It’s Confirmed: Tyrants LOVE China! . . . But Why?

by | Mar 14, 2022 | Newsletter | 21 comments

I’m sure by now you’ve all seen the clip of Justin Trudeau admitting that he “admires” China’s dictatorship “because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime,” but here it is again:

Given the absolutely unprecedented and utterly chilling events that have just unfolded in Canada under Prime Minister Trudeau’s watch, it’s no surprise that his bone-chilling admission from 2013 has been making the rounds online once again.

But this is not some kind of one-off slip of the tongue or out-of-context “gotcha” moment. Time after time, (mis)leader after (mis)leader from around the world has confirmed their lust for China’s dictatorial powers. In fact, it’s not just the (mis)leaders who covet the Chinese authoritarian system; businessmen, pundits, think tank bigwigs and everyone else in the so-called “Superclass” are equally batty for Beijing’s style of governance.

On the surface level, there is a perfectly obvious explanation for this phenomenon: these globalist thugs are all wannabe tyrants. If a ChiCom system gave them the power to “turn their economy around on a dime” or do anything else on their wish list, they would adopt it without a second thought.

But, as usual, there is an even more important layer to this story that is being neglected by almost everyone. You see, China is not just any type of dictatorship. In fact, it isn’t even communist. When you understand the principle that the Chinese government is really operating on, you start to understand why China has been built up as the rising new superpower of the 21st century and what that means for the future of humanity. . . .

If China isn’t communist, then what is it? Find out in this important edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. And, as always, Corbett Report members can stick around for James’ recommended reading, listening and viewing, plus a coupon code for 25% off Corbett Report DVDs at the New World Next Week shop.

For free access to this editorial, please CLICK HERE.

The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 12 issue 07 (March 13, 2022)

by James Corbett
March 12, 2022

I’m sure by now you’ve all seen the clip of Justin Trudeau admitting that he “admires” China’s dictatorship “because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime,” but here it is again:

Given the absolutely unprecedented and utterly chilling events that have just unfolded in Canada under Prime Minister Trudeau’s watch, it’s no surprise that his bone-chilling admission from 2013 has been making the rounds online once again.

But this is not some kind of one-off slip of the tongue or out-of-context “gotcha” moment. Time after time, (mis)leader after (mis)leader from around the world has confirmed their lust for China’s dictatorial powers. In fact, it’s not just the (mis)leaders who covet the Chinese authoritarian system; businessmen, pundits, think tank bigwigs and everyone else in the so-called “Superclass” are equally batty for Beijing’s style of governance.

On the surface level, there is a perfectly obvious explanation for this phenomenon: these globalist thugs are all wannabe tyrants. If a ChiCom system gave them the power to “turn their economy around on a dime” or do anything else on their wish list, they would adopt it without a second thought.

But, as usual, there is an even more important layer to this story that is being neglected by almost everyone. You see, China is not just any type of dictatorship. In fact, it isn’t even communist. When you understand the principle that the Chinese government is really operating on, you start to understand why China has been built up as the rising new superpower of the 21st century and what that means for the future of humanity.


Trudeau’s love affair with China did not start or end in 2013, of course. The Canadian PM’s determination to kowtow to the Chinese at every opportunity is a well-known fact of Canadian political life and has resulted in a series of pathetic attempts to curry favour with Xi and the Chinese government. Lowlights include Trudeau’s invitation to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to participate in winter exercises with the Canadian Armed Forces, his threatening a charity group for daring to attempt to bestow an award on the president of Taiwan and his promise to bestow a “Made-in-Canada” COVID bioweapon “vaccine” on the Canadian people. That promise turned out to be a lie in every respect: the “Canadian” company developing the vaccine was not even Canadian, but a Chinese firm with connections to the PLA. (The outright fabrications emanating from the PM office in that affair were so outrageous that even the CBC had to cover them.)

But it’s not just Trudeau and his WEF-“penetrated” Canadian cabinet that have a penchant for China’s glorious dictatorship.

Biden has repeatedly bragged that he “traveled 17,000 miles” with Xi when he was vice president—a claim that not even the Bezos Post fact checkers could support—and had his own “Trudeau moment” at a CNN Town Hall last year, praising the Chinese dictator-for-life out of the blue as a “bright and really tough guy” in a bizarre, unscripted diversion from the teleprompter.

Former German chancellor Angela Merkel’s consistent defense of Xi’s dictatorship and her push to increase EU investment in China earned her the (dis)honour of being called “old friend” (lăo péngyŏu, a title reserved for revered globalist fellow travelers like Henry Kissinger) by Xi in a parting phone call between the two (mis)leaders last year.

Even Putin—who many in the “alternative” media falsely believe to be an anti-globalist—has overturned half a century of Sino-Russian political tensions to forge a close working relationship with Xi and lay a Sino-Russian foundation for the BRICS’ phony opposition to the New World Order. Not only do Xi and Putin go out of their way to call each other besties (Putin particularly relished giving Russian ice cream to the Chinese dictator for his 66th birthday), but, as I’ve pointed out time and time again, they have collaborated in creating an “alternative” system of globalization that is, in reality, just the same old NWO vision dressed up in different clothes.

Similarly, all of the (mis)leaders of the (un)free world have likewise lined up to ink deals with the ChiCom dictatorship and lavish praise on Xi while giving obligatory lip service to their supposed “concern” about human rights in the country. Macron? Check. Johnson? Check. Bennett? Check.

I could go on, but you get the idea. At a certain point, the spectacle of political puppet after political puppet lining up to shower accolades on Xi Jinping and the Chinese government is so overwhelming that it gives the lie to the idea that China is really an enemy of the West.

So what’s really going on here?


At this point, we’re faced with a seeming paradox.

On the one hand, China is portrayed as such a threat to the international order—menacing its maritime neighbours and repressing its Uyghur minority even as it grows in military might and geopolitical clout—that entirely new groups (the “Quad”) and treaties (the TPP) have to be devised to contain it.

On the other hand, the world (mis)leaders are falling all over themselves to prove how close they are with President Xi and to cut deals with the Chinese government.

As usual, there is a simple explanation for this seeming contradiction that most people can immediately understand: money. You see, the Chinese are buying off politicians. That’s why all of these globalists are lining up to bestow praise on and ink treaties with the ChiComs.

And, also as usual, there is some truth to this explanation. The Chinese are active in international influence operations, employing every trick in the book: not just bribery, but the creation of lucrative “scholarship” programs to recruit foreign researchers, the use of double agents in sensitive positions, and, of course, the good ol’ honey trap.

But while financial (or sexual) motivations may be enough to explain the Sinophilic behaviour of certain politicians and researchers, it is not enough to explain the phenomenon of the past 40 years. As I have documented in the past, the rise of China to its position of economic, geopolitical and military prominence did not happen overnight and it did not happen as the result of a handful of bought-and-paid for politicians. Rather, China has been carefully and intentionally built up as a major player in the emerging multipolar New World Order by the same gaggle of globalists who have overseen the global financial and geopolitical for the past 50 years.

But why?

To get a handle on this question, it’s fruitful to take a look at what it is that the globalists see in China. We can gain insight into the answer by looking at a curious, recurring theme in the controlled establishment media propaganda about China. I call it: “China Is Horrible! . . . But Wouldn’t It Be Nice?”

This theme can be seen in just about every piece in the controlled corporate media about the evils of the Chinese government and its treatment of its citizens. In a nutshell, they expose the unbelievably Orwellian control that the ChiComs assert over every aspect of citizens’ lives, decry it as tyrannical . . . and then point out how effective this autocratic system is in managing the Chinese economy and building Chinese military might and geopolitical clout. The effect of such propaganda is always to remind the reader that China is The Enemy and deserves our Two Minutes Hate—but that it would be nice if our loving, Western, “democratic” governments assumed some of those powers, too.

Trudeau’s now infamous expression of “admiration” for the Chinese dictatorship is one example of this theme, but the propagandists over at The New York Times provided perhaps the quintessential expression of this idea in a recent article, Living by the Code: In China, Covid-Era Controls May Outlast the Virus.”

The piece opens by noting the plight of Xie Yang, a human rights lawyer who decided to travel to Shanghai to visit the mother of a dissident even after local authorities warned him against taking the trip. On his way to the airport, officials changed Xie’s health status on his government-mandated health code app from “green,” meaning that he was free to travel, to “red,” prompting airport security to attempt to put him in quarantine.

The rest of the article walks a delicate line: it accurately documents the egregious abuses of human rights enabled by the biosecurity surveillance grid erected by the Chinese government, but it is peppered with constant reminders about how effective this grid is at “containing” the scamdemic. The Chinese government, it tells us, has become “emboldened by their successes in stamping out Covid.” And, we are told, the government-mandated health code app is “key to China’s goal of stamping out the virus entirely within its borders.” These controls “have really produced great results, because they can monitor down to every individual,” the article quotes a Chinese dental worker as saying. The Times even asserts that the government’s “success in limiting infections” has led to “widespread support” for the measures.

In other words: China’s tyranny is horrible! . . . But wouldn’t it be nice?

Once you notice this particular propaganda ploy, you will see it everywhere in mainstream discussions about the Chinese “menace” that is supposedly the greatest “threat” to the free world. And once you do notice this trick, you will begin to understand the real reason that the globalists have worked so closely with China for decades: not because they are adherents of communism, but because they see China as an experimental laboratory in which to perfect a new form of governance for the planet.

This is precisely what David Rockefeller meant when he wrote his infamous ode to Chairman Mao in an August 1973 New York Times op-ed, “From a China Traveler“:

The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.

It is not that Rockefeller was a secret (or not-so-secret) communist. In fact, it turns out that the Chinese system of governance isn’t really communism at all.


So if China isn’t communist, what is it?

The answer is simple: China is a technocracy.

Now, either you’re a poor, lost normie who has somehow stumbled upon this editorial and has no idea what that statement means or you’re a follower of the independent media and you already have a pretty good grasp of what “technocracy” is. If the former is the case, I would recommend you explore my archives on the subject to better understand what technocracy is and how it serves as the governing principle of choice for globalists in the 21st century.

To summarize, there are two ways to understand what technocracy is. There is the straightforward and innocuous definition supplied to the public, which holds that technocracy is simply government by a scientific and technical elite. And then there is the hidden assumption upon which this definition is based: namely, that the “scientific and technical elite” is beholden to the “Superclass” from whom they derive their funding, their research cues and their values. “Science,” after all, is merely a process, and technology is merely a means of applying scientific knowledge in the pursuit of some specific goal. But whose goal? In this way, we see that technocracy is not the benevolent rule of an enlightened scientific class, but the use of that class by the ruling oligarchy to more effectively manage the human population.

That China is a technocracy is not a controversial observation. It has been made by a number of scholars, including Liu Yongmou, a professor of the philosophy of science and technology at Renmin University of China. In a 2016 article in Issues in Science and Technology entitled “The Benefits of Technocracy in China,” Yongmou details how technocracy was imported to China under the moniker “expert politics” by Luo Longji, a politician and intellectual who studied under the original technocrats at Columbia University in the 1920s. This system of governance was initially eschewed by Mao, who favoured devotion to the party over technical expertise, but has flourished in the post-Mao era, culminating in the last three presidents of China—Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping—all having originally studied engineering.

This is no trivial detail. The technocratic mindset is everywhere apparent in the Chinese system, where the citizenry is treated as unruly variables in an otherwise harmonious equation, variables that can only be tamed by rigorous logic and ruthless algorithmic strictures. Hence the laundry list of heartless, inhuman, but doubtless “efficient” techniques for managing the population. The techniques, spearheaded by the Chinese, range from the world’s most pervasive facial recognition network to the vast social credit system, which regulates citizens’ behaviour by barring them from public transit or by blocking their access to higher education or well-paying jobs if they do not comply with government dictates.

Is it any wonder, then, that China was the first country to roll out the QR code-driven, smartphone-hosted “health pass” that enables the government, if it chooses, to prevent any individual from passing any government checkpoint at any time? Or that the Western media—let alone (mis)leaders like Trudeau—would so openly lust after those powers?

As Patrick Wood—the author of multiple works about the hidden history of technocracy—accurately summarizes in his article entitled (appropriately enough) “China Is A Technocracy“:

China is a full-blown Technocracy and it is the first of its kind on planet earth, thanks to the clever manipulation and support of Western elites like the Trilateral Commission. [. . .] In conclusion, the clear and present danger to world domination is not any kind of Marxist derivative, but rather neo-authoritarian Technocracy. Living under such a system will be far more oppressive and painful than Socialism, Communism or Fascism.

It is important to understand this, because if we do not see that China is no more communist than the United States is “free” and “democratic,” then we will never understand what this strange love/hate dance about the new China bogeyman/frenemy is really about.

The global power elite are perfecting their techniques for controlling the human population and China is the technocratic laboratory where they are testing those techniques. This is why Trudeau, the mainstream media and all of the other organs of the establishment “Superclass” really admire China.

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda

The Uyghur Podcast Brought to You by a CIA Torture Propagandist

Censorship: Rejecting a One-Sided Argument

Recommended Listening

Truck Convoy Leader Tom Marazzo

Recommended Viewing

COVID: Everything They Want You to Forget (h/t mkey)

Cancelling Trees

JoyCamp 10 Year Anniversary

Just For Fun

Talking Heads – Puzzling Evidence


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  1. Well if Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Justin Trudeau’s imitation of China’s social credit system ( ie freezing bank accounts of people who donated to the wrong cause) should count.

    Perhaps it’s a bit of an overstatement to call what happened in Canada as a social credit “system” as the process is far less automated than in China, but the principle is there and I doubt the automation stage is going to be far away.

  2. James Corbett’s 3/14/2022 article
    It’s Confirmed: Tyrants LOVE China! . . . But Why?
    is a 3-D puzzle piece which grooves nicely with his recent
    Episode 415 – The Global Digital ID Prison

    The puzzle piece snaps into place with Corbett’s final paragraph:

    The global power elite are perfecting their techniques for controlling the human population and China is the technocratic laboratory where they are testing those techniques.
    This is why Trudeau, the mainstream media and all of the other organs of the establishment “Superclass” really admire China.

    James Corbett has often talked about World War 3 and about China in relation to WW3.
    Corbett has often mentioned that WW3 won’t be like any other war.
    While we could have a hot war with China or Russia, one thing is for certain…

    • …one thing is for certain…
      “The world of COVID-1984 is what the future looks like to these technocrats, regardless of whether it’s Uncle Sam in the driver’s seat or Uncle Xi or any of the other misleaders.

      Having said that, there is a war going on right now. At one level, it is a contest between the various players in this geopolitical game to secure themselves a better seat at the table of global power in the coming biosecurity age. But, as I have pointed out before, at a deeper level it is a war on you. It is a war on me. It is a war on all of us.

      The difficulty for most of us is in understanding this war and the forms that it takes. It does not correspond in any way to what most of the public imagines warfare to be. There are no soldiers lining up on battlefields to shoot at each other. This is warfare of a fundamentally different kind.” — James Corbett

      EXCERPT from
      1/31/2021 The Year Ahead – Part 3: Geopolitics

      • Interesting comment, here’s another take on Ukraine and how it plays into the “plan”.

        “It is a war on all of us”, very well said. The three ring circus we call our lives need to embrace this fact.

        Seems like we are living in a play, act two about to start, or 432 whatever, and we have no say. But we do.

        Personally I strive for the day that the human race wakes to the fact they own their existence, their lives, their own humanity. I am very spiritual, a soul on a human journey let’s say. This gives me a view of the world that says to me, we are distracted, kind of lost in the weeds.

        The power is ours, just say no. Simple and stupid some may say, but no, very powerful embrace of our own human existence. “They” are afraid, of what?, us.

        Be the change you want, be the change you see.

        In Lak’ech

  3. Is a False Flag Chemical Attack in Ukraine coming in order to blame Russia?

    Writes Chris Sullivan:
    Marco Rubio set the stage for a false flag in his exchange with the she-devil Nuland.
    “Is there any doubt it would be the Russians?

    From (with YouTube Video)…

    He is in Ukraine and talks about the situation.

    A FALSE FLAG IS COMING – Russia-Ukraine War / Gonzalo Lira
    (9 minute video)

  4. You are right in saying that China is not a Communist country, but you are misleading in claiming that it is
    a “technocracy”. Communism and Capitalism are both political and economic systems, and while technocracy can be used to bolster each, it is really not either because it can also be used to bolster other economic and political systems like mercantilism and democracies. Technocracy is simply a science and it is neutral both politically and economically.

    The fact is that both Russia and China are really disguised disguised Capitalist systems camouflaged by Deep State propaganda. Capitalism is structured like a pyramid: wide at the bottom and very narrow at the top. The bottom is occupied by the vast number of workers who produce the wealth and that wealth is forced to move upward by various criminal economic and totalitarianism schemes, where it is hoarded by the tiny number of rich at the top. So it is easy to spot a Capitalist economy when you see it: just count the number of billionaires at the top. Russia has about 146, while China has about 385. The U.S., on the other hand, has somewhere between 614 and 735, depending on the robustness of the economy. This means that all three of these economies are focussed on the flow of wealth upward to the top – and that is the signal sign of Capitalism, not Communism, although totalitarianism is common to both. All three are simply Capitalist countries competing with each other for world economic and political domination through the various totalitarian schemes we see around us today: terrorism, coercion, censorship, the loss of human rights and constitutional protections, religious freedom, free speech, and privacy. Totalitarianism is a structural property of Capitalism because no one in their right mind would stand for the upward flow of wealth if they understood its consequences.

    • this “cracy” or that “cracy”, are language devices people use to stall for time, or half say something, or simply hide. If we are distilling down to words with traction, hows about
      greedy dominatracy
      demonic psychosisism

      people dress up other people perceptions with endless cloaks of vague words that never amount to nor account for anything, yet the world hurls on at 500 miles/second.

      get real, there are no such things as countries, dollars, virus’s, etc, those things exist as “pretend realisms”, about as buttery as “fake imitation margarine”

      whats real is somebody telling someone else to go exploit, torture, or kill someone else for them. thats how they dominate. they scare devotees & capturees into thinking they alone have access to the biggest gun. but rarely if ever pull the trigger themselves.

    • Number 67, [zyx – zevn]
      I appreciate you posting this.

      I watched:
      China is Still Very Poor – Don’t be Fooled!

      I really like how the pair framed the viewpoint and value of people in this episode.

      One thing which they pointed out was a cultural aspect…
      It is a sin “to not know”.
      And thus, it can be better to give wrong directions or take the wrong road, than to admit not knowing.
      And once a person does the wrong ‘directions’ or ‘road’, then defend it as being right and justify it at every turn.

      Those traits of “know when you really don’t know” and “defend being right, even when you’re wrong” probably span all cultures and each of us at times.

      Thanks agains for your posts.
      I do read them and many times hit some of the links.

  5. As I begin reading here, I wonder what in the stars may be bringing the issue of control to the least here…and I note from the encircled 14th and 15th dates on my calendar that the Sun is slipping into Pisces, out of the heavy handed control mechanisms of Saturn’s fields of Capricorn and Aquarius.

    Always fascinating. Pisces, where boundaries dissolve, and illusion competes with compassion.

  6. You are such a friggin’ good writer, James.
    And you know comic book villains when you see them.

    Gimme that old world chaos
    It was good enough for Mark Twain
    and it’s good enough for me.

    Ah!! That’s it, of course!! They seek control because they cannot create.

    • “they control” = they dominate

      perhaps because they’re jealous that others can feel.

      they’re starving from lack of sentience. they were born with it but have long lost the daily experience because of abuse, bad habits, and indulgence in that which literally burns or at least numbs the synapses. zombies dressed up but nowhere to go. nowhere to hide (from the hunger which is their self).

      one motivator could simply be seen as a matter of battery charging:

      some charge their battery by social interaction. chi courses from givers to takers eyes, via breath, and via other more (and less) subtle channels, a balanced conversation should leave both parties feeling charged.

      while others think they are gaining (“energetically”) by dominating others. they may, however briefly find adrenachromic repreave, but it dont-wont last. It looks like that kind of gain at the price of others loss is

      heres Paul M queued at 1:33 to make that point

  7. I am left in the dark as to what you say about destroying the US dollar as the global reserve.
    Reserve of what? It’s not backed up, it’s based now on air. It’s just printed with no regard to any discourse of reality, if any discourse about money ever had any to begin with.
    Even tulip bulbs were used to inflate and destroy an economy.

    • Openlense

      The us dollar is backed by the fact that if any nation tries to trade oil without dollars the military destroys them. That makes it the “safe’ money that everyone wanted.

      It was effective for a long while but now the US is in longer able to wield that kinda power….a dying dinosaurs thrashing can,however, be dangerous

      • Exactly. It’s backed up by military force (this is unethical, but true). It’s kind of like how the mafia’s money is backed up by the treat of violence and the will to carry it out.

    • When countries have to buy oil in dollars, it creates the demand to use them. And if you don’t? Your government gets replaced

  8. To call China a technocracy is to refer to their government management structure. But when understood in terms of both the economy of China and the management structure it is best to refer to China as a State Capitalist system. The economics are capitalist the state makes the decisions.

    It is hardly communist and the useage of this term is done as a psyop.

    China, economically, is through and through state capitalist.

    I prefer to use the term technocratic fascism — it joins the political with the economics.

  9. Corbett leads off with Justin Trudeau in his article
    “It’s Confirmed: Tyrants LOVE China! . . . But Why?”

    Clyde Do Somthing is a mechanic in far western Canada, who by the way, has a Japanese wife and kids. He has dual American/Canadian citizenship. Clyde once lived in Japan.
    While juggling his work and family life, he puts out some news videos.

    Clyde has some good clips in this 7 minute brief…
    Monday March 14th
    Trudeau is the Laughing Stock of The Western World

  10. I enjoyed Vin Cognito’s short truth music parody from the 1980’s…
    Talking Heads – Puzzling Evidence.

    I’m currently going through Corbett’s “Recommended” lists, starting from the bottom up.

  11. My pet theory is that China is not actually authoritarian. The limits that the communist party sets are uncontroversial. The Chinese empower their children. Each new Chinese generation grows and flowers.

    German leader Angela Merkel said something like: “We learned from China that freedom is not required for economic growth.” I think China encourages that line of thinking because it damages the West. My guess is that Merkel was mistaken, and economic growth does require freedom. Yet our youth are brought up as prisoners, robbed of their culture, trained to obey.

    The authoritarian image China projects to the West is a stroke of genius.

  12. Wonderful article James!

    I still think technocracy is not talked about enough. Signs are definitely pointing to China as the model of future governance.

    I wonder if anyone has posted this wonderful video from the YouTube channel Academy of Ideas (I think he is also on other platforms).

    He gives some historical references to the building of “parallel structures” in Czechoslovakia (before the current Czech republic) and how this led to the eventual downfall of communism in Eastern Europe and eventually the Soviet Union within a matter of 10-15 years.

    It is elaborated in this video here:

    I believe your Solutions Watch series is definitely a step in this very positive direction – though I thought this video gave some very interesting historical references of the successful overturning of tyranny.

    This is definitely encouraging and perhaps similar structures could help overturn the grip of power postmodern technocrats have over global governance today.

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