Question: How do you spot a fed?
This is not an idle question. As dedicated devotees of the independent media and serious students of history will know all too well, wherever you find a group that seriously challenges the power of the state—or, more to the point, the deep state—you will also find federal agents trying to infiltrate that group. From the original COINTELPRO operations in the 1950s right through to the recent (FBI-provocateured) plot to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (with its curious denouement), there is no shortage of examples of this phenomenon.
Sometimes the feds are easy to spot. Remember the “protesters” at the 2007 Montebello SPP protests who threatened the police line with rocks in their hands, trying to turn a peaceful assembly into a riot that would justify a violent police response? When these rock-wielding, mask-wearing pretenders got called out by real protesters as police operatives, they promptly crashed the police line and got themselves “arrested” . . . conveniently exposing the fact that they were wearing the exact same standard-issue boots as their arresting officers. Caught in the act, the Quebec provincial police had to admit that the protesters were indeed undercover police officers (although, strangely enough, they never explained what those undercover police officers were doing approaching the police line with rocks in their hands).
But, unfortunately for those of us who participate in conspiracy analysis, the feds are not always so inept or so blindingly obvious in their actions. So it would behoove us to know some of the tell-tale signs of undercover agents in our midst, wouldn’t it?
You won’t want to miss this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber where James takes the analysis of Sunstein’s infamous “cognitive infiltration” proposal one step further than most and examines what the endless hunt for federal agents in our midst is really about. You can read the free version of this editorial via the link below or you can sign up for a Corbett Report membership to support the independent media (and get a discount on James’ upcoming Renegade University course, too).
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 24 (September 12, 2021)
by James Corbett Question: How do you spot a fed? This is not an idle question. As dedicated devotees of the independent media and serious students of history will know all too well, wherever you find a group that seriously challenges the power of the state—or, more to the point, the deep state—you will also find federal agents trying to infiltrate that group. From the original COINTELPRO operations in the 1950s right through to the recent (FBI-provocateured) plot to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (with its curious denouement), there is no shortage of examples of this phenomenon. Sometimes the feds are easy to spot. Remember the “protesters” at the 2007 Montebello SPP protests who threatened the police line with rocks in their hands, trying to turn a peaceful assembly into a riot that would justify a violent police response? When these rock-wielding, mask-wearing pretenders got called out by real protesters as police operatives, they promptly crashed the police line and got themselves “arrested” . . . conveniently exposing the fact that they were wearing the exact same standard-issue boots as their arresting officers. Caught in the act, the Quebec provincial police had to admit that the protesters were indeed undercover police officers (although, strangely enough, they never explained what those undercover police officers were doing approaching the police line with rocks in their hands). But, unfortunately for those of us who participate in conspiracy analysis, the feds are not always so inept or so blindingly obvious in their actions. So it would behoove us to know some of the tell-tale signs of undercover agents in our midst, wouldn’t it? Well, wouldn’t it? In order to answer that question, we’re going to have to take a deep dive into “Conspiracy Theories,” a 2008 paper co-authored by Cass Sunstein, Obama’s “regulatory czar” and the husband of R2P warmonger Samantha Power, and Adrian Vermeule, a Harvard law professor who once clerked for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. The paper gained infamy online because it controversially advocated for the “cognitive infiltration” of conspiracy research groups. Rather than rebutting the theories proffered by conspiracy realists with facts and evidence, Sunstein and his co-author argued, the government should instead send undercover federal agents into conspiracy analyst groups in order to influence their thinking and “undermine” their “crippled epistemology” by “planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups.” Even mainstream pundits were quick to point out that the idea was not only illegal but self-contradictory. After all, how can the government undermine belief in the theory that the government engages in conspiracies against its citizens when it is in fact doing that very thing—engaging in a conspiracy against its citizens? More to the point, those who were the ostensible target of the government’s cognitive infiltration—9/11 Truthers particularly—predicted that this practice would play out exactly like COINTELPRO, the controversial and highly illegal 1956—1971 FBI program that sought to disrupt, infiltrate and discredit groups that the FBI (i.e., J. Edgar Hoover) deemed “subversive.” That program, lest we forget, not only involved the illegal surveillance, harassment and subversion of completely legitimate political opposition groups, but engaged in truly abominable activity, from the FBI-King suicide letter to the murder of Fred Hampton. But by this point most people have heard all that. So today let’s go one level deeper. As it turns out, there’s a meta-level upon which the “cognitive infiltration” is operating. And when we look at Sunstein’s paper in that light, we discover a horrifying fact: so far, his paper has had its intended effect. Sunstein won. First, let’s start by looking at the paper itself. It begins (predictably enough) by zeroing right in on 9/11 Truth. Specifically, Sunstein and Vermeule cite a number of polls demonstrating that overwhelming numbers of people in various locales (including residents of New York City) believe some version of the “dangerous” “conspiracy theory” that holds that the US and Israeli governments had a direct role in bringing 9/11 about. Rather than taking this as a sign that there may be something to these theories or that, at the very least, the government has signally failed to make its case for the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, Sunstein and his partner in crime instead draw a much different conclusion: these “conspiracy theorists”—you know, those tinfoil hat wackadoodles who think the government lies to them about matters of importance—are succeeding in spreading their “false and dangerous beliefs” and they must be stopped. But how to stop them? That is the question for the would-be controllers of society like Sunstein. By advocating that the government become more transparent in its operations? Abolishing secrecy as the modus operandi of the deep state? Instituting a mechanism for public oversight of intelligence operations and making a concerted attempt to unearth and atone for the many documentable conspiracies that the government has engaged in in the past? Pfff. Of course not! No, the government should shut those conspiracy theorists up by engaging in a conspiracy against them. You see, according to Sunstein and Vermeule, conspiracy theories cannot be refuted by facts and evidence:
So, what can be done about these pernicious purveyors of conspiracy analysis?
First, let’s stop for a moment to appreciate how truly totalitarian (not to mention outright insane) this passage is. Yes, Sunstein and Vermeule are actually saying that a government ban on “conspiracy theorizing” or a tax (“financial or otherwise[?]”) on the dissemination of such theories “will have a place under imaginable conditions.” Under what conditions do they imagine it will be permissible (or even possible) for the government to “ban conspiracy theorizing”? What does that even mean and how would such a ban not be on its face a clear abrogation of the First Amendment? Such lunacy aside, we reach the heart of their thesis: that the government “should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories.” What does this mean, exactly?
Now, much has already been said about this paper in the independent media, so I won’t retread the entire argument here. Suffice it to say, yes, Sunstein and Vermeule are actively advocating for the government to engage in conspiracy in order to convince people that governments don’t engage in conspiracy. And, ominously, less than one year after the publication of this proposal, Obama appointed Sunstein as the administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Now, to be clear, this concept of “cognitive infiltration” of citizen investigations did not originate with Sunstein, nor was it a startling new idea at the time that he wrote about it in 2008. On the contrary, if we were to peg the start of the modern era of conspiracy to the assassination of JFK in 1963, then we can confidently say that the tactic of cognitive infiltration has been around since the dawn of this era. Remember that not only did the CIA hold multiple meetings of what it called the “Garrison Group” to determine how the agency could undermine or discredit the investigation that District Attorney Jim Garrison had opened up into the JFK assassination, but it actually “planted nine agents inside the Garrison investigation to feed him false information and to report back to Langley on what Garrison was finding out.” Talk about cognitive infiltration. But if there was any doubt that cognitive infiltration is alive and well in the 21st century, I offer as Exhibit A this 2010 thread from 9/11 Blogger as the perfect encapsulation of what cognitive infiltration in the modern era looks like and how it functions to derail investigation (or even discussion) of complex deep state operations. I encourage you to read the rather innocuous post itself (the description of a forthcoming book by a prolific 9/11 researcher) and then the discussion that follows in the comment section. Where to begin? I’d like to say that it’s hard to fathom how such an unhinged comment thread could follow from such a simple post, but, alas, anyone who has spent any time on internet fora in the past two decades will know all too well how commonplace this type of discussion is online. Indeed, as anyone familiar with The Gentleperson’s Guide To Forum Spies will immediately recognize, this particular thread is a master class in how to neutralize potential activists and undermine any attempts at serious analysis of a topic. As someone who has indeed read (and wholeheartedly recommends) the book being discussed (Disconnecting the Dots by Kevin Fenton), it’s immediately obvious that the commenters insinuating that Fenton is “satisfied with what the U.S. government has told us” about the attacks most assuredly have absolutely no idea what the book is about or what Fenton is arguing in it. (Or, to put it in internet meme terms: Tell me you haven’t read the book without telling me you haven’t read the book.) But regardless of the ludicrously off-base assertions of the few commenters raising these suspicions, they end up victorious: all serious discussion of the book ends at the point that these allegations are made and the thread ultimately descends into a LIHOP/MIHOP debate—a debate that itself is as likely a candidate as any to be the result of a cognitive infiltration campaign (a point that is beyond the scope of this editorial but that I’m happy to expand upon in the future if anyone is interested). This entire case study in infighting is well summarized by one user who writes:
Predictably, though, this comment gets lost near the end of the comment chain, long after those who might have engaged in a meaningful discussion of Fenton’s work had abandoned the thread. Another “Mission Accomplished!” for those who wish to thwart productive discourse on a vitally important topic. At this point, it would be tempting for everyone to take a side and then to explain how the people on the other side are obviously cognitive infiltrators, sent in by Cass Sunstein or one of his minions to divide and conquer the 9/11 Truth movement. The people critiquing Fenton without having read his book could claim (on the basis of no evidence whatsoever) that Fenton is in fact a cognitive infiltrator, sent in to dilute the 9/11 Truth message. Those defending Fenton could label those critiquing him as cognitive infiltrators, designed to disrupt the work of researchers like Fenton and those who are seeking to better understand that research. We could even construct elaborate theories about how the entire comment thread was the product of government agents working both sides of the “debate.” After all, we know that every major government in the world is now deploying military officers and other agents to operate multiple fake social media profiles, so why wouldn’t they use those assets to create entirely fake discussions that lead people nowhere and discourage real users from engaging with important information? But here’s the most insidious part of all of this: when we start devoting all of our research energies to this endless game of “spot the cognitive infiltrator,” Sunstein wins. You see, the point of the “Conspiracy Theories” paper wasn’t just to talk about the potential for undermining conspiracy analysis by inserting government agents in the midst of citizen research communities; as I say, that idea is not new at all and has been demonstrably used by the intelligence agencies for over half a century. No, the point of the paper was to introduce the idea of cognitive infiltration itself into the conspiracy analysts’ discussion. Now, instead of analyzing arguments, presenting evidence and working cooperatively toward a greater understanding of events, researchers are increasingly apt to see themselves as isolated truth seekers surrounded by cognitive infiltrators who are trying to introduce disinformation. When this viewpoint becomes the norm within the conspiracy analyst community, it becomes increasingly difficult for researchers to bear any deviation at all from their own line of thinking. Instead, the immediate response to any and all information that challenges their beliefs is: “Cognitive infiltration!” In essence, the conspiracy analyst community begins to devour itself, devoting more and more of its time to finding and denouncing cognitive infiltrators and less and less of its time to actually researching and analyzing conspiracies. And at last we come to the real conspiracy theory for today: this was Sunstein’s intention all along. After all, if Sunstein and Vermeule had wanted to undermine the conspiracy analyst movement, they couldn’t have done a better job than by loudly advocating for a government conspiracy to secretly infiltrate that movement. Suddenly, there is no room for alternative viewpoints or exploration of ideas within the movement. “Either you believe what I believe, or you are a cognitive infiltrator.” And the best part about all of this from Sunstein’s point of view? The government doesn’t have to actually do anything. They don’t even have to send a single undercover agent into the conspiracy realist space. They just have to put the idea of infiltration out there. As someone who works as a conspiracy analyst for a living, I’m all too familiar with how the spirit of the investigations that are taking place online has shifted in recent years. People who otherwise would be spending their time critiquing and analyzing the moves of the deep state are now spending more and more of their time engaging others in purity tests and loudly denouncing each other for not holding to this or that orthodoxy or for spending their time on this subject instead of some other subject. Increasingly, everything is a purity test. And when everything is a purity test, eventually everyone fails that test. No one will ever hold all of the same beliefs as you on every subject of importance (let alone prioritize those subjects in the same way that you do). So, eventually, you’ll find yourself isolated, alone, frightened, wondering how the government has managed to employ so many cognitive infiltrators and why there are no real people left in the world. And, somewhere off in the distance, Sunstein is laughing. So, let’s return to our original question. No, not “How do you spot a fed?” The other question: “So it would behoove us to know some of the tell-tale signs of undercover agents in our midst, wouldn’t it?” Well, would it? Is spending our time looking under every bush for undercover agents truly the best use of our time and research resources? When we do engage in that hunt, how often do we ever come to a definitive conclusion, anyway? All we are left with is our suspicions, which we then harden into conclusions, usually by throwing the baby out with the bathwater and closing off discussion or exploration of counter-evidence to our own ideas. So, the choice is ours. We can do research, discuss evidence and analyze events, or we can spend all our time in the endless and fruitless hunt for cognitive infiltrators. But, if you choose the latter course, just know this: Sunstein has beaten you at a game you didn’t even know you were playing. |
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The article title refers to “alternative” media where the article body refers to “ independent” media?
There is a key difference, firstly only an all-seeing god can determine if media is truly independent, where as any critical thinking reader or listener can determine if the media is alternative.
Did the article you read teach you something new? Is the information generally available from other sources? If the answer is yes and then no, the media is alternative. Of course you will need to research further to find out if the information is actually true or not, but at least the media site gave you an opportunity to learn something you didn’t know.
On the other hand you can never really know if a news source is independent as you can’t guarantee that you can discover all their sources of funding or influence unless you can truly see through walls and see the atoms that the matrix is built from
Corbett’s article Sunstein Won: Cognitive Infiltration of the “Alternative” Media
This helps.
As someone who trips often, this helps to put a balance of perspective in researching, analyzing and discussing information. Thanks. I need a stabilizer every now and then.
Corbett made a lot of points in the article.
This paragraph stuck out for me…
“…As someone who works as a conspiracy analyst for a living, I’m all too familiar with how the spirit of the investigations that are taking place online has shifted in recent years.
People who otherwise would be spending their time critiquing and analyzing the moves of the deep state are now spending more and more of their time engaging others in purity tests and loudly denouncing each other for not holding to this or that orthodoxy or for spending their time on this subject instead of some other subject….” –JC
I read: “take care not to be consumed by an implosion of self-feeding paranoia loop, sailing the sargasso seas,, or feast & fly towards the wide horizon that only an open mind, with belief slate blank can see.”
I bet some red pill fallout could be called an “overreaction to the drug”, wherein people gain assurances from new angles on a story, and lose half their friends in the bargain. Or as you say, valuable time/energy gets misdirected.
The balance , that I think you were hoping to inspire from this piece is what we locally call “tuning the bullshit meter”, it requires a combo of vigilance and a more relaxed keep it simple stupid straight forwardness with people.
But I sense that the itch your scratching here is gonna feel, for many, like having suddenly tripped into a jumping ants nest.
thanks for the reminder to not be overwhelmed by the constant stinging of our capacity to trust
In truth
we are trust
not “in” this or that
just the energetic push of the thing itself
I like that metaphoric phrase “…like having suddenly tripped into a jumping ants nest.”
Yes, dont play is the best strategy. However, it would be nice to have an acronym which says “you are contributing nothing of value, just muddying the waters, but have at it, I shall henceforth ignore you” which the annoyed can use to respond when provoked.
Maybe BYHASE “Blow your hot air somewhere else”.
Thanks, James, for including my little article as a reference in the reading section.
How I spotted the fed.
I was at a black hat conference in 2010. It had one of those cool twitter walls at the front which showed every tweet with the conference’s hashtag.
The guy sat behind me had a pristine buzzcut and a bomber jacket, and every time I looked at him he stared at the presentation without blinking. The rest of us were in various states of shoddy dress – band shirts, jeans and dirty sneakers were the order of the day.
So I tweeted “At 13:37, everybody stand up and point at the Fed. #conferencename”, which got a chuckle from the room.
Well, this guy got more and more uncomfortable as time went on, his jaw clenching and his back was as straight as a die.
Unfortunately, nobody stood up and pointed at him, but I got to make a piece of poop feel really uncomfortable for half an hour, so I call that a win.
My experience with Federal agents infiltrating political groups has helped me realize a few common aspects. They are politically astute and are much more aware of the issues than the common person. They strive towards leadership positions. They have good argumentative skills. They tend to guide the group to activities that will lead to violence. They inject suspicion and conflict among the members.
Suspicion that someone is an agent is a problem in itself. Groups need to avoid this paranoia as it is self-destructive. Avoiding hierarchical decision making will make it more difficult for someone to hijack the group.
Very good post.
Thanks De Grijze Duif.
I hope that we all learn lessons from the past as we finish out 2021.
For me, it is the globalists who I am fighting against.
I think the most important point is: we spent 18 months describing the prison.
Online communication has its perils, particularly on forums dedicated to monumental, violent and emotionally charged events and though the experience mustn’t become a full-time witch hunt that prevents constructive research from being done, it is natural to remain skeptical and to express this skepticism.
So I find myself in the uncomfortable position of being in diametrical disagreement with Mr Corbett on the nature of the 9/11 thread cited in this article comprised of skeptical assertions that he qualifies as being “ludicrously off-base”.
Though I can empathize with being profoundly indignant at harsh criticism or insinuations directed at a person whom I greatly respect and for whom I feel gratitude; the authors of the ludicrously off-base assertions in the thread cited above were trying to make valid points, albeit clumsily, and yet they were promptly and harshly criticized and accused of having contributed “jack shit”, of being sock-puppets and being told in no uncertain terms that they should refrain from expressing themselves in favor of people who have written books and organized events or done something useful for the movement as judged by the indignant and self-righteous forum regulars as the one cited above.
This smacks of condescending chomskian intellectual bullying which is rampant on “alternative media” websites
that I find to be loathesome and dangerous as it proves to be very effective at shutting people up and obscuring the truth.
The offenders, who admitted they would need to read the book, were questioning the language being used on both the cover of the book and by Amazon to describe it and suggesting that in themselves, the statements featured therein seemed to promote the official 9/11 fairytale. Another person, in light of this language, suggests that a way of undermining the movement is to, from within, move people closer and closer to the afore-mentioned official narrative. In doing so, these people have sacrilegiously suggested that Mr Fenton is not who he appears to be or is unwittingly working against “the movement’s” interests. They are nevertheless raising valid points.
…those who might have engaged in a meaningful discussion of Fenton’s work had abandoned the thread. Another “Mission Accomplished!” for those who wish to thwart productive discourse on a vitally important topic.
Meaningful discussion of the book was virtually impossible when the thread was initiated as it had just been released and no one, not even the regulars had read it yet.
Those who actively thwarted meaningful discussion were those commenters who took things personally and who instead of entertaining the skeptics’ assertions, steering the discussion towards Mr Fenton’s previous works or outlining reasons as to why such skepticism was unnecessary, decided to gang up on and dismiss the offenders valid concerns with self-congratulatory and insulting rants advocating self-censorship.
As long as debatable reasons are given, it should be possible to question anything written by Chomsky, Mr Fenton and even Corbett himself,
from the cover of the book to the blurbs used on Amazon to sell said writings
at the risk of allowing movement leaders to dictate what we’re allowed to express on online forums.
Very good post.
I had several “take-homes” from Corbett’s article
“Sunstein Won: Cognitive Infiltration of the “Alternative” Media”
You can see my top-of-the-thread comment for one aspect.
Plus, there are some other comments on this thread which bring out some excellent points.
(As an aside, there are probably some readers who are unfamiliar with terms like CIT or LIHOP or other jargon.)
I want to focus on one take-home point…
— Getting Married —
Sometimes, (and we all are guilty of this), we can marry ourselves to a concept, a theory, a certain “truth narrative”.
This is where a liability can exist.
As Corbett says,
“…Increasingly, everything is a purity test. And when everything is a purity test, eventually everyone fails that test. No one will ever hold all of the same beliefs as you on every subject of importance….”
…and there’s this article’s user quote…
“…I’ve been in this movement for 6 years and NOTHING is EVER good enough for the anonymous peanut gallery of absolutists who INSIST that THEIR language and ideas and opinions and theories trump all others….”
James Corbett does not talk about my important “truth narrative”, and thus he is a triple deep state disinfo agent.
I will be “throwing the baby out with the bathwater and closing off discussion or exploration of counter-evidence to our own ideas.” (JC quote)
That’s silly. That is such a silly statement.
“And, somewhere off in the distance, Sunstein is laughing.” writes Corbett.
I might as well add something to all this.
It has been my experience (and Corbett states this), that he follows his own path of interest.
He goes where he wants to go.
I strongly admire that.
On Corbett’s article “Sunstein Won”, he mentions a book.
Segue, with a hard turn…
Senator Elizabeth Warren Demands Amazon Censor Best-Selling Books
Her 7 September Letter to Amazon…
[pdf via ~~WWW ]
…This is the second time in six months that I have identified Amazon practices that mislead consumers about COVID-19 prevention or treatment: earlier this year, I wrote regarding concerns…
…Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 abound…many have led to untold illnesses and deaths…
…a book by Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummins called “The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal.” Dr. Mercola has been described as “the most influential spreader of coronavirus misinformation online.”…
…The book perpetuates dangerous conspiracies about COVID-19 and false and misleading information about vaccines. It asserts that vitamin C, vitamin D, and quercetin—supplements sold on Mercola’s website—can prevent COVID-19 infection…
… And the book contends that vaccines cannot be trusted, when study after study has demonstrated the overwhelming effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines…
…a book called “Reversing the Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine.” Among other falsehoods, the book claims that COVID-19 vaccines are “making people sick and killing them” and that “shedding…is causing non-vaccinated people to become ill and suffer miscarriages.”…
…books by Alex Berenson…
…“Ivermectin: What You Need to Know – A COVID 19 Cure?”…
…even included a book called “Heal COVID-19 on Your Own,” which promotes “holistic self-ameliorative therapeutic techniques” as COVID-19 cures…
[Warren cites how Facebook and Twitter have removed ‘misinformation’.]
…In fact, Amazon itself has removed books trafficking in misinformation from its platform in recent years. In March 2019, Amazon removed books pushing pseudoscientific cures to autism and debunked theories linking autism to childhood vaccines. Earlier this year, Amazon publicly stated its policy to refuse to sell “books that frame LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness” and removed books in violation of the policy. Amazon has even reportedly removed books containing COVID-19 misinformation in response to prior inquiries, though there has been little transparency around the company’s policies….
Alex Berenson is mentioned above by Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Alex says:
“Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!…
…This morning the booklet is #2 on Amazon. Not the #2 science book, or even #2 nonfiction. The second-best selling book, period.”
What if the spooks who are infiltrating various groups actually change their mind? Not everyone is a psychopath, after all. Some people can actually recognize what they are doing is wrong and decide to change.
Having said that, I have lost respect for Chomsky and Elizabeth Warren. I don’t know what happened to them, perhaps they were always corrupt, but they have sold their soul. Some of Chomsky’s work though is quite good.
It’s good to separated the baby with the bathwater. Similar to how some western medicine therapies are good and even some genetic based therapies might actually help people who are sick. There are many things that can be used for good or used for evil.
y’know cu.h.j,
one of my earliest rude awakenings as to how this world functions, growing up during my adolescence in a “5-college town”, was realizing how profoundly obnoxious frat boys could be. From holding up big score cards as women walked past their impressive frat house to gravely assaulting women and minorities on campus… And when I realized that this mentality, these privileged cliques were not only institutionalized but were considered a sacred tradition, I had a flash of the dark underworld lying beneath the Disney veneer.
This anecdote was supposed to be in response to your idea that spooks could change their mind… but… anyhow
As for Chomsky… what distinguishes him from people who “have blind spots” or who “simply don’t agree with you on all issues” is that
he is very actively, deliberately, demonstrably and successfully striving to deceive his disciples on certain precise issues. His devotees are the ivy league left-wing prestigious academics themselves (along with droves of fresh young wannabes) so his methods of deception must be both sophisticated and steeped in his seemingly irreproachable monumentally distinguished academic accomplishments. (Miles Mathis presented a pretty intriguing break-down of the man’s life and career)
And it was both horrifying and fascinating trying to deconstruct and understand these methods of using truth to disseminate lies. Haven’t done much of a job of it finally but it still niggles me when I sense it’s happening. (still another hat tip to Barry Zwicker)
So he’s very good at deception which may explain why he’s been employed by MIT, an ally of the DOD, for well over half a century or why he helped the Washington DC-based IPS in its early days which, created thanks to funding by colossal fortunes such as the Warburgs, set up what’s known as the “New Left”. (Incidentally, just very recently, my uncle with whom I’ve a had a single short conversation in my entire life, quite seriously informed me that he’s been a member of the New Left “living in the belly of the beast” since its very beginnings. (However he declined to answer any of my questions that followed that revelation.)
Gosh. Good morning cu.h.j, HRS and nom de guerre. Time for my first daily dose of caffeine and to get to work on a translation about a man who perfectly described our current Covid hysterical predicament centuries ago in his Los Caprichos; a certain Francisco de Goya!
as a quick addendum
Chomsky’s powers of deception can also be seen in 2 other major areas:
the Faurisson scandal that broke out when this gatekeeper wrote a preface to the professor’s book questioning the official version of the holocaust. This scandal ultimately saw the jailing of the professor and Chomsky’s conclusive statement on the matter:
and we lose our humanity if we are even willing to enter the arena of debate with those who seek to deny or underplay Nazi crimes
Pretty impressive for someone who vociferously proclaims he’s an ardent and devoted champion of free speech!
and despite his apparent reputation as an ardent critic of Israel and even friend to the Palestinians he nevertheless largely contributed to neutering the BDS movement, slithering out of it, decrying it using his tricky, duplicitous language. (hat tip to Jeffrey Blankfort among others).
ok, nuff said, duty calls… Awww! I missed the glorious mediterranean dawn this morning!
Thanks for the thoughtful response. I will have to check out Miles Mathis’s analysis of Chomsky. Perhaps he’s similar to O’brien in the book 1984 who was really a member of the thought police.
It’s pretty creepy to think that he was always there as a gatekeeper to manipulate the minds of academics and young people.
I used to really enjoy hearing Chomsky speak and Howard Zinn as well when I was more of a “progressive”. I used to believe the “left” were the good guys, fighting the good fight for liberty, justice and free speech.
I have had a rude awakening beginning with 9/11, and now with the Covid scam, that Chomsky and other’s like him can’t be trusted. I’m not a physicist but the way the buildings fell sure looked like a controlled demolition, or something that could not have occurred by jet fuel from planes. Loose Change was one of the first documentaries I saw that made me really question the official story and also my husband’s physics professor who spoke openly that she did not believe the official story based on her analysis of the facts.
Anyway, I am caffeinating myself now. Have a good day.
I keep wanting to employ your question asking format
but in my irritatingly pedantic and annoyingly earnest way,
I keep forgetting to do so.
So let me give it a go here:
What if your superstar had platinum blond hair
and engendered two children in the Ecuadorean embassy?
Well then!
I’ll put that in my pipe and smoke it!
fascinating aroma…
rather Jungian in the undertones…
need time to let this comment mellow before formulating any coherent reply…
not that any was necessarily sollicited!
but for my own gratification, as always
yes, yes hamsterwheel, I’m on my way…
EXCERPTS from “Why I am Going Independent…” by Richard Gage
“Earlier this month AE911Truth issued a press release and e-mail to A&E Members that included this Statement: ”
“…Richard Gage, organization founder, will no longer serve as the organization’s CEO.”
“As you can imagine, this has raised many questions, which I decided to wait until after the 20th Anniversary to address, in order not to distract from all of the important 9/11 Truth Movement events and activities.
This Statement is on my own behalf and not on behalf of AE911Truth.
As you probably know by now we had been working with Spike Lee for months on what was one of the greatest opportunities the 9/11 Truth Movement had ever had to reach a wide mainstream audience, which would have been the final segment of his video documentary that was aired by HBO on Sept. 11th. That 30-minute segment, which included a dozen interviews with Family Members and technical experts, including myself, unfortunately was never broadcast. This action by Spike surely was at least in part due to enormous pressure from the Powers That Be, but my off-topic comments quoted in Slate Magazine’s August 24th article, which they had to have made a major effort to find, was most likely a significant contributing factor.
Spike may well have been upset to see my comments quoted in the article, which was on his interview with the magazine, as the first two segments of his mini-series “Epicenter” focused on the devastation, particularly by Covid-19 in NYC, in which he makes clear that he agrees with the official narrative on that subject.
This was of course a great disappointment for all of us in the 9/11 Truth Movement and of course for me personally—to have worked so hard to reach that historic moment only for it not to happen. In those moments of speaking off-topic I failed to remember that I represent 3,500 architects and engineers who have signed our AE911Truth Petition which is only about the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 on September 11th, 2001—and nothing else….”
Why I am Going Independent… by Richard Gage
(H/t Hanky)
Here is another link to the “Why I am Going Independent”
Well this sure looks like a must read asap!
Here is the September 11th Ae911Truth.Org article…
The censorship of Spike Lee’s NYC Epicenters is a tragically fitting end to the last 20 years
by Ted Walter
Here is the
HBO Spike Lee “NYC Epicenters: 9/11 → 2021 ½ “ TRAILER
(3 minutes)
I strongly suggest that people watch this video for “narrative context”.
UPDATE Saturday September 18th
Spike Lee’s 9/11 doc still has the building blocks he was laying for his controlled demolition exposé
[VIDEO CLIPS in article]
EXCERPTS won’t express the article with its video clips, but here are a few…
Just when a typical 9/11 documentary would end its chronicling of the day’s events, Lee shows the destruction of Building 7 to his viewers — a majority of whom are surely seeing it for the first time. [VIDEOS]
Lee also includes footage before the collapse of a police officer warning the cameraman filming him: “Be careful. Because they said the building, if it does drop, it’s going to come in this direction.” With this clip, Lee gives the audience a glimpse of the precise foreknowledge of Building 7’s destruction that could only have been possible if one or more officials at the scene knew the building was going to be brought down. (This video, shot by CNN cameraman Joe Cantali, is no longer available on his YouTube channel.)
Lee’s use of graphic footage of each building’s destruction clearly had its intended effect on many viewers. While watching Episode 3, my wife’s co-worker — who has barely looked at footage of the event since it happened — texted my wife this:
“I am watching the spike doc and dude re watching the first tower come down…there is NOOOO WAY there weren’t explosives in that building. Like NO WAY.”
In the wake of the controversy and now-public knowledge that Lee questions how the towers came down, I have little doubt that many thousands of people, if not millions, will have the same reaction as my wife’s co-worker when they watch Episode 3.
As for Building 7, if our polling of the American public is at all representative of the NYC Epicenters audience, we can surmise that half of those who watch Episode 3 will come away suspecting that Building 7 was brought down in a controlled demolition — and only 20 percent will suspect it was caused by fires.
The reality is that, despite the half-hour section being censored from the final episode, Lee has put the demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7 in plain sight for all who are not wearing blinders to see.
Of course, the mainstream media will continue to cheer the censorship of NYC Epicenters. They will claim the series “flows better” with the half-hour section removed. But they fail to see or acknowledge that Episodes 3 and 4 were a trail leading inextricably to the now-missing culmination of Lee’s eight-hour docuseries….
This is the perfect example why one should not stop short when seeking truth. Off topic remarks about a fascist state leveraging an invisible enemy as a basis for plowing human freedoms and massively brain washing people? How the HELL is that off topic? This is exactly the SAME thing this organization has ostensibly been dancing around for 20 years.
To even suggest that anyone from that organization validated the idea that Gage should step down due to his off topic comments is nauseating and raises valid concern that said organization is nothing but a sorry, massive downpour soaked clown show following an accident in which the clown car crashed and burned at the bottom of the world’s largest pothole.
The search for truth is abrasive, hostile, belligerent, vitriolic, it innately assails lies and bullshit. That some may be upset over this process and how it affects their feelings matters not one iota. There is very good reason why much of the so called truth movement looks like a kindergarten hosting rotten spoiled children whom have been taught by their absent, yet well set parents to wipe their little asses with brand new iphones.
Personally, I am with ya mkey.
“… the idea that Gage should step down due to his off topic comments is nauseating….”
I think Gage should have remained.
I understand both sides of this coin.
There’s that old ‘law’ of he who ‘owns’ the realm, makes the rules. The AE911Truth board wants all public statements to focus solely on its mission statement staying to the topic of 9/11.
The Board makes, interprets, and enforces the rules.
I’ve had many fiery scraps in the past surrounding this idea “that all conversations should be restricted solely to 9/11.”
For me, the topic of 9/11 goes way beyond the event itself, and into a rabbit hole of other relevant information…and they are inter-related.
But there is another aspect to this particular scenario involving Gage.
— HBO Media —
When we become dependent upon authorities for the expression of truth, we become “owned” by those authorities.
Thus, we have given them permission to think for us, and they own our Intelligence.
When we rely upon the Corporate Controlled Media (CCM) and Government, our minds become captive by officials who dictate to us what to think and observe.
Intelligence Test
Besides, (while it is speculation), I do not believe for one minute that HBO would ever allow an “era-changing event of information” to come out of that Spike Lee 9/11 film.
I believe that an opportunity was seized, to not only nix the 9/11 truth stuff, but to cause a disruption in the 9/11 Truth movement itself by demonizing Gage.
I do not believe for one minute that HBO would ever allow an “era-changing event of information”
That’s exactly why many authors will choose to deliver the story wrapped in an alegory as it may get around restrictions and later have a clearer trajectory toward (receptive part of) the audience.
Be it Watergate, The Tea Dome scandal, Savings and Loan crisis, wars, disinformation or any other crisis it is always the cover-up that is the most important.
Thank HRS.
Dammit, the divide and conquer squad are up to their old tricks. But, it may be for the better. I have felt that AE911Truth had become a bit stale. The Lawyers Committee was the most interesting thing they’ve done/supported recently, and it does not make for such easy PR material.
Perhaps Gage now out of the AE cage can fly free and innovate.
RE: Sunstein Won: Cognitive Infiltration of the “Alternative” Media
Before it gets lost in the ocean, I want to mention a recent story (which hit email blasts).
It can be easy for any of us to get tripped up.
The STORY of Garcia who planted the explosives in World Trade Center Buildings
That video on Mass Psychosis is quite a gem – many thanks for the recommend and I do hope it gets viewed by the members.
Indeed, there are those that are being paid to infiltrate and cause division among people that are coming together. For the most part, they appear as Trolls which can be easily ignored, however occasionally they do shape the narrative into a destructive division (perhaps they get paid more for this).
The Trolls are everywhere on Youtube, and Facebook and Twitter, which is why I do not participate in any of them.
Websites, like this one, have been off the radar, for the most part, because they had been considered of little impact to the Oligarchs. Having survived being Blacklisted from Youtube and most other censored channels, the “Corbett Report” appears to still be a thorn in the Oligarchs plans, thus let us not be drawn into arguing among ourselves.
Legitimate Comments should be on topic and stated in such a way that it is clear as to what the motive of the Comment is.
That said, I rarely look back to see how others have replied to my comments, for I have been Trolled in the past.
Great insight but I’m still gonna tell everyone that Alex Jones is CIA.
He is controlled opposition, telling enough truth to lead you astray when his masters see fit. You should also be suspicious of anyone who is or has been associated with him. Just because Jone’s style is bombastic, doesn’t mean that one of his former associates won’t succeed with a more gentlemanly approach. They know how to appeal to you: sometimes the best cons are run by the more self-effacing types.
Why go to all the trouble of infiltrating and convincing ‘conspiracy groups’ when you can just hack their accounts, modify or delete posts or hijack an account and make it say whatever you want? Yes, that’s right, in a new low (was that even possible? yes it was)for the Australian branch of the World Government they have recently passed the ‘Identify and Disrupt bill’
Which gives government the ability to:
“The Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) bill has created three new types of warrants that enable the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) to modify and delete data belonging to cybercriminal suspects and take over their accounts.
Using the new data disruption warrants, the AFP and the ACIC can prevent serious offenses from being committed online by modifying, adding, copying or deleting data. Network activity warrants allow the agencies to gather intelligence on criminal activity being carried out by cyber-criminal networks, while account takeover warrants can be used to take control of a suspect’s online account.”
I’m sure most people reading this can see the dangers lying right on the surface. What better way to silence pesky conspiracy theorists than hacking their accounts and inserting links to kiddy porn for example? That’ll fix ’em.
Mass psychosis
The problem really is a population that has little critical thinking, is easily manipulated and wants to believe instead of knowing.
to James Corbett’s 9/13 article
Sunstein Won: Cognitive Infiltration of the “Alternative” Media
9/18/21 (or Friday the 17th in the U.S.) James Corbett releases
Episode 408 – 9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned?
(21 minutes with transcript)
Sunstein Won: Cognitive Infiltration of the “Alternative” Media
Published on 9/20/2021
Interview 1661 – James Corbett Talks 9/11 and Biosecurity on the Global Research News Hour
(with transcripts)
via James Corbett talks to Michael Welch of the Global Research News Hour about 9/11 Truth at 20 years old and the transition from Homeland Security to biosecurity.
This is a really good interview!
Everyone’s a cognitive infiltrator now – whenever we repeat back what we read in the paper, watched in the news or heard on the radio. What is the news? Who’s news is it? When we talk about today’s ‘case numbers’, we join in on the zeitgeist. Unfortunately, I live in Sydney, Australia and find myself grafted into the reality as crafted by masters. Daily I feel under cognitive attack – surrounded by people that have submitted themselves to a coup d’état at the cellular level.
Saturday September 18 – Zero Hedge
Anti-Lockdown Protesters In Australia “Break Police Line” As Clashes Erupt
[VIDEOS in article]
Throughout the pandemic, Australia’s government has chosen to enact stringent restrictions to combat COVID-19. After the sixth lockdown since the pandemic began, anti-lockdown protesters in Melbourne have had enough with draconian virus measures and voiced their opposition in the streets on Saturday.
Their right to protest freely was quickly deemed illegal as a massive brawl between demonstrators and police broke out. More than 200 people in Melbourne were arrested at illegal anti-lockdown rallies, according to Reuters.
A rally in the Melbourne suburb of Richmond turned violent when police attempted to shut it down. Protesters broke through the police line in an EPIC fashion.
An aerial view of another group of protesters in Melbourne resisted police orders.
On the ground, there was a massive police presence. RT News said local reports indicate around 2,000 officers were called in.
The illegal demonstrations took place as the metro area endures its sixth lockdown since the pandemic began, with the broader state of Victoria reported over 500 infections today.
Victoria Police Commander Mark Galliott told local media that these protesters came out “not to protest freedoms, but simply to take on and have a fight with the police.”
One of the causalities of the pandemic has been freedom of expression as the right to assemble has been banned in the guise of stopping the spread.
By criminalizing peaceful protest and enforcing the authorities to intervene, the government of Australia is making the situation worse where it would entice even more freedom-loving people into the streets to protest tyranny.
HomeRemedySupply and nom de guerre.
If I was ratted out as an attendee at an ‘illegal’ peaceful protest, I would receive disciplinary action from my employer. My employer actually encouraged anyone with information about the protest activities of colleagues to come forward and share.
Police are using surveillance to track and then to hand deliver fines to those who attend protests. Police also visit the homes of those they believe ‘may’ attend a protest. Not many over here realise that Australia is one of the ‘5 eyes’ nation states.
Meanwhile my wife is being asked daily at work about her vaccination status and intentions. The psychological manipulation over here in Sydney, Australia is well refined. The major phone carrier places on her phone the message #getvaxxed.
My bank has literally changed their name from ‘NAB’ to ‘JAB’ on their webpage. A military man is head of the Government’s vaccine roll-out objectives. It is an overwhelmingly difficult effort to resist injection over here. There are stories of people who don’t want to associate with the unvaxxed. I have decided that to the best of my ability I will continue to associate with all humans, regardless of which injection (or no injection) they took.
Oh! Gosh! The tyranny there is so heartbreaking.
Thanks again for sharing this information. Anecdotes like these are an important part of the historical record.
It is quite interesting to see this tweet from Jeremy Kauffman, someone who built LBRY going against the establishment:
“Unvaccinated people should be removed from proper society”…
How should we interpret his statement?
Just as it was strange for the first reading, on second thought I realized it should be interpreted by reading between the lines, I guess it was something of a joke…
So, I am sorry to bother you with this post.
Good morning Joseph!
As you probably well understand now, the tweet’s cleverly formulated to catch the eye of both “vax” and “anti-vaxxers”, the first because they think they agree with it and the second because they’re shocked that one of “their own” would tweet such a thing;
and then goes on to make a statement about what “proper society” is:
-an imposed brainwashing factory for your children
-violates your privacy by sending its mafia thugs to your door
-uses its youthful bodies and minds as a killing machine and cannon-fodder
-restricts the use of the hemp plant and derived products in favor of its own lethal drug racket
-extorts your hard-earned money to kill brown people on the other side of the planet.
As far as the twitter artillery goes, it was a pretty good, if futile shot in the ongoing war for people’s minds.
Ironic and non-inflammatory, people perform a double-take and have to reflect, so not bad at all.
Reminds me of when I was sorely duped by a Facebook meme: “I am FOR mandatory vacation!”
I took the bait and ran with it (to mix metaphors) reading of course, “I am FOR mandatory vaccination!” and I was promptly, smugly and condescendingly slapped down and “put in my place”. Nobody found it the least bit “funny” that I had misread the meme (which of course was the very AIM of the meme, the humor residing in this confusion), but every one was shocked and “offended” by my reaction.
I humbly recognized my painfully embarassing mistake but then went on to ask the offended parties what they really thought about mandatory so-called vaccinations.
It taught me a whole lot about Facebook, this world-wide Asch conformity experiment transforming people into unthinking, “like”-seeking, politically-correct, emotionally-driven meme machines whose effects then spill over into “real life”. (you know the social credit system is inevitable when you’ve got a population hooked on “likes”!)
For my consolation, I sent the meme to a friend telling him the story and he said that he too had read “I am FOR mandatory vaccination” three times before reading it correctly.
Which means that these memes going around Facebook and Twitter are like Rorschach tests, (I outlined my own interpretation of the tweet you posted) baiting and igniting the emotions of the readers cognitive biases and rather than stimulating discussion and debate, create conformity to camps and echo chambers, generating misunderstanding, division and fury.
As Marshal McLuhan said, medium IS the message.
and that was the end of my 8-month experience with Facebook.
p.s.: I’m glad you posted the tweet.
When read in full, it is a joke, yes.
It’s interesting to see how people reacted. Many of them probably needed to get to the last line to figure it out. Lines in the sand …
Too Many Vaccine Deaths?
It looks like the Vaccine deaths are getting too much.
Maybe some people do love their children.
Information about the deaths in a presentation:
Here are the points discussed in the official 8hr meeting by the FDA:
Project Veritas is publishing statements from wistleblowers
(Seems independent)
Problem explained by zyxzevn:
Imaginary Fear (of Covid)
Scientist shows vaccine effects in autopsies. Don’t believe it? See for yourself
(From American Frontline Doctors Conference)
All important organs get severe damage from the vax.
Mainly from the Spike-protein and the inflammation.
It affects the mitochondria.
Microscope shows changes in blood, heart, lungs, liver,
kidneys, reproduction-organs.
These are the short term risks only.
Stabilising the Code
The experimental mRNA injections use certain tricks to disable the
immune system from destroying the mRNA itself.
Three concerns are raised by the above.
1 The ability of the immune system to fight viruses has been diminished; specifically, the ability to fight SARS-CoV-2 may be affected;
2 Vaccine-induced innate immune tolerance may affect other vaccines; and finally
3 What other parts of the immune system may be affected.
.. the prospect of an altered CD8 response to infection and cancer is very concerning and should prompt urgent investigation.
Here’s a correct/working URL for the FDA meeting.
James Corbett’s indepth analysis of this one angle of deep state infiltration – cognitive infiltration in the alt media – is superb, but he writes as if Sunstein’s tactics are the totality of the infiltration agenda.
Corbett is protected because he works alone and can by and large control his operation – as well as this analysis by keeping the focus on the narrow domain of “alternative media.”
However, for grassroots activists working with all manner of entrants from the public at large and social media predominates much of the organizing, Corbett fails to address, much less offer, best practices and strategies to expose, if not repel, overt and covert bad actors and malicious activity.
Unexperienced readers are left with the impression to just ignore all that chatter and move on. Hold the high ground and do your work. This is along the lines of what I call the do-gooder derangement syndrome: thinking just doing your own good work and keeping your nose clean is all that’s needed. I have seen numerous wrong-minded actions result from such a naïve, solipsistic strategy.
I was hoping Corbett would address the balance between ignoring the infiltrators so as not to get consumed by negative paranoia versus being so hyper informed of very real dangers that it impedes day-to-day activism – if not produces a psychic burden of how to actually thwart the infiltrators.
For some reading his analysis, the ideas will be a big “aha,” and the prescription to go about your own business a grateful relief. For those of us who are very clear that State agents are fomenting all manner of disorder and distrust, more developed advice from thought leaders like Corbett would have been welcome.
But let’s face it, armchair activists have very different perspectives and M.O.s than actual boots-on-the-ground activists. So ultimately, Corbett’s excellent but limited analysis is fine. I just wish he had more strongly made clear that whole other strategies are in order for grassroots activists operating in the public domain, and to not apply his analysis across the board to real-life activist milieus.