October Open Thread

by | Oct 7, 2024 | Articles | 227 comments

It’s October again already, so you know what that means: James Evan Pilato is beginning his Shocktober streaming activities over in the Media Monarchy subscriber community! (And I’ll be a special guest for a stream later this month, doing a watch-along of a Danny Casolaro / Octopus documentary!)

Of course, October also means spooky things in the world of geopolitriks, with wars and rumours of wars competing for column inches in the mainstream tabloid rags with October (s)election surprises and other such nonsense. And, as you’ll know from Episode 466 of The Corbett Report on “Japan Rising,” October is also the month that the new replicon vaccine rolls out in Japan.

So, what’s on your mind this month? What would you like to share with The Corbett Report community? What questions do you need answered? What news do you have to share? As always, Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave their thoughts, news tips, questions, comments and musings in the comment section below.

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  1. Dear James,
    Thanks for reporting on the anti-Replicon rally. I didn’t even see anything about it, elsewhere.
    How many Japanese people actually showed up for the event?

  2. Things to think about others get name called for understanding:
    In the US, electricity became common in the 1930s. Some people living in the country still did not have access to electricity at this time.

    1st truck in the United States was built by Autocar in 1899 and was available with 5 or 8 horsepower (4 or 6 kW) engines.[4] Trucks of the era mostly used two-cylinder engines and had a carrying capacity of 1.5 to 2 t (3,300 to 4,400 lb).

    So how did all those incredible buildings around the states get built out of marble, brass, sculpted like art work with no power tools, trucks, shipping/delivery sources, etc.

    That is what the “mud flood” videos reveal, a previous world wide culture that is kept hidden.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    The Mandela Effect
    The controllers have spun it as “mis-remembering” but “something” happened giving millions of world wide a similar reccolection of events, product names, bible quotes, entertainment names, etc. that others deny. Since I had no kids I am not familiar with cereals, games, cartoons, etc. that have changed.
    *Cliff Notes is now Cliffs Notes
    *Stouffer’s Stovetop Stuffing
    *”Oscar Meyer” wieners now “Oscar Mayer”
    *Mariott is now Mariot
    *JC Penny is now JC Penney
    *“Jiffy” peanut butter now “Jif” lots of residual evidence
    *“Fruit Loops” now “Froot Loops”
    *Looney Toons now Loney Tunes (it was about cartoons, not music)
    *Vlassic Pickles is now Vlasic
    *Lay-Z-Boy is now Lazboy
    *Haley’s Comet now Halley’s
    *Who was the Publisher’s Clearing House spokesman? Ed McMahon. PCH denies ever having one. Johnny Carson on a youtube video is seen giving Letterman a huge “PCH check” as a joke.
    *Thanksgiving used to be the 3rd Thursday in November, now the 4th
    *How many oceans? 4, Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Artic. Now a 5th, Southern
    *How many in the group The Village People. No longer 5, a 6th is now there, a Soldier.
    *Queen’s “We Are the Champions” no longer ends with …”of the world.”
    *Now the Jackson 6 not 5
    * “The” missing now from band names: Eagles, Dead, Eurythmics, Goo Goo Dolls, Bee Gees, Dave Matthews Band, Ramones, Sex Pistols.
    *In the Wizard of Oz the Wicked Witch said to her monkey guards: “Fly my pretties, fly.” Now changed to “Fly, fly, fly.”
    *On I Love Lucy Ricky tells her: “Lucy, you got some splainin’ to do.” Gone.
    *Sex IN the city is now Sex AND the city
    *Interview with A vampire now Interview with THE vampire
    *Isaiah 11.6 regarding Jesus saying there would be no more killing said:
    “The LION will lay down with the lamb” now “The WOLF will lay down with the lamb”
    *Matt 6.12 “The Lord’s Prayer” “…and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive our trespasors” changed to “Forgive us our debts as we forfive our debtors”

    “Some things are easy to make fun of but it doesn’t mean they aren’t important”


    • “…So how did all those incredible buildings around the states get built out of marble, brass, sculpted like art work with no power tools, trucks, shipping/delivery sources, etc. …”

      I guess they built them with concrete and such….its the kind of thing a culture does when its on the upswing.

      Considering that the Romans managed to build massive buildings, mult story apartment blocks, things like the Flavian Amphitheater , the Parthenon and such I dont see any issue building anything built in the USA at that time with muscle and simple machines. Roman Aqueducts are still in use in some places IIRC. Greeks cut water tunnels thru mountains, using hand tools and slaves, FROM OPPOSITE SIDES and met in the middle only about 6 inches off true.

      The Europeans in the middle ages built cathedrals, the Victorians made massive viaducts that are still in use. You just need a few smart people and lots of grunt labor.

      I once upset a gentleman who told me the Nasca Lines were impossible for savages to create without aircraft- I pointed out that if you drew them and used your thumb to represent ten paces you could recreate them in the real world quite easily just like you can lay out ‘Ye Olde Straight Track’ with men holding poles. He must have been watching too much Ancient Aliens or something…..people are smart and a few smart people using cheep labor can do wonders.

      • Pretty much what I thought…how were the cathedrals of Europe built?

        As to “how will the roads be built”, the Romans used slaves. Or just enslaved whoever was there.

        • I read that the roads were actually mainly built by the Legionaries because the army got into trouble when they got bored, lol, so they made them do useful stuff like roads to stop them thinking about over throwing the Gov

  3. Hey everyone!

    Incase you missed it (and/or for those of you that find the visual/audio clips I throw together from my Media Monarchy segments (of “The Mounsey Minute” series) more digestible/ for sharing with some of your family and friends) here is the video from last month’s segment.


    I included the extended/uncut audio in the video with additional video clips and images for additional context on the subject matter being discussed in the substack post linked above.

    The link above includes a video slideshow with last month’s Media Monarchy broadcast that featured Food Preservation (MM9) talking different methods of preserving from canning to ecosystem scale food preservation as the Mounsey Minute topic for September (2024).

    I hope many of you are getting out there to forage or gather farmer’s market abundance and preserve it for the winter my friends! You never know when the next false flag is gonna hit and besides, the act of creating/preserving in the kitchen is nourishing in a deeper way regardless of it’s emergency preparedness practicality so it is worth it either way!

    Happy fall preserving my friends!!

  4. Agree with Hanky, James thank you for the podcast coverage on the rally in Japan! Hadn’t heard about it at all! Good to hear about the people over there fighting back! Amazing work!

    Keeping with the October thread theme and with Halloween just around the corner, I have to ask members of The Corbett Report, what is your favorite horror movie?

    I’ll start. John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982), love the practical effects that still hold up today!

    • Mine is Audition (1999), and it takes place in Japan.

      • There’s a YouTuber I follow that recommended The Audition, I’d never heard of it before! I’m going to have to check it out this month. A lot of good horror movies come out of Asia, I wish more people would watch international films!

        • Hahaha yeah that is one of my all-time favorites. I have probably seen it seven times. Cure (1997), Kwaidan (1964), House (1977) and Onibaba (1964) are some other good Japanese ones. There really are a lot of good movies from Asia, I think a lot of English speakers get turned off by subtitles, but after a few minutes of watching, you really don’t notice them.

    • The Thing is my favorite as well. After that would be Alien.

      • It’s just so good! Kurt Russell being a badass, Keith David, Wilford Brimly, and all those great practical effects!

        I watched The Blob from 1988 for the first time recently, practical effects were fire! Not quite as good as The Thing but still great!

        Alien is amazing too! Just something creepier about it than the later installments!

        • Yeah for sure. The original Alien is the best. They should have just left it alone. But the Thing is really scary. I watched it as an adult several years back and I had nightmares. It’s just so good and creepy.

    • Omen with Gregory Peck is a pretty good one. And Ninth gate with Johnny Depp. These are more on the side of thrillers, but thrillers and horror movies go hand in hand.

      • Ninth Gate is great, definitely doesn’t get enough love.

        You know the original Omen is one of them horror classics I’ve never watched. I’ve seen the remake. But I’m going to have to give it a shot this month!

        • I don’t think those are remakes but sequels. The first one is the best. While the sequels quality does go down, there’s still good material in there.

    • The Haunting 1963. Julie Harris and Claire Bloom

      Remember it as intense and frightening.

      • Is that what the 1999 The Haunting was a remake of I assume?

    • Back in the sixties, there was one called “The Tingler”. I can still feel that one.

      And then also, one particular Twilight Zone episode.

      Once I came of age, I encountered the horror show of Vietnam. Since then, I watch documentaries. Truth is not only stranger than fiction, it’s also more horrid.

  5. Lately, it seems less controlled demolition and more “if I can’t own humanity, then no one can”. Sure, you have the current Neo Manifest Destiny of America with the influx of migrants to serve corporate control. Sure, you have the digital penopticon infrastructure. And yes, you also have the unquestioning lackeys all trying to sheepherd people into their flavor of blind obedience. But there is a point where you light one too many fires and you can no longer control them.

    At the very minimum, there is the “getting high on your own supply” aspect. The ultra wealthy are also sucking down a credit card’s worth of microplastics on a weekly basis. The ultra wealthy are walking through this sea that contains all the poisons that have become ubiquitous in the air. The ultra wealthy all have their cell phones which irradiate their brains with EMFs that cause general anxiety (which helps to make them more fearful of the people than ever) and anger. And, of course, not all wealthy parents get to tell their kids of the true nature of the religion scams, thus allowing their own children to fall into being mindless puppets.

    Here’s a fact many of you will find sad. Many people don’t give a shit about their kids. Sure, they will preach to their dying breath that they do, but that is just optics for many. I decided to watch for myself by spending a while tutoring kids, and there were only few parents who actions showed they were, at best, doing with their kids simply what they were told and, at worst, viewed their own kids as some sort of permanent injury they had to at least attempt to reason with. Of course, you can decide for yourself if this is just my perspective or not, but my point is, of course such a thing exists in the real of the ultra wealthy. Those who want power more than anything will destroy anything that stands in their way, and put focus on making their children nothing more than clones of themselves so their schemes persist after their death, and you don’t need to be rich to want power.

    Of course, as much as those with power have spent focusing on the animal husbandry of the human animal over the centuries, the one group of children they’ve tended to be most successful with is their own family line.

    There you go. There’s my musings for the month.

    On a lighter note, here’s a Halloween-themed song for you guys.


    • Vienticus

      The thing is that most adults today were born after the sucessful push to dump kids into daycare…. they are often at the 2nd or 3rd generation of being brought up by other people rather then their own families.

      Its kinda like my cats- we have cats born and brought up by their mom and they act VERY differently then ‘normal’ cats that are snatched away at the earliest time physically possible. The Tom is the only male cat I’ve seen that LIKES kittens – many house raised toms will kill them. Properly reared cats are smarter and have many subtle behavioral differences.

      I see the same thing with chickens- brought up by a mom they actually carry the avian version of culture to the next generation. Most adults having kids now are mildly brain damaged by being dumped themselves as babies into daycare.

      • If I were to point to societal contributors, I would first point to religious dogma. There’s no nuance in the notion of being obedient to your parents. There’s no “what if your parents are shitty people” clause. Such things tend to breed in these sorts of characteristics.

        Even before things like daycare, people would have children simply to carry on the farm or the name or whatever.

        • I put it the other way round, lol, The desire to free people from religious control ultimately ends with focus on the self.

          If you dont think God is telling you to NOT be shitty why would you NOT focus on yourself? Its the only logical thing to do. Your kids would really only have a minor importance compared to keeping YOURSELF happy. Thats why we’re where we are now, imo

          But whats wrong with using kids on the farm? I can assure you that I’ve seen farm kids and they are generally a lot happier then day acre kids. Their work on the farm fits them into the Great Chain of Being, they exist to do something and be part of something which is what makes most people happy, at the end of the day.

          • The religious aspect exists by barriers on thought. You do this and it’s good; you do this and it’s bad. If you are seeking answers in life more than you are seeking questions, you’ll find yourself very limited.

            As far as the kids on the farm, are they happy because of their choice or some form of Stockholm syndrome?

            • “….The religious aspect exists by barriers on thought…….”

              Is ‘thought’ the highest good???

              Ought not thought to have some aim?

              As to ‘good and bad’ do you really think the average person can come up with their own morality from scratch? Also tradition is learning from the the accumulated Fkups of generations past.

              “….. If you are seeking answers in life more than you are seeking questions, you’ll find yourself very limited…..”

              Possibly, but the majority of people ARE very limited.

              They are not looking for fancy answers to high minded questions- they want their needs met, some treats, and a social role that they feel like they can succeed at life in.

              “…..As far as the kids on the farm, are they happy because of their choice or some form of Stockholm syndrome?….”

              hahahaha. What is the higher good an 8 year old ought to be aiming at? And dont you think they ought maybe learn to provide their own food before heading off on the great quest?

              But seriously…. MOST people really ENJOY having a social role where they feel useful and can do well. There is a minority of weirdos (like me) who dont care all that much but we’re the minority. Normal peoples brains are designed for all that small group social crap I find anoying

              • So, if there is an inability for people to discover morality on their own, is that something we want to foster by having hard guard rails.

                As far as the farm, I don’t get where you’re coming from with the higher good. The context I was referring to was how people grow up to consider themselves a part of the farm. Is it simply all they know or all they’ve been allowed to know? How objective would their decision be to continue in the tradition? These is something that is case by case, of course, but the question is still warranted.

                So much of our economic history has simply been the kids continuing what their parents did because they were around it all the time and people naturally tend towards the familiar. As much as the “red pill” community gripes about the dad being out of the home, their nonsensical perspective of dads being the stabilizing force in the home and blah blah blah nonsense is retarded. The lack of the father in a home is mainly to limit conflicting perspectives and to instill the notion of a single ruler one should be obedient to, but more pertinent to this conversation is severely limits the passing down of skills from parent to child (which I would argue the latter two are the main intents in creating this family dynamic), leaving more people lost in what they want to do for their professions. Thus, we have primarily opposing extremes for children to grow up in.

            • actually on stockholm syndrome maybe, I ought to ask….would it be better for people to be sad and angry and frustrated at their situation?

              I mean…. I would assume that a slave who felt that way would feel bad all the time, and die (from high blood pressure or excessive whipping) while a slave who learned to love his master would at least feel happy most of the time and suffer less physical coercion .

              Is happiness the greatest good i wonder?

              • I’ve always considered the pursuit of happiness to be folly. A person isn’t naturally happy; a person is naturally content. Something must happen to become happy, and therefore, those who pursue happiness are effectively chasing the next fix… chasing a different dragon, as it were. I find a baseline lifestyle of contentment allows one to be more resilient against all the variances that one throws against a person by giving a that person something stable as a point of reference instead of constantly living a life of falling off the highs.

              • An armed society is polite society WHEN the majority of people are willing to enforce peace- if ten guys in such a society decide they like to rape people then just being ‘armed’ is not enough. Enough directed force is needed to stop them being ‘impolite’

                A shared morality is why you would get lynched in the old days for doing bad things, lack of it is why perverts can be discovered even in high places and no one really cares about it….Bidens dog boy atomic safety expert / luggage underwear theif being a prime example.

                I think we actually dont disagree too much except on a couple of points

                The lone thinker is not and never will be the normie. God loves stupid people too, and wishing they would stop being stupid is a waste of time.
                They quite often have more fulfilling lives then the smart, if only because they are more easily pleased. Human nature is what it is….why rage against the sun?

                As to FOMO, we agree I think that too many options causes pain, and also the average 90 to 100 IQ person being told that ‘success’ is leading a work life they are wholly unsuitable for is crueler then letting them work at something they can actually do well.

                We disagree on people being told they must do something useful- firstly we are a social species and generally want to be part of a group and know our place in it. Being useful and respected for that use is part of that system. Just because this is not true of a few outliers does not change it being the general rule.

                Secondly, today most people (especially educated women) are pushed into pointless paperwork jobs. Personally my favorite job was far below my mental ability, but quite physical and I got to SEE what I had done at the end of the day. A high IQ person might see a future goal that they are working for but most see nothing but a useless grind as cogs in a machine- which is why I hate 90% of office work because its not even necessary.

            • If we accept most people cannot create their own morals then we REALLY want those morals imposed as guard rails. How can anyone be safe (or content) if there is chaos?

              Only a TINY minority of people do well under those conditions.

              The higher good I mean in the sense of being what people should value most- as a wild example, a parent who sells their kid would be valuing money as a higher good then family. A person who drops their kid off in daycare values their job development/personal happiness more then their kids happiness.

              As to redpills and dad- you pretty much are correct AND wrong- yes, that IS rather the point of a dad in the home (and why globalists want dads OUT of the home)

              Children WITHOUT a dad in the home are statistically massivly more prone to depression, mental illness , crime, and other bad life outcomes. The reason for that is pretty clearly that people DO want moral guard rails and a sense of security that they can not get if they are forced to try to recreate everything from the ground up…..thats when the State steps in with police and social workers and imposes rules- just without the love that a parent would (generally) feel for their kid

              Part of that is the paradox that too much choice makes MOST people unhappy…it forces them to do all the mental work themselves and most people dont like that.

              Again, a tiny minority benefit, but the rest have worse life outcomes.

              The idea that ‘Freedom’ is the Highest Good makes people unhappy when they have to live in chaos and are not able to avoid issues that tradition helps them avoid. Following simple instructions like “dont marry crazy” / “dont be a slut” / “Pick the right person to marry” / “Dont be lazy” / “Look honest to people” all do a LOT of the mental work on making a life thats content, and even happy at times.

              Thats not to say things were all wonderful in the old days, just that on the whole they were better. Life is never perfect.

              No one sane would think letting a house puppy do whatever it liked and ‘find its own way’ would make for a happy dog- it wants to feel safe and know where it fits into the pack. Humans are not really all that dissimilar

              • To answer the first part of your reply: an armed society is a polite society.

                Have you ever considered that this perceived unhappiness is merely a lack of happiness? It would seem that another in the animal husbandry of our species, the multitude of loud stupids try to enforce binaries. I would argue much actual unhappiness comes from the isolation of always being around said stupids that seem to like to pigeonhole people when fanatical traits are not mimicked.

                Realistically, I would make this comparison of a person’s happiness to the Dunning-Kruger effect, a repackaging of classical wisdom that abandons a lot of nuance involved in such analyses by proposing people on the spectrum as existing in static binaries.

                Other questions include:
                How much actual unhappiness comes from the pressure to “do something meaningful” or some other peer-pressure talking points?
                How much actual unhappiness comes from the pressure to have stable income with having little-to-no ability to explore vocational fields without being first heavily invested in it? (i.e. the college process)

                You knowingly or unknowingly allude to the inaptly named paradox of choice. I would argue people’s problem with having so many choices is their own selves. You don’t need to explore every choice thoroughly before picking one, but part of what inspires people to do so is to forgo contentment in the pursuit of happiness. Part of what inspires people’s unhappiness is the culture of missing out and FOMO and not being able to experience ALL the things in life. If all you are looking to do is to be content, then it doesn’t take a long process to finally decide “This one doesn’t suck; I’ll go with that one.” or “I already have a favorite, and I’ll make a decision based on that.” A desire to “have it good” or whatever is what causes unhappiness. Besides, most of the people that get picked up for those surveys are yuppie normies. Lone thinkers tend not to be around the places where society gets much random access to them and don’t tend to need to share their experiences through narrow questions.

      • My sister raised chickens from hatcheries, she let them be free range, she was amazed that most of the hens ignored their chicks. She also started acquiring chickens from other free rangers, these hens would adopt the hatchery hens chicks and guide them through the property to feed, protecting them from the roosters and weather. Not that people are chickens, but Hatchery/daycare people have a rough go of it if they stay in the hatchery

  6. What to make out of an article like this one?


    For sure there’s truth in it, but there’s also stuff that doesn’t make sense and logical fallacies. I think it deserves some investigation though as i clearly remember how those things shroomed out of the soil by the thousands like magic during the pandemic and nobody seemed to notice or care.

    • Wow! That is some weird, unusually long Substack article (65 pp). Wonder if those radio transmitters are the same ones that supposedly are used to steer hurricanes and tropical storms?

        • Hughsername and jo-ann,
          That was a bit high on the realization scale. Realizations at my age takes days to begin to settle in .
          This is one of them. A pinch of salt to be taken like a nitro pill under the touge.
          I’m a firm believer in Tesla’s claim that frequency is everything. It seems really important to thems, they,those whose agenda is antithetical to life… Thank you for bringing this towards our attention. It’s a very interesting part of everyday mid west landscape.

  7. Giving up our young kids to a dehumanized society is alarming. I find the subject interesting. It touches on my only personal religion. This can be summed up as ‘Truth is Better than Lies’*. Ultimately, it is unprovable, and an act of faith; but I do require logic and reason for everything else.
    My take on the argument between the person who condemned traditional religion, and the one who reacted to the condemnation, is this. We can look at the problems we now face, as rooted in the lies and mistakes we have stubbornly held on to in the past. In other words, old-fashioned religion triggered a massive pushback, as it desperately clung to dogmas that became absurd in the light of the undeniable insights and power of scientific developments. The illogic of many of their positions could no longer be upheld, with the simultaneous advent of increased literacy and vastly improved communications systems. They would not have attracted so much intense hatred and ridicule, if they had a truly strong allegiance to truth, as these challenges arose. But of course, they instead brutally suppressed dissent, along with offering arguments with blatantly faulty logic.

  8. As with all powerful reactions, the pendulum swings way past neutral (where truth and logic thrive). So, the baby is thrown out with the bathwater. The French Revolution, Pol Pot, Mao, etc., etc., become inevitable. The good and useful accomplishments and potentials of religions and traditions get demonized, by association with the stupider elements. Direct loving care by parents is associated with traditional values, which is associated with old-time religions. The many fools and demagogues, on both sides, discard all nuanced reflection of such important issues, in favor of wholesale demonization of the other side, as well as sanctification of their own. Tradition and religion are just convenient examples of the need for a deeper understanding of truth and logic. The world of science is in sore need as well. Ditto media, government, and more**.

    *A stricter embrace of my religion is the only way out of this cycle, that I can perceive. Prioritize Truth and logic. This includes the inevitable embrace of transparency by the powerful entities, as well as our insistence on it. If we can overcome our use of exaggerations, and conversely, the groundless dismissals of uncomfortable evidence, these infinite number of over-amped destabilizing pendulums would diminish.

    **So, the problem is us. As long as we personally accept secrets and lies, large societal ones will manifest, as well. In this, our current condition, we are easily polarized and manipulated. This will not correct itself in my lifetime. It is huge, and thereby a multi-generational evolution is the best we can hope for. But I am hopeful, in the long run, as deep healing is a mysterious and slow process. Perhaps the body politic can undergo healing, as our complex and wondrous bodies do, albeit at an even slower pace.
    So, do we now need a more philosophical and patient approach? Do we need more confrontation and activism? Can we simultaneously utilize both?

    • Hanky, that was well said and similarly on my mind lately.
      It has come to my attention lately of the Scots-Irish and their bottoms up approach to their culture. Honor, respect for one’s own accomplishments and maintaining personal responsibilities. Duty to your communities all fit well in the glove of Calvinism. The perfidious English nature of top down crushing brutality and the corruption of the Catholic Church was at odds with the Protestant demands of reform of John Knox. Taking personal responsibility and maintaining ones honor was unthought of by the English serf. Much as it is today in the USA. I knew very little of Calvinism and it’s demands of taking personal responsibilities and actions in the forming of Scotland. I can agree with much that is expected of a clan member, and it just isn’t widely accepted in these perfidious states today. All for one and I’m apparently not the one. We could use a good dose of Calvinism.

      • As James said, every reaction begets a reaction. So,in the interest of energy conservation, the fools and demagogues push the pendulums too far when they are approaching a neutral state. It’s like pushing someone down the stairs, when they are already leaning that way.

        Thanks for reading and commenting on my last Hankifesto.
        So, do we now need a more philosophical and patient approach? Do we need more confrontation and activism? Can we simultaneously utilize both?

        • Hanky
          3 very good questions. Both I’d say. But to check a bully one must be willing to sacrifice peace for pain, which could be long and drawn out and test the metal of ones honor. These things are largely unknown to society today. When the last warrior of the last war dies those bullies will act up again. Logic, truth and adhering to the conservation of energy law. Matter is neither made or destroyed but converted. Living in peace for so long we have lost our focus. Both, definitely. Plus Any thing else that will bring a Protestant Reformation like application to our present ills.

          • Yes, of course both are needed. I am leaning more to the philosophical side, as I am now definitely past my prime, physically anyway. I reckon some people will, and should express one side more than the other. But everyone needs to have at least some of their less dominant trait, to be fully human. So, in general, the young ones will be better activists, and the elders will be better philosophers. In general, anyway…
            Each individual need not be a paragon of one model, or the other. Despite what fictional heroes have taught us, each person doesn’t have to be an ideal master of everything. We need the farmers and the plumbers. Everyone need not be great at it all, though it is great to be able to learn new tricks, especially as emergencies arise.

            PS Personally, I am what Jordan Peterson would term a ‘disagreeable.’ His clinical definition of such people is not necessarily negative. They are more skeptical of everything, but not always overbearing. I agree, we need such people, too. So, I habitually court confrontation, which would seem to make me be a better activist, but in the decades since 9/11, the lessons of experience have made me more philosophical,(plus my age).

            • Ha, I am well past my prime, too, but the heart is still willing. I recently read a suggestion that we (the sane) should utilize some of the same tools that the cultural change-agents are using. The article suggested starting with “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky. “Yes! Magazine” published a book in the last decade (I think) titled “Beautiful Trouble” that also describes how to use activist tools: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1944869093

              • What a tangled web we weave…

              • responding to hank re tangled web:
                I think it would be satisfying to be able to turn the game against them. (Meanwhile, we have more serious life-and-death threats to avoid in the weeks ahead.)

  9. Who has their hand on the actuator lever of weather warfare?

    At the 1 minute mark in this episode a geoengineering activists talks to the Pueblo Colorado weather office. Yes it’s completely stupid to expect any information of any value in calling up the devil and asking who “you” gonna kill next. It got me wondering who has the laptop, desktop, keyboard who activates these NexRad, Dopplar and HAARP Low frequency radio transmitters? There has to be a name behind so many murders. Makes you wonder ; is this a military or civilian trained killer.

    • @GBW

      RE: “is this a military or civilian trained killer.”

      I put my money on a combination of both, some military assets with weather warfare capabilities used in black ops yes, but also corporate contractors with specialized gear (both orbital and ground based installations that work in tandem) with killers wielding keyboards taking orders from both military brass, corporate oligarchs and some of the bankster/billionaire club.

      Based on the intel I have seen I also speculate that specialized combinations of various DEW technologies are utilized to not only steer/intensify hurricanes, initiate freakish precipitation events and drought out entire regions for multiple years, but also to initiated targeted tectonic destabilization events (weaponized earthquakes).

      • Gavin,
        You said it ! like an informed activist. I agree completely. There was some talk years back in the gold prospecting groups that setting off some volcanoes with HAARP would result in the creation of vast new gold deposits for the future. These people are certifiably insane.

        • @GBW

          There are definitely a portion of humans that have their priorities so out of wack and disconnected from reality, foresight and caring about their grandchildren that I would describe them as psychotic and delusional. The types that cheer for destroying entire ecosystems to get at rare minerals and the types that start and perpetuate wars for profit and eugenics certainly fall into that category.

          There is one data set that I have been keeping my eye on ever since those types of psychotic exploitative parasites moved into targeting northern Ontario to scalp the Earth and carve into her bones with explosives and solvents (in the name of “sustainable development”) and that is data sets that show where newly discovered proven hard rock Lithium, Cobalt and high purity Silica deposits are.

          All are used for powering the next gen orbital control grid tech, the E-vehicle scam and for making server farms to power AI augmented weapons, surveillance and profiteering operations (like Blackrock’s Aladdin).

          When it comes to the imperialistic pillaging of the forests, lakes, rivers and the rocks underneath them in the Boreal zone of northern Ontario, so far all that has been required to make the locals more pliable and agreeable has been some carefully applied Delphi Technique used at town meetings and some bribes thrown this way and that way to shut up opposition.

          I have a feeling that people in the Appalachian Mountains would not be so easily convinced and it just so happens that some of those areas that were pummelled by freakish floods (which will inevitably see a drastic real-estate value reduction and massive sell offs as people flee their decimated once loved homes) is sitting on top of and in the way of some very high concentrations of Lithium and Silicon Computer chip grade Silica deposits. Perhaps it was decided that they needed a more strong incentive to sell and the keyboard killers were ordered to get to work.

          It could be a coincidence, but it also may not be.

          In either case my prayers are with the good people of those towns and all those in the areas of Florida being targeted right now.

          • Gavin,
            Prayers are all we own and I have a feeling it’s all we had coming into the world and all we will be able to leave with.

            I’m rather excited that several sites I have seen outside my regular viewing are speculating in some horrific scenarios. Some have commercial interests in doing so but their followers are getting some information they otherwise would never consider. Checking the comment section of some of these I’m encouraged by their responses.
            It’s ironic to see; like seeing chemtrails in the sky and trying to decipher what it portends .
            I’m praying they,them,those aren’t going all-in at this time. I’m hoping against the house odds I can die of old age not ever having taken up the sword.

    • I should have said who has their hand on the levers of weather propaganda. It was coined that the whole project should be comparable to the Manhattan Project. Their has to be a name to attach to the Joplin job.

  10. I’m noticing a strange shift in tone lately from government mouthpieces. You can tell that some of them are becoming aware of just how little control they have over the current polycrisis . It’s a nervous honesty that I haven’t seen before. They’re starting to admit that they can’t fix the housing market crisis and inflation and unemployment and the overburdened health care system and the failing schools and homeless problem and drug addiction and so on that they helped create. And now we have the public demanding that they pay for natural disasters, with a second one imminent in Florida. I have a bad feeling that things are going to get bad again. Jerome Powell is one example . A possible explanation is that these people actually thought they were in control. But no one overrules God’s plans and power.

  11. Lyle Alzado once said; “I hate rules.” He was refering to football.

    Imagine football without rules. No refs. No rules. Notta.

    But there are rules. Who decides what those rules will be?

    Who enforces those rules? Why bother with rules? Who needs them?

    Now let’s get serious. Do you hate rules? Do rules cause your life to be unhappy or difficult?

    Would you rather there be no rules so that you are free to do exactly as you please
    whenever you please?

    If you believe that in order to live any kind of fruitful worthwhile life there must be rules,
    then what should those rules be? Who should decide what the rules will be? And what is
    to be done when someone does not follow the rules?

    How about you making up the rules you want to be governed by, and I’ll make up the ones
    I want to be governed by. I’ll play by my rules and you can play by yours. Then we both can
    be forever happy and free. Sound like a plan?

    Question for all Corbett commenters; “Is there even one single solitary ‘rule’ that we all can
    totally agree on without any arguement?”

    Regardless of what you or I may think or believe, Pkadams last sentence says it all.


    • I imagine the “golden rule” works for socially well adapted people. Not so much for socio-/pycho-paths.

    • “Question for all Corbett commenters; “Is there even one single solitary ‘rule’ that we all can
      totally agree on without any arguement?””

      Probably not. But the most obvious rule to me that seems like it should be “hard wired” into most human beings is the “golden rule” mentioned by jo-ann. It’s what I’ve been taught as a kid but even without someone telling me what I should do my innate conscience kicked in and I knew right from wrong, even as a 3 year old.

      There have been some studies on empathy in infants and some theories on how mirror neurons may play a role in this. I know there are deviations in psychopaths who may be born that way, or at least predisposed to that condition.

      I believe in the majority of human beings (could be wrong) treating others how one would like to be treated is common sense.

    • Evolution of Agreements – An historic Texas example of “rules”
      (at one my old stomping grounds.)

      NOTE: Comanche Peak is a table-top mesa which overlooks a vast area near Glen Rose, Texas.
      Taken from

      Page 45
      …The county seat town of Glen Rose in Somervell County, Texas, came into existence as an unintended consequence of commercial activity on the frontier of settlement in Texas by Indian traders and brothers George Barnard and Charles E. Barnard.
      As early as 1844 George Barnard in partnership with others established what in time became a series of trading posts. This commercial activity coincided with the Republic of Texas passing a law that required the creation of Indian trading posts in several specific locations…
      …the brothers then established another post to trade with the Indians farther to the north and west near the Comanche Peak, a notable landmark known to both Indians and whites…
      Page 46
      …Charles Barnard had purchased the old Comanche Peak trading house from George…
      About this same time he opened a branch store on the Paluxy River in present-day Glen Rose. Always looking for opportunities to invest in money-making ventures, Charles in 1860 made an agreement with representatives of Milam County, Texas, which owned lands in the vicinity. In exchange for title to a quarter section of land, Barnard agreed to construct a water-powered gristmill on the Paluxy River that would serve as an inducement to Euro-American farmers to move into the area where Milam County authorities had more lands for sale…

      …[1870 Bernard sells mill to Tyler Jordan.] Jordan offered to donate land for and to construct a courthouse at his own expense if the locals would join him in organizing a new county and if they would purchase town lots around the courthouse square… [Tough times ensued]…

      Page 33
      …On 1 July 1880 Mrs. Mary E. Milam, wife of Glen Rose physician Scott Milam, purchased Lot 1 of Block 1 in the original town site for the sum of five hundred dollars. This was a very substantial amount of money at the time, but the lot was one of the prime business locations the community had, being both on the courthouse square and at the intersection of the roads coming from Walnut Springs on the south with Stephenville on the west… by 1883 Dr. Milam had developed the property and opened a drug store there to serve his medical practice….

    • Here are some:
      1. Speak the truth
      2. Respect those worthy of respect
      3. Do not commit acts of aggression against another

      Put in even simpler terms:
      1. Do not cause harm
      2. Honor your agreements

  12. “We want the shirt off your back.” says Government

    [Idiom – “the shirt off my back” – means anything or everything one owns or has to offer.]

    WJZY – October 2, 2024
    New California law mandates fashion industry to take old clothes back for free

    California will soon have the nation’s first mandatory textile take-back requirement after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation requiring apparel companies to accept unwanted clothing.

    The goal of the bill, SB 707, is to reduce the millions of tons of unwanted clothing that typically end up in landfills in California, support the development of upcycling and recycling across the state, and address the environmental impacts of “fast fashion.”

    “SB 707 isn’t just about recycling; it’s about transforming the way we think about textile waste,” Senator Josh Newman (D-Fullerton), the bill’s author, said in a statement. “The framework created by SB 707 will create new opportunities for every Californian to participate in a more sustainable future.

    New California law bars cities from implementing voter ID requirements

    Under the new law, companies that make clothing, footwear, and textiles — including drapes, towels and bedding — will need to create a nonprofit organization by 2026 that would set up collection sites at thrift stores, begin mail-back programs, or offer other ways to recycle unwanted clothing by 2030.

    “By 2030, convenient drop-off locations for used textiles across the state will provide everyone with a free and simple way to be part of the solution. California is again at the forefront of innovation, proving we can lead the way in creating a circular and sustainable textile economy that benefits everyone,” Newman said in a statement.

    In 2021, officials say 1.2 million tons of textiles were disposed of in California. Despite 95% of textiles being reusable or recyclable, only 15% are currently recycled or reused, according to Cal Recycle, the state’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery.

    The problem is being worsened by “fast fashion,” a trend in which clothing companies make low-cost clothing only intended to be worn a few times to keep up with ever-evolving fashion trends.

    Fashion industry groups initially opposed the legislation, but after negotiating some changes with Newman, their positions shifted to neutral, according to the Los Angeles Daily News.

    Companies that don’t follow the new law will be subjected to penalties, according to the law’s text.

    • Thanks you. (I am cynical — I automatically envision that the collected clothing will have the same fate as the collected plastics that we all “recycle.”)

      • Actually, used clothes is a huge market all the way down to making rags or sending clothes overseas. But women’s high heel dress shoes don’t do well in Africa.
        I am very, very familiar with these “Donation Drop Spots” for used household stuff and what happens with the goods.
        The Free Market is amazing, “an invisible hand”.

        ANECDOTE LEFTOVERS – The Garment Industry

        • A large market balooned by spending habits. Shopping is national dopeing, to paraphrase a lyric from a regional band’s song.

  13. Attorney Aaron Siri

    Proud to Be Suing Hospitals and Doctors That Inject Hep B Vaccines Into Newborns Without Parental Consent
    Hospitals and doctors across the nation: You are on notice


    ICAN is supporting an initiative that is long overdue: suing doctors and hospitals that inject newborns with a hepatitis B vaccine without parental consent.

    The hepatitis B vaccine is a case study in agency capture.
    The target for this product was sex workers and intravenous drug users, and the rare pregnant mother who was hepatitis B positive.
    The problem was that CDC could not get the sex workers and intravenous drug users to take this product. The story would have ended there if pharma didn’t stand to earn billions through a wider mandate of this product.

    With those billions at stake, an argument was made that if all newborns were vaccinated (not just the tiny number whose mothers were hepatitis B positive) then we could catch these babies before they became prostitutes or heroin addicts. CDC’s advisory committee, stacked with individuals receiving funding from pharma, added it to the routine childhood schedule in 1995.

    Parents who decide not to inject their babies with this product have varying reasons. Some simply conclude that their baby won’t be having sex or sharing dirty needles with drug addicts—usually a safe assumption. Others are horrified that the two hepatitis B vaccines available for babies were licensed based on clinical trials with only 5 days of safety monitoring.

    Let me repeat: 5 days.
    If that sounds incredible and shocking, it is because it is incredible and shocking. But that is the simple, cold hard truth. See for yourself….

  14. US citizens please read the following alert from Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom and take action. Quoted from an email alert sent by the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons:

    URGENT ACTION NEEDED by Oct 15: STOP Unconstitutional REAL ID

    “When the Obama administration issued the “You Can’t Fly” LIE about REAL ID (other ID options), it intended to compel Americans to submit to the REAL ID, an unconstitutional national ID system. It usurps 10th Amendment states’ rights and 4th Amendment privacy rights.

    “In recent testimony to Congress, state DMVs are pushing for the federal REAL ID to be put on our phones, creating a mobile driver’s license (mDL) and mobile ID (mID). This would enable Americans to become vulnerable to a China-like “social credit system” of tracking and control.

    “They want Americans to suffer until they submit. On September 12, 2024, the TSA and Homeland Security together announced a proposed REAL ID rule, refusing to further extend the May 7, 2025 REAL ID deadline and giving the public only 30 days during the height of this very heated election to comment on the government’s plan to impose the federal REAL ID through a new 2-year period of progressively more painful enforcement:

    “During the phased enforcement period individuals will experience varying levels of consequences including warning notices and progressive enforcement (as part of a phased enforcement plan), or full enforcement (where agencies transition to full enforcement on the deadline).”

    DEADLINE TO COMMENT: Tuesday, October 15 (11:59 PM EASTERN).
    NOTE: Regulations.gov is shutting down for 2 days (Oct 12-13).”

    For information about this requirement and how to voice your opposition: https://www.cchfreedom.org/

  15. N. Ireland’s Totalitarian Public Health Bill

    “The unbelievable legislative powers sought by YOUR government.

    “The N. Ireland Department of Health is seeking control of all of us by introducing totalitarian legislation governing YOU, YOUR premises, YOUR animals, YOUR property, and YOUR documents PLUS FORCED vaccinations and FORCED medical examinations essentially seeking to implement the WHO amendments to the International Health Regulations.

    “READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE as published in Principia Scientific International. (please excuse error in title)

    “The legislation would remove civil rights with respect to bodily autonomy, property rights, parental rights, possession rights including animals, the freedom to associate, and the right to work as well as introduce a surveillance regime. Informed consent is nowhere to be seen. It is difficult to name any rights we would retain.

    “Since when were we to be governed by a health department?

    “It is all about enforcement – there is no mention of preventative practice, good health policy, no mention of a risk-benefit analysis nor that it is the results of carrying out a review of previous policy.

    “A high level of public concern has led to calls from political parties for its withdrawal.”

  16. Context via newswires:
    Though slightly weakened, Hurricane Milton is still a powerful Category 4 storm and is expected to remain fairly strong as it crosses the state. It could make landfall Wednesday (October 9) night in the Tampa Bay area, which has a population of more than 3.3 million people.

    Hurricane Helene hit Florida’s northern Gulf shore panhandle big bend area as a Category 4 hurricane with winds of 140 miles per hour about September 26 (Thursday), and its torrential rains impacted Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.

    Tuesday October 8, 2024 – By Jefferey Jaxen
    Rare Behavior of Hurricane Milton Puts Weather Modification Conversation Back on the Table

    • Jim Lee, in his live broadcast a few days ago, went into details how the actual data for wind speeds shows “Helene” was not even a category 1 storm. The actual classification would be a “major rain event”. One needs do an expert of all trades these days to make sense of anything that is made available in the media space.

  17. The picture on this page is artistic and fantastic! Like they say “A picture is worth a thousand words”.
    How close we are to Armageddon is anyones’ guess, but I would like to hear from you James & James.
    One important information I would like to point to is what the Zionist Rabbis are saying and what prophecies they are uttering from their mouths. According to their Talmud, their Messiah will not come until and unless Armageddon takes place and they want to hasten it. Mr. Satanyahoo is doing their bidding. No matter how much the world cries out against the atrocities that Satanyahoo and his cohorts Biden et. al. are committing, they continue with their slaughter and mayhem of civilians. What does this tell us??… They don’t care!!! They have targeted the world for annihilation so that their Messiah can come – who actually will be the anti-Christ. Any thoughts on this?

    • And they get the Evangelicals to support them because they think Jesus won’t come back until Israel controls “from the river to the sea,” which is preposterous.

  18. Also about the hurricane in North Carolina which caused a total devastation to properties and people. I have heard that they will be aided by the US government with a whopping $750, while Israhell and Ukraine get a measly hundreds of billions of dollars from the US. Is this fair? James & James your comments on this – please!
    While Israhell are getting weapons from US to do another genocide in Lebanon, the US is also sending about $300 million to the aid of the people of Lebanon. I wonder where this money is actually going?? They fund these wars, but I believe most of this money is boomeranged back to the pockets of the elites. What do you say?

  19. So people are worried about these new glasses people can buy that link to the internet and get information of people. It made me think of something. The term “salting your data” seems improper, as salt is used to preserve the longevity of meat. I prefer to use the term “swamping your data”, putting it in mire and muck that others would have to sort through in order to get to the truth.

    Since I can’t post images here: https://x.com/vienticus/status/1730841310586626241/photo/1

  20. Survivors! Friends!

    Checkout the LibRedirect Plugin and get familiar alternative frontends for sites such as youtube, soundcloud, etc.


    { End Transmission }

  21. Synopsis and analysis of Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints, a prescient book about the clash of cultures that was read in multiple episodes by Pete on The Pete Quinones’ podcast a couple of months ago:

    The Camp of the Saints After 50 Years
    Peter Bradley • October 4, 2024 • 2,500 Words

    • Thanks for sharing this. I’ve enjoyed some of Pete Quinones’ work and his coverage of the cultural clashes underway in modern times especially in the US.

      The assumption that human beings are blank slates and that people from different cultures can live harmoniously in the same place is IMO false.

      Some of the thinkers in the Anarchy space IMO do not accurately perceive the issues of cultural differences between people and that this is an additional barrier to peace and harmony. Although the idea of voluntary association is valued and I do strongly believe that everyone has that fundamental right irrespective of their race or culture, including white people from white cultures. I certainly would not want to force my presence on others or try to exploit their culture for my own benefit.

      Having said that, I do think people from different cultures can work together to stop the parasitic elites from destroying humanity and that should be kept in mind.

  22. The ‘Trump shooter’ Thomas Crooks had a blood LEAD level from his corpse of 5.9 ug/dL.

    According to the records, Allegheny County tested Crooks for alcohol and a wide variety of narcotics, including cocaine, opiates, fentanyl and methamphetamine—finding no trace of any of those substances. He also tested negative for benzodiazepines, which is a psychotropic used for anxiety and similar issues.

    —Toxins and Criminal or Weird Behaviors— LEAD
    I thought that Thomas Crooks exhibited some odd, somewhat mentally challenged behavior…

    Lead toxicity predicts future criminal behavior.

    Probably, most people will discount lead toxicity as a potential barometer of behavior. I won’t.
    Search for studies – you’ll easily find them.
    Just like fluoride, lead accumulates in the body, especially the bone…and then recirculates.
    Fluoride is the New Lead.

    Dr. Bruce Lanphear played a major role in the Cincinnati Lead Study (CLS) that took early childhood blood lead levels and followed these individuals for 30 years. Based on the early exposures, the study could predict juvenile delinquency and arrests.

    Herb Needleman (Dr. Phyllis Mullenix worked with him in the late 1970’s) had a 1979 LEAD study which noted these traits: “distracted, not persistent, dependent, not organized, hyperactive, impulsive, frustrated, day dreamer, unable to follow simple directions, unable to follow sequences, low overall functioning, and social dysfunction.” Teenagers “were more likely to be dyslexic, drop or flunk out of high school, and get arrested if their lead levels” were higher.

    Houses of Butterflies [Workers were known for brushing hallucinated insects from their bodies.]
    (Herb Needleman)

    NIEHS 2012
    NTP Report Monograph on the Effects of Low Level Lead
    See page 20 for Table 4.1
    Page 19 EXCERPT
    In children, there is sufficient evidence that blood Pb levels <5 μg/dL are associated with broad-based and specific indices of reduced cognitive function and an increase in attention-related behavior diagnosis and antisocial problem behaviors.
    [IMPORTANT NOTE – blood Pb levels <5 μg/dL is an extremely small amount of lead.]

    • Too much target practice? From the web: “…traditional lead bullets are still widely used, and precautions should be taken when handling them to minimize exposure to lead.”

  23. ***** – 5 STARS – *****
    The Jimmy Dore Show
    Published Wednesday October 9, 2024
    BOMBSHELL: Judge Rules Fluoride In Water Harmful To Human Health! w/ Michael Connett
    44 minutes (then sponsor ad)

    • Derrick Broze and Michael Connett spend some time discussing how the EPA does risk management.

      Monday October 14 – The Conscious Resistance Network
      Explaining the Historic Ruling in the Fluoride Lawsuit, What Comes Next, & How You Can Help
      Derrick Broze interviews Michael Connett, lead attorney for the Fluoride Action Network and the lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Mr. Connett and his team recently won a legal victory when a federal court ruled that fluoride is a neurotoxin and the EPA must act to prevent further harm to Americans. Broze and Connett also discuss the recently released report from the National Toxicology Program which also concluded fluoride was lowering IQ in children. Finally, Connett shares advice for activists and researchers seeking to end water fluoridation in their communities.

      EPA explains the process: Overview of Risk Management Process

      Per the Federal Judge’s own words, it is now…
      “PROVEN” “that water fluoridation at the level of 0.7 mg/L” “presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment”.
      CONCLUSIONS OF LAW for Fluoride
      #121 – On September 24, Federal Judge Chen had ruled that water fluoridation at the level of 0.7 mg/L presents an “unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment, without consideration of costs or other non-risk factors, including an unreasonable risk to a potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulation under the conditions of use.”

      #122 – He then orders the Administrator of the EPA to apply TSCA regulations and perform risk level evaluations for rulemaking considerations. The Judge highlights the toxicity level evaluations by the famous Dr. Philippe Grandjean as a model to go by. [See the Judges descriptions regarding Grandjean.]
      Grandjean testified in the fluoride trial. He was the one who previously set national toxicity standards for the EPA with mercury and with PFAS.
      Judge Edward Chen’s 80 page Rulinghttps://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/2024.09.24-Opinion.pdf
      Go to page 79 “Conclusion of Law.”

    • NBC National News Oct 14 VIDEO with the Devil’s Witch: Dr Charlotte Lewis
      The Mainstream Media is starting to change the narrative, because they actually gave a voice to Dr. Malin.

      Monday October 14, 2024 NBC NEWS – (National MAINSTREAM News)
      Judge orders EPA to take regulatory action on fluoride in drinking water
      YOUTUBE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXhERRUfCJY
      3:47 min video
      A new study suggested the public health benefits of water fluoridation are diminishing. [See Cochrane Study below] NBC News’ Yasmin Vossoughian details the scrutiny around fluoride and explains why a federal judge ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency needs to take action to regulate it.

      Professor Ashley Malin gives some good talking points.
      Dr. Charlotte Lewis is in the very last segment of the NBC NEWS video.
      The recent Cochrane Study is mentioned. [See below

      FluorideAlert.ORG – 59 second video – [Trading 5 IQ points for fluoridated water – Dr. Charlotte Lewis ]
      AAP Spokesperson Sees IQ Loss As An Acceptable “Trade Off” For Fluoridation
      The American Academy of Pediatrics’ response to the recent fluoride verdict quotes pediatrician Dr. Charlotte Lewis, who stated:
      “There is nothing about the current decision that changes my confidence in the safety of optimally fluoridated water in the U.S.”
      We deposed Dr. Lewis, a member of the AAP Section on Oral Health, at length in the fluoride lawsuit. She testified that she would not withdraw her support of fluoridation even if the evidence convinced her that it’s reducing IQ by five points in 5 to 10 percent of the population, and that it would be an “appropriate trade-off”.
      We strongly disagree with Dr. Lewis that shedding IQ points is a fair trade off for the practice of water fluoridation.

      Professor Ashley Malinhttps://epidemiology.phhp.ufl.edu/profile/malin-ashley/
      She is a HERO! Oh man! She has been doing fluoride studies for 10 years. She and Christine Till (and others) have been through the wringer of persecution.
      Malin’s recent Science Study – May 1, 2024 Los Angeles Study of pregnant mothers who drank fluoridated water and how it later affected the IQ and behaviors of their three year olds, including ADHD and autistic aspects. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38767917/

      Brain Damage versus “one quarter of a tooth.”
      On October 4, 2024, internationally famous Cochrane issued its report on water fluoridation.
      It found that Fluoridation’s effectiveness has declined to almost nothing over the past 50 years, with fluoridation possibly reducing cavities in only about “one quarter of a tooth.”

  24. I recently moved to a city that fluoridates the water, so I was wondering how to go about getting it out of my drinking water. I saw the solutions watch on it, but I rent an apartment, so I can’t really install anything. Does anyone know if there is an easier way to get rid of fluoride from tap water? I am new to the whole anti- flouride movement, and I emailed the FAN, but they haven’t got back to me yet.

    • I used a reverse osmosis filter for my tap water when I lived in the city. It cost about $500 dollars to install under my kitchen sink. I didn’t put one in for the shower though. I think it was pretty good and my water sure tasted better too.

      I assumed the water was fluoridated where I was living but I’m really not sure, but I do know chlorine and other things were present in it. But the R/O filter will work for both chlorine, fluoride and other contaminant. It at least significantly minimizes them.

      • Good to know thank you, I will look into that for sure.

    • AnCap94,
      I feel ya…renting an apartment makes it tough.
      Like the skilled nurse, cu.h.j says, “a reverse osmosis filter” can remove most fluoride from the water.
      All other types of water filters can’t really remove the fluorine ions.
      “A reverse osmosis filter” system may have a holding tank. Over time, these tanks can collect a microbial growth. So, besides changing filters, there are other maintenance factors.

      Distilled water is another choice.
      Home Distillers can be purchased.

      Regardless, whether reverse osmosis filtered or distilled, you will want to supplement minerals. Magnesium will be an important mineral, and most people are deficient in it anyway.
      In 2007-08, I tested many brands of bottled water for minerals. Surprisingly to me, Ozarka Spring Water was so well filtered that it had almost no mineral content. It was on par with distilled water.
      The big ‘cooler’ water fountains in school hallways have so much collected residue that it is scary…my mineral test went off the charts. Old cities and older infrastructure and homes have older pipes which can leach toxic levels of lead and copper, and gross amounts of iron.

      Activist Derrick Broze will take large containers to a Water Refill place. Some are “stand alone” in a parking lot, some are inside at a strip center or a machine outside a health food store. Some are inside a grocery store.
      Some keywords are “Water Stores” or “Drinking Water Refill” or “Water Purification Services” or “Water Delivery”.
      Ideally, very large glass containers are best, but they are heavy with 5 gallons of water.

      • Please tell me more about that mineral test, how is it conducted?

        • Total Dissolved Solids
          What is a TDS meter and do you need one?

          I tested many brands and some of the same brands from different stores many miles away.
          It provided some insights.

          I am positing…
          If a person had distilled water in a large container which they used for drinking, they might add some dolomite rock (after heating the rock to kill microbes).
          This might somewhat mimic nature.

          • Oh OK, I was thinking you were doing something more specific. I have a TDS meter and it, of course, just measures the (somewhat) total amount of solid mater in water. My pipe water goes from about 200 range down to 4 after distillation. The extra it’s mostly manganese and ions that make the water hard. That’s what I assume, not having a better way to measure.

      • Got it thank you. I will look into the home distiller. I have read some of Derrick Broze’s articles before, he seems very knowledgeable on the subject. It is crazy to think that I used to just believe that the whole fouridizationation matter was a just a funny plot point in Dr. Strangelove.

  25. Ok James Corbett. I have some questions for you. I wish you would respond to your sponsors.

    How close are you to producing a book?
    What’s it going to be about?
    Do you need more money or more time?
    Some say Japan is still mostly closed to outsiders, is this true?

    You have been busy lately and I’m so proud of you for sticking your pale white neck out in the global politics of the land of the rising sun.

  26. This might interest some people: https://watch.civl.com/. From their Web site:

    Stories of liberation
    CiVL is a free streaming platform for courageous stories and subversive ideas that challenge power structures. Get access to award-winning films, shows, and debates. No ads. No credit card to join.

    • Besides contributions from users, funding is provided by these groups:
      We are supported by The Foundation for Harmony and Prosperity. [https://www.harmonyandprosperity.org/about]
      We’d also like to thank The Advocates for Self-Government for its contributions to our platform. [https://www.theadvocates.org/about/]

  27. Article that may be of interest to those beginning to learn about the real world. I have not fact checked this article, but it seems consistent with what I have read over the years, and assuming that all that I have read is not a repeat of half-truths or fiction. The last embedded video is an interview of Calin Georgescu, former executive director of the UN, taken from the interview with Reiner Fuellmich, published on 28-Jan-2023, followed by a movie trailer for Sound of Freedom.

    Committee of 300, One World Government and Paedophilia
    By Rhoda Wilson on October 3, 2024

  28. Related to land grabs:

    Global South Land Grab: Corporations scoop up community farmland to offset their carbon emissions
    By Rhoda Wilson on October 1, 2024

    Microsoft, the company he built his fortune on and, according to insiders, still actively advises, sees it differently. In June 2024, the tech giant bought 8 million carbon credits from the Timberland Investment Group (“TIG”), a fund owned by the Brazilian agribusiness lender BTG Pactual.[2] TIG is raising US$1 billion to buy and convert pasture lands to large-scale eucalyptus plantations across the Southern Cone of Latin America’[3] As these trees grow, they draw carbon from the atmosphere and store it in their roots, trunks and branches. TIG will estimate the amount of carbon removed and then sell it as carbon credits to Microsoft and other corporations.

    Each carbon credit that Microsoft buys from TIG is supposed to offset one tonne of the emissions Microsoft generates burning fossil fuels. This is one of the main ways that Microsoft and many other companies are planning on getting to “net zero” emissions, while still burning fossil fuels.

      • jo-ann,
        We may all [ hang ] together.
        So people will know what it looks like I’ll post my interaction with the feds. You are primarily responsible [ for any outcome, pray it’s to our advantage ] thank you.

        No planning went into this reply but I found it ironic I should use the state application to counter the Federal application. Both are are worthless as tit’s on a boar hog.

        The state ID has sufficient security for interstate travel. The idea of transit papers inside the borders of the US of A is unimaginable. State issued driver’s licence can be an adequate form of ID produced by credible personal and backed by the States security apparatuses. I have great faith in my states ability to perform such needs of the people.The exposure to compromise of my safety could be increased by another layer of an external unaccountable government entity and feel more competent in the State security from home. Save the tax payer some money and scrape that idea completely. Take the savings and give it to the States to expand their efforts to combat the Federal Government created crisis of 22million illegal immigration suspects. The Local State can better screen undocumented local drivers there by making that bad idea unnecessary.

        • My reply is not as interesting as yours is:

          I oppose implementing the REAL ID national identification system for the following reasons:
          1. High risk of personal damages caused by hacking or corruption of a digital identity system. This is not unlike using the same login and password for all digital accounts.
          2. REAL ID is not necessary for those of us who already have a US Passport. In addition, I have a state drivers license and Social Security card that are often required as proof of ID.
          3. The REAL ID program, as run by DHS, has the potential for abuse by a future tyrannical government.

          • jo-ann.
            Final word.
            Doesn’t look like we’ll hang today.
            Had a most interesting afternoon at the Ok- Tag and Drivers license Agent today.
            My Ok.D.L. expired last month. So while getting a new one so I can fly, I was delightfully surprised that it’s renewed now for 8 more years. Cost ? Free. The bonus was the agent told me they received notice a couple weeks ago that Real I.D. deadline is now extended of 2 years.
            Nothing like a mid-term Donald to bring that baby right on home for his MAGA bosses. Let’s hope not eh?

  29. Informational brochure (link at end) about the technology of war that surrounds us and is above us:

    Technology, Artificial Intelligence, the Military and War

    “Each year in October, the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space holds Keep Space for Peace Week to raise awareness about the militarization and exploitation of space.

    “In marking this year’s events, Safe Tech International partnered with Irene of eyemind concepts for the design and production of a 6-page brochure about tech, AI, the military and war. The brochure is currently only available as a PDF, but in a few days we’ll be sending out a printable 3-panel, two-sided brochure.”

    Brochure: https://safetechinternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Technology-Artificial-Intelligence-the-Miliatary-and-War.pdf

  30. KFOR TV Oklahoma’s News 4
    More reports of odd reactions to mosquito bites

    2 1/2 minutes

    Swollen body parts from a mosquito bite on people who have never had adverse reactions like this before.
    Tulsa is mentioned in context to how this phenomena goes beyond Oklahoma City.

    KFOR is an NBC affiliate in Oklahoma City.

    • When I watched this NEWS report, my first thoughts went to Japan Rising and Dr. Miki Gibo.
      The biggest problem the replicon vaccine is that it might infect unvaccinated people through close contact.

      Further down that Thread is a SUBTHREAD on SHEDDING which contains anecdotes from Corbett Members during the vaccination period of the Plandemic.

  31. Tulsa, Oklahoma Dentist Jim Maxey, D.D.S. gives us the LONG form on FLUORIDE

    Jim Maxey, D.D.S.
    An article printed in the Tulsa World newspaper on September 26, 2024 page A-10 states that a “NEW YORK-A federal judge ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday to further regulate fluoride in drinking water because high levels could pose a risk to the intellectual development of children.”
    Additionally the plaintiffs state “that after 7 years and two trials the Court found that by a preponderance of the evidence that the fluoridation of the drinking water at levels typical in the United States poses an unreasonable risk of injury to health of the public. The Court found that the fluoridation of water at 0.7 milligrams per liter (mg/L), the level presently considered “optimal” in the United States-poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children…the Court finds there is unreasonable risk of such injury, a risk sufficient to require the EPA to engage with a regulatory response. One thing the EPA cannot do, however, in the face of this court’s finding, is to ignore that risk.”
    I, Jim Maxey, D.D.S., have personally researched and studied in depth this water fluoridation issue for some 40 years. The numerous adverse health effects of ingesting fluoridated drinking water has actually been known about for at least 70 to 80 years.
    The fluoride chemical that is currently being added to the drinking water is not the same fluoride chemical that was being studied back in the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s….

    …What attorney Michael Connett and his team had to do to be successful in their legal accomplishment here is bring together all the pieces to the puzzle of fluoride induced IQ damage. If they had failed to present all of those puzzle pieces or misunderstood or somehow neglected to fully assemble the IQ puzzle then the case might have gone another way.
    Fortunately for humanity he and his team did a magnificent job and produced the intended result…

    …If you have a child, friend, relative or know of someone with some birth defect, IQ deficiency or some other brain dysfunction then odds are that fluoride was somehow connected. If you want to continue to deny the fluoride fraud then you are not only in violation of your professional ethics…you are part of the problem. So go ahead and give me your single digit salutes as I am use to it. Hopefully when you are finally awake you will thank me and keep your digit down.
    As I stated…it is a well-known fact that the enzyme poison fluoride crosses the placental barrier. Now I would like for you to recall your education in chemistry, embryology, genetics, physiology, and anatomy…and mostly important…your professional ethics…

    …The hero’s here are Michael Connett and his team…
    … Be a hero…wake up!

    • Another interesting fluoride-related post. Can I be direct- do you believe that fluoride is just a misguided attempt to help improve teeth health, or do you believe it is to a scheme make a more docile populace?

      • In my opinion…

        …like you mentioned, a vast number of people have been misguided about the benefits of fluoride. You phrase that well with “misguided”.

        We know for certain that there were/are powerful vested interests who benefited from the profluoridation narrative, and many promote that narrative.

        As far as that Psychopathic objective of making people more docile and dumb, I doubt that any of the institutions themselves have that objective.
        Kellogg’s in Latin America adamantly promotes fluoride (Frosted Flakes et al)
        [By the way, Corbett Member mutig gave me that link.]

        But I do think that there are individuals who are souless worms…psychopaths who take pleasure in the fact that fluoride can reduce the well being of people.
        Dr. Harold Hodge is certainly one of those people.
        I’m sure that there are others, especially people in authority, who recognize the harms but are so coldblooded and heartless that they have no problem destroying people’s lives.

  32. Kind of a random post but- what exactly is Media Monarchy? I was on their site and it seemed to me that it is a Radio Show, but is that accurate/partially correct? I like NWNW and JEP, so I wanted to learn more, thanks.

    • For the Historic Record…

      Sidenote: At the James Corbett intro of this October Open Thread, the script says:
      It’s October again already, so you know what that means: James Evan Pilato is beginning his Shocktober streaming activities over in the Media Monarchy subscriber community! (And I’ll be a special guest for a stream later this month, doing a watch-along of a Danny Casolaro / Octopus documentary!)

      What is Media Monarchy?
      Taken from October 18, 2024 Interview 1904 – The Internet Archive Hack (NWNW 568)

      QUEUED at 21:49
      James Evan Pilato says
      What’s Media Monarchy?
      Media Monarchy is a website I started back in 2005.
      It was back when we were bloggers, and we were posting and aggregating news sites.
      And it was a lot more work back then, because there weren’t tens of thousands of other people really doing all the work at the same time. It was a much smaller group of people. So it was a harder bit of work to collate the news, and try and get that out to as many people as possible.
      I started to do a live radio and internet broadcast in 2006 called Media Monarchy.
      That was a once a week thing.
      And as the years have grown by, I was able to quit my regular day normie job, and turn Media Monarchy into my regular job –
      Five days a week, really seven days a week job, where it is now a broadcast running eight days a week.
      And I play what I call news, music, memes, and more.
      I do my own Morning News broadcast for about an hour.
      I play a lot of music.
      I came from music radio.
      So even though 9-11 Truth maybe broke my brain 25 years ago, I still never wanted to lose that musical element.
      And that’s why I call it Media Monarchy.
      So on that note, I’m doing a month-long horror film festival….”

  33. The following articles are indepth…

    By “A Midwestern Doctor – “The Forgotten Side of Medicine

    Saturday October 12, 2024
    The Remarkable History and Safety of DMSO
    Please share your experiences with DMSO with the readers here!


    Sept 29
    DMSO is a Miraculous Therapy for Chronic Pain and Musculoskeletal Injuries

    Sept 15
    DMSO Could Save Millions From Brain and Spinal Injury
    The decades of evidence showing DMSO revolutionizes the care of many “untreatable” circulatory and neurologic conditions.

    Sept 12
    The Unappreciated Benefits of Natural Light
    Exploring the critical biological functions of a complete and balanced light spectrum

    Sept 8
    The Evidence Putting Light Inside the Body Is A Miraculous Therapy
    How Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation treats severe many severe cardiovascular, infectious, obstetric, autoimmune and neurological diseases

    • He has an invaluable Substack! I have been reading it ever since P. Kory called attention to it. Another excellent Substack is one authored by Walter M. Chesnut (https://wmcresearch.substack.com/), who has been investigation natural remedies to help combat the biological attack(s) upon us, as well as other topics.

  34. World’s largest obituary database erases 2.3 million deaths. Does anybody care?
    Legacy.com overnight on 6/6/24 deleted 2.3 million obituaries. Why? To cover up the evidence of excess deaths that their database was showing for the post injection years. I have several substacks articles about Legacy.com, I started investigating the site back in February of this year. Mark Crispin Miller linked to my first post about it:


    But this is one of my recent posts explaining the evidence I just discovered about their scrubbing of the evidence:


    Please take a look. The Wayback Machine was able to give me some smoking gun evidence just before it went dark.

    • As Mel from TSM aptly said: Orwell’s 1984 is a dictionary with context. Anyone who read the book will likely not be surprised by this occurrence. It would be nice to access to their database.

      • Who is Mel and what is TSM?

        It looks like the Wayback Machine is back. If anybody wants to try my claim out that 2.3 million obituaries were deleted at Legacy.com on the night of 6/6/24. Just put this URL in the Wayback Machine: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/search

        Then compare 6/6/24 with 6/7/24. The “recent results” are the total cumulative obits since Legacy started.

        Tell me I’m wrong. If not, why did they dump over two million deaths?

        • Melissa Dykes from Truthstream media.

          This deletion can be explained away only as a major statistical errror that they corrected (silently?) by shuffling around millions of records. I guess it could happen but if indeed it did happen one would expect a public annoncement for it. Which may have been there, I could not say.

          Such a major mistake could be that they had millions of duplicated obituaries. Could be.

          Otherwise, and depending on what they are doing with this, the records are likely still there (i.e. every obituary can be accessed) but they are counting them differently.

          Did you try contacting them regarding this problem?

          I would very much like to have acess to that databse for a few hours. Does anyone know some russian hackers?

          • Thanks for making me laugh (last sentence)!

  35. Thanks mkey, I suppose you have given some plausible official explanations for why millions of deaths could just disappear overnight in a “world’s largest” database. By my rough math, those 2.3 million obits represented about 5% of the data in the website. So, if any of your possible explanations are true, doesn’t that point to, at best, complete gross incompetence on the “world’s largest’s” part? – having to dump 5% of your inventory because it was just bad data. I do not buy it. I know why it happened, and I have numbers to back my claim up. All of the missing deaths are located in the post injection years (2021 to present.) This was done on purpose to clean up the evidence stored in Legacy’s database.
    I do plan on contacting Legacy to ask their side of the story. I was hoping some ‘name’ in truth media would listen to me and run with the story – I have tried, but so far nobody seems that interested.

    • Yes, that would mean gross incompetence. Regardless of how improbable, people choose to grasp for incompetence and stupidity over evil.

  36. Tip on heavy metal detox – see Mercola interview on YouTube:

    Effective Ways to Detox Heavy Metals — Interview with Chris Shade, Ph.D. | Oct 7, 2024 | 23:33

    Around 11 minutes Shade explains detox pathways and ways to bind the metals to prevent reabsorption in the gut. He uses a blend of charcoal (endotoxin and mycotoxin binder), clay (aflatoxin binder), IMD (Intestinal Metals Detox product by Quicksilver Scientific) or chlorella (both heavy metals binders). Autogenerated transcript to right of video is useful for jotting notes.

    • CORRECTION – Interview is of Trevor Loudon, who is speaking ABOUT Aleksandr-Dugins. So not Russian propaganda. I can detect slight divisions developing in a few male conservative influencers that have banded together to build resilient communities. They are free to associate.

  37. Poll Of The Month: 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗪𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗢𝗳 𝗡𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮?

    You can vote in the poll via this link:


    For those that are not aware, the namesake of the word “America” is a man named Amerigo Vespucci, whose historical title lists him as a prominent merchant. A capitalist of sorts. What the mainstream texts and social engineering internet sources will not tell you is that he was also a brutal slave trader.

    In today’s vernacular his schemes to lure/trick men, women and children (or sometimes drag them unconscious or kicking and screaming) onto his boat(s) and then slap chains on them and sell them to the highest bidder would earn him the title of a ground level thug in an organized crime syndicate using duplicity, violence and kidnapping to engage in a racketeering operation (now commonly referred to as “Human Trafficking”).

    Here is an excerpt from a letter written by Amerigo Vespucci (eponym for the Americas) describing his encounter with some indigenous peoples on one of his voyages:

    “..we put in to shore; and they did not oppose our landing, through fear of the mortars, I think … And after a long battle, having slain many of them, we put them to flight … We burned the town and returned victorious and with 250 prisoners to the ships, leaving many of them dead and wounded; and on our side only one died, and 22 were wounded, all of whom recovered, praise be to God … and we set sail for Spain, with 222 slave prisoners; and we reached the port of Cadiz on the 15th day of October, 1498, where we were well received and sold our slaves.” ( sources to pertinent info on the man and his human trafficking enterprises can be found in the post linked above )

    Amerigo Vespucci went on a number of other voyages to what we now call “South America” which involved even more malicious, grewsome and insidious tactics in luring the indigenous peoples onto boats in order to sell them as slaves.

    Considering that two continents (and a country) have etymological roots to a man that was involved with human trafficking, I will now pose the question, Should we change the name of North America?

    • The changing of the name of South America seems to be even more pressing. A lasting insult onto the people’s heritage.

      • @mkey

        Good point, I did include them in the poll(s) linked above.

    • lol….maybe thats just a story so people can say they have not been doing what NORMALLY catches you monkey pox. 😉

      • Screen shots and directions given in the article so we can verify for ourselves. Influenza is also given as a side effect. Maybe because the immune system is dysregulated. Some say MPox is a shingles variety.

  38. New research by Kevin McKiernan posted in recent article on Nepetalactone Newsletter has found that plasmids (DNA impurities in cv19 jabs) are found to replicate and mutate in human cells.

    “,,,the variants we are seeing in the vaccine only when it is transfected into human cell lines. When we sequence the naked vaccine, we see no variants in the plasmid backbone. When we sequence the vaccine after it has been transfected into OVCAR3 cells, we see SNPs in the origins of replication.”

    * * *

    “3) If the DNA is replicating in mammalian cells, then we don’t need self amplifying mRNA vaccines as the population was already given them with Pfizer vaccines.

    “What are the implications of injected DNA that can copy itself?

    “First and foremost, the FDA regulations speaking to 10ng of DNA are now irrelevant as you can drive a truck through that regulation with LNPs containing DNA that has active mammalian origins of replication.”

    * * *

    NOTE: I would disagree with statement following numbered bullet because the plasmids are not making clones of itself – they are making a significant number of variants.

    • Correction: author’s sir name is spelled McKernan.

    • Thanks, Jo-ann. Interesting. I have an interest in “Shedding”.

      EXCERPT from the article:

      I was always skeptical of the shedding literature. Not because we lack anecdotes or good explanations of the hypothesis as put forth by Dr. Pierre Kory and others…
      –CITING Kory
      “Shedding” of Covid mRNA Vaccine Components and Products From The Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated – Part 1
      It’s happening. The manufacturers and regulators knew it was a risk, yet, like numerous aspects of the Covid vaccine mRNA technology, did not test for excretion potential of spike proteins or LNP’s.
      … but because I just couldn’t wrap my head around the dosage. Even if we do shed small amounts of spike coated exosomes as suggested by Bansal et al, the dose of Spike to the recipient would be so minuscule, how could it create disease in a recipient? I also think much of the damage from vaccination (but not all) is related to the Bolus theory put forward by Marc Girardot. Shedding recipients are not exposed to this risk factor.
      The dosage calculus completely changes if any of these exosomes contain self replicating DNA or plasmids. Small amounts of shedded plasmids could expand in the recipient and perhaps explain this phenomenon.

  39. Tues Oct 15 – Derrick Broze speaks to Houston City Council – FLUORIDE

    On October 15th, Derrick Broze spoke at Houston City Council to educate the members on the latest date relating to water fluoridation, including a federal court ruling, a new report from the U.S. National Toxicology Program, and cities pausing their water fluoridation programs.
    The Conscious Resistance

    The other day, Derrick Broze interviewed the Attorney Michael Connett who emphasized the importance of activism at a local level.
    Use the Odysee channel to find the Broze-Connett video.
    Or go north on this October Thread to see the various Michael Connett video interviews.

  40. If you don’t use EMF shielding on your digital devices, you might want to reconsider…

    Battlespace Of The Brain: The Military Conquest To “Master The Human Domain”

    Technology expert Rob Braxman explains how current surveillance capabilities actually extend beyond the Internet in two short videos, “There’s a Secret Network – Skynet 2.0,”[iii] February 16, 2022, and April 17, 2024, “Skynet 2024: The Infrastructure is Complete!“[iv] Braxman explains how the use of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mesh networks are being used to surveil iPhone and Android users without their knowledge or consent. BLE mesh networks work when devices are turned off, and all communications are peer-to-peer. This means that each device will operate with any other BLE device with no interference from a third party. To put it in more black and white terms, you personally have no control over the BLE functionality of your own device. You cannot stop it….

    BLE devices cannot only send data, but can receive instructions. Just as a BLE device can be a peripheral that can be turned on and off, think of this functionality on a phone. Apple or Amazon could give instructions to a device that’s turned off to turn on for surveillance reasons. Since an iPhone that is off could receive instructions to turn on, it can then receive further instructions over the Internet to perform specific surveillance tasks….

    • What I mean to say is that THERE WAS NO MASS PANIC – the media made it up.

  41. Greetings Corbett community how is everyone today ? Do any of you brilliant brainiacs
    ( I’m thinking homeremedysupply?)
    know if there’s a deep dive into ….( I keep going to type Ashton Kutcher but !!)

    …Jared Kushner ?

    Im looking for a well researched type of doco ,a
    ‘Meet Jared kushner ‘ piece that may join some dots for me .
    I had the unfortunate displeasure of going to the source of his ,Gaza great waterfront , statement made earlier this year .
    The source is ‘Middle East Dialogues’ at Harvard. I’d like to know more if my stomach can bear it . Does this deeply disturbed sociopath fly under the radar a bit ? I can’t really find much about him.
    He seems to have some interesting friends like family friend ‘Bibi’ the prince of UAE and Elon ( “hipster gates”) musk amongst others , but also quite a bit of power behind the scenes .
    Love and Power to you all from me here in Australia

  42. PS : HERE is the source of my rather lengthy username . Sonnet 94 . Shakespeare

    They that have power to hurt and will do none,
    That do not do the thing they most do show,
    Who, moving others, are themselves as stone,
    Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow,
    They rightly do inherit heaven’s graces
    And husband nature’s riches from expense;
    They are the lords and owners of their faces,
    Others but stewards of their excellence.
    The summer’s flower is to the summer sweet,
    Though to itself it only live and die,
    But if that flower with base infection meet,
    The basest weed outbraves his dignity:
    For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds;
    Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.

    • Breaking up the username with some spaces or hyphens would do wonders for your intent to deliver a message with it. If that is your intent.

      • Excellent suggestion
        I will do that

  43. Hey Corbett and community,
    Just a few links I’ve seen and wanted to share.


    “In this episode, Whitney, along with UH contributor Mark Goodwin, talk to John Titus about the recent US economic crises, the role of BlackRock on US fiscal policy during crisis events, and the brazen criminality of Wall Street and how deeply corrupted financial institutions enable their plunder of taxpayer wealth.”

    And https://greenmedinfo.com/content/fact-check-military-overreaching-truth-behind-dod-directive-524001s-expanded-l

    “The September 2024 update to DoD Directive 5240.01 significantly expands military intelligence powers, raising concerns about constitutional protections and government overreach in domestic law enforcement.”

    Stay calm thru the coming selection chaos and the financial upheaval to come. Get your mind in a good place. Participate in your communities.

  44. Hi James:

    I was just recently reading the most dangerous superstition. I found the book pretty interesting and it makes me wanna dive more into anarchism and anarchist literature. Do you or anyone else have any good recommendations? Does anyone have any other good books for those who want a real science or history education?

    I’m always on the lookout for good reading material. I’m thinking about starting some kind of book club or reading list for people in my local area who are waking up, or have that potential.

  45. Renewed interest on Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370:

    What Really Happened To Malaysian Airlines Flight 370? | Candace EP 80
    “Ashton Forbes joins me to discuss the mystery behind the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and all the secrecy surrounding it.”

    • This interview and Ashton’s X account point to worm holes / teleportation technology used in a US military operation. Fascinating stuff. The X account is worth checking out before it’s gone. The guy has the data.
      P.S. About 20 years ago I saw a single orb like those depicted. I saw it take a sharp 90-degree change in direction, then vanish.

    • jo-ann,
      Thanks for the post. A lot of science fiction could be written from this interview. Harold Puthoff is one of my favorite researchers. There are some takeaways for everybody in all the interview. Candace is slick.
      A photo of the sunrise over the Blanca Coast by ManBearPig had a thing that was unmistakable plasma ‘something’ just hiding in the clouds. Hard to figure out if you have no knowledge of things.

    • Upon further research:
      Excerpts from https://www.iheart.com/content/2024-01-05-miami-police-respond-to-reports-of-alien-during-incident-at-florida-mall/
      “Authorities in Miami responded to reports that an “alien” creature was captured on camera during a riot at Bayside Marketplace. The incident occurred around 8:30 p.m. on New Year’s Day when a group of teenagers started fighting and lighting off fireworks at the two-story mall.”

      “That created a massive panic and prompted an even larger police response.”

      “Over 60 police vehicles responded and shut down the area as officers tried to get the crowd under control.”

      “A spokesperson for the department told TMZ that it wasn’t an alien. Instead, it was nothing more than a shadow of a person walking in front of the police cars.”

  46. Gold Prices hit another record High
    CHART – https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/gold
    Gold climbed past $2,710 per ounce on Friday October 18, reaching a new record high, driven by global demand for safe-haven assets and expectations of further interest rate cuts from major central banks. The European Central Bank cut rates for the third time this year, lowering the deposit rate to 3.25% as expected, and stated that the disinflationary process is ‘well on track.’ Gold also found support from rising tensions in the Middle East, following the Israeli military’s confirmation on Thursday that Yahya Sinwar, a key Hamas leader and top target, was killed in combat, raising fears of regional escalation. Additionally, bullion prices increased as investors shifted away from riskier assets due to underwhelming fiscal measures in China for the ongoing property crisis and uncertainties surrounding the US presidential election. Still, strong economic data from the US limited gold’s upward momentum by reinforcing the case for a less dovish stance from the Federal Reserve.

    Silver prices soared past $33 per ounce on Friday, reaching their highest level in nearly 12 years.

    It is worth noting that typically when the US Dollar (DXY) is climbing, precious metal prices decline.
    However, in recent weeks, the DXY has been rising, but gold prices remained strong.

    Despite terrible fundamentals of value (price to earnings per share), on the trend, US stock indexes continue toward record highs.

  47. Refusing to download a Canadian app could cost the Amish their land?

    Canada Fines Amish $300K for Not Using Covid App on Smartphones They Don’t Have
    September 28, 2024

    “Rebel News reported on the story last month….
    The Amish, however, do not use smartphones, let alone apps. They also have religious exemptions from vaccinations, making the use of such technology unnecessary and intrusive for them. Yet, despite these clear exemptions, the government insisted on compliance, leading to severe penalties.

    The result? The Amish community in Chatsworth has been slapped with nearly $300,000 in fines for not using the ArriveCan app. This is a community that doesn’t use electricity, let alone digital applications.

    The fines were not just a bureaucratic oversight — they were a targeted action. The government even went so far as to place liens on their properties, effectively freezing their ability to obtain loans and transfer land titles within families. These punitive measures have left the Amish community in a state of shock and despair.

    • @jo-ann

      Thanks for the info and link

  48. Prezence, 33 | TAXATION IS THEFT | Official Music & Lyric Video



    We know that taxation theft and that government is slavery ay
    We’re paying no mind or money to false “authority” because
    We own the product of our labor and our divine creativity (huh)
    We wont be used for funding war and genocide and heavy weaponry

    Taxation theft!
    (I won’t be paying no money to fake authority)
    Taxation theft!
    (I won’t fund no war no genocide)
    Taxation theft!
    (I’mma keep my money in the community)
    Taxation theft!
    (Or prosperity)

    We know that taxation theft and that government is slavery ay
    (It’s a modern form of slavery)
    We paying no mind or money to false “authority”
    (Their authority not real)
    Because we own the products of our labor and our divine creativity
    (Creativity divine)
    We wont be used for funding war and genocide and heavy weaponry
    (Heavy weaponry not mine)

    Taxation theft!
    (And we already know that it is oh yea)
    Taxation theft!
    Taxation is theft!
    Taxation theft!
    (I won’t be used for funding war)
    Taxation theft!
    (Nah go pay it anymore)

    From the day you are born the system treats ya like commodity
    Taking they cut, every transaction, every quantity
    Tax on what you earn, on what you buy, on what you sell, on what you own, on what you inherit
    The shit is an atrocity!
    That don’t even include the hidden tax
    That of inflation when they print money and take a lux vacation
    Then they counterfeit a couple stacks of more
    Spend it on war and corresponding media campaigning
    Most people know that it’s a wrong to rob their neighbor
    But they think that it’s a right if the govy wrote it down on paper
    Programmed to believe that slavery a racial issue
    Whites versus blacks, either way their master get their revenue
    Either way the subject is you until you choose to own yourself and everything you do
    You stop being subdued by the coercion of the few
    And break the bondage and acknowldedge your inherent worth too!

    Let me see if I can help you grasp what were sayin’
    Politicians takes your money, more for the slayin’
    While our people suffer, the fat cats they ignore
    They got money for wars, but can’t feed the poor
    Taxation is theft and some call it extortion
    Involuntary taxation, pro-lifers pay for abortion
    While non-smokers pay for tobacco subsidies
    And vegans funding animal inequalities
    Steal from anti-war activists to pay for violence
    And people wonder why the streets are filled with riots?
    I do not consent, and I will not relent
    Until all my brothers and sisters repent
    This is our time to reclaim our worth
    Together we can have what we deserve
    One by one let’s take our money from the banks
    Let’s see what they do when they got no money for tanks!


    • (..continued from above)

      We know that taxation theft and that government is slavery ay
      (It’s a modern form of slavery)
      We paying no mind or money to false “authority”
      (No mind to authority)
      Because we own the product of our labor and our divine creativity
      (Creativity divine)
      We wont be used for funding war and genocide and heavy weaponry
      (Heavy weponry not mine)

      Taxation theft!
      (And we already know that it is oh yea)
      Taxation theft!
      Taxation is theft!
      Taxation theft!
      (So why we paying the government ah corrupt ah crooks you know)
      Taxation theft!
      (Nah go pay it anymore)

      The banks of the river guide the flow of the currency
      Now all of a sudden for the first time in history
      You can get your currency out of the banks and grow your own
      Take ownership of your life force energy
      Even back in the days of Rome they used silver and gold
      To protect against the parasitic entities
      So now I use ancient and modern technology
      Stackin’ precious metals and crypto crypto is my philosophy
      To thrive and prosper through to the coming apocalyptic collapse
      Monero being used to the counter economic attack
      Livin life like a certain Samuel Edward Conkin the third
      Inspired by the agora the free markets
      Absurd that Ross Ulbright still locked up for just creating one
      Countless other men and women lives ruined or done
      For heaven’s sake let us engage in voluntary transactions
      No criminal in the middle takin fractions!

      The sickest thing of all is we’re playing a role
      They aint just taxing your wallet, they tax your soul
      Some turn a blind eye to the crimes they fund
      by taking from your wallets, they buy the guns
      The bullets and the bombs they keep raining down
      On the innocent children, victims go in the ground
      I’m praying for the day the atrocities will cease
      Whether its the government man, or the violent police
      We’re capable of more but I know it seems difficult
      Like a better humanity almost seems mythical
      Together we have the power to rise above
      Reject the hate and division, we can choose love!
      Let’s build a foundation that stands the test of time
      This means resist taxes, dont give’em a dime
      We can build a world based on morality and consent
      The march to the new world order, we can prevent, yea!

      We know that taxation theft and that government is slavery ay
      (It’s a modern form of slavery)
      We paying no mind or money to false “authority”
      (I pay them no mind or money)
      Because we own the product of our labor and our divine creativity
      (Creativity divine yea)
      We wont be used for funding war and genocide and heavy weaponry
      (Heavy weponry not mine)

      Taxation theft!
      (I won’t be paying for no genocide in Gaza)
      Taxation theft!
      (I won’t be paying for a proxy war in the Ukraine)
      Taxation theft!
      (Authority comes from ourself from within)
      Taxation theft!
      Taxation yea!

    • Thanks for posting. Great surprise to see Derrick Broze in the video!

  49. I found this article somewhat insightful, because it lists behaviorial patterns.
    These behaviors could be used as a metric, if even for casual insight.
    Behaviorial patterns are actually what we observe in society.
    Age plays a role.

    Autism Spectrum Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, And Natural Approaches

    EXAMPLE List
    Social interactions:

    Minimal or inconsistent eye contact with others
    Appearing disinterested or inattentive when others are speaking
    Rarely sharing enthusiasm or feelings about objects or activities
    Avoiding physical affection and preferring solitary play, often withdrawing into their own world
    Not responding or taking a long time to respond when called by name
    Limited or delayed speech or loss of previously acquired words
    Struggling with the give-and-take aspect of conversations
    Echoing words or phrases without grasping their meaning
    Having trouble comprehending basic questions or instructions
    Relying on memorized scripted speech instead of using spontaneous language
    Using pronouns incorrectly, such as saying “you” instead of “I” or “me” when referring to themselves
    Talking extensively about specific topics without recognizing others’ disinterest or allowing them to contribute
    Using facial expressions and gestures that are inconsistent with their verbal messages
    Exhibiting an unusual voice quality, such as a sing-song or monotone
    Struggling to grasp others’ perspectives or anticipate their behavior
    Showing little emotional expression and appearing unaware of others’ emotions or exhibiting abnormal expressions of empathy
    Struggling to understand nonverbal cues such as body language or tone of voice
    Not developing close personal relationships, especially outside the family
    Lack of speech, in severe cases
    Taking things very literally, such as not understanding sarcasm or expressions such as “it’s raining cats and dogs”

  50. “The modern State of Israel, established in 1948 in the land of Palestine, is often erroneously equated with the Israel of the Bible, to whom God made significant promises. Many Christians, due to a misinterpretation of biblical prophecy and misunderstanding of historical facts, continue to view the current State of Israel as a continuation of biblical Israel, believing it to be the fulfillment of divine promises. However, this perspective is based on a flawed exegesis and a misunderstanding of the political motivations behind the establishment of the modern Israeli state. It is crucial to differentiate between the biblical Israel, a covenant people of God, and the modern state, which was created through political maneuvers and carries a Zionist agenda that is largely secular.”


    • “Charles Spurgeon wrote on the “Israel of God.” Spurgeon was very critical of Darby and the Dispensationalist’s view that there were two peoples of God. C.I. Scofield incorporated Darby’s view into his Biblical concordance, which became the reference Bible for nearly all seminary schools in America in the beginning of the 20th century. Scofield’s theology therefore became one of the most influential in the USA and later through Protestantism in the world as foreign Protestants followed American theology. However, let us read what Spurgeon wrote.”

      “Distinctions have been drawn by certain exceeding wise men (measured by their own estimate of themselves)[Here he is referring to Darby.], between the people of God who lived before the coming of Christ, and those who lived afterwards. We have even heard it asserted that those who lived before the coming of Christ [the Jewish people] do not belong to the church of God!

      “We never know what we shall hear next, and perhaps it is a mercy that these absurdities are revealed at one time, in order that we may be able to endure their stupidity without dying of amazement. Why, every child of God in every place stands on the same footing; the Lord has not some children best beloved, some second-rate offspring, and others whom he hardly cares about.

      “These who saw Christ’s day before it came, had a great difference as to what they knew, and perhaps in the same measure a difference as to what they enjoyed while on earth meditating upon Christ; but they were all washed in the same blood, all redeemed with the same ransom price, and made members of the same body.

      “Israel in the covenant of grace is not natural Israel[not the nation of Israel], but all believers in all ages. Before the first advent, all the types and shadows all pointed one way – they pointed to Christ, and to him all the saints looked with hope. Those who lived before Christ were not saved with a different salvation to that which shall come to us. They exercised faith as we must; that faith struggled as ours struggles, and that faith obtained its reward as ours shall.”[1]

      [1] Charles Spurgeon,Devotional Classics of C.H. Spurgeon,p.122”


  51. Have you heard what is happening to Reiner Fuellmich? He is the German/ American lawyer who conducted the people’s trial of Cov19 criminals. Now he is in prison. The following petition describes the situation:

  52. October 23, 2024
    Winter Weather Patterns – Slight La Nina – Upper level wind patterns
    Texas general forecast – (October has been the dryest on record for much of Texas.)
    5 minute video with graphics of La Nina / El Nino model

  53. Activism that might work in your location – Southwest District Health Board in Idaho (USA) voted to defund the Covid jab and and its promotion. Perhaps share the recorded presentation?

    A win in Idaho…
    https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/a-win-in-idaho-and-a-reminder-about (article with video timestamps)
    https://www.youtube.com/live/NJJexxaSf3M (video)

    Video timestamps re presentation speakers:
    3:58-30:58 – Perry Jansen, MD
    31:15-41:36 – John Tribble, MD
    41:57-46:48 – Christina Parks, MD
    47:00-1:03:35 – Ryan Cole, MD
    1:04:00-1:08:10 – Peter McCullough, MD
    1:08:30-1:14:20 – James Thorp, MD
    1:14:50-1:31:06 – David Wiseman, PhD
    1:32:25-1:37:36 – Renata Moon, MD
    1:37:56-1:42:55 – Perry Jansen, MD
    1:42:55-1:46:22 – John Tribble, MD

  54. Concerning US small business owners: more government overreach.

    Small Business Owners are branded “terrorists” by Federal Government

    Excerpts (emphasis added):
    “In just over 2 months every small business owner in America is required to be registered with the Federal Government’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).
    “The CTA requires all small business owners in the United States, with revenue under 5 million and less than 20 full time employees to self-report to FinCEN, housed under the Department of Treasury.
    “Your failure to report into this terrorism and intelligence database by January 1st, 2025 means that you will be subjected to fines of $591 per day and you could face a penalty of up to 2 years in federal prison. Small business owners in the United States could be jailed for up to 2 years for committing no crime, other than failing to turn over their personal, protected data to Big Brother.”

    • It’s all in the name, isn’t it? Crimes enforcement network. Beautiful.

  55. VIDEO (2 ½ minutes)
    Attorney resigns moments after being sworn in!

    KRISS 6 TV News (2 minutes)
    Aransas Pass’ newly sworn in city attorney immediately resigns

    Aransas Pass is a city by the Texas Gulf coast. They fluoridate their drinking water.

    Thursday October 24, 2024 – South Texas News – By Landan Kuhlmann
    Aransas Pass interim attorney resigns minutes after being sworn in
    FULL article
    After recently being appointed as the city of Aransas Pass interim attorney, Carlos Valdez made a very public resignation less than 20 minutes after being sworn in during the council’s Oct. 21 meeting.

    Valdez, who is a former Nueces County district attorney and Corpus Christi district court judge, took the oath and was set to take over as the city’s new interim attorney. However, after less than 20 minutes of sitting and listening to discussion during the council meeting, Valdez decided he didn’t want the job.

    “You know what, I’m going to back out of this, this is not necessary … . I’m submitting my resignation, effective immediately. You’ve got enough lawyers in the room,” he said.

    Immediately preceding his resignation, disputes arose regarding the resignation of previous city attorney Thomas Gwosdz and how it came to pass.
    “I know you’re a good attorney, I know you used to be a judge. But the way that you were brought in was not right,” council member Randy Haskins said. “They should never have fired or run off our city attorney who was trying to help this council and help this city; who was trying to do something for this city … .”

    Several minutes of heated discussion followed that statement, with Valdez initially chiming in on the discussion.

    “I don’t know what item this is on the agenda. Comments are one thing, but discussion is another. What you’re having is a discussion,” Valdez said regarding the conversation as it pertained to the previous city attorney.
    And a few minutes later, it appeared Valdez had had enough. He submitted his public notice of resignation, which was effective immediately.

    Aransas Pass City Council’s next meeting is set for Nov. 4. The city can conduct meetings without an interim or permanent attorney. However, the council cannot go into executive session until another is appointed to the position.
    This is the third resignation this month from the city, with Valdez’s resignation adding to Gwosdz and city manager Gary Edwards, who resigned earlier in October.

    “I appreciate your consideration, I really do. I wanted to come here and help you, and I really want to help you. But I can see it’s going to be impossible,” Valdez said. “…. And with that, I’ll take my leave.”

    • What’s the context here, homey? Council dun goofed somewhere?

      • I don’t know the specific details of why Aransas has had a turn-over of personnel.
        I believe that the essence of this incident has to do with following the ‘Rules of Conduct’ & ‘Rules of Order’ for Agenda and Briefing Meetings.
        Council people tend to make “rules for thee but not for me.”
        I see it in Dallas at least once a month for the past 10 years with the fluoride speakers.

        But like you and I both observe, despite being an ocean apart, generally these government elected officials have a hard time ranking above ‘moron’ on their qualifications scorecard.

        Citizens got together and gathered 170,000 voter signitures to amend three things on the City Charter of Rules.

        1 Hire more cops.
        2 Monitor the performance of the City Manager.
        3 Be able to sue City Officials who do not follow the law.

        1. The crime in Dallas is so bad now that rarely will cops show up on a crime scene unless there is a shoot-out. It is a criminal free-for-all.
        2. The last Dallas City Manager was getting paid a half million dollars a year, but important city functions were not getting done (such as extremely long lags in building permits.) He was ‘fired’, and thus got an extra half million in severance pay. And quickly was hired by Austin which is ‘woke city’.
        3. City Officials do not want to be accountable. This upset them.

        • Probably the usual petty corruption. I found this and the comment below somewhat informative.

          For those who dont know let me explain. The mayor and the police chief were using the city budget that goes towards thing like city maintenance emergency funds for natural disasters for personal use. The chief bought a 1247$ custom fitted suit using the city budget and when the man seen in the video who was cursing was just about to provide the facts that they were stealing from there city and there city people that when the mayor knowing he would be caught forced him out of the building and the cops on body cam arrested him for free speech under there corrupt police chief orders. That chief is no longer on the board as a police chief and he filed for another city chief position and they turned him down too.

          • That comment says a lot!
            Thanks mkey for setting Texans straight.

          • Mkey, both videos reveal so much more!
            What a trainwreck caused by government.

            That attorney in the second video had some great satire during his speech.
            Attorney in tennis shoes to the Council,
            “I owe you some apologies; one for the way I dress as a professional. I’ve neglected to come to these meetings appropriately dressed, perhaps not looking like your definition of a professional.
            I’ve worn t-shirts. I’ve worn hoodies, when such Royalty as yourself deserves “Sunday Best.”
            After all, I think the Mayor said it best when he said “we should treat this place with the same decorum as we would a church.”
            Unfortunately, I don’t have the access to the city’s credit card that the chief does. I can’t buy a $1,200 suit.
            And I ignored the fact that you are to be worshiped in this Temple of Government – not held accountable.”

            • It’s difficult to choose, but I am forced to conclude that the best part was when he served them in the end. The chief played it cool, but I’m confident his rectum got agitated.

  56. The Gates-Covid saga continues…

    BREAKING NEWS: Bill Gates loses lawsuit and will appear in Dutch court

    “Summary of the case
    “The claimants allege that representatives of Gates (Hofstra et al.) as a group and individually acted unlawfully towards them by deliberately misleading them in an unlawful manner and thereby inducing them to undergo Covid-19 injections of which Hofstra et al. knew, or at least should have known, that these injections were not safe and effective.” – Source: Judgment (English).”

  57. Texas – The government will take your land – ESG on steroids
    Agenda 2030 – 30 X 30 – by covert means.

    Here is the scoop…
    Some suits make plans to create another water reservoir (a lake) for Dallas area lawn watering and drinking water.
    They target a rural area of far northeast Texas. The suits know that mainstream media won’t make a big deal about it.

    ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)
    The suits plan where the new lake will form. The lake water will consume about 100 square miles of land.
    But there are “Environmental Offsets”. For every acre of timber area getting drowned, the suits offset that by taking an acre of timber from land outside of the lake waters. 8 acres of farmland = 1 acre of timberland.
    These are offsets (mitigations) for the “environment”.
    Thus, the 100 square miles of lake water means that 200 to 500 square miles of land might be stolen from private ownership.

    If you are a landowner, tough luck if they want your land. You will take the price offered. No homes are purchased. Thus, if you have a home on your land, you will not be compensated for it.

    Stop The Marvin Nichols Reservoir
    Reservoir Meeting in Pittsburg, TX
    WHEN – Wednesday October 30th – 1 p.m.
    WHERE – Region 8 Education Service Center, 4845 US 271 N, Pittsburg, TX 75686
    All the Important People involved will be there! If you live anywhere in Texas, this could affect you! So make an appearance to get your questions answered!

    For I’ve been following some of the video interviews which Cowboy Trinity Vandenacre has been doing on this issue.
    Some very interesting conversations.
    7 Billion Dollar Land Grab! What’s REALLY at Stake?

    MAP of area

    The estimated cost of the project is an astonishing $4.4 billion and expected to climb higher.

    This project would use eminent domain to force property owners off thousands of acres of family lands, negatively impact wildlife habitat, drown resources that would devastate the timber and agriculture-based economy in the region, and inundate archaeological and historic sites and cemeteries.

    Generations of families who call the region home — some of whom have had the land in their families since the 1800s — will be forced from their land if this project moves forward. They will be forced to sell their homes and move elsewhere. If they choose not to sell, their lands will be condemned under eminent domain. Lost population will mean a loss to local grocery stores, churches and schools, changing the very character of a special region.

    • This is sickening. What can we do to stop/reverse this land grab?

      • Honestly, I don’t know.
        The system is so broken.

        It’s heartbreaking.

        Often in the Voluntaryist/Anarchist community there is a “Solution” to get some land and homestead.
        However, that “Solution” in itself is frail, because the system has a stranglehold over people’s lives and property.
        In my opinion, ultimately, the way forward is a more aware public…a public who pushes back at any threat to self-sovereignty.

    • Can they obtain an attorney and see what can be done? Also go public with this? Petitions and protest?

      I would be so pissed if I were the land owner. I would be tempted to stay and just refuse to leave. Probably would be removed by force, but I would be so angry that I might do it anyway.

      You’re right about homesteading and the taxes are cost prohibitive by many people. Although sometimes people can form a community that will share the cost.

      I think community is important and forming a “collective” is sometimes better than going it alone. Although in general unions are pretty corrupt, I’ve got to admit that for nursing, the working conditions are far better when there’s a union. In fact, I’m having to travel now for work to get the better pay and working conditions from my rural setting across state lines because the pay is abysmal where I work locally.

      Anyway, my point is that I don’t think people can survive alone and if there is a community who is growing food, will have more support than an individual owner. Glad you are bringing this to our attention.

      • Right you are cu.h.j !

        This 93 year old woman who grew up there says that she ain’t leaving.
        QUEUED 14:45
        “I’ll lock the door. They’ll have to knock the door down, and pick me up
        off of the floor and literally carry me out, hand and foot, and me screaming bloody murder!”

        • If they do drag her out, she should film it and expose them. Try to put it up for others to see, maybe even on TV (but doubtful they’d cover it). Video the government evicting an old lady and maybe this will shame them into leaving her alone. Public shame can work sometimes.

        • I can picture a similar gathering that stopped the entry of the federal motherless agents onto the Bundy property.

    • October 15 – Texas Scorecard – By Addie Hovland
      East Texans Oppose Proposed Eminent Domain Plan for Reservoir

      The Proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir would engulf nearly 70,000 acres.


      East Texas residents attended a Region C Water Planning Group meeting to oppose the proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir. This proposed reservoir would provide drinking water for about 3 million people in the metroplex area, but it would engulf nearly 70,000 acres of land in East Texas.

      WFAA reported that an additional 130,000 acres would need to be acquired by eminent domain to offset the environmental impact.

      Residents who attended the meeting voiced concerns that the state has not looked hard enough for alternatives, such as making use of current bodies of water. They also brought up the concern that the reservoir project would oust area families, kill wildlife, and crush the area’s timber industry.

      Wes Virdell, the Republican nominee for House District 53, a rural swath of West Texas, defended rural communities in East Texas in a post on X. “People should learn how to manage their resources in their communities, not take ours for their use,” posted Virdell.

      “Theft is theft regardless of whether it is a band of thieves or a collective band of thieves that claim they are from the government,” he continued.

      The proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir is included in the current Region C Water Planning Group’s water plan. Region C has jurisdiction over the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. A 2026 region plan is currently being developed by Region C and will become a part of the 2027 State Water Plan.

      The Region D Water Planning Group, which has jurisdiction over East Texas, is in opposition to the proposed reservoir. If a compromise is not reached within the next few months, the two water planning groups will formally declare a conflict. The Texas Water Development Board will then have to pick a position before publishing its 2027 water plan.

      The cost of constructing the Marvin Nichols Reservoir project is estimated to be about $7 billion.

      The Texas Water Development Board has drafted a feasibility review for the proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir. The public can comment on the review until October 25. The feasibility report will then be finalized and submitted to Gov. Greg Abbott and the Legislative Budget Board by January 5, 2025. 

      • These people better get on with the program, pronto. Them upitty folk need to water their lawns.

        • 🙂 That had me chuckling.

          I get the mental image of rich, white Dallasites marching carrying signs “We need to water our lawns” — “Take their land!”.

    • Nov 2
      Authoritarian says: ”My house is not for sale.”

      One of the generational land owners gives us an anecdote which happened at an Authoritarian Meeting a few years back.
      The Authoritarians were informing land owners how they would be forced to sell their property.

      This rancher told the Authoritarian lady that “I’m going to come by your place and give you an offer on your house. I want to buy your house.”
      She was surprised that he knew where she lived.
      She responds, “It’s not for sale.”
      The rancher persists in saying that he is going to buy her house.
      She insists that it is not for sale.

      QUEUED 26:12

      • This fella sitting in the truck is just too kind for what those “authoritarian” moral midgets deserve and need to have come their way.

  58. Corporate Hijacking of Florida’s Constitution – Marijuana

    This is not about a law, but an amendment to the Florida Constitution by a 2 ½ billion dollar market cap company, Trulieve Cannabis Corp (TCNNF.)
    A law can be unwound.
    A Constitutional Amendment is almost impossible to undo.

    Cui bono?
    Florida voters have the option to approve Amendment 3 of the Constitution for Florida.
    Evidently, (according to Gov. Santis) it not only would make marijuana more legal, but it evidently is designed so that Trulieve cartel is the ONLY supplier of marijuana and that the company cannot be sued for any reason.

    Thursday October 24
    BREAKING NEWS: Law Enforcement And State AG Join DeSantis To Oppose Florida Marijuana Referendum
    (The first 5 minutes or so give the basics)

  59. Nice summary of independent scientists exposing DNA contamination of the vax, Australia’s TGA gaslighting of the public, and Australia’s effort to control the narrative:

    Addressing allegations that DNA contamination in the mRNA shots is ‘misinformation’

    Following increased public interest in the issue of excessive synthetic DNA contamination in the modified RNA (mod-RNA) Covid vaccines, Australia’s drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) issued a statement alleging that the scientific evidence of the contamination is invalid, and that online reporting of the issue is “misinformation.”

  60. Japan
    Evidently, Sunday October 27 was the National Election in Japan.

    Japan’s Ruling Coalition To Lose Majority For First Time Since 2009: What Happens Next And How Will Markets React
    Public support for the LDP nosedived after the revelations last year that party members were secretly enriching themselves with funds from supporters, similar to what politicians do everywhere else around the world and especially in the US.

    The ruling party should have voted harder.

  61. Good Substack articles about climate change science wrt solar cycles, geothermal processes, politics, etc., written by brave professor-in-exile:

    Irrational Fear

    Quote from About tab: In today’s society, where irrational fear often overshadows scientific data, Dr. Matthew Wielicki stands as a beacon of rational thought. With a Ph.D. in earth science from UCLA and as a professor-in-exile, he bravely challenges the norms that many in the scientific community only whisper about. Fear of losing positions and research funds keeps many silent, but not Dr. Wielicki. He boldly addresses the unfounded fears surrounding climate change, culture, and politics on his Substack, offering a perspective rooted in solid scientific understanding. By subscribing to his Substack, you join a movement towards enlightenment, helping to dismantle the towers of irrational fear and build a foundation of knowledge and reason. Dr. Wielicki’s commitment to truth and rational discourse invites you to be part of a necessary and vital change.

  62. Here is another U.S. deep-state-operator to investigate: Vivek Ramaswamy. He is looking for a problem to his solution. In the past few days I have seen two videos where he states that national IDs will be implemented to prevent voter fraud.

    This is an invalid “solution” because ID is required to register to vote to begin with. Not all states ask for ID at the polling site, so a national ID won’t help anymore than a state-issued ID does now.

  63. Sharing a citizen scientist presentation at the 2024 Collaborative Science Conference that proposes a paradigm shift in the theory of heart disease:

    What if WATER, not cholesterol, holds the key to heart disease? – Dr Stephen Hussey

    Description (emphasis added): “Dr. Stephen Hussey shares his personal health journey as a Type 1 diabetic and how his experiences led him to explore alternative views on cardiovascular health. Despite following a low-carb diet and maintaining excellent metabolic markers, Hussey suffered a massive heart attack in 2021, which shifted his perspective from biochemistry to biophysics, particularly focusing on the role of water and structured water (also called exclusion zone water). He dives into various studies, discussing how clotting, rather than cholesterol alone, plays a central role in heart disease. Hussey advocates for a new understanding of health involving biophysics and structured water, offering strategies for enhancing this water in the body.”

    • @jo-ann

      thanks for this, 4th phase water is so important for people to understand from both a human health perspective and a regenerative agriculture perspective. I recently reviewed a book on my blog which touched on the power of “structured water” which I will share a link to here and under the Regenerative Agriculture Solutions Watch episode.


    • @jo-ann For human health applications I like to grow and eat aloe vera gel (it contains highly structured water which is also rich in b-vitamins and others important compounds) that help with protecting the body against artificial EMFs (among many other things).

      Some other great ways to get structured water in one’s diet include mixing Chai seeds into water, or doing the same with basil seeds (both create a highly structured gel type water when hydrated).

      Eating vine ripened fresh fruit and veggies (right off the plant from the garden) is another powerful way to increase the amount of structured water one gets into their body (naturally).

      • Yes, juicy vegetation is great! Also, sunbathing and use of infrared sauna or lamps is another way to increase the exclusion zone of the water – the presenter briefly shows a photo from one of Pollack’s experiments to demonstrate how much the gel layer increased upon irradiation.

          • Actually, the method uses infrared (IR) light.
            BTW, I read that sliced mushrooms will yield more Vit-D than whole ones by virtue of greater surface area exposed. I put mine outside once just to see if the sun wrecked the mushrooms (it didn’t). Will likely just keep that tip for when I am unable to purchase the supplement, which has the benefit of a dose label.

            • oh okay cool, I have not heard of infrared (IR) light lamps, thanks for the info.

              yup the more surface area the better and some species are more effective at producing vitamin d via UV exposure than others. Oyster and Shiitake are among the ideal species.

              It would require eating more UV exposed mushrooms than a human can fit inside one’s stomach to OD on vitamin D, so I am not really worried about “dosage” myself, the main thing for me is being able to get it in the winter (ideally for free and without having to depend on supply lines.)

              Thanks again for the info.

  64. Water, water everywhere
    Nor a drop to drink.
    G and jo-ann, enjoying your talk about water. Years ago an industrial water recycler told me about Viktor Schauberger.
    The Water Wizard. He had some brilliant ideas drawn from observation of water in the Austrian forest where he worked as a young man. Reminded me of you Gavin. The thought of putting chlorine and fluoride in water and drinking it was unimaginable after I read about Viktor Schauberger. Maybe you know of him?


    • @GBW

      I am honored you would think of me in that context. I admire the works of Viktor a great deal and have applied his ingenious biomimicry inspired ideas for mitigating river bank erosion in a couple landscape designs.

      Thanks for the comment my friend.

  65. The Toxic Mire of the Region is beyond comprehension…

    Aaron and Melissa Dykes again take the audience on an enlightening, but alarming journey. The pathways go into subjects such as toxins, chemtrails, mining and more.

    Tuesday October 29, 2024 –
    What Is Also Going on in North Carolina (and Everywhere Else, Part 3)

    Truthstream Media

    “This is not incompetence,” says Melissa Dykes on Pt 1.

    PARTS 1 and 2 (with FEMA document)

    • Thanks for the link to the third installment of the series. Even though the warning that land in our own communities could be taken for “national security” is important, I wished they had condensed the lithium mining section before they highlighted the problems with lithium batteries – fires, pollution – that make lithium a crazy solution. I don’t recall if they discussed what is done with spent lithium batteries. That will be huge if it isn’t already.

      • The old school lead batteries are usually recoverable 99%. Practically only the paper between the anode and the kathode needs to be replaced. And they have a replacement chain in effect, you get a small refund for taking the old battery in when getting the replacement.

        From what I read, lithium batteries can be reprocessed but cost effectivness prevents this from happening. Looks lie it’s going to be a similar scenario as with plastics. Production subsidies up the wazoo make the recovery process financially uninteresting.

        The core tennet of disaster capitalism is to have the state and the people bare the cost of destruction. Otherwise it just doesn’t pay off.

  66. Great exposé on Peter Hotez, a sick man who needs prayers to help expel the evil that possesses him.

    Medical Journals Help Promote the War on “Vaccine Hesitant” People
    Written by Barbara Loe Fisher on October 30, 2024
    Alt. title: The Siren Call for a Militarized Response to the Rise of Vaccine Hesitancy

  67. Nice article by Toby Rogers that argues that developed nations have progressed from capitalism to a form of fascism. Several book references are included to support his argument of the various stages of capitalism. I imagine we are going to have to crowd-fund or invest in promising solutions in order to be successful. “Many hands” are needed.
    Liberal capitalism only exists in the textbook
    Final paragraph – “So now the task falls on us to (re)build our understanding of monopoly capitalism with the knowledge of the last few years. To put it simply: monopoly capitalism appears to be an inevitable stage of capitalism, it is a form of fascism, and it engages in any activity that will produce large profits including slavery and genocide. Our challenge is to stop them from doing this to us and replace predatory global monopoly capitalism with a system that rewards decency, innovation, and hard work.”

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