More Plandemic Foreknowledge

by | Oct 18, 2020 | Newsletter | 37 comments

You’ll recall that back in April of this year I examined the question of whether or not there was foreknowledge of the plandemic. Specifically, that episode of Questions For Corbett looked at:

and several other signs that those in positions of power knew that 2020 was going to be the year of COVID.

But April seems like an eternity ago and diligent researchers have dug up many more examples of suspiciously predictive activities in the meantime.

So, in the interest of continuing this exploration, let’s examine eight more signs of plandemic foreknowledge.

So are you ready for a data dump on plandemic foreknowledge? Then sit down and strap in for this week’s extensive edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Corbett Report members can access the full newsletter by logging in to the site.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 33 (October 18, 2020)

by James Corbett
October 17, 2020

You’ll recall that back in April of this year I examined the question of whether or not there was foreknowledge of the plandemic. Specifically, that episode of Questions For Corbett looked at:

and several other signs that those in positions of power knew that 2020 was going to be the year of COVID.

But April seems like an eternity ago and diligent researchers have dug up many more examples of suspiciously predictive activities in the meantime.

So, in the interest of continuing this exploration, let’s examine eight more signs of plandemic foreknowledge.

1) Crimson Contagion

In 2019 the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) held a pandemic exercise called Crimson Contagion, which, the mainstream press notes, was “eerily similar” to the current scamdemic. The exercise scenario envisioned a novel strain of pandemic influenza originating in China and being brought back to the US by international tourists.

So why did the exercise make it into the mainstream press at all? Because Orange Man Bad, of course. More specifically, because it provides the “Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US” cover story for this neo-9/11, subtly reinforcing the narrative by suggesting that COVID-19 is a real and existential threat to the US and that the valiant leadership of the HHS tried to warn the White House about PPE shortages and other preparedness shortcomings.

Extra points if you recognize this drill from my coverage of it in COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity.

2) Canada’s Pandemic Warning System Shut Down Right Before COVID-19

Canada’s international alert system for disease outbreaks—the Global Public Health Intelligence Network, or GPHIN, which, The Globe and Mail helpfully informs us, is “highly regarded”—was “silenced” by the Canadian government in early 2019. And we all know what happened at the end of 2019.

This story once again serves to bolster the mainstream narrative by portraying the novel coronavirus as a real and existential threat that could have been prevented if only the government had plowed more money into its public health department and paid more attention to the epidemiologists (who, as we have seen this year, never get anything wrong).

3) “Simulation” of the Deliberate Release of a Lethal Respiratory Pathogen Planned for 2020

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board is a body convened by the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO) that seeks to “ensure preparedness for global health crises.” In their 2019 “Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies” they warned, apropos of absolutely nothing, of the “very real threat of a rapidly moving, highly lethal pandemic of a respiratory pathogen killing 50 to 80 million people and wiping out nearly 5% of the world’s economy.”

They also set a number of goals for 2020, including:

The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.

But don’t worry, guys! That’s just a “simulation,” and we all know that drills never go live.

4) The WHO Warns of “New Normal” of Pandemic Outbreaks . . . in 2019

Back in June 2019, Dr. Michael Ryan—the executive director of the WHO’s health emergencies programme—told BBC News, “We are entering a very new phase of high impact epidemics and this isn’t just Ebola.” In case you didn’t get the warning, he added: “This is a new normal, I don’t expect the frequency of these events to reduce.”

Look out, folks, we’ve got a regular Nostradamus here.

Dr. Ryan, it should be noted, is the same WHO official who announced that the “new normal” of the COVID-19 era involves governments forcibly removing those suspected of infection from their homes and separating them from their families. Oddly, he forgot to mention that part when speaking to the BBC last year.

5) A Comic Book Published by the EU Envisioned A Global Pandemic Stopped by the EU

This one has to be seen to be believed:

What you are looking at is a page from Infected, a comic book published by the EU Publications Office in 2012.

No, you read that right. A comic book published by the EU Publications Office.

And what’s the story of this comic book adventure?

During a tour of a P4 biosecurity lab in China, a time traveler from the year 2111 arrives to warn the assembled scientists that, in the future, a pandemic will ravage the planet. In order to prevent the coming calamity, the time traveler provides the scientists with some vials of biological material that, he says, will be necessary to “nip any pandemic in the bud.”

Terrorists try to steal the material *blah blah blah* man scratched by a monkey *yadda yadda* global infectious outbreak *etc., etc.* and then . . . (you guessed it!) . . . the EU saves the day through an unprecedented global health campaign dubbed “The Way Forward.”

Yes, luckily for humanity, the EU-led “one health” approach saved us all from this “new era” of zoonotic pandemic outbreaks that we have just entered.

Personally, if I were a citizen of the EU I’d be upset that some portion of my taxes go toward paying for the production of propaganda schlock like this. After all, these are the same people who produced the dumbest propaganda video ever.

Oh, and just for the record, although the imaginary P4 lab in the comic is said to be in “Beijing,” China’s first (and only) P4 lab is in fact in Wuhan.

6) COVID-19 Test Kits Being Sold in 2017?

The World Bank runs a website called the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) that tracks global trade data by product using their “Harmonized System” (HS) tracking codes. On September 4, 2020, they posted data on COVID-19 test kits that raised some eyebrows. You see, the website indicated that these COVID-19 test kits were being sold as far back as 2017!

Proof positive that the whole thing was planned years in advance, right?


A cursory glance at the data would give even the most credulous truther pause for thought about the significance of this “find.” If we were to take this posting at face value, then we have to believe that not only were 58 separate countries producing and exporting these COVID-19 test kits (meaning that tens of thousands of people would have been involved in their production, sale, shipping and storage), but that countries like Switzerland were producing over 2,000,000 kg worth of these kits (valued at a cool $23 billion) without a single person anywhere in this supply chain asking, “What’s COVID-19, anyway?” and not a single person coming out afterward to say, “You know, I thought it was odd that we were exporting billions of dollars worth of these COVID-19 test kits, but it was even weirder when COVID-19 was identified and named three years later.”

Or, you know, the test kits were general medical test kits that were relabeled for COVID-19 use in April of this year and retroactively relabeled in the WITS system. Because that’s exactly what the fact checkers are saying.

And you know what? I believe them. (“Oooooooh, I just knew James was a globalist shill!” jeers the crowd.)

The World Customs Organization even announced the reclassification in April of this year.

This is another example of how poorly researched information gets passed around online so that the fact checkers can arrive on their white horses and save the day by dispelling the obvious misinformation (Gates and the God gene vaccine at the CIA, anyone?).

So I don’t consider this one plandemic foreknowledge at all but thought I would throw it in to put the debunking on record.

7) A White House Advisory Group Published a Report on How a Pandemic Would Ravage the Economy . . . Last September

In September 2019 the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors published a report on “Mitigating the Impact of Pandemic Influenza through Vaccine Innovation.” The report warned of “the potentially large health and economic losses in the United States associated with influenza pandemics,” estimating that such a pandemic would cause “from $413 billion to $3.79 trillion” worth of damage to the economy. And, as the title suggests, it argues that “[n]ewer technologies, like cell-based or recombinant vaccines” could help drastically mitigate that damage.

Unsurprisingly, the usual MSM presstitutes used the story to reinforce the narrative that pandemic diseases are the new normal, that the US is woefully unprepared to fight the war on the invisible enemy, and that investment in novel vaccine technologies can help save the country from economic ruination.

8) Central Bank Gold Repatriation

You might remember back in 2013 when Germany’s Bundesbank issue a remarkable statement announcing that they would repatriate 674 tons of their gold holding from the New York Fed. You may even remember that they specifically set a 2020 deadline for that repatriation.

But did you know that Austria’s central bank followed suit in 2015 with an announcement that they, too, would repatriate the country’s gold by 2020? And did you know that the Polish central bank repatriated 100 tonnes of its gold from the Bank of England’s vaults in a series of secret airlifts ending in November 2019?

All of these pieces of evidence led analysts like Ronan Manly to predict that 2020 would be the year of the great “system reset,” a transformation of the world financial system that would ultimately be used to usher in a new international monetary order.

This has nothing to do with a pandemic, of course, but then again, neither does the financial crisis we’re living through. The truth is that the current financial meltdown has been gathering steam for years and was well underway for at least a year prior to any of this COVID-19 hysteria. “Following the money” to track down the real perpetrators of this crime seems as good advice for would-be scamdemic investigators as it is for 9/11 investigators.


As you can see, there were many different warnings that a pandemic emergency was set to take place this year. As you can also see, there is no “smoking gun” that proves anything specific about COVID-19. Even worse, many of these “warnings” actually serve to bolster the narrative that this scamdemic really is an emergency—one that we could have prevented if only we’d thrown more money at big pharma and given more power to the public health technocrats.

But such is the nature of these large-scale events. Amateur sleuthers get caught up searching for the single, undeniable “smoking gun” and lose sight of the bigger picture.

The bigger picture here is that—exactly as I have demonstrated in my work on Medical Martial Law and Medical Martial Law 2020 and COVID-911—the groundwork for the emergence of the biosecurity state has been carefully laid over the course of the past two decades (at least). From the passage of emergency health legislation to the creation of new pandemic preparedness offices to the signing of international health treaties, this medical martial law infrastructure has ensured that—regardless of whether it is real or fake, planned or unplanned—any public health crisis could be used as the trigger for the beginning of the biosecurity era.

By all means, keep looking for that smoking gun (and, if you happen to find it, let me know in the comments below). But unless we discuss What No One Is Saying About the Corona Crisis and address the root of this new biosecurity paradigm, the bioterrorists will get away with their scam.

Recommended Reading and Viewing

Recommended Reading

Moon of Alabama – It’s time to say goodbye
World’s First Fully Driverless Vehicle Ready to Hit Roads
How Space and Time Could Be a Quantum Error-Correcting Code

Recommended Listening

IPFS Podcast

Recommended Viewing

Tom Holland on the Great Awokening
YouTube CEO Responds to Latest Alt Media Purge
Massive YouTube Purge in Prep for (s)Election/2nd wave

Just For Fun

Digitizing the Cold War: Olympic Wish Fulfillment in Tron


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  1. James, you said it well in your video What Nobody is Saying About the Corona Crisis. The root of the entire argument for every authoritarian restriction we have seen during this “crisis” is that somebody, somewhere could spread a virus to someone else who could infect somebody somewhere else who could then die, and we just can’t let anyone die ever again, so lets take away your basic human freedoms! Sound like a good deal?

    As you point out, these chain of events (spreading viruses) happen every day, every year, 24/7. Someone is always getting infected somewhere, and someone may die as a result of that infection. That’s life. Therefore, this justification could be used to permanently enforce authoritarianism in the name of saving just one life. This argument is so ridiculous on its face, and I think even the most MSM-conditioned of people can understand this, but are so caught up in the weeds of all the sub-arguments and the minutia and unimportant chatter they are told to pay attention to. This is the most important idea out of all information and ideas about this “crisis”, which we need to internalize and understand.

  2. I’m guessing you don’t have any sons

  3. I suggested this over on Off-G. It seems necessary to discuss real action – so yes

  4. On Corbett’s 10/18 article “More Plandemic Foreknowledge”, he covered a lot of ground with a plethora of links. It took me a bit of time to finish the read.

    8) Central Bank Gold Repatriation personally caught my eye. I would think that the large gold/silver community should run parts of their discourse with news of this.

    6) COVID-19 Test Kits Being Sold in 2017?
    I appreciate Corbett addressing this Canard.

    1) Crimson Contagion
    I did get the extra points, but I cheated.
    I missed it on the first watch when it was released on 9/11…that is, it did not really personally click that this was something which I had not heard before.
    However, recently, prior to disseminating that video out to some new people, I wanted to re-watch it to also see how much footage of EVENT 201 was included. It was on this re-watch that the time-stamp of “Crimson Contagion” clicked with me.

    Jim Rickards says that he FORECAST the PANDEMIC (was on the list) and CIVIL UNREST in his previous book – pages 288-291
    (Daniela Cambone, formerly with Kitco Precious Metals, had twins and is now with Stansberry Research, interviews Jim Rickards. Published October 16, 2020)
    “Jim Rickards Says Brace Yourself for the New Great Depression; Strong Hands Watching Gold”
    QUEUED VIDEO – (7:28 minute mark)

    • Added feature to James Corbett’s 10/18 article “More Plandemic Foreknowledge” …

      How The EU Stopped The Pandemic (The Comic) – #PropagandaWatch

      “Infected” Comic Book by the EU
      We’ve seen how the EU produced the dumbest propaganda video ever, but did you know they also produced the dumbest propaganda comic book ever? Well, they did! Join James for today’s edition of #PropagandaWatch and read along as we thrill and chill to an exciting story of time traveling pandemic survivors and learn how the EU (and big pharma) teamed up to save the world from a deadly (fictional) virus.

  5. Dr. Tom Cowan has apparently debunked CDC isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus as a fraud.

    Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells ‘Grew’ the ‘Virus’

    Volume 26, Number 6—June 2020
    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States


    Dr. Tom Cowan explores the COVID virus invented out of sheer nonsense
    Oct 19, 2020 by Jon Rappoport

    —Cowan analyzes yet another key document posted by the CDC, in their journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases: “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States”—

  6. Evidence of COVID-19 Foreknowledge at CDC when recruitment of Quarantine Specialists was posted on 11/15/2019 – about 6 weeks before the “outbreak” was identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China on 12/31/2019… and almost 4 months prior to WHO declaration of Global Pandemic on March 11, 2020.

    Furthermore the first death in Wuhan was not reported until 1/11/2020, over 6 weeks after an “outbreak” with no deaths was claimed in Wuhan.

    It would seem that an outbreak resulting in a “death” would be the logical starting point of a timeline to determine a pandemic but the WHO requirement to call a pandemic no longer requires reports of mortality.

  7. Klaus Schwab, the aging German and 4th Reich Hitler of the World Economic Forum and 4th Industrial Revolution published several books exploring transumanism and the permanent lockdown (no virus required) of the now-here surveillance state.

    And the list of books by other authors detailing Schwab’s Orwelian Bio-Tech agenda is so extensive as to be a virtual trail of foreknowledge ready to deploy sooner than later since Schwab is now going on 83 y.o. next March and would like to be around to push the reset button.

  8. In the “Recommended Reading” section, I found “Moon of Alabama – It’s time to say goodbye” to be an interesting read.

  9. In light of the Saturday October 17th Press Release in Washington D.C. by America’s Frontline Doctors , I decided to view what Fact Checkers were saying.

    What are the treatment options for COVID-19? by the Associated Press FACT CHECK.
    which links to the “official government” NIH version…

    What is notable, both at the AP and NIH, is that there are VERY FEW treatment options for Covid. The NIH strains at poo-pooing nutrients like Vitamin C, D and zinc, much less alternatives such as hydroxychloroquine or even budesonide. It is no wonder that American public health is in shambles.

    FULL TEXT from AP
    What are the treatment options for COVID-19?

    There are several, and which one is best depends on how sick someone is.

    For example, steroids such as dexamethasone can lower the risk of dying for severely ill patients. But they may do the opposite for those who are only mildly ill.

    In the United States, no treatments are specifically approved for COVID-19, but a few have been authorized for emergency use and several more are being considered. A panel of experts convened by the National Institutes of Health updates guidelines as new studies come out.

    Here’s what’s advised for various patients:

    — Not hospitalized or hospitalized but not needing extra oxygen: No specific drugs recommended, and a warning against using steroids.

    — Hospitalized and needing extra oxygen but not a breathing machine: The antiviral drug remdesivir, given through an IV, and in some cases also a steroid.

    — Hospitalized and on a breathing machine: Remdesivir and a steroid.

    What about convalescent plasma, an infusion of blood from a COVID-19 survivor that contains antibodies that fight the virus? Not enough is known to recommend for or against it, the guidelines say.

    However, enough is known to advise against hydroxychloroquine and certain drugs that affect the immune system — multiple studies have found them ineffective against the coronavirus.

    Aside from drugs, doctors have learned more about ways to treat hospitalized patients, such as putting them on their bellies and other measures that may prevent the need for breathing machines.
    The AP is answering your questions about the coronavirus in this series. Submit them at: FactCheck@AP dot org

    • Many people have a mental illness – Delusional Psychosis

      On Saturday September 17th, America’s Frontline Doctors had the public Press Release at the Supreme Court in D.C.

      However, they also had a “symposium”.

      Here is one of the talks by a Psychiatrist where he points out (around 3:40 mark) that many people a mental illness…Delusional Psychosis

      The Way Forward: Overcoming Fear (Dr. Mark McDonald) – America’s Frontline Doctors White Coat Summit

  10. Some alarming, recent ‘news’ (actually, a sales pitch) about a topic which Camille at has long been talking about…

    October 19, 2020 by Nick Marsh
    The $4.2 Trillion Trend Taking Over Wall Street

    It should be highlighted that this is a subtle piece of propaganda shilling a company and industry.
    The article carries the required notice and disclaimer at the end regarding ownership of the stock by
    The article is very long. And full of ‘enthusiastic’ hype.

    …The pandemic may have destroyed businesses and entire industries, but it’s also created massive new opportunities–and getting in on the ground floor of a plant-based ecosystem company…

    …This isn’t just a company–it’s an entire community.

    It’s an entire health lifestyle ecosystem.

    PlantX Life Inc (VEGA.CN) has its own plant-based food products, house plants, cosmetics, decor, pet food, and even its own celebrity chef…

    … That confirms a huge push into the United States, with a 4,515-square-foot store that will sell a line of over 5,000 plant-based products…

    …This is the tech startup 2.0 generation of ESG-focused ecosystems with tons of verticals for making money….
    Article/Sales Pitch goes on with HYPE and more HYPE about companies like Beyond Meat.

    ESG – We will see this new term more often as “The Great Reset” continues.
    ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. Investors are increasingly applying these non-financial factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth opportunities

  11. MASK WARS and
    ? – Yahoo wants your facial photo in its 3-D mask simulation?

    October 19, 2020
    CDC criticizes White House medical adviser’s discredited mask claim

    This is a relatively long article which goes into the drama surrounding Dr. Scott Atlas and his statements about masks.

    At the end of the article is an interactive 3-D simulation about aerosols which is supposed to convince us that masks are very effective tools against Covid-19. It includes the arbitrary 6 feet distance in the graphic.
    The 3-D simulation opens in a separate window from the article.

    To the top right of the screen is a camera icon which has a label “See it in your space.”
    A QR Code opens when a person clicks the icon, with the statement “Open the camera on your smartphone and scan this code”.
    Keep the audio on for full annoyance.

    (A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of square-shaped matrix barcode often used by smart phones.)

  12. I think item 6 could’ve been communicated a different way, perhaps through a separate subscriber video or one with an inquiring mood as a QFC rather than using the same exasperated tone justifiably reserved for TPTSB, especially when many of those people financially support and/or distribute your work.

  13. I read the Council of Economic Advisers Report.
    It was all about risk factor associated with cost to the US government.
    Conspicuously absent was the risk factors associated with non-egg based vaccines for the patient it was designed to ‘help’. It was as if any health risks to newly invented, barely tested vaccines was a ‘non-factor’.
    And of course, it is THE factor.
    What good is a vaccine that is faster to market and costs less – if it’s lethal potential is scarcely understood?

  14. Hello, everyone. Just a quick note to let you know that I updated some plugins on the website today and the comment function is not working properly right now. I am working on fixing it now.

    • OK, everyone, the problem has been resolved. Please let me know if you continue having problems leaving comments.

  15. I have been telling my friends (most of whom kind of became distanced more and more as they got sucked into the mainstream propaganda fearporn) since early February, that this was about an economic reset.
    Let’s see if they will believe me when my predictions about which company (KBP or further tobacco industry shills) will produce the financially most successful vaccines (due to their deep-state connections). Funny, right? The tobacco elite coming to save us from this “horrendous” lung disease…

  16. About #6 Covid tests being sold in 2017. This is of course a name change which is questionable at different levels. I would not advice a change in data, such as the name of a product, because it will give problems in archived data. We have an example right here. It is an example of a not well thought through method of work. One is just doing as one likes.
    Far more important is the fact that we are using an old test (with a new name). What does this tells us about the testing and the results? What is defined as covid19 could very well be another virus.

  17. This is not directly related to the pandemic but it deepened the crisis and it is clearly man made. Earlier this year there was a fall of the oil price, it went even negative. This was caused by Saudi Arabia which flooded the market with stockpile it must have hoarded well in advance and with the purpose to cause a mayor economic crisis. While the saudies knew about this, it is hard to believe nobody else did know about this.
    There is an interesting story which is covered by the Duran. I consider them as reliable and resourceful.

    • Saudi Oil Tankers sent to glut U.S.

      That is an interesting scenario. This is the first I heard of it.

  18. Can anyone refer any good sources of comparison of the Spanish Flu to Covid? This ‘second wave’ fear mongering is getting annoying.

    • MERCOLA.COM is often a great resource.
      Every week, there are some great articles posted. He interviews hundreds and hundreds of medical professionals.
      Always references at the bottom of his articles.

      He was around before “Google” was a thing.

      Dr. Mercola has often cited or FEATURED James Corbett’s work.
      “How Big Oil Conquered the World” and one of the “Bill Gates” videos.
      Years ago, around 2006, he even had a 9/11 Truth video. He keeps up with what is happening very well. In 2006, many of his subscribers gave him flak for having a 9/11 Truth video.

      May 2020
      How Does COVID-19 Compare to the Spanish Flu?

  19. Fellow Medical Personnel – “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” Mental Disconnect
    “It’s bizarre.”
    “The lights weren’t on.”
    “They weren’t connecting the dots.”

    Del Bigtree interviews Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors.
    Around the 126 minute mark, the conversation shifts to another topic of discussion. By 128 Del asks why her fellow medical personnel did not recognize the value of successful treatments (hydroxychloroquine) when it was very obvious with patients.

    Dr. Simone Gold attempts to describe this odd mental disconnect which many of her colleagues had.
    ‘Critical thinking’ and ‘cancel culture’ are two phrases which come up during the conversation.
    The anecdotes are very interesting.

    It becomes apparent that some individuals are not up to the awareness level of being able to recognize.
    They can’t recognize the obvious in front of them. They don’t see differences, nor similarities, with their critical thinking skills. They can’t separate data nor align it.
    “The lights aren’t on” but they walk and talk.

    Episode 186 THE WAR ON HERD IMMUNITY at The Highwire

    • At the 37 minute mark, “THE WAR ON HERD IMMUNITY” topic comes up.
      The Great Barrington Declaration is brought into focus, along with the astounding numbers of people and medical professionals who have signed on.

      At the 56 minutes mark, a study is shown. It suggests that many individuals may have some Covid-19 immunity as a result of previous exposure to other similar viruses (e.g. the common cold).
      Here is that study link…
      SARS-CoV-2 T-cell epitopes define heterologous and COVID-19-induced T-cell recognition

      Related T-cell study link

      • Thanks for those links to the scientific papers. I think the idea of T cell immunity makes a lot of sense with respect to having had prior coronavirus infections. I think that’s why most people tend to get sick less often over time. Their immune systems have a memory of similar diseases.

    • Doctors have to finish 4 years of undergraduate work to get their BA or BS degree then 4 years med school then 1 year internship and after that 4 years residency for many specialties. It is a bunch of indoctrination. They aren’t taught to think with their own brain but rather to go with what “experts” or CDC says. A few doctors use their own brain but they are few and far between at least ones that tell you what they really think.

      Med school is a ton of memorizing some very cool stuff (in my opinion) but it doesn’t leave a lot of room for critical thinking “outside the box”.

      I’m glad I didn’t go to med school now in retrospect because there was less of that dogma in nursing school but enough to discourage most medical professionals to against the grain. I never incorporated my job as part of my identity and it’s more of something I do to make money so I tend to follow the facts where ever they lead me.

      This thing is a scam and many medical professionals know it they just are afraid to say it. But IT IS A SCAM. If you get Covid you’ll probably live just like with any cold or flu.

      • cu.h.j
        Once again, I wanna thank you for your perspectives and information. They offer a lot of insight for these comment boards, especially given your field of expertise.
        I think there are a lot of folks who read them.

  20. Hey guys,

    I am slow.

    I was just wondering if anyone remembers a worldwide population projection report that came out several years ago. I don’t remember exactly what the year of projection was, but i think it was 2030, 2040, or 2050. That report showed that the United States population was “abnormally low” in relation to other countries, and its population presently. I feel pretty confident that it was covered on New World Next Week. However, I can’t remember who put out the report, what it was called, the year it came out, and for exactly what year. Does anyone remember?

    Considering this Covid “situation”, I would think it might have been revisited by someone. However, I have not heard it brought up anywhere.

  21. Foreknowledge and the first Propaganda?
    In the very Beginning of the “Propaganda of Covid Fear”
    …Was this just from China or was it part of a broader Covert Media Operations?

    By the way, where are all the people falling flat on their face from Covid like they supposedly did in China from the early videos? What about the supposed piles of bodies being cremated filling the sky with smoke?

    I have been watching some of the early ‘China’ videos from February 2020. These videos certainly relay a fear.
    However, there are all kinds of weird things about not only the content, but also the reporting outlets.
    Here is a SUB-THREAD with VIDEOs –

    The very first “China in Focus – NTD” YouTube Video appeared on February 9th, 2020. It makes it simple to look at this time period and review the News Reports.

    It should be noted that players like Steve Bannon and Kyle Bass have an agenda against China. The same goes for the Falun Gong, The Epoch Times, NTD (New Tang Dynasty) News, Jennifer Zeng.

    Here is a link to a Bio-Security report in Wuhan one month prior to the October 18, 2019 “7th Military World Games” held in China.

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