(RECORDED OCTOBER 28, 2024) via The Spellbreakers Podcast: “We sit down AGAIN with the LEGENDARY James Corbett (corbettreport.com) to discuss the top issues he sees on the horizon, what he makes of this trump great awakening narrative, and some solutions talk.”
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve
How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World
Episode 404 – A Brief History of Hopium
The Strange Story of Peter Thiel | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (coming soon)
Yahoo/Atlantic story from 2013: What is a ‘False Flag’ Attack — and Was Boston One?
Episode 359 – The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn’t Want You to Know
The Media Matrix | Full Documentary
An Agorist Primer by Samuel Edward Konkin III
Episode 429 – Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster
All Hail Elon’s Martian Technocracy!
Brzezinski: “Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.”
The Globalist’s SECRET Message! (about depopulation)
Milken Institute – Universal Flu Vaccine (C-SPAN 2019)
Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon
BBC: Human species ‘may split in two’
Great interview James. Hope is like a double edged sword! Without it we would be named negative and with it it appears we are doing nothing and just, well, hoping. Why pay so much money in taxes (and it is a lot without any break) for the choices other people in power put on us (like wars and robbing/killing other people) without our having any say? Yes, this is a sign of the times.
My parents obviously thought their opinions counted in the vote and we are the ones that don’t agree that is the case now; because the truth is that we are losing our freedoms. I watch Russell Brand and he thinks Trump RFK and Elon will save us – we are much more complicated than that – where is the candidate who says no war as well as no forced Pharma? Gaza was recently fuelled with a false flag Hamas attack – so I’m not so sure it is so far from the weapons of mass destruction hoax! All is a hoax as well as the ‘jib jabbs’ and global warming tractor taxes ect ect.
Scary stuff when our food security is attacked, how many clothes we buy, as well as our bodily autonomy. What about a shot which has many purposes like stopping people from having children completely, well if not a shot a bit more geo engineering? Does the hope come from spiritual belief – the light overcoming darkness in ourselves and other people? Have you an island for all the ‘purebloods’ who don’t mind digging and working hard James?
The truth is indeed rising to the top, just at the time when they are making truth illegal. Across the board we are seeing a bifurcation of reality, they are making a two tiered system, one path requires you to accept THEIR reality with all the benefits like eating and having a home, the other reality, legitimate reality, reality you can see, feel, witness, you are on the outside of society a pariah.
Israel is “defending itself”
Vaccines are necessary for being healthy
Global Warming is real
Humans are a cancer on the Earth (original sin)
Everything for Israel, less you be an anti-semite
Seeking truth is anti-social
Eating meat is killing the Earth
Nationalism is Nazism
Trust the science, not your own perceptions
There are endless examples, great and small, but we saw this duality most clearly during the Covid scam, where the truth was criminalized and lies where codified.
This IS leading towards Noahide Laws, where Western ideas of equality and justice will go out the window in exchange for Theocratic Communism. It won’t be the theocracy Christains have wanted, quite to the contrary, Christianity as it is generally practiced today will be outlawed.
The Zios LOVE anti-semitism, it unifies the jewish people and justifies crackdowns against criticism of Israel.
I believe, hiding within the Jewish community is something, a group that may or may not be Jewish themselves, maybe a group much older than the creation of Judaism, but they are definitely USING the Jewish people in many ways. They need someone unified, HIGHLY supremacist and xenophobic to run their NWO, that certainly describes current day Israelis. They have hidden behind Judaism, while they have amassed wealth and power. Their goal seems to have nothing to do with what is best for Jews, rather for creating a NWO, and the destruction of most life on Earth.
Right now they are focused on America and the West, but once they done with us, they will target China and Russia/BRICS…and I believe at the end they will target even the Jewish people.
This group has shown no respect for any life, it may come off as Jewish centric, but that just does not seem to hit the mark, it is likely deeper than that. It seems older than Zionism or the Abrahamic religion, it does seem demonic in nature, not that such things exist, but they seem to think so.
There are many levels to this, like an onion, and I believe each layer is delusional to some extent, the center of the onion uses this delusion to manipulate each layer to do its bidding.
The hope lies within the idea that as things progress, the inner circles of the onion will start to see what is really going on, and that they are being used, and will push back…honestly, this is likely our main hope for salvation.
I don’t know if this summation is necessarily correct, but based on all we know and where we seem to be going, it is 99.99% more likely than anything else being pushed as reality.
As I wrote in my current book, it’s the endless conflict between those who want freedom from others and those that want freedom over others.
All of these political labels do is nothing but distract from the simple truths, just like that humanity is not a cancer on the earth, but lazy people are.
I am not sure it is a “healthy sign”, the fact that they have to give mouth service to these concerns about depopulation and the like. No doubt every concern about the evil intensions of these rulers are true, and likely far worse than even the most cynical can imagine, but their true intentions being exposed IS a calculation the powers that be are actively making, they know their evil will be exposed as they tighten the screws, so they are doing what the ALWAYS DO, muddy the waters, distract and engage in perpetual subterfuge all to insure a plurality of the population stays oblivious to their intentions.
This is not a sign of a great awakening, it is a sign that they are moving towards greater control. To my horror, I witnessed during Covid the weakness of our Western Christian culture, absolutely ineffectual in every way. The institutions of the globalists: Capitalism, Democracy, Christianity, the three deadly sins against the West, have hollowed out our once great Europeans cultures and societies. All hierarchical homogenizing systems that replace individual judgement and purpose, with universal principals handed down from above, wiping out personal identity.
Capitalism: They built up America when they needed our military prowess to be their world police. Now that they no longer need us, they simply stop investing, move jobs overseas and tax the hell out of us, then steal those tax dollars to build up China/Israel. Oh yeah, Capitalism is a great system. I know I am oversimplifying, but I’m not interested in writing a book.
Democracy: Ruled by the masses, what could go wrong? If you own the media and the means to fund elections, you own the politicians. Democracy has never worked, it has been a sham for more than a century. America, the richest nation on Earth, with no infrastructure to show for it, with the most expensive education system and healthcare system. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, the archetypal Democracy on Earth is a shit show.
Christianity: The bane of Western existence, yet it is clung to as the pinacol of morality and enlightenment. Over 2000 years under the thralldom of the Abrahamic religions and what has it wrought? The genetic marking of a weapon against Western society are deeply woven into this global religion: From the guilt creating preposterous concept of “original sin” (If that is not anti-human, I do not know what is), to the hierarchical nature of it, Christianity screams Trojan Horse. Yet, all of Christianity’s sins are heaped on human frailty, so indicative of a cult’s coping mechanism. It’s never the system, it is always blame the individual.
In each of these systems, we are trained like dogs to focus on the weaknesses of the individual as to the reason the system fails, thus we maintain the systems and vote, pray, and work for a better way, that will never come…These systems ARE the problem, hierarchical systems are always built for control, ALWAYS.
So, getting us to oppress ourselves is not power, I would argue that THAT is far greater power than them doing it directly. Their power has always been through manipulation. What is their motto, “By way of deception, we will wage war”. That is not the motto of a power that faces its enemy, but of an enemy that works through manipulation and subterfuge.
WW2, the Iraq War, and so much else, is nothing but them getting us to do their dirty work form them, they then hang that crime around our necks to guilt us into being cowed (see: literally emasculated) to globalist ideology.
The globalist BS only works because the West feels guilty about these immoral wars, about our “good fortune”, about slavery, about colonialization…But these events are not the result of an organic upwelling from the populous, but carefully constructed top down machinations. It is their control of media, entertainment, education, that they beat these lies into our heads, THAT IS FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE.
Bill Maher and Jon Stewart (AKA Liebowitz) would have us believe most Americans owned slaves and supported slavery. How about WW2, where 83% of Americans did not want to go to war, so they concocted Pearl Harbor…that’s more of that, “they don’t control everything” narrative.
Their ability to manipulate us IS their power. While we see Covid waking people up to the evils of big pharma and its ability to manipulate the governemnt, that knowledge is NOT profound, it is unique, at least to the masses. They do not have a macro understanding of Covid, that was and is an example of the already existing NWO. That is to say, unless they attack us with another Covid like psyop, to the general public, this will be a novel attack, they will need to be shown all over again the malicious conspiratorial nature of THIS attack.
It is also important to mention the aforementioned bifurcation of reality, where speaking truth brands you a racist and maybe even a Nazi (Nazi being anyone a Communist doesn’t like), even if you KNOW the truth, you will not be allowed to express it, less you lose your rations/water allotment/housing. Not now, but you can see that is what is being erected around us.
Which is a greater sign of real power, fighting us directly, or getting to fight ourselves?
You know, even if they had total control of everything, it doesn’t mean you stop fighting. A crack has to start somewhere and by someone.
Personally, I’m waiting for an open source meshnet to replace the internet.
And that reminds me… I’m also getting sick of a lot of “independent” creators. Independent funding doesn’t mean independent thought. The PSYOP of the study is real, and many of these “independent” people are relying on the study lately. That means they don’t understand the underlying principles and mechanics of how things work, and I don’t just mean things we don’t collectively know and aren’t certain of. They’ll say things about the separation of the warrior and the scholar, but the same goes for those that understand scientific principles juxtaposed to those that rely on studies. Another sign of this type of faux independence is displayed when they talk about freedom of speech but also use words like communism, socialism, capitalism, left, right, feminism, etc etc etc as if they have denotative value, even in the language system they give legitimacy to. Those are other versions of 2+2=5.
Okay, I’m done ranting.
Denying their control changes nothing. How can you say “they don’t control everything” when Covid showed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, they most certainly DO.
They COULD still have us running around wearing masks, isolating, vaxxing…but they are strategic, calculating, and most of all careful. These string pullers are as cowardly as they are genocidal, they are looking to push Zionist Communisms on the world, so they are doing it incrementally, tightening the noose slowly.
But, that is NOT to say anything is a forgone conclusion, the system is extremely complex, as is human psychology, that is why we keep seeing human testing on a grand scale going on. That is why isolated areas such as Australia were put through extensive testing during Covid, it was an opportunity for them to test Western peoples under draconian tyranny.
My hope lies within the system itself, its ability to turn on itself, my hope is certainly not in Western society, it is weak and totally ineffectual. Thanks to our training (Religious/Formal/Social) they will fight only when told to by their masters, even when that fighting is against their own interests. To Western man, it is not the slaughter of Palestinians, Iraqis, Vietnamese, Koreans, Libyans…or the starving or the Irish, Russians, Armenians…all this and more is just they way of things, accepted, rather it is two people of the same sex that wish to be married that is the indication of the fall of the West…thanks Christianity, you have done your job all too well.
Am I better, dam straight I am, because I have a good understanding as to what is coming, I know Christianity is the gateway drug to the theocrat tyranny which may all too soon crush or freedoms and liberty.
I have to add a personal note to my Covid experience:
I lived in DC during the Covid scam, but I did not go along to get along, quite to the contrary. I went to the hospitals to see the lie for myself. I wore a T-shirt saying this was a lie, and fought the restrictions everywhere I went, but I WAS alone in this disobedience. Wherever I went, everybody went along, they all looked for someone to tell them what to do. Life was a constant fight, I stood in line outside a Costco and was told I needed to wear a mask, I called him a communist and said “we are outside, I will never wear a mask outside”. He said did he need to call the police, I said go ahead, he didn’t and I did not have to wear the mask, nor would I.
We moved away from DC because I knew if this tyranny continued the outcome for myself would not be good, I am a live free or die type person. We had very good jobs, a great house, but we quite, sold it all and moved to a city that did not have mask restrictions. Thankfully, as is often the case, the universe provided (I believe in a “higher power”, just not the one Zionists created), the transition was favorable. But, I saw the “weakness of man”, THAT for me was the worst part of Covid, witnessing the depths of human complacency/obedience in the face of absolute tyranny.
Post Script: These is one other hope, one on a macro scale hard to observe, there is a chance that humans are evolving to deal with this threat.
I believe humans do evolve, and this treat to humanity is certainly something worth evolving to overcome. The Zionist powers that be are working hard to devolve humanity, poisoning our food/environment, pushing their drugs, pharmaceutical, Vaccines (Oxycodone and Fentanyl were both FDA approved) as well as seemingly more innocuous, Cannabis, Alcohol, Nicotine.. the promotion of sedentary vicarious life styles, AI, video games, sports, “reality TV”, social media…Not to mention stress and an alienation from nature, as well as so much more to weaken and undermine us.
Butter, Lard and Eggs are actually good for you, it is vegetable oils, UPF (ultra-processed foods), sugars and artificial ingredients that lead to so much human disease and poor health.
Nature is resilient and we may be evolving to cope with this threat. I am starting to wonder if there is a red pill gene, something that makes those of us not so easily duped predisposed to greater cynicism. Whether it is happening physiologically or psychologically, such an adaptation a distinct possibility.
Going further down this Red Gene theory, if true, you could see how the Red Gene parents would be more resilient than the, lets call them Blue Gene, obedient genotype parents. The BG human is more apt to get the vax, get an abortion, eat the bugs, limit reproduction based on the belief children have a “negative impact on the Earth”. Conversely, RG parents are less likely to fall for all the weapons against healthy and bountiful human reproduction, thus they will reproduce more, and those offspring would be more viable/successful, genetically speaking.
All tech is a two-edged sword. It can be used for good or bad, creation or destruction of values. Tech may get ahead of the rulers, e.g., be used to free the people at first, but we must constantly be ready to defend ourselves against being controlled.
Self-control begins with learning to think, to value questioning authority, to routinely demand proof before belief.
I enjoy thinking. Maybe it’s because I do it automatically. I was “born that way”. Am I different? Am I unique? I don’t know. I know others treat me different, e.g., ignore my questions as if they are irrelevant.
Either you are a commie or a nazi? BOTH are variants of socialism, i.e., the first is openly anti-property right while the latter pretends to be pro-property. A right to property that is “regulated” is no right at all. The so-called owner is a manager, not in control.
“whoever controls the media controls the mind”
jim morrison (1970?)
1960’s “Suppose they gave a war and nobody came”
today “Suppose they threw an election and nobody voted”
Interesting conversation and glad the similarities between the sentiments during WW2 and now were mentioned. I see that happening.
I also can understand why people in Germany could hate “the Jews”. They might have observed that a very wealthy, influential and “foreign” group infiltrated their culture and perceived it to be a corrupting entity and threat to their culture. I understand the logic of that argument and I can empathize with the sentiment at the time and even now I can empathize with it.
Not addressing it is not helpful IMO. I say this coming from a background of Jewish and white European and Anglo American. I am not some hateful person wanting to blame everyone who by no choice is born from a certain genetic line. It would be to blame Bill Gates children for his crimes and to say his genetic line deserves to die. I don’t believe that, but I can understand the resentment.
My point being that I think if there are any people from a Jewish background who care about humanity, that they try to empathize with why people may feel the way that they do. Jews are a very small portion of the general population but over represented in the predator class. That is a fact. This is why people blame “the Jews”. It’s an obvious pattern.
This is not saying that there has not been collaboration between financiers and leaders of world nations out of their own psychopathic proclivities. That is also obvious to me. They could not get away with this assault on humanity without the help from “elite” from other countries.
I guess my point is that I do think that there is a cultural component that is being used to further the agenda which should be examined. Even if it is counter productive to discuss, should be explored.
Cultural context matters and it shapes how people think. Just some thoughts that come to mind.
James, Jimmy I’ve been with you a long time. You are my favorites commentator on world affairs and desk top journalist, Nobody reads the feed quite like you do. Mild manured and reserved no fear mongering shock troop tactics like Alex Jones and others screaming the ski is falling dig a hole build your bunker and be very afraid but Jimmy this pigeon holeing everyone that isn’t doing what you and your colleagues are doing as beer drinking Netflix watching brain dead idiots is beneath you. Some people have other interests and things to do, if not, what would be the point in you 😉
Love ya body be kind to and unassuming about your audience.
Your friend
QUEUE to just prior to the 27 minute mark.
“All we need to do is to be better than the State, and we WIN.” — James Corbett
Donny Spellbreaker seems a bit naive to suggest Albertans will just go on growing food and telling the government to FO. Wouldn’t that be nice.
Has Donny not heard about Bill C-293? (Animal agriculture will be regulated and phased out, agriculture can promote pandemics so land expropriation will be just fine etc). In second reading in the Senate.
Has Donny not heard that THIS WEEK the so called freedom gov. of Danielle Smith is putting a notwithstanding clause into the AB Bill of Rights, making it as worthless as the So Called Canadian Charter of RIGHTS and FREEDOMS?
Has he not heard that more and more municipal governments are being taken over by the UN under the “Partners for Climate Protection” program?
Glad to hear we are more awake than in Ontario, but the majority of Albertans, especially in cities, prefer to stay asleep. Anyway, glad to have you in Alberta Donny.
Explaining reality in this discussion has many overlapping ideas and insights. Meaning and truth over money. Isn’t that what the Editor-en-Chief has been about lately?
A talk with Chris Langan. This is much better than Lazlo’s Theory of Everything. Worth a listen.
Theory of Everything. Quantum Mind. Ervin Lazlo, concert pianist to modern philosopher.
For some comparison with Chris Langan, bar bouncer to modern philosopher.
Very intriguing how this bubbles up from the information controllers.
I would ask the pontificating to look at these two gentlemen’s points of view and …well pontificate . For fun we might learn something.
Thanks for the interesting contributions. It’s fascinating to listen to people who have IQs off the charts. This guy seems to have broad interests too, not just a geek who is a walking encyclopedia. I’ll check this out.