Meet The REAL Disinformation Dozen

by | Jul 25, 2021 | Newsletter | 125 comments

Have you heard of “The Disinformation Dozen” yet? They’re the twelve people who, according to the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), “are responsible for almost two-thirds of anti-vaccine content circulating on social media platforms.”

You see, you might think that it is well-documented research about the known short-term effects and unknown long-term effects of the unapproved gene therapy injections that are making people hesitant about sticking the COVID “vaccines” in their arms. But you’d be wrong.

According to the CCDH’s super-serious and rigorously researched report on the subject, it is in fact this small group of dedicated disinformationists who have single-handedly warped the minds of millions of poor, innocent social media users. These loathsome liars and avid anti-science activists are, the CCDH informs us, the true source of the public’s misgivings about the jab.

This week in The Corbett Report Subscriber editorial, James proffers his own version of the “Disinformation Dozen,” a list of twelve people whose lies about the COVID scamdemic are leading us directly into a worldwide biosecurity dictatorship and are intimidating billions of people into accepting experimental gene therapy. Intrigued? Then you won’t want to miss this week’s editorial. Subscribe today to access the full newsletter, or, alternatively, read the editorial for free at the link below.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 19 (July 25, 2021)
by James Corbett
July 24, 2021

Have you heard of “The Disinformation Dozen” yet? They’re the twelve people who, according to the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), “are responsible for almost two-thirds of anti-vaccine content circulating on social media platforms.”

You see, you might think that it is well-documented research about the known short-term effects and unknown long-term effects of the unapproved gene therapy injections that are making people hesitant about sticking the COVID “vaccines” in their arms. But you’d be wrong.

According to the CCDH’s super-serious and rigorously researched report on the subject, it is in fact this small group of dedicated disinformationists who have single-handedly warped the minds of millions of poor, innocent social media users. These loathsome liars and avid anti-science activists are, the CCDH informs us, the true source of the public’s misgivings about the jab.

Don’t trust your lying eyes! Believe our good old friends at the mysterious CCDH—who, in the “About” section of their website, studiously avoid the question of where they get their own funding—when they tell you that it’s this handful of cranks and charlatans who are creating hordes of tinfoil anti-vaxxers with their cunningly crafted tweets and their perfectly persuasive Instagram posts.

So, who are these online gurus, exactly? Who are the social media Svengalis leading the online hordes off of the digital cliffs? Who should we as a society be living in mortal fear of? Why, THESE people, of course!

Are you scared yet? No? Well, how about if we distort the image so they look a little more unhinged?

How about now? Are you suitably terrified?

Yeah, I thought not. Because this is transparent nonsense, of course. It’s a garbage report written by an “advocacy” group whose sole purpose is to eliminate “wrongthink” from the internet, and it should not be taken seriously. Sadly, though, as you’ll see in the conclusion to this article, there are people taking it seriously. At the very least, the report is serving its intended purpose of making it seem like there’s some sort of grassroots support behind a campaign for mass government censorship online.

But if they can do it, so can we!

It is in that tit-for-tat spirit that I offer today my own “Disinformation Dozen” list of the twelve people and organizations who have done the most to spread real disinformation and panic among the public over the past eighteen months.


As Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has arguably done more than anyone to lay the groundwork of the biosecurity narrative. Like his predecessor, Margaret Chan—who presided over the swine flu and ebola and zika test runs of the scamdemic—Tedros has been the front man for the entire COVID-1984 agenda. It was the WHO that first proposed social distancing as the answer to the generated crisis, and it was Tedros himself who told countries that the constant (false positive-generating) testing of everyone was a necessary public health measure in the New Normal (at the behest of his Gates Foundation paymasters, no doubt). And let’s not forget that it was the WHO that mainstreamed the idea of an “infodemic” of “dangerous online misinformation” that needs to be censored in its February 2020 situation report on the topic, nor that it was Tedros himself who drilled the “infodemic” propaganda home at a press conference that same month.


Neil Ferguson may not be the face of the scamdemic or the most famous of the COVID disinformationists, but his provably faulty information has doubtlessly done more to move us into the era of medical martial law than any other single piece of misinformation. Ferguson, as you should know by now, is the man behind the Imperial College model that predicted a tidal wave of deaths in the US and the UK, a projection that provided the fig leaf for politicians in both countries (and, in turn, would-be dictators in other countries) to lock down their populations in the name of “public health.” He was also the man behind a number of similarly over-the-top mortality projections in previous public health scares, including wildly fault death forecasts for the 2005 bird flu scare and the 2009 swine flu scamdemic test run. So how does someone who consistently gets it so wrong become entrusted with constructing yet another faulty model for yet another public health scare? Hint: The Gates Foundation has 79 million reasons why. Ferguson was eventually tangled up in his own lies when he was caught cavorting with his mistress in direct contravention of the anti-social distancing rules that he had been so forcefully advocating for us peasants. But for some reason, despite making a big show of resigning in apparent disgrace for his actions, he is still advising the UK government on their scamdemic response.


Of course, all of the major social media companies are culpable in spreading misinformation about the scamdemic online, but YouTube deserves special mention for reasons that should be obvious. By promoting only “authoritative content” from “reliable sources” in the dinosaur mainstream media and by burying information from anyone who is not in step with the Great Reset agenda, YouTube has steered hundreds of millions of people around the globe away from the truth about any number of topics in the last several years. But, as we have all seen, that practice of “hiding” information from users has taken the turn into outright censorship over the past 18 months, with video after video and channel after channel being sent down the digital memory hole for daring to tell the truth about the scamdemic. Anyone who still uses this platform to learn the latest news about COVID-1984 (or anything else of political importance) is being actively misinformed on a daily basis and should be considered a dangerous NPC zombie.


If you (like me) do not watch CNN, you may not be familiar with Dr. Leana Wen. If that’s the case, consider yourself lucky. Your CNN-watching friends (should you have any) will doubtless recognize her as the “expert” that the lying liars at CNN turn to every time they need her to give the establishment position on the COVID-19 gene therapy injections masquerading as “vaccines.” You might remember her from my “Science Says” podcast, where she was arguing that the opening up of society should not take place without certain strings attached. Specifically, she opined that it is important for the government to make it clear that “the vaccine is the ticket back to pre-pandemic life” because “we have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status.” This is more or less the message that she (along with her CNN-hosted disinfo pals) is still pushing on CNN every single day. In a sense, you could argue that she’s being quite truthful when she acknowledges that this is about increasing uptake of the “vaccine” and not about protecting the public health. Nevertheless, Dr. Wen deserves to be recognized as a disinformationist of concern for her tireless efforts to push the vaccine passport agenda.


It’s a no-brainer that the bought-and-paid-for mouthpiece of the White House is going to be one of the biggest purveyors of scamdemic disinfo, but it’s still worth making special note of White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s role in misinforming hundreds of millions of people. In her regular press briefings she reiterates debunked information from the CDC and other public health bodies that are more interested in getting needles in arms and covering up for vaccine manufacturers than they are in protecting the health of the public. Case in point: Psaki brags in her latest press briefing that—given how the pre-Biden (fake and made up) polls indicated that less than 40% of the population was willing to take the vaccine, whereas (they claim) 68% of Americans have taken a shot—”we’ve been able to influence a whole lot of people to change their minds.” Unfortunately, that’s probably true, and that’s why Psaki (and, by extension, all of the other spokespeople for all the other Great Reset agenda-following administrations in countries around the world) deserves to be dishonoured as part of the Disinformation Dozen.


I suppose I could elaborate on the multiple ways that “Mr. Scamdemic” himself, Bill Gates, is responsible for propagating misinformation about COVID-1984 to the general public, but if you don’t know about that yet, I have a two-hour documentary you should watch.


Remember when declared that the COVID scamdemic was not presaged by Event 201 because that exercise “dealt with a hypothetical scenario involving a fictional virus”? Remember when Reuters attempted to “fact check” the “conspiracy theories” about Bill Gates by debunking the straw man that “Bill Gates is planning to use microchip implants to fight the coronavirus”? Remember when Vox stealth-edited and PolitiFact “updated” their “fact checks” about the COVID lab origin hypothesis? Remember all the other times over the past 18 months that these self-appointed gatekeepers of truth have attempted to gaslight the public about various aspects of this generated crisis? Pepperidge Farm remembers. And so does the REAL Disinformation Dozen list.


The Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours (aka SPI-B) is not exactly a household name, but it should be. SPI-B is a shadowy group hiding in the bowels of the UK’s bureaucracy that, according to the UK government, is “a subgroup of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), which is chaired by the Government Chief Scientific Adviser (GCSA).” It’s tasked with providing the government with strategies for manipulating the public into behaving the way the politicians want them to. If that sounds perfectly Orwellian, you’re not wrong. In fact, members of the group have recently come out to express their “regret” at their unethical actions, including deliberately ramping up fear in order to scare the public into submission and acceptance of the New Normal. It’s a fascinating story, and that story is available in both short and long forms. Whatever way you slice it, SPI-B has been one of the most egregious purveyors of disinformation in Britain during the scamdemic.


To be fair, this spot on the list could easily have been given to any number of public health officials in provincial backwaters who have used their first taste of power and prestige in their miserable careers to instantly become would-be dictators. I’m sure everyone reading these words could tell a story or two about their own local health official. But let’s acknowledge Kerry Chant, the chief health officer of New South Wales, Australia, for her absolutely outrageous pronouncement this week. Oh, didn’t you hear? In addition to telling people to stay home and anti-social distance and do all the other usual rigamarole, Kerry Chant is now lecturing Australians that they should NOT EVEN TALK TO THEIR FRIENDS if they happen to bump into each other during their “essential” travels. Yes, the government is kindly allowing the plebs out every once in a while for “essential” work or to buy “essential” goods, but don’t you dare speak to your friend during that trip to the store, you prisoner! That’s how the cooties spread! And the truly unbelievable part about all of this is that many Australians are cheering these measures on. Truly, the disinformationists are warping the minds of the public, and Chant’s remarks are as good a sign of that as any.


Given his condition, it may be unfair to include Biden in a list of disinformation agents. But just because the Script-Reader-in-Chief doesn’t understand the script that he’s reading doesn’t mean that he isn’t spreading disinformation to the masses. Case in point: During his train wreck of a town hall meeting last week, Biden asserted that “you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” This is, of course, in direct contradiction to what every health body in the world currently holds to be true—including Biden’s own CDC—and it disrupts the new propaganda push about “breakthrough cases” that will naturally be used to convince the public to accept yearly booster shots for the foreseeable future. So, will GooTube be censoring the White House channel for contradicting public health body guidance and spreading dangerous information during a deadly scamdemic? Don’t hold your breath.


We all remember Matt Hancock, the now-disgraced former British Health Secretary who cried (?) tears (?) of joy (?) over the sight of William Shakespeare being jabbed last year. (Oh, and in case you’re keeping track at home, William Shakespeare died shortly thereafter of an “unrelated illness,” which is precisely how that death would not have been reported had he died before receiving the gene therapy injection). You may have also heard about the string of scandals that Hancock was involved in before his fall from grace, a bunch of mostly nothingburgers hyped by the MSM, which only served to reinforce the main narrative that COVID-19 is a terrifying pandemic contagion and that we should have all locked down harder and longer and worn even more masks. More to the point, you might have noticed that the affair that caused Hancock’s ultimate downfall was the result of the same “rules for thee, not for me” mindset that seems to afflict many of the Disinformation Dozen (see, for example, Neil Ferguson’s similar scandal from last year). Don’t let those scandals distract you from the main point: The person who was hectoring and lecturing the public to stay home and social distance did not himself break those very rules out of a momentary lapse of judgement. He broke them because he knows they’re BS. He told you with his actions that social distancing is a trick that the political class have been playing on the population. For this, as well as having perpetuated all the scamdemic myths, Hancock has earned his place in the Disinformation Dozen.


Naturally no list of COVID disinformationists would be complete without the Don of Disinfo himself, Anthony “Fuhgeddaboutit” Fauci. You’ll recall that Fauci was dishonoured with the Dino of Shame at this year’s Fake News Awards for peddling the Fakest News of 2020. It’s not just the fake news he passed along about the IFR rate (which was a key factor in ramping up the scamdemic in the first place). It’s not just his flip-flopping from no-masking to masking to double-masking. It’s not just his documentable lies regarding gain-of-function research or his attempt to deny his previous statements about it. It’s the fact that he’s achieved sainthood in the new religion of scientism, his every pronouncement unquestioningly touted by his devotees (regardless of how blatantly it contradicts his previous pronouncement). He has become for many millions of people the voice of authority in the scamdemic era, and he has used that role to push all of the worst aspects of the biosecurity state, from lockdowns and anti-social distancing to the fraudulent PCR test and, of course, the injections. There’s no telling how much damage this serial misinformer/disinformer has done during this generated crisis.


This is all a bit of fun, isn’t it? Making up “Wanted” posters and describing the misinformation that the purveyors of the official COVID-1984 narrative have spread in the past 18 months.

Sadly, no, this is not a game. At least, not for the CCDH, which, in addition to writing their nonsense reports on online “disinformation” are also busily lobbying to censor those voices with whom they disagree with. Their website lists another dozen censorship campaigns (disguised as “anti-misinformation” campaigns) that they are currently engaged in, and they even brag about their success in getting David Icke deplatformed from all of the main social media sites last year.

And any guess whose report Amy Klobuchar is citing in her latest push to pass a bill that will “hold platforms accountable for misinformation during health crises”? Why, the CCDH’s Disinformation Dozen report, of course.

This is not a game. There are many overlapping agendas that are playing out in this scamdemic, but make no mistake: one agenda item for the globalists is the elimination of the online alternative media outlets that have been opposing their efforts for decades now.

To be absolutely crystal clear: I am NOT calling for the REAL Disinformation Dozen to be censored in any way. In fact, I want them to be given a platform to speak, because I genuinely believe that it is only in the free exchange of ideas and information (even misinformation) among free peoples that we can possibly hope to discover the truth. I am also not stupid enough to think that if I (or anyone I associate with) somehow magically found themselves in the position of being able to wield the power of censorship, that that power would never be wielded against me in the future.

No, censorship is not the answer. Exactly the opposite. Censorship is the hallmark of tyrants. So when you see these “Disinformation Dozen” lists come out of nowhere from shadowy groups and get bandied about as a basis for deplatforming people online, you should know exactly what kind of enemy you’re up against.

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Science Believers Posting Ls

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    • I know plenty of relatives and colleagues who have passed from the virus. Whether you want to blame the virus or the symptoms, these people would not have died were it not for COVID. I don’t like the propaganda and I certainly don’t like the mainstream media, but the cases are real. And it truly feels disrespectful to minimize the deaths of real loved ones as just manipulated statistics or attribute to such things as dumb luck.

      • How do you know the cases are real? Because of the “positive tests”? While we are at it, what is a “case” anyway?

        It is not us who are playing sick games with people’s deaths. It is not us who are instituting insane policies, justified with corpses of people who were once someone’s grandparents, parents, sisters and brothers.

        • Exactly, it’s this assumption that there is a virus running rampant all over the world that keeps us from getting to the bottom of this. Maybe there is a pathogen, but then why all the fake numbers to create a pandemic. What is the pathogen and where did it come from and why was the “ground prepared” for the event in advance, including lowering the standards so they could call it a pandemic.

          • If there is indeed something new, why are the do-gooders not looking for it, instead of just painting over everything with a broad covid brush?

            This is the insane age hypocrisy and people have to really contort their minds to make these fecal matters not stink.

            Used to feel sattisfaction, accomplishment even, when I would manage to make a hardy believer admit that they “can’t see the point” being made, when the argument was so obvious that they either had to accept it or stick their heads even deeper up their rear end.

            How foolish that was of me. These sad, pathetic people, not to be considered even human, would rather die and kill than admit they were wrong all along.

            • Go to any military cemetary, ponder the white slabs that represent a life of someone who killed/was killed for nothing, an illusion. Then think of the survivors who return completely changed, unable to function, unable to live with what they have done, unable to explain to a society that still supports the initiation of violence, threats, fraud. Their experience tells them society is wrong to believe in war, but saying so alienates them, gets them shunned. Maybe they went to war not believing, but not able to stand up to society, wanting to be accepted, to be valued, and willing to die for that acceptance. Coming home, they get it, but it’s not a comfort, it feels wrong to be celebrated for killing, destroying. They took a chance on dying to be accepted, got it, and it is not helping them feel good about themselves. They may even start to think death would be better, that it would have been better to die in war.

              • Those are not cemetaries but ritualistic killing fields.

                Luckily, many of destroyed minds of people who managed to come back will find solace in law enforcement, where they can treat the locals as the enemy that they are.

                Not only securing themselves in a prison, but everyone else as well, that is the ultimate prize.

                The deeper they sink into the decrepit states of consciousness the harder is to pull back.

      • I would also like to have some elaboration Paul.
        I am very sensitive to the pain of losing loved ones and never want to make someone feel worse. But getting the facts and details of the situation and circumstances that lead to those deaths is crucial in gaining any sense of what is really going on.

        Since this whole thing started, at least half a dozen people have told me that they have lost loved ones or know others who have. They never have expressed any doubt that Covid was the culprit. They had been told that it was.
        Upon further questioning, in every case, the deceased was either very aged or had other severe comorbidities..

        • Steve Smith , This has been verbatim, my experience as well.
          It’s such a sick trick – these friends & family members (some of MY family), say they were TOLD their loved one had the disease and they DIED.
          And that’s just it.
          It’s too insensitive to ask…how did that actually happen?

          – When this one person (who is now dead) followed CDC guidelines to the letter, but still died?
          – When that high risk person (who is now dead) took every precaution including self-isolating, masking, & distancing and had NO contact with anyone else NOT following such measures, still died?
          – When this person (who is now dead) had worked in the chemical manufacturing industry most of his life, was immunocompromised AND had gotten fully vaccinated, but still died?
          – When this person (who is now dead) ‘tested’ positive with early symptoms and was explicitly told by doctors their was nothing they could do and to self-quarantine at home, and given NO early treatment medications, or even advice for self care through nutrition, sun, vitamins, no just the opposite – just sent home to get sicker in the dark, until he’s sick enough to return to get put on a “vent” and then died?

          How in the world is it, that I’m considered insensitive if I dare ask my cousin, my friend, my mother, my other friend, too much about the details surrounding those deaths that they were TOLD is the thing which lead to the untimely death of their colleague, their father, their friend, their parent??!?!?? Why aren’t THEY asking these questions instead of insinuating that I’M the one insensitive?
          I’m MAD if they died FROM following those early guidelines,
          I’m MAD if they died FROM living in shadowy fear for a year,
          I’m MAD if they died FROM complications from the ‘vaxx’ itself,
          I’m MAD if they died FROM the combination with the preexisting conditions coupled with the MOST restricted access to the MOST basic MEDS, restricted access to the MOST basic health information in the area of vitamins and restricted access to knowledge of any way to maximize health at home care and restricted access to knowledge of how incredibly dangerous those ventilators really are, and how low one’s chances of surviving are, once it’s reach that point!
          I’m mad about that. Why aren’t they as mad as I am – why aren’t THEY trying to find out FOR SURE that it WASN’T all those things that contributed to, or even CAUSED these people’s deaths? THEIR loved one’s DEATHS?

          NO. ‘This person I loved died. He had COVID and died.’
          & That’s ALL they focus on.
          It’s heartbreaking and it’s a sick trick, which should make everybody GET mad.
          (& if they can’t bring themselves to accept that it’s acceptable to question authorities, test results, and/or death certificate codes – even with all the other facts surrounding their loved ones deaths, perhaps they’ve already GONE mad).

          • I remember reading a book when I was a kid about a fellow who felt that his dreams were more real than real life. I am starting to relate. I feel like I’m living in a comic book.

            This morning as I was helping cast off a customer’s boat I remarked on how the CDC has declared that the PCR test can’t differentiate between the flu and “Covid” and how they are going to stop using it to determine cases.
            ON DECEMBER 31!!
            Until then they will apparently keep using a test that they admit doesn’t work.

            And how do you suppose these two middle aged fellows reacted to this news?
            One shook his head sadly at the injustice of it all and then said that, “nevertheless he personally knows two people who have died from Covid”. The other guy one upped him and declared that he knew of a half dozen people from his company that have died…from Covid.


            • In such scenarios, whichever number was produced I just double it and declare that’s how many people I know who enjoy life far too much to stoop down to insane measures, just so they could cling on to the false promise that whatever is left of their life could maybe possibly be extended, some day in foggy future, possibly and very probably never.

            • Wow. That’s Maddening (if not angry, then completely insane).

          • Well said. People get mad at others and say they are insensitive. Yet they remain silent when the governments use the dead for there own agendas. Follow the money and you will see who the insensitive people are.

        • I read that on Lew Rockwell this morning and later told someone about it. When I went to verify the numbers I saw that it had been removed.

      • I am sorry for your loss. I know people did die this year from a respiratory illness that affected a few people without co morbid illnesses. However there was no trustworthy analysis by mainstream scientists to analyze this illness compared to bad flu seasons of the past that has also killed healthy people including children. Yet there was no lockdown in the past nor any media campaign like we have seen. That is very suspicious.

        Also there was no effort to treat people with HCQ or Ivermectin or other potentially lifesaving therapies when people got sick. Unfortunately people die every year from diseases and it’s tragic. But the lockdowns and experimental drugs being pushed are also killing people. People have a right to live their lives irrespective of diseases. I don’t know anyone personally who died of Covid who was in perfect health. I have no doubt there were people who died but the overwhelming majority were elderly or people with other diseases like diabetes and cancer and obesity. My dear friend took their own life due to the lockdown. I also have treated more suicide attempts this year than any other year in my career as a health care provider.

        The lockdown is pure evil and it has done nothing to prevent Covid but rather has prolonged it.

        • That was a very well expressed comment imnsho.

      • In my perspective, any deaths attributed to Covid were actually caused by the Government, Media and Authorities.
        Authorities are responsible for the death toll.
        Not Covid.

        Everyone knows that early treatment of any health issue is important.
        And everyone knows that it is important to have open information about treatment options.

        FACT CHECK by the Press and NIH (National Institute of Health)
        advises no early treatment…just wait until you get in serious trouble, then go to the hospital.

        See this 2020
        What are the treatment options for COVID-19? by the Associated Press FACT CHECK. …and NIH

        • You do have to account, you see, for their reeking conflict of interest, because dead people don’t talk and will gladly take part in their insane rituals of sacrifice and are therefore prime material for statistical chicanery.

      • There’s always someone on the internet who “knows lots of people who died from covid”….. weird how they only exist online and I haven’t met a single one over 18 months in real life.

        Lots of people died from the flu before 2020, yet there was no guilt trips based on fear of a respiratory illness doled out to people who wanted the freedom to choose how they live their own life.

    • Yes. People getting sick does NOT equal a new virus. That is very poor scientific and logical reasoning. Also, people dying does NOT equal a new virus. That’s not how this works. We’ve been documenting the non-existence of Sars-Cov-2 for ages now, but many are blinded by their emotions.

  1. We all look at this place and that and say “how can they be so stupid?” and yet, it’s all around us in varying degrees. Which gives this the stench of another kind of test run, to see the most effective means of truly enslaving and imprisoning the public. The dutiful Australians under the “leadership” of Kerry (can I buy a “u” and sell an “ha”) Chant are literally being the future they are made to believe they want. Think “be the change” you want to see… and how that appealed to everyone. Well, now we have varying degrees of lockdown, of control, of societal destruction. And still, when someone “tests positive” for the virus, I ask “what virus? Have they isolated it? They have not, or at least not outside of a lab where it was likely created, And using what test? The PCR test whose Nobel Prize-winning Laureate, not that that means anything anymore, was clear it can never be used to diagnose? Who also had a lot to say about the fraudulent Fauci?” I never miss a beat or leave out either key detail. Because ultimately we don’t know so giving in to any recommendation seems risky at best. That’s what all the propaganda is for, but again, I think this is all about something much bigger. If they have a contaminant (what’s in all those chem-trails?) or a pathogen they can release that will appear to spread organically, they don’t have to have a real wide-spread event, just spread it as far as they can and use propaganda to do the rest. Fake numbers from a test that’s not a test testing for who knows what, and now you have a pandemic. It’s the end of human viability. What kind of person thinks that way? What do they know that we don’t? Why accept billionaires at all? Isn’t the control all about the coming complete division between the have slaves and being a slave? Isn’t it already the cage we find ourselves in? Is it too late to get out before the gate is shut?

    • I don’t think it’s too late. People need to boycott all the places that require a vaccine passport. My husband turned on the radio for a minute and some stupid talking head was talking about restaurants requiring this and saying going out to restaurants are a “privilege “. I was furious. Then I heard them interview with an employer who said they don’t want to stir the pot too much because they can’t find employees.

      The smaller companies still need our business and our work and they don’t want to lose everything. People need to stop complying now.

      I stated looking at the Bolshevik “revolution “ and what happened there and how they starved people. It was sickening and if we go along with this it can happen anywhere.

      I would rather die than live as a slave and go out fighting by any means necessary if me or my family is put in that position. And this is why these sick monsters want to disarm us in the US. People must be ready if the time comes to fight. But before it comes to that we have a window of opportunity to say no and stop complying right now. And also reaching out to the people protesting and forming alliances now.

      • It’s the forming of alliances that has become problematic. You never know who someone is in person, whereas on line, we know we are more thoughtful, generally, for being here on this site. We read comments, opt to reply or not. It is easier to form these alliances on line, but that is somewhat meaningless in the information control grid. That is how we are sidelined.

        I completely agree with you. I have zero interest in giving in. Parents who are elderly now want me to move to their city, which is a fine idea, but I really don’t want to. They assured me it would give me options to find other work if I wanted to, but then thought of getting the jab or wearing a mask and really not interested in that.

        Small businesses. Small shops. Maybe that’s the thing. Maybe that’s the point of ignition for a physical community.

        Who wants to open a breakfast and coffee shop with me where we feed real information and good food and coffee to our locals who want community? That’s what I would really like to do. Just not alone. And boy oh boy am I alone….

        OH, but then you are meeting in public openly when no one else is? Doesn’t that also make us easy targets?

        Are we starting to see the complete control grid? This is what has to be addressed in its entirety. Made public

        • I think meeting in person is better, or forming alliances with other people in other countries is necessary and that online interactions also makes us targets.

          If the internet goes down, who will we be able to communicate with one another?

            • “ NO morse code required any more”

              Not that I am crazy about any sort of government regulations, but I have to ask. Do you think that is a good thing?
              Seems to me that it is another example of the modern world’s dumb down effect.

              Not too long ago, if you wanted to sail across oceans or make any long passages out of sight of land, you would have to master celestial navigation.
              Nowadays anyone with a hundred bucks can navigate anywhere. At least until someone flips a switch.

              I’m just saying. If you’re in a situation where you are forced to resort to ham radio to communicate., (and I’m not saying that isn’t around the corner), you might be well advised to learn Morse code too.

              • Steve Smith
                “.. I have to ask. Do you think that is a good thing?
                Seems to me that it is another example of the modern world’s dumb down effect..”

                TRUE… not gonna argue because you are correct… but if a non-tech person of similar interest to us can use it to get a communications thing going I’ll take it.

                Its kinda like Linux…. it got simple enough that I could use it…which means that pretty soon after me the UTTER non-techies arrived to stink the place up.

                Now I think of it, the internet used to be better back at the sweat spot when it was easy to get online but 90% of people thought it was super complex…lol, about 2000 to 2010?

        • factchecker: It won’t make much sense to base a business model on “Truth,”

          do you invite him/her to a nihilistic dead end? The wayned element that sings past all doubt is the spreading of knowledge in a face to face grass roots way. its the same way that mindkontrol is reinforced, by having enough people discussing a fictitious narrative that it gives the many, with frail confidence in their capacity to question, a sense of herd immunity, thereby inverting meaning. blackmagic 101.

          We’ve now seen that top down information-spreading (which has been the predominant paradigm for the dominator cultures throughout recorded history) is hopelessly corruptible and very difficult to displace. How does one demolish a pyramid? At a minimum one must leave the structure; an antidote could be a truther cafe, or at least encouraging people to be as present and lucid and locally connected as possible. The remedy will be shared from mind to mind, and will be unsellable.

          Wayned, I suggest a sign over the entry “choose truth beauty health happiness and light”

          • and, there IS a local coffee shop that knows the law, and has turned police away 5 times because they are trying to enforce mask wearing, yet there are loop holes.

            another cafe wasn’t so well informed and copped a $5000 fine for one un-masked worker. The good news is that the courts have been throwing fines out.

            “kill most and psychologically break/own the leftovers.” it said from the parapet of its sand castle. The tide is rising.

          • Actually, I always wanted a sign that says “This place is for you.” I still think it’s what i want to do. I had thought about a bar, but think a breakfast/lunch place would work in the right location. I want people to feel stimulated by the truth again, not disdainful of it.

        • “There was always risk involved in business, but that risk has been virtually replaced by certain doom.”

          Not everywhere. Not yet.

          Unless by “virtually”, you mean hypothetically.

          • Indeed, there is no certainty of doom (yet). If we sit on our butts there could be doom but not yet, not here in the US and not in other places either.

            I was actually kind of happy when I heard the news the other day, a business being interviewed about “vaccine” passports or mandating a vaccine and the person said it’s hard to get people to work at all.

            And then I thought back to a post FC posted about how they don’t need our purchasing power, and I’m sure the ultra rich don’t, but the small and medium companies do. Those are the ones that will feel the pressure with the boycotts and telling them no to a vaccine. My employer can barely hire people at all, they aren’t going to mandate a vaccine, not now anyway. People don’t want to be on UBI for ever. People just need to stand up for themselves and say no and stop supporting the nasty companies who are trying to roll out this slavery grid. We aren’t in a gulag yet and we don’t want to get to that point.

        • That is so cool!
          Thanks for that ANECDOTE lorijh.

        • You are not alone. Many people see and realize what is going on. They choose to remain silent for their own reasons. Fear can be very paralyzing for many. Yet they struggle on. That is the beauty of the human condition.

        • To Fact Checker – Regarding opening a business during this troubled times, a recent interview on Cabin Talk with David Edwards explaining Private Membership Associations may be helpful –

          Here is the PMA web site –

          Good luck.

        • Regarding the PMA, I found a much better exposition of that strategy and others at singletonpress –

          He must be a lawyer, perhaps a tax attorney. He introduces himself as John Jay and talks not only about PMAs but quite a few other strategies for dealing with state and federal regulatory agencies intent on driving private business owners, and anyone else in their bureaucratic sights – insane. I found him to be articulate, well organized, informative, and easy to listen to. He mentions Tony Roman, owner of an Italian restaurant in Huntington Beach, California, who has received quite a bit of attention defying orders to close down. He didn’t have a PMA. Also lacked one of the key ingredients the Feds use as a means of control. Fear.

          About 40 years ago when I lived in France, a friend of mine, a teacher, got together with other colleagues to start a restaurant. They each bought shares. The object was never to make money but have fun. They had a built in clientele: faculty and students. It turned out to be extremely successful because there were enough people who knew what they were doing.

          Very few restaurants are successful. But I remember one co-operative venture which included a small farm where all the produce for the restaurant was grown. They did quite well. The best strategy, I feel, for getting through these times is finding enough people who share the same ideals, and sticking together. I think you’re wrong to summerly dismiss the PMA path. That said, I’m sure there are those who have used it to take advantage of the more gullible.

          However, finding others who have not become “pod people”…not easy. I am the only one among family and friends who has not been taken over. It’s just me and the gekkos. None of them wear masks or social distance. In spite of what David Icke says – there are friendly reptilians.

      • I recently got back onto Facebook and I’m seeing a large portion of my friends list drink the kool-aide. Just today I had a friend post “open up the borders for the vaccinated! I’ve got concerts I want to go to!”.

        I don’t want to seem pessimistic, but I think things are going to get a lot tougher for those of us who resist in the not so distant future, unfortunately.

  2. Regarding the section on YouTube, I thought I would add this to the documentation. Several years ago, Eric Schmidt said that Google’s search engine should only return one “correct” answer. If it does not, he says that’s a “bug”.

    (Queued video)
    It’s Official: This Is Straight out of Orwell’s 1984…
    Truthstream Media, Aug 10, 2017

    • scpat, Yes – that’s so informative. Add to it, Truthstream Media’s more recent piece, “The Purpose of Disruption” (cued at 11:51) where it gets really chilling (keeping in mind the earlier piece), when NY Gov Andrew Cuomo bring up Eric Schmitt’s head on his smart phone calling him “the best mind in this country, if not in this.. on the globe.”
      (Maybe Cuomo hasn’t met many people, at least, I HOPE he hasn’t, if he thinks WE will think Eric Schmitt has the best mind of US all).

      • Right. When a psychopath is praising someone like that, a big red flag goes up. Just like when Bill Clinton called Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus a “rockstar” prior to Covid. And Ghebreyesus’s character has played out just like one would expect it to, given Clinton’s description of him.

  3. I was reminded of something by James’ statement that, “Truly, the disinformationists are warping the minds of the public, and Chant’s remarks are as good a sign of that as any.”

    As seen in the frightening video below, the new Israel PM is doing what all dictators throughout history have done to their enemies—demonize them. Just like Hitler pointed to the Jews as the problem, the Israel PM is pointing to the unvaccinated as the problem. “Those who refuse vaccines are endangering their health, those around them, and the freedom of every Israeli citizen.” If history is any guide, the next step is to turn the masses against this “threat” and eliminate them.

    • Siccing one part of the people onto the other is an age old ploy and for a good reason – it worked marvelously since the time immemorial. You only ever need to sell it to a part of the public and they’ll make everyone live through it.

    • After watching that, I have no words.

  4. Hi James,


    The CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate is Imran Ahmed. 5 years ago, as publicity agent for UK MP Angela Eagle, he was actively involved in targeting then Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn MP for removal, a man whom the UK establishment and media later forced from his post under a welter of fake ‘antisemitism’ allegations.

    Iran Ahmed’s earlier, failed attempt to dethrone Corbyn began in July 2016 when Angela Eagle announced a bid for the leadership. To get her off to an auspicious start, Ahmed invented a story about a “brick” being hurled through her constituency office window. On the morning of 12th July the news broke and Eagle’s press connections ensured that at least 12 national newspapers dispatched hacks to the location in Wallasey, Merseyside, UK. I live a mile away and smelled a rat immediately. On arrival, I found the broken window shed light onto a communal stairwell, not a constituency office. Ahmed is a fully practised liar and his lies remain in the newspapers to this day, despite my complaint to the newspaper regulator who found the press articles to be ‘factual’. I challenged Ahmed on Twitter and was later banned and had my account deleted after ‘somebody anonymous’ reported me for breaching guidelines.

    Ahmed story here:

  5. Another example of degeneration of science.
    American Physics Society (APS) asked Sabine Hossenfelder to write an opinion piece about state of physics that later wasn’t published because it was deemed to critical.

    Can Physics Be Too Speculative? An Honest Opinion.(10min)

  6. So saying anything countering the injection narrative is now ‘hate speech’?!

    And of course they don’t offer any explanation to support that leap. Just because they said so. Only the profoundly stupid can believe the narrative at this point. Amazing how many of them there are.

  7. Concerning what’s happening in NSW, Australia, the condemnation of the thousands of people who protested on the weekend against lockdowns and other totalitarian measures by politicians and the media is being trumped by the fact that the police got more than 5,500 tip-offs to identify participants of the protest. What does that remind me of, hmm, ah yes, a book I read years ago called “Stasiland” by (Australian) author Anna Funder. Some people learn from history, others use it as an instruction manual and that, with the sophisticated surveillance technology available now, takes it to a new and frightening level.

    • my guess is that the “5500 daubers” are what the bad cop police (there are good cops in the mix) wish they had, and are encouraging fence sitting daubs by faking that number to make it seem “normal”. It is extremely un-Australian to turn someone in. More likely they have a real time tracking record of every phone’s position to within a meter. So as it said in the supermarket headlines yesterday, “500 already arrested and another 3500 will be,,”, they had the list without one dauber. Now all thats needed is to process the paper.

  8. The people who really discredit the vaccine are those selfish drama queens that took the vaccine and died from minor complications such as blood clots just to seek attention.

    Has anyone seen a pro-vaccine ghost recently?

    No, Didn’t think so…too selfish to come back from the dead and promote the vaccines.

    • au contraire, hungry ghosts is exactly what they are, but they cant come back because they’ve never known how to leave; also described as memory demons, having a last ditch attempt, the sort that are passed down over many generations, accumulating power until they guide or inspire murder, of another or many or oneself. for the paperwork on this try reading Hamlet.

  9. Fact Checker:

    Just glancing through your link one can see it’s quite an extensive “expose” of Martin.

    And if the photo of him way at the bottom of the pdf isn’t a fake, that is, if the tattoo on his left upper arm is for real, then that is an eye opener, for sure, even aside from his potpourri of global corporate affiliations. Yes, something about him stinks to high holy heaven.

    But, what gets me, and what I don’t understand about you, and the Ricardo Delgado Martin(s) of the world, is the denial of the existence of viruses.


    For instance, where did your pdf link come from? Who wrote it?

    Well, we can see it comes from the website Right?

    This is another link from

    It is almost nauseating to read their “bullet-points”. If I wasn’t so numb already from all the utter bullcrap circulating on the Internet for the last umpteenth years, I probably would throw-up.

    The insanity of these 911 bullet points, e.g. no victims, no building collapse, blah, blah, blah – just complete stupidity – is the equivalent, in absolute terms, as far as I’m concerned, of the no virus, nonsense.

    Sorry for the need to ask, but I feel I need to bring this full circle… Tell me, Fact Checker, are you a Mason, too?

    Yeah, yeah, I know there’s a bunch of subscribers here who think the way you do, that the entire body of biological sciences claiming the existence of viruses is some kind of scam…just thinking about it makes me laugh. And maybe yous will wanna call me out on my own ignorance, but, it’s got to be that either you’re wildly misinformed as a group, which seems implausible (but, who knows, there’s a shit ton of sugary cool-aide out there that’s been drunk), or you’re part of a program designed to discredit sites like this one.

    Which is it, my friend?

    Or, am I out of place? If I don’t agree with something, however strongly, should I just ignore it? Or, maybe be totally open-minded and just accept every incredible idea as plausible that has ever been expressed in the comment section?

    I realize it’s verboten to accuse anyone here of being, say, a Psyop, because the same could be thrown in my face as well. So, to do so is unproductive, counter-productive and also unnecessary. After all, we’re all entitled to our opinions however bizarre to some they may be.

    So, to you, Fact Checker, and others, I apologize in advance.

    Nonetheless…. 🙂

    • I don’t think FC denies viruses, not in past posts anyway. I thought he believed in germ theory.

      Maybe he doesn’t believe in Covid. I’m sorry to intrude on the conversation, but I was curios too.

      I don’t get it either and I think it would be so helpful to have a trusted microbiologist or virologist explain the process of isolation and why they can’t do a traditional isolation of HIV and Covid.

      Based on what I have observed and experienced, the existences of viruses seem obvious for me. Maybe I’m one of the unlucky ones who actually get them.

      • Fact checker,

        You may be right about the money influencing the field of virology, the influences by the controllers, and that they steer this field of study. However, I observed the effects of HIV and AIDS in multiple patients and personal friends who have this disease and am convinced that there is something that is being transmitted in the blood and body fluids.

        I know that in the 80s a lot of health care workers contracted this disease (HIV/AIDS) by contact with blood by needle stick injuries. Also, there was an epidemic of this disease in the 80s in gay men, IV drug users, and people who had contact with blood and body fluids. This was a real epidemic. It might have had political influences at that time, but that epidemic happened. I was a kid in the 80s and my mom had a couple friends who contracted this disease and they died and it was a very nasty illness. In my career, I have taken care of patients with this disease. The disease is real, and the people who developed it had contact with blood and body fluids of other people with the same disease. It wasn’t a toxin in the air or anything like that or a spontaneous illness.

        But I will check out Tom Cowan. This has piqued my interest.

      • cu.h.j.,

        In one of his posts, Fact Checker is rather emphatic about the non-existence of viruses. If I locate this particular post, I’ll link it. But, that’s why I’m perplexed that he describes himself below as being agnostic on the subject, because he was raging hellfire against the notion in that prior post.

        PS: That you for sharing your nursing experience which seems to thoroughly corroborate the universally accepted scientific perspective of a pathogenic source of illness, one that self replicates inside the body.

        I have linked this US Patent elsewhere, but it clearly seems to describe the isolating of the corona virus. Of course, the visuals are generated by way of electron microscope. There are even sceptics here who would deny the instrument’s imaging as being fake…. I can’t help these people.

        • Why weird?

          Here’s your post I was referencing:


          There is no virus.”

          “What these “virologists” do is no different than what theologians do, splitting invisible hairs about the “unity of the trinity” and so forth, when all the fundamental premises are imaginary and based entirely on faith. The whole model is fallacious.”

          I call that being pretty emphatic, no?

          Or, am I being wildly accusatory?

          I didn’t pick up on any agnosticism here. You weren’t sitting on the fence. Yes, no, maybe.

          But, you tell me. What in your ranting characterization of an imaginary, fallacious and faith based virus model did I miss?

          • Hmmm.

            I’ll have to ponder the weather analogy…. Not sure it fits.

            But, anyway, I had a feeling you were going to qualify your statement in the way you did – “There is no virus.”

            Okay, so you think it’s kind of junk science, the field of virology, mostly. That’s how you define your agnosticism, but, I’m curious as to why when it comes to coronavirus, or novel coronavirus (and is it SARS-Cov-2 in particular?) you become adamantly atheistic.
            As a kid you were intrigued by the study of viruses, why the patent skeptic now? (pun intended)

    • I don’t think we have to go into this kind of speculation, the fact is it is an unknown pathogen and may have been man made. To me, the evidence tells me they created something, released it, but it doesn’t spread. They can target populations or groups, but then they have to fake the numbers with fake numbers… They can always “infect” this or that group or individual. I suspect there is a weapon in all of this, but would not surprise me to find there is not. It’s the need to end the speculation and get at facts that has us all talking here and not watching CNN.

    • Fact Checker,

      That has a nice Soviet ring to it: Corbettariat. I like it!

      It didn’t make me laugh, exactly, but it did make me smile. It’s a good one.

      You may have a myopic view about laughter, in my opinion, but, touché!

      I inferred you may be a Psyop, and you, in turn, infer I may have the brains of a monkey! Hahahaaha.

      But, I appreciate your taking the time to explain why you used the fakeology link.

      Fair enough.

      Lumping you in with Delgado was just happenstance. It was just that I happened to have just watched the interview he had with Michel Chossudovsky wherein Delgado postulates the virus doesn’t exist. I could have substituted Delgado with any number of people, like the genius Jon Rappoport, the serial fantasist.

      I guess I’ll just go ahead and throw away everything I’ve ever learned or heard of, pieced together via the work and study of thousands of individuals over many years, in favor of what that idiot has to say, so I can de-program myself, and live a better life out from the grasp of the matrix….

      Forgive me, but, I can’t help chuckling.

  10. Spot on list. The amalgamation that comprises “the real disinformation dozen” reminds me of a cliff notes type version of the enlightening book “Another Nineteen; Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects” which outlines the 19 entities who were really responsible for 9/11 and not the 19 hijackers living in caves in Afghanistan. The real disinformation dozen aren’t Doctors and Scientists who are unmotivated by money, but rather Rockefeller medicine and DARPA sponsored marketing and propaganda campaigns that constitute the ‘disinformation dozen’.

  11. Thanks for this very intriguing article!

  12. Some interesting tie-togethers and references, but what I suspected at the top of the article was confirmed at the bottom with the last sentence;

    “…The point is we may have been set up for an endless biopolitical quarantine without even noticing it…”

    which shows that Pepe Escobar doesn’t follow the Corbett Report. Mr Corbett has not only ‘noticed this endless biopolitical quarantine’, but has meticulously dissected it over the years. No sneaking up on him or his subscribers!

    I often got the feeling with Escobar (when I read him slightly more often) that he goes almost all the way, covering what the more perspicacious can obviously see, and then stops short, without offering any revealing synthesis, substantiating sources or further implications… dunno… just an impression..

    • Yes. And whenever I encounter a journalist like that (Amy Goodman, Aaron Mate are other examples) I know to not listen to them and I turn them off. Half measures are not enough. Particularly when they are used to “capture” you by appealing to the truth they otherwise never really close the circle on.

  13. So you open your list by resorting to Adhanom attacks Mr Corbett!? Classic see-through sophistry!

    And then you work your way down to poor Jen Psaki who’s just trying to do her job by suggesting she’s just Miss Disinformation or something!?

    Well, I’ll show you that in reality she’s Miss Information!

    You see Mr know-it-all! She gives excellent and otherwise hard-to-find information here!

    Furthermore, she’s very clear and direct in her messaging!

    (just in case someone missed this important demonstration of governmental integrity!)

    • A Tony Heller 17 second video…

      — White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Explains Vaccines —
      “Hence, we are quite focused on communicating directly with those people. Hence, our special guest today about why it is important to get vaccinated. Why these vaccines are safe.
      Why they can STILL KILL YOU even though you are under the age of 27.
      We need to be clear and direct about our messaging. “

      NOTE: Like other YouTube videos, the “Transcript” function rewrites the script to make it conform to YouTube’s standards of lying. This is how it reads (copy-n-pasted): “UNDER THE AGE OF 27 WILL HAVE A MUCH LOWER VACCINATION RATES. AND WE ARE QUITE FOCUSED ON INDICATING DIRECTLY WITH THOSE PEOPLE, HENCE OUR SPECIAL GUEST TODAY ABOUT WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO GET VACCINATED.”

      • On another YOUTUBE note…

        July 26, 2021
        Broc West says:
        “FYI – The Corbett Report Extras channel has just received its 3rd strike & been purged from ThemTube.
        Have a nice day.”

        “…The 9/11 Whistleblowers documentary was the final nail in the coffin…”
        [It’s almost 2 years old.]
        “…Yep that’s the one. Was removed for and I quote ““Content glorifying or inciting violence against another person.”

        • Good riddance. His facebook page will hopefully be next. When it does happen we’ll finally get to know whether the Corbett report is on facebook.

          I’ve been waiting for a straight answer to that question for years now.

          • Yea. Have to agree with you there. I don’t understand why he can’t just be more honest and up front on that point… I mean, he doesn’t have to do a whole show or anything about it, but… Ya know?
            Maybe it’s kinda trivial but… he was never really clear about that. I think the inquiring minds of the Corbettariat would like to know:
            Is the Corbett Report on Facebook, or not?!?

              • Taxpayer, Thanks for the link to “The Corbett Report is not on Facebook”
                I always like seeing past Corbett Report episodes referenced. It helps to inter-link the Corbett Library.

                Just to let you know…
                NoSoapRadio and Mkey are playing around. They are joking. They know about Facebook. Sometimes humor is hard to catch on the typed page, because you can’t see the grin.

                Oh!…she beat me to the comment with Benny.
                Well, this will go live in 2 more minutes.

              • I don’t joke about facebook.

                This proves nothing. “Corbett Report is not on facebook”. That could mean literaly anything. If “isolation” can mean exactly the opposite, does it then not stand to reason that “not” could mean “now, always was and always will be, you can bet your sweet ass,”?!

                This is, of course, going to segway into a big reveal about how TCR was in fact on facebook and it was so well hidden the rat bastards couldn’t find it to delete it.

                Bravo, James, bravo. You almost had it, but we figured it out.

      • Well, gee, HRS. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my comment!

        And while we’re clarifying my opaque attempt at humor I’ll take this opportunity to commit the ultimate faux pas of asking you whether you got my silly pun? …? Opening the list with Adhanom attacks? Tedros Adhanom… at the top of the list…? Adhanom attacks? like Ad Hominem attacks…? ok yea. Nevermind. It was a bit “pulled by the hair” as the French would say…

        And yea, Even Psaki tells the truth occasionally… by accident…

        And very good point about the mendacious transcription machine!

        And everything, and all the rest!

        • I noticed the Adhanom and knew that you were playing with Ad Hominem, but I couldn’t see where the juice was. Puzzled, I think to myself… Is that French slang or what?

          Dang! If you had not filled out the CrossWordPuzzle, I wouldn’t have caught it!
          Oh!…you fast women!

          Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

          You get bonus points, because it is very appropriate for Corbett’s article
          “Meet The REAL Disinformation Dozen”

          • you fast women!? What??


            Mais je vous en prie, Monsieur! Dieu m’en garde!

            fast women indeed…

    • Yes it was mightily gratifying to watch those mightily irritated and well-hung Farmers protest

      7 years ago:

      “…French farmers unions organized a nationwide day of protest yesterday, staging demonstrations in villages and cities across France. Thousands turned out, expressing their anger at collapsing prices (due in part to sanctions against Russia), increased environmental regulations, cheap imports, and high costs. They took to the streets, dumping tons of produce, flinging manure on government buildings, burning effigies, and throwing apples at riot police. The farmers also urged their fellow countrymen to “eat French” and support local agriculture…”

      Never loses its charm.

      • I like your use of adjectives when it comes to “Farmers”.

        I could make some jokes, but I’ll leave it there.

        • I like your use of adjectives said he in a deep Bogart purr…
          Yowza HRS! You know how to talk to us party poopers!

      • Yea. A notorious party pooper.
        Seems to be the consensus amongst my closest family and entourage…
        …who, incidentally, love clapping at balconies and are mostly vaccinated…

      • BitChute
        Channel Restricted

        The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions:
        Contains Incitement to Hatred

        Please see the Community Guidelines for more details. If this is your content then please check the Visibility tab for more specific information on this restriction.

        Maybe a good time to have the bitchute guy as a guest on TCR, again.

        Here he is on lbry. I guess not extreme enough for them.

    • Last night I watched Jerry’s “What Are You Going To Do In The War?” where he likens this era to World War 3.
      That guy can put some Oomph behind his words.

  14. Go watch “The Tiny Dot” by Larkin Rose

  15. When you hear someone say the phrase “Settled Science”, just remember that the “Lobotomy” used to be that. When you hear someone talk about “Standard of Care”, realize that this is often based on NO meaningful research, and based entirely on the opinions of a few so-called, bought & paid for “experts” in the field. There is no such thing as “Settled Science”, everything should be questioned and studied. “Standard of Care” is a false paradigm implying that we know everything about a subject there is to know, and that this model should not be questioned.
    Think, study, watch, research, debate; we are figuring it out as we go.

  16. Thanks for this link Fact Checker.

    I’d have to fact check this out but would appear to be massively discrediting. So his role is to push the lableak narrative? Stoke confusion? Create a piedpiper who will further deceive on future issues? Or perhaps in being “revealed” as a hoaxster, discredit the very valuable “patent” lead? hmmmmm.

    “…He is the creator of the world’s first quantitative public equity index – the CNBC IQ100
    powered by M·CAM.
    The CNBC IQ 100 is an exclusive, data-driven index of the 100 large-cap
    companies best using technology to invest in and profit from new business
    Look at the companies in this index. Among them you will find companies like
    Amazon, Apple, Chevron, CitiGroup, JP Morgan, Clorox, Coca-Cola, Exxon
    Mobil, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, MasterCard, Visa, and more.
    Now remember, this CNBC index, is powered by M-SCAM International – which
    is David’s company. He’s the Founder and CEO.
    In other words, if Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and these other companies do well,
    then David’s index also does well. And how did these giant corporations do
    during the pandemic? They did really, really well. To put it another way, if
    Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer sell a lot of vaccines, David will be “fully living”…”

    • That’s a very important thing to keep in mind, the ties one has to large corporations that have a vested interest in keeping this nightmare going as long as possible.

      But, other people have said that this virus or whatever isn’t new, like Dr. Wodarg in the beginning of the pandemic.

      Maybe it’s just to distract people and divide people into camps so that they don’t form alliances. At this point I don’t care if someone believes in Viruses. If they want to work to end the totalitarian regime that’s running over us, I would work with them.

      The most important thing right now I think is community because the situation is getting worse. There is more MSM propaganda with the “delta variant” and how it’s spread by “un vaccinated” people.

      These monsters want to starve us out, to crush us like bugs, to extinguish humanity once and for all. If we don’t support each other and help one another, we will be easy to pick off.

  17. James Corbett says:
    “…there is another hobgoblin that will soon eclipse the deadly COVID monster in the imagination of the populace.
    One that’s been around for decades, waiting for its chance to terrify the public into a Great Reset as we plunge into the New World Order.
    And that monster is . . .
    . . . carbon dioxide.
    BOO! Are you scared yet?”

    From The Scamdemic Was So Last Year . . . Here’s What’s Coming Next

    July 27 – Zero Hedge
    59 Million Americans Prohibited From Buying High-End Dell Gaming PCs
    (See IMAGES in article)

    Approximately 59 million Americans spanning five states can’t buy Dell’s high-end Alienware brand desktop PCs “due to power consumption regulations.”

    When one goes to the Dell Alienware online configurator to buy an Aurora R12 gaming desktop, a special notice appears which reads:

    This product cannot be shipped to the states of California, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont or Washington due to power consumption regulations adopted by those states. Any orders placed that are bound for those states will be canceled.

    Among other state policies, the prohibition puts Dell in compliance with California’s Energy Commission regulations which took effect on July 1.
    Under the new guidelines, annual energy consumption cannot consume more than 75 kWh/year, and cannot exceed an “expandability score” (ES) of 690, which includes idle power consumption.

    In order to comply with California’s requirement, Alienware now offers a special version which adheres to the new regulations.

    • What a load of bunk. I would never recommend getting alineware anyhow, but it sure would be fun finding ways around these idiotic limitations. Purchasing parts instead of a pre built PC? Drop shipping? The second hand market? I’m sure they thought about everything, people that are making up this reality are very smart.

  18. Why do they want every person on the planet to take this injection? Is it conditioning to accept slavery or is there something in particular in it that we don’t know about? Regardless I don’t trust it and will never take it but I wonder.

    • “Why do they want every person on the planet to take this injection?”

      for the same reason that question is never given a reasonable answer. If someone avoids reason, they are destroying meaning; I’m betting that meaning is a Universal law.

      Let those who would dominate show their hands, they are marking themselves, its not gonna be pretty.

      “Is it conditioning to accept slavery or is there something in particular in it that we don’t know about?”

      Because those that are pushing the inoculations are culpable of obstructing justice, the worst must be assumed until those same players prove their innocence. The dots connecting resemble at the least a set-up for big pharma to perpetuate getting rich by pretending to protect, and at the worst a kill-switch implant.

      Many have been jabbed and seem to be fine. Many have been jabbed and died from it. Many contracted an odd respiratory disease and died. Many got the “common cold” and were declared a threat to humanity. none of it has been explained without some supposition. Therefore we dont know; maybe its the great onion peeling of the psyche?

      The scare tactics or emotional manipulation is working far better than I ever imagined it could, and or there can be unseen yet to be named forces at play..

      I reckon keeping immune system tuned and as always KARUNA KARUNA! (pay attention/stay present)

      • That makes a lot of sense and the kill switch as well. It would be convenient for them to selectively kill the peoples who they find problematic with the flip of a switch. It could also be conditioning to accept whatever the “ experts say “ and turn off one’s own mind.

        This is also why they are trying to destroy the economy to achieve total dominance over earning potential and food. Wow it’s mind blowing. I just don’t get why that would lead to fulfillment for anyone. But an interesting phenomenon that occurs in prisoners is that people become institutionalized and freedom becomes foreign to them. These monsters want to engender institutionalization and dependence. If people reject it they can be starves out and turned off.

        • No I’m not joking. That does not sound fulfilling to me, for me to force someone into doing something they do not want to do. Consent is important to me, on my part and the other party.

          The dark impulses in myself would be revenge, harming those who seek to destroy freedom and enslave. That is my dark side. I know myself FC, quite well actually.

    • Regarding
      “Why do they want every person on the planet to take this injection?”

      Via James Evan Pilato – Media Monarchy TWITTER
      (30 second video)(Americas Frontline Doctors speaking)

      “We say to…
      What are you doing and Why?!
      What is really behind this?
      Why are you trying so hard to put this in people?!

      “We’ve never seen such an unprecedented marketing effort, collusion, coercion, duress, and the absolute forcing of people to do something they do not want to do.

      It’s egregious. And someone has to step up and say NO MORE!”

  19. Regarding the REAL Disinformation Dozen…

    For me, Tony Fauci is a major crimal psychopath who is culpable for the death and destruction of millions of lives. He is incapable of remorse.

    Via Brock West TWITTER, a Luke Rudkowski 2 minute VIDEO demonstrating how Fauci lies…

  20. On July 15th, after watching ”Teaching Children About Liberty – #SolutionsWatch” , I ordered two sets of “The Tuttle Twins“ to have them delivered to my son’s family.
    Finally, they shipped on Tuesday, the 27th.

    Because the family lives at the back end of 25 acres, I sent a text to my son’s wife:
    ”Expect 2 sets of kids’ books via the Postal service around Thursday. They shipped from Utah today. I figure that you might want to gift a set to another family.
    The books teach kids how to be transgender, feel bad for not being Black with Critical Race Theory, and how to shape America towards Communist ideals and Nazi style gubberment mandates, all with interesting stories.”

    A few minutes later she responds, “Oh Perfect!”

    Just to be clear, there is no racial prejudice in my offspring’s family. It is a whole mix of German, Cherokee, Hispanic, Philippine, and gawd-knows-what-else. We all have very good friends and work associates who are African-American.

    • On July 20th, Corbett Report Member bleak asked if I lived in Highland Park. In my often jabber-way, I told tidbits of past Anecdotes concerning the area.
      For those unfamiliar, upscale Park Cities consists of Highland Park, plus University Park, home to the George W. Bush Presidential Center and SMU. …with residents enjoying a median household income above $200,000 and Highland Park ranking in the 10 wealthiest communities in America back in 2018.

      On July 26th, Zero Hedge had this article:
      BLM Group Demands White Parents ‘Pledge’ Not To Send Their Kids To Ivy League Schools So Black Students Can Attend Instead

      A Texas Black Lives Matter group called Dallas Justice Now (DJN) has sent a letter to white Democrats in two wealthy Texas neighborhoods demanding that white parents pledge not to let their kids attend Ivy League schools so that black students can attend instead.

      “We are writing to you because we understand you are white and live within the Highland Park Independent School District and thus benefit from enormous privileges taken at the expense of communities of color,” the letter begins.

      “You live in the whitest and wealthiest neighborhood in Dallas. Whether you know it or not, you earned or inherited your money through oppressing people of color. However, it is also our understanding that you are a Democrat and supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement which makes you one of our white allies and puts you in a position to help correct these cruel injustices. We need you to step up and back up your words with action and truly sacrifice to make our segregated city more just.”
      “We are asking you to pledge that your children will not apply or attend any Ivy League School or US News & World Report Top 50 School.”

      For those without children under the age of 18, the letter asks white Democrats to “hold your white privileged friends, family, and neighbors with children to this standard,” as “These schools have afforded white families privilege for generations.”

      …The group has threatened on their website to publicly doxx white people who haven’t signed the pledge.
      “Many wealthy white folks including those who live in the 95% white Park Cities think they are allies because they put up a Black Lives Matter sign or parade black people like animals at their charity galas that somehow they aren’t part of the problem,” DJN spokeswoman and founder, Michele Washington, told Dallas City Wire….

  21. I’ll be wondering what happens at Google’s “Human Resources” department three years from now…130,000 employees and tens of thousands contractors.

    Wednesday July 28, 2021 – Associated Press
    Google delays return to office, mandates vaccines

    AN RAMON, Calif. (AP) — Google is postponing a return to the office for most workers until mid-October and rolling out a policy that will eventually require everyone to be vaccinated once its sprawling campuses are fully reopened.
    The announcement Wednesday came as the more highly contagious delta variant is driving a dramatic spike in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

    In an email sent to Google’s more than 130,000 employees worldwide, CEO Sundar Pichai said the company is now aiming to have most of its workforce back to its offices beginning Oct. 18 instead of its previous target date of Sept. 1.
    The decision also affects tens of thousands of contractors who Google intends to continue to pay while access to its campuses remains limited…

    …And Pichai disclosed that once offices are fully reopened, everyone working there will have to be vaccinated. The requirement will be first imposed at Google’s Mountain View, California, headquarters and other U.S. offices, before being extended to the more than 40 other countries where Google operates…

    …Less that 10% of employers have said they intend to require all employees to be vaccinated, based on periodic surveys by the research firm Gartner.
    While other major technology companies may follow suit now that Google has taken its stand on vaccines, employers in other industries still may be reluctant, predicted Brian Kopp, chief of research for Gartner’s human resources practice.
    “Google is seen as being such a different kind of company that I think it’s going to take one or two more big employers to do something similar in terms of becoming a game changer,” Kopp said….

    On another note:
    Earnings with many Wall Street companies for the 2nd Quarter has been coming out this week.
    Google’s YouTube saw ad revenue jump last quarter, passing $7 billion from $3.8 billion a year ago. The video giant’s parent Alphabet saw overall sales surge during second-quarter 2021 to nearly $62 billion from $38 billion, beating Wall Street expectations across the board…

    …Subscription services YouTube Premium and YouTube TV as well as in-app purchases, digital content products and hardware like Fitbit are grouped in a sector called “Other” within Google Services. That saw revenue rise to $6.5 billion last quarter from $4.4 billion the year earlier; the company doesn’t break out the components and it’s really hard to get any color.

    • I guess we’ll get to see the man-up rate at google. Damn sure it’s going to be nowhere near the “vaccinatiom” rate. People like that gravy.

    • I think the government is lying about how many people are “vaccinated”. I think that the numbers are lower than they have said.

      But there has been an increased pressure for employees of various sectors to be “vaccinated”.

      At my work we have this creepy guy from pharmacy come around with extra vaccines asking if anyone needs the “vaccine”. I avoid this person whenever I see him.

      The hate directed at so called “anti vaxxers” is intensifying. I think that I will need a lawyer very soon. It’s hard to get one prior to having a problem though. I have tried to keep my head down thus far, just a little longer to make the money I need to escape this shit hole state.

    • Thursday July 29, 2021 – YahooMoney
      Here are the companies requiring proof of vaccination from employees

      Some of corporate America are drawing hard lines on Covid-19 vaccination when workers return to the office — led this week by Big Tech.

      Facebook and Google this week announced U.S.-based staffers must provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination, while Twitter confirmed to Forbes that it requires in-person employees to prove their vaccination status after the company closed its headquarters and delayed its reopening plans.

      Restaurateur and Union Square Hospitality Group CEO Danny Meyer announced on Thursday that not only employees but patrons who wish to dine indoors at the group’s full-service restaurants in New York City and Washington, D.C., will be required to show proof of vaccination beginning September 7…
      …For now, the company isn’t requiring mandatory vaccinations for its Shake Shack locations since the fast-food chain falls outside of the latest decree…

      …Short of mandates, companies and organizations alike are also offering cash incentives and on-site vaccinations to help ramp up vaccinations among their workers. Others have warned of penalties for staying unvaccinated, like the National Football League which is fining unvaccinated athletes nearly $15,000 for every pandemic safety measure infraction.

      Here’s a list of companies requiring vaccination, incentivizing vaccination, or providing on-site vaccines in the U.S.
      Requiring a vaccinated workforce
      ~~ San Francisco Bay Area Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula
      ~~ Delta Air Lines and United Airlines are requiring new hires to be vaccinated
      ~~ Michelin-starred New York City restaurant Eleven Madison Park
      ~~ The Broadway production of Hamilton
      ~~ Houston Methodist Hospital network
      ~~ Lastique International Corp., a raw plastics distributor and recycler in Louisville, Kentucky
      ~~ New York City department store Saks
      ~~ Senior assisted living facilities Sunrise Senior Living, Enlivant, and IntegraCare
      ~~ Facebook employees at U.S. campuses
      ~~ U.S.-based Google employees
      ~~ Employees of The Washington Post
      ~~ New York City-based Morgan Stanley employees
      ~~ CNN employees
      ~~ Chicago-based Fifty/50 Restaurant Group
      ~~ Le Bernardin, a Michelin-starred New York City restaurant


      • (…continued…)

        ~~ Twitter
        ~~ Asset manager BlackRock
        ~~ All office-based employees of Lyft
        ~~ Private healthcare network Ascension Health
        ~~ Cast and crew of U.S. Netflix productions
        ~~ San Francisco city employees
        ~~ Real estate firm, the Durst Corporation, is requiring all employees to be vaccinated or they will face termination.
        ~~ Investment bank Jeffries Financial Group
        ~~ Corporate and management-level staff of Walmart must be vaccinated by October 4
        ~~ Norweigan Cruise Lines crew
        ~~ Employees and crew members at all U.S.-based Disney parks

        Incentivizing vaccinations
        ~~ Discount grocery chain ALDI is offering its hourly employees up to four hours of paid time off for both doses of the vaccine. Salaried workers will get their hours adjusted to accommodate vaccination appointments.
        ~~ New hires in Amazon warehouses can earn a $100 bonus on their first day for showing proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
        ~~ Amtrak is offering employees a bonus equivalent to two hours of pay upon providing proof of vaccination plus excused absences for vaccination appointments during work hours.
        ~~ Vaccinated employees of American Airlines will get an additional paid vacation day in 2022 and a $50 bonus.
        ~~ Bolthouse Farms, the maker of juices and dressings, is offering its employees a $500 bonus if they get vaccinated at one of the company’s on-site clinics or can show proof of vaccination.
        ~~ Yogurt and dairy product maker Chobani will cover up to six hours of time for hourly employees to get vaccinated.
        ~~ Darden Restaurants, the hospitality group behind well-known restaurants like Olive Garden and LongHorn Steakhouse, is offering hourly employees four hours of pay to cover both doses of the vaccine.
        ~~ Discount retailer Dollar General is offering its hourly workers a one-time stipend equivalent to four hours of work to get vaccinated. Salaried employees will receive scheduling accommodations for vaccination appointments.
        ~~ Grocery delivery service Instacart is giving a $25 stipend to both in-store employees and independent contractors who have made at least five deliveries in a month.
        ~~ JBS USA and Pilgrim’s, the meat-processing plant, is offering its employees a $100 bonus for receiving the COVID-19 vaccination.


        • (…continued…)

          ~~ Kroger, the nation’s largest supermarket chain is offering its employees a $100 bonus with proof of inoculation, and essential and frontline staffers will receive a $100 store credit and 1,000 fuel points. Those who can’t receive the vaccination for medical or religious reasons are still eligible for the $100 so long as they complete an educational course.
          ~~ The Mid-Atlantic and Southeast supermarket chain Lidl is offering its employees a $200 bonus for receiving the COVID-19 vaccination and scheduling flexibility for vaccination appointments.
          ~~ Employees of both McDonald’s corporate offices and restaurants of the fast-food giant will receive up to four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated.
          ~~ Southeastern grocer Publix is giving its employees $125 gift cards when providing proof of vaccination.
          ~~ Starbucks employees will receive up to four hours of paid time for vaccine dosage appointments.
          ~~ Target is offering hourly employees up to four hours of paid time off per vaccine dosage and will reimburse up to $30 roundtrip for using a Lyft to their vaccination appointments.
          ~~ Trader Joe’s is giving its workers an additional two hours of pay for each dose they receive and the freedom to adjust their schedules to accommodate vaccine appointments.
          ~~ Small businesses generally don’t have the resources to fund costly company-wide inoculation clinics or issue vaccination bonuses. As an incentive, the IRS is offering businesses and nonprofits with fewer than 500 employees a refundable tax credit to offset time used by employees to receive or recover from vaccinations and reimburse for paid sick and family leave for employees due to COVID-19.

          Providing at-work inoculations
          ~~ Amazon is providing on-site vaccination for its U.S. front-line employees
          ~~ Bolthouse Farms
          ~~ Last month, Houston’s Legacy Restaurants hosted a two-day vaccine pop-up for employees and their spouses
          ~~ MGM Resorts has opened a vaccination clinic at the Mandalay Bay resort
          ~~ Los Angeles County has a mobile vaccine unit for the city’s essential workers
          ~~ Vivint, a Utah-based home security company

          • Thursday July 29th – Zero Hedge
            Rewarding The Hesitant: Biden Calls On States To Bribe Vaccine Holdouts With $100 Incentive
            Hesitant to take the vaccine but really need $100 right now? President Biden may have just the answer.

            On Thursday, Biden called on state and local governments to tap into the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan to offer $100 payments to people who take the COVID-19 vaccine – which, as we’ve come to learn, doesn’t prevent one from contracting, transmitting, or suffering from the virus – and may even drive infections…

            …According to The Hill, Biden is set to deliver Thursday afternoon remarks on his vaccination strategy, where he will announce that federal employees will be ordered to get the jab….

          • Friday July 30th – Zero Hedge
            Biden Mandates All Federal Workers Must Be Vaccinated… Except Postal Workers
            …And now he has gone to ’11’ on the ‘your body, no choice’ amplifier, saying tonight that he’ll require federal workers to prove they’ve been vaccinated against Covid-19 or wear masks and submit to frequent coronavirus testing.

            Additionally, the rules will cover millions of federal workers, including the military and on-site contractors.

            “What I’m trying to do is keep people safe,” Biden said Thursday at the White House.
            “If in fact you’re unvaccinated, you present a problem to yourself, to your family and to those with whom you work.”

            Biden also asked his team to take steps to apply similar standards to all federal contractors and encourage private sector employers to follow the same approach….

            [Article continues and cites a previous article regarding Postal Workers.]

            • I believe that they are going to be surprised by how poorly their plan is going to work out. There will be a tremendous amount of non compliance and pushback.
              Unfortunately there will probably also be a lot of death and injury in the masses that can’t, won’t or are too afraid to refuse.

              But here’s the thing. If a dummy like me knows that it’s going to be a colossal cluster pluck, the monsters orchestrating this certainly do too.
              So there must be another reason that its happening like this. They must know approximately how many will comply and how many will fight to the death.

              I don’t deny the sadistic potential of concentrated power. Government, business or the allegedly philanthropic. But I have to wonder why do it like this? If they just want to reduce the population, they could do something that is a little less ridiculous. Like using DEW’s to destroy entire towns or something.
              I would think that a sadistic monster would want to stretch out the extermination experience for maximum enjoyment.

              My point is. None of this makes sense. Nothing about how they are trying to pull it off or even why they are trying to pull it off that way. They will lose great numbers too. I think that they know something that we don’t.

              • Oh, they know a lot that we do not. I think the point of this play is that the more ridiculous this situation gets, the more militant the people who are already on board will become, because they are already pushing it really hard to keep up with the appearances.

                When the tension ramps up to conceivable maximum, I believe these people will ache for an enemy to defeat and deliver them from the personal hellhole that is their mind.

                You can guess who this enemy is going to be. Those filthy disease spreaders, those becouse of whom the poor vaccine takers had to take the nteenth shot.

  22. Linked from US grassroots group, Millions Against Medical Mandates (mamm .org), here’s another interesting (some overlapping) perspective of the “Real Disinformation Dirty Dozen:

  23. Via Broc West ReTweet of Robert W Malone, MD who points out this article in the MainStreamMedia…

    Opinion at the Wall Street Journal – July 28, 2021

    Why Is the FDA Attacking a Safe, Effective Drug?
    Ivermectin is a promising Covid treatment and prophylaxis, but the agency is denigrating it.

    by David R. Henderson and Charles L. Hooper

    The Food and Drug Administration claims to follow the science. So why is it attacking ivermectin, a medication it certified in 1996?

    Earlier this year the agency put out a special warning that “you should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19.” The FDA’s statement included words and phrases such as “serious harm,” “hospitalized,” “dangerous,” “very dangerous,” “seizures,” “coma and even death” and “highly toxic.” Any reader would think the FDA was warning against poison pills. In fact, the drug is FDA-approved as a safe and effective antiparasitic.

    Ivermectin was developed and marketed by Merck & Co. while one of us (Mr. Hooper) worked there years ago. William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura won the 2015 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for discovering and developing avermectin, which Mr. Campbell and associates modified to create ivermectin.

    Ivermectin is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. Merck has donated four billion doses to prevent river blindness and other diseases in Africa and other places where parasites are common. A group of 10 doctors who call themselves the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance have said ivermectin is “one of the safest, low-cost, and widely available drugs in the history of medicine.”

    Ivermectin fights 21 viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19. A single dose reduced the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in cells by 99.8% in 24 hours and 99.98% in 48 hours, according to a June 2020 study published in the journal Antiviral Research.

    Some 70 clinical trials are evaluating the use of ivermectin for treating Covid-19. The statistically significant evidence suggests that it is safe and works for both treating and preventing the disease…

    …Instead, the FDA asserts without evidence that ivermectin is dangerous….

  24. In the linked article “How SAGE and the UK media created fear in the British public”, it says :”There seemed to be some doubt as to whether the public would comply with the upcoming measures so SAGE outlined a methodology based on known psychological behavioural modification techniques.”

    They didn’t mention what those “psychological behavioural modification techniques” are based on. Maybe based on the experiments done on mice and rats, refer to the informative ‘Mouse Utopia and The Blackest Pill – #PropagandaWatch’ by James Corbett.

    • At first I read the site name as “foodmasters”. I guess I’m just in that mindset as of late.

      Nice problem, reaction, solution. Somehow the solution always requires more control, funny how that works out.

      It’s kind of a relief to see the masks finally starting to come off. Pardon the pun. True meaning and intentions bubbling up to the surface, not that anyone will notice, of course.

      Lately I have been thinking about what will all the people who got used to covid benefits do when that faucet is threatened to be closed. Currently, they are tying benefits to the “vaccination” status, strictly without any written laws, and it seems to be going nicely as people like that gravy. I know some people who are on a nice spending spree, comfortable in knowing the money is to keep coming.

      How far are they willing to go to secure more of that ex nihilo colorful paper?

  25. Just For Fun
    Science Believers Posting Ls

    already nuked

  26. Speaking of Dr. Wen, disinformationist extraordinaire…

    The MSM doctor (in above article) responsible for stoking Covid fears throughout 2000-2022
    has suddenly become a Covid conspiracy apologist!

    After three years the red-pilled doctor finally understands there is a difference between ‘dying with’ and ‘dying from’ Covid!

    We are overcounting covid deaths and hospitalizations. That’s a problem.”

    Next thing you know, she’ll be asking for forgiveness. ?

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