Earlier this year I wrote about “The Globalist’s SECRET Message!”
If you read that editorial, you’ll know the “secret” message turns out to be remarkably open and shockingly frank: “There are too many useless eaters out there and it’s time to get rid of them!” (SPOILER: You are, in the globalists’ estimation, just such a “useless eater.”)
So, we already know about the technocrats’ plan for global depopulation. Now, how about their political action plan? How is it that these enemies of humanity propose to organize the polities of the world as they send us to the slaughter pen?
Why, as it turns out, that plan isn’t much of a secret, either! In fact, its creators have written and talked about it extensively and out in the open. Want to hear about it? Let’s take a look.
Oh, James, what an inspiring & motivating piece of writing! Thank you for spelling all of this out like this, making it easier for folks like me to process & disseminate in a simple-to-digest manner — sharing your work as well as sharing my own processed understanding of it all in light of my personal experience & exploration. Great stuff! Again, thank you!
Thanks James, Its nice to have a concise reference to turn to for when we’re asked the inevitable question.
“Who is This They You’re Talking About?”
Basically Satanism. Out with the OWO, in with the NWO. Only most of these guys are puppets and aren’t even ‘bloodline’, like Gates. Almost every one of them in front of the spotlights are expendable pawns/puppets here in the West. Mother Nature will arrive within the next couple of years to clean house anyway, so they want their NWO setup beforehand for better control of the chaos they are helping to create. Can they control the global chaos? Do these globalists, transhumanists realize they are but puppets? They’ve been brainwashed/mind controlled with the same BS and think they are special, masters of the universe when they are the opposite. In psychology this is called projection. Did we expect anything else from puppets?
My main question about the NWO is that if dozens of the world’s most powerful people/organizations very badly want totalitarian global governance, why exactly haven’t they achieved it yet? I mean, they are pretty close to totalitarian global governance in a lot of ways, but given that they have so much power (militarily, technologically, financially, politically, etc.), and so many people believe (seemingly) anything governments tell them, I can’t figure out what is holding them back. I used to think it was Russia, but the points James has made (Putin being buddies with Kissinger, Russia’s central bank being part of the BIS) has left me confused.
The international fascist coalition is still organizing, still in need of a coherent ideology.
In Italy it is immigrants, as it is in Hungary and Latin America, to name a few places.
CPAC, an extreme right theocratic fascist coalition set up in the US just met in Brazil for its second time, just culminated their meeting with many world leaders in attendance.
Your question is kind of like, “Well why has the US not taken Cuba, its economy is dying and people fleeing?
Because the material conditions are not favorable now and Cuba can easily be used as a pawn.
No, the ideological roots of the new international fascist order is still in its primacy.
It will grow with Germany and France facing fascism again.
In America it is already present, but perhaps unseen by many.
The world is dividing between the fascist global north and the merging global south.
And only a critical thinking, organized people can expose it and then extirpate it.
Maybe those at the top can’t agree as to who should be in charge, with Russia and China part of the scheme, will they be happy to let others dictate terms. The corruption is so deep and so endemic, realistically, how could an organisation that is so inherently corrupt keep their own greed for power and control under control. Something to consider…
Hi, what’s the BIS?
The Bank of International Settlements. I honestly dont know too much about it, but it is the central bank of central banks, and James has made the point it is odd that the central bank of the country that is supposedly giving the middle finger to the NWO was, until recently, part of the BIS system (Russia).
Ohhh! Thank you!
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
“the so-called ‘bank of central bankers’”
kristy, that is a very good question.
I never knew what it was until I heard James explain it.
Start here on the 5th paragraph at this James Corbett sentence:
The crash course for those who don’t know about the BIS:…
Bank of International Settlements? I think.
HERE is the Anna archive link to “Tower of Basel” book about the BIS- they also have a YouTube account of stuff they get up to, which is (deliberately) amazingly boring for the most part. I will find the audio book
AUDIO BOOK version of “Tower of Basel” about the Bank of International Settlements.
I can not vouch for how complete it is, but it was an interesting book when I listened some years back on a dif channel
“…..My main question about the NWO is that if dozens of the world’s most powerful people/organizations very badly want totalitarian global governance, why exactly haven’t they achieved it yet?….”
Because, while I believe that their ultimate string pullers are demonic entities, the human players are mostly acting in their own self interest- meaning that they spend lots of time fighting each other too.
The idea entertained by many people when they get into the reality of conspiracies is that there is some kind of Grand Leadership that directs every player at all times- this is clearly not the case because if it were we would already be dead or in ze pods.
Right now Trump and HIS band of criminals appear to be having it out with the establishment criminals and (see ‘Pete Quinoes show’ and the book “populist delusion”) we may soon see a ‘circulation of elites’. This may end up being a good thing if it comes off, but if its not it probably wont be any worse then what we have now.
Putin can not be super rich and powerful if he lets the Atlantic Powers destroy the base of his power, the US Banking Elite can not be rich and powerful if they let Europe or Russia destroy the source of their power. The west is so full of harmful ideas that its basically ruining its own ability to control the world so other players are starting to look out for their own needs.
The true One World Government is probably not going to happen any time soon, it can only happen when one player destroys the power of all the others and can do whatever they like- and personally I think THAT is only going to happen when the actual End Times /antichrist arrive.
Thanks for your insight. I think your point about fighting elites makes sense. It reminds me about the Tom Luongo point that Powell took us off of LIBOR against the interest of European bankers, or how Whitney Webb said that Epstein, as powerful as he was, got taken out by John Brennan because Epstein was close to MBS and Brennan was friends with Muhammad bin Nayef.
You’re saying there is no grand leadership because we would all be dead or in pods? Where’s the logic in that? Where’s the evidence they fight among themselves? All the worlds governments and leaders were literally in lock step locking their entire population down simultaneously during the scamdemic. To me that seems like some pretty persuasive grand leadership. Sure seems like Trump and Putin were answering to the exact same beck and call. These are the shadows on the cave walls as James often correctly points out. My guess is they step out of line and they’re JFK’d. I highly doubt theres much ‘fighting amongst themselves’ going on.
I wrote all the stuff below then realized that its like the argument about Pr-destination….unimportant because if its all controlled then You Cant DO ANYTHING and if its not all totally controlled THINKING that they control everything sucks away you will and ability TO do anything. Its a ‘learned hekplessness ‘ psy-op
“…..You’re saying there is no grand leadership because we would all be dead or in pods? Where’s the logic in that?…..”
The Logic is IF they want to do that AND they had all the power THEN they would.
Maybe you should answer THIS puzzle IF they have the power WHY are you able to live a life of YOUR choosing???
“……. Where’s the evidence they fight among themselves? All the worlds governments and leaders were literally in lock step locking their entire population down simultaneously during the scamdemic…….”
Then WHY are you not still locked down?
You know, the mafia might have looked like they were in lock step to the people they were extorting protection from but the different families would often fight each other.
“….. To me that seems like some pretty persuasive grand leadership. Sure seems like Trump and Putin were answering to the exact same beck and call…..”
Yes, if you have no idea whats going on it might seem that way.
“….. These are the shadows on the cave walls as James often correctly points out. My guess is they step out of line and they’re JFK’d…….”
Saying THAT, follwed by
“….. I highly doubt theres much ‘fighting amongst themselves’ going on…..”
Its very hard to follow your reasoning here. I thought we were talking about whether the globalist are pretty much all in alignment with each other, not if they have complete and total control over every aspect of OUR lives. Those are two very different things and It seems like your confusing the two.
And as for the JFK thing, I literally draw the exact opposite conclusion. He wasn’t going along with their agenda and they took him out. It doesn’t mean theres fighting amongst the string pullers, it just means JFK WASN’T a string puller, he was a puppet, part of the political class, who exercised too much free will. He got where he was because he came from a long line of puppets.
“… talking about whether the globalist are pretty much all in alignment with each other, not if they have complete and total control over every aspect of OUR lives….”
Because if they WERE in total alignment then they WOULD have total control over almost everything.
If they had total control over everything then they WOULD HAVE DONE EVERYTHING they wish.
Its the same with ‘the jews’ or ‘the mafia’, sub groups within generally have similar goals and values to each other, but the factions will fight over who gets power or have slightly different visions.
As to JFK….no, he was very much on board with globalism. He was on board with making the USA multicultural and part of the world system.
He was killed because he and some other players had different interests.
The idea that they all pull exactly in time with each other is Q-anon level BS based on people not understanding how power works.
Stalins goals were not different from Trotskys goals….but they fought each other for the power. When two kings fought in the middle ages they probably had almost exactly the same ideas and goals. When Your boss back stabs his boss its generally not because he wants to do anything different.
City councils, government offices, private companies – everywhere where where power is you see the same behavior because its human nature.
Interesting comparison with the mafia and I think it’s a good one.
Psychology of narcissists and power hungry people known about are good templates to understand how some of the “elite” operate.
Different factions fighting for control makes sense to me. Although I do think some people of vast wealth probably have more pull.
Ok yeah I see your point about there being the same objective, but different people vying for power, that does make sense.
Do you really not see the logical fallicy you’re making here?
“Because if they WERE in total alignment then they WOULD have total control over almost everything.”
Just because a few hundred globalist are in alignment, DOES NOT mean they control every other person on the planet. There are what 8 billion people on the planet? Probably a high bar to accomplish to control everyone regardless of how much in alignment these people are. One does not necessitate the other at all.
“..Right now Trump and HIS band of criminals appear to be having it out with the establishment criminals…”
Talk about “Q-anon level BS”. That’s the exact narrative they want you to believe. Its total malarkey. Strange you spew Q nonsense and then accuse others of that.
I don’t know why you’re trying to paint this picture of the elite as a incompetent, disorganized group fighting amongst themselves but i find it laughable tbh. Also you seem to continually confuse the string puller/globalist with the political class/puppets. Do you really not understand these are a different group of people all together?
“…Just because a few hundred globalist are in alignment, DOES NOT mean they control every other person on the planet. There are what 8 billion people on the planet? Probably a high bar to accomplish to control everyone…”
Not if those globalists control the police and army and the administrators.
The disorganized mass is weak and ineffective against the organized minority, as Neema Parvini writes in “populist Delusion”
“…. Its total malarkey. Strange you spew Q nonsense and then accuse others of that…..”
When have I EVER said anything positive about Q anon? Who did I call a Qtard in this thread? I drew a LIKENESS not a line.
“…..string puller/globalist with the political class/puppets. Do you really not understand these are a different group of people all together?….”
You generalize too much IMO….at the end of the day a big banker has power, but the people who control the legal system also have power. There are lots of power centers (‘castles’) and not one of them is in total control.
“…I don’t know why you’re trying to paint this picture of the elite as a incompetent, disorganized group fighting amongst themselves…”
I dont see why you feel the need to put them on a pedestal except as an excuse for your own failure to do anything
I think they have achieved it they just obfuscate this from the masses the best they can. Its probably a lot easier to control people if they believe they’re free and don’t understand how or even that they’re enslaved. Plus if they can keep people believing in their national sovereignty then they can keep perpetuating wars between countries. Its the classic divide and conquer. Can’t give that up!
The perpetual warfare model is definitely part of the scheme, and your other points seem valid as well.
Good question. I second Duck’s rationale as to why we don’t have a one world government. People who desire power and achieve it want to be on top. There will always be a struggle between “elites” and even non elites and regular people who don’t like taking orders from others.
I also think part of it is cultural. If we look at China for example, totalitarianism is much more accepted although they do have a lot of cheating and bribing going on, but also more compliance and acceptance because of cultural differences.
In the USA, there is still the belief in some semblance of freedom and constitutional rights.
Ultimately though, people in “authority” overwhelmingly rely on compliance to rule. When people become sick to death of something, it is human nature to rebel IMO. Perhaps less in some cultures, but not in others.Even in China though, people get sick of it and there were massive protests against the “Zero Covid” agenda several years ago. And they had “balls” to protest over there because they could actually be killed by the government.
I don’t think people will put up with it ever to be honest.
Yeah my guess for the future is a world where certain regions and countries are relatively free, and other parts are enslaved in a technocratic hell, but I think honestly that is what some people want. I have family members who are still getting booster shots. Need I say more.
Yeah, I think there will always be pockets of liberty. The growth of the technocracy though and the promotion of it is frightening. They are selling it to people so that they desire it. Like Facebook and Instagram and all thee dating apps and such. They are marketed to young people who are the future.
However, I do think there are many young people who will rebel against this and see the dangers of it. Ultimately, I think people will see it for what it is, which is an addictive “drug” and provides shallow experiences.
Even in China in the rural areas there are probably pockets of liberty there.
Also, I think there are innate flaws in their system, like things not working as they claim. But above all else, the shallowness and vapid existence is not sustainable over the long term.
And yeah, some people want to be ruled and told what to do and how to do it. It caters to their laziness or some other mal adaptive psychological coping mechanism.
Your excellent article is very reminiscent of the stuff I have been offering here for years James…
A few of the 45 Communist Party Goals from 60 years ago (searchable) put into the Congressional Record…
Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
UN Agneda 21&2030; UN Wildlife Project; The New World Order Agenda, etc.
All with the same goal of a highly reduced population under 24/7 track, trace, and data basing in 5G SMART cities with no personal vehicles, no access to the country side, subsisting on a government dole that demands compliance to what ever they want.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“We will export death and violence to the four corners of the earth in defense of our great nation.”
– George W. Bush
Regarding the IRS “Army” that has now been brought into place from the bill that got passed…
Take a look at the Nebraska Cornhuskers Football stadium
That is what 85,458 people look like. Add 1542 and that is how many IRS Stasi agents will be coming for us.
The late John Trudel’s take on the corporate agenda from 1980…
JOHN TRUDEL MAY 1980 (speech)
I think the main take away here is that this has been planned for a LONG time. The system is corrupt 100%. Get out of the system -create parallel paths. There is no voting your way out. Stop participating and go else where to live free. Is there a ground war if no one puts a uniform on? Is there AI control if you put your smart phone down? Are there banks if you don’t put your value/money in them?
Good points. Years ago one of the things we would discuss is what are the solutions or alternatives to the life style behavior the public now has ingrained in their meme?
With a great majority of the population now urban dwelling in dangerous, land-less areas how to grow and feed and raise animals, etc. for survival and progress? Raised in a culture with a survival of the fittest rather then a cooperative effort, depending on SMART tech rather then being smart.
In the 80’s we had community gardens in SF that worked well, but in these drama filled days of madness I doubt they would last without being stolen from or destroyed.
When not being manipulated by regulations and rules and the such about land and water use, I have witnessed very successful gatherings of people…men, women, children living together. Children home schooled, always a nurse or medic amongst the folks for basic health issues, good sanitation and sharing of responsibilities. BUT the bureaucracy always seems to stick their noses in as well :-/
Rob h
“…..There is no voting your way out…..”
You may be right but consider what that actually means- without voting (and other political action) you are left with violence.
If you are not organized (which would be actually let you take some political action and avoid the need to actually fight) then to the state you are basically an annoyance, a petty criminal or a feral Serf they can stamp out whenever you get too irritating
“….. Stop participating and go else where to live free…..”
If you plan on living in the woods thats an easy option- but again, your still just a feral serf to the people who have armies and police forces. Also I do not know too many women that are up for living the savage life in the woods so you will be a one generation issue to the ruling class.
Right now they are still forced to pretend, even if not convincingly, that the rules matter. It makes more sense to have gather and organize and , yes, even vote for what little its worth and use the rules while you can for your own benefit
Your vote is nothing but a statement where you accept that someone else is allowed to rule over you. It changes nothing.
And you say without it, only violence is left. I disagree. A lot can be changed with not complying to rules. Another thing is that government cannot exist without violence, or the threat of using violence, so with any government violence is guaranteed.
“…..Your vote is nothing but a statement where you accept that someone else is allowed to rule over you….”
Thats a silly thing to say….they obviously are allowed to rule over you EVEN IF YOU DONT VOTE.
Do you think that you can ignore taxes and laws and stuff without them doing anything because you dont vote????
I once heard a guy say that a lot of 2A type people talk about how they will ‘fight’ if this or that happens but people who wont put the effort to vote wont ever do anything.
“….And you say without it, only violence is left. I disagree. A lot can be changed with not complying to rules. ….”
True….but at the end of the day if you are the Untaxed Indian, or the Kulak, or the runaway slave your nothing much to worry about and they can get rid of you whenever they feel like it.
“….so with any government violence is guaranteed….”
With LIFE violence is guaranteed.
rob.h wisely says:
“The system is corrupt 100%.
Get out of the system -create parallel paths.
There is no voting your way out.”
1:18:24 of the 2015 film “Shadowring”
G. Edward Griffin states:
”So if you understand who these people are, and you understand what their mission is, and how they think and what their ideology is, then most of the mysteries of the modern world of: “How come we are getting into this mess?” or “Why are doing this and so on?” – They become easy to answer.
If you don’t understand that little twist of that word: REALLY RUN AMERICA – it’s not the voters, then all of these things remain a mystery to you.”
RE: James Corbett’s July 28 newsletter Planetary Regime: The Globalists’ Blueprint in Their Own Words
These newsletters really help me. I better grasp the history with its details, and also fill in the many gaps of my own knowledge. The anchor text links are always a goldmine reference source which I sometimes refer to when disseminating. I like how Corbett uses bold and italics to help highlight aspects.
When reading this, I thought of “Why Big Oil Conquered the World”.
Brilliant article. And love the summary points at the end.
Hello James, thank you for all you do. I have been pondering a different name for ‘anarchy or nomocracy’ for some time. I have chosen to refer to myself as “self-governing”. No matter the original intent of the word the negative branding of ‘anarchy’ conjures chaos and anxiety, and nomocracy requires definition. ‘Self-governing’ is “the thing in itself”, and is instantly self explanatory.
Good point. Choosing words wisely is pretty important. Anarchy has a negative quotation (of course).
I never forget asking a 4-year old kid about what he wanted to do in life, and who decides. He said: I’m my own boss.
Not “The Onion” – Food from CO2
On Corbett’s “Recommended Reading”, he has Bill Gates FAKE lab made ‘butter’ is here ‘to significantly reduce our carbon footprint’.
I forgot where I ran across the following.
It struck me, because at first I thought that it was satire, that people were joking around like on “The Onion”.
Now, I wonder if high dosage acid-LSD is being put into the drinking water.
Dec 2023
Behind the Scenes of our Article in Nature Sustainability
by Kathleen Alexander, co-founder and CTO
The thought that shifting humans from eating animals and plants to eating fossil fuels could enable the reclamation of all of those lands…
[See U.S. Map]
…With so much stacked technoeconomic potential, we felt compelled to explore the commercialization potential of synthetic fat production…
…Fast-forward to the present, and we’ve founded a company, Savor, that is commercializing the production of agriculture-free fats.
The fats we make at Savor can be produced from fossil fuels like natural gas or from captured CO2 and green hydrogen….
Savor.it — Savor: Real fats from carbon
Website’s propaganda lies…er uh… EXCERPTS
Savor makes delightfully rich foods without animals, farmland, fertilizers, hormones, or antibiotics.
These are real fats, not a substitute.
That means all the calories to carry all the flavor. All they lack is the compromise – on performance, environmental impact, or price.
Fat has a recipe.
We start with a source of carbon, like carbon dioxide, and use a little bit of heat and hydrogen to form chains which are then blended with oxygen from air to make the fats & oils we know, love and drool over.
That’s how we get rich, delightful ingredients without animal suffering, palm plantations, or dangerous chemicals. All in the most efficient, most resilient, least polluting way known to science.
Chiffon ‘It’s Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature!’ Commercial (1974)
30 seconds
First it was margerine, which I as a questioning kid didnt understand. how is this improving on butter? and then came the education in marketing: pretty soon “margerine” wasnt enough. soon the shelves filled with labels that read “Fake ImItation Margerine”. I thought it was a joke, but knew the unspoken truth was that people wanted something untrue.. is addiction to being deceived a thing?
Only source of natural fat not mentioned there is humans. The curious lives of cadavers are barely known.
“Commercial” agricultural fertilizers, chemicals ,and pharmaceuticals are all mostly “derived” from petro/petrochemicals for a hundred years now already.
No matter their rap, it’s always at base about gaining the land, the land, the land. They can talk about “space” all they want and play their crap games over it, but they ain’t birds.
“We have PENETRATED every national government….”
Of course, they speak of “freeing and protecting” the land. Forked tongues tell half truths. Of course, it is imperative to “free the land” of their poisonous assaults, which is all it’s ever needed “freeing” of.
So they ‘ll leave the land for their pleasure and just feed us straight off with the poisons. That’s what they’ve been doing all along anyway.
I think their greatest mastery is their mask of duality. So unthinkingly accepted, they can construct anything with it.
” Bad/Good. ”
“Who’s a good doggie?”
Irina Slav
Now I remember where I got the Savor.it! (See above comment.)
It was from Irina Slav.
July 24, 2024
You are what you eat
“CHOW TM contained spun, plaited, and woven protein molecules, capped and coded, carefully designed to be ignored by even the most ravenous digestive tract enzymes; no-cal sweeteners; mineral oils replacing vegetable oils; fibrous materials, colorings, and flavorings. The end result was a foodstuff almost indistinguishable from any other except for two things. Firstly, the price, which was slightly higher, and secondly, the nutritional content, which was roughly equivalent to that of a Sony Walkman.”
The quote above is from “Good Omens”, a book originally published in 1990 and recently adapted for the screen by a team including Neil Gaiman, one of its authors, who will hopefully burn in a Hell not of his own choice for what he did to his own work. Gaiman is also the author of the quote above.
Said quote describes the work of an ambitious and very zeitgeisty Famine unleashed on the late 1980s world along with his pals. The book’s about the Apocalypse, which it details from a magnificently funny perspective. Besides funny, however, “Good Omens” is apparently also prophetic.
“We start with a source of carbon, like carbon dioxide, and use a little bit of heat and hydrogen to form chains which are then blended with oxygen from air to make the fats & oils we know, love and drool over.
That’s how we get rich, delightful ingredients without animal suffering, palm plantations, or dangerous chemicals. All in the most efficient, most resilient, least polluting way known to science.”
That quote is not from “Good Omens”. That quote is from the website of a company called Savor, which is both clever and witty, and well done. The company recently made noise in the media by declaring its synthetic product to be as good as butter, at least in terms of taste. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter 2.0, if you will….
March 21, 2024 – Corbett Report
Interview 1871 – Burn, Hollywood, Burn! with Irina Slav
Some thoughts on the UK and US elections….
Agenda 2030 – 30×30
What if you could no longer own property in America?
The environmental movement is actively working to turn half our nation into a nature preserve, off-limits to everyone from back-packers to farmers…. – American Stewards of Liberty (ASL)
NEWS June 20, 2024 – American Stewards of Liberty (ASL)
Biden Administration Targeting Seven Million Acres in Texas and New Mexico for Acquisition
On April 16, 2024, The Biden administration released the “Final Land Protection Plan & Environmental Assessment” (LPP) for the Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge to “deliver in-perpetuity conservation of up to 700,000 acres of land” for federal control in Texas and New Mexico.
However, it hasn’t been until this month (JUNE) that local, county or state officials have been notified of the Final Plan prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, New Mexico Game and Fish Department, The Nature Conservancy, and other “conservation partners….”
—–See also Carlsbad, New Mexico newspaper Jan 29, 2024…
‘Fundamental disagreement’ puts GOP and ‘bureaucrats’ in Santa Fe at odds for conservation
…Two bills introduced in the Senate this week would strip the state’s power, if passed, to buy land for conservation. The bills’ sponsors say the current plan by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham may usurp land from private landowners, which the New Mexico GOP hopes to stop.
In 2021, Lujan Grisham announced her administration would target conserving 30% of lands by 2030, aligning with the “30×30” agenda put forth by President Joe Biden….
What is 30 x 30?
30×30 is an international plan to permanently protect 30 percent of the world’s lands and oceans by 2030. These lands are to be kept in their natural state, with the ultimate goal to prohibit all human use. To attain this target they need to take control of another 400 million acres in America. This is the equivalent of protecting an additional area the size of nine states of Nebraska or two states of Texas by 2030.
President Biden launched this agenda on his sixth day in office. It was initiated by Executive Order 14008 circumventing Congress and a vote of the people. There is no Congressional or Constitutional authority for 30×30.
The Biden Administration has redirected existing funds and programs to meet this target. Every federal agency is using their authority to impose more control over Americans’ land.
The Agencies are changing the rules.
As they take control over more land, the federal agencies are increasing their regulatory powers to impose climate crisis mandates on landowners by changing…
I came across all of this 30X30 2030 agenda via Corbett Member gsamborska.
Gsamborska suggested the Meryl Nass interview by Collapse Life host Zahra Sethna about the Bird Flu.
During the interview, they briefly mentioned the Texan Margaret Byfield.
I then watched the interview with Margaret Byfield by Collapse Life host Zahra Sethna.
Private property is debt collateral for America
Most Americans have no idea how close we came to almost losing control of our private property and natural resources to rapacious Wall Street bankers and foreign adversaries. Margaret Byfield, Executive Director of American Stewards of Liberty, explains that a proposal to create so-called ‘natural asset companies’ (NACs) was withdrawn by the Securities and Exchange Commission early in 2024, but only because of a focused and relentless campaign by a small but powerful group of fighters inside and outside Washington D.C.
The defeat of NACs is only a setback for the globalist oligarchs who want it all for themselves. And that’s what makes this talk between Ms. Byfield and Collapse Life host, Zahra Sethna, so critical. It’s important to understand what the proposal to establish NACs included, and what to look for when it inevitably returns rebranded in softer and gentler terms, so it gains traction. In this 40-minute chat, you’ll see how NACs and so-called land conservation efforts are actually just very pernicious ways to seize control of more and more private property, turn it into tax income for the federal government and debt collateral.
“What will it do with the Jews, the “dark Welsh,” the “Scotch” and all the “brown, and dirty-white, and yellow people”
It seems the current controllers never got the memo on that one. As a white heterosexual male who’s still waiting for his white privilege card to arrive I eagerly anticipate the day when the hatred gets shared around a bit more. Although, now that I think about it I might just start ‘identifying’ as a special class and maybe get to share in some of the government supplied goodies?
Stunningly religious folks. Affixing humanity to the Holy Cross of Blood Sacrifice, one sacred theological “Word Nail” at a time.
“We’re here to keep you safe from yourselves and to keep you from killing one another, even and expecially if we have to kill you all to achieve that. Actually, that’s the best way of all. ”
War has always been it’s own best reason to exist.
The Planetary Patriarchal Protection Racket, in Suits and Spades
Strutting roosters, aren’t they ?
I am really beginning to appreciate, in spades, how very very afraid of not only death, but of life, they are.
They evoke zero compassion, however.
Yeah, get yourselves all together in one basket there, dudes. Thanks, that makes it easier.
What dummies.
Fantastic research. Thank you so much.
Worth knowing that the UK blocked a Barclays bid to rescue Lehman Brothers. Causing a global meltdown.
‘… to save the Wall Street bank from oblivion by arranging a takeover by Barclays – a deal doomed to fail at the eleventh hour”
H. G. Wells is one homely-looking geek. No wonder he hung out with skeletons. No chick would lay him or even give him a blow job.
I’m convinced that these globalists are just a bunch of frustrated, ugly pencil dicks who can’t get laid.
Thanks. As always, right to the point.
New Whorled Ordure
Old Whorled Ordure
James, no dessert for you until you eat what’s on your plate.
Support groups ARE available for those with DSM-5 ODD, you know.
Maybe you just don’t read enough poetry…
Rudyard Kipling, The White Man’s Burden, 1899
This famous poem, written by Britain’s imperial poet, was a response to the
American take over of the Philippines after the Spanish-American War.
Take up the White Man’s burden–
Send forth the best ye breed–
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives’ need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild–
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.
Take up the White Man’s burden–
Take in the great historical sacrifices of our noble forebears
Show a little reverence, won’t you.
Take up the White Man’s burden–
Have done with childish days–
The lightly proferred laurel,
The easy, ungrudged praise.
Comes now, to search your manhood
Through all the thankless years
Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgment of your peers!
Speak softly and carry a big stick — you will go far.
Good newsletter James.
This whole “New World Agenda” newsletter reminds me of two movies which I have watched in my lifetime: Gattaca and 1984 by George Orwell.
Here is some more of ” in their own words” weapons of mass destruction. Thanks to Dutch at dutchsince.
1987 talk by Col.Tom Bearden to the science academy.