Whitney and James discuss the upcoming US presidential election, how it differs from previous cycles and why rejecting the corrupt political duopoly is more important than ever
![2024 Year in Review – #SolutionsWatch](https://technovoyagers.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Solutions-Watch-2024-Year-In-Review-latest.jpg)
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Meet George Soros (2010)
From 2010: George Soros is a billionaire financier, a political meddler, a convicted criminal and a population control advocate. Find out about his vision for the New World Order on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report.
Interview 1854 – Players Cyberpunked By PlayStation – #NewWorldNextWeek
This week on the New World Next Week: the world of war continues as the military-industrial complex continues to cash in on carnage; Bayer and BASF lobby for the EU to deregulate more GMO monstrosities; and PlayStation sends paying customers’ movies down the digital memory hole.
Community Gardens – #SolutionsWatch
The earth is abundant. If you don’t believe me, just join your local community garden. Join James as he takes a trip to Osaka to learn about Japanese organic gardening and gets his hands dirty in the soil.
Conspiracy Theory (1997) – FLNWO #43
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In this special surprise edition of Film, Literature and the New World Order, James joins the Big Puff Podcast to discuss Conspiracy Theory, the 1997 action drama starring Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts and Patrick Stewart. As silly as the movie may be, it actually makes for a very interesting discussion. Enjoy! |
December Open Thread (2023)
Meet Henry Kissinger (2009)
FROM 2009: A war criminal, a genocidal eugenicist, a power-hungry plotter, a modern-day Machiavelli, a Rockefeller toadie. Meet Henry Kissinger.
The Story of the Century Just Broke (And No One Noticed)
If you're a good, credulous consumer of the lamestream media, you likely take it as a given that Russian hackers present the greatest danger to the human species in the history of our planet. Or is that Chinese hackers? Or maybe North Koreans? Meh, whatever. Details,...
October Open Thread (2022)
It's the beginning of the month, so you know what that means: open thread time! As usual, Corbett Report members are invited to log in and share their thoughts, their questions, their breaking news tips or whatever else is on their mind in the comments below. And...
“Green” Energy Is a Scam. It Isn’t MEANT to Work.
Good news, everybody! A new report from the eggheads at Oxford University assures us that switching to renewables will actually save us trillions of dollars! You heard that right. It won't cost us trillions of dollars to build out a completely new global energy grid...
February Open Thread (2022)
Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4 So, what video from The Corbett Report archives would you like to see highlighted as a future SUNDAY FLASHBACK? Corbett Report are invited to log in and leave their suggestions (as well as their...
Do NOT Go Back to Sleep! This is NOT the End!
Remember the end of The Return of the Jedi? It's something I've referenced a few times because it's a handy cultural signifier for a certain idea. For those who don't know, here's the gist: Darth Vader is dead. The Empire has fallen. The Rebels have won! Time to...
What Hitchcock Taught the Social Engineers
You'll recall that late last year I was exploring the central role that narrative plays in shaping our lives. Although it may sound trivial at first glance, story-telling is not just a fundamental part of the human experience, it is one of the primary ways we come to...
2022: The Year Ahead
I'm sure I don't need to tell you that there are many ways that the current global crisis could play out in 2022 and, sadly, none of them involve everyone joining hands and singing "Kumbaya" until the Gateses and the Schwabs of the world have a change of heart about...