via SLOBODNI podcast: James Corbett appears on the SLOBODNI podcast on Z1 TV in Croatia to discuss the Future of Food, the transformation of the food supply, the attack on farming and farmers, and what we can do about this threat.
SLOBODNI Podcast – Website / Rumble
Episode 460 – The Future of Food
We’re All Dutch Farmers Now + We’re All Sri Lankan Farmers Now
Prince Charles backs face masks for cows to help save the planet one burp at a time
The Kissinger Report – National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 (pdf)
Interview 1562 – James Corbett Tackles Event 201, The Great Reset, and the End of Humanity
Tundra Vegetation to Grow Taller, Greener Through 2100, NASA Study Finds
CBDCs: A Country-By-Country Guide
European Union Announces Cricket Powder Will Replace Many Food Items
Sjajno, James je došao do cijelog svijeta
It just seems at times that the cancer of global takeover is unstoppable. Your effort to open minds and eyes is a true weapon of mass expansion of consciousness. Stay on the journey and be careful.
Great work James! Great exposure. Like most nowadays this isn’t a country or a community problem but a world problem!
Those who believe we are being manipulated by ‘Demonic Forces’ have often said that these ‘demons’ have to tell us what they intend to do; which is sort of what’s been going on… It started, maybe, with Cecil Rhodes wanting to start a secret ‘club’ to control the way the world is ruled, then there was Huxleys ‘Brave New World’ to show us the way things could go, as did the novel 1984. The Club of Rome more or less said, or so it has been mooted, that climate change, caused by peoples activities could be a good approach to scare people into obedience. There are also the Eugenicists who very openly have said we need to reduce the number of people on the planet and lil’ ol’ Gates saying that with vaccines the problem (of overpopulation) could perhaps be overcome, or words more or less to that effect. Then Event 201, to tell about the plandemic. Then jabs that don’t do what they’re supposed to do, but kill people instead. We really are faced with either the demonic or the completely insane, or maybe the utterly stupid. I mean…’Dimming the sun’? As Gates said he wanted to do! It appears that the least intelligent and least imaginative people on the planet are the ones we’ve allowed to ‘rule’ us. that’s what comes of trusting indiscriminately. Looks as if we need to be a lot more observant and start applying the imagining and planning of our future to suit US, not corporations or insane control freaks.
By the way, mushrooms could ‘save our lives’ without any genetic manipulation, just need to grow and use them.
Bet you are aware of the brilliant Mckenna Brothers hey?
Fascinating theory on psilocybin…(Basic idea) low doses increase visual acuity increasing early man’s ability to hunt better; higher doses improve libido, increasing reproductive success and tribe size, and mega doses increasing higher levels of consciousness.
Everyone thought the “War on Drugs” was about bad folks doing bad things. IMO it was about good people seeking higher consciousness.
Pretty sure McKenna was a spook like Tim Leary….the whole drug revolution was nothing but MK Ultra and was funded and supported by the Elite FROM THE START.
The war on drugs was just a sideshow compared to the operation to get dupes taking psychedelics
Here take a look at the links yourselves
” ……Why is Gordon Wasson important?
He’s considered the discoverer of the magic mushrooms, the man who launched the psychedelic movement, and is also considered the father of the field of ethnomycology.
I’ve discovered the following information – most of which has been verified with primary documentation. Some of the details may change as we flush them out completely:
1) Wasson headed the CIA’s MKULTRA Subproject 58 program.
2) Wasson served as a chairman to the Council on Foreign Relations (the CFR).
3) Wasson was a director of the Free Russia Fund, Inc. “has been founded to support the “morale” of “exiles from Soviet powers”: surely “morale” must be spelled out in terms of Russian values, not what our values might be if we were exiles.”
4) Wasson worked as a VP to JP Morgan Bank at 23 Wall St, a.k.a. “The Corner”.
5) Wasson was PR (propaganda) VP for JP Morgan, and helped to sell the current financial system created by his boss, JP Morgan, at Jekyll Island (see Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins).
6) Wasson had close ties to Allen Dulles, head of the CIA.
7) Wasson earned a directorship at a pharmaceutical company for his mushroom discovery. See Letcher, Shroom.
8) Wasson was an account manager to the Pope and Vatican for JP Morgan. – This reveals an agenda to protect
9.) Wasson was in charge of promoting the Russian Orthodox Church for Russian immigrants. – This reveals an agenda to protect
10) Wasson had a Russian wife, Valentina, who was religious. – agenda to protect. Valentina was from the Russian intelligentsia – or Russian elite. Their story of her collecting mushrooms as a Russian peasant in the woods on their honeymoon seems patently absurd. This fact has been pointed out by their daughter: “Such an explanation seemed to me like a Hollywood soap opera, something out of character for my father.”.
11) Wasson plagiarized many of his ideas of Soma from John G. Bourke’s book on Scatology – 1892.
12) Primary documents reveal that Wasson was involved in helping to cover up JP Morgan’s involvement in the Civil War’s Hall Carbine Affair, and that Wasson directed the disinformation campaign. It appears that this act earned Wasson a position as VP of PR for JP Morgan Bank. …….”
PLUS lots more…. the above link has a mind map app of this guys data.
Just a brief, practically administrative note: jabs are doing exactly exactly what they were intended to do.
People will often espouse ideas about the system being broken. No, it is not broken, it is actually working incredibly well. Keeping so many people docile and inactive is no small feat. They aimed high and they sure collected on their bet.
But the part of your comment that caught my attention was the demonic bit. Recently, I am seeing more and more sense in something that most would deem completely insensible, or simply crazy. I find myself less and less resistant to the idea that some people (many) among us may be possessed. That would explain quite a lot, actually.
The working alternative hypothesis with stupidity as the central tenet wears thin after a while. But having people possessed by entites causing confusion and broken tought patterns whilw completely unbeknown to them and keeping them forever in a state of extremely aggressive denial? That’s diabolical!
Yes, diabolical, is probably the right word, but I don’t see it as ‘possession’ by some nasty ‘entity’ or ‘force’. I see it as a mental dis-order caused by what the developing human experienced in their childhood. I think unmet needs, traumas, lack of love, whatever the pain experienced in childhood was, together with the young persons reaction (each of us reacts differently to the same inputs) creates the headspace/state of mind which that personality develops.
Depending on the very personal reaction to ‘pains’ experienced in childhood, you’ll get the fearful, the angry, the resentful, the greedy, the uncaring, the control freak, and at the very peek of that malfunction (which isn’t a malfunction at all, but our innate defence system working non intellecualy to protect/defend ones integrity) one gets the sociopaths and psychopaths, who are so well armoured there’s no piercing it.
All quite possible, but this seems to align less and less with my personal experience. I somewhat understand trauma and its effects, but these outbursts I am seeing, not that often but on a very dependable schedule, are more akin to the scene from the Exorcist movie, I believe you know to which one I am referring to.
The only difference being that (instead of that high pressure stream of freaky exo fluid) bile, resentment, hatred, raw mental sewage are coming out of their mouths. These events do not leave the impression of something that could be resolved in some sort of therapy, especially since they are paired with self imposed mental regression and extreme denial.
I myself needed years of fortification just to be able to observe these events somewhat objectively. They will easily emotionally cripple a less than stable individual.
Another thing I have come to suspect is that “mental diseases” indeed do not exist, but are conditions that fall into either of the following 2 categories:
#1 loss of brain function due to degradation of tissue as a result of the body trying to get toxins out of neighboring tissue. To me it makes sense that the body may be ready to sacrifice some tissue that is on the way.
#2 self imposed mental degradation due to beliefs in many self contradictory things. This condition may just as well be labeled as “chronic cognitive dissonance”. The long lasting self imposed broken though patterns lead to mental function degradation due to the organism trying to adapt to something that looks like a state that is here to stay. If the pain is nothing but a response to something that may be wrong as means to tackling the matter, then if the matter does not appear resolvable, the pain may just as well go away.
Recently I have listened to some people referring to lowering of “immunity” as a response to recurring stimuli (sequence of jabs, for example) where the organism may decide that long term damage of having a heightened “immunological” response may be worse that whatever aroused it, especially if it seems that “whatever” is there to stay. This way of thinking dovetails well with some of these conclusions I have reached.
Going back to the topic of “demonic possession”, it would stand to reason that people are susceptible to it on a scale. For instance, one with high enough fortitude may react to an attempt of a “possession” with a headache or temporary confusion or possibly something one would refer to as “having a bad day”. Others may just blow a fuse and go full on ballistic.
Again, it makes perfect sense that if some entity wanted to get at you, and you were resilient, it would likely look for an easier entry close by.
You do raise some interesting approaches to that which troubles the planets peoples; you may well be right, or I may be, we may both be wrong.
To pursue these topics, which deserve discussion, would take time and I struggle to find as much time as I’d like, so please forgive me if I decide to go no further for now. Though i will add that therapy cannot undo all damage, but it can certainly help if one finds the right kind for oneself as I did a long time ago, and I was very surprised at what it revealed about me. Stay well.
There are some profound insights in this comment.
For example:
…do not leave the impression of something that could be resolved in some sort of therapy…
…Another thing I have come to suspect is that “mental diseases” indeed do not exist, but are conditions that fall into either of the following 2 categories:
#1 loss of brain function due to degradation of tissue as a result of the body trying to get toxins out of neighboring tissue. To me it makes sense that the body may be ready to sacrifice some tissue that is on the way.
#2 self imposed mental degradation due to beliefs in many self contradictory things. This condition may just as well be labeled as “chronic cognitive dissonance”.
The long lasting self imposed broken thought patterns lead to mental function degradation due to the organism trying to adapt to something that looks like a state that is here to stay….
Then mkey gives a comparison of how the organism addresses immunity after an overload of assaults.
Nice beating around the bush, y’all.
How’s the water. What’s water? The environment we share.
The electro magnet frequency we swim in. Tesla wrote about it in Colorado. How it can produce states in mammalian creatures. Seems to me once they learned how to use frequency apparatuses a new race was on to the finish line.
Answer me this , how many cell phone towers are there now, GWEN towers, 5g booster towers, satellites in low orbit. Radar,microwave and just the natural bombardment from space?
It’s a nice story but the narrative is not about demonic possession. It’s like seeing bodies in a flood and not recognizing the water as the cause of those bodies demise and blaming God’s rath as the instrument of death.
We know something is wrong. That’s obvious. Now that we’re swimming where will our floaties, life preservers, come from?
Can a person f.o.i.a. the FCC for cell, radar, gwen, microwave tower use? F.o.i.a the c.i.s.i.s. or Spaceforce for data on use? Yes? But it will be a black redacted sheet of paper. So, what are we gonna do then? Where is their finish line? This should keep a citizen up at night.
Q4C- is this what eats at you for the last 17years?
For your informational enlightenment.
Lt.Col.Tom Bearden.
Connect the dots. La La La La.
Today’s follow up. Way up the pay scale but with the slightest effort one can see what is meant by this declassified Army Intel document. This is heady stuff. Feathers could be ruffled.
Remember, Ltn.Col. Tom was alerting the American Scientists of the newer physics in 1987. TPTSB are 30 years ahead of us.
And today’s segment of multi use frequency broadcasting. Water seems to be the key.
1. Saw a story about people at a Tucson Az. Trump rally where 25+ attendees were injured by a hypothesized DEW attack. Blindness was the main complaint.
2. The sun here in the warm clims of S.E.Oklahoma, 88°f. was very scorching and I’m no dummy but I’d say the burning on the skin was, none or thin Ozone layer, ultra high UF abnormal light reaching ground level. It fried what was left of my garden. Unmistakable heat dome by h.a.a.r.p. My friend in Henderson, Az. Said it was 105°f there. E.J. was it hot in the Whites?
Towers of demonic power in action. From
They seem to be jin-ing up a new storm , probably shooting for the Ozarks and points west as they did with Helena storm.
To me this is just nuts to even present such a thought about our PTSB doing this as casually as if we were discussing the box scores of MLBaseball or something.
How far can this go on?.
People attitudes and behaviors these days make them way way more prone to Possession, or its ‘lite’ version Oppression (which would explain the mental health crisis) ….. Chris Knowles of the ‘secret sun’ had an idea that MK-Ultra was more about MASS mind control and the preparation of vessels for possession, via modern versions of shamanic practices. I think he is onto something.
Good books on possession are
Demonic foes by Dr Gallager
TK Osterreichs big book on the phenomena in various cultures and the past “demonic posession” (its on annas archive and Internet Archive
and Nevius book “demon possession and allied themes” (also on internet archive)
“… I see it as…”
I trust the opinion of Dr Richard Gallager, a well respected Psychologist who has dealt with thousands of people….he thinks most suffer from mental illness but has consulted with many cases of spirit possession.
His book “Demonic foes” is on annas archive but is WORTH buying a real copy of. He
I will echo mkey’s sentiments.
These people are far from unintelligent or unimaginative.
To the contrary. They are highly intelligent and imaginative.
Unfortunately it is the ruled masses who are being hoodwinked over and over who are lacking in intelligence. 🙁
Hi FawltyTowers (which was one of my favourite programs on tv) I don’t think these control freaks are particularly intelligent, at least not what I consider intelligent, yes, they are very clever and conniving, but they don’t see how all their actions, despite giving them great power and money, never gives them peace or a feeling of safety, don’t they all have well guarded houses with hi-tech security? Haven’t they created a scenario in which they are constantly fearful of loosing control? I call that stupid. As to their imaginational abilities, they’ve been using the same old tactics for centuries and jumped on the imaginative creativity of others whose inventions they think will further their goals to have even more control than they already do, e.g. Tech. That is why I call them stupid and unimaginative, I didn’t say they’re not dangerous.
It’s like the word Elite, one meaning of which word is ‘the best’ far too good for them, as are ‘intelligent’ and ‘imaginative’. That’s where I’m coming from.
May I suggest that whether the “control freaks” are intelligent and imaginative or are as mindless as drones makes no difference. They are all evil. Objectively.
They all, wittingly or otherwise, serve a malevolent power. The Bible calls it the god of this world. And he is real.
I agree with mkey, demonic possession is an actual thing. And absolutely anyone, intelligent or not is susceptible if they aren’t already indwelt by a different spirit. The Holy One.
That said, I don’t think demonic possession is very common for the simple reason that people in large part are more often than not willing to do what the evil one wants anyway.
All it takes is an appeal to the individual”s baser instincts. Sex, money, petty powers, most people are more than willing to at least auction off their principles and honor to the highest bidder.
Though there are plenty who will sell their souls simply for the love of evil. Netanyahu comes to mind.
Globalists, heads of state and their closest advisers probably mostly fall into that latter category.
Dog catchers and cops the former. Damned power-tripping bats turds!
Oh good!
You must be dry in order to use electronics.
I was wondering about ya…
“…. I don’t think demonic possession is very common for the simple reason that people in large part are more often than not willing to do what the evil one wants anyway….”
While not common I would argue that LOW grade possession is much more common then you think. As a spectrum from mood/mental health and attitude control all the way up to ‘head spinning’ I would say that maybe 90% of the population is probably vulnerable to some influence from spirits
No, haven’t come across the Mckenna Bros. Simply love fungi and once upon a time long back ate a Magic Mushroom and loved it’s effect. It was a very low dose. I could do with a dose of psilocybin at present, old age and laptop doing in my eyesight!
Thanks for the info, ejdoyle, I’ll go to wiki
6am your time? you must be on the other side of the planet to me, you’re already experiencing tomorrow. 😀
My ex was best friends with Betty Cantor, sound engineer with Bob Matthews, for the Grateful Dead. So for years only the purest of mind enhancers were taken. Nothing with speed, etc. in them. Sometimes we would take a second hit of acid as the first was wearing off, that wonderful of an experience.
In their old adobe mansion up in the Oakland hills it was quite amazing. Just good people. I was learning guitar then and sometimes I’d get invited into the guitar room and they would coax me along to play songs shouting out G, am, etc. 🙂
I’m 6000 feet up in the White Mountains of AZ, off the grid.
ejdoyle, I’m by the sea in UK and also miss the old days. Non the less I still look forwards to tomorrow and do my best to make today worth experiencing.
Sounds like a really good plan. I grew up on the San Joaquin River in Northern California at about 46 feet elevation. Now I am at 6000 feet and hundreds of miles from big water. Nice trade off I guess but I sure miss walking the shoreline.
In 1966 I was on a troop ship that passed the White Cliffs of Dover, quite a view.
Best interview in quite a while. Brief, intelligent questions, direct reference to your work. Why is this so much better than English-native ‘interviewers’?
…a noteworthy comment…
Flex says:
“Best interview in quite a while.
Brief, intelligent questions, direct reference to your work.
Why is this so much better than English-native ‘interviewers’?”
The SLOBODNI Podcast approaches “delivering the message” in an adroit manner.
It incorporates and melds the James Corbett interview with the visuals/script of Corbett’s documentaries.
I am sure that it takes a lot of time to piece these presentations together, especially with the translation script.
It is impressive. And clever.
It also speaks to the “intent” of the presentation to “deliver an easy to digest message”.
And the nation that will most benefit from this “food revolution”, Israel…just like with 9/11 (spy and surveillance tech, leading the world) and Covid (big pharma/surveillance/tracking)…for those hard of thinking, this is about a NWO out of Israel, period.
Now this is an episode I can really sink my teeth into. 🙂
Well done!
Companies labeling food non-GMO when they admit that technically it is GMO food?
Turning plastic into food?
Disguising what we are eating?
This all sounds very Soylent Greenish to me. 🙁
Thanks for highlighting how the oligarchs are trying to hijack the term “Regenerative Agriculture” by connecting their carbon metric non-sense and OIT grid to the term and how their corporations apply it.
I attempted to illuminate some of the others ways in which the existing oligarchy is attempting to Co-opt the term “Regenerative” in this post:
Geoengineering, the white elephant in the room, among other agendas spraying the atmosphere with who knows what that may or may not reflect the sun’s rays but definitely traps more heat in. Thus the world is heating up, but not due to climate change or cow farts or nitrogen fertilizers but due to weather warefare. among many other sites and sources of info.
Here is celebrity* farmer Harry Metcalf explaining the dramatic drop in UK food production over the last few and next few years. Down by one third on his farm between 2021 and 2025.
*Friend and neighbour of Jeremy Clarkson.
How many gardens do we all have, we need to start growing our own food, we got the space, just need to put in a little effort