Today James tackles a question he’s received many, many times over the past seven years: Who or what is (or is that Where does their amazing population forecast come from? What does it mean? And where did it go, anyway? Your burning questions are answered on this edition of Questions For Corbett!
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Last available archive of Deagel 2025 forecast (April 17, 2021)
Reported data for the UK for 2017
2014 disclaimer about forecast (“the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct”)
2021 disclaimer about forecast (“Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a game of numbers whether flawed or correct based upon some speculative assumptions.”)
Is this leaked info really Trudeau’s crazy COVID plan for 2021? You decide …
Florida’s New Surgeon General Asks People To Step Away From What You Hear On TV For A Moment…
I don’t put much stock in what “officials” have to say, but this is bound to cause some cognitive dissonance among the people.
I think this is an important topic for the general public to see and understand the obvious: they need to spend effort into scrutinizing data from a wide variety of sources before reaching a conclusion. The average member of the public in 2021 is, for all intents and purposes, illiterate. Were that not the case, we would not be in this satanic race to a nightmare world of abject insanity.
He is a waste of time.
I can’t prove it, but things are beyond reasonable doubt.
Check this out
I would put more credence in this woman than I would in Deagel any day:
Wow! She sure put 2 + 2 together very quickly! But JC had the episode about Medical Martial Law years and years ago. I never thought something like this would go down, since the swine flu thing never took off.
This woman is someone very special.
Watch and listen to all the details she predicted just months before this all started!
Before even Event 201.
Do you know anyone else who offered such precision about a pending pandemic?
Thanks Fawlty Towers.
TimeStamp Video – Sep 20, 2019
“The next pandemic is just around the corner!”
(7 minutes)
By “Cabin Talk” – Claudia Stauber
“…Just now, Trump signed an Executive Order that there is going to be a new task force to make a better flu vaccine and a faster flu vaccine, because in case there is a Pandemic “we are not prepared enough.”…I mean how much more clear can it get: That we have mandatory adult vaccines just around the corner….”
“Our biggest fear is that they do whatever they want and we’re powerless.
Their biggest fear is that we stop believing it!” — Claudia Stauber
Cabin Talk – Claudia TWITTER
–My note: That quote of Claudia’s highlights one of the points which Corbett was making in this QFC video.
I think Alison McDowell’s analysis of the roll out of the technocratic tyranny interesting.
It’s important to know what they are trying to do to be able to stop it. I don’t think she’s a pessimist because she’s trying to shine light so that we can prevent these agendas.
Please at least do the one second search and link this video from Claudias channel so she get something for her work, not link some lazy re-uploader for his minimal grab.
her cabin talk:
The Oligarchs hire Trolls and Writers (if you can call them that)to Divert your attention and Divide the People. Indeed, simply by watching TV, you are being Programed, and simply by giving the misinformers your time you are being distracted from doing something productive.
I have a neighbor that watches too much of this kind of crap and it makes him apathetic. He seems to think that everything that is going on today has been planned by some elite Roman Families a thousand years ago.
The Truth will set you free, however you will not find it through sites like Deagle or Deagel
I wouldn’t doubt the CIA or FBI own that page. The analytics and Miss Kleo forecasts are about their mentality.
Who ever put it up is good at fear mongering so it could be the State Dept. also… lol
As mass human sacrifice becomes official global policy
Becomes? So, this is something recent, is it? The peoples have been gleefuly murdering each other in droves for a good while now, nothing “becomes” about that.
We are right where these people want us and it all starts with massive slaughter of animals and infants which are dismissed as “pft, those?!” by your average mindboggling retard.
Only a fool believed the projections were “fact.”
However, I cannot dismiss’s projections as “disinformation.” The presentation there was A LOT of work. By whom and why it was created, we do not know. A crank doing a “conspiracy theory” hobby? I don’t know. Why would such catastrophic projections, largely for the countries of “the West,” be made? Solely for sensationalism?
The Georgia Guidestones, likewise, were an expensive and laborious enterprise. Why? Is that, too, “disinformation,” or actually the physical revelation of someone or something’s design for our future?
I reviewed when I first came across it, and the numbers were not all “made up.” Open source intelligence was clearly accessed to build the database used. Likely largely from the UN and the CIA Fact Book. Most of the (“current”) data was accurate.
I really don’t care what “fact checkers” think of us. You can speak the whole truth, and “fact checkers” will still call you a “conspiracy theorist” and “misinformation” spreader. An example is calling out the sham “vaccines.” ANY question about their safety or efficacy is, ipso facto, “misinformation.”
Anyone stupid enough to take a “fact check” at face value is no smarter than someone who thinks is gospel of the future. These folks are useless, and therefore, irrelevant.
It would be unconscionable to dismiss the “predictive programming” that has been given by the System. Examples include The Lone Gunmen pilot which “just happened to, by pure coincidence,” to show a remote-controlled airliner aiming for the Twin Towers. Another is the plot line of the series Utopia, both in British & American versions. Again, “purely coincidental, no possibility whatsoever” that Utopia would portray a conspiracy to deploy a sham vaccine that resulted in sterility…and then we find out these current COVID-19 “vaccines” are highly “effective” at inducing miscarriages and almost assuredly permanently damage both ovaries and testicles.
The quest for Truth cannot and does not have any hangups. If one categorically dismisses even the most speculative or fantastic sources, one is cutting themselves off from the possibilities. Yes, there is a massive amount of noise, some of it idiots generating it for their own jollies (Q-Anonsense), and some of it system-concocted mis- and dis-information, but yet a small percentage of stuff floating among that noise is stuff that will become relevant later, and possibly “magically” morph from “conspiracy theory” to conspiracy fact in months or years later. I recall the Indian research paper from January 2020, quickly and rabidly denounced – “a preprint!!!” – that suggested the SARS-CoV-2 genome had “HIV-like insertions.” “Absurd misinformation,” of course. It took until the middle of 2021 for those researchers to be vindicated.
Far from (whether it is utter fantasy or something more sinister) leading me to “give up,” it’s a reminder that sinister forces drive this planet (whether its claims are true or absolutely false). If one was already a coward, then, yes, it might be sufficient to give “proof” that resistance is futile and hopeless. If one is, however, like myself, fully-aware of what governments and corporations do, have done, and will assuredly continue doing, it’s a motivator to fight even more. My God, if the projections are even partially-accurate, we’d be looking at a Biblical-level catastrophe, worldwide. Is that so difficult to make that speculative step? After all, we are seeing the Mark of the Beast deployed right now, before our very eyes, never before technologically possible. The “vaccine passports” will be universal, permanent, and mandatory, like St. John’s vision told us. In 2020, those of who “speculated” that such “passports” would become the norm were dismissed as – gasp, the usual – “conspiracy theorists.”
Our rulers have been open about their designs for us. The Great Reset is still identified as “conspiracy theory” by the liesmedia and its “fact checkers.” It sure would make things A LOT easier to accomplish that revolutionary shift towards Technocratic Feudalism if a lot of “excess carbon” died off. 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
James, Thank you for clarifiying
Thanks for the helpful lesson on legitimate methods and discernment in the sometimes murky truth-space. Blessings.
I suspect’s projections are based on something, second- or third-hand knowledge, from a much more “reliable source,” say, WEF or the Pentagram (Pentagon).
Was it made by a renegade, a hobbyist who got something not intended for their eyes, or someone/something else? We just don’t know.
We’ll know in 2025. 🙂
And if anything even close to’s projections come true, no one will care about such mundane things amidst the Hell on Earth that is that year’s reality.
Fascinating comment…
Reminds me of this (less fascinating but nevertheless pertinent clip):
I don’t really understand the reaction to Abbas…
oh, and that wonderful actress died shortly after the film was made…
James creating newly words “conspiritainment”!
You cant disprove Qanon, because Qanon has already disproved itself! etc.
In other news, flour is useful for making bread.
Towards the very end, James Corbett uses this framable phrase:
“a baseless, source less, unverifiable piece of woo”
I could really rant like a mad dog, but I’m trying to restrain myself.
During this Covid era, we have had a tsunami of “alternative media voices” hit the internet.
However, there’s a problem. A large number of “alternative media voices” often spew “a baseless, source less, unverifiable piece of woo”.
It is worse than Texas trailer trash.
And I can’t believe that so many people line up for it.
Sunstein must be laughing…
James Corbett has recently discussed this and other aspects with three different presentations:
~~~ Sunstein Won: Cognitive Infiltration of the “Alternative” Media
~~~ Episode 408 – 9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned?
~~~ Interview 1661 – James Corbett Talks 9/11 and Biosecurity on the Global Research News Hour
Like Some Bitch Told Me : “Cite your sources or GTFO“
[GTFO – acronym short for “get the f*** out”.]
Look at the great 4 minute VIDEO that lady (Some B Told Me) made about opposing Vaccine Passports…
Join the Resistance
The whole population could be out protesting with best conviction, and the papers tv and radio would still run the manure spreader. great piece, will share, good thank-you
I was thinking more on the “information false flag” line.
The future is never set,
I Make it a rule that if someone TELL me what will happen in the future then he is an outright liar regardless of it happening or not(msm medias,tarot card readers, baseless prediction…).
The truth is there are warnings/analysis of things that could or could not happen in the future given the right conditions and environment, We being a big part of those conditions.
LH “once enough time has passed, all will be dust”
enough time? 20 years ago they only needed 10 seconds to render 500,000 tons of steel and concrete into a dust cloud. Available pre-dustification time likely depends on who’s finger is on the trigger.
if history is a relentless cycle of dust bowls perhaps we should switch to herstory. could that be the untold version of she-wolf (medicine woman) who had cursed the marauding angle warlord leader,, yet he did slay her.. and the rest as they say has been “HIStory”; in short, most of the planet is still speaking his tribes name (mother tongue). we all speak anglish (english). no small influence.
Thats a story line Ive pursued over the years but never been satisfied with the scope of what I’ve found (input here is most welcome); the gist is that something happened, or a decision or gesture was made that indeed empowered the carriers of that language which is the arch representation of a cultural seed. English (anglish) is the dominating language planet-wide.
What happened so long ago that would make this so?
This reminds me of Cyrus Parsa of the AI Organization, a narcissistic self-proclaimed prophet trying to save humanity from global AI control. I saw him in a recent interview and then looked at the website.
While he may touch on “truth” and documentable conspiracies, (as well as far-out alien technologies) he never sites his sources or provides any evidence to support his claims. Instead, he boasts of connected sources and his own foresight. Effectively, he is the prime example of “deranged conspiracy theorist”. I can’t help but wonder if he is planned opposition, deliberately put out there to distort and distract the truth movement.
Great episode, it’s about time the Deagel depopulation prediction was dispelled! Or is it Deagle? Or maybe its Deagal!?I must admit, in the past, I fell for it. I had never used the way back machine at the time and just took the site(and the people pushing it) at face value. It’s funny looking back on it, there is nothing on that site proving any of the numbers they pull out of their rear ends. Other than the unsubstantiated claim they derive their predictions through info collected from various intelligence agencies. Hell anyone could come up with that site, anyone! Like you said,“conspiratainment.” That’s a good way to put it. Contacting Deagel at the end was a nice touch, let us know when they get back to you James! ?
Have an awesome day!!!
Love the new, to me, word: “conspiritainment.” (Please correct my spelling….)
Perhaps the writer of the disclaimer does not have English as their first language? Some of the Deagel numerical data varies from extremely inaccurate to mildly wrong while other data seems quite close. A shotgun effect of results numerically but what about percentage wise? As with all future forecasts, most of which are delivered from a black box of inputs and outputs, ball park results are the usual. Cliff High’s predictive language forecasts or Celente’s come to mind. Sometimes the prognostications are eerily accurate and have meaning on those occasions. Other times the modeling fails, even dramatically. Unless we have the modus operandi of those doing the research all bets are off as per Neil Fergusson of the London School of Economics and its very heavy Gates Foundation contribution in Fergusson’s research. Science if given an incentive can find almost any result those paying the bill want. Without knowing how Deagel comes up with its figures we are at a loss as to whether or not to expect a good try with some wild failures to close approximations or not. I get the feeling that Deagel is having a fun try at forecasting and the reader needs to take this into consideration along with their own objective analysis as best they can to temper their own decisions on “Deagel Numbers.” We know depopulation is a part and parcel of the UN and WEF’s great reset-4IR-UN SDG- NWO agenda. When and how that depop will take place is a secret the pyramid cap doesn’t want the many to know. The ‘clotshot’ bad medicine seems like one avenue among likely many to those ends and Deagel may have this as an input. Time will tell by 2025 and in the short run. “The world is yours. Have a nice day.”
For myself I am trending away from the Corbett Report as a lost cause. When agents/assets such as Whitney Webb and Derick Broze become headliners and the real deals such as Alison McDowell are ignored there is not much left to be said.
I don’t think Derick Broze and Whitney Web are assets. They don’t come off like psychopaths to me. You’d have to be a real psycho to deceive a large community. That would be a big knife in the back.
I do think state actors would want to cause paranoia to discredit the work of alternative journalists.
I do like Allison McDowel’s work though. She doesn’t like blockchain technology which is fine. But just because other people might like blockchain technology or think it can be used for good or bad, doesn’t mean they are an asset.
I too have noticed that McDowell seems to be generally ignored. I am not sure why.
Would you mind explaining why you think Webb and Broze are “agents/assets”?
Please and thanks.
Thank you! Honestly I don’t find many popular leaders in the “truth” space to be credible. Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but consistent failure to provide documentation renders a commentator/researcher/website/etc. a joke. Failure to provide any kind of identity makes the Deagel site worse than a joke. Inability to write coherently is another telltale sign of non-credible information.
It’s one thing to watch what lies someone like Klaus Schwab spews for “read between the lines” clues about what might be coming, because there are videos of him propagandizing. There is a concerted effort by an identifiable body to get his message out. The Deagel site could be anything from an individual having fun playing with people to some organization’s disinfo site.
It’s disheartening to run across so many people who question official narratives yet can’t tell the difference between well-researched information and Joe Disillusioned yapping. Not long ago I clicked on a video that opened with a quote from Klaus Schwab, “head of the IMF.” There went that video!
As you pointed out, fact-checkers love such errors. What’s also bad is that misinfo/disinfo and folks who follow it discredit legitimate inquiry in the eyes of people who might otherwise be open to hearing real info.
Great show.
jld says:
“Thank you! Honestly I don’t find many popular leaders in the “truth” space to be credible. Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but consistent failure to provide documentation renders a commentator/researcher/website/etc. a joke…
…It’s disheartening to run across so many people who question official narratives yet can’t tell the difference between well-researched information and Joe Disillusioned yapping…
…What’s also bad is that misinfo/disinfo and folks who follow it discredit legitimate inquiry in the eyes of people who might otherwise be open to hearing real info.
But if a broken clock is right twice a day maybe is just a broken clock with a superiority complex.
MP Sara Cunial denounces Covid lies and Italy’s health passport
Not easy to talk that long with a mask on your face.
I’m out of breath. Those masks must be hell on a speech work-out.
I love seeing the pushback all around the world.
It is a common bond.
Hi James, or anyone else here that can help, without going through the whole video again, I think you mentioned a death toll of 1 million people from Covid? Just wondering if you could provide some reference for this? Certainly don’t necessarily doubt it based on all of the chicanery around tests and death certs, but obviously, things like worldometer suggest close to 5 million which is where Joe normie goes for their stats. I do recall something from Italy saying I believe 12 or 18 percent of deaths from the early first wave actually had a culturable virus and could be the main source of death. Is this where the 1 million figure comes from?
To the there is no virus crowd in the community that may want to pile in here, please understand I’m just interested in the reference for this million number as it would be useful to me. Not denying any other claims and am in fact quite interested in that specific one around germ theory generally.
Aside from the obvious diagnostic chicanery you evoked
when Deborah Birx explains that in the US if you die “with” covid you’re recorded as having died “of” covid
how do you wanna have any idea at all of what the real statistics are?
I bookmarked that video.
“Deborah Birx: If Someone Dies w/ COVID-19, We Are Counting That As a COVID-19 Death”
“People like you are still living in what we call the reality-based community. You believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you are studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Karl Rove
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
— William Casey, CIA director, February 1981
After seeing all the crazy conspiracy theories around 9/11,
(no planes as the worst version)
I expected a lot of dis-information around the covid crisis.
We have shills actively planting fake stories.
We have Qanon actively planting fake stories.
And then we have people hyping unproven rumors,
and they get repeated by others.
Note that the graphene-oxide stories are easily debunkable,
as well as the artificial organisms in the injections.
What seems to be happening is a lot of contamination,
due to almost no quality control.
And why should they? The companies have legal immunity.
The risks of the experimental injections are not often explained,
so I made a small article showing how the experimental jabs can cause damage:
It will be clear that these risks are much higher than those of a
standard vaccine where dead or weakened viruses are used.
Did they make it so bad because of the quick profits,
or because they wanted to hurt people? I don’t know.
Feel free to make an account and add more information and links to scientists or scientific articles.
Hi zyxzevn, I assume re organisms in the injection you are referring to people like Dr Madej, Dr Botha and the like? Can you walk me through the debunking? I have an issue with the fact there is no real chain of custody so to some degree their findings are worthless. I guess what I find compelling is Dr Botha in particular seems to be who she says and don’t understand why this would all be fabricated to discredit her own career? Not doubting you, but not sure how to go about debunking these vids for sure. Cheers
You mention chain of custody (how was the vial obtained and by whom?)which is extremely important also the set up used was not explained sufficiently. The slides weren’t shown to the viewer or the specifics of the microscope and set up was also not sufficiently described. Once that was done, showing that the slides were clean and the microscope was in functioning order, there was no comparison with other types of vaccine, like a tetanus or flu vaccine for example.
And on top of that, there were not enough vials examined from different locations and different batches and different types (the J and J, Moderna, Pfizer, etc.) After the contaminant was identified, its composition was not analyzed in the videos I have seen.
The study was not large enough to form definitive conclusions for me. As far as being falsifiable or debunked, I have not yet read or seen anything yet. I would find that helpful if it exists.
What we are left with is that Dr Botha is who they say they are and may be reluctant to damage their reputation.
Just as a reference (includes video and the Doctor’s website)
(It is also noted that it is not uncommon for some Doctors to take images of blood samples in order to monitor patient progress.)
Dr. Zandré Botha (South Africa) walks a person through blood images, from unhealthy to healthy to post-vaccinated.
She also walks a person through microscopic images of vaccine vial samples (Pfizer and J&J).
Hi. I certainly want it to be investigated better.
The serum of the experimental “vaccine” should be investigated and all
parts should be known.
My from-the-ground interpretation:
Vaccines are often made from living mice or other living organisms.
In this case I also think that they were mass-produced in bad laboratory
I assume that they used mice for now.
Living mice always have diseases, and they can become part of the serum.
Judy Mikovits even thinks that viruses from the mice get into the serum
and cause aids-like diseases.
Whether or not that is fully true, it is clear that some of diseases of
the mice will likely enter the serum.
What disease can these be: Viruses, bacteria, fungi, cancer, others.
The same stuff can come from bad laboratory conditions.
So these vaccines will contain all kinds organic matter that
may behave like artificial life.
A lot of chemical ingredients can temporary behave like life as well.
If a chemical process is going on, it will cause changes.
Like sugar will dissolve in a water by spreading out slowly, and with the
right light you can make it seem as if tentacles are spreading out.
If you put mercury on aluminum plate, you will see tentacles growing out of it.
If we know more about the chemicals in the serum, we may better figure out what is going on.
Chemical structures
If chemicals change temperature or concentration, they can form solid structures.
They can form crystals or other patterns.
In one video they showed how the serum turns into a wire-like structure when it was dried under the microscope. This is actually very common, as small crystals
form when a chemical gets dried.
In chemistry they can sometimes use these crystals to find out
what chemical component is present.
Again, we need to know what chemicals are present.
What should be in the serum:
The active component: mRNA or DNA
Small spheres of lipids (pfizer) or small spheres of artificial virus (J&J).
Inside these are artificial mRNA or DNA.
The lipids can cause severe allergies.
The mRNA or DNA programs the cell to make the toxic spike-proteins.
But they can also add other mRNA-codes or DNA-codes to make something
that is even more dangerous and long lasting.
There is no way to fully check what is going on.
Storage component:
The liquid contains anti-freeze component for pfizer, so it can be stored at -70 celsius.
It is a dangerous liquid.
There are many other ingredients that are also in other vaccines.
I do not think most of them are necessary, and many are toxic.
And they are injected directly into the body, sometimes in the blood.
Like: Thimerosal (organic mercury – causes nerve damage and may look like autism)
Note that some of the components are kept secret.
Hypothetically some could contain Ivermectin, so they seem to be working.
What is NOT in the Covid-“vaccine”..
1. A dead SARS-Cov2 virus
2. Freedom
Last Humanist
“… or going down the “rabbihole” to blame “the Jews” for everything like some people do.
Stuff like that is insane and easily falsifiable….”
Its quite easy to show from main stream articles and books (OFTEN WRITTEN BY JEWISH PEOPLE) that people of jewish descent are VERY over represented and have huge sway in
The mass news media
TV and movie production
The production and distribution of pornography
The legalization of mass abortion
The legalization of gay marriage
The introduction of modern sex education
Mass Trangenderism
The Banking Industry
The debt industry
The wars the US fights
Western, and especially US, politics
Jews do not control everything, nor do they all even have the same interests and goals, but its pretty clear that a VERY large part of why the world is the way it is is because some jewish people wanted it that way and were able to leverage their power to get things they wanted.
If the world they helped make is good or bad is a matter of opinion, I guess
I think it is undeniable that persons who identify/identified as Jews have risen to power and indeed had a hand in atrocities and injustice.
This prophesy is described in the bible:
Deuteronomy 6:10-12 “When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, 11 houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, 12 be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.”
Also Leviticus, 26:7-8 “You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall by the sword before you. 8 Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you.”
And Deuteronomy 7:1-2 “When the Lord your God brings you into the land that you are entering to take possession of it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations more numerous and mightier than you, 2 and when the Lord your God gives them over to you, and you defeat them, then you must devote them to complete destruction.[a] You shall make no covenant with them and show no mercy to them.”
These passages are brutal, and revealing. Is this not the biblical justification for the plundering and theft of persons who follow the religion. I do not know much of the Jewish religion, nor the Christian religion or any other religion for that matter. My personal religious beliefs are unique. My own personal identity is that I am a member of the human race, other characteristics, genetic and cultural are secondary.
Let me also qualify “persons” in the above. I mean SOME persons, not all. As you have pointed out in your posts SOME persons, meaning that NOT ALL.
“..These passages are brutal, and revealing. Is this not the biblical justification for the plundering and theft of persons who follow the religion..”
That kind of thing was rather common back then, everyone was acting like that. It was pretty nasty I guess back them
It sounds very brutal and not like a loving God to me. This is why I don’t take everything in the Bible seriously.
A loving creator would not want to people to do this to one another.
“..It sounds very brutal and not like a loving God to me. This is why I don’t take everything in the Bible seriously…”
That is not a logical view… I think plenty of people are disgusting and violent… that they exist is not changed one way or another by what I think of them or their actions 🙂
How we feel or ‘judge’ a deity is pretty much like an ant trying to judge the ocean
“…A loving creator would not want to people to do this to one another…”
Well, acc to the text the people to be exterminated were practicing child sacrifice and were generally so evil that God wanted them gone… the people were told to not take them as wives because they would teach their evil ways to the Israelites.
That was, however, a specific time and place not a general order to stone people in the modern world… lol
The idea that God is going to be just fine with people doing anything that they like is a very weird one that has no basis in any religious text.
Good points. My point was for further analysis and examination and to hear Duck’s perspective.
These questions should be examined from multiple perspectives, LH. This includes people who have been raised as Jews and to hear what some of them say.
I cannot provide that perspective because I was not raised in a religion, though my maternal family is Eastern European Jewish. As far as I know they considered themselves citizens of Austria and were expelled.
I would like to point out that you also have a unique perspective based on your experiences and research. Everyone is subject to bias. One of JC’s podcasts entitled “The Myth of Journalistic objectivity” comes to mind when explaining this phenomenon.
When you say “The correct methodology does not leave room for bias, though”
What is that, the correct methodology? Can you elaborate because I have not heard of this.
Do you use the “correct methodology” in your analysis and thus your conclusions are objective?
Just re read your post…I like what you say here
“Come to your own conclusions and make a genuine effort to increase your understanding by doubting everything, including yourself, but not the firm methodology.”
Thanks for explaining what you mean. For complex issues such as these, I try to get perspectives from different people, different sources and come to my own conclusions.
As far as identity politics and diaspora Jewish identity, I think my mom’s approach was to distance herself from the tribalism makes a lot of sense. Tribalism is not unique to any culture or religion as far as I know.
Last Humanist
“…If you really care about the who, why and how then you will move past superficial nonsense designed to distract and distort you…”
If one ignores the aspect of a small minority holding a HUGE amount of power and using it in ways that are in line with their own cultural preferences and for the benefit of their own ethnic group it is impossible to understand why the world is the way it is.
The fact attested to BY JEWISH SOURCES (or any knowledge of politics) is that Jews have shaped the modern world into what it is… if you LIKE it then thank them.
“…Jews are just human beings like everyone else…”
I never said they had horns or anything did I? Lol.
All humans tend to look out for their own ethnic and cultural preferences.. its just that Jews have a huge amount MORE power to do so.
“… It’s often a mirror reflecting where Europeans like myself have gone wrong..”
Actually I think that most modern Euro’s have adopted Jewish culture and thinking as their own. NOT a suprise, since most people consume movies, TV and pornography created by jewish people.
Many people DO thank jews for the social changes the created… I personally do not. THIS doc is in no way anti jewish but it states (probably mangling the quote so forgive me) that AMerica BECAME the vision of America that Hollywood jews created. I want to get the book one day but no money right now
Duck you have a point about a small group of people have a lot of power. At the same time, this small number of people sure doesn’t care much about your average Jew, depending on how that’s defined.
The Israelis, including the Jewish population there are being used as lab rats just like other people across the globe.
These nasty psychopathic monsters, some of them Jews, have no loyalty to any tribe but their own inner circles.
It’s also important to keep in mind that there are some very good people who also happen to be Jews. I know you never said otherwise, but I just wanted to point out that fact.
This is why I really like being a US citizen is because I see it as a people who comes together around liberty and freedom. At least this is my idealized view of America, how it should be. No bigotry, and merit based on ones deeds and talents.
“..These nasty psychopathic monsters, some of them Jews, have no loyalty to any tribe but their own inner circles…”
Jews are just people like anyone else, however, like any group they have an ethnic interest and cultural preferences.
That is perfectly normal and OK, in a healthy society, but the west has been sick for at least a hundred years.
We now live in a mostly post christian culture with of things that were once considered EVIL.. abortion, porn, divorce, acceptance (rather then toleration) of homosexuality and communistic politics to name a few.
That there was a heavy ethnic jewish component in this is not really up for debate- its documented history to anyone who wants to know.
That does not mean that people should ‘hate jews’, hating people is just a waste of time but people should most certainly SEE where the great social changes of the last hundred years come from
“…I think when Duck says Jewish culture, he means Eastern European Jewish cultures…”
Thanks for pointing out my oversight, yes that is the group I am talking about
They do not appear to consider ‘other’ jews as being the same as themselves
“.. Jewish group who has been very vocal against the crimes the state of Israel has done to the Palestinians…”
For which they deserve recognition, as does Shrier, author of ‘Irreversible Damage’
“.. the psychopaths, but I don’t think this is unique to the ENTIRE culture…”
Its not a point of psycopathy- its a case of cultural values and needs.
Jews obviously have an interest in living in a welcoming, non monolithic society, they also report higher rates of homosexuality then US whites did (not sure how thats running at current date…) and so secular jews were more prone to support open homosexuality which has bled somewhat into the Trans movement (See ‘The TransIndustrial Complex’ by scott howard) and politically jews have been at the vanguard of the left wing (the NeoCon’s being former left wing Trotskite’s)
The German Spartacists and the Bolsheviks and the early US socialists were HEAVILY ethnic jewish, so that there is a left wing bent in the culture appears to be the case, even to this day
“..Regarding homosexuality, and porn. I think these issues are very complex and should boil down to consenting adults making choices….”
Porn is a weapon, it exists to destroy the fabric of society. Sexual liberation exists for the same reason, and over half of the current generation will die alone, childless and broke- and thats not an accident.
“.. Forcing people to comply to a very narrow world view will always be met with rebellion…”
True, I dont care what anyone else does. They can ruin their own lives if they see fit
“..The way sexuality…to subjugate and oppress is wrong, but sexuality in an of itself is not evil. It’s natural and necessary for the continuation of our species…”
You should look at Dr EM Jones’s work, I liked “Degenerate Moderns”
the BOOK is way worth buying but here he is chatting about the subject
“…He’s not evil. I don’t think any religion should tell..”
That cultural outlook is your choice, but it is not in line with christian doctrine. We live in a post christian culture, so we shall see how well that goes.
“..None of these are Jewish in essence..”
I would argue otherwise at another time.. but it is not important.
What matters is if it is TRUE or NOT true that
a)Jewish interests have a huge amount more power then jewish demographic numbers would suggest
b)Jews were the prime movers behind the changes in society we have seen
That Jews run the porn industry is not much of a stretch- and this jewish person thinks its due to ethnic dislike of christian culture
Do you doubt that the majority of the media , olde and new tech, is heavily populated by jewish people?
Do you doubt that things like Critical Theory are mostly created by jewish thinkers?
Do you doubt that the Bolshevik party was hugely ethnically jewish and funded by wall street jewish interests? If you could get an english translation of ‘300 years together’ it’d be cool
Do you think that the NeoCons were not the sons of Trotskite jews?
Do you think that the banking industry is NOT controlled on the whole by ethnic jews?
Do you think Epstein was not working for Mossad and giving them huge sway over western politics?
Have you never looked at the names of the people in TV bringing watchers Trans kid shows?
Jews are not at the heart of everything, but they DID create the culture we live in today, for good or ill.
“..As a German..”
Oh, I see why you cant see what I am telling you now.
No worries
veil gluck und guten nacht
“…“The Jew” denoted the establishment that was allowed to be attacked at that point in time because the more established part of the establishment also hated it…”
The Jewish elite only really came to excessive power in the US after the wasp elite started to fade away.
“.. The papers could write about that one Jewish Banksters and call him a parasite while steering away from the other Banksters…”
I fail to see your point… are you saying that the banking industry and wall street is not HUGELY jewish compared to the 1 or 2 % of the population their demographics suggest?
“..If you do not see the bigger picture then you are easy to control…”
TRUE… if you ignore a large part of the puzzel you do indeed miss out.
“.. It was popular and fun to hate the Jews and blame them for everything. Do you not see the pattern here?..”
I am not ‘blaming’ jews for ‘everything’
You may know someone who does, I am just pointing out that 1% of the population occupies a huge amount of the seats of power in the US… I mean does anyone doubt that the US has put Israels interests far above the US’s own interests?
Are not the NeoCons mostly jewish?
Is not most TV and movie’s that people consume produced by jewish people?
If you LIKE modern culture then thank the people that made it.
“…It’s always fear and anger projected at something other than what people should actually be angry at to better themselves…”
True… but its not fear to point out the truth of who has power and who does not
“…Christian culture was not that great. It’s not like children weren’t murdered back then. Look up the children’s crusade..”
I hope you like trans kids, porn and swiping left more then the old culture, say thank you to those that made the new one
“..WASP elites have faded away? When did that happen? Last time I checked, the Anglo-American establishment was still around…”
Oh, some still are but you will notice who Biden’s family and Trumps Family married..rather like what happened the British elite, lol
“..Calvinism in particular was firm in its conviction that the poor are obviously not part of the divine in-group and the rich were chosen by god.
Is Protestantism Jewish culture, then?…”
You are either distracted or not arguing honestly because it is quite fearful to see the truth.
Right NOW, today the question is
Does a small ethnic group control most of the media ?
Does a small ethnic group create culture via TV and movies?
Does a small ethnic group punch over their weight in politics?
Does a small ethnic group decide what you may and may not say about them?
What happened a hundred or 500 years ago is interesting… but the question is what small ethnic group are YOU frightened of angering?
Just come out and tell me if you think jewish power is NOT a real thing 😉
Do you know a lot about Jewish Culture? I know it’s a pretty diverse culture depending on what country a person lives in.
I think when Duck says Jewish culture, he means Eastern European Jewish cultures. Yiddish speaking people from Eastern Europe that tended to concentrate in cities like New York, is the gist I get.
This is different from Jewish culture from India and Africa and non European countries. I think it’s important to make that distinction.
Another distinction is Jews against Zionism, like Neturei Karta and orthodox Jewish group who has been very vocal against the crimes the state of Israel has done to the Palestinians.
Everyone recognizes the psychopaths, but I don’t think this is unique to the ENTIRE culture.
Regarding homosexuality, and porn. I think these issues are very complex and should boil down to consenting adults making choices. Forcing people to comply to a very narrow world view will always be met with rebellion.
The way sexuality has been manipulated and used to subjugate and oppress is wrong, but sexuality in an of itself is not evil. It’s natural and necessary for the continuation of our species.
I think some people are just born gay, just my opinion based on having gay friends. The gay people I know are really cool. One of them is a Christian that was kicked out of high school. He’s one of the most giving people I know. He’s not evil. I don’t think any religion should tell him that he is. Would Jesus hate him? I don’t think so.
Regarding the no planes thing:
1. Footage of collisions from that doctored/fabricated – yay or nay?
2. Pilots going on record stating one can not make stunt moves with such planes the official story claims happened and hope to hit anything but the ground below – is that bunk?
3. The official story has the second NY plane flying above top cruising speed well below altitude such speed is achievable – how do you reconcile that?
I understand that none of these points can be used as proof that planes were not used on that day but I’m pretty damn sure the official narrative can not explain the road runner effect besides claiming that the plane was flying really fast. Hence the reason why they pushed as high speed as the narrative could entertain.
Not to even mention that the whole thing is completely irrelvant as planes haven’t brought down aby buildings on that day. Or ever, probably, if we omit the work of a zillion bombers.
So, they use planes to crash into buildings they know they can’t bring down with planes, later claim planes were used in ways they could not be used, the footage is produced to allow for road runner effect, plane debrea is somehow removed… what else am I missing?
I think a plane did hit the World Trade Center because witnesses on the ground saw it but the TV footage was not the real footage of the crash. Maybe someone within the US Government thought it was too risky to show the real video because they did not want the evidence explored by the public any further. They predicted people would either be suspicious or want immediate closure to the traumatic event, so it is better to lead them all astray with fake videos.
Early witnesses saw missiles. There were many TV reporters reporting into the studio, conveying that people were seeing missiles. Upon which the TV host in the studio proceeded to correct them, because the truth was in and the truth said nothing about no damn missiles.
In my view, early witnesses are important because only from them you get something that resembles reality, at least to the extent they have seen it, before the information death squads put their hoofs on the ground and start controlling the narrative. Like that early commenter from ground hoax peddling the pancaking theory, setting the narrative for the mesmerized TV hypnotees as well as queuing in the presstitutes. at least those among them who were somewhat apt in taking a hint.
Now, in regards to fools who will believe planes penetrate steel encased reinforced concrete structures, I will have to admit defeat. Aluminum vs steel penetration stories are special kind of porn I have no knack for.
I agree with your interpretation of “graphene oxide” (although I need to research this further) and “self-aware organism” found in some vials of “vaccine”.
The weird spider like “organism” could have easily been a contaminated slide or vials of the injection. There was no thorough analysis of what exactly the substance was, what material it was (chemical composition). Also, there were not enough vials analyzed to make conclusions that this substance was in all the vials.
What this does is stop the analysis process by some people and lead them to possibly false conclusions and if these conclusions are false paint opposition to the agenda as “crazy tinfoil hate conspiracy theorists”
Also, the magnetic arms was suspicious too. The videos could have been fake, like some kind of glue on the cell phone.
I’m glad you bring this up. I prefer analysis that is based on the scientific method and logic because I think this appeals to peoples rational mind.
“No planes” seems to be another possible one of these distractions, though there seems to be a more rational basis for this hypothesis. However, eyewitness testimony should be considered. I do believe people said they saw planes flying into the towers. All I saw was the mainstream news broadcasts and I now know nothing on TV is trustworthy.
I do know that the people “they” said were flying into the buildings lacked the skill to pull off that maneuver. But are planes controlled by remote capable of such a stunt? And if not, who was flying the planes?
Do the laws of physics support the hypothesis that planes flew into the twin towers and does the technology exist for remote controlled plan operation? I don’t have the answers.
Regarding graphene oxide contaminated masks. I have had to use masks at work for the last 18 months at work including N95 masks for 8 or more hours a day from 24-40 hours per week and I have had no ill effects from them thus far. I am also in good physical health aside from a mild form of asthma and seasonal allergies. I do switch out masks and use 2 or more N95 masks per day while at work. This has not bee a pleasant experience and I do need to remove the mask during my breaks but so far have not developed any respiratory issues or illness. But this is just my account.
I agree with you, especially for children. That to me is abuse. I justify it a bit since I work in a germ ridden place and earn a good living, but it is not pleasant.
Also, there are benefits to exposure to other people without a mask. It enhances a working immune system and allows for more oxygen exchange in the lungs. I anticipate getting out of the hospital setting, hopefully in the near future. At this time, I need the money.
Masks may help limit droplets coming from the nose and mouth of someone who is sick and coughing, theoretically protecting bystanders or persons nearby. They may help prevent transmission of TB and other airborne diseases.
In hospitals N95 masks are used normally for persons with TB and other airborne diseases that can be spread by close quarters.
This is what they were used for pre Covid. Post Covid, many hospitals required N95 masks for health care providers in ICUs, ERs and general medical floors and required patients to wear surgical masks. This is independent of the Covid “vaccine” (shows how much belief they have in the “vaccine”).
For me, wearing a mask in the hospital has protected me from foul smelling patients and wounds and prevented unwanted fluids from entering my nose and mouth. I once had a patient cough in my face (accidentally) and their snot went into my mouth. This was before I wore masks at work or pre-Covid. I usually wore a surgical mask for flu season after I stopped getting flu vaccines though.
Masks in hospitals also limit touching of ones mouth and nose and this may possibly limit disease spread by fomites (objects like tables and such).
I will check out the link. I’m not taking a position either way and am open minded.
I don’t another persons snot or vomit or bodily fluids in my mouth, nose or face. It triggers my internal disgust response.
You work in a hospital, yes? I’d wager using 2+ masks daily in a hospital environment is no comparison for a real life scenario where challenged morons wear FILTHY cloth for DAYS on their claptrap.
I understand it’s their face and they have every right to do with it as they see fit, but my fist is also my fist and I would very much like to punch them right into the filthy mask. Their faces would just be on the receiving of some collateral damage.
People get frustrated and angry about the masks and how they dehumanize us. It makes me kind of sad when I see someone in a dirty filthy mask, just wanting to fit in, to be accepted and not shunned.
It is gross and I am surprised people don’t automatically know wearing cloth or a dirty mask is unhealthy, but some people don’t.
People will harm themselves to be accepted. That makes my heart hurt.
The theory of planes on remote control has
been explained thoroughly by “pilots for truth”.
They found the following evidence.
1. Physical: The remains of the planes contained components that are from military planes. Like the engine that flew through the second tower.
You can see it in one of the videos.
Due to regulations, all components of a plane must have a unique ID.
2. Tracking: The transponders on the airplane transmit the position of the planes at each time. These show that the airplanes flew too fast for a
commercial jet, but at normal speed for a military jet.
The original planes switched places with military planes, during a time
when their transponders were temporary switched off. Also were
they outside radar range at the exact time.
3. Video recordings. The airplanes did not showed some differences from the
planes that they should be. Most saw a widened fuselage near the wings.
This is similar to a military version of the airplane.
4. There was a AWAC plane flying around. They are like an air-control
in the sky with a big radar.
They are very capable of controlling an airplane from a distance.
5. Some of the commercial “crashed planes” were later re-used in service.
Their factory-ID was found back in other flghts.
6. See James Corbett’s 911 wargames about the fake hijackings and such.
There are also strange things about the passengers and the voice-recordings.
These unfounded predictions are not just provided on some obscure websites. Have you seen this little clip that circulated in Telegram a couple of months ago? I did not check it (I don’t know anybody with Alexa), but apparently, alexa sources such a site with doom predictions if you ask it about population predictions:
I did not get the name of the website [alo???sentinel dot com?] and thus could not check that either — still, such fear-mongering on is one thing, Alexa picking such source with such information is certainly another.
Good post tsepati.
RE Alexa: UK population in 2025? 22.93 million
Here is something I found via “Fact Check Library” at
Sept 14, 2021
The population of the U.K. has been projected to be 22.93 million by 2025.
The claim is unfounded as COVID-19 vaccines are safe and found to reduce the death rate substantially.
A video has gone viral in which Alexa predicts U.K.’s population will decrease drastically in 2025.
The caption says the reason is COVID-19 jab. Such rumors are being spread on various social media by anti-vaxxers to discredit the vaccine in the eyes of the public….
Hi James,
Thanks for your coverage of this conspiracy trope. Clearly the Deagel population forecast is a “conspiracy theory” misinfo page for amping up fear and confusion and intended to discredit anyone that shares this page with others (aka the “Alex Jones” effect).
Greatly appreciate your attention to detail, but you skipped the “meat” of their latest explanation for their extreme depopulation predictions:
From Apr 7 2021
Six years ago the likelihood of a major war was tiny. Since then it has grown steadily and dramatically and today is by far the most likely major event in the 2020s. The ultimate conflict can come from two ways. A conventional conflict involving at least two major powers that escalates into an open nuclear war. A second scenario is possible in the 2025-2030 timeframe. A Russian sneak first strike against the United States and its allies with the new S-500, strategic missile defenses, Yasen-M submarines, INF Zircon and Kalibr missiles and some new space asset playing the key role. The sneak first strike would involve all Russian missile strategic forces branches (bombers and ground-based missiles) at the different stages of such attack that would be strategic translation of what was seen in Syria in November 2015. There was no report that the Russian had such a capability of launching a high precision, multiple, combined arms attack at targets 2,000+ kilometers away. Western intelligence had no clue. The irony is that since the end of the Cold War the United States has been maneuvering through NATO to achieve a position to execute a first strike over Russia and now it seems that the first strike may occur but the country finished would be the United States.
Deagel predicts nuclear war, which is the basis for their latest extreme depopulation predictions. Not that that means much (though in real life there is new hypersonic threats to contemplate). But overall I agree with your conclusions on Deagel.
Thanks for your work,
P.S. One thing to note on the “Alex Jones” effect, is that while most things an “Alex Jones” says are baseless, occasionally, they are fed the truth to discredit it, to associate it with absurdity, “conspiracy theory”, bad judgement/discernment, to make contemplating what could be true shameful. This is a very effective technique for stopping or slowing the spread of truth. I believe this is *the mechanism* by which the mainstream is blinded to truth currently.
The edge of the invisible electric fence of modern mind control can be discerned by moving toward the shame felt for merely thinking about considering an idea
“Conspiracy Theory”: How Smart People are fooled into being ashamed of the questions that grow Discernment
Good People make Great Evil possible when they fear questioning authority more than loving others and blindly trust and comply
Authority surreptitiously invoking the vague symbols of a widespread belief in a population of some inevitable future “fate” or “destiny” to paralyze the population, has a long history of abuse.
666: the dog whistle authority knowingly invokes to paralyze believers of “end times” into doing nothing
‘Six minutes, six days or six weeks’ – Biden vows infrastructure deal
Oct 1 2021
H.R.6666 – COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act
May 1 2020
Also, see the Dune Series for a veiled analogy: the Bene Gesserit seeding the predictions of the Freeman Messiah thousands of years before Paul’s arrival.
Most likely this at least mentioned somewhere someone else, but has itself connected to so there is a dot to russia at least.
this you find out very easy if you use an addon for your browser that scans traffic and rediractions and in which you can block those connections.
Thanks for these clarifying words. It’s notworthy though, that numerous organisations, government agencies, parliaments around the globe, even Wikipedia et al actually quote, use and “work” with Deagel-links. Apparently it’s considered a factual information source by many of the exact same people, wo keep blaming independent journalists as “conspiracy theorists” for using invalid sources. That raises the question: why is that and hence why is Deagel up on the internet at all?
Shut up conspiracy theorist!
I noticed teh Expose is now claiming that Deagle is (was) the guy behind Deagel, I’m only seeing speculation in the article though.