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. . . and you know the rest of the joke. Anyway, I’m back! You’ll be seeing a lot of content in the coming days and weeks if you’re checking and/or following my RSS feeds or Substack posts. Get ready for a data dump of conversations, podcasts, interviews, articles and testimony!
Interview 1806 – Dissent Into Madness on The Subtlecain Podcast
Not only had I never heard the joke, but I thought you meant your arms were tired from carrying so much luggage to and from airports and airplanes and trains and buses, etc., James. Pathetic of me, huh?
Finally, it registered: A bird! Perhaps a . . . “carrier” pigeon? Get it? 😉
Here’s to your getting unfrazzled fast, friend!
Normally, it takes a Texas A&M Aggie degree to become familiar with “I just flew in”.
For example:
“Did you hear about the Aggie that stayed up all night studying for his urine test?”
Reload! Collected Texas A&M Aggie jokes
Welcome back! You were sorely missed. You leave a big void.
Looking forward to your new content.
I think that many of us can relate to that “toasted” feeling following a long trip.
Welcome home. Just curious as to whether you found vaccine status as an issue during your international travel.
Great news all ’round and so looking forward to the upcoming material. Was gutted to have had to miss the conference but hope you had a great time 🙂
I second that emotion!
Quite the disgusting interview with Broze on no virus topic. Full of logical fallacies which both James and Derrick are no doubt aware of. NO… no one is saying everything will collapse with the no virus question resolved. The straw man of all straw men.
Of course, the fact there are other aveneus for rulers to exploit DOES NOT preclude us from making it hard, or shutting down altogether, one of those avenues. To say anything else would be like saying dont talk about 911 or the climate hoax or myriad other things on this website cause hey… theres other stuff they will use if we expose the terrorism scam! Jeez. I was nearly sick in my mouth hearing that straw man tripe.
So James, straw man number two, again OF COURSE NO SANE PERSON IS SAYING OR HAS SAID the non existence of a virus is the only thing stopping the right to take away peoples liberties. Where on earth do you get this stuff.
So, with that out of the way, yes we all agree the right to be free sovereign people is inalienable (wow i can hardly get that out thinking you expect us to believe that you thought YOUR audience somehow thought the stripping of rights was fair contingient on virus existence!), as you suggested in the interview you will be happy to discuss the details….. that i and others have been requsting over… and over….. and over ….. and over again for a year or so. Not an agreement necessarily with the no virus position (this of course was straw man number three delivered by Broze without even blushing), but just some communication on your view on its relevence or lack thereof. Something?
Cant wait.
Cant wait.
Cant wait for your podcast you sound like you really read the room.
I personally can’t wait for the day people will stop doing this thing where they assume everyone they interact with knows exactly what they are talking about.
People have suggested that the no virus issue is at the core of the Covid issue. Check this out on Substack by Dawn Lester:
And she makes a good point and others make a good point and it is a fair point.
Also, I don’t think JC or DB was saying that people should not talk about this issue or explore it. But people have become very polarized on the issue and it has become a point of division, exemplified here on this site:
Note, people are grouped into categories, either “virus pusher against clot shots” or “team no virus”
This is a binary distinction.
From the recent interview I saw with JC and DB it sounded like JC’s position is it doesn’t matter what people believe about germs or lack of germs, but the basic issue of freedom. Does a government or supposed authority have a right to violate bodily autonomy for any reason? And JC said no, they have no such right and that people can work together around that issue.
But I get the point about potentially reducing fear and exposing lies/deception in a theory that has been used to harm people for a very long time.
Having said that, germ theory (or pathogen theory) includes the ideas of immune system, state of health, and environmental conditions (stress, pollution, poisoning, etc.), individual terrain (genotype, phenotype, human microbiome) as mitigating disease. It can be also be shown that vaccines and locking people down do not stop disease and in fact probably increase disease.
So I think JC and DB was saying that people can work together regardless of what model is correct and not break up into teams on the bio-security issue.
I also got the vibe from the interview that JC is not particularly interested in the specifics and going in depth into this topic. It’s kind of how I don’t have an interest in going in depth into history or geopolitics but think I can get the important facts down and have a general idea by knowing some more surface level topics.
Or 9/11, how the towers fell down. I don’t care how they fell down. I know the government lied and had a hand in it and I think that’s enough. The point was false flag terrorism and the rise of tyranny.
My point is that I understand when people aren’t interested in certain topics. So if JC isn’t interested in discussing this or delving into it, I understand it. I’m not going to delve into the minutia of geopolitics or history because I don’t need to. I already know I can’t trust the government and that nothing they say can be trusted.
I also got the impression that JC is worried about where “we” are headed with multiple agendas going on like CBDC, “climate change”, technocracy/trans-humanism, possible nuclear war, etc and he doesn’t want to divide opposition to these other agendas.
These things make me worried too and I don’t think people who want to live in a free world should break up into sections. They can work together to try to stop our governments owned by elitists from wiping out humanity and/or completing the slavery grid.
It would be good if people could put their differences aside and work together even if someone is potentially wrong about a certain issue or issues.
I totally agree with you. And I was glad to hear James say that he had ruthlessly deleted emails that came in after he requested no emails be sent while he was gone as he would not be answering them.
Good. We are not talking about a machine here. He is a human being that needs rest and replenishment like all the rest of us.
“So I think JC and DB was saying that people can work together regardless of what model is correct and not break up into teams on the bio-security issue.”
Yes this is what it all really boils down to. And I agree with the premise.
“Or 9/11, how the towers fell down. I don’t care how they fell down. I know the government lied and had a hand in it and I think that’s enough. The point was false flag terrorism and the rise of tyranny.”
If by saying you don’t care “how the towers fell down” you meant what particular type of explosive was used to bring them down, I can agree it’s not that important.
But if you meant whether explosives were used or they fell on their own, then that is extremely important.
I mean that the official story defies the laws of physics as far as I know. The jet fuel didn’t get hot enough to melt anything to cause the collapse. If we’re dealing with planes with jet fuel, this doesn’t make sense, thus the official story is a lie. When the government lies once, the trust is gone. They’ve lied a lot.
Sort of like the forensic analysis of JFK’s murder. When we’re dealing with some situations, Occam’s razor applies. In both examples the government gave us outrageous stories that require very complex and convoluted explanations.
The simplest explanation is the government lied. They had motive, means and opportunity. The particular complex physics of DEWs is beyond my scope of knowledge and I don’t think it’s relevant to my understanding that the government lied and were probably involved.
That’s what I mean with 9/11
If we discuss pathogenic disease or hypothetical pathogens for those who say pathogens don’t exist, this begins to get into very complex details that are possibly outside the scope of knowledge of many here (my guess). It’s out of my scope of knowledge that’s for sure. But the fact that the government lied can clearly be shown and that is not beyond the scope of understanding of those of us here and even those in the general population.
If someone lies or an agency lies, they can’t be trusted. And there are so many lies that nothing they did at this point could restore that trust.
“I mean that the official story defies the laws of physics as far as I know. The jet fuel didn’t get hot enough to melt anything to cause the collapse. If we’re dealing with planes with jet fuel, this doesn’t make sense, thus the official story is a lie. When the government lies once, the trust is gone. They’ve lied a lot.
Sort of like the forensic analysis of JFK’s murder. When we’re dealing with some situations, Occam’s razor applies. In both examples the government gave us outrageous stories that require very complex and convoluted explanations.”
Yes you are quite correct. The official story does defy physics.
All of the milliion plus physicists around the world know this but very few have spoken up about it. Scared for their lives I guess.
You are missing the point about the jet fuel and melting steel.
Of course the fuel didn’t melt any steel in the towers.
But EVEN IF IT HAD MELTED THE STEEL on the floors where the fires occurred, the towers still would never have fallen!
That’s where the important physics comes into play (and common sense).
I don’t like to invoke Occam’s razor for situations like 9/11 and JFK.
It’s a misuse of the term.
Occam’s razor is used when trying to explain unknown phenomena or justify one theory over another.
In both cases (9/11 and JFK) we have known phenomena and don’t need theories. We have enough physical evidence to explain what happened (in the case of the towers and JFK’s murder).
As far as pathogens are concerned, you have probably gotten up to speed by now with the terrain theorists, but back in Jul 5, 2022 you stated:
“As far as bacterial disease goes, which I don’t think terrain supporters argue cannot be contagious…”
Terrain theorists have been focusing almost exclusively on viruses the past few years, but they also maintain that no pathogens exist. This includes certain bacteria obviously.
“But EVEN IF IT HAD MELTED THE STEEL on the floors where the fires occurred, the towers still would never have fallen!”
Yes, that too. Sort of like a tree would not collapse into itself if something hit it very hard, i.e. a plane.
And if we compare what controlled demolitions look like to the common observer, it looks almost identical IMO.
I did misuse Occam’s razor and in fact you are correct. I’m glad you pointed this out. It’s good to be precise and understand what things are and how they are defined.
In medicine Occam’s razor is “if you hear hoof beats in Texas, think horses not zebras”
And I think this is why many doctors believe in pathogens because it appears to be the common link. It’s a simple explanation but the actual living environment within a person is vastly complex, in flux moment to moment. Nevertheless, in some situations the appearance of contagion seems to exist.
I have had bacterial infections that required antibiotics so I don’t think all bacteria are benevolent or at least sometimes they become a problem in a less than perfect world.
But there always seems to be some percentage of the population that doesn’t get sick, thus there are some valid claims that terrain is extremely important in mitigating disease.
“And if we compare what controlled demolitions look like to the common observer, it looks almost identical IMO.”
I’m going to be going into some detail in the coming months re: the towers’ destruction. In fact, if any of the three towers are compared to a typical controlled demolition each one is very different.
Yes I too have had bacterial infections requiring antibiotics.
Terrain theory is very seductive, to be sure.
But the theory is far from being hole-tight.
You would think that with almost 700 million alleged cases of C-19
they would be able to do a controlled experiment, somewhere in the world, with participants willing to be infected with the virus. Are you aware of any studies like this?
“You would think that with almost 700 million alleged cases of C-19
they would be able to do a controlled experiment, somewhere in the world, with participants willing to be infected with the virus. Are you aware of any studies like this?”
No, I am not aware of any controlled studies in humans for alleged Sars-Cov 2. But there were some observations of appearance of contagion on the Princess Cruise Line. However, this was not a controlled experiment.
But there were experiments done on Spanish Flu cases that attempted to get people sick with it and none of them got sick. However, germ theory allows for immunity and terrain mitigating disease.
To me, it’s clear terrain is the most important factor in most diseases. Proving cause is much more difficult in multicellular organisms that have genetic and hormonal influences that are not well understood (by me). I don’t know enough to say with certainty which is correct. When I was done with my bachelors degree in molecular biology I got a glimpse into how little I actually know about how life works on a molecular level.
I’m not saying because it’s complex means we should outsource our thinking to experts but that it is an area of research that takes time.
And even “experts” don’t know everything. In fact sometimes people will know just a small amount in detail.
With JFK and 9/11 didn’t the government remove the physical evidence from the site? They actually removed evidence from the crime scene subverting proper investigation. We should totally trust someone who does that right? No, exactly the opposite.
You are right they made feeble attempts to remove evidence from both crime scenes.
But in both cases we were very fortunate to have video evidence of the crimes.
The videos proved to be the smoking gun for both in terms of proving
JFK was a conspiracy and 9/11 was a false flag attack.
More on bacteria in the context of the gut. Taking certain antibiotics can cause an imbalance of microbes in which there is an overgrowth of certain microbes that “cause” (or contribute/are associated with) disease.
This is seen in clostridium difficile (c-diff) infection. It is commonly seen in persons who take certain antibiotics.
But there are claims made that this bacteria can also be a pathogen in hospitals because people with poorly functioning immune systems can contract it. I have not researched studies in the matter. I suspect terrain theorists would say it was not a pathogen. I can’t make that claim. I haven’t looked into it and don’t know enough. But on the surface it does “appear” to be contagious. Although, I have never caught this.
SUBTHREADS – Is The Virus Real? Do Viruses Exist? – circa Jan 2023
James Corbett discusses this issue.
Specifically, this was what he said about it:
“I haven’t had whatever it is, so I can’t say anything from my own personal experience. I can talk about people that I know personally in my real life who have had Covid, whatever that is, and who have said this is like nothing I have had before. It is not a flu. So I don’t know. Are they lying to me and why?
I think there is some sort of novel illness out there… I do not know the causation of that illness, but a transmissible pathogen is not outside the bounds of reality, and the idea of bio-weapons that have been created specifically to cause illness in the population is not outside the bounds of reality…”
It seemed like a novel illness to me since I work in hospitals but not an illness that was risking the entire human race like they claim and what they did in response was wrong and caused profound harm. But my observations are biased same as any other human being so thorough analysis would need to be conducted to evaluate if it was a novel illness. Also what is a novel illness?
To me it’s a combination of symptoms not seen in the past. In 10 years working in health care I’ve never seen this exact combination of symptoms. But I’m only one person so maybe some observers would disagree. I definitely did not expect people to be locked down for any illness. In fact it was jaw dropping and very very unexpected.
Also, though Covid did appear to me to be novel, it was not the worst “flu season” I’ve ever seen. In fact, I’ve seen worse. But this is just my own observations and I have been wrong in the past and am not above being wrong.
What I mean by “worst” is that in past seasonal illness times, I have worked with more abundance of patients seeking medical treatment for flu symptoms, higher admission rates, and ER waiting room overcrowding that included people waiting in the parking lot to be seen. So there appeared to be more resources being used in the past, particularly 2017 where I worked.
The primarily difference was that the people who were very sick in 2020 had something that looked like a blood clotting disorder coupled with severe respiratory failure and people required oxygen support. I’ve never seen that in the past. So it was less volume in 2020 but sicker patients. Also less children treated in 2020, almost zero Covid diagnosis in children where I was working.
To compare 2020 to past seasonal illness times one could look at ICU bed occupancy. Was adult ICU volume greater in 2020 than in 2017? But overall, what was the mortality rate for persons with any respiratory illness in 2020 compared to 2017? And no fudging the numbers. Also one cannot exclude contributing factors like already having one or more diseases and advanced age, etc.
Viruses exist and you can make them visible
And here is the plant virus visualized in a video:
Viruses can also be very big.
Giant virus infects Ameoba
Cell Biology of Virus Infection. The Role of Cytoskeletal Dynamics Integrity in the Effectiveness of Dengue Virus Infection
There are many such books, from which you can learn things.
A virus can not sustain itself, so it needs to hijack a host like a parasite.
Here is some discussion about exosomes and viruses.
Extracellular vesicles and viruses: Are they close relatives?
One other point I have noticed is the framing of the debate or discussion is “viruses don’t exist”. To me this does not really characterize what is being discussed but perhaps that is a flaw in my own thinking.
When I think doesn’t exist means that the thing is not on the material plane. It can’t be detected with instruments. There is some particle that exists but it’s function and what it actually is to me is really what’s being discussed, no?
The issue about HIV decades ago was that it was being confused with an exosome, not that the thing did not exist in the material plane.
I think a better way of stating this would be Koch’s postulates have not been met for the particle called “x,y or z” thus there is no proof it is the causal agent or infectious. This is more precise and easier to understand than “does not exist”.
Also, things described as “viruses” or small replication capable particles have been reported to have been synthesized by researchers thus many believe a particle that can use host replication molecules can exist and does exist as an actual thing in the material plane that can be measured. This is not the same as the thing functioning this way in nature however, or as being hypothesized by researchers.
Before a debate there should be a definition of terms so that people can use the same language.
I can understand why having an experiment with multiple biological molecules and cells complicate studies on what is causal. There are too many variables to narrow it down in my understanding as a lay person.
Just some thoughts that I’m sure are not new or have not been discussed in the past.
This would be the disgusting interview in question, I guess.
Nick perhaps it would have been more appropriate to make this post in the Interview 1808 – Derrick Broze Interviews James Corbett in England thread?
To keep things contiguous I will reply to your above post in that thread.
Just head over to that thread and search for Fawlty.
Woohoo don’t get me wrong I love TLAV but James you have been missed. Already listened to your recent interview and drove through a red light in Oxley just listening away with a little smile on my face. Yay
Welcome (back to your) home! You have been missed here on your website, although it was good to see you (albeit virtually) at the Better Way Conference.
PLEASE allow yourself some time to rest, and regain your equilibrium, before you continue to provide us with more of your exemplary research, for which I thank you more than you could possibly ever know.
Pretty strange audio distortion..
時差 ボケ 大変 値 ジャメs くん。
I have had a free report I compiled on the truths about the scam since 1/24/22. Just go to this link:
and watch the video or download the free pdf that is being hosted by Henry Makow.
The name COVID and the intention of the take down of humanity has been in the works long before they pulled it off.
Welcome back Mr Corbett!
Hope the jet lag is not too bad- you look like you need a vacation to get over the ‘vacation’ which is usually how it goes when you cross time zones
Did James follow the latest trend and bring some alien tech (or bodies) with him?
HaHaHa! “Remains to be Seen”? 😉
Why do you think this is in the MSM now? There’s even more stuff today. A distraction? To bewilder and confuse? What are they up to while the MSM is putting this UFO stuff out there?
Following the UFO movement, there is not much new coming from the military.
They just added another “witness”.
It appears to me that they want to control the UFO narrative more.
Maybe distract people from everything else that is going on?
Or maybe to push for a world government in a different way?
(copy from somewhere else)
I know some contactees and some abductees. From their witness statements the visitors are more like ghosts that can affect reality (like poltergeist). Abductees feel their spirit taken away to another place. The foofighters -type ufos seem a very real phenomenon. (not as fake as the pop-group). They are also seen in many places, and they seem partially natural (Hessdalen). They seem more like “sprites” or “elementals”, natural spirits that also affect reality. These light-balls can leave burned spots. Some people seem able to attract them (Robert van den Broeke). Many people report “aliens” visiting them in dreams.
The witness reports from the military may be partially from drugs experiments. Maybe they give you LSD if you have worked on a top secret project. The military also uses certain fake-UFO projects (blue-beam) to confuse people on purpose. What we can proof is that a lot of this information is top-secret to a level that the president is not allowed to access. The military could hide secret tech, but maybe they have almost no clue of possible real UFOs and are using the phenomenon to hide their own secrets. Or the aliens may not want them to reveal anything.
But how physical is this all really? It is hard to tell.
Richard Dolan is documenting most of the reports and stories. From some of the reports there may be a physical visits. Linda Molton Howle is about abductees and cattle-mutilations, and how this may affect us. Her theory is that the visitors are active in secret and use cattle for certain essential biological substances. Jacques Vallee thinks that the aliens are extra dimensional visitors. Etc.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The cow mutilation phenomenon is kind of weird.
I don’t know why but I was just happy and relieved to watch this video.
Welcome back! Rest and restore. Get a massage, some epsom salt soaks, and lay in the sun for awhile…not thinking. 🙂
Melatonin is good for jet lag to reset the circadian rhythm. I’ve found that a little bit goes a long way though. This terrible jet lag feeling is how a lot of night shift workers feel all the time.
Take care of yourself! And walking/hiking is great exercise too. Outdoor activity is superior to indoor work outs IMO.
James I am glad to see you back home, so many go, some never come back. Believe it or not you missed nothing… the bad guys are still out there, the US economy is just fine(so I’m told)…and the stage in the US is set for Disclosure 2.0 on 6/12/23 2pm US eastern time. Nat. Press Club in DC. It might be fun, it might be hilarious, or it might actually be informative… but I doubt that. Root us on either way, you don’t want alien wars too, do you? You should be envious, George Carlin said, “If you are born in the US, you get a front row seat at the circus.” Well I was, and I got my seat, I’m ready. Welcome back, Buz