Kevin writes in with the eternal question: a book recommendation for him and his son. James responds with a few dozen suggestions from his False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda research reading list.
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False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
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The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé by David Ray Griffin (+ copy)
Episode 428 – Torturing the Truth
The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright
Al Qaeda: The True Story Of Radical Islam by Jason Burke
9-11 by Noam Chomsky
Meet Noam Chomsky, Academic Gatekeeper
Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam by Richard Labévière
Black 9/11: Money, Motive and Technology by Mark H. Gaffney
Interview 539 – Mark Gaffney on Black 9/11
The Watchdogs Didn’t Bark by John Duffy & Ray Nowosielski
Disconnecting the Dots by Kevin Fenton
The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America by Peter Dale Scott
Triple Cross by Peter Lance
The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy by Graeme Macqueen
Interview 944 – Graeme MacQueen Reveals The Anthrax Deception
Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan by Scott Horton
Interview 1296 – Scott Horton on The Fool’s Errand in Afghanistan
The Commission by Philip Shenon
The 9/11 Investigation: Declassified FBI documents on the terrorist attack that changed history (Volume 1) by J.M. Berger
Secret Affairs: Britain’s Collusion With Radical Islam by Mark Curtis
The Rise and Fall of Osama bin Laden by Peter L. Bergen
Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for bin Laden by Peter L Bergen
Holy War, Inc. by Peter L. Bergen
Visas for Al Qaeda by J. Michael Springmann
Interview with Michael Springmann
The Black Banners by Ali Soufan
Beatings and Bureaucracy: The Founding Memos of Al Qaeda by J.M. Berger
Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan and bin Laden from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 by Steve Coll
Jawbreaker: The Attack on Bin Laden and Al Qaeda by Gary Berntsen
Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terrorism by Scott Horton
No Easy Day: The firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama bin Laden by Mark Owen & Kevin Maurer
A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies by James Bamford : 9/11 As a Mass Ritual : Black 9/11 : Another Nineteen
William Ramsey ( claims Peter Levenda basically stole his narrative re: Aleister Crowley and 9/11 from ‘Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order’ for the ‘9/11 as a Mass Ritual’ book (penned by Levenda with a pseudonym). I haven’t read either book, but I have hard copies of them.
Does James actually expect any of us to ‘read’? Well, at least, does he expect Me to read?… I barely got through listening to the entire Al Qaeda series from the CR. This is what I pay $6 a month for – for James to read for me. None of this Mark Owens crap, either. At the very least, if James is going to entertain SEAL team 6/CIA UBL dreck, why not dip your toe into the Ramsey book (or be a guest on the William Ramsey Investigates podcast?). I know James caveats at the end that this was an ‘Al Qaeda’ and not a ‘9/11’ booklist, but you’re kind of splitting hairs here, aren’t you, James? We know you don’t like ‘internecine warfare’ regarding the towers demolition, and I presume you don’t care for Judy Wood and her exotic, dustification weaponry theories… What about Icke’s books on 9/11 (‘Alice and Wonderland and the World Trade Center’ disaster and the more recent, The Trigger). I’ve at least heard Icke talk about the Trigger on podcasts, and it seems a worthwhile narrative to entertain from a conspiratorial standpoint…
We all love James, but I have to repeat that I think there is a valid critque with the Corbett Report regarding ‘Grand Conspiracy’ when he doesn’t opine on the occult aspects of false flags or Globalism. It’s always, ‘Milner Group’ this and ‘the Fabian Society’ that; or referencing ‘Zbigniew Brzeziński’, the Grand Chessboard, the Great Game, George Bernard Shaw, Bertrand Russell and technocracy’s Howard Scott. Actually, I just listened to Jay Dyer and Richard Grove (occasional CR collaborator), and perhaps they go harder in the paint than even Corbett on some of those topics. Nevertheless, Dyer has a spiritual component to his worldview thesis that I’m sure he incorporates into his overall narratives and presentations. Corbett claims to have a ‘supernatural’ (I think it’s Christian) worldview, but the dude never mentions the ‘L-word’. Nigga (Ye said I could use that word) – why aren’t you ever talking about Satan or Lucifer or the dark occult in your geopolitical worldview analyses? Because there’s no paper trail or ‘smoking gun’ evidentiary proof? Well, press ‘X’ to doubt on the latter, and there sure is shit is a ‘paper trail’. Lots of info, grimoires, folklore and historical record to use in an incorporation of the occult into a Corbett Report-style investigation. Do it, James! 2023 is the Year the CR goes Dark (occult).
Main page links to “sorry page not found”.
Thanks for a new reading list.
Thanks for the tip. Link fixed.
Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert (2004) and 9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in the USA (2006) – not AlCIAda focus, but important follow-ups on The New Pearl Harbour. They pointed out the rabbit hole that had to be jumped into.
Crossing the Rubicon what a classic work. Ruppert seemed to be ahead of his time. I’m curious if there was a conspiracy behind his death?
I remain very suspicious of his death, despite a comprehensive video by a close friend
covering his suicide note and others details leading up to his death.
He was staying at this friend’s home location when he was found dead.
A tragic loss of life, to be sure.
One of the most major false flags is the god/devil myth that has frozen the natural evolutionary progress of humanity since the take over of the organized religion state from the tribal cultures.
Then the creation of the corporation of The United States by the British.
Then the creation of the IRS, the FED and all the other tentacles of the bureaucratic monster called government.
All the other false flags are merely additions to the deadly master mix of the controllers of our reality. Got to ask the bigger question…
“One of the most major false flags is the god/devil myth that has frozen the natural evolutionary progress of humanity since the take over of the organized religion state from the tribal cultures.”
Ah, so a rebellion against God is the ticket eh?
Some might argue that rebellion against God is what has brought us here.
It could be that the reason why we’ve allowed mis leaders to rule us throughout recorded history is that we’ve rejected God’s pretty reasonable requirements of how to live. From the very beginning we’ve had a better idea.
Maybe we should have listened to and obeyed our Creator.
Way to go Adam and Eve! You really messed things up!
It is difficult to reply to one who is caught up in the social contagion or cognitive bias of the god/devil, good/bad paradigm.
There is a much larger picture or understanding that does not include web talk or snarkiness or the inability to comment on one’s music offering.
Facts come before faith.
* Like skeletal evidence of sentient beings 200+ MILLION years old.
* Or the 400 foot elevation of the oceans from about 12,000 years ago, the result of a possible 8 pieces of a comet melting the approx 2 mile ice cap in Northern US and Lower Canada.
* Or a gold chain necklace found in a lump of 45 MILLION year old coal in the mid 1800’s in Massachusetts.
Religious (not spiritual) belief is a foolish attempt to explain the unexplainable settling for the most improbable, unprovable answer to life’s creation and purpose, rather than an exploration of one’s own nature and relationship to existence.
“ Facts come before faith.
* Like skeletal evidence of sentient beings 200+ MILLION years old.
* Or the 400 foot elevation of the oceans from about 12,000 years ago, the result of a possible 8 pieces of a comet melting the approx 2 mile ice cap in Northern US and Lower Canada.
* Or a gold chain necklace found in a lump of 45 MILLION year old coal in the mid 1800’s in Massachusetts”
Forgive me if I don’t share your unshakable confidence in the “tests”, the “experts” and the “settled” science.
Sorry if my lack of comments about Vin’s music video was somehow inappropriate.
I hope that you will agree that he is a pretty awesome guitarist though.
Like so many out here in blogoland, you are unable to articulate beyond snarky nonsense. “Forgive you”?? I feel sorry for you.
Yeah, that belief in an invisible, unprovable, jealous, murdering creator of all things is far more provable then scientific and geological evidence.
Your “anti-science” paranoia falls just short of a new inquisition now doesn’t it?
“Vin” who?? I was talking about MY link to MY music.
Ah, my mistake. I had just posted this moments before your comment. I thought you were referring to that.
I like your music. You write good lyrics. I’m still not very good at that part.
I bet we’d like each other in real life. But we’ll probably never know.
Vinny Caggiano, aka Vin Cognito is, or was Corbett’s guitar teacher. He uploads music from time to time.
“Your “anti-science” paranoia falls just short of a new inquisition now doesn’t it?”
Not at all sure what you mean by that but rest assured, I’m anything but paranoid. I’m more at peace than I have been in quite a few decades. Maybe ever. So you don’t need to feel sorry for me.
And I sure aren’t interested in an inquisition of any sort.
Its God’s place to judge mankind. Not man’s.
We can only judge ourselves by whatever standards we choose.
I choose God’s.
Thanks, award winning and movie cuts. The key to my lyrics is musical philosophy. A very full life of curiosity and exploration is reflected.
The “anti-science” ref:
>>Forgive me if I don’t share your unshakable confidence in the “tests”, the “experts” and the “settled” science.>>
Again, I feel sorry for you for being unable to actually discuss the subject rather then push an attitude. But it is common with these days with cognitive bias…People with minimal knowledge or intellectual exploration think they are better, more knowledgeable then they really are, the Dunning-Kruger effect. It comes from the cut and paste reality of the web hive mind making everyone a guru and expert.
You’ve bought into the cultural bias (fad) of the day that science can’t be trusted. Much like the foolishness that guns are dangerous as both have to do with people not the tools.
I repeat, perhaps you will “get” it…
You are selling the belief in an unprovable creator of all things trumps the belief in honest scientific and geological EVIDENCE I pointed out.
Can’t get much stranger then that.
Take care
“Again, I feel sorry for you for being unable to actually discuss the subject rather then push an attitude. But it is common with these days with cognitive bias…People with minimal knowledge or intellectual exploration think they are better, more knowledgeable then they really are, the Dunning-Kruger effect. It comes from the cut and paste reality of the web hive mind making everyone a guru and expert.“
Now you’re just being mean and insulting.
What makes you think that I am unwilling to discuss the subject? What makes you conclude that I think I am more knowledgeable than I really am?
On the contrary, The older I get the less confidence I have in that which I once considered truth.
A result of having been lied to so much I suppose.
Could it be that in making these accusations against me. Someone you know next to nothing about. That you may be projecting your own attitudes?
Perhaps we have over used our alloted space here as your last comment has no “reply” hot link. Here’s my reply:
>>What makes you think that I am unwilling to discuss the subject?>> Because you haven’t so far.
>>What makes you conclude that I think I am more knowledgeable than I really am?>> Most all who say: >>Its God’s place to judge mankind. Not man’s.>> is pure mind control verbalization for one thing.
>>Could it be…That you may be projecting your own attitudes?>>
No. As a retired Psychiatric Social Work specialist, a medicine man, an explorer of social truth and evolutionary psychology as well as many years giving mental health counseling I am quite aware of what I say and offer.
Vilmos Csanyi and Gyorgy Kampis of Hungary talk about the self-organization of living systems as replication, occurring at all levels: molecular, biological, and social. Every system has its own way it forms, expands, and holds its self together. With humans, a replication of ideas is essential first in forming, then maintaining social systems.
The male-dominator system has burned, razed, and destroyed books, temples, holy sites, libraries, and tribal ceremony and ritual for thousands of years in the name of “God.”
Their goal: to purge all ideas, memories, and understanding of the prior egalitarian, peaceful, goddess/tribal based spiritual expressions from the collective mind of the people.
To shift over to a male dominated, off planet Sky God, anti-women, rigid rule-book religion, based on fear of punishment and strict behavioral control.
The controllers understand quite well, the powers of language (words,) sound (music, voice,) and images, thus justifying their behavior to enable their conquest victories.
Punishment for heresy was hideous torture/death. In this way, as time passed, a male dominated, violent, hierarchical society and church state gradually began to be seen as both normal and right
The fundamental tools of deception are the encouragement of FEAR and a belief in SCARCITY. I believe perception proceeds ‘truth’, so the logic is those who can control perception, can then manipulate which ‘truth’ is accepted in the collective consciousness, or what I call the social contagion of humanity.
If you check out the lyrics of my musical offerings you will see a depth of thinking in them relating to human behavior, etc. going back 40-50 years. I am an authentic pervayor of truth come to people out of love, nothing else. Sometimes it has to be tough love.
My best to you.
I understand where you’re coming from and am more in agreement with your take on some of the more authoritarian religions, such as forms of Judiasm and forms of Christianity and Islam.
I try not to take offense when someone essentially tells me that their god is the only god and if I don’t agree I’ll burn in hell. I’m getting better at steering the conversation away from that and finding points of agreement and points of alignment even though I believe elitism in any form is a flaw. The “I’m better than you” vibe is I think a mistake for lack of a better word. And this is the vibe I get from some fundamentalist religious people.
On the other hand, my husband was baptized as a Greek Orthodox Christian as a kid and has a cultural connection to this religion and is pretty open minded. He said in his experience it’s not as bible based, but more based on cultural traditions that have included some of the aspects of more natural spiritual or pagan practices. It couldn’t help but come through, which is why he thinks it’s less authoritarian than other forms of Christianity. I even went with him to some church events and it was much different than someone reading bible at you.
I think crushing another cultures spiritual traditions and practices and replacing it is wrong and that was done with Christianity. However, if people feel inspired by it and want to practice and preach without forcing or oppressing another, I believe they have a right to do so. It’s like the free speech idea.
I think many Christians do not see their religion as authoritarian and to them it is something else than an outsider might view differently perhaps. At any rate, my comments were not intended to offend anyone or hurt anyone’s feelings and I hope they are not take as such.
“I am an authentic pervayor of truth come to people out of love, nothing else.”
Hey, me too! I knew that we had something in common. ?
Now, about being unwilling to discuss the subject. Perhaps we should define the subject.
I thought the subject was the existence of God. Which was why I responded to your original post.
I maintain that there is actual evidence that God exists and am certainly willing to discuss the subject.
As far as your assumption that I am mind controlled. I suppose that being a former psychological social worker makes you an expert in that sort of thing but it strikes me as rather offensive way of communicating with someone you are coming to with truth and love.
It seems to me that you’ve done pretty much what every other creator of their own religion does. You place your faith in the wisdom and science of men. And then form your doctrine in a way that doesn’t create cognitive dissonance and which doesn’t conflict with what you find comfortable to believe.
I feel the necessity of reminding cu.h.j. that Christianity is based on grace not works. So using a word like “authoritarian” as a blanket description displays a fundamental misunderstanding of the relationship that true Christians have with God.
Are there authoritarians who call themselves Christian. Sure. Just like there are terrorists who call themselves anarchists. Or murderers who call themselves public servants. I could go on.
A true Christian judges himself according to their conscience which should align with the Word of God. But he doesn’t seek to force others to adopt his beliefs. He shares his faith. Exactly the same way that unbelievers share their lack of it.
Ejdoyle, I regret being snarky in my first response to your statement about what you call the god/devil myth. I was actually trying to be lighthearted but as usual missed the mark.
I just feel that my faith is just as valid as your lack of it. And hat I have a right to defend it. Even to attempt to share it when I can.
I find that when I do however, it is usually met with defensiveness and a patronizing attitude.
You didn’t surprise me. But truly, I meant no offense.
My best to you as well.
Everyone has biases, even me. I think no ones religious or spiritual beliefs are more legitimate than another’s is what I’m saying is all. You may disagree and that’s fine. I’m not a purveyor of truth because I am a biased subjective human being, but I’ll share my take on things and say why I think that.
I believe nature is sacred and that’s how I feel connected to something more than material existence and when I feel love and compassion and stuff like that. Maybe I’ll call that the god of love, in my own way, not how any book has prescribed for me.
To attempt to tell someone that their beliefs are not valid or that something else is the only way it should be done is authoritarian.
What if there are multiple gods out there? If deities exist, why can’t there be two or three or hundreds? These are just thought experiments that really have no concrete answer based on physical evidence. Even if there was physical evidence some may interpret it differently and have a different theory.
And if someone celebrates multiple deities harming no one, who cares? And if a deity would be angry and jealous and send someone to hell for that seems wrong, the antithesis of love. It’s like a little kid that ruins someone’s sand castle because they were jealous. Why would a creator of all things do that? Who am I to judge? I do judge because I am who I am and I exist and I have my own view and that’s enough for me.
My view is that I sometimes believe in some type of creator or creators of the universe and other times just not sure and say to myself who knows. But I do care about our species and the earth and the living things on the planet irrespective of what more may exist. I think life on earth is pretty remarkable and I’d like to keep it that way.
This is the only hot “reply” for you. My reply to your last one…
>>I maintain that there is actual evidence that God exists and am certainly willing to discuss the subject.>>
Then why haven’t you offered it?? Personal testimony and biblical quotes is not proof.
>>…it strikes me as rather offensive way of communicating…”>>
The “love” I have for others is the honoring of life, sentience, not the stepping lightly to not hurt feelings. Just like one treats a child, you love them but don’t want them take a path of nonsense.
>>It seems to me that you’ve done pretty much what every other creator of their own religion does.>>
That is a very cliche’ BS argument that Christians use far too much. I have NO RELIGION. I really don’t care how life started on the planet or what happens when we die.
I am very pissed off at the use of religion to control the natural evolutionary progress of humanity. Stultifying expansion of consciousness, etc.
>>A true Christian judges himself according to their conscience which should align with the Word of God.>>
As if non believers in myth have no conscience of worth??
>>But he doesn’t seek to force others to adopt his beliefs. He shares his faith.>>
Exodus 22:20 Must kill those who worship another god, those who are not Christian or Jewish.
Deuteronomy 13:12-16 Kill all the people of any city who worship differently than you.
Mark 6:11 Any city not receiving followers of “Jesus” will be destroyed worse than Sodom & Gomorrah.
1 John 5:19 Christians are “of God;” everyone else is wicked.
Philippians 2:10 Everyone has to worship “Jesus” — whether they want to or not.
>>Ejdoyle, I regret being snarky in my first response to your statement…I was actually trying to be lighthearted but as usual missed the mark.>>
Thanks. Comment box dialog is far from an ideal way to embrace deep discussions.
>>I just feel that my faith is just as valid as your lack of it.>>
Not talking about your right to have faith in something, just my concern for my own well being from the most asinine rules and punishments in life based on a lie.
IE: Imagine being in a trial for your life and the court asks you to swear to god you will tell the truth and you say NO. 12 jurors, the Judge, etc. would immediately have you convicted. That is just one example of the countless ways your “faith” intrudes into others lives.
>>And hat I have a right to defend it. Even to attempt to share it when I can. I find that when I do however, it is usually met with defensiveness and a patronizing attitude.>>
Your “faith” and the other organized religions have tortured and killed MILLIONS of people for not buying the nonsense. Of course we aren’t happy with being called sinners, that we are going to hell for eternity, etc., etc.
Thanks, EJ
I don’t think you should be met with animosity for sharing your faith. I think you are a good natured kind person. I have had some very nice co workers who were very very Christian who were really kind and also tried to share their religion with me. I actually found it very sweet. She didn’t mention going to hell, which I would have been an immediate put off. She wanted to share something she loved to give me love.
I don’t think sharing something with someone is wrong. I hope that what I said was not offensive. I certainly didn’t mean it to be. I think people feel passionate about some things and then what they say can come off wrong especially with written word.
Steve Smith
I kinda see where your at but I wont even give people my phone number at stores 🙂 Right from my first time on the internet I got a feeling it could gather way more info then was good so I feed it as little as possible.
In real life I am much like I am online, I’ve had plenty of IRL arguments.
I’ve had a couple of folks freak out when I pointed out that the Death Rate was going higher nowadays then during coof. I hate liars most of all and keeping quiet can be almost as bad, because if humans are not allowed to use Reason clearly then they cant survive
Hey Knothead 🙂
1st Nice reply to Duck regarding name usage. Indeed, I’m on a Honda Rebel motorcycle site as Desert Rebel as I live in the AZ High Desert.
2nd I did a lot of sailing myself in the bay area, racing on a Cal 20 or just messing in an 8 foot dagger board. Down in So Cal a buddy from Peru had a 25 or 30 foot boat and we would go beyond sight of land in it. He had sailed all the way up to Coronado. Also was on a troop ship from New Jersey to Bremerhaven, Germany. 10 days of a most amazing experience.
3rd Not angry at “god” as I don’t believe in it but rather anger at the misuse of our natural desire to give thanks to the unknown for our sentience by the controllers, creating the monster of Organized Religion.
My best.
“…The male-dominator system has burned, razed, and destroyed books, temples, holy sites, libraries, and tribal ceremony and ritual for thousands of years in the name of “God.”
Their goal: to purge all ideas, memories, and understanding of the prior egalitarian, peaceful, goddess/tribal based spiritual expressions from the collective mind of the people…..”
I am pretty sure that is not historically true.
The idea of a European paleolithic Mother Goddess cult and Matriarchal societies is no longer taken as seriously as it was back when such greats as Robert Graves were working. Its gone the way of the “European witch cult” idea which only got popular because the person who came up with it wrote the witchcraft entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica and thus people took it to be fact when it was just speculation. As I understand it there is now a split between fundamentalist Wicca which clings to the debunked Mother goddess stuff and what I’ll call “Reform” Wicca which sees it more as symbolic. (lolololol….humans always go in circles. 😉 )
There is no evidence that pre-civilized people are, or ever were, egalitarian or peaceful. That is the myth of rich Enlightenment weirdos (and/or perverts) like Rousseu. Pretty much anywhere you find primitive people in numbers where they have resource scarity they whack each other, from Aussie Aborigines to New Gunie. That people think other wise is due to weaponized anthropology of people like Boaz andthe notorious liar Margret Mead
short Article on Margret Mead
>>I am pretty sure that is not historically true.>>
Well I guess you got me there with some deep insight :-/
>>The idea of a European paleolithic Mother Goddess cult….”
Your agenda, not what I was addressing.
>>There is no evidence that pre-civilized people are, or ever were, egalitarian or peaceful.>>
Yeah, I guess thousands of years of no evidence of armies or weapons isn’t enough for you.
>>Pretty much anywhere you find primitive people in numbers where they have resource scarity they whack each other…>>
Exception, not the rule.
>>That people think other wise is due to weaponized anthropology of people like Boaz andthe notorious liar Margret Mead>>
You win, I am just a fool for not thinking like you.
I find ancient archaeology fascinating and am not very well informed about what’s been found and what can be discerned from ancient artifacts. But it’s definitely fascinating to learn about how ancient humans and even pre historic humans lived and see that there were other spiritual practices that existed and how spirituality has been a part of humanity for a long time.
I do find evolutionary theories compelling, that more complex life forms evolved from more simple life forms. And Even if life arose here randomly as some believe, it’s still incredible. How did the matter come together at just the right time? What is the force that made that possible? Some people believe in purpose, or that our existence has some meaning and I find that idea more compelling than a random accident, but I can’t prove it. And I certainly don’t know this for a fact.
The fact that anything exists at all is pretty amazing to me. If I evolved from a simple type of life to me does not negate the possibility of something beyond our material experience. Not that anyone is making that claim, but I think that is what some people assume which is why they oppose questioning religion.
I often wonder how our universe was formed and if there was a big bang, what existed before? It just seems like something had to have “made” “it” or some unknowable force or something amazing came together to allow all of this. It’s mind blowing to me. I don’t think there is a reductive formula that explains everything, religious, spiritual or scientific.
I liked that JC had that podcast on the unknown unknowns about humility. I definitely don’t believe that authoritarianism is the way forward though no matter what flavor it has, religious or scientific.
“……>>I am pretty sure that is not historically true.>>
Well I guess you got me there with some deep insight :-/…”
Thank you, I am suprised you agree so easily, but since I also have historical evidence on my side its good you changed you POV. 😉
“…..>>There is no evidence that pre-civilized people are, or ever were, egalitarian or peaceful.>>
Yeah, I guess thousands of years of no evidence of armies or weapons isn’t enough for you……..”
What are you talking about?
Have you never seen the stone age massacres and the mini wars that almost every primitive tribe used to wage on each other?
Just because they cant field armies of millions or tanks and planes does not make it “not war” and just because its eight guys going headhunting they are still pretty much “an Army”, just a really tiny one.
“….>>Pretty much anywhere you find primitive people in numbers where they have resource scarity they whack each other…>>
Exception, not the rule…..”
What example do you have of a non violent society???? I am sure that on some isolated island one may exist BUT I DO NOT KNOW OF ONE and I bet you do not either.
“…..>>That people think other wise is due to weaponized anthropology of people like Boaz andthe notorious liar Margret Mead>>
You win, I am just a fool for not thinking like you…..”
To rip off Stephan Molyenux “NOT AN ARGUMENT” but instead an appeal to sarcasm. Not the mark of a person who has something worth saying….if you want to address the point do so, if not your not worth listening to
“….e results show comparatively high death rates among the Hiwi and highlight differences in mortality rates among hunter-gatherer societies. The high levels of conspecific violence and adult mortality in the Hiwi may better represent Paleolithic human demographics than do the lower, disease-based death rates reported in the most frequently cited forager studies…”
https:/ /www .theguardian. com/science/2016/jan/20/stone-age-massacre-offers-earliest-evidence-human-warfare-kenya
“…Stone-age massacre offers earliest evidence of human warfare
Researchers say remains of 27 murdered tribespeople in Kenya prove attacks were normal part of hunter-gatherer relations…”
www .livescience. com/27055-neolithic-skulls-show-violence.html
“…Nearly 10 percent of the Swedish skulls exhibited signs of violent injury, and nearly 17 percent of the Danish skulls had such wounds. Men had more nonfatal injuries, but women were just as likely as men to have lethal head wounds — which can be identified because they never healed….”
If you do not want to bother reassembling the links given just highlight and “Search for” and duck Duck go has been taking me right to the page.
Your red herring fallacy work does not interest me.
You pushed yourself into our conversation to exhibit some knowledge about primitive cultures, etc. and asserting that everyone agrees (bandwagon) in a narcissistic manner.
Then selectively using facts (card-stacking) fallacy to prove YOUR point. I don’t care about your point. We were discussing the existence of god.
Sorry, I thought yout conversation had ended.
I was however pushing in to point out that you were saying something that is demonstrably WRONG about history. I even did my best to show you why it was wrong.
If you have no interest in being factually correct then I shall not waste my time, sorry to have bothered you
Your narcissistic nonsense just can’t give up on one more jab to showcase how smart you are, hiding behind an anonymous name and pretending to be so altruistic in your attempt to “edumacate the boy.”
You are not “sorry” about anything Duck, don’t play games.
Dude, now I REALLY am sorry- mainly for you.
If your ego gets so hurt when your called out for talking nonsense then there is probably no hope you will ever know anything worth knowing or say anything worth hearing.
“…. hiding behind an anonymous name….”
Dude, if you actually post stuff by your own real name on the open internet your kinda silly.
“Dude, if you actually post stuff by your own real name on the open internet your kinda silly.”
Color me silly. ?
I understand why folks are hesitant about revealing their own identity online but I just never felt that I should hide behind a pseudonym.
Many years ago when I first started posting on a sailboat site called Sailnet. I used a screen name. I was Knothead. Because I was a rigger and enjoyed marlinspike work. (Nautical Knots and such). But everyone knew who I was and how to find me in real life.
Eventually I stopped using the site when they began censoring “off topic” posts.
Since then I have used my real name everywhere. Gootube, bitchute, here. It just seems right for me. I think that it kinda helps keep me from posting anything that I would not be willing to say to someone in person.
Perhaps its foolish but it keeps me honest.
I don’t intend to disparage anyone who doesn’t feel that way. Just thought that I would explain why I choose transparency for myself.
Ejdoyle, I sincerely hope that you find a way to deal with your anger at God.
Just can’t let it go can you?
That narcissistic need for being right.
You are just some unknown digital dude that means nothing to my life. Get help.
I can’t reply to Steve, so I’m hoping this ends up below his reply to you, Duck.
Steve Smith is practically a pseudonym- at least such a common name that tracking down a specific Steve Smith would be a challenge unless they (like you) made it obvious. 🙂
In the early 90s, I worked at a Honda dealership in Wisconsin. I knew three Steve Smiths. One was at our dealership and another was at a competing dealership. 🙂 I know there was a third, but I can’t remember now where I knew him from. When I first saw your name here, I thought it would be funny if you were someone I knew from the past…. 🙂
“…Just can’t let it go can you?..”
I am glad to see yout the better man in this 😉 lol
“…That narcissistic need for being right….”
Nope, a Narcissist needs people TO THINK they are right.
I need to BE correct, it is a different character flaw. I want what I think to be true EVEN IF I DO NOT LIKE THAT TRUTH.
I have no desire to ‘be part of your life’, i come to the internet so others can test my thinking and break it down as countless people have done over the last 20 years…. I USED to be a left-ish wing Atheist who believed in Evolution and Big Government solutions.
Attaching your self worth to ‘winning’ arguments is for fools.
I agree, Duck. I want to be right. I want to align myself with truth and be willing to change my mind/views to become right if I am not right. I don’t want to win arguments. I want to know truth.
Wouldn’t our judicial system (and the whole world) be so much better if the goal was to find out the truth instead of to just win a case, even when that means obfuscating, purposely misleading, deceiving…?
After binge-listening to CR at work yesterday (my biweekly chance to catch up while cleaning a house that has wifi), I then listened to an interview (not a new topic to me) about how unreliable the dating methods are. When various methods are used on the same rocks, they give different dates. Then the scientists choose the one they like best, that will validate their timeline. Even when rocks of KNOWN AGE are dated, they come back with drastically wrong dates.
If when we know the actual dates of rocks, the dating methods are wrong, and if when dated with different methods, the dates don’t match, then how on earth can any of those dating methods be trusted?
As with many, many (probably all) areas of scientific study, there are serious disagreements among the “experts,” which the scientific journals obscure and gloss over to make it seem like there is consensus when presenting to the public.
I’m currently reading a book called Carved in Stone by Timothy Clarey, a geologist with decades of experience. I highly recommend his research, articles, presentations, and books to anyone interested in the topics of geology, rock layers, fossils, etc.
It is common these days for people to distrust just about everything. For me, with so many honest scientists and geologists plus new methods of dating, if they are half off on 200 million by 50% then so what hey?? ?
A few days ago, I finished reading a book I had started a while back. The title is Evolution’s Blunders, Frauds, and Forgeries by Jerry Bergman. I highly recommend it. Just reading chapter 18, describing the feuds and outright violence among scientists, was worth the price of the book, and a really good way to wrap it up after many specific instances of what goes on “behind the scenes.” Some sub-headings are: why the problem of fraud exists in science today, recent cases illustrate the seriousness of the problem, how common is deceit in science?, reasons why deceit is so common, fraud in science was historically common, ignoring failures, problems with peer preview, is science self-correcting?, replication: another myth, and separating fraud and mistakes.
Many of the chapters deal with geology – specifically fossils that are found in the rock layers. Both rocks and fossils are dated with circular reasoning and dating methods that are unreliable.
When rocks from the 1980 eruption at Mount St. Helens were dated with typical dating methods, they dated at much, much older than the date that was actually known as fact.
Millions/billions of years … what’s the difference?
Millions/billions/trillions of dollars … what’s the difference?
This is a problem since humans have a hard time conceiving of these numbers, so they just “trust the experts.”
Luke 5:14?
Maybe this only bothers me but people always shake books they show to the camera. I find it annoying as it’s difficult to read it and see what the cover looks like.
Speaking of Noam Chomsky’s treachery (or ignorance?) I was pretty taken back when I shared his “10 strategies of manipulation by the media” article ( which you can find here: ) with someone during the heart of overt scamdemic government propaganda and chicanery (which our puppet governments and their bought and paid for mass media outlets were pretty much following like an operational rule book) and my friend sent me this:
Chomsky called for “the unvaccinated to be ‘isolated’ from society” (more on this here: )
I am wondering what you fine people of the Corbett Report community think of this.
Given he obviously has a pretty vivid and detailed understanding of how people are gaslighted and manipulated by the banksters, corporations (and their subservient government/msm goons/actors) and he also decided to go full on Covidian Cult mode, do you think this is just due to senility (resulting in his fragile mind being bulldozed into falling in line by the very propaganda he warned people about for decades)? Or do you think he was pressured by someone close to him (or some other unknown person/group) to knowingly become a turncoat and align his words with the propaganda of the plutocracy (while consciously knowing the harm it would do) ?
My highly subjective take on the subject as expressed a couple of years ago on these boards:
“…At the dawn of the 60s he became a founding member of the CIA-mentored radical New Left movement financed by various fortunes including Warburg, Rockfeller, Samuel Rubin and the Ford foundation the key organization being the Institute for Policy Studies, a Washington DC based think tank whose claim to fame was incubating such radical groups as the Weather Underground, the Black Panthers and Students for a Democratic Society thus helping the founders to gradually move US opinion towards demanding a sustainable, collectivist UN world government in the name of civil rights. He also famously began peddling the BS that is the Warren Commission’s version of the JFK assassination. That was also the decade when he provided this endorsement of what he called Mao Tse-tung’s “relatively livable” and “just society only five years after the end of the great Chinese famine of 1958–1962, the worst in human history:
“…China is an important example of a new society in which very interesting and positive things happened at the local level, in which a good deal of the collectivization and communization was really based on mass participation and took place after a level of understanding had been reached in the peasantry that led to this next step…”
At the dawn of the 70s Chomsky is credited with helping CIA operative Ellsberg produce the staged release of the Pentagon Papers (along with Howard Zinn) and defending Pol Pot’s regime in Cambodia.
Duplicitous with his denunciation of the BDS movement, while claiming to champion the Palestinian cause, he is hypocritical in his abusive use of the term Conspiracy theory, a practice he himself had famously denounced.
In summing up his commentary on “The Shame of Noam Chomsky and the Gatekeepers of the Left,” Barrie Zwicker, a former fan, protégé and booster who’d modestly participated in the creation of “Manufacturing Consent” observed: “When he is not appearing to undermine the American Empire, which is the main thing he does, [Chomsky] is buttressing it by undermining the most effective and therefore dangerous foe the Empire faces—the conscious Left.”…
“At the ripe old age of 44, as a freshly awoke truther neophyte, reeling from the deep, dark implications of 9/11, I stumbled onto the concept of Gatekeeping and most particularly Chomsky’s prolific career in the domain. This produced another dizzyingly harsh slap in the face. As Mr. Zwicker opines:
“How many could imagine that the person warning you is one of the most perilous against whom you’ll need to defend yourself? That he is the fire marshal who wires your house to burn down, the lifeguard who drowns you, the doctor with a disarming bedside manner who administers a fatal injection? If Noam Chomsky did not exist, the diaboligarchy would have to invent him. To the New World Order, he is worth 50 armored divisions.”
People like Chomsky are a principle reason why “the sheeple normies” never wake up. He’s largely contributed to worsening the tragic plight of the Palestinians while appearing holier-than-thou rightous. He’s largely why we’re careening towards technocracy and closer to home, why I can’t have a sensible and satisfying conversation with my family or friends anymore.
His world view did not go “Puf” with 9/11. He’s smugly complicit in the controlled demolition of the Human condition.
Using truth as a trojan horse for poisonous mind control, his intellect is surpassed only by his manipulative cynicism.
A burning slap whose sting continues to fuel disgust, sadness and revolt.”
So after JFK, the BDS movement, bipartisan voting for the lesser of two evils and 9/11 we can add Covid vaccination.
I appreciate you sharing that. I suppose I never really looked into his work that deeply, just stumbled across a video clip here or a quote there.
Looks like ‘turncoat’ would not be as appropriate as lifelong shill or sellout.
Looks like ‘turncoat’ would not be as appropriate as lifelong shill or sellout.
…tenured at the R&D branch of the DOD, aka the Massachusetts Institute for Technology.
Great comments. Chomsky was very good at fooling people. I even believed him at first but when he refused to look at 9/11 a red flag went up in my mind and that’s when I found the podcast by JC on Noam Chomsky the academic gatekeeper and was blown away by the logic and concise analysis that was well supported.
It’s disappointing about Howard Zinn because he really seemed genuine and maybe even believes some of the propaganda on some level. Chomsky on the other hand is always very detached when he speaks which is telling in retrospect. He mixes truth with lies to dilute the truth and confuse people. His insight and knowledge of linguistics is impressive and that he uses his mind and energy for evil purposes is baffling to me. I don’t understand why someone would use their gift to hurt people unless they are very evil themselves.
As the other responders outlined, Chomsky is not senile, or even truly a traitor to the cause. He is more likely a long term deep asset of the State and he fits the definition of the limited hangout; telling the truth just enough to get you to buy his lies when it really counts (as far as the State is concerned). Madison Avenue has always believed that people look to authorities rather than do the hard work of researching things for themselves. By setting himself up as a counter culture icon, he has a lot of power to steer the lefties who look up to him. The only way we the people can avoid things like this is to do the work needed, to research every issue important to us, and to avoid shortcuts offered by “authorities”, no matter how cool their rep is.
“Chomsky called for “the unvaccinated to be ‘isolated’ from society” “
Or how about Alan Dershowitz’s infamous decree that the unvaccinated should all be held down against their will and jabbed, during his debate with RFK Jr. in July 2020?
The jab hadn’t even been released yet and Dershowitz not only was giving his stamp of approval for it, but saying it should be mandated for all !
RFK Jr. ripped Dershowitz apart in that debate; it was a joy to watch.
It sure was. RFKJr talked circles around him, after Dershowitz’s intro about how much he and RFKJr had in common and how far back they go…. Dershowitz did even say at one point something to the effect that he really didn’t know much about the topic at all. Good that he didn’t have much to say. It wouldn’t have been worth hearing anyway. I agree. It was a joy to watch. 🙂
I’ll never be able to get through all of the books recommended through the past couple years. It’s amazing how much knowledge is so easy to access and how little the majority of us actually do.
Has anyone read the book “Scanned” by Nick Corbishley?
I actually did make it through to the end James!
A badge of honour perhaps? 🙂
Yes a title change would make the name of the episode more accurate.
Perhaps “An Al Qaeda Reading list”?
I did a search of your site for the Christchurch shootings and was surprised to come up short.
If you ever wish to research another false flag attack, that one is ripe and waiting for you! I’d be glad to help out on it.
This is the BBC doing a report on the USS Liberty, talking about how Israel deliberately tried to sink a US ship and almost started WW3…. the atomic bombs were reportedly in the air on US jets.
The doc also talks about the NSA intercepts that prove that the Israeli pilots KNEW it was a US ship, and talks about the machine gunning of life rafts (a war crime) and if I recall the Israeli helicopters that were almost landed on the ship to murder the last of the US sailors so the crime could be blamed more easily on other parties with no witnesses.
Liberty, dead in t the water BBC documentary