The Looting Conspiracy

by | Aug 28, 2023 | Newsletter | 42 comments

If you’ve been following the news, you’ll know that shoplifting and looting have been on the rise across the US in recent months, with retailers from San Francisco to Portland to Washington, D.C., forced to close up shop in the face of mounting losses from the spate of increasingly brazen burglaries.

And you’ll probably also be aware that the phenomenon is not confined to the US, with businesses in Canada and the UK and France and Australia and elsewhere similarly reporting an increase in robberies and theft since the scamdemic.

And you’ll doubtless have heard the various explanations for this phenomenon doled out by the faithful media mouthpieces of the controlled two-party paradigm:

It’s soaring inflation and the cost of living crisis that’s causing desperate people to turn to crime!

No, it’s the godless Commifornia politicians and the “woke” defund-the-police mob who are to blame!

No, it’s the scamdemic lockdowns that caused people to forget basic civility!

No, it’s the illegal immigrants!

No, it’s an organized conspiracy of retail workers!


Of course, there are grains of truth in all of these explanations, but none of them get to the real heart of the matter. So, what’s really behind this explosion in retail theft? And, more to the point, what do the powers-that-shouldn’t-be have in store as their “solution” to this (generated) problem? The answers may surprise you.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 13 issue 24 (August 27, 2023)

by James Corbett
August 27, 2023


Although the reality of a surge in shoplifting is disputed by some, it’s getting harder to deny that dramatic acts of retail theft are becoming more commonplace in this era of the Brave New Normal.

Just ask retailers in California, where increasingly audacious acts of looting and pillaging are being committed by groups of thieves—and, in some cases, even organized flash mobs—on a daily basis.

And the robbers aren’t just targeting luxury retailers (though they certainly are targeting them), they’re also going after mom-and-pop stores and local, family-owned businesses, too.

And it’s not just soft-on-crime California where burglary is out of control. Similar surges in retail theft are being seen in Seattle and New York and Portland and Chicago and Washington, D.C.

And it’s not just a problem in the US. Shoplifting is up in Canada and Ireland and the UK and even the Netherlands.

Heck, shoplifting has gotten so bad in jolly ol’ England that upscale supermarket chain Waitrose is now offering free coffee to police officers in a ploy to boost law enforcement’s presence at their stores.

So, what on earth is going on here? There are as many explanations for this seemingly global crime spree as there are talking heads and op ed writers.

Broadly speaking, commentators on the left blame the problem on systemic issues, from corporate greed and surging inflation to systemic poverty and oppressive capitalism.

Commentators on the right, meanwhile, pin the blame on progressive legislators’ decision to essentially decriminalize shoplifting and on law enforcement’s inability to establish law and order in the face of increasingly hostile anti-police sentiment.

As usual, there is an element of truth to all of these claims. But none of these factors are so fundamentally different than they were a few years ago as to account for such a surge in retail theft. Surely there must be something bigger going on here, right?

Of course there is.

One interesting part of this shoplifting pandemonium that is only beginning to get attention is that retailers themselves seem to be adding to the problem. You see, not only is California’s Senate looking to pass legislation to stop employees from confronting shoplifters, but more and more companies are now adopting an official policy expressly forbidding their employees from intervening in the event of retail theft, no matter how blatant. Indeed, this past summer, Lowe’s and Lululemon both made headlines for firing employees who tried to confront shoplifters. And just last month a Colorado supermarket employee was fired for merely filming a shoplifter in the act (an action for which he was commended by local police).

At the surface level, it’s no surprise that big corporations and box store retailers would implement a no-confrontation policy. They’re worried about the legal liability they may have if an employee/shoplifter confrontation ends in injury or death. But there’s an even more fundamental question we have to ask if we want to know why corporations are firing their own employees even as they’re losing billions of dollars or why legislators are working to decriminalize shoplifting even as retail theft explodes or why the establishment media are effectively advertising to would-be thieves that they will not be prosecuted or even confronted no matter how blatant their criminality. And that question is: cui bono?


If you’re a regular person, you might wonder how corporations or politicians or law enforcement could possibly benefit from increased shoplifting. If nothing else, it’s a drain on the economy, isn’t it? And, if unchecked, it could embolden criminals to escalate their actions into the realm of aggravated robbery and violent crime, couldn’t it?

How could anyone possibly benefit from this criminality?

But let’s imagine for a moment that you’re not a regular, psychologically stable, law-abiding citizen. Let’s imagine instead that you’re a psychopathic eugenicist hell-bent on bringing in a technocratic police state, one in which you have total control of the economy and every transaction taking place within it. In that case, your agenda might be very different from that of the average person.

You may, for example, be an online business owner who wants to put regular, brick-and-mortar retailers out of business altogether.

Or you may be a technocrat looking for ways to get the public to accept increased biometric surveillance of their activities and to condition them into presenting their digital ID during every transaction.

Or you may be a central bankster hoping to get Joe Sixpack and Jane Soccermom to embrace the new cashless economy that you’re planning to foist on them.

And if that’s the case, then, boy, is a surge in shoplifting (or even the perception of such a surge) just the solution for you!

After all, what “anti-theft” measures are being implemented on the back of this retail crime wave?

Well, retailers are increasingly deciding to lock up their products, effectively treating shoppers as criminals-until-proven-otherwise and putting a further inconvenience in their shopping experience.

And, as a result, frustrated shoppers are turning their backs on brick-and-mortar businesses and vowing to buy everything on Amazon. (Or, more cynically, characters that may or may not be completely fictional are posting TikTok videos saying that they’re turning their backs on brick-and-mortar business and vowing to buy everything on Amazon and getting plenty of tabloid press coverage for doing so.)

Other stores are using the shoplifting scare as cover for putting up biometric scanners (for the purpose of identifying repeat shoplifters, you understand).

And yet others are using the threat of thieves as an excuse to expedite their cashless payment agenda, preparing the public for the future (or is that the present?) in which you’ll have to download an app or scan your palm print in order to enter a store and all the items you leave with will be automatically charged to your account.

Yes, as usual, the real action in this unfolding drama is in the reaction. Whether the problem of retail theft is authentic or completely synthetic, whether it’s a natural phenomenon or part of a grand conspiracy, whether it’s actually happening or just made-up media hype is beside the point. The point is that once you feel the problem to be real, the would-be social engineers know that they can present their pre-arranged “solution” to this problem to a terrified public and the majority will go along with it.

Of course we need to fingerprint and iris scan to shop in the real world these days. And of course we can’t use cash to make our purchases anymore. How else could we possibly solve the shoplifting crisis?!”


So, assuming we don’t want to go down the technocrats’ pre-determined route of increasing surveillance and cashless technology to “solve” the shoplifting crisis, what can we actually do?

One of the simplest things to note about the most brazen acts of organized shoplifting is that there is a common denominator to these events: they all take place in large urban areas. You don’t see flash mobs of dozens of people looting the local luxury retailer in Smalltown, Nowheresville, if only because such rural communities don’t tend to have luxury retailers. So, on the personal level, taking a cue from Jason Aldean’s recent surprise number one hit song, perhaps one way to insulate yourself from this problem is to relocate out of the big cities.

But on a broader level, we can (as usual) take our cue about which direction we should be heading in by simply doing the exact opposite of what the Powers That Shouldn’t Be want us to do.

So, if they want us to shun brick-and-mortar retail in favour of online shopping, we should be supporting the brick-and-mortar stores!

If they want us to submit to giving up our palm prints or downloading an app in order to enter their stores, we should boycott the stores that implement such systems.

If they want to reduce the shopping experience down to the most depersonalized, computerized, soulless interaction possible—complete with locked-down products and cashless payments and workerless stores—then we should be striving to create and support the vibrant, human, face-to-face interactions of the agora.

My readers will already know what this peer-to-peer economy entails: people transacting in cash or survival currencies in the free market, supporting local growers in REKO rings and farm shares, getting to know local businesses and choosing to support sellers who have shown that they will stand up against the authoritarians.

And you will already know how to do this: by meeting like-minded people, building community with them and engaging in buycotts to direct your resources (be that in the form of cash or complementary or alternative currency or precious metals or decentralized currency) toward those businesses you wish to support.

This is what the technocrats fear the most: that, rather than panicking and looking to governments and technocrats to “protect us” from the bad guys by treating us all as prisoners and locking down society with their technology of enslavement, we will take matters into our own hands, eschew the big corporations and government, and create (and police) our own marketplace of free human beings.

We know what we need to be doing, so what are we waiting for? Let’s go out there and do it.

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

A Synthetic Hegemonic Currency For a Multipolar Global Economy

The Great Game of Let’s Pretend + (China does its part)

Social Science as Theology

Recommended Listening

JBP Reacts to Court Decision (h/t mkey)

Recommended Viewing

What Bernie Supporters Don’t Understand About Economics w/ Dr. Art Carden

State of Control documentary

The COVID Lie That Started It All

Just For Fun

From a listener: Fun With Facts!


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  1. We need to start taking it back a notch. Less trash in our homes, less trash on the streets. Shopping is heroin for the masses.

    • “Shopping is heroin for the masses”…well said!

  2. I would like to see brick and mortar stores start requiring appointments to enter their store. Initially it would seem an inconvenience, until you compare it to having to wait for someone come unlock the container so you can buy a toothbrush. Two days ago a friend asked why Walmart, in a city that is probably purple, was locking up toothbrushes; prior to that point I didn’t know they were.

    • The U.S. is having an epidemic of theft (“shrink”).
      All the retailers are talking about it.
      I think that California paved the road for this new cultural phenomena, along with the inflation and poor economy for the working man.

      That said, U.S. retailers also have dramatically cut customer service personnel.
      Self-checkout and self-serve has become the new norm standard.
      Retailers might as well have a sign which says: “We don’t care about you, because you are only profit-cattle. Please don’t steal, because it is easy now.”

      • Home Remedy Supply

        The thing is that in a ‘High Trust’ Society you really could trust that most people wont make off with things just because its easy to steal…. there is probably a level on which the retail stores have not yet adapted to the new environment of low social cohesion that a super mobile native population and mass migration create.

        The adaptation would be slow anyway because there is not a mass of incentive for anyone to do something about the problem- esp. when its politically dangerous to point out who is doing the crime and the store executives and politicians themselves dont suffer any immediate cost to their own pockets.

        • ‘High Trust’ Society

          That is an extremely important point that you made Duck.
          From reviewing the past decades (an era where front doors were unlocked), we have really seen how society has degraded.

  3. Spot on, JC. The parasite class and their minions in the intelligence agencies and governments are only good at creating chaos and death. They create little that is good while acting as if they are responsible for all that is good. If I’m not mistaken, Lavrentiy Beria (head of the USSR secret police) ordered common criminals released from prison when he heard that Stalin had died. He knew that Stalin’s death would create a power vacuum, and it would be to his advantage to sow chaos. Fortunately, he failed and was shot.

    • Bio-Lenisism…. using the dregs of society in an alliance with the Elite to crush the middle.

      “….. And they are fanatically loyal to the Party because they are literal human garbage without the party. Without the ideology of woke and the massive power of the state to protect them, the bioleninist clients would be shit out of luck …”

      • Duck
        There you go again! You have delivered the answer to the question that has evaded me here for years. The laboratory they have been building here in Tulsa, Ok- now has a definite name, a qualifier,a description. It has had a Teflon coated shell on it for the last ten years. Something was always being shielded from view and parts always where obfuscated to scrutiny. Now I know it for what it is.


        Textbook laboratory. What a classic case of ,” just trust us “, ” Plan-it ( Planet) Tulsa” Sustainable, inclusive, freaks and fairies. Without remorse the homeless where moved to the fringes so the real garbage of the Party can urban renew the playpin of ideology.
        Well, now I find relief, thanks Duck. Quack. I can sleep better knowing why I moved away.

  4. “So, on the personal level, taking a cue from Jason Aldean’s recent surprise number one hit song, perhaps one way to insulate yourself from this problem is to relocate out of the big cities.”

    This is probably a good idea for those who have the means and opportunity to do it. But for those who don’t, those who for whatever reasons are going to continue living in large urban centers. Maybe adopting a small town attitude to some extent would be a step in the right direction.

    Now and then we hear about an individual who will stand up to criminal and antisocial behavior when they are a witness to it even at the risk of personal injury. Even in the cities.
    Sometimes their actions motivate others to stand with them. More often they probably stand alone.
    I’m sure that often they pay a costly price for doing whats right.
    Each of us has to decide what price is too high I suppose.

    We are living in a day when we are likely to be faced with risky decisions more and more often.
    Whether its being told that we’re not going to be allowed freedom of movement unless we are vaxxed and muzzled.
    Or whether its watching some lowlife blatantly commit a crime before our eyes.
    We have a choice as to how we react. With cowardice or courage.
    In our hearts we know how we should react.
    Not as if we were just another anonymous face in the crowd. But rather the same way we would if we lived in a small town where everyone knew us personally.

    What Price Freedom. What Sacrifice Honor

  5. In response to the first sentence of this article, I clearly have not been following the news as it’s the first time I’ve heard of this looting contagion.

    But then I’m from Smalltown, Nowhere, Wales and I’m not too concerned with things outside of our valley that don’t effect us. Mainstream Media is just a waste of time.

    Regarding solutions, I’m currently working on my land to accommodate small scale homesteads, free of charge. The demand has not yet materialised but I think it may come.

    Regarding the future, I’m reminded of the book by Arthur C Clark – The City and the Stars. A story about sealed technocratic cities were most people live and fit into the system. Outside the cities the “wild people” live, making their living and communities the natural way. Two societies living side by side but foreign to each other.

  6. The “everything goes in lockable cabinets” thing is definitely a trend in NZ. The newest supermarkets have more cabinets with doors than ever before. They are building a big new one near my house now which is of a brand that traditionally had almost nothing in cabinets, everything in an open warehouse style format. Will be facinated to see what this new one is like.

    • Its probably partially organic results of bad incentives- as long as the Executives and politicians and Upper Middle Class hipsters do not have to pay a PERSONAL price then virtue signaling how much you love the ‘down trodden poor’ (that you never have to see) pays off….the fact that its the down trodden poor (who are not drug addicted scumbags) and middle class who suffer lower quality of life is just a bonus, a kind of class war (see Revolt of the Elites, by Chris LAsch ) I actually think Mr Corbett said something like that when he wrote about Hillbilly Elegy but I may be confused.

      As well as being popular with the management class types it also is probably popular with the Elites since it destroys social cohesion and neighborhoods
      This is kinda like was with Black migration to break up Ethnic Catholic neighborhoods and drive those people into the suburbs where they became generic “white people” without a political identity. (seeo EM Jones book ‘slaughter of cities’)

      Diversity (acc. to Robert Putnam) lowers civic engagement and makes everyone distrust even members of ‘their own’ group….the way that Soros systematically funded D.A. s who were soft on crime and who harshly and very publically punish citizens for protecting themselves from crime creates the situation Mr Corbett describes where people cry out for the Gov to save them….. a good term for the use of this protected class of scum people is “Bio-Leninism”

      “…..Bioleninism is that same basic model of building a ruling coalition — a revolutionary army turned ruling party — from the losers and dregs of society. This time, however, mobilizing the working class didn’t quite work out. The working class in the mid-to-late 20th century in Western Europe and North America was well-off and well-respected. ……. (Dregs of society chosen)
      …..And they are fanatically loyal to the Party because they are literal human garbage without the party. Without the ideology of woke and the massive power of the state to protect them, the bioleninist clients would be shit out of luck ….”

  7. Davinna,

    Nice report of your experience there in N.H.. It must be a beautiful place in the summer time. Keep us posted when fall arrives.

  8. LOL, I just read that Postman Essay some days ago…. It was not bad but TBH I do not think he said better, or even as well, as CS Lewis did in “Abolition of Man”,

    I liked that he noted that the PRESTIGE of science is often used to cover ideology and personal preferences- a good study of that thru biography is EM Jones ‘Degenerate Moderns’, which explains why the modern world is so bad, being mostly the product of perverse minds.

    I also liked how he designated Science and Pseudo-Science- his desire for creators and narrators rather harks back to Lewises desire for a new kind of science even though Lewis “knows not what he is asking for”

    IMO in the essay Postman sounded like he was writing from ‘outside’ the ‘Tao’ that Lewis described, and was just grasping bits of it and holding them up as ‘good’ because of personal preference… he gives no actual reason for WHY anyone should care about anything, but maybe he does that in some other work- I have not read the other essays yet.

    He had some good quotes worth copying though- esp the one about the Brain not feeling pain….made me think of how Normalcy Bias is one of the biggest Psycolgical weapons. An example being that I know someone who PERSONALLY witnessed THIS YEAR a 60% rise in Autism in little kids over LAST YEAR and has been seeing a frightening rise over 20 plus years and NO ONE knows because no one told them to….I kinda think people could be dropping like flies from vaxx induced heart attacks and as long as the rise happens slowly people will just think its normal. 🙁

  9. Masterfully done, James.

    Best wishes to those who are building or patronizing alternative market places and forming networks of like-minded people.

  10. When ever my wife forces me to go to Walmart to get some big heavy thing she cannot carry and we end up in their self-checkout human coral set up (where about 500 cameras are pointed at you from all angles, you get told to line up in metal fenced lines in single file and some robot voice tells you when to move and how to scan your items I always think of this scene ( ) from a Terminator movie where the skynet robots have humans being processed into some kinda concentration camp.

    They usually have like one or two humans running the whole 20 person self checkout set up (typically a person from India that the corporation can abuse and coerce to work long hours via the threat of revoking their visa who speaks very little English). They are trained to scurry around and hover over your shoulder when you scan things, treating you like you are a convicted felon.

    I find the whole experience to be very demeaning, creepy and to be a substantial test of my patience.

    If they start asking me to scan my hand or my face or something I think I might snap and go all John Connar on the machine with the bossy robot voice

    • GavinM

      Well…if you lived in one of “the right” places you could just by pass that and walk out without paying 😉 Just make sure its below your allotted ‘theft limit’….lol

      More seriously, its a serious question as to when “normal” people in those areas will realize that paying the ‘make up losses’ prices for goods, when you can steal them is silly. That would lead to a total moral decay of whole classes of people

      • The “theft limit” is a real thing in some cities. Petty crime isn’t prosecuted and if you steal under some number (I think it’s a thousand dollars or maybe even two thousand).

        I’m sure people know that you could probably steal without legal penalty but it’s not worth the cost.

        There is value to a fair trade that some people don’t understand. This is why knowing where products come from and a local economy is better, more ethical and more rewarding at least for people who have a conscience.

        But making up for the theft, essentially subsidizing the dregs of society in high and low places becomes draining.

  11. Great article James, thanks for tying all these threads together in such a cogent fashion.

  12. A legitimate movement would be called de-militarize the police, but TPTSB would not find that has the same utilization as defund the police.

  13. our self-honing hologram, an unethical luncheon: the have-less’ steal. the have more’s stole. Those in the middle who get things done, are the meat in the sandwich.

    whether you steal with a shopping cart or a smile, whether its stolen handbags or stolen faith or stolen life, all point to the desperate worst that a human can be.

    I’m guessing that seeing whats driving humanity, as an expression of hyperdimensional conflict, may short circuit our already narrowed band of awareness. and so we trundle on, blind leading blind, bent and broke.

    • @vadoum

      Perhaps we can offer a remedy to the hyper-dimensional conflict through consciously engaging in the opposite of theft and stealing. Through discovering the gifts we were imbued with via the essence of our higher dimensional Self and the will of Creator and then sharing them with this world, we can become the embodiments of abundance, generosity, kindness, love, courage, truth and resilience.

      I just sent out a few dozen malus sieversii seeds to gardeners, permaculture designers and food forest creators in communities all over (that were freshly harvested from fruit produced by a tree I grew form seed). I did this to bring life and substance to the saying, you can count the seeds in an apple, but you cannot count the apples in a handful of apple seeds.

      Through recognizing and aligning with nature’s abundance (and encouraging it to proliferate) we are offered the opportunity to provide the antidote for a world living in the illusion of lack, want and scarcity.

  14. oops, nowhere to comment on the “who sponsors corbett” vignette? this comment is for that post.

    The question that continues to surface: how James do you crank out that much content alone ? Chapeau. (I give benefit of doubt and assume that all your practice keeps adding up, and when I’m focused on pounding nails, you put stacks of that time towards crafting syntax. I’d probably be able to complete poignant sentences too if I stopped spending so much time whacking stuff with a hammer. I did know a Uni english professor who would speak in well composed paragraphs.


    yeah, the pepsi logo is red white and blue, so is the brit, th’usa, the rusquero too (flags). lets not forget the corbett report logo, what couldn’t that impossibly mean?

    It is through you James that Ive considered that people can preach an anti-narrative, year after year without being censored (much), so long as the bigger agenda is getting served in some way: (controlled opposition)

    honey pot yielding a nice concise list of resisters?
    pointing at one bunch of idiots to avoid focus on another
    lotsa other dumb ways people try to hide their dirty tracks or bend public opinion/perception

    the boundary between critical thought and paranoia can blur mighty quick these days

  15. In my local WalMart (the most luxurious of our luxury stores), the only items kept under lock and key that I saw are computer/cellphone/games related and the aisle where minority beauty products are kept.

  16. Congratulations to New Hampshire, the most free state in the union.

  17. What a great article that ties back into the paradigm level social engineering project going on. Their solution to every problem seems to be slavery. I wish criminals could figure this out too. People just play right into their hands. So glad I live outside of a city (most of the time). It’s sad though because it used to be a really fun place to live.

  18. Damn, lawyers! All this litigation is killing liberty.
    When I was in Belem, Brazil for six months in 1990 I noticed that every store had an armed guard at the door. This armed guard would shoot shoplifters or any troublemakers. It was the Wild West.
    I suppose in the USA, a business could install a high-temperature incinerator in the back. If a shoplifter was caught red-handed, he or she would be dealt with and incinerated. No body. No crime.
    In Las Vegas theft is dealt with in many ways, mostly including a grave in the desert.

    • Timmy Taes
      “….In Las Vegas theft is dealt with in many ways, mostly including a grave in the desert….”

      Thats a good point that shows how Governments start off as thugs providing the service of security.

    • Lol. You make a good point about how the state impedes justice. I know Vegas in a moderate sized city now but there are smaller towns out there where I’m sure if the wrong person is messed with someone could vanish without a trace.

      In smaller towns there is a different attitude towards crime and smart people will be on better behavior than they might in other places. I’m usually careful not to cut people off when driving and also never intrude on private property. I don’t do this anyway, but I’m more cognizant of people’s greater power to exact justice away from civilization. And, I have noticed a similar degree of respect I’ve had in places like those.

    • Same way in the Philippines but the shotguns of most security guards didn’t have bullets

  19. Should be interesting if and when they implement mask mandates again 🙂

  20. I had no idea this is happening, and am grateful for your article.

    Since the big retailers are standing down on shoplifters, I wonder if the police are as well, like the firefighters are standing down on fighting fires?

    Keeping a good supply of basic necessities is a good idea in case the shelves are bare like they have been in the recent past.

  21. Just wanted to share something that might give many hope.
    I am sure many of you have heard of this

    The Rich Men North of Richmond

    Oliver Anthony Music

    James I am sure you will enjoy this. Hope it inspires you to write some great songs.

  22. I really enjoyed the 2 minute video: Fun With Facts by Tom Nicholson.

    Link is provided to Corbett Report Subscribers under this week’s article at “Recommended Listening and Viewing” – “Just For Fun”.

    • The COVID Lie That Started It All (4 minute video by Matt Orfalea) is pretty good.
      It underscores how corrupt and malicious the MainStreamMedia is, intentionally straining to paint a false narrative.

      This video link is also under “Recommended Listening and Viewing”.

  23. Thank you James for my first subscriber read! Astute and spot on! I saw this coming too, it’s the ‘create chaos by any means strategy’ for ‘making ze great reset’ more possible in the minds of the poeple…

    Keep sharing and keep loving folks,
    We are the ones we’ve been looking for.

  24. After working 8 years at a Kroger grocery there was definitely significant theft happening all the time from youth to elders. I stopped as much as I could because it just pissed me off, but we didn’t have good in store security personnel and were also told just to let the thieves walk. Cameras everywhere apparently were doing nothing. I finally quit in disgust of their entire outfit.

  25. I worked for a major retailer for a while as a cashier and refused to let people steal. I didn’t care about the people’s reaction or my employer’s. The locals who regularly stole went to other cashiers. I’ve busted my ass my entire life to be a positive part of society in as many ways as possible. I’m not perfect by a long shot, but I get tired of drugged up, smart phone staring meat suits making our amazing planet a hell hole. And sorry technocrats, I will never comply.

    • I often shop at Kroger for their selection of organic stuff, and because I really like many of the people working there.

      I feel ya, jcal.
      I think that often management does not appreciate employees who have a genuine concern.

      I’ve owned businesses in the past, and theft would really tick me off.
      Once, back in the mid-1980’s, I had some ladies working a women’s clothing store of mine in a rough section of Dallas. A guy came in and started shoplifting. The girls hovered, planned, then went out the front door as if they were checking the window displays (which had bars on them).
      Then they locked the front door (barred but with glass) with the thief inside and called the cops. He couldn’t get out. Fine ladies. I gave them some free merchandise.

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