Interview 1910 – James Announces the (s)Election Winner on TFM Report

by | Nov 5, 2024 | Interviews | 39 comments

via TFM Report: “We are joined by James Corbett, host of the popular Corbett Report. James has been exposing the globalist plans and been a voice for truth for almost two decades.”



How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World

Interview 1769 – The Climate Change Gambit on The Last American Vagabond

Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed

NASA: Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon

Episode 466 – Japan Rising

What is Technocracy? – Questions For Corbett #092

All Hail Elon’s Martian Technocracy!

Episode 468 – An Announcement From the Ministry of Toothbrushes

Everything We Know About Facebook’s Secret Mood-Manipulation Experiment

Really Simple Syndication – #SolutionsWatch

The Strange Story of Peter Thiel | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (coming soon)


  1. I’m only 15 minutes into the show, but it’s fun to see Canucks interact with each other from Ontario and Japan. I heard that Japan’s birth rate is rebounding a bit. What is Canada’s birth rate now?
    Funny how few people talk about sex and procreation as the key to the human race continuing. They talk about everything else, but not fucking. I suppose it’s a sensitive subject.

    • You can have all kinds of fu*king and still have zero kids. It’s called birth control and abortion. Both of which are likely not popular in Japan. Way to go Japan.

      • baysd_boomr: Birth control doesn’t always work. Condoms break, tubes grow back, and hormonal pills fail 5-10% of the time. I suppose you could try the rhythm method. LOL!

  2. Regrettably, I have to go somewhere today, don’t have time to watch this, and resent that I would have to do so in order to find out who James announces as the (s)election winner. I clicked through the video, saw enough of it to figure out that apparently the answer is “technocracy”, and I’ll have to be content with this.

      • Thanks, but is that what James says or what you say? I’m not sure.

        • Roy, I’m half way through the interview and James Corbett has made it clear that he doesn’t believe in voting. He has only made the general prediction that the technocrats will stay in power.

          • Thanks. That’s kind of what I figured. I know how James feels about elections and I really do respect his opinion though I don’t completely share it. He mocks the idea, in this election, that one elite is saying hey, we’re the good elite, we’re for you, come on over with us against that bad elite over there. But I think there actually are two elites and that one may prefer one over the other. Come what may, I prefer Thiel and Musk over Obama and Soros.

            • I guess we’ll see. Maybe there are factions within the Thiel elite who can influence it’s direction.

              I think the idea of monolithic control is inaccurate.

              I certainly hope Thiel doesn’t usher in CBDCs and digital IDs and technocratic hell. But I’m not a fortune teller, so I’m open to alternative outcomes.

  3. I wrote to the County Registrar of Voters 4 years ago and had him take my name off of the voter rolls. What a relief it was! Elections are only entertainment to me now. No stress. No jury duty notices. I limit all my interactions with government and that includes voting.

    • I totally agree with you, and not with the very knowledgeable but wrong, female host of this broadcast, you don’t VOTE in a rigged system, you don’t acquiesce to their BS. You turn their back on the BS system and create your energy on something more productive.

      It is rigged, it is controlled, so the idea that which smiling face is placed in command means something is nonsense, politicians are not making the rules, they are just actors reading from a script.

      Just like, “what if they had a war and no one showed up”, voting validates their criminal system, that is totally the wrong message.

      That is why they push so hard to get us to vote, once we stop, the gig is up.

      • Adam Green and Knowmorenews is a must see to understand what is going on. For people that wonder who “they” are and why things are playing out as they are, this is a lens you need to look through.

        It is not an easy watch, but it shows how religion is behind all that is playing out…

        The Abrahamic death cult is in charge, directly or indirectly. For centuries this death cult has been destroying nation after nation, and America/the West has been willfully abetting in this war against independent nations and people: Germany, Japan, South Africa, South America, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Afghanistan, Korea…but NOW that this malignancy is turning directly on the West, now we are waking up…too late. I am horrified of what is coming, but it has been baked in the cake, you can’t only care about such evil when it comes to your door step. I saw it all with Iraq, the obvious lies of an immoral war, the blanket of patriotisms over every evil we were doing there. I like few others protested the war, but those who support that evil (the majority) have sealed our fate. I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist, I know actions have consequences.

        That is not to say things will play out exactly as they desire, the situation is far too complicated, too many variable, the whole butterfly effect is in full effect, so you never know. You do what you can and hope for the best.

        • Sorry Mr. Corbett, I am not trying to be a defeatist, just trying to speak truth, that is the only way out.

          America IS Weimar 2.0:

          (Complex thought)

          The whole “woke” (See: Marxism) thing in America was to drive Americans to support something like Trump (they installed Trump with a “mandate”, to give him the illusion of broad support), our little Hitler. Biden was installed to create the perception that America was becoming gay/trans/immigrant. They used their control over Hollywood and Advertising to create disease within white America, replacing all white actors with “people of color”, it was all a psyop with the additional benefit of destroying white employment/Hollywood (they have done this to other nations in the past, hype minority representation in the public eye, while removing majority representation-all to make the majority feel threatened). To be clear, Trump is NOT the Hollywood Hitler, the real Hitler, the Zionist funded Hitler as they funded Trump. Hitler was installed to drive Jews to Israel (certainly NOT to wipe them out and to give them (“them” is not the Jewish people, but Zionist NWO criminals who use Jewry) the cover of the “Holocaust” to hide behind) and to destroy Germany/Japan in the process. Trump will likely be used to do the same, drive Jews to Israel (that is why Israel is going full genocide, they need the additional land for the returning Jews AND create Israel as the “moral/spiritual” center of the NWO). Like Hitler did to Germany, Trump will also likely be the downfall of US. It is highly likely the Zio-Christians are going to be very disappointed, no magic man will be coming to save them, they are simply being used to bring about the Zionist NWO, big surprise.

          If they installed Harris, I assumed they would be going for a “civil war”, if they installed Trump it was going to be a world war. The fact that they gave Trump the House and Senate furthers the idea Trump is going to be a tyrant, noting of course, Trump is surrounded by the SAME Zionist psychopaths he had during his first administration, you know the neo-cons he said he would avoid this time, the betrayal of his promises has already begun.

          BTW, Nazi is what Communists call people they don’t like.

          The world IS controlled by one group, a group that has been working towards world control for at least 3000 years, our main hope is that they will yet fail again.

  4. 13:05 I appreciate the recognition that scientists have a particular narrative they must present in order to keep their funding. James’ famous “Science Says” report (which was the final straw on the GoogTube) covered some of this.

    Dr. Philip Stott is still on a very small corner of GoogTube exposing many of the absolute lies that are touted in the anals of scientific academia.

    Of course many people won’t actually look into what we’ve been told is empirical truth to see if there’s an agenda to keep people deceived.

    For those that are scientifically oriented and love the truth, here’s a few short videos regarding cosmology and evilution which edify the mind and spirit to be able to escape the snares which we’ve been tethered in since our youth:

    I’m curious to see if these links arrive at the playlists I copied them from. GoogTube has been corrupting links of some channels and basically hiding information rather than all out deleting the channels altogether, lately.

  5. James Announces the (s)Election Winner on TFM Report
    is a winning title headline.

    I’ll wager it gets a lot of clicks.

  6. I remember back in the early 2000’s, there was research being reported that the world was actually not heating up. The report was allowed to circulate for a couple of days, THEN it was “discovered”, the scientists that had done the research were paid by Exxon Mobil! Suddenly, in THAT context, that was how the research was reported and in only that context. It dawned on me very quickly that we were witnessing a psychological operation. This was all about discrediting ANY research that cast doubts upon the global warning meme.

    Sadly, understanding this level of manipulation by the powers that be is well beyond most people, to them, they need to be shown how the scam works, thinking it out for one’s self is not a thing. Of course, the media does its job all to well, shoving relevant information down the memory hole and keeping the willfully ignorant masses in a sort of stasis bubble, where only the now has value, thus the powers that be can create context for them. In a world where understanding any situation, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Palestine/Israel, Covid, Immigration, China…all need to be given context, yet the PTB get to create that context;

    “Israel has the right to defend itself”, yet Israel has been conducting genocide against the Palestinians for decades.

    China economy surpasses US economic output…it is just left out there for people to assume this is because China’s system works better, no context. China was built up with stolen trillions from America, seemingly over-night China was the world’s manufacturer, and why has the US government been assisting in moving jobs offshore, how has “free trade” worked out for American workers?

    OMG, Ukraine, where the Zionist US State Department fomented a coup to install the current Zio POS Zaleski, all to create the Ukraine spyop, with ZOG US and ZOG CCCP on both sides and the innocent Ukrainian people in the middle.

    Every situation is framed in the way the Zionists want. Those who think otherwise, I would like an example of ANYTHING that is not working towards a Zionist NWO. BRICS is BRICS + Israel.

    The media does not look at the causes of immigration and those who facilitate it, the American (USAID) and Israeli (HIAS) NGO’s that always seem to be at the heart of the migrations to the West. Replacement theory is a thing.

  7. To continue on this theme, we are supposed to be a Democracy, which demands a well informed public to work, obviously, that is not the case.

    The media purposely creates a status field around each candidate, never looking into anything that does not contain the election in the desired parameters.

    I don’t vote, but listening to either side’s justification for who they will vote for sickens me.
    Trump’s first term was an abomination, yet the meme there is “they fooled him, they won’t fool him this time”. That nonsense can thrive because the media does not remind people of what it was like under Chump. THAT would prove the media is critical of Chump, but the media protects him, the media allows this fantasy Trump to get away with rewriting history. What the media does report is about some nonsense crime, “misplacing documents”, oh the horror, the powers that be know, no one that support Chump will care about that crime, that is why they use it, PURE THEATRICS.

    AND Harris voters are even worse, Harris has NO RIGHT to be the Democratic candidate, yet Democrats go right along, they are “anyone but Trump” maniacs, absolutely no standards. But the out of context aspect here is even worse, Harris is running on the “my body my choice”, regarding abortion rights, yet this administration was the one forcing people to take the jab. The OBVIOUS hypocrisy here goes unstated…that is to say, if the media does not report it, to the masses, it is not an issue.

    Of course the abortion issue was created for this selection cycle, they had their supreme court over-turn Row V Wade, just in time to make it an issue again. That is why they forced Harris into this election cycle, a woman could make abortion and issue better than could a man. But, moreover, only with a compliant media could the blatant hypocrisy of their justification for abortions stand. They argue that there is no exception for “rape of incest”, well, what about their legalization for abortion, do they propose an exception for viable and healthy fetuses? So, it is your “body your choice”, when it comes to killing a viable fetus, but when it comes to an experimental totally unnecessary MNRA “vaccine”, for the yearly flu, you have NO bodily autonomy.

    Most people do not thing for themselves, they look for guidance, most often their “trusted” media outlets, they lack the internal mechanism that says, it is ok for me to have a different thought from those I associate with, “I am an individual”. At the end of the day, most people do not see themselves as individuals, but part of a collective, even down to niche groups like anti-vaxxers and anti-globalism…but I would say the percentage of original thought does increase within this population.

    From the beginning we are taught to look outside for guidance, “YOU ARE NOT UNIQUE, you are just one of masses, herded, sheep to be herded”.

  8. My question is what will be the next reality tv show episode to electrocute them out of the coma or blind rage, they will go into when the hooplala inevitably peters out?
    Though I’m not holding my breath for that one. They haven’t stopped blabbing on about the last election yet.
    ( Do you think it’s gonna rain?)
    I suspect that voting day used to be one of the rare “all classes/castes included” social affairs of the Great Society, come as you are and all that. So we are required to be “kind:” to the dear hobbits who still are attached, just as we must be kind and defer to chicks with dicks. ‘Cause they’re males, and also still “attached”.

    Well, it’s becoming rather clear, at least from Jennifer Bilek’s research into all the money behind the “trans…trans…transhuman agenda”, that all those tech nerds are one big homosexual and transobsessive lot of butt-buddies. ala Gates and Fauci. And Thiel is a part of that too. Surprise surprise.

    Somehow, “democracy”, the “rule of the majority”, which is now defined by academentia as “the most powerful”…hahaha….saying it raw…is just another ritualistically enacted symbolic human sacrifice cult.
    And just like other cults so built, the sacrificed will eventually resurrect themselves once again into the light of day. Ho hum. And now, when the Sun itself is at its weakest and farthest from the northern hemisphere, this ritual of the death and resurrection is enacted at a “national” level. One “candidate” will ritually be slaughtered, and from this blood bath, the “nation” will be renewed, and of course, forgiven it’s sins. How convenient.

    Bread and circus, and dead , super-processed mammals to munch on. There will be a massive feast of hate hate hate hate hate coming from those who “don’t get what they want”.
    That way when others cause a massive slaughter for not getting what they want, everyone will “understand”.

    And just as the video games trained a generation of remote killers for the all greedy gay militaries, it’s easier to “cast the vote” oh so privately in the …local curtained booth, local box, or device, or whatever. Please maintain 6 ft. “social distancing” . That way if you vote wrong, we can zap you accurately. Thanks.

    There is a lust in many to name the other as “Loser”. It’s the bulk of the internet content that’s pushed by the algos. The “obliterated”, “destroyed”, “decimated”, “blown away”,etc language. The war diverted by cowards, and they always throw a female in the mix as target of hate or rescue-needing pathos. ( Wag The Dog).

    Shame no one keeps accurate stats anymore. I’m sure the incidence rise in domestic and other forms of violence after an election is remarkable, as after sports games. Male sports games.

  9. I thought that the TFM Report hosts did okay on not getting “embarrased or offended” when being educated about aspects of Anarchism/Voluntaryism and why voting can be immoral.
    Time constraints on a podcast can forbid explaining how roads will come about.
    Fortunately, pencils and toothbrushes magically appear in the stores.

    I like seeing James Corbett repeat some of the talking points about Anarchism.
    Repeating the message does work.
    Sometimes, I’m pretty dense. Some years back, James kept talking about the subject enough that finally something clicked for me.

    WayBack Machine | Archive.Org for Corbett Report

    Here is a killer example of how valuable CorbettReport on Archive.Org can be…

    On Sep 14, 2024, Corbett did a FLASHBACK of
    Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster (2015)

    In 2015, at the 7:30 minute mark, James Corbett says:
    “The first Corbett Report member to report back with who that man is and what he did between 1984 and 1993….”

    Well, that ‘first member’ comment is missing.
    It is missing because when Corbett transitioned to the new website, some old comments melted into the ether.
    But…it was Archived.

    See the “Missing Comment”

    Also, when at that link be sure to see this IMAGE…
    “Diego Rivera went on to paint this SPECTACULAR 16-foot-long MURAL depicting the Guatemala coup.”

  10. I’m following James since 2011 and i never heard him talk about the ‘Khazarian Mafia’. Doesn’t sound like something he would say or talk about. Now either i’m mistaken, which is definitely possible or she made ‘a jump’ in her own mind which put me off right from the get-go.

  11. Voting does not matter because we don’t get to pick who runs. They control the media and the purse, thus they choose the candidates, we get to ONLY validate their system. The idea that there are two sides is demonstrably false, two sides of the same shekel.

    America is funding 70% of the genocide against the Palestinians, that is bad enough, but if Trump wins, that will get even worse.

    You turn your back on rigged systems, to don’t engage and participate, you just legitimize their systems then.

    Finally, IF anyone did get past their media and financial blockades, to actually represent the people, they WOULD kill them, blame it on some “white supremacist” or trans person, depending on who they are trying to convince.

  12. I hope we can be unburdened by what has been and get back to the new new normal after this selection cycle. My feeds are full of this shit. It’s a farce on its face, but people simply have to get their fix. When I see otherwise smart people falling for this trash it really puts a frown on my face.

    Of course, I understand that for many in the alternative alternative media it pays off to ride on the coattails of this nonsense. James does a good job of putting out a simple and consistent narrative. Most will simply glaze over it, completely.

    Of course, one thing can happen to prolong this entire ordeal and make it very fun: “super delegates” could flip the vote (like they did for Donald the Duck vs Killary) and drive the already jacked up crowds out of their freaking minds.

    • ha!…yea…no kidding…
      …I’m ready to “get back to the new new normal after this selection cycle.”

      Nov 6th Wed The Euphoria was manic!
      [ Mania is a condition in which you have a period of abnormally elevated, extreme changes in your mood or emotions, energy level or activity level.]

      Besides the news feeds and stuff…
      In the early hours of Wed November 6th, following the election results, the markets went nuts!

      The Dollar (DXY) spiked to dizzy levels making it much more costly for other countries to transact in dollars.
      Interest rates soared on the 10 year Treasury.

      Risk assets (stocks) went to the moon, breaking records. Bitcoin is now considered a risk asset and it too climbed to heights not seen in ages.

      Nov 6 – 3pm U.S.
      ‘Trump-Quake’ Sparks Greatest Post-Election-Day Stock Market Gain In History

      I think that the tone will shift in January 2025.

    • However, I have to admit that I was glad to see that a Citizen Petition Drive put Proposition S on the ballot for the City of Dallas.

      Despite City Officials, past Mayors, rich elites and local publications warning the public not to vote for Proposition S, it PASSED by a majority vote of the people.
      There had been a big money campaign (billboards included) and underhanded, unethical actions bent on stopping Proposition S.

      Proposition S grants Dallas citizens
      “standing to bring a lawsuit against the City, entitles them to seek declaratory and injunctive relief, and waives the City’s governmental immunity from suit and liability claims.”

      • Beggars can’t be choosers. Every little bit helps.

  13. James Corbett – Past and Future
    …ahead of the trend. …anarchism, voluntaryism.

    During the TFM Report conversation, the change in the Media landscape was discussed. With the internet, there are a lot of different voices out there.

    We all recognize that everyone and their dog (or squirrel) is becoming an online broadcaster, and often, in some way acting as a pundit.

    I submit that James Corbett is in a different category altogether.
    He was talking about topics before they were a ‘thing’.
    He has always been ahead of the ‘trend’.
    Eventually, years from now, people will be talking about anarchism/voluntaryism as part of the ‘everybody knows conversation.’

    Remember how Corbett was way ahead in projecting the Biosecurity State?
    BitCoin – Remember when Corbett actually gave away free Bitcoin in order to prompt people to investgate it?

    Day-in and day-out since 2006-07, Corbett has been at it.
    It’s like a skilled, experienced, professional athlete. …almost intuitive.
    James Corbett is in a different category altogether.

  14. Voting being immoral is a weak argument. Genocide is immoral. Rape is immoral as is torture. Those things are palpably wrong. People behave and are motivated to a large extent by feelings. Edward Bernays demonstrate that very effectively.

    Voting is a facade, an illusion of agency and choice. A pressure valve sort of. But people are so used to doing nothing that inspiring people needs to have more compelling “marketing” than “voting is immoral”.

    I don’t know if anyone has looked at the pictures from Palestine, but it’s pretty sickening and I am not a squeamish person. That is immoral.

  15. Given that most people think voting does something, I can see why people do it and that they voted for Trump. People want to close the borders and I totally get that. If anyone has seen or experienced mass migrant immigration should try to empathize with why people might want to “build a wall”.

    Not that they actually want to stop immigration, because they don’t so it’s a facade. But I get why people don’t want people from vastly different cultures flooding into their towns.

    I’m sure people in Japan would be a little bit concerned if people started flooding across their borders. People from Africa or India, the poorest and most downtrodden. I have empathy for people but they are from a vastly different culture and I can understand why people want space.

    If people can’t try to put themselves in the shoes of others then I don’t think people will ever work together.

    • @cu.h.j

      Theoretical and advertised results of voting and statist regimes are radically different then the actual results historically. Whether people like the notion of becoming racial isolationists, or they are pro-choice, or they want some other promised consolatory prize offered by a circus performer on the statist stage, the result is the same every time, the rich stay rich (usually getting exponentially richer) the poor stay poor and the bombs being dropped on far away countries (so our corporations can pillage their resources and the banksters can indebt their economies) never stop dropping.

      The revolving Statist theatrics distract and enthrall while the permanent residents of the statist regime continue their work in war profiteering, pharmaceutical mass murder and exploitation of the natural world.

      Case in point:

      “Trump Assembles a War Cabinet:

      Welcome the Rubio-Hegseth-Waltz warmonger dream team”


      “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
      ― Frank Zappa

      • Those things are true and I suspect that national elections are rigged. While those things are true, nevertheless, people believe in them and either they are unable to grasp it intellectually or subconsciously driven to act in predictable ways.

        I can understand both mechanisms. A large section of the population are not that smart and can’t get it and if they do get it the subconscious patterns are stronger than the part of their brain that gets it.

        It’s like how a drug addiction works. There are people with high IQs who are addicts and their subconscious mind has been hijacked to feed an addiction that is destroying them. I understand that because I’ve had addictions. Luckily the logic part of my brain was not overwritten by a destructive subconscious urge. But I nevertheless get it, why that is a thing.

        What I was saying is that I understand why people vote and think it has an effect and also why they would desire doing a simple thing rather than a hard thing like real world action. People tend to want convenience. It could be hard wired, even in the people who are very hard working industrious people.

        So we are working against three things: ignorance, subconscious patterns/social engineering and desire for a quick fix/convenience.

        In order to figure out how overcome these obstacles, one must understand them.

      • I interact frequently with the general public and the majority of people I come across are grossly ignorant of basic things. If they are that ignorant of basic things, how can they comprehend something complex like how voting at this point is a scam?

        Are they going to be able to read Tragedy and Hope, even the abridged version? I’d say probably not. And even if they could understand and get it that the system exploits and despises them would be hard pressed to follow through on solutions especially if they involve hard work.

        There are people who are still believing in Qanon. I mean if that’s not insanity, I don’t know what is.

        People also don’t want to know what’s going on. It’s uncomfortable to know and they prefer ignorance. It’s basic as avoiding a hot stove but it’s psychological pain they avoid. The truth is not comfortable. Most people want to be comfortable, at least I see this being true in the US nowadays.

    • I think the reason people pushed the lever for Trump was immigration. I understand why people who don’t want mass immigration who think voting in national elections does anything “voted harder”.

      I understand the sentiment and I also think that they have no intention of stopping immigration and/or their “solution” will be some slavery technology. A lose lose for us and the immigrants.

      Knowing this does not make me okay with millions of people flooding into the country, some of whom are being brought here for slavery and exploitation, others for criminal enterprise and some who want a welfare check. But mainly it is to change the demographics here to further divide people and making them easier to control.

  16. Great minds think alike. (So do poor minds.)

    Two and a half years ago I bought several MapleFringe domains (.ca, .cloud, .com, .net, .org, .shop) with the intention of setting up a forum.

    I set up 8 WEFringe group email lists in an effort to better organize our communities fairly rather than settle for the forgotten Facebook chaos. (WE = Windsor/Essex County, Ontario)

    In 2023 I drafted a few television series pitches for Bell Canada’s Fibe TV1 channel, including “Maple Fringe Majority” (http://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Maple_Fringe_Majority,_television_series_pitch).

    On Canada Day 2024, we finally got a HumHub forum online – There’s more foundations to be laid to explain the “constitution” and self-management principles of this bottom-up community, so it’s not open yet.

    Recently we’ve decided to rebrand the WEFringe to WEFreedom, in part because “fringe” was a passing phrase that is no longer appreciated and we’ll get more clarity of purpose among ourselves as well as outsiders (even if they’re trying to weaponize and distort “freedom”).

    Herding cats (voluntarily organizing) with limited resources is difficult, but worth it – and we’re getting better at it.

    I believe we’ll soon have some stuff worthy of being covered by James Corbett and others. Slowly developing over years, some of our projects are finally focusing into ACTION – outlined on http://Projex.Wiki.

    Ask for an account to join edit on Projex.

    • That’s cool! Thanks for posting!

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