via CollapseLife: “In this week’s episode of the Collapse Life podcast, Corbett joins host Zahra Sethna to explore the challenges and future of independent journalism. With mainstream media trust at an all-time low and censorship on the rise, Corbett shares insights on what both consumers of content and creators of content can do to parse truth from fiction, support the decentralization of information, and empower ourselves to be informed without falling victim to addictive and demoralizing social media.”
Collapse Life: website / Substack / Rumble / GooTube
Who is James Corbett? – Questions For Corbett #047
Interview 1908 – BRICS Unveil the NEW New World Order! (NWNW #570)
They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now (Wayback Machine, Google cache, etc.)
Really Simple Syndication – #SolutionsWatch
Absolutely, the World Wide Web has given rise to a new form of communication to connect the world and share information, but while this has been an evolution, it has not been a revolution. The exact same psychopathic tyrants that ran the old world (media…), control the new (media…). As we saw with the Covid scam, when they want to control the narrative, they most certainly can (they set the parameters, “was Covid made in a lab or natural, but you better believe it war real”, it wasn’t) Even now the Covid tyranny has been shoved down the memory hole. In America, our just completed shame of an “election”, did not discuss one of the tyrannical measures the government employed. We did not discuss the obvious over the top hypocrisy of “my body my choice” when it comes to killing a unborn viable infant, but does not apply to an experimental gene therapy, nope. We did not discuss any of the measures, even though the two POS that oversaw that Communistic bureaucratic psyop in America were both running, at least initially. Trump did not have to answer for ANY actions, or inaction, during his first term. Like every government crime, it get attributed to ONE scapegoat and we move on. We never grow or develop as a nation because everything is compartmentalized, “Fauci was the problem”, he retired, so problem solved…just insanity, yet even with all this sharing of information, very little has changed.
As the internet expanded and people left “MSM” moving on-line, SO DID THEY. The “they-them-those” are always many steps ahead of the masses, as they close down one industry, they have already built the new. This is their modus operandi: when they worked to dismantle the American Auto industry, they had already built up the Japanese to replace it (manufactured the 1973-4 oil crisis).
The Trump psyop was massive and all encompassing, yet how few even consider it. Trump is 100% Zionist creation, a life-time actor. When he ran for President it was all planned out, exactly how they would use him. In Israel they had meeting after meeting designing the new “alt-right” influencers, ready to herd those who Trump would lead away from Fox and into the arms of their carefully constructed ZIONIST controlled cul-de-sacs. There were many, but Alex Jones was the best example, they “kicked him off YouTube”, all to give him street cred, like all who work for our Zionist overlords, he failed upwards. Suddenly his Mossad infested Infowars was more popular than ever with its “Chi-Coms” disinformation and Q-anon nonsense.
Meet the new information revolution, same as the old.
To James’s credit, he does give the focus on the individual. Anything that teaches external locus of control is HIGHLY suspect, that is why I don’t trust “organized religions”, modern governments and education systems, all teach looking outward for guidance instead of teaching to think for ourselves. Many are taught, and believe if not for the bible we would not have morals, how insane is that?
Looking at the “assassination attempt(s)” on Donald Trump, how all the information in the world does not replace the need for simple wisdom to understand it.
If a surfer suddenly disappears in Byron Bay, Australia, you see the sharks, you see his abandoned surfboard, so shouldn’t you at least assume he was likely eaten by a shark, certainly a logical assumption.
In Pennsylvania, we have a scene with hundreds of militarized police protecting Trump, TV cameras, spectators, satellites imaging, yet an amateur at best, young man crawled up on a rooftop and takes a shot at Trump, and misses. The event had all the accompanying photo ops, the iconic picture taken of Trump on Iwo Jima, Trump yelling fight fight fight, just what a fat billionaire would say if he was ion shock, lol. It truly is laughable, if not for the dire situation we are in. Very soon we will all be Palestinians.
As soon as a friend called and told me about the failed assignation attempt, we both thought false flag, another psyop to hype up Trump, especially with the convention only days away.
But not in idiot America, where the criminal Zionists were able to spin this as a “failed JFK style assassination attempt”. Many problems with that spin, most prominently this exception PROVES THE RULE, in the REAL world, when they want you dead, they don’t fail: Gary Webb, George Patton, JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X, Abraham Lincoln, Huey Long, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Lennon, Franz Ferdinand…and so so many more prove when really want you dead, they don’t fail.
The point is, when living under a tyrannical form of government, when public opinion is so carefully controlled, all such events should be assumed a false flag by DEFAULT.
James says, justly, “these are distractions, images on the cave wall”, however, that does not mean these images don’t have value, they most certainly do. The problem is, so many require someone else to tell them this was a false flag, they can’t determine it for themselves. They need to see someone in the WWW to say, this was a false flag, otherwise such an assertion is a “conspiracy theory”.
I did not need anyone to tell me Covid was a scam, I knew it because it had all the markings: the build up, the media hype, and most notably the anti-social solutions, all screamed PSYOP. Because of this understanding, I was living at that time on a different level than those around me, I’m sure some here know exactly what I am talking about.
Through all their means of conditioning, they have created a society of followers, people who look outward to interpret the world around them. Thus, all the information in the world means nothing if people do not possess the wisdom to discern truth from lie.
To clarify, when I say, “to James’s credit, he does give the focus on the individual”, this may sound like damning with faint praise, which was not my intent. Perhaps saying, to James’s endless credit…
In aspects relating to control, we can see an uptick in the Ukraine/Palestine genocides.
Both events 100% controlled by the powers that be. Zionist POS Victoria Nuland installed Zaleski to play his role in the war against the Ukrainian people.
What we always see is the faces of the actors, the front men/women who put on the show, but behind the scenes you see the same Zionist players pulling the strings setting up the next move on the chess board.
Trump, Biden, Clinton, Harris, Musk, Gates…et al, are just faces for us to love or hate, they mean absolutely nothing, they don’t make decisions, they just follow orders.
This is all to give Chump an opportunity to look like a peace maker. Just like Iran releasing the hostages gave Reagan the illusion of looking tough. All in preparation for his theatrics with CCCP.
Now we see the same nonsense with Chump, they are building up the world conflicts, only to turn them down when Chump gets into office, to make Chump look like the “peace maker”. This will set the stage for his likely war in the Middle East: Gog versus Magog war, the final price of the abomination that is the Abrahamic insanity.
This is NOT a “revolution”, but an evolution:
“It’s different from the Guttenberg Press in the sense that we now have the ability to create things that are not real, and present them as though they are real”, such as the Guttenberg Bible?
They are pushing the same mass manipulative garbage, just using a different mode of delivery.
James are you aware of Nostr?
Nostr is a simple, protocol that enables global, decentralized, and censorship-resistant social media.
There is no large IT company that owns it and it is open source. A good app to start with is Primal. For beginners who want to learn more about Nostr, it is recommended to watch below video.
This has been our experience for decades…
1. Direct lying about matters of fact.
2. Leaving out vital information.
3. Limited hangout. Admitting a fraction of what really happened, burying the biggest revelations, and the story will never be covered again.)
4. Shutting down the truth after publishing it—includes failing to follow up and investigate a story more deeply.
5. Not connecting dots between important pieces of data.
6. Censoring the truth, wherever it is found (or calling it “fake news”).
7. Using biased “experts” to present slanted or false “facts.”
8. Repeating a false story many times.
9. Claiming a true consensus exists, when it doesn’t, when there are many important dissenters shut out from offering their analysis.
10. Employing a panoply of effects (reputation of the media outlet, voice quality of the anchor, acting skills, dry mechanical language, studio lighting, overlay of electronic transmissions, etc.) to create an impression of elevated authority which is beyond challenge.
“There is no such thing… in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with…
The business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; To lie outright; To pervert; To vilify; To fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.
You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance.
Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
– John Swinton, the former chief of staff of the New York Times, called by his peers, “The Dean of his profession,” in a speech at the New York Press Club.
Zahra Sethna mentioned at Corbett Report comments…
I came across all of this 30X30 2030 agenda via Corbett Member gsamborska…
…Gsamborska suggested the Meryl Nass interview by Collapse Life host Zahra Sethna about the Bird Flu…
…During the interview, they briefly mentioned the Texan Margaret Byfield.
I then watched the interview with Margaret Byfield by Collapse Life host Zahra Sethna…
Agenda 2030 – 30×30
What if you could no longer own property in America?
In terms of moving away from a centralized wayback machine, here’s one solution:
Interview 1913 – The Future of Decentralized Media on Collapse Life
Stephen and Zahra Sethna (and their dogs) now are nuevo Texicans.
Thus, they get extra points.
Zahra’s interviews are so well “grounded.” Real.
I thought the interview with Corbett really shined. Corbett’s insights into aspects of media are well worth paying attention to.
James Corbett says:
“The interesting thing from my perspective as a media creator is that you truly never ever know what will or will not resonate with an audience.”
As any sovereign individual would, Corbett highlights how he directs/controls his own attention – not the media directing his attention.
“I am able to essentially choose my sources and choose what I’m going to look at. …I will decide what I want to read.”
I can never work out how use that rss thing
What I want to know is when is someone going to make a conspiracy realist set of questions for Wits & Wagers? I’d love to bring it to game night.