Stop the presses! Here’s my hot take for the day: CBDCs are a bad thing.
OK, maybe that take is not so hot. After all, I don’t even need to spell out “Central Bank Digital Currencies” for my well-informed, switched-on readers to know what I’m talking about when I refer to CBDCs. And the idea that a digital form of programmable money with a central banker’s on/off switch is a bad thing? Come on! Even the normiest of the normies can sense that.
But here’s the hot part of my hot take: CBDCs are deeply unpopular with the general public and we have a chance of stopping them in their tracks.
At first glance, you might not think this is such a controversial statement, but really think about it for a minute.
If you listen to the stenographers and presstitutes of the establishment dinosaur media, you’ll believe that CBDCs not only represent an exciting opportunity to bring our outdated paper money system into the digital age, but that they’ll be bestowed on us by the benevolent central banker technocrats in the next year or two (if we’re lucky!).
If you listen to the pundits in the alternative media, however, you’ll believe that CBDCs not only represent the greatest threat to human freedom in our lifetime, but that they’ll be forced upon us by the evil central bankster overlords in the next year or two (no matter what we do to fend them off).
Do you see the similarities in these two “competing” narratives? In both cases, you and your opinion about CBDCs are utterly irrelevant. It’s a fait accompli. You can love ’em or hate ’em, embrace them or recoil from them, but whatever your position, you will be forced to use them.
But this just isn’t true. In fact, we’re already seeing a massive global pushback against the CBDC agenda. And this pushback is already causing the banksters to panic and to pull back on their grand plan for world domination.
Of course you’re not hearing about this CBDC pushback in the establishment media. Why would they tout their masters’ failures, after all?
But, weirdly enough, you’re not hearing much about this pushback in the alt media either.
Let’s correct that today, shall we?
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 13 issue 23 (August 20, 2023)
![]() by James Corbett Global PushbackAs we all know, when globalists are looking for a population to test out their latest technology of enslavement, they turn to Africa. From genetic manipulation to vaccine experiments to agricultural “revolution,” there is no shortage of examples of pathocrats disguising their experiments in technocratic tyranny as philanthropic concern for the poor, beleaguered people of that continent. It’s hardly surprising, then, that Africa is once again serving as a laboratory for the latest globalist technocrat pet project: digital money. Accordingly, Nigeria became one of the first nation’s in the world to adopt an official, national central bank digital currency when the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) launched the eNaira amid much fanfare in October 2021. Promoted with the slogan “Same Naira, more possibilities!” the bankster class collectively held its breath as it watched this trial run of digital money unfold before their eyes. The early results of this experiment, however, were not promising for the money manipulators. Despite a massive push of the eNaira by the government and breathless coverage of its rollout in the establishment media, it was revealed one year after the digital currency’s launch that a mere 0.5% of the population—one in every 200 people—had actually used it. Not to be dissuaded, the CBN imposed new banking regulations last December, limiting cash withdrawals from ATMs to just ₦20,000 ($45) per day in a bid to increase adoption of the nation’s CBDC. The result? Again, utter failure. In fact, worse than utter failure. An actual uprising! Nigerians took to the streets in February of this year to protest the cash restrictions and even attempted to storm the central bank. CBN officials are now rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, upgrading the eNaira app to allow contactless payments, as if that was what was keeping people from using the banksters’ new digital enslavement tokens. But, try as they might to cover it up, the results of this experiment in monetary manipulation are now clearly visible for all to see. The eNaira is a failure of such gargantuan proportions that it now serves as a cautionary tale to central bankers around the world about how pear-shaped things can get when a digital currency is shoved down an unwilling public’s throat. But it isn’t just Nigeria where people are saying “no, thanks” to the banksters’ digital money agenda. In the European Union, protesters are already marching against the European Central Bank’s (ECB) proposed “digital euro.” In Croatia, for example, activists are warning that their government’s adoption of the euro “will be followed by the introduction of a digital euro, and then you will have to kiss all the freedoms you know goodbye.” In the Netherlands, meanwhile, demonstrators have staged rallies warning about the coming European CBDC and the ECB’s plan “to control the spending habits of the population.” In Russia, too—where Putin has just signed the Central Bank of Russia’s “digital Ruble” into law as an official national currency—people are already threatening to go Nigerian on their government. Recent polls show that a mere 6% of Russians are actually excited about their opportunity to use the new CBDC. This widespread distrust of the digital Ruble is reflected in the coverage of the currency in the nation’s alternative news websites, which are filled with articles decrying the technocratic tyranny. One such article sums up the situation by noting that “we can only say that if citizens actively use non-cash transactions, then they themselves will enter the electronic banking concentration camp, seemingly completely voluntarily.” And how about in the bastion of liberty, the beacon on the hill, the good ol’ US of A? Well, the grandstanding politicians—always eager to get in front of a parade and pretend they’re leading it—are already introducing (and even passing) legislation to ensure CBDCs never sees the light of day in America. Of course, readers of this column will know that these political promises aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. Nevertheless, the proposed legislation is important because it reflects two underlying realities. Firstly, it demonstrates that the American public is not on board with the CBDC agenda. And secondly, it signals to the Fed and other central banksters that they risk upsetting their whole rigged monetary system if they push this agenda too far and too fast. Banksters Running ScaredYes, it’s safe to say that, on the CBDC issue at least, the momentum is not in the banksters’ favour. In fact, things are so bad that the establishment is now beginning to contemplate whether the mad dash toward CBDCs might just wake up the public to the whole monetary scam. In a revealing op-ed in The Financial Times last month, Brookings Senior Fellow Eswar Prasad warned, “Central banks must not be blind to the threats posed by CBDCs.” After dutifully detailing all of the nifty features of programmable money that would-be world controllers can take advantage of (“imposing negative nominal interest rates to disincentivise saving,” for example), he then cautions the central banksters that their pretense of “political neutrality” might be exposed for the self-evident sham that it is if central banks start meddling in people’s everyday transactions.
Oh, won’t somebody think of the central banksters’ credibility!? And—wouldn’t ya know it?!—just as Prasad and others are beginning to warn that the banksters might be pushing too far and too fast with this whole “programmable money” idea, it looks like the monetary mafia are now stepping back from the CBDC brink . . . at least publicly. Just this past week, the Central Bank of Colombia issued a white paper on the “Expected Macroeconomic Effects of Issuing a Retail CBDC,” which admits that if central banks push the cashless agenda too far and the situation “reaches a point where the use of cash is about to disappear, central bank money could lose its role as a monetary anchor for deposits and other forms of private money.” Also this past week, the Bank of Canada issued a report on “Unmet Payment Needs and a Central Bank Digital Currency,” which acknowledges that “consumers face few payment gaps or frictions and therefore might have relatively weak incentives to adopt and — especially — to use CBDC at scale.” In other words, central bankers are quietly admitting there are no real advantages to retail CBDCs and there are even potential downsides to their introduction. Of course, as my astute readers will already know, this does not mean that the issue is settled, that the bankers have given up, and that the CBDC dream is officially done. No, it just means that they have to change tack and try to find other ways to cajole the public into the digital gulag. Perhaps this is why the central banking minions are now openly strategizing about how best to sell their digital money agenda to an unwilling public. Take the Bank of Israel, for example. It just released a new white paper purporting to identify “Principles for creating ‘Acceptance’ and ‘Network Effect’ for the Digital Shekel,” or, in plain English: “Ways to convince the rubes to use our virtual slave coins.” The document considers ideas for leveraging the “Network Effect” to artificially stimulate adoption of the digital shekel. Naturally, the plan does not focus on ways to incentivize the use of CBDCs but rather on ways to enforce their acceptance, including obligating banks, payment providers and merchants to participate in the scheme or forcing the government to officially declare the digital shekel to be legal tender. On its face, the fact that the banksters are now openly plotting how best to stuff digital money down the public’s throat may be a worrying development. But, upon further reflection, the fact that the banksters are now turning from the carrots of incentives and bonuses and discounts to the stick of government regulation and enforced adoption does not mean that the anti-CBDC movement is doomed to failure. On the contrary. That the banksters are now actively engaged in a struggle against the general public is a sign that we are winning and that CBDCs are not inevitable. Resistance is FertileI’ve made the point before, but it bears repeating: the constant stream of propaganda, conditioning and censorship that we are subjected to from governments, establishment institutions and their lapdog media is not a sign of their strength. It is a sign of their weakness. The fact that they have to spend billions of dollars a year pumping lies and misinformation into the heads of the citizenry in order to keep people from seeing the truth is a tacit admission that our thoughts and opinions actually do matter. After all, why would they bother propagandizing to us at all if they didn’t require our approval (or at least our docile apathy) to continue pursuing their agenda? Similarly, the fact that the banksters are ramping up the next stage of their CBDC indoctrination operation—attempting to convince an increasingly skeptical public that a complete overhaul of the fabric of our monetary reality is somehow beneficial to Joe Sixpack and Jane Soccermom—is a tacit admission that we are the ones who decide whether CBDCs are implemented or not. They can tout the benefits of their digital slave tokens all they want, but if we refuse to use them, then the CBDC world order will not come to fruition. The banksters, for one, are well aware of this fact. But are we aware of it? I understand why this message—that pushback and protest do matter and that the globalist agenda is not inevitable—is such an unpopular one in the “alternative” media. If the message is simply: “Relax, everyone! The battle is over and CBDCs have been defeated! Now go back to sleep!” then it is indeed no different from enemy propaganda. But that is not the message here. Instead, the message is that the public is—for the time being and until the propaganda machine kicks into high gear—overwhelmingly on our side. People DO NOT WANT programmable money and the vast majority see it for what it is: another trick on the part of the establishment to take more power and control away from every day people and put it in the hands of the banksters and their cronies. That’s why this is the time to seize the momentum of public opinion and steer it into actual productive activity. We can encourage Cash Friday awareness. We can build up local trading communities based on alternative and complementary currencies. We can introduce those around us to Agorist.Market. We can promote community currencies and precious metals and decentralized cryptos and barter circles and the million other forms of survival currency that clued-in Corbetteers have been researching for years. The time has come to harvest those seeds you’ve been planting! The public is on our side! Yes, your resistance and pushback do matter. It does make a difference. We do have a part to play in this. Now, let’s go out there and put the final nail in the CBDC coffin. What are we waiting for? |
Recommended Listening and Viewing
Recommended ReadingISIS are back…and they’re faker than ever Why Do Some of RFK Jr.’s Own Family Members Believe the Media’s Lies about Him? The ‘Free-Speech Twitter’ PSYOP Recommended ListeningThe CIA and 9/11, an Interview with Dr. Michael Scheuer Recommended ViewingHow Organization is Priceless | Whistleblowing 101 w/ Richard Grove | 20 Years Later The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe – The Unheard Tapes Just For Fun+ |
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A CBDC in the USA is not a fait accompli so long as there are a majority of Constitutionalist Justices on the US Supreme Court.
My hope is that the US Supreme Court will declare CBDC to be unconstitutional, as well as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) Being Rolled Out NOW!
Virtually every government and central bank on the planet is rolling out Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) even as globalists and Deep State totalitarians brag about what they intend to use them for — shredding privacy and controlling your life.
Hi James,
Excellent article, as usual. I just wanted to point out a typo. I think you meant to type ‘best’ in this sentence: ‘… the banksters are now openly plotting how brst…’
It will be interesting to see how far they’ll go to get people to cave and use their filthy, evil CBDC’s. They’ll think of something. We just have to resist.
Right you are! Thanks for the tip. Typo corrected.
To be optimistic or not to be optimistic …..
As a resident of the United States (has anyone noticed how “united states” is an oxymoron?) I don’t put a lot of trust in a large number of fellow residents. Many are recipients of government handouts. If government requires all handouts be via a digital type of currency I expect more residents will line up to sign up as opposed to line up to protest.
If the forecast of another type of lockdown pans out I think we will get a good read on current mindsets. If there is a noticeable resistance to such an effort, that will be a good sign; but to many, locking people up will seem more draconian than implementing a CBDC. To the urbanites CBDC will seem to be cool and convenient, so many will embrace it. It’s the ruralites who, theoretically anyway, will be less receptive.
So what happens if government, who I think is the big driver of the push, more-so than banks, mandates the switch? As I said, urbanites will embrace it, for a while anyway, and I suspect in rural areas it would be used, to the degree it can be; but I think it will be inevitable that the local trading communities will start to spring up. Once that gets a footing there could be parallel systems. That could be good.
The question that would spawn is how would government attempt to quell local efforts, and how would the locals react? I think that’s where the unknown begins. But the status quo is so corrupt I’m to the point of thinking a CBDC might be just what an honest doctor would recommend.
What do you mean by “urbanites”? I live in a city, and I am certainly opposed to CBDC. In fact, in the last two months, I was opening certificates of deposit at a few banks in my city, and I chose locally owned and founded banks as opposed to Wells Fargo, US Bank or bank of the west. This was specifically because Wells Fargo, etc. would be more likely to try to impose CBDC Than a smaller (number of branches wise) locally owned bank. And as I give donations to various pro-life (antiabortion) charities, I am greatly opposed to CBDC. These include a maternity home, a crisis pregnancy center and an organization that helps save baby girls in China.
I used the term urbanites because, on average, urban areas trend blue, and most of the urbanites I know are fine with CBDC’s.
“But the status quo is so corrupt I’m to the point of thinking a CBDC might be just what an honest doctor would recommend.”
It sure sounds like you were serious when you said the above. 🙁
The status quo is corrupt. Check.
Therefore bringing in CBDC’s surely couldn’t be worse! HUH???
Huh? Because I’m of the opinion society is standing on the trap door of the gallows with a rope tightly on the neck, and the only thing that might arouse the masses to stop it is something like CBDC’s. Spurring the creation of a parallel economy might be comparable to a reprieve from the governor. Otherwise I think the door will drop open in the not too distant future.
I will say I won’t be disappointed if I’m wrong.
OK thanks for the clarification.
I disagree though on this one.
Rather than waking up the masses, I think CBDC’s could be the final nail in the coffin, and kill any hope of stopping Big Brother, if they are implemented globally.
Hahaha, I think we have found a 50/50 situation. The decider is the mass; which way will it flow? My money is the path of least resistance, and I think that will be acceptance of CBDC’s.
An interesting video. Are these “emergency” situations one of the mechanisms being used to impose CBDC?
I can contribute to form an agorist network linking the Hispanic world. If you are looking to import or export to this markets you can reach me out. I’ve friends with some very popular YouTube channels and a big network of contacts.
Well I must have been visited by an unearthly being and my thoughts are not my own on this 100+°f morning.
Public currency, private in it storage and private in its use. How simple is that idea to reject or to accept. It has value,the accepting and rejecting! Not so much the fiat script. Value has power and that power is not to be allowed in my hands. Or is it?
Voting too has Public currency from a different bank. The political bank. Much like fiat script it only has value if you exercise it or don’t exercise it. Sure like fiat script it is manipulated to reduce or increase its value.
For both, and this is the most alien thing, we have more leverage , force or power, in our hands, what ever you care to call that potential, by not using it, not exercising it. They both are a fraud that was designed to control us. The ol’ F.I.W.
Thanks Jimbo for exposing us to that aspect that they,TPTSB, have tried to remove from us, normal people.
I won’t , to both banks, the bank of politics and the monetary bank. A twofor. Shall we?
Competition Is A Sin!
If Zhao is doing this what are the cleptocrats doing?
Great for the anti-CBDC movement that the ALT media is in near 100% agreement that CBDC’s are bad! I’ll add that the “evil central bankster overlords” are also individual consumers, so how in a CBDC regime would they easily pay for their vices without being detected?
That wouldn’t happen initially. Only once the competition seems to be snuffed out will vices be dealt with appropriately.
James Corbett says:
“Yes, your resistance and pushback do matter.
It does make a difference.
We do have a part to play in this.”
Great article, James. I no sooner finished reading this and my cousin sent me this which is quite the opposite. What do we make of this?
This Is CRAZY!! CBDC in China, Its Development & What It Means!! (14:01)
Coin Bureau
August 15, 2023
RE: Corbett’s end of article, subscriber only “Recommended Listening and Viewing”
The article about RFK Jr.’s Own Family Members had a lot of great links.
It goes into CBDCs and digital money at length with also references to Corbett Report and Bill Gates.
For Example: In his Instagram post, Kennedy recommended the investigative reporting of independent journalist James Corbett, who in a major video series on Bill Gates has observed how the Gates Foundation has funded “the research, development and deployment of injectable contraceptives to the developing world.”
…and moving on to “Just For Fun”… and Corbett’s referenced article there…
I have an affinity for Fat Bottomed Girls.
I don’t want to see that go away.
(under 4 minutes)
The presstitutes here in Malaysia write about the dream of a cashless society.
I experienced the nightmare first hand in Estonia in May. At a bus station, bursting for the toilet when I arrived, the toilets would only accept a card. Cashless for a 40 cents charge. But it wouldn’t accept mine, which elsewhere worked.
Thanks millions James…I absolutely love this type of pushback ???
I suggest, while we all wait for the chains to be linked around our ankles, we simply buy popcorn, lean back and watch
After my first two shares of the link to this movie yesterday, I am proud to announce my link was censored within seconds on both…
I have started to be proud of all this censorship…tells me, someone, somewhere is indeed doing something more than correct and, with all the “illness” now hitting the following 3 countries – Denmark, Israel and “surprise” the USA , I strongly suggest links to both this pushback and the Jones Plantation film is sent to as many people as possible in these 3 Countries…just for them all, to be able to watch a good movie while they’re waiting for their next boosters/chips or whatever is in stock in these “idea-making” places ???
Have a lovely week
Excellent article! Right along the lines of what I’ve been thinking of late…the globalists are not all powerful! I especially love this thought:
“I’ve made the point before, but it bears repeating: the constant stream of propaganda, conditioning and censorship that we are subjected to from governments, establishment institutions and their lapdog media is not a sign of their strength. It is a sign of their weakness.”
Exactly! I’ve been craving that the alternative space highlight the weaknesses of the globalists and their cronies.
There is always this vibe that “oh no, they are coming for us with inevitable tyranny!”
Yes, it is true that the globalists are powerful. But, they are not all powerful. I humbly propose that we start thinking along the lines of what the globalist’s various weaknesses are, and here is a list of my own:
* Overconfidence and Arrogance
* Cowardly – they have to do things in secret and by stealth
* Cynical – they never focus on human potential, but always are focused on the delinquencies of humanity
* Uncreative and Unimaginative – are the accounting, managerial types that have to use the ideas of others or co-opting them to forward their agenda of control
* Do not have complete control of human thought and action
* Constantly outpaced by innovation and ingenuity – in fact, they fear this!
* Lack faith and optimism
* Have to hide behind counterfeit facades and various “Trojan horses”
* Their agendas are discovered if they act too desperately or aggressively – then they have to pull back
* Cannot deal well with a lack of buy-in from the public
* When public buy-in and trust diminishes, they lose power
* They fear non-compliance and resistance
* Influenced heavily by academic institutions – which is always, and I mean always, 3 to 4 years behind the real world…
And I could go on…can a podcast FINALLY talk about the globalist’s weaknesses instead of this obsessive fretting about their strengths??
Not forgetting the dangers of tactical withdrawal. See The Battle of Hastings 1066.
I had not known if the battle of hastings until I read your comment. Thank you for enlightening me to this formerly unknown historical battle. This is very much how I pictured the CBDC plan. Pretend to be in retreat, but only further leading the would be victors to their doom. Digital disaster . .problem, reaction, solution. People will beg for the new secure controls.
*of the Battle of Hastings
James – I watched the Bobby Kennedy campaign speech. I imagined a private conference with niece Carolyn afterward.
Carolyn K: Uncle Bobby. Besmirched, bothered and bewildered am I. I was embarrassed to watch.
Bobby K. Jr: Really?! Was it that bad?!
CK: I’d like to make a few suggestions. First, get rid of the multi-ethnic peanut gallery in the arrière-plan. The black woman with a blond wig looks like a Detroit madam. The dark complected mustachio asian reminds me of a hitman for the Qing Bang. Where in Saint Mary’s name did you get those characters?!
RK: My campaign manager lined them up.
CK: Get rid of your campaign manager. I’m not talking about the East River. Just don’t let him anywhere near your campaign. You are not a politician. Stop acting like one. If you’re going to tell the truth, don’t go halfway. You must know if you get the Democratic nomination you will end up like your father.
RK: They wouldn’t dare. I’m not concerned about that.
CK: You’re shitting me, right?! Jesus, Bobby. They’ve got a thousand ways to take you out. It won’t be a mind control patsy this time. Most likely a heart attack or cancer drug.
Pause for reflection.
BK: OK. How would you run my campaign?
CK: For the remainder of your speeches, NO peanut gallery! Instead, a PowerPoint presentation. Big screen. Watch some of David Icke’s talks. Begin with images from the Ambassador. In smaller venues you’ve already exposed the real shooter. Go national with it. Show the man who shot your father in the head.
BK: Don’t you think that’s going too far?!
CK: Bobby! Be bold! By announcing your candidacy it’s already been established you have a death wish. At least say something meaningful before they kill you!
BK: I think you’re being a bit dramatic. But…OK. What next?
CK: The Plandemic. Put the CDC VAER statistics on the screen. Show the number of vaccine related deaths. Use other sources as well. Show the Tiffany Dover video followed by verification of her death on ancestry dot com. Put up a slide of H.R. 5546, the National Childhood Vaccination Injury Act of 1986 providing indemnification of pharmaceutical company prosecution for vaccine injury. Video clips of autistic children with supporting evidence of vaccine correlation.
BK: I’ve already mentioned autism.
CK: Normally, I wouldn’t recommend self promotion, but show your book: The Real Anthony Fauci. Follow that with a short video of Kary Mullis’s opinion of Fauci. Perhaps also, Mullis on the climate change hoax.
BK: Carolyn, I respect your point of view. You’ve given me a lot to think about. Let’s talk again next week. Right now I’ve got a splitting headache. You said you had something for me. What’s in the box?
CK opens box.
RK: It looks like…
CK: A light weight bullet proof vest. Also a small bottle of snake venom antidote. I have other stuff that might be useful if you’re interested.
RK: Every little bit helps. Thanks.
“How UBI can pay for itself” One of the proposed way to finance UBI is to impose a micro tax on all digital transaction:
Micro Tax
Understanding it
Financial Transaction (payment) Tax of 0.2% – $160,000,000,000.
Learn more: Implementation of a Micro tax on Financial Transactions
A payment tax (or micro tax) applies a tax on all financial transactions undertaken within Canada. Payments Canada has estimated that there are $50 trillion in annual electronic financial transactions in Canada annually. This would reduce financial speculation and give all Canadians a share of our economy. ”
This is just one of their financial proposal to finance this scheme. You can read the whole thing here:
As you can see they have already the means to impose a micro tax on all digital transactions and once people get a whiff of this they will earnestly start to use cash. It is well worth your time to read this whole site on UBI (if you are Canadian) as they have already passed a law in the Canadian government to study the possibility to implement this system.
James, would love to see you cover Monero (XMR) and how a private, decentralized digital currency can be the answer to break away from big bank inflation and social engineering.
This does seem to bring a spark of hope that their global controls over every purchase might well be delayed, but I cannot help but think that that delay might well be planned to keep the masses in an illusion of autonomous use of their paper and digital debt notes. They are, after all, DEBT NOTES. Legal tender at that. So where will that lead us in a case where there is a declared state of emergency to bring us to the next level that will set the next precedent which will not be removed?
I am very cynically minded and not very optimistic when realizing that the strategists have a much grander and far more intelligent scheme than meets the eyes, even after delving underneath many layers, it’s evident that there has been a very very old conspiracy to take complete and total control over every financial transaction of every man upon the earth (Read Revelation 13 KJV). These plans and strategies are not men conspiring with mere men. Then there wouldn’t be a common thread of association of these men with esoteric secret societies that practice ancient rituals and blood sacrifices.
Nay,the plan is much more strategic than that.The men (globalists) are pieces on a fifth dimensional chess board, while agnostics only concede to 3 dimensions. The evidence is overwhelmingly indicting of a much higher intellect than mere mortal man could attain in a lifespan of 98 or 101 years… Yes, though the men like the Rockefellers, Morgan, Rothschilds and gang, appear to be masters at the game, they are indeed pieces that are under the command of a much wiser master than they. Stan Monteith covered this in his renowned “The Brotherhood Of Darkness” presentation.
I digress