NBC Just Simulated A War With China: Here’s What Happened

by | May 30, 2022 | Newsletter | 31 comments

NBC News’ Meet The Press offered their viewers a special treat earlier this month. Under the snappy title “War Games: The Battle For Taiwan,” the “news” channel staged a simulation gaming out what would happen in a full-scale military confrontation between the US and China.

Want to know what happened? Let’s answer the Five Ws of NBC’s war with China.

Learn all the grisly details of NBC’s simulated war with China in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Sign up to become a member of the website and read the full newsletter or CLICK HERE to access the editorial for free.

The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 12 issue 15 (May 29, 2022)

by James Corbett
May 29, 2022

NBC News’ Meet The Press offered their viewers a special treat earlier this month. Under the snappy title “War Games: The Battle For Taiwan,” the “news” channel staged a simulation gaming out what would happen in a full-scale military confrontation between the US and China.

Want to know what happened? Let’s answer the Five Ws of NBC’s war with China.

WHO Staged the Simulation?

The simulation took place at NBC News’ Washington Bureau, but it was staged by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS).

The CNAS is a Washington think tank that describes itself as a “independent, bipartisan, nonprofit organization that develops strong, pragmatic, and principled national security and defense policies.” As usual, though, if you want to know what the think tank is really about, you’ll have to follow the money. In this case, you’ll find its top two funders are Northrop Grumman and the US Department of Defense (with Palantir, Raytheon, Honeywell, Booz Allen Hamilton and all the usual suspects not far behind), which might explain why it recommends “strengthening nuclear deterrence“; cheerleads the Department of Homeland Security‘s efforts against “domestic terrorism”; ponders how AI and other future technologies can be effectively weaponized; advocates for “enhancing” NATO and bolstering America’s Transatlantic security ties; and fearmongers about China and other bogeymen of the American empire.

The actual participants in the exercise included former government officials (like Michèle Flournoy), current government officials (like Mike Gallagher and Mikie Sherrill), think tank stooges like Becca Wasser and Cristina Garafola, and WEF-listed academics like Bonny Lin.

WHERE Did the Simulated Conflict Take Place?

As mentioned above, the war game took place at NBC’s Washington studios, but the simulation itself centered on Taiwan.

Described by Meet The Press host Chuck Todd as a “self-governed island a little bigger than the state of Maryland that sits about 100 miles off the coast of mainland China at the junction of the East and South China Seas,” the choice of Taiwan for the subject of such a war game is unsurprising. Taiwan’s exact political status has been a point of contention since 1949, when Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang fled there after a series of defeats at the hands of the Chinese communists during the Chinese Civil War. The breakaway Republic of China—with Taipei as its temporary capital—claims to be the rightful government of China. The communist People’s Republic of China, however—led by President Xi in Beijing—claims Taiwan under its “one China” policy.

As those familiar with the Asia-Pacific know, US military planners have long focused on a Chinese invasion of Taiwan as a likely flashpoint for war in the region. This latest war game is just the latest example.

WHEN Was the Simulation Set?

The game, formally titled “Dangerous Straits: Battle for Taiwan 2027,” takes place in (you guessed it!) 2027. Specifically, as Todd explains in the preamble to the broadcast:

“CNAS drafted the terms of the hypothetical conflict, set five years from now in 2027. With China poised to launch a direct attack on Taiwan to force unification after Taiwan had elected new leadership increasingly defying Chinese pressure, how would the US respond?”

How, indeed.

WHAT Happened in the Simulation?

The game consisted of three rounds, with a “game master” from CNAS “determining the reality on the ground after each move.”

In the first round, the “red team” (representing China) invaded Taiwan, first attacking its outlying islands and following that up with an air and missile strike on Taiwan and on US bases in Japan, Guam and the northern Marianas. The blue team (representing the US) responded with bomber attacks on Chinese ships in port and an air battle against Chinese aircraft over Taiwan.

In the second round, the red team launched cruise missiles and hypersonic weapons against Hawaii, taking out the command center on Hickam Air Force Base. The blue team, meanwhile, used submarine forces in the Taiwan Strait to attack China’s warships.

In the final round, the red team attempted to strike Alaska, San Diego and Hawaii and conducted a nuclear test over the Pacific to “make the United States take the nuclear option more seriously.” The blue team concentrated on the fighting on Taiwan specifically, pushing in some of its ships to support the US forces on the ground there.

WHY Was the Simulation Staged?

Ahhh, why did they stage this simulation? Now we get to the heart of the matter. Why indeed did they bother to stage a simulation like this for the cameras and broadcast it across America and around the world?

For those who are able to think two steps ahead, the question answers itself. But let’s examine the possible explanations by considering this question: What are war games like this actually for?

If we take them at face value, they are to help war planners understand their enemy’s position, their motivations, their strengths and any potential weaknesses. They also highlight vulnerabilities in the war planners’ own defense and help them think through the possibilities in various war scenarios and adjust their plans accordingly.

But as this is The Corbett Report, we won’t take this simulation at face value. So what other functions do war games serve?

For starters, they help inculcate in the minds of high-ranking officials and others in positions of power the idea that these events are likely or even inevitable. The exercises also help to prepare those officials for their roles if and when such a situation does play out in real life.

We can look at a “simulation” like Event 201, for example, as having served this purpose, helping to prepare the various participants there (at least, the ones who weren’t in on the plot) for the coming coronavirus pandemic and the drastic moves that would need to be made in the wake of such an event. Notice, for example, that there was an entire session of Event 201 dedicated to “Communications Discussion,” which introduced the idea that “bad actors” would use the pandemic crisis to spread “mis- and disinformation” and that such moves as internet shutdowns and drastic censorship measures might be necessary to deal with these developments. If that idea seemed odd or “out there” to any Event 201 participants before they attended the simulation, it probably seemed more plausible—perhaps even likely—afterwards.

One obvious way that military war games like this “Battle for Taiwan” could be used to predictively program their participants is to implant in their minds the idea that the threat of China (or whichever geopolitical rival is serving as the bogeyman du jour) is real and imminent. Behold! They could strike at any moment! They could go nuclear! Observe former Under Secretary of Defense Fluornoy’s remark halfway through this simulation: “The key insight already in this game is: if you have not spent years preparing for this—pre-positioning munitions, getting the Taiwanese ready, pre-positioning your own forces, developing your dispersal bases—if you haven’t spent years preparing for this, then you’re going to be behind the eight ball the whole way.”

It isn’t hard to understand why a Northrop Grumman or a Raytheon might think it worth their money to sponsor organizations that help put ideas like this in the minds of high-ranking government advisors.

But there’s another factor to consider with this particular war game: this simulation was specifically staged for the NBC News cameras with the express intent of broadcasting it around the world. In this case, the primary target of the indoctrination was not the government officials or think tank insiders who were participating in the game—although surely they were indoctrinated, too—but the viewing public. And what is the message of this broadcast? War with China is coming! Be afraid!

And as bad as all of this is, it’s of course much, much worse. Keep in mind, this is just one simulation that was conducted on one day, and this game was actually meant to be seen by the public. In fact, these types of war games, military planning sessions and readiness exercises are happening all the time; they’re just usually not noticed by the public. Just this past week, our friends at the RAND Corporation released a “research report” exploring “Implications of a Coercive Quarantine of Taiwan by the People’s Republic of China.” These types of scenario planning documents serve to predictively program the future combatants of the coming ginned-up Great Power war. When armed conflict actually starts to unfold, it will seem so familiar to them that no one will ever stop to consider how the war planners got it so right.

But here’s the real kicker: In one of those amazing coinky-dinks that just so happen to take place around “simulations” like these, mere days after the NBC-hosted war game took place the people who write Biden’s teleprompter script decided that now is the perfect time to stir up the hornet’s nest, drop their long-held policy of strategic ambiguity, and officially declare that the US is committed to defending Taiwan from the Chinese invasion that everyone knows is right around the corner.

Funny timing, that. I guess we’ll chalk it up to the uncanny foresight of those galaxy brains over at CNAS and the fine folks at NBC News, hey?

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The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet

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Send The U.S. Military to Taiwan? – Soho Forum Debate

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Robotic Crab Tinier than a Flea Becomes the Smallest-ever Remote-controlled Robot

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Just For Fun

TV Tropes


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  1. Sputnik’s Critical Hour interviews Scott Ritter and Ray McGovern covering both the exiting Ukrainian and upcoming Chinese conflicts. The combined interview is 30 minutes.

    Direct MP3: https://raymcgovern.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Critical_Hour_983_seg_4.mp3

    Ritter’s commentary is that 1) the conflict with China is coming 6-12 months hence, and 2) USA gets its arse handed to it.

    The last war which the USA won was with the allies in WWII, and the European theatre of that war was largely won by Russia. Korea is still an unresolved ceasefire. From there its all failure. I’ll give the USA Panama, but that was not a war, it was stepping on a snail. The purpose of USA war is funding its businesses and furthering economic and political influence. As Smedley Butler rightly observed a century or so ago:

    War is a Racket!

    If you are a USA citizen, or anyone really, and do not know of Major General Butler, twice decorated with the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest accolade, please enjoy Episode 123:


    Peace be with you,


    There is also:


    Use the search bar at Corbett Report 🙂

    • I am always struck by Episode 123. I must by now have heard it at least 5 times, with long gaps between. Now, with almost a year of writing and citing behind me I can more deeply appreciate why this episode continues to have impact.

      While finding source material is not too difficult, the discovery of insightful source material often servers to inspire. Then begins the creative act of weaving a narrative which links one’s sources into a thematic whole. Artifices of language, sound or imagery are employed to ease or guide the reader, listener or viewer through the material.

      The reason why this episode continues to be meaningful is not just the most excellent source material. It is also the construction, the employ of techniques to enhance and intertwine these deep source materials.

      I commend you, JC. It was your inspiration which prompted me to begin my journey of authorship. Without the formal literature training which you received, it has been a rocky road. With some toil and a graveyard of errors I can now begin to see the creativity and determination in this work. Though now funded by your community to continue your work, it is amateur, using the original meaning of the word; an effort of love. Amo, Amas, Amat, Amamus, …

      With respect,


    • As an aside, The Corbett Report and the episode on Carroll Quigely’s two revelatory works are referred to early in my recent article on the conscription of half of Scandinavia towards the NATO blob.

      Subverting Scandinavia: A Geopolitics of Neighboring Nations

      The culture piece (song) below the article is from a friend’s 15 year old son. At the end of an Italian movie dubbed/subtitled in English is this song. During its first verse I knew immediately that I wanted it for a “Culture” section. Video paused, I asked of the performer and title. **Immediately** the young man answers. I later discovered that the song was recorded in 1965. I was roundly impressed by his cultural education.

      The film depicted the event which prompted the UN to double the definition of all national territorial waters from 6 to 12 nautical miles. Its script is brilliant. Its English title is “Rose Island”.

      Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS2NtbEoIc8

      • Thanks for introducing me to your YesXorNo substack. Good reads. Please continue to write!

        I followed the trail to the Eve of Destruction song, which led me to a list of anti Vietnam war songs from the 60s, many of which I recall vividly for these were the tunes of my early teenage years. Made a visit down memory lane while listening to the embedded tunes.


        • Hi jo-ann,

          Thank you for your acknowledgment.

          For “substack” sites the key button is to the right, “Archive”. Selecting this gives a chronological view of published articles, rather than “most viewed”. The publisher’s desire to promote the popular is overridden by the author’s chronological effort.

          “Eve of Destruction” echoes its time. Slightly unoriginal, it is carried by its “in one’s face” lyrics which embrace both issues momentary and eternal. This is art in action. It carries timeless messages in moments.

          On a personal note, I have been unable to remove this song from my mind. Its penetration leaves commercial radio published audio as dust.

          Anti–war persons care little of how one reaches the position. I am glad that music has played a role helping you approach the mind-smackingly obvious understanding.

          I have attempted in my articles to provide a final reference, cultural. None of this is accidental. Identifying a poetic or musical reference is the most difficult and satisfying completion of a work.

          With thanks,


          PS: See also Vijay Prashad’s published works. His use of visual and poetic works puts me to shame, as do JC’s citations.

    • I follow General Butler’s wisdom:

      “There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.”

  2. That tiny robot flea thing is rather cool…but I don’t think it’s over useful since it depends on getting sprung like one of those hop frog toys by lasers….. I can’t imagine that they can aim them when flea bot is on anything but a very stationary object

    Anything it can do is probably easier to do in other ways

    Also weirdly there was a lot of Davos and WEF talk on Cape Talk radio south Africa.
    They were rather positive about the while thing when I was listening and it kept coming up

  3. Jeez James this world is rife with fantasy war games, now used as propaganda, self fulfilling phophecies, remote controlled presidents, and engineered by warped people you never see, or hear. What does it all mean? I guess simulated war is the same as real war to the pentagrammers, and they should really run this by Billy g, for approval. After all there must be a way he can profit from the se mindgames. Oh wait Taiwan is small potatoes. These events may kill us all, but they do give me impetus to appreciate real nature, and real people all the more. Thanks for keeping up with this “stuff.” I still like to know why we are all gonna die before our appointed time. Your pal Buz

    • Which Carroll was it now? USA-UK Establishment or the Queen of Hearts?

      I forget.

    • “I still like to know why we are all gonna die before our appointed time. Your pal Buz”

      Try reading, listening and thinking, Buz.

      Effort required and benefit gained.


    • “What does it all mean?”

      It means one need to stop participating in the established information matrix and think for oneself: challenging and rewarding.

      Good luck, buz.

    • “Oh wait Taiwan is small potatoes.”

      No, buz, Taiwan is a collection of islands close to the mainland of China to which the Kuomantang fled after their defeat during the Chinese civil war which was a component of WWII. For my next sentence I recommend reading a few books on the topic.

      Try history. Its useful.


    • “These events may kill us all, but they do give me impetus to appreciate real nature, and real people all the more.”

      Impetus seems ephemeral when we’re all dead, dude.

      Similarly with “real nature” and the rest of your meaningless dribble. The indirect modern phrase is “word salad”.

      • There are more direct terms involving the titles of persons who are paid to achieve the purposes of influencing public thought. In the “we dont like this paid influencer” community, these persons are known as shills.

        Interestingly enough, they are the least most offensive of the power structures to persons aware of those controllers. Indeed, the term “shill” or “conspiracy theorist” is weightless to those who see through the narrative projection thrown upon most of the populace.

        Should a “narrative operative” come to this space with intention to corrupt discussion, to create animosity, to divide the community, it would be a challenge. A cogent argument would NOT be the method. An argument presented would be dissected, analysed, praised or disparaged based on its merits.

        A “word salad” is far better: a creation of fractured discussion such that the operative can then engage in the components of that fracture to even further divide.

        They kill not our bodies, but our minds.

      • Been there, done that.

  4. Well they sure as hell want a war in the Whitehouse… Goes a long way to explain that feeling We The People have; that they wanna kill us all fast as they can… before that karmic quicksand sucks them down to their comeuppance.

    …And as they clamor up the ladders of those billionaire built spaceships; who just might stop at the moon for a generation or so, till the survivors have cleaned the place up. These “space travelers” can then land on mother earth again and live out their days with slaves and robots to attend to their every need. And they no longer have to be afraid of us again.

    This is where a New Magna Carta would come in handy… right quick, too…. the answer lies in our individual sovereignty, and belief in the Spirit, however each of us sees it.

    The question is: ya’ll want to do it now… or after we have that stupid war they’re angling for? Fuzz

  5. Important interview with Col Macgregor, the end of which specifies what both China and Taiwan want – no war at all. https://youtu.be/Fa7puJrsJC0?t=950
    But the Politicians, both Taiwan and US, know that fear drives people to support them – as well as the MSP (Main Stream Propaganda)

  6. In regards to the somewhat optimistic Computing forverer recommended viewing video:

    I typically keep an eye on these graps to feel the pulse of the people. “Vaccination” rates do seem abysmal, currently.


    I’m sure that does not translate well into the plandic ending any time soon, especially outside of a three month timeframe, they certainly try to keep it on the backburner. There are still some mask wearers that are primed and ready for the uptick.

  7. inisfad says:
    “… this simulation is not meant as any kind of military ‘war game’ simulation for the military, but solely just more MSM propaganda for the public masses.”

    I agree.
    And that brings up another aspect:
    “The mental caliber of NBC’s target audience.”

    • LOL – just slightly above the mental caliber of CNN viewers!

      In short, beliefs (no matter how deluded) > reality.

  8. During the last full week of May…
    …we had the Davos World Economic Forum conferences.
    …Also meeting in Switzerland was the World Health Organization (WHO).

    …Plus, G7 energy ministers got together in Germany.
    G7 urges Opec to raise output to cool oil market

    • Irina Slav on Energy writes a wonderful article with links about the energy and economic status of nations. It contains snips of clever humor.

      May 30, 2022
      Game of responsibilities

      EXCERPTS – last 4 paragraphs –
      …the direction of oil prices. (G-7) Members’ own actions have of course contributed to this direction…

      …It is, in fact, so unpalatable that it has already produced the first truly farcical result: EC President Ursual von der Leyen told Mika Brzezinski last week that the EU sort of needs to continue buying Russian oil so that Russia couldn’t sell it on other markets for more money.

      Yes, she said this, although I feel it necessary to note that she did not use those exact words, as one Twitter commentator pointed out. Of course she wouldn’t. Just like G7 energy ministers wouldn’t openly beg Saudi Arabia and the UAE for oil. They would instead call on them to act in a responsible manner.

      I’ll leave you with a Birol quote from that IEA statement on recent gas developments from last September:
      “Recent increases in global natural gas prices are the result of multiple factors, and it is inaccurate and misleading to lay the responsibility at the door of the clean energy transition,” the head of the IEA said.

      They like to talk about responsibility, these OECD leaders, don’t they? Oh, in the meantime, the Saudis and the Emiratis are warning that the world’s spare oil production capacity is dwindling because of underinvestment. Not a word from G7 on that. It’s not their responsibility, I imagine.

  9. A war with Taiwan will go nothing like this simulation. There will be no diplomatic negotiations. If China invades Taiwan, The U.S. will bomb the already weakened Three Gorges Dam in the North,sending 403 billion square kilometers of water cascading downhill for at least 100 miles. This will flood out at least 3 large cities (one with over a million people), destroy millions of homes, hundreds of miles of agriculture, and drown somewhere between 2.5 and 4 million people. China will have no choice but to resort to nuclear weapons in response. Exactly where, no one knows but the most likely targets are LA, SF, and/or Seattle on the West coast, and NYC and Washington on the East Coast, with perhaps a bomb or two dropped on Chicago along the way. At any rate miniature miltary targets like those mentioned in the simulation need not worry. They’re not worth an atom bomb. This war will not be a limited tit-for-tat military skirmish, but a splat-for-splat internecine conflagration. Bombs will be dropped, not from airplanes, submarines and rockets, but from satellites high above. All we will hear is a siren wailing. Worst of all, Americans won’t be able to shop at Walmarts and Costco anymore because all that will be left of them will be holes in the ground. I’m sure however, that some enterprising young Capitalist like Bill Gates will find a way to market these holes to the public at bargain prices and Capitalism will just keep chugging right along…

    • America can attack Three Gorges only with ballistic missiles, which, if launched, will be assumed by the PLAAF to be nuclear-armed. The (nuclear) response will be forthcoming before the warheads even hit Three Gorges.

      The sad reality: China can absorb massive casualties, and still be standing. China could literally lose 75% of its population and still have a massive population. And we’re talking about a population with a great part of which has personal experience with hardship. The Chinese population is nowhere near as degenerate and defective as the American population.

      Igniting off a war with China is either insane desperation on the part of our so-called “leaders,” or, our rulers WANT the logical consequences of igniting nuclear warfare.

  10. The United States has two, and only two, advantages over most nations: highly-advanced technology in its weapons systems (but keep in mind most are built with varying degrees of Chinese parts); and, nuclear weapons.

    With Russia or China, the nuclear weapons are parity, or worse, for the USA.

    And both Russia and China have made formidable advanced in military technology of their own in the last two decades. It may even be true that they now have superiority in certain categories, including hypersonic non-ballistic missiles.

    The not only competence but excellence of the personnel comprising the relevant military forces will be the single-most important determining factor in victory. Both Russia and especially China have personnel who are far and above the average US soldier/sailor. USS Bonhomme Richard and other “incidents” in the recent past are huge warnings to America.

    Russia is now on the verge of victory in the Donets Basin, as some of us figured would happen (despite the cubic miles of manure spewed by the liesmedia, Kyiv, Washington, and Brussels) China has been humiliated over Taiwan for decades, despite the fact the US Government stabbed the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the back in the 1970s! I tend to concur with Ritter; China is going to move on Taiwan in the near future. And they’re going to succeed, since neither Taiwan nor the US nor their allies can stop the overwhelming force the PLA can deploy merely 100 miles off the mainland coast.

  11. I don’t believe China will do a first-strike on foreign countries, either the United States’ territories or US or allied bases in Japan, etc. They will, however, almost assuredly respond in such manner if the US attacks China directly, either its ships or homeland. Anderson AFB, Guam will be the first target.

    Beijing views Taiwan as a province of the People’s Republic of China. The “rules” on first-strikes or “surprise attacks” are totally irrelevant for them. It’s an “internal police action.”

  12. “….US responds with ground troops in Taiwan….”

    Whomever dominates t he skies and sea will win…. there is no way the US is stupid enough to try to fight China on an land that far from Resupply.

    It would be like fat Herman Goering sayi6he could supply Stalingrad from the air…. utter death trap and the US has lower tolerance for casualties then China, at least initially since plenty of parents loosing their only child is gonna cause at least some domestic issue in China

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