The ICC Wants to Start Arresting Politicians! I Think That’s A GREAT Idea!

by | Apr 24, 2023 | Newsletter | 56 comments

As long-time followers of The Corbett Report will know by now, the International Criminal Court is that ridiculous, UN-spawned kangaroo court in The Hague that dispenses victor’s justice at the behest of its Western backers, spending its time exclusively prosecuting Africans and asking the hard questions about Gaddafi and Viagra while studiously ignoring US and UK and Israeli war crimes.

Well, guess what? Embracing the “diversity, equity and inclusion” mantra that’s all the rage in Western institutions these days, the ICC has finally gone out and issued an arrest warrant for a major European leader!

. . . If you count Russia as a European nation, that is.

That’s right. In case you haven’t heard by now, the illustrious international court of criminals has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin, accusing him of being “allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children)” and of facilitating the “unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.”

Now, while your average news consumer is busy trying to figure out why the ICC can’t stop bracketing the word “children,” I, for one, am too busy applauding to ponder such peculiarities of punctuation.

Yes! Arrest the politicians! What a brilliant idea!

But now that we’re taking the ICC’s idea and running with it, we’re faced with a new dilemma: who should we arrest?

So today, let’s put on our thinking caps, don our Saturnalian robes of justice and slip into our international law pants and come up with a list of politicians who should be rounded up and locked away forever for their crimes against humanity. Are you ready?

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 13 issue 13 (April 23, 2023)

by James Corbett
April 23, 2023


Yes, ICC prosecuters, I agree! By all means, let’s arrest Putin!

. . . But not for the trumped-up, phoney-baloney charges that the ICC has listed in its transparently political and obviously fraudulent “won’t someone think of the (children)!?” arrest warrant.

In reality, of course, the ICC’s warrant for Putin was based on a US State Department-funded report that debunked itself, and it was issued by a prosecutor who claimed political neutrality while speaking at Ukraine government-organized events and yukking it up with NATO member officials at a donor conference in London.

In fact, it’s so obvious the ICC is in the business of selling “justice” to the highest bidder that even The Guardian admitted the timing of the Putin warrant was calculated to maximize donations to the court. (For the record, the incredibly cynical move worked: the ICC ended up raising nearly $5 million from NATO countries to continue its work “holding Russia to account” for its war crimes in Ukraine.)

So, no, let’s not arrest Putin for those ridiculous charges. Instead, let’s bring some charges of our own.

For starters, we could bring him in to answer some questions about the Russian apartment bombings in September 1999. Then-Prime Minister Putin blamed the wave of bombings—which killed more than 300 people over 10 days in five separate events—on “Chechen terrorists,” using them as a pretext to launch the air bombing of Grozny that began the Second Chechen War.

Unsurprisingly to students of the history of false flag terror, however, it wasn’t long before agents of the Russian security service, the FSB, were caught red-handed planting bombs in an apartment complex in Ryazan. Naturally, the Kremlin claimed that the FSB agents’ foiled bombing attempt was part of a “security exercise” and the event was promptly covered up. Putin, meanwhile, proceeded to milk the trauma this false flag inflicted on the Russian population for all it was worth. His poll numbers skyrocketed from 2% before the bombings to 55% afterwards and by the end of the year he was installed as the new President of Russia.

Or why not arrest Putin for his whole-hearted, full-throated participation in the erection of the Russian biosecurity grid?

He has, after all, actively promoted the Sputnik V clot shot vaccination agenda, claiming time and time again that “we need to do everything we can to overcome this pandemic, and the best tool we have in this fight is vaccination.” He has repeatedly bemoaned the “insufficient” uptake of the clot shots by Russians, and his press secretary has declared that “any measures that can push more people to vaccinate are good” and “only vaccination saves from death.” Putin even went out of his way to remind Russia’s regional governors that they have the authority to coerce citizens into getting jabbed.

He has made biosecurity a key talking point of the Russia/China alliance that—we are constantly assured by certain sectors of the “alternative” media—forms the backbone of the new power bloc intended to “oppose” the NATO bloc tyranny. Putin has vowed that “particular emphasis will be placed on the fight against the novel coronavirus infection pandemic,” because this “ongoing pandemic” poses “a serious challenge to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” He has even signed agreements with Chinese President Xi Jinping to ensure “the deepening of information exchange on the subject of the COVID-19 pandemic and the strengthening of coordination when interacting at such platforms as WHO.”

And he has not only endorsed the erection of a digital ID system in Russia, but he actually urged the government to fast track the development of such a system (“the faster, the better”), warning that “such services are highly in demand, and you just need to accelerate their implementation.”

Need I go on?

Oh, OK.

Putin signed into law a biometrics bill that was illegally rushed through the State Duma. Under the guise of “banning” forced collection of biometrics, the bill in fact greatly expands the (World Bank-endorsed) “Unified Biometric System” introduced by Rostelcom in 2018 for collecting fingerprint, facial image, voice, iris, and palm vein pattern information on Russian citizens and places control of that biometric data in the hands of a private entity. As even pro-Putin Russian alt media warns, the bill is “deeply unconstitutional and creates the basis for building a ‘digital concentration camp’ in Russia.”

Plus, Putin has collaborated with his old pal (and “former” WEF Board of Trustees member) Herman “Sberbank” Gref in the rollout of the country’s biometric control grid. In 2021, Putin delivered the keynote address at Sber’s artificial intelligence conference—”one of the main global venues for discussing artificial intelligence,” Putin assures us—where he praised Sber’s efforts to use AI technologies to transform “healthcare and education, environmental protection and agriculture, industry and transport” and encouraged his globalist amigo to “accelerate the digital transformation across the board and as soon as possible move from isolated experiments and pilot initiatives to end-to-end projects with AI applications.” And, in case we didn’t get the point, Putin delivered the keynote address again at the 2022 conference, informing us that his “next goal on the horizon of the current decade is to ensure broader introduction of artificial intelligence.”

So, in short: yes, arrest Putin!

But why stop there? Since we’re already pissing off the 5D-chess-playing, MAGA-supporting, hopium addicts in the crowd, why don’t we just go the whole hog and arrest . . .


Now, before the red caps in the crowd start hyperventilating (“I always KNEW you were a shill, James!”): relax! Of course I don’t think The Orange Man should be put into an orange jumpsuit over some Stormy Daniels-related “campaign finance violation” horsetwaddle.

And if you think I’m talking about Russiagate then you haven’t seen my typically entertaining and hilarious (if I do say so myself) debunking of Russiagate.

No, that’s all left/right, Coke/Pepsi partisan political distraction nonsense. Instead, let’s arrest Trump for something of consequence.

Like what? Well, how about his work against American interests in the service of a foreign power?

No, I’m not talking about Russiagate, silly. As I observed back in 2017: “Forget Russiagate, The REAL Scandal Is Israelgate.”

Oh, you don’t remember Israelgate? That’s not surprising, since Russiagate was hyped endlessly by the same truthtelling truthsayers at the bastions of truthiness like CNN and MSNBC, and Israelgate was never mentioned once by those controlled corporate (fake) news networks.

For those not in the know, the ouster of Michael Flynn from his role as Trump’s national security advisor came when he “pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the FBI about his back-channel negotiations with the Russian ambassador.” But what was he “negotiating” with the Russians about?

Hmmm. Let me check my notes. . . .

Oh, that’s right! He was “negotiating” with the Russians about their vote on United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334. You know, the resolution that sought to condemn Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians? And what was he on the horn with his Russian counterpart about, exactly? Oh yeah, he was trying to twist the Russians’ arm to vote “no” on the resolution.

And who put him up to that task? Why, none other than the Son-in-Law-in-Chief, Jared Kushner, the wheeling and dealing Wunderkind whose family is so connected to Israel’s zionist likudniks that he once let Benjamin Netanyahu sleep in his bed (yes, literally) and who failed to disclose that he led a foundation that actually funded an illegal Israeli settlement (yes, really).

Oh, wait. Silly me! It seems Israelgate is all about Trump’s son-in-law and has nothing at all to do with Trump himself. I mean, it’s not like Donald J. Trump would ever sell out America in the interests of Israel, would he?

OK, I guess he did move the US embassy to Jerusalem, unilaterally altering longstanding US foreign policy in the region to implicitly endorse Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. And Donald “Make Israel Great Again” Trump did brag at every opportunity how he was a “true friend of Israel” who may be a “newcomer to politics but not to backing the Jewish state” and did gloat about how Israelis believe him to be “the King of Israel” and love him like “the second coming of God.” And he did make campaign endorsement videos for his best pal Benjamin Netanyahu (another unconvicted criminal who, come to think of it, should definitely be arrested!).

But he’d never sell out American interests in favour of Israel. Heaven forfend! I guess Kushner must’ve put Flynn up to that phone call all by himself.

So, what else can we arrest Trump for?

Well, how about his international war crimes in Syria? You know, the country that—like Obama (who should be arrested) and Bush (who should be arrested) before him—Trump continued to bombard for years in a completely illegal attempt at regime change? Or has the international community already forgotten about the Syria Strikes?

Remember the Syria Strikes? Convinced by the pictures provided to him by the Academy Award-winning White Helmets that Assad had indeed gassed the “beautiful babies” of Douma and apparently unconvinced by every shred of available evidence that this was, in fact, yet another false flag perpetrated by the anti-Assad terrorists, Trump lobbed 59 Tomahawk land attack missiles at the country in 2017 (adding $5 billion to the bottom line of his buddies at Raytheon in the process).

Or remember when Trump bragged about the “highly successful” (and highly illegal) raids he ordered as part of the years-long US-sponsored war crime in Yemen that he likewise inherited from Obama and gleefully expanded during his time in office?

These are undoubtedly offences of the highest order. But if we really want to arrest Trump for his crimes against humanity, why don’t we convict him for the very thing he’s proudest of: his role in the scamdemic?

Trump’s loudest defenders always conveniently forget that their orange hero came to office on the back of his willingness to discuss the vaccine/autism link and his promise to appoint RFK Jr. to chair a commission on vaccine safety but that under his watch vaccines became the greatest thing since sliced bread and an RFK Jr. vaccine safety commission was off the table because Bill Gates told him it was a bad idea.

They forget that it was Trump who ordered Operation Warp Speed and who called the MAGA jabs his “greatest achievement.”

They forget it was Trump who followed Fauci’s every dictate throughout the course of the scamdemic and allowed the shutdown of the country at the behest of the “health” tyrants.

They forget it was Trump who pulled off the ultimate vaccine bait and switch by removing funding from the WHO . . . in order to give it to Gates’ GAVI, the vaccine alliance.

Yes, if any world leader needs to answer for the crimes against humanity committed during the scamdemic, it’s Trump. Can you imagine if Trump actually were the hero that the QAnoners believed him to be? Can you imagine him calling out the scamdemic for the transparent sham that it was, instead of actively helping facilitate the deep state’s crimes? Neither can I.

But before the intellectually challenged dupes of the left/right political farce go and accuse me of being some damn commie-loving pinko for putting Putin and Trump on the arrest list, let me go ahead and call for the arrest of . . .


When it comes to Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., 46th President of the United States of America, there is once again no shortage of charges to place on the arrest warrant.

It would be tempting to arrest him for his incessant lying—from the Big, Consequential Lies (like the safe and effective injection lie and the pandemic of the unvaccinated lie and the economy is doing great lie) to the Small, Bizarre Lies. Remember when he randomly invented the story of playing college football for no particular reason? Or when he made up a story about being recruited by Golda Meir to help in the Six Day War? (Don’t worry, though; it turns out Corn Pop was totally real.)

But, on sober reflection, lying is (generally) not a crime, and we don’t want to set a precedent that would allow for Biden’s ilk to start arresting people for their speech, do we?

Perhaps, then, it would be more productive to arrest Biden for his crimes in Ukraine.

Now, I’m not just talking about his war crimes in Ukraine, or even the Ukrainian war crimes in the Donbas that the Biden administration is now actively supporting. I’m also talking about Biden’s pre-war crimes in Ukraine, from his son’s wheelings and dealings on the board of Burisma Holdings on behalf of “the big guy” to Biden’s own incredible on-camera admission that he threatened to withhold a billion-dollar loan guarantee to the Ukrainian government unless they fired the attorney general . . . who, as it turns out, was trying to prosecute Burisma for its corrupt practices.

But that is a long and complicated story that would no doubt tie up the courts for years, generating lots of boring testimony that the TikTok-addicted, fluoride-addled public would surely tire of before Biden’s inevitable conviction.

So why not arrest him for something far more immediately understandable (and immediately revolting), like his long and documented pattern of sexual assault and molestation?

Sadly, in this case I’m not simply referring to Tara Read, a staff member in Biden’s Senate office in the 1990s who accused him of inappropriate touching and of a specific act of sexual assault (and who was then subjected to intense scrutiny by the same types of people who tell us to “believe all women” . . . as long as those women are democrats).

And I’m not just talking about the photographs and videos of Joe Biden caressing grown women and making them visibly uncomfortable at various official functions throughout his career.

No, I’m talking about the multiple underage girls who have been inappropriately groped, fondled, caressed and even kissed in full view of the camera.

It’s important to understand that Biden’s sexual molestation of women and girls is not some fringe conspiracy theory, either. Entire websites have been set up to document these abuses. Heck, even his own daughter questioned whether she had been molested by the current resident of the Oval Office in a journal entry reflecting on the inappropriate showers Biden took with her at a young age.

Naturally, the establishment lackey media has (to the surprise of no one) run to Biden’s defense at every opportunity, with the consensus among the trendy, progressive, #MeToo-supporting Democrats being that “Uncle Joe” is just a bit hands-y and doesn’t realize he’s being inappropriate.

And besides, Biden teamed up with Lady Gaga to create trauma centres for victims of physical and emotional abuse, so he must be a good guy, right? After all, a credibly accused rapist in need of a PR pick-me-up would never engage in a cynical ploy to pollute the “Biden sexual assault” search results with feelgood stories about Uncle Joe’s trauma recovery centers, would they?

Yet, for the partisan political hacks, sexual assault is AOK when the man doing it is on their political team. Just ask Bill Clinton’s victims. I don’t run in those rarefied, elitist circles, so perhaps I just don’t understand such double standards. All I know is that—as the father of a young girl—if any man were touching my daughter like that he would have his face rearranged in short order.

So, yes: let’s get the ICC to issue one of those arrest warrant thingies for Biden, too, please.

But how can we talk about criminal presidents in need of arrest without talking about . . .


OK, OK, this one is a gimme, but really, are you gonna make a list of politicians to arrest WITHOUT including W? Of course you aren’t, and neither am I.

To be fair, I’m not exactly the first person to ever think of arresting Bush 43 for his crimes against humanity. There were those who lobbied for Bush’s arrest when he came to speak in Calgary in 2009, including Splitting The Sky (R.I.P.). As you’ll recall, Splitting The Sky even attempted a citizen’s arrest of the fiendish Bush fils . .  . but alas, the criminal slipped away.

Then there was the time that Bush was forced to cancel a trip to Switzerland to speak at a fundraiser for the United Israel Appeal after it was revealed that a number of human rights groups were planning to prosecute Bush for his war crimes, including his contravention of the Convention Against Torture to which the United States is a signatory.

The Canadians were back on the case in 2011 when the Canadian Centre for International Justice—citing the evidence in a 2006 UN report, a 2007 Council of Europe report, and a 2008 US Senate Armed Services Committee report, as well as the testimony of UN Special Rapporteurs Nowak and Scheinin and a 2009 admission by Cheney and Bush’s own 2010 memoirs—attempted to prosecute the 9/11-Criminal-in-Chief . . . but apparently “The Mounties always get their man” only applies when said man is not the psychopathic progeny of a famed international crime family. The prosecution was blocked by the B.C. government, and the election thief evaded justice once again.

Bush finally received his judgment in 2012, when the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission found George W. Bush guilty of war crimes in the illegal invasion of Iraq. Strangely enough, though, that hasn’t resulted in any country actually arresting him . . . yet.

But hey, Bush didn’t let Iraq’s complete lack of WMDs stop him from spilling the blood of millions of innocent Iraqis, so are we really going to stop trying to nab one of the prime war criminals of the 21st century just because it didn’t work the first few times? Of course not!

I suppose I should make it clear that this isn’t a partisan thing. Let’s arrest every living US president for their part in committing crimes against humanity and for their expansion of the American empire on the back of countless dead women and children!

And, while we’re at it, let’s nab their friends, too. Friends like . . .


If Bush deserves jail (and he certainly does), then surely Tony Blair deserves to be right there beside him as the war crimes tribunal begins.

After all, when Bush and Cheney and Rice and the gaggle of neocons in Washington were selling totally made-up “mushroom cloud” bullplop to the trusting American rubes, there was Blair, selling his sexed-up dossier and peddling his 45-minute fantasy and murdering David Kelly.

And when Bush was planning to stage a false flag event in order to justify war in Iraq, who was he conspiring with? That’s right: Tony “Aztec Rebirther” Blair.

And when it came time to sell the public on the Osama-did-9/11 myth, who did Bush recruit? You guessed it.

Then there was Blair’s own 7/7 false flag that was used to perpetuate the terror myth and his call to “crack down on future problem children before they are even born” and his repeated calls for digital IDs and vaccine passports.

Yes, there is no shortage of reasons why we might want to add Tony Blair to the list of dangerous political criminals who need to be thrown behind bars.

But hold on a second. Looking at this list, I notice something is missing: namely, estrogen!


Pardon me! I forgot this is <CURRENT YEAR> and that any list that does not include a woman (however that’s defined!) just wouldn’t pass muster with the equity and inclusion crowd, so let’s make sure we get a female politician in shackles, too, shall we?

Now, there is no shortage of lady criminals to choose from. We should definitely have an orange jumpsuit ready for our apprehension of Angela “Minsk Fraudster” Merkel, of course. And we shouldn’t forget about Sanna “I Definitely Wasn’t On Drugs!” Marin just because she’s been replaced as Finland’s chief pathocrat.

But if we’re going to go after recently departed female prime ministers, let’s start with Jacinda Ardern.

As with all of the others on our roster, there is no shortage of reasons to issue a warrant for the former Prime Minister of New Zealand, including her attempts to crack down on the free speech rights of citizens at home and abroad with a global censorship system.

And who could forget the New Zealand government’s participation in the crimes against humanity perpetrated during the scamdemic, like rampant discrimination against the unvaccinated and the institution of medical martial law at military-run quarantine facilities? After all, even New Zealand’s own courts ruled that Ardern’s government had acted “unlawfully, unreasonably and in breach of the Bill of Rights” in its enactment of an absolutely bonkers quarantine lottery system and that its vaccine mandate for Police and Defence Force staff was similarly a breach of fundamental rights and thus illegal.

But of all of the many crimes that Ardern presided over during her time as Prime Minster, one of the most egregious has to be the arrest of activist and Paster Billy Te Kahika and alternative media host Vinny Eastwood for the “crime” of protesting New Zealand’s draconian lockdown legislation. Not only were they arrested and held in custody for “offences against the Covid 19 Response Act,” but, as my readers may have seen by now, Billy and Vinny just received prison sentences of 4 months and 3 months, respectively, for their participation in peaceful protests.

In fact, as the petition calling for their freedom notes, Billy “has been persecuted by the New Zealand Government for almost twenty months and vilified endlessly by Government funded mainstream media in New Zealand,” and his prison sentence “is the harshest sentence of its kind given in the western world to date.”

Keep in mind that this prison-worthy protest took place just months before New Zealand relaxed its lockdown restrictions and Ardern confirmed that orgies of up to 25 people were once again legal! (Unless the orgy participants were discussing their opposition to lockdowns, presumably.)

But at least it all turned out well for Jacinda. After shedding crocodile tears during a speech announcing her retirement as Prime Minister in which she claimed she had no plans for the future other than “spending time with her family,” she promptly went back on her word and took up a new post as a . . .

. . . wait for it . . .

. . . internet authoritarian!

That’s right, apparently “spending time with her family” is globalese for “becoming a special envoy for the Christchurch Call,” the New Zealand-led global censorship body that aims to “eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online” by labeling all of their political opponents as terrorists and scrubbing their material from the internet.

So, sadly, no, Ardern is not retiring from public life as promised. But it’s good to know that she got to squeeze in one last lie to the New Zealand public on her way out the door!


You know, compiling this list is a lot harder than I expected. Not because there aren’t enough politicians to arrest but because there are too many.

I mean, we have Biden and Trump and Bush 43 on the list already, so we might as well throw every other American president on there, too. (Yes, every one of them.)

And I don’t want to be accused of any pro-Canadian bias, so I’m more than happy to throw Trudeau in there for his crimes against the Canadian people.

And I haven’t even gotten to President-for-Life Xi Jinping yet.

. . . Hmmm. Come to think of it, this list is getting too long already and I’m just getting started! I mean, we haven’t even considered what would happen if we took seriously the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalize War and its proposal to make warfare itself a crime. How many more politicians would that add to the arrest warrant list?

So why don’t we just cut to the chase. Perhaps instead of making a list of all the politicians we should arrest, it would be easier to make a list of all the politicians we shouldn’t arrest.

OK, let me think about it.

. . . Uhhh . . .

. . . Give me a minute here . . .

Ahhh, this is too difficult. Let’s just go ahead and arrest them all!

Of course, I suppose that would mean that we’d have to face the prospect of a world without politicians. I mean, can you imagine a world without politicians?

You know what? I’m willing to give it a try if you are.

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

Failed Prediction Timeline

The Freedom Cell Network is a Gateway to Unbanking, Unschooling, Permaculture, and Defeating the Great Reset

Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout

Recommended Listening

Kids & Nature: Two homeschool moms created Barefoot University

Recommended Viewing

National Citizen’s Inquiry – Testimony

You Won’t Believe Who Got The Richest From The Afghanistan War

When Seeing and Hearing Is No Longer Believing

Just For Fun

Thirty-Three with William Patrick Corgan


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  1. oops…

    The “Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout”
    is actually linked to “National Citizen’s Inquiry – Testimony”

      • Thank you for that book link! Ordered.

  2. Arresting them all would be cost effective. But let’s make sure we don’t use police to do it.

  3. Um, concerned, curious and patriotic Canadian here.
    How and why the heck is Trudy not the poster boy for this?!
    Thank you, Solar.

    • Right. Trudeau is far more than simply Mr. Canada’s face for mishandling the Trucker Convoy protest.
      He’s been up to his neck in scandal after scandal ever since he took office (taking and giving bribes).
      And how did he have the audacity to say in April 2020 that the pandemic wouldn’t be over until we have a vaccine? Did he know something we didn’t?
      That the key mRNA ingredient to be used in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s jab was being manufactured by two Canadian companies?

  4. Here’s an example of a faulty politician.

    Mislav Kolakušić: Pandemic was used as weapon as it provides incredible power over the citiezens

    I found it interesting that auto subtitles are disabled.

    All of the pandemics up to this point, bird flue, swine flu, SARS, SARS2 and many more started with media synchronised fear campaigns. Always the same quasi scientists, supported by MSM, forecasted tens of millions of dead. The actual death rate was measured in parts-per-thousand and people have quickly stopped being afraid and so the quasi pandemics soon stopped to exist.

    WHO, as the largest promoter of this covid pandemic, as well as all the earlier pandemics, has learned quite a lot from former mistakes. Now they have realised what is it required for declaring a disease as a world wide threat. To enable the creation of a successful pandemic, it was required to introduce many changes. First, the definition of “pandemic” required to be updated. Second, it was required to update the definition of the disease. Third, they updated the way deaths are counted. Fourth, it was required to declare as symptoms, for this hyper lethal disease, all the usual symptoms such as: runny nose, sneezing; these were all symptoms of the world’s most dangerous disease. Fifth, and most important, block the dialogue and block the access of people who hold different opinions to media and social networks.

    When you followed and read various new sites and media all across the world, they all used the same statements. What was saving us in the earlier pandemics? Every state in its health protection laws had a article that, in cases of deaths due to infectious diseases, it was mandatory to carry out an autopsy. Their first goal was to prevent obductions from being carried out in the entire world. All the member states have stopped performing autopsies. Not one autopsy was carried out; in Croatia one autopsy was performed and it was done by an institute that never in history did any other autopsy.

    The definition of “pandemic” was amended by removing the death rate from it. A large death rate was needed previously to be even possible to declare a pandemic. Now it is sufficient to have a wide spread of disease, like a common cold. If there’s a common cold spread across half of the world, that’s a pandemic. The method for determining related deaths had to be changed from autopsies to PCR tests, to something that you can find in every human being, where everyone at every point in time has several hundred or several thousand of viruses in their nostrils. Does the presence of the virus mean you are diseased? No. We had those tragic situations where those who died in traffic accidents were chalked off to covid. These are actual events.

    • Continued:

      As I stated, it was most important to drive fear between the people. Covid is the disease of sneezing, coughing and elevated bodily temperature. You introduced fear, fear takes [inaudible]. What do we have to do? To have any fighting chance with the next pandemic, which will certainly arrive as a pandemic bestows incredible powers that no war can match. You gain power against 7 billion people. Almost all of the mankind inside of one month. Such war does not exist, even nuclear war does not grant such power. Pandemic is a weapon that is going to be wielded again. Every one of us has to apply themselves in their respective countries to not allow any pandemic declarations from WHO. Which is a proven promoter of nonexistent pandemics; swine flu, bird flu… today we would see, if autopsies were performed, that not even 1% of deaths are due to covid. We would see that people died from strokes, heart attacks, old age… The mean age among men who died due to covid in Croatia was 77. Without covid it was 75. This is ridiculous. We have to fight for autopsies. Autopsies will stop the next pandemic, just as it would have stopped covid.

  5. I don’t think that the politicians are anything more than a bunch of corporatists’ gofers, but culpable nonetheless.

  6. This new game has real life graphics…
    The game looks like a police bodycam and uses various tricks to suggest realism.
    You can still see some blocky features if you look at trees or objects.

    It may be mistaken in the future for real camera footage!
    So I post it here to warn people in advance for possible fake videos.

  7. Arresting them would all be for show, which is appropriate since politics is acting for ugly people. Naturally their liability for actions taken by other people is miniscule. Sure agents can be ordered to perform a task, like dropping bombs, in a position they signed up for but are their commanders really to blame. It seems to me that there’s a fantasy in mind where people believe they are compelled to do what they are told and that their misunderstanding of it makes it alright.

    Interacting with a fantasy world is quite alright at it’s base until neglecting real world responsibilities handicaps a persons ability to live freely. What’s even worse is people’s obedience causes harm to other people. The refusal to acknowledge harm being caused by initiating aggression, using coercion to enforce compliance and being obedient to harmful dictates is a mental sickness.

  8. >>Yes! Arrest the politicians! What a brilliant idea!>>

    Optimistic at best hey? Since they own the lawyers and politicians and judicial power to make and interpret laws it would indeed be quite a challenge.

    Regarding Trump:

    Zbigniew Brzezinski
    Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (written 50 years ago)

    “We have a large public that is very ignorant about public affairs and very susceptible to simplistic slogans by candidates who appear out of nowhere, have no track record, but mouth appealing slogans”
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    “Drain the Swamp” “Make America Great Again”
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Your brave finger pointing at the Little Hat People is commendable James. On most all the “alt” blogs this sort of talk would get one banned or their comment put in pending hell as Voltaire was so correct…

    “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”
    – Voltaire

    Of course the truth is much like other articles exposing the nefarious agenda of the “Jews” a most important thing is always left out, there are:

    *Hebrews (Race)
    *Jews (Religion, not a blood line, Sammy Davis Jr. was a “Jew”)
    *Zionists (Political movement with anyone who wants to be as members)
    *And finally, there’s the Sabatian Frankists (a true major evil of the world since before the founding of our nation.)

    Israel was created by Sabatian Frankist’s, who have insinuated themselves world wide into governments, military, banking, religions, etc. with an agenda of world domination.

    They hold no allegiance to any faith, political party, nation, etc. The true “hidden hand” that is talked about. They work on theme of “donma” (to turn) meaning they are chameleon like in their conquests. Pretend to be Jew, Catholic, German, American, etc. and get and hold positions of power and authority to push their agenda.

    So calling people “Jews” is merely like calling them Catholic or Protestant or Hindu. The Sabatian Frankist’s/Zionists are the bad guys.


    • ejdoyle

      Being “The Jews” are pretty clearly not a genetic thing if you look at Paul and the other early Christians being persecuted by people thye call “the jews”.

      The core of ‘jewishness’ is a rejection of the Truth (or, as Dr Jones likes to say ‘Logos) and this ideology is at the core of what he calls “the Jewish revolutionary Spirit” which crosses politics, religion and race. That is why you can have the Troyskite jew’s morph into the Neo-Cons, and why the same root cause lies at the heart of jewish philosophies such as Zionism, Communism, and Objectivism and Transhumanism.

      You can quite truly say that the majority of westerners have totally sucked up and become animated by this core assumption and are thus not able to form arguments against the assault of these alien ideologies.
      The Sabateans are just an EXPRESSION of that spirit, as are the other expressions mentioned above

      • Regarding who people commonly call “The Jews” based in the Middle East…

        Zionists began in Russia, promoted by Ashkanzi (Khazarian) Jews. In the 5th century or so in the area between the Black and Caspian seas, a people of Mongolian, Bulgar, Iranian, Turkish, and other mixed heritage comprised the Khazarian Empire. They subsided by raiding caravans at that nexus point of the Asia to Europe caravan route.

        By the 10th century their successful raids had created an aristocratic leadership who decided that the dangerous raiding could be supplemented by becoming money changers. The decision to become “Jews” came from their population being 1/3 Christian, Muslim, and Jews. The other two religions didn’t allow usury but the Jews did. So they became Jews, not Hebrews, Jews, the religion.

        The empire eventually broke up with the arrival of the early “Russians” and they fled into Europe forming some of the more prominent modern day Jews.

        They have no connection what so ever to Palestine. They eventually decided to get a foothold in the oil rich middle east but had no real claim to the land. Using the logic that they were “Jewish” and the biblical god promised them a homeland in the middle east they acted on that lie.

        Lord Rothschild of the Khazarian Jews, ( A member of the Sabbatian Frankist “Round Table”) then head of the bank of England, “wrote” Alfred Balfour, the British Prime Minister, (A fellow “Round Table” member) assuring him aid assistance, and funding in WWI if England would guarantee them a homeland in the middle east.

        England agreed (already set up) even though the Khazarians had no legitimate claim to anything in the Middle East.

        That is Israel’s justification for their madness. The Palestinians were invaded, murdered, and are now in the world’s largest prison, all based on lies of the sociopathic SF/Zionist Israeli’s.

        Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli minister, admits that the holocaust and the “anti-Semite” accusation are used to manipulate those who criticize Zionists.
        – From the 8/14/2002 democracy Now! broadcast.

        “The Jews [have been] furnishing for the Bolsheviks the majority of their leaders”

        – The Jewish World (London), April 16, 1919, p. 11

        I believe ALL organized religions have been a detriment on the natural advancement or evolutionary progress of humans.

        • No need to believe that. You know it like you know the back of your hand.

          • ??????

            Just what part of my comment are you trying to communicate about? It is all facts but my opinion sentence at the end.

            • Where have you used the word “believe”?

              I believe ALL organized religions have been a detriment on the natural advancement or evolutionary progress of humans.

        • Fuck sources, got an banging song about the subject??

        • “…I believe ALL organized religions have been a detriment on the natural advancement or evolutionary progress of humans….”

          Well…. cave fish evolved to not have eyes, so perhaps you should remember that Evolution is not the same thing as Progress.

          The idea of evolution has actually caused more horrors then any religion (even Islam) because it reduced humans to just another animal to be bred and trained and domesticated and eradicated as the ruling class desires

          • Apparently you just want to be right about everything, the comment box guru of all knowledge as you avoid all the facts and pick and choose just one sentence of opinion out of 300 words. And then insult me with arrogant attitude.

            I’ve told you before whatever the hell your real name is, please don’t try to engage me in any conversation as all you seek is narcissistic validation of correctness and you are boring.

            • ejdoyle

              “…and you are boring….”

              maybe, but better boring then wrong.

        • “I believe ALL organized religions have been a detriment on the natural advancement or evolutionary progress of humans.”

          Well then I guess that you’re happy with the trend toward godlessness that seems to be happening.
          Personally I don’t notice things improving. Rather the contrary by all indications.

          • It’s interesting you and Duck avoid all the facts of my comment and attack my one “opinion” at the end. So much for any true social intercourse here hey? 🙂

            So deeply propagandized in your “belief” system as to be unable to discuss the philosophical side of the rigidity of man made theological belief systems based on power and control.

            As a designated thinker I have long, long ago understood the bigger picture of control of humanity psychologically, emotionally, etc. and the nonsense of god and sin and Jesus and heaven and Valhalla and Allah and all the other weapons of mass mis-perception.

            I live in a world of facts. The persistence of a creation myth doesn’t make it true. With the advent of highly reliable tests of longevity of carbon based stuff, just knowing there are skeletal remains millions of years old should be enough to clear one’s mind of the 6K year god creation story hey?

            And that recent discovery in Gobekli Tepi, Turkey is what?

            Without the validation of a million person “fan” base web site or recognition by the controller’s run media and celeb machine people like you and others are unable to extricate yourself from that nexus and see me as a true source of truth and insight with nothing “for sale.”

            I have a great love for our miracle of sentience and the potential that comes with it. My life long quest to help others do a jail break from the forced perception prison they are doing time in has been a very challenging one.

            My music is called Brain Food because they are mini historical/philosophical insights into reality/life from a very awake man who has spent the majority of his 80+ years in exploration of truth and higher consciousness.

            Here are a couple of good “lessons” to think about…

            BLUES IN THE PULPIT (song) From 46 years ago 7/20/77

            DEMONS AND REDEMPTION (song)

            • So are you saying that a trend toward godlessness is leading to a better, more evolved humanity?

              You don’t really have to bring up all the reasons that you reject spiritually to answer the simple question.

              And thanks, but I’m really not interested in listening to your “music”.

              • OK, There is no such thing as a provable god beyond personal testimony and word play, ergo no such thing as “godlessness.”

                Why you keep trying to talk about this with me is getting pretty ridiculous. Have you no intellectual curiosity about other things I offer??

                Now I have to deal Duck’s nonsense…

            • ejdoyle

              “….It’s interesting you and Duck avoid all the facts of my comment and attack my one “opinion” at the end. So much for any true social intercourse here hey? …”

              Your OPINION is derived from how you interpret facts. Your presuppositions are IMO in error.

              Spiritual matters totally aside for the moment surly you must see that the attack on religion is

              a)Organized and paid for by the same people who are creating the slave society

              b)Removes the one thing in history that has set external limits on what the strong may rightly do

              I do not care how old you are, wisdom comes thru correct and logical thinking not pointlessly sucking air for many years….also the civilization that the boomers overthrew was full of old people who said that the new ways were stupid and correctly predicted the horrible situation the revolution of the 60s has created

              • PLEASE stop commenting to me EVER OK?

                All you want to do is win from your narcissistic personality that needs attention.

                GO AWAY, LEAVE ME ALONE

            • ejdoyle

              “…All you want to do is win from your narcissistic personality that needs attention….”

              Says the guy who tells us his music is “brain food”…. lol.
              BTW I think you can get Auto-Tune for Mac these days.

              “…GO AWAY, LEAVE ME ALONE….”

              YOU invoked my name in your comment with an opinion you gave…hence I gave one back.

            • “Have you no intellectual curiosity about other things I offer??”

              No. Why would I be curious about the reflections of a spiritually blind man?

          • Since when the organised religion been a path leading to god? If anything, it’s leading to vaccination.

            • I’m assuming that you’re suggesting that God has never used organized religion to communicate and establish relationships with His creation.
              If I’m correct in that assumption then I must further assume that you are woefully ignorant of the history of organized religion.

              • Organised religion is there to help enslave the people, to strike discord, to plant the seed of self hatred via the original syn. If you haven’t yet figured that out, I’m afraid your many decades spent on this plane have been for naught.

                The core issue, as with everything else, is that people project unto reality what they want something to be. It is nothing but wishful thinking.

            • Mkey, Your rejection of God doesn’t negate the experiences of millions upon millions of people who have come to know God in very meaningful and life changing ways throughout history. Many of whom believed so strongly in the reality of their relationship with their creator that they were willing to be martyred rather than renounce their faith.

              Perhaps you might ask why you have such a blind spot.

              2 Corinthians 4:3,4
              3But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 4In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

              • Show me where have I rejected god. Again, you use conjecture instead of observing what is really going on.

                Christianity is in a sorry state if it will take its queue from a pope that is advocates needling and stands as a bulwark in defence of paedophiles while mightily holding on to church’s tax exemption status.

                These people had many opportunities over the centuries to enlighten the useless eaters, but there was always something (war, destruction, deception) to take precedence.

              • You made a blanket characterization of organized religion. Which would include Judaism, Protestantism, Islam and many others.
                Now you have narrowed it down Catholicism specifically.

                I’m forced to rely on conjecture when I’m faced with such a lack of specificity.

                Your statement below led me to the conclusion that you reject God since organized religion, with all it’s flaws, was and still is the primary way that humanity has come to a knowledge of God.

                “Organised religion is there to help enslave the people, to strike discord, to plant the seed of self hatred via the original syn. If you haven’t yet figured that out, I’m afraid your many decades spent on this plane have been for naught.”

                Had you been specific and wrote Catholicism instead of organized religion I would not have drawn the conclusion that you reject God.

                Though I feel compelled to say that I believe that though the Catholic Church is very much misguided and perhaps even heretical in much of it’s teachings, I honestly believe that there are and have been many saved people among its members.

              • I went the Christian route because I thought you mentioned Christianity, but it was another commenter below.

                To take down each individual flavour of religion is a waste of time. I blanket reject them all in one dismissive move of my hand. For which many a religious people would gladly cut said hand off.

                I do not reject god in doing so. I would not do such a foolish thing to equte god (as whatever one might want to define such) with religion.

                Religion is there to hold people back. Quite the oposite of god by anyone’s definition.

                I also refrain from commenting on these religious exchanges because there are many more productive things to do. Like watching paint dry.

                When I do step off from my line I do so to remind myself how imprudent it is do such foolish things.

              • “I also refrain from commenting on these religious exchanges because there are many more productive things to do. Like watching paint dry.

                When I do step off from my line I do so to remind myself how imprudent it is do such foolish things.”

                Yes, especially when one is ill equipped and unprepared for the conversation.

            • Mkey

              Good religion/ideology will not make a bad person good, but bad ideology will make a good person bad.

              The thing you are not seeing with your disdain for organized religion is that (totally aside from spiritual matters) is that Christianity

              a)Sets limits on what a human may rightly do

              b)Will always tend to return to the founding document of the Bible

              Getting rid of organized religion puts MAN in the God shaped hole and ‘Man’ in that case is always the powerful- powerful people that you can no longer say “God said NO” to.

              So you are CORRECT that Organized Religion CAN enslave people, but also WRONG to assume that removing it is going to do anything but weaken peoples ability to resist the powerful.

  9. “…Of course, I suppose that would mean that we’d have to face the prospect of a world without politicians. I mean, can you imagine a world without politicians?…”

    Sadly as long as humans are humans there will be politicians.

    So no, I can not imagine such a world. 🙁

    Holding their feet to the fire for misbehavior would be kinda cool though- I think it was CAtherine Austin Fitts who said that the deep state kinda went wild when they got away with whacking Kennedy, and then kept getting away with things like Iran-Contra and the rest.

    The public is basically the weird kid who gets bullied because they never fight back, because they are weak willed and sometimes the bully gives them candy or pretends to like them before stealing their lunch money and flush their head down the toilet.

    • Ah! cool! Good topic for discussion for the afternoon! Thanks HRS!

    • That was worth the watch.
      That guy was great!
      We are seeing more and more psychopaths/sociopaths being called out for their crimes.
      The Jimmy Dore show has some great stuff.
      Aaron Maté composes excellent aspects in his stories.

      I love the passionate anti-war stance.
      The video below doesn’t do Trump any favors.
      I’m no Tucker fan, but I love it when the message gets out there.

      Tucker Carlson SILENCED For Telling These Truths About The War Machine

  10. So today, let’s…come up with a list of politicians who should be rounded up and locked away forever for their crimes against humanity. Are you ready?

    Ready?! Are you kidding?! It’s all I live for.

  11. Politicians are created by voters, people who are politically immature, and want to be ruled, protected, and are willing to forfeit their judgement of the harm from the ruler/ruled paradigm, the master/slave paradigm, the force over reason paradigm.
    No need to hang the voters or the monsters they created. Just stop it. Stop voting, obeying, but at least stop forcing voluntarists to suffer from authoritarianism, collectivism with you. Watch how well freedom from force works for the voluntarists. Learn by experimentation and observation. It’s only logical.

    • Voluntaryist

      “…Politicians are created by voters, people who are politically immature, and want to be ruled, protected, and are willing to forfeit their judgement of the harm from the ruler/ruled paradigm, the master/slave paradigm, the force over reason paradigm….”

      I was just reading “Albion’s Seed” about the various flavors of Englishmen that settled America and it occurs to me from their example that no one lives without being ruled…. the closest the settlers got were the so called ‘Scots-Irish’ types who settled the back country and their lives were extremely violent and what justice there was was maintained by “Lynches Law” and feuding.

      If you are really willing to forgo ANY official system of ruler/ruled are you willing to lynch or kill people that do you or your family wrong?

      • “If you are really willing to forgo ANY official system of ruler/ruled are you willing to lynch or kill people that do you or your family wrong?”

        Interesting question that brings up the idea of law. What does it mean? What is justice?

        I think the idea of a court and jury is a noble one. Does the accused have a right to present a defense? I think people do have a natural right to defend themselves against false accusations and if they didn’t do what they are accused of should not be punished.

        Could there be decentralized courts? Courts that exist that aren’t corrupt? As it stands, there are powerful people that are guilty of crimes against humanity that never get prosecuted. Look at all the perverts in political office who have no penalties. It’s disgusting.

        If a family has irrefutable evidence of a crime against their loved one, why should they be prosecuted for seeking justice? Is justice served by killing the criminal? I’d say yeah it does sometimes.

        • cu.h.j

          “…If a family has irrefutable evidence of a crime against their loved one, why should they be prosecuted for seeking justice?….”

          Well…. take the case (in the book) of the guy who came home after more then a year year and found his wife had had a baby, so he cut its ears off “so it wouldn’t get muddled up with HIS children”… WHO should seek justice for the ear-less baby?

          Anyone without a clan to back them up, in this area where freedom was taken as freedom from rulers, (the general rule in the border-er peoples being ‘family OVER morals’ ) had little chance of getting justice.

          “….I think the idea of a court and jury is a noble one…..”

          Possibly… but you should also remember that juries would convict unpopular people just because they were unpopular AND ‘jury nullification’ was also why a lot of people who HAD committed crimes were not convicted.

          The 4 big groups of English that founded America all had four UTTERLY different ideas about what freedom was and what justice should be.

          You can get by just reading the Conclusion but the book itself is pretty cool- here Luke Smith does a review

  12. James,

    Your Canadian-Scottish-Irish undying humor, I presume, makes this article a very entertaining piece which would other wise be more doom and gloom.

    P.S. editorial correction–Biden is #46 US President.

    • Thanks for catching that, outdoors. Biden’s number has been corrected.

  13. Seriously, they put everyone in prison and we have all the space we need. it’s not SO MANY people really, thousands?

    it’s work worth doing. We should form citizens groups led by attorneys to help craft cases against each believed conspirator.

    I would quit my day job.

  14. Did i doze off while reading or did James forget to mention Khillary !!?

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