The Big Short purports to tell the story of the housing bubble of the last decade and the subsequent global financial collapse…and it actually isn’t as terrible as you might think. Join James on this week’s edition of Film, Literature and the New World Order as we talk to Robert Wenzel of about what The Big Short gets right and what it leaves out.
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The Big Short: An Almost Great Movie
The Fed Flunks: My Speech at the New York Federal Reserve Bank
Last month’s episode and comments: The Manchurian Candidate
Next month: The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
Thank you gain for a great FLNWO. Although relatively broad in scope, the ongoing accounting problems of the Military Industrial Complex broadly, which annually reports trillions in unaccounted for expenditures, does point to what Catherine Austin Fitts has outlined as evidence of highly compartmentalized research into space, weapons, and propulsion technologies for interstellar travel, aka, “the secret space program”. These projects extend beyond the black projects of DARPA and get to the heart of the “solutions” question (an ongoing topic at the Corbett Report), as they have been actively researching and utilizing zero point energy technologies for decades. The Fed’s role (and the BIS role more generally) in the finance of these projects through various monetary policies is a worthwhile area to research and discuss within the Corbett Report Community.
I don’t understand why Martin Armstrong is ignored with his excellent computer model of the business cycle and his extremely accurate predictions for the last 20 yrs.
An interesting tidbit on “Futures Trading” of commodities like corn or cotton or oil.
Perhaps only 5 cents of every dollar traded on the exchanges goes towards an actual physical delivery of that commodity.
“How much of what is traded actually gets delivered?”
“It is estimated that typically four percent or less is actually delivered. A contract may be bought and sold many times before the delivery date as businesses attempt to manage their risk. This is what accounts for the large volume traded, though relatively little is delivered, since the basic purpose of a futures contract is to provide price-change protection. (See hedging.)”
Following the link in this week’s #NWNW I’m catching up on all the #FLNWO episodes. This one was interesting in that Mr Wenzel predicted the mess we have fully entered now. Proceeded to his website to check on his current predictions but sadly he died last year.
I am sooo glad that you put attention on this The Big Short – FLNWO #32.
I just finished. And I had seen this in 2016, but my memory to all this information has faded.
Towards the last part of FLNWO #32, there is an incredible set of statements by Mr Wenzel when he mentions inflation and The Fed and oil. 2%, 3% and then 5% inflation and how The Fed will respond. 2022 is a mimic of the scenario he presented.
We are seeing Wenzel’s future economic crash predictions play out before our eyes.
This FLNWO episode works very well with Corbett’s recent economic style article series “How Blackrock Conquered the World” and his upcoming article on The Vanguard Group and Episode 433 – CBDCs: Beyond the Basics where Corbett gives us visuals on Commercial Banks and The Fed.