Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
It’s 1871. August 15th, to be precise. The eminent American Freemason, Scottish Rite Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike, sits down at his desk and, by the flickering light of a candle, composes a letter to his friend and fellow Mason, the Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini.
“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism,” he writes (instead of the more conventional, “Hey Giuseppe, how’s the family doing?”).
Then, after gazing a little longer into his crystal ball, he sets to paper some sentences about a conflict seven decades in the future: “The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.”
Most remarkably, he goes on to inform his friend about another great conflict, one that has yet to come to pass: “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.”
Then, after licking the envelope and affixing the proper postage, he makes his way to the post office to deliver his letter (not forgetting to pick up some bread and milk from the store on the way home like his wife asked).
Sound familiar? Of course it does, because if you swim in “conspiracy” circles, you’ve heard some (probably more dramatic) version of this story many times before. Most recently, this tale has made its way into the hallowed pages of that most respectable and influential journal of record, The Daily Star, which—in keeping with its reserved and understated manner—gave it a suitably nuanced headline:
Mystery 200-year-old letter revealed World War 3 plans – and final battle against Islam!!!
OK, so I added the exclamation marks. But they do seem to be implied here, don’t they? (Besides, I only borrowed them from some of the Star’s other headlines, like the one about the Coronation Street star spilling out of her “devilishly daring low-cut number”[!]. Truly, journalism at its finest.)
So what do we make of these remarkable predictions? How did Albert Pike make such incredibly precise forecasts of events that were still decades in the future? And what can we learn from his prescient warning about World War III, living as we are in the shadow of the War of Terror and its incipient Clash of Civilizations?
Absolutely nothing, that’s what. Why? Because the letter is complete and utter hogwash, made up by admitted hoaxers and perpetuated by unscrupulous “researchers” who are more interested in getting clicks than telling the truth.
So do you want the real story of this (non-existent) letter? Here it is . . .
Get the real skinny on the WWIII letter that doesn’t exist and where it really comes from in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. For full access to the subscriber newsletter, and to support this website, please become a member.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 9 issue 15 (April 13, 2019)
by James Corbett Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. It’s 1871. August 15th, to be precise. The eminent American Freemason, Scottish Rite Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike, sits down at his desk and, by the flickering light of a candle, composes a letter to his friend and fellow Mason, the Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini. “The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism,” he writes (instead of the more conventional, “Hey Giuseppe, how’s the family doing?”). Then, after gazing a little longer into his crystal ball, he sets to paper some sentences about a conflict seven decades in the future: “The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.” Most remarkably, he goes on to inform his friend about another great conflict, one that has yet to come to pass: “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.” Then, after licking the envelope and affixing the proper postage, he makes his way to the post office to deliver his letter (not forgetting to pick up some bread and milk from the store on the way home like his wife asked). Sound familiar? Of course it does, because if you swim in “conspiracy” circles, you’ve heard some (probably more dramatic) version of this story many times before. Most recently, this tale has made its way into the hallowed pages of that most respectable and influential journal of record, The Daily Star, which—in keeping with its reserved and understated manner—gave it a suitably nuanced headline: Mystery 200-year-old letter revealed World War 3 plans – and final battle against Islam!!!OK, so I added the exclamation marks. But they do seem to be implied here, don’t they? (Besides, I only borrowed them from some of the Star’s other headlines, like the one about the Coronation Street star spilling out of her “devilishly daring low-cut number”[!]. Truly, journalism at its finest.) So what do we make of these remarkable predictions? How did Albert Pike make such incredibly precise forecasts of events that were still decades in the future? And what can we learn from his prescient warning about World War III, living as we are in the shadow of the War of Terror and its incipient Clash of Civilizations? Absolutely nothing, that’s what. Why? Because the letter is complete and utter hogwash, made up by admitted hoaxers and perpetuated by unscrupulous “researchers” who are more interested in getting clicks than telling the truth. So do you want the real story of this (non-existent) letter? Here it is:
Confused? Well, does this flowchart help? No, of course it doesn’t, because this is a hot tangled mess of madness. But if you really need the full story then you simply must read Terry Melanson’s careful, point-by-point unraveling of this pointless game of telephone. Back in 2010, Melanson decided to get to the bottom of this “Pike prediction letter” and, as you will see, went step by step back through the chain of quotations to get to the actual source of this rumor. I cannot stress this strongly enough: Read Melanson’s article! But here it is in all its glory: the first actual written reference to this letter. Given the vagaries of Google Books, it’s entirely possible that you won’t be able to access the full source depending on your geography, but Melanson does have the translated text in his article. Go on, read it for yourself and tell me where it talks about a First World War. Or a Second World War. Or a Third World War. Or “atheistic Communism.” Or Nazism. Or political Zionism. Or any other words or phrases that weren’t even coined at the time this letter was supposedly written. Go on, I’ll wait. Hmmm, funny that. There’s no mention of those things whatsoever. When you follow Melanson’s steps in putting together the chain of references, you’ll see that all of that World War/Nazism/communism/Zionist/Illuminati talk was added in by William Carr several decades after this whole fictitious letter was invented. So was the rumor that the letter had been “catalogued” in the British Museum Library. And it was several decades after Carr that a man named Michael Haupt re-popularized the fiction, making it the basis for his “Three World Wars” website. And this is where Carr’s vague summary of this letter (that never existed) was magically transformed into a direct quotation from the letter. Only one part of the whole thing (the bit at the end about bringing the “True Light” of the “pure Luciferian doctrine”) is actually in the original “source” of this letter (which, once again, has never actually been seen because it was never actually written). And now those crack journalists at The Daily Star are resuscitating this whole pile of garbage yet again to harvest a few more clicks out of it. Once again, you can’t really appreciate how convoluted and silly this whole rumor is until you read Melanson’s article, but the long story short is that a hoaxer made up a letter between Pike and Mazzini which then got picked up and summarized by others, which then got picked up and added to by others who provided vague summaries of information that never existed. Those summaries then got turned into direct quotations and continue to get passed around the internet as if they were true. Sigh. So, does all of this piss you off? You know, all of this drivel being peddled by “conspiracy researchers” in the name of “spreading the truth”? Does it make you angry? Well, it should. Anyone who is concerned about truth and who is looking to set the record straight on the many real instances of cover-up and conspiracy throughout history should be offended when people purporting to do the same are in fact just regurgitating tired old debunked nonsense that they didn’t even bother to research. After all, there is a reason why the “crazy conspiracy loony” meme that the CIA has weaponized continues to hold sway with such a large part of the population. It’s because there are “crazy conspiracy loonies” (or, more to the point, knowing frauds) who spread easily debunkable garbage—and not enough people in the so-called truth community calling it out. This is why I have spent time setting the record straight on the JFK/Fed Myth. And the “Adorno wrote The Beatles” myth. And the “footage of the missile at the Pentagon” myth. And the Shemitah myth. And the “fat Osama video” myth. It’s why I’ve debunked Patriot Mythology (and More Patriot Mythology). It is the same impulse that compels me to set the record straight on 9/11, on global warming, on WWI, or on any of the other subjects that I look into at The Corbett Report. If you take the search for truth seriously, I think you’ll understand this impulse. Now, none of us is perfect. None of us is always correct. None of us has the time or ability to check the source of every piece of information we ever encounter. But when passing information on to others we have a duty to vet that information and make sure it’s worth sharing. That is not a high hurdle to get over for anyone who is actually interested in spreading truth. For those of you out there who had never even heard of this whole Pike letter foolishness, I almost feel sorry for bringing it to your attention. But Melanson’s dissection of the story is valuable as a case study in how to track down the source of questionable information, so perhaps it is worth it. All I know is: World War III is a subject worthy of further inquiry; Pike’s supposed prediction of it is not. |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Recommended ReadingReligion and the Simulation Hypothesis – Hackernoon Recommended ListeningErnie Hancock and James Babb versus Trump supporter Recommended ViewingAlex Jones Deposition Part 1 / Part 2 + Lawyer’s Analysis Just For Fun |
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Oops…Typo “walks”
where it walks about a First World War
Homey, in lew of the mysterious subject matter at hand and the devilish revamping of old English by Freemanson Bacon, ” walks” works for me. It has as hidden a meaning as that of a fourteen year old bus boy getting the fish- eye of a lonely middle age woman eating a corndog. I put it down to springtime. The editor in chief had other things on his mind. Remain vigilant as the 500 word limit is a consent nusiance, as is Bacon English.
Thanks for pointing that out, HRS. Correction made.
hi James, have you read my comments on your amazing positive propaganda video here on your site? HomeRemedySupply reminded me to break up my messages into smaller 500 word comments.
What do you think of my ideas for solutions along with recommended books?
My bet is that he did read them. I would likely win that bet, (much better than I do at the Casino). 😉
This Corbett fella stays pretty dog-gone busy, and he gets a lot of queries from folks on here, emails and at other places. It is difficult for him to answer everyone’s message.
Every few months, he will have a “Questions For Corbett”.
You can ask questions there. He doesn’t get to them all.
Here is the last one he did…
After you listen to it, you might want to re-post your comment there.
Hey James, have you heard claims about Albert Pike being the founder of the evil infamous Ku Klux Klan?
Joseph, I’ll be listening closely for James to hopefully pose and answer your question on his next Q4C. In fact, I want to hear his reply as much as you do, for I’m not familiar with the “War of the Austrian Succession” angle to WWI.
CQ: Have I experienced a Mandella Effect or did I read a now missing comment from early this morning. Something about Bacon ? Hope you can solve the mystery or Im pouring the rest of the Eau De Vie down the drain.
Yes, I can solve the mystery, gbw. You’re not crazy. If you’re able to send an email to my website (just click on the “CONTACT” butterfly), I’ll gladly explain.
Speaking of mysteries (and not Mandela effects), you wrote a reply to CQ last week that never showed up in the comment section (I saw it only in an email). I can respond to that, too, via email.
If you somehow can’t get through to me, write to James and he’ll give the address to you. But only to you, gbw! 🙂
To everyone else on this thread: Please excuse the private exchange. It won’t happen again. I hope!
The intelligence agencies are attacking all logical basis for
true information that might endanger their narrative.
They feed the “trusted sources” with false information.
They use all logical fallacies to divert a discussion.
But they also make these fallacies seem logical.
When Hillary stated that Russia hacked them and almost started a war,
nobody stopped her. It was even repeated endlessly, by CIA narrators.
The same story was put in European news.
Logically she should be put into prison, for almost starting a war,
and for whitewashing money, and more.
This conflict is part of the narrative, it feeds division and
conflict with other countries. So instead of pushing a
corporate agenda, they now shifted to a war-conflict plan.
The narrative is part of a larger plan, and they try to
match every story to this plan. But that also includes the story
of the opposition. They can switch story-lines, to make
the opposition happy for a moment.
To control the opposition, other false stories are injected.
These must be emotionally loaded, to get the majority of
the opposition in one line. Because the injected stories
are not logically correct, it also causes conflict within
the opposition.
In this case Trump won the election, but he placed
war-criminals in his government.
So people that were anti-war are in conflict with people
that voted for trump.
The CIA also allowed an investigation to be start into
Trump, while they knew that nothing was going on.
Even most of the media knew it.
The reality is even worse. The NSA knows exactly what
happened. And their withholding of evidence means that they
know that there is no evidence of Russian hacking at all.
Anyway. Now we have conflicts withing two opposing groups.
And the emotions are strong in these groups.
This means that they can be manipulated towards any
The CIA controls all these big groups from within.
They have puppets and actors everywhere, but also
real incidents happen by the puppets.
The real agenda is clear.
The Russian hacking narrative has been pushed to
control both the voting-system and the news on the internet.
I think that the EU fully cooperates with them.
The news on the internet is now marked as fake or biased,
when it does not come via the CIA/MI5.
That is why we do not see demonstrations in Paris,
or other such problems.
The voting system has been placed in the hands of
Homeland security, who have been planned this beforehand.
This means that the computer-votes are now fully controlled
by the organization that was setup during 9/11.
So people will “democratically vote” for people that they
mostly disagree with. But they will be endless in conflict
with each other about it, due to conflicting narratives.
They will think that the majority of other people are stupid
or against them.
The winning of Trump was already clear in the beginning,
just look at the people gathering at his speeches, compared
to those at Hillary’s. The e-mails were not even relevant.
The conflicts were already setup to make it appear as
if this was a surprise. The situation was merely used
to start a new part of the plan.
Well, these conflicts are already happening now.
But the CIA does make it seem that these conflicts
come from the people. But in reality people never want conflicts.
But people are more and more controlled in the way they think,
by the pushed narratives and planted stories.
This full control on news and voting is part of the real plan.
Welcome the completely fake democracy.
A good idea would be to stop using democracy, because no modern country has ever had it. They have representative (elected) oligarchies. Democracy is something different to that. The active is confused with the passive in this case, a characteristically English trait
The same channel that made Ethics (google ai assistant) recommended video produced also
Google’s AI in Google Maps, Gmail and Assistant: good or bad?
What they found good?
People will have less challenges, less thinking.
Effective way to ensure brain atrophy.
Something about Ai safety (this guy has lots of this stuff)
The Orthogonality Thesis, Intelligence, and Stupidity
Joseph; the Macgregor and Docherty books were a starting point for me in WW1 and lead me to the source authors of Fay and Barnes. They seem to try to scoop the tribe of revisionists of the time 1919 thur1925. Revisionist in a sence that now we see how the large group were steering the narrative of actual facts to some revised facts that crushed, twisted and deliberatly maintained the English Milner group narrative.
Fay and Barnes don’t stray in to deep of water but do reveal to the general public that Germany may not have been sole owner of war guilt. They make no mention of the Milner group but focus on Austria in the profidios diplomacy of the Balkens. King Carol and Romania had a lot to do with the lose of Dual Monarchy territory . I can only guess as to what successions of Austria you may be referencing. Germany came to (Almost) despise Austria double dealing and warned them of over reach. The Kaiser really acted as King George VII did to the murderous regime change in the Balkens since the turn of the century. It was as bad as anything Shakespeare could have dreamed up. Austria-Hungury was destined to lose with this rotten territory of Monarchical possession. So possession to succession. And the English were more rotten and played all the actors from Triest to the Blact Sea to annihilating each other.
It was either a plane, a missile or they simply blew up the building. Would knowing what happened exactly change anything? Culpability abounds without this information being readily available.
Chandler did a good analysis of the security video.
It shows a plane in only one frame. But you have to
correct it for all the perspective artifacts.