Congratulations, America! The media that declares the winners of your (s)elections have reported that the voting machines that decide the winner of your (s)elections have (s)elected Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. to become the 46th President of the good ol’ US of A in January! And in a longstanding tradition befitting the nation that stands as the Beacon of Democracy and Leader of the Free World™, we know that the loyal slaves subjects citizens of the United States will dust themselves off, shake hands, compliment each other on a good contest and go back to business as usual, right?
No, of course not. Things are not going back to business as usual. They aren’t meant to. That’s the point.
Instead, we’re about to get:
- A protracted legal battle over the integrity of the election.
- Literal blacklists that will be used to financially boycott and socially ostracize ex-Trump staffers and campaign workers (and, inevitably, supporters).
- The continuation of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed and a new push to put the country in Lock Step with the Great Reset agenda in order to survive The Darkest Winter.
No, today’s pronouncement (which, lest we forget, will be challenged) is not the end of anything. It’s just the beginning. And it does not present a path out of chaos. On the contrary. This path leads straight into the heart of chaos.
None of this is surprising. In fact, things are going exactly according to plan.
Confused? Don’t be. I have a data dump of info for you.
Is your head spinning from all the chaos around this (s)election cycle? In this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber, James lays out exactly what is happening and what the Great Resetters have planned for the coming months (in their own words). Corbett Report members are invited to log in and access the full newsletter.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 35 (November 08, 2020)
![]() by James Corbett Congratulations, America! The media that declares the winners of your (s)elections have reported that the voting machines that decide the winner of your (s)elections have (s)elected Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. to become the 46th President of the good ol’ US of A in January! And in a longstanding tradition befitting the nation that stands as the Beacon of Democracy and Leader of the Free World™, we know that the loyal No, of course not. Things are not going back to business as usual. They aren’t meant to. That’s the point. Instead, we’re about to get:
No, today’s pronouncement (which, lest we forget, will be challenged) is not the end of anything. It’s just the beginning. And it does not present a path out of chaos. On the contrary. This path leads straight into the heart of chaos. None of this is surprising. In fact, things are going exactly according to plan. Confused? Don’t be. I have a data dump of info for you. Let’s start with Rosa Brooks and Nils Gilman. Brooks is a Georgetown law professor who has publicly advocated a military coup as one method of “getting rid of” Trump, and Gilman is an historian at the globalist Berggruen Institute who once called for the execution of a lecturer and research fellow at Hillsdale College. Back in 2019, these completely neutral political observers took it upon themselves to organize something called the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), bringing together a “bipartisan” group of politicos to simulate four different scenarios “aimed at identifying potential risks to the integrity of the 2020 election and transition process.” And who, exactly, did Brooks and Gilman bring on board for this totally bipartisan endeavour? Oh, just concerned and disinterested political observers like John “Pizzagate” Podesta, Donna “DNC Rigger” Brazile, William “Neocon” Kristol and David “Axis of Evil” Frum. See? It was a totally bipartisan effort involving deep state operatives from both sides of the phoney left/right political spectrum! The four scenarios that the group simulated were as follows:
The report that they produced this past August (and which the controlled corporate media dutifully fawned all over) lays out in black and white the exact (organized) chaos that we have seen play out over the last few days, noting that:
The first part of their prediction has already started to unfold: “We anticipate lawsuits, divergent media narratives, attempts to stop the counting of ballots, and protests drawing people from both sides. President Trump, the incumbent, will very likely use the executive branch to aid his campaign strategy, including through the Department of Justice.” The rest of their prediction seems equally plausible given how things stand at the moment: “We assess that there is a chance the president will attempt to convince legislatures and/or governors to take actions – including illegal actions – to defy the popular vote. Federal laws provide little guidance for how Congress should resolve irregularities when they convene in a Joint Session on January 6, 2021. Of particular concern is how the military would respond in the context of uncertain election results.” Oh, and the whole report ends by suggesting:
Of course, this TIP report isn’t an amazingly accurate “prediction.” It is a predictive program, a cover for the exact operation that we see playing out right now. In their “scenario,” the TIP LARPers “imagined” the following:
Keep in mind that this report was released three months ago, before this very “stolen election” scenario became the news headlines that we are reading in today’s paper. Now, if one were a conspiracy theorist, one might posit that a criminal group who was going to use forged mail-in ballots and voting machine software “glitches” to steal an election would want to seed the idea ahead of time that any talk of election stealing is a transparent lie. That way, when they commit their crime, the victim would either have to accept the stolen election or play into their narrative by doing exactly what they predicted he would do. But we wouldn’t want to theorize about conspiracies, would we? Seriously. Read the report for yourself. You can’t make this stuff up. But if there is one moment when the TIP coup planners reveal their hand, it is where they suggest that rather than “healing the pain” and bringing together a divided nation, the Democrats should instead double down and make sure they utterly crush any Republican opposition to their coming rule. According to the report, “GOP activists (possibly encouraged by Trump himself and by far-right media) may seek to create ongoing street-level chaos and conflict,” which, according to these “experts,” should be countered by the Democrats escalating the tension by “publicly supporting the peaceful protest movement that has emerged since late May, rather than continuing to seek conciliation and compromise with the GOP.” You see, the plan was never to cool things off or calm people down after this scripted (s)election drama plays out. Not even close. In reality, the chaos is the plan. This is confusing only if you think that the deep state consists solely of establishment Democrats who care about the continued functioning of the status quo functioning of USA Inc. But we conspiracy realists know that is not the case. The real deep staters—the ones with Rs after their name and the ones with Ds after their name and the ones who aren’t even American and the ones who participated in the assassination of JFK and the ones who coordinated the 9/11 plot and the ones who have worked to erect the biosecurity state that is locking the world down even as we speak—are not interested in the long-term survival of Pax Americana. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. The plan has always been for a Great Reset to bring about a New World Order of a one-world financial system and an international governing body to implement the perfect technocratic state. And, as I have stressed time and time again, that cannot happen until the current paradigm—the Pax Americana built on the petrodollar and enforced by NATO—is destroyed. As I wrote during the last chaotic change of puppets in Washington:
These words are even more apt today than they were on the day that I first wrote them. And it is important for the Americans in the crowd to know that the lockdowns and pandemic hysteria that have engulfed the entire world in this year of chaos were not all about the American political (s)election. The Trump/Biden circus is just one chapter in the Book of 2020 that is being written by the Gateses and the Schwabs and the other technocrats who are seeking to force through fundamental changes in the governing order of the world. If you want a sense of where the Great Resetters are planning to take America and the globe, just turn to their handy-dandy Great Reset bible where they discuss these issues at length:
And, just in case you didn’t get the point:
Or, as the Rockefeller Lock Step document “predicted” a decade ago:
No, this is not about a US presidential (s)election. This is about the Titanic forces that are leading us through a dialectical process of conflict and unrest into a world of top-down control the likes of which has never been seen before in human history. And we are only at the beginning of this change. In short, prepare for more chaos, not less, as the deep state cheerleaders pop the corks on their champagne bottles and prematurely rejoice over a return to “normality.” I think we’re all about to find out we’re not in Kansas anymore. |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Recommended ReadingCanadian military to establish new propaganda organization Recommended ListeningRob Wiblin and Russ Roberts on Charity, Science, and Utilitarianism Recommended ViewingThe Darkest Winter Just For Fun (?) |
They didn’t think of everything…
Scenario F: Biden wins both the popular vote and the Electoral College by a narrow margin; but cant remember where the Whitehouse is.
A friend posted a cartoon recently on Facebook. The first frame shows Kamala pushing Joe in a wheelchair. The caption reads, « We really did
it Joe, we won! »
The second frame shows her pushing the wheelchair off a cliff.
Facebook blocked it within 24 hours.
I really hope voter fraud is proven beyond a reasonable doubt and the courts actually side with Trump. I don’t care what kind of chaos the left causes.
I don’t think Chaos is necessarily bad. It’s better than defeat and complacency and slavery.
If courts overrule the anti-Christ corporate media, we will have a wave of mass violence in all major cities. The anti-Christ corporate media will portray it as Trump “stealing” the win from Biden.
I didn’t support Trump in 2016 nor this year. But I’m honest enough, I believe in integrity enough, to acknowledge it sure appears he won with legal ballots.
People must not be afraid to stand up for integrity. This has never happened with JFK, 911, or other scams/crimes like Covid.
People know this election was a fraud. They should be more worried about a Civil war if they don’t give the win to Trump.
The city violence is nothing like what might happen if this fraud goes forward. If Trump is not a fraud, he won’t concede the election.
Trump won the election legitimately and people know it.
I’m not convinced anyone is going to do anything meaningful about all this. I mean, what WILL it take for people to actually ACT? Most Americans won’t even cancel their sewage service, that is, cancel their cable or satellite TV, let alone do anything that incurs more than 30 seconds of effort. The mass destruction of tens of millions of jobs, and with them, millions of lives, garnered only some impotent protests earlier this year.
Trump supporters may have tens of millions of guns and billions of rounds of ammo, but I doubt they’ll do anything but sit in safes and garages no matter what happens with this “election” or the Bolshevist violence. The Founders’ generation would have used their means of force many stages prior to now. And they did.
The enemy can not pull the trigger if you disable his mind…
Most likely the case given the previous history of election fraud.
I just hope those that voted Trump write down a list of all their rights that they hoped to retain under Trump on a sticky note and pin it on their gun safe.
I don’t need to write mine down. I’m maintaining my rights or I will die fighting for them. I’m not a coward.
You are not alone. My rights come from the Almighty above, not “government.” I am a peaceful man who follows the Prince of Peace. But even the Prince of Peace used violence against moneychangers. There are several red lines they shall not cross without response. Forced injections being one of them.
Benford’s Law – How mathematics can detect fraud!
According to wikipedia it has been used to detect elections fraud …but it seems according to wikiXXX only Iran don’t know the law, while Russia applied it to hide fraud (damn russian hackers), funny.
In US the law is applied in SFMOS. For those not in the know, SFMOS stands for: Selection Fruit Machine Operating System.
“It’s obviously scripted “ no I don’t think so. What proof actual evidence of that.,
This seems to imply that everything is all planned out and everyone plays there part and there is no agency for people. We might as well just give up then if they are that good right?
We just watched the theft of an election. They are going after people now putting them on lists.
Biden has said he wants mask mandates and lockdowns. If he’s successfully installed it’s about to get much worse really fast. Watch how they go after Trump.
Is Edward Snowden just acting? Some say he’s an agent others say no. We won’t know yet. I don’t think there is actual facts that show this is an act.
People who supported Trump were working poor in multiple states who saw socialism crashing down on them. The poorest and most fragile people in the US will be the ones that suffer.the most.
People can find alternatives if they are proactive and refuse to comply with the harsher “rules “ coming our way very soon.
I think I know what you mean now, “scripted” meaning steered and orchestrated rather than people acting. What I meant is that I don’t think Trump is only an actor. But I do think this is orchestrated.
I actually agree with your analysis in retrospect.
Yes, good question. Evidence is important when assessing or making claims.
And thus it is important to point out that the script of the working man and woman standing steadfastly behind Trump to fight the global powers that be and ‘socialism’ (whatever that means) is inaccurate.
It is inaccurate now and was in 2016 when the Trump Show was scripted.
“This week at Five Thirty-Eight, Nate Silver discovered that the many pundits and journalists depicting Donald Trump’s base as working-class voters angered over the economy are only half right.
In fact, Silver parsed the data to discover the average Trump voter makes $72,000 per year — a middle-class income solidly above the typical American.”
Yep, this is why Trump’s pathetic exhortations over the stock market resonate with Trump supporters: they are of the 20% of Americans who own stock.
The fact that people believe socialism is bad,although few could define it, and believe that Trump represents the ‘little guy’ is testimony to the efficacy of script makers and the necessity for critical thinking.
So you’re saying the middle-class American’s who own stock show that Trump supporters are bad? $72,000 per year, is not that much money, especially for a family.
I know enough about socialism, to know that it’s an economic system I don’t want to be forced on me. The state controlling the means of production is not a way forward, more state is the direction we are headed in. I’m saying no to Marxism for myself. If people want this, if we achieve a stateless society, they can form this voluntarily.
I have profited from the system we have now, fed my family, built wealth, via an honest living. I want to keep it, it’s mine. Biden/Haris want to crush the middle class and keep people dependent on UBI. I would have taken Trump over that plan. I’m not convinced they are both equally destructive.
I believe in a free market, not state-controlled.
“To RESET the chess pieces, the board has to be knocked over first.”
– James Corbett – 1/22/2017
Corbett’s 11/08/2020 article The Chaos IS The Plan.
I am damn well impressed!
I appreciate that he delved more into the Transition Integrity Project (TIP).
He brought out some excellent insights which I had UTTERLY missed.
For the final exam about TIP, I would have gotten a D grade at best, if not an F.
“But if there is one moment when the TIP coup planners reveal their hand, it is where they suggest that rather than “healing the pain” and bringing together a divided nation,
the Democrats should instead double down and make sure they utterly crush any Republican opposition to their coming rule…
…You see, the plan was never to cool things off or calm people down after this scripted (s)election drama plays out. Not even close. In reality, the chaos is the plan.”
If I was a financial Wall Street pundit who ‘predicts the future’, I would tape this article on my bathroom mirror.
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
I am glad that Corbett had various sourced links to WikiSpooks.
I like it.
Example –
People can also choose to act in an “unscripted” way now and forge new economies and societies instead of tearing each other apart.
Crisis does create opportunities. And I do think sometimes things don’t go exactly according to plan. I’m hoping that the orchestrators of this chaos have overplayed their hand.
I appreciate your communications and research. You have been busy.
I wanted to mention something about the comment format.
I am old.
It is hard for me to read and digest your comments with the indented paragraphs and the wide empty spaces in between.
It is probably my old age and habits.
I can not easily recognize a quote nor excerpts of an article, and the differences between your perspective and an article’s perspective.
For me personally, it would be a more inviting read if you used a standard format.
The toughest thing for me is the indented paragraphs.
Once in a blue moon for a certain article excerpt works for me, but I can’t easily grasp concepts via the many indented paragraphs.
I just wanted to let you know how it is with me. For others and younger folks, it may not be a problem to read and understand.
My suggestion would be to not go too deeep in posting level because the available text area gets narrower and narrower. That way it quickly gets really bothersome to follow through the discussion.
Sadly, this board is technically what it is. I had created a script that helped a bit with these most obvious issues, but the whole thing could really use a redesign.
Or stealing of good design implemented somewhere else.
“3. Hack Attack (~2025 – 2030) is rise of decentralized Internet and decentralized, anonymous cryptocurrency. With that comes a brave new lawless world.
In 2025, it was de rigueur to build not a house but a high-walled fortress […] Those who couldn’t buy their way out of chaos — which was most people — retreated to whatever “safety” they could find. With opportunity frozen and global mobility at a near standstill — no place wanted more people, especially more poor people […] weakening of national governments also enabled grassroots movements to form and grow, creating rays of hope amid the bleakness. By 2030, the distinction between “developed” and “developing” nations no longer seemed particularly descriptive or relevant.”
@anonymint, from this last paragraph, my understanding is that they’ll instigate class warfare, meaning that cities / neighborhoods will build walls to keep out others (foreigners and the poor) to ward off invasion of their modest resources like and way of life…what are your thoughts?
Absolutely, my friend! I’ll honestly be surprised if he makes it to inauguration…who will she select as her VP? Dumb de dum dum.
Lockdowners and “the Desire to Dominate”
In hindsight, that dispute seems quaint—and we forgot the core of it. Now, people from Paul Krugman to Tyler Cowen seems to think that libertarians rule the world and that everything that has gone wrong is libertarians’ fault. In the race to centrally plan everything from production decisions to who gets to leave their house wearing what, every other concern—except, naturally, Black Lives Matter—was thrown overboard.
For Those About To Question Authority – I Salute You
There are many people who, perhaps for the first time in their lives, are starting to ask fundamental questions about the nature of society and their relationship to authority. This runs contrary to everything they have been taught to believe and is an intensely uncomfortable experience. It takes courage to question your own values and belief systems.
We are all instructed, almost from the cradle, that to obey is good. Doing as we are told is always rewarded and disobedience punished. In part, this is a valuable lesson for a toddler. We need to obey our parent’s command or risk being harmed. When a parent says “no” a child must obey. Parents love their children and exercise their authority to protect them. The child knows less than their parent.
As we grow we become increasingly capable of exercising critical thought. We learn to assess dangers for ourselves and, as experience builds, we develop into adults, able to exercise our own judgment. We have free will and take full responsibility for our own actions.
Yet, as we mature, the authorities demand that we never put away childish things. We must stay obedient, follow the rules and learn to accept the convention of authority. Rather than take full responsibility for our own lives, we are instead told that we have signed up to something they call the social contract.
The authorities do not love us. They do not exercise their claimed authority to protect us. They do not know more than we do.
November 7, 2020 – Saturday
NY State Bar Passes Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendation
The New York State Bar Association on Saturday passed a resolution urging the state to consider making it mandatory for all New Yorkers to undergo COVID-19 vaccination when a vaccine becomes available, even if people object to it for “religious, philosophical or personal reasons.”
The resolution, which was passed by a majority of the bar association’s 277-member House of Delegates, includes conditions limiting its scope. Those include that the state government should only consider making vaccinations mandatory if voluntary COVID-19 vaccinations fall short of producing needed levels of population immunity; that an assessment of the health threat to various communities be made so that perhaps the mandate can be targeted; and that a mandate only be considered after there is expert consensus about the vaccine’s safety and efficacy.
In a statement Saturday afternoon, Mary Beth Morrissey, chair of the bar association’s Health Law Section’s Task Force on COVID-19, which in May released a controversial report that first proposed the idea of a vaccine mandate, said, “The authority of the state to respond to a public health crisis is well-established in constitutional law,”
“In balancing the protection of the public’s health and civil liberties, the Public Health Law recognizes that a person’s health can and does affect others,” said Morrisey, a lawyer who holds a doctorate degree in gerontological social work research.
The Health Law Section’s May report generated an uproar online, over the spring and summer, among anti-vaccine groups and lawyers who represent people injured by vaccines. But the relevant part of the 83-page report proposing a vaccine mandate was broader in scope, and more direct, than the resolution passed by the bar association Saturday.
The report recommended that it should be mandatory for all Americans to undergo COVID-19 vaccination, despite people’s objections, with the one exception being doctor-ordered medical reasons. There was no language about a mandate being limited to New York state residents, and no language saying a public recommendation should only be for the state government to “consider” a mandate….
Dear God, this is frightening. What sort of evil has befallen the World?
The real, live Satan, who so many insist does not exist, is having his way with the world right now, a world that has, en masse, rejected the Almighty, claiming He “doesn’t exist” or acting as though His will and justice don’t matter.
We are in the End Times, there is absolutely no doubt about that at this point. Yes, there have been many false alarms about that in the past two millennia, but only our age can truly fulfill what was warned about by God through St. John.
There is only ONE thing we must aim for: preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone we know. Time is very short. Nothing else truly matters.
I don’t know if the mandatory injections will be the “Mark of the Beast,” or something with those injections will be (RFID chip, “quantum dot tattoo”), but it is perfectly clear that such injections – and their digital “vaccination record” – must be resisted at all costs, by any means necessary (yes, I mean ANY means necessary). Taking that Mark is not only lethal in this life, but lethal for eternity.
Indeed. Maybe it’s an experiment and we are the lab rats. No way in hell I am taking it
“The resolution, which was passed by a majority of the bar association’s 277-member House of Delegates, includes conditions limiting its scope. Those include that the state government should only consider making vaccinations mandatory if voluntary COVID-19 vaccinations fall short of producing needed levels of population immunity
The NYSBA are way behind the times!
Neither voluntary nor mandatory vaccinations will produce population immunity.
Big Pharma made this pronouncement a few weeks ago during their trials update!
The mandatory injections are not intended to prevent any Coronavirus.
They are intended to prevent the Freedoms of Self-Ownership and Self-Determination “virus.”
Yes. They are slavery. People who take it are submitting and forfeiting their freedom. In my opinion, it’s cowardly and disgraceful for anyone who knows this and takes it anyway. They will have won.
The vast majority is exactly what a certain ethnic group claims they are: livestock. Sheep. Cowards, definitely. Only a minority “knows” reality and acts accordingly. Seems to be the norm throughout history.
He will be victorious. With Him, so shall we be.
The Birch Society won’t touch the verboten issue of the banking tribe. They are effectively controlled “opposition,” a bunch of cranks who need to “feel” that they are “doing something” while doing nothing.
should only consider making vaccinations mandatory if voluntary COVID-19 vaccinations fall short
that is the important sentence
that is the narrative that is laid out here in Germany too.
actually one of the active attorneys here, a total normy guy is pointing it out and repeating it since april that “the pandemic” is about the vaccines (according to the drafts of law etc)
Excellent article, thanks for sharing.
If the courts were fair, Trump would win the election. He won the election with legal votes. The supreme court will decide who the winner is, not the press. People know it’s a fraudulent election and that is demoralizing to the public and the world, psychological undermining. Letting people believe they have no chance and have to accept lies.
This could also be a good thing, people lose faith in the system and form communities with each other, and reject the government because now it’s obviously fraudulent.
I would check out John Titus on youtube. He has a lot of videos on the federal reserve and the massive wealth transfer taking place.
I think Trump loses with the great reset and he has an interest in preventing it. However, he has compromised many things he promised, but still would be far better than Biden, in my opinion. His wealth is built on the old system. The biosecurity paradigm/germaphobia phenomenon does not align with the hotel and entertainment industry. He openly supports national pride, which is anti-globalist in nature.
If Biden actually takes office, by an official declaration (not the press) they will push the “build back better” platform. There is a runoff race in Georgia, if democrats win, republicans will not have a majority in the Senate, and many objectives will be passed right on through.
My point is that if Democrats get away with stealing the election (s) this time around, and it looks like people will let them do it, they will also steal the election in Georgia in the run-off. It will be up to the citizens to stop the runaway train and I don’t think the “liberals” this time will be the ones to champion the cause of liberty, unfortunately. The new liberal movement is on the side of the totalitarian technocrats, as much as people don’t want to admit this,
I believe it’s true.
Just my thoughts on the matter.
On nationalism, I think free citizens in countries around the world need to collaborate with each other. I do think collaboration with individuals is good. In fact, I feel bad for citizens in China. I can’t even imagine what they must go through or how they stay sane with their totalitarian government.
How about a different kind of globalism, free citizens that want to get rid of their governments can collaborate on how to accomplish this. By any means necessary, free humanity needs to stand up.
We all know the “President” will be Harris. Joe just a figure head, and her installation will become de jure within 18 months.
After Tulsi Gabbard rekt her campaign, Harris should have just slithered away. But she comes out of disgrace to become the “Vice President”?! No Democrats found that beyond odd?
always good stuff James.. sometimes I felt that Trump was at least a deterrent/speed bump, but seems unmistakably part of the issue. I loved the blackmarketfriday idea. Time to start getting on there with some crypto and increasing my boycotting of all other avenues.. so when they go down, we have a network of individuals and services and information we can all goto. I’m not going to bother trying to tell people to get away from the beach because the water pulled out.. Time to focus on just those who want higher ground and may need a hand getting there. I’m done with watching the nonsense(what little I did). I am just going to tell them they are right and move along. Keep up the good work. I’d say, since the beginning of the year, there really is zero time left. Hope needs to be replaced by full on positive actions.
I also felt he’s a speed bump. I think positive actions are necessary. I also think some backbone is also necessary and taking risks. It will be challenging, but Netflix and the daily routine had become a little dull anyway.
Perhaps Trump winning the election in 2016 was part of the plan. It did a good job of stoking the fire.
The MSM really stoked the fire though by all the Russia gate stuff and also saying he’s a fascist. Not saying he didn’t say controversial things, but so? The MSM really tries to dominate the narratives. It’s been very annoying.
It’s worth pointing out that’s not actual chaos they want.
They really want the perception of chaos.
With true chaos, nobody is in control. That would represent a backward step for them as currently they have a lot of control.
What they want is organised chaos that they organise. I call it Kaos to distinguish the two kinds. They want rioters running down the street setting fire to black barber shops, that’s their kind of kaos. Want they don’t want is people pouring gas into the air intakes of the NSA, that is not their kind of chaos. They want Kaos that can be turned on and off at a whim, so that they can offer their solution to their problems. Now if people where to glue the Kaos power switch so it stays on all the time, then the powers that shouldn’t be would have a problem, their Kaos would become chaos!
Great observations. It would be great if people could give them some they don’t expect and can’t control.
Octium, I would posit that Kaos, as you put it, doesn’t qualify as chaos.
In a state of chaos people don’t understand against whom they are supposed to act nor are they able to act in any given direction.
If the average Joe gonna-burn-the-car-down decided to become an iconoclast instead, that would be the first step of an orchestrated effort to establish natural order.
You just gave me a great idea…let’s make a list (just for fun) of all the chaos they DON’T want like…bombing of govt buildings. I could go on, but the following sites are a pretty good start:, and
THOSE kind of lists are the kind that glow-in-the-dark type persons who are monitoring this, and every, site, would like you to post online.
I would hazard a guess that if anyone clicked on those links their browser would tell the website visited that the person had COME FROM this site.
Aside from THAT fact most people in those buildings are just run of the mill idiots, like you and me, who do not even know whats up in their own Agency, let alone the global system. THEY are building a prison for their kids without knowing it.
Even if murdering them was moral, it would not even be useful…. the FEDS FARM TERRORISTS AS A CASH CROP.
Globalists have zero fear of you blowing stuff up… that not only gets them more money it also makes them HEROIC in the eyes of the public.
They DO fear you coming mob handed and protesting PEACEFULLY outside their house and shaming them if they abuse their power. They DO fear you refusing to comply.
They are TERRIFIED of you having some friends whom you trust.
They shudder when you stock up some beans and rice and water purification tabs (of a lifestraw) because you dont need them as much
There may be times in life when violence is justified, but there is NEVER a time when TALKING about violence with strangers on the Internet is justified.
Thanks James.
I and probably all subscribers approximate the time and effort you put into your research and output.
It’s interesting how a lot of what you say is echoed by Martin Armstrong, his blog I am also an avid reader of.
Worth reading as an one of the many data points that help you make up your own mind.
He posted James Bill Gates videos so I wouldn’t be surprised if he is a regular watcher.
As you have mentioned elsewhere, there was a move set in place in the US to defraud people of their gold savings. While I’m sure order followers did’t go door to door on a large scale ransacking people’s savings, the order was still sufficient for a fraction of holders (I’d wager majority) to comply.
In similar fashion, any “legal” exchanges, on which the majority would depend to switch systems, would be a great bottleneck to dissuade the masses.
But, if, as you say, bicoin wasn’t really made for plebs, all of that is immaterial anyway.
hey james. my cousin mike moved to japan 20 years ago. my aunt can’t get him on the phone to remind him that the flu shot is 90 % effective and we were wondering if you’ve seen him? he’s kinda swarthy. he has an eye patch and walks with a limp.
anyhoo, if you see him please tell him to call his mom. thx.
My failed state has jumped on the “probable” train -> code “MKB U07.2”. I’m trying to make some sense out of this mealy mouthed hogwash but it seems they have hit a wall at 10.000 daily testing nation wide (even though they screeched to a full stop at somewhere 8.500 tests per day with a 5 day delay) so now they started inventing probable cases.
They don’t state it outright, but if a new count for “probable” doesn’t spring up on the leader boards, I think it’s safe to say probables will be mashed together with remotely probables and maybe, just maybe we will be able to push through the 2.500 daily new case limit.
To be counted as a probable one needs to have one of the symptoms (like the dastardly cough or slightly increased body temperature) and one of the following:
living anywhere in the failed state during past 14 days (I kid you not)
or a contact with a confirmed or probable case (I kid you not)
or requires hospitalization
or spending some time in a special care facility during the past 14 days
So, if you cough anywhere in the homeland and you are not eligible for testing (i.e. you are not very old and/or ill), you will be counted as a probable case.
Source won’t mean much to anyone, but it’s end of page 3 and page 4 here.
It’s basically the same scenario we have been seeing in various other states and helps to partially explain the uptick in “cases”.
Apparently, currently the delay for testing is 5 days while they are mandating it not be any longer than 3 days for “early testing”. Failing to undergo “early testing”, you become a probable case and tossed on the pile. This stuff is dovetailing like two promiscuous doves on crack cocaine.
mkey says:
“This stuff is dovetailing like two promiscuous doves on crack cocaine.”
This year of 2020 has been so bizarre with policy, people and the media.
It is beyond words for me.
The nuttiness is beyond description.
I can not believe that some of these people publicly say the things that they do…In a normal world, it would be a huge embarrassment, like giving off a loud fart in a crowded elevator. Instead, farting loudly in crowded spaces has become the norm, and everybody claps!.
Monday November 9th, 2020 – “The World Cheered!”
Vaccines & Wall Street & Politics
Following November 7th’s announcement by the MainStream Media that “Joe Biden became president-elect Saturday after winning the pivotal state of Pennsylvania,” we had an early Monday morning Press Release by Pfizer…
Pfizer and BioNTech Announce Vaccine Candidate Against COVID-19 Achieved Success in First Interim Analysis from Phase 3 Study
Like fans at a football game when a winning goal is scored, the Press, the Politicians, the Pundits, and especially Wall Street, were all over this news.
Both Biden and Trump played up the vaccine news, with Trump also pointing at how well the Stock Market was doing.
Across the boards, there seemed to be a tacit, hinting sentiment that things soon would return to normal.
Some stocks which did well during the Lockdowns, such as “Zoom Video’ and Amazon, fell on the news (down 17% and 5.1% respectively.)
AMC (movie theatre chain) stock share price went up over 51% on the day.
Cruise line stocks had incredible spikes straight up. Carnival 39%, Norwegian 26.8%, Royal Caribbean 28.8%.
Airlines had double digit percentage gains in share price.
Pfizer and BioNTech jumped 7.7% and 13.9%.
WTI crude oil ripped up by more than 8%, bringing an array of oil related stocks up with it.
Gold and Silver collapsed to far below Friday’s gains. Gold down 4.5%, Silver down 5.25%.
What stands out for me…
We have seen this vaccine news hype repeatedly, time and again.
The markets, media, and politicians play it up like the Savior from heaven is here to make things alright. Wall Street goes bananas on the upswing every time.
One would think that folks would wise up to the same old trick.
No. The grift still works.
Great observation and a good point. I think more people are waking up to this scam.
How many real people are there in these markets? I have a feeling it’s mostly machines trading with each other and some market cronies looking to score on a commission.
This is good to know. I’m going to buy some more silver and gold ASAP. Thanks for posting the market update. I wish I would have bought more bitcoin when it was low. If it dips again, I’ll make a purchase.
I think the market improvement is a trick, just like you say.
UPDATE on Pfizer – 11/11/20 Wednesday
Pfizer’s CEO Dumps 62% Of His Stock On COVID Vaccine Announcement
FULL ARTICLE (graphics in article)
On Monday, Pfizer shares soared 16% following a bullish statement on the company’s experimental COVID-19 vaccine showed 90% effectiveness in preliminary results.
Then on Tuesday, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sold 62% of his stock.
The SEC Form 4 filing showed Bourla sold 132,508 shares at an average price of $41.94 per share, equivalent to $5.6 million – nearly top-ticking the 52-week-high.
Bourla’s sale was conducted under Rule 10b5-1, established by the SEC, allowing the corporate insider to sell a predetermined number of shares at a predetermined time. A Pfizer spokesperson told Axios that the CEO’s predetermined trading plan was formed in August.
Despite the sale being perfectly legal under Rule 10b5-1 to avoid accusations of insider trading, the optics aren’t great for Bourla, who still managed to top-tick the 52-week-high on the sale on news day. One can argue that he couldn’t have known the results of the vaccine trial months ahead of time. And while all this is coming out just days after a critical US election, though it’s not clear if that was a trigger.
Other pharmaceutical companies such as Moderna, also producing a COVID-19 vaccine, experienced similar insider selling over the summer around vaccine news – where insiders dumped tens of millions of dollars of stock.
Under the cover of Rule 10b5-1, corporate insiders at some pharmaceutical companies are already running for the exits by dumping their stock, of course, it’s easier to commit to pre-plan sales of stock when you know you can pump the price by simply publishing a press release.
Pfizer – Thursday 11/12/2020
Liz Szabo and JoNel Aleccia | Kaiser Health News, NBC News via Yahoo
Covid-19 vaccine may have unpleasant side effects. That will mean it’s working.
(5 minute embedded video with an ‘expert’)
Pfizer is expected to seek federal permission to release its Covid-19 vaccine by the end of November, a move that holds promise for quelling the pandemic but also sets up a tight time frame to make sure consumers understand what it will mean to get the shots.
The vaccine, and likely most others, will require two doses to work, injections that must be given weeks apart, company protocols show. Scientists anticipate that the shots will cause enervating flu-like side effects — including sore arms, muscle aches and fever — that could last days and temporarily sideline some people from work or school. And even if a vaccine proves 90 percent effective, the rate Pfizer touted for its product, 1 in 10 recipients would still be vulnerable. That means, at least in the short term, as population-level immunity grows, people can’t stop social distancing and throw away their masks.
Left out so far in the push to develop vaccines with unprecedented speed has been a large-scale plan to communicate effectively about those issues in advance…
…”We are asking people to take a vaccine that is going to hurt,”… “There are lots of sore arms and substantial numbers of people who feel crummy, with headaches and muscle pain, for a day or two.”…
…The best communication can occur once full data from the Pfizer trial and others are presented, said Dr. Paul Offit, a vaccinologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia who sits on the Food and Drug Administration’s advisory board considering Covid-19 vaccines.
“When you look at those data, you can more accurately define what groups of people are most likely to have side effects, what the efficacy is, what we know about how long the efficacy lasts, what we know about how long the safety data have been tested,” he said. “I think you have to get ready to communicate that. You can start getting ready now.”
via a link in the article above
mRNA vaccines face their first test in the fight against Covid-19.
How do they work?
(2 minute video embedded)
Medical worker cu.h.j explains the mechanism of the m-RNA Vaccine.
mRNA (messenger RNA) directs cellular machinery to make proteins.
The mRNA vaccine supposedly works the same way, once injected gives instructions to our cellular machinery to make the antigen (a protein) that initiates an immune response making antibodies.
Older vaccines are the antigen itself, an attenuated virus, or protein that our body develops an immune reaction to making antibodies.
The problem with this is that it’s experimental, and as far as I know, has not been used on this scale on humans.
I know that our bodies are very complex and there may be “unforeseen” problems, like over activation of the immune response and possible autoimmune reactions, in addition to long-term side effects that are unknown (at least for the general public).
And if the vaccine kills you, that will mean covid killed you. Because you had to take the vaccine due to covid. QED
Pfizer & ASPARTAME link – G.D. Searle
Remember the sordid history of aspartame and Donald Rumsfeld with G.D. Searle?
G. D. Searle, LLC is a research-based pharmaceutical company that manufactures and markets prescription pharmaceuticals and other healthcare solutions worldwide. It also offers prescription drugs and nuclear imaging optical equipment. The company was founded in 1888 and is based in Skokie, Illinois.
G. D. Searle, LLC operates as a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc.
Sweet. We are sure to get a sweet vaccine from Pfizer.
If you are curious about the history of aspartame and Donald Rumsfeld, here is one rendition…
(It includes some info about Stevia)
What are the legal implications for rescinding citizenship? What are the benefits?
If you rescind your US citizenship you lose your 2nd amendment though, that’s what I know for sure. In this craziness, not sure I want to let that go.
I’ll second this by saying that since your freedom has not been granted by anyone it can not therefore be rescinded by anyone.
You came out of your mother as a free human being into the world, without any possessions and only huge potential in tow. This potential almost always turns into a huge loss.
It has been referenced many times, but bears repeating: read Constitution of no authority by Lysander Spooner.
US Citizens must pay tax even when over seas… if you renounce your Citizenship you must pay a fraction of your taxable value…NOT EVEN KIDDING
Video Game Simulating an Election Crisis
From Wikipedia
Shattered Union is set in an alternate history version of the United States.
In 2008, David Jefferson Adams has been elected as the 44th President of the United States following a disputed election and a tie vote in the Electoral College (and subsequent tie-breaker by the United States House of Representatives), becoming the most hated and unpopular president in U.S. history.
A combination of foreign terrorist attacks and poor economic conditions contributes to civil unrest.
As a result, rioting springs up all throughout the United States, resulting in domestic terrorism.
In response, President Adams uses the Homeland Security Act and declares martial law on many areas of the country, but it is particularly concentrated in the West Coast.
Four years later, during the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election, the Supreme Court of the United States disqualifies all the popular presidential candidates from several states, effectively handing Adams his reelection. The public reacts violently when incumbent Adams accepts a second term.
During the Inauguration Ball in Washington, D.C. on the night of January 20, 2013, a low-yield tactical nuclear weapon is detonated in an apparent groundburst, presumably having been concealed there in advance. The yield is sufficient to destroy most of the city, killing Adams, his cabinet, and most of the U.S. Congress, effectively wiping out the presidential line of succession, resulting in the United States being thrust into total chaos….
Shattered Union PC Trailer – Intro Trailer
(2 minutes)
(H/t to SG)
Thanks anonymint. It is good to get feedback.
Interesting HRS. I wonder if that will play out here.
barii, I see clicking on the ‘DVDs’ tab above yields ‘As international mail has been disrupted by the current crisis, DVD orders have been suspended until further notice.’
All Corbett Report DVDs are free to download from this site, and can be burned onto DVD directly from your home computer, or stored on any medium eg, HardDrive, Memory Stick, SD card etc
If it’s the main documentaries you wish to have, you can search for them using the search tool on the right. The main feature-length documentaries are at and then click on the ‘Download MP4’ link under each one, to save that particular film to your computer.
Hope this helps
some here in Germany have seen the Oktoberfest celebrations in China (as all festivals were shut down here)
but now in German papers the propaganda slowly, softly starts: sometimes praising the Chinese way, sometimes the Asian way (China, South Korea but it will soon include Taiwan Singapore etc too)
embracing the shift from Pax Americana/Petrodollar Order to New Corona Social Credit System Order
probably we will see more slight changes of tone next year with new president, presumably when selection chaos is over or simply changed to a new level, both laying claim
and then of course with/after Davos (Luzern or so coming year) in May
Leipzig 07.11.2020 | Friedliche Evolution | LIVE-Übertragung der Demo in Leipzig
Here is a video from an anti-Covid rally that was held in Leipzig, Germany a few days ago. I don’t speak or understand German, but you can use subtitles for this video.
Germany has been inspiring to watch as they organize large events to protest Covid-1984. I hope something like this can be organized in California or the United States generally.
somewhere over the rainbow… Trump Quickly Identifies As Woman So Kamala Harris Can’t Claim To Be The First Female President — f’kn brilliant!! but now i just cant stop wonderin’ if orange lady man is gonna flip flop cuz Florida Recount Finally Wraps Up, Al Gore Declared President
The powers that serve to destroy suppress and enslave will lead to our extinction in my opinion. The psychopaths who are steering this nightmare are like a malignant tumor and they need to be excised and starved out. I believe psychopaths are an aberration.
I agree with compliance and choice has a lot to do with the predicament we find ourselves in. I believe in personal responsibility as well. Long ago, people who saw the writing on the wall at where this was headed could have intervened more easily.
What these people are doing goes beyond managing a farm, in my opinion. They are trying to manipulate the human genome with the mRNA vaccines. Also, some of the monsters in government have been involved in pedophile networks. These things cross the line.
Hello Fellow Subscribers,
I found this 21st Century Wire’s interview with NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller, who is also the author of the book “Fooled Again: The Real Case for Election Reform,” to be very interesting. He says that election theft (by both parties) has been going on for decades. Give it a listen.
All the best in these difficult times,
Klaus Schwab TWITTER
Strike Back to the Empire
Folks are having fun in this InfoWar. You gotta appreciate the sly humor.
Klaus Schwab Tweets:
The World Economic Forum are working with the Biden Administration to ensure that most people will survive the coming food shortages.
Citizens that have up-to-date vaccination documents will receive regular packages of plant-based protein products.
(Cricket Image)
#KlausSchwab also has some interesting tidbits.
…and then When It Happens, You Act Surprised:
“Well, if I had known the New World Order was coming…”
That wonderful Canadian gal, WhatsHerFace, keeping it real.
Nov 10, 2020
“Joe Biden Promises to lockdown America”
(7 minutes)
WARNING NOTE by YouTube under the video…
U.S. elections
The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden. See more on Google.
Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results. Learn more (LINK to The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
YouTube links to this webpage…
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
“Rumor Control” (under “Election Security”)
…This webpage is for people with questions about the security of their vote and preemptively debunks potential areas for disinformation. You can learn more about mis- and disinformation from CISA’s Countering Foreign Influence Task Force….
Regarding Corbett’s 11/8/2020 article The Chaos IS The Plan…
The following JP Sears Video is one of the best rundowns I have seen about the election situation.
It was uploaded on November 12, 2020 – Thursday.
***** 5 STARS
The Chaos IS The Plan
(8 1/2 minutes)
Correction to above comment:
I meant to copy-n-paste How a Civil War Could Start! as the title for the video.
The video title is not “The Chaos IS The Plan”.
But the chaos is the plan. In the era of hypocrisy and wrong you can not do wrong or be a hypocrite.
Do whatever you feel
Good video. Thanks
I agree that the process is perfectly natural, understandable and makes sense mathematically. The “shouldn’t be” part comes from the fact that every day people shouldn’t be handing their power over to the powers that shouldn’t be.
It is counter to survival of the individual and the individual is bringing about their own demise as well killing their own children. Nature will deem them unworthy of existence if they keep it up.
anonymint says:
“The collective resource is a power vacuum that MUST be captured by the most ruthless and powerful.
This is a fact of nature.”
I want to BUMP this as a “food for thought” concept.
See the first paragraph of the following comment by anonymint, and be sure to click on ” is a power vacuum”.
Are you familiar with the self issued credit system?
They dont need to replace him, he is just a puppet anyway. The same policies will rule out if he is there or replaced
They might like to ‘darken’ the office to ensure that anyone who critizices them is labeled a racist or sexist….even though the woman used to put black people in prison, stopped investigation of cops shooting black people and was raised comfortably in California by her India-Indian mother (yet develops a stereotypical lower class southern black accent when needed.
I flat out never trust people who change their accents for an audience
Wow, a very comprehensive look at what lies behind the scenes of this chaos. Satan is the author of confusion. Those “Titanic forces” are best described in Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (NKJV) As a “conspiracy realist” I agree with James Corbett that this all has been long planned – the predictive programming. The Great Reset will definitely bring that man of Sin, the Anti-christ, upon the stage and in prominent control. Ugh! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
I’m afraid that this has all been planned by among others the FEDERAL RESERVE.
Please read the linked article, and the comments beneath it, even if you don’t understand it all you’ll get the gist.
The PONZI needs a catalyst for the next round of money creation.
Though I am British, I feel strongly that are all in this together to prevent the New World Order. I’m extremely concerned that The USA is going to implode.
I fear that there is no political resolution to the chaos and acrimony being engineered by the warped souls at the top of the power pyramid, which will enable either the completion of the technocratic bio security state… or provoke Civil War where both sides will be armed by the same Bankster Cronies.
Consequently, nothing short of a mass Consciousness raising in the masses will prevent these outcomes.
I now pray for a Spiritual Awakening because this is a war between good and evil ?
Regarding The Chaos IS the Plan
Texas Attorney Sidney Powell – evidence of massive fraud with Dominion Voting Systems which will put Trump as President
(4 1/2 minute video)
I don’t vote nor follow much on the politics, but this type of potential scenario eventually could lead to the pot boiling over.
That may just be the point, as explained in the recent Awaken with JP video. People are completely tuned into the trash TV as it’s dictating straight to their subconsciousness.