Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
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Story #1: Soros To End ‘Most EU Operations’ In ‘Radical Shift’
Bloomberg: Soros Foundation to End Most EU Operations in ‘Radical Shift’
Story #2: Bots Have Taken Over Nearly Half the Internet, Third of Users Can’t Tell
Dead Internet Theory
The DJ 3000
The Internet Is Dead. Long Live the Internet.
Story #3: Two-Hour Daily Phone Limit for Under 18s Proposed By Chinese Regulator
Rockefeller: “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”
ID Verification Will Soon Come To X/Twitter
DEA #2 Resigns After Being Exposed As Consultant To Infamous Opioid Dealer Perdue
Revolving Door: DEA’s No.2 Quits Amid Reports of Previous Consulting Work for Big Pharma
Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve (2-Disc DVD Set)
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I was not able to get video on this Episode. Only audio.
Try again. Video is there now. I think James posts the audio, mp4, first. You were just really quick on the draw.
The one time I knew for certain there were bots, was in the chat during Corbett and TLVA and Brock doing the first live stream, Flase Flags Watch Along. I watched on Rokfin and it was impossible to comment or even read the chat because there were so many trolls. It was a mess. But I guess that was the point- create chaos and don’t let anyone legitimate (or human) have a word in edgewise. Kind of reminds me of the crazy “activists” who just yell in your face and keep screaming nonsense to prevent any counter opinion from being heard. I wonder if they’re controlled by the same crowd?
Thank you for the entertaining show, guys!
“…Kind of reminds me of the crazy “activists” who just yell in your face ….”
THOSE are Bot’s in a meat suit.
During some streams I would simply keep blocking/ignoring trolls. After a few minutes of doing that, and removing about 5-15 accounts, the chatroom becomes manageable. Leave them in their little echochamber to suss it out.
THE PLAN HASN’T CHANGED IN MORE THEN A CENTURY before bots and CGI, etc. and now it has all these new weapons.
At work today: UN Agenda 21 & 2030; UN Wildlife Project; The New World Order Agenda, and others.
ALL of them part of the planned reduction of the population under 24/7 track, trace, and data basing living in 5G SMART cities, no private vehicles, no access to the country side, most living on the Government dole and forced to obey any laws or regulations put out by the Government to maintain the dole.
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A few of the 45 Communist Goals from nearly 60 years ago that are quite successful in their goal of taking down our Republic (searchable):
Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
Zbigniew Brzezinski (Morning Joe’s father in law)
Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (written 50 years ago)
“People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.”
“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.
A min of brilliance by the late John Trudell from 40+ years ago:
“Happy Birthday Fellow Human”
The Plot Twist is….. reason folks cant tell if its a Bot online is because so many humans are now so robotic.
While the coming lock down of the internet kinda sucks in some ways it could be at least a LITTLE good if it makes getting online less interesting and more of a pain. Normies are more stupid now then they were in 2000 and I cant imagine it will be overly hard to get around the restrictions for anyone who wants to.
Its a great idea to ban kids from the internet…anyone who feels they MUST get their kids a phone and cant stomach the shame of a flipper should get them an Iphone and lock down every app with the screen time limit.
Karl HArvie
“…. Not “humans” as the jewtards would like to label them….”
maybe ‘HAM-ans’….? LOL
Hmn…. Alex Soros was training in anthropology, I guess that is the Elite version of a Farming degree.
He sure looks like he enjoys the type of ‘science’ philosophy is.
Alex Soros: Heine’s Pantheism – The Gay Science and the Death of God
The Dude has a few talks up…. I’m listening right now but modern philosophy is not really my thing. Jews love that stuff though.
karl harvie
“…What jewtards really love is sucking and cutting baby penis…”
If jew’s really WERE “tards” then how come THEY are the ones able to rule over the masses of goy???…jews are statistically more prone to being neurotic, gay or pedophilic, and to schizophrenic but they are unfortunately not a race of ‘tards’. If they were they would just be creepy rather then dangerous.
The baby blood thing is also not useful statement….the number of jews that suck blood from fresh sliced baby penis is tiny- the the folks doing the circumcision though I do hear the mom will sometimes drink some of the blood spat into a glass of wine.
Most jews therefore never get to taste baby blood- though I guess there is metaphorically plenty on their hands since NY Jews admittedly were the big drivers of legalized abortion.
“ they are unfortunately not a race of ‘tards’.”
Duck, since you have clearly stated that you don’t accept that there are ethnic Jews. I have to assume that you are referring to those who subscribe to the Jewish religion.
How is your use of the word “race” coherent in this context?
Steve Smith
“…you have clearly stated that you don’t accept that there are ethnic Jews…How is your use of the word “race” coherent in this context?….”
I was being lazy and not wanting to type out ‘The Ethnicity of Ashkenazi Jew’
NOW … I DO think being “jewish” is much more about having what E M Jones called “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” then ethnicity.
I would argue MOST modern folks have jewish attitudes based on the JRS….BUT BUT BUT as an ETHNIC GROUP ashkenazi jews have held massive amounts of power in the US and basically run the USA these days, to the detriment of the Non-Jewish inhabitants.
They function AS an ethnic group and Ethnic Power Bloc to further their own Ethnic interests over those of other ethnicity’s such as ‘whites’ and ‘blacks’ …..(which are a whole lot more mixed up, and made from many ethnicitys jumbled genetically, then askenazi jews are.)
US History makes a LOT more sense when you start calculating much of it as shifting power grabs between ethnic groups.
“I was being lazy and not wanting to type”
Duck, this is entirely off the topic that is under discussion, but I would have guessed that you used a voice recognition program rather than typing.
The reason I thought that is that I have never seen you spell the word “than” correctly. You always write “then”.
Forgive me for for being curious about such a trivial thing, but I always noticed and simply attributed it to how similar the words sound.
“….The reason I thought that is that I have never seen you spell the word “than” correctly. You always write “then”. …”
Lol, nope, I grew up over seas quite a bit so my spelling sucks. I’m borderline ‘dislexyic ‘…. or something like that.
You should hear me speaking German…I sound like a crazed toddler with my word finding. 🙂
I just check on my computer when I walk past it if its a slow day
“…Why? Why does someone’s wants have to infringe on mine if I have done nothing to harm them? …”
Because we live in a physical world.
Things need to be created which takes resources and work. There is not an unlimited supply of GOODS but there is an unlimited supply of WANTS.
Maybe cyber communism will happen one day,I dont think so, but in the mean time you are gonna get rather upset if someone moves next door to you and starts having rock concerts at 2 in the morning every night. He AND you both have to negotiate the rights vs costs of that one.
Unless you live so far from people that you never see them or need anything from them you will have to negotiate a Modus vivendi.
You are correct about the tyranny of the majority being an issue, thats why I said MOST, not ALL the power.
“…The Jewish power bloc you discuss is different from individuals…”
Thats true. However, human beings exist in GROUPS its quite normal to refer to groups of people as doing something (“THE Germans invaded Belgium” “THE Chinese want Taiwan” “THE Mafia whacked Big Bill”) ,even though sensible folks know its #NotAll.
Likewise plenty of NON-Jews suffer from the “Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” (see book by EM Jones) and think and act IN THE SAME WAY.
That IDEOLOGY is the problem, BUT, (just as you would think it weird to find a Chinese Nazi talking German and eating Bratwurst) there IS an ETHNIC / cultural angle to the ideology that is “necessary but not sufficient” .
“…..rhetoric like this can be off putting to some who strongly oppose some of the things you mention…”
You can not escape the problem without understanding it.
You can not understand the problem without understanding the ideology.
You can not understand the ideology without understanding the ethnic angle.
So I ask you…. are ashkenazi jews the biggest single power bloc driving whats happening today or not?
steve smith
You should read ‘The Culture of Critique’ by Macdonald… I dont agree with everything he says but he does have some good history of how the Ashkenazi jewish ethnic’s have shaped the western world.
His shtick of evolutionary psychology does have some useful insight even if I kinda think its what (jewish) Postman was calling out as pseudo scientific ‘storytelling’, in his essay “social science as moral theology’
“You should read ‘The Culture of Critique’ by Macdonald”
No, I really don’t think I should. Even before I read it in the Bible, I knew that racism is fundamentally wrong.
I see no reason to embrace a different attitude now.
Acts 10:3
Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
Romans 2:11
For there is no respect of persons with God.
“In October 2004, MacDonald accepted the Jack London Literary Prize from The Occidental Quarterly, using the award ceremony as an occasion to argue for the need for a “white ethnostate” to maintain high white birthrates.”
Just doesn’t sound like an author that I would find edifying.
“No, I really don’t think I should. Even before I read it in the Bible, I knew that racism is fundamentally wrong.
I see no reason to embrace a different attitude now.”
This is what I describe as innate goodness and higher consciousness that the heart feels. Where does it come from?
It seems to precede book learning.
Though I’m sure Macdonald makes some interesting points about cultural interactions between groups of people, I think there is a fundamental error which is also promoted among some Jewish academics and Zionists. This is the idea that people can be boiled down into materialistic and deterministic entities and that there are differences in value between groups of people. And I argue that this is also discussed in the bible and other religious texts.
The category of Jew and Gentile or believer and no believer, saved or not saved, I believe is an error.
We are more than numbers on a bell curve and IQ score a genetic profile or a religious or tribal category. None of these things the intellect can understand can codify man.
This is why I believe it is good to listen to the heart. My heart tells me racism is wrong no matter who promotes it or dresses it up in academic language. I know the difference between right and wrong and it didn’t come from a book.
Thank you for the interesting exchange of ideas.
And when I say that the categorization of Jew and Gentile or believer and no believer, saved or not saved, I believe is an error as it attempts to assign value and basic worth.
This is actually a complex and nuanced topic because it’s quite obvious humanity is not a homogenous group and there are definitely differences between groups and between individuals. No two people are identical. There are sex differences, bone differences, racial differences etc. And there are IQ differences between groups and individuals. But what does this mean?
I know what it does not mean and that is that some people have more value than others or that some are superior. Furthermore the reason why these differences are often studies is because people are looking for a scientific reason to dehumanize people.
I also think relationships between groups of people must be based on trust an mutual respect. You can’t force people to love one another. And there is probably no group of people that has not held racist ideas. It doesn’t mean it’s right.
But if someone doesn’t like me or want to be around me because they think I’m not in their in group, I’m fine with it. I don’t want to be around people who might hate me. But no one is chasing me out of my native country and I certainly wouldn’t try to chase people out of their native country. I think the non violent principal makes sense on a heart level. It’s intuitively right and I also think it makes sense rationally as well at least there are compelling arguments for peaceful interactions.
Your posts are excellent and I don’t really need to add a thing. So forgive me for contributing this biblical admonition which to my way of thinking supports your points so well.
Romans 12:18
“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”
Hebrews 12:14
“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:”
One last thing. Sometimes people fall in love with someone outside of their “in group”.
Some may say this serves evolutionary purposes or attempt to discuss it academically but love is another feeling or quality that is not adequately described in academic terms.
Is it wrong to fall in love with someone different from oneself and have offspring? No, I don’t believe it is. How could offspring that come from love be wrong?
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliette does a good job exploring love.
“One last thing. Sometimes people fall in love with someone outside of their “in group”.
That is also a good point.
Something that I always wonder when I’m confronted with someone who holds to racist positions is how sure are they about their own ancestry.
I’ve never submitted my DNA to 23 and Me or the like for analysis so I’ve no idea what ethnic groups have contributed to blood line.
How many pure blood lines could there actually be?
I wonder how much Jewish blood is flowing through Karl’s veins.
Steve Smith
“.. Even before I read it in the Bible, I knew that racism is fundamentally wrong.
I see no reason to embrace a different attitude now. ..”
I never suggested you, or anyone should embrace RACISM. Why would you think such a silly thing?
1st off the idea that all peoples are PHYSICALLY OR CULTURALLY the same is neither true NOR supported by the Bible. That they are equal in Christ IS SUPPORTED
Acts 17
“…26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us…”
Are you suggesting its racist to say that Culture in the Congo is fundamentally different from culture in China?
Do white Americans in Texas behave exactly like white Canadians?
I know that different african folks look and act and think different from each other as well as from Americans and brits because I worked and spoke and was mates with them
Obviously not….even FAMILIES (which an ethnic group is an extension of) have different patterns of behavior passed down thru generations
As to PHYSICAL differences…. we know that people of different racial/ethnic groups get different sicknesses….How many whites get SICKLE CELL ANEMIA???? but whites ARE more prone to the Malaria the sickle cell gene provides some protection from)
We also know that Ashkenazi ‘jews’ (and some other groups) get more tay Sach’s then most people
and askenazi jews are ALSO more prone to some kinds of mental illness, as well as having more homosexuality….though if the latter is genetic of cultural I have no idea, but I’d assume the mental illness is genetic
“….doesn’t sound like an author that I would find edifying….”
No Evolutionist is edifying, he is however interesting and informative and has done research even if limited by his worldview.
“1st off the idea that all peoples are PHYSICALLY OR CULTURALLY the same is neither true NOR supported by the Bible.”
I didn’t suggest that was true or that the Bible says that its true. Why would you think such a silly thing? 🙂
“I never suggested you, or anyone should embrace RACISM. Why would you think such a silly thing?“
You suggested that I read a book written by an apparent racist. That is why I would think such a silly thing.
steve smith
Also… since you think I am being racist can you tell me i am WRONG when I said
“….BUT BUT BUT as an ETHNIC GROUP ashkenazi jews have held massive amounts of power in the US and basically run the USA these days, to the detriment of the Non-Jewish inhabitants….”
It looks like a true statement to me- I mean, what % of the people running banks, media, movies, psychology, universities,ect are ashkenazi jews vs their % of the population?
If a statement of FACT is true then calling it ‘racist’ is not really saying anything
I think that the issue was Macdonald’s statement or alleged statement about a need for a white ethnostate.
The ethnostate idea is not a new one but I think it’s fundamentally unethical as it pits people against each other. The divisiveness is a very effective tactic elitists use to stay in power.
I didn’t interpret Steve’s comment as to suggest that you were suggesting people support racist ideas or at least that was not my interpretation.
My problem with some of these discourses is that they often veer off into eugenics and racism that in my opinion should be a thing of the past.
And I’m not suggesting humanity is homogenous or that people should be forced together. Some people chose to stay in their “in group” and have offspring that is categorically pure or at least according to sources they believe are factual. If this is what they want to do, fine. But if people want to mix, I don’t see a problem. No one will tell me who I should befriend or not befriend.
While there are interesting facts about differences between humans and these may or may not influence group interactions, what is the goal? People can learn how social engineers stratify and manipulate society and decide not to be a puppet on a string.
I don’t care how smart and how high someones IQ score is as a metric for who I should trust or value or befriend.
Some people do want some type of ethnostate or fascist to counter the corrosive influence of wealthy psychopaths and I don’t think this is the answer. Tyranny is not the answer to tyranny.
People have to overcome their programming because I think that there are forces at work that seek to wipe out those who are viewed as inferior. This inferior group includes all races and different ethnic groups not in the “in group” that is valued by the elitists. JC has made a compelling argument in support of this and I think he is right.
In short, I think people will probably have to put their differences aside in order to survive the war waged against us. And I say this in general meaning that it is not specific to any one group of people.
Basically I do think there’s differences among groups and individuals and some people want to study and codify this and are free to do so. I believe in free speech and expression “academic freedom” and I simultaneously think that while there are interesting observations utility as a means to counter tyranny is probably limited.
“… think that the issue was Macdonald’s statement or alleged statement about a need for a white ethnostate….”
I follow lots of people I dont mesh with 100%…. BUT…that said what is wrong with a white, or Black, or Asian Ethnostate?
When such things exist they exist so that people are NOT pitted against each other….if we could not import lots of cheap labour do you think low Income westerners would be worse off???? Or are they NOW at odds/in competition?
IMPORTATION of diversity is actually very good at CREATING a low trust, disconnected society thats easy to control…Diversity is THE ELITES strength since atomizes resistance
“..The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings….”
“…I don’t care how smart and how high someones IQ score is as a metric for who I should trust or value or befriend…”
Do you have many 80 IQ friends?
Do your common associates have a culture of drugs and violence?
When you moved were THE PEOPLE THERE and their culture a big draw for you choosing that site?? Would you have chosen Detroit instead if you could get a massive vacant lot for cheep?
So… yes, YOU DO select. We all do.
If we look at other countries such as Israel that is arguable a ethnoreligious state that openly discriminates against inhabitants, in practice these types of states are unethical.
If people voluntarily want to be a separate group an others are voluntarily wanting to be among them and they are not harming others, I have no moral qualms about it. My problem is when people are trying to expel me or discuss expelling people based on characteristics they can’t control. There is a way people can get along with others respectfully. They are of course open to discuss it and I’m open to discuss my opposition to it.
There are plenty of cultures I would avoid including inner city Detroit or probably places in the deep south depending on the crime and attitude of people there. On the other hand I have had friends of various ethnic and racial backgrounds who were true friends. I don’t know what their IQ score was. We had some things in common, like I do with others and enjoyed doing activities we both liked together.
Though I don’t deny I have prejudice like I’m sure most if not all people do, I also have the capacity to form genuine friendships with others who may be different from me.
This is in the context of the United States that is a place where one of the moral values on paper is equality under the law, private property and the pursuit of happiness. There are a lot of different ethnic groups here and different races and some of them are very good neighbors.
While sometimes prejudice is discernment and wise, it shouldn’t hinder people from getting to know people that might be good friends.
I haven’t really studied how IQ score relates to cultural differences. Some more hunter gatherer cultures may not relate to the world the same as Europeans who came up with the test. Could I befriend someone with an IQ score of 80? I’m sure there would be some things we might have in common.
I’ve met some really nice people with Down syndrome and though we probably couldn’t ever really relate completely, I would not exclude interaction that some may describe as friendship.
IQ tests in part test how good someone does on tests. Some of it is relatable to actual intelligence, but some of it is just how well someone knows how to take tests. Test taking is a skill that is valued in our culture.
I know someone who lives in Taiwan, a white guy who married a woman who is Filipino and he says the place is beautiful but they really don’t like foreigners. They really dislike the Filipino population and both of them have found community with other expats there.
Xenophobia is everywhere and is both understandable and can also be a shortcoming.
No one has assaulted them over there and it’s a beautiful place to live but living in a place that doesn’t like you can be draining. I’m glad the US isn’t like that.
Steve Smith
“…You suggested that I read a book written by an apparent racist…..”
1) Did you read that article?
Seriously asking…. can you tell me what he said that was racist?
Where was he suggesting hatred for others or lying?
I got half way thru it and the only “racist” thing I saw was “…American RACIST..” in the headline.
2) You listen to Mr Corbett, who had his TedX talk suppressed because of his ‘incorrect opinions and WAS BANNED from Youtube. If I were to do a search in mainstream media for him I am sure that it would not describe Mr Corbett in a good light either.
You know better then to just take the media at its word…especially TABLET…. its basically a jewish magazine how do you THINK their gonna describe McD, a guy who says stuff they dont like???
“ 1) Did you read that article?”
Yes. Albeit quickly.
“Where was he suggesting hatred for others or lying?”
Are lies and hatred the only qualifications of a racist?
McDonald: “Jews are just gonna destroy white power completely, and destroy America as a white country. I don’t think that’s necessarily in our interests, or their interests, and I think it’s shortsighted of them to think that.”
“2) You listen to Mr Corbett, who had his TedX talk suppressed because of his ‘incorrect opinions and WAS BANNED from Youtube.“
I certainly don’t think that Kevin McDonald should be banned or censored in any form and never suggested that he should.
I simply said that I’m not interested in reading his book or embracing his racist philosophy.
I agree with reading material from authors one may disagree with to attempt to understand points of view.
I think this will be necessary for people to try to understand each other.
I’ve never read his book but I have done some snooping on some sites that discuss the ethnostate idea and usually it involves excluding and expulsion of inhabitants based on racial or ethnic characteristics.
That is not a very compelling idea for me. I just don’t feel it’s right. Also, the idea of rigid rules and roles are sometimes discussed that can be offensive to women.
It’s really hard to read authors who may share ideas that are unappealing even if some of their ideas are valid. But I do think it’s good to be able to listen and read books that diverge from ones point of view if they think it gives them insight. It’s good you read a variety of books. I would just urge to keep an open mind and heart.
Mending differences and collaboration to me seem worthwhile.
“It’s really hard to read authors who may share ideas that are unappealing even if some of their ideas are valid. But I do think it’s good to be able to listen and read books that diverge from ones point of view if they think it gives them insight. It’s good you read a variety of books. I would just urge to keep an open mind and heart.”
I agree that it is valuable to read and study things you might not agree with.
I actually just finished reading a book recommended by another Corbetteer, (the lilac dragonfly) twice. A book that I have some significant problems with.
But with the abundance of material that is available these days, I find that it is important to be discerning about what I choose to spend my time on.
Sadly, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to devote to things that don’t at least invoke my interest. Especially when I also find the author’s perspective distasteful.
Steve Smith
“….Are lies and hatred the only qualifications of a racist?….”
Well…. Unless you are saying THAT THE RACIST IS CORRECT then, yeah.
Are you saying ‘reality is racist’? 🙂 Lol
“….McDonald: “Jews are just gonna destroy white power completely, and destroy America as a white country….”
Is that NOT a fact?
Is he wrong about the general push of the jewish power bloc for more immigration from non white countries into Europe and the USA?
“…. I don’t think that’s necessarily in our interests,…..”
Is it in the interests of a white American, like him, to BECOME a minority?
Is it more fun to be the majority or a minority group??
“…. or their interests, and I think it’s shortsighted of them to think that.”….”
Considering jews and white people look kinda the same to Non-white peoples do you think that JEWS will be better or worse off when whites become a minority?
Literally nothing you quote was factually untrue.
What does “white power” mean to you?
To me it signifies an attitude of superiority. To me, that is racist.
I understand that you might disagree. But does that make my interpretation wrong?
It may be factually true that one ethnic group has a higher IQ than another. But to say that one group should be valued higher than the other is racist.
Steve Smith
Q1) You did not answer my question…. WAS HE SAYING ANYTHING THAT WAS NOT TRUE?
IS he wrong that a Jewish power bloc has been changing the demographics of the USA and that will probably NOT be good for white folks like him?
“….What does “white power” mean to you?…”
The same as “jewish power” “black Power” or “Brown Power” ….that an ethnic group holds most of the political power, NORMALLY because they are the biggest demographic.
Is there something wrong with the majority ethnic group having most of the political power wherever they happen to live?
“…. But to say that one group should be valued higher than the other is racist…..”
I did not read McD saying that.
I did not say that.
But let me ask you….
Dont you think that the people who live in an area should have most of the power over how things run in that area? So should the gov take care of the majority or the minority first?
“If jew’s really WERE “tards” then how come THEY are the ones able to rule over the masses of goy???…jews are statistically more prone to being neurotic, gay or pedophilic, and to schizophrenic but they are unfortunately not a race of ‘tards’. If they were they would just be creepy rather then dangerous.”
Duck, I understand that you have a particular outlook towards Jews. There is evidently nothing I can write, (or quote from God’s word), that will dissuade you from your views.
I replied to you when you wrote the above because you had, in another conversation said that you didn’t believe that there were ethnic Jews. I saw a contradiction. Thats all.
I don’t see any point in continuing to debate racism and Kevin McDonald’s feelings about the Jews.
To me he comes off as a racist and anti Semitic.
You obviously disagree with that assessment and value his contributions.
I hope that you respect my right to my assessment as I do yours. I just don’t find this subject interesting enough to continue. Or even potentially productive.
Unless of course you are willing to use scripture to defend your views. That I would find valuable.
But right now I’m off to church for Bible study. We’re in Philippians. 🙂
“Dont you think that the people who live in an area should have most of the power over how things run in that area? So should the gov take care of the majority or the minority first?”
That’s actually an interesting question to segue into the discussion about statism in general and on a microcosm in a community that the majority should have more power.
Why? Why does someone’s wants have to infringe on mine if I have done nothing to harm them? It’s like the jab and other intrusions into personal autonomy. I don’t want to be a slave in a system governed by majority rule because what the majority wants may infringe on what I want. I learned this with Covid. It was a real eye opener for me.
I know there is much much more to this topic and there’s nuance and context and such but on a fundamental level the idea that a majority should have more power to me is flawed. What kind of power are we talking about? For example, the majority keeps voting to raise taxes, it’s right that I have to pay? No, I think it’s theft of my wages.
Ron Paul mentioned the term “tyranny of the majority”
Perhaps votes actually matter in small place on a local level and maybe some of what is decided is good for the majority but is it really ethical? It’s a complex question. Maybe it coincides with morality sometimes and not others. Or is it fundamentally unethical?
What makes something ethical? Is there objective truth and objective right and wrong? I think there is.
Steve Smith
“….But right now I’m off to church for Bible study. We’re in Philippians. ?…”
Probably a better use of your time, TBH 🙂 Enjoy.
“….Duck, I understand that you have a particular outlook towards Jews. There is evidently nothing I can write, (or quote from God’s word), that will dissuade you from your views…..”
That is because my views are based on facts that happen in reality.
If you could show me that Jews did NOT push
Abortion, getting prayer out of schools, mass immigration, Transkids,Perverted sex Ed Gay stuff and Drag for kids, BLM riots, Fiat Currency and Banking, Critical Race Theory, Critical theory, bolshevism and Neo-con politics ect ect ect then I WOULD change my mind.
“…. were ethnic Jews…” The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit has possessed the western world, which is why it is dying off fast.
The Ethnic group called Ashkenazi “jew” (the actual lineage to Ancient Israel is somewhat debatable) is THE BIGGEST POWER BLOC in the US world Empire today.
“…To me he comes off as a racist and anti Semitic…”
He may be, I dont know him personally, all those things. But what I care about is IS HE WRONG in his facts. He is not.
“…Or even potentially productive…”
It is, to butcher a phrase the “roman à clef” of modern politics and recent history.
“…Unless of course you are willing to use scripture to defend your views…..”
Rev 3:9
Rom 1:18
Acts 2:23 2:36-37 and then 2:40 for the solution some took
The Jewish power bloc you discuss is different from individuals who could be described as Jewish and even communities as a whole.
I’m sure there are some anarchist Jews out there, never subsidized by the banksters or other elitist group and aren’t even related to Rothschild.
And to be fair there have been contributions by Jewish individuals that aren’t all bad. Not every Ashkenazi Jew or descendant is okay with agendas by psychopathic elitists that have zero loyalty outside of their own clique and what they have use for.
This is why rhetoric like this can be off putting to some who strongly oppose some of the things you mention that tie into transhumanism and technocracy. Those things you mention are a segue into the larger agenda that JC discusses. Essentially erasing humanity.
Some people forget about how some of these social issues tie into a larger paradigm and get stuck fighting each other. The transgender issue is directly related to transhumanism.
But to deny that a power bloc exists would be dishonest on my part. I can understand your point of view. But I don’t think it serves the interests of regular human beings no matter what identity they happen to fall into or see themselves.
My main point is that I think it’s important to separate the actions of people from their identity.
Okay, I’ll bite. How do these verses justify your animosity towards Jews?
Revelation 3:9
“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
Romans 1:18
“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;”
Acts 2:23
“Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:”
36Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ. 37Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
Steve Smith
You got home early?
“….How do these verses justify your animosity towards Jews?…”
I must Love my Enemies…. I ought NOT not pretend they are NOT my enemies and the enemies of all Christians. At this stage the ideology is foe to HUMANITY, TBH
Unless you DONT agree that a jewish power bloc is behind Abortion, gay marriage, and Trans kids?
Revelation 3:9
My point is that the blood line of Israel probably runs very thin in the Askenazi ‘jews’…. “…the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie…”
Acts 2:23
WHO did this? “…ye have taken, and by wicked hands have…”
and what was the CURE for this act?
“…. they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?…”
It was NOT to continue in the Judaism of their day, nor to carry on a new religion after the destruction of the Temple Priesthood.
“You got home early?”
No, normal time. About a hour and a quarter. I live very close though.
“I must Love my Enemies”
You are saying that you love the Jews?
“Unless you DONT agree that a jewish power bloc is behind Abortion, gay marriage, and Trans kids?”
No, I don’t agree with that. I blame the man and woman who didn’t take responsibility for the child they created and chose to kill it instead.
I blame the individuals who choose to reject God for the immoral choices that they make.
“ Acts 2:23
WHO did this? “…ye have taken, and by wicked hands have…”
Technically, gentiles. The Romans. Jews were not allowed to enforce capital punishment. However, the religious leaders (political powers) were instrumental in bringing about the crucifixion of Christ.
And aren’t you glad that they did? You and I would be bound for hell if they hadn’t.
“and what was the CURE for this act?”
Cure? Thats an odd word to use.
What the unbelieving Jews and gentiles did at Pentecost was Acts 2:41
“Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.”
They believed and were saved. And the Jews were still Jews and the gentiles were still gentiles and they all were Christ’s
Galatians 3:29
“And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
The Jews were still Jewish.
Acts 16:1
“Then came he to Derbe and Lystra: and, behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timotheus, the son of a certain woman, which was a Jewess, and believed; but his father was a Greek:
steve smith
“…No, I don’t agree with that….”
Dude….I really don’t see any point in continuing if you are that ignorant. If you really know that little about what going on in the Gov, media and NGO world then your opinion is not important.
If you are honestly interested in knowing
1) Go buy a copy of “Trans Industrial Complex”, or (easier read) “Open Society Project” by Scott Howard.
2)Get a red and a blue colored pencil…. highlight every jewish name one color and every non jewish name another color.
3)Calculate the difference
I doubt that you will do that, its boring to do and it will show you a pattern you don’t want to see. As Mr Corbet says, you cant wake someone up when they are pretending to be asleep.
Anyway, hope Church was good for you.
“Dude….I really don’t see any point in continuing if you are that ignorant“
If you consider holding individuals responsible for their individual decisions as being ignorant, then you are probably right that there is no point in continuing.
I think that the fundamental difference in our world-views is that yours is worldly and mine is based upon the word of God.
We are called to be in the world. Not of the world. You look to the world to provide your authority. Thus your characterization of Jews as your enemy. And the enemy of humanity.
I look to the Bible and, forgive me, common sense. Thus my characterization of them as God’s chosen people through whom He provided a way of salvation for me and all of humanity.
“Anyway, hope Church was good for you.”
It was a good Bible study Thanks. 🙂
Steve Smith
“…Thus my characterization of them as God’s chosen people through whom He provided a way of salvation for me and all of humanity….”
1) Since Salvation HAS arrived what are they ‘chosen’ for now?
2) Are you saying that a jewish person who has NOT Believed and called upon the name of Jesus is saved? See Acts 4:12 for my opinion
3) Are you saying that George Soros is one of Gods ‘chosen people’???? If so what does that actually MEAN????
4) How are ‘jews’ ACTUALLY jews (rather then people who say they are and lie) when there is no Temple or priesthood or any other religious (NOR a strong genetic) link between what we moderns call ‘jews’ and “Israelites” of Jesus time on earth
“ 1) Since Salvation HAS arrived what are they ‘chosen’ for now?”
A question best put to God. I can only tell you that God doesn’t break His covenants.
“2) Are you saying that a jewish person who has NOT Believed and called upon the name of Jesus is saved? See Acts 4:12 for my opinion“
No, I’m certainly not saying that. God is no respecter of persons. Everyone is saved the same way. Through faith in the sacrifice of the messiah by the grace of God.
“3) Are you saying that George Soros is one of Gods ‘chosen people’???? If so what does that actually MEAN????”
I’ve no idea. Kinda doubt it though.
I can’t even say whether Soros is Jewish. And neither can you.
“4) How are ‘jews’ ACTUALLY jews (rather then people who say they are and lie) when there is no Temple or priesthood or any other religious (NOR a strong genetic) link between what we moderns call ‘jews’ and “Israelites” of Jesus time on earth”
See my answer above. Ask God. If He thinks that is something that you need to know then I’m confident that He will reveal the answer you need.
Personally, I’ve got more important things to concentrate on in my walk with the Lord.
2 Peter 1:5-10 – And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:
Steve Smith
“… ME:Since Salvation HAS arrived what are they ‘chosen’ for now?”
YOU: A question best put to God. I can only tell you that God doesn’t break His covenants……”
SO ON WHAT BASIS to you make the claim that the people today called ‘Jews” are Chosen????
“…ME: jewish person who has NOT Believed and called upon the name of Jesus
YOU : No, I’m certainly not saying that. …”
So….you think jews are likely (we cant KNOW such things of course) to go to HELL?
LOVING them would, in the above case, be wanting them to renounce the religion they created after the fall of the Temple Priesthood would it not?
“ME…Soros is one of Gods ‘chosen people’???? If so what does that actually MEAN????…..
YOU: I’ve no idea. Kinda doubt it though….”
BUT he is what the modern world CALLS JEWISH, so if you doubt that then you are saying
That the people we call Jews today are not “ALL” chosen??????
“….I can’t even say whether Soros is Jewish….”
HAHAHA…. ok dude, so lets go full matt walsh and ask “WHAT IS A JEW” then.
IS a jew is a person who follows Judaism (a man made religion)
A bloodline, being “Seed of Amraham”?? (Are you saying what we call jews ARE NOT of that bloodline?)
I refer you to the Next line…..
“….ME How are ‘jews’ ACTUALLY jews (rather then people who say they are and lie) when there is no Temple or priesthood or any other religious (NOR a strong genetic) link between what we moderns call ‘jews’ and “Israelites” of Jesus time on earth”
YOU: See my answer above. Ask God…..”
If you make claims about Gods Covenant regarding MODERN PEOPLE then you should be able to explain why you are making those claims.
“…. I’ve got more important things to concentrate on in my walk with the Lord….”
Then why are you paying any attention at all to what you hear on this site- Transhumanism, soft genocide, political machinations?
John 8
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
33 They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?
34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.
35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.
36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
“SO ON WHAT BASIS to you make the claim that the people today called ‘Jews” are Chosen????“
The Bible.
I am not in a position to know how “people today” define what a Jew is. I’m not even clear about how you define the word.
The claim that I’m making is that God made a covenant with the people HE calls Jews. And God doesn’t break His covenants.
“HAHAHA…. ok dude, so lets go full matt walsh and ask “WHAT IS A JEW” then.”
I’ll leave that up to God to answer. Because it frankly doesn’t matter to me at all.
You can define it however you wish. I’m not going to discriminate against any group of people based on their ethnicity or religion. I will pray that God opens their eyes and softens their hearts so that they can be saved.
I do discriminate against INDIVIDUALS and organizations, ie governments, who act in evil ways that hurt others.
I don’t believe that I am. I’m relating what I believe He has revealed to me through His Word.
“If you make claims about Gods Covenant regarding MODERN PEOPLE then you should be able to explain why you are making those claims.”
I have. You just don’t like my explanation.
“Then why are you paying any attention at all to what you hear on this site- Transhumanism, soft genocide, political machinations?”
I live in the world and it makes sense to stay somewhat informed about what is going on.
That doesn’t mean that it makes any sense to focus my attention on figuring out what groups of people to hate or discriminate against based on their ethnicity or religions.
“John 8”
Nice passage.
Is your antisemitism a truth that frees you?
Steve Smith
“….ME: claim that the people today called ‘Jews” are Chosen????“
YOU: The Bible….”
THE BIBLE says that the Askenazi Ethnic group are jews?????
NO, it does NOT
“…I am not in a position to know how “people today” define what a Jew is…..”
Simple Question- ARE THE ETHNIC GROUP known as Askenazi JEWS in the Biblical sense?
IF ‘yes’ then you ought to be able to show WHY you beleive that
IF ‘no’ then the Askenazi jews have No claim upon the Covenant of Abraham
“…. I’m not even clear about how you define the word….”
Since I am not claiming that God has any special regard for them YOUR definition is more important.
“…..The claim that I’m making is that God made a covenant with the people HE calls Jews. And God doesn’t break His covenants….
Then WHAT has that got to do with ANYONE today that calls THEMSELF a jew….?
“…..I’ll leave that up to God to answer. Because it frankly doesn’t matter to me at all…..”
If YOU are making claims of Anti-semitism and say that we ‘must love’ (ill defined) Jews then it matters A GREAT DEAL WHO THE JEWS ARE if your words are to have any meaning at all.
“…You can define it however you wish….”
NOT if it is a real thing I cant- NOT IF I WANT THE WORD TO HAVE A MEANING.
“…. I’m not going to discriminate against any group of people based on their ethnicity or religion….
So if a group of Kali worshiping thuggee moved into your town and there were a rash of strange murders you wouldn’t think….maybe this group is prone to that kinda thing??????
“……I do discriminate against INDIVIDUALS and organizations, ie governments, who act in evil ways that hurt others…..”
GOD discriminates between groups – He told the Israelite to exterminate EVERY person in the Promised Land regardless of age or sex.
“… sense to stay somewhat informed….That doesn’t mean that it makes any sense to focus my attention on figuring out what groups of people to hate….”
Did I suggest you “hate” anyone?
Or Did I suggest you work out which groups ARE DOING THINGS in the world?
“…. on their ethnicity or religions….”
Kinda more worried about the ACTIONS THEY ARE DOING personally then their skin or their kirk
“….Is your antisemitism a truth that frees you?…”
How can you call me an anti-semite without defining a jew dude?
what IS anti-semitism dude, because I have only spoken of peoples ACTIONS not their race. stop with that rubbish
“Dude….I really don’t see any point in continuing if you are that ignorant“
I’m just going to leave this conversation stand where it is duck.
I’m getting dizzy from going around in circles.
Steve Smith
“…I’m getting dizzy from going around in circles…”
Because the information coming into your mind cant be processed because it conflicts it causes Cognitive dissonance which probably feels a little like actual pain so you reject the input
Not even joking….
I had the same uncompfortable feeling when I began to realize that most of the Holocaust is re-purposed Soviet propaganda.
(see #1984 #Crimethink)
Feedback Loop
(A pretty good method of cybernetic control)
You KNOW “The jews” are Gods people
You CANT define what a jew is in the modern world
You MUST “love Gods people the Jews”
You KNOW the cultural baggage / worldview / Ideology of people called jews today is causing terrible harm and acts against the instruction of God.
You will never be able to unstick yourself from running in circles until you get out the Skinner Box….which is why when I asked you specific questions in my last post you will not answer because they cause pain as detailed above
Okay doctor duck. 🙂 whatever you say.
But I’m really not experiencing any pain. Just a bit of sadness.
Steve Smith
About “loving Jews” and “discrimination- Christians are ALSO told to love homosexuals, murderers and Pedophiles.
Would you support a candidate for Pastor in your church if, while he PERSONALLY was NOT a pedophile, was a supporter of NAMBLA ?
Would you discriminate against a gay preacher on the grounds that he is living an Un-Biblical life?
Would you let an openly gay man baby sit your kids or grandkids?
LOVING people does not mean being blind to their dangers they may pose
Duck, who do you imagine you are addressing these ridiculous hypothetical questions to?
“LOVING people does not mean being blind to their dangers they may pose”
No kidding.
Why is it so important to you that I agree with you about the group of people that you call Jews?
You claim that this group of people are your enemy and the enemy of humanity while simultaneously claiming that you’re not anti-Semitic.
How does that work? Are you pro enemy?
I told you that I judge individuals on their individual behavior. I believe that is how God wants me to treat people. His treatment of the occupants of the promised land not withstanding.
If bad people join together in a group to promote and do bad things then I will certainly avoid associating with that group as much as is possible. Like government for instance.
Or a group such as NAMBLA or violent street gangs etc.
I am not convinced that “TheJews” are such a group.
Undoubtedly there are some Jews in all those bad groups of people. Right along with caucasians, blacks, Asians, American Indians and every other ethnic group you could name.
Why should I pick out just the Jews?
There are many things about God that I don’t fully understand but still accept completely. Such as the doctrine of the Trinity. Have you figured that one out yet?
Another of those things is how He wants me to treat others.
I’m to love them and be at peace with them as much as it depends on me. Jews included.
He doesn’t tell me to associate with people that are engaging in evil or Godless behavior. Just to love them as best I can and to pray for them.
I’m really sorry that you have a problem with that but you’re not going to be able to say anything that will cause me to adopt the same attitude towards “The Jews” that you have.
Steve Smith
“…Duck, who do you imagine you are addressing these ridiculous hypothetical questions to?…”
The point, Steve , is that they ARE NOT hypothetical are they?
What with new minted ‘Rainbow’ Churches and That kid who caught monkey pox. Even Boomers will have to pick a side to stand on.
“….Why is it so important to you that I agree with you about the group of people that you call Jews?…”
Its not, Steve, really, if you are unable to conceive of the idea of a group identity at all then you thinking is past being able to understand how the world works.
“….I am not convinced that “TheJews”….”
Steve, my man, thats because you think SOROS is somehow “not a jew. LOLOLOL
“….Why should I pick out just the Jews?….”
Read “Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” by EM Jones if you ACTUALLY want to know….I dont think you do, but its your call my man, your call
“…. as much as it depends on me. Jews included.
Okay duck, assume that you’ve convinced me. What would you have me do?
How should I change my life?
What is your ….solution to this crucial problem?
I honestly want to know how you would like to see the world deal with the issue.
Steve Smith
“…..What is your ….solution to this crucial problem?…”
I’m gonna start with THIS first, because it shows why you have no political power to push back against the agenda, and never will.
1) Nice how you slip that in….because the assumption is for some bizzare reason is that if you reject the JRS ideology you must wanna ‘do another holocaust!!!!”
I Reject Islam too…. do you assume I want to genocide Muslims? I kinda hate Rap music too….do you assume I want to kill THEM off too????
Ask yourself WHY this silly fear is in your mind….how long have you been consuming that propaganda?
2) The ‘Holocaust’ is MOSTLY a media creation. The Nazis DID commit war crimes, inc against jews, which the DOCUMENTED. However, the gas chambers and the gas vans and the systematic destruction thing was, mostly, Soviet propaganda.
3) EVEN if the holocaust had happened exactly as propagandized (even down to the truly bizarre stuff that went out of fashion, like steam chambers boiling people like lobsters) it would NOT CHANGE IN ANY WAY the fact that the USA is basically run by a bunch of ashkenazi jewish folks who have created the current culture and are heading the USA and the world rapidly off a cliff, so to speak.
4) You might want to look into WHY exactly the nazis (who I’m not a fan of) were able to convince previously tolerant Germans that jews were a problem….the idea that Hitler had magic eyes is BS. People had a very real set of gripes.
“…..I honestly want to know how you would like to see the world deal with the issue….”
Ideally by all becoming Christian and rejecting, or at least being very suspicious of, anything these people create.
When you SEE the trick the magician cant do it anymore….its as simple as that.
“…How should I change my life?…”
Hopefully you already lead a pretty clean life, Steve. 🙂 So Nothing, keep rejecting the evil culture and be happy.
“I’m gonna start with THIS first, because it shows why you have no political power to push back against the agenda, and never will.“
Are you politically powerful duck?
“ the fact that the USA is basically run by a bunch of ashkenazi jewish folks who have created the current culture and are heading the USA and the world rapidly off a cliff, so to speak. ”
Ah, so we should vote the bums out then?
“ Ideally by all becoming Christian and rejecting, or at least being very suspicious of, anything these people create.”
How do we go about identifying “these people”? By their appearance? Their names? Do we make dna testing mandatory for all citizens?
“Hopefully you already lead a pretty clean life, Steve. ? So Nothing, keep rejecting the evil culture and be happy.”
Nothing huh? I must say that is rather anticlimactic.
I was thinking that you would hold me somehow partially culpable for the evils of the world because of my lack of anti semitism and urge me to repent.
I can only guess at Steve’s inner position but I strongly suspect it’s firmly rooted in the Systematic Dispensationalism of which I was deeply indoctrinated from the very first days of my Christian faith. My book shelves feature prominent end-time authors such as Dave Hunt, Grant Jeffery, Clarence Larkin, not to mention the many other teachers whose primary qualifications include Zionism. A believer brought up in Fundamentalist Christianity gets it drilled in from the get-go that God has a two-fold plan: the Church and Israel. Interestingly, this dispensational plan is a fairly recent thing, kneaded into American and British culture in the 1800s. It really is a fascinating history.
For me, this study began a few months ago when reading James MacGregor and Gerry Docherty’s second book “Prolonging the Agony: How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WW1 by Three-and-a-Half Years”; specifically the 28th chapter called “The Balfour Declaration – Mythistory”. Here’s an excerpt:
“The distinguished Israeli historian, Shlomo Sand risked more than his reputation, when in 2008, he published his re-examination of Jewish history to expose ‘the conventional lies about the past’ which, like all historical misrepresentation, served to justify the traditional narrative which the Elites have constructed to protect their primacy. He challenged the orthodox views from “the authorized agents of memory” who had steadfastly denied any deviation from the received version of Jewish history. What a wonderful phrase – the authorized agents of memory – the voice of those, and only those, whose research and writings are accepted as truth. Professor Sand has since been shunned by establishment Zionist historians and castigated because he refused to use terms like “The Jewish People,” “ancestral lands,” “exile,” “diaspora,” “Eretz Israel,” or “land of redemption,” which were key terms in the mythology of Israel’s national history. His refusal to employ them was held to be heretical. Shlomo Sand was not alone in such protests.”
I bought Shlomo Sand’s book, together with another book which serendipitously entered my scope at the same time via another means; this one is a collection of essays from various Christians I’d never heard of but glad I now have: “Pop Prophecy: Exposing False Prophecies about ‘Rapture,’ Israel, and the End of the World” by Tal Brooke*.
*You might find interesting, Steve, that Tal Brooke accompanied Chuck Smith on a trip to Israel (before he began to question Dispensationalism/Zionism).
scp-inc.org/ (Tal Brooke’s ministry – I believe he died in 2021)
(I have no reply Button!! so posting here)
I love that book- “Prolonging the agony” is IMO better then their other one, “Hidden History”, since the former went into HOW the war was kept going.
I think you are right about the Dispensationalism thing- Jay dyer talks about how the Rockerfellers and others were trying to change Christianity to suit themselves more.
Thanks for the Wikisource to Churchill talking about the (then well known) fact that Bolshevism was mostly a Jewish thing- even Jewish writers at the time said so.
Pearl: “ I can only guess at Steve’s inner position but I strongly suspect it’s firmly rooted in the Systematic Dispensationalism”
Pearl, that guess is understandable. The majority of pastors and teachers I have learned from could probably be labeled as dispensationalists.
But frankly, since I’m not a biblical scholar, (or any sort of scholar for that matter), I don’t think I could have ever have been described as such.
I am a long way from being able to say that I belong to any particular camp.
My view is that the Bible is God’s infallible word. Everything in it is true. Whether I understand it or not. That doesn’t necessarily mean that everything in it should be taken literally though.
I agree with Michael Heiser in that the human authors of the Bible wrote for the readers of their time. Not for readers in different eras who would approach it from a completely different understanding of things.
That is not to say that there aren’t universal applications also. Just that the Bible isn’t meant to be a science book or a political treatise for twenty first century readers.
In other words, my mind is pretty open to Biblical concepts that may be controversial as long as they don’t undermine the fundamentals of salvation.
I’m not against the idea that there is a sense that the church is Israel.
But I’m firmly convinced that there is also a sense that Israel, in the old covenant meaning still exists and that God has a plan that includes it.
I’m not able to understand how that all works. But I still believe it. And just like my pre tribulation rapture position. I could be wrong. But it doesn’t affect my salvation and thats all I care about.
I’m finding myself in agreement with Heiser quite often. At least when the subject isn’t too far above my head.
While I don’t think that duck’s anti semitism can be supported biblically, my main problem with it is that it is so nebulous.
But perhaps he is endowed with the supernatural power of innate “Jewdar” in that he just instinctively knows who “those people” are.
And his solution of “ rejecting, or at least being very suspicious of, anything these people create.” doesn’t strike me as being very practical.
I will probably always be fond of what Paul Simon, Bob Dylan and my savior have created. ?
About a decade ago I bought a short story called “Address Unknown” by Kathrine Kressman Taylor, first published in 1938. It’s a fictional, compilation of letters between two men, best friends – one a Jew, the other Gentile, partners in running a gallery in California. Circustances have the Gentile returning to his native Germany with his family, with plans to eventually return. During the years the gentile is living in Germany, his letters grow increasingly angry and hostile (obviously drunk on Hitler’s kool-aid). It had a satisfying ending, albeit not a “Christian” one. Anyway, it had its effect on me (who wants to be that guy?!). I wouldn’t dream of poking God’s eye by examining anything which challenges the image of the persecuted Jewish people. I was deeply moved by Corrie Ten Boom’s “The Hiding Place” and many other such accounts. I’ve always been sympathetic to Israel to the point of intellectually siding with them against the Palestinians, many of whom are our brothers and sisters in the faith. Within the Dispensational context, Israel could do no wrong.
“But I’m firmly convinced that there is also a sense that Israel, in the old covenant meaning still exists and that God has a plan that includes it.”
The book “Pop Prophecy” addresses these issues which I haven’t the space or time to address here, but it’s available for Kindle for around $5 (and lightening won’t stike if you dare to read it). One thing I was blown away to learn from it is how Daniel 9:27 has been attributed to Anti-Christ when prior to dispensationalism, it was understood to be Jesus! So which is it? It can’t be both, and it’s no small matter since the dispensational interpretation claiming it’s antichrist means there MUST be a future temple, let alone those other covenants which God supposedly has yet to fulfil.
Nope. Christian Zionism is a dangerous fraud. And I, too, love Paul Simon. Jewish people are on the same plane as the rest of us, and especially not exempt from learning that Jesus Christ is the object and conclusion of their faith.
edit: fulfillment is the better word, not object. 🙂
Here… read what WINSTON CHURCHILL knew about Bolshevism- and who did it. The guy was good mates and political allies with jewish people, and an ardent opponent of the Nazi’s
There was a Congressional investigation as to who did the Bolshevik revolution, IIRC, too.
Duck, I found a reader-friendly copy of Churchill’s article at wikisource:
I’ve not read it yet (and my eyesight is not up to the task to see if it’s a faithful version).
“Jewish people are on the same plane as the rest of us, and especially not exempt from learning that Jesus Christ is the object and conclusion of their faith.”
Amen pearl!
And speaking of Jewish, boomer musicians. Here is a short clip of Carlos Santana dropping a truth bomb on his audience.
Good find. I’m a boomer in spirit (missed being one by a mere three years, and the music of the 60s and 70s is the best!).
Steve Smith
Did you read what Churchill Wrote about the authors of Bolshevism?
“…Are you politically powerful duck?…”
Let me put it this way… you can not have ANY power when you are unaware can you?
“….Ah, so we should vote the bums out then?…”
So… throw your hands in the air and say its impossible to do anything? THAT actually surprises me…but I did offer a partial solution REJECT the JRS Ideology and treat anything those people suggest or offer with deep suspicion .
“…. Do we make dna testing mandatory for all citizens?…”
You see why you are helpless to stop trans kids and grooming in the schools Steve? How many times do I need to tell you there is an Ethnic component to the JRS but its A WORLDVIEW….you dont spread an ideology with DNA do you? So what your doing is trying the “-What you Wanna Nother Holocaust???-” Boomerism.
“… ME :“Hopefully you already lead a pretty clean life, Steve. ? So Nothing, keep rejecting the evil culture and be happy.”
You: Nothing huh? …”
Nothing that you will actually choose to do, and whats wrong with ‘Be happy” ?
I wish everyone would be happy.
Steve Sith
“…. it is so nebulous….”
Not really…. I said that one should be suspicious of any thing offered by a member of the Ethnic group Ashkenazi ‘jewish’ background…SUSPICIOUS, and NOT hateful and NOT to discount out of hand.
I also said that the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit is NOT confined (and has not been for a long time) to any ethnic group, and that ideology/cultre/worldview is toxic.
“…But perhaps he is endowed with the supernatural power of innate “Jewdar”…”
OK Boomer….
“….rejecting, or at least being very suspicious of, anything these people create.” doesn’t strike me as being very practical….”
No, its NOT if you enjoy the degenerate culture that has led us to Trans kids and Grooming. The issue with the average American Boomer Con is that they are COMFORTABLE and desire “friendship with the world”
“….I will probably always be fond of what Paul Simon, Bob Dylan and my savior have created. ?…”
Just because I LIKE something does not make it GOOD….either in the sense of health, societal health, or Holiness.
THIS GUY (who for all his faults IS The BEST analyzer of movies and their message in his earlier work) got some push back for the same thing. You really would benfit from hearing him, atleast on this matter
“Kinda I want to” Blackpilled
“Steve Sith”
I think you’re confusing me with this guy. https://presearch.com/images?q=Steve+Sith+#view
“ OK Boomer….”
Go away kid. You bother me.
karl harvie
They are not ‘tarded’ though.
If Jews WERE ‘tarded’ they would not be running the US government, the banks, sociology, psychology, law and the disgusting mainstream media.
“…But all they are doing is managing the systems we created for our own benefit…”
Interesting take… lol
karlharvie says:
They may not all suck, but in order to be a real jewtard you must be cut.
I’m cut.
I don’t remember it, so I can’t say much about the pain.
However, not long after birth, I do remember the bright lights and when they put some harsh, stinging drops in my eyes. That really upset me.
I’m very fine with how things hang.
And the equipment has always worked extremely well, probably better than most, especially in my younger days.
And I’ve had absolutely no complaints by any intimate female friends; nor jokes in the men’s locker room (except perhaps when it was very cold, but we all were joking about each other to each other).
Thus, according to KarlHarvie, the one authority who is able to judge all others by KarlHarvie’s omniscient standards for all humanity…then it follows that I must be a jewtard.
Thus, Mr. Karl Harvie, I say that you are calling me names and insulting me.
Only impotent little wienies would stoop so low with such a perverse standard basis to establish the virtue of one’s humanity.
Though I oppose racist sentiment of KarlHarvie, there have been some men who were harmed in the process of circumcision. I’ve spoken to one who only has feeling on a very small part of his private part and he says that he wished that he had the opportunity to provide informed consent.
I saw one of these done in nursing school clinicals and it didn’t look benign to me. I think maybe some outcomes are better than others but the problem for me is performing a procedure on a person who can’t consent. I think that is unethical unless it is done for a valid purpose.
If people want to remove parts as adults, they have the right to do so, but to remove a part from a baby to me is wrong unless it’s a cancerous tumor or something.
Anyway, I think Karl likes to insight hostility rather than an honest discussion.
Your standards to establish the virtue of one’s humanity is mentally sick.
And you know that it causes divisiveness and hostility.
You are on the wrong team.
Get a job with Victoria Nuland.
I always appreciate your comments. Plus, you are in a unique position where you have had incredible experience interacting with others.
That’s a sad anecdote about the guy. I hate hearing that.
I completely agree with you. Informed Consent over one’s own body is paramount.
Parents are in tough situations while raising their children, and making “control” type decisions.
I have 4 brothers who had the same procedure. We were raised in a very religious environment. In fact, when my Father was in his mid-fifties, he switched careers and went to the seminary to become a minister.
He was extremely good at trying to give his sons full autonomy over their own lives, but balancing it with parenting skills.
One day as a teenager, my Father brought up the topic of circumcision to me.
He told me that he made the decision to have the procedure done for all the boys. While he did mention the biblical stuff, he told me that he had concerns for our future hygiene practices and also our future choices. He said that as an adult, the procedure might be pretty rough. He did not want us to face that predicament.
I really didn’t know how painful the procedure was until I saw one done (I wish I could un-see it).
But there have been some men who report problems as adults and there are organizations who oppose it. Some of them include Jewish men who have reported negative effects.
I’m sure some men have had better outcomes. I think it’s one of those things that many parents just don’t know and have done because they think it’s the right thing to do, like vaccines. I had standard childhood vaccines because my mom was ignorant about potential harm at the time. I’m just glad I never became autistic although I do have attention deficit problems and asthma which may or may not be related. They are things I can live with.
Good parents sometimes make decisions that aren’t necessarily right but it doesn’t make them bad people.
I just tried to listen to that video as I was folding laundry. I found the laundry to be infinitely more interesting. What a terrible speaker.
Comments are turned off, and according to my handy-dandy dislike visibility app, there are 92 likes and 581 dislikes.
It was not really my thing either, but I did note that most of that channels videos have a couple of hundred or fewer views.
I would be really interested to know who those viewers are….If I was Google I’d work out the average Net Worth of the viewer there and here and compare.
Its like the Bank of international settlements youtube channel which has similar viewing figures last I checked in.
The rich like to bore us so we dont pay attention to the weird, often sick and perverse ( not just in a sexual way) ideas they are into. Either that or they really are insufferable hipsters who really DO believe they are smarter then the rest of us.
If I had as much money as that dude I’d have bought a pair of glasses that didnt make me look like a middle school maths teacher, so I assume he picked that look for marketing himself. His dad looks like an actual Bond Villian, so maybe its a good move, lol. On the other hand, if I had as much money as that dude I’d probably be having a party rather then starting foundations and trying to send kids trans.
I do enjoy the friendship between you two!
RE: Story #3: Two-Hour Daily Phone Limit for Under 18s Proposed By Chinese Regulator
The younger folks in China (ages 16 to 24) are having it rough with one out of five being unemployed.
For May 2023, that 16 to 24 age group saw unemployment figures at 20.800 %
In June it broke records at 21.300 %.
Don’t worry.
China solved the rising unemployment figures.
China will stop publishing age group-specific unemployment data.
China’s real estate market has long been a fad for making money.
No more.
China’s real estate investment sector is in shambles. No money to pay investors.
Many citizens had invested in real estate firms or purchased future real estate projects.
Compared to the U.S., interest rates in China are very low.
China’s 10-year government bond yield fell below 2.6%, sliding to its weakest levels in over three years as the People’s Bank of China unexpectedly lowered its one-year medium-term lending facility rate by 15 basis points to 2.5% on August 15, the second rate cut this year. Data also showed that Chinese industrial production, retail sales and fixed asset investment all rose less than expected in July, while the urban unemployment rate ticked higher. Moreover, earlier data showed that new bank loans in the country tumbled 89% in July compared to June, exacerbating market concerns about the country’s faltering economy. The central bank’s surprise move raised hopes of further policy easing and more stimulus measures from Beijing to support growth.
Story #3
Obviously these guys don’t have a teenager in the house. Leave a kid with a phone and they become the victims of predatory tech grabbing their attention to sell, message and record for later use. Screen addiction (or as we call it in this house – zombification) is a developmental danger, especially in tempting kids away from the real world of human interaction, nature and sports.
So the Chinese have the right idea, on a societal level limit / reduce youthful screen time.
The Corbett report is very good at showing how every problem is an opportunity for fascism and control. OK we know how we don’t want the problem solved.
Looking forward to the solutions watch on this subject. You’re unlikely to find a parent with a teenager not struggling with this issue (maybe except the Nancy Reagan just say no types).
“…Looking forward to the solutions watch on this subject….”
Solution is buy them a flipper phone OR buy an Iphone and put an admin passcode on it and then lock down EVERY app on the thing via the time limit feature and do nt allow app installation without pass code.
“….You’re unlikely to find a parent with a teenager not struggling with this issue (maybe except the Nancy Reagan just say no types)….”
Those parents struggling need to be the ones to say NO. Thats the solution, there is no other thats going to happen since the people with power all WANT peoples kids addicted, depressed and eventually DEAD.
Its that simple, everyone needs to save their own kids because no one else is going to.
I hope societal level solutions emerge because the energy and attention required to manage kid’s access and consumption is significant, too much for many. Even for the diligent just because you have rules at home it doesn’t mean their friends have them.
Ours is the vax approach. A little exposure to the toxin builds natural immunity.
What good is a society with “75% addicted, depressed and eventually DEAD”? We need to do better.
“…I hope societal level solutions emerge…”
The folks running things WANT it to be a problem, so I would not expect them to solve it except by accident or by making something worse happen.
Don’t confuse the pathological subset in positions of power with the center of gravity of human values and intention. If people who want things to work are really the majority then there is sufficient power to change things.
With social media the complexity and rate of change make control by rules really difficult even if the people in charge have their heads screwed on right.
Parental phone controls can turn the thing off at a given hour and block obvious porn. That’s the easy part. You can try to stop them from having email, chat and other interpersonal communication but smart kids work around the controls. Predators and purveyors are everywhere (all those ads designed to turn kids into “consumers”).
Just say no will turn your kid into a mark – an easy victim. They need to be hardened up without losing them.
“….Just say no will turn your kid into a mark….”
True to a degree, but the reason you keep kids off smokes and booze is that while the brain is forming its super easy to addict them.
Most parents let other people raise their kids (day care, school, ect) so I dont have much hope for most people anymore.
“…..If people who want things to work are really the majority then there is sufficient power to change things….”
The mass of people will go along with what they are told to do.
There never has been and never will be a TRUE mass movement other then some kinds of spontaneous riot. The organized minority always has and always will set the parameters of behavior for the disorganized majority.
You might like “The Populist Delusion” by Mr Parvini. Its a short book but will correct any idea that the mass of people will ever do anything but go along with what they are told.
“The Pete Quinoes show” read the whole book with commentary if you dont want to buy it from Imperium Press or amazon.
I guess we’ll have to do a captcha now to comment here, right James?
BTW Z-library is back, but too sus for me to try again.
The truth about the harvesting of our information and the effect of ALL of SMART technology has been available for a very long time.
I’ve put my song up here before and no comments or conversation are made here about it?? One might conclude people are afraid to because of “Big Brother’s” watching and listening??
You are not smart because you use a smart phone nor do you really have a lot of “friends” because someone hit a button at your social media site.
The things that really count in life…good health, love, honesty, and thanks for sentience have been carefully replaced with over consumption of toxic food and drink, hedonism, getting over on others, and disregard for the gift of life.
“The things that really count in life…good health, love, honesty, and thanks for sentience have been carefully replaced with over consumption of toxic food and drink, hedonism, getting over on others, and disregard for the gift of life.”
I agree with what you wrote here Mr Doyle. But it leads me to ask; Who are you suggesting that we offer “thanks for sentience” to?
Who is it that we should be grateful to for “the gift of life”?
Not going to get into this thing with you again.
It is part of completing a sentence…
“Where were you?”
“I bought some junk…???”
I bought some junk food.”
Speaking of food…some small farmer friends have turned me on to the reality that some defunct Canadian firm in 2015 came up with a method of putting mRNA, etc. into plants. They started with tobacco apparently??
Good show. Good jokes. “El Rita Suave” was very good.
Maybe the Soros Boys will step on a needle or ten in SF and become addicts or dead.
When you put your arm around a loved one, it isn’t draped loosely as in the Soros pic. There is no love between these two characters. The boy’s hand should be gripped firmly around his father’s shoulder – it isn’t.
Smoking gun for Direct Energy Weapons used on Maui is the high-power microwave counter drone weapon THOR (Tactical High-Power Operational Responder) from the AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory)
I think we have the actual smoking gun for the Direct Energy Weapons used on Maui.
“The Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, conducted a demonstration, April 5, 2023, of its high-power microwave counter drone weapon, the Tactical High-power Operational Responder, or THOR, as it engaged a swarm of multiple targets at the Chestnut Test Site, Kirtland Air Force Base.”:
Also relevant with regard to the incineration through that took place in Maui (Hawaii).
Spoiler: it’s literal weather warfare:
“Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says the total incineration of Lahaina in Hawaii was caused by man-made weather modification called geoengineering. Wigington says this is really an attack using “weather warfare.” According to Wigington, they used climate engineering to create a “wind tunnel effect right over Lahaina” with wind speeds up to 100 miles per hour to superheat the fire. Wigington explains, “This creates a bellows effect, and that escalates temperatures exponentially over what they would have otherwise been. They have been melting steel around the world by exactly that manner for thousands of years by feeding air in. That’s the bellows effect. This is the same as an acetylene torch. If you burn just the acetylene, you have 1,500 degrees. When you add oxygen, now you get 6,000 degrees. People are not considering this. They don’t need Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs). . . . There is a 140-page U.S. military document that we found and posted at GeoEngineeringWatch.org. It is titled “Wildfires as a Military Weapon.”It describes surface preparation . . . prior to their commencement of the surface firestorm incineration. That’s exactly what we saw in that region of Hawaii. . . .We cannot prove the source of ignition in Lahaina, but what we can say is the template for this event to happen cannot be separated from climate engineering operations.””
I leave reviews on Amazon as “Country Guy”
Caught up on a bunch of them Sunday. On Monday I received an email from Amazon that one of my reviews was going to hurt someone’s feelings :-/
Hello,we couldn’t post your review because it doesn’t meet our community guidelines.
Please edit and resubmit your review. Before you do please make sure it fits all our guidelines.”
So what did I say about the “Locals” application:
Didn’t use it.
Didn’t know they charges $$.
Bad EJ!!
Yeah, reviews are like comments. The snowflakes among us would rather censor than ignore. ?
this is on Agenda 21 and has megaregion maps, my concern was the wildlands project map….very concerining.
Corbett’s review
Speaking about bots…
I don’t know about you folks but the very first question I always ask when I open up a chat support window on my computer is “Are you human?”
No one’s been able to fool me yet. 🙂
My questions are too convoluted!
Good point James (EP), “Trust your gut” when it comes to bots, but not when it comes to Big Pharma, the WHO, Fauci etc. 🙁
Speaking about as James C said: “We know what this is really about…”
Does anyone know what the obsession of websites to ask us to consent to their use of cookies is all about?
It started a few years ago and now has become pretty much ubiquitous.
Is it possible karlharvie is an anti-Semitic bot?
“Is it possible karlharvie is an anti-Semitic bot?”
I don’t know if its possible or not. But I would rather that be the case than believe he was a fellow human.
I’m sure a bot like this exists. I’m sure there are woke bots and various others that express polarizing comments. Possibly either from the government or a private think tank type organization designed to agitate people. Or your regular hater that may or may not be paid to post comments they think will cause hostility or futile back and forth essentially wasting time and energy.
A regular person could potentially try to see how they are falling into traps of misdirected aggression. After all, I think the people who are really profiting like Zuckerberg and some of the top banksters and pharma CEOs are very different from your average person.
I’d say its actually “Person who says stuff jews don’t like…even if Jews themselves TALK ABOUT AND SAY THE VERY SAME THING”
If it looks like an anti-Semite, swims like an anti-Semite, and quacks an anti-Semite, then it’s probably a Duck.
Fawlty Towers
“….If it looks like an anti-Semite, swims like an anti-Semite, and quacks an anti-Semite, then it’s probably a Duck….”
Well, if you happen to ENJOY a world of kid grooming, Technocracy forever wars, a Financialized Economy, and below replacement birthrate then I guess being AGAINST the people whos Ideology and Culture has made those things possible would be bad……
LOL…is anti-semtite the new Raccccccist?
Jordan Peterson get’s a “ruling” affirming that he indeed has the freedom of speech, but he can also be compelled to be subjected to “reeducation”. He seems livid.