In preparation for my upcoming course on The History of the Media, The Corbett Report Subscriber is presenting a three-part series on the past, present and future of mass media. In the first edition I examined How the First Media Moguls Shaped History. Last week I detailed How TV Hypnotizes You. This week I turn my attention to the nature of the online media revolution.
In the space of just two generations, we have transitioned from a world where most people subscribed to newspapers and adjusted the bunny ears on their TV sets to receive their nightly news broadcast to a world where most people browse social media posts from around the world and stream the latest news reports directly to their phone. You don’t have to go out on a limb to suggest that the “online revolution” that has taken place in the 21st century is at least as dramatic (if not more so) than the Gutenberg printing press revolution itself.
But those of us who have been pondering the nature of this online revolution might be premature in making any final pronouncements on its ultimate significance. As it turns out, the real revolution might still be in the works . . . and this revolution threatens to alter society so drastically that it could transform humanity itself.
If you’ve got your eyes peeled for such things, you’ll have already noticed the PR propaganda roll-out pimping this coming transformation.
Case in point: Facebook’s name change. In case you hadn’t heard, as of next week, Facebook will no longer be known as Facebook. At least, that’s what The Verge is reporting, telling us that “Facebook is planning to change its company name next week to reflect its focus on building the metaverse, according to a source with direct knowledge of the matter.”
So what is the “metaverse?” And what does the hype surrounding this next digital revolution tell us about the kind of world that’s coming into view?
Join me for a sweeping overview of the good, the bad and the ugly of the online media revolution in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Also, Corbett Report members can log in here for discounts on my upcoming course at Renegade University and a coupon code for 25% off Corbett Report DVDs at the new New World Next Week shop.
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I’ll be teaching a course on the history of the mass media for Renegade University this November. The course will be livestreaming on Monday nights (US/Canada time) and if you sign up for the course you will be able to watch live or watch the recorded lectures later. The general public will be able to sign up for 3 Renegade University credits, but Corbett Report subscribers can sign up for 2 course credits using THIS LINK. Please let me know if you have any problems signing up. As I recently announced, there is now a New World Next Week shop where you can purchase various products from Media Monarchy and The Corbett Report. CLICK HERE to visit the New World Next Week shop and use the coupon code subscriber25 at checkout to receive a 25% discount on any Corbett Report item just for being a Corbett Report member! |
The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 29 (October 24, 2021)
by James Corbett In the space of just two generations, we have transitioned from a world where most people subscribed to newspapers and adjusted the bunny ears on their TV sets to receive their nightly news broadcast to a world where most people browse social media posts from around the world and stream the latest news reports directly to their phone. You don’t have to go out on a limb to suggest that the “online revolution” that has taken place in the 21st century is at least as dramatic (if not more so) than the Gutenberg printing press revolution itself. But those of us who have been pondering the nature of this online revolution might be premature in making any final pronouncements on its ultimate significance. As it turns out, the real revolution might still be in the works . . . and this revolution threatens to alter society so drastically that it could transform humanity itself. If you’ve got your eyes peeled for such things, you’ll have already noticed the PR propaganda roll-out pimping this coming transformation. Case in point: Facebook’s name change. In case you hadn’t heard, as of next week, Facebook will no longer be known as Facebook. At least, that’s what The Verge is reporting, telling us that “Facebook is planning to change its company name next week to reflect its focus on building the metaverse, according to a source with direct knowledge of the matter.” So what is the “metaverse?” And what does the hype surrounding this next digital revolution tell us about the kind of world that’s coming into view? Let’s start our exploration by looking at the history of the online revolution so far and how it has already altered the course of our civilization. The Promise If you are of a certain age, you will recall the very early days of the online revolution. Who can forget the distinctive beeps and whistles of a modem logging on to the internet or the excitement of sending your first email? Back in the 1990s, the legacy media broadcasters covered the dawning of the World Wide Web in much the same way the dinosaurs might have covered the approach of the species-ending meteor. They struggled to decipher how to pronounce the “@” mark, they cooed about an “information superhighway”—the details of which they could not have explained if they tried (which they didn’t)—and they participated in cringeworthy promotional videos for the new technology that are now the stuff of internet memes. The hype surrounding the nascent medium was inescapable. It also struck you as being unbelievably overblown the moment you were subjected to the reality of the early web experience. I’ll never forget my mom’s reaction to surfing the web for the first time. After going to the homepage of The Hudson’s Bay Company and finding only the lacklustre, nonresponsive, noninteractive Web 1.0 placeholder website that was available at the time, she turned to me in surprise: “Is that it?” I told her she had to use her imagination. She’d probably be able to buy things from it one day. Indeed, the early hype about the web exists in that strange, paradoxical space reserved for truly revolutionary moments. From one perspective, all of that early coverage of the “information explosion” was misplaced: it promised to free the world and democratize all information, but, TV newscasters solemnly warned, “this could turn out to be an elitist system, one available only to people with a computer and a modem.” Like the futurists of the distant past who saw the invention of the zeppelin and envisioned fleets of blimps ferrying people over the Atlantic, the internet frenzy of the 1990s seems ridiculous to us today, even though it wasn’t that far off the mark. In a sense, all of the predictions about the web were correct: It has utterly transformed the way we learn, the way we shop, the way we receive our entertainment and the way we communicate with others. To take one example, think about the relationship between the old media dinosaurs and their audience. In the previous, offline paradigm, audience feedback was featured sparingly, if at all. Newspapers and magazines would publish “Letters to the Editor,” but they were relegated to the back pages of the A section, where few bothered to look. TV and radio, meanwhile, may have occasionally run “call in and win”-type audience participation games, but the idea of people being able to leave feedback on each individual news story broadcast on the nightly news in a publicly visible way was inconceivable. The dawn of the web did indeed change all of that. Suddenly you could leave feedback directly on the websites of the major news organizations. As time progressed and the public became bolder in calling out the blatant propaganda of the dinosaur media, the comments section of the website was where the real story was taking place. It was not unusual to see the comments section of a mainstream article flooded with feedback from the general population pointing out the holes in the story, the blatant attempts at manipulation and gaslighting taking place in the mainstream narrative, and the many, many important pieces of context that were being left out of the MSM news. . . . And that’s precisely why news outlet after news outlet, from The Philadelphia Inquirer to Popular Science to Radio New Zealand, began shutting down their comments sections over the past decade, usually hiding behind some nice-sounding blather about—in NPR’s formulation—”finding better ways to connect with you.” It wasn’t hard for the commenters who had been calling out the MSM liars to interpret this platitude; the mockingbird repeaters of the dinosaur media weren’t looking for “better ways to connect” with the public but for better ways to marginalize their voices. (Yahoo! News, of all outlets, was a notable longtime holdout against this trend, but they, too, finally succumbed last year, replacing their comments section with some self-contradictory boilerplate text about “creating a safe and engaging space for users to connect” and “improving our community experience” by “temporarily suspending comments.”) In a way, this comment crackdown speaks to the power of the online media revolution, a fulfillment—however partial and fleeting—of that initial promise that the “information superhighway” would lead to a “democratization of information” and give a voice to the average Joe. It did indeed give a voice to the average Joe. But, exactly as I pointed out earlier this year, when my YouTube channel was deleted for wrongthink, the people who originally championed this online revolution (like former Time editor Richard Stengel, who championed “You” as the Person of the Year in 2006) are the very same people who are now fretting about “online disinformation” and wondering how best to reimpose centralized control over the media. They wouldn’t be shutting down comments sections if the people’s voice weren’t important. They wouldn’t be rolling out “Russian bot” propaganda if they didn’t need the people’s approval for their coming censorship campaigns. And they wouldn’t be worried about scrubbing The Corbett Report from YouTube if these videos didn’t make a difference. Yes, the fact that you are reading these words at all right now is itself a sign that one ordinary person producing content from his living room in the middle of nowhere can make a difference and—as the messages in my inbox every single day affirm—that this information does change people’s lives. But they are now cracking down on outlets like this one, and it’s more evident than ever that the past two-and-a-half decades of (relative) freedom of speech online has lured us into the web in order to trap us there. And, now that we’re here, this free speech platform is being converted into a censorship, control and surveillance platform. The Peril In “From Internet to Information Superhighway“—an essay from the 1995 collection, Resisting the Virtual Life: The Culture and Politics of Information—Howard Besser shreds the platitudes and pieties of those once-ubiquitous “information superhighway” puff pieces. “Technological developments do not in themselves provide widespread social benefits,” Besser warned. “Both technology and social benefits are shaped by social forces that operate on a much broader level.” As evidence of this process, Besser cites the hype that preceded the advent of cable television. It’s hard to remember now, but cable TV was originally hailed as an opportunity for an expansion of public access channels and educational programming. As we all know, however, it wasn’t long before it devolved into dozens of channels of Ow! My Balls! brought to you by Brawndo (The Thirst Mutilator!). The same process of commodification that homogenized and dumbed down information in the cable TV space would inevitably play out in the virtual space, Besser sagely predicted. Fast forward two-and-a-half decades and we find the amazing promise of the World Wide Web (capital letters and all) has itself devolved into a handful of boring, corporate-controlled websites: Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok. The internet of 2021 evokes Henry Ford’s infamous quip about the Model T: “Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black.” Beyond the stultifying corporate homogenization of the modern web, however, lies a darker agenda: the digitalization and commodification of all of our information. As Besser correctly foresaw in his prescient 1995 essay: “In an age where people engage in a wide variety of activities online, service providers will amass a wealth of demographic and consumption information on each individual. This information will be sold to other organizations who will use it in their marketing campaigns.” This is the very essence of the surveillance capitalism that was the inevitable fruit of the tree of Surveillance Valley. Even worse, steeped in a world of smartphones and social media, we have gradually put more and more of our lives online until now the very ability to live our lives offline (and thus out of the gaze of Big Brother, which we have known for years is recording and databasing our every data transaction) is under threat. This, as I have been at pains to stress throughout the generated crisis of the scamdemic, is the point of the so-called “vaccine passports.” These systems of control will not be limited to vaccination records, but will become the lock on our digital gulag. Our use of these “green passes” will eventually become necessary in order to participate in society at all. On the media front, it should be obvious by now that a world of Big Tech behemoths like Alphabet and Facebook (or whatever Zuckerberg ends up calling his DARPA-inspired surveillance operation)—”regulated” by governments through legislation like the UK’s pending “online harms” bill—is a world even worse than that which existed under the old dinosaur media paradigm. Do you recall the days when TV and radio and newspapers were the only media through which you could get your news about the world? Remember how it was a common observation at the time that “the whole media’s controlled by a few corporations“? That observation applies to the FAANGSter mediopoly of the 21st century, of course, but it’s become even worse of late. With more and more information being sent down the Orwellian memory hole (sometimes quite literally!), it is becoming possible to implement the central tenet of Ingsoc: “Who controls the past controls the future.” This is especially worrying, because I have some awful news for you: as bad as things are today, if they continue on the present course, they’re about to get a whole lot worse. The Future In his seminal book, Understanding Media—written at the dawn of the television era but so insightful in its analysis that it is even more relevant to us today than it was to its original readers in 1964—the criminally underrated philosopher Marshall McLuhan followed the logic of the evolving electronic media revolution to its inevitable conclusion:
The question of whether this “technological simulation of consciousness” is in fact a “good thing,” however, is, he concedes, “a question that admits of a wide solution.” Indeed. Back in 1964, all that talk about “translating ourselves into the form of information” and “transferring our consciousness to the computer world” must have sounded absolutely outlandish. Today it is a chilling vision of the future that is right at our doorstep. The latest iteration of that vision is the “metaverse.” There are many wordy treatises being penned right now about “What the metaverse is and why it matters,” but let me save you some time. Did you see The Matrix? Yeah, it’s basically the matrix. More technically, the “metaverse” is a concept for a future iteration of the internet that will allow users to access all the tracking apps and surveillance platforms they’ve come to know and love on the web via virtual reality (VR) interfaces. No longer will you have to worry about typing things on a clunky keyboard or giving your arm that extensive mouse-movement workout; soon, you’ll be able to interact with the bots, trolls and assorted vagrants of the cybersphere in 3D avatar form, conversing with the NPCs of the online world in realistic virtual environment. Oh, goodie. Although it sounds like a nightmare to me, the idea of a VR cyber world is exactly the type of thing that makes all of the “reporters” on the dinosaur media’s tech beat wet their pants with excitement. Just do a quick news search for the word “metaverse.” You will find no end of articles breathlessly laying out this vision of a future technology that doesn’t actually exist yet. . . . But it will! And it will change everything! Take this article from our friends at The Wall Street Journal as a representative example. After a cliché-ridden opening sentence that would make even a high school student cringe in embarrassment (“Since the dawn of civilization, humans have had only one world in which to live: the real one”), it introduces us to the possibilities of this virtual universe with all of the subtlety and understatement of a sweaty-palmed 14-year-old boy unwrapping a new video game console:
We are then treated to a litany of quotations from corporate executives who have a vested interest in the development of this technology and who (totally coincidentally!) also happen to think this is the best thing since sliced bread. Hold your horses, guys: apparently the vice president of the software company that is currently building services for this new medium thinks that the metaverse “is going to be the biggest revolution in computing platforms the world has seen.” (Journalism!) It even highlights Nvidia executive Richard Kerris’ assertion that, in the metaverse, “students could peer inside every nook and cranny of the Colosseum, with a virtual gladiator powered by artificial intelligence on hand to answer questions” with a ridiculous and utterly unnecessary illustration. Seriously, who gets paid to come up with illustrations like this for the The Wall Street Journal? And why do people take that rag seriously? More ominously, though, the article quotes Zucker-borg himself informing us that the metaverse is the way of the future:
This is important not because Zuckerberg is some sort of guru foreseeing the future in his magical crystal ball, but because he is clearly a super-gopher who is being used by the powers-that-shouldn’t-be to forward their agenda. As such, he has the resources to throw at this vision until it becomes reality. On that very point, we are told that Facebook will be hiring 10,000 workers in Europe specifically to start constructing this metaverse. But this agenda isn’t about creating a nifty new gimmick to get people online. It is about the introduction of a truly new medium, one that incorporates all of our senses simultaneously and begins to literalize McLuhan’s vision of electronic media “transferring our consciousness to the computer world.” To anyone who has read this series of articles, you will know the incredible importance of this development. As each new mass media technology has ultimately served to further limit our access to information and manipulate our consciousness, the development of this Matrix-like “metaverse” could have profound (and profoundly terrifying) ramifications for human society. So where do we go from here? And what does it all mean? Excellent questions! These are among the questions that I will be attempting to answer in my course on The History of Mass Media, which will chart the development of the mass media from the late 19th century to the present and beyond. Won’t you join me? |
Recommended Listening and Viewing
Recommended ReadingHow the Amess attack will be used to control the internet Archive of History Commons 9/11 Timeline (download) From Gutenberg to Google: The History of our Future Recommended ListeningCOVID-19 and Central Bank Digital Slavery with John Titus Recommended ViewingThe War on Us – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. CEO: Food Prices to Explode NOW Just For Fun(?) |
Yahoo News – Comment Section and Historical Record
I want to add some tidbits to the timeline.
James Corbett writes:
(Yahoo! News of all outlets was a notable long-time hold-out to this trend, but they too succumbed last year, replacing their comments section with some self-contradictory boilerplate text about “creating a safe and engaging space for users to connect” and “improving our community experience” by “temporarily suspending comments.”)
Thursday July 23, 2020 is the date which Yahoo News suspended comments.
“Yahoo Finance” is somewhat segregated from Yahoo News. My memory might be wrong, but as I recall, the “Yahoo Finance” comment section was still active on 7/23. It went dark on the weekend following the July 30th Bill Gates interview. Months later in 2021, “Yahoo Finance” reinstates its comment section, but not Yahoo News. However, on rare occasions a Yahoo News article will offer a comment section. Currently, “Yahoo Finance” has a comment section.
Monday July 27, 2020
“America’s Frontline Doctors” staged a press conference in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC.
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube scrub the viral video. Eventually, their “America’s Frontline Doctors” website also was removed.
Thursday morning – July 30, 2020
Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Andrew Serwer interviews Bill Gates. (34 minutes)
The “America’s Frontline Doctors” event was noted:
Bill Gates says:
”…In terms of this outrageous, ya know, Hydroxychloroquine anti-mask thing. It spread so fast, that even though eventually the social media people stopped it, it was so famous that now people are still seeking it out.
And so their ability to stop things before they become widespread – uh, I think that they probably should improve that.
I don’t think it is easy, because it spread so quickly. I mean, that thing was fairly new and now we have 14 million views and you can’t find it directly on those services, but everybody is sending the link around because it is still out there on the internet.
And that one – this Hydroxychloroquine thing, this is nutty stuff. I mean, we are supposed to be a developed country that uses science. Oh my god! It’s, uh ah, really hard to believe that that what’s being retweeted.”
SUB-THREAD of “Bill Gates and Andrew Serwer” (June 2009)
May 1, 2020 – The Corbett Report publishes the first in a documentary series
Who Is Bill Gates?
WHO: How to distinguish between Flu and Covid-19
TLDW: the loss of smell and taste are a hallmark of “Covid”. Can people consume this information and not experience an aneurysm? I almost went with my first through the screen whilst watching these vaccine seller’s pitch.
Oh, the second recommended viewing suggestion is not recommended at all, it is absolutely essential.
I enjoyed listening to all the speakers at that conference but you’re right. RFK’s talk was especially powerful. I really think that guy is sincere.
Just finished listening.
Thanks mkey. And I really appreciate you putting those quotes in the comment. For me, that was a highlight of his talk.
I got that from you, Homey. With things zooming past I too often don’t have the time to provide a snippet, but sometimes one should take some time to do things properly.
Great quote! Thanks a lot!
Matrix is to extent good analogy for metaverse, you get rough picture and a healthy human will conclude it is something bad.
While Matrix is reminiscent of Plato’s cave, metaverse might be the ultimate embodiment of Simulacra (Baudrillard), something much much worse. Although Baudrillard is prophet of doom (imnho), it is worth to know a bit of his philosophy. Video below gives easy access.
What did Baudrillard think about The Matrix?
“Is this real world or exercise?”
In strict Baudirllardian view they would be incapable even to pose this question.
I guess you like Baudrillard.
First, none of us is Baudrillard scholar.
Ok, incapable is too strong word, that would be denying a capacity of reason of posing unanswerable or meaningless questions.
Following analogy is better. Blind person is probably aware other people have a concept of colors. He is capable to ask about a color, but the question has no meaning for him. It makes no sense to ask meaningless questions, although ability exist.
Thanks mik! Really enjoyed that Baudrillard/Matrix video.
Loved the punchline: The Matrix is precisely the sort of movie that the Matrix could’ve produced.
Interesting concept: the creators being incapable of seeing that the concept is the inability to see the shift… making a movie based on a philosophical notion that one (or two in this case) Seem to have so fundamentally misunderstood… with the perverse result of the movie ultimately being an excellent example of the dangers Baudrillard observes or warns about…
Well, then again, what would you expect from women filmmakers!? Especially sister teams.
Then again, I’m neither a Baudrillard nor a Wachowski scholar.
“…women filmmakers”
No, no, men filmmakers. Men always screw up things. 😉
well, if you say so…
what a reply, indeed :-))
Just came back from a peripathetic journey (well, without disciples or comrades) and I realized:
social media—->>>> “welcome to the desert of the Real”
‘rona scamdemic—->>>> simulation of simulation on top of simulation…simulacra. What a surprise cult members cannot be reached.
Damn postmodernists are not so useless at all.
Thanks for that video and your comment description.
I’m glad I watched it.
I just found more philosophy 🙂
You are unable to refuse this, this is like…
you know film from dusk till dawn
and that promoter describing all the varieties of pussies they have
how he ends?
you buy one pussy and get one for free
this is immoral offer, who the hell could reject Ménage à trois
ok, lets get serious
it’s about the Truth (12min each)
Friedrich Nietzsche, the attack on truth
Richard Rorty, language as a tool (*it’s about Truth*)
Me too! Though I didn’t realise it till you said it. Well done!.
Thank you, James. Your work is so very appreciated.
I probably just missed it when everyone figured out that Zuck looks like Data from Star Trek: Next Generation? On another note, now I have to go look up the above Fauci reference.
He also looks like Jen Psaki. Maybe they came from the same batch?
“”How sad is it that our world is being run by a mob of, well, basically, psychopaths??..”
Thats pretty normal, since forever the psychopaths just used to be of the same genetic heritage and need the labor of the normies.
“.. In my naïveté, I would have loved to have an internet where I could connect all over the world. I would have loved to have a smart phone device that brought all the world’s information to my fingertips,..”
You STILL CAN have those things, at least for right now.. you just need to be smart and active enough to find out what your options are with linux.
I kinda despair of human nature when I see conspiracy theorists working in windows….give it 10 years and most people wont even be able to OPEN videos or documents thanks to TPM
The Indian and the Aborigine once made and understood the tools they had… the white people sold them tools and vices like tobacco that they needed to trade for. Normal humans desire easy tools made by other people that just work… thats why the future is slavery for most
Ah yes, so where are we headed from here?
The Gates and the Googles of this world have been saying that data is the new oil, or was it, Gold.
Anyway, by collecting enough data those with access to it can control anyone.
Indeed, most of us know that every email, phone call, and text message we send or receive has been stored on a Government Computer in Utah. What we may not know is that all of that data has been shared with the Government of Israel. The ABC (so called) News Report I heard on the Radio said that the U.S. Government was allowing Israel access to it because they were the only ones that could sort it out. OK, so who runs the Deep State that controls the U.S. Central Government? Well, it ain’t the People of the free and independent States.
Where we are headed is to be turned against each other, that is, if we let it happen.
Leave the phone at home from time to time, save your data from them.
I intend to live long time yet
“…You don’t have to go out on a limb to suggest that the “online revolution” that has taken place in the 21st century is at least as dramatic (if not more so) than the Gutenberg printing press revolution itself…”
A REVOLUTION is a turn of the wheel… complete only when we return to the status quo.
As the Gutenberg revolution brought down the lying catholic Church as people read the Bible it led to mass media outlets that exercised a similar control over the mind of the the common man… as the internet disrupted the mass media it sucked every ounce of energy from the common man and made his a slave
Cliford Stoll wrote Silicon Snake OIl way back in the day.. WELL worth reading review of the book
The one & only political paradigm worldwide is authoritarian. The degree of control varies, but continually moves toward more and more control, i.e., totalitarianism (tyranny). This politics is self-destructive, unsustainable, socially unstable. It needs to be replaced with a non-violent, individual choice based paradigm.
The best, i.e., life enhancing, ideas will win out if all ideas are allowed. I don’t fear tech. It is a tool for life or to kill. It is a choice for the user. I like choices. I’ll bet my life I can make the right ones. Others? Not so much. That’s why I communicate. My life depends on the society. I must speak out in self defense, self interest.
I never thought I’d be praying for natural disasters….. Listening to guys like Graham Hancock talk about the younger dryas impact hypothesis, or how we pass through the torrid meteor stream twice a year and comparing it to putting on a blindfold and crossing a freeway, used to really freak me out. Or hearing about how dendrochronology had revealed points in history where the sun was blotted out for more than a decade due to volcanic eruptions, resulting in famine and plague. There has been some crazy natural disasters that have happened to this planet and I’ve spent a good amount of time learning about them and hoping they wouldn’t happen. However, that’s changed dramatically. I find myself praying for cataclysmic relief from the upcoming, seemingly unstoppable, global transition into this transhumanists wet dream of a virtual slave world. It seems no one is safe from this upcoming transition. Go ahead, run out into the forest….. unless there is a grand volcanic event to put enough ash and smoke in the atmosphere to block their satellites, they’ll be able to detect you lighting even a small fire in the middle of the boreal forest so you don’t freeze to death in the middle of winter. A lot of people seem to think they can just build new communities or parallel societies, but I guarantee you they won’t let that happen. This has always been about dominance over everyone and everything on the planet. They will not let your societies operate as long as they can control the outcomes of all people.
At this point the only thing that can stop total control over everything on this planet is the divine intervention of natural disasters. That’s the ONLY thing more powerful than them that can restrict this unrestricted reach and sight they have over everything.
So I pray that there are good forces on our side that will help us. Help us by breaking the world they’ve created and at least opening up some pockets where we can escape their all seeing eye to preserve and build the human spirit.
There is only you and I. There is noone coming to help us, but be sure that creation hates cowards.
I disagree, but this is all about subjective opinions.
People are allowing this transition by complying with them. People have to stop complying and they will fall back.
Interestingly Mark Crispin Miller mentioned guns in his analysis and how countries that disarmed themselves may have a more difficult time standing up to the tyranny. But it’s not impossible.
They’ve been allowing it for a long long time. At this point it’s like trying to stop a full speed locomotive by putting a barrel of water on the track….. the only thing that will derail this train or at least impede its progress is an earthquake or some other type of catastrophe. People put too much faith in their guns. The militaries of the world have MUCH more sophisticated weapons and robotics/drones at their disposal…. It won’t take much for them to get past your primitive boomsticks.
You can’t invade without troops on the ground. I can only wish the world’s guns per capita was anywhere near what it is in the US.
They’re putting their troops in place right now. By creating the situation where cops lose their jobs if they refuse the shots. They’ll just fill that vacuum the same way they are with medical staff….. with the military. Sprinkle some armed robots and drones, then mix it in with satellite surveillance and weapons tech, maybe a dash of “domestic terrorism” narrative, and voila!…. You now have a “take out the armed citizens” soufflé.
I think there was definitely purpose to disarming as many people in western nations as possible, but I also believe they were already coming up with a plan b for people and places that they weren’t able to disarm.
You were claiming drones and other technology will provide an advantage and hence I stated troops on the ground are needed. I did not intend to claim that US army does not have troops in US.
US has a lot of army members, much of them mind shot, but a good 20% is to be expected to break off from the main corps and refuse to attend any homeland operations. They may rely on mercenaries, but in any given conflict, you need one body for every enemy body.
On the other hand, how many guns in US? 400, 500 million? Sales really shot up during the past few years. When they asked a 50 gun owner what the hell he needs 50 guns for, to hand out 49, he answered.
“armed robots”? I wasn’t aware this tech was up and running, but you never know.
Drones, perhaps, but there are ways to sabotage those. The people who have been forced out of the police and military may decide to fight against the state. The skills that they have learned can be of great value to the resistance.
Do you think they want to just carpet bomb the US? I don’t think so. There’s a lot of really nice land here that I’m sure they want to keep intact.
They did bomb Iraq though, so you never know. What I think is that “they” still need the population to exploit which is why they haven’t just nuked the place yet. This certainly can change, but what ever it is they are trying to get or develop isn’t ready.
They have these stupid self-driving cars in my city, for years now. Obviously if that’s what those are for, it’s taking much longer than expected. All this AI stuff and trans-humanism, I think is not quite ready and I have a LOT of skepticism about it actually working as designed.
What these cowardly psychos could do is cause an extinction event by blowing up the earth accidentally and in the process they would also perish. That’s a possibility. And this is why some of the higher ups should consider stopping this before it gets out of hand. It’s INSANE what they are doing. Someone who’s not a psychopath but involved in this on the inside can still decide to reconsider.
I think that is also possible, that someone “up there” grows a conscience, or decides that it’s not worth it. This agenda is pathological and comes from people who are mentally ill.
I also believe before they unleash the full breadth of their military power, they’ll use the political left right divide to turn most of those Americans with guns against each other, first. They didn’t create the antifa street army and hard core patriot resistance and build it up to the agitation point they’re at just to let it all fizzle out and have those opposing sides come together to stop this global takeover. We watched many US cities be completely pillaged by the lefty rioters in 2020 and the beginnings of guns being used in that left right conflict…. It won’t take too many more of those events to get all out war in the streets.
I personally refuse to turn a blind eye to the evil genius at work and the fact that the majority of the population fall for it.
Sure, no one’s coming to save us, but I do think there will be opportunities provided by upcoming natural disasters.
Well, an all out civil war might come to pass, but at least we will die with dignity. This also leaves the opportunity of winning. Many other countries were undefeated despite being outgunned.
An apt quote comes to mind:
“better that we should die on our feet rather than live on our knees”
And, the people doing this are cowards. They are dishonorable, lying, stealing, cowards. And people who go along and enforce this have already forfeited their soul. That is worth more than any amount of material gain.
People must live with their choices at the end of their lives.
antifa morons have shown what they are made of when they ran into that married couple waving a battle rifle and a handgun.
You say “I personally refuse to turn a blind eye to the evil genius at work and the fact that the majority of the population fall for it”
I don’t think many people are turning a blind eye, but rather are deciding that they would rather resist, and risk the consequences than complying and going along hoping that things will be easier if they just do what they are told and hope that some circumstance outside of their control intervenes.
Psychological operations involve tricking people into complying and giving up. Psychological warfare is very effective after all. And people who are waging this psychological assault on the masses of the world can recognize what they are doing is criminal and unethical, essentially a crime against humanity.
Correction, I think that many people are complying but a sufficient number are resisting. The reason people comply is because they believe they can’t win and the situation is hopeless. I think this is probably not the case.
The basic “crime against humanity” is its own cowardliness and chosen denials.
If you ignore the forced interbreeding with off planet species, and the resulting and necessary war against women, longest continuous war on the planet.
All crimes against women are “crimes against humanity”.
Forced inbreeding with off planet species? You mean aliens? I’m not sure I understand.
“the war against women” I agree with this part. Many cultures across the world have subjugated women. For example how the Saudis have treated women and other fundamentalist Islamic cultures.
” The focus on emissions and climate change is likely to reach new heights this November with the advent of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow. But while we might all be aware of the big picture, the rise of “net zero,” and the many climate acronyms popping up daily, do we really know where we are now, what the current plans in place — if delivered upon — would achieve, and what the plan to get to net zero actually is?”
Globalist gameplan from Citi – Global Carbon Tax
Just a lightening skim but the following is interesting:
A voluntary climate club can help reduce emissions in countries that are members of the club, and encourage non-members to either join the club or reduce their domestic carbon emissions to reduce the carbon tax paid on imports. It could also raise significant revenue for the member countries to invest in decarbonization projects. Reaching an agreement between two nations is also easier than reaching an agreement amongst all nations…
…We believe that ultimately the world
will go down this pathway in one form or another…
…Going a step further and setting up a climate club between different jurisdictions makes sense and includes other benefits such as technological transfers, a competitive level playing field amongst different sectors, and a preferential trade agreement. In our opinion this would also encourage other countries to join…
Typically, the word “encourage” is used to mask the word “coerce”,
but most interesting of all is the concept that appears in the diagram on pages 41 and 51 but not in any of the analyses, suggestions or descriptions; namely that of
The Climate Change Bank.
Hmmmm… M. King Hubbert must be smiling in his grave…
Here’s another guy laughing his ass off from beyond.
He’ll really be in stitches in 4 days when everyone flies into Glasgow to Save the effing Planet…
Pure Technocracy. Big problem the Globos have is that China and Russia are not playing the game.
Interesting. Something I would like to embrace. Maybe I’m just not quite awake yet, I don’t mean to sound like I’m out in left field or anything (no more than usual) but could you point me toward info that suggests China and Russia aren’t playing along? Thanks in advance.
ps: I mean they might just build their own Club out of BRICS, no? Creating the conveniently hermetic and antogonistic tripolar world described in 1984?
maybe I’ve been watching too much of that Netflix series “Colony”…
Level 2: Read Kissinger and Mahbubani and conclude China is good.
and Read Chomsky and conclude China (under Mao) is good…
“…China is an important example of a new society in which very interesting and positive things happened at the local level, in which a good deal of the collectivization and communization was really based on mass participation and took place after a level of understanding had been reached in the peasantry that led to this next step…” the giant leap forward…?
“…that led to this next step…” the giant leap forward…?
(a little over half-way down the page)
“a level of understanding had been reached…”
sounds like mafioso talk, the most sinister euphemism I’ve ever read… I’m starting to think that man is actually literally evil…
and on that last remark, I’m an avid consumer of science fiction in general… Netflix is fun ’cause you get to know what you’re supposed to think, see the predictive programming in action as well as the revelation of the method…
…well, it’s not really an excuse but my ex is a really avid consumer of Netflix and I’m still on his account.
So I don’t give them money.
And just finished an “English class” with a “student” all about Facebook’s Metaverse project. I wanted to learn a little about it and she’s a game designer, self-proclaimed antisocial geek and poison-injection resistant (who won’t take “the jab” even though she can’t eat with her colleagues) so I found an article about it and I’ll admit we had fun envisioning the whys, wherefores and dystopian implications of games such as “Second life” (that she described to me) and movies like the most recent “Free Guy” which I haven’t seen but she had.
and I had a Facebook account for 8 months or so this year (created in order to get contact info and send hate messages to an airline company that had not reimbursed me for 1000 euros of plane tickets cancelled due to covid)
and I hadn’t realized the full extent of the insidious effect Facebook has on people until I had my own account.
gotta jump back on the hamster ride…
ps: My student told me in passing that the majority of her colleagues were out sick… maybe they’re just trying to capitalize on the children’s school vacation period… but maybe… the jab has weakened their immune systems…? I didn’t evoke the question with her…
“Clubs” are very important.
Definition of a group: How is a group defined?
By inclusion and exclusion.
Control, control, control.
Patriarchal Mandate, for all sexes.
What a goon show, eh?
Thanks UKdavec,
The document has some interesting graphics.
On page 35, I thought that this was interesting…
Linking current ETS systems into one global system can help harmonize the systems currently in operation, however it is challenging. Setting up a global ETS system or linking all existing ETS systems — if done well and if carbon prices are adequate — could help the world reach net zero.
Emissions Trading System (ETS)
The EU ETS is a cornerstone of the EU’s policy to combat climate change and its key tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively. It is the world’s first major carbon market and remains the biggest one.
EU Carbon Permits (EUR) – Commodity Graph
No farting allowed. No coughing, no farting. Simple.
Well worth a read
COVID-19 Vaccines – Comparing the Traditional Vaccine Trial Paradigm and the Covid Outbreak Trial Paradigm
Just a comment on the beginning of the article before I go on.
Your mother was using all of her imagination when she conceived you.
Believe me. I know. Ask her.
PS She is the source of your “image-in-nation”.
Without her, you wouldn’t even have a breath. Man, you wouldn’t even know how to smile.
Well, well, well!! From the “uni-verse” to the “meta-verse”. “The WORD creates!!”
Maybe it’s the week of no internet, but….
I’m sorry. All this bragging…we got the biggest best toys ever!!!….
in the words of Shania Twain:
“That don’t impress me much. ”
I’m still waiting for the hover cars.
Those geoengineers are getting it better tho. They can actually bring rain when they want to now!!! Not just say so!!
The ammount of microwave it takes is just plain killer tho!!
Anyone want to talk about the geoengineering? Haarp, nexrad, 5G? Or should we wait until it’s okay? And too late?
I don’t know anymore.
I thought it was “Ouch!! My (weak, tender, vulnerable) Balls!!”
Was it “Ow”, not “Ouch”?
Is this Sometimers acting up?
Oct 27, 2021
Billionaires Back Public Benefit Corporation That Will Fund ‘Anti-Disinformation’ Media Companies
Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times
Billionaires Reid Hoffman and George Soros are backing a public benefit corporation that will provide funding to new media companies aimed at tackling disinformation online and restoring social trust.
Good Information Inc. launched on Tuesday and is being led by former Democratic strategist Tara McGowan who previously ran a progressive non-profit called ACRONYM, which was backed by LinkedIn founder Hoffman. Others contributing to the multi-million seed effort include investors Ken and Jen Duda, and Incite Ventures.
In a press release on Oct. 26, Good Information Inc said its aim is to “restore social trust” and “strengthen democracy” by “investing in solutions that counter disinformation and increase the flow of good information online.”
“America is currently in the throes of a disinformation epidemic that is threatening public health, social trust, and democracy around the world. Good Information Inc. believes there is un-met audience demand for fact-based information, especially in local markets that have lost many of their legacy local news sources in recent years, and among audiences that are being left behind by evolving media business models,”
the corporation said in a statement.
Good Information Inc. will be investing in media outlets that provide customers with trusted and fact-based information, as well as local community news, particularly in markets where there are little to no local news outlets reaching online communities.
The company said that an “increasingly decentralized media environment, anti-democracy forces, and networks of bad actors” have resulted in “dangerous consequences,” noting that 96 million Americans believe the election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, while 89 million Americans believe voter fraud is a major problem….
Good Information Inc.
This name would be hysterically funny except for the fact that they appear to be serious.
Good Information Inc.
What a totally plusgood name for the Ministry of Truth. It would seem just perfect in a dystopian flick directed by Terry Gilliam. The Orwellian newspeak is just deafening here.
Good Information Inc.
“…will be investing in media outlets that provide customers with trusted and fact-based information, as well as local community news, particularly in markets where there are little to no local news outlets reaching online communities…”
This way of reaching folks, “informing them” at the very local level though… seems it might really bolster people’s trust in this BS, familiar, like part of the family…
Then again, these days seems the more something is total BS, the more people seem to trust it.
Sorry, just woke up from a night of dreams where I was beating a dead horse to death… I’ll go get some coffee now like a good little druggie…
Oct 27, 2021 – Associated Press AP
Dinosaur invades UN in climate change campaign
(VIDEO – 2 minutes)
A video of a dinosaur urging the UN General Assembly to act immediately to avoid ‘extinction’ at the hands of climate change was released Wednesday by the UN Development Program. The CGI video is called ‘Don’t Choose Extinction.’ (Oct. 27)
‘Don’t Choose Extinction’ VIDEO
by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
(2 1/2 minutes)
[Lengthy description under video]
The world spends an astounding US$423 billion annually to subsidize fossil fuels for consumers – oil, electricity that is generated by the burning of other fossil fuels, gas, and coal. This is four times the amount being called for to help poor countries tackle the climate crisis, one of the sticking points ahead of the COP26 global climate conference next week, according to new UN Development Programme (UNDP) research.
The amount spent directly on these subsidies could pay for COVID-19 vaccinations for every person in the world, or pay for three times the annual amount needed to eradicate global extreme poverty. When indirect costs, including costs to the environment, are factored into these subsidies, the figure rises to almost US$6 trillion, according to data published recently by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Instead, UNDP’s analysis highlights that these funds, paid for by taxpayers, end up deepening inequality and impeding action on climate change.
The main contributor to the climate emergency is the energy sector which accounts for 73 percent of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. Fossil fuel subsidy reforms would contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and benefit human health and well-being, and they are a first step towards correctly pricing energy – one that reflects the ‘true’ and full cost of using fossil fuels to society and the environment.
But UNDP’s analysis shows that fossil fuel subsidy reforms can also be unfair and harmful for households and society if they are poorly designed. While fossil fuel subsidies tend to be an unequalising tool – as the lion’s share of the benefits concentrate among the rich….
You missed a lot of solid garbage Jet, let me tell you. For example, they admitted “vaccine” business is half a trillion dollar business (per annum?) as well as admitting the oil industry is propped up up the wazoo.
Facebook has changed it’s corporate name to “Meta”
James was right again.
“The reigning economic system is a vicious circle of isolation. Its technologies are based on isolation, and they contribute to that same isolation. From automobiles to television, the goods that the spectacular system chooses to produce also serve it as weapons for constantly reinforcing the conditions that engender “lonely crowds.”
“The more powerful the class, the more it claims not to exist, and its power is employed above all to enforce this claim. It is modest only on this one point, however, because this officially nonexistent bureaucracy simultaneously attributes the crowning achievements of history to its own infallible leadership. Though its existence is everywhere in evidence, the bureaucracy must be invisible as a class. As a result, all social life becomes insane.”
― Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle
Very interesting Guy Debord quote.
Thanks CRM114.
denying the undeniable and believing the unbelievable and
“…all social life becomes insane.”
Hello subscribers!
A must share, stellar interview with the Corona Investigative Committee and Whitney Webb. (IMHO these individuals are at the top of favorite truth seekers) A mountain of detail and information is revealed, with a call for more investigation. The fabric which the scandemic designers have woven, is coming unravelled.
If you are a researcher and want some new nuggets to explore, take a lead from here…
Looking forward to the next in Ms. Webb’s latest series.