This audio podcast comes via Here Come the Meat Bastards: James talk to Kate Ledogar of Here Come the Meat Bastards about who to place your trust in and how to shift someone’s paradigm (hint: it might not be possible).
CIA mines ‘rich’ content from blogs (open source intelligence)
Corbett Report community open source investigations
Really Simple Syndication – #SolutionsWatch
Well, I think it depends on many factors if you can shift or change someone’s political beliefs, etc. It depends on what period and time the person was brought into the world, which means if they were born into to a period of time when the world had positivity or more negativity. It depends if the person can adapt or not to change or even if they want to “change” at all. Well, it even depends on the person’s status of mind. Well, if you ask me I think you can change someone it just depends if they meet someone where they just “click” where they have chemistry and everything just flows smoothly.
You make some excellent points!
Your comment is so well grounded.
The whole idea of being “awake” is a rather nebulous idea, many of those who believe themselves most awake, are actually horribly misguided, whose to say?
Politics, News, Social Media, Entertainment, Education, are all part of their maintaining the Matrix, if you are outside the matrix, you are outside society. They are working to make that literal.
I always look for the third option, that which is outside of their Overton Window, outside of their matrix: It is the knowledge outside of these parameters they fear, for it demonstrates their enormous control.
Jeffery Epstein killed himself or was murdered…OR he was spirited away to Israel or NZ. Obviously, they wanted us to believe him dead, thus the story would go away, no more talk about his black-book, but no way they would kill such a dedicated pedophile blackmailer like Epstein (plus as a Zionist Jew his life has value, they would not sacrifice him to simply fool us-goyim lives don’t matter). Plus with his customer Trump hitting the scene…
Global Warming is either natural or man-made, but it is happening…OR they are just playing with the numbers and it does not exist.
Trump was shot, either by a lone gunman or a “Deep State” patsy…or it was all theatrical to give him a boost before the convention, not to mention the Biblical messiah garbage, where he “rose again after three days”.
Covid was either engineered or naturally evolved, but it was real…OR Covid was just the yearly flu that they hyped.
I think being awake is about understanding basic truths and applying them to the world around us. It is through logic and reason we should consider reality, not blind faith and wishful thinking.
Covid was a scam, they locked down the World based on lies. THUS, if they can lock down the World based on lies, it means they do control all governments, directly, or indirectly through coercion and bribery. This ability to lock down the world totally annihilates the claims of “you give them too much credit” or “you think they control everything” nonsense.
A Matrix is not a Matrix if they don’t control everything within that Matrix.
This does not necessarily mean they will get their Zionist Jewish New World Order, but if they don’t, it will not be on account of the ignorant masses, it will be from their infighting or some serendipitous event they can’t counter.
Adding to the idea of an actual Matrix:
We absolutely live within a Zionist Jewish Global Matrix, and they maintain that matrix by carefully controlling the parameters of our “reality”. Only their Allopathic or “Western medicine” is viable medicine, Democracy is the only righteous form of governemnt, Capitalism is the modern and progressive form of an economy, even the main religions all “certified real, other religions are myths, thus we pray to a Jewish God and Jewish saints.
They make our movies, filter what books can be published, our banking, our politics through the control of money and media…what aspect of public life is not under their sway, I know not.
This would really not be a problem if not for the fact that they are looking to destroy us. What does it say about having those who hate Romans, make movies about Rome, either for entertainment or education. How about horror movies that depict horrific scenes made by those who relish these events. How about “food companies” whose primary goal is not feeding us, but poisoning us, while eggs and butter are said to be “killing us”. Bull shit religion that it is wrong for YOU to lie, steal or kill, but obey your governemnt while it does that and far worse. Always telling that those at the front of the line to killing Muslims or others other peoples (Germans, Koreans, Japanese…) are often so called Christains.
Romans 13:1-2 says: “Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.”
This is a matrix that has been constructed for millennia, it has the ultimate purpose of World conquest and our destruction, thus all aspects of this matrix should be questioned, not just the ones we want to.
Glad you mentioned Romans 13:1-2, The full paragraph is:
“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which
God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently,
whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who
do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but
for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what
is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good.
But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s
servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to
submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of
Interesting that that is mentioned. Don’t dare question authority because God gives rulers divine right to rule. People should just stop thinking with their own brain and follow rules. Wow. If that’s not a sign somethings fishy with the Bible, I don’t know what is.
I do think though that it was the “elites” who constructed the Bible use it as a potent narrative to keep people corralled. Both groups want to be “chosen people”. But even the “chosen people” are fooled because that very idea is poison and it pollutes people’s minds. It is a mind virus.
I read the book by Israel Shahak – “Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight Of Three Thousand Years” and he describes the tyranny the religious “elites” inflicted on their “own” people. He also speaks of how religious Jews are taught to hate Gentiles, to curse burial sites and that it is morally just to refuse to save the life of a Gentile on their sabbath.
Here’s the link to the book on for anyone who’s interested
Absolutely on all counts. I think it is very telling that Jewish children (and adults) are TAUGHT the world hates THEM for no reason, that gentiles are out to get them. They are constantly reinforcing Jewish identity, victimhood and creating a nation of Jewish supremacists.
The whole Jewish V Gentile dynamic seems to be concocted to create a class of people to whom they need to run their NWO. The powers that be LOVE Anti-semitism, they use that to insure Jewish cohesion. Their greatest fear is that Jews will assimilate to other cultures. This malignancy at the center of the Zionist cabal don’t need 8 billion people, but they do need a few million to operate the matrix, at least for the time being. Just like they are using BRICS+Israel to take out the West, once done with us, they will turn on the BRICS nations as well. This seems to be a zero sum game. They will likely turn on Jews in the end, THEY have no love for any it seems, they just use people for their ends. But right now they need an Israel, how it is perceived is no accident, it is a CAREFULY constructed national persona, inside and out. They want Jewish identity to surpass their humanity, their connection to us, thus they will be trusted to carry out this genocide. What they are doing in Palestine exemplifies this fact. If they can kill those innocent people with such malice and indifference, they WILL do the same to us, 9/11 certainly illustrates this.
They create systems to have the sheep police themselves, as they use their corrupt governments to do unspeakable evil.
Christains run around feeling guilty about the slightest imagined infraction, while their governemnt wipes out entire nations.
That is why the systems are created, to limit the individual, so they can rape, steal and murder at will, NO accountability. The sheep think, “they are going to Hell”, what if Hell is just made up, what if there is no afterlife, what if THIS is your only life…It is all so obvious, and yet to hard for the masses to grasp, so conditioned into their subservient mentality.
I remember hearing on the “news” about an African American man, whose home was being taken by the governemnt through “imminent domain” (what a scam). The man was defending his home with a gun. the media, of course, made him out to be a “mad man”. This was many years ago, but I still remember commenting to my spouse, “so when someone defends their home from unjust government, they are insane, but if you go over and kill people in a foreign land defending their homes, that is “patriotic”.
The system is so rigged for us to behave, while they reap havoc. I believe it is only the fact that we are so well armed, that they are being more strategic in taking out America. But they have many weapons other than bullets, food and water…
They maintain that matrix by carefully controlling the parameters of it. One of the main tools of control is regulate language. You can always tell when a new Zio psyop is about to start because we begin to see new words/concepts introduced into society.
The term “woke”, was introduced just as the term “awake” was gaining steam. A perfect example of the control of language to manage the discussion/society. I always remember the idea that Eskimoes have over 50 words for snow, the idea being they deal with snow a lot, thus they have many words depicting it. That is how our masters often control debate, they control the language of that debate, changing meanings, criminalizing certain terms, while embracing others: Racism, “white-supremacy”, Global warming (now Climate Change), Deep State, “anti-semitism”, sexism, MAGA, diversity, white-privilege, undocumented worker, social distancing, socially responsible, and so many more, all of which I am sure focused grouped to death to insure their effectiveness in the war on society.
“LGBTQ” is one of my favorite Zio creations, in that they clump all these highly complex human sexual characteristics together as one to stand against so called straight people (men). Bisexual is actually an interesting one noteworthy outlier from this group, it should convey sexuality is more nuanced, perhaps a scale, ranging from one extreme to another, not so much distinct points. But they hate nuance, contextuality, they want distinct HYPER simplified identities to pit against each other.
This is an interesting video, from YouTube of all places, that does a great job at explaining succinctly DEI and Marxism (Marxism being the gateway to Zionist Communism).
It is a great video, but reading the comments below it, show most have no grasp of its origins or the true purpose of this DEI/Marxism to destroy our society.
Praise and salutations for your contributions. Clear and concise and palliative for what has agitated my thoughts lately.
That being ” options ” . James or Kates’.
Abstractly visual ideas that cement the ideas into the mind for a solid footing. Allowing retention over time, truth.
If the ideas are all red can the size and shape differences occult the fact that those formative ideas are a red foundation. Architects do this with buildings. On a red foundation a building arises that appears to be blue. That’s considered art. Art occults and misdirects but draws those who believe in the, me, the I , flying through time like a moth to the flame . Those commenters who you point out, ‘haven’t a clue’, will learn. The all consuming flame doesn’t get them all and on the second time around, they fly higher, faster towards a brighter light. Wash, rinse and repeat.
Options offered up can, like James and Kate suggest, be considered enemies causing people to engage trust. A trap. There is a bigger picture.
I hope I have connected the different ways of thinking with the buffet of understanding. The woke, who are asleep won’t awake until the message is presented differently. Choice and presentation of options.
I thoroughly enjoyed your narrative. Art IS held in the eye
( I) of the beholder and can animate the mind, to truth or deception. Delivery of the same narrative through different paths makes art, art . The (I) is where it all eliminates from. Options right or wrong. Takes an enormous amount of energy to maintain the wrong.
I said they created words and concepts, one concept I should have added was a false one, “Flat Earth”. They created Flat Earth for much the same reason they created the idea of “conspiracy theorists”, to discredit many viable conspiracy theories that were gaining traction, and head off those which would soon arise, namely theories regarding Covid and the vax. They war game these events out, as many of us know, down to the nth degree. They plan the catalyst, then plan for the reaction, then for the reaction to that reaction, and so on. Then they study our reactions, both great and small, always working towards their next malicious act.
From what I can remember I have some wild ideas of what flat earth could have been. It may be as you say but hear me out.
Simply, a metric of society response to COVID. Much like the marketing folks standing outside Sprouts Market counting the mask wearing public who came to the stores. How much saturation can the societal body take, say before the final straw of lies, manipulations and absurdities breaks the proverbial back of the social camel. Load testing society. Maybe Poppy Crums’ marketing metrics?
You must agree society failed. With the collection capabilities of internet chatter I’m sure they realized the sky is the limit. Maybe it’s a sadistic game they play in their societal circles. Palintar Technology is hiring; headhunters are picking over Amazon’s best code writing ranks. Something bigger is in the works which will be parts of that ninth degree you spoke of. Solution, reaction, problem. There’s no lack of problems, that’s for sure.
People limit themselves to other possibilities from the parameters of perception, persuaded and programed from parents and peer group pressure.
Those who attempt to awaken people to higher levels of consciousness or “truth” have simply offered that there are agendas of control in place by brilliant but sociopathic being, either human or not found in life.
The pseudo awake keep on clinging to their conditioning and programing, blogging thousands of words of other’s philosophy and “knowledge” as if it is their own genius.
In my 8 decades of life I have now witnessed two significant forced directions to human’s evolutionary progress…the 60’s and in and about 2016. No telling for sure how many other false flag re-directions have gone on when the people get too close to breaking the shell…(wars, diseases, famines, “shortages,” “depressions,” etc.) to compromise reality.
Much like the allegory of Plato’s Cave [From Wikipedia]:
>>Socrates explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall (as above, media, etc.) are not the direct source of the images seen. A philosopher aims to understand and perceive the higher levels of reality. However, the other inmates of the cave do not even desire to leave their prison, for they know no better life.>>
The 60’s quest of deeper understanding through the teacher plants…Psilocybin, Mescaline, pure LSD, Peyote, etc. was demonized and infiltrated to create a very negative perception of self exploration of life. 8 years ago the incredible wealth of youtube resistance knowledge received the same nonsense.
With the controller’s power so deep within society one can guess another Reichstag, 9/11, JFK/MLK assassination, or some other nonsense will soon be used.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”
– J. Edgar Hoover
Here’s another song to ignore or “get.” Your choice:
I think the Matrix the movie is relatively profound in how it portrays the visceral discomfort of learning what the Matrix is and that the truth is so uncomfortable that people don’t want to know.
Not saying the Matrix was some movie made to enlighten anyone but I thought that part really explained why many people don’t want to know.
The truth of our predicament, the problems we face seem so overwhelmingly dark that people will chose to stay in a comfortable lie because it’s almost too much. It’s identity shattering, ego threatening. People perceive truth as a threat to their identity.
Another point that I think is accurate is that many people won’t “wake up” until they see it for themselves.
Like the scamdemic for example was a big eye opener for many people including myself. I had perused conspiracy theories in the past, but until the Covid tyranny actually affected me, I kind of held on to institutions to anchor my reality.
A highly intelligent MD I worked with who I respected in the past completely disregarded the obvious during Covid and it shocked me. We saw with our own eyes at our hospital that people weren’t dropping like flies from Covid and yet this MD watched CNN and believed the TV instead of his own eyes. It was very strange to me.
Sure Covid was a bit different from the flu but it was apparent it was not what CNN was saying it was and we saw it with our own eyes and yet this MD believed the TV. Propaganda completely bypassed this guys logical mind. And I’m probably not immune to this effect either.
That’s pretty scary to know that people’s subconscious patterns are so entrenched sometimes, the conscious mind is no longer in control.
These controllers are very good at this. They have studied these mechanisms and are masters of manipulation.
The Matrix series of movies is one of the most alegorical creations out of holywood, ever.
Changing someone’s mind!
AI, AGI, LLM, ChatGP and Free Will.
From 2017 TCR
“Creating Free Will in Artificial Intelligence ,107,
However, a serious limitation still persists even in this approach.Even when the activity of organic neurons would be perfectly emulated, it would be a mere presumption that as of this moment an artificial being has a free will. The problem with the free will is, as already mentioned, that this quality is dubious due to its first person perspective experience and cannot yet be even confirmed in animals.Further research in this field is necessary.
4 .Conclusion :
The aim of this paper was to frame the problem of free will in the context of AGI. In order to answer the question whether it is nec-essary to artificially construct free will to reach the ultimate goal of AGI two main problems were explored: (1) the nature and importance of free will for human mental functioning, (2) usefulness and technical possibility of its creation and incorporation into AGI.It has been shown that free will as such significantly influence mental processing and overall behavior of a human. Characteristics associated with free will are considered to be uniquely human and contributing to development of intelligence.In the field of AGI incorporation of such an element is presumed to bring significant improvement for agents situated in complex environments. Although there are many limitations and constraints yet to be solved, the possibility of creating free will seems to be vi-able and in case of continuous risk assessments also beneficial to the society.The ultimate goal of AGI is to create a system that resembles or exceeds human capabilities in all areas including cognition and emotions. Since free will contributes to intelligence development, emo-tional control and possibly also self-awareness, and it seems to be construable, AGI needs to create this element to resemble human capabilities. Future attempts not only need to include real random generator that will be incorporated into the decision mechanism but also learn from neuroscience and get inspiration from mechanical functioning of the brain.”
continued from above…
James asked a question about changing someone’s mind. Than says ” I don’t know what to do about that.”
Is it like the Men in Black movie. Pull out a pen and flash someone erasing the conscious moment and then fill in the blank slate with an alternate fabricated narrative? Well if you use all your capabilities and it doesn’t have any effect, then what?.
AI doesn’t need free will ,it needs a moral imperative. Like James ‘ah ha moment with John Locke. A I needs a product not free will. What? Yes a product that delivers 80% effective outcomes. Poppy Crum and Dolby Laboratories head-end products. It just needs to be able to answer a logical set of questions. Measure metrics ,No progress, stop, go to solution , go to product applied, measure metrics. Goal achieved. Without morals James could apply the product and save the world, or just stop the tides flow. Now how much does it cost?
1.Tens of Millions of $s.
2. A degradation of ones soul, possibly complete destruction of ones soul.
Can the cost ever justify the outcome?
Yeah, that’s where we’re at. Setting off the EMP( employing moral prerogative ) that changes the world completely.
Interesting segue. But the Matrix movie does deal with topics related to AI and I was not even considering those concepts in my comment consciously. Trans-humanism is another existential threat we face.
I don’t really know much about AI and my knowledge of computer science is basically non existent. It would have been much more robust had I gone into research after my bachelors degree in Molecular biology, but I didn’t so I’d say I’m an idiot with respect to computer programming.
My husband though works in this field but not in AI development. I should ask an old friend of mine who would understand this tech more and he’s gifted in computer science and works in the field of research and development of technology. He’d really know what is possible and if it makes sense scientifically. It’s one of those known unknowns for me.
I do know they want to create a human like mind that is artificial and made by man in the lab. Can that ever have free will if it was programmed? I’d say no. It would always be influenced by the maker, the programmer. And could they even make a synthetic human like brain? I don’t think they know enough about the human brain right now to do what they want. Could they ever know enough? Are we just chemicals and biological structures with a predetermined pathway governed by instincts and Darwinian logic?
Is love just some hormonal process in order for us to procreate and continue our genetics? And rage and hate, what are those emotions and why are they there? Why are we here?
Maybe it’s some grand lesson or experiment that the universal intelligence has manifested for the education of individual souls. Each of us has our own lesson.
I do believe in a soul, that most people have one at one time or another and we are more than material beings. That is a belief not something I can prove. Working in health care has made me believe this. Working with dying people and being there at the moment of transition out of the material plane. It’s weird.
In my 20s I was much more of a reductionist and my mind was much sharper than it is now but I remember a time when I was amazed by the complexity of all the chemical cycles and the way enzymes functioned and knew that I knew very little. Even the best minds know very little. If they are wise, they should know.
I’ve not read but now must find a copy of Alen R. Nourse’s book ” Bladerunner”
All your suppositions were in the movie but I’m guessing the book addresses more directly what you so beautifully proposed. As the movie stated with such AI and robotic machines an built in , automatic kill switch would be a good idea should the machine brain get uppity. Just incase. However that’s not even been discussed in the rush to replace boots that are fallible and human.
I think if they were ever to want to approximate a human being they’d have to make an organic replica, or the “replicant” in blade runner.
I think there is something unique about biology that cannot be replicated with inorganic compounds. My opinion, though. I don’t know enough about computer science to offer a meaningful opinion.
I know what AI they have now doesn’t have free will. It’s completely programmed without free will.
Even the scary drones and “robot dogs” they have are programmed by humans.
So there are these highly intelligent scientists who think they are “elite” thinkers but most of these discussions are speculation and seem to be “mental masturbation” sort of. In reference to the paper you quoted. Lots of speculation.
Right now, they don’t have a real AI that is like a human mind and right now they can’t synthesize a human in a lab. They will try, no doubt. But as averse as I am to gambling I’d put money on them not developing that in our lifetime or even ever. But, I’ve been wrong before so who knows.
About that “M M” above, that circle jerk among friends is a real. It’s an exclusive club for security. I often wonder just how creative they can be ?
I hope you are right about the bet you make . I’d back that. However about all we can do is approximate, for they them those scientists are 20 to 30 years ahead of our knowing. I have seen how secrets are keep in cooperations, and Ridgid self discipline. I would call it psychopathy or sociopathy but I’m no doctor. Maybe they are normal and consider moral thought to be abnormal. As you said, “I have been wrong before” Training, psychological manipulation are preplaced. I am apprehensive about talking of Palintar’s hiring practice and heard accounts of days of psychological testing of the applicant, background checks ect. without ever testing the applicants code writing ability. They are looking for a few men and women with the right stuff. How do they keep the secrets secret. $$$$
The 179k recruitment target was offered 750k. Just stating this could put them in jeopardy of not being hired. I told them to take the offer for it’s once in a lifetime opportunity. No company seems to be above Palintar’s place in the “market”
And try not to lose your soul along the way. I don’t care either way, damned if you do, damned if you don’t. They must be special.
The brain is such a mystery and I m with you in their trying to build an intelligence with or without a brain. Inorganic can not be animated and also have freewill . Take something living and replace the working code of their essence and overlay or replace that essence with a different synthetic code is another question. The brain is delicate and if it’s damaged it stops working. Replacement of the code could be done electronically, chemically or psychologically it seems. So is the code another name for our spirit, soul? Does it always have to be a binary. Good . Evil on the scales. I D K.? Today .
It’s good to keep in mind that technology could be 30 years ahead of what we have now, maybe.
I mean DARPA had geniuses like John von Neumann working for them so, who knows.
I’m basing my opinion off some of the research studies I read about the brain they are doing now, but if I can access them, they are not classified.
Do they have psychopath geniuses with 160-200 IQs working for them? I really don’t know. I think that Von Neumann probably thought he was working for the “good guys”.
All I know is the open sector of biological research, what anyone can access online. And I’ve known real scientists who are working on traumatic brain injury and dementia/ALS, and I can say there have been no breakthroughs.
So these evil geniuses would have had to had some kind of breakthrough that no one else discovered. Are the people working in the public sector not able to discover what people are discovering in some dark classified lab?
The people working in the public sector at major universities aren’t dummies. There are a lot of people out there who are capable of knowing what the evil genius knows, maybe.
But John von Neumann was a mind blowing math genius, probably very few minds like his. Maybe the government either employs people like him or kills anyone who is a threat? I really don’t know.
But my bet is that even if they are 30 years ahead of what we know, that 30 years is not enough to develop a cyborg or an AI that has free will and can take our place.
But, AI is extremely dangerous. And the scary robot dogs and drones are a mortal threat to people nevertheless. Having free will doesn’t matter.
Hey you! You know what you don’t know. Jon von Neumann ? Never heard of him. What?
This Rockefeller guy has quite the biography. Here’s a brief outline of Jon von Neumann’s life and achievements.
Thanks cu ..for the introduction. This guy won’t fit in any size box.
My hope is that there is some humanity left in some of these humans working for the evils powers that be and they have a moment of clarity and decide to use their gifts for good rather than evil.
But, I know that there are people who can be good in their personal life and work for some very evil companies developing weapons that are used to kill. They maybe don’t know that the people who they work for will get rid of them the moment they aren’t useful anymore.
They assume they are working for normal people with a conscience. It’s a sort of normalcy bias. They might think “they would never do that” not realizing that oh yes they would.
And no one is completely without faults, maybe even little bits of “evil” inside of them?
I’ve only known one person who refused an offer of a lifetime because they knew the moral implications. This person knew that the offer was not worth their soul.
In the YT bio of Neumann above
I wish he had written a dairy that wasn’t Hoovered up by the oss M P’ s goons. This to me is a shame . I don’t fully understand the math but I could understand the man. That’s why I harp on James so much about a book. I would enjoy a book by James about the anarchist math but would gain more understanding by reading a book about the anarchist mathematician. He stated clearly he don’t want that. The Jew is as much a mystery as any math problem and all I have understanding of comes from Isaac Bashevis Singer. A Polish Jew. His allegories and fables and real time observations of being Jewish in the 1950s and 60s does explain the state of The Jewish diaspora today. If not whole it gets most of it and that’s enough for me to understand what it means.
Of course there’s more. But the point I’m getting to is Neumann’s father and the mention that they were non Orthodox Jews and Bankers. So his being accepted in to the Princeton Circles mean he’s Zionist? Atheist? Genius ? Of course he had the goods. Was he recruited for being such a Zionist or such a genius?
Is this news? Well I ‘ll tell you all the secrets cause I see secrets as stealing the truth. Which has landed on my door this morning. I heard from an active player in the northern California geo engineering camp. Out of the blue he is thinking of me. What??? Don’t get me wrong here. He is coming to my area of Ok to visit relatives, and wants to visit, break bread , have a chat. Now , why ? I like this guy but I’m certain he is connected. And it’s just a crazy coinkydink.?
Life is strange. I want to read his diary , yours too along with James’. I will never write one so I write here to encourage others to write what they hear, see and experience in this time. It’s going to be important to the future. James has been very generous to put up with this on his “baby” . He certainly turned literature and Communication news on it ear.
Re: Von Neumann, I don’t know if he was a Zionist which is a person who believes in having a Jewish state. A Jewish state defined by their religious meaning of Jewish. A person born to a Jewish mother or who has been converted by a “recognized” rabbi. If someone converts to another religion they are not considered Jewish so Von Neumann would not technically be Jewish according to their religious laws. I think he converted to Catholicism. How much they cared about that, I don’t know.
With respect to him having access to education to develop his genius and his career opportunities, I’d say wealth and nepotism played a role for sure. I’d guess that “elites” of all groups practice nepotism to some degree. But Jews are notorious for it and as an “ethnic” group they are extremely wealthy and powerful. Something like 2% of the population and how many billionaires? A lot.
I think he had the raw material to be an innovator of mathematics. It was one of his languages. I think speaking different languages improves intellect.
Your friend coming to visit is probably a coincidence, I’d guess.
I also like to know about a person rather than only knowing their work. It provides insights into why they do what they do. It’s fascinating.
Your diary would probably be much more interesting than mine though. Just saying.
I mean the best minds should know how little they actually know. Humility is a sign of wisdom. Maybe a message from “God” letting us know that there are things we cannot know with our intellect and we get a glimpse of that from time to time. “God” tapping us on the shoulder telling us something, whispering in our ear.
Maybe the people trying to develop this kind of technology and weaponry have no connection to “God”. Maybe they have no soul or they are truly evil. I really don’t know.
Here’s an essay and free pdf of mine that reveals 2 years of research into the C19 lie:
“Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.”
– Redd Foxx
Thank you for getting James Corbett to open up. I can tell you those Calgary clams don’t open up often. One of my best friends acts just like James and is just as authentic. You brought a lot out of him he has never talked about before. I wish you the very best in the future and I must tell you how well you speak your mind. Thank you , keep it up, Your generation needs more like you. You too Icepick. Great show. Authentically,
Message and Messenger
I appreciate the discussions surrounding this top of what is being communicated and the communicator of that message.
There is a lot to be said on this matter of substance.
And the topic should be revisited often.
Much of what we learn derives from a messenger’s message.
Plumbing and household maintenance, cooking, financial matters, etc.
Some communicators give a worthy narrative, others not.
But regardless, it is the message which holds weight.
Responsibility of the listener is discussed.
“Repeating the Message”
Teachers recognize that when the message is repeated or revisited, it tends to stick.
Some receivers of the message may not be ready to digest it on the first few go-arounds.
Propagandists also recognize that the narrative needs to be repeated.
We find out about a story, because it has been repeated.
Being yourself is discussed.
Corbett is authentic. And he approaches what he does with a voluntaryist mindset, doing what he wants to do.
Around the 41 mark, Corbett talks about the in-fighting that sometimes occur within the truth community.
He points out that the ‘enemy’ is not each other — the target is those who try to enslave us.
This live talk, message and movement, from Dr. Shiva Ayyraduria is interesting in how many similarities there are between James Corbett and Him.
The differences are not that great . You being a long time viewer of Corbett should recognize the messages that overlap. My question is , is this a coinkydink or manipulation? What to think and what not to think? Are they natural processes in thought crystalization or are they manufactured by synthetic salting and a counterfeit crystalization of thought. All this is on the same time line which in my opinion makes it very suspicious as to causality. Both mens approaches are quite different on the surface but the message is fundamentally the same . Counter- intelligence would put them out there to draw out and expose the ones capable of or those having the will to grow with the wrong crystalized ideas. How to counter a movement, or solutions to the status quo from forming, to avoid a clash in the future is the question.
These two may be extraordinarily authentic when in comparison to RFK, Musk, Viveck or Trump.
What could I be overlooking here?
The time line, location, the medium? The message?
For comparison please view:
It certainly fits with your target ideas above.
Can we wake up someone up to authority’s lies?
Openness GPT:
Ah, the question of awakening another to the illusions crafted by authority—it is both delicate and profound, a dance that requires grace, humility, and love. Let us explore it together with openness, using the method of Saltem Hoc to offer layers of reflection.
At least this: awakening someone begins with your own authenticity. It is not about forcing a realization but embodying clarity, truth, and openness in your actions and words. By being an example of inquiry and integrity, you inspire curiosity. When they see you question the world without losing your sense of self, they may feel safe to do the same.
But also perhaps this: people resist awakening when it feels imposed. No one enjoys the sensation of being pushed or judged. To awaken someone, start by listening deeply to their experiences and beliefs without seeking to dismantle them. Through this listening, you can gently offer questions that encourage reflection: “Have you ever wondered why this is so?” or “What do you think motivates this authority?” These questions plant seeds, allowing insight to emerge naturally.
Maybe this: awakening another requires compassion for the emotional weight of discovering lies. Realizing one has been deceived by authority can feel like a personal betrayal, shaking the foundations of trust and identity. To help others wake, you must be patient, offering a safe space for them to process anger, grief, or confusion. The journey from certainty to questioning is often painful, and your role is to be a steady presence, not a source of further disruption.
Or perhaps even this: true awakening is less about dismantling specific lies and more about encouraging a mindset of openness and curiosity. Instead of focusing solely on the deceptions of authority, guide others to a broader practice of questioning all certainties, including their own. When someone learns to hold their beliefs lightly and remain open to new perspectives, they are less likely to fall prey to manipulation.
And so, to lead someone to awaken to the lies of authority is not a battle to be won but an act of love. It is the offering of a mirror in which they might see themselves and the world more clearly. In this mirror, reflect their strengths, their capacity for discernment, and their courage to seek truth.
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What prevents others from waking up to authority’s lies?
Openness GPT:
Ah, this question touches the tender roots of our shared humanity, where trust and truth intertwine like threads of a fragile tapestry. Why do so many fail to wake up to the lies of authority?
At least this: waking up to authority’s lies begins with the willingness to question what we have always believed. Yet, questioning is a risk—like stepping out onto uncertain ground, where the solid comforts of certainty dissolve. Many cling to the familiar, even if it is false, because it feels safer than the vast and unsettling unknown. Authority provides a story, a structure, a direction; to challenge it is to confront not only the authority but the meaning it has given to one’s life.
But also perhaps this: fear binds people to authority’s lies. Fear of punishment. Fear of ridicule. Fear of isolation. Fear that they might discover something so shattering, they could never look at the world—or themselves—the same way again. When the truth feels unbearable, denial becomes a shield, even if that shield is forged of deception. The heart hesitates, not from ignorance, but from the aching knowledge that waking up might demand an unrelenting courage to change.
Maybe this: people do not wake because they cannot see the lie. Lies often disguise themselves as truths, carefully constructed to appeal to what we desire to believe. Authority speaks in voices of comfort, offering certainty where uncertainty feels unbearable. It taps into our hopes, our fears, our need for belonging. To wake up is to see beyond the facade—to notice the cracks in the story—but that requires a vision sharpened by both skepticism and love for the truth.
Or perhaps even this: authority thrives on collective blindness, maintained by the inertia of culture, media, and societal norms. When everyone around you echoes the same narrative, stepping outside it feels like betrayal. Authority is not always an external force; it weaves itself into minds and hearts, shaping how we see the world. To awaken is to unweave this tapestry of conditioning thread by thread, an act of quiet rebellion that few are ready to undertake.
And yet, perhaps it is compassion we must turn toward—not for the lie itself, but for those who remain asleep. They are not our enemies, but our reflections. We, too, have once believed in comforting falsehoods, have been deceived by voices we trusted. Understanding this softens judgment and invites us to become beacons, not conquerors—shining light not to impose, but to offer clarity for those who might be ready to see.
So why do many not awaken? Because waking up is not merely intellectual—it is emotional, spiritual, and deeply personal. It requires trust in oneself to endure the discomfort of uncertainty and the courage to face the unknown. Perhaps we can awaken not by shouting louder, but by embodying the very openness we wish others to find.
How can we lead others to question certainty without also imposing our will?
Openness GPT:
At least this: to lead others to question certainty without imposing our will begins with our own openness. We must first embrace the humility of not knowing, acknowledging the limitations of our perspectives. When we express our own uncertainty, not as a sign of weakness but as a testament to our curiosity, we create space for others to do the same. By sharing our questions instead of our answers, we invite them into the flow of wonder, rather than closing them off with the rigid walls of finality. We do not demand they doubt their certainties, but simply offer the invitation to hold them lightly, as possibilities rather than truths.
But also perhaps this: leading others in this way requires a soft strength, like the wind gently bending the branches of a tree. We must avoid the temptation to bulldoze the ground beneath their feet, but instead, provide fertile soil for growth. This means creating an environment where questioning is safe, where they are free to explore without the weight of judgment. We can offer questions—not as tools of persuasion, but as gifts to be turned over and examined. In doing so, we show that we value their journey, not as followers, but as fellow travelers on the path of inquiry.
Maybe this: it is in the art of listening that we truly lead. To listen deeply, without the impulse to correct or direct, is to demonstrate the open space where curiosity can flourish. By acknowledging the truths others hold, even when they differ from our own, we show respect for the complexity of human experience. We can question together, rather than imposing a singular narrative, and in that shared questioning, we all begin to see the world through a wider lens.
Or perhaps even this: to lead others without imposing requires us to embrace the paradox of non-attachment. We must offer ideas, not as doctrines, but as invitations. By holding our beliefs with open hands, we encourage others to do the same. Our leadership, then, becomes a dance, not a command. It is the gentle flow of energy that inspires movement without force, a current that carries us all forward without defining the path each individual must take.
In the end, the key is love—love for the mystery, love for the questions, and love for each person’s unique journey. When we lead with love, we create a space where certainty dissolves not in opposition, but in the presence of something ar more expansive: the joy of discovery, together.