In this month’s edition of Questions For Corbett, James fields your questions on the kakistocracy, the legality of government propaganda, the Zuckerberg Initiative, low tech media backups, Australian media sources and much more.
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Previous Episode: Questions For Corbett #026
The EU Is About to Become A Superstate: Here’s How it Happened
DHS caught busing in illegal Somalis from Mexican border
The Well-Read Anarchist podcast
Walter Block: Privatize the Ocean
Interview 1024 – Tjeerd Andringa Exposes the Kakistocracy
The Eyeopener – PSYOPS on the homefront (+ Transcript)
U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans
And the winner of the Canadian election is…
Canadian fighter jets strike ISIS targets in Iraq
Canada Defense Minister Backs Off Campaign Rejection of F-35 Jet
Eyeopener – Facebook/CIA (+ Transcript)
Japanese worried about privacy as My Number ID program becomes law
Hello James!
I recently had a brief dialogue in the comments of your Deep State Rising article, in which we discussed undisclosed technology. I mused about my own interest in (and yet uncertainty about) such characters as Dr. Stephen Greer, who makes a pretty decent case for the notion of ET contact in the 40’s and subsequent government cover ups and secret development of things like zero point energy and anti-gravity technology. I’m curious what, if anything, you know about Stephen Greer. Is there anything about his disclosure efforts that screams co-intel to you? He seems to be in contact with many insiders and whistle blowers, and it sure looks to me like he is indeed in possession of quite a few real documents, but he’s been making such things public for years now, and he’s still alive! Sadly, that seems fairly incriminating.
Also, what is your take on the existence of advanced technology? Be it ET or human in origin, do you think the powers that shouldn’t be are sitting on what gets called free energy technology and keeping it secret from us? I believe that such technology is feasible, but if it really existed, wouldn’t the veil have already been lifted and the New World Order forcibly imposed by the strength of this superior military technology?
Speaking for myself only, I’d rather see whatever James considers relevant and rely on my own BS filter. YMMV
Eric, I encountered “undisclosed” technologies in 1986, on two occasions. No non-humans involved to my knowledge. Both technologies have actually been disclosed, though with embedded disinformation (the Payload), in a “Popular” publication subsequently, but not in a manner or context which would seriously impair deniability.
There is no reason to kill external persons unless deniability is materially threatened, which I see no evidence of as yet. Internal personnel are more likely to be killed for the purpose of staunching a serious breach which can reasonably be expected to threaten deniability. But their deaths would not be characterized as suspicious, naturally (pun intended).
To the surprise of absolutely no one reading this, the mass media is controlled. Merely maintaining even thinly plausible deniability suffices to keep whatever it is below the mainstream threshold of consciousness.
I was wondering the same thing. I was a big fan of those interviews.
QFC: Have your read Dimitri Khalezov´s book “The third truth” about the 9/11 event? I´ve just seen an 4 hour interview with him on his book, and done some searching around, and it seems like this guy is some sort of deep shit with the Thai goverment (and also the Israelite and US), and i´ve read in comments that alot of his videos have been banned from YT and other places. He even posts a video every 10 days to let people know that he is alive and well. So to me it seems that someone is out for this guy, and maybe because he knows something that….is true?
His theory seems to give some straight answers to the deaths and illnesses of first respondents to 9/11.
Anyone else know about this?
*this guy is in some sort of deep shit.
Or maybe he is some sort of deep shit. I don´t know, but it would be interesting to get some more perspective on this matter.
I listened to the link about privatizing water. Walter Block wants to domesticate wild animals including whales, and thinks that private ownership of the bison herds could have saved them. Is this the Onion?
Anyway, we have a water issue here that could also come from the Onion. State of Maine stated that the Penobscot Nation does not have rights over the water in the river, but they can do what they want with the riverbed. I wonder what the anarchocapitalists would do.
“Like private landowners, the Penobscot Nation may also restrict access to their lands, here islands, as it sees fit,” Schneider wrote. “However, the river itself is not part of the Penobscot Nation’s Reservation, and therefore is not subject to its regulatory authority or proprietary control. The Penobscot River is held in trust by the State for all Maine citizens, and State law, including statutes and regulations governing hunting, are fully applicable there.”
Aristocracy… I had just come across the dedication of the translations of the ancient scriptures, and it would appear that James (the King) was considered by the translators as quite the aristocrat. Here’s a great read that exemplifies their affection toward the noble King James:
Great and manifold were the blessings, most dread Sovereign, which Almighty God, the Father of all mercies, bestowed upon us the people of England, when first he sent Your Majesty’s Royal Person to rule and reign over us. For whereas it was the expectation of many, who wished not well unto our Sion, that, upon the setting of that bright Occindental Star, Queen Elizabeth, of most happy memory, some thick and palpable clouds of darkness would so have overshadowed this land, that men should have been in doubt which way they were to walk, and that it should hardly be known who was to direct the unsettled State; the appearance of Your Majesty, as of the Sun in his strength, instantly dispelled those supposed and surmised mists, and gave unto all that were well affected exceeding cause of comfort; especially when we beheld the Government established in Your Highness, and Your hopeful Seed, by an undoubted Title; and this also accompanied with peace and tranquillity at home and abroad.
But among all of our joys, there was no one that more filled our hearts than the blessed continuance of the preaching of God’s sacred Word among us, which is that inestimable treasure which excelleth all the riches of the earth; because the fruit thereof extendeth itself, not only to the time spent in this transitory world, but directeth and disposeth men unto that eternal happiness which is above in heaven.
Then not to suffer this fall to the ground, but rather to take it up, and to continue it in that state wherein the famous Predecessor of Your Highness did leave it; nay, to go forward with the confidence and resolution of a man, in maintaining the truth of Christ, and propagating it far and near is that which hath so bound and firmly knit the hearts of all Your Majesty’s loyal and religious people unto You, that Your very name is precious among them: their eye doth behold You with comfort, and they bless You in their hearts, as that sanctified Person, who, under God, is the immediate author of their true happiness. And this their contentment doth not diminish or decay, but every day increaseth and taketh strength, when they observe that the zeal of Your Majesty toward the house of God doth not slack or go backward, but is more and more kindled, manifesting itself abroad in the farthest parts of Christendom, by writing in defence of the truth, (which hath given such a blow unto that Man of Sin as will not be healed,) and every day at home, by religious and learned discourse, by frequenting the house of God, by hearing the Word preached, by cherishing the teachers thereof, by caring for the Church, as a most tender and loving nursing father.
[SNIP – Edited for length. Please try to keep comments under 500 words or split it into multiple posts. – James]
Now I see even more clearly why James didn’t present his view on property more openly. Question of property is quite hard staff and it’s not wise that he gets engaged in this debate.
“…other Anarcho-Whateverism besides Anarcho-Capitalism is a psychopath.”
First I think you should be more careful with the use of psychopath word(diagnose) and rather use psychopathic behavior instead. Anyway, neither one helps healthy debate.
I’m pretty sure that I’m coming from different cultural background (ex-Yugoslavia with specific flavor of socialism until recently) then you. I believe you are coming from developed country.
About Anarchism and Marxism. Ones I’ve heard: Anarchism is Marxism without state. Sounds good to me and is totally comprehensible. For me, Anarcho-Capitalism is an oxymoron.
I can assure you that I don’t work for government nor I’m psychopath.
But having said all that I have to admit I don’t know enough about the subject and have to read Proudhon and…..
Please explain me from Anarcho-Capitalist point of view one thing:
Who makes a decision about distribution of fruits of production?
Are there any guidelines how distribution should be done?
James, about migration crisis.
MSM here are in overdrive about this.
This crisis goes on for years but last year numbers increased dramatically.
Here is a 2014. document written by William Lacy Swing director of International Organisation for Migration. Some prominent figures maybe could be found there at IOM.
There is also an organization Asylum Protection Center which has donors from usual suspects: USAID, Soros,……(look down left)
This organization helps immigrants and also gives them maps, leaflets with legal advice and their rights. One journalist try to contact management of organization and was unsuccessful.
Information above is from local blog and I can’t verify it, but blog is mostly ok.
I don’t see direct connection but there is one very prominent Bilderberger – Peter Sutherland. He is United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for migrations.
Final thought: This is orchestrated I believe. Simply moving people of that proportions at the same time…it’s not possible. But proving this is another thing. I hope I’ve been helpful.
Regarding the use of mass migration as a weapon see this November 2015 article “The Refugee Crisis: Understanding the Globalist Weapons of Mass Migration Campaign from
It links to a paper by one Kelly M. Greenhill described as “a think-tank research fellow funded by globalist institutions like the Eisenhower, MacArthur and CIA-linked Ford foundation who also served as a program analyst for the Department of Defense.”
Kelly’s paper entitled “Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement as an Instrument of Coercion” can also be linked to here
For information on her 2011 book “Weapons of Mass Migration
Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy” see
Forgot to mention one interesting thing. MSM are constantly talking that with accepting refugees we are defending our “traditional humanitarian” whatever. But it hasn’t passed one year since the same Europe brutally raped Greece. People have short memory and they also very hardly connect dots properly.
There is an interesting article from Gearóid Ó Colmáin.
In the article there is a link to one German website claiming that Austrian intelligence of the record said, US agencies are financing traveling for refugees.
Regarding Cowspiracy.
It’s nice documentary but from the beginning I was annoyed because of support of climate agenda. It is different approach and continue watching.
When the end was coming I was disappointed, really.
For me it is not acceptable to use someones propaganda to promote your idea. Even if it is perfect idea (I’m not saying anything about veganism.)
QFC: Hi James. In the following video series, Eric deCarbonnel claims that the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) is responsible for laundering “dark money” related to CIA drug running, extortion, and murder, among other things. Recently, Hugo Salinas Price reported that central banks have magically turned $1 trillion of government bonds in to cash to prevent the dollar from falling. Do you believe that the ESF had a hand in this? Do you believe that the ESF plays a vital role in modern geopolitics, and does it deserve more scrutiny from the alternative media?
Thank you.
Video series:
Hugo Salinas Price article:
If you’re an animal-product-consumer, and you’re concerned with the industrialization of the industry, then the solution is to better source your product – this is a much better solution than cutting out all animal products (I would be cautious with such a decision because a vegan diet is not nutritionally sustainable).
Boycott sellers which you do not align with; finds those who raise animals humanely.
QFC: Hi James. I was wondering if you have looked into the insurance industry. Does that industry play any part in the Oiligarchy family, and if so how?
QFC: James, I have a question on how to solve a problem of natural monopolies in egalitarian society. Roads, water supply etc. You talk about this in episode “…But What About The Roads?”. But solution proposed would hardly work in a big city. I think we need a better solution so that in the end “a pie wouldn’t be more expensive then the pot which has been used to bake it”.
The problem becomes even more obvious when taking into consideration an electronic chip factory. There are just few of them on the world because they are extremely hard to build and therefore expensive. Also it is almost impossible that chips will ever be produced locally since the technology involved is extremely complicated.
Those who would run such a factory will have very powerful tool for blackmailing the others.
On the other hand, we need internet.
The solution of very spread ownership is prone to possible concentration of ownership when time is passing.
Maybe member ‘parrhesiaJoe’ has something to say about this problem.
Feel free to improve my language.
Cheryl, can you please provide some kind of document about this. Gender bullshit is really intended, along with other bullshit, to turn human mind into some kind of mash, pulp.
Very young children are in development phase and messing with their mind is really spooky.
Just find Dr. Janice Fiamengo, self-proclaimed anti-feminist.
She made very interesting series on youtube.
Feminist Terminology 1: Gender – The Fiamengo File Episode 22
Question: If I protected my family’s material wealth against hyperinflation by buying some precious metals, who would then buy the metal when it’s $50,000/oz (or 2k or anything in between)?
I know this is tangential to this site’s general focus, but I have put in a fair amount of research and can’t find any kind of hint of an solid answer and wondered if any fellow readers or James had any thoughts on this.
My research has lead me to the working hypothesis that no one would. It would be worth essentially nothing as none of the usual buyers (jewellers, dealers, investors etc) would ever buy if metals skyrocketed.
Hi James,
I don’t know if this question has been posed/covered specifically, but what are your thoughts on consensus decision-making process? I’ve heard some very good arguments for and against. For, that it limits the power of the group to things everyone can agree on; that it encourages new solutions and discussion; that it ensures against the systematic exclusion of minority stances and so honors all participants. Against, that participation itself becomes a kind of coercive instrument (show up at the meeting or lose something); that what is called consensus is really just “beating people up with the process” i.e. wearing people down in endless meetings. I’m sure I’m leaving some out. Is all this merely a matter of scale, or are there some other principles to consider?
In connection with this, at what point does an affinity group cross some line and become government? How is this measured?
Thanks! I would really love to hear more about this!