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What’s in a name? Everything. Find out about the latest attempt to package the Orwellian total police state surveillance grid as something wonderful and wholesome—and why you should never, ever say “contact tracing”—in this week’s edition of #PropagandaWatch.
CGI U 2020: Combating the COVID 19 Crisis (Full Recording)
Gates warns this is “Pandemic I”
Contact Tracing With The Clintons
Lawmakers warn coronavirus contact-tracing is ripe for abusive surveillance
Hi James,
I’ve noticed that your work hasn’t appeared on Bitchute recently.
There is a 404 message instead. (Page Not Found)
Great work on the CV crisis.
All the best,
Need a job? Contact Tracing. They Live.
Broc West…What a guy!
OK, I am still in a catatonic state after watching Clinton and Newsome. Actually, I had seen the same conversation between Clinton and Cuomo over the weekend so I even have some of that catatonia left.
I mean REALLY??? AMERICORP??? Sure, let’s get all those idealistic 20 somethings to stand on street corners and in airport terminals making sure you are SAFE – from yourself and everyone else.
I think they used to call them Moonies.
No “contact tracing” for me.
I’m calling it Gestapo-gram. Or SS Waffenapp
I’m not as concerned about the phone app which I would never get in a million years, and I leave my phone at home a lot, myself.
I am concerned about the proof that we are going to need that we are SAFE in order to work,shop,travel,breathe….
Well, as Roseanne Roseannadanna would say “It’s always something” (look it up you under 60’s)
Thank you James. I got a lot from both the interview with Jason, and this latest propoganda watch. Big thank you for not using the F word.
STASI = Social Tracking App to Stop Infections
Or Sex Tracking App to Stop Infections
Was very popular in East-Germany.
Anyway, I got a nice vid for you all:
The “New International Economic Order.” Patrick Wood, “Technocracy News.”
He was a previous guest on Corbett Report
(with Kevin Shipp)
The interview is about the connection with “Sustainable development”,
which appears to be a (Rothchild) plan to take over
all the world’s resources.
A plan that comes into action now, due to the problems caused by
the covid-measures.
“contact tracing” is being replaced by the big monstrous tech alliance – apple + ggle – with “exposure notification”. This new speak will probably appear soon in the “public sphere”. A full army of PR-ists probably told them they need to twist it (together with people’s minds) as it raised bells. Thus, while I agree with you James that we should not use their language, I think the word “tracing” should somehow be there when we speak about it, as it raises bells. I’d call it “people tracing”.
As aside:
This morning when I went to YouTube, this Corbett video was at the top of the “Recommended”.
Of course, in the past, that never happened.
Like Corbett pointed out previously…it’s coming. They are setting the stage.
Thank you, James!
I have seen this Big Brother mentioned once before. I talked about it on a couple shows. The other day I made a 6 minute clip from one of them that includes that part.
You can see the clip and links to the documents here (it’s on youtube and bitchute too):
Camille, you are my American hero…in a new paradigm way. You deserve our help. How can help be given to the service you are providing?
Let me explain the American part. A unified effort in this country to oppose this fascist take over needs to occur from the bottom up. That is the potential Nationalism Im referring too. God forbid a Nationalism should occur top down from what exists today. We are perilously close to the tipping point.
Oh, generalbottlewasher. Thank you. I sure would appreciate the help! I’ve spent oodles of time on what I’ve done, some videos more than others. The time feels especially well spent when people share and upload the videos and sources on other channels and platforms and the message gets out there.
My mom showed me earlier today some mirrors of the Clinton video that have gotten crazy view counts. That makes me happy for sure.
Thanks for asking!
You really can’t make this stuff up. They already had the technology to do this and now they can just attach it to the plandemic. Make it sound so elegant and inviting to people, because we all know that they are just doing this for the safety of the public. Right? It insults my intelligence when they say things like “citizens will have to change their way of thinking about privacy and understand that these measures must be done”. It’s just filler and B.S. They essentially want the public to accept this as the new normal. No thank you.
On a lighter note, that thumbnail makes me want to watch “They live”. Lol. I usually watch it every few years or so. I guess I’ll be adding that to my agenda this week.
They Live – FLNWO #18 : The Corbett Report
Thank you, HomeRemedy. I missed that podcast. Much appreciated.
This term “contact tracing” isn’t all that mysterious and dressed up anyway. I think people can pretty easily understand what it is. But regardless, I would just called it “surveillance”, which is very straightforward and simple, yet not conspiratorial sounding like “Big Brother”.
Big Brothers (plural) may not work well in the U.S.
I’ll think of another term.
My employer sent out another email recently, trying to gauge when to put us grunts back to work.
We collect donations for Big Brothers Big Sisters. They are all across America, but pretty big in Texas.
The donations are sold or recycled or reused, using a vast number of streams. Our company collects the donations for Big Brother, then buys them from Big Brother.
The term “Big Brothers” just won’t be the descriptive that will work well in my circumstance. My co-workers would think that I am getting way too old…and I probably am anyways, as I could be a Grandpa for most of ’em.
Perhaps some Corbett Report Members could suggest some alternative names for me, besides “Big Brothers”.
A__holes, Turdbrains, boogerbutts, etc. is not exactly what I am looking for.
Or Covert-19?
Covintel. Good one.
“What’s koinkidinky?”
alex ‘koinkidinky’ is a play on the word ‘coincidence’.
this is a good idea… we should use this tracking and tracing method on the traitors (congress and governors) that are selling us out to the Private international central bankers to see how many backroom deals are made against the interests of the people. maybe ankle bracelets as well
I’m a huge fan, and thank you for all you do…
I DO agree with you that the term “Contract tracing” is being pushed as propaganda/marketing…
I live in MA, and I think you should take a look into the details of the actual program:
It is ALL voluntary and confidential. You are asked to provide a list of people with whom you have been in contact with for the 2 days prior to your symptoms appearing (or your diagnosis if you are asymptomatic). If you do not wish to disclose certain individuals, one would assume you could simply omit them from your list if you so desired.
This is NOT a technological tracking system. This is a far cry from the panopticon they are erecting in other parts of the world.
I think this is a rare miss for you.
Oh dear Lord, empathy, I live in MA, also. I do not read or watch mainstream news so I had no idea about this new collaboration. I just read the link.
I am horrified.
I read the Boston Globe obituaries every day. I have read them every day for 25 years. (I guess I missed the 15 pages Jason refers to)
I will say that at least once or twice per week for the past month there has been a very sizable uptick in death notices, particularly after the weekend. That is an undeniable fact.
The largest amount of notices are in towns with heavy retirees. I did some personal investigating. I clicked on just about every obit. I did not record exact figures but I can report that surprisingly few said “covid 19 related”.
The majority of the obits were people in their 80’s and 90’s. A few were 100 or a bit older. A number were in their 70’s.
There was a mix of alzheimers, pneumonia, cancer, or “natural age-related causes” (someone actually listed that).
A number of people lived in nursing homes or some type of long term care.
What did draw my attention was the number of people who “died at home surrounded by family”. I very rarely read “died at home”.
Were these people who died at home people who feared going to the hospital for fear of catching the virus or going on the ventilator? Were these people who, had they gone to the hospital, would still be living?
Those are rhetorical questions of course but it does make you think.
From these obits, and from what I have heard from friends of friends in the medical profession (like Jason’s cousin), there is a virulent strain of something going around.
But my feeling is the same as Jame’s. Quarantine the sick. Give them all the protection they need. Hold off on visiting. Take every precaution.
But shut down the world? No.
That is why I have such a very strong reaction to this “contact tracing”. It is a violation. Even if it is voluntary. And how voluntary can it be if someone reports me as a contact without me knowing and I get a phone call?
If I find out that anyone I know has reported me as a contact – if I get a phone call from Partners health care – well, I won’t write what I will say or do. I am sure they will use my tape-recorded phone call for training purposes “How to handle a lunatic on the other end of the line”
Empathy, I have to disagree with you. I think this is a huge invasion.
But thank you for the link.
Do you have a URL for these obituaries?
Oh dear, you are asking the wrong person, mkey. I don’t know how to link. Just type in Boston Globe Obits and you will get the site.
Check the obits for yesterday for instance. If you are not a daily Globe reader you might not notice the spike that I was talking about, but just the same – if you look at individual notices for the towns with the most listings I think you will see what I am describing.
I’m not sure what Jason Bermas was referring to when he said “15 pages in Sunday Globe” Maybe that was a Sunday I didn’t read. I may have missed it because I was reading the Corbett report all morning.
Today’s obits are back to normal.
This is pretty much the same deal as the communist scare in the 60es. It’s just 60 years after privacy used to mean something and it’s powered by omnipresent techonology.
Telephones, text messages, and one-on-one phone calls are “omnipresent technology”? I’m going to guess you didn’t click the link.
Big brother omnipresent surveillance is your way to impact the lives of many in our state and beyond.
Sounds great.
The Big brother omnipresent surveillance team will be reaching out via phone to both confirmed positive COVID-19 patients and their close contacts to help shut down virus exposure points before they happen.
By pulling families apart? Sounds great.
First, if you test positive, we make sure that you are getting the medical attention you need and support through quarantine.
Test “positive” to what? What does “positive” mean EXACTLY? “Positive” sounds like a great moniker, but what the fuck does it mean?
Once that is taken care of, we move onto contact tracing. Contact tracing is a proven, effective weapon in the medical arsenal to stop the spread of disease
Once BBOS destabilizes the life of your family, it proceeds to do the same with all of your contacts. Which you reported yourself. Sound AWESOME, how the fuck can I sign up for this thing? Can I join from thousands of miles away? Oh please, can I? PLEASE?
Text and phone calls, I stand corrected. Nothing nefarious going on over here, no sir. They’ll probably use texts and phone calls to send MILITARIZED POLICE TO YOUR FUCKING DOORSTEP.
I really HATE when sycophant idiots tick me off. Good job. I sure hope you’ll get your pleasant one to one call, you’ll enjoy it.
Hahahahaha, I’ve never been accused of being a “sycophantic idiot” before. There’s a first for everything, I suppose! Yes, followers of the Corbett Report are known for their sycophancy! Enjoy your frothing at the mouth. Mmmkay, mkey?
I like how you glossed over the fact that you could simply _not pick up the phone_ when they call you. What nefarious consequence does that have?
Yes, you won’t pick up the phone when they call. That’s only because people like you will had a dedicated hot line waiting to rat out on EVERYONE lol
I’ll take Completely Unwarranted Assumptions for $500, Alex.
Sorry empathy but I ‘feel’ compelled to weigh in here, and not on your side. 🙁
“I live in MA, and I think you should take a look into the details of the actual program:…
It is ALL voluntary and confidential….”
You miss the point!
You are not supposed to voluntarily snitch on who you came into contact with!!!
Not if you are a true Corbeteer.
“This is NOT a technological tracking system. This is a far cry from the panopticon they are erecting in other parts of the world.”
No it is very low tech ie. old fashioned wired telephone.
It doesn’t matter what you call it, you are still snitching on others you have contacted!
“I think this is a rare miss for you.”
Um, no I don’t think it’s a rare miss at all on James’ part.
Of course this is all slippery. All I’m saying is _relatively_ speaking, MA’s lack of immediate embrace for total technological invasion is a qualified win. I think Baker deserves a little credit where credit is due. If you choose not to provide a single name of someone you’ve been in contact with when you get these calls, I completely support your right to do that. But at least they are not TAKING the data from you, with no recourse, and without your knowledge.
But empathy – they shouldn’t even be asking names. What happened to HPPA laws?
I’m suspicious of “well,it’s not as bad as….” That’s the way they rope us in.
Already Bill Clinton is promoting the Massachusetts thing to NY and CA.
This IS bad. Just as bad.
By the way, the mkey empathy show is hilarious.
Thank you. Much needed.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the show! 😛
HPPA protects doctor/patient data. This isn’t that. I suppose we’ll agree to disagree that this is just as bad as the global panopticon we’ve been seeing slowly erected around us. But I appreciate your willingness to have an actual discussion, without temper tantrums or epithets. Refreshing!
Yes! It’s why the I am a member of Corbett Report.
Thoughtful intelligent discourse where you can agree to disagree and have a laugh while you’re at it.
Have you guys seen this?
A worldwide live streamed round table with 16 expert panellists
The Conscious Resistance
16 hours ago
Hey everyone don’t forget that Thursday is Event 202! Event 202 is a propaganda opposition exercise meant to imagine how the people of the world will respond to the plan being rolled out around the world. How can the people respond and manifest a better reality than the one envisioned by the planners of the Event 201 simulation, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Event 202 will be a live 3 hour event streaming across many channels.
What does a planned worldwide pandemic really mean for us?
We will run a short video of 3 scenarios showing what might play out at 6, 12 and 18 months. The panel will be invited to discuss the various elements and what solutions there are to prevent or delay these things coming to pass. What choices do people have? How can we overcome and overturn the challenges that lie ahead? The round table will be an interactive storming session with real time participation from the audience. Each panellist will contribute with specialist sector knowledge and research, and suggest alternative solutions to discuss how these might be implemented and adopted by the masses.
Thanks to you, i have now!
I suppose and hope there will be a recording of it
Absolutely brilliant!
Thanks mkey. 🙂
How about a little switcherdoodle on the starting constants with an added pinch of rhyme play. Adoption of desent against ‘contact tracing’ can also be subconscious. A tongue twister trap planted in the minds of the many…
“Did you see the segment BBC news were showing last night on tyranical chasing… sorry, I mean contact tracing!”
One could say that the Patriot Act’s Bracing was in preperation for Contact Tracing 😉
Fair use warning: EXTREME heaving potential ahead.
Billionaires in Space: How Musk, Bezos, and Branson Could Save Humanity
Reason’s sellout person:
Do you think it’s fair to say, the fact we have billionaires is why we have a private space industry?
Some engineer guy:
It’s why we have a lot of things. There’s nothing wrong with uuh aah folk making huge amounts of money.
It’s OK for a guy to make horrendous profits… you know why? Look what they do with them. I just create jobs, but they create the future. Elon musk said what he’s doing on rocketry is 100 times more important than curing cancer.
Idiot woman with an idiot sellout ear to ear grin:
Is he right?
Well, if you cure cancer you saved, what, 14% of us. If you can colonize another planet and humans can learn to survive there you could save all of us.
… I really need a moment here. So 100/14 = 100? And this guy is an engineer?
*Unsubsrcibes reason*
Oh my lord, I don’t think I could stomach this rocket science after reading about contact tracing in my own hometown.
Maybe they’re trying to drive us so insane we’ll jump at the chance of buying one of their condos on the moon.
When you look back at how everyone was horrified when we were aware they were spying on us, and the push back from the people and the about governments doing this with out permission etc etc , and here we are, they cause a situation where they will get the sheeple to cry out to be spied on and tracked and MARKed.
What better way then on their device many now CANNOT survive with out, I ditched mine several months ago, hard at first, true ,but now not at all,It is NOT essential to have it with you 24/7 to see who has so called ‘befriended’ you or is ‘following’ you, all so ego padding very reptilian and soul less, Oh we cant talk to people anymore they are all INFECTED… and THAT will last for years with the WOKE crowd, you see how they cower back if you dare to come too close, as they tighten their masks and goggles and furiously wipe their hands with a bottle of sanitiser hanging from around their neck… JUST LUDICROUS, if only they were to seek the truth of actually what VIRUS actually is, and can ONLY be past on by INJECTION, GATES’ next wave…..and they will rush to have this poisoned 5G activated death sentence..
Love it. Your right.
It’s not “social distancing”. It’s ANTI-social distancing.
You’ve got family that are half on the fence??
Mine are over the fence and across the yard.
I’m going to have to remember that one: “ANTI-social distancing”… I love it (and it’s SO true)!!!
Exquisite nose? Coming from a French? Oh là là.
She hits all the main points. Ventilation, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin c. She provides some internal perspective and seems to talk like a professional.
If they fire people speaking out, of course what’s going to be left are those who are too scared to talk and the riff raff (see Pearl Harbor). I’ve seen extremely poor hospital conditions before so I can imagine what she could be talking about.
While she’s talking she’s mostly looking to the left, checking her notes on a laptop while recording with a phone. At times she looks up and to the side which would indicate she’s accessing information instead of making stuff up. In this case, it’s probably just how she expresses herself.
Doesn’t sound like bullshit to me. Maybe a bit too heavy on the evil nurse aspect.
I’ve backed up the video. Lately quite a few have lost their way.
I have put it up on bitchute. It should be ready in a few minutes.
Insane Murd r Going on in NYC Hospitals RN Discloses REUPLOAD
Who’s Heller Highwater?
I see you have made that reference some 9 times in the comments section, should have known. Highwater threw me to the side a bit.
That’s a trick question, right? *wink*wink*
Conclusion…… Never go to a Hospital,
they are being PAID to mark you down as having this fake virus, and they will kill you to get it.. 50 Grand a body and Gates gets another tick on his fake plandemic virus and to push his vaccine, ready to make the next wave, which will be activated by 5G in all the right densely populated cities.. population cull Agenda 2030 coming fast and furious, and still many have not read what that agenda is, pure evil and all online to read.
They have to have you welcome EVIL in, and by not saying NO to it, you are saying yes by Acquiescence.
Commenter “gordon” over at off-guardian posted the following 25 min. youtube video (sources cited in the description):
“Morgellons, 5G, and Charles Lieber’s Brain Mesh. Transhumanism (MUST SHARE)”
How about “sycophants ratting on the neighborhood” or SRON?
mkey, what I’m about to say goes pretty well with your crazy “SRON” meme on imgflip.
When I look at/listen to the word “contact,” I see/hear “contract.” That word, in turn, makes me think of “contract killing.”
So that’s the phrase I’m mighty tempted to insert.
A scenario I’m envisioning:
C.T. company rep: “Wanna be employed full-time to do some contract killing? We’ll pay you big bucks to murder the privacy of your neighbors!”
Would-be snitch: “That sounds fun — and REWARDING in all sorts of ways! Do I get a fancy slave-capturing-and-privacy-killing device for free? When do I start?”
(Observation: How odd that C.T. now stands for two “bad” things: (1) Conspiracy Theory and (2) Contact — oh, no, can’t say that word . . . alright, ContRact . . . Tracing — um, TracKing.)
c0nt4ct tr4c1ng
rats patrolling
tower burning
sycophants rising
privacy penetrating
obsessive screening
other people’s business is my business and business is good or OPB3G
This is very interesting Thomas.
Catherine Austin Fitts has mentioned this – particularly the electromagnetic weapons. That 5G technology was originally developed and used as weaponry.
I believe she has experienced it herself. She has quite a story.
I will check out The Spark.
Oh Thomas, I did watch your video. That’s what I meant by “this is interesting”
Because, as I wrote, I have heard Catherine Austin Fitts, the economist, talk about this. She experienced it first hand.
She is the first person I heard talk about 5G as a weapon. Not as in nuclear weapon, but something that you can feel individually.
If you have not read her story or heard her on alt news I would suggest. She has been here on Corbett, on Dark Journalist, and on USAwatchdog. I am link-challenged so you will have to look it up on your own.
She has a site called The Solari Report but you have to be a subscriber to read the articles. Nice site to visit though.
She has a twitter feed,too.
Scroll way down to the bottom, you’ll see a box. If you don’t click any reply buttons, that box will create an “original” comment… I’m afraid the originality of the content is up to you 😉
Epic A+++ video!
I know I’ve been throwing a lot of those high grades around lately, but these in these times folks just gotta wake up to this great info.
While most of you may be upset with this “big brother panopticon” term rebranding, whitewashed now as “contact tracing”, I sympathize with you all and feel your pain.
However, a part of me absolutely celebrates this new term!
In writing my “Bittersweet Seeds” epic subversive near future hard-sci-fi story (a work in progress), I won’t have the burden of actually having to explain this whole thing and my audience will already be aware of it. THIS is a HUGE relief for me.
Even before I started going deep into conspiracy theory and historical revisionism in 2014-2015, I was _VERY_ well aware that there would be vastly superior surveillance systems in 25-30 years from now and that escape from surveillance would be nearly impossible. “They” will always get you, or so we’re told. Even that lone shooter in Nova Scotia got nabbed, if we are to believe that story. We don’t know about all the lone shooters and serial killers that actually get away with it, with or without help from authority and the deep state.
At the half-way mark in my story, starting with Act 2B “Fugue”, after narrowly escaping an assassination attempt, my protagonist escapes on foot and must evade surveillance not knowing who to trust or who’s out to kill him. This has been fundamental in my story since about 2007. I liked to consider the latter half of my story a mashup of _The Fugitive_, _Children Of Men_, _The Bounty_, and _2001: A Space Odyssey_ – vaguely. I don’t know how to describe or compare the first half, which lays out the foundation with a _LOT_ of ideas in “normal” circumstances before switching gears.
Maybe I should ignore this corona thing and SaidIt for a while and just finish the damn story.
As always this video was shared on SaidIt, and this comment above was copypasted from within the SaidIt post comments here:
Inspired by the transparent and open process of Corbett, I too am developing my story, a work in progress, openly here:
Eventually, when a first draft is refined and ready for feedback I will promote the hell out of it, ask for feedback to improve it, for support and help in the next stages (storyboard/graphic novel + web store + feature film), and submit it to James to consideration if he likes it enough to promote and/or criticize/review it. All of this has taken years and will take more to come.
Depending on how this rolls out, that is if we don’t kill each other while trying to beat a highscore in a very photo realistic gory action video game playing in our mind, I’m afraid we’ll be listening how crappola-19 screwed us good.
Oh, was it not for con-19, we wouldn’t be rationing our golden rice right now, they’ll say. Yes, there are producers and yes, there is demand, but alas, it’s an insurmountable conundrum.
Are you kidding?? I just read the Massachusetts State Govt Partners in health contact tracing site(I keep wanting to call it Constant Contact – remember that??)
They are offering jobs as Contact Tracers!!! Look at all the unemployed! They will jump on it. And you can do it from home so you don’t have to take off the pajamas you’ve been living in for the past 6 weeks.
Saw your post and due to your nationality (or place of residence) thought i`ll seize the opportunity to ask:
Do you know of any further details to the death of Giulietto Chiesa? Considering his age, a natrually occuring stroke is surely highly plausible
My sincerest condolences!
So i`ve heard. Strange thing seems his wikipedia article was edited with his death pretty early. Hope many indipendent journalists will follow his footsteps and may continue what he started as PandoraTV
Hi James,
This is just an idea, and if it’s not a good one, feel free to tell me.
The majority of people, even those who know what’s happening and want to resist, will wait for guidance or a plan of action – I include myself in this.
So, how about we decide on a 3 or 4 points plan that people can adopt if they will, and pass on the 3 or 4 points to other people/researchers they’re in contact with?
The idea is to have a decentralised structure that’s able to send a common message to the powers that shouldn’t be, in sufficient numbers for them to notice.
For example, I propose we start from next Monday:
1) Leave our mobile phones at home, get a dumb phone for emergencies (kids, appointments, etc..) if need be.
2) Refuse to download any Big Brother app (demand instead to carry a written certificate/permit if they insist on it for work – so people avoid getting fired for refusing instructions).
3) Refuse to shop where they don’t accept cash, and tell the retailer why they lost our custom.
These are manageable steps that could get the ‘ball rolling’.
This could be organised similarly to when we sent a list of videos for ‘The Corbett Challenge’ a few days ago.
Along the lines about the phone –
Is there any kind of material you can cover a phone with that would block a tracker?
I read that if you put your phone in the microwave it can’t be traced Is that true?
If we wrapped the phone in tin foil (excuse the reference) could it still be tracked?
As you can tell I am technologically clueless – but just wondering.
Thanks for the suggestions sophie.d
That depends on the microwave. My microwave appears to be “leaky”. It probably “protects” only in certain directions.
Also probably depending on the foil contents, I noticed that a double layer of foil was required to kill my full strength 3G signal. But it was killed.
You can probably make due with a metallic box of some sort. Or you can maybe line any box with some foil on the inside beneath the existing lining.
This looks like a good deal for a conductive phone case. Only $350.
There are rfid phone cases that work to block signal. A good one that seems to work is Monojoy.
You can also take battery out. Turning it off wont work.
Aluminum foil works. Tin foil should also work.
Well yes and no.
It doesn’t make sense for when you turn it on, because then they can trace where you are.
But the phone won’t know that you visited ten different friends at ten different locations prior to turning the phone on.
So TPTB will only get partial tracking.
Thanks for your insights.
You have a point about terminology and confusion.
How about re-thinking the term “infected”? The fact that they can DETECT a genetic sequence in you, which is called corona virus, does not mean that this genetic sequence is causing you any disease nor that it presents a risk to the health of anybody else. In fact, this cluster of viruses referred to as the “corona virus” is not new. There is no evidence that detection = disease nor that detection = contagiousness. None. If you doubt this, then I offer a reward of a thousand dollars to you or to anybody who can prove that detection of the “corona virus” causes any disease or that corona virus is contagious.
How about re-thinking the term “asyptomatic carrier”. This is, in fact, a healthy person, but under medical martial law, as you aptly call it, a healthy person is no longer healthy, but is merely suspected of being an “asymptomatic carrier”. This is nonsense. There is no evidence for the theory of the “asymptomatic carrier” of the corona virus who causes resîratory illness in someone else.
In fact, there are no unique symptoms of “covid-19”. The cough, the fever, respiratory failure, and pneumonia are not unique. Some have mild symptoms. Some have severe symtoms. You do not need a PhD, an MD, or even a degree in biology to see through the nonsense of the terms “infected” and “asymptomatic carrier”, yet they are part of the pretense for the lockdown. This is the work of psychopaths.
Regarding predictions, you were spot on, but what about mandatory vaccinations or vaccinations required to use public transport or to buy groceries? I’m not wishing for this, but if we are trying to foresee, then along with suppression of dissent and free speech and blaming or even framing the Chinese government, then unfortunately, forced vaccinations of adults is what seems to me possible, maybe even forseeable.
Thanks also for pointing out that the Japanese government did not impose a quarantine on healthy people there. Let this be a lesson to us all, because what is also forseeable, it seems to me, is that they will soon proclaim, “ok, eveerybody, or at least some of you go back to your work and income and freedom, but look at all that we did for you; be grateful to us for the quarantine; if we had not quarantined you, then there would have more losses to this deadly virus.” The gullible will believe this, but the absence of a lockdown in Japan, Taiwan (from what I hear), and Sweden may prove otherwise. Perhaps they understood that the CCP may have been trying to cover up the severe air pollution in Wuhan. Hope this is not too wordy.
If you look for the truth, it is time to turn off the tv.
Could you posssibly ditch the smartphone and go back to a fixed line?
Am thinking about doing this myself, but have not yet.
Others I know have.
Yes at least that would give you an alibi when you are out and about doing your thing outside when a cop pulls you over.
“No officer I don’t have a cell phone. No officer I don’t watch TV.
No officer I don’t read the MSM news. No officer I don’t check my mail. I’m a hermit.”
You’d probably have a better time by sayin “no hablo ingles”. Might not work so well in te US.
You don’t need to be a hermit to ditch the smartphone, stop watching tv, and stop reading the papers. You might even start to free yourself.
Yes of course you are right ben. That didn’t come out sounding right at the end. 🙂
I was trying to make it SOUND like I was a hermit, just for the police.
I personally (for all intents and purposes) don’t have a cell phone, don’t watch TV and don’t read the MSM news.
I must confess that I do check my community mailbox once in a while (not everyday) and am not a hermit.” 🙂
Perhaps Brock can come up with an image of a human with a cattle tag stapled through the ear. Tax Cattle Tagging.
If you don’t already know this song I’m honoured to make you aware of it. I actually bought the vinyl back in the 80s! Check out the “911” during the clip too.
James (Corbett) & Fabrizio,
I was freaked out when (way back when) I read George Orwell’s 1984, never for a moment thinking that, some day, the world that I live in would get so dangerously close to reflecting that book. James, I like the substitution of “Contact Tracing” with “Big Brother”. That substitution really brings to light how serious the times currently are and exactly what is at stake right now (what we all could lose forever). Fabrizio, I’m thinking that IMMUNI (and the scary possibility… because I agree with you that your suggestion of STAYSAFE is very possible given the current propaganda trends) should (or could, if one wanted to refuse to “play” or “join” or “spread” the MSM propaganda “game”) be replaced with something like BIG-BROTHER-IS-ALWAYS-WATCHING-YOU or PRIVACY-BE-GONE-FOREVER or 101-WAYS-TO-CONTROL-YOUR-LIFE or (because shorter names are always much more catchy) PRIVACY-THIEF or STALKER-APP or BROTHER-SMOTHER or FREEDOM-EXTRACTOR.
Why not, Ella Bella? The bait has no hook, so it’s harmless! 🙂
Reminds me two emails I received from my city health officials:
The first email, sent two or three weeks ago, informed me that testing centers are now open to everyone and I will be welcomed with open arms at any of the convenient locations around the city.
The second email arrived three days ago. It’s actually from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services but was sent through city and county health authorities:
“What is the All of Us Research Program?
“At the moment, health care is often one-size-fits-all. But imagine a future where your health treatments are tailored to you. This is called precision medicine, and we can make that future possible.
“The mission of All of Us is simple. We want to speed up health research.
“To do this, we’re asking one million or more people to share their unique health data. This information will be added to a database. Researchers can then access this data to conduct thousands of studies on health and disease.
“Why one million?
“The key to the All of Us Research Program is diversity. Diversity of people, data types, and ways of life.
“The more we know about what makes people unique, the more customized health care can become. That’s why we’re asking one million or more people to join us.”
“Why should I join?
“It’s simple. You’ll contribute to research that may improve health for generations to come. There’s no one exactly like you. Your unique health data may help researchers find the next big medical breakthrough.”
[continued in my next comment, for those of you who are gluttons for punishment. . .]
[continuation of my previous comment]
“How do I get involved?
* Download the app
* Visit our website []
“There are many ways to participate.
“You may be asked to:
* Take online surveys
* Share your electronic health record (EHR)
* Give blood and urine samples
* Have your physical measurements taken”
It just occurred to me that maybe one of the many agendas of false flag live shootings is to lure more compassionate citizens to the blood banks so their blood type can be stored in some national registry and later used against them in some way. I don’t know if this is an accurate guess, though, since I’ve never given blood.
It’s safe to say that I won’t be among those million (or more) folks. Instead, I’ll do my best to explain to friends, who may have received the same invite, the many reasons why they might not want to act upon it.
P.S. Ella Bella, a friend of mine has a best friend named Stella Bella!
Personally I would avoid using the term “Big Brother”
Due to name space pollution, the average sheepie thinks “Big Brother” is a dumb reality TV show. Indeed that is what comes up in a Google search. The only negative association would be that the show gives free airtime to amateur narcissists, but other than that they will not think much of it.
I think Nanny-State, Orwellian or Spyware still retain their original meaning for now.
designheretic: Since this invasion of privacy had absolutely nothing to do with medicine or health (well, except that it also wants to monitor and control your health, too), I like “Mass Metadata Monitoring” (which could be shortened to M3). Or, you could call it “Heinous Mass Metadata Monitoring” (or HMMM)…LOL
Fritzie’s dad: I like it!
Martin2040: Love it (COVID-1984)! Well,I don’t love what’s happening, but it’s SO true.
Bill Gates has been getting reamed by the YouTube comments sections lately! Watch this creepy video of Bill smiling as he discusses vaccines. Look at the like/dislike ratio and the comments. It appears many people have caught on to him.
I expected less likes and more death threats.
As Mr. Knut Wittkowski has said, contract tracing for a respiratory infection is impossible. It’s about surveillance, of everyone, all the time.
I guess I now know where all those people who have been thrown out of work will go – to Americorps and the CCC. Sign me up!
Community health workers – another term that James would insist we don’t use.
It’s amazing how glib these people are when discussing things like this. The words just roll off their tongues, like they were reading poetry or something.
Creepy doesn’t begin to describe it.
Hi as suggested already I like “surveillance state”.
It just calls it what it is; without unnecessary emotional tags of “big brother” etc, which just serve to polarise people.
Yeah so I’m down here in freedom-loving Australia where the Government is well on the path to introducing a “contact-tracing” app. They’re going to use an app developed in freedom-loving Singapore. Great. But it will be voluntary. Until pandemic number whatever rolls by, and then I’m pretty sure it will be slid on over to the mandatory column. The absolute apathy in this country about freedom is sickening.
Interesting banking connection to those singing the praises of the app…
COVIDsafe gets security industry nod, but push for source code mounts
“Atlassian chief executive Mike Cannon-Brookes[junior] joined the chorus of tech industry experts urging Australians to download the app, writing on Y Combinator’s Hacker News he was confident the government would release the code.”
Michael Cannon-Brookes snr: How I raised a son who became Atlassian billionaire
“Mike Cannon-Brookes is not at all deflated by the fact that, despite his glittering, globetrotting career with United States multinationals IBM and Citibank, he is now known as the father of Mike, the co-founder of Atlassian.
Cannon-Brookes snr was one of the crop of foreigners who swelled the finance industry in Australia the early ’80s, when foreign banks were invited to apply for licences. After stints in London, New York and Taipei for Citibank, the British Cannon-Brookes was running Citi’s private and investment banking in Hong Kong when he got asked to move again.”
I can’t even send photos with my stupid flip phone. And it costs me 25 bucks a month!
I love it more everyday.
I have been renaming and using my own phrases for a lot of the new language that has arisen during this plandemic, that others have just learned and now parrot, because I refuse the propaganda. I did forget to rename Big Brother and have no clever quips to replace the original words. Maybe something along the lines of snitching, cos it is, but you are telling on yourself and others…oh I am no good at this, am I? Another link to the UK version (they were doing it, ditched it and now have plans to boost the Big Brothers to 18000 from 290, yikes!)
The “second wave” will be blamed on those not willing to download the Big Brother app…the comments on the article, eek!
Hi all, has anyone seen any evidence that phone manufacturers are actively and publicly assisting govt in advancing BIG BROTHERing in the wake of this craziness? Only asking as i find it coincidental to say the least that my android phone has system updated several times in the last month or 2. “Security Patches” are something im sure no one looks twice at so would be an easy way to go under the radar with this.
Also, does anyone have opinions on Dr Rashid Buttar? Credible? I recently watched a vid on Goo-tube channel Next News Network where he was pretty outspoken and wide reaching on his conspiracy talk, part of which was suggesting the main reason for the social distancing is because the resolution on the phone tracking with current technology is not good enough to track individuals when they are close to each other, so by conditioning everyone to maintain 13feet or whatever it is now, this ensures accurate tracking of everyone. Thoughts?
Contact Tracing = Contact Spying = Police State
Has anyone here been organizing or going to any protests? I am in California but would travel to take part in one. A group of people I know is interested in protesting in the SF Bay Area, if anyone is in the area would you be interested in learning more? I think people need to keep speaking up and I do think protests help. It doesn’t matter if we are vilified by the media. I think there are large numbers of people who are against this, even in the medical profession, like me who want to come forward and voice dissent but it’s hard to stand alone.
There are a fair number of Corbett Report Members up in that part of California.
Perhaps some Meetup Groups might also be interested,
such as this group “Golden Gate Liberty r3VOLution Meetup” (over 1,000 members).
“The mission of the Golden Gate Liberty rEVOLution is to be a gateway for individuals to promote and defend liberty and justice through education, political action, collaboration and voluntarism in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.”
No, I am not on FB for the time being, I hate the platform, but knowing that there is such a group in existence, I may reopen it. I will look it up. This must stop very soon, it’s totally unnecessary in my opinion since my hospital census is 1/4 of what it normally would be, which is actually scary because there are tons of sick people who normally come in and who are afraid to catch “corona”. It’s so irresponsible of the media and the government to do this to people. It is so wrong.
You should put the URL to in the wordpress profile, how will people find it otherwise?
You could have sent it to le monde or maybe to le CNN.
The link to profile is on the top right. Where it says “howdy halfmanhalfbearhalfpig”.
April 28, 2020
Health News Florida (NPR related)
By Selena Simmons-Duffin
We Asked All 50 States About Their Contact Tracing Capacity. Here’s What We Learned
(AUDIO also included in article – NPR style)
(coded map in article)
…An influential group of former government officials released a letter Monday calling for a contact tracing workforce of 180,000. Other estimates of how many contact tracers are needed range from 100,000 to 300,000.
NPR surveyed all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia to ask them how many contact tracers they currently have — and how many they were planning to add, if any. We got data for 41 states and the District of Columbia and found they have approximately 7,324 workers who do contact tracing on staff now, with plans to surge to a total of 35,582…
How Many Contact Tracers Does Your State Have Per Capita?
Estimated need: 30 workers per 100,000 are needed during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to estimates from the National Association of County and City Health Officials. In nonemergency situations, 15 workers per 100,000 population are needed. ~~~
… Numerous groups and experts are calling for more action and funds from the federal government. The group of former federal officials who wrote a letter Monday calling for increased contact tracing hires also say $46 billion in federal funding is needed to pay for the hires and resources to help infected and exposed people stay isolated.
Scott Gottlieb, a former Food and Drug Administration chief for President Trump, told NPR on Monday that although assembling as many as 180,000 contact tracers nationally may be daunting, it’s doable….
I like Big Brother Surveillance because it’s direct, while not seeming too dramatic. Another point thought about was that the implementation of Big Brother Surveillance might warrant the need for more infrastructure, which means that they have a way to pitch a supposed benefit of 5G.
I find it’s a great idea to replace the terminology with more factually accurate words and there are already examples of that, such as plandemic vs pandemic. However, I think if we came to a consensus on the exact words/phrases to use and strictly adhere to them, over time these terms become established and more widely used. Maybe Contact Tracing should be called Communist Tracking, FBI could henceforth be called Fascistic Bureau of Intimidation, WHO could be the World Gates Organization, Department of Defense becomes Department of Offense, etc. James has already come up with a few good replacements, like Center for Disease Creation and Propaganda. These are the methods the establishment employs to influence the human psyche, why not give them some of their own medicine?
CT – Contrived testing
FBI – Fast breeding ignoramuses
WHO – World hell organization
DOD – Department of dense
CDC – Center for disease contraction
You can tell this boils James’ piss as it does mine. I’d say its more of a stasi flavour then facistic. The army of informants we’ve seen before.
James, do you have any bumper stickers? My entire street is full of these creepy rainbows and I’m a shade away from printing off big brother and sticking him in the window. I don’t have a printer availiable right now though
Here is a good real-time discussion clearly outlining the degree of severity and polarized element surrounding this move:
I’m still quite amazed that people correlate this to measures of safety and saving lives. I mean, we see how that all worked out with TSA and this really is fundamentally no different on the receiving end. On the giving end, there would then be the capability for full, real-time exploitation of this data. The next step would be implants, as far off as that may be from now as it’s all by subscription at this point.
I really have to give it to them, this is a ruthless and exacting science at this point.
robert1983, your three phrases are among the most clever — and accurate — I’ve seen: “Faucism” and “WHO-dunnit” and “Gates-way to Hell.”
Seems like creative, witty, and memorable lines are dreamed up — and light up most brightly — when times are dark.
Yes, yes, excellent work. I think that’s what James was relying on, having someone come up with something really good instead of going gansta with “Big brother”.
Aleksandr and HalfManHalfBearHalfPig, You two Knobs have come to identify and use quite successfully BACON ENGLISH.
You make me proud! Continue.
Alex, Now your Egg-saggeratin’ . Im talkin’
King James’s former Lord Chancellor Francis Bacon. Master of language transformation. Ole English into Bacon English for perfidious use by Kings, Diplomats and House of Lords.
Its Saturnday night. Got any new moon music for the gang?
PS.. Did you post the Fred and Dave article on QinetiQ? Relating to Pribian Bo.
COVIDslave – COVIDsafe is the name of the Orwellian App in Oz.
“We Need An Army Of Contact Tracers” – Meet The Enforcement Arm Of The “New Normal”
Derrick Broze for The Last American vagabond.
Classy. And appropriate.
Hang Em High, I have been acquainted with only one person who worked for AmeriCorps. Our meeting was brief; we spent the evening serving homemade dinner to the houseless in downtown Houston. That young woman impressed me as compassionate, dedicated, and effective.
It’s easy to understand how startling it must be for you to be exposed to the underbelly. Your analogy of seeing one parent catching the other parent in an adulterous act is apt. Ugh.
Based on what you said, it occurs to me that the AmeriCorps conceivers/creators had a host of ulterior motives when setting it up.
In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if it were organized for the primary purpose of training — grooming and conditioning — the very young people who would one day be needed for the noble public service work of “contact tracing” aka “Big Brothering.”
Doesn’t the initial planning stage of any NWO “event” precede its rollout by three or four decades? I see that AmeriCorps was formed under then-President Bill Gates . . . I mean Clinton . . . in the early 1990s: How appropriate then, that Mr. Clinton should be selling contact tracing’s wonders to the world in 2020. He surely tries to avoid being surveilled in his guilty private life, and yet his career, from the presidency to now, is book-ended by this most egregious privacy invasion of the innocent.
By the way, welcome to the Corbett site, fellow member.
Now there’s a “#PassTheMic” hashtag where celebrities let Dr. Fauci take over their accounts to address their audience. Check out Julia Roberts phony excitement about 8 seconds into the video.
“How rad that we have maybe the coolest man on the planet right now? Wow, and there’s the room. This is intense!” (followed by phony “extremely excited” reaction). It sure seems like they’re trying to get people to model Julia Roberts’ behavior and think “I should revere this man!”
(Gag) I could only make it one minute and six seconds, at which point, did he address her as “Miss Robertson”? Ha! It was worth it just for that.
Why? Were you in to her?
I’d take Gere in a heart beat. Ha ha
I’m cracking myself the fuck up. I was starting to think you was dead. Like covid got you, or something. Isn’t Brazil getting hit hard?
Anyway, don’t take it all nonchalant and macho. Just keep on your guard. And remember, you ain’t no spring chicken. Covid like guys like yoU!!!
Anyway, glad all’s well.
Fauci is 79 years old.
I know that he thrives on technocratic authoritarian rule as an energy boost, but I can’t help but to think that he is doing some kind of anti-aging protocol.
Listen to him talk about sleep.
There already are some anti-aging drugs out there which are relatively very safe.
Example: (I have taken this.)
If there were some other anti-aging drugs which were safe and very effective (in a real way), then Big Pharma may not want to put them on the marketplace.
Big Pharma makes money from sick people, not healthy people.
Fauci would be one of the first people to see trials.
Who knows…he may even be doing the very effective stem cell therapy as an anti-aging protocol.