As I’ve noted in my recent work, many globalist agenda items are up for grabs as the world continues to freak out about the novel coronavirus and Covid-19. So is this the main event? Is the disease much worse than it’s being portrayed? Are reinfections after “recovery” common? And what should we do to prepare. James tackles these questions in depth in this edition of Questions For Corbett.
Watch this video on BitChute / / YouTube or Download the mp4
Experts unsure if ‘cured’ COVID-19 patients are reinfected or relapsed
As the coronavirus outbreak evolves, we answer some key questions
Can someone get infected by coronavirus second time? Here’s what experts say
Italian premier locks down entire country to stop virus
The Rollercoaster Ride Has Begun
Prepper Foods and Supplies to Survive Coronavirus Without Leaving the House
“What we need to look at in terms of those who tested positive again is concerns over the authenticity of their negative results,” he said. For example, samples taken from different areas of the same patient could test differently depending on where the virus resides.”
Jon Rappaport at his ‘No More Fake News’ blog has been doing yeoman service, and for many years now, in dissecting this latest viral outbreak and how it is managed as an event by the pyramid cap in best serving their interests. This whether a real threat at some level or the hyped up threat it has grown to be.
Prepping at some level is always a good idea. Who runs their household on a just in time basis except for the perishables? I have always kept backup goods just in case. That case could be a supply chain break that could run the gambit of an economic meltdown to a prolonged and bitter labour dispute. Just out of interest tinned corned beef usually has an expiry date of over two years. Rice is always handy as are the makings for bread. Multi vitamins can cover for some lack in diet I suppose but they do have expiry so that they have to be renewed as used. A freezer for stockpiling margarine, coffee, and frozen vegetables is always good. If you hunt and harvest game meat they are an absolute necessity.
If you live on some land a veggie garden doesn’t take that much area or effort to realize a good crop. I grow enough potatoes to feed the two of us from one crop harvest to the next in my garden patch. I also grow tomatoes in buckets, have two apple trees, a plum and cherry tree as well as two of each good producing raspberry and blueberry bushes. All are eaten in season or else prepped and frozen for use during the year. Could we survive a total shutdown? I believe we could for a long enough time to become self sufficient but that would be conditional on what the authorities decided was their bottom line, where violence emerges, in handling such a situation and their attitude towards those wishing to become self sufficient? That is where push comes to shove and very difficult decisions have to be made.
Our propaganda outlet (CBC) was telling its listeners how to react to covid, not in becoming too complacent or too alarmist but with just the correct amount of concern as dictated by the experts LOL.
“Could we survive a total shutdown? I believe we could for a long enough time to become self sufficient but that would be conditional on what the authorities decided was their bottom line, where violence emerges, in handling such a situation and their attitude towards those wishing to become self sufficient? That is where push comes to shove and very difficult decisions have to be made.”
This line of questioning is starting to emerge more on boards across the web.
All the prepping in the world isn’t going to do you one bit of good when your neighbors (who haven’t prepared) are starting to get very hungry.
They do have a full set of weapons though (handguns, semi-automatics, etc.)
and a large cache of ammo.
So unless you’re willing to die/go to war with your neighbors over your food cache, you’re going to have to be willing to give up most or all of it in return for the possibility of mercy.
The bulk of society today is too food industry reliant.
Cut that supply chain and mayhem results.
The first civil casualty is law and order.
I’m not trying to be a s-disturber, but this thread can serve as a useful
talking point across multiple themes/threads here.
.To Hoard or Not to Hoard
So just how does a nascent worldwide Anarchist society deal with
a COVID-19 -like scenario that has caused panic-buying of all food goods in stores around the world, leaving absolutely nothing on the shelves?
They don’t survive.
I find it incredible that the Austrian school of economics and neoliberal Ayn Rand thinking is so often wrongheaded.
Ever heard of price gouging? Running out and buying foods, medicine, etc. is great if you have the money. But this type of activity drives up the prices of everything.
It is not a social solution to global problems; it is an individual solution for some people that have the money to run to the stores and buy. And even then it is only a temporary solution. Products run out of stock and then what?
And what of all those people who have less than four hundred dollars to their names? What are they supposed to do when one, they cannot run out and buy and two, the price gouging runs the prices through the roof?
A Donner party indeed.
The problem is capitalism. When will people learn? Capitalism is a crisis riddled system run by a ruling elite. Until it is overthrown, crisis is the word and reality of the day.
As for ‘freedom cells’? Don’t mourn organize!
Take a look how capitalist economics works!
If you are afraid, or if you are being misled to be afraid, you will act in your own interest to offset the fear, whether you are a socialist, a capitalist, or anyone in between.
Have you ever considered the possibility that the left-right, red team-blue team divide is false dichotomy intended to keep the people divided?
The real spectrum of political philosophy and possible activism is down-up between local voluntary action, such as buying and selling, and centralised, mandated action, such as the state telling you where to live, where to work, what food to take, and what medicine to use.
Even before the industrial revolution and fractional reserve lending, you could find this spectrum. Where do you think there was the greatest prosperity?
Yes, fear does push people into acting in what they think, is their own self interest. Libertarians think their self interest lies in their naked individualism and thus will act accordingly.
Left right, team red blue, these are infantile notions that I never speak about. Perhaps others you know do.
As do division, their can be no greater division that naked and insipid invididualism whereby each is out for their own, much like a jungle.
You say
The real spectrum of political philosophy and possible activism is down-up between local voluntary action, such as buying and selling, and centralised, mandated action, such as the state telling you where to live, where to work, what food to take, and what medicine to use.
None of what you state above has much relevance to any points I have made.
Again, it is Ayn Rand thinking that make people believe the big, bad state, not the coroporate state, is telling people what to do.
There has been little human prosperity throughout the history of human kind which really, is the history of class struggle.
Capitalism surely is an improvement over feudalism but not much. Wage slavery is still slavery.
Until people understand this, learn to develop class consciousness and understand that so called free markets and their aparatus, the state, cannot solve human problems and that only control of the means of production through coops run by workers, the prospects for human development will narrow and narrow.
And the Donner Party will expand its membership to include more and more people.
What about the middle class?
How do they figure in your calculations?
What about the Soviet Union?
Were they just the workers’ paradise lost?
How do they fit in your calculations?
I may agree with you, in a sense at least.
The “corporate state”, as you put it, has two parts – one, a centralised state and two, large, centralised corporations, together promoting illusions, such as
– weapons manufacturers, promoting “security”,
– banks, promoting “growth”,
– pharmaceutical (and vaccine) manufacturers, promoting “health”,
– agricultural-industrial suppliers, promoting the notion that they are “feeding the world”, and
– energy suppliers, extracting fossil fuels.
If you really want to demonize self-interest, as if you are somehow morally superior, then the real price gouging is hidden in plain sight – in the form of all the tax we are being forced to pay to underwrite foreign wars in a “forever war” policy. The real price gouging is being forced to pay for vaccines that may cause severe neurological damage, besides the other interventions of the medical monopoly, while voices promoting natural health and health via food are silenced. The real price gouging takes place, whatever the interest rate, when money is conjured out of thin air and then lent at interest under a regime of factional reserve lending. The real price gouging is being forced to pay for the subsidy of wheat and corn though they undermines the health of many. The real price gouging is being taxed for fossil fuels to pay for centralised “green” alternatives, such as wind and solar, when other smaller-scale, local alternatives are blacked out, such as alcohol (fuel for the first cars), atmospheric energy (à la Nicholas Tesla and Hermann Plausson, look for their patents), Fleischmann-Pons low-energy fusion (platinum and heavy water), and thorium. All of this price gouging takes place under the banner of “the greater good”, “security”, or “protecting people”.
I don’t dispute that people are indeed being gouged for “hand sanitizers” or face masks, but the real trick is making them believe that these things are somehow necessary for them and their health and happiness. They are ignorant. They tend to believe authority blindly. They have been misled into not thinking for themselves, for example that they can strengthen their immune systemms and respiratory systems, using cheap, natural methods, without being duped by the hype and publicity machine. Many of them might stop drinking and smoking and would greatly increase their chances, if you believe in the recent fear-mongering about respiratory illness and the “coronavirus”.
The tired, worn-out, exhausted rhetoric of class war is that of losers ever eager to blame someone else for their problems and living under an illusion of equality.
Think about it. If you could take all the money from everybody today, and then divide it equally tomorrow, and redistribute it the following day, then in twenty years, it would unequally distributed again. Why? Because we are not the same. Equality is an illusion. Get over it. Protect yourself and your family, if they will listen to you. Resist the illusions. Think for yourself, independently, without repeating tired clichés.
Hi Fawlty
To address your point about desperate neighbors…
I watched a video by a prepper who talked about this. His advice was to not become a target in the first place.
He said-
Don’t tell anyone you are a prepper. In a SHTF (shit hits the fan) situation, when people are desperate and hungry, their survival senses are very acute. They will notice the slightest thing that suggests a target. So at this point you need to blend in with your neighbors. Act like you don’t have a food cache. Go out and commiserate with them. If there is an emergency food distribution thing, go with them. Act as though you are in the same boat as everyone else. Most importantly, do not hunker down in your house and not go out. This will be noticed.
So basically, don’t be a bowl of cat food that a raccoon can smell from a mile away. Blend. In.
Right, keep your head down and move fast for neighbors will become enemies. Great solution.
All for none and none for all.
This is societal breakdown thinking and what has led us to the point we are at.
Just in from Rappoport:
Without a “test” there is no “pandemic.” The “cases” are based on the test and not sick people. So is the unprecedented contagion factor for this purported virus. Humanity has been conditioned to be so gullible. Who ever properly tested the test?? As far as I can research – no one.
Hi James,
You asked for links to scientific journals in which secondary infections to the covid-19 corona-virus are discussed. This article is about the possibility that the second infection under certain circumstances could be far more deadly for this covid-19 than the initial infection was.
The article is titled: “Molecular Mechanism for Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Coronavirus Entry” and it is published in the Journal of Virology. The link is:
Chris Martenson of the site holds a PhD in pathology from Duke University where he specialized in neurotoxicology and he does a great job in explaining this article in his video:
[he goes into this article from timestamp 21:00 to 29:30, but for full context you can better start at 17:20]
From what I can gather, the underlying idea is that if you are infected for a second time, this will trigger a ‘Cytokine storm’. This is an auto-immune response, which happens when your immune system overreacts. Your immune system fights too hard.
This has parallels with the Spanish flu, the last extremely serious pandemic one century ago. The Spanish flu came in waves. The first wave hit people with poor immune-systems the hardest, old people. Then it faded away somewhat in the summer. And then it struck much much harder in the second wave in the fall, killing mainly young adults with a stronger immune system due to a ‘Cytokine storm’.
Chris Martenson really is THE expert – in my humble opinion – who has been reporting on the seriousness of the Covid-19 corona-virus since February 23 on almost a daily basis, and he has been sounding the bell for viewers to prepare for it. For the last month I have been viewing and reading a lot of hours of his material, a lot of which is for free.
James, if you have questions about the covid-19 novel corona-virus, I would highly recommend getting him on a podcast of the Corbett report. I just would love to see that!
He is sympathetic to non-mainstream media and he has also been hammered by the mainstream media for trying to report the truth about the novel coronavirus.
Furthermore, I would also highly recommend going through his material on this subject. I did, for hours and hours, I from everything I have seen, this coronavirus is real! Apart from developments, Chris Martenson also provides science and links in his video’s, and he has the correct scientific background.
Sorry, but Martenson is not THE expert. He’s a hack. If he were a true expert, he would know that this coronavirus “pandemic” is a scam. He would know that PCR is a completely inappropriate “test” for infection. If he were an expert, he would be explaining what Koch’s Postulates are, and that there has in no way been enough research done to say anything about this “virus.” Research takes time and lots of it. He’d also be explaining that the germ theory of disease is incorrect.
He makes his money through fear porn. Don’t listen to him.
Well, granted there are more experts, likely experts with even more knowledge about the coronavirus than Chris Martenson. But as I have stated – for me – if you have to pick one knowledgable person regarding the corona-virus with the correct background who does indepth reporting with good information and who provides links (including scientific links) on a nearly daily basis, I would pick him hands down at this moment.
Reports from other sources also corroborate what he says.
You on the other hand don’t provide any links for your statements. I think I am open-minded enough. I also think I am particularly good at running multiple scenario’s/options through my head without them exluding each other beforehand. You provide some interesting informational tidbits. But for me to begin taking your claims seriously you would at least have to provide some valid links, which I then could examine.
I agree with most everything James says, especially that the government response might be worse than the pandemic itself. BUT…what I would like you and everyone else, including James, to take away from this is that this pandemic outside of China (because those numbers are very likely not to be trusted) has an EXPONENTIAL growth curve with what seems to be at present a DOUBLING time of 4 days. People aren’t used to exponential growth curves, we are used to linear curves. Just take a calculator and plot it out. In daily life it looks like: case – case – case – cluster – cluster – boom: explosion. Are you / is everybody prepared for that? Our healthcare systems can’t handle that. Think about that in terms of how the fatality rate then multiplies manifold.
So think about what I am saying, thank you for your tidbits of information, I hope you can provide some valid links for that. And sorry I won’t be reacting much in the near future because I’ll be too busy prepping in this period.
All the best to all!
Thanks for your thoughts, but “the effect does not prove the cause”, as Jon Rappoport puts in in his insightful articles on
A freelance journalist, he has been studying virus panics since 1976.
What about the (uncertain) reliability of the PCR test to detect?
What about the false positives of this test?
What about the germ theory and the gut microbiome?
What about the possible origin of Wuhan flu (respiratory illness) as a combination between the severely polluted air in Wuhan and the recent 5G rollout in Wuhan?
What about simple, natural methods to strengthen the individual immune system?
If you cannot answer these questions, then projections are just nonsense based on unproven theories of the origin and detection, more fear-mongering looking for an audience.
Perhaps everybody is most afraid of what they cannot see.
I do not see your reply below, that came to my e-mail. So I will re-post it and reply here.
Author: ben.r
What about the middle class?
What about it?
How do they figure in your calculations?
Well, what most Americans who have little class consciousness believe is that say, a postal worker who makes 65K a year is middle class. They aren’t. If one talks about how much one makes in income as middle class they miss the point.
When historical materialists speak of ‘class’ they speak of swho owns the means of production. Middle class is a term made up by the corporate media.d
The petty bourgoise, or what really is the middle class, i.e. lawyers, doctors, etc., are tools of the ruling elite.
The highly paid worker is highly paid for they have fought, through unions, for their higher pay. They are workers, not middle class.
What about the Soviet Union?
The Soviet Union was, under Lenin, a state capitalist economy, never socialist in any form. That it was socialist is a lie by the corporate media and cold ward manufacturers. It was also a lie givens by the ruling elite in the USSR to workers to make them believe they lived in a paradise.
No Marxist I know equates the USSR with socialism.
Were they just the workers’ paradise lost?
No, state capitalism developed. Much like China which is not communist but state capitalist, as is the US.
How do they fit in your calculations?
I may agree with you, in a sense at least.
The “corporate state”, as you put it, has two parts – one, a centralised state and two, large, centralised corporations, together promoting illusions, such as
Their is one state and it is run by corporations or as Benito Mussolini commented when he founded fascism: Fascism is corporatism.
– weapons manufacturers, promoting “security”,
– banks, promoting “growth”,
– pharmaceutical (and vaccine) manufacturers, promoting “health”,
– agricultural-industrial suppliers, promoting the notion that they are “feeding the world”, and
– energy suppliers, extracting fossil fuels.
All part of the epoch of transnational corporations.
If you really want to demonize self-interest,
No, I do not wish to demonize self interest, I wish to redefine it. Libertarian thinking is Donner party thinking and could hardly be called self interest.
as if you are somehow morally superior,
Ad hominem attacks, fallacious thinking.
then the real price gouging is hidden in plain sight – in the form of all the tax we are being forced to pay to underwrite foreign wars in a “forever war” policy.
The real price gouging is being forced to pay for vaccines that may cause severe neurological damage, besides the other interventions of the medical monopoly, while voices promoting natural health and health via food are silenced.
Yep, agreed. The rich pay no tax, only workers.
[Please keep commments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be broken into multiple posts. -JC]
This is what I wish to post, to BR.
I cancelled the post above. Please delete.
Well, what most Americans who have little class consciousness, believe is that say, a postal worker who makes 65K a year is middle class. They aren’t. If one talks about how much one makes in income as middle class they miss the point.
When historical materialists speak of ‘class’ they speak of who owns the means of production. Middle class is a term made up by the corporate media.
The petty bourgoise, or what really is the middle class, i.e. lawyers, doctors, small business owners, etc., have control over their labor to an extent not seen by workers.
But using the term workers is what the ruling media elite avoid. For they know that if people saw themselves as workers, or wage slaves, they would revolt.
The highly paid worker is highly paid for they have fought, through unions, for their higher pay. They are workers, not middle class. Marxists understand that unions are why working people are paid more when they are unionized. We do not look at distribution as the issue. The issue is do we control our labor.
You are redbaiting, The Soviet Union was, under Lenin, a state capitalist economy, never socialist in any form. That it was socialist is a lie by the corporate media and cold war manufacturers. It was also a lie givens by the ruling elite in the USSR to workers to make them believe they lived in a paradise. No Marxist I know equates the USSR with socialism.
You might want to see Corbett on why the US ruling elite supported the Soviet Union. It certainly was not to support worker ownership of the means of production.
The USSR was a form of state capitalism developed, much like China which is not communist but state capitalist, as is the US.
No, I do not wish to demonize self interest, I wish to redefine it. Libertarian thinking is Donner party thinking and could hardly be called self interest. Look around you.
Ad hominem attacks, such as baiting me with moral superiority is fallacious thinking.
Yep, agreed. The rich pay no tax, only workers and the unemployed through sales tax pay.
The tired, worn-out, exhausted rhetoric of class war is that of losers ever eager to blame someone else for their problems and living under an illusion of equality.
Right, losers who see how they are being fornicated. Then work to get rid of class distinctions for as Warren Buffet so proudly stated: “My class is winning.”
If you cannot see that we live in a global class run world, then the blindness is yours. Class will go away when we organize and revolt.
You will be left looking for gold rivers and chocolate fountains in the creepy crawling capitalist world.
Socialism has nothing to do with redistribution of wealth. This is what the purveyors of capitalism have propagandized. Socialism has to do with workers control over the means of production. Not redistribution.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be broken into multiple posts. -JC]
I don’t need an expert or links. I have a degree in biochemistry and worked in molecular biology basic research.
What we need is some logic and biology 101. I gave you important pieces of information in my post: 1. PCR is an inappropriate technique for determining if a patient has a virus, 2. Koch’s postulates have not been followed, and 3. there hasn’t been time to do the research on the cause of the illness.
Since you appear to be in your internet coronavirus bubble and can’t follow through yourself on what I said, I’ll spend a little time. But frankly, I find it very annoying when people act like I’m their mother and demand that I explain to them what they can look up.
PCR is a technique to expand very small amounts of DNA so that it can be evaluated. It does not tell you how much DNA was there to begin, nor does it tell you that the DNA that was amplified did anything. All it does is amplify a DNA sample.
Bio 101: you are covered with all kinds of bacteria, viruses, etc. At any time, you are fine if your immune system is healthy. PCR can pick up this DNA as well, or any other DNA for that matter. Does that make you sick. What if you have no symptoms?
You are capable of looking up Koch’s postulates yourself. Why don’t you? Oh, yeah, right, you prefer Martenson’s fear porn because he has links to peer review. *eye roll*
Biological organisms are very complex. The research required takes time. They cannot magically find a pathogen in a few weeks and blame it for a supposed epidemic without isolating the pathogen and then preforming research to see if it is the culprit. Again, this takes time.
The announcements that coronavirus, a common cold virus (?!?), were way to quick. This happens every few years: zika, west nile, swine flu, sars, EBOLA! And the granddaddy of them all, HIV/AIDS (which was science by press release. NEVER trust science by press release). The world was supposed to be ravaged by these horrible pathogens, yet little to nothing came of them. Haven’t you noticed the pattern?
Let’s try history. Look up pellagra. For years it was suspected that a pathogen caused it.
How about we consider epistemology? How do you know what you know? Oh, yes, the growth curve outside China is exponential? Says who? What is their motive for spreading this baloney?
The “experts” can be wrong. They can even be purposely wrong to serve a political purpose. THINK GLOBAL WARMING.
Martenson is a con man. He sells fear porn. If you want to buy fear porn be my guest. Prep all you want, whatever that means. When this all fizzles out, just like all the pandemicsTM before, will you come back to this thread and admit you’re wrong? Doubtful.
I have mentioned Chris Martenson at least three times on the comment board. I don’t side with his alarmist perspective, but Oscar, you are correct…Sometimes he offers some good information.
For me, he is too conventional on his medical perspective.
He seems pro-vaccine and is unaware of things like alum and how toxic it can be.
Conventional medicine is at a loss when it comes to actually handling a virus.
In fact, I contend that conventional medicine is terrible, and for the most part, is a very unhealthy methodology for good health. I will do whatever I can to stay away from a hospital (unless it is a broken bone or the body got cut and damaged and needs surgery).
Below, on this thread ((cytokine storm) is a link to one of Chris’ QUEUED videos.
Here is another time I mentioned Chris Martenson.
In context to this link, I have made many comments on The Corbett Report Threads over the years, especially recently, about “Ultraviolet Light (aka BioPhotonic or UBI) Blood Therapy in combination with Ozone Blood Therapy”.
From what I know (the science studies, the anecdotes and my own observations), I feel strongly that this protocol could definitely facilitate recovery from the Coronavirus.
This protocol inhibits cytokine storms and can whoop a virus pretty hard, and can boost the natural immune system…among many other benefits such as anti-aging.
Because the coronavirus often targets the lungs, this protocol is perfect.
Also, Dr Robert Rowen points out how the ozone protocol alone can castrate a sulfur-type amino acid which the virus depends upon for propagation.
See Tom Lowe‘s YouTube Channel for great information about Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy, also known as BioPhotonic Therapy or UBI.
Hi HomeRemedySupply,
Thank you for the information! When I have time I’ll look into it. First I have to get my basic prepping in order. I’ve been at it a few weeks now so I hope that will be soon.
Regarding vaccination: I agree with you that you don’t want officials that can’t be trusted pumping in all kinds of toxic material into your veins. However, a few points:
a) vaccines – if applied properly – are a valid way to protect the herd from a disease
b) if the percentage of people drop that are resistent (for example by vaccination) below a certain point, you no longer have herd immunity against the disease. A disease with a R0 (= number of people who are infected eacht iteration in optimal circumstances for the disease) similar to that of the novel coronavirus – 4 to 7 – like the mumps needs a herd immunity of 75% to 86% to be effective.
c) I believe that the United States might be particularly bad in terms of ill-motivated government officials that do not have your best interest at heart when it comes to vaccination but I do think at least in some Western European countries (in one of which I live) the government officials are a lot more benign
d) So I think a vaccination – in my case at least – would be a solution. But now at least I have an alternative (although for now a theoretical one from my perspective). At a later date I will look into the solution you have outlined, so thanks again.
Regarding the coronavirus and the Cytokine Storm, you might find a comment interesting in one of the threads on Chris Martenson’s site. It comes from a functional medicine physician who uses a lot of periodic fasting:
“Myrto Ashe: Re: periodic fasting possible role
In response to the post, I am a functional medicine physician who uses a lot of periodic fasting in my practice. Given that ARDS is one of the biggest concerns, fasting and the ketogenic diet could both be used to reduce the immune system “overresponse” that can result in ARDS. I researched this a bit in order to counsel my patients. I found that in the sickest coronavirus patients, the innate immune system is likely overreacting (not being properly regulated) causing exaggerated damage in the lungs. The way I see it, the concept of “cytokine storm” does not indicate an immune system that is robust, but rather one that is malfunctioning and not properly regulated.
We know that such an immune system results in inflammation, which is an underlying factor in most chronic diseases, from arthritis, to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer’s, and apparently ARDS. One of the key players are mitochondria, and something called the NLRP3 inflammasome. When it’s stimulated, it leads to inflammation, organ damage, and ARDS. Inhibiting the NLRP3 inflammasome improves these conditions. The ketogenic diet and periodic fasting inhibit this inflammasome and should be expected to be helpful (you may get the virus and not have a severe course – that’s the hope).
There are many kinds of fasting: the simplest is a 14 hour overnight interval (say from dinner at 6pm to breakfast no sooner than 8am). Or you can skip breakfast (or dinner) altogether. Or you can have a day of eating very little (say 400 calories, mostly vegan) one or two days each week. Or you can have a full-fledged “fasting-mimicking diet” FMD, which is a 5-day low calorie, low protein, vegan diet. A 4-day water only fast would work too, but has some drawbacks.
The FMD is an invention by Dr. Valter Longo that has a ton of very good research published in highly respectable journals such as Nature. It indeed caused autophagy, and mitophagy, and stimulates stem cells, which are then ready for the period of “refeeding” that follows FMD. One can purchase a kit with which to do FMD (called ProLon kit), or figure out how to design one’s own. Of course the research is done on the kit so you are not guaranteed to be on target if you invent your own (BTW I don’t work for the company that makes the ProLon kit). My favorite Longo video is with Dr. Mark Hyman on The Doctor’s Farmacy.
I hope this helps. I think some of these “lifestyle” ways to improve the right functioning of our immune system (rather than consuming a high sugar, high processed food diet) would be helpful in allowing us to better than the average person in this epidemic. I plan to post a link to the newsletter I will be sending my patients tomorrow with additional information on inhibiting the NLRP3 inflammasome.”
Today I watched parts of Chris Martenson’s Tuesday/Wednesday video “Our Authorities’ Poor Response To The Coronavirus Is Just Making Things Worse”.
I had a hard time with Chris’ perspective (or any authoritarians). That is why I only watched parts. He was laying out how people, health, society and the economy should be controlled.
Technocrats…so many folks wanna be a technocrat and control people, society, public policies, people’s health choices, and the economy.
Correction: Chris Martenson has been covering the covid-19 novel corona-virus on an almost daily basis since January 23 (so: NOT since February 23 as I said before).
Wonderful video.
Indeed, I tend to get all panicked and bent out of shape when I perceive a possible conspiracy.
I forget to remain calm and to exercise my power of reason when confronted with a catastrophic event…it tends to kick in after the initial hysteria settles down. I wish I could turn it on immediately…I have just been so morbidly fascinated with conspiracy theories for the past 3 years that I guess I tend to “jump the gun” when faced with an anomaly like Covid-19.
Thank you James for your excellent, scholarly analysis…it is a breath of fresh air from all the hype we are confronted with…both in the mainstream and alternative media outlets.
I want to encourage folks to put “coronavirus” into The Corbett Report SEARCH BAR.
If you have read/watched those Corbett episodes, then I don’t have to tell ya that there is a lot that we do not know.
But we do know that the numbers are cloudy and that the coronavirus test criteria has been cloudy.
However, Corbett’s newsletters goes into things that we can certainly lay odds on.
Some good information about the Coronavirus
In my opinion, one of the best medical sources of information was from a February 4th interview with Dr Peng Zhiyong.
If you go to the Corbett Report’s OPEN THREAD of mid-February, the very first posted link will take you to some early conversations about the coronavirus, and Dr Peng Zhiyong was mentioned.
Dr Peng Zhiyong is one of the Doctors in China working on the front lines at a hospital, and he was there towards the beginning.
Peng states: ” I drew on data from 138 cases that South Central Hospital had from Jan 7 to Jan 28 and attempted to summarise some patterns of the novel coronavirus.”
(That is a pretty good head count in order to have an understanding of what was going on with folks, and the Doctor seems sincere in his interview. The full article is worth the read. I am providing excerpts which I feel have a relative importance.)
Reporter’s Notebook: Life and death in a Wuhan coronavirus ICU
EXCERPTS (Bold is my emphasis)
…I’ve observed that the breakout period of the novel coronavirus tends to be three weeks, from the onset of symptoms to developing difficulties breathing. Basically going from mild to severe symptoms takes about a week. There are all sorts of mild symptoms: feebleness, shortness of breath, some people have fevers, some don’t. Based on studies of our 138 cases, the most common symptoms in the first stage are fever (98.6 per cent of cases), feebleness (69.6 per cent), cough (59.4 per cent), muscle pains (34.8 per cent), difficulties breathing (31.2%), while less common symptoms include headaches, dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
But some patients who enter the second week will suddenly get worse. At this stage, people should go to the hospital. The elderly with underlying conditions may develop complications; some may need machine-assisted respiration. When the body’s other organs start to fail, that’s when it becomes severe, while those with strong immune systems see their symptoms decrease in severity at this stage and gradually recover. So the second week is what determines whether the illness becomes critical.
The third week determines whether critical illness leads to death. Some in critical condition who receive treatment can raise their level of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, and see an improvement in their immune systems, and have been brought back, so to speak. But those whose lymphocyte numbers continue to decline, those whose immune systems are destroyed in the end, experience multiple organ failure and die.
For most, the illness is over in two weeks, whereas for those for whom the illness becomes severe, if they can survive three weeks, they’re good. Those that can’t will die in three weeks.
…Peng: Based on my clinical observations, this disease is highly contagious, but the mortality rate is low. Those that progressed into the life-threatening stage often occurred in the elderly already with chronic diseases…
…Caixin (interviewer):
What is the highest risk a serious patient faces?
Peng: The biggest assault the virus launches is on a patient’s immune system. It causes a fall in the count of lymphocytes, the damage in the lungs and shortness of breath. Many serious patients died of choking. Others died of the failure of multiple organs following complications in their organs resulting from a collapse of the immune system…
…Peng: Based on my observations, a third of patients exhibited inflammation in their whole body. It was not necessarily limited to young adults. The mechanism of a cytokine storm is about whole-body inflammation, which leads to a failure of multiple organs and quickly evolves into the terminal stage. In some fast-progressing cases, it took two to three days to progress from whole-body inflammation to the life-threatening stage.
Caixin: How do you treat serious and life-threatening cases?
Peng: For serious and life-threatening cases, our main approach is to provide oxygen, high-volume oxygen. At first noninvasive machine-pumped oxygen, followed by intubated oxygen if conditions worsen. For life-threatening cases, we use Ecmo (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or pumping the patient’s blood through an artificial lung machine). In four cases, we applied Ecmo to rescue patients from the verge of death.
Currently there are no special drugs for the coronavirus.
The primary purpose of the ICU is to help patients sustain the functions of their body. Different patients have different symptoms. In case of shortness of breath, we provided oxygen; in case of a kidney failure, we gave dialysis; in case of a coma, we deployed Ecmo. We provide support wherever a patient needs it to sustain his life. Once the count of lymphocytes goes up and the immune system improves, the virus will be cleared. However, if the count of lymphocytes continues to fall, it is dangerous because the virus continues to replicate. Once a patient’s immune system is demolished, it is hard to save a patient….
I think it’s not correct to correlate lymphocyte count with immune system weakness. If someone could please verify, aren’t the test for lymphocytes done with a blood test? What about the lymphocytes in the rest of the body? I don’t think they can test for that. Low lymphocytes in the blood might simply indicate that the lymphocytes are in the rest of the body doing their job.
Reinfection and/or perhaps not fully recovered but hit hard again by the virus.
Okay, so I don’t have a source on this, because I don’t remember where I saw or read it.
But somewhere, I thought that I heard about a cytokine storm associated with those who had a reinfection of the coronavirus.
Cytokine Storm
In the above article, you see Dr. Peng mention cytokine storm.
ScienceDaily says this: “A cytokine storm is an overproduction of immune cells and their activating compounds (cytokines), which, in a flu infection, is often associated with a surge of activated immune cells into the lungs.”
I define it as the immune system gets out of whack, and sometimes attacks the body itself.
I think that any number of things might provoke a cytokine storm.
We know that vaccines with aluminum can promote a cytokine storm.
It is worth watching Chris’ video and reading Celeste McGovern’s article about vaccines and a cytokine storm.
Qno, good catch. On one hand they are using PCR and finding low levels of some “virus” with the patient asymptomatic, i.e. NOT SICK, and pronouncing that that person has the disease. On the other, they are saying that the test doesn’t pick up the “virus,” so that person has the disease, they just can’t prove it?
Virology, like other well funded branches of science, is voodoo. (Think global warming.)
Exactly. Just like with the AIDS (TM) scam, everybody sick with a cold or flu now has coronavirus.
Btw, the Spanish flu is likely not be comparable to the other true pandemics, in that it appears that much of the death was due to iatrogenic causes. See Qno’s post above. Also, many people were likely killed by an overdose of a then new drug–aspirin.
Just a word on food storage as I don’t think it is mentioned in the linked article.
It’s best to set up a system of food rotation where you keep using up your oldest supplies on a daily basis and then replace them with new supplies when the items come up on sale.
That way you make sure you only keep things that you actually like eating, it also makes sure that the food is fresh. Food may be safe to eat after the used-by date, but does it taste good and is it still nutritious?
It actually saves you money in the long run, even if Armageddon doesn’t come along.
8 years ago
Tom Lowe
Ultraviolet Blood Therapy (UBI) (BioPhotonic Therapy)
(24 minutes)
Works extremely well when combined with Ozone Blood Therapy.
Clint Eastwood’s daughter…
Alison Eastwood Experiences Ozone Therapy on “The Doctors”
(4 minutes)
What Is Ozone Therapy
(6 minutes)
The AMA Regenerative Medicine website has a good article covering many, many benefits and facts about Ozone Therapy.
In the article, it links to a published scientific paper at the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine entitled:
“Ozone therapy: A clinical review”.
The paper talks about the possible role of Ozone Therapy against the SARS coronavirus.
And, of course, viruses are discussed repeatedly in the paper.
MERS, SARS, and emerging Coronaviruses: theoretical considerations and a proposal for critical care parenteral oxygen/ozone therapy
by Gérard V. Sunnen, M.D.
…There are neither vaccines nor antiviral agents available for SARS nor MERS, only supportive and often intensive measures such as cardiopulmonary assistance and the maintenance of physiological homeostasis.
Ozone, via a number of possible mechanisms enumerated in this paper, possesses recognized anti-viral properties. The technology of interfacing oxygen/ozone mixtures with biological fluids has long been mastered, as has been the technology of administering this gaseous mixture to the systemic circulation.
Ozone, because of its special biological properties, has theoretical and practical attributes to make it a viable candidate as a MERS and SARS inactivator, through a variety of physicochemical and immunological mechanisms. Bereft of all known therapeutic strategies, a proposal is herewith made for the parenteral administration of calibrated oxygen/ozone gaseous mixtures in the critical care of MERS, SARS, and related Coronavirus infections…
…The viral culling effects of ozone in infected blood may recruit a variety of mechanisms…
…This paper outlines six possible mechanisms by which ozone may exert its antiviral actions.
Due to the excess energy inherent in the ozone molecule, it is theoretically plausible that ozone, unlike microbial-specific options, will show effectiveness across the entire Coronavirus spectrum.
The acute infection phase of MERS and SARS is marked by massive viral replication, with viral flooding of the lymph and blood compartments. This stage presents the most clinical challenge. This paper proposes a method of viral culling via systemically administered oxygen/ozone gas to blood interfacing….
Whitney Webb, a journalist has posted a very importqnt article.
Know, learn
There now, let the Magical Thinking begin. Free from the constraints of a recent lawsuit . Senate candidate from Mass. Shiva Ayyrudurai has a 2 part tutorial of Covid19 and much to contemplate on decentralization, repair and revision of big guv’ment. 90% of what he is saying jives with this TCR. Fixing our problems from the inside is not one of them. In this competition (comparison) of assessments of the matrix we are trapped in, we can witness someone who has taken action. Trainwreak in slow mo or true American patriot. Bullet (Lead)
or Betrayal (Gold) will be in the future. Time will tell.
Odds are low he is authentic, but if he is , he is the first I’ve seen since Ron Paul or Ross Perot to take action against. TPTSB. ON HIS OWN DIME.
His disgust for Bill Mahr for calling for crashing the system is evident. So full of himself or is it hope and a will to fight?
People of action. Here is a strange interview from Real News.
Is this propaganda prompting you to action? This woman being interviewed did some brave stuff. What would you do if you had the chance to make a difference? Nothing ? Sumthing? Yeah sumbody dun sumthin! Sometimes a price is worth it.
Free money. Who can pass that up?
So, I guess currency is a store of value.
And it is free.
Homey, MBP, what GMO form of specie will be the last stop for stored value. I was going down town , then the train jumped the track and I hear we are going to hell but I really don’t know, just what I been told.
Im gonna now look up Specie in the international book of newspeck. And finish Brian’s ‘s saying what I was thinking.
MBP. the midget has been under constant assault from the sky, I have pictures but the most dramatic assault was on eyes and proboscus. The burnt metal tingle was undeniable. However your comment of 2 cents made me aware of the moving in my chest. I fear I will need to call the midwife for Im certain Im about to give birth to sumptin.
What is second sence if the value is free? Coin, bullion are dependent on value locked in, around and of, before it can be impregnated, gestated or finally birthed. Call the Midwifes of value arbitration. What is it that makes value? Water in the Sahara , the ache of miss meal cramps, a kind word to ones enemy? Labor? Call the Midwife sumbody dun sumptin, sumptin got in and now sumptin common’ out!
One last thing. The picture will not come in, its a blur. What was the picture of.?
2 cents that was dark funny.
PS has anyone read the New Worker recently? Like the Economist Im gguessing entitled high brow derision. It started showing up here and no one has a clue where it came from. Almost as impossible to read as my last comment.
In Spain many people complain because “illegal” immigrants receive more money and “help” from Government than Spaniards. As an example you can see this news ( whose headline is: Catalonia will pay 664 euros per month to ‘menas’ under 23 years old. (“menas” means something like “Unaccompanied Foreign Minors”).
This situation has created, for a long time, the thought that “if they get this money, I also want it!”. This is one of the reasons why I am sure that Spanish people will welcome this income with more festivities than when Spain won the Football (soccer for friends from USA) World Cup.
Personally, I will refuse this money, although for what I have seen, there is not much information about this topic yet and I don’t know if everybody would receive it (although “universal” -not a good word for it unless martians also get it- means “everyone”).
Question for Corbett (QFC/Q4C):
Hi James, could you interview Chris Martenson from about the novel corona-virus in one of your podcasts?
He has a PhD in pathology from Duke University where he specialized in neurotoxicology and he has been reporting on this since January 23 on almost a daily basis. I would love to see both of you exchange ideas.
Thank you for all your great work!
Hey James, instead of interviewing that fear porn creep martenson, how about u interview Jon rappoport, as an antidote to the anti science fear porn junkies who think that PhD means something?
As things progress near the Ides of March 2020, I’ll lay odds that these comment boards becomes very full of Corbett Report Members and comments.
And don’t miss this 5 minute James Corbett Subscriber Exclusive “On Being Sick”…
Just last night we learned that my son and daughter’s spring break has been extended an additional week and thereafter classes will resume on-line for the remainder of the semester. The campus will also be closed for summer sessions. It’s all going on-line.
MBP : well it is almost Saturn’s night in central Europe on Friday the 13th of March . Got your marching orders? Yes from the sounds of it. Imagine the beach and social isolation . Hope you get a vacation not a stay-cation .
I wonder what ‘ eyedzz ‘ are? Like in Ids of March. Guess i’ll go look that up. You teaching every where you go. Don’t stop it. Guess Ids a better go now.
MBP, trimera, take a breath child And get your Saturday wind up in ONE bag. Have a Burrito. And Wind Up
MBP:wakey wakey contour .you came out of the gate firing this Saturday morning. Since you are, No Doubt packing for your working vacation this Saturday night I thought you should refresh your ears with the local dialog and jenesicoix of sand and sun. Mare De Soleil Salute!
Have a fun time Bon Voyage’
( bone pointing)
Physically alone, but not in spirit!
But yes, for those of us who often feel alone:
MBP;: here now no hurts aloud.
I hope Brazil works out. Traveling now seems as though it should be cheap. Only the brave need apply. If you Don’t make it give us a report and we will see you on the Debris. At the Sunday market. We will be looking through odds and ends. Looking for a bargain. Lets jump the gun, I am a Sooner, in 45 minutes it will be Saturn’s Night somewhere east of here.
Pearl; thanks for Sister Sledge!
In the song she sings ” We are family”
Somewhere in the lyrics she sings
” We don’t get depressed…” I will buy in on that.
Imagine MBP you can now stay home, hell just go to the beach and work in you pajamas. They will enjoy it no matter what your wearing or where your broadcasting from. Just zoom in so they don’t see Epimima beach in the background. Sounds as French as French fries. You hit the lottery on this One!
Macron is the greatest showman ever , see how he walks the tight rope! You need to take advantage of the loopholes. One sides hate and one is hope!
” Oh does it feel right…”
Finale!BonJour MBP. And. Miss Pearl on Friday night in that land south of the Red. Not to mention all the great chefs who field Mexico for Texico. Where the food is fantastic.
Maybe I’m Amazed by how good these mates of mine really wear. Ron is one of the best woodcutters in the business. Watch him swing that ax.
Funny you should say that, GBW – I picked up on the same line!
I thoroughly enjoyed your selection – you’re a great DJ!
Oh, crisscross; just now seeing your latest (Maybe I’m Amazed)…Is that Rod Stewart?? …okay I’ve got one coming up after this one…
While My Guitar Gently Weeps:
Pearl! That’s a wood cutters ball there. Prince can chop a little wood. I am a lumberjack and I’m ok with that!
I was gonna save this for Saturday night-night but I might as well post it now on Saturday morning-night. HEre’s two wood choppers and a prancing girly guy in a red boa.
To the editor en chief. Thank you for being tolerant to the arts.
“I’d posted it at the same time I’d posted Le Freak some time ago on these boards.”
Yes, you did! For me! I should’ve acknowledged I was re-gifting the perfect gift to give to you the original gifter, but I was too hasty.
Poor Eleanor Rigby. That’s a heavy one.
You mention missing the desert and another time, Arizona. I’m from the desert too: El Paso, born and bred but moved to greener parts as quickly as I could. I don’t miss the wind storms (producing gusts up to 70 mph March through June – which my mom said would dump half of Arizona into her swimming pool), but I will forever miss the sunsets, the wilderness, the wonderfully clean smell of the atmosphere before it rains, and of course, the best Mexican food in Texas, hands. down.
Friday March 13, 2020
As I am driving to work this morning in North Texas and listening to the local CBS News radio, these two items stuck out:
~~ Dallas bans meetings of over 500 people under penalty of law.
~~ “Six Flags Over Texas” (the Disneyland of Texas) will continue to be open this Spring. It is Spring break for many school kids.
Six Flags Over Texas is about a 15 minute drive from downtown Dallas.
Grocery Store Anecdote
I work outside all day, currently in a Kroger grocery store shopping center complex.
I noticed by mid morning the grocery store parking lot was full of cars…on a workday, a Friday.
It stayed that way all day.
I went over to use the men’s room, but stopped to chat with a Kroger girl taking a smoke break under the eaves during the all day rain we were having.
I said, “The parking lot seems pretty full for a Friday?”
“Yeah!” she responds. “People are freaking out! Our toilet paper shelves are bare.”
When I walk in, there are long lines of people waiting to check out with their full carts of groceries.
I started to notice what was in the carts.
Junk food, sugary cereals, loaves and loaves of white bread, chips, and cases and cases of soda pop.
Not all the carts of course, but a large enough number to make me wonder what the shoppers’ mindset was. Is it “the government and hospital insurance will take care of me”?
I stopped by the pharmacy drug aisle. Many of your NyQuil & Tylenol type products were almost sold out.
I looked to see if they carried virus mitigators like Boiron’s Oscillococcinum and Elderberry Sambucus products, but they did not. Some drug stores carry those, and of course, health food stores carry them.
Interesting day.
I talk about this great flu fighter, Boiron’s Oscillococcinum, and how it is made here
Homey; in with you on reporting what you witness. Today Shiva Ayyadurui did this video. His pool of wagering him to be authentic has dropped to 3/2 from 5/2.
That was a great 90 seconds of going through the Whole Foods Supplement Department!
Not sure if you already got this, but I could only find one study close to discussing relapse (recurrence) of covid-19. I did not go through all the comments to see if someone else gave this either.
Well it is not looking good.
The front page headline of the local mainstream newspaper declared “New World Order”
From reading the article underneath it they were not giving any secrets away – I just take it as meaning they are declaring a victory to those in the know.
Very scary dear MBP
Thoughts are with you. Just heard about this new developments in France.
Here in chees&chocolat land maybe (just)some steps behind you.
I was wondering if the message:
“We have a simple message to all countries: test, test, test people,” from WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
has any sinister covert plan of getting as many samples from people collecting for a global libary for the Technocrats?
pheew! thanks, what a Not-relief
No need for excuses, all well.
and nope not possible to forget BIS, it has a very prominent shape and place to show off..
Btw, yesterday evening i payed in cash in a grocery store. The lady working as a cashier having two full bottles of hand sanitizers standing on her desk first accepted the money just to let it drop hysterically a second later telling me” don`t pay in cash, please pay by card. This is dangerous miss, please, we have families too and paying by money endangers them”
Yes i was stunned, not ready for my first encounter with Mr. Smith. I guess that is what he does and sounds like.
sorry for my interference, i am very grateful for the likewiseminded comments.
please go ahead with ranting
Manbearpig, thanks for relaying all the stuff.
I never thought that I would see these times.
Yes testing. Here in the Solution, problem Reaction MidwEst the isolation is being hammered home by as much as MSM can by announcing shelter in place, will only be until mid May. Of course all your needs will be met by the state and everything else will be delivered to you by AMAZON. Amazon will hire 100,000 workers to meet demand. Funny how competition is a sin. And as the Lee Enterprise news paper states no one will touch your news paper that isn’t sanitized. Editorially or in production and delivery. We encourage everyone to go online to stop the spread of the Virus.
Can people be this dumb, acquiescing and compliant? Well,yes, apparently so.
Call to the hospital, ” may I speak to a covid19 patient? Im from a Japanese News Service.”… ” no, we have HIPPA here in America and we take or privacy seriously.” ” How can I verify you have covid19 patients?” ” Well we said so, trust us! Its here and its deadly”
From Retraction Watch – Duplication of reported data:
Tuesday afternoon, another of my brothers called me. This brother is a minister of a large church in the northern Midwest of the U.S.
For the most part, all business meetings/conferences are done online (Zoom).
The Sunday Service is online, and some of the outreach is online.
Since the city is in shutdown mode, he was telling me that the bars closing were having a big effect. Group alcohol is a favorite past time in his area.
The college World Series being cancelled will take away a lot of revenue from the city.
The Legal System
I guess a person sitting in jail waiting for a jury trial will be warming the bench for awhile.
This ‘authoritarian-made crisis’ has got to mess up the docket.
Specifically for these video sessions, now’s the time for people everywhere to wear the cap/t-shirt that says,
“Make 1984 fiction again.”
Wasn’t there a Corbett Report about this sort of thing last year or so, or did I dream it? Trying to recall any other details is like grasping a fading mist…it’s barely there!