Corbett, If this is the hill i die on it’s been an honor. May highly advanced aliens reconstruct you from your ashes and let you guide the hand of justice across space and time to smite the enemies of life.

    • Looks already set up to kick off with Iran very soon(next couple days/weeks), then it’s just simple domino mathematics. The fluoridated masses will lap this shit up. You picked a good time to write this article James, not entirely a mistake I take it.

    • Makes so much sense, Israelis are tilted because of the supreme court overhaul..massive protests, if that goes through in Bibi’s favour in the next days it’ll escalate, and Bibi will have the power to do what he wants at home and abroad to deal with it…never been a better time for a war that favours our glorious leaders…I guess there is never a bad time for them really

    • I’m not a bible basher but it would not surprise me if they use Tish’a B’Av to write themselves into prophecy…would not surprise me one little bit…

    • Hypothetical fictional scenario for you all.. In 3 days(on the 9th of Av) the Al-Aqsa mosque is destroyed. Amongst the chaos that follows, sleeper cell operatives around the world(posing as religious zealots) get to work targeting individuals such as Corbett and Webb, to purge the world of Intelligent discourse…welcome to the unopposed (technocratic)new world order…

      THE END

  2. It will usually be just a minority of humanity that is willing to leave the “chessboard”. The majority will prefer some form of imposed order and structure on their lives to avoid responsibility and decision-making.

    So wouldn’t it still be safer to start by eliminating the main controling pieces so that they do not remain a looming threat for a while, as an example for the next would-be “leaders”?

  3. If we Globalists don’t increase control, then how will people’s lives achieve ultimate meaning? If one is ultimately a little squirming rodent inhabiting the planet, then why not at the very least participate in the glorification of one’s betters?

    That is why one must play our game. Thank you. 🙂

    • Dear Globalist,
      To quote George Carlin, “It’s a Big Club, and you ain’t in it!”

      That makes you and the rest of us, in their minds, to just be useless consumers.

      Their goal is to reduce our population down to about 500 million people so we will stop wastefully consuming their natural resources.

  4. Thank you James. I feel like you’ve totally nailed it with this wonderful, uplifting article.

  5. Thanks for the reminder of how the uprisings in 2019 were ended by the plandemic! I’m sure the none safe or effective resulting jab was used to eliminate millions too. Who knows how many more. Sudden deaths are ongoing.

    However from a religious perspective I firmly believe in the need to pray, as Jesus taught, for God’s name to be sanctified, his Kingdom to come and his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Mt 6:8-14) The reason I say this – it’s becoming increasingly evident that humans do not have the ability to successfully govern themselves without God’s guidance or his rules. I believe we are being taught a grand lesson, a lesson for those who are truly God’s people. It will never be forgotten and will be recorded in a history book like no other, to be taught during the millennial reign of Christ.

    This is the reason I do not and will not comply with unlawful orders that would have me stand against God and his principles.

    Jerimiah 10:23-25: “I have known, O Jehovah, that not of man [is] his way, Not of man the going and establishing of his step. Chastise me, O Jehovah, only in judgment, Not in Thine anger, lest Thou make me small. Pour out Thy fury on the nations that have not known Thee, And on the families that have not called in Thy name . . .” (Young’s literal translation)

    • KevinB
      “..t’s becoming increasingly evident that humans do not have the ability to successfully govern themselves without God’s guidance or his rules…..”

      Very TRUE…however the cult of personal autonomy runs rather strong in most of us living in the modern world, raised as we were on a diet of media and sloppy thinking.

      The long deconstruction of society is basically teaching people not to submit to what we ought to submit to….be that children to their parents, wives to their husbands, or husbands to their duties and ultimately its impossible for such people to submit to God without a MASSIVE change of heart.

      Most wont.

  6. I agree with the points you raised but can see that many take issue with calling this unseen force of nature ‘God’. I have overcome this by using the term ‘life’ – realising that life is energy changing form and we understand but a tiny fraction of the forces behind it. ‘Love’ is a force we know exists but is not able to be measured or quantified from our human perspective so perhaps God is love?

    Whatever we call it I do think it is time to acknowledge that there are unseen forces at play that we do not understand but that are vital for our existence. How we perceive the world is an illusion anyway, anyone with even a little knowledge of physics knows that what we perceive as solid is actually energy.

    • metta

      “…‘Love’ is a force we know exists but is not able to be measured or quantified from our human perspective so perhaps God is love?….”

      But what is ‘Love’ ? 🙂 There are many kinds of Love, and to limit God to ONE attribute, even as variable one as just ‘love’, would be as strange as thinking you or I only had one personality attribute.

      “…How we perceive the world is an illusion anyway, anyone with even a little knowledge of physics knows that what we perceive as solid is actually energy…..”

      Is that of any real importance?
      A color Blind person cant see the same colors as me, but I dont think that makes their experience of the world any less “real”.

      Humans do not live in the quantum realm (unless we’re ant man or something, lol) so even if (as Oppenheimer said in the movie…) your hands are made up of forces and empty space in real terms your probably more interested how how hot the girl is, whos hands you are holding.

      • Being more interested in how hot the girl is and whose hands you are holding does not exclude me or you from wondering about the bigger picture. When I think about what underpins life I wonder is it energy? When we see different colours, or different attributes, are we just seeing energy in different forms? I am not claiming to be ‘right’ about this, just trying to be open to other ways of thinking about life. Isn’t a different way of thinking what we need if we want to step off the chess board?

        Whether it is of any real importance is up to you. To me trying to understand the world in different ways is liberating and fascinating. I certainly don’t expect others to agree with me, they are much more likely to think I’m weird.

  7. Sorry James, but opting-out is not a realistic option.

    “It is a world filled with people who can choose at any time to start interacting with each other directly, free of controlling middle men, to transact in a currency of their own choice, for goods and services of their own making, without the need for any globalist power structure.“

    Your utopia falls apart when the tax bill arrives.
    Taxes have to be paid in the government-sanctioned currency.
    In order to pay your taxes you need to have a source of income that provides you with the government-sanctioned currency.
    If you don’t pay your Property Taxes with the government-sanctioned currency, then your property will be taken away from you. If you don’t pay your Income Taxes with the government-sanctioned currency, then your freedom will be taken away from you. Your home and car insurance policies must also be paid with the government-sanctioned currency. The vast majority of people need to work for an employer that pays their wages and salaries in the government-sanctioned currency so that they can pay their taxes and insurance premiums using the government-sanctioned currency. The Globalist Fascist Oligarchy own and control the government-sanctioned currency and own and control the vast majority of employers (corporations) that use their power as employers to force their employees to accept and abide by the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy’s dictates in the form UN-WEF Agenda 21/2030 Sustainable Development Goals, ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), and DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) directives. When Larry Fink at BlackRock is given the power and authority to implement “his” Going Direct scheme at the Federal Reserve, and Larry Fink’s BlackRock has a controlling ownership interest in just about every damn corporation in the World, then “We the People” have zero choices to opt-out of “their” game.
    The only thing preventing the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy from finally achieving their centuries-long goal of a One World Global Neo-Feudal Fascist Technocratic Empire is a slim majority of Constitutionalist Justices on the US Supreme Court. When, not if, the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy are able to corrupt, rig, and steal enough elections to put their puppets, Democrat and RINO Republican, in supermajority control of the US Congress, and put their puppet in the White House, that’s when it will be “Game Over” for We the People.

    • Bill, generally speaking for the most of us, I agree with you.

      But there is a small growing movement that is setting up private members’ associations that
      are buying sizeable pieces of land, and developing them so they are entirely self-sufficient.

      Everyone living in the PMA’s need to contribute in some fashion to the up-keep of the land/community.
      The only ‘cost’ that needs to be taken care of is the land tax.
      All food is grown within the community.

      Of course these PMA’s can only exist for as long as the de facto system allows them to.
      It wouldn’t be difficult to shut them down for any arbitrary reason cooked up by TPTB.

      • PMAs don’t seem to be a realistic option for the 350 million people living within the USA. I would strongly recommend caution for anyone to invest in PMA when the government has at its disposal an innumerable number of ways to seize that property. The government can easily bankrupt all of the investors just by filing a bunch of lawsuits, whether or not they have merit. I hope there are no standing puddles of water or endangered species on your land.

        • Bill Pritting

          “Pessimisism is for Loosers” by Luke Smith

          “…PMAs don’t seem to be a realistic option for the 350 million people living within the USA….”

          Then it sucks to be one of the people who thinks you need to have a modern standard of living with every available convenience and comfort. MOST people are NOT going to make it thru, because they are so addicted to ease and comfort.

          “… I would strongly recommend caution for anyone to invest in PMA when the government has at its disposal an innumerable number of ways to seize that property. ….”

          While CAUTION is wise, the other main option is to stay in the system and enjoy the ride to the pods.

          One may as well position oneself as best one can to get thru whats coming. The OTHER option is to do nothing and stay in the system which is what MOST PEOPLE WANT TO DO because it makes them feel smart and is easy.

      • Message from Tom DeWeese
        American Policy Center

        Subject: Freedom Pods and Carbon Capture

        As you know, I’ve been traveling the country, sounding the alarm about dangerous “Sustainable” policies. Most importantly, I’ve been encouraging local citizens to stand up and fight these attacks on property rights, farming, energy, transportation, and so many other issues that are destroying our way of life.

        Build those Freedom Pods, I’ve said. Take local action to stand up for your rights!

        One of the worst attacks has been from PRIVATE corporations intent on taking PRIVATE farmland to build their PRIVATE Carbon Capture Pipeline.

        Farmers have been caught in the path of this idiotic plan to grab thousands of acres of vital farmland and bury CO2 underground under the excuse of Climate Change. These farmers have been standing virtually alone.

        And the powerful corporations, Summit Carbon Solutions, Vanguard, and Navigator CO2 Ventures keep pushing forward, using their huge bank accounts and political power to create fear and intimidation against anyone who dares stand up and oppose their scheme to control vital farmland that feeds us.

        For the past year, I have been calling on county and state elected representatives to take legislative action to protect their citizens from this corporate tyranny. While these officials have been dragging their feet, taking little or no action, the corporations have gotten more powerful and more arrogant.


        Keep reading…..

        • Thanks Bill for this update.

          That’s one small step for a farmer, one giant leap for farmer-kind (hopefully).

    • Bill Pritting

      “…The only thing preventing the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy from finally achieving their centuries-long goal of a One World Global Neo-Feudal Fascist Technocratic Empire is a slim majority of Constitutionalist Justices on the US Supreme Court……”

      You misunderstand how that works.
      The constitution is a worthless piece of paper unless it lives in the hearts and minds of the people….spoiler being that IT NO LONGER DOES.

      Laws and constitutions are a reflection of the values of the people, and people get a Government that reflects THEM. The mass of Boomers used the constitution as a pass for licence, Gen X mocked it, and the Zoomers dont even know whats in it. It is a dead letter.

      As they had The Emperor Tiberius say in ‘Caligula’….. “In my Youth I was a General and I commanded men, but in my old age I have become a Swineherd.”

    • Would I like to “come back for another go of the human experience”? Personally I’d reframe that as “would you like to come back and retry the experiment in humans ruling themselves without God’s guidance?
      Human rulership is an epic fail that is nothing but hubris against God, the Almighty. So too, false religious authority that fakes theocracy.
      The WEF’s attempt to “correct” the DNA is nothing but a slaughterhouse. A humble gentleman once told me DNA stands for “Do Not Alter”. I agree with that man. God only provided one person, a prefect human and example to which few politicians have tried to follow. Christ. If they followed him in earnest, they surly would stop being a politician.

      • If you knocked on my door I would hide, how’s that for an answer?

    • No, I was referring to James’ editorial. I agree with his final statements regarding not playing their game.

    • Anyone wanting to know about Reincarnation should read “Siren CAll of the Hungry Ghosts” by well respected Investigative Reporter Joe Fisher.

      He was a believer and decided to prove reincarnation, though he came to a VERY different conclusion. He is actually well worth looking in on Youtube -I think they had a few public appearances on TV IIRC.

      His death was ruled a suicide.

      • Hebrews 9:27-28
        “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.”

        Everything that I need to know about reincarnation is summed up in those two verses.

        Reincarnation doesn’t exist. Period.
        And those who believe that it does exist are believing the word of the fallen created beings,(demons), who rebelled against God and are to be condemned to suffer in hell for eternity. The fallen beings whose entire purpose is to take as many gullible people to hell with them as possible because they know how much it grieves God to see any of His human creatures perish.

          • From the book.

            “Blindness and ignorance is, however, much in evidence in the New Age movement that champions the channeling experience. Having been seduced by the spirits myself in spite of my avowed investigative intent, I know how persuasive and convincing communicating entities can be Their charm, clairvoyance and knowledge can work wonders in massaging ones frail hope that enlightenment might be within reach after all. Spiritual aspiration is often attended by tenderness and vulnerability, and carthbound spirits well know how to burrow into the most soft and pliable parts of the self in the cause of satisfying their own ends. Their mission is made so much easier by gullible New Agers, ever in search of the pure and the expansive, who readily embrace any influence which appears to be spiritually nourishing. Few care to probe beneath the platitudes and the plausibility to gain hard-won insights into what is really being said and done.”

        • lisaB

          “…And that is the final say on the matter, FOR YOU, Duck.

          Anything else printed on the topic by anyone else does not matter to YOU….”

          I can take the word of those silly boomers you posted a link to….or the word of an investigative reporter who BELIEVED all that jazz UNTIL he dug deeply into the matter….. hmn….. I wonder which is more credible???? 😉

          His book

        • LisaB

          “..And that is the final say on the matter, FOR YOU, Duck….”

          A thing is either True or NOT True.
          If a guy who believes in a thing digs into it and THEN decides its dangerous BS, and that guy is a well respected investigator and reporter, then what MORE does anyone need to know?

          His Book

        • Steve
          I think that the best response to those who choose to believe in reincarnation is, “It is appointed for men once to die and then the judgement.”
          Of course, if one is not a child of God, it will mean nothing. But like Spock told Kirk; “Just because you don’t understand me, doesn’t mean I’m confused.” “God is not the author of confusion.” So who does that leave?
          I really respect the efforts and intelligence of James and what he does to try and find truth and fact, (one and the same thing), but when God is left out of the equation, all that is left is mans limited ability to reason and wonder.
          Questions: “Why, if man is only an evolving species, would he/it come up with a set of morals that would put extreme limits on his ability to enjoy his limited life?”
          “Why does he refer to himself as Mankind? Where did he get that idea?”
          There are many many other questions that could be asked, but they would only lead to an arguement which accomplishes nothing good.

          A simple observation by a thinking person with an honest and open mind would tell that one that the path that this mankind is taking is leading to his ultimate demise. He uses all of the references that are relevant to the war he is perpetually involved in. It is a forever war of Good against Evil. Right against Wrong. Truth against Lies. That age old reference to “The Conflict of the Ages” which is God against Satan.

          I think that by far, mans biggest stumbling block to finding the Truth is his ego. But then I am reminded that “God gives His Spirit to whom He will.” It is His choice and can not be obtained in any other way. It takes His Spirit to recognize His Spirit. The spirit of the natural man cannot understand the Spirit of God. Never will.
          Why God chooses one person over another, is His choice alone. Who is going to instruct Him? Argue with Him? Decide for Him? Tell Him what He must do? Since when did the thing made question the Maker? “Why hast thou made me thus?”

          The reason why God will return, (soon) is because if He does not, Satan will kill every bit of flesh on the planet. That is all he can do and he knows he has but a short time. His time is running out and he knows it. Those he is in control of and who do his dirty work don’t know it but that does not matter. He would kill them too eventually.


          • Amen Joebear! I actually did cite the verse you suggested above. But sadly, it is but foolishness to them that are blinded by the god of this world.

            “God gives His Spirit to whom He will.”

            Exactly why I will never cease praying for lisab and those in her position.

            Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It is encouraging. I sometimes feel kinda lonely around here.:)

            • The Country of the Blind by C. S. Lewis

              Hard light bathed them-a whole nation of eyeless men,
              Dark bipeds not aware how they were maimed. A long
              Process, clearly, a slow curse,
              Drained through centuries, left them thus.

              At some transitional stage, then, a luckless few,
              No doubt, must have had eyes after the up-to-date,
              Normal type had achieved snug
              Darkness, safe from the guns of heavn;

              Whose blind mouths would abuse words that belonged to their
              Great-grandsires, unabashed, talking of light in some
              Eunuch’d, etiolated,
              Fungoid sense, as a symbol of

              Abstract thoughts. If a man, one that had eyes, a poor
              Misfit, spoke of the grey dawn or the stars or green-
              Sloped sea waves, or admired how
              Warm tints change in a lady’s cheek,

              None complained he had used words from an alien tongue,
              None question’d. It was worse. All would agree ‘Of course,’
              Came their answer. “We’ve all felt
              Just like that.” They were wrong. And he

              Knew too much to be clear, could not explain. The words —
              Sold, raped flung to the dogs — now could avail no more;
              Hence silence. But the mouldwarps,
              With glib confidence, easily

              Showed how tricks of the phrase, sheer metaphors could set
              Fools concocting a myth, taking the worlds for things.
              Do you think this a far-fetched
              Picture? Go then about among

              Men now famous; attempt speech on the truths that once,
              Opaque, carved in divine forms, irremovable,
              Dear but dear as a mountain-
              Mass, stood plain to the inward eye.

      • LisaB
        “…Is that all there is to know on reincarnation Duck?…”

        Welllll….. A, Non-Christian, Believer in Reincarnation, who was also a HIGHLY respected Investigative Journalist, who looked into it using historical investigation of claims made and came to the conclusion that Reincarnation and Spiritualism was pretty much evil spirits looks RATHER like the last word on the matter.
        But dont take MY word for it….read his book

    • Reincarnation is real, and I can remember most of my previous lives.
      Each life has its own different personality.
      I have been in most places on earth.

      I can also recognize other people’s previous lives.
      The strong drives in life are always connected to previous lives.
      Usually very negative to your current life. Like an addiction.
      Sometimes they take over your life, and people become very
      different from what they were. And often they step to
      a different personality from another life.
      You see that when people marry or get kids. They become
      a different personality in their different task.

      I help people with severe psychiatric problems, by helping
      the problems in their current personality.
      And this problem usually comes from a huge trauma in a previous life.

      For example..
      People who have committed suicide usually come back in a new
      life, and have to live their problems all over again.
      So they are often very deep in depression.
      But now with the extra burden of the life before that.

      There are also trickster-spirits who connect to these
      previous traumas. And they can fill in their own trauma
      and their own memories. And strengthen religious beliefs.
      If someone gives up on life, a spirit can also take over that person’s life.
      Some even get multiple personalities.

      The spirit-part is where a lot of confusion about previous lives
      comes from. Because now we also get spirits trying to play human again.
      Usually they repeat their own life and cause additional traumas.
      These people can get psychosis. Or get very religious (in any form).
      Or both.

      Spirits can be felt as stress just outside the body of a person.
      The soul is more like a peaceful loving energy.

      • Everyone has many lives here.
        A soul has a few patterns that are repeated every life,
        until it has been healed.

        There are different layers of choice.
        But any choice is actually within the illusion,
        just as any “creation” in this world.
        The illusion is the experience of not being one with god.
        If you are one with god, you make the same choice as god,
        so there is no other choice.

        The illusion is not a useless experience, for some reason..

        There are different experiences of
        “god”, “infinity”, “unity”, “source”, etc.

        A human experiences a “god” any time he/she experience
        a being greater than himself/herself can perceive.
        In India people experience many gods, and most cultures did
        that in the beginning.
        Many religions mention different gods,
        like Yaweh, Jehova, Allah, Rama, Krishna, Baal, Elohim,
        which are like different beings.
        Some churches have their own kind of god-experience.
        Some humans (and cats) are regarded as incarnation of god,
        or representatives of god. From Pharaoh to Guru to prophet or son.

        And mixed in are many spirits that are interfering with
        that experience.
        In my experience, most Indian gurus are Shamans that have
        incarnated again and again without returning to light.
        They (unknowingly) collect the spirits of their followers,
        who think that they are in some kind of heaven.

        There are also Angels on different levels.
        They are actually easy to contact.
        They give us glances of the real experience of god in the world.
        Like the beauty of a sunset, or the birth of a child.
        Not bound to any religion.

        Here is a video of many different people who have
        Near Death Experiences.
        They are just experiencing very different levels.
        Each attuned to the experience that they needed for their lives.
        In the same way a new life is an experience for the soul.

        • Zyxzven

          “…A human experiences a “god” any time he/she experience
          a being greater than himself/herself can perceive….”

          That makes no sense.

          By that logic a super smart AI would be a ‘god’

      • zyxzevn

        If you can remember “most” of your previous lives, but obviously not all of them, how do you know there were some that you cannot remember?


  8. I am just off to watch “The Truth about Oppenheimer” now, thanks for the link.

    As to “Oppenheimer” itself someone dragged me out to watch it and it WAS a pretty decent move even if its far too long and visually looks like its made by the same folks that did ‘JFK’ back in the 90’s….. my personal take was that the whole movie was nostalgia bait for Boomers and GenX’ers who miss the days when we SURVIVED the shadow of the mushroom cloud- a scary experience is always more fun when you know that you lived thru it.

    The real question is….whats the truth about ‘Barbie’?
    The best take I’ve heard is that its a dystopian horror about oppressed ‘Kens’ and their struggle for freedom. 🙂

    • That Video Essay was well worth watching…. I read Gen. Leslie Groves book about overseeing the Manhatten Project a loooong Time ago and as I recall he wrote that they we concerned that The Germans might lay down a radiological barrier to the Allied advance.

      They wanted to keep it quiet, and so just told medical in Allied forces in Europe to keep an eye on for a ‘Reportable disease’ , listing the symptoms of Radiation Sickness. They also asked for Quality Control reports if X-Ray film was getting ‘fogged’.

      Here is his book “Now it can be Told”. I’m gonna miss the Internet Archive when it goes away.

    • Duck, thanks for the movie review.
      While I doubt that I will see it, Oppenheimer and Barbie are the media rage right now.
      I view movies, film and TV as having an impact on the culture.

      I’m certain that the studios influence the media hype.
      The Studios and the “workers in the industry” are in an unprecedented wrestling match right now, and both sides are suffering.

      Earlier this month, Fran Drescher stated:
      ”We are being taken advantage of in a terrible way. And if we let this happen to us, dollars for donuts, it’s going to happen to you, and your family, your children, and everybody that you work with too. That’s how threatening this moment is in our nation’s history.”

      • HRS
        “….I view movies, film and TV as having an impact on the culture…..”

        They really do.
        I wonder what people Pre-Hollywood would have made of all us weak minded moderns with 30 second attention spans?

  9. RE: “The Revolt of the Pawns”

    No doubt, “there is a global political awakening taking place”.

    — Corporatocracy —
    I think that the Corporatocracy, Wall Street and Central Banks contribute strongly to the fog of war.
    An incredible amount of influence emanates from the billionaire club.
    Ironically, the Corporatocracy is so ubiquitously woven into our society, that it goes largely unnoticed for the control and domination that it holds.

    Wall Street has now adopted the term “Magnificent 7” for these top corporate players: Meta, Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft, Nvidia, & Tesla, which have a combined market value of $11 trillion. They and other mammoth corporations literally move the stock indexes. After The Federal Government, Walmart ranks #2 as the largest employer in America.

    Robert Hare co-authored “Snakes in Suits”, which delves into the corporate psychopathic tendencies.
    Just as with government entities, we should recognize that the Corporatocracy does not have an altruistic mission goal of benefiting man’s humanity.
    Despite their veil of pretense, we all are expendable feedstock.
    The Corporatocracy wields tremendous influence over society.

    With the intentionally caused current inflationary environment, the average person is being squeezed even more.
    There is pushback.

    Currently in Hollywood, the Actors and Writers are on strike against the studios. When a person delves into the situation, one discovers just how evil and sociopathic these studios are. It is shocking.

    July 22, 2023 – Zero Hedge
    “Summer Of Strikes”: 650,000 American Workers Threaten To Walk Off Job

    I kind of look at the past 3 years like a major grift, a “deceptive confidence game”. Globally lock down businesses, control people, mandate product consumption, destroy supply chains and free markets, put the public into outrageous debt by injecting massive quantities of fiat which the Corporations devour, and then watch the resulting inflation further suppress the common person.
    And it is not over… The Federal Reserve is trying to put people out of work (their public statements).

  10. I agree 100% with James’s portrayal of Brzezinski. The degree of manipulation here is quite disgusting. Well, it is impossible to tell if the Afghans actually believed him as he played on their religious feelings when addressing them back in 1980, or perhaps it was pure pragmatism on their part (they were promised weapons and cash to fight the then pro-Russian government in Kabul). Reading about these events brings personal memories to me, as I visited Afghanistan a few times between 1977 and 1979, the last time just a few short months before the Russian invasion. After that, it became impossible to visist. It is very tragic to see what happened to that country, with people like Brzezinski being to blame.

  11. That globe with the chess pieces on looks like one of those CGIs of the scary ‘coronavirus’.

  12. “I can get half the working class to murder the other half.”

    Industrialist, Railroad tycoon 1890’s America during the Guilded Age when the steamline and telephone were all the rage.

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