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In case you haven’t noticed, no one is watching TV anymore. Or, if they are, they’re watching snippets of it on viral videos because of trolls inserting memes into TV broadcasts. What does this mean for the nature of the propaganda that is being fed, and does this represent another point at which we could insert propaganda with a purpose to help wake up others to the big truths of our age? Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave their feedback below.
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Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself – Dog Dude Epsteined Them!
Regardless of the medium, humour continues to be an indispensably powerful weapon for dispensing Truth unto the masses. Who are all the cool kids laughing at on SNL this week? Many, possibly most, are motivated to NOT wind up on the wrong side of the argument du jour; better to give than receive.
m.clare says:
…humour continues to be an indispensably powerful weapon for dispensing Truth unto the masses….
That’s funny.
Alexander ; Im trying to understand this Meme thing, which to me is harder than your native tongue and a lot less beautiful to listen to.
I saw this today from The Real News.
If you by chance go to the local domino parlor for a game and some refreshment.
What’s the local buzz on the latest Lula version? I know you are keenly awake and how you feel on voting and such but has Lula become a Meme being used by the establishment?
Here in my backwater town the locals are programmed to a common narrative and just repeat the narrative.They really consume everything the MSM feeds them. Biden la la Barney…lala Trump..lala La la. Like zombies. They have a belief their ideas are all original.
We have a saying here ” like a screaming me-me” which really means a froth-at-the-mouth lunitic. That’s what I think about Meme-s .Im getting off track here.
I see the Machiavellian potential of Lula being recycled here. My wonder, is it more important where he ends than where he is perceived to be going.?
Are the Lula supporters brainwashed as my backwater fellow citizens are here. Brainwashed is to harsh, I really mean uninformed as to how manipulated they are by the establishment. Can(my fellow zombies) they be deported to Brazil with the hope things won’t effectively change the local dynamics. Im willing to trade at a huge discount. Now Im displaying the common narrative Meme . Never mind Im way off track. Bon dias.
Well, that took me by total surprise and made my morning for about 10 minutes until I read manbearpig’s astute reservation (that critter has excellent instincts!).
Picking up along those lines, the hesitation I had in my moment of bliss was that such outbursts by the peasants can’t and won’t be tolerated. Obviously there needs to be a solution to this crisis: implement the social credit system!
“Bad citizen! Bad! You are digitally grounded!”
You laugh… but my Chinese bud was telling me how he liked the freedom in china to walk in safety at night… I did offer that a gov strong enough to give you everything you wanted would take all you have but it didnt worry him.
He was so full of patriot pride even though he knows, and will talk about how, his gov murdered millions of people and is borderline evil.
He even agreed that most civilizations are people farms… which TBH no one minds except when the farmer stops sheering the sheep and starts buggering them
I’m not laughing Duck, just seeing the ever-increasing parallels between parents and their property (children) and states and their property (citizens).
N4×5, although it may not be 100% the case, it certainly is a real possibility. Insightful observation.
MBP: you are more accurate in your under 2 minute intuitive heart felt gusts of pro-offers. All the confusion of the mind are supplanted by the knowledge of the heart.
This is much better than the TV and gets the juices flowing better than a cup of coffee.
( u 2 Pearl)
Cryptogon posted another video by Project Veritas (I always feel like I’m being played when they release another “leak”). But this one is just odd. An info babe happens to let it all out right there on set? Thank God it was recorded and released by a BRAVE insider!
– BUMP –
Pearl, Glad you posted the video about the ABC REPORTER who had her Epstein story suppressed by ABC.
More here…
FOX NEWS shows the “Project Veritas ABC Reporter (Epstein) Video” and also talks about the “Syria Kentucky Shooting Range Fake News”.
We’re seeing that the MainStreamMedia is going after competing networks about the competition’s false and “hidden no-reporting” stories.
In reality, I believe that it is the Independent Media that is now often controlling the narrative and that the Independent Media is now often the “Authority Fact Checker”.
Like Corbett mentions…
It’s the era of THE MEME WARS.
The Corbett Report 10/15/2019
Kentucky is in Syria (and other anomalies of MSM geography) – #PropagandaWatch
MainStreamMedia networks ABC and CBS collude… …Epstein
EXCERPT from “Page Six” article written by Sara Nathan.
CBS News has fired a female staffer believed to have had access to the tape of Amy Robach raging against ABC News, Page Six understands.
We reported on Wednesday that ABC News chiefs discovered a former employee could be behind the leak of the damning footage of Robach slamming the network for shelving her interview with Jeffrey Epstein’s “sex slave” Virginia Roberts Giuffre. Sources told Page Six that a former staffer had access to the footage of Robach as she aired her frustrations over a hot mike — and that employee was now believed to be working at CBS.
A TV source told us later on Wednesday that the woman was let go from CBS, after ABC execs alerted the rival network….
Zero Hedge – Nov 7, 2019
“CBS Sided With A Pedophile”: Network Fires Staffer Who Had Access To Robach-Epstein Rant
Good video!
A lazy suggestion.
+ I used to think our civilization has become a tragedy, but now I realize it’s a comedy. (or something like that)
Search resulted in the revelation that an adaptation was apparently used in the Joker movie “I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I realize it’s a comedy.”
+ white pill (concerning that, I hope some of you got the recent oceancleanup news; videos on their youtube, Boyan Slat my hero)
–>a mood swing
away from the apathy to relaxed humor and earnest striving with action (not just digital reaction)
Somewhat a maturation to It’s Okay To Be White or I Love CO2 out on the streets with posters. Winnie Pooh costumes for Blizzard or China and Pepe in Hongkong.
to Rusty Shackleford filming pedo island (and groypers confronting TPUSA)
I see 4chan and 8kun as important
and the gamerworld
is has become more organized but also more spontaneous and decentralized – just more action along less chaotic, more teleological lines
that they can reach pewdiepie via the subreddit (he read three epstein didn’t kill himself memes in his recent meme review, one of them including pedo) is also very helpful
and I mean he took action with dlive too (although it is not the platform we want) and others who are sick with youtube do it too, from investigating p-scores, forbidden words to the youtubers union
small steps change but nice to see
negative: Assange blackout
I like that perspective.
Epstein didn’t kill himself!
hugo is just playing on the meme.
There isn’t a doubt in my mind that one of the alphabet agencies created this whole “Epstein didn’t kill himself” meme. It’s spreading like wildfire and I’m seeing it in places where you wouldn’t expect. For instance, hearing someone regurgitate the meme on a voice chat in an online video game (I reluctantly still sometimes play those), to which I responded, “Epstein ain’t dead.” Lo and behold, immediate cognitive dissonance crept in and they could only respond in repeating the meme. It’s actually a bit frightening how easily people just regurgitate memes without thinking for themselves. Just look at this whole “ok boomer” meme that is again spreading like another mind virus.
As for the Epstein meme, I’m now under the impression that it was created in order to solidify the idea that Epstein is dead. It’s interesting timing to see the meme start spread around the same time Michael “Mr. Magic Bullet” Baden states that it looked like foul play was involved in Epstein’s alleged death. Or how about the Daily Show jokes around with Hillary Clinton about how she had him murdered? And now there’s this Project Veritas “leak” of an ABC reporter stating nothing new and that she believes that Epstein was murdered. Is it just me or does it feel like “they” are trying to repeatedly hammer a point into people’s minds?
“Organic” definition: “growth under its own steam”.
Here is my take.
Back in the summer of 2006, 9/11 Truth was exploding.
The Google Stats showed it.
The video views showed it.
You could see it by the number of participants, both in the real world and in the virtual world.
It was grassroots. There is no way that “The Powers That Should Not Be” were pushing that topic in 2006.
I believe that a lot of the Epstein topic is organic.
“Organic” definition: “growth under its own steam”.
Many folks are climbing on to this Epstein topic by their own volition.
Sure, people can be manipulated.
Despite manipulations, there are certain things that can rile a population organically.
Hong Kong Haiti Lebanon Algeria Chile Indonesia Yellow-Jackets Catalonia Iraq Venezuela
Lots of protests in lots of places.
A lot of folks are getting fed up with the “Authorities in Power”.
I’m fed up too. I think all of us here at Corbett Report are fed up.
It’s organic.
[SNIP – please don’t leave links without titles or explanations as to why people should click on them in the comments. – JC]
In a few years the truthers will fight over if epstein died or if he was whisked away and NO ONE will care what he actually did or WHO ELSE was involved.
Its the 9/11 ‘THERE WERE NO PLANES!!!’ vs ‘MICROTHERMITE’ vs whatever again… if you cant hide the truth you blow smoke and make theorists fight over the details like theologians arguing over minor points until no one believes or cares what the bible said 🙁
Hi all,
A fellow old curmudgeon here
This is my very post on the Corbett Report although I’ve followed James and this website ever since the heady days of his appearences on RT. Just as a possible counter to MBP. What makes these memes interesting is unlike say, the Ice Bucket Challenge. There hasn’t been a great deal of mainstream media coverage about this. Which is usually, a dead give away of alphabet agency influence. It could well be these memes were created by the CIA et al, or it could be a real, honest to goodness, grass roots internet movement with people rebelling in one of the the few ways they know how. Time will tell.
That said, I’m alwys reminded of just how controlled people can be, and how quickly they can jump on the bandwagon when in comes to the the internet and their devices.
Pokemon Go causes stampede in Taipei, Taiwan
What would Edward Bernays have to say on controlling the views and habits of the masses on a medium like the internet. I believe he would say that there are too many independent sources of information not under the auspices of the ‘invisible government.’ So censorship will rapidly increase while controlled opposition will have to be reestablished so that these new sources of info cannot be distinguished from trusted independent sources which will be sidelined and then removed. The golden days of the net are numbered. Eventually look for out and out censorship of sites like the Corbett Report and not just the obfuscation of such sites. If we look at the Technocracy in China we get a full view of what is coming to the west. Who would dare take in a Corbett Report podcast if it meant you social credit score would be lowered enough that reeducation was the likely result? If the state wants to play hardball it can and will.
Remember kids ‘the state exists to enforce the dominance of elites, all the rest being propaganda, misinformation, obfuscation and/or terrorism up to and including total war.’
Your observations are entirely correct in my opinion. The only question is the time frame.
Blad-Cooly; I think we only have to look back at the Bilderburg meeting a couple years ago. The agenda list, I think we are seeing the response to ” surviving the post-truth world” . it may not have actually said surviving but I feel if it was on the agenda they were preparing to survive the onslaughts of innovative people to circumvent all their traps and control machinery they have put into place. The cheap tricks of the past where not going to cut it in the post truth world.
This popped up on my radar and as far as technocracy, energy, and atomic energy(MBP) Climate Tax and anthropomorphism solutions memes go , this will certainly have to be dealt with. Hopefully not as it was in the past. Remember the Water Powered Car inventor who was poisoned dead in a restaurant by GM hit men in Michigan.
MBP- Alex , more low hanging fruit. I kinda like this Brain Scratch approach to Stanley Myers’s life-death thingy. He needs to do one on Boneca. 42 ? Molybdenum? Lost and can’t sleep till you esplain, just a little clue to the enigma 42 ???
MBP, la de luxe connaissance connoisseur est Saturnine nuit.
Something won’t let moi open out tube.
Bummer; another enigma. 42! duh!
‘…The golden days of the net are numbered..’
maybe, but what were those golden days?
People knew the truth in the pre-TV days of Father cooghlin ‘the radio priest’ …. this crackdown is a repeat of when they put the WW1 truthers and the prophets of WW2 back in the box. Those who backed him melted away after pearl harbor
They really dont care about most of us- they just need to keep MOST people either ignorant or distracted and confused or demoralized and inactive.
Dig into what keeps happening and you will see that this is a Spiritual deception issue above everything else
As to China; I found in the dusty old books a commentary footnote from 1888 in Burrell ” The Religions of the World”.
Confucianism:” that by pursuing the plain and practical duties of the hour man can actually make this world itself the kingdom of God.-that the harmony of the universe is to be found, not in some transcendental, timeless sphere, but in the completed results of those seemingly trivial acts which make up the Moral History of the Individual Human Soul.” What are the characteristics?
1. Filial Piety- The system sets out with the idea of Social Order as Prerequisite to the Ideal Government. Its basis of obligation rests on the secular power*. In most other religions the leading idea is God. There is no God in the religion of China. It is purely political. The aim of Confucius was to reform the Government of China, which he conceived might be best accomplished by the reviving of certain healthful principles which had prevailed in the traditional Golden Age.
** ” THe Chinese does not first ask where Spiritual Intelligence dwells, and then confess that to this he must submit. But he starts with the belief in Government or Society, and then demands that All study or intelligence should be applied to the preservation of it.”
F.D. Maurice, Religions of the World. pg. 86
We will see a revolution in China before we see a war of aggression by China on another land. Pray the rural population acts to bring moral center to their Government as we struggle to return our government to the Golden Age of 1774-1812.
Just a thought on the end game of China.
The end game ? Of course its technocracy by the ruling establishment. The characteristics of Confucianism are 3.
1. Filial Piety as explained above.
2. Veneration of Learning
3. Conservatism
All of these fit well with technocracy. Social order is a prerequisite. Rulers, experts, science committees and drones.
“All study and intelegance should be applied to the preservation of it.That is the Society / Government. Inseparable in China.
Is this what Rockefeller brought to the Chinese establishment through the Institute of Pacific Relations in the 30s? Carroll Quigley had a lot about China in Tragedy and Hope. Technician he called managers.
MBP , so there is no misunderstanding , I wish I had original brains to make that observation. It is a quote from 1888.
The Book was produced by the trustees of the Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath Work. In 1888 For? Wait for it… Drumroll please…The Masonic Temple of Scottish Rites. A how to primer tool for the Masonic Temple crusades.
Fascinating read like a road map to the essence of each lands under their religions.
The Religion of Aancient Egypt
The Religion of Greece
The Religion of Norsemen
The True Religion
To conquer a land you must know the fabrics that hold it together….pure covert intelegance found in every. Masonic Boardroom.
I think memes are being used in a productive way, but of course they are being used for unproductive ways. For example, one meme I see in the comments section of 9/11 YouTube videos is: “7/11 was a part time job.” Oh hardy har what a knee slapper. Whether commented and promoted by intelligence operatives or just by ignorant people, memes such as these can have some affect.
What a wonderful, informative, and humorous presentation all wrapped up in a lovely package!
Certainly, Meme culture is something the MSM is still wrapping its head around (note the NPC meme of recent times).
It is certainly a sign of the deteriorating viewership that has transpired in recent years (though I still have some Gen X friends that watch Fox and other cable news outlets).
I laughed when you did the “show of hands” bit…certainly, I praise the day the MSM goes away! That rhymed…
Ethan 🙂
I’m an old (male) geezer, and an occasional curmudgeon.
Glad to see you participate as a Corbett Report member.
Thanks for being here.
ha! Me too. Sometimes, there are those around me who sometimes would like to snip my rants.
I know how it is when you are in a rush when posting a comment.
I think it’s much along the same vein as those getting their news from headlines, people will approach the memes with the same pre-conceptions built up by exposure. This is just as likely to be dismissed by some as ‘just a meme’ as accepted by others are a depiction of the truth.
What will be interesting is the gratuitous intrusion of truthful thought, and whether it will (be allowed to) have a cumulative effect, resulting in changed opinions. By truthful thought, I mean asking the questions or positing a suggestion that may lead to a wider understanding.
My personal experience, living with a stifled (because of me) SJW, is that this will have little effect when it does not jibe with the expected “truth” one is looking for.
Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose. N’est-ce pas?
‘… who’s very skeptical about so-called rebellious “grass-roots” movements and memes:…’ Very true. all the way back to the french revolution.
‘…My climate change alarmist warrior physicist friend truly believes that if we don’t do something right now we’ll have tsunamis of Bangladeshi blood on our hands soon;…”
Try him on offer to argue with him about the video AFTER he’s watched it. Sadly I think it takes years of seeing history change and claims repeated before people start to realize they are being fed a religious idea.
Its funny because according to Dr Dutton ‘the jolly heritic’ people become more religious when stressed and today we have a weird situation where traditional institutional religion is weak and so people are taking up weird new ones (made to look strong and “popular” by special funding) like climate change and SJW-ism
So true… though I wonder if the real reason is the so called ‘alice in wonderland’ thing where you break people’s grip on reality, leaving them with nothing to build a mental structure upon… people who dont trust their family, clan, government or religious leaders are weak like the scattered tribes the Romans crushed in detail.
That would even explain why things like the corbett report and others exist… allowed to show the perversion of the ruling class so that when the ‘real’ hidden master shows up to save us people will fawn on him/her.
Constance Cumbey was so right in her hidden dangers of the rainbow
The issue with the net happened to Ham Radio, IRC chat, phone in bulletin boards, CB and every other medium since the printing press… the normies flooded in to see what what was there and that made it economically viable to give them cheep entertainment to keep then snoozing…. Native language Bibles that crashed the church became pulp thrillers and naughty books…. always the 1st generation that has pre-medium skills does cool stuff and then the idiots (in the traditional sense…people who pay no attention) come in and drown out the good work and cool ideas in a mess of cheep entertainment and social posturing…. even linux was cooler before people like me were able to make easy us of it
Nazi films about masons may be made by evil nazi’s… but the best propaganda is, after all, the Truth….. 39 min is when the dudes talking that matters begins (better quality)–NationalSocialistAnti-freemasonryFilm
The geeks who make things unpleasant for the non initiated are like the lawyers and doctors who make up big words so regular folks dont understand them or the gangs that demand a hazing initiation… lacking status and lacking their own social/biological reproductive coolness edge they make a clique that elevates them above others… human nature from the masons to the CFR
It’s not just an age thing, you have to be handicapped to watch TV these days.
Either too mentally handicapped to notice how terrible it is or too physically handicapped to reach the off button!
He wasn’t saying everyone who’s old is watching TV; he was saying that the majority of the people still watching TV are (or will soon be) the old grandpas & grandma’s who never had any kind of awakening, and will likely be staring at the boob tube til they die in front of it, regardless of what’s on it.
Well…when it is time for me to go to the nursing home, I hope I can watch reruns of “Rawhide” and also “Leave it to Beaver”.
But the real thrill for me will be to get my walker and with a two-step, sneak over to Grandma Betty’s room for a some old folks’ whoopee.
Sorry but Soylent Acres only plays a 24-hour loop of Zero Dark Thirty & Obama speeches with 15-minute pharma ads spliced in.
And there’s a 50/50 chance Betty will be transgender.
James, in each era as information delivery moved forward awakening the masses and the public became better educated, the newer form of delivery outpaced the reining authority’s ability to slow and/or stop the movement of information resulting in a loss of control that had to be regained. Information is power in any age.
If you have the time and the inclination I’d like to see this prop subject expanded to include a short up-front historical perspective noting the primary delivery method of information in each era and actions taken by authorities to block and/or control that delivery as the medium rapidly changed–TV, radio, printing press, the Vulgate, stained glass windows and so on.
BTW–this propwatch was a great lead-in. As always, thanks for your work.
Hate to be a negative nancy but the social media sites are now mostly heavily controlled by deep state bots & shills.
On reddit, for example, these memes are getting enormous numbers of upvotes on subreddits that are highly controlled; subreddits where things typically only get such a degree of upvotes if the deep state permits it.
My point being that this might be an effort to make the Epstein case itself into a meme then burn out that meme to a point where nobody wants to see it or hear about it anymore; and people become reluctant to post about it out of fear of being unfashionable, or chastised for being obsessive.
Then again, if that is the plan, maybe things won’t go according to plan. Maybe it will backfire.
I subscribe to this point of view as well. This thing looks staged. Maybe it was organic at one point, but it’s showing up way too much.
Thanks for taking the time to write all that. Several good points in there, and more in line with the vibe I’m getting.
“I alone feel this torment…I’m surrounded by morons.”
Here is the Twitter video of the message at the airport which reads:
“Airport is paging Epstein Coverup please meet your party at terminal two east by American Airlines”
Most likely Epstein retired. If you want a rich playboy with an entourage of young women, most of them too young, so you can compromise rich and powerful people, you need a man in the age of 40 or 50, 60 plus is too old. 30 is too young to be a billionaire who earned all his money by himself. The retired Epstein should be dead in everybodies mind, suicide, homicide, whatever, but dead for sure.
And all this speculation about what really happened to Epstein, takes the attention away from his partner in crime, who nobody seems to talk about anymore, Chislaine Maxwell. Will she get away with it?
Alex, Como estas? This gives me a head ache. As my painting maestro said to me once ” stop with the mental masturbation and enjoy the love making. ”
Intellectual masturbation maybe correct on all points here with Bland’s film, but let the music speak for its self. You might as well apply eugenics to the discussion. This is like trying to apply human characteristics to a dog and like Eugene McDanials says in his ” Compared to what ” lyrics.; ” I hate the smell of that stinking mutt, I can’t use it. Try to make it real compared to what !”
Climate emergency!!!
10,000 scientists warn about climate change.
11,000 ‘scientists’ warn about climate change? FAKE NEWS! | Ezra Levant (Rebel News)
It is a clear logical fallacy anyway, but
it is also based on a 1 page website where strangers can sign on.
Count me out. I can envision much better worlds to visit than Earth’s hostile environment.
This is pure gold lol
I wish people in my general area would debate this issue, I’d stuff this one down their throat.
Z-man; I can just see how fast the specter of politics, that haunt this pseudo science thought, would be gone in a flash if the culling of over population starts with the first 2 or 3 signatories of this manifesto. The science would return to equilibrium of truth in the remaining 10,997 charlatans almost as fast as you could whistle Dixie.
This is a disturbing proclamation by this group. What were they thinking? Some payday? Religious Sainthood?
Good find zyxzevn!
Ezra Levant does it well when reveals some of the Canadian “non-scientists” who signed a putzy webpage entitled “The Alliance of World Scientists (AWS)”, placed there by the College of Forestry, Oregon State University.
On the website…
“World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice”
Oregon State University has formally endorsed the Scientists’ Warning with a joint resolution (pdf) of the faculty senate and the student government.
The collection of signatures for this project is currently closed.
Nonscientists are now invited to endorse the World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: a second notice at the companion website where both individual and organizational endorsements can be submitted and gratefully received.
The companion website is “ScientistsWarning.Org”
Evidently, the Founder is Stuart H. Scott.
Internet is basically not “ours”, no doubt.
But since 100% internet security is a pipe dream, that means, it’s not “theirs” either. The only possibility for them to fully control would be establishing outside control mechanisms like real name registration combined with social credit (China).
But even then loopholes could be found, because internet can’t be totally secure. Therefore, it will be always “abused”.
Memes have been thoroughly examined in commentaries here, I learned a lot.
I just have another observation. Memes are for those ones who just read headlines, who don’t have a need to scratch under surface, who somehow lost the ability to think.
For many in the age of information overload the only viable strategy to cope is to switch off.
That said, memes are not best strategy for us, I guess we would like thinking people.
Thanks for the link. It was difficult but I watched the talking heads lie to one another and to the public in their so-called queries about ABC motives. These people live inside a culture of lies. They do not know how to tell a truth. Makes me sick to my stomach to watch them; it’s truly repulsive. However, no amount of back peddling by ABC and their ridiculous but laughable ethics response will clear them. Of course, a MEME to tire the public is the only possible goal to pursue now.
YES. ABC held the story to support the election of the DNC candidate–CLINTON. ABC didn’t cared about or give a single thought to the other fact. Their 3-year cover-up of the Epstein story so their candidate could get elected represents more children being molested, raped and coerced (at the very least) by Epstein and his cronies who are STILL hanging out today in the US Congress, the US Senate, US law enforcement, various corporations and entertainment. AND that’s considering only the USA. Epstein was worldwide in his efforts to entertain his criminal buddies–hence Prince Andrew and threats from the UK palace. Not news.
The MSM has run many stories attempting to protect these pedophile men/women (almost entirely male but not exclusively as Hillary and the Maxwell woman participated) by saying these poor people were being blackmailed by Epstein. He’d have no reason to blackmail anyone if he didn’t have the goods on them. They deserve whatever they get for their personal actions taken. Their sole intention in Epstein’s play was to have sexual relations with children.
I’ve no problem saying BURN THEM ALL, which also begs the central lingering question. Did ABC’s executives take part in Epstein’s multi-million dollar business of trafficking and raping children?
Arby, you should remove the “www” from the url provided in your profile. It redirects incorrectly and throws a security error. Use instead.
If you need a hand setting up a new site, I may be able to help you. I have never used wordperfect but you know how they say, a man and an ass are smarter than just a man.
December 8, 2019
Notorious Duct-Taped Banana Exhibit ($120,000) Vandalized With “Epstien Didn’t Kill Himself” Sign
Now I have the munchies for a 500k fruit salad.
Salad of the Horus ™
I have to make several notes here:
a) we are the new terrorists. All of us. The war has come back home.
b) I find it fascinating how quickly global propaganda trickles down and translates into local swamps. Social distancing is already popping out from various local “news” outlets.
c) With schools closing, may we now expect some tax cuts?
That social distancing graph is eyewatering to say the least. I’m having an orgasm, heart failure and three cluster headaches all at the same time.
I bet that people involved in this model probably also made some notable models such as “global warming climate model” and “climate change climate model” and “musk is going to get to mars any day now model”.
#propagandawatch right here. There’s enough tropes here to disentangle for the duration of a standard feature film.
That’s to say nothing of the stresses on parents thrust into home-schooling their kids, people trying to care for elderly relatives without exposing them to the virus, people trapped in abusive relationships, and anyone without a financial cushion to deal with swings in income.
So, practically everyone.
We’ll see an explosion of new services in what’s already been dubbed the “shut-in economy.”
Will we see regular explosions?
So how can we live in this new world? Part of the answer—hopefully—will be better health-care systems
Yes, better to be reliant on the health system than healthy. There’s a pill for everything. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn’t, and discriminating—legally—against those who are.
Take that axe and jam it in my head. Just make sure you really get in there on the first hit, I don’t want to squirm.
Israel is going to use the cell-phone location data with which its intelligence services track terrorists to trace people who’ve been in touch with known carriers of the virus.
There would be temperature scanners everywhere, and your workplace might demand you wear a monitor that tracks your temperature or other vital signs.
an identity card or some kind of digital verification via your phone, showing you’ve already recovered from or been vaccinated against the latest virus strains.
Dear lord.
We’ll adapt to and accept such measures, much as we’ve adapted to increasingly stringent airport security screenings in the wake of terrorist attacks.
You don’t say. At least conspiracy nutters are not the only ones to draw this parallel.
The intrusive surveillance will be considered a small price to pay for the basic freedom to be with other people.
“Thank you”, mbp.