Derrick writes in to ask about agorism, self-sufficiency and trade without fiat currency. To help answer this important question, James talks to Sal The Agorist, Peter Quinones and Ernest Hancock.
Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / / YouTube or Download the mp4
An Agorist Primer
“Agorism” on
Community Technology by Karl Hess
The Survival Podcast with Jack Spirko
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Episode 222 – Lessons in Resistance: Open Source
Open Source Solutions: An Open Source Investigation
Interview 1191 – Catarina Mota and Marcin Jakubowski Introduce the Open Building Institute
The open source ecology project is so cool! Definitely the way to go in the future, at least for me personally… Hoarding cryptocurrency to buy stuff isn’t particularly appealing but building your own stuff is always a fun and rewarding experience!
For those who are really contemplating off-grid, I highly recommend Corbett’s link in the Show Notes to
Wild Wonderful Off-Grid.
I watched your “highly recommended” show-note link,,
Underwhelming self-absorbed and not in the finest spirit of “off grid”. Those people had serious money to play with. Those people were not innovating anything. The notion of “off grid” implies self reliance, that often comes with hard knocks and mother of necessities, innovation, as a mentor. the tech and specific environmental impact of the materials they or somebody bought was at the highest level of naughty (from the point of view of the environment).
If were looking for good examples to share here, I’d give that one a thumbs down.
I suppose what I’m wanting people to see, happens as life events that wont ever be captured by film makers, because they can never be staged.
The globaloneyists are right about our need to reduce our use of materials. they’re wrong that they have the right to bludgeon to achieve that end. in the shadows of their haunted nightmare they’re self-serving demonic bastards, most are likely riddled with jealousy, barely staved off by supreme denial about everything except the next big fish they’ll have to eat or be eaten by. At the root of it, they’re scared to death to feel anything. or be self reliant at all: extreme viral symptoms. the balance will not be feather light when their time comes.
I’m not wanting people to struggle, and but I have been advocating that people build their own homes for decades, all the while building homes for others,, (is that cognitive dissonance?). I guess this comment is to say: self reliance is a hard master, and speaking from some direct experience, well worth the candle.
eat my cake,
I appreciate your honesty. It is nice to have counter-opinions and a “thumbs down” to help balance perspectives, especially since you have some direct experience.
Just so folks are aware, Urban Farmer Curtis Stone is working on a complete off-the-grid place.
He is fortunate, because he has years of experience with farming.
This exchange is exactly what I love about the Corbett site interaction–level-headed sharing, learning and discussing. So nice.
I have no understanding of crypto currency and need to learn. I am working toward being above the grid in my own little life. I live in the county and have a well. I’m getting home generator installed and getting other things done that I need to be in my home. I don’t have a lot of money (at all) but what little I do I would like to be wise how I manage it. If someone could help I would really appreciate it.
Back in late February 2017,
James Corbett gave BITCOIN away FREE to Corbett Report Members.
Today (this hour), that quantity of Bitcoin would be valued at over $100. He gave away 0.01 bitcoin. (Value today about $10,500 for one bitcoin.)
Good question. James Corbett answers it well at the 16 minute 32 second mark of Who Coined the Term “Useless Eaters”? – Questions For Corbett
Here is the YouTube video queued to where James talks about Bitcoin. Around the 21 minute mark is the “give-away”.
If you read the comment section, a lot of folks participated in that opportunity.
While I have purchased bitcoin from other places, in the U.S., might be a very easy, simple place for a beginner to buy bitcoin.
I’ve used it, along with other people who I know.
In the U.S., the most recent IRS 2019 tax forms ask if you have bought or sold bitcoin.
23 minute mark – QUOTE “…the always ebullient Ernest Hancock….”
ebullience – DEFINITION – the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings
“Ebullient” derives from the Latin verb ebullire, which means “to bubble out.” Later did the word’s meaning broaden to encompass emotional agitation (particularly of the exuberant kind) in addition to the tempestuous roiling of a boiling liquid.
Thus, depending upon context, the word could also mean boiling agitation.
A “Co-Op” IS NOT socialism, it is small scale free market capitalism where the individual members are the owners investing their own Capital, be that material or time.
Yep. In Texas there are a lot of Co-Ops. They make good sense at providing utilities.
People need land and the resources of the land to survive.
The way I see it, we are going to be forced to return to land because this wicked civilization is going to fall and technology will fade away with it shortly after the fall.
Eventually batteries will all die and it is the battery, the storage device of electricity, that is the achillies heal of all the alternative energy systems. Your best hope to maintain electricity is through water powered generators at best or learn to live without it like all our ancestors did prior to the first industrial revolution, the first industrial revolution was the beginning of the mechanization of the life of man towards the day of atomizing him into the technocracy that they are implementing now in 2020.
Hand tools and animals for farm and forest work; and transportation…
When this thing they built takes hold it is going to create such a sickness that it will implode on itself, shit maybe even the people who plug in, might turn into to some kind of limbic driven zombie because their own mental and thinking skills would have attrofied from the AI doing it all for them, then the system crashes and their is a real deal new world order zombie apocalypse, the final battle (just specualting a bit).
When electricity goes with it will the computers, net and bitcoin. Bitcoin is just the controllers gaming out their tech system that they want to build – when the full techocratic money system comes in bitcoin will be regulated out of existence.
I am also suspect of the name “Global Village” for one of the tech companies. Nation states will have to reinstate and declare their sovreignty – the idea of the global village should be left in the new world order’s sugar coated shit basket; or the “False Peace” of the beast.
We need to settle the land the way the ancients did it and the most modern example of that is the property of Sepp Holzer, search him out on your own he was a real pioneer when it comes to permaculture.
Jung said it, “that we will have to return to ways of our ancestors” the craftsmen have to return and the farmers and weavers and the hemp plant is one important resource in making the transition – because we can make food, clothing, shelter, gas, fiber and rope and so forth from it. It is the “Healing of the Nations!”
I left for the mountains 8 years ago – I knew it was coming – didn’t think it would be like this – but I did my best to prepair I feel good about where I got to with alot of work – but the real work is only just about to begin…
A great article from Kirk Webster, a real deal beekeeper, called The Best Keep Secret:
That’s a cute anecdote. Thanks.
Sorry if I offended you.
I thought that the the privy (council) – “going to Parliament” was a clever saying which makes a somewhat derogatory statement against governmental bodies, and the word “cute” can have that definitional meaning of “clever”.
The definition for “cute” in my context was not “pretty”.
And I am not trying to be obsequious with an acknowledgement to your comment. I enjoyed it, and thanked you for it. If that pisses you off, too bad. I liked it.
Plus, I try to be friendly on these boards, because people can’t see my smile through the keyboard.
Did you get out of the wrong side of bed?
Usually, you are pretty friendly.
On that last question, it is “Corbett” when he makes a comment. It is ‘JC’ when he snips.
Probably just the full moon. Makes people feel intense.
I like the privy anecdote too.
What about Monero though? It’s more anonymous. I think crypto has a lot of value, the tracking on Bitcoin is problematic. Monero is supposed to be better, anonymous.
On the macro level sovereignty is the cure. All nations should separate from the UN and declare their sovereignty. Haile Selassie put it right when he called out the League of Nations in 1938 in regards to the unwarranted Italian (rome the hidden state of the nwo empire) aggression against Ethiopia – he showed that their public mandate was a farce.
“Being responsible for ensuring respect for the principles of international justice, is the League of Nations about to end its own existence by tearing up, with its own hands, the Covenant which constitutes its sole reason for existence? The magnificent edifice that has just been reared for the triumph of peace through law, is thus henceforth to become an altar of the cult of force, a market place in which the independence of peoples becomes the subject of trafficking, a tomb in which international morality is to be buried?”
National Sovereignty — down to ever man, women and child is the cure to the new world order disease.
M Terious,
“Our anti-technocratic stance must not become blanket prejudice against any kind of technology,”
..for sure technology really isn’t the problem, it is the intention behind its development and use that is the problem. A wise people on the one hand would not invent things that are invented simply because of their destructive nature. There are things out there right now that should not have been invented or produced, like fracking or lest say weather control technologies like we have today, they are an abomination to Creation and our health as human beings. A wise Native American once said that life is The web of Creation and what ever man does to the web he does to himself.
On bitcoin you say, “Is part of an increasingly sophisticated new financial system that is not controlled by the banking elites.”
Can you really be sure of that?
I don’t understand bitcoin because I don’t use and I am not interested in it. We need tangible money – the electric grid is not stable as it stands now and when electricity finally goes, then all of this tech will go with it. This so called new world order they are building is going come down and when it does – it is going to knock us back to the stone age.
Tangible things are what are going to count for those who survive the fall.
I feel the solution for money lies at a local level – like what was done in Ithaca New York with that money they created up there called Ithaca Hours, and then set a way for local money to be intergrated for exchange but to keep it all decentralized. I think that is a better solution – the tech is going out the window wither we like it or not.
Miss Terious,
Still, in the end without electricity; it doesn’t work!
Look at the resource of electricity in reality…
Do you produce your own? If not, you pay someone for it and most likely if they didn’t provide it for you, then you wouldn’t have it.
If you are producing your own, then by what system and how do you plan to maintain that system without access to parts and most importantly batteries? SO when the battery passes and you can’t produce, buy or scavenge one – then the system is dead.
I am not against electricity – but looking at the reality of the conditions we find ourselves. I have already planned for and prepared for the day when I no longer have access to it, the system they have built is fragile because it is the nature of centralized systems to be fragile, unsustainable, and unstable in the end. I understand the importance of a decentralized currency and that current technologies can provide it for us, but it still stands on a foundation that has been set in sand.
“These communities, look at Tron, for example, or EOS, or Waves, or Ethereum, they are self-governed with a powerful determination.”
I am not sure what you are talking about here. Are these communities from movies that you are leaving as examples? Tron?
Ethereum? What’s that?
A people can not survive without land – we are intrinsicly tied to it – technology is not going to save us. We need morality, principle and vision to see the difference from what is real and what is illusion. We need to return to the land with the kind of example Sepp Holzer left us and the craftsman needs to return. We will continue to suffer until we do and the new world order with all of their “sustainable” talk is just code for technocracy.
We are going to have to come together to fix this problem if we don’t move the conversation and knowledge into the real world at the grass roots level then they will regulate us out of existence. NO Mark No Pay , when you can’t pay then they will extort everything you have with their tax system, a battle is coming one way or the other no matter how you cut it they have three layers of control – local nation though compromised government, then they have us from invasion, through other nation or then at the global level, factor in the weapon systems they have built – we are in a very precarious situation…
From what I have heard, you want to look for a piece of land with a freshwater spring, rather than a well. This is because a well can be metered and tracked by local government regulators.
You bring up several good points.
Even in rural areas, regulators can change the rules at any time, along with enforcement.
e.g. Curtis Stone once had a short video series of rural farmers who suddenly got a government mandate about the kind of crops and quantity that they could grow.
With surveillance technology progressing, I believe that in the future even rural areas will run into many regulation liabilities. I do not think that they will be immune to certain enforcement actions.
However, I love the counter-economic mindset… Break the rules in a wise way where you can get away with it.
As for hydrology, there are all kinds of approaches. I studied general hydrology at college…it is a broad subject with all kinds of nuances. A person really needs to plan that out for their own specific situation.
Water, and especially water ways, is becoming more and more regulated. It ain’t like you can just put in a pond on your property in many jurisdictions. In some places, well water has some nasty naturally occurring stuff. There are different water tables as one drills down. I’ve seen old underground cisterns of eras gone by, and they may work for irrigation. I’ve seen springs off the hills’ outcrops dry up during the dry season near Austin, and springs bubbling out of the bed of the Pecos River in Carlsbad, NM. Ha!…as a 3rd grader on a lone exploration along the Pecos, I tried to cover it with rocks, but the spring just blew the rocks out.
I agree that a spring would be nice, but the availability might be limited.
Good planning and self-education from the get-go can really solve a lot of dilemmas before they start.
Good points, HRS. I work with aerial imagery (for benign purposes) at my job and I know how clear and detailed it can be. Especially drone imagery. With increasing ease of use, even small and relatively cheap drones could be used by the layman to surveil someone’s property and enforce regulations.
I was contacted by the city and told that the aerial photos of my property didn’t match what they have on record. Initially they left a notice on my door with a contact name and number which I called. I explained that I doubled the size of my backyard shed to contain the tools that I inherited from my wife’s deceased father.
I expected that the inspector would insist on inspecting my construction that I never got permits for. And that I would have to pay taxes if not fines and penalties.
I was shocked when she thanked me for clarifying the discrepancy,that was all she needed and pleasantly ended the conversation. This was over two years ago.
So I guess they have been doing this for a long time.
Right around the same time,my neighbor pulled up some rotting landscape timbers that were delineating the area where he parked. Within a week or so he was threatened with fines for parking on his front yard.
Florida is weird. I am going to knock on some wood now.
That’s interesting Steve.
Once, years back during my marriage, we were adding a sunroom off from the kitchen door to the backyard.
The city code demanded that we have one kitchen window to the outside sunlight “so that inhabitants don’t suffer from depression”.
That regulation, in itself, was depressing.
I guess lines in the sand need to be drawn at some stage and any self sufficiency plan also has to include self defense of some sort.
Yes it does. Good points. I am a strong believer in self defense and the state’s crackdown on guns in so that they can do whatever they want to to disarmed populations.
I have been very interested in 3D instructions for guns and other self defense tools. It’s important not to underestimate the enemy and be able to handle yourself. I grew up in a rough neighborhood and I am aware of what people will do if they think you’re weak and can’t fight back.
Humans have a basic instinct to avoid pain and survive. If another person thinks you can cause them harm in a tangible way they are bound to leave you alone.
At the 14 minute mark, Pete Quinones mentions North Texan Jack Spirko. Corbett gives a link to a Survival Podcast with Jack Spirko.
Here is Jack Spirko’s YouTube Channel.
Growing up in Texas, I have had the opportunity to see a lot of places out in the sticks. With my activism during the past 15 years, I have met many friends who strive for off-the-grid lifestyle. My son and his family keep adding cool things or improving their 25 acres.
A common denominator with smaller rural communities is the sense of community. Friends, families and neighbors help each other. It may just be trading favors or excess garden yield as a method of exchange. Some folks have figured out a good gig or niche which correlates with their lifestyle.
After closing my bookstores and preparing to re-enter college in 2005, I took a job of selling aerial photographs of people’s farms and ranches. During that stint, I went through (or over if locked) about a thousand rural property gates, and then walked up to the farm house. I went all over the place in North and East Texas. It was an adventure and a learning experience.
People in the country are very trusting and very friendly for the most part. I never ever had anybody get rude, cranky, nor challenge me about hopping over their gate. And no dog ever came up to bite me as I entered the property. At many places, no one was in sight, but the front door was open with the screen door between me and the home. Many times, I would have to return until I caught a person home. With so much stuff unattended around the farm’s place, it made a statement…in the city that stuff would disappear. The conversations were warm, welcoming and fascinating.
There is a pretty good tax break if your rural property is classified “Agriculture” by the County. But it ain’t no easy trick. For example, one young family wanted to raise free range chickens, but the county told them that they could only qualify for an Ag exemption if they housed a large number of chickens in a building coop.
In order to avoid a tax assessment, some folks built their house “into the barn”, or made it look like a large metal building on the outside with the house on the inside. I’ve seen semi underground homes. People used different methods to try to give the impression of a small amount of house square footage.
But I have also seen large ranch style mansion haciendas with a private lake.
Lots of folks start their rural dream with a used mobile home on their small acreage. I’ve sold many a $100 framed aerial photo of a mobile home sitting on acres of weeds and grass.
Tidbit: Time after time, I often would go to a place to see rubber snakes scattered around the porch. I didn’t want to seem ‘country dumb’, so I kept my puzzlement to myself. Finally, one day I asked someone. They told me that it was to try to deter swallows from building a mud nest under the porch. Yep, I’ve seen porches with the swallow nests…they can get pretty messy.
However, I’m getting up there in years. The engine is getting older and the energy ain’t what it used to be. There is a lot of maintenance to a spread. Plus, I kind of enjoy the suburbs and city conveniences. It’s nice to drive only a few minutes to the grocery store or hardware store. I do small garden stuff on my very small plot…and that’s plenty for my tastes.
Exactly. See Rosa Koire’s blunt facts:
“Where Can You Go to Escape Agenda 21?”
I totally agree with you Pearl.
Boris Johnson pledges to protect 30% of UK’s countryside by 2030. An additional stretch of land the size of the Lake District and South Downs combined will get protected status by 2030 under new government plans to support the recovery of nature.6 days ago › news › uknews › b…
Boris Johnson pledges to protect 30% of UK’s countryside by 2030 –
What I have copied above can also be found on the UK government page. The plan is to slowly prohibit human presence in nature.
Everybody should read Rosa Koire’s book to understand what is being prepared. What she explains is already starting. I am afraid I do not believe we will be allowed to live the way we want.
We have entered a dictatorship.
Pearl’s 8 minute Rosa Koire video
Thanks Pearl.
This helps us to view the full canvas.
I’ve heard of agoraphobia (fear of being in open spaces with humans in crowds) and now this is “agorism”?
Do you trust your neighbors? Do you trust your family (in-laws in particular)?
Trust is the glue that holds us together. Technology is great, but without trust, we are doomed to living in our individual low efficiency levels.
We will be serfs.
I’m a very private person who almost NEVER trusts humans. But even I know that unless we all work together we are doomed. We are doomed.
Property taxes (Home Remedy Supply) are pure evil.
Many humans are evil. Many humans are good. Many humans are… drifting.
Your fate is up to you.
AuntJennie says:
“I can’t help but notice how male dominated this conversation is and therefore lop sided.”
It may pick up later. The Corbett Report Member identity name makes it tough to spot gender.
For example: Many folks sometimes mistake ManBearPig for a male. In fact, she is a gal not far from my age who as a very small child painted the walls with some type of body cream, or sometimes throw a fit in her crib smelling of crusty bottle formula when her Mother didn’t give her attention.
Using wood-gas powered engines can be used versus straight petrol. Most gasoline engines can be converted, diesels as well but require additional modifications. This would be better for farm use. The drawback is wood-gas engines produce large amounts of carbon monoxide and cannot be used in closed spaces. They powered many vehicles across Europe during WW2. The Germans even experimented with wood-gas engines to power the famed Tiger tank.
I want to mention a few rural gigs that I’ve seen in North Texas (beside horseshoeing (Farrier Science) and welding).
Some folks will have an orchard. Peach trees, Pecan trees or even Jujube trees. They will charge folks to pick/gather their own.
The same with crops…charge folks to harvest by the container size or number.
… Blueberries are popular. Blackberries are pretty easy to grow. Tulips have an annual self-cutting sale (It surprised me that they grow here). Lavender. Roses.
I’ve seen small scale greenhouse nurseries out in the sticks on a few acres.
But, in the heart of Dallas, a fella runs a worm farm.
East of Dallas is Rehoboth Ranch.
I’ve watched them struggle and grow over the years. Weather ain’t always kind. Rehoboth Ranch delivers in the north Dallas suburbs. There are also activist friends who live out that way and strive towards self-sufficiency.
About 20-30 miles northeast of me out in the country is Allard Research. I do not know if they are still in the business of making stills. Years ago, I had contacted them.
Most of your gasoline cars will run on 50% alcohol with no modification, but of course, the flex fuel vehicles will run on a much higher percent alcohol.
Here are some old stories about Allard Research.
YouTube Channel –
From now a lost article, it is my understanding that on their property, they had a still. On a small scale… They took the waste feedstock (mash) to feed fish in a pond. The CO2 from the alcohol production was often used in the greenhouse to promote plant growth. I’m not sure if they used the fish poop for fertilizer.
David Blume talks about a large scale set-up of alcohol production, greenhouses, and fish.
On previous threads, I often have written about the benefits of alcohol as a fuel, and how it can play a strong role in permaculture.
thanks for all the info. i’ll provide a couple links to some folks here in ontario. i dont care much for preachy preachers but some great ideas.
Connecting Counter-Economy Buyers With Sellers
Hoarders hoard prescription drugs…that’s the currency Amerika wants.
…not if the thousands of appointed national, regional and local “emergency Czars”, their willy-nilly “proclamations” and EUAs maintain sufficient control.
Finally! Louisiana shifts its chunky arse in the easy chair…will see if it can stand:
Whatever you do say or think, forget this not:
It’s all about only three things:
Otherwise you’re wasting your time. And your life.
After the trauma of the Viet Nam war I moved to central Washington and formed a community that tried to live without money. We had a large subsistence garden complemented by gleaning. We eliminated the need for electric appliances. We gathered firewood with ax and saw. Actually this was the largest drain on the community effort. When I got a chainsaw much more free time became available. At that time there were many communes that would come together twice a year for a large gathering. The Spring festival was a healing gathering and a barter fair occurred in the Fall. This lifestyle afforded little free time and took an enormous amount of commitment. The positive take-away is that I learned many skills that benefited me later in life.
Later I moved to the Oregon coast and built a home off-grid. I have solar power with generator back-up. I only need the generators in the Winter. I only do small gardens now. The power of the Sun pumps water, splits firewood, runs the laundry and charges my electric bike battery.
I have never reached full independence from fiat currency but only licked around the edges. Even this modest effort has been quite tasty.
Excellent solutions report and awesome comments from some folks here, doing things. I’d like to triple underline something mentioned here. Do not worry about doing everything. Just do something. Example, if you are buying bread from a grocer, start making bread from a sourdough starter. Then maybe you enjoy this and so start giving it to some friends. Or sell it or whatever. It doesn’t matter so much how you exchange it or that you exchange it at all, but that you stopped buying it from the ‘grid’. It’s one thing, and it’s important. If you feel comfortable with that, maybe make socks. Perhaps you don’t like that, it’s ok, someone in the nearest town to you probably does. So try making a chair from wood or whatever the hell you have lying around. Or start researching something interesting to you. You don’t have to do everything, just one thing. It’s such a giant thing to do. And more likely than not, that one thing will knock naturally into the next domino, and all of sudden your building shelter, or power supplies, or growing your greens, or canning your winter foods. What I can assure you is that you will feel better making things, instead of buying them from gollydarn wal-mart, and you are without intention, acting to free humanity from the State.
Agorists would do well to follow the example of people in less developed countries where self-sufficiency is the key.. I visited a small 4-acre perma-culture farm this week. The abundance of fruit and vegetables grown was breathtaking. Old farm machinery and pumps are kept going with spare parts from similar discarded machinery – nothing is ever thrown away or destroyed in Africa – or, failing that, there’s always a skilled artisan prepared to fashion a spare part with his own hands. Africa does not yet have a problem with cash, but mobile phone cash is used more and more as Africa does have a good mobile network. You pay into a mobile cash account and the payer simply forwards payment to the payee’s mobile number. Although initially costly, electricity can be supplied from solar panels and there’s a system whereby payment – small sums – can be made on a monthly basis until the investment has been met. a few small farms use biogas made from animal waste. I am aware of course that none of the above could apply to an urban apartment dweller and so my only advice is translocate. In some cities in the UK there are many community gardens using land along old railway tracks or other waste land where the vegetables/fruit/herbs grown are free for the taking. Lastly, the only upside of the covid dilemma is that people are realizing that they actually don’t need the gadgets and baubles they thought they needed and many have woken up and started to question.
Thank you James, you always know how to inspire and encourage your audience. I appreciate the commentary at the end where you highlight the goal is community based and avoiding binary thinking. I have been trying to make strides towards “self sufficiency” this year with tackling the food supply situation.
First off my family built a few raised garden boxes and attempted to grow some vegetables this summer. This was a big learning experience for us and hopefully over the years we can continue to grow from our lessons and increase yield.
Secondly my family took on the task of the entire process of butchering our own beef. I am very fortunate to have family with agriculture access and this was another huge learning experience. I think it’s a process that everyone who chooses to eat meat should understand as there is an incredible amount of work and skill required to get that nicely packaged steak or pound of hamburger from the store.
Appreciate the wealth of information from not only you but the entire Corbett Report community!
Tobias Funke, ? cool name
It is great to hear your story and I also found this to be an inspirational episode. Im going to pay a visit to a place near me that has been off grid for 15 years. The seeds have definitely been sown and I have at least 3 others who are interested in starting something.
I’m a professional veg grower and it’s probably taken me 6 years to get a proper feel for it. In all the veg farms I have visited I never see a raised bed and I’m interested in why so many choose that option? JM Fortier swears by them.
He learned from the Cubans who had to farm using very low tech machinery. Here is his channel if you are interested
Having land is gives you so many options, I know a guy who is doing organic dairy and wants to deliver his milk using a vending machine system.
We decided to use the Square Foot Gardening method with the raised beds due to space restrictions and easily available materials at the time. The goal in the future is to be able to purchase some rural land, but not for another 10 years.
Thanks for the link, I’ll check him out!
I think you’re so in love with this idea of agora that it makes you lose the objectivity and fact based analysis that are your trademark.
I do believe that people should be able to take care of their needs as much as possible by themselves. A society based on consumption, as the modern society is, creates dependency on others (the grid) for anything in life. Mostly lost are the basic skills of making repairs to one’s home or cook, let alone grow, one’s food and so on. Most of those losses are created by the big corporations; think of how hard is finding spare parts to repair something and, when you find them, they are often absurdly expensive. Other losses are created by the brainwashing of continuous advertising that creates a sense of inferiority in people, leading them to have outsiders taking care of their needs rather than taking doing so themselves. Additionally, ads create unrealistic needs that can only be satisfied sacrificing other activities.
Getting off the grid, or at least reducing dependency on the grid, means to me that we have to go back to a simpler way of life, a way we can do thing for ourselves. A lot of the examples of off the grid presented in your videos go exactly the opposite way.
Crypto is a highly technological currency needed computers, phones, and electricity to be used. While it is possible to produce electricity in a low tech way, good luck with fixing a phone or a computer without access to supply and sophisticated tools.
The open source initiative addresses the control corporations have over inventions using patents but does not address how to actually build things by yourself. Looking at their videos is see plenty of modern tools, computers, and supplies that cannot be made in your backyard shed.
The family that lives off the grid (and some of the people who commented above) was able to do so thanks to a nearby Home Depot that supplied lumber, metal roofing, PVC pipes, etc. They didn’t get in the woods, cut down some trees by hands to build a house and and outhouse.
The internet that allows a Canadian living in Japan to reach and be reached by millions of people cannot be easily, or at all, replicated. The LibreWeb site you link to and that one of your guests promotes, is actually completely void of any content. Understandably so because while the principle of a peer to peer wireless internet seems appealing and easy on paper, it has technical limitation such as limited range, need for the peer to see each other, limited channels available, and government regulations to deal with. On top of that, the equipment you need cannot be build in house.
Those example unfortunately remind me of a guy I used to know who bragged how he was able to live without working. Never mind he was living in public housing, fed by the food bank, dressed by the local church, riding the bus with a free pass.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
I’m glad you wrote this so I’m not the first grumbler (I guess that’s how many people perceive me here).
My impression is, in this episode James was foremost motivational speaker. Fine, but in this case objectivity usually suffers. Maybe he could also profit from some technology advisor.
Crypto currencies for its functionality uses farms of GPUs and huge amounts of electricity, both impossible without the rotten system we would like to avoid. Actually, the rotten system heavily invests to crypto, there is some profit to be gained. If they withdraw investments what will happened with crypto?
Open source microfactory uses modern tools and lets say that’s ok. But to make anything they are using materials and consumables that cannot be made in small factories e.g steel, welding wire, grinding plates, bolts and nuts….
3D printing can make many things, but not easily stuff that can withstand high strains, like tractor spare parts, many of this parts are forged with huge presses, not a task for small shop. At the end 3D printers needs some feedstock.
There is no internet without big corporations, they own infrastructure, sea cables, there is no way to replace this. Local wireless solutions are not internet without a gate to (theirs) internet. And, what about EMR in such solutions?
Self-sufficiency, going local, agorism are good ways to go now, and also wherever is possible. But we have to be aware that without using products and services from the rotten system life would be very very miserable.
But the most important agorism doesn’t provide the solution how to handle big systems that are inevitable, because we would never voluntary accept primitive way of living.
Electronic chips will never be produced small scale locally, the same with steel mills, aluminium, all basic chemical raw materials and list is long.
Any big system by definition represents a concentration of power and power is always abused, that’s what history thought us (hopefully). Btw, just look at the pains of Huawei now, when US is blackmailing its suppliers, they will hardly find an alternative.
I doubt that Lenin’s adage “capitalist will (always) sell you the rope that will be later used to hang him” will stand in the future. WEF’s Reset will most probably bring us with time a very controlled economy.
Self-sufficiency particularly growing your food is excellent, any level. This way you cannot detach from the system very much.
Agorism is ok as starting but does not have god answers about getting control over the big factories that are under elites control. We will hardly starve the beast because it provides very crucial stuff. I don’t underestimate the power of people, but I don’t want to underestimate their power to! Btw, they own the huge majority of planet.
They could go so far as not allowing some misfits to buy certain things like raw materials. They are thinking to establish rights (literally!) for raw materials, supposedly to ensure recycling. In increasingly controlled society buying on black market will be expensive.
Of course we can say people will find solutions they always did. On one hand ok, on the other this is intellectual laziness. We are people, concerned people, we should think about this.
nope. you can build without power. i wouldn’t but it’s possible.
actually i’m all wet. he did use a chainsaw to mill the floor boards and roof boards.
Question for Corbett:
Are contagious viruses just a scam – another system of control?
Do we have any good reason to believe they actually exist?
As you may have guessed, I’m referring to the research of Andrew Kaufman and others who have been exploring the seemingly strong possibility that these submicroscopic things labeled ‘viruses’ are not actually the cause of illness but rather something produced by our own bodies during an illness caused by something else.
Those are interesting questions. There are people who have experienced contagious viruses in their everyday lives, so when people say these don’t exist, it seems to contradict internal wisdom.
At different points in my life have come into contact with people who have certain symptoms like cough, sneezing, fever, vomiting, etc, and sometimes have developed identical symptoms. This phenomenon has happened multiple times and other people have experienced it. Also, I believe laboratory experiments have been conducted on animals (I don’t think this is ethical-but it is done)that provide evidence to support germ theory.
I think disease transmission is a multifactorial process and am inclined to think that “germs” or “particles” do play a part in it though.
I think it would be interesting to have a discussion of the data on germ theory and also terrain theory to have an unbiased analysis. I admit that I am biased towards believing in viruses, but would also be interested in listening to Andrew Kaufman.
I am currently researching Andrew Kaufman and think his ideas should be explored. They are very fascinating actually. I am inclined to think both “germ” and “terrain” theory explain disease pretty well. I still think germ theory stands as a partial explanation of the disease.
The fact that “they” seem to want to suppress or discredit terrain theory is suspect and I’m taking a closer look because of it.
I just can’t ignore my observations particularly in HIV/AIDS where some people came in contact with blood and other body fluids, many of them healthy prior to this event develop immune dysfunction and then antiretrovirals (especially the newer ones with fewer side effects) have their symptoms improve.
Using parsimony it seems that the simplest answer would be that people came in contact with a common “germ” that was part of why they got sick. Perhaps not the only reason, but it played a part in disease development.
Having said that, Andrew Kaufman and others who support terrain theory should not be dismissed. There are many brilliant people who have far more knowledge than myself who support this hypothesis and it would be well worth looking into it more closely. I’m still watching one of his videos.
Hey Corbetteers
A bit off topic but wanted to share that I watched a terrific 4 hour video yesterday that I happened upon on Sherri Tenpenny’s twitter page.
It’s called LINE IN THE SAND, produced by New Earth (Sacha Stone) and Del Bigtree.
It was a great surprise. They have speakers from all over the world. Everyone speaks for 3- 5 minutes on the “situation” we have endured over the past 5 months. I found it informative and hopeful.
Speakers included Del Bigtree, Dolores Cahill, Sherri Tenpenny, Pam Popper, G. Edward Griffin, among many others. Concluded with Robert Kennedy Jr and boy did he left no stone unturned with Fauci.
I cannot link because I found it on Tenpenny and couldn’t link from there, but I know all you tech savvies will find it and HomeRemedy will have it linked in no time. I really enjoyed it.
Search LINE IN THE SAND, It was streamed live yesterday but is available.
Also, I have been watching Peggy Hall out in California. She is on fire with this thing. Her group is The Healthy American. She has done a great deal of research about the legality of all the restrictions and has a lot of info and forms on her site. She and her group intend to file suit against the Gov of CA with the aid and template of Tom Renz in Ohio.
Also, on website page you can link on to two very good videos. A one hour video with Atty Tom Renz, being interviewed by Jon Rappaport. Renz who filed suit against the Gov of Ohio because of restrictions due to no emergency. On behalf of Ohio Stands UP. Pam Popper is associated with this group also.
Also, an interview of Dr. Christiane Northrup by Polly Tommey (an early and very crucial activist for vaccine injury). Very informative and empowering video.
Good thing I’m single and have loads of time!
And a video interview between
This question – whether self sufficiency as an alternative to Statism is possible, has been debated by what are nowadays called ‘Truthers’ for more than a century.
I have a book ‘Tracts and Pamphlets of Tom Ferris’, the original documents were published between 1900 and 1930.
In those days the best available source of popular guidance came from Tolstoy with his badly written book “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you”. (Badly written because in the course of the book the prose degenerates to incomprehensible babble). So people attempted to set up Tolstoyan communities.
In those days the trade union movement and Christian churches were held in higher regard than they are today. So no surprise that Ferris was an Anglican priest and that close links existed to the trades unions.
What was particularly interesting was how the people who met to discuss and adventure were survivors of WWI and they were deeply suspicious of Statism, suspicious of doles suspicious of the peace movement, suspicious of King George as a possible cause of WWI, and looking to find ways to side-step the authorities and defend their freedom
Two self-sufficiency colonies formed, some people became tramp Preachers, and there was much discussion…
To James Corbett I can send you the book as a PDF e-book if have an email address to send it to…
A very interesting listen.
I can understand why coming together as a community is a good idea, as people with different skills can support eachother. The group can choose how they trade goods and services and trade with the outside world.
There is a risk that the group, possibly self contained or isolated, could be susceptible to group think and freedom of thought or expression suppressed.
I wonder how you would mitigate this in an agoristic community?
Those are good questions. I assume most people would be independent thinkers in these types of communities. If there were an imposed dogma that would be a red flag. I would think that providing a needed skill, service or goods along with not being someone trustworthy would be a requirement for participating.
I wonder what kinds of skills are beneficial for participating.
My husband and I have gradually been living a lifestyle in which we produce most of our necessities for more than a decade. We milk a cow, have trained oxen and make an effort to avoid exploiting animals, plants and even the soil. Living such a lifestyle has given us a different perspective regarding what is happening. It is almost like watching a (bad) soap opera because we know that, while the events unfolding may well touch our lives, they can only touch our lives in a rewarding way.
It isn’t what happens that matters: it is how we handle what happens that actually matters. The only important thing is consciousness. If you think you need gasoline, electricity and technology to be happy, you might be setting yourself up for disappointment.
While we use a refrigerator for our abundant dairy products and other things, we aren’t dependent on it. If electricity were to become unavailable, we’d switch to using a spring house and switch to a more immediate distribution system for the dairy. We have a hand operated oil press, a manual thresher and other hand operated equipment. We do have a tractor, but are not dependent on it. I don’t envision people manufacturing spark plugs, vacuum hoses and hydraulic fluid locally.
The only things that are really necessary for the body is food and shelter. As souls embodied in a human form, we do need community, too. Anything else could be classified as a want rather than a need. We are in the process of developing a sense of community with our neighbors and follow the Vedic system of varnashrama, a political/philosophical system that combines anarchy, monarchy, capitalism and communism in one system. The reality is that when there is a power vacuum, something will fill it. If the consciousness of the people supplying the power is lacking, we get the power filled by such as we are currently seeing.
An advantage of having lived and traveled on small boats on and off for most of my life is that I’ve seen an used lots of different systems to help meet the needs of day to day living. From boats with no refrigeration and wood stoves for heat to boats with air conditioning and satellite television. So I know that getting off the grid is very doable and actually in lots of ways easier on land than afloat. But the main obstacles to accomplishing it is our own expectations or “needs”. And as Earnest points out, permission to occupy and utilize our own land as we see fit.
Yesterday I received the utility bill from the city of Saint Petersburg Florida. It covers water, sewer, garbage and recycling, storm water fee and taxes. For the current billing period I am being charged 76.57 and I used 13 gallons of water. For the same period last year I apparently used 21 gallons of water.
Anyway, the point is that I have been using rain water for a few years now that we collect from the roof. Early on the city sent a fellow out to change the meter presumably because they thought it was malfunctioning. But that was the extent of any interaction with the officials.
I guess they are happy with the money they are getting.
Today I received my second notice from Duke energy telling me that they simply must have access to my backyard, (which in a previous conversation with some automaton I helpfully informed them contained a rather unfriendly Bavarian Shepherd), in order to install a smart meter. They politely but firmly informed me that they have made numerous attempts to contact me apparently forgetting completely about the day I spent over 45 minutes, mostly on hold in a futile effort to get my questions answered. Then they equally firmly but less politely informed me that the state of Florida gave them permission to take the action and furthermore that they also are allowed by law to discontinue my service if I don’t either give them access to change the meter or opt out which costs nearly 100 dollars initially and 15 dollars every month thereafter, by October 12.
They probably don’t know that October 12th is my birthday and they certainly don’t know who they are dealing with.
After being without power for a week after hurricane Irma a few years ago I put in a 400 watt solar system that currently powers the water pump that supplies the house and a freezer. And a 7500 watt diesel powered generator. I did that in case of another long term outage but it is a start.
My wife and I are approaching our mid sixties and it would be difficult to live without air conditioning. But it isn’t necessary to cool the entire house all the time and modifications wouldn’t be that hard. The hard part is getting the wife on board. But she is still a trooper at heart I think and I think that she is waking up to the big picture.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
Anyway, I don’t want a smart meter installed 6 feet from where my head is as I sleep and I am willing to sacrifice some degree of my standard of living to make sure that doesn’t happen. And I think that is the biggest thing standing between many people and a semblance of freedom. The willingness to sacrifice our comfort, convenience and pleasures.
On a different note. Does anyone know if the check for Corbett should be made out to him or Pilato? Does JEP just send them to JC or does he deposit them and then do the crypto thing for getting the funds to Japan?
Thanks so very, very much for your story!
Yu da man!
Make the check out to me.
Nah!! Make it out to James E Pilato.
19 minute mark
Wonder if Derrick Broze was the guy who sent that question about Agorism in order to open the topic up and share with the subscribers? Agorism is STILL the answer! by Derrick Broze of the Conscious Resistance
Do you mean a conspiracy? No, there’s no such thing as a conspiracy…just ask the CIA 🙂
And So Were They Led into Slavery And the People Loved Their Servitude
Thanks, Stronghorse. I will check this out! I’m moving to the desert.
Sadly, this type of self-sufficiency will be quashed by this Bill just passed by the Daniel Andrews government in Victoria, Australia.
Please give it a read James & your subscribers. It may come to your country soon.
SIGNS – Ernie Hancock – Marketing – Positive Propaganda? – Joshua Coleman – V IS FOR VACCINE
At the 23:22 minute mark of “Is Self-Sufficiency Possible? – Questions For Corbett”, we see images of signs and hear about Ernie’s “self-sufficient style” on-the-road ACTIVISM.
Saturday October 3rd in Austin, TX at “The Constitutional Rights Summit”, Del Bigtree introduces Joshua Coleman of the
Josh explains some very clever guerilla marketing moves which employ elements of positive propaganda…all on the “cheap”.
QUEUED VIDEO (5hr:27min mark)
5:34:20 mark
Josh says: “Messaging is Key!”
(Driving home points over and over and over again.)
Repeat the Message.
I’d forget about Corbett answering your “too woke for The Corbett Report question”, unless he emails you privately.
If you want to begin to find an answer, you can start by reading EndOfTheRoad’s very sober and honest assessment above which I’ll link for you here –
-followed by fellow “grumbler” Mik’s equally insightful commentary directly below EndOfTheRoad’s post.
But, the short answer is no, the Internet, as purposed for TPTSB is absolutely a monopolistic tool! O-B-V-I-O-U-S-L-Y!!!
As is cryptocurrency! What, are they kidding?
You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, mbp, good to see you using it when you’re using it! lol
By the way, all this utter distraction about living off the grid, prepper city crap- I mean wtf is this all about?
Such utter bullshit. What is it pre-supposing? All these survivalist activist boys and girls manage to get off the grid….just in order to survive?? Cool. How groovy. Good for them guys, right? But, what of the rest of the hundreds of millions comprising the rest of civilization? What of them? Are these preppaholics actually going to be content in their post-apocalyptic woodlands and acreage? What about when their shit breaks down? (see above mentioned comments). Does running off to their fantasy-based, self-contained worlds do anything to prevent or at least slow down the grip of the 21st century techno-surveillance grid? Not a chance. Or, maybe they think they’ll somehow be one of the 5oo million lucky survivors envisioned by the fuckers who built the Georgia Standing Stones….Fat chance.
I sincerely don’t think those Standing Stone Fuckers had prepper/survivalists in mind. This is such utter nonsense. It is not the way to oppose a NWO. If a person wants to oppose a NWO, then they have to get politically involved, not run and hide.
We can plainly see that the NWO “Agenda” propelled as it may seem by Covid-19, does not have monolithic support, not from the thousands of protesters (and guess what – you can’t protest from the woods), to what I call an up front and center impedance, the anti-lockdown policies adopted by the Swedish government. Now, there’s a country that’s got some common sense, or else they somehow didn’t get the memo.
Now, I’ve got nothing against growing gardens and minimalism; but, the bottom line is, if you really want to do some damage, don’t form little off grid communities, form some on grid, in their face, political parties, and with a little luck get some contentious cogs stuck in their wheels.
Anyway, I apologize in advance for my rant, but, I’ve got some major cognitive dissonance going on, and like AuntJennie says, something don’t smell right. Just what it is, I don’t know, but I happen to agree with her.
PS: I believe HRS has at least 15 – 20 years on you. Haha, he should stop dreaming. 🙂
Odds are that the grid is going to fail anyway regardless of how well we protest. It won’t be pretty, it’s going to be hard for those living off grid to survive but at least some of them will stand a chance. Any good survival plan should include multiple fall back plans. The closer the city you get, the more expensive a survival plan becomes, so fleeing to the woods is the better option for someone without money.
Great points you raise as well, having multiple contingency plans. I think this is the best plan is having multiple plans and “attacking” the problem from many angles.
This is one of the reasons I think using courts is still good to try.
You raise valid points even though the tone is a little sarcastic and blunt.
I think your points and the other post you mentioned would be a good question for Corbett, or perhaps points to explore.
Also, accessing specialized medical care for surgeries or other things that even a makeshift field hospital couldn’t deal with.
People age and some people develop health problems and benefit from western medicine.
Also, self-defense or offensive tactics are important considerations, not to necessarily discuss here but learn about on one’s own.
I wouldn’t dismiss preppers outright, some of them are maybe aware what is the real state of affairs (bleak, yea). That’s of utmost importance because you don’t want to be caught by total surprise, too much is at stake.
“….get politically involved, not run and hide. ”
🙂 , no and just no. That shit is beyond repair.
There is something in ‘run and hide’ if they don’t contemplate what shall we do with society on the long run and I don’t see this with agorism. How we as society will get control over chip foundries, steel mills….As long as some rich mf owns them, he is having Control, he is getting us by the balls. Voting with our money in this case means nothing when they can unleash thousands of pit-bulls and barneyses, pick your poison. Belief that people will always find a way (I believe) is just a belief, I would prefer proof, for the beginning plausible Solution.
Unfortunately, just occasionally I see some semblance of thinking about the Solution.
I got into a bit of a rant over the prepper thing. Not because I believe prepping is misguided on an individual basis. Certainly, people should strive for their own level of comfort, whatever that may be. Whether it’s hoarding guns, food, survivalist equipment, learning how to live off the land, etc. – I mean, good for them, more power to them.
In fact, if anyone’s really into it, here’s a nice survivalist community to invest in:
But, on an aggregate level, for the other 7 plus billion people on the planet, it is totally meaningless, because in reality, survivalism does little, if anything, to up-end, slow down, or otherwise counter-act the growing, and ever more encompassing technocracy that we see evolving. And, if anything, the survivalist meme, besides diverting energy and attention, smacks squarely of defeatism, and not the other way around. I believe, in a certain sense, it is a diversionary and counter-productive non-solution to this ever expansive, technocratic control we’re facing.
However, this survivalist meme seems to shadow the anarchic/Agorist posture as promulgated on this website, which, as a purported “solution”, also seems to fall flat.
Given the immensity over the years of the hundreds of hours of informative discussions shrewdly and revealingly dissecting just about every topic under the sun in nuanced detail, the relative paucity of “solutions” is disappointing, to say the least. Unfortunately, toothless solutions tend to raise more questions than answers.
The fundamental solution as prescribed, i.e., Agorism, when you boil it right down, seems to be a modern day equivalent of Timothy Leary’s tune in and drop out, sans the turn on. You really have to kind of wonder what it’s all about. You really have to question its legitimacy.
Other non-solutions, for instance, Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, are Internet derived mechanizations, and are touted as being a part of the “solution”, yet, the Internet, as we know, is the stuff of the big corporation. Somebody really does own the “backbone” – the cables that runneth under the oceans, the server farms (think Google), the relays (think Oracle), the satellites (think FANG and other industrialists – think Musk’s up and coming Starlink satellites, and on and on and on). The Internet, in essence, comprises a massive, global infrastructure; and it has also become the pulsing heart and lungs of Big Brother. As an aside, is it really incalculable to surmise that an unfathomably complex encrypted system couldn’t have back doors? A master key? Is Blockchain and cryptocurrency really a solution, or as others have surmised, a trap? A means to a bad, solution-less, digital ending? One that will be subsumed and ultimately swallowed whole by a self-serving, self-interested, paradoxically anarchic, monopolistic, corporatic, One World Government, in the end.
As for black and gray market Agorism, how is this a “solution”? Counter-economics is by its very nature, parasitical. It primarily exists by feeding off of, as well as basically gaming the statist quo, if you will. How do you fix the beast while living off its underbelly? If it’s a “solution”, it reeks of negativism. Does black-market counter-economics break down the ruling corruption, or does it feed into it?
Why, after years of information, does The Corbett Report have no real answers?
What solutions would you propose?
Waking up the masses is not going to work. Most of them are addicted to the entertainment industry. I am not even sure if we should consider them as being human as the machine has long since vacuumed up their souls.
I guess one solution would be the targeting of the controlling families, there would be good reason why James is not going to talk about that. Would be as easy as pie (to the face) though for someone facing a terminal illness and didn’t care if they were caught.
I could not reply below Octium, and I suppose this comment is also relevant for you Candlelight (you do make some very valid points).
I think solution(s) to free humanity from enslavement will have to be many different methods of decentralizing the economy, waking up key people who may be able to exert a greater impact, and what you mentioned Octium also makes a lot of sense as well.
People tend to “follow the leader” if you dismantle “the leader” the head of the snake the body dies.
I think this is an evolutionary challenge in a way, the artificial versus the natural/organic kind.
Waking up people who either have military might and skill or “heads of state” who may still have a human heart who can work to stop this nightmare we are facing. Psychopaths and sociopaths are aberrations and in my opinion, like a tumor. A functioning immune system destroys the tumor to the body can live.
“Agorism, when you boil it right down, seems to be a modern day equivalent of Timothy Leary”
C’mon, that’s bullshiting.
You didn’t mention backdoors in hardware, the ultimate backdoor, something Huawei was accused, of course, no one else would be so heinous.
Agorist communities would be role model to other people how it’s possible to escape the beast to an extent. Most of the people are followers they need example.
I don’t have the slightest problem regarding parasitism of counter economics. When I got such a critique I replied: I called off my social contract, I would be delighted to sign something appropriate, but there is nothing, so it’s not my fault.
Real problem is elsewhere. I think historians will say for our times, Social Luddism.
Those ones who still understand that there is such a thing as society, although in reality, many times just a crowd of individuals exist (they’ve been indoctrinated), are approaching societal matters thoroughly disoriented.
For example, corruption, supposedly a big problem. Not really, huge disparity of power is source problem that enables corruption.
Cronies, that’s also funny.
How can it be that me and my cronies barely scrap for decent life. The same is with many other cronies, I guess it must be something else beside crony.
How can it be that Solidarity is so rarely used word?
Who’s going to shut anything down though. The police? They barely investigate real crimes whereI live. The US military will turn on their own family and communities overnight? I don’t think that’s possible. The police apparatus is outnumbered by people who can choose to opt out.
In places like China and other openly fascist countries with a disarmed population force is much more effective. In the US I think this could bring on an armed revolution.
What about property tax? A savings account? I’m building one of those.
Not without a fight. Some things are worth fighting for. I recall being bullied as a kid and I finally got sick of it and punched the person in the stomach and slapped her (I’m a woman). People left me alone after that.
Like JC said we have to exercise our rights. The masks are unconstitutional, we need to refuse to wear them more often. I never wear one outside, ever. It’s a mandate in my city. No cops have enforced this as far as I know.
People have to use their 2nd amendment, learn how to use firearms, get as many long arms as possible that the state can’t take. Ever use ArmsList? Support private sales. Start using your money to build resistance.
I don’t want to live in a dystopia eeking along. I’d rather “die on my feet than live a life on my knees” I don’t know who said that but I wholeheartedly agree.
Also, get a water filter. I think the fluoride in tap water is making the US population docile. We should be more outraged! I use a RO filter now. I only want drugs that I consent to take, not anyone sneaking them in to make me more peaceful. Fuck that!
Anyway, I hear what you’re saying and you make good points. I do think buying some gold and silver now would be a good investment for you. I bought some in March and made a profit.
If you know how to live off the land, you could make a youtube channel and teach others and make money off that. We can support each other and survive and even thrive. Despair is what they want though. I think they are outnumbered and need the propaganda to win. Don’t listen to it.
That’s awesome! Post a link when it’s up and running!
You have a point about how powerful interests will try to exclude tecnology that allowqs you to opt out… the response is to USE IT as much as possible and get others to use it.
The government will only allow you to keep what you care about enough to fight for.
People in the UK did not care about gun rights… now they have none, unlike the USA where Gov can only whittle away at them because people actually WANT to exercise that right.
Same with Home Schooling…or weed use or alcohol…. all easy to ban if no one but a few weirdos do it, very hard to ban when lots of people WANT to do those things
James can you expand on acquiring of knowledge, scientific method, causation, correlation
Question for Corbett:
Which method of contributing to The Corbett Report takes the smallest cut?
Could you please rank the methods in order from best to worst (smallest cut to largest cut)?
I was most interested to hear Pete Quinones mention ‘’, which is a project for peer-to-peer mesh networking that would sidestep the need for ISPs. Thanks James, for including that link in your show notes.
Unfortunately, there appears to be absolutely no content on any of the pages in that website. I sent the following message using the ‘contact’ link to the site’s admin:
What is the status of the LibreWeb project? How can I help to get it off the ground?
I could help with documentation but would need to learn about the technology first. Given the severe censorship of the day, I’d like to see such independent internet take off the ground.
I also discovered that the developer is likely Melroy van den Berg, who openly publishes his own email address and solicits inquiries. I therefore sent him the following message, hoping to have him join James for a podcast on the status of his project. Hopefully James and Melroy will be motivated to do a podcast together:
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 12:04 PM
Subject: LibreWeb
Hello Melroy,
I learned about your LibreWeb project through a podcast titled, Is Self-Sufficiency Possible? – Questions For Corbett #070. The show notes to that podcast include a link to, which is how I came to connect with you.
Given today’s extreme and rapid onset of censorship and deplatforming, I’m very interested in your project to the extent that I’d like to help you get the project off the ground if I can. I’d also like to generate interest around it for the same purpose, and think that we can accomplish that to some degree were you to participate in a podcast conversation with James Corbett.
I therefore ask you to contact James at to coordinate an interview. I’ve also sent a message to James asking that he contact you for the purpose of broadcasting an interview.
Please tell us the status of your project and what you require to move it forward.
Thanks much,