Whether you’re a die-hard Trekkie or someone who would never be caught dead watching one of those silly sci-fi shows, if you were around in the ’90s you will remember the Borg catchphrase:
“Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.”
For those not in the know, the phrase “resistance is futile” was introduced to popular culture via “Q Who,” a 1989 episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation in which the crew of the Enterprise encounter the Borg, a collective of cyborgs connected to a hive mind via cybernetic implants. The Borg went on to become one of the most iconic antagonists of the Star Trek universe, but it wasn’t their fiery passion or their over-the-top villainry that made them so chilling. Quite the contrary. It was their cold, calculating, machine-like intelligence and their singular aim of assimilating all new species into their collective that made the Borg so creepy.
The Borg weren’t out to kill humanity, only to “add [humanity’s] biological and technological distinctiveness to [the Borg’s] own.”
Now, you might not think this has much to do with our present predicament, and up until a week ago I would have agreed with you.
It turns out resistance isn’t futile after all. Resistance is fertile. Discover the details about the real-life COVID Borg and how the people’s resistance can alter their plans in this week’s important edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Also, stick around for a Subscriber Exclusive video with James ruminating on nature, technology and disconnection.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 27 (August 22, 2020)
The Great Outdoors – Subscriber Exclusive #098 |
by James Corbett Whether you’re a die-hard Trekkie or someone who would never be caught dead watching one of those silly sci-fi shows, if you were around in the ’90s you will remember the Borg catchphrase: “Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.” For those not in the know, the phrase “resistance is futile” was introduced to popular culture via “Q Who,” a 1989 episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation in which the crew of the Enterprise encounter the Borg, a collective of cyborgs connected to a hive mind via cybernetic implants. The Borg went on to become one of the most iconic antagonists of the Star Trek universe, but it wasn’t their fiery passion or their over-the-top villainry that made them so chilling. Quite the contrary. It was their cold, calculating, machine-like intelligence and their singular aim of assimilating all new species into their collective that made the Borg so creepy. The Borg weren’t out to kill humanity, only to “add [humanity’s] biological and technological distinctiveness to [the Borg’s] own.” Now, you might not think this has much to do with our present predicament, and up until a week ago I would have agreed with you. But then I found myself reading a Trekker’s earnest reddit post on why “Resistance is Futile was always a lie.” In this surprisingly thoughtful post, reddit user “67thou” notes that the Borg’s iconic boast that “resistance is futile” was really just a bluff:
By this point, the parallels to our present-day struggle with the would-be controllers of society should be obvious. Indeed, the goal of the COVID World Order cabal is functionally very similar to the fictional Borg. The planners and promoters of The Great Reset are, being psychopaths, similarly cold and calculating in their dedication to their aim. And, most importantly, the Borg-like villains of this biosecurity paradigm are constantly scanning their “enemy”—us, the general public—to determine our resistance to or acceptance of their various proposals. The COVID Borg’s goal is not to send out the troops to force everyone at gunpoint to comply with their orders. That’s much too costly. Such in-your-face tyranny would wake up too many people too quickly, resulting in widespread revolt that could upset their plans. No, their goal is to assimilate the public, to make us want to comply with their orders. Or, at the very least, to insure that we don’t resist when those orders are given. One example of an attempted assimilation just unfolded in Australia. There, Prime Minister Scott Morrison recently told a radio talk show host that, once it was deemed safe by the Australian government, the coronavirus vaccine would be “as mandatory as you can possibly make it,” adding that “[t]here are always exemptions for any vaccine on medical grounds but that should be the only basis.” The suggestion that this untested, unproven vaccine would be made compulsory caused an uproar. Even mainstream mockingbird media questioned Morrison on his presumed legal authority to mandate a shot. The pressure was so intense that Morrison was forced to backtrack on his statement. “There’s been a bit of an overreaction to any suggestion of this; there will be no compulsory vaccine,” he told a different radio talk show host the very next day, clarifying that the goal is “to achieve as much vaccination as we possibly can.” The Borg had presented Australians with an ultimatum. Their adamant resistance to that ultimatum proved to the Borg that the cost/benefit ratio of implementing the COVID agenda was still too high. So they dropped their ultimatum. Make no mistake: the Borg will be back. This is not the end of the issue, but only a temporary retreat. Sometimes, the ways the public resists the COVID edicts seem trivial. People shopping without masks. Students socializing on the campus Quad. Parents holding birthday parties for their children. Homeowners hosting house parties. But, without such resistance, can there be any doubt that the Borg would have put the whole world in a Melbourne-level “stage four lockdown” by now? Even the mainstream is picking up on this theme of resistance. In a Wall Street Journal opinion piece, Allysia Finley likens the culture of underground parties and general rulebreaking to the speakeasies and illegal gatherings that flourished in the “Roaring ’20s” of Prohibition-era America.
Finley then goes on to report on a range of similarly verboten social gatherings taking place across the country, concluding that:
In a sense, this is exactly what I was just writing about in “Rejoice! The Agora is Growing!” The sudden, mind-boggling expansion of what constitutes “illicit” or even “illegal” activity is giving many ordinary, tax-paying, government-loving individuals their first taste of resistance. And, you know what? Some of them even like it. The Borg desperately want to convince you that this resistance is futile. That you will be assimilated. But of course they’re telling you that. What else would you expect them to say? As Spiro Skouras points out, governments and “health authorities” are testing the waters right now, judging exactly how much you are willing to put up with and how quickly they can proceed in implementing the “new normal.” If no one had resisted, the Australian PM wouldn’t have immediately walked back his suggestion that the COVID vaccine was going to be mandatory. Now they’re trial ballooning the “no jab, no pay” concept, there they will similarly gauge the public’s response and proceed based on those observations. We are all being studied by the Borg of the new biosecurity paradigm. They are assigning us a “Resistance Quotient.” At the precise moment that the cost/benefit ratio dips below their calculated threshold, they will begin the forced vaccinations (and whatever else they’re planning). “Resistance is futile” is a lie. It’s a bluff, fed to you by the enemy themselves. They want you to believe that you have no power so that you never attempt to use that power. And if you lay down and let them walk all over you, they will not hesitate to do just that. Never forget: Resistance is fertile. You may be defeated, but you will never be assimilated as long as you don’t give up. |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Recommended ReadingJournalism’s Gates keepers Recommended ListeningBob Murphy Debates Thaddeus Russell on Postmodernism and Liberty + Reflections Recommended ViewingThe Fed’s Silent Takeover of the U.S. (h/t Simon) Just For Fun |
There’s a simple rule when in comes to technology, if you understand how it works and have control of it then it’s good.
If you don’t understand how it works and don’t have control of it – it’s always bad.
No doubled edge sword involved.
GREAT Quote!!! Thanks for posting it!!!
“If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” – Sun Tzu
The healing is to Know Thyself:
Gates knows what is best for you
The doctors in many countries used HCQ+ Zinc+ etc. and this reduced the death-rate by a factor of 10, compared to those that did not get that treatment. This can even be seen in the stats per country.
As many different doctors with many patients (1,000 to 10,000+) in different countries get the same kind of results.
This makes a very good case that this is a working medicine,
They needed to start the treatment early, when the viral load was rising. At later stage, the inflammation of the immune system becomes the problem and other medicine are needed. This was well known by the doctors.
But “scientists” connected to big medical companies, repeated this by using **wrong methods** (like using HCQ at late stage) and were able to have no reduction of deaths, and some even increase the number of deaths by poisoning the patients with overdoses. Also they were able to use fake data or inaccurate internet data or complete different control groups. And with the help of “friends” they got this fake science widely published in peer-reviewed journals.
This fake science has resulted in some important political decisions and has costed many lives.
This all clearly means that they were setting up the studies to fail, because they were working for a company that wanted to get a profit out of this crisis (unlike the doctors).
The fake scientists kept on publishing more bullshit science, but they were unable to repeat the reduction in deaths.
Because the doctors already have so much success with their methods, it clearly proves that the scientists have NO EXPLANATION for the reduction of deaths.
They could not proof that the 90% reduction in deaths could be attributed to anything else than the HCQ+ etc method. And they all failed to simply repeat the method as was well documented by the doctors.
These “scientists” only proved that they were completely corrupt!
For sources check http://saidit.net/s/coronavirus/
I don’t go for any of this. There’s no virus, therefore nobody is dying from da covid. HCQ may or may not help some people’s condition, but that has nothing to due with a non-existent virus.
How do you easily debunk the “no plane” story?
Excellent article, noting that they backed down from the idea of “forced” vaccines because they know they cannot do this or else people would see right away what’s going on and also they don’t have the means of doing it. Particularly in the US where a large percentage of the population is armed. But they revealed themselves and now we may have a strategy because they have shown us their hand, that they cannot do what they want to do unless large numbers of people comply. This is why they use propaganda to persuade and frighten people.
So the test is to not comply even in the face of threats and shunning and shaming. There are many people who don’t even like to voice objections, they want to be polite and “well-liked”. I think it’s human nature, but this is where people must get over this tendency. Also, refusing sets an example and this spreads quickly. Humans tend to follow a leader who sets an example of something they find virtuous. In this case, it’s the right thing to do not only for oneself but for humanity, knowing that if one person folds, more will follow along.
James and Broc, thank you so much for all your work.
you are a beacon in these times of despair, when the buildup of anger almost overwhelmes me after reading various articles, watching video’s about how the people of the world run like lemmings toward the abyss, then there’s a positive article by James.
i really need that!
yes, the world will never be the same. we have to accept that.
friends i had for 40+ years are gone, i can’t talk to them anymore, but in a way it is ok.
there are always new like-minded souls to be found, so forcibly i am pushed into new directions, and eventhough at 60+ my energy is not what it was in the past, there is comfort to be found.
Never give up. Live free or die.
‘they’ can make your life hard and take everything from you, but ‘they’ can NEVER break your soul.
but we need the help of brave souls like James, Broc, Spiro, Polly, Del, Derrick, Dan, Chossudovsky and so many others to turn the anger into creating force.
This is a great example of social resistance:
A non-profit organization in Italy:
acts as intermediary between a team of lawyers in most major Italian cities and groups of concerned parents and teachers.
The idea is to “flood” school’s principals with liability declarations whereby the principals will be deemed criminally liable of all psychological and physical damages to the children if they apply the Ministry of Education’s new pile of covid-related regulations.
The initiative seems to have had such a great success that principals are now putting pressure on the Ministry to ensure they are not pushed in the fire-line or else they will refuse to open the school or to apply all the harmful regulations (masks, social distancing etc etc).
In fact It was so successful that even the MSM could not ignore it:
Just a confirmation that the Power carries on with its plans only if every layer in the hierarchical level acquiesce.
a couple of “scientific papers” for you if you wish to dissect them for your Propaganda Watch 😉
The Public’s Role in COVID-19 Vaccination: Planning Recommendations Informed by Design Thinking and the Social, Behavioral, and Communication Sciences
This report considers human factors in relation to future vaccines against the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), drawing on insights from design thinking and the social, behavioral, and communication sciences. It provides recommendations—directed to both US policymakers and practitioners, as well as nontraditional partners new to public health’s mission of vaccination—on how to advance public understanding of, access to, and acceptance of vaccines that protect against COVID-19.
2. COVID-19 Vaccine Messaging, Part 1
This study tests different messages about vaccinating against COVID-19 once the vaccine becomes available.
We have assertions to resist from long ago such as James 4:7 “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Or 1st Peter 5:8 “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith…”
Some of the Christian community know this, but then there are those called Christians and those who follow Christ. See Matthew 7:23, 24:42, and Luke 13:27.
A follower of Christ is commanded to proclaim but not impose (2nd Timothy 4). It is to place no man over you, as in no “archē” or literally anarchy as there is no one in charge but the Lord.
Resistance to the rule of man is not only fertile, it is obedience to the Lord. Matthew 23:8 “But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers.”
Insightful, uplifting because it is so. Great article.
I would love to put together a news broadcast using individuals to do things like cover different angles of the same story. Adding thoughtful commentary, an every-other-day affair, I think. Structured, but not restricted in any way. For instance, why is there resistance in Australia, and not enough in New Zealand? I agree things have been walked back due to resistance, but also wonder how trump’s vacillations figure in. I think it becomes an examination of media, truth levels, levels of censorship, and the extent to which politicians may be bending due to perceived bias from overwhelming media propaganda; probably they calculate the extent to which they expect the populace to swallow what they know to be garbage. In the US, trump is surrounded by hounding media (deserved, but on very different grounds) and an overwhelming “you will comply” message, so has that caused him to back away from speaking more truth, if that’s a concept that fits into his calculus.
Some news must also be presented with the foregone conclusions based on research for others to catch up on, such as the level of funding taking place with the gateses and various ‘health’ organizations and how it is that is not questioned. Or even the nature of the money made available to gates.
And even maybe segments suggesting actual means of achieving separation and elimination of unnecessary sources of wealth-funding. (Insurance, medicine, pharmaceuticals, banking, travel, all swallowing up competition to monopolize and get away with it using the existing media tool to avoid exposure.) So, banking… media, media media… It should be the first target, in order to get out truth.
this format proves that people are drawn to truth. Corbett’s numbers are huge, and there are many formidably talented people who I am sure would regularly contribute.
I wonder the cost of such a thing and if we can all be part of our self-made, uncensored “network” to include music, history, film, arts, literature, etc.
WE are the source of all wealth and yet it has been taken away from us with fractional reserve banking and taxation of our incomes. What if we could do away with that by some very simple means, always available to us, but kept from our thoughts: We AGREE to one-currency. And ALL of the money is piled into one system, but this time, it works for us all. Wealth is not destroyed, but money needed to create good life and economies is held up by too few individuals.
Everyone should have access to 150K/year just for living. What you do for work will be in addition to this. Gates will still have wealth, but he did not get that rich on his own. It’s got to be worked out so that money literally becomes the life-blood of our economies.
One thing the rich have taught us: fiat/fake money works. Now it just has to work for us, so we can get to a safe place and have a more open discussion about how to create ideal freedom and loving peace, which is, after all, what we all want. And deserve.
Corbett Report’s August 23, 2020 article “Resistance is Fertile!”
James Corbett says:
“Resistance is futile” is a lie.
It’s a bluff, fed to you by the enemy themselves.
They want you to believe that you have no power so that you never attempt to use that power.
And if you lay down and let them walk all over you, they will not hesitate to do so.
I think that last sentence is extremely important to concretely digest.
concretely – DEFINITION – in a way that is material or physical
Material inaction is an invitation to the Borg assimilation.
I personally want to thank anyone who does something, who takes some type of material or physical action to resist.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It helps us all, and our children’s children.
James Corbett’s August 8th article:
Why We Must #ExposeBillGates
They can certainly try to do those things, however, I think that the data will show the vaccine is unnecessary and also that the pandemic is over by the time the vaccine is ready. And also if people get the vaccine my suspicion is that there may be some unforeseen side effects that come to light in the first round of shots.
I may be completely wrong, but what I see coming into my hospital does not warrant this hysteria. It’s absolutely absurd that this is still going on, the propaganda and paranoia and economic shutdowns. It’s completely unnecessary. I think there are a lot of people who are already immune and I suspect I’m one of these people, probably because I’m exposed to diseases.
When I say I may be wrong, I meant that I may be wrong about the push toward mass compliance with a vaccine. I don’t think I’m wrong about my impression of this disease being weak in healthy populations. Whatever strain we have going around in CA is weak in my opinion.
cu.h.j says:
I think there are a lot of people who are already immune and I suspect I’m one of these people, probably because I’m exposed to diseases.
I 100% agree!
You bring up a very important aspect: exposed to diseases.
This aspect should be common knowledge, especially among medical professionals or someone who takes a High School Biology class without sleeping.
My contention: ‘They’ are straining very hard to make this Plandemic horrible…and trying to make people sick and scared.
~~ Social Distancing and Isolation lowers one’s exposure to society’s microbial biome.
~~ Mask Mandates lower one’s immune system, especially for those wearing masks for prolonged periods.
~~ The recent push is Flu vaccines. It is a set-up for more ill people.
~~ The deliberate squashing of more natural or simple, very effective treatments against the coronavirus and respiratory infections (e.g. hydroxychloroquine/zinc as a preventive or early stage treatment)
~~ Stress. Stress to weaken one’s immune system. Untold instability as to job, income, one’s school age kids, future, etc.
Stress by fear mongering the public with alarming bogus statistics.
~~ Omission of advocating healthy nutritional values.
~~ Deliberately putting in policies which kill or sicken people (e.g. nursing homes or denying medical care to those with conditions like diabetes, cancer, etc.)
~~ Having Covid patients wait with no valid recommended therapy until their symptoms become grave prior to admittance at a hospital.
and more.
Does anyone know if there are physicians using telemedicine to prescribe HcQ across state borders? Does anyone know if there really are shortages causing all the states to issue their policies which ‘discourage its preventative use’? The dose for prevention is something like 50mg/ week. How could that possibly exhaust supplies? Lupus and RA patients take a lot more higher doses than that.
We are in our 60’s and I am seriously wanting to have it on hand because it is an excellent preventative and would allow my brother to fly to see our aging mother with less ‘fear’.
Please don’t pile on about fear. I am NOT fearful, but am employing due diligence since this virus does affect my age group more easily. And if someone were to contract it, I would DEFINITELY want a doctor who could treat with it.
If anyone finds info on these questions, I’d appreciate an email since I rarely sign on here.
Sue S.
I don’t know. I thought doctors can only prescribe within their own state because each state has its own licensing requirements. Maybe you could ask your doctor what they would recommend.
Hi Sue,
During my High School years back in the 60’s and 70’s, I grew up in Mineral Wells, Texas (a very unique small town).
From that area of Texas, practicing telemedicine, is Dr. Katarina Lindley, D.O. FACOFP who also networks with other telemedicine practitioners.
Kat is originally from Croatia, but is licensed to practice medicine in a variety of states.
She does prescribe hydroxychloroquine.
Katarina is also the President of the Texas (ACOFP) State Chapter of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians. (The website has a Press Release about Telehealth options)
I became aware of Katarina Lindley when I watched this interview back in April…
(This thread has a link to related threads)
However, it appears that the YouTube video interview no longer exists.
Here is the AUDIO of that April 14th interview.
You can fast-forward.
Bucking Authoritarian Medical Rules
Being in the United States, there are some things which you can only get with a prescription.
Antibiotics are one example, but also there are anti-aging modalities such as deprenyl which are very expensive by prescription in the U.S.
Plus, one needs to pay for the Doctor’s visit.
Some years back, I knew that I needed some antibiotics. That was all. I went to the cheapest Doctor I could find, but it still cost me more than I liked. (I have no health insurance.)
Planning for the future I ordered some drugs overseas.
For example, I have ordered from this UK based Anti-aging website.
After having studied the literature, I was also wanted to experiment with things like deprenyl, oxytocin and more. Some things, like piracetam, are available in the U.S.
But I have also ordered from India. That gets a little wild. The place I ordered from even takes bitcoin.
Everything I have ever ordered from overseas in the past has arrived.
Of course, the world has changed.
Anyway, you may want to try an out-of-country source and just order some.
Some of the Mexican bordertown pharmacies might be a good source. I dunno.
ha!…even my son as a kid once smuggled a switchblade across the Mexican border.
I am also in my upper 60’s.
I take a strong nutritional and alternative integrative medicine approach to this COVID scenario.
Above, at #comment-79699 is a link to a MASTER THREAD which outlines and timetables many approaches to Covid.
I often follow Dr. Mercola and other integrative medicine health care providers, including Dr. David Brownstein who once had many videos of COVID patients telling how they overcame the illness in short order.
Of course, Dr. Brownstein’s 100% success rate was promptly squashed and censored…
“I want to let you know that we have been ordered by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to stop making any statements about our treatment protocols of Vitamins A, C & D, as well as nutritional IV’s, iodine, ozone and nebulization to support the immune system with respect to Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (COVID-19).”
Here is what I do instead of hydroxychloroquine…
There are alternative nutritional ionophores for zinc, such as Quercetin.
Daily, first thing with my morning coffee, I take Bromelain and Quercetin. Often I add other Bioflavanoids and Rutin to compliment the Quercetin. And many times take more enzymes like Bromelain, Wobenzyme or proteolytic enzymes. (By the way, the enzymes often take away aches if one has been working hard in the garden.)
During the course of the day, I will take zinc and other mineral supplements, preferably when I also drink lemon water or a smoothy made with lemon and greens. (The acidic nature helps the minerals become ionic.)
I have a nebulizer in the event that I ever need to nebulize hydrogen peroxide which has been shown to effectively address the lung/breathing issue of Covid.
Anyway, that is some of what I do.
This is an interesting thread on IONOPHORES for zinc…
Hydroxychloroquine and Doctors
Taken from “What is Gilead’s role in the war on hydroxychloroquine?” by Antonio R. Chaves at ~~www AmericanThinker.com
Access to HCQ varies by state. If you cannot get this drug from your doctor, America’s Frontline Doctors has kindly provided contact information for telemedicine physicians that are HCQ-knowledgeable.
You can find these doctors by clicking on any state in their website and scrolling down to the bottom of the description.
(Click on your state)
I don’t know who’s behind it, but there’s a nice web site tracking studies evaluating HCQ as a treatment for Covid:
Includes links to the studies, 79 so far.
Ben Swann interviews the Director of Plandemic 2 – InDoctorNation Mikki Willis.
In this interview, they discuss the evidence which leans towards the idea that COVID-19 was a manufactured virus in a lab.
They also talk about the “Fact Checkers”, and with this discussion they look at two aspects of a trend…that more people are “waking up”, but that others are becoming more hypnotic.
On the ISE.MEDIA website, you can watch the documentary film.
The Conversation
Academic rigor, journalistic flair
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Amen to that. Zun Tsu still relevant after all this time. He knew war. We are at war–there is no doubt of it.
More recently when I must go outside the house to pick-up necessary items I rarely speak to anyone in the stores or standing in lines who does not express their displeasure with the covid crap. Most I’ve spoken with have caught on that it’s a set-up, a tool, to force a world economic change. Only one person I’ve run into so far in four months didn’t ‘believe’ it. Of course, the compliant are easily spotted and avoided because they’re all geared-up as if stepping into surgery. Some drive around in their cars wrapped in plastic. WTF? Is covid coming in through the glass to get them? Ridiculous and ridiculous in appearance. Of course, now we have the “fashion statement” muzzle and gloves, WOOHOO!! Let’s ALL wear a muzzle to match our new shoes while we have no place to go!
Bottom line for me is I’m out of the city limits by early Spring. Having a place built, production gardens planned for the small acreage, private well and septic. When did I decide to do it? Besides the obvious reasons, when I began to see new websites popping up on TV selling ‘easy family food prep’. Soon, you will not be able to buy food except through these corporate entities. The ads lead the viewer to think the farms are privately owned. The sites are corporately owned and deeply involved in the change. Soon such entities will be locking-up large acreages of farms because of their enormous wealth to purchase ahead then reselling all the food you need for healthy eating to you. Farmers will not be able to sell at a profit any other way. In a short time we’ll see grocery stores disappearing. Evidence: If you’ve bought anything at Walmart recently then you know that the shelves are bare of various products. Old products that have been selling for 50+ years are no longer available. They’ve been culled. They do not get refilled. When asked about it the workers say the computer tells them it’s a “production problem”. Ah-huh.
I never shopped at Walmart until covid. But now they are the only place open to purchase simple household items unless you go online. There it is! Online. All buying is being forced to the internet where every item of useable goods can be counted. This is why new food sites are popping up all over TV ads hailing convenience from a cup when the actual goal is control and manipulation of humanity by the predatory class.
Don’t think so? Watch. The compliant will finally get it when they can’t buy strawberries for under $100US a dozen berries.
Unbelievable Mainstream News from Spain
The good doctor did a number on the easily offended people in the studio.
BTW, yes, in the end, the guy in the studio said “I unfortunately didn’t have a chance to fill in some death certificates” lol
to Dr. Benito for calmly knocking the media on their ass.
“Covid-19 is one of those rare events in history – like the Great Depression and fall of the Berlin Wall that will completely reshape geopolitics, societies, and markets. It is likely to be a catalyst for further tectonic shifts in the US & China decoupling, peak globalisation
of supply chains and central bank quantitative failure.”
I’d like to leave the words of Severino Di Giovanni here, an italian anarchist who bombed ford motor company in buenos aires among others:
Vivir en monotonía las horas mohosas de lo adocenado, de los resignados, de los acomodados, de las conveniencias, no es vivir la vida; es solamente vegetar y transportar en forma ambulante una masa de carne y de huesos. A la vida es necesario brindarle la elevación exquisita de la rebelión del brazo y la mente.
(Spending monotonous hours among the common people, the resigned ones, the collaborators, the conformists – isn’t living; it’s a vegetative existence, simply the transport, in ambulatory form, of a mass of flesh and bones. Life needs the exquisite and sublime experience of rebellion in action as well as thought.)
August 23rd – Sunday evening 5:30pm Eastern Time
Trump Announces Emergency Authorization For Blood Plasma As Treatment For COVID
I watched it live.
They are throwing a detractive bone out to the public.
(detract – “to draw away or divert; distract”)
They are stalling.
Notice that the establishment is still in control of the complex ‘convalescent plasma therapy’ network.
They do not want independent medical practitioners to have control of anything resembling effective treatments which always work best at the onset of symptoms.
And, in my opinion, the supposed 35% mortality reduction is nothing to brag about…not when laid next to other modalities such as hydroxychloroquine or even Vitamin D, A, C and zinc supplementation.
Personally, I believe that The Powers That Should Not Be are concerned.
The word about Hydroxychloroquine is getting out…around the world, next weekend August 29th, protests and events will occur.
I want to mention that many integrative practitioners have incorporated a variety of modalities involving plasma or types of blood infusions (including re-injecting your own blood into body areas which need to be addressed). And, of course, there are one’s own stem cells or the more advanced regenerative stem cell therapy which produces extraordinary results (many athletes utilize this to grow back injured areas.)
Here is one example of plasma currently being used.
PRP Platelet Rich Plasma
Bill Gates goes spastic at the mention of Hydroxychloroquine
Bill Gates says:
…In terms of this outrageous, ya know, Hydroxychloroquine anti-mask thing. It spread so fast, that even though eventually the social media people stopped it, it was so famous that now people are still seeking it out.
And so their ability to stop things before they become widespread – uh, I think that they probably should improve that.
I don’t think it is easy, because it spread so quickly. I mean, that thing was fairly new and now we have 14 million views and you can’t find it directly on those services, but everybody is sending the link around because it is still out there on the internet.
And that one – this Hydroxychloroquine thing, this is nutty stuff. I mean, we are supposed to be a developed country that uses science. Oh my god! It’s, uh ah, really hard to believe that that what’s being retweeted.
Around the 25 minute mark, the topic of the viral video “America’s Frontline Doctors” comes up between Yahoo Finance’s Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer and Bill Gates.
Then Gates talks about hydroxychloroquine.
From that book that you reviewed ->
. . . And Then There Were None
I like the F.- I.W., but I would honestly want to where a T-shirt that was a little clearer.. like:
F.Y.- I. W. hehehehe.. I hope you get to take more time off James, great article. Yeah, the Borg quiver in their boots when they meet their match.
I fear I will be one of those who become accosted for not taking the vaccination. I just hope I can educate enough people to know how wrong it is.
Ice Age Farmer – August 22, 2020
Police Raid Man’s Home, Forcibly Quarantine for Refusing COVID-19 Test
(9 minutes)
Hey James,
Thank you for another insightful article.
Just to inform you that the link to ‘Morality pills’ to cure biosecurity resistance is wrong.
Best wishes
Thanks for the tip. The link has been corrected.
Recently, some of my “North Texans for Truth” friends had a party.
Don’t worry…
…they were in full compliance with the MASK MANDATES.
Anyone anywhere can join and party too.
“North Texans for 911 Truth”
Again, I am calling you out for TROLLING me,
and for straining to covertly INSULT me and my friends.
I called you out before.
Mikki Willis nor Plandemic 2 are not mentioned in my comment, yet you covertly bring them up solely with the MALEVOLENT INTENTION to attack and denigrate myself and my friends.
It is you, CreativeLife, who chose not to have good manners and graces, and to forsake your civility.
You had the chance to retain your humanity.
You deliberately trolled me.
Go find another website forum full of like-minded, snarky, hypercritical individuals who throw covert insults and ad hominin attacks at each other…a forum which calls for the dehumanizing and denigration of others.
Together, you can enjoy the misery of your “dehumanization of humanity attitude”.
You are lying, being deceptive, and YOU KNOW YOU ARE.
You don’t even have the integrity to be honest about your motivation, about your ill-will intent.
You deliberately employed an underhanded, covertly hostile approach.
You used a troll marketing/positioning tactic of bringing in a non-sequitur in order to attack and discredit.
You employed a ruse, a deception, a camouflage to conceal your primary intent.
YOU KNOW exactly what you did and why you did it.
It was to attack me and my friends.
It was not to bring revelations to light about Plandemic and Mikki Willis.
There have been many other comments which mentioned the film.
“Plandemic 2” is even listed in Corbett’s “Recommended Viewing” of this article.
You easily could have brought the topic up on a “Plandemic 2” comment.
Or you could have posted an independent comment, especially on this “Resistance is Fertile” Thread because Corbett has it listed in his “Recommended Viewing”
I am well aware of Mikki Willis and some of his perspectives, including the 9/11 thing. I was aware of that prior to my first posting a comment about Plandemic 2.
There are a host of things which I don’t agree with concerning Mikki Willis and his perspectives.
Even with his Plandemic 2 film, there are some things that I have some reserved thoughts about.
All that said, the film does serve as a wonderful dissemination tool to new people.
CreativeLife, don’t lie to me about your motivation on the above comment.
You already have a history of documented trolling attacks (plus subtle covert digs within some of your other comments).
If a Thread is about the virus-no virus topic, take it there.
If a Thread is about a film or video topic, take it there.
Or start your own topic.
Lay off the resentful hostility and subterfuge.
As you are demonstrating right now, with this most recent comment, your intent is to antagonize.
It re-verifies that you were originally TROLLING.
Don’t feed the troll. People can post crap all day long, who cares?
You are right.
Thanks mkey.
ha!…I took the bait…duh!?…on my part.
Another great piece … My dreams see a gang of guardian Angels descending …come to save the day wearing WHAT ABOUT SWEDEN??? t-shirts.
Love it sensible!
Thanks Debra!
That crowd was HUGE!
Don’t we all love seeing this! It is inspiring and let’s us know that we are not alone.
Evidently, a big protest is scheduled for August 29th in Ottawa, Canada.
If they come to assimilate you just vaccinate them with a little led.
If they prevent you from having a job, Make it your job to help people bypass them by forging their vaccine
Authentication technique.
You are strong you are powerful you govern yourself!
On August 24th, Monday
Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance
Columbia Journalism Review is writing about Gates’ control of media
“Columbia Journalism Review”
August 21, 2020 by Tim Schwab
Journalism’s Gates keepers
(Long, detailed article with lots of nuggets)
…I recently examined nearly twenty thousand charitable grants the Gates Foundation had made through the end of June and found more than $250 million going toward journalism.
Recipients included news operations like
the BBC,
Al Jazeera,
National Journal,
The Guardian,
the Financial Times,
The Atlantic,
the Texas Tribune,
Washington Monthly,
Le Monde, and the Center for Investigative Reporting;
charitable organizations affiliated with news outlets, like BBC Media Action and the New York Times’ Neediest Cases Fund;
media companies such as Participant, whose documentary Waiting for “Superman” supports Gates’s agenda on charter schools;
journalistic organizations such as the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the National Press Foundation, and the International Center for Journalists;
and a variety of other groups creating news content or working on journalism, such as the Leo Burnett Company, an ad agency that Gates commissioned to create a “news site” to promote the success of aid groups.
In some cases, recipients say they distributed part of the funding as subgrants to other journalistic organizations—which makes it difficult to see the full picture of Gates’s funding into the fourth estate…
… During the pandemic, news outlets have widely looked to Bill Gates as a public health expert on covid—even though Gates has no medical training and is not a public official.
PolitiFact and USA Today (run by the Poynter Institute and Gannett, respectively—both of which have received funds from the Gates Foundation) have even used their fact-checking platforms to defend Gates from “false conspiracy theories” and “misinformation,” like the idea that the foundation has financial investments in companies developing covid vaccines and therapies.
In fact, the foundation’s website and most recent tax forms clearly show investments in such companies, including Gilead and CureVac….
Reporting for this piece was supported by a fellowship from the Alicia Patterson Foundation.
(Sidenote: Derrick is from Houston, TX. That region of Texas and Louisiana is preparing, and parts are fully evacuating, with a major Hurricane Laura soon to hit the coast.)
VIDEO – Wednesday August 26th
Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance
Derrick goes over the article above…
Finally! Someone in the MSM Exposes Bill Gates
(18 minutes)
Late afternoon, Tuesday – August 25, 2020
LifeSiteNews by Doug Mainwaring
(Note: The “Texans For Vaccine Choice” website linked in the article has updates under its Blog.)
Texas mandates vaccines for all kids in public school, even if learning online
Children taking all their classes online and not entering school premises at all
are nonetheless required to receive all the vaccines the state demands.
Despite the fact that many children will be “in” school only virtually, receiving instruction via computer in their homes, the Texas Department of State Health Services has chosen not to relax its student vaccine requirements for the upcoming school year.
To be at a school or simply to be part of the education curriculum online, proof of immunization will be required.
More importantly to a growing number of parents in the Lone Star State, the right to exemption due to conscience — religious or otherwise — from mandatory vaccinations for schoolchildren is seen as under threat amid the ongoing heavy-handed pandemic strictures.
“While there is a state law that allows students to attend school without all required vaccinations, this law also gives state and local health authorities during times of emergency or pandemic the authority to exclude students from school who have not been vaccinated,” warns a notice from Texans for Vaccine Choice…
…(Vaccines administered in Texas have dramatically declined compared to last year)…
…Although childhood vaccinations are mandatory in the state, Texas is one of 16 states that allows parents to opt out of vaccine requirements by filing a conscientious exemption…
…In North Texas, the rate of conscientious exemptions to vaccine requirements is above average for the state, with some schools reporting that more than five percent of their student body took advantage of the state’s permission to forgo immunizations…
…The founder of Texans for Vaccine Choice, Jackie Schlegel, told CBS Dallas/Fort Worth that since the outset of the pandemic earlier this year, her grassroots political group has gone from 10,000 members to more than 14,000….
BRISBANE, Australia, August 25, 2020
Archbishop triggers outrage after tweeting image of Mary with infant Jesus in COVID masks
“Masking Their Holy Images is desecration,”
replied MthereseJMJ.
“Reparation to Our Blessed Lord and His Holy Mother for this blasphemy in order to push a political agenda for the anti-God New World Order.”
(Note: The following website NoFaceMask.blogspot.com continuously has updated news and videos which many people may find of interest.)
August 26, 2020 – Wednesday
Walmart and others will still serve customers who refuse to wear masks, despite new rules
“Walmart (WMT),
Home Depot (HD),
Lowe’s (LOW),
Walgreens (WBA),
CVS (CVS) and others say they still won’t prohibit customers who refuse to wear a mask from shopping in stores. The issue, they say, is they want to avoid confrontations between angry customers and employees.
… In recent weeks, videos of confrontations between angry customers and clerks at Costco (COST), Target (TGT) and other stores over these rules have gone viral. Companies want to avoid such incidents.
Walmart, the largest retailer in the country, said it would station employees it calls health ambassadors at the entrance of stores to remind shoppers about mask compliance as they enter.
But a short training video for health ambassadors makes clear there are limits to the job.
If a customer refuses to wear a mask, health ambassadors are instructed to let the customer into the store and notify management “so that they can determine the next steps.”
In talking points for Walmart ambassadors and management, a member of management is instructed to ask if the customer would like a complimentary mask. If the customer refuses, “let them continue to shop,” the talking points say. The video tells ambassadors never to engage with a customer physically or try to block their entrance into the store.
“With every requirement there are exceptions that have been established to avoid escalating the situation and putting our associates in harm’s way,” a Walmart representative said. “Our goal is to keep associates from a physical confrontation in the stores.”
“Australian National Review” by Tita Smith
August 26, 2020
‘Major victory’ for paedophiles as baffling law is passed that could see rape and sexual assault victims thrown into JAIL just for telling their stories.
Victorian sexual assault survivors could be jailed for up to four months or face fines exceeding $3000 for telling their stories using their real names.
The Judicial Proceedings Reports Act was changed in February, prohibiting victims from identifying themselves publicly if their attacker has been found guilty.
The new law applies retrospectively, meaning victims who have lawfully spoken out previously are now censored from speaking out publicly. Media outlets who defy the law can also be prosecuted and face fines of up to $8,000.
The only way for victims to identify themselves and tell their stories is to obtain a court order – which is not only time consuming, but would cost more than $10,000 in legal fees.
A new Victorian law prevents sexual assault survivors whose attackers have been found guilty from identifying themselves publicly
Dr Rachael Burgin, lecturer in the Swinburne Law School, described the change in the law as a ‘major victory’ for convicted paedophiles and rapists.
She said thousands of survivors will now find they cannot tell their stories.
Not only can victim’s no longer use their real names, they cannot provide any identifying features such as photos in publications such as memoirs and autobiographies unless they get a court order.
‘There is no way that I would just have $10,000 sitting around to pay to do this. (I’d) be taking money away from (my) family,’ Maggie*, an adult survivor of child rape told news.com.au…
…Maggie contacted Australian media outlets to draw attention to the lenient sentences given to paedophilles, only to learn of the new law that makes it a crime for the media to publish her name, or her fathers, as it could indirectly identify her.
‘My sister was murdered for trying to tell her story and now I’m stopped from telling mine. He has all the power again. It has to change,’ Maggie said….
…*Names changed for legal reasons.
James Corbett’s The Great Outdoors – Subscriber Exclusive #098 VIDEO
I thought a lot about Corbett and his family going camping the other week while they were out there.
I know it feels good to get back home with some air conditioning, shower, and a clean bed.
That heat, humidity, bugs and cicadas going at it can get kind of old.
What a great adventure for the kids! They are at a great age to appreciate the exploration of it all.
Back in the 1950’s, at an age of a young 4 years old, I remember our family’s first ‘camping’ experience. It was a quick weekend excursion as my Father had a long weekend off from JC Penny’s in Odessa, Texas.
It was winter.
We headed further west, driving for some hours, to the Davis Mountains in the Big Bend desert country of far west Texas. I was half asleep that late evening as my Dad took us to McDonald Observatory. He was excited. I got to look at the moon through the telescope. For me, it didn’t seem like a big to-do, but I recall it to this day.
The Davis mountains probably look like little hills to Canadians.
We pulled up in the dark at a desert ‘campground’. It was pretty nippy. My parents, in their 20’s, put me in the backseat and my younger brother in the front seat. They grabbed the sleeping bag and bunked it out on the desert floor, after my Mother tucked us in while making us keep our coats on and covering up with blankets.
The next morning, before the sun was up, I kept looking up from the backseat as I was lying there to see if daylight was coming. I had to pee.
Finally, I caught the glimmers of light as dawn was approaching.
A bit foggy-eyed, I opened the car door. Scooting down off the car seat facing out, I let go and landed on the ground.
I was barefoot and a little apprehensive I would be scolded. It was cold, but windstill. Quiet. Very quiet. The rocks, sand and pebbles made me walk funny.
The pre-dawn morning still had that blue-light tint and haze from the moisture coming up. I walked towards my Dad who was up after hearing the car door.
He motioned for me to come. Kneeling next to me, kind of hugging, he pointed. About 15 feet away was a big jack rabbit. Well…I mean, its ears were higher than my head.
He whispered, “Get your slingshot.” I pulled my toy slingshot out of my pocket, the kind of cheap thing with thin rubber bands that you get in a box of Cheerios or Wheaties.
I was going to impress him. He picked up a small pebble and helped me place it in the ‘pouch’. I had a hard time pulling back the thin rubber bands while pinching the pebble and aiming. My Dad helped me aim. Finally, I let the pebble fly. It plopped about three feet away. The Jack Rabbit looked for a moment, then casually hopped away.
After that, my Dad walked out with me a little ways, and had me pee.
Then he had me go put my shoes on.
My Mother checks on my little brother in the car.
Later, for breakfast, us boys had white bread and bologna sandwiches.
For such a simple, non-extraordinary event, this memory has always stayed with me.
ha! …That era and the ubiquitous nature of white bread and bologna with mayonnaise go together.
The culture was so much different then.
Back then, there weren’t the Big Box stores nor malls.
Most shopping took place in the downtown area, with its many independently owned stores.
Even in small towns, there was a JC Penny store downtown.
My younger brother and his friend once worked the shoe department at a JC Penny in a town with a population of 11,000.
We all used to joke to each other when the question would come up, “What should we do tonight?” … “Well, we can go downtown and watch the JC Penny truck unload.”
I can see how your Father loved the marketing aspect of JC Penny’s. The company became a dynamic leader when they got into the Mall evolution.
Thanks for that beautifully retold memory Home Remedy
Age of four? That’s a very vivid memory you have there. At best I have just fragments from the formative years. And I don’t believe any of them, really. Mind likes to play tricks on me.
Lots of practice.
It works.
Just like exercise for the muscles, exercising the recalling of past moments (with remembering a variety of senses at the time) gets better and better.
Some of my memories go further back than age of a young 4, and they are as realistically vivid (or better) than the memory of last night’s meal.
Some decades later, I liked boloney (I’m assuming you are talking about the ground leftover animal parts acting as an oversized sausage wrapped in plastic) on mayonnaise quite a bit.
Can’t stand it anymore, though. Especially the mayo, it makes me prone to heaving inducing a strong gagg reflex.
It’s worth pointing out that it’s not just the overt form of defiance that has value as Resistance, covert activity also has it’s place. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages of course.
Overt Resistance can encourage others to join in and resist as well, on the other hand covert resistance can continue until the resistor is caught, which may be never if they are good at it.
So whether the activity is holding secret meeting or a DIY project to convert a 5G cell tower into a homemade vertical Barbecue – there is value!
Sending big squishy cosmic hugs. James- you look like you needed a hug in that video. Sending hugs to everyone here….we all need a hug.
Off to the liberty march tomorrow in solidarity with humankind all over the globe..Resistance is Fertile!
Yes, I believe that resistance is fertile. In fact, from a Biblical perspective, James 4:6-8a states: “But He [God] gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” Many who claim to be in God’s camp are warning post-modern Christians to not submit to the governing authorities, that the Apostle Paul’s words of admonition in Romans 13:1-7 somehow don’t apply to our situation today. And yet, Jesus told us in Matthew 5:39a (38-42) “But I tell you not to resist an evil person.” My wife and I will wear that face covering in the stores where required, but if the government ever tells us to violate God’s moral commands, we will categorically refuse. Romans 12:9-21 is the N.T. version of the Ten Commandments. Verse 19 says, “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.” No king but King Jesus!
Hopefully, you will keep us posted.