2024 Year in Review – #SolutionsWatch

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Meet the Russians

Meet the Russians

So, can we arrive at a deeper understanding of geopolitics by challenging this overly simplistic “Putin is Russia” narrative? Let’s find out!

Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!

Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!

Think you’ve got The Great Travel Reset under control? Think you’re too smart to be fooled by the vaccine passports? Well, you’d better prepare yourself for the next Problem-Reaction-Solution psyop that’s coming along to convince you that you need to be herded into the digital ID gulag: the generated border crisis! Find out all about it in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

Teaching Children About Conspiracies – #SolutionsWatch

Teaching Children About Conspiracies – #SolutionsWatch

How do you introduce conspiracy reality to young learners in an age-appropriate way? Good question. To help us answer it, today Connor Boyack joins us once again to discuss the latest installment in the Tuttle Twins series: The Tuttle Twins Guide to True Conspiracies. By introducing documentable history from Operation Mockingbird to the Gulf of Tonkin to the Great Reset in a simple and easily understandable way, this book helps adolescents as they begin questioning authority, seeking truth, and learning to speak truth to power.

What Was the Jessica Lynch Story? – Questions For Corbett

What Was the Jessica Lynch Story? – Questions For Corbett

So you’ve watched 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory and now you’re wondering who Jessica Lynch is? Well, you can always check the hyperlinked transcript. But while we’re at it, why not dig a little further into the Jessica Lynch and learn all about how the media fabricates war stories for the consumption of the fluoride-addled, television-addicted masses?

Context Is Everything

Context Is Everything

Context is everything. If you have already internalized this point and you understand how this insight has been weaponized by the powers that shouldn’t be, great! But here’s another point to consider: we can use this insight about the importance of context to our advantage.

Paperclipped Nazis and Stay-behind Gladios (2008)

FROM 2008: In the waning days of WWII, as the cold war began to freeze Europe, as the Iron Curtain was erected, intelligence agencies began a mad scramble to recruit the best and brightest minds from Nazi Germany. Learn more about how Nazi war criminals were brought over to found NASA, work in military weapons labs and start stay-behind networks in Western Europe to carry out terror attacks in the strategy of tension.


The Assassination of Abe

As you no doubt know by now, Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister of Japan, was assassinated in broad daylight on Friday. So what happened? Who was responsible? And what does it mean? Following are the results of an open source investigation conducted by The Corbett...

July Open Thread (2022)

Don't look now, but the year is half over already. Can it be that a mere 6 months ago the scamdemic was still our biggest concern, the Canadian trucker protest hadn't happened yet, Russia's imminent invasion of Ukraine was still fake news and we had yet to see the...

The OTHER Globalist Summit

There was no shortage of coverage in the independent media of the recent World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, the first in-person gathering of so-called "Davos man" since the beginning of the scamdemic. Similarly—as noted in a recent edition of New World Next...

October Open Thread

It’s the first weekend of the month and it’s a busy one for my family here in Japan so let’s start the monthly members open thread. Corbett Report members are invited to log in and discuss anything happening in the world right now, ask any burning questions you may...

Everything is Connected!

Did you ever see Connections? It was a late-1970s' British TV series hosted by author and historian James Burke, and it was devoted to exploring "the various paths of how technological change happens and the social effects of these changes on Western society." Each...


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