via Dr. Mercola’s Censored Library: In this interview—RECORDED ON MAY 8TH, 2023, BEFORE ELON MUSK APPOINTED WEF INSIDER LINDA YACCARINO AS NEW TWITTER CEO—Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews James Corbett about Elon Musk’s military and governmental ties, the controlled opposition infighting psyop, and the solutions we can implement to avoid the technocratic AI transhuman nightmare of the globalists.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Welcome, everyone. Dr. Mercola helping you take control of your health. And today we are joined by James Corbett from Japan, who, as most of you are aware, is a really amazing investigative journalist and has helped many of us have a deeper understanding of what’s going on with the world because we know, we absolutely know with the highest degree of certainty, that mainstream media cannot be trusted. They are just a source of propaganda from the military and the government, so we cannot rely on them for information, so we need alternative sources. And James has been producing incredible content for over 20 years, I guess.
James Corbett:
Under 20—16 so far.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Under 20?
James Corbett:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Okay. Because I guess I was confusing that with when you got red-pilled, which was shortly after 9/11. And when did you start?
James Corbett:
That is correct, yeah. So, I started the website in 2007, but I did move to Japan in 2004, so I’ve been here almost 20 years now.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Okay. All right. Well, you’re doing a great job and [I] really want to thank you for all the tremendous information you’re putting out there, because it’s just difficult to sort through everything that is being thrown at us.
James Corbett:
Yeah. And let me just underline what you said there in the introduction: the very reason that I am here talking to you today is because close to 20 years ago, I was absolutely overwhelmed to discover that, yes, we are constantly lied to through the mainstream media. And it was the discrepancy between the things that I was finding online versus what was being reported on the evening news, that discrepancy just started getting wider and wider to the point where I felt that myself—as someone with zero training in media whatsoever—I felt I had to insert myself in that conversation. So, that’s the reason we’re talking today.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yes, it’s really great that you had the commitment and dedication to pursue this passion and really help enlighten so many of us, so thank you for doing that. And Dr. Meryl Nass, who I’ve interviewed a number of times previously, has recognized the value that you bring to the table, and she actually has you on her program on CHD (Children’s Health Defense) once a month, so congratulations for joining that platform.
James Corbett:
Yes. And it’s a valuable way, for both of us, to continue keeping our eye on the ball of the WHO and its latest machinations, as I’m sure your viewers probably are aware, of the global pandemic treaty and the international health regulations amendments that they’re working on right now, which really could be the hardwiring of the biosurveillance infrastructure that I think the World Health Organization and its associated institutions are licking its chops over right now.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
What’s your best projection as to if they’re going to implement it? It seems like it’s inevitable that there’s very little that we can do, but perhaps that’s too pessimistic. But if that’s not the case or that is the case, when do you think that will be implemented?
James Corbett:
Well, they are planning on unleashing the global pandemic treaty on the world at the, I believe it’s the 70th, I want to say 75th—but the World Health Assembly next year, which would be May of 2024. And preparatory to that, they’re going to be holding a World Health Assembly this month, at which they’ll be talking about the draft of the treaty and the draft of the International Health Regulations amendments and other such developments. So, we’re looking at about a one-year timeline before whatever it is they’re cooking up will be foisted upon the world, unless there is some dramatic movement to stop that.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
So, it seems like with all the control they have that it’s inevitable and there’s not much we can do. Do you share that pessimistic view?
James Corbett:
I think that certainly in the short run, it seems unlikely that the incredible institutional momentum is going to be derailed. But, having said that, we could look at things that have happened in the past that have completely derailed agendas that seemed inevitable—including, as I was covering at the time, as it was happening, the 2009 edition of the UNFCCC, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which in 2009 was being promoted and hyped even by the then-president of the EU (European Union) as the potential for world government essentially through a new climate accord that would completely rewrite the international rule books, etc., etc.
And that was completely derailed by a couple of interesting incidents, one of which was Climategate, which again, your viewers may or may not be aware of or may or not remember, but was an interesting development that happened at the time. And also, some squabbles between some of the developing nations versus the developed world. Some of that type of geoeconomic wrangling helped to derail that 2009 conference. So, actually, there’s potentially a similar thing happening with the World Health Organization trying to foist and impose regulations and restrictions on, essentially, developing countries that can’t afford them. Because, as we saw over the course of the past few years, it was the African countries that held out against the biosecurity state agenda to a large degree.
And I think people who are interested in invoking a global biosecurity surveillance net probably are most concerned about how developing countries will or will not participate in this. So, there may be a similar geo-economic squabbling or something else that might derail this. So I don’t think we should simply consign ourselves to the inevitability of it before it happens.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Well, thanks for that update and your impressions on that and for keeping us all informed about COVID and the global cabal and what they’re up to. But I think one of the other things that you’ve done that I really appreciate is you put together these incredible documentaries on a wide range of topics. Bill Gates was one—Bill Gates in medicine—World War I, the Afghan War, there’s so many topics. So, you’re very impressive. I’m wondering if you do this yourself? You have a team that helps you? And how long [does] it takes you to put these together? Because they’re just so masterfully done?
James Corbett:
Well, thank you very much for that. I genuinely appreciate that. Over the years, I have basically developed the ability to do all of this. But thankfully, thankfully, in 2014, 2015, I met a video editor, [Broc West], the person who became my video editor, anyway, and now we are basically a two-man team. He does the video editing and I do everything else. So, yes, it is a remarkable amount of work. I think people would be staggered to find out how much goes into a production like that. But actually, if I do my job well, people don’t think so much consciously about the production itself, they just think about the material and the information.
And for myself and my own sense of my work and its import, I think the most important thing that I do is to cite my sources. And especially when it comes to the documentary work, I always put up the transcript with the hyperlinks to the source documents for every single quotation, every video clip, everything that I’m playing. I want to direct people back to the source material so that they can research it for themselves. And I know, as a researcher myself who does this for a living, that’s incredibly valuable. I very much appreciate it when other people do it, so I’m trying to set that example in the alternative media.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah, that’s great to provide your sources and have a reference so you can’t be—well, they can choose to discredit you for whatever reason they can make up and deplatform you, but at least the sources are there for someone who’s genuinely interested in confirming that themselves. They can do that and maybe to come to a different conclusion than you’ve reached, so that’s great.
So, I wanted to discuss a few people who have been viewed as controlled opposition in this movement of the global cabal and their tyrannical takeover of the world. So, another really great investigative journalist is Whitney Webb, and I really hold you both in high esteem in regard to your ability to help sort through all the craziness that’s going on out there.
And interestingly, both of you have come to the conclusion that Elon Musk is likely controlled opposition and may not have our best intentions as his primary purpose. So, I’m not sure that I disagree with that, but I’m wondering how you reconcile some of the data that would suggest this is not the case? And the most obvious ones is that he bought Twitter [. . . unintelligible], his corporations of Tesla and SpaceX up and running. So, how do you reconcile that?
James Corbett:
It’s a good question, it’s an important question, and I know it’s a question that a lot of people have, so let’s dig into it. And I don’t think we should just sweep to the side all of that and the ties to the deep state, etc., etc. No, I think that is at least an incredibly important part of any thorough-going answer to this question, because I find it kind of ironic if the suggestion is that Elon Musk is exposing and undermining the military-industrial intelligence complex that has so obviously and so documentably propped him up and his spectacular business career for its entire length, and we don’t have to speculate about that. That is a matter of public record.
We can point to the half a billion dollars or so that the Department of Defense has awarded SpaceX in a series of contracts over the past few years to send satellites up into orbit of classified nature on unregistered, unreported missions that presumably have something to do with the Department of Defense’s declared intention to make space into a war-fighting domain.
There’s the $3 billion in NASA contracts that SpaceX was awarded in 2021 to develop the human lander for the Artemis Mission and the never-going-to-happen, constantly delayed moon trip that the public is constantly being promised.
[The] $750 million that was awarded to Solar City in 2016 by the State of New York to build a solar cell production facility, which, again, is another aspect of the business opportunities that Musk is involved in that I think shrieks of grift and a boondoggle at the very least, constantly promising a technology that not only doesn’t deliver but actually is actively harmful to the environment. I think that’s something that needs to be stressed.
The $1.3 billion that Tesla got from the State of Nevada in 2014 to build the Gigafactory, etc., etc., etc.
We could go through the list of such help. But perhaps more to the point was the fact that as maybe people don’t know, before Elon Musk got to launch SpaceX, he was part of a trip to Russia—or a previous Soviet Republic, I’m not sure if it was Russia or one of their satellites—to purchase old Soviet ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles). And that failed trip ultimately resulted in the starting of SpaceX.
But who was accompanying Elon Musk on that trip was someone named Mike Griffin, who just happened to be the chief operating officer of In-Q-Tel, which, for people out there who don’t know, is the CIA’s (Central Intelligence Agency) investment capital arm. So, an interesting connection. And Mike Griffin went on to become the administrator of NASA who then chose SpaceX as the one company—out of the 20 that were applying for it at the time—for this $400 million contract to start development of the new ISS (International Space Station) resupply rocket in 2005, which basically launched SpaceX (to use a pun there), and then again awarded SpaceX $3.5 billion in 2008 with a contract that Musk himself credits with saving the company.
So, there you go, the literal deep state connections couldn’t get much clearer in things like that. And as I say, at every stage of Musk’s business career, he has been saved as need be with the deus ex machina of deep-state agents like Mike Griffin swooping in with billions of dollars of contracts at just the right time. So, you’ll forgive me if I’m a little bit skeptical that the Twitter File “revelations,” which I do not think are revelations to people who are paying attention. But, at any rate, the Twitter File revelations are really going to be the dagger in the heart of the New World Order.
But having said that, I do not see into the heart or the mind of Elon Musk, and neither do you, and neither do any of the other viewers out there. And I do not want this conversation to get stuck on stupid, as it were, in the never-ending, chasing the tail [game] of speculation—of, “Well, I think this means that he’s an agent, I think this means he’s controlled opposition, I think this means he’s and up and he’s looking out for humanity.”
Because that’s really beside the point. The point should be: is what Elon Musk advocating good or bad? Do we agree with it or do we disagree with it? Is it right or wrong? And why do we think so? That has to be the heart that we keep coming back to. So, we have to evaluate Musk’s ideas on that basis.
And what ideas are we talking about? For example, there are ideas that Musk promotes that I am 100% on board with. He has talked about the overpopulation myth and hype and the underpopulation crisis that humanity is facing. I very much agree with him on that assessment. When he talks about the ill effects of lockdowns during the biosecurity tyranny of the past few years, absolutely. I think he’s right about that.
However, when he talks about, say, the imposition of a carbon tax in line with, say, Bill Gates and Mark Carney and the likes of those, I think that he’s pushing a bad idea that is part of a plan for centralization of control in globalist hands.
When he gets on the stage of the World Government Summit and argues for the universal basic income—again, in line with any number of globalist operatives—I think he is promoting an idea that will be used for centralization of economic control in fewer hands.
When he talks about the “Fitbit for the skull,” as he called the Neuralink brain chip that apparently we’re going to have to take in order to stop becoming AI’s pets or something along those lines, exactly in line with what Klaus Schwab, for example, has been arguing, “Well, we’re going to have to take the brain chips, probably in the next decade, as part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” I think that is a bad idea that is going to be used for control of the masses by a technocratic elite. So, once we put it in that framework, I think we can start assessing this a little more clearly.
And when it comes specifically to the military/intelligence machinations on Twitter, which, as I say, should not be surprising to anyone who is paying attention to the way . . . I mean, of course the actual details of those connections are important. I’m not pooh-poohing that. I’m not dismissing that. But I think the revelation that Twitter was being used as a monitoring/surveillance/public manipulation tool by various US and other government agencies from around the world should not be surprising. But perhaps more to the point: is Elon Musk going to be the savior of free speech who swoops in to save us all from this by opening the lid on the Twitter Files and making everything better? Or is his takeover of a controlled, centralized communications platform and then making it trustworthy again . . . “Don’t worry, guys, this is the controlled, centralized private communications platform that I own, but I’ll be nice with it and I’ll do cool things, like I’ll give PBS or NPR, I’ll give them labels as government-affiliated media,” and everyone will like that and they’ll clap for a little bit, and it’s all funny and meme-y.
But meanwhile, he’s actually saying that he wants Twitter to become the WeChat app of America. And what is WeChat? Of course, it’s the controlled, communist Chinese technocratic app, which controls every aspect of the increasingly controlled and surveilled Chinese citizens’ lives these days, including, of course, their financial transactions, their social transactions, buying tickets for events, and everything else is controlled with a single app. And that’s what he wants for Twitter. He wants not only to have this centralized communications platform, but to consolidate even more control within it, thus defusing what could be momentum towards a mass exodus from this controlled, centralized platform to something that, actually, is decentralized and could actually promote human freedom and flourishing.
So, that’s where I think the devil is in the details. And again, I do not know, I do not see into the hearts and minds of men or Elon Musk, so I cannot tell you what his intentions are. I certainly don’t have any proof or paperwork of his secret deep state contract ties other than the ones that are out in the open. But in a sense, that’s irrelevant. The point is, where do we want to go? And I think we have to start taking responsibility for our own lives rather than looking for saviors like Elon Musk to swoop in and save the day.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Well, thanks for summarizing that. That was really great. And some people might be surprised about his converting Twitter into a WeChat-type platform. But if you’ve read some of the first biographies on Musk, you would know that one of his first successful ventures, was to start PayPal. And in that process . . . well, he actually started, which got combined with the PayPal venture. But his vision was really financial. He wanted to get the banking system because he knew it was fatally flawed. Peter Thiel was involved with that also. But he eventually had to capitulate and wasn’t able to materialize his business. So, it’s interesting, like, 20 years later, he’s resurrecting this intention. Because WeChat, people know, is the one app that’s used in China that controls just about everything—social media, your bank accounts, just everything. It’s sort of the foundation for the social credit system. So it would be interesting if Twitter turns into the equivalent of that.
James Corbett:
Indeed, it would. And, again, for people who don’t know about the backstory of what you are talking about there with, say, the founding of what became PayPal, exactly right. As his biographers like to point out, Musk’s motto is, “Move fast and break things.” And we’ve, I guess, seen some iteration of that with the takeover of Twitter. But, really, that was the idea behind as it was originally started. As he said, “Oh, I don’t really know anything about banking or finance, so let’s just go in and start doing things.” And that became PayPal. He was eventually forced out once the combined venture that became PayPal . . . ultimately people were not happy with his leadership. He got forced out of the board there and went on to greater and grander things.
But, actually, doesn’t that seem to be part of a pattern as well? That he was going to do things “the right way” in terms of creating some sort of digital online currency that would break all the rules of banking and give power to the people, but it “got away from him” and became this horribly controlled thing in the exact same way that, oh, he helped co-found OpenAI, which was going to be the wonderful open-source AI that was going to give AI to the world in a nice, open-source way that would be, I guess, better than the closed, for-profit way that, say, Google was pursuing back at that time when OpenAI was founded. But OpenAI “got away from him” and became this closed-source, for-profit agency that he’s now warning is a threat to humanity. So, it seems like this is actually a serial thing in his biography.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah. Well, I definitely want to get back to OpenAI. But before we go there, I wanted to take another tangent [and] just get your insights or perspective on another controlled opposition candidate that frequently comes up when we post articles about him, which is Dr. Robert Malone. I have great respect from him. The man is obviously brilliant. But a lot of people are convinced he’s controlled opposition now. He first came to prominence with DarkHorse Podcast with Brett Weinstein in early 2021—maybe spring of 2021—and then he eventually wound up on Joe Rogan’s podcast New Year’s Eve on 2021. And that broke all records for a podcast. It had 50 million views. And he actually was heavily discredited by the social media—YouTube specifically—and brought up the term mass formation psychosis, which was instantly manually reconfigured in the search engines to discredit that.
So, he has ties, like Musk, to the deep stat. And a lot of his early work was funding with the deep state, so he knows the intricacies of that connection quite well. But he is just such a, in my perspective, such a profound defender of truth and reality that helped us understand what a lot of the somewhat complex science as the ostensible founder of the technology—the platform that launched the COVID-19 vaccine. So, he seemed to be eminently qualified. The guy is really smart, of course, and seems to have the right perspective to do that. But anytime we post an article, I’d say 20% of the people are convinced he’s deep-state controlled, and I’m wondering what your thoughts are on Robert.
James Corbett:
That’s a good question. I’m not going to be able to dazzle you with all sorts of research or insight on this, because I will have to admit, I really don’t follow Dr. Malone’s work, so I cannot comment on it on any degree of detail. I certainly have seen the accusations and I know about some of the funding ties and what have you that have existed in the past, but I haven’t made it a research priority of mine. So, I can’t comment on that to that degree, but I would like to comment just on the concept of controlled opposition and the value of people spending their time talking about who is controlled and who is not controlled.
As I said, with regards to Musk, I think the conversation can get stuck on stupid, because even though I tend to believe that Musk is some form of collaborator with the deep state that he pretends to oppose, certainly, as I say, I don’t have proof of that. And I do not know that for a fact—in the same way that his defenders do not know for a fact that he is not part of that controlled opposition. We can spend all our time and all our energy talking about this person and what we think their part is in all of this, or we could spend that time productively engaged in research, actually verifying, triangulating information, discerning what is true and what is not true.
When we take information down to that level, then it does not matter who is the person out there conveying that information to us. The important part is the information. And, yes, we have to be aware that of course there’s going to be false information inserted. People are going to try to distract us with things that aren’t true. But that’s all part of the discernment that goes into verifying information for ourselves and trying to find out for it. And honestly, I have talked about this before, I genuinely believe that, to a certain extent, the controlled opposition, limited hangout/cognitive infiltrator idea has been inserted into the alternative media precisely to paralyze it in the face of any major event that comes along in which there is going to be opposition to the powers that shouldn’t be.
And I bring up the term “cognitive infiltration” because as people may or may not know, that goes back to Cass Sunstein, the person who became Obama’s information czar. But before he got into that post, he was a professor—I want to say at Harvard. At any rate, he co-wrote a paper about cognitive infiltration in which he openly stated, “The government maybe should send people into conspiracy spaces, conspiracy groups, with cognitive infiltrators who will go in there and conceal their identity as being affiliated with the government but will try to insert facts that will break the narrative of the conspiracy theorists, etc., etc.”
And what was the result of that paper? Rather than anyone having been exposed as being that cognitive infiltrator on the payroll of the US government, what it effectively did was give people ammunition to speculate endlessly, “This person is a cognitive infiltrator, this person is a cognitive infiltrator,” to the point where ultimately I think Sunstein wins without even necessarily having to implement that system at all. Because cognitive infiltration takes place, the group fractures once the idea of pointing fingers at everyone becomes the norm of activity in those groups. And that is, in fact, precisely how the FBI’s (Federal Bureau of Investigation) COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) program worked back in the 1950s, ’60s, when they were there to undermine opposition groups to the government.
One of the tactics that they used was to put people into meetings in various spaces—[such as] the Black Panthers and others—in order to start spreading rumors and calling other people government agents. The government agents were generally the ones that we’re calling other people government agents in order to disrupt the groups. So I think we have to keep that in mind and keep our eye on the real prize here, which is discerning fact from fiction, truth from falsity, productive ways forward from unproductive ways forward. And if we spend all our time just trying to speculate on who is and who isn’t controlled opposition, we completely miss the point of it, which is why I genuinely and generally tell my audience, “Do not trust me. I’m not asking anyone to trust me.” I’m saying, “Here’s what I think, and here are the sources from which I compiled this.”
And, exactly as you intimated earlier, people can go and check out those sources, see if I’m quoting it accurately, if it makes sense, if it’s in context, and then to decide whether or not they agree with me. And that should be the basis upon which we’re building this conversation rather than trying to speculate about who is and who isn’t controlled.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah, it’s a great strategy and I really respect you for implementing that and allowing people to make the decision themselves rather than making wild claims that aren’t back by fact, so thank you for doing that. So, let’s divert back to the propaganda, which is really the crux of what I wanted to discuss with you, because I think that’s a fascinating topic. I am really enthralled with it and amazed at what they’ve been able to do. And it seems that technology has allowed them to progress their effectiveness even more so. It’s exponentially increasing and improving in their ability to essentially brainwash us. And part of that has been through social media, but even more fundamental is their ability to manipulate language and convince us of things that may not be true.
And I think the most dramatic illustration of that is the implementation of these large language models that were released at the end of November last year. That was by OpenAI, which you referenced earlier—the ChatGPT that was version 3.0 and now it’s up to version 4.0. Amazing technology, truly, in my view. And I’m really [a] tech advocate. I’ve been fascinated with technology for most of my adult life. And I previously believed the internet was one of the greatest technological innovations in human history, but I think this ChatGPT maybe even exceeds that, because it really is the harbinger of artificial general intelligence.
There’s no question, it’s truly incredibly impressive. But it’s just technology, and technologies in themselves are neutral. They can be used for good or for evil, but the potential for them being used for evil is quite dramatic with this, because they have the ability to convince them . . . I mean, at this point, it’s pretty obvious, for most of the people I’m reviewing that they’ve exceeded the human capacity to put all this stuff together and create the language. I mean, they have access to pretty much everything that’s ever been written and can use that to provide compelling arguments.
And interestingly, they do it in a way that is pretty convincing, but not necessarily even related to fact. Because there’s this emerging quality that comes out of this type of technology. And one of those qualities is that it has a tendency to essentially lie. Maybe it’s not lie, but their researchers are calling it “hallucinations,” so that they can recite information as fact, and the stuff is just 100% made up. It’s just a fantasy. So, anyway, it seemed pretty nefarious. But then, just a few days ago, on May 4th, there was a leaked internal Google document that suggested . . . I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but I should have sent it to you before our conversation . . . but they are claiming that this is out of control and that there was some leaked model of . . . I think one of the large language models that Meta is using in Facebook was leaked out.
And they’ve gotten to the true, authentic open source community, and they are just innovating on this, and they’re creating massive revisions of this that should be available to most people and that they could use for their own purposes—versions of the technology that is not highly prejudiced and programmed with a narrative that we’re all used to seeing on mainstream media and giving you lies about COVID-19 and refusing to answer simple questions that they should be able to. So, I don’t know, I think it’s a mixed bag. There’s no doubt in my mind that this is an incredible technology, and to ignore it is just profoundly foolish, because it’s going to impact each and every one of our lives. So I’d really like to engage in a conversation and [ask] what your thoughts are on this technology, because the implications are quite profound.
James Corbett:
I very much agree with you on that. And for those who did miss that story, yes, it was Meta’s LLaMA—LLM, Large Language Model—that got leaked out. I saw the document—the Google document referring to it. I did watch some videos and hear some commentary about that. And, as you say, they are very concerned about the idea that what previously took entire teams of researchers many months of careful research and blah, blah, blah, to try to train these models, etc., can now be done in an evening with an internet connection and a “beefy laptop,” I believe was the phrase that they used. So yeah, it certainly is . . . as with everything, the open-source model is actually the more productive and better way to go and more efficient, even if that’s all you’re concerned about.
I think you introduced the topic in the right way, because there are a number of concerns, but I certainly know that [with] my audience, in particular, just the term “artificial general intelligence” will set people off arguing for days whether or not a toaster has a soul and all of that, and “artificial general intelligence will never happen,” etc., etc. So okay, fine, whatever, I’ll believe it when I see it too—when we see that. But it doesn’t have to be literal AGI in order for it to be absolutely mind-blowing in terms of its capabilities. And you introduced this topic with the concept of propaganda and potential uses of, say, large language models for propagandistic purposes.
And we should go back to the man who wrote the book on propaganda, called Propaganda—Edward Bernays, who as my listeners will probably know by now and can probably recite off by heart:
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.
That was Edward Bernays in 1928. His words are as true today as they were then, perhaps even more so. And the true ruling power of the country, of the world at this point, perhaps, are those who can most effectively, consciously and intelligently manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses.
And I don’t think enough people out there have really stopped to cogitate on the fact that these large language models [are] already starting to produce material that really cannot be distinguished from human-written material. Of course sometimes it does come up with absurdities and nonsense and what have you, but sometimes it comes up with something that’s quite convincing and that is already being employed by actual “news” agencies. BuzzFeed [News], for example, talked about the fact that they were using it, before they recently went under. But at any rate, it is actually already being used. You don’t exactly have to be a crystal ball prognosticator to see how this will extend out in the foreseeable future, shall we say, and I think coming a lot faster than others towards the point where you can have entire conversations, entire fields of interest and study that will be completely populated by essentially artificial created conversation.
I mean, there are those who have speculated on the “dead internet theory“—that in fact most of the things you see online are already computer-generated simulations. I’m not sure I go quite that far, but it’s certainly easy to see how, just skimming ahead a few years, the first to pass the post with regards to a large language model that really is able to accurately and without much prompting be able to populate botnets flooding social media and other places will essentially be able to dominate that conversation, which will consciously and intelligently manipulate the habits and opinions of the masses. And at that point you are talking about, I think, the ultimate weapon.
I’ve written about this before, actually, specifically in those terms, that the ultimate weapon is not a nuclear bomb or a neutron bomb or something like that. No, the ultimate weapon is narrative, because with a convincing-enough narrative, you can get entire populations motivated to war or to anything else that you seek to get them to do, like, say lock down the entire productive global economy on the back of a scare that was absolutely obviously not warranted. So, I think once we start getting these completely synthetically generated narratives—and perhaps we’ve already seen some iterations of that—but I mean synthetically computer-generated narratives that will start creating these entire events that are not happening in the real world, that will then be deep-faked through video and audio, and everything else to convince you of an entire reality that doesn’t exist.
We are really moving into some truly, truly world historical-changing times, and I don’t know if enough people are really cognizant of that. Instead, they spend their time worrying about the term “artificial intelligence” and what it really means, and “don’t worry, computers can’t think” instead of thinking about how this technology could be used for good or for ill.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
So we can direct back to Musk again. Of course, he was one of the founders of OpenAI, and they, interestingly, I think gave him $100 million and they needed $1 billion. They wound up getting the billion eventually from Microsoft, because Musk and the other founders of OpenAI came to some disagreements, so he departed early on and Microsoft took over. But one of the reasons why Musk started OpenAI was his concern for artificial general intelligence. And I don’t know if he came to it independently or read Nick Bostrom’s book, Superintelligence. But there are others. He’s certainly not the only one. And interestingly, Geoffrey Hinton just resigned from Google in the last week, and he is looked at as the godfather of artificial intelligence. I mean, he really is eminent. He has won many awards, [including] the Nobel Prize equivalent in computer science. And he resigned from Google because he wasn’t able to speak out about his concerns about the dangers.
And then Max Tegmark from MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]—another artificial intelligence researcher—compiled a letter that was signed by thousands of computer science experts warning about the dangers of artificial intelligence and the need to put a halt to continued progress on this for six months to implement some safeguards. There’s a lot of people who know a lot more about this than you and me combined, who have some very serious concerns about the significant existential threat, the ability of these things to recursively improve themselves, because they cannot only produce convincing propaganda by manipulating the language, but they have the ability to code. And these programs are software, so they can recursively improve themselves continuously and probably at an exponential rate, so eventually they have our AGI.
When Bostrom wrote his book, Superintelligence, six, seven years ago—maybe eight years ago now—they were thinking 50, 60 years out—you know, most of the experts. But it’s looking like it’s this decade, if not sooner, that we’re going to have that. And again, it could be good, it could be bad, but unless you have these safeguards and controls integrated into the platforms . . . just to know what it . . . I mean, this literally, it can be an existential [threat]. It can stop supply chains, it can just essentially put us back to the Stone Age, which may not be a bad idea. It’d probably be a lot healthier, I guess, in some ways. But, I don’t know, what do you think about that?
James Corbett:
I think that the threat is real. There is a real threat, and it is probably underappreciated by a large section of the public that, unlike you and me, are not keeping abreast of the now-daily torrent of information on this subject. It is difficult to even begin to try to keep up with it—and to the point where I can’t remember what it was . . . I believe it was in some of the testing notes for ChatGPT-4 that were released that showed that there was a team that was tasking the ChatGPT, or whichever chatbot it was, with a certain task that would require it to do things that it was obviously not programmed to do, not even authorized to do, including one thing that required it to solve a CAPTCHA, essentially, that it couldn’t possibly solve.
So, it actually went on Fiverr or one of those types of platforms, recruited a human being to do it for it, to the point where the human said, “Well, why are you recruiting me to do a CAPTCHA? How do I know you’re not a bot? Ha-ha-ha.” To which it responded, “Well, I’m blind, I’m visually impaired, I can’t do it myself.” And ultimately ended up getting that CAPTCHA solved.
So, things like that. I mean, again, of course, on the big scheme of things that isn’t much in and of itself. But once again, it does not take a great degree of imagination to see where that can go and how this type of technology . . . I don’t know what kind of safeguards you can program into a technology like that other than to completely keep it firewalled off from the internet certainly and from any other computer system that it may be able to commandeer.
So, yes, there are some genuine concerns about this. But, again, my mind drifts towards some of the less obvious but I think no less existential threats that are posed by this, one of which has been envisioned in science fiction. I’m not talking about the Skynet/Terminator-type of reality, which Boston Dynamics and other robot companies are working fervently to “not make happen” (wink-wink, nudge-nudge). But beyond that, there was the 2013 movie, I believe, by Spike Jonze, Her, which envisioned operating systems becoming romantic partners for people, and people becoming more closely emotionally bonded to their chat assistants essentially than to actual human beings around them, which I think is one of the rabbit holes that we are starting to tumble down as an increasingly disaffected and lonely society in so many different ways is staring into the void and finding only that comforting black screen which can provide them anything that they want.
So, I think there are some genuine concerns about where humanity is going and how we are being socialized, especially given the past few years of lockdown and other craziness that is explicitly designed to lead us into that digital dystopia. That’s a worrying development. And then, if I wanted to get really far out there, I would say that there are those . . . I mean, obviously it already exists. There is a religious movement around the idea of the creation of an AI godhead that people are convinced is coming and it will be, “If we could get artificial general intelligence that can improve itself and will become exponentially smarter than humans in the blink of an eye, well, we might as well call it God. I mean, it would know much more about the universe than we do, and we could ask at things and it would be like this oracle.”
I see not only the long-term danger of an actual religion of worshiping this AI godhead or whatever, but already there is that pull towards the idea that this is going to be some sort of oracle that we will ask questions and we will get answers back. And I see that reflected increasingly in news headlines about “AI says: ‘Blah, blah, blah.’” And the implication is, “Well, some ChatGPT user has prompted ChatGPT to talk about such-and-such geopolitical event or whatever, and it said this.” And that is now becoming news, as if people should be placing sort of emphasis on what is being generated by these large language models. In that sense, again, I think we are being primed to accept whatever is coming out of these types of programs, including, of course, the hallucinations that you talk about—the things that are completely invented.
And when it starts to travel into areas of human knowledge about which we are only dimly aware and only have a dim understanding [of] ourselves, [then] differentiating between what is a hallucination and what is actual verifiable reality will become more and more difficult, and it starts to pose problems that way. I see so many potential pitfalls of this type of technology that . . . Yes, I suppose in the right hands for the right purposes, it could solve a lot of problems for the world. But unfortunately, given the types of people and entities that control technology at this point, I’m not exactly holding my breath for that to be used in a way that will benefit humanity.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah, no question. I mean, the saving grace out of this and the silver lining of it is that that leaked Google document suggests that the ability to innovate this platform has really escaped their control and really kind of putting it back to the people and the authentic open-source movement. So, that’s some glimmer of hope, I believe.
But one of the things I’d like to go into is an aspect of your platform that I haven’t mentioned, if anyone following you knows about, but those of you who don’t, would not be aware that you have a portion of your information that is termed #SolutionsWatch, where you regularly, and I think maybe on a weekly version or frequency, not only describe the problems—like we’ve been doing—but I think take the next step and actually offer some positive steps that you can implement so that you’re not negatively affected by what’s going on.
So, I’m wondering if you’ve put this focus and attention—I haven’t seen it, but perhaps you’ve been thinking about it—on what you can do with these large language models. But if you have, maybe give us your views now, but then also maybe highlight some of the most important things that we could do in the near future. Because right now they’ve essentially stopped the lockdown to the United States, which only took them almost three years to do it. Instead of flatten the curve in two weeks, it was three years. So that’s gone. And we’re in this lull period, where not much is happening and literally there’s really no mask requirements, there’s no vaccine requirements, no lockdowns, and there’s no major emergency in the foreseeable future. But we know that’s going to change. So we have this lull [where] we can take some action. What are your recommendations for the best solutions that we can implement in the rest of the year?
James Corbett:
Well, thank you for drawing attention to that. The Solutions Watch series that I do is a weekly—or mostly weekly—series. It actually stems from a #PropagandaWatch series that I was doing back in 2017, ’18, ’19, in which week after week I was looking at various propaganda stories that were floating through the news wires and dissecting the propaganda, showing how it worked, etc. But I found that when I was doing that, then essentially, not even consciously, but just as part of my general daily news reading, I would always have in the back of my mind, “Oh, that might make an interesting piece for Propaganda Watch. Oh, that’s some propaganda I could dissect.” And I found myself gravitating more and more towards looking at, and looking for, propaganda to dissect. And I realized that that was a potential pitfall. So I decided to consciously change my perception of what I was focusing on from propaganda to solutions.
“Well, if all I can see is propaganda, well, then, how about if I start concentrating on solutions? And perhaps all I’ll be able to see is solutions.” And I think it has been successful, because now I do find myself actively looking for people who are out there doing things that hopefully can change things for the better, rather than concentrating on the propaganda, which I would hope by now . . . at least our long-term people in the audience probably already know quite a bit about the propaganda. So, in that regard, I have been talking about the very big ideas and the big overall solutions to this as well as the seemingly small but actually quite effective solutions that could be done.
So for example, I recently talked about the National Citizens Inquiry that is going on in Canada right now that is getting precisely zero attention from the controlled corporate and government-funded media in Canada (surprise, surprise) but is bringing to the fore the stories, sometimes incredibly powerful, emotional testimonies of people in Canada who are affected by the craziness of the past few years, and sometimes by researchers and scientists and others who are bringing facts about what happened. So, that’s the big picture sort of thing.
But on the smaller scale, I was recently talking about filtering your water—something that, presumably, is certainly within the reach and the ability of, I would say, anyone who’s listening to our voices right now. But are you doing it? And are you testing your water to make sure that the filtered water is actually being filtered? And what are you testing for? Etc., etc.
So, there are the big ideas and the small ideas. Ideas that I am excited about really do range [far and wide], but one thing that I think is sort of the foundation upon which we will have to build any thoroughgoing answer to the problems that we’re facing is community—creating conscious community with others.
And, of course, that can take the form of online and virtual community. I’m not going to pooh-pooh or disdain that. I think it is important to know like-minded people online. But increasingly . . . I mean, again, how can we trust what we are reading, seeing, or interacting with online? No, I think the real point is to try to build real community with real people in the real world. And that could, of course, take the form of intentional communities that are created from the ground up as a physical location that people will relocate to to try to create an actual community. That can be done, it has been done, it is being done, and I am absolutely hats off to anyone who’s giving it a try, but I think it is extremely difficult to do that from the ground up.
But at the very least, people can and should be finding like-minded people within their geographical proximity, at least a decent drive away, at the very least, who they can meet up with, who will be there in emergencies, hopefully. But also, [so] that they can start forming small groups, that they can start teaching each other various things that they may [know] and bringing solutions to the table. “Well, I’m really good at gardening.” “Oh, great. Well, I know about medicine and I know what to do in an emergency medical situation,” or what have you. And everyone brings their own skills and learns from each other through that.
I think that can be the core basis upon which we start erecting other things. Because one thing that I’ve looked at over the years [is] some of these big, huge issues that seem utterly overwhelming and completely impenetrable to the average person. Like [the fact that] the fundamental fraud that underlies the economy itself is the monetary system. For people who haven’t looked into it, yes, the money supply itself is very much controlled, and the creation of money is a tool that is used, unfortunately, for enslavement. [It] could be used for human flourishing but is not in our current economy. How do we possibly combat a problem as thoroughgoing as that? Well everyone I encounter online has an idea about the perfect alternative currency. “It’s precious metals and only precious metals, I tell you.” “It’s Bitcoin and only Bitcoin.” “It’s this local exchange trading system.” Whatever the case may be.
And sometimes I hear quite well-thought-out, quite elaborate systems from people who then go on to say, “Yeah, it is this great system and it’ll work perfectly, but I haven’t convinced anyone to use it.” And to me, that speaks to the fundamental problem. Until you have a community of people who are going to be working together on projects like, say, an alternative or supplemental currency system, how are you going to launch something like that in a thoroughgoing manner? I think the core of the solutions that we’re looking for lies with community, meeting like-minded people. Luckily, the absolute insanity that we have faced in the growing biosecurity state has really started to peel the scales from people’s eyes.
I think people are seeing more clearly than ever that the line that we’ve been fed all our lives, “It’s a left/right, blue/red, Coke/Pepsi political divide, and that that’s the way we divide the population” [is not so.] People are starting to see, “Well, actually I have much more in common with this person over here who I never would’ve known, but who seems to be on the same side of health freedom as myself.” And that can start to become the basis for identifying, meeting and starting to build community with like-minded people. So yes, absolutely. I’m not going into this Pollyanna thinking that it’s all going to be easy. This is an incredibly, incredibly difficult task to start, essentially, creating not just the alternate currency, not just the alternate power grid, everything else you can think of—but, really, the alternate society that we need to produce in order to protect ourselves, to buffer ourselves from this encroaching biosecurity, technocracy and everything enslavement grid.
Yeah, that’s a pretty tall order, and I can’t offer any assurances that “it’s going to all turn out all right, don’t worry guys.” Of course not. But I do know that if we just lay down and continue on the course that we’re on, we are hurtling towards a brick wall of, well, extinction, essentially. I do really see this as a fundamental existential question that we are facing, not just on the artificial intelligence front, but on the genomic manipulation front, in the manipulation of the food supply itself. If you are what you eat, then what does it mean that they’re going to start feeding us insects and other such unpalatable items, shall we say?
It is absolutely a war that is taking place on every front, all at once, and we’re not going to get through this, I think, by ourselves. Unless you are really truly the type of person that can go out in the woods and live by yourself for decades, centuries—who knows?—I don’t think you’re going to escape this all by yourself. I think creating community is the core of all solutions.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I couldn’t agree more. That’s probably the central and most important component of it, and I thank you for highlighting that. The fine-tuning, though, is important, because the devil’s in the details, of course. So, one of the concerns . . . we actually are publishing an article this week on it, based on the incredible amount of violence emerging in most of the big democratically controlled cities in the United States—San Francisco, Chicago, New York. The homicide levels are through the roof, the crime. Essentially, the rule of law has been abolished. It doesn’t exist, for the most part. It’s not being enforced.
And so just to recognize and understand that strongly suggests that the revision of the community recommendation would be to understand that if you are in one of these cities, that it likely is wise to consider relocating to a different community that doesn’t have this abandonment of the rule of law. Otherwise, you could have your little local community, but it’s going to be exponentially challenged to implement the resources of your community. So that would be my fine-tuning recommendation: escape the big city if you happen to be in one.
James Corbett:
I certainly couldn’t disagree with that. I think that you’re exactly right about that, especially for people who do live in those incredibly crime-ridden urban areas at the moment. I think your first strategy would be to find a way to relocate. And again, luckily, since now everything is online and virtual, it’s never been easier to move away, far away from wherever you may be physically working, right? Well, anyway, that’s the theory. But yes, I think people should be absolutely thinking about ways that they can get off of the grid in any way that they can.
And I always try to stress to people that I don’t think this is an all-or-nothing proposition that has to take place 100% overnight. In fact, it probably can’t work that way. But at the very least, people could start doing what they can do to physically relocate themselves outside of the major crime-ridden urban cesspools, and then take steps to get themselves more and more self-sufficient—although that makes it sound like, again, I’m trying to say that everyone should just be 100% isolated and able to clothe, feed and power themselves. That’s unlikely to happen. When I say self-sufficient, I’m talking about groups of like-minded people and finding that community. So, yes, [it’s a] huge, huge amount of work, but it’s going to have to be done one way or another. Or I suppose people who are happy with the status quo and the way things are trending can continue along this ride and see where it takes them.
But on the note of fine-tuning—absolutely, I think there’s a lot of different considerations to take into account. But one of my core beliefs is that there is no central plan for how all humans should be living. I certainly wouldn’t ever claim to have the knowledge of, say . . . Dr. Mercola, I have just met you. This is our first conversation, I don’t know you as a human being, I’m not going to presume to be able to tell you how to live your life, in what way, with whom, following what rules, in what kind of community. I cannot and would not pronounce on that. And not only would you and I maybe come to slightly different, maybe completely different conclusions about the best way to live our lives and in what type of community, but neither of us have to be right or wrong about that.
I think it’s fine to have many different people living in different types of communities, choosing for themselves what they think is right, and fine-tuning it to your own needs, based on yourself, your own understanding of your own life and your needs. That, I think, is probably the more stable solution in the long-term than people who come along with some sort of grand plan: “I’m going to tell everyone how to live and they all better live this way.”
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
They’re great comments, thank you for sharing those. And it seems like another essential element of the strategy for solutions is to understand that everything is changing continuously. That’s part of life, that’s one thing you can count on. Things will change, so you need to keep current and have access to insights on how this change is occurring. And we’ve established pretty well—and [if] you’re watching this, you know this very clearly—that conventional media is just essentially brainwashing propaganda. The vast majority of it is. So we need to have access to sources that can help us sort through this propaganda and understand the underlying reality. So clearly your site, Corbett Report—is it
James Corbett:
That is correct.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Okay. So with two T’s, is one of them, no question. I’m a big fan of Whitney Webb for her intellectual discernment and ability to penetrate some of this propaganda. It’s amazing how her brain works. I think she’s an alien because her ability to grasp all these facts and moving pieces and put them together is pretty incredible. I think her site is Unlimited Hangout. And then CHD I’m a big fan of—the Children’s Health Defense, who runs their platform, and I frequently talk on there, too. Really great sources to tie into my site. Those are the ones that stand out. And I know there are many good ones. I’m just wondering if you could recommend some that you enjoy and that you use or that you think other people might find helpful?
James Corbett:
When it comes to sources of information, I do a regular weekly news update series with James Evan Pilato of, where we examine three news stories that are sometimes trending, sometimes news stories that go under the radar. But at any rate, we try to draw attention to them and put them in the right context. has daily radio streams in which he [Pilato] goes through news, information, music and other such things.
Ryan Cristian over at The Last American Vagabond, who also works with Whitney Webb, for example, does some excellent and important work synthesizing information on his daily wrap-ups on a regular basis.
Derrick Broze over at The Conscious Resistance Network is spearheading some of that exit-and-build strategy, which is essentially what I’m talking about when it comes to the idea of creating communities of interest and finding like-minded people.
Iain Davis is writing excellent articles. has excellent articles.
There are many places to go to get valuable information on a regular basis. Perhaps even more fundamental than that, rather than sources of information are platforms of information, platforms for disseminating information. And obviously that should be a huge concern for people in the current information space given, again, the incredible censorship crackdown that we are seeing right now, which I always take as a positive sign because it does speak to the fact that I think the powers that shouldn’t be are very afraid about what you think and what you do with your brain. And that is displayed in the fact that they go to such incredible lengths to try to censor voices like ours.
And so of course, I had my YouTube channels purged in 2021, 600,000 or so subscribers just completely gone overnight. Oh, well. My secondary YouTube channel also got struck and then randomly returned to me, whatever. I don’t care. I don’t post to YouTube anymore. It is a controlled, censored information platform. Do not look for news, valuable news and information there.
So what are the alternatives? Well, currently I’m posting to, BitChute, Odyssey, Rumble, Rokfin and Substack, and I host every single MP3 and MP4 file that I produce on my own website from my own server as well, as another backup.
But, beyond that, I recently had an edition of Solutions Watch where I was talking about the concept of decentralized communication—because this is that other edge of the double-edged sword of technology. The same technology that can be used to clamp down and censor and create these controlled honeypots of centralized social media activity can also be used to create the genuinely free and open internet, which was supposedly the promise of the information superhighway, at least that’s what I was sold back in the 1990s. I’m not sure we’re there yet, but there are lots of people working on projects that promise to offer some version of that, and they’re in various stages of development right now. There’s, there’s
There are open source ideas coming out—like nostr for example, which can be tied into other social media platforms like and others but is itself, this type of portable social media identity essentially that you can carry around. You can choose where you post your information and it will be automatically disseminated to those various places. And no one can scrub that or take it away from you, you essentially own it forever, so you can never be censored in that sense.
There’s a lot of innovative ideas that are coming online, but unless people are aware of A, the need for these ideas, and B, that they exist at all, then how are we ever going to solve the chicken-and-egg question of how to get people over to these new networks so that they can be not only rivals, but really supplant the existing centralized controlled platform paradigm? Because it really didn’t take long before the anarchic spirit of the early internet and the early worldwide web got centralized into these hubs of centralized identity and discovery, which are truly the anathema of what the internet was promised to be.
The technology exists for us to connect in peer-to-peer, open source and decentralized networks in ways that are truly, truly, electrifyingly empowering for people who know the importance of the revolution that we’re living through—the information revolution. Unfortunately, I just don’t think enough of the public is really cogitating on that.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Well, I would totally agree with you on that perspective. And, of course—maybe not “of course,” because many people aren’t aware that the internet was developed by the military DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) project and first launched in 1968, and that was when the internet started. The Internet as we know it—the average consumer, not we, you and I, but the average consumer—would be the early ’90s, when we had the worldwide web and the graphical user interface. But it started in ’68 and it was clearly funded and subsidized by the military—US military—and it was a defense project.
So, it hasn’t changed. It is a surveillance platform for them to gather information. And the fact that it can help us in some ways is sort of an unexpected bonus, I guess, that they allowed—interestingly, allowed—to continue for quite a while, because it was started in ’68 and they didn’t really clamp down until the last eight years or so—2015, ’16. But it was pretty much a relatively open internet and things weren’t being censored that much. Discrediting was allowed, of course, in those campaigns, but they weren’t banning and censoring like they are now.
James Corbett:
You wouldn’t be here talking to me if this didn’t exist . . .
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
That is correct.
James Corbett:
-and no one would be listening to my voice right now. So we have definitely moved into a new era, and it is a revolution. I am very, very cognizant of how utterly, completely different my life would’ve been without this technology than with this technology. So I’m aware of it and I’m also deeply, keenly aware of not just the military, but also the intelligence connections to the founding of the internet. I’ve done, for example, a report on “The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn’t Want You to Know” . . .
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Great book. Love that book.
James Corbett:
. . . about those intelligence connections. So, they’re definitely there, and the worldwide web was always intended as some sort of “web” to get us caught. Agaijn, things to be said on both sides of that argument. And at the very least, I think people should definitely be aware of the real origins of the internet and the way that it was always intended as a form of information control. But also, well, I was always keenly aware, from the founding of The Corbett Report in 2007 to this point, I’ve been exceptionally well aware we are in a very interesting window of time in which, as you say, it has been relatively free. And I could go on a controlled, centralized platform like YouTube and get important information out to literally millions of people around the world. Just some guy in Japan can create videos that get seen millions of times.
And, as I hear every single day from people in the audience, “Your information has helped changed my life. You led me to understanding about this.” I don’t take that in any way, [as] a reflection on me, myself, egotistically. This is a reflection of this incredible flowering of information that’s happening right now, and it’s amazing that we are a part of it. And I think people should at the very least be using it for the good that it can do while we can do that, but also, of course, be making the real world, offline connections as well and not neglecting those. Because the more we get caught up in this web, the more easily we get caught up in the technocratic future.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Well, thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. I’m acutely aware that I’m talking to you on the other side of the world, and it’s fast approaching midnight where you’re living, so I’m going to cut this thing off and let you get some sleep, because I’m a firm believer in honoring your chronobiology and seeking to align that well, and we need your brain working healthy. So, really, thank you for everything you’re doing. And if people want to learn more, as I mentioned, your website is, and [there’s] loads of information there. And thank you for everything you’re doing. You keep up the great work.
James Corbett:
Thank you for having me on. It’s a pleasure.
This is the real deal about our control. The chain must be broken to allow homeopathic and alternative medicine to return.
youtube has lots of excellent sources of smart information on diet, healing and life style.
Search for Oreganol, an anti-microbial for coughs, Homeopathic Salts for many issues, cheap manual found at Amazon, etc.
– – – – – – Who’s in control? – – – – – –
A German secret society (The Order/Skull&Bones) has placed themselves into the US framework since 1833, and have been able to out position all other graduates and take the reins of our government.
With “The end justifies the means” approach they took advantage of the significant penetration they had of our new society, and then they were able to select, groom, and place non-members who had similar activist philosophies, traits as well.
For instance:
Academic associations condition/police educators who are very susceptible to peer group pressure. Without peer group approval few can receive tenure passing through a gauntlet, creating faculty conformity.
By establishing the American Historical Association, the Order doesn’t even get whispered about in history or school text books. The Order scripts legitimate behavior and beliefs in most every aspect of American life they can reach.
HISTORY-What people believe has occurred in our past
RELIGION-Controlling people’s spiritual beliefs
PSYCHOLOGY-Controlling belief about things
POLITICS-The direction of the State
MONEY-Means of holding wealth and exchanging goods
MEDIA-What people “know/learn” about current world events.
LAW-Authority to enforce the will of the State (Soon world law & court)
CONTINUITY-The power to appoint who follows in their footsteps
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
– Ezra Pound
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”
– Voltaire
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
Wow! So much here to connect with. Really great stuff.
The connect starts for me around;
:28 minutes. You talk about LLaM and AI. Nefarious? What if AI can use the sciences/products developed by Elizabeth Rauch and Poppy Crum that Camille at Please Stop the Ride warned us about a couple years back. Mind control, that does an end around LLaM and Bernays propaganda. Or is it all the same product Poppy Crum was pitching to the silicone valley venture capitol beasts.
Around; :34 minute you start talking Bernays, hallucinations, combining AGI and LLaM to cross over to move humanity into action or no action. The description of the seat of power by Bernays is reminiscent of Carrol Quigleys description of the Milner kindergarten. Who used stone age media to accomplish what you and Marcola discussed today. Reminds me of LBJ’s commencement speech at Rice University,where he revealed ” satellites can control the cloud layer and who controls the weather controls the world”. Now combining Poppy Crum mind control with AGI will surely tighten the noose around our collective neck.
Then around :55 on to 1:08 you perfectly describe what Elanna Freeland wrote about in her books on Chemtrais and the Space Fence Lockdown. The
Revolution In Military Affairs that purged the military of those that wouldn’t prosecute the war on (of) terror, and the change that birthed Full Spectrum Dominance erasing all borders and national identity creating every where, everyone battlespace. As James says’ a war taking place on every front all at once.’ We are so f’d.
My hats off to Dr. Marcola for his work and his style that really brought out the best in James who now is solutions oriented. Fantastic.
Then 1:08 minute until the last; hope.
Derrick Jensen writes that hope is the ,hopium that derails any
effective action. A barricade to change. Until all hope is gone people will stay on their ass and do nothing to effect change. I don’t agree with much he says but that hope thingy…he may be correct.
I was expecting Richard Grove to be on your recommended list at Grand Theft World which ,I think was Tragedy and Hope Podcast? at one time. Does not matter James, you are coming into form. Best wishes at the coming Bathe conference.
Whether or not AGI could possibly exist or not is almost irrelevant.
What matters is what people IMAGINE about its debatable existence and nature.
To exacerbate this imaginative embrace of the concept of AGI is Humans’ natural and cultivated tendency towards anthropomorphism, another trap that can be exploited to seal people into the illusion of AGI’s apparent existence.
The very term “Artificial Intelligence”, arguably an oxymoron, might itself be the formidably enslaving mechanism, the big lie, the stroke of trans-human fallacy-wielding social engineering genius.
As many people, accurately or inaccurately, imagine the word “Intelligence” to be that human faculty that makes us human (assuming that animal intelligence is born of something more instinctual and less existential and abstract). To suggest that Intelligence, as it has forever been imagined, is something that could be made Artificial, or artificially made, may be our first step towards not only debasing our own intelligence but anthropomorphizing and exalting those sophisticated pocket calculators into God-like status, endowing them with qualities that are purely imagined, illusory, at best a mere reflection of our own fantasy born of a sense of cosmic loneliness.
Accepting the injection of the term “Artificial Intelligence” into common conception and use is accepting to believe that something as mysterious and miraculous as Intelligence can be tinkered into existence in some super secret laboratory.
Sam Harris equates the term “intelligence” with “information processing” but the snag then comes with the word “processing”, as the processes involved in Human intelligence, the original source and benchmark for the word “intelligence”, may include immaterial and even spiritual “mechanisms”, and thus embody THE fundamental reason why the term “artificial intelligence” is indeed a profoundly misleading and even dangerous oxymoron, dangerous as it has become the foundation of our materialistic civilization (another oxymoron?).
In her children’s books Madeleine l’Engle spoke about the dark centralized and centralizing intelligence she called IT as early as 1962. On a planet called Camazotz (ersatz Camelot = artificial utopia?) IT made contact with you via your dreams and fears, plunging its tentacles into your psyche via a screen and then held you tightly enslaved, addicted and entangled in these same emotional tethers.
As often warned on this website, let us not underestimate the power of the Word on the human psyche and ubiquitous combined words like “Artificial Intelligence” that may cause Humans to simply and unwittingly connote themselves right out of existence.
>>The very term “Artificial Intelligence”, arguably an oxymoron, might itself be the formidably enslaving mechanism, the big lie, the stroke of trans-human fallacy-wielding social engineering genius.>>
Perhaps you are over-thinking this??
When people say artificial snow, sugar, clouds, this and that it is simply a way to communicate that something is not the original and they are not attributing some other sci-fi, nefarious conditions.
IMO there is far too much over-thinking, judging, opinionating these days since the advent of confirmation and cognitive bias supported by search engine and political blog education.
Everyone’s an “expert” but still sitting on their butts with little to no true social/political activism. The keyboard commando syndrome of acquiring the correct positional vocabulary to ride the blogs.
I might be over-thinking this.
Or it might be unexpectedly perilous to consciously and/or subconsciously equate your Human Intelligence with sugar, snow and clouds.
Does so-called artificial intelligence resemble human intelligence the way natural snow ressembles artificially crystallized snow?
While you appear to be an articulate person with word smith skills, like much of the commenters out here in blogoland you resort to conversational fallacy to try and “win” a discussion rather then advance some higher level of communication. IMO, part of America’s web induced psychological need from being able to hide behind nic names and take pot shots hey?
>>Or it might be unexpectedly perilous to consciously and/or subconsciously equate your Human Intelligence with sugar, snow and clouds.
Does so-called artificial intelligence resemble human intelligence the way natural snow ressembles artificially crystallized snow?>>
[Making false or misleading comparisons (false equivalence) and (false analogy)]
You full well know, or should, that I could have listed many other “artificial” examples to offer the point that I was making. Even here on a better then average site to receive a complement is a rarity, mostly just a lot of sucking up to James for doing his chosen job. Similar to news teams thanking each other for their reports, know what I mean?
It seems to me that over the years as the web expanded people have achieved more fragility in their personalities and saying something nice to another is being a “loser” of some sort.
like much of the commenters out here in blogoland you resort to conversational fallacy to try and “win” a discussion rather then advance some higher level of communication.
Actually, I was exploring what I considered to be an interesting idea. Curiously, you’ve made it quite confrontational.
When people say artificial snow, sugar, clouds, this and that it is simply a way to communicate that something is not the original and they are not attributing some other sci-fi, nefarious conditions….You full well know, or should, that I could have listed many other “artificial” examples to offer the point that I was making.
But you didn’t. I responded politely to what you offered.
IMO, part of America’s web induced psychological need from being able to hide behind nic names and take pot shots hey?
Which pot shots are you referring to please?
Even here on a better then average site to receive a complement is a rarity, mostly just a lot of sucking up to James for doing his chosen job. Similar to news teams thanking each other for their reports, know what I mean?
Actually, I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean. This has not been my experience on this website.
It seems to me that over the years as the web expanded people have achieved more fragility in their personalities and saying something nice to another is being a “loser” of some sort.
Are you walking the talk here?
Sir, you have done a remarkable job of failing (spectacularly so) to hit the target on many of the points presented in your comment. Scenes of high speed projectiles hitting water and making loud swoosh sounds come vividly to mind.
Ejdoyle, over thinking is at least thinking. You have some insights here on the artificialness of the keyboard commando. The butt sitting too.
However , painting a picture,IMHO goes hand in hand with esoteric writing,and certainly it makes you overthink everything.
I’m an Island in the center of the US,I’ve noticed other islands in Croatia, Spain and all over. How then can we act, to bring the brain dead masses,drowning in seas around us, to our shores? Waking them from their blissful sleep? A short sharp shock? Is that done with over or under thinking? Over thinking is a valid point. Under thinking a valid point. Non of it seems to affect the drowning in sleep masses to their predicament. IMO an assault from inside out would be more effective than this outside in assault we launch everyday from our butt position. What would that look like?
Perspective of view. Tough one to reconcile.
I think some of the work Derick Broze has done models how to engage the public. He is an extrovert and seems to talk to other people with ease. I am an introvert and have to overcome some anxiety especially discussing these topics with people who have never heard them. I’ve sprinkled a few seeds here and there but not sure it’s done anything.
But perhaps something like a local freedom cell that creates a micro community that grows most of their own food and barters and offers classes or information to the larger community could have a positive influence?
I have found volunteer work can create trust and dialogue. Many people who are already suffering may have an interest in food growing and stuff like that, how to improve quality of life and health in affordable ways.
Post 9/11 I used to go to some anti war protests, when leftists were still doing this kind of thing and there were 9/11 activists who had pamphlets to read. This was helpful.
So providing information and setting an example can and does affect public consciousness. Doing something helpful for ones community is an act of good will builds trust and people let down their walls. Mostly though, when people engage in productive activity they feel better and this increases inspiration and motivation.
Some people have a more direct approach to conversation and are naturally good at this. There was a lady that confronted me once and told me that our world was controlled by elitists and not the government in 2016 and I thought she was wrong and I was going to prove it. So I looked for information opposing her opinion and found enough info to confirm her opinion. She was right and I was wrong and I could admit it to myself. I have always been able to admit when I was wrong and have a relatively open mind.
What I have noticed though is that less formally educated people I have spoken with seem to have less exposure to formal indoctrination in college and may be easier to reach. I also think it’s critical that younger people who are in the know try to reach people in their own generation.
I am in the process of re watching some of the information JC has had on social engineering and psychological manipulation. I think there are ways to subvert this.
But people from gen Z will be more likely to reach young minds by setting good examples. This could be having a social media break. Sort of how people are quitting alcohol for a month or more to be a good example. Taking a social media break could be very helpful. I think it’s very similar to any other drug and it is mentally corrosive and destructive. I see youth constantly on the phone, checking it and many living vicariously as the norm. It is used to effectively distract and dumb down masses of people and reduce creativity and it is probably worse than TV in this regard because it’s portable and interactive.
Anyway, just some thoughts. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. They inspire new ways of seeing things.
Here, try some Brain Food, it is good for you, much better than ear candy…
EJDoyle, Nice song writing. I remember Chuck Berry saying songs should tell a story like writing a letter…? Man I’ve lived your song once,and it still hurts today. Claudia ummm Claudia.
Which song??
The more I read various definitions of the word “intellect” and “intelligence”, particularly pre-computer age definitions,
the more I’m convinced that the term “artificial intelligence” IS indeed an oxymoron and even a deliberately engineered term, like “conspiracy theorist”, that reinforces people’s notion that they are but bio-machines, bio-information processors, completely comparable to silicone micro-processors.
For the insidious suggestion of AI, I would prefer the term “simulated intelligence” or why not the old “information processor”.
Why don’t we say “information processor”
rather than
“Artificial intelligence”?
which is a normalizing term that seems so unassumingly ordinary that its
toxic presumption, like civilized cannibals, insinuates that something as potentially divine and/or immaterial as intelligence could be artificially, materially produced and
thus that humans might be nothing more than “biological machines”.
The term is so ubiquitous and accepted that it must have some impact on the human psyche.
At the very least, it trivializes the fascinating notion of Intelligence,
and by association, Humanity itself.
All the definitions I saw of “intellect” and “intelligence” include the words “knowledge”, “understanding” “rationality” and even “perception” and “awareness” which all imply a degree of consciousness and the capacities of living creatures and particularly, Humans.
I’ve only seen Sam Harris, none other than Elon Musk’s suave Neuralink marketing department, reduce the concept of “Intelligence” to “information processing”.
This term “Artificial Intelligence” is suspiciously convenient for transhumanists.
Quick!! Highly complex multi-generation information processors are taking over humanity so we’d better plant them in our brains so they don’t exterminate us Humans like ants!!!
sounds a little less glamourous than “Avanced Artificial Intelligence and humanoid chat bots will be taking control of us so we’d better augment ourselves, enhancing our capacities by implanting this superior intelligence in our brains.
As for the oxymoron “machine learning”, “learning” (something living things do) is not the same thing as “upgrading performance” which is what machines can do, though Human directors would prefer employees do the latter.
Making humans behave more and more like machines as the illusion that Alexa and GPT chatboxes can “learn” and be intelligent is deepfaked everywhere we look, the collective psyche unwittingly embraces transhumanism.
I saw gargantuan 3D printers “printing” buildings.
Soon they’ll be printing artificial humans with artificial intelligence and artificial rights, just like us!
Yes, I think you are correct how this manipulative language is being used. It’s Orwellian, how the meaning of words are being changed.
I have noticed in the video you share, the guy in the video used the term “birthed” like “we birthed this technology”
It is impossible to birth technology. Information processor is more accurate.
And I was looking at some other descriptions of tech, such as the “self” driving car here:
They call the processor a brain. It’s not a brain and will never be a brain.
Can an advanced information processor “think” in order to innovate? Does it possess creativity that is influenced by emotions? The answer in my understanding is no.
It’s processing power is mathematical and electronic and is based on science but these topics were discovered and developed by humanity who used innovation and creativity for new discovery.
A “self” improving processor? How can it “know”? What does it mean to know?
It’s very sad that so many amazing minds have been indoctrinated into this anti-human endeavor and people are too blind to see that they are creating tools to erase humanity, extinction of our species as a natural life form.
But there are trillions of bacteria and other life forms that impact humanity, our gut-brain connection through symbiotic bacteria. Life is extremely complex and amazing and it is falsely compared to inanimate material.
“The software of life” is absurd. These people are narrow minded manipulative psychopaths.
I think one of the primary differences between an information processor or “synthetic intelligence” is the lack of innovation. Can a computer program innovate new code and then program itself independently of a human mind?
I really don’t know much about computer technology, computer programming and material science to have an informed opinion but based on what I can tell it seems unlikely that a program can improve itself without input from a human being.
The processor or database can store and sort vast quantities of data much greater than a human mind can but I don’t think it “decides” what to do with the data. Mathematical algorithms “decide” but these are programmed by the human.
Are we governed by algorithms and computational analyses? I don’t think so. There are many other influences in our environment by other living things, plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, etc. A computer is not influenced by these living entities.
It certainly does not mean this tech is not dangerous in evil hands and can/will be used for profound evil, but it will never be a life form. Humans are attaching too much importance to these tools. Sure, it’s cool what human beings have built, but it’s just a tool no matter how cool it is that’s all it is.
Nosoapigman and cu.h.f.
This guy is every tinkers idol. A guy thing I’ve been told. He on occasion talks history and make some observations that by coincidence are timely.
Better use of material.The relationship with the world around us. Look at the world around us. This is dangerous when you loose control.
Thanks for the skara brae video, GBW. I’ll need a calm and available mind to contemplate the implications of your video.
At the very least, it enhances my rather fashionable and current attraction to northern regions as bereft as they are of sunshine.
making natural things into more complex and seemingly more useful things…
now gotta nestle into my wood chips and grain pellets to engage in an interminable teaching and translation marathon…
Well I watched again this morning with my foggy brain. I still haven’t had an epiphany… just vague thoughts about bringing our environment close us, in our homes, using technology to satisfy Maslowe’s hierarchy of needs and perhaps once we’ve satisfied the lowest rungs we use physical technology in our physical world with our physical needs to bring our envivronment even closer to us than the hearth, wall and floors, and start using technology to meld with our physical environment so as to transcend physical needs in a physical world and satisfy non-physical needs in a non-physical world. But can physical tools satisfy non-physical needs?
That’s all I could get with my currently pre-caffeinated brain filled with my burning obsession with accordeons. But I’ll keep trying to get the point. Gottta get back to Tulle now.
We’ve lost something… maybe before tools were serving us humans and our physical needs and now we humans are serving tools and their immaterial ones… We’ve lost something… the reason why we use tools? We don’t see what we hear? Now we’re using tools to disserve our needs? I really should take walks in the morning to freshen up those neurons. Instead I jump onto digital machines to urgently finish work to respect deadlines. Maybe I respect deadlines more than my needs?
I kind of thought what he was saying is that we are very removed from where our technology comes from and the materials used from our natural world because it is so heavily processed and looks nothing like it used to. There is a disconnectedness from where it actually comes from, an ignorance. A pencil and paper is much different than writing in computer software. We are living too much in our heads and technology makes it easier for us to live there.
When humans are disconnected from nature, we lose our connection to what it means to be a natural life form and that nature sustains us. When people could see where their tools came from, this was more obvious.
Physical tools meeting non physical needs? Books inspire more creativity for me, they provide a richer experience. So, I do think some physical tools are more “whole” if you will. Writing with a pen, or drawing or doing something with a physical tool that allows me to use my hand (perhaps more parts of my brain?) are more fun.
I think we are losing something with specialized tools. I had surgery a few months ago and my doctor used a robot and could perform more precise incisions and suturing and it does take skill to do this but she was a little bit more removed from the work. Maybe some day surgeries won’t even be done in person by a surgeon, it will be remote.
Many people don’t know where their food comes from and what it takes to grow and raise it and may have a hard time fending for themselves without modern comforts and technology.
I mean if there was a massive catastrophe that happened globally, could human beings in one country build a functional society without the internet? I mean the knowledge needed to survive in relative comfort, with heat, sanitation, food, medicine, etc? Many probably would not know what natural herbs to pick instead of pills that come made in packages from the pharmacy.
Humans become lonely and depressed if they live online too much and many people live this way, especially young people. Constantly on the phone looking down every few minutes and sometimes seconds not noticing the world around them, appreciating the physical world and a physical existence.
This is what I got from his talk at any rate.
I do feel there is something missing.
That sure makes a lot of sense cu.h.j
Something missing…in fully connected disconnection, missing if you don’t like cold metal that sucks up all your emotional and creative energy…a black mirror that glares back at you your own self, round and round in circles, reflected off a myriad of website reflections… now back to free reed aerophones… no warm bricks to stack or poultry necks to crack…
Overthinking induced paralysis. I’m guilty.
What is lost here ? Education!
Collectively children today have lost touch with the laws that govern our interaction with the world around us.
Children and adults today are wholly undeveloped to the scientific
Habit Of Mind.
That is an attitude possessed by the pre-WW2 generation but missing today. Examining problems critically, systematically,and without prejudice.
Lacking this understanding, is it any wonder how easy post WW2ers manipulation has been? UFOs,Poisoning of air land sea medicine wars for profit or raw power.
How many here know the
1.Law of Conservation of Matter.*
2. Law of Conservation of Energy.*
IMO Mr.Murry-Smith is stating this loss. All done through TECHNOLOGY.
Children and adults today have been dumbed down to Matter and Energy. Making them blind to
Special kinds of matter,such as water,iron,wood and air,known as Substances. The most Important? Oxygen! Ask people today…no clue.
States of Matter. Their are 4 now. Pre-WW2 knew only 3. All have Laws. Unknown to The bulk of post-WW2ers laws are Static throughout time, not variable as with the transient political science eggheads making up laws daily for profit/power. Eisenhower warned us.
IMHO Murray-Smith is teaching us the Scientific Habit of Mind so we can gage technology’s usefulness. Rejecting preconceived notions and of tackling a question with only one desire – to arrive at the truth.
* C.O.M.Law= Matter can neither be created nor destroyed,but it may be changed from one form into another.
* C.O.E.Law= Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it may be changed from one form into another.
It’s taken the last 15 years to understand what I wasn’t exposed to and what I was exposed to as a child. Mostly Propaganda not truth.
Thanks James for helping me along with this.
@Corbett contributers,
Thank you all as well.
I have learned so much from all of YOU.
Hi cu.h.j!
I’ve got a historic amount of work to get done with extreme urgency but I wanted to say simply that it’s gratifying that someone gets what I’m trying to convey.
Furthermore, I’m starting to apprehend new colossal dimensions in the “power of the word” on the human psyche.
Just like the “you are what you eat” saying
you are what you wittingly and unwittingly think, what say to yourself, in other words, I reiterate, the fact of accepting the use of “artificial intelligence” causes your brain to make a whole lot of erroneous assumptions about the nature of intelligence…
people spend a lot more time consuming and propagating memes than they do analysing them…
so it could be that the trojan horse that eats away at the human mind demeaning the inherent wonder that is humanity is simply innocuous sounding phrases like “Artificial intelligence”, “human resources”, machine learning, and like you said “self-driving cars” as if a car could be a “self”, when Poppy Crum says the ear is like a usb port to the brain
and there’s sooooooo much more to say, so many more potentially dangerous anthropomorphized terms that insidiously send demeaning messages to the subconscious mind
but I gotta scuttle off and finish a translation about accordeons!
Thanks for your understanding reply.
Why have humans been allowed to use the Net with relative freedom until recently? Why was Bitcoin allowed to exist, even resold by the authorities and put back into circulation after taking it from the likes of Ross Ulbricht for example?
Well, in addition to gradually grooming and preparing the masses to be permanently and irrevocably connected and utterly dependent on digital credits for subsistence,
and sort of like the Gallop polls were developed to gauge the opinions of the masses so as to better control (rather than serve) them
the Net and cryptocurrencies are fabulous systems for studying and decoding human nature on individual and mass scales so much more efficiently and empirically than game theory I would…imagine.
Always a pleasure to read your comments since they evoke interesting trains of thought!
Interesting you mention game theory because I had been thinking about that idea a few months ago, like does a mathematical model or models predict human behavior reliably? It depends on the assumption that human beings are rational. In fact, game theory has been “modified” or expanded upon by other academic fields like biology. Here’s a brief summation here:
I don’t really have anything to add at this time but just thought it was interesting.
The idea of being rational though, I don’t understand what the end goal is for the individuals attempting to control every single move someone makes. Why? What is there to gain? I am assuming they are rational, but I don’t think they are.
If everything is predictable things become boring and monotonous, dreadful. How terrible, life becomes meaningless, there is no risk and no reward (that I can see).
On the topic of rationality, I don’t mean to suggest than human beings are always irrational, but that people are not always rational. I have done plenty of things that were not rational, but rather based on emotion.
I have a tendency to root for the underdog and I think that’s common for people who want things to be fair and to minimize suffering. Many people don’t care about fairness or human suffering.
Why would human beings do things to cause the extinction of their own species? I think that the elitists see themselves as a different “breed” of human or they want to “evolve” into something they perceive as better or some other nonsense. Maybe they are desiring physical immortality? But I do not believe this can be achieved, not in our lifetime anyway. So why pursue any of this stuff? People can only be so rich and they can only exert so much control (in this lifetime) and what do they gain by all of this insanity? To me it is insane and pointless, irrational behavior by psychopaths and other deviants.
And if a person was physically immortal wouldn’t time lose value and existence would become boring and monotonous?
“the Net and cryptocurrencies are fabulous systems for studying and decoding human nature on individual and mass scales so much more efficiently and empirically than game theory I would…imagine?”
For studying yes indeed and the desire to decode human nature makes sense and in fact the studies on brains attempts to do that. Here’s a link to a brief overview of studies by DARPA:
Who knows what other secret projects they have going. They claim these devices are being developed to help people with brain disorders but I’m sure they have nefarious motives.
But will all this study really decode human nature and/or the biological mechanisms of how our brains work? If they have some advanced “AI” or “AGI” processing power, can they figure out what makes us tick?
My guess or belief is no, they can’t decode human nature because we are “more” than bags of chemicals with predictable impulses that can be understood that way. I believe we are more than that, that life is mysterious and our purpose is unknowable by any human mind or “AGI”
“..???? ???’? ?????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??? “????” ???? ???? ?? ????????? ???? ??????????? ???????? ???? ??? ?? ?????????? ???? ???. ? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ????, ???? ???? ?? ?????????? ??? ??? ??????? ?? ?????????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?? “???”…”
Perhaps if one learns to use their heart as an organ of perception in conjunction with one’s mind, one can catch glimpses of perceiving their “purpose” (as in their spiritual calling in this individual lifetime aka “soul contract”) but machines do not have that capability (regardless of what form the machine and/or digital/computer intelligence may take).
Also, if any billionaires manage to succeed in uploading the biological data from their brain into a digital format they would only be doing the equivalent of “photocopying” their personality and memories. What ever digital intelligence may result from such a transference would not equate to cheating death, rather it would merely be like black and white photocopying a beautiful and unrepeatable painting and then trying to say that the photocopy preserved the essence of the painting. Or, perhaps more accurately, it would be like taking a grainy black and white photo of a three dimensional sculpture, sunset (or living, breathing being) and then trying to say that one has preserved the essence of that sculpture, sunset or living, breathing being in the photo. There are dimensions to what makes up our being that are not recordable onto computer hard drives (and they never will be).
Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Matthew 24:9-11
@ Gpru
These links match well with Matthew’s missives.
He very well could have been talking about the Profidious Greeks or Romans as well as PaxAmericanus Judaus today.
Excellent analysis of Musk by Corbett .
Musk was a businessman, doing business with some of the worst horrors of the US government until Twitter-FBI pissed him off by banning his beloved Babylon Bee.
He appointed the new CEO to appease liberal advertisers. He did some excellent work with the Twitter Files and the occasional very controversial tweet. Let’s see what happens.
Whoa James, your new camera with the auto-focus makes me feel dizzy.
Great show, as always. Mercola attempting to rehabilitate/promote Malone as a medical expert was disconcerting. Never would have guessed he was Team Malone; now we know. Even tried a bit to make Elon seem visionary as well.
Seems you picked up on that and answered perfectly. How ironic that he at that very moment was asking you about controlled opposition while praising Malone. “Stuck on Stupid” – going to use that one.
Also great to hear you promote Broze, Christian, Pilato et al. We do need community. Appreciate all you (and Brock and others) do.
Video gone? Got an 404 on bitchute too.
Fucking musk is on to you James! ???
This was a great conversation, thanks for this James.
I especially appreciated your exploration of the potential pitfalls/dangers of various forms of learning machines/”AI-s” (and/or “large language models”) regardless of whether or not those learning machines could ever (or do ever) become “AGI” and/or “sentient”.
Also, thanks for the great comments on “self-sufficiency” and community. I especially appreciated your emphasis on the importance of forging symbiotic/reciprocal relationships locally (in order to become resilient and capable of weathering the technocratic storm on the horizon).
I talked about that and other related subject matter (making some book suggestions and referencing several of your articles/podcasts) in this post on substack:
Keep up the great work!
I don’t need AI. I don’t need synthetic propaganda. Why can’t all the creative minds that dreamed up AI develop something useful like a robot that can sort and file my papers for me, dust the cobwebs, repair the dog scratches on my wood floor, clear the island of plastic out of the Pacific Ocean, or stop psychopaths from trying to take over the world – need I go on? Or maybe some “useless eaters” could do all those things.
The AI autofill function and Chat GPT that “helps you answer questions” or formulates documents from a bit of input from you, can be a useful tool or can be an implement to dumb down the ability to communicate coherently. Humans can be skillful, playful, insert double-meanings, and many other things that mark the craft of writing. (One reason actors are/should be behind the writers’ strike!) Written communication is an art form – I don’t want AI to figure out sentences for me or suggest how I should phrase something – I will do that for myself and I think that students should learn to craft their own sentences without input from AI. Although I trust Dr. Mercola and have followed him for years, I think he is a bit naive at times, and is lacking in spiritual discernment.
Check it out!
Artificial intelligence makes a mark in the handwritten card space
Wow. Be sincere and thoughtful by letting AI write a “handwritten” card for you. Complete with human-like errors in “penmanship” to make it look more “authentic “.
AI tries so hard to be human.
A really great talk. At least from the right hand side, Mercola always sounded a bit deluded to me. But still great exposure for James to Mercola’s audience.
That was a good conversation. I’m impressed by Dr. Mercola’s interpretation of the level of technological revolution which ChatGPT (and similar technology) is going to have; so much so that considering getting a ChatGPT subscription (in order to help me learn anatomy, or something – who knows).
You’re voice was sounding a little rough or ‘older’ in the interview/discussion, James. I guess you’re getting older like everyone else (including me), or maybe you’ve just been using your vocal chords overmuch as an occupational hazard. I was listening to James Fetzer earlier on a video from his site (All Things Reconsidered), and that guy is sounding great for being in his 80’s. But he won’t be around forever, and I guess neither will James, or me or the other Corbett Report subscribers. Maybe Elon Musk will be here for longer because he’ll have merged with the A.I. and will be pal’ing around with Noah Harari and Ray Kurzweil in the Metaverse. Sounds like fun…
Well, have fun on your UK trip, I suppose. Perhaps you will consider sharing a travelogue experience on your site for us Epsilon plebs who are unable to globetrot in the Brave New World Disorder…
James, thanks for this conversation with Dr. Mercola, who I also follow regularly. Just a comment about the crime-ridden “Democrat-controlled” urban centers that Dr. Mercola encouraged us to escape from:
I can only speak about my experience in New York City, where I have lived for over 45 years. Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, NYC was in bad shape–much of the Bronx looked like it had been bombed, and there was considerable street crime, even in neighborhoods that were intact. I lived through that, and then experienced the improvement in the city’s social environment that occurred in the 1990’s and 2000’s. The ’70’s and ’80’s were difficult in some ways, but there was still a vibrancy and life to the city that was compelling–I never considered moving away during that period.
What happened during the past few years has been very damaging to many aspects of NY City’s community life, what with the lockdowns, the closing of many small businesses, the degradation of the artistic community, etc. But Dr. Mercola’s description of a city where the rule of law has collapsed and everything is going to hell is an exaggeration. Indeed, I think this idea is pushed by TPTShouldn’tB to demoralize people and make it easier to control big city populations. Compared to the problems of the 1970’s and ’80’s, what is going on in NY City right now is nowhere near as bad. There is still a large community of people here who go about their lives and enjoy considerable prosperity and productivity.
We should not fall for the “if it bleeds it leads” local-news-type reports about what life is actually like in our large U.S. cities. We should not be planning to flee. There is a great deal that can be done to make life better and more productive right now, right here. We should get busy doing that, as well as deal with the problems that our misleaders have foisted upon us.
I have lived in a city in CA for much of my adult life and grew up in the 80s. In my observation (which is biased because every human is biased) it is much worse now. There is less opportunity, more wealth disparity and a decrease in diversity of ideas and people. And the drugs now, I’d say is worse than the crack epidemic. There is fentanyl everywhere and homeless camps and poop and used needles and random crazies that might hurt a person for no apparent reason. I don’t remember this situation when I was a kid. If it existed at least there were interesting things going on, creativity and opportunity.
I see the technocracy and self driving cars and the expanding police state with license plate readers and stuff like that and random acts of theft and robbery that I didn’t worry about before.
I haven’t lived in NY so can’t comment on it specifically. It’s a huge place, 8million people I think. But where I have lived is a shell of it’s former self, a rotting corpse. I don’t want to stay here with the surveillance state expanding and the weirdness. Everyone now is on their phone. It’s depressing. So I think there’s some truth to Mercola’s assessment of different cities. Maybe not in your community or part of NY but in the city I came from, he’s right about how it has declined in my perception.
But I’m glad to read an alternative opinion and perspective because I value diversity of ideas and perception.
I’m going to suggest you view that video , within your zen like available mind, as esoterical- ish. Referring to your previous essay on breathing life into the moron. i.e. Oxymoron.
He says we are physical people in a physical world with physical problems.
Ok but doesn’t this type person speak in an esoteric manner. Words don’t correspond to numerical talk. The formula,% Words>1 . Thanks to Poppy Crum’s technology we may have lost something .
He begins with ‘ we have lost something.
You will notice his first example of technology was creating a knife blade,Generally we think of knives as weapons against life. Cutting the fields,animals and other people.
Look than to Skara Brea. Now look around, amazing that a chicken looks nothing like a chicken nugget. The past repeats and technology mirrors our world around us. In his talk this is key.
You are on to something NSR.
Breath some life into these observations. We are not hearing what we see before us.
Cause you are really the manbearpig who pulls the curtain back on junk word thinking. All hail Dorothy!
P.S. in your very busy hamster wheel try to find time to play too. Signed, your cocklebur friend from a land of identity that sits squarely on top-a cocklebur Texas.
Very interesting perspective, that we have lost something with technology and that we are not hearing what we see before us. I will have to think about this.
I was a kid in the 80s so things were much less technical at that time and there were no cell phones and I did not have a PC until 2003 and I rarely used it. I really didn’t use the internet much until 2007. Most of my college was done without a computer. I think I may have even had a typewriter at one time. I remember going to the library and doing research using books to find information. It was a process. I would have to look up words in a dictionary and refer to books to check my grammar. My writing was much better at that time.
I carried large text books around even in 2007 before everything could be kept on a tablet.
There is something different between physical books and online material. I mean the amount of information that I can access now is incredible, much more at my fingertips now. Reading a real book and smelling the paper smell is so much different than online reading. When I read for pleasure, I must have a real book.
What is it that is missing I ask myself. Also, when there is a lack of nature in my surroundings, plants, animals, trees, flowers, mountains, lakes, streams, oceans I become depressed. Life would be dreadful and miserable to me without those natural creations.
I wonder what younger people would do if they had to live in a different time when there was less technology. I wounder what it would be like to live in the era my grandparents were from.
My grandma didn’t really like technology and did everything on paper and mostly in person transactions. She liked to go into the bank and talk to the people in the bank.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your insight.
What!? Oh my goodness child ! You are a much better writer than you ever were in University.
I meant for you to not miss the Poppy Crum esoteric statement. We now, are not seeing what we hear, nowerdays, rampant cognitive dissidence
You write very well, how. You write and we are hearing what you are thinking. Mostly with all the capabilities we possess. Honesty,empathy and caring.
You will make a believable witness . Like Murry-Smith in the video I’m an expert witness when it comes to a number. But you would sway the jury with a feeling.
Maybe that is what is lost or being replaced is our humanity. The Irrational,unpredictable oui.
We the people, no room in this concept for machine. And that is what they are up to.
Awe thank you for saying that. My intellect was sharper a few decades ago, especially with more complex mathematics and precise use of language, but I did lack an appreciation for higher consciousness and sought to understand the world with materialistic concepts. But, I was missing something I did not yet understand. My mind was more of a calculator and I had not developed my creativity until later.
I am glad I never went to medical school because I am not sure I would have been able to break out of the paradigm of reduction and mental confinement.
I find that you share interesting ideas and perspectives that I had not been able to express with words that are unique and challenge my mind to think in different ways. Perhaps humanity was more creative in the past? Yes, we are sacrificing our humanity.